caffeinechic · 3 years
7, 16, and 99, please!
#7 - Bang! - AJR, Hayley Kiyoko. I listened to this on repeat walking the dog. more than once.
#16 - i just did 16 so how about 17? you make my dreams (come true) - hall & oates. A BOP
#99 - 100 years - florence and the machine. the fact that this list isn't all florence and hozier is fairly miraculous
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piratekane · 4 years
Prompt #40 for Vanity, please. Thanks!
40. “you saved my life.”
Vanessa frowns. “I did what?”
Charity rests her chin on her hands, the bedsheet slipping down off her shoulders. “You saved my life,” she repeats.
Vanessa snorts. “You were hardly dying when I met ya.”
“That’s not what I meant, babe.” Charity bites down on her bottom lip, looking past Vanessa and towards the closed bedroom door. The house has long since been quiet but she likes to listen for the soft pitter-patter of little feet. Years ago, it would have annoyed her. Now she longs for it. She keeps holding her boys tightly, as if they’ll stop growing as long as she does. But Moses gets a little taller every day and Johnny gets a little braver and she knows they won’t be boys for long.
Vanessa tucks some a stray hair behind Charity’s ear, fingers lingering at the shell of her ear before it drops back to the bed. “What do you mean then?”
Charity wishes she could reach into the space between them and take it back now. The words feel silly. But Vanessa is giving her those eyes - the ones that say you can tell me anything and Charity feels her resolve crumbling swiftly.
“Just that. You, you know. Saved my life.” She picks at the corner of the pillow she’s using. “Just picture where I’d be now if I wasn’t with you.”
Vanessa grins. “Uh, off with some bloke who wouldn’t appreciate you for who you are?”
“See?” Charity reaches for Vanessa, soaking it in that Vanessa reaches right back. “Off with who knows who, who knows where. Moses with Ross. Noah with Debbie. Ryan long gone,” she counts off. “I wouldn’t have stood up to Bails. I wouldn’t have had you when Lisa died.” She stretches forward, her lips brushing Vanessa’s hand. “I’d be someone completely different, babe. And...” She takes a deep breath, losing it all when she realizes she’s shaking. “And I don’t know if who I’d be would be as good as who I am right now.”
“Charity Dingle,” Vanessa says, smile softer now. “You’ve gone a bit soft, haven’t you.”
“Soft in the head,” Charity mutters. She moves to turn around but Vanessa grabs her, holding her in place. “You can forget I said that, by the way.”
Vanessa leans in, their lips brushing. “I’m never going to forget it.”
(more prompts)
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thegirl20 · 5 years
Dialogue prompt #37 for Vanity, please. Thanks!
37. Apparently, I’m your emergency contact.
He’s sitting on one of those daft beds in A&E when he hears her. Her voice is high and her words rushed, like they are when she’s angry or worried. He’s not sure which one he’s going to be on the receiving end of. He closes his eyes.
Last thing he properly remembers is going in for a header against Jonesy at footie practise. He has a vague memory of throwing up on Mr Windham’s lap. Next thing he knows he’s in the back of an ambulance and on his way to Hotten General.
The curtain opens and Vanessa almost shoves the doctor she’s been yapping at all the way down the corridor out of the way.
“Noah!” She’s at his side in an instant, hands fluttering by his face, cool against the warm skin by his bruised eye. “Are you okay? I nearly had a heart attack when they called and said you were in here.”
“M'fine,” he mumbles, trying not to blush at the attention. He’d shrug her off, but moving too much hurts the inside of his head, so he lets her fuss. “I don’t know why they had to bring me here.”
“Uh, because you were unconscious, maybe?” Vanessa says, though she looks like she’s calming down a little at least.
“Only for a bit!” he protests.
“And then you threw up,” the doctor puts in. “Multiple times.” Noah would glare at her if his eye wasn���t swollen and sore.
