#specifically pixal
ittetsuspecs · 8 months
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I miss drawing her 🥹 or maybe I just missed drawing boobs and women
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jinxed-ninjago · 2 months
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this is way too fun tbh
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l1-b1 · 10 months
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Per request, here is Pixal with this trend!
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Oh hey it's that thingy i talked about ages ago!!
Woah boy that took a while ahaha
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yeetusthemighty · 5 months
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cas-theghostking · 6 months
Hi, sorry if this seems like a bizarre request, but I feel it would suit him. Zane seems like he'd be a dancer, and I'd like to see your design of him dancing (it can be as uncomplicated or as complex as you please)! And if you'd like, you could include another Ninja (or as many as you'd like)! It's all up to you; I would like to see him as a dancer! :D
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So this ask was from two years ago and I completely forgot it existed but I absolutely loved this idea so here's zane and pixal doing the lindy hop!
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neteyammeowmeow · 1 year
Ninjago Nationality HCs 🐳
(breaking the bloyd for a moment... i know that ninjago's worldbuilding isn't actually like the real world, but i really love including culture in my works most of the time, so i assigned nationalities so their references are a lot more clear/organized)
🐉Lloyd: Chinese-Japanese
🦈Benthomaar: Afro-Indian (South Asia) + Sri Lankan (Merlopia in itself is Ancient Greek)
🛠Sora: Japanese
🥧Arin: Afro-Filipino
🍃Morro: Chinese-Indonesian
🌊Nya: Japanese-Malaysian-Indonesian
💥Kai: Japanese-Malaysian-Indonesian
⚡Jay: Korean
🌴Cole: Indonesian
🏔Zane: Japanese-Singaporean
🔧Pixal: Japanese-Singaporean
☀Skylor: Filipino
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skrunklydoo · 18 days
me and @lonleyzodiac have been working on a MASSIVE revamp of the dungeons & elements AU to flesh out the characters (or players as they are in this AU) so here are some misc fun facts and headcanons about the players!!
- jay is irish, but ed n edna are welsh. he’s lived in canada with them all his life and was brought up as welsh, however halfway through the master of the mountain campaign (when he (as a player) was around 15) ed n edna told him that 1. he’s adopted and 2. he’s irish
- he told the others about it a bit before a session started and everyone was shocked to say the least
- jay almost exclusively speaks welsh at home, except when his parents talk to customers or when he has people over. his accent is a mix of canadian and welsh, however whenever he gets mad or stressed his (northern) welsh accent (i’d like to imagine that ed n edna in this AU are from anglesey? that’s just for reference) gets noticeably thicker/stronger
- after he’s told that he’s irish, jay starts learning irish gaelic!!
- skylor, nya and pixal (i might call pix’s player something like penelope tbh) are a polycule but all thought it would be funny to just not give their characters that
- nya in particular thought it would be really funny to have her character date jay
- jay and zane are a couple and were in on nya, skylor and pix’s idea for the campaign because they also found it ridiculously funny
- when jay introduced his character at the very start of the campaign, wu (the teacher DM, it started off as a school D&D club) pointed out “jay isn’t this just your life” and he responded with “yes” and did not say anything afterwards
- dragons rising is DM’d by lloyd in a random library
- geo is that one player who does not show up for half the sessions, it’s a 50/50 chance on if he’ll show up or if he’ll be banished to The Void™ (he just goes to guitar lessons)
- cole mentioned to him “oh yeah i’m part of a D&D group!!” once and geo immediately asked him “can i join??”. strangely enough they are the only couple to have their characters also be a couple
- vania is a massive theatre kid, she specifically is a massive starkid fan
- starfarer is an underground and obscure comic series that lloyd and jay are both obsessed with. needless to say they are both shocked when it turns out that jay’s dad is cliff gordon
- riyu is based off of lloyd’s pet cat of the same name!!
- the entire skybound campaign was an omen to the future. jay just thought it would be a funny haha twist if it turned out that his character was adopted. until MOTM
- edna often calls jay ‘blodyn’, which is welsh for ‘flower’ and a term of endearment
- geo is a kandi kid and has made him and cole matching singles
- geo often calls cole things like dragi (romanian for 'dear') and dragul mea (romanian for 'my love/my dear') as in this AU he is romanian-canadian!!
