#spellbound netflix
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hahaweevil · 3 months ago
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animationismycomfort · 3 months ago
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angstyboi-hmph · 3 months ago
Just watched Spellbound, while I don't think there needs to be a second movie, I think more movies in the same universe would be amazing
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theeldritchdarling · 3 months ago
Me watching the new Netflix film Spellbound:
This is cute. What could possibly hurt me about this film?
“A young poc girl has to deal with the reality that her parents aren’t perfect and trying to pretend otherwise is only causing her more pain.”
“Also her parents aren’t perfect and getting a divorce after realizing that they were harmful to each other. And the daughter just turned 15.” - Same age I was when my parents divorced
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 3 months ago
Spellbound is NOT a bad movie, y'all just mean 😒
I hate John Lasseter as much as the next person but he just helped produce the movie, he didn't MAKE it himself. Also, this is a creative movie with an original idea, unlike Toy Story which is a Raggedy Ann knock off. Quit calling Spellbound a knock off of Disney musicals, just because it's an animated musical! It's NOT a knock off and it's not bad either. It's a beautiful story about how broken families can cause trauma for children and I can't expect so much heart and beauty from Disney nowadays. Disney went downhill after Elemental...
The songs were pretty cute, the one song was a little stupid but the majority of the songs were good. It wasn't as amazing as The Wild Robot, but it was still pretty cute. Like, not everything has to be amazing to be good! It had a beautiful story with a lot of symbolism to family trauma and growing up, plus the designs were really creative as well. It took place in a fantasy world and the designs they did for the creatures were really cute and creative. I also love that they tried their best to show diversity, despite it being a fantasy world (like different skin colors and everything, and no characters are stereotyped). I also like how they showed different body types and none of the characters are sexualized in any way. Apparently Princess Ellian, the main character, was supposed to be 15, and I thought she was 11 or 12 at first. To be honest, I like that they made her look younger for her age, it makes me feel better about myself (I'm an early bloomer who stopped aging LOL). It's not unrealistic expectations like how Disney designs some of the princesses.
The story is great, the music is okay, and I think this movie deserves a little better. Also, I don't wanna completely hate on Rachel Zegler either. Yeah, she seems stuck up and even though I agree with some things she said about that old Snow white movie, I also think she went to far and was disrespectful. I don't think she's ugly or talentless like a lot of other people say about her, she just doesn't fit for the role of Snow White. Even if you're outraged over her disrespecting an outdated Disney movie from your childhood or whatever, she is talented and pretty. Don't be too mean! I'm not really a fan of Rachel Zegler, I'm just saying that she did very good in this movie!
Anyway, tell me what you think! If you disagree, please let me know! If you're gonna hate on it before watching Spellbound, watch it and then tell me what you think!
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darthmatthewtwihard · 4 months ago
I will watch anything and everything that Rachel Zegler stars in for the rest of her career because she is brilliant, beautiful, talented, and intelligent.  
Additionally, Rachel is an amazing role model who is always on the right side of history.
I am proud to support her by being a Zegtineo and I will happily watch everything she ever stars in for the rest of her career which will last her entire life just for her because she is talented, intelligent, selfless, empathetic, and beautiful in every way possible.  
The world needs more people like Rachel Zegler because it is people/heroes like her who make the world a better place for everyone.
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dooffirmations · 3 months ago
Spellbound was sweet. Not exceptional but pretty solid. I wish they'd stop with the fucking autotune but still 4/5 y'all should watch it
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arttrashking · 3 months ago
So I recently watched spellbound and it would honestly make a good divorce au
I LOVE that movie after watching it- “Not About Me” got me thinking of something more for MK considering he’s still a people pleaser
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littlealeta · 3 months ago
Spellbound (2024) Review [Spoilers]
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Long post! Scroll down for a TL;DR and Aleta Rewrites Version!