“Hmmm.” Vanessa’s thumb gently sweeps over the bump on his forehead, like the mums on the telly do in adverts for Calpol and plasters. She sighs, her hand slipping to the back of his neck. She meets his eyes and smiles. “Lucky hard heads run in your family, eh?”
It’s only because his head is heavier than usual that he leans into her touch. “M'telling Mum you said that,” he murmurs.
Vanessa lets out a surprised laugh. “It’s nothing I wouldn’t say to her face.” He can feel his eyes drifting closed, but she shakes him gently and he opens them again, meeting concerned blue ones. “Hey. Come on. Can’t go to sleep for a while, yeah?”
He sighs. The doctor had said that to him earlier an'all. “Fine. Can we go home now?”
Vanessa turns to the doctor who nods. “Yes, Noah. We’ll just get this paperwork completed and you can go.” She shifts her attention to Vanessa. “As I said before, it’s a mild concussion, so paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain. Keep him awake for another few hours and then just keep an eye on him for a couple of days, looking out for anything strange, changes in behaviour or personality.”
“Right, so if he suddenly turns into a sweet little angel, we’ll know something’s really wrong,” Vanessa says, making the doctor smile.
“Oi,” Noah complains. “I’m in hospital. You’re not supposed to say stuff like that.”
She winks and squeezes his shoulder. “I’m only half joking.”
He narrows his eyes at her and winces when it hurts the bruising on his face. He turns to the doctor. “What about school tomorrow? Do I get the day off?”
The doctor rolls her eyes, but she’s wearing a kind smile. “Fine. Take tomorrow off and that’ll give you a bit of a long weekend to recover.” She points at him when he fist pumps. “Back to school on Monday though, okay?” He nods and she excuses herself to go and sort out the paperwork.
Vanessa sits down on the edge of his bed. “So,” she begins. “Apparently I’m your emergency contact.”
He groans. “Don’t make a big deal of it.”
“No, I’m not going to.” She shakes her head, eyes wide like she’s worried he’ll go and change it to someone else. “I just…I didn’t know I was. Since when?”
Shrugging, he plucks at something crusty on his school jumper. It’s sick, he realises, wrinkling his nose. “Since last time they sent the form home asking.” He glances up at her. “It…it was Joe, before.”
Her face falls, obviously she hadn’t thought about that. “Right. Course.” Her eyes drop. “Sorry.”
She looks so sad for him that he feels like he needs to say something to make her feel better. He sighs. “Mum asked who I wanted to put instead. I said it might as well be you.”
His mum had looked like he’d handed her a million pounds that day; all watery eyes and wobbly bottom lip. She’d tried to cover it up by mumbling something about Vanessa definitely being the most sensible and reliable person either of them knew and he had to agree. She’s been around pretty much constantly for over a year now. And it’s that, more than the engagement or the moving in, that tells him she’s different. With everyone else, his mum was always having mad barneys, yelling and screaming and storming out every other week. And, yeah, her and Vanessa argue. But usually it’s over stupid stuff and they’ve made up within an hour. That’s new an'all. He’s seen his mum apologise when she’s in the wrong. He’s seen them both apologise and forgive. It’s all very new and very welcome, even if he fought against it for longer than he probably should have.
Right now, Vanessa’s looking at him that same way his mum had. She sniffs a bit and swallows. “Did you?”
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “Thought she’d have said to you.”
“Oh, you know what your mum’s like with details.” Vanessa rolls her eyes.
He frowns. “Where is she, anyway? Didn’t they try her first?”
“They did, but they couldn’t get hold of her. You know her phone’s been playing up and she’s over at that brewery thing in Leeds.” She smiles. “I managed to get her when I was driving in, though. So she’s on her way back. I told her not to drive like a maniac, but she’s probably completely ignored that.”
