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bisexualbumblebee-writes · 1 year ago
I Never Planned On You Masterlist
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Darcy Reid x Ava Fig | Specs x Marley | Davey Jacobs x Poppy
Starting Note
Chapter 1- Printing Press (Darcy x Ava)
Chapter 2- Carrying the Banner (Specs x Marley)
Chapter 3- Business (Davey x Poppy)
Chapter 4- Fervency (Darcy x Ava)
Chapter 5- Surprise (Specs x Marley)
Chapter 6- Delanceys (Davey x Poppy)
Chapter 7- Tinker (Darcy x Ava)
Chapter 8- Breakout (Specs x Marley)
Chapter 9- Bloody Knuckles (Davey x Poppy)
Chapter 10- Dancing in the Dark (Darcy x Ava)
Chapter 11- Happiness (Specs x Marley)
Chapter 12- Control (Davey x Poppy)
Chapter 13- To Love a Newsie (Darcy x Ava)
Chapter 14- Good Things (Specs x Marley)
Chapter 15- Once and For All (Davey x Poppy)
Chapter 16- Overwhelmed (Darcy x Ava)
Chapter 17- Mrs. Samuels (Specs x Marley)
Chapter 18- Family (Davey x Poppy)
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macbethz · 3 months ago
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I've really been enjoying @derinthescarletpescatarian 's Child of a Wandering Star, an amazing first encounter story from the POV of the aliens, and the image of an astronaut being read as a baby star-god was so delicious to me so I had to draw the "hatching" scene.
and because im normal i was like well if im drawing the aliens I need to hunt down mentions of their physical appearance so I can know exactly what they look like and model them after real arthropods. obviously
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mebis-art-dump · 1 month ago
mobile iterator based on @capricoopla 's amazing design
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your design is so clever and cool it inspired me to draw my own take on it
while I gave mine similarly exposed flesh and inspector limbs as well, I wanted to go for a more "cobbled together" look (more details on my tags)
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leashybebes · 4 months ago
i was yapping at @sazzynatural about my hurdle headcanon and then my hand slipped and now here we are, i guess!
tweaked a little and posted on ao3 [here]. thanks, y'all!
"Hey, Evan?"
"Yeah?" Buck calls, from where he's checking through his cupboards, making a shopping list. Tommy doesn't respond immediately and he turns back from where he's surveying the spice rack to look at him. "What's up?"
Tommy has that fond look on his face that, as far as Buck is concerned, might as well just be what his face looks like. The way that Tommy looks at him lights him up inside. He doesn't think anyone has ever looked at him that way, the way that he catches Tommy looking, so soft and endeared, like just looking at Buck makes him happy. It's - 
"I love you."
Buck's heartbeat roars in his ears. 
"Y-you - um. What? No, wait, I mean. I heard you. Tommy, that's - "
"Evan." He still looks fond, and that should be impossible, because Buck is screwing up, he has ring-side seats to this, is actively watching himself screw up, and Tommy's still looking at him like - like that. "Stop spiraling. You don't need to say it back, I just wanted you to - "
"No, no, it's not - uh - I, uh. I said I'd meet Maddie for coffee during her shift and if I don't leave now I'm gonna be late, so I, um. C-can we talk about this later? O-over dinner, maybe?"
Tommy's shoulders slump a little at that. "Uh. Sure. If you like."
"Uh-huh, yeah, that'd be great, I'll be back, don't uh - don't go anywhere, I won't be long, I just really - really need to get that coffee with Maddie, I can't be late but uh - that's - that's great, Tommy."
He sees Tommy's eyebrows go up, sees him mouth great, and then he's out the door.
Oh, shit.
The drive to dispatch goes in a blur, and he must look pretty freaked out because as soon as Maddie sees him, she quickly finishes her call and drags him into the breakroom.
"What's wrong?" she asks.
"I - I thought we could get coffee," Buck says lamely, and she gives him the big sister eyebrows. "Really," Buck says a bit frantically. "Can - can we have coffee?"
Maddie rolls her eyes, but she pours them both a coffee and hands him his, putting the table between them and leaning against it.
