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babyawacs · 1 month ago
.@g20 .@g7 @g20 @g7 .@profklausschwab @imf @wef .@wef .@thefuture @thefuture .@science @sciam @eu_commission @gop .@dnc .@potus .@vp .@eu_commission @eucouncil .@eucouncil @euparl_en .@euparl_dk iwouldnothave picked lithiumbatteries as basis of mobility in #thefuture andits coal producing energy tomine lithium to combustcoal to specialmaterials bulk distribute. iwouldhavechosen commonmaterials hydrogenfuelcells and colors of hydrogenwith all problems of hydrogens mostly around storage energydensity agresiveness and carbonfibre insulations of pipings tanks etc itis somewhat easier too onthe supplychain firms but keypoint stop combusting hydrocarbs and problemsfrom ethaneleaks methane conversions methane transport and conversion decentralised and muchmore in established broad infrastructure itis better than all lithium and hopes for other batteries
.@g20 .@g7 @g20 @g7 .@profklausschwab @imf @wef .@wef .@thefuture @thefuture .@science @sciam @eu_commission @gop .@dnc .@potus .@vp .@eu_commission @eucouncil .@eucouncil @euparl_en .@euparl_dk iwouldnothave picked lithiumbatteries as basis of mobility in #thefuture andits coal producing energy tomine lithium to combustcoal to specialmaterials bulk distribute. iwouldhavechosen commonmaterials…
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storeinnovacera · 3 years ago
How to solve the problem of fragile ceramic parts?
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As we all know, advanced ceramics are special materials with a variety of physical properties. As structural ceramics and functional ceramics apply in machinery, electronics, chemical industry, metallurgy, energy, aerospace, and many other fields. But ceramics have an obvious disadvantage-fragility. The main reason is that the toughness of most ceramics is low, which leads to an increase in brittleness. There is a ceramic - zirconia with high toughness. It is formed by thousands of unit cells to form crystals. It then undergoes high-temperature phase transformation to form microcrystalline ceramics so that the ceramics have excellent wear resistance and drop resistance and high-temperature resistance. ZrO2 ceramic products are white. When the ceramic contains other impurities, the ceramic is grey or yellow. Commonly used molding processes are injection and dry press. They are usually made into crucibles, mobile phone cases, ceramic shafts, abrasive materials, refractory materials, etc. It is believed that in the near future, the excellent characteristics of zirconia ceramics will be widely used in more fields. Read the full article
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watchoutzhk · 7 years ago
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GA-110BT-1A #casio #gshock #watch #watchoutz #watchoutzhk #watchuseek #leather #syntheticleather #digital #analog #shockresist #twosystems #black #specialmaterial #unusualmaterials (at Watch Outz 注目時計)
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jiezhengdigital-blog · 6 years ago
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#flange #specialmaterial https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnv_-bTlEnD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v58tfgawsky
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surfingogo-blog · 7 years ago
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イル・ギオットーネ 京都店 🍕 ドルチェ🍧✨ 京都 祇園 五重塔が見えるイタリアンレストラン 😊 Part Ⅳ 🌃 IL GHIOTTONE GION KYOTO 🍝 Dolce 🍧✨ ltalian restaurant with five-storied pagoda🏯 😊 Part Ⅳ 🎉 #イルギオットーネ #京都 #祇園 #四条 #五重塔 #八坂の塔 #イタリアン #イタリアンレストラン #特選素材 #ドルチェ #デザート #スイーツ #かき氷 #さくらんぼ #抹茶 #ILGHIOTTONE #gion #kyoto #shijo #fivestoriedpagoda #yasaka #italian #italianrestaurant #specialmaterial #dolce #dessert #kakigori #cherry #Japanesetea #matcha
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vjcuba · 8 years ago
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#wrap #wrapping #golfcarwrap #carwrap #specialmaterial #goodprint #goodprices #goodjob #jose #wrapmaster #vjcuba #vjcuba.com (at PrintHouseUSA.com Inc.)
