slocumjoe · 1 year
how badly do you think the brotherhood would implode if they discovered every. single. member. was a synth?
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I think it's be a fifty/fifty split of "commit suicide and kill everyone else as well" and "well. Guess this is our life now".
The ones raised in the brotherhood/with no outside purpose/life (rhys) would go for the "fuck this" route, while people who are new or have questioned aspects of the BOS would lean more towards the idea that if they're all synths, there's. Not really a brotherhood, is there. So...what brotherhood should they serve, if the whole thing is top-down corrupted?
I think Maxson would try to hold it together, keep the chaos to a minimum. We might be the enemy agents but we still need to stop them, now it's just personal. That kind of thing. His sense of duty would override, not wanting to waste what he has and abandon his goals
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nctrnm · 2 years
NctrnmFM(nctrnm.com): "Sweet Beans" by Spective.
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heylinfanclub · 1 year
Watching vids on masking and boi
'A lot of the time, our masks are authentic parts of ourselves (made by ourselves based on our opinions on what is best for the situation)-- but at the same time, I genuinely don't think anyone would GET the 100% authentic me that I am when I'm alone. This is why alone time is so important to us. Because just the simple ACT of having the Manual Social Interactions happening, that makes it almost impossible to be completely myself. The only time I can be myself is when that manual brain is turned off, and not have to take anyone into account'.
Reasons why it's so fffucking uncomfortable when people want me to be myself or unmask cause it's like. I can only do so much before iM NOT FUNCTIONAL SOCIALLY. I DONT LIKE TALKING. IDONT LIKE FACIAL EXPRESSING. I DONT LIKE HOLDING BACK MY STIMS OR MY OPINIONS OR MY COMMENTS ABOUT MY ENVIRONMENT AHHHH. (Even this; I like to type in caps and I had to manage how much I do that because I've had people online get confused or bothered by it and I know logically it can disrupt the context).
But ughhfhfhghhh
Anyway good note.
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thesecretw0rld-blog · 11 months
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Some say basic, some say classic. It’s all a matter of purr-spective 😹🙃
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thewebcomicsreview · 8 months
Art practice, learning 'spective. Still have trouble rotating boxes, and my cylinders aren't good either, but I actually like this kind of tedious stuff. It's easier to start when it's just mathematical to start.
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triptychgardener · 2 years
Horrid troll romance Chittr discourse
"Smh S* clear these days when a pr*spective kismesis is just in it f*r the hatesex and n*t the self impr*vement aspect 🙄 like get help *r gtf*"
"Lm mao op clearly just wants to vacillate into a flushed crush and cant handle that som me of us are just trying to have fun 💅 "
"*kay clearly y*u're all a bunch *f ign*rant grubs allergic to self-impr*vement, ugh i hate my hatchcycle"
"HI i pitchdated ohpee for like six months and they were absolutely trying to vacillate with me lmowwwww"
**user pitchdateGentletroll has deactivated**
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devouring-hive · 3 months
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“Might jus’ be yer ‘spective, darlin’! Why don’cha take a closer look an’ see if that don’t clear things up fer ya?~”
She’d normally stick her ass out, but when she goes to try the rapid shift in her center of mass nearly bowls her over- So she just turns around and sways her hips some more.
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0livdocx · 3 months
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mychlapci · 11 months
Horny anon here again to bring you some horny ideas. Lemme lay out a scen.
So Dratchet AND RodiMags right? Imagine these three are out having fun, then they spot a bar, so they go in, get drunk, and frag in a booth
Cue a skip to the Lost light, Rodimus and Drift are knocked up, and a scan proves that they are, 100% the crew would tease, but once drift and Rodimus start getting round oh boy, there pheromones are messing everyone up on the ship, 100% Bots have Caught this two with there mates just about everywhere.
