sonelise · 10 months
Heya! Just found your blog, I just usually follow the #sonelise tag for new art and it recommended you and your art on my dashboard!
May I just say I'm happy someone else ships Sonelise; while not my OTP, I always thought they were stinking cute, and I dislike how much everyone gives it the shaft, mainly by hating on Elise.
There's nothing wrong with Sonelise! Like, if people can ship Shadria — which is arguably worse because of the whole sibling dynamic between them — without backlash, often just by turning Maria into a hedgehog (to remove the whole "bestiality" shtick (though it's not actually bestaility)) which really doesn't change the problem, with her very rarely just being her human self, then I sure as fudge can ship Sonelise because they actually show interest in each other and are just... stupid cute!!
So yeah! Really happy to know others ship Sonelise, and your art, my goodness, your art is SO CUTE!! ^^
Also, outside of Sonelise, who else do you ship? :)
I'm a real sucker for Shadikal (Shadow x Tikal), Shadamy, Sonilver and Knouge X3
(You can be a mulitshipper! It's kind of awesome honestly, means I don't really end up hating any ships X3)
hello!!! i'm glad you enjoy the stuff i post! glad you found me, then :D
i think they're really cute, too, and the hate they get always seemed so unfounded and dumb, and i thought i could help lessen it a bit!! people seem fine with shipping like, Rouge and Topaz, and Eggman and Starline, too, so i really don't get what the big deal about Sonic and Elise is.
I'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks they're so adorable, too!! their scenes in the game are really sweet to me, i think their interactions are so cute.
and thank you!! i'm glad you like my art!! i plan to post much more :D
other than sonelise,, i'm not a super big shipper, i tend to like most other ships in much more quiet, but i do like a bunch of others that i think are cute or sweet! but i'm not as vocal with them as I am with Sonic and Elise dkfjfkfj
thank you for the kind words! i hope you have a wonderful day! :D
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sonicshiningstars · 2 years
Hello, I wanted to ask if the comic and au as a whole was discontinued or put on hiatus. I also wanted to ask if you were ok, you've been gone for a while now.
Unfortunately, Star decided to discontinue this series back in summer last year.
I've struggled to get ahold of her since New Years, likely due to the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, so that's why she hasn't answered any asks herself. I'm unsure if she's okay, but I'll let you know if I get ahold of her :)
— Crovn, aka @spectrumcrovn, admin
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thankskenpenders · 3 years
Nicole's little probe actually looks a bit like Eggman's flying "signature" robots that we see in the Sonic Movie, or is it just me?
Kind of makes you wonder if the team behind the movie took inspiration from Archie and SatAM when creating their setting and universe, heh.
I did kind of get the vibe that the movie crew had looked to the early '90s cartoons for some inspiration, actually, yeah. Sonic and Robotnik's characterization almost reminded me of the cartoons more than anything else, and of course as many people have pointed out Robotnik's theme in the movie sounds somewhat similar to the classic AoStH Robotnik theme. I wouldn't be surprised if when tasked with adapting Sonic for the big screen they looked to the cartoons to see how it had been done before
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ask-triple-threat · 5 years
Never mind! I was on the phone and didn't see your character profiles. Still, another question... what's the Shadow Kor?
The Shadow Kor is Moebius’ Dark Gaia in Eternal Blackout.It is the reason why Scourge has his werehog form… and possibly even more…
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discordiansamba · 4 years
So... when is the next story for Kintsugi? Also, can I rant and gush with you about ATLA? Like... messaging-rant? ... is that even a thing? (I hereby declare that to be a thing)
I don’t have a strict deadline for the next update of kintsugi planned. It’ll probably be whenever I finish this vld fic I’m writing now and after I finish the next heart of dragon! I took a mini-hiatus recently and have only just gotten back to working on my fic.
You’re welcome to send me asks and things of that nature but I don’t really use tumblr’s messenger feature at all (in fact I have it hidden completely), and my discord is for Friends Only. Sorry!