- jay is a wiccan
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oneleggedgiraffe · 2 years
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drew the ninja in outfits I wear
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i added notes about my clothes bc some of them have lore
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Nya and Pixal talk about what it means to be Samurai X. 
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kindaasrikal · 2 months
I like to think the ninja casually have elemental accidents. Specifically when they first found them.
Zane sometimes freezes the water pipes. He also is not allowed on laundry duty anymore, everyone is sick of getting frozen popsicles instead of their clothes.
Cole accidentally creates sinkholes in the training yard and for some reason its always Pixal falling down them.
Everyone has some form of a lightning scar because of Jay.
Lloyd creates bombs out of his hands by accident. No one hands him things anymore.
Nya is horrible to have around winter because when she’s in a bad mood, the snow around them turns mushy and gross and somehow it always end up somewhere uncomfortable.
Kai is constantly on fire during the summer. Literally. His hair is on fire. It’s why no one can sleep below or on top of him with the bunk beds, they like having a home and would rather not collapse in the middle of the night.
Morro accidentally makes things float when he’s feeling any strong emotion, and be careful when around an excited Euphrasia, she will and has accidentally blasted people into walls (Wyldefyre’s broken ribs is proof)
Wyldefyre bursts into flames when angry and sweats too much, no body wants to touch her hands because of it.
Sora has made evil robots more then once and calls them her babies despite them actively trying to murder Lloyd and her, she also has dismantled a bunch of important tech by accident.
Arin and Pixal are sick of it, and Pixal is very much tempted to create safe venge stone bracelets for these lot because if another of her damn creations break no one will be safe.
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rarlkove · 9 months
My hot take is that PIXAL would have a horrible time in The Administration. I think they hand her a stack of forms and she, having been a secretary but specifically having been a secretary during the most obnoxiously tech-obsessed era of Ninjago City goes "Erm. Do you have these in digital format?" and the Adminstration says "No." and her eye twitches a little.
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jinxed-ninjago · 2 months
Since I am physically suffering (headache that has been triggering my anxiety and body aches), here's a poll before I try to get some sleep.
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dexylloyd · 8 days
Hello! Here are some sketches and some of my headcanons!
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Lloyd: Japanese/Chinese/British
Wu, Garmadon and FSM: Japanese/Chinese
Misako: Japanese/British
Kai and Nya: Italian/Vietnamese
Jay: Irish/Korean
Cole: African-American/Indian
Zane: Not having a clear nationality this cutie can be how he wants but I mostly hc them as a person poc
Pixal: The same as Zane but I see her Dad Cyrus as south Korean
Skylor: Irish/American
Morro: Italian/American
Harumi: Japanese
Vania: Tibetan/Nepali
Benthomaar: As much as I love him I really don't have a specific hc for him, I think he would be from the same zones where lemon sharks are!
(the Italians ones are a bit of a meme, because I'm Italian and sometimes I joke about Italian stereotypes, for example: Kai favourite football team is the Neapolitan one lol)
Maybe in another post I will also do sexualities and genders but for this time I don't really have the energy :P
For the other hcs in the pictures:
I headcanon that the FSM putted some kind of mechanics in the humans to identify what is not human. But, well, he and his family are not really humans themselves! So plain mortals can't see their faces and also see some kind of halo on them, to symbolize their "divine" status (none of them knows about it tho).
But there are exceptions:
-Kids before puberty can see them clearly;
-People who have been in contact with supernatural/magical things for a really long time;
-And, the most rare, people who naturally can see them for all their life;
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writer-room · 11 months
Dragons Rising is too dangerous for us, cause now the writers have proved they care about their characters. Pixal still existing, Kai having screen time again, and finally acknowledging Lloyd is the grandson of God? This is too much power. One has not ever dared get their hopes up in Ninjago, not for anything.
And they're gonna be the death of me specifically, because now the chances that they'll acknowledge Lloyd's dragon heritage aren't at zero anymore.