"I have fifteen minutes. Talk."
"Tommy said he loves me," Buck blurts.
"Buck, wow. That's amazing." Maddie's eyes widen at him over her coffee cup. "Wait. Not amazing?"
"I didn't - uh. I didn't say it back?" Buck says, and feels his heart sink. 
"Wait, you didn't?" Maddie tilts her head, looks honestly baffled. Which - fair. Buck is a little obsessed. "Do you - not?"
Of course I do, Buck thinks. How could I not?
"I - I'm being intentional," Buck says, and it sounds hollow already. "I don't wanna rush it and I had like - a timeline."
"Did - did you tell him about the timeline?"
"N-not in so many words," Buck admits.
"Evan! Please tell me you didn't just run out on the poor guy," Maddie pleads, over the sound of the breakroom door opening again. Buck doesn't even care about a potential audience, he's so suddenly miserable at the way he left Tommy at the loft.
"I - I didn't run," he says although - it was probably a close thing. "I…I told him I had to get coffee with you and we'd talk about it later," he admits, his voice getting smaller with every word.
Maddie's face does the thing - the scrunched up pout like she's holding back on telling him that he's a damn moron. Buck scrubs his hands over his face.
"Is this Buck's hot pilot?" Josh asks from where he's pouring coffee.
Buck hears Maddie's mm-hm. 
"He said he loves me," he says, still hiding behind his hands.
"Con…gratulations?" Josh says dubiously. "Or, how awful for you? I'm really not clear on the desired response here."
"He thinks it's too soon," Maddie says. "He had a timeline. Which he did not share."
"We were taking it slow!" 
"I hate to break it to you, but the way that man looks at you is not slow," Josh says.
"He's not wrong," Maddie says, and Buck hangs his head. Because they're right. They're both right.
"Look, you know me. I stumble into things, I end up too serious too fast and it blows up in my face. I - I really didn't want it to blow up in my face. And then he just goes and - and looks at me like that, and says that, and I don't - guys, I think I really screwed up."
Maddie gives him a sympathetic look. 
Josh gives him a deeply, deeply unsympathetic one. "Oh, I have totally dated a Tommy."
"I'm sorry, what?" Buck glares at Josh who looks supremely unimpressed.
"Calm down, ankles," he tuts, and Buck is absolutely going to kill Eddie. Or Chim. He's going to kill someone. How does everyone know about that? "I said I dated a Tommy, your man's virtue is safe."
"What does that mean, you dated a Tommy?"
"Look, not everyone knows when they're five like me, and not everyone goes from adorably clueless to out and proud as fast as you. Sometimes, and I know this might be a little revolutionary for you, Buck, but sometimes the queer experience? Fucking miserable for a really long time. So sometimes you just want to grab happiness where you can find it, as soon as you find it."
Buck thinks about the things he's learned about Tommy over the months they've been seeing each other, each one a little treasure to be hoarded, a part of the puzzle that makes up the man that he already can't imagine life without - the asshole father, the dead mom, the army, the closet, the loneliness - and he wants to slap himself. 
His phone buzzes in his pocket and he pulls it out, his heart sinking further at the message Tommy's sent.
Do you want me to cancel the reservation?
Buck turns his phone to show Maddie and Josh the message.
"What reservation?" Maddie asks
"Dinner," Buck says miserably. "Date night."
"Okay," Josh says. "Some of us are supposed to be working and don't have time for your little baby bi crisis. Evan Buckley, are you actually going to fumble that man? Before you answer, be aware that two thirds of the population of WeHo will get a hard-on the moment he's back on the market even if they won't know why."
"He's not going back on the market," Buck snaps. "I just - I just need to talk to him."
"There we go," Josh says, rolling his eyes and disappearing with his mug of coffee, and an idiot called back over his shoulder.
Maddie's a little kinder, hugging him quickly. "Tell him how you feel, Buck. Talk it out."
By the time Buck gets back to the loft, he has another message from Tommy.
Hey, I headed back to my place. Let me know if you want to talk, or if you want dinner. I'm sorry if that was too much. It doesn't have to change anything.