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mikkiperdue · 7 years ago
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WoW the customers choice ! Leather front, combined with faux black leather :) of the 0084B ! #boetieksowieso#hasselt#maastrichterstraathasselt #marialaverda#leather#specialprints#straight#autumn#specialmaterials (bij Maria la Verda)
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scitechman · 6 years ago
Cooperation with American and Chinese Colleagues Led CEITEC Scientists to the Discovery of a Promising Metasurface
Cooperation with American and Chinese Colleagues Led CEITEC Scientists to the Discovery of a Promising Metasurface
Experts from the Fabrication and Characteristics of Nanostructures team from CEITEC BUT took part in exciting collaborative research. Together with their colleagues from the USA and Hong Kong they studied a  specialmaterial – vanadium dioxide (VO2) – and possibilities how to use it for fabrication of optical metasurfaces on a large scale. 
At the beginning of this international cooperation was…
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babyawacs · 1 month ago
.@thefuture @thefuture .@science @sciam @eu_commission @gop .@dnc .@potus .@vp .@eu_commission @eucouncil .@eucouncil @euparl_en .@euparl_dk iwouldnothave picked lithiumbatteries as basis of mobility in #thefuture andits coal producing energy tomine lithium to combustcoal to specialmaterials bulk distribute. iwouldhavechosen commonmaterials hydrogenfuelcells and colors of hydrogenwith all problems of hydrogens mostly around storage energydensity agresiveness and carbonfibre insulations of pipings tanks etc itis somewhat easier too onthe supplychain firms but keypoint stop combusting hydrocarbs and problemsfrom ethaneleaks methane conversions methane transport and conversion decentralised and muchmore in established broad infrastructure itis better than all lithium and hopes for other batteries
.@thefuture @thefuture .@science @sciam @eu_commission @gop .@dnc .@potus .@vp .@eu_commission @eucouncil .@eucouncil @euparl_en .@euparl_dk iwouldnothave picked lithiumbatteries as basis of mobility in #thefuture andits coal producing energy tomine lithium to combustcoal to specialmaterials bulk distribute. iwouldhavechosen commonmaterials hydrogenfuelcells and colors of hydrogenwith all…
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babyawacs · 9 months ago
#ecology #mobility .@future .@thefuture .@eu_commission .@potus .@vp @vp @potus @euparl_en @euparl_dk @eucouncil instead huge amounts of special materials as a new business speculation bubble and ecology irrelevant gre enwash new ecology monstrosities ahead: #keypoint special materials s p i c e atbest common specialmaterials like ceramics in fuelcells hydrogenfu elcells #keypoint the problems the inefficiencies cause as drawback lead to different implications scaled than bulk volumes massivevolumes of sp ecialmaterials and other worsedrawback of inefficiencies #keypoint colloss albatteries are a mistake while the science can still make miracles the scaleabiity with its implications are not what it seems in small per unit c alculations #keypoint the efficiency of hydrogen colors x commonspecial materials x spiced with rate specialmaterials at worst I am Christian KIS S BabyAWACS - Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLH OLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] FluffyBunnyShee [email protected] Helpful? support. donnate. pay. https: //wise.com/share/christiank426 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/christiankiss
#ecology #mobility .@future .@thefuture .@eu_commission .@potus .@vp @vp @potus @euparl_en @euparl_dk @eucouncil instead huge amounts of special materials as a new business speculation bubble and ecology irrelevant greenwash new ecology monstrosities ahead: #keypoint special materials s p i c e atbest common specialmaterials like ceramics in fuelcells hydrogenfuelcells #keypoint the problems the…
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babyawacs · 2 years ago
#oil .@energy .@aramco @saudiaramco .@ajam the world shifted to natgas plays ec ological.  #keypoint become part of the solution with hydrogen where each ineffi ciency of consumed energy units simply produces water.  this with common highte chmaterials in fuelcells atbest spiced with special catalysts incontrary to massive volumes of specialmaterials as basis standards must protect the reusability of water hydrogenstorage requiring gasgrid as storage greensteel interim tanks varia tions and some other synergies with fiber optics ground works can share burdens  but better than lithium batteries and natgas with ethane leaks and fracking only
#oil .@energy .@aramco @saudiaramco .@ajam the world shifted to natgas plays ecological. #keypoint become part of the solution with hydrogen where each inefficiency of consumed energy units simply produces water. this with common hightechmaterials in fuelcells atbest spiced with special catalysts incontrary to massivevolumes of specialmaterials as basis standards must protect the reusability of…
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storeinnovacera · 4 years ago
How to solve the problem of fragile ceramic parts?
