tboy-boone · 7 months
Your speed racer edits make me love the movie even more
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v-anrouge · 8 months
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bruh-anator3000 · 1 year
Gonna spedd run maling Miguell angry and sing Drspacito in chopped spanish, justuce beaver vers
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cagemasterfantasy · 1 month
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Koraidon the Paradox Pokemon a legendary Pokemon and the title mascot of Pokemon Scarlet a fighting and dragon type
8ft 2inc
668 lbs
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Highest Base Stat: Attack Spedd: 135
Lowest Base Stat: Special Attack:85
Base Stat Total: 670
Apex Build: This seems to be the Winged King mentioned in an old expedition journal. It was said to have split the land with its bare fists. This Pokemon resembles Cyclizar, but it is far burlier and more ferocious. Nothing is known about its ecology or other features.
Even though there is no Pokedex entry for the Limited Build Koraidon for the one you get at the beginning of Scarlet an unused entry was found for it in the game files signifying that you could originally have it as part of your team this is what it says:
The ecology and other data about this Pokemon are unknown. It was named Koraidon by the professor who discovered it. It has similar characteristics to a creature described in an old book as the Winged King.
Koraidon is the only Pokemon with the ability Orichalcum Pulse (Turns the sunlight harsh when the Pokemon enters a battle. The ancient pulse thrumming through the Pokemon also boosts its Attack stat in harsh sunlight.)
Koraidon is the only Pokemon that can learn the move Collision Course (The user transforms and crashes to the ground, causing a massive prehistoric explosion. This move's power is boosted more than usual if it’s a supereffective hit.)
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
lol trump things he has the mega computer and on spedd dieal and macs support while he attacks both. is a fool and no does not have th computer tommy f and other seek it shortly thanks trump for the intel ok they sy y ou fool godamned juvinle thiis kid is killiing you we are and yo cant see any of it y ou will never see him htey say nver and you cover him up you fool the repeat it a lot.
so he ruins support thinning to arm them wiht ai and will try and to arm tons. and will do it regardless he says. and his own people.
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totessstxrbb · 1 year
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A Trip and a Half - Ch.1
 "Ready?" Kana asked.
"Ready," I replied.
"3..." she says. 
"2..." I continue.
"GO!" We both scream.
I grind the bike petal under my foot, causing myself to hurtle forward, neck and neck with my opponent. We spedd down the street, weaving in and out of the cars, narrowly avoiding passerby who gasp and drop their groceries as we blur past. 
We come upon an empty stretch of road. I switch to a higher gear, and begin pumping my legs harder. My thighs are burning, but I can't lose this race. Not after what I saw Kana do just that afternoon. 
I glance over at her. She's not even looking at the road - her eyes are on me, a malicious smirk on her face.  She doesn't even seem to be trying to keep up with me. I grimace and look back at the road. So she's on the varsity biking team - I'm still not losing this race. 
The empty stretch ends, and I switch back to a lower gear to be able to weave among the cars. Every second requires a split second decision. There's a narrow gap ahead, do I lose a second to turn and avoid the risk or keep going and hope I can make it through? There's a person, do I swerve and lose some speed or do I keep going and hope they sidestep first?
I hear laughter, and out of the corner of my eye, I see her red bike pulling ahead. Oh no you don't. Time for another risk - despite the heavy traffic, I switch to a higher gear. 
I'm not going to lose this race. 
Slowly, I begin to catch up. A quick glance informs me that Kana's smug grin has vanished, replaced by the same intense concentration on my own face. Good. I'm making her try at least.
In the distance, I can see the end of the traffic. I risk a glance to see the road name - Legacy Lane. The finish line. Almost there. 
I switch my bike to the highest gear and let out a growl of effort as I begin pushing myself to the limit for the final sprint. I can feel my bike trembling beneath me, every pebble embedded in the asphalt producing a noticeable shift in my trajectory. I can only hope there are no passerby in the way - at this speed, neither I nor them will be able to react in time. 
Only about twenty meters left. I grit my teeth against the pain and push harder. I am vaguely aware of Kana beside me doing the same
The line of cars ends. Ten meters left. 
Directly in front of me, there's movement. A black cat, leisurely crossing the street. At this speed, there's no time to think. I lightly turn my handle to the right, trying to be subtle enough to not destroy my momentum. 