The doctor comes back in just then and they do the necessary stuff. When he stands up to leave, the world seems to tilt to the left and he almost goes with it, but Vanessa’s there, grabbing his arm and sitting him back down, talking to him and telling him to breathe and counting his breaths in and out. Once everything stops spinning, he swallows and nods.
“I’m okay. I just stood up too quick, I think.” He stands again, taking a little more care than before. Vanessa links her arm through his and he’s about to protest when she lifts an eyebrow. He shuts his mouth. Fine. If it makes her feel better, he’ll let her help him. She did come all the way down here, after all. They head out, walking far slower than he’s used to, but the movement’s still making him feel a little woozy, so he’s not complaining.
Vanessa starts to rifle through her handbag and comes out with her phone. “I’m gonna phone your mum. Let her know you’re okay.”
She puts the phone to her ear. His mum must pick up almost immediately, which isn’t like her. He can hear her voice through the phone, though not what she’s saying, and Vanessa cuts off her babbling. “Hey. No, he’s fine, I’ve got him here. No, they’ve let him out. Mild concussion. We’ve just to keep an eye on him for a couple of days, look for personality changes and that.” She laughs. “That’s what I said!”
Noah sighs. “You’re all hilarious.”
“We’re heading back to the pub, so we’ll see you there, yeah?” Vanessa smiles. “Hey, you don’t have to thank me.” She glances at Noah. “I’m his emergency contact, after all.” She smiles again. “Yeah, you did forget to mention that.” She rolls her eyes. “Okay. I love you too. Bye.” She hangs up just as they reach her car. “Hopefully that means she’ll not get stopped for speeding now she knows you’re alright.”
He nods as she opens the passenger door.
“So…I yakked up my lunch earlier.” He gives her his best puppy eyes as he gets in the car. “Can we go to McDonalds on the way home?”
Vanessa groans, hanging on the door. “Is this you taking advantage of me?”
Rumbled. “A bit. But I am starving.” He points to his head. “And injured.”
“Fine.” Vanessa narrows her eyes and points at him. “But don’t tell your mum. I’m always going on at her about getting you to eat healthy.”
He grins. “Deal.”
She tilts her head at him. “Am I the best stepmum you’ve ever had or what?”
Laughing, he shrugs. “You’re the only stepmum I’ve ever had.”
“Exactly.” She nods once, as if she’s been proven right. “So, the best by default.” She closes his door and moves around to the driver’s side, getting in and starting the engine.
“Doesn’t that also make you the worst by default?” he asks, once they’re moving.
She glares playfully at him. “Shut up, you.” She shakes her head, turning back to the road. “Too clever by half, you are.”
He lets her drive in silence for a while, biting his lip and picking at the skin by his nail. But he’s going to have to say it. “Thanks. For, you know, coming to get me and that.” It was nice, having someone be that concerned about him, when she didn’t need to be.
Her hand lands on his knee and squeezes. “I told your mum just now, you don’t have to thank me.” She shrugs. “We’re family.”
That word has meant a lot of different things to him over the years. His family has changed, grown and shrunk and mutated, more times than he can count. But this finally feels like it might be the version that sticks. He never saw it coming, and he resisted it for longer than he should have, probably. But Vanessa’s not going away any time soon. And he wouldn’t want her to. He knows that now. So he covers her hand with his and nods.
“Yeah. We are.”
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iwatchforher · 6 years
@speakers77​ replied to your post “things I’ve seen on vanity fanfiction often and now consider canon”
Of course these are canon. Who would think otherwise??
NO ONE! What do you mean they haven’t had any family time with the boys on screen yet??? ?
@eclecticearthquakepersona replied to your post “things I’ve seen on vanity fanfiction often and now consider canon”
Iv never read a fic were charity charges for the drinks...can you recommend any?
Oh, I haven’t saved any, but if I stumble upon one of them I’ll link it!