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So I sat down the other day and went through the crane wives albums and some other songs to assign to Ninjago characters and I've finally sat down and decided to write the post out. The content are going to be under cut because this post will certainly be too long. I'm going to go album by album here starting with Coyote Stories and ending Here I Am: From The Listening Room.
(any and all "(X)" are simply links to the songs <3)
okay, here we go!
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Coyote Stories
Keep You Safe: in some ways, I like to interpret part of this song as relating to Nya's perfectionism, especially within Possession. The bridge especially and lines "What if the steps I take turn out to be mistakes? How can someone like me learn to say "come what may"?" (X)
Allies or Enemies: this is Jay and Cole to me from Rebooted to ToE. Specifically, from Cole's perspective. The song has a lot of regret and bitterness in it that I just think fits so well. The first verse and second verse ("you owe me ears from dropping eaves"), and the bridge are all so clear to me. The bridge, "what happens now? do we have another go (oh) do we bow out and take our separate roads, I'll admit I've had my doubts (oh) but I want to be let in not out (oh) I want to be let in now out", reads to me like Cole's sudden giving in and desperation in their match in ToE. (X)
Hard Sell: this one's a little loser but it reminds me of Lloyd struggles to keep himself strong and straight with everything that gets thrown at him, all the stress. To be The Green Ninja (X).
Little Soldiers: Young Garmadon and Wu, I think. It's their doomed brotherhood, the way they loved each other clearly as impulsive youth ("on the broken backs of all the words we spared, like little soldiers in the trenches, it was a march we made through ruin and despair but we held hands all the while") but ultimately Wu couldn't keep his brother. The bridge reminds me of the war. (X)
Metaphor: Harumi, obviously. There's really no debate, it's her fake mask as the Jade Princess, it's her relationship to Lloyd even. "I've gotten good at leaning on metaphors, I've gotten good at leaning on someone else's page, I cut my teeth on second hand sentiments, you can't trust a single thing I say" -> princess era. It's a sweetly bitter song, chalk full of implications of trauma. The line "but I always dig up bones in your sympathy, I can't trust a single thing you say" is relevant to her relationship with Lloyd, I feel. (X)
Of Everlong: This is a lovely and very soulful song, short and sweet. It's reminiscent of Pixane, to me, specifically from Pixal's perspective. There's a certain connectiveness in being in someone's head. "and if my lover will not hear it take my voice and take my spirit leave weakened and dig my hole only my lover not I can keep my soul" vs "I do not know if there is anything after this life for beings such as you or I, but if there is, I will find you there. Goodbye my Zane." (X)
New Discovery: Fairly simple and not to deep, but this is a Misako song. Adventurer and explorer, and all (X).
The Moon Will Sing: I want to preface two things, A) this interpretation is very much looser and a little less connected t the full original meaning of the song and a little more based in reworking it to fit the characters and B) Wu haters will be stabbed by my mighty and large sword. This is Morro and Wu, on a level. "I shine only with the light you gave me", the light here i the green ninja prophecy,something Morro latched onto to prove his wroth, who is, who is to Wu. The entire song as an air of bitter grief I think fit's Morro and Wu's story. Morro could've grown up and been something more than a half baked angry ghost chasing a dream from 40 years ago, but he wasn't, "I could've been anyone, anyone." (X) (X) (<- an extra link to the demo of the song!! I find it rather lovely)
(Extra note on The Moon Will Sing, I could also see this being a song about Zane/The Ice Emperor and Vex.)
Rockslide: this is about to be very unsurprising, I associate this with Cole! There's obviously the title but generally I think the energy of the song is very Cole-like, in the fun sense. There's also the lines about feeling the "quakin honey I feel it deep" which is rather self explanatory. (X)
The Hand That Feeds: I'm shaky on this one simply because I don't remember or know her character very well, but Akita. Has a lot of mention of wolves and is a very angry song against systemic oppression (though, in the song it's anti-capitalism lol). (X)
Sleeping Giants: another Cole song, mostly based on the presence of mountains, and the 'calling' aspect of the song. I also tend to associate songs with strong drums like in this with Cole (like Drumming Song by Florence and the machine) (X).