Too fast. My bike pitches forward, and I'm sent flying over the feline. The asphalt flies up to meet me, and I roll end over end before finally coming to a stop, scrapes and bruises covering my body. 
I hear laughter. Kana returns from the finish line and bikes a circle around me. "Nice biking there, hot shot!" she hollers before biking off. 
I sigh and let me head rest on the asphalt, eyes closed. I should probably move before the red light ends. 
When I look up again, the cat is sitting near my head, gazing curiously. It wears a red collar around its neck. 
"You really are bad luck," I say. 
It mews in response. 
A shadow falls over my face. Squinting through the sun in my eyes, I can see only the outstretched hand offered to me. I take it, and as it pulls me to my feet, I come face to face with a very interesting man. His eyes are completely obscured behind reflective glasses, and he's wearing a red cloak. Not a sweater. A cloak - below the shoulders, it extends into a cape which flows in the wind. 
As the stranger lets go of my hand, I realize he left something there. A gem or medallion of some sort - its a shiny blue square with a symbol on the front. 
"Adam," the man says, causing me to look up in surprise. "Come with me." He turns and walks off. 
"Hang on, who are you?" I yell. "How do you know my name? What's this..." I look down at the medallion again. "coin thingy?" 
When I look back up, I barely see him vanish into an alleyway on the side of the road. 
"Who the hell was that?" I murmur to myself. 
A car horn shocks me out of my reverie. I realize the lights have turned green, and I'm holding up traffic. I quickly grab my bike. Luckily, the wheels work enough that I can walk it off the road. But as I get to the edge, I can tell its completely wrecked.  its never taking me on a midnight ride or a high speed chase again.
As I turn my bike homewards, I sigh with regret. A broken bike, scars all over, and not a thing to show for it. Kana had beaten me, thanks to that stupid cat. 
Well, almost nothing to show for it. I glance down at the strange coin the stranger had left me. What a weird encounter. Who would just give a random biker a coin like this? 
I turn around to see the black cat. Its sitting by the dark alleyway, tail swishing impatiently. 
"What?" I ask. "You want me to follow a cosplayer into a dark alleyway?" 
"Mrrm- Ah!" The cat replies.
I look back down at the medallion. It beckons like a challenge. I really don't want to go home right now. I'd have to explain where I got my bruises from, and then I'd get chewed out for going racing on the street again. Not to mention, Kana is probably waiting there to collect on her bet. 
You know what they say about following strangers into unknown places? 
The alleyway is darker than I expected it to be. The black cat walks ahead of me, and quickly vanishes into the dark. The shadows of the buildings on either side completely obscure the area. It takes my eyes a while to adjust, and every time I glance back I'm blinded again by the bright light from the street. Every object seems to flicker in the dark. I step lightly, not certain how far in the stranger went. I keep thinking, Alright, if I don't see him by the time I pass that dumpster, or window or whatever. Then I get there, and glance down at the medallion. Somehow, I can always see it perfectly in the dark. It fills me with resolve, and I step forward again, getting farther and farther away from the light. 
I see a light through the dark. A dull, red glow, that as I get closer, becomes more defined. Its the glow of a neon sign reading Demon King. As I approach, the windowless metal doors slide open soundlessly. 
"Well that's not ominous at all," I mutter. 
There are no lights on inside. I step up to the threshold and hesitate. Feeling the steely presence of the blue medallion in my grip, I take a deep breath and step inside. 
The door shuts behind me, and icy panic freezes my stomach. Then lights flicker on - expensive looking lights that are merely lines inlaid in the ceiling, meeting in the center at a circle of the same kind of light. The circle envelopes a hole in the ceiling, which allows the tree in the center of the room to grow higher than the room itself. Around the tree is a circular table with chairs around it, and for each chair there is a device on the table. They look like gaming consoles, but there's no disk slot, or power button, or any of the specifics that I tend to associate with a gaming console - only a square slot on the top. The cat is waiting by the nearest table, tail curled neatly around its paws. 
Slowly, I walk around the tree. Each slot is empty, except for the one opposite the door - it has a medallion that looks similar to mine except for two things - its color is purple, instead of blue. And there's no symbol on the front. This medallion is blank. 
I hold up the blue medallion. It looks like it would fit perfectly into the slot on the consoles. What strikes me the most is the fact that there aren't any screens - what kind of consoles don't have some kind of monitor to display the output to? 