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As we all know, advanced ceramics are special material with a variety of physical properties. They as structural ceramics and functional ceramics apply in machinery, electronics, chemical industry, metallurgy, energy, aerospace and many other fields. But ceramics have an obvious disadvantage-fragility. The main reason is that the toughness of most ceramics is low, which leads to an increase in brittleness. There is a ceramic - zirconia with high toughness. It is formed by thousands of unit cells to form crystals. It then undergoes high-temperature phase transformation to form microcrystalline ceramics so that the ceramics have excellent wear resistance and drop resistance and high-temperature resistance. ZrO2 ceramic products are white. When the ceramic contains other impurities, the ceramic is grey or yellow. Commonly used moulding processes are injection and dry press. They are usually made into crucibles, mobile phone cases, ceramic shafts, abrasive materials, refractory materials, etc. It is believed that in the near future, the excellent characteristics of zirconia ceramics will be widely used in more fields. Read the full article
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surfingogo-blog · 7 years ago
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イル・ギオットーネ 京都店 🍝 京都 祇園 五重塔が見えるイタリアンレストラン 😊 Part Ⅱ ✌️ IL GHIOTTONE GION KYOTO 🍕 ltalian restaurant with five-storied pagoda🏯 😊 Part Ⅱ ✌️ #イルギオットーネ #京都 #祇園 #四条 #五重塔 #八坂の塔 #イタリアン #イタリアンレストラン #特選素材 #京野菜 #水ダコ #ガスパチョ #甘鯛 #鱗 #カルパッチョ #ILGHIOTTONE #gion #kyoto #shijo #fivestoriedpagoda #yasaka #italian #italianrestaurant #specialmaterial #kyoyasai #gazpacho #sweetbream #scale #carpaccio #octopus
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surfingogo-blog · 7 years ago
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イル・ギオットーネ 京都店 🍝 京都 祇園 五重塔の下で静かで優しい空間 😊 続く・・・ IL GHIOTTONE GION KYOTO 🍕 Quiet and tender space under the five-storied pagoda🏯 😊 To be continued... #イルギオットーネ #京都 #祇園 #四条 #五重塔 #八坂の塔 #イタリアン #イタリアンレストラン #特選素材 #京野菜 #稚鮎 #バーニャカウダ #炭 #海苔餅 #焼きたてのパン #ILGHIOTTONE #gion #kyoto #shijo #fivestoriedpagoda #yasaka #italian #italianrestaurant #specialmaterial #kyoyasai #bakedbread #freshwatertrout #Bagnacauda #Coal #mochi
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surfingogo-blog · 7 years ago
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イル・ギオットーネ 京都店 🍝 京都 祇園 五重塔の下で静かで優しい空間 😊 続く・・・ IL GHIOTTONE GION KYOTO 🍕 Quiet and tender space under the five-storied pagoda🏯 😊 To be continued... #イルギオットーネ #京都 #祇園 #四条 #五重塔 #八坂の塔 #イタリアン #イタリアンレストラン #特選素材 #京野菜 #稚鮎 #バーニャカウダ #炭 #海苔餅 #美味しい水 #ILGHIOTTONE #gion #kyoto #shijo #fivestoriedpagoda #yasaka #italian #italianrestaurant #specialmaterial #kyoyasai #ayu #freshwatertrout #Bagnacauda #Coal #mochi
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