"Goddamnit," Buck grumbles, throwing the Jeep back into gear. The drive to Tommy's has never felt so long, and he sits outside for long enough that the neighbor across the street is just openly staring through the blinds. It's enough to propel him out of the car and up to the door.
It takes Tommy a minute to answer when Buck knocks and he looks - surprised to see him, honestly. Buck feels a horrible twist of guilt.
"Can I come in?"
"Evan. Of course. You want a coffee or something?"
"No," Buck says, trailing Tommy into the kitchen. "I - I did have one with Maddie, I'm kinda…vibrating out of my skin enough as it is."
"I'm sorry. That's not what I was aiming for."
"Y-you don't need to be - Tommy, I - "
"Hey, look, it's fine," Tommy says, and it looks like he really believes it. Like it really is completely fine that he told Buck he loves him and Buck's response was to buffer internally for a minute and then run out of his own damn apartment like his ass was on fire. Tommy taps his knuckles on the table between them in what Buck recognises as a nervous gesture. "I know that I'm not - I'm not the forever guy, and that's okay. I didn't say it to make you say it back. I said it because it's true and I wanted you to know."
"What are you talking about?"
"That I - " Tommy honestly looks a little puzzled. "What I said, this morning. It wasn't - there weren't any strings attached."
"You're not the forever guy? What the hell does that mean?"
"Just that - that I know I'm not exactly a…long-term prospect, and that's okay."
Okay? It's so far from okay. It's the worst thing Buck has ever heard.
"How are you not a long-term prospect? That's - that's the dumbest thing I ever heard, take that back."
"Evan. I used the L word and you couldn't get out of there fast enough. It's okay. You don't have to try to make me feel better. It's fine."
"It's not fine," Buck snaps, rounding the table to get closer to Tommy, catching hold of his wrist. "I'm not - look, I had a timeline, which, Maddie pointed out I didn't actually tell you about that, so that's my bad. But it was a timeline for me, to stop me going too fast and falling too hard and - and going full Buck. I didn't expect that you would - "
"Stomp all over this mysterious timeline?" Tommy asks, his eyebrows going up.
"And I'm now realizing how stupid that was. Did - did you mean it?"
"Evan. Of course I meant it." He glances down at where Buck is still squeezing his wrist, not quite holding his hand "I - honestly, I didn't think it would come as a surprise, I'm not exactly - "
"I love you."
Tommy blinks. "Evan - "
"Please believe me. Tommy. God, I screwed this up so bad, but - I do. I do love you. You are the forever guy. You're my forever guy. I promise. I just - I was just scared. But about me, not about you. Never about you. Tommy, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I - "
"Evan. Say it again."
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
Buck lets himself sway forward, lets his forehead meet Tommy's shoulder. "Not the forever guy. You're a goddamn idiot is what you are."
"I'm your idiot," Tommy promises, and Buck laughs shakily.
They love each other. They love each other.
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linkedin-offficial · 2 months ago
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been thinking about hymnhearts ..
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ashipiko · 7 months ago
is it obvious that i’m a trappoler or
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royaltea000 · 3 months ago
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[jttw swk oc children] tried out giving them some new clothes but I dunno bout this one… 🤔
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total-convergence · 10 months ago
Xa ontogeny
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The Xa and how they grow. The brown-feathered kiddos past age of 1,5 are already able to fly somewhat. Xa don't show any sexual dimorphism, so there's only one Xa image for each life stage. Here's more about this sophont: https://www.tumblr.com/total-convergence/726112557515128832/tcxa
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iteratorsex · 2 months ago
I was talking about this on discord a bit, but I think iterators would have some kind of "energy reserve" for storing organic compounds like glucose needed for supplying energy to their neurons. And a large one at that. Like some kind of fat reserve LMAO
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bisexualbumblebee-writes · 1 year ago
I Never Planned On You Chapter 17: Mrs. Samuels- Specs Samuels x Marley Samuels
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Word Count: 1.6k
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Five Years Later
Specs waved at his patient as they finally left the office, sighing in relief afterwards. Things had felt so busy lately for him with new technology with glasses, it felt like patients were coming in nonstop. But today was different. Today he made sure that his lunch hour was completely uninterrupted so he could go visit his dear fiancé. He hadn’t changed much over the years since the strike, but he did mature quite a bit. He said a quick goodbye to his receptionist before walking out and grabbing some food from his fiance’s favorite restaurant before heading to the school that she worked at, knowing it was nearing her lunchtime as well.