"Mrrm-ah!" The black cat mewls. 
I look down at him. 
"Well, whats the worst that could happen. I'm already here, right?" 
I move to place the the medallion in the console. The first indication that something is wrong - besides being in a mysterious building in an alleyway, that is - is when I feel the medallion being pulled towards the console. It's still like a foot away when it slips out of my hand and flies into the console of its own accord. 
The coin glows brightly. The light consumes my vision, and the room around me vanishes. The next thing I feel is the sting of snow. 
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delannys · 4 years
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Estoy dentro de un grupo de Alcohólicos Anónimos, donde ciertamente no he querido dejar de drogarme. Por intervalos estoy bien, le echo ganas, trabajo SOLO POR HOY en mi rehabilitación, pero las ganas por darme un fumé más me traicionan, realmente soy débil, amo la metanfetamina. ¡Justo ahora tengo una dosis!
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atomiccryptid · 4 years
tbis is why i chose the name icarus gotdamn
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preciousbarashark · 4 years
i use to know a guy who couldnt cum unless he thought about sonic
SHDJEJFJEJJFJFJJ?????????? S ONIC?????? IM????!!! LOSING MY MIND!!!!????
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merzbow-derek · 6 years
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JEAN-CHARLES CAPON, L'Univers-solitude, SouffleContinu Records
Bien que minoritaire dans l'histoire du jazz et de l'improvisation, le violoncelle a fini par se tailler une place de choix, que ce soit sur le continent américain (Fred Katz, Calo Scott, Abdul Wadud, Diedre Murray, Peggy Lee) ou en Europe (Tristan Honsinger, Maarten Altena, Denis Van Hecke, Ernst Reijseger).
Tout comme Didider Petit, Jean-Charles Capon est un des virtuoses français de l'instrument, qu'il commence à pratiquer en professionnel dès le début des années 1960 avant de créer le Baroque Jazz Trio. Rapidement, son nom est associé à quelques groupes cultes dont il est membre ou invité de luxe (Confluence, Perception, Speed Limit), mais aussi à de nombreux musiciens de (free) jazz plus ou moins renommés, dont David S. Ware (avec qui il grave en duo l'impeccable From Silence To Music), Philippe Maté, Michel Roques, André Jaume ou Joe McPhee (au sein de Po Music). Jef Gilson participe à le lancer (ils enregistrent ensemble dès 1968) avant que Pierre Barouh, patron des disques Saravah pour lesquels Jean-Charles Capon collabore avec Brigitte Fontaine et Areski, ne lui offre de réaliser son premier album sous son nom : L'Univers-solitude.
En compagnie du percussionniste suisse Pierre Favre, Jean-Charles Capon y démontre dans chaque registre une inventivité bien au-delà de tout arrière-plan rythmico-mélodique traditionnel, tant la fluidité du phrasé complète à merveille une tessiture pour le moins étendue : Jean-Charles Capon ne vénère pas pour rien Duke Ellington, John Lewis et Gabriel Fauré, comme en attestent d'ailleurs ultérieurement ses relectures habitées de "Mood Indigo", "Django" et "Après un rêve". Quant à Pierre Favre, il n'est pas là pour jouer les utilités : ses recherches de timbres et combinaisons de rythmes complexes offrent au violoncelliste français un bel écho tout au long d'un disque remarquable enfin réédité comme il se doit.
The cello, although considered a minority instrument in the history of jazz and improvisation, has carved itself a niche, both in the USA (Fred Katz, Calo Scott, Abdul Wadud, Diedre Murray, Peggy Lee) and in Europe (Tristan Honsinger, Maarten Altena, Denis Van Hecke, Ernst Reijseger).
Alongside Didier Petit, Jean-Charles Capon is one of the French virtuosi on the instrument, that he began playing professionally at the beginning of the 60s before creating the Baroque Jazz Trio. His name was rapidly linked to different cult groups for who he became the guest star (Confluence, Perception, Speed Limit), but also with many more or less well-known (free) jazz musicians including David S. Ware (with whom he recorded the impeccable duo From Silence To Music), Philippe Maté, Michel Roques, André Jaume or Joe McPhee (as part of Po Music). Jef Gilson helped get his career under way (they recorded together as far back as 1968) before Pierre Barouh, boss of Saravah records with who Jean-Charles Capon played alongside Brigitte Fontaine and Areski, offered him the opportunity to record his first album: L'Univers-solitude.