I, at first, didn't want to watch this movie. But after hearing some surprisingly decent reviews, I decided to give it a chance. Coming out of it, I can understand why it resonated with some people, even if the writing is ultimately a mess. I think if this came out earlier, in the mid 2010s, without all the controversy John Lasseter has got into as well, I think this could've done a bit better among other simplistic films such as Home and Secret Life of Pets. And I probably would've liked it better myself back then, but alas, I am not a slightly mindless 17 year old anymore, and we live in different times where cute, heartfelt stories are not the only things a movie needs to be good. So, I must view this film objectively as it is.
I will have to say, though, the trailers hid way too much. It's not as horrible as they made it out to be, but still mediocre.
So much to say here...
The story is a real mess. It literally pops off with the parents being monsters. We know nothing of their life beforehand at this point.
There are some good ideas here, like the dark emotions tornado. the parents being monsters concept and having the child be the one to parent their own parents sounds like it could be ridiculously funny, but the problem is, it doesn't do much to set it apart from other stories that have done this before, Brave and Spirited Away with the parents being creatures concept, Wonder Park with the dark emotions symbolism, and It Takes Two with two fighting parents going on an adventure. The monsters at the start could just be Eileen's annoying pets and there would be no difference.
I also like that the main conflict revolves around divorce, a theme that is rarely touched upon in media, especially for children. It's unfortunate that this doesn't come into play until halfway through the story. The message is very heartfelt and a good lesson for children going through this same situation.
There are some good scenes here. Like there's some creative and beautiful segments like the echo or the Look for the Light scene. Most of the humor is actually well-written, although, I probably could've done without the freaky friday thing as it doesn't really contribute to the story. There are a couple times where I felt the humor is tacked on, but other than that, most of them felt natural.
One thing that doesn't make sense about the story, though, is the parents gradually getting their humanity back after it was said that they would get it back at the lake. This was never explained. I believe I could subtly see the reason why that may be the case. The parents and Elliaan are starting to accept the reality of the marriage. But, there's not enough implication to connect that reasoning to the story, and it just feels contrived.
The way conflict gets resolved is often anticlimatic. Like, in the echo scene, the parents suddenly saying "Girl" for no reason and getting their humanity back felt rushed and contrived as well as Bolinar being able to somehow call in the other flinks during the big climatic moment.
The characters either don't really have much personality or feel one-note.
Princess Elliaan is just your typical Disney protagonist. She's cheerful, optimistic, good-natured, and a bit clumsy. She lacks any flaws, quirks, or depth to help her stand out.
The parents only show their personalities when they're fighting. They, too, have nothing to make them stand out.
The only characters who kinda have a personality are Bolinar and the Oracles, but even they feel a bit one-note. Bolinar's only characteristic is that he's perpetually negative, and he really doesn't contribute anything to the story. The Oracles, being minor characters, aren't very memorable.
Flink is just your average trouble-making Disney sidekick.
Animation/Music/Voice Acting
I love Princess Eileen's design, I think she's very cute. However, that is all the positives I have in regards to the animation. There are some different artistic styles used in some of the musical segments, but most of the animation is just your average 2010s 3D animation.
Music is alright. Most of it is not memorable. There are a couple of weird moments where it seems like the characters were talking more than singing. My personal favorite would be The Way it Was Before. It's catchy, and the sweetest and most heartfelt song out of them all.
The voice actors do well with both funny and serious moments. I have to give props especially to Rachel Zegler, for both her singing and her ability to convey emotions. I really felt her character there.
I give Spellbound 5.4 bells out of 10
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The story takes too long to reveal itself and get interesting. There is barely a concrete arc there, it could easily be seen as a movie where "things happen". A lot of the conflict is resolved anticlimatically, too. There are inklings of a deep, emotional, and creative movie in there, but it needed some more drafting to get there. The comedic timing is mostly well-written, though, besides a few tacked on moments.
Characters feel pretty one-note and Elliaan is just your average Disney princess.