But what happens if Ratchet and Magnus are busy? Who would try to help in with these two and give them relief? Drift and Rodimus can hardly touch themselves, and they don't wanna be a bother, but there pregnancy requires transfluid, so I feel like they'd waddle to where there spective mates are...and get railed while Magnus and Ratchet are working or probably cockwarm em
oh yeah rodimus and drift get pregnant and the sight makes the rest of the ship drool... and when someone walks in on rodimus rocking into magnus' lap- with magnus looking into a datapad as he reviews yesterday's reports and other boring stuff, pumping poor rodimus with the transfluid he needs... or in the medbay, in the chief medical officer's own office, a nice and plump drift is doing essentially the same, fucking himself on ratchet's spike while ratchet tries to keep up with work... so many people smell pregnancy pheromones from behind the doors, desperate to actually touch either rodimus or drift... maybe when ratchet and ultra magnus are really indisposed, they have to take spike from the rest of the crew...
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sivavakkiyar · 4 months
Can we know what book did you used to make a post about famine?
Some lines of text:
Similarly, Temple's ferocious response to reports of mass mortality in the camps was to blame the victims: "The infatuation of these poor people in respect to eating the bread of idleness; their dread of marching on command to any distance from home; their preference often for extreme privation rather than submission to even simple and reasonable orders, can be fully believed only by those who have seen or personally known these things."*" Moreover, he claimed that the majority of the famine dead were not the cultivating yeomanry, "the bone and sinew of the country," but parasitic mendicants who essentially had committed suicide: "Nor will many be inclined to grieve much for the fate which they brought upon themselves, and which terminated lives of idleness and too often of crime.""
Down from Olympus
Lytton was kept well-informed of such grisly details. From his hardminded per spective, however, the most serious escalation in the famine was the increasing burden on the Indian Treasury. The failure of the 1877 monsoon threatened to divert another £10 million for the salvation of what he viewed through his Mal thusian spectacles as a largely redundant stratum of the population. Having bent his rules in May to accommodate London's anxieties, the viceroy felt confident enough in the summer to resume his campaign against profligate relief. In August 1877, shortly after the Great White Queen reassured the public that "no exertion will be wanting on the part of my Indian Government to mitigate this terrible calamity," Lytton finally came down from his seasonal headquarters in the Hima- layas to spend a few days inspecting conditions in Madras.**
This was his first personal exposure to the terrible reality of the famine. A local English-language newspaper editorialized that after domiciling himself for so long in the distant comforts of Simla, "the Indian Olympus," where he dis- played "merely the faintest idea of the extent of the calamity," Lytton would now have to confront inescapable truths. "There are, in the relief camps of Palaveram and Monegar Choultry, sights to be witnessed, which even we, who have become callous and hardened, cannot but look upon without a shudder; sights which we dare not describe, and which an artist could not paint. What the effect of these sights must have been on the sensitive and poetical mind of Lord Lytton, we pause to imagine."*9
sorry about that, not sure what I was thinking not putting the title, probably casual. It’s from Mike Davis’ Late Victorian Holocausts
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landofvoiceandcans · 1 year
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Our member EDCM is making a video retrospective on the video game Gone Home for it's 10 year anniversary! If you ware interested in lending your voice to the cause, we have a google doc link below with all of the information you need on it!
If you're a fan of the game or just want to lend your voice to one of those three hour retrospective videos that everyone takes screenshots of, you're totally welcome to audition!
This is a flash audition!! It will be closed on August 5th so be sure to be quick about it!!
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nctrnm · 2 years
NctrnmFM(nctrnm.com): "Incandescent" by Spective, Lo-Fi Tigers.
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shih-tzu-chronicles · 6 months
A Paw-spective from Katherine's World
Hey there, fellow Shih Tzu lovers! Today, we're thrilled to present an exclusive interview on "Shih Tzu Chronicles" that brings you closer to the heart of these lovable fur companions.
The person we've interviewed is not just any interviewee; Katherine Israel a seasoned Shih Tzu owner with years of firsthand experience, and she spills the beans on all things Shih Tzu. 
In our conversation, Katherine shares her wealth of knowledge and passion for these charming canines, offering valuable insights beyond the basics of the lovable Shih Tzus.