Marley had just finished ushering children out of her classroom to the playground for recess and walked back into her classroom, sitting at her desk with a small sigh. Her desk was piled high with spelling tests and homework to grade, but it was also decorated with gifts from students, framed newspaper clippings and a picture of her and Specs. She had changed over the years and matured into a woman. She had allowed her hair to grow out and often pulled it out of her face into a more mature look rather than the braids she had worn as a young girl. She wore a brown linen dress with a white undershirt that complemented her figure well, and her smile was void of braces.
Specs was known at the school by this point, having come to surprise his fiancé many times before. That meant he was let in with ease, which allowed him to arrive at her classroom rather quickly. He knocked on her open doorway with her free hand and a smile on his face. Even now after so many years of knowing each other she still managed to bring a smile to his face by simply existing. 
“Good afternoon, Mrs. Samuels,” he greets. Sure, it wasn’t officially her last name yet, but he was much too excited at the prospect of marrying her to care. The woman looked up and smiled at the mere sight of him. She hadn’t expected him that afternoon and she was always so excited to share lunch with him.
“Good morning,” she responded with a small blush at the name. “What a pleasant surprise, I didn’t expect company.” She stood, rounding her desk with open arms to hug him. He returned the hug with a smile, kissing the top of her head. 
“I cleared my lunch hour, figured it’s been a while since we had lunch together,” he explained, holding up the bag containing the food. “Hope you’re not too busy.” Marley shook her head and took a step back. 
“No not at all, I needed some company,” answered, making her way back to her chair and setting some papers aside. “The kids were just asking me when you were going to come back, they love you so much.” Specs laughed softly as he set the bag down in the space that the papers used to occupy. 
“I almost feel bad because I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stay,” he admitted as she opened up the bag of food to set it out for them. 
“It’s okay, I’ll tell them you came by,” she assured him as she glanced out her window, looking at the group of children playing outside. “How’s work going along? Busy?” 
“Very,” he breathed out with a quiet laugh as he sat down. “But I’m not complaining. People are allowed to get their vision improved, I’m happy with that.” The woman smiled softly at him. She always admired that he was helping people, she loved his selflessness and dedication, even if she had to remind him to take a break for himself every once in a while. 
“You look so great in the white coat, if I weren’t your fiancé I would come in once a week just to look at you,” she joked as she began to eat. The man laughed and shook his head amusedly. 
“You still could, school gets out before the office closes,” he pointed out jokingly. A small smirk settled on her lips. 
“Maybe I will, doctor,” she giggled out. “Did that shipment go smoothly? I know you were stressed out about it.” Specs nodded and grinned.  
“Everything went according to plan. Better than expected actually,” he laughed. “And how have the kids been for you? Did you ever talk to Millie’s parents?” 
“No, Millie’s parents talked at me,” she half joked. “Those people are no joke, I’ve never seen someone get so red with anger before. I didn’t mind though, I mean- she’s a good kid, I just need her to stop copying off of other kids.” The man huffed softly. 
“Some people, I swear…” he muttered. “Parents who insist their child is a saint are the worst.”
“I will believe my child is a demon because I know anything spawned from us can’t be a good outcome,” she giggled out in between bites of food.
“From you, you mean. I, meanwhile, am a godsend,” he joked, turning up his nose in a posh manner. The woman covered her mouth as she laughed. 
“Oh sure, a godsend who can’t do the dishes or make the bed, pardon me.” 
“Oh, excuse me, I thought that being the one to cook dinner and take out the trash was enough, my mistake,” he retorted with a playful grin as he took another bite of food. Marley shook her head amusedly. 
“Thank you for that, I was so tired last night I think you would’ve found me asleep in a kitchen fire if I made dinner,” she giggled out. Specs shrugged with a small smile.