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marsreds · 4 years
Hi, where do I find your ko-fi and what's your opinion on The Dragon Prince so far? In my own opinion, it's the only show that I've ever encountered that even comes CLOSE to the masterpiece that ATLA was.
Dang did not think anyone would ever actually take me up on that. It’s here, and it should also be properly linked in the blog bio now.
However, if you’re really interested in asking me something about AtLA, like, I’m not gonna put in effort to deter you bc, well, money. But I haven’t been active in engaging with the show in over three years now, I’ll do my best but I’m not sure I can speak with the sort of familiarity with the material I could’ve while I was engaged with the fandom.
Now, about The Dragon Prince, I still haven’t watched it (and have managed to avoid spoilers pretty successfully and would like it to stay like that). It’s on my list, along with ~4893048 other shows and films, and I will get to it at some point but I just don’t have the braincells to engage with new media at the present time.
Between zines*, real life and like, the fact that the current hyperfixation still has me by the throat, who knows when I’ll be able to wholeheartedly engage with something new.
Thanks for the interest though! I’m really, genuinely happy that people still enjoy my meta.
*Obligatory “Go preorder the DriftRod Zine, we kicked so much ass making it holy shit wow” goes here.
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unironicallyelise · 6 years
Where can I find your main blog? And can we have some college!SonElise? :3
My main blog is @lynbeck!
And I don’t have the time to fix these up rn, but here are some ugly college au sketches i did in like 2017
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dictionarywrites · 6 years
This I need to hear from a Loki fan; it’s a question I ask almost any Loki fan, at least those who know how to write him well. What’s your view and theory on Loki’s development between Thor (2011) and The Avengers (2012) movies?
loki fell from the bifrost, fell through the abyss for a while, then landed on a very hot planet, injured and without the use of his magic - a piece of the bifrost had hit him very hard in the side of the neck, almost decaptitating him, and he’d lost a lot of blood and was near death. the planet grew hot enough as the day went on that his blood was boiling from his neck, and he desperately reached out with the tiny sliver of magic he had left for help...
he got it.
the other picked him up, and thanos began his torture of loki
i don’t see it as an adopting thing like some ppl do - i think that thanos saw loki, a shapeshifter, a very injured man, as like... a tool. the ideal key to a door he had been vaguely planning to break down, but... keys are good
and so it was all a matter of completely breaking him down - starving him of his magic and leaving him in an abyss without stimulation, food, water, magic, etc, for fair periods was a big part of that - no sleep, no sustenance. he was mad, and there was no thought of like outright disobedience
by the time he arrives on earth, like, there’s the tacit resistance of the self-sabotage, but that’s genuinely all loki is capable of where thanos is concerned, and i definitely see the trauma from that whole episode as Pretty Permanent
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zhe-lazy-fox · 6 years
Let’s hope that the fans have a different opinion than the jury.
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portraitoftheoddity · 7 years
Hey, so, I've read some of your metas and headcanons (and ramblings), and, well, not only do I very much like every bit of it, but I have also grown curious to hear your opinion on one headcanon of mine. Considering that MCU Thor plays a lot with the, "Some myths carries a hint of truth," I thought this scenario wouldn't be too outrageous. What would your thoughts be like on the matter if Loki was Hela's son?
Hmmm. Well, where we don’t know Loki’s real maternal parentage, you can absolutely headcanon that however you want! I’m sure there’s some very clever and feelsy ways to tell that story -- Odin feeling like he gets a do-over with Loki after banishing Hela, as he’s sort of a fresh slate version of her, for instance-- or possibly even having Loki’s birth be the impetus for Hela’s exile, with Odin realizing her own son will only be worse and more terrible if he doesn’t find a way to break the cycle. 