Never Love An Anchor: I've seen this song go around actually, mostly with Misako. Which, I agree with! However, I consider it a dual song with her and Garmadon. Specifically, their season one selves. It's Misako leaving Lloyd at that boarding school, it's Garmadon being so absent even though he so clearly loves his son (and despite his evilness, he doesn't seem to wish Lloyd to follow in his footsteps). The first verse really resonates with me as being Misako, clumsy hands and trying her best, and all. The last verse however, is Garmadon ("I am selfish I am broken I am cruel") and so is the line "With this heart of mine that's guilty not remorseful." If you haven't heard this song, I truly, truly recommend it, it's gut wrenching imo. (X)
Okay! We've reached the end of Coyote Stories. That's 11/12 songs out of the albums, the best ratio we have on this listing I believe. Moving onto Foxlore now!
Nothing At All: when I was looking at this song, trying to decide who to apply it to, I ended up getting kind of emotional. It's Zane, post Ice Emperor specifically. In his self-dehumanization. I'm just going to list out the lyrics that made me incredibly sad lol. "Happy is the man who wants for nothing happy is the lair happiness itself is desire", "heart broken men long to feel nothing to free themselves from strife handle pain, pain doesn't define a man it sure lends an hand getting measured in the sweeter parts of life". (X)
Down The River: Lloyd, post Garmadon revival and Crystallized. All his bitter feeling towards his father, and the angry abandonment issues. The first verse ("I've been wishig that you'd prove me wrong, that you'd come clean and rue the damage done, restore my faith in you, but you've got no reaosn to") and fifth ("Now, tell me, when you start again where will you house your skeletons? Or will they stay behind? Your settlement in kind?") especially. (X)
Can't Go Back: Zane, post Ice Emperor, again. It's that guilt man, I don't really have more to explain but know it makes me Sad. (X)
Turn Out The Lights: Jay, this is mostly about an anxiety head-canon lol, considering the song is about a racing mind. (X)
Ribs: this song is so Nya it hurts. It pretty strongly connects to her arc over the seasons about self independence, identity, and misogyny. It's her finding her place as who she is, and taking back things as her own ("It is mine, it is mine). Verse three I like to connect to her element being of Wojira's and how that is so symbolic of her place in the team (and why she reflect Morro so well in a lot of ways but I won't get into that), "time has changed the metaphor, now, dust is not the orgin of bone, little girl don't let them sell you any armor all your ribs are still your own". There's also the main chorus, which, god I got sad when I looked at it from the angle of Seabound. "The dark doesn't frighten me I chose to close my eyes, it is mine, it is mine, the night doesn't frighten me I chose to let it thrive, it is mine, it is mine." (X)
Not The Ghost: perhaps a little literal but, Cole in his Day Of The Departed era. Though, it connects to his feelings at the time more than his literal ghost-hood. It pretty strongly captures the depression, low self esteem, and growing urgency (around the Latter half of the song). You could also read some of the lyrics as paralleling the events of DOTD itself. (X)
And that's it for Foxlore, that is...6/10 I think, so not the worst either. Fun fact, this next section is my favorite album as a whole :)!
The Fool In Her Wedding Gown:
Icarus: now who else would this be about if not the doomed siblings of the series? Of course it's Wu and Garmadon. I think of this pretty strongly as paralleling their 'adventures' as young children, and then the war. "Oh my brother, oh my brother, oh my brother, who have you become in the wake of all that's happened here", yeah. The entire energy of the song has that weird sad, yet hopeful regret Wu seems to carry around with him in regards to Garmadon, it's a very loving song. (X)
Fangs: Nya, the entire song carries the desperate anger she has, the longing for independence and strength. It's bitter too, in a way that reminds me of her from Rebooted to Skybound. "I am not your highness, a damsel left helpless by fright, I am a lioness, fierce as I walk through the night", "a man will never know his bride"...and well, she was a bride once, wasn't she? (X)
That's it for TFIHWG actually, I know, sad sad ratio but I am also not suprised because a lot of the songs on this album are rather specific.