“You deserved the break. You’ve been working super hard these last few weeks, I knew you were bound to get tired at some point.”
“Well, I’ll make dinner tonight, as long as you don’t claim to be a godsend.” The man rolled his eyes playfully and huffed. 
“Always has to have a catch with you,” he pouted playfully, crossing his arms like a child.
“Don’t make me give you detention,” she teased as she finished her food and tossed her trash.
“If it’s you, I don’t mind,” he joked as he finished eating as well, tossing away his own trash afterwards. The woman leaned against her desk a little, gazing at him with pursed lips. 
“You’re cheeky, you know that?”
“Of course. That’s why you fell in love with me,” he chuckled. “That, and my dashing good looks, of course.”
“Of course,” she repeated, reaching across the desk to take his hand. Specs laced their fingers together like it was second nature to him - which it probably was at this point - and lifted her hand to press a kiss to the back of it.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” He asked, his eyes conveying his sincerity as he looked into hers. 
“It’s always so flattering coming from such a handsome man,” she whispered. “You’re the love of my life, sometimes I have to remind myself this isn’t a dream.” 
“I know the feeling,” he chuckled softly. “Sometimes I’m worried that I’ll wake up any second, but I couldn’t be happier that this is real. That you’re real. And I’ll thank any higher power above for it for the rest of my life and beyond if I could.” Marley sighed in content, her sparkling eyes locked onto his.
“I’m so lucky. We’re so lucky,” she muttered. “I’m lucky to have someone to share my life with, that we spend every night together. I feel so bad for poor Poppy having to wait for Davey.” Specs nodded and smiled sympathetically. 
Davey had volunteered for the army as a medic just over four months ago, leaving Poppy at home alone. Not long after he left Poppy had discovered something shocking that made her only miss her husband even more. She’d taken to asking Marley or Specs (or sometimes both) to spend the night so the house didn’t feel so empty.  Over the years Specs and Poppy had formed a bond with each other through their love for Marley. Now they were almost (if not the same) as close as her and Poppy. 
“Yeah, she invited you to spend the night with her at some point this week right?” The man asked, earning a nod from Marley. 
“She’s got real bad morning sickness right now so I stopped by this morning too. I’m worried about her.” 
“Do you want to stop by her house on the way home too?” He asked, now concerned.
“I’m sure she would appreciate that. We can share dinner, I’m sure she would appreciate not having to cook tonight,” she answered. Specs nodded in agreement and smiled.
“I believe she said something about craving your baked chicken the last time I was there, too,” he offered. 
“I just work magic, what can I say?” She joked.
“Glad to know you’re still as humble as ever,” he retorted dryly with a sarcastic smile. She giggled and perked up as the group of children began to run from the playground to the back door, the chatter growing louder as they neared and they lined up against the wall beside her classroom. She stood with a small smile.
“Back to work we go,” she sighed in content. Specs chuckled and stood as well, pulling her into his arms to give her a quick peck.
“I’ll see you after work?” He asked with a big smile. Marley nodded as she returned the hug. 
“I’ll see you after work. Now go change some lives,” she said with a smile to match his.
“I will,” he chuckled softly, pecking her lips one last time before making his leave, saying hi to all the kids on his way out. The rowdy kiss all waved, hugged, or tried to talk to him as he passed. Marley could do little more than laugh as she opened the door to let them in, watching as her future husband walked off.
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cocajimmycola · 9 months ago
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a flag/term for when you feel all quadrants equally
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apale spec / hyperpale / palelean
apale spec: a flag/term for when your pale attraction is on the a-spectrum, but not completely apale. hyperpale: a flag/term for when your pale attraction is hyper. similar to hyperromantic. palelean: a flag/term for when you feel all quadrants, but feel pale attraction more often/strongly.
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a-ashen spec / hyperashen / ashenlean
a-ashen spec: a flag/term for when your ashen attraction is on the a-spectrum, but not completely a-ashen. hyperashen: a flag/term for when your ashen attraction is hyper. similar to hyperromantic. ashenlean: a flag/term for when you feel all quadrants, but feel ashen attraction more often/strongly.