Besides a few artistic musical segments, the animation is mostly generic. Although, I think Princess Elliaan is very cute.
Music is ok, quite forgettable. The only catchy one being the heartfelt The Way It Was Before.
Voice actors did their jobs well, especially Rachel Zegler in terms of both her singing and emotional range.
It's passable enough for kids and those who want to Netflix and chill. It's a simple movie with a good heart and there's nothing wrong with that, but in terms of story and characterization, it's pretty bland with nothing much to make it stand out from other animated kids fare.
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In an Aleta Rewrites story, I would of course start off with the parents being humans. Elli is harboring resentment for them due to their constant fighting and planned divorce and just wants everything to be peaceful again. Due to Elli's resentment, the parents themselves are having trouble going through with the divorce because they want to "stay together for the kid". Their fighting causes the parents to turn into monsters because this is how Elliaan sees them. At the start, I would try to do something a little more creative with the parents being monsters concept to set it apart from other movies that have done this before. Like, maybe instead of just having them be rambunctious creatures, show more facets of their personalities. Like, maybe the parents' personalities are still somewhere in there and they're trying to talk to Eileen or trying to help Eileen, but their monster sides just keep coming out and it just all ends in the wrong way. Also, show more of the parents fighting as monster forms instead of just acting like pets causing trouble around the castle.
Let Elliaan's growth happen more naturally instead of at the last minute. And her growth (her acceptance of the changes the parents want to make to their marriage) is the reason her parents slowly gain back humanity. Their adventure is a representation of Elliaan and her parents' journey to accept the truth that the marriage is not going to work out well. Show more symbolic elements of Elliaan's resentment and her growth similar to how you showed symbolic scenes of the parents fighting with the quicksand and the echo.
I would also have Bolinar be more of the foil who often ditches and kinda gets in the way of Elliaan and her parents' adventure. His selfish attempts at trying to get back his body hurt their plans (more scenes like the acorn trail scene), until he grows to be more helpful in the adventure and realize his selfish ways.
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catfilms · 15 days ago
nobody fucking told me spellbound was an analogy for divorce
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murderenjoyer · 3 months ago
Watching Spellbound with the family and the main girls mouth is bugging the hell out of me. It looks like they pulled it off the main guy from Ratatouilles model and stuck it onto her face
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theomenmedia · 4 months ago
Spellbound Trailer, Starring Rachel Zegler, Nicole Kidman And Javier Bardem Out Now!
Get ready to be enchanted! "Spellbound" trailer just dropped, and it's magic like you've never seen. From the creators of "Shrek," a tale of adventure, music, and family awaits.
Check out the magical and whacky trailer right here: https://www.theomenmedia.com/post/enchantment-unveiled-spellbound-casts-its-magic-on-netflix
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angstyboi-hmph · 3 months ago
I vote that Ellian joins the Hope kids
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thedisneybarbie · 9 days ago
I watched Spellbound on Netflix today and I have to say it was a lot better than I thought it would be! I don’t care much for newer animated movies but this one had such a good message ❤️ The only thing I didn’t like is I don’t care for the soundtrack but other than that it’s actually a really sweet, funny, heartwarming movie
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darthmatthewtwihard · 4 months ago
Rachel Zegler Unboxes Spellbound Toys | Netflix
I will watch anything and everything that Rachel Zegler stars in for the rest of her career because she is brilliant, beautiful, talented, and intelligent.  
Additionally, Rachel is an amazing role model who is always on the right side of history.
I am proud to support her by being a Zegtineo and I will happily watch everything she ever stars in for the rest of her career which will last her entire life just for her because she is talented, intelligent, selfless, empathetic, and beautiful in every way possible.  
The world needs more people like Rachel Zegler because it is people/heroes like her who make the world a better place for everyone.
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elioli-art · 3 months ago
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Concept art for SPELLBOUND now playing on Netflix!
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