When we first asked Katherine about what drew her to the Shih Tzu breed and what she most loves about them, she unveiled that it was the charm that initially captivated her and spilled the beans on what she adores the most.
"It's all about the cuteness factor, how sweet they are, and their unwavering loyalty." Katherine says with a laugh.
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Dylan, Katherine's dear Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu breed as we all know has its own stereotypes when it comes to their temperament and personality, and Katherine had a lot to say about that too. 
“They’re so stubborn!” She says almost immediately after asking. “And of course, spoiled to the bone, you can’t even forget them in your grocery runs. Not to mention their clingy-ness to you grows over time as like when they were puppies, they were more pretty active in everything.”
At 49, Katherine is currently a U.P. Scientist and a professor at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. We were curious as to how she balances her work and life as a pet owner especially one that demands more of her time on a day-to-day basis. We also asked her on how she manages her pet’s health, grooming, and training methods that worked for her.
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“My baby vomits a yellow fluid once in a while. This is due to acid reflux. This is nothing to worry about. Just give them small meals in between so they won’t get hungry. Another common sickness is diarrhea. When he poops liquid several times in a day, I immediately take him to the vet.” Katherine responds as she recalls some instances that happened. “They make lab tests to determine the cause. This is usually bacterial in nature so antibiotics are given. I also give my baby Nexgard spectra once a month to ensure he doesn’t get ticks, fleas, and heartworm. Maintenance is quite expensive but I could not compromise his health at all costs. 
“Maintenance is quite expensive but I could not compromise his health at all costs.”
- Katherine Israel
As for their grooming, “In my baby’s case, he hates being blow-dried and combed. So I cannot keep his hair long. He also hates me trimming his hair. So I have him groomed every 1.5 months. He gets a full groom, summer cut with poodle-cut feet. I give him baths twice a week to keep him clean and tidy.” she says while also showing us a picture of her dog.
“You really just have to allot time and patience when you’re trying to teach them something or else they’ll forget and just be "pa-cute lang dyan” Katherine laughs. “My dog is a spoiled dog. He expects to walk twice a day, morning and afternoon. I think he has too much energy that he needs to spend, that is why he loves to walk. Also, he loves to see different places. Aside from the walks, I also give him joy rides. We go around in my car with him looking out the window and barking at everything and everyone he sees. He gets so excited every time he rides the car. He gets too noisy that I have to wear ear mufflers to protect my ears from his high-pitched bark.”
Shih Tzus are often described as excellent companions, and in our quest to understand the depth of this connection, we asked Katherine if there were any memorable experiences that highlight the bond between her and her Shih Tzu.
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“Yes, my baby is my precious companion. He sleeps on my bed. He has a pillow beside my feet. He climbs my bed when he is already sleepy. But before he sleeps, he first checks on me if I am also about to sleep. He wakes up around 4 or 5 am and goes up to my side and asks me to rub his ears and belly. After he had enough, he will go back to his pillow and sleep again. He always follows me wherever I go in the house. He checks on what I am doing.” As Katherine shares this heartfelt anecdote, it becomes evident that the bond between a Shih Tzu and their owner transcends the ordinary. 
Beyond the confines of bedtime rituals, Katherine further elaborates on the daily activities that strengthen their bond. “During the pandemic, I had my online classes. He was always there beside my foot during my classes. He just lies there quietly. But when he hears me saying “Thank you, byebye,” he immediately gets up and gives me a stare as if saying “Mama you’re done, let’s go!” This means he wants to have his afternoon walk. That is always exactly at 4pm. He feels the time that it is 4pm already. When my class goes beyond 4pm, he starts to become uneasy and starts barking. I had to apologize to my students for my noisy dog.”
For first-time pet owners or aspiring to be one, research on the breeds is always a must. Especially for a breed like our lovely Shih Tzu. In this part of the interview, we asked Katherine about her insights to give for someone who is considering adopting a Shih Tzu for the first time.
"First and foremost, be both financially and emotionally prepared.”