@vanity-woodle replied to your post “things I’ve seen on vanity fanfiction often and now consider canon”
I genuinely said to my mum that I love how Johnny says cha-ty and she had to remind me that it wasn't a thing in the show 😫
LOL It gets confusing... This fandom has some really good writers who write stuff that’s totally in character. IT’S NOT OUR FAULT!
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jobethdalloway · 7 years
3, 13, 14, and 25, please.
3. name three favorite writers - I wasn’t sure if this meant FF writers or non, so I’m gonna say Louisa May Alcott, thepriceismeg & colormetheworld.
13. hardest character to write - Maura Isles. I always think I’m doing ok and then I’ll read a take on her by feltknickers or turtleback or another brilliant FF writer and be like huh y’know what no, I’m terrible at this! I think it’s hard to really nail her intelligence without making her sound like, well, a talking Google. Which is to say I think the show also sucked at writing her a lot of the time.
(A non-rizzles answer would be Jessica Jones. She’s a tough nut to crack!)
14. easiest character to write - if not Jane Rizzoli, it’d be Constance Isles. I think that’s bc we get just enough of her on the show for me to get a good grip on who she is, but the show leaves SO many questions unanswered that I’m burning to answer and I find her so intriguing!
25. favorite line you’ve ever written - oh gosh, that’s hard. If I were to take more time to think about it I might have a classier answer, but as it is the first thing that came to mind was the opening line of the noir. 
Thanks, @speakers77 :D Ahh, it feels good to write again. Anyone else with FF q’s, hmu :)
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derrygirlsgifs · 6 years
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Oh, and me mammy said to tell you- Her big bowl. I know, I know. I keep forgetting. I'll drop it round tomorrow. No, she said to hang on to it. What? She doesn't want her big bowl back? But why? There's nothing wrong with that bowl. Sure, I was admiring that bowl only yesterday. It's a grand bowl. I'm just the messenger, folks.
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mjduncan · 3 years
Got tagged by @purlturtle — Why I write the stuff I write:
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Since 99.99999% of my fic anymore is because of you, @sideadde , you’re getting tagged. But I will will also bring @shallow-seas-we-sail, @socks-lost, @speakers77, and @eblairproject (and anyone else who wants to play) in on this too. Here’s the blank to mark up:
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the-jiminyrizzles · 3 years
I was tagged by @mya-devries​  -- hello! :) And thank you.
Rules: answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with.
3 ships: Rizzles, xena & gabrielle, clexa
Last song: Smalltown Boy - Bronski Beat. Been on a nostalgia kick so i’ve been listening to a lot of 80s stuff.
Currently watching: Not much, been trying to catch up with Westworld
Currently reading: a shed load of rizzles fanfics, i’ve completely lost track now
Last movie: Black Widow (so good! And i don’t even like Marvel stuff)
Currently craving: far too many things. Food, cos i’ve been awake all night and i’m hungry now. A drink drink -- cos it’s been a few days since i ran out of beer. And a cuddle.
Tagging: (feel free to ignore this you don’t do these) @half-way-there @justagirlfangirling @anthrofreshtodeath @handerel @greytxcape @emeux @thepriceisrizzoli @speakers77 @thenicecheese
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failureofmylife · 4 years
Yo la tengo
I got inspired by @speakers77 and reminded of another song. Love the album title.
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jmflowers · 5 years
I was tagged by sweet angel Nathi @iwatchforher
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
1. Alias
2. Orphan Black
3. Grey’s Anatomy
4. Ghost Whisperer
5. Emmerdale
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Delphine Cormier lit up my world and then never extinguished it. (Although that “Is she dead?” shit was painfulllll.)
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
I should say Arvin Sloane, but I will not. Lauren, probably. 
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
At the time I hated it, but the episode where Jim gets shot was the peak of that show. The last half of season 4 and onward just went absolutely downhill to the flaming pile of shit it died on. I sobbed more than my 12-year-old heart could handle when he told Melinda he’d had an embolism. 