Safe Ship, Harbored:
New Colors: this one is really simple, Lloyd, and only because it reminds me about how consistently stressed he is lol. (X)
The Crooked, The Cradle: This is a Morro song, to me. The idea of were you doomed from the start (the cradle), or was this purely because of the choices you made? The line "can anyone hear me? The crooked are smiling, they know me the best" strongly reminds me of him and the Preeminent. (X)
(Additionally, this came to me as i was writing this section but I could also see this song being Garmadon coded.)
Caleb Trask: Oni Lloyd! The entire song is about the concept of having 'bad in your blood' and how you simply have to embrace it. That you cannot let it chain you, that love will bring you back. Reminds me of him. (X)
I Ain't Done: if you look at this from a purely conceptual level and energy wise, this song is very Morro. It's got his vengeful, jealous and vicious return from the dead to wreck havoc vibes lol, the lyrics in a literaly sense, however, do not fit. (X)
We're nearing the end now! kind of! 4/12 ratio.
Here I Am: Live From The Listening Room:
High Horse: Jaya, actually. From Rebooted to Skybound, from Nya's pov. Mostly, I connect it to that weird, unhealthy desperation Jay had for Nya and Nya's desire to be free of it, her own self. "You're a sweet heart, you're a curse, you're a passing grade on a low, low bar, you've got your eyes open, I know your worth, but I've got so many things in my hungry, hungry heart", sums it up pretty well. (X)
Here I Am: This one's Cole, but it's a bit of a mixture on why. First up, it's again DOTD era Cole with all his being forgotten angst and anxiety. Secondly, and maybe more painfully, it really reminds me of his and Lou's relationship early on. Neglected child core, and all that ("I promised myself I'd learn to be the one who leaves, with no more roots to tie me down, it's just a different kind of lonely"). The last verse is strongly reminiscent of his pure stubbornness, too. (X)
Queen Of Nothing: Solidly Harumi, a lot on vibes and mood. It's got a dark, sort of unsatisfied sound to it. The chorus screams her , "Isn't this what you wanted? Time sure feels like it's running out, just finish what you started, queen of nothing wearing such a heavy crown." (X)
Sowing Seeds: this one's a bit more general, it reminds me of Possession, the season. It's also a very moody song, having a tired, haunted sort of energy. It also fits nicely into the theme of consequences in Possession. The first verse ("still as a lake long after the wind is gone, in the face of a thief mashing ground to mud, still as a street long after the work is done, as he gnashes his teeth, as he cuts it up, cuts it up") heavily reminds me of Morro. (X)
Hollow Moon: fairly simple, Hollow Moon reminds me of Cole's fear on DOTD. It's got that spooky and paranoid sort of energy. (X)
The Wolf: this both a Harumi and Morro, bearing that bitter, self destructive energy. (X)
Now, that concludes all the albums thus far, and I know I sad we'd leave off on HIA:LFTLR, however, I am a lair. There's a couple songs that aren't on albums that's be a shame not to mention.
Margaret: this is Misako, in her loss of her husband, and her trails to find a way to fix things. "She's breaking her knuckles on truths that keep her awake, and she's tired but her jaw is set, she won't lose any more of the heart she still has left, so she says a prayer pulls the covers near and waits, Margaret won't sleep tonight." Lovely song. (X)
Scars: this is a newly released song! I believe it connects back to Never Love An Anchor, and as such, it fits Lloyd very well. Specifically in relation to Garmadon, post revival. It so so fits all that anger in him at his dad ("cause I was born with a whole in my heart, yeah, we were fucked from the start, tell me it's inevitable I'd end up with scars from falling down, down, we were always meant to fall apart"). (X) (X) (<- the second is a live audio recording that is personally my favorite!)
Okay, no we're done! Anyways, if you read all the way down here I hope any of this made sense. This is a little bit of a love letter to The Crane Wives and Ninjago, I spent hours doing this lol. If you haven't heard any or some of these songs, please do listen to them!! Every song mentioned should have an accompanying link. Anyways, time to end this stupidly long post, please share if you have any thoughts or connect songs differently!!!!!!!!
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