- Katherine Israel
Katherine advises with a knowing smile. "Shih Tzus, as much as I adore them, are high-maintenance dogs. They require regular vaccines, meticulous grooming, specific vitamins, and here's the kicker – they are picky eaters. Forget about just dog food; they want their meals prepared, preferably wet food. It's like having a tiny gourmand at home."
She continues, highlighting the time commitment needed for Shih Tzus. "These little companions can be quite demanding of your time. They don't appreciate being left alone, and trust me, it can tug at your heartstrings when you have to step out. It's a real lesson in patience, especially during their early months when you're potty training them. For my fur baby, it took around two months to get him potty trained."
Shih Tzus can be prone to separation anxiety. There is also an underlying issue as to how pet owners can manage this, especially how they can ensure that their Shih Tzu feels secure when they’re away. 
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"This is very true," Katherine acknowledges with a hint of understanding. "I always make sure that there is someone who will accompany him at night when I am away. He tends to just stay near the door and wait for me to come home. There has to be someone to look after him and cuddle him."
Katherine's solution to separation anxiety is grounded in companionship and comfort. Recognizing her Shih Tzu's inclination to wait for her return, she ensures that there's a supportive presence to keep him company during her absence.
As we wrap up our conversation with Katherine, she graciously unveils some charming facts that people may not know about this fantastic breed. 
"This may not be true only for Shih Tzus but for all dogs," Katherine begins. "They cry when they get lonely. I noticed this because sometimes when I leave him, he has wetness all around his eyes, which are probably tears."
She continues, “He also dreams a lot. During his sleep, he usually barks silently. He also sometimes moves his feet as if he was running.”
Katherine Israel’s candid sharing paints a picture of the responsibilities that come with being a Shih Tzu owner. She not only leaves us with insights into the breed but also a profound appreciation for the layers of emotions and quirky personalities that make Shih Tzus who they are as a breed. 
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s-n-d-p-h-n · 7 months
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Mimi (Marie) Parent was born in Quebec, Canada. Between 1942 and 1947 she studied painting at the Ecole des Beau Arts Montréal. There she met he r future husband Jean Benoît the surre alist sculptor. Dis illusioned with the conservative nature of the Canadian culture of that time, she and her husband moved to Paris in 1948. There she created collages, assemblag es, inlays, embroidery and objects. They came to know Andre Breton and part icipated in the surrealist a ctivities until the diss olution of the Paris Surrealist group a few years after the death of Breton. She took part in the exposition EROS, which was held from December 1959 to Feb. ruary. For EROS, Mimi Parent designed the Crypt of fetishism, together with boxes of black fur in which images of Breton and Meret Oppenheim were placed.
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She also collaborated with Jean Ben oît to create a theatrical event of the Execution of the will of the Marquis de Sade. Dressed in costumes, carrying accessories which symbolize Eros and Thanatos, Benoît appeared with red iron letters 'SADE' on his chest. This ceremony established Mimi Parent and Jean Benoît at the cen ter of the Parisian surrealist group. She was par ticularly drawn to create shadow - boxes, shallow frames wit hin which she created a paintin g and then laid o n top various elements in relief. In these boxes, Parent would include figure s and elements rela ting to myth ology, folklore, and her imagination . Parent often incorporated materials such as human hair in her art objects . From 1960 onwards she was involved in many international exhibitions. She had many solo exhibitions throughout her life (Gale rie André-Francois Petit, Paris, 1984; Muse um Bochum, 1984; Noyers-sur-Serein, 1992) and was active as a n artist until the end of her days.
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" A review by Régis Tremblay of the 2004 retro spective exhibition of Parent and Benoît's work, held in Montreal, observes that: "Even if their work is always s trange, or worrying, Mimi Parent and Jean Benoît have a light ness, a laughing humour and a youth rare for the octogenarians that th ey are."
Marie "Mimi" Parent: born Mon treal, Canada, 8 Septe mber 1924; Married Jean Benoît, 1948; died Switzerla nd, 14 June 2005. "
(by Marcus Williamson)
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