In the company of Swiss percussionist Pierre Favre, Jean-Charles Capon demonstrated, in all registers, a level of invention way beyond a traditional rhythmic and melodic background, with the fluid phrasing a perfect complement to his extended range. It is not for nothing that Jean-Charles Capon admires Duke Ellington, John Lewis and Gabriel Fauré, as can be heard on his later highly personal versions of "Mood Indigo", "Django" and "Après un rêve". As for Pierre Favre, he is not there just to make up the numbers: his timbral research and combinations of complex rhythms offer the French cellist wonderful interaction throughout this remarkable album which had finally been given a dignified rerelease.
The fluidity of the phrasing, timbral research, complex rhythmic combinations and rare sense of improvisation make this one of the best modern jazz recordings on the Saravah label in the 1970s.
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dpowerindia · 3 years
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D-Power C20 iPhone 2.4 Amp Two Quick USB Car Charger (2 Port) for high Speed Charging with Quick Charge 3.4(White)
Buy on Amazon : https://www.amazon.in/dp/B099ZQ1GSM?ref=myi_title_dp
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cagemasterfantasy · 5 months
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Pikipek the Woodpecker pokemon a normal and flying type
Ability: Keen Eye or Skill Link Hidden Ability: Pickup
Egg Group: Flying
Highest Base Stat: Attack:75
Lowest Base Stat: Defense Special Attack Special Defense:30
Base Stat Total: 265
Favorite Spot: Head Crest
Least Favorite: Beak
It can peck at a rate of 16 times a second to drill holes in trees. It uses the holes for food storage and for nesting. This Pokemon feeds on berries, whose leftover seeds become the ammunition for the attacks it fires off from its mouth.
It pecks at trees with its hard beak. You can get some idea of its mood or condition from the rhythm of its pecking. It may look spindly, but its neck muscles are heavy-duty. It can peck at a tree 16 times per second!
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At level 14 it evolves into Trumbeak the Bugle Beak pokemon a normal and flying type
Ability: Keen Eye or Skill Link Hidden Ability: Pickup
Egg Group: Flying
Highest Base Stat: Attack:80
Lowest Base Stat: Special Attack:40
Base Stat Total: 355
Its petting spots are the same as Pikipek
It eats berries and stores their seeds in its beak. When it encounters enemies or prey, it fires off all the seeds in a burst. By bending its beak, it can produce a variety of calls and brand itself a noisy nuisance for its neighbors.
It can bend the tip of its beak to produce over a hundred different cries at will. From its mouth, it fires the seeds of berries it has eaten. The scattered seeds give rise to new plants.
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At level 28 it evolves into Toucannon the Cannon pokemon a normal and flying type
3ft 7inc
Ability: Skill Link or Keen Eye Hidden Ability: Sheer Force
Egg Group: Flying
Highest Base Stat: Attack:120
Lowest Base Stat: Spedd:60
Base Stat Total: 485
Favorite Spot: Yellow Parts of Beak
Least Favorite: Feet
When it battles, its beak heats up. The temperature can easily exceed 212 degrees Fahrenheit, causing severe burns when it hits Within its beak, its internal gas ignites, explosively launching seeds with enough power to pulverize boulders.
They smack beaks with others of their kind to communicate. The strength and number of hits tell each other how they feel. Known for forming harmonious couples, this Pokemon is brought to wedding ceremonies as a good luck charm.
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akisdoodles · 7 years
I'm back! I'm sorry I missed last friday, I was really busy with uni! But here you are another quick tutorial on how do draw faces from the side, hope it's useful! -- #akitutorials #motivationfriday
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simplayhannah · 3 years
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The Quidditch Pitch!
The Quidditch Pitch of Hogwarts. I hope you like it :)
If you want to download this lot and explore it yourself, simply check out my gallery under the hashtag #simplayhannah (cc free)
I hope you all have a great day and stay healthy! :)
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try-again-4321 · 4 years
Chapter 5, Pages 33 & 34
At last the story has finally...spedd up...haha
Have a nice day! Or else :]
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Follow @try-again-4321 for more! Its also on Webtoon and Instagram :) (link will be in my bio!)
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