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apitch spec / hyperpitch / pitchlean
apitch spec: a flag/term for when your pitch attraction is on the a-spectrum, but not completely apitch. hyperpitch: a flag/term for when your pitch attraction is hyper. similar to hyperromantic. pitchlean: a flag/term for when you feel all quadrants, but feel pitch attraction more often/strongly.
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aflush spec / hyperflush / flushlean
aflush spec: a flag/term for when your flushed attraction is on the a-spectrum, but not completely aflushed. hyperflush: a flag/term for when your flush attraction is hyper. similar to hyperromantic. flushlean: a flag/term for when you feel all quadrants, but feel flushed attraction more often/strongly.
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laz-kay · 1 year ago
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“I can see clearly now. Hey look, the rain is gone”
Bob's Burgers, The Bleakening Part 2 (S8: E9)
Bob's Burgers, Boys just wanna have Fungus (S10: E2)
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vigilskeep · 7 months ago
um calenhad aeducan lore. known fondly as prince cal by the people of orzammar and also me. he’s called that after the founder of the theirin line, because after ferelden successfully rebelled against orlesian rule, orzammar was like oh fuck we’ve got to repair that relationship as if we didn’t just sit by the whole time that was happening. so there were a bunch of these kind of uh diplomatic publicity stunts happening around the time he was born. and nothing about his life has ever not been someone else’s angle
his mother was one of endrin’s lesser concubines from a lower status house, and every jealous eye turned in her direction when she bore the king a son. despite that, endrin’s queen took her and the baby under her wing. it wasn’t entirely altruistic. the queen had no sons of her own, so cal could serve instead as her “contender” for heir against trian, the son of her long-time rival, a favoured concubine called lady rosdrada. the queen also happened to be a notable warrior, a powerful reaver, who died years later on a deep roads expedition under mildly suspicious circumstances, with many blaming lady rosdrada. (she was never publicly accused but neither did the king ever marry her and allow her to rise to the queen’s vacant place, a fact bitterly resented by her faction.)
cal’s mother, who returned the queen’s protection and favour with fierce loyalty, was first among rosdrada’s accusers. furious that punishment never came, she changed almost overnight from a shy, humble woman to a politician who could in her own right engage in the life or death battle for succession, raising her son to be the fulfilment of the late queen’s ambitions. he was trained since childhood in both the ways of princely charm and the ways of a reaver warrior, all to be the vengeance of a woman whose face he sometimes struggles to remember. perhaps there was a time, as boys, when he tried to be a brother to trian despite it all, but with his mother’s teachings always in his ears and trian less bearable each year, he’s long since accepted that deadly conflict between them is inevitable. he’s never eager to be the ruthless aeducan prince, but he’s always done his duty, however ugly. he never turns down the foul-tasting reaver concoctions, or quakes when he’s sent to the deep roads. he always defends his house’s honour and makes the point in blood. anything less is death; his mother tells him so
he doesn’t truly want the throne. he just wants more than anything to have the weight of expectations off his shoulders, and to no longer dread that his mother, his second, and all who support them will pay the deadly price of his failure. he’ll jump blindly at the chance to get this fight over with—and that’s all the opportunity bhelen ever needed
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chronicowboy · 4 months ago
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i'm connecting dots...
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snowflake194 · 3 months ago
Before Eddie moves back to El Paso, Buck helps him pack—boxing up memories, deciding what to sell, what to leave for the movers. Somehow, they end up on the couch again, Eddie’s fingers tracing the armrest, Buck nursing his third beer of the night.
"Do you want it?" Eddie asks, breaking the silence. "Want what?" Buck looks over, mid-sip. "The couch," Eddie says softly. "Do you… do you want my couch?"
And just like that, Eddie gives Buck the couch—the couch. The only one that’s ever really felt right. The only one Buck’s ever needed.
And it doesn’t come with a girlfriend. It comes with a goodbye.
EDIT: Okay I ended up writing a full fic out of this right here
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originalcrime · 5 months ago
what if they do a firehouse bottle episode that’s a breakfast club send-up with gerrard as the principal. and the horrible horrible makeover is eddie shaving the mustache
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