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Ummmmmm… this is a Very Difficult question as it is the show that never ends. 2017/2018/2019 have been my important seasons, thus far. 
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Callie and Arizona were super important for my baby lesbianism. I can see all the faults now, but oh the nostalgia! 
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
Cosima and Delphine. LORD. 
7. What is your favourite episode of 1?
The Pilot was one of those absolutely pivotal things that I watched so many times. But honestly... all of them. Every single one. 
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
Mostly recently, the Big Night Out episodes. And International Women’s Day. 
9. What is your favourite season of 2?
The reuniting of Cosima and Delphine in season 4 was exquisite. But every season of the show had something truly wonderful that makes it stand out in my memory. 
10. How long have you watched 1?
I discovered the Prequel Series books at a school book fair in 2004, before finding the show. I started watching the show thanks to reruns just before the final season began airing, in 2005. I’ve re-watched it in its entirety more times than I can count in the 14 years since. 
11. How did you become interested in 3?
My best friend and locker partner in high school was obsessed and strongly believed I would love it. I’d been shying away from the idea, as I had a Great Big Fear of hospitals, but she convinced me to watch Song Beneath the Song. I was completely captivated and binged the rest of the series in a couple of weeks. It was the be all and end all in my life for many years after that - until about 2014. 
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Jennifer Love Hewitt or David Conrad. I wanted to have a crush on David... but, well, her body is a wonderland. 
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Those three are my tops! Alias for the nostalgia, Orphan Black for the incredible storytelling, and Emmerdale for the crucial representation. 
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
I’ve seen every episode of Alias multiple times, but Grey’s Anatomy has more episodes in total (even if I haven't seen them all anymore). 
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Melinda Gordon. Or the hypothetical daughter I made up and wrote about for a long time, Elle. Ha! 
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Melinda, in the hospital, seeing loads of ghosts. The Grey’s doctors, not believing, having sex, deep emotional something. Yeah, I could see it. I couldn’t see Shonda writing it, though. 
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Sydney Bristow and Anna Espinosa. There’s definitely some fic somewhere about that. 
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Someone somewhere is probably going to burn me to the ground for this, but... Emmerdale, while a soap, has been more consistent and careful with their storylines than Grey’s. Kinder to their gays, too. 
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
I know Orphan Black had something great, but I can immediately hear the Ghost Whisperer theme in my head. 
I tag: @piratekane, @authorette44, @echofades, @dinglefields, @knightinrainbowarmour, @speakers77, @evoleposts, @daniellebrooksemmy, @ceridwyn2, and @buildawall0fbooks
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caffeinechic · 4 years
16, 22, 87, and 100
hi @speakers77!
16 - sky full of song - florence and the machine
22 - summersong - the decemberists
87 - set fire to the third bar - snow patrol
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piratekane · 6 years
3 and 17, Vanity. Thanks!
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
Vanessa will take a baths over a shower most nights. She likes to make the water hot enough for her skin to go pink and maybe even red. Charity waits until it cools a bit and then she slides in behind Vanessa, letting the water splash between them until Vanessa’s back is pressed to her front. Her hands drift across Vanessa’s sides to the soft swell of her stomach, tap tap tapping against her skin.  Between the little ones constantly slamming this toys, running their trucks up and down the halls, and the pulsing music echoing from Noah’s room, it’s the most alone they get most days. There’s time for more later, in bed, when the village is quiet and the halls are quieter. In the bath, things are softer, more intimate. Vanessa will let her head fall back against Charity’s shoulder and Charity’s hands will wander up to the knots in her neck. Charity’s knees poke out of the surface of the water and Vanessa traces promises into her skin. They’ll stay there until their fingers wrinkle and pucker; until the water is near ice; until Vanessa is nearly asleep at the feeling of Charity’s hands drifting across her skin.
17) Who is more protective?