That said: personally, I have a hard time buying Hela as Loki’s mother, as a) she doesn’t seem like the kind of woman who’d let herself be taken out of action long enough to carry a pregnancy to term, b) as a goddess of death, the act of creating a life just seems antithetical to her entire existence, and c) Asgard in Hela’s day went around subjugating all the other realms and races, which indicates a kind of rabid prejudice and sense of superiority -- for the Allfather’s Executioner to lay with and carry the seed of a ‘lesser race’ of the nine seems unlikely to me. That’s just my take though. I do like the idea however, of Loki being a Jotnar half-breed.
Now, if you’re interested in Hela & Loki stories and you’re up to diving into the comics, I highly recommend reading the Journey Into Mystery arc with Kid!Loki, as it handles that in a really clever way with a very long build up! This post gives a thoroughly comprehensive reading guide for all things kid!Loki. (It’s also just a terrific run and full of allll the feels.)
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bbsketches · 7 years
Hello, so this image just won't leave my mind and I've ask some people if they could put it on paper; so far, I haven't gotten a clear answer, so I thought that, since you loved Unity that you'd want to draw an image of Élise and Haytham, because I honestly have this headcanon that Élise deeply admires Haytham, and I just want a universe where they meet, okay? So yeah, bye!
Oh yesss. I love them both so much and your idea is brilliant - I would love to see those two together too. I will have to draw them sometime!
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emhoardsbooks · 7 years
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make me choose | @spectrumcrovn asked zutara or dramione
We met at the end of the world and sat hand in hand as the stars went out.
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
Gotta appreciate the writer for his creativity: Amy is sinking in lava and her dress is not on fire nor is her hair ruined by the intense heat. Oh, and the rest of her body is apparently still functioning because LOGIC IS FOR AMATEURS! XD
Call me crazy but I don’t think it would be a good idea to depict Amy Rose burning alive in a pool of lava in a comic for 7-year-olds
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poirot · 8 years
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moodboard: Slytherin
“Or perhaps in Slytherin, You’ll make your real friends, These cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.” (Happy Birthday @spectrumcrovn)
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princexuko · 7 years
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@spectrumcrovn true, the search features are much more versatile on ao3 and that’s definitely one of the reasons I like it. I also like the bookmarks feature on ao3 better than the favorites on ffn- it makes finding fic you might like much easier. I’ve been using ffn since I was in like seventh grade though, so I’m a bit biased towards it. i think ffn is just easier to navigate. I don’t like a lot of ao3’s website design because it tries to incorporate too much and it ends up kind of… messy. ffn is simpler and neater, just better put together and I find it easier to use especially on mobile (and i only use mobile unless I’m posting fic). it also seems like authors get more feedback once they develop a following on ffn than they do on ao3. readers on ao3 seem to just leave kudos more than anything which means pretty little to me. I don’t get as many comments on ao3 as I do reviews on ffn. but that being said, the comments I’ve gotten on ao3 have been few but overall better quality than the reviews on ffn so… idk I’m torn.
(also, a lot of fics I’ve found and love on ffn, especially multichaps, aren’t on ao3. I think ao3 seems to lean more towards shorter oneshots than ffn, which are good in their own rights but overall not what I typically look for in fic)
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An update on the Time Travel AU?
spoilers by Thatbookishgirl (1/1 | 9,896 | NC17)
Derek is confronted with a girl who accidentally traveled back in time and it throws him a bit for a loop as certain future events get revealed and he struggles how to handle these revelations.
Part 2 of time is more of a concept
Dignity, Faith, Pride by starsandsands (5/5 | 10,660 | PG13)
When Stiles was still around, he'd been a bridge to the gap between his husband and youngest daughter. His death had just separated them further, turning the gap into a hollow canyon, impossible to cross.
The Call by dedeecated_dee (1/1 | 4,175 | G)
When the opportunity comes, take it right away. Welcome it with wide open arms. You'll never know if it will ever come around for the second time.
A glimpse of what is to come by Breakingoffmyantlers (1/1 | 1,424 | NR)
A glimpse of what is to come, if Stiles and Derek don't make the right the decisions with their family in mind.
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