Their each protective in their own ways. Vanessa is protective; everyone knows it. She’s been that way since she was little. She has less tolerance for bullies than she does for amphibians. Pierce, Bails, Kim Tate, Lachlan and his father, Cain. She has a short fuse to start and even shorter one when someone she loves is backed into a corner. She does first and thinks later. It’ll put you back in hospital, Charity’ll tell her, slamming a brew down in front of her. Vanessa knows it’s not anger; it’s fear. 
Charity is blindly protective of her children. She never really gets it completely right, but she tries. She tries harder, now. She’s used to be protective of her family, blindly so, but they’re not as protective of her. Loyal as a starving snake, she’d called them. She’d meant it. It’s easier to look at them now and not feel that tiny ripple of rage in her stomach, but it’s not completely gone. Her children, her grandchildren - she’d stand in front of a moving train car for them. She’s not sure she’ll ever feel that way about anyone else until she meets Vanessa and Johnny, until she falls in love with them. And the way she feels about her kids stretches to them. She picks up a metal bar and swings it down over Donny’s head because of Vanessa, for Vanessa. She swings it down with their same ferociousness that she has when it’s Debbie or Noah. She swings it down for the little boy shaking in her backseat, for the woman bleeding behind the back of the pub. And she feels no remorse. Dingle’s protect their own, they say. And Charity might not feel that much anymore, but she will always, always protect her own. Her own might have changed slightly and stretched some, but their hers and she won’t let anything, anything, happen to them.
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thegirl20 · 5 years
speakers77 replied to your post “Your tweet about Vanessa being a hypocrite in yesterday's fight was a...”
Vanessa is acting irrationally, to be sure, but you make a good point in bringing up that sometimes terrible things just happen. And blame gets thrown around in an attempt to make sense of it. I’ve no doubt that Vanessa will eventually realize that Tracy isn’t to blame, but she’s sad and angry and lashing out right now. It’s hard to watch but it also makes sense. And also, I don’t understand how anyone could doubt your devotion to Vanity and Vanessa in particular. Seriously.
I was quite surprised that someone could doubt either of those things, honestly. I think it’s fairly clear from, well, everything I do that I worship Vanessa Woodfield. I might not agree with everything she does, but I’d never attack her. 
I mean, bloody hell, the night she phoned the police about Bails, I was on here defending her. When people called her a nag, or (and I still can’t get over this one) abusive, I was on here defending her. 
Don’t dare come to my blog and accuse me of attacking Vanessa Woodfield.
The thing is,  I do think that anon was agreeing with my sentiment completely; Vanessa and Tracy have both been involved in situations where people were hurt/killed, without it being their fault, as such. I think they must have taken issue with my tone. 
And I really don’t mind discussing stuff like that, but I don’t like it when someone sees something on twitter and then comes here on anon to challenge it. Just talk to me like a grown up.
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iantojack · 5 years
Love your Charity pajamas/casual clothes gifset! Any chance you could do some for Vanessa too? Yellow or plaid maybe or wearing a million coats? Thank you!
thank you!! ill pop these all on my list!! :-) and hopefully ill get to them within a reasonable amount of time alkgjs
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the-jiminyrizzles · 7 years
instructions: press shuffle on your music and post the first 10 songs that appear
I was tagged by: @imaginationofacornflake Ta very much :)
In Time - Talos Head Over Heels - Tears for Fears You Oughta Know - Alanis Morrisette I’ve Been Losing You - a-ha November - Max Richter Dog New Tricks - Garbage The Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson The Pioneers - Bloc Party (great drums!) Let Me Love You - Jack Garrett Run - Ludovico Einaudi
I will tag: @the100slays @gramjams @weasal @speakers77 @emeux @majesticlexa @blue-kiko @zee014 @mnhooch
And anyone else wants to do this, consider yourself tagged.  
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piratekane · 6 years
speakers77 replied to your post: 7, please.
Well, that was perfect. Thank you!
It was a perfect prompt, so thank you!
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