#speaker 6 inch mid low
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speakersubwoofer10inch · 21 days ago
(WA) 0851-7988-9353 Speaker 10 Inch Bass Elsound Audio di Karapitan Bandung Bandung
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Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 |Pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2002, Speaker driver Elsound® dikenal luas oleh pecinta audio sebagai produk "murah-meriah-selamat". Menghadirkan kualitas mumpuni dengan harga terjangkau dan jaminan bahwa seluruh produk Elsound® memiliki daya tahan yang terbukti dan teruji sangat baik. 17 inch speaker grill,speaker 15 inch harga,speaker 15 inch mid high,speaker 15 inch magnet besar,speaker 15 inch mid low
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi
0851-7988-9353 https://wa.me/6285179889353
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Speaker 10 Inch Bass: Menyempurnakan Suara Anda dengan Bass yang Kuat dan Akurat
Dalam dunia audio, kualitas suara adalah hal yang tidak bisa dianggap remeh. Baik itu untuk penggunaan di mobil, ruang rumah, atau bahkan untuk kebutuhan profesional, memilih speaker yang tepat akan sangat mempengaruhi pengalaman mendengarkan musik Anda. Salah satu pilihan populer bagi mereka yang menginginkan kualitas suara yang mendalam adalah speaker 10 inch bass. Dengan kemampuan untuk menghasilkan bass yang kuat dan frekuensi rendah yang mendalam, speaker 10 inch menawarkan keseimbangan antara ukuran dan kualitas suara, cocok untuk berbagai kebutuhan.
Artikel ini akan membahas secara detail mengenai speaker 10 inch bass, serta memberikan gambaran tentang berbagai jenis speaker lainnya seperti speaker 15 inch harga, speaker 15 inch mid high, speaker 15 inch magnet besar, dan speaker 15 inch mid low. Kami juga akan menjelaskan beberapa teknologi terkait speaker, seperti passive radiator, dan memberikan jawaban atas beberapa pertanyaan umum mengenai cara kerja speaker dan distorsi suara.
Kenapa Memilih Speaker 10 Inch Bass?
Speaker 10 inch bass menjadi pilihan yang sangat populer di kalangan penggemar audio karena berbagai alasan. Dengan ukuran 10 inch, speaker ini mampu menghasilkan bass yang kuat, namun tetap dapat menjaga kejernihan suara di frekuensi tinggi. Jika Anda mencari speaker dengan rentang frekuensi yang seimbang antara bass, mid, dan treble, speaker 10 inch bisa menjadi pilihan yang sangat tepat.
Keunggulan Speaker 10 Inch
Ukuran yang Ideal untuk Banyak Aplikasi Salah satu alasan utama orang memilih speaker 10 inch adalah ukuran yang tidak terlalu besar namun tetap mampu memberikan output suara yang cukup bertenaga. Speaker 10 inch ideal untuk digunakan di berbagai tempat seperti di dalam mobil, sistem audio rumah, atau bahkan sebagai speaker tambahan dalam konser kecil atau acara outdoor.
Bass yang Kuat dan Mendalam Meskipun ukurannya lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan speaker 12 inch atau 15 inch, speaker 10 inch bass tetap mampu menghasilkan bass yang terasa powerful. Ini membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang sangat baik bagi mereka yang menginginkan kualitas bass yang dalam namun tidak ingin menggunakan speaker berukuran sangat besar.
Harganya Terjangkau Speaker 10 inch juga dikenal dengan harga yang lebih bersahabat dibandingkan dengan speaker yang lebih besar. Bagi Anda yang menginginkan kualitas suara terbaik tanpa harus mengeluarkan banyak uang, speaker 10 inch adalah pilihan yang sangat bijak.
Fleksibilitas Penggunaan Speaker 10 inch cukup fleksibel untuk berbagai penggunaan. Mulai dari sistem audio mobil, home theater, hingga sebagai bagian dari sistem PA (Public Address) yang lebih besar, speaker ini menawarkan performa yang baik di hampir semua aplikasi.
Memahami Speaker 15 Inch: Perbandingan dengan Speaker 10 Inch
Walaupun speaker 10 inch bass menawarkan kualitas suara yang sangat baik, ada kalanya Anda membutuhkan speaker yang lebih besar untuk mendapatkan bass yang lebih dalam dan volume yang lebih tinggi. Inilah saatnya untuk melihat pada speaker 15 inch, yang lebih besar dan lebih kuat dalam menghasilkan suara.
Speaker 15 Inch Harga
Speaker 15 inch harga bervariasi tergantung pada merek, kualitas, dan fitur yang ditawarkan. Secara umum, harga speaker 15 inch lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan speaker 10 inch, namun kualitas suara yang dihasilkan juga lebih superior dalam hal output bass dan volume. Speaker 15 inch sering digunakan dalam sistem audio besar atau konser, dan bisa memberikan pengalaman mendengarkan yang lebih memuaskan di ruang yang lebih besar.
Speaker 15 Inch Mid High
Speaker 15 inch mid high mengacu pada speaker dengan rentang frekuensi yang mampu menghasilkan suara mid dan high dengan sangat baik. Speaker 15 inch ini cocok untuk aplikasi yang membutuhkan output suara yang lebih seimbang, dengan kualitas bass yang dalam dan juga kejernihan pada frekuensi mid dan treble.
Speaker 15 Inch Magnet Besar
Salah satu fitur yang menonjol dari speaker 15 inch magnet besar adalah kapasitas magnet yang lebih besar, yang memungkinkan driver speaker untuk bergerak lebih bebas dan menghasilkan suara yang lebih kuat. Magnet yang lebih besar ini juga membantu speaker menghasilkan suara yang lebih stabil, terutama pada volume tinggi, dan memberikan reproduksi bass yang lebih akurat.
Speaker 15 Inch Mid Low
Untuk aplikasi yang lebih fokus pada suara bass, speaker 15 inch mid low sering kali digunakan. Speaker ini memiliki kemampuan untuk menghasilkan frekuensi mid dan low dengan sangat baik, cocok untuk mereka yang menginginkan bass yang dalam dan menggema. Speaker 15 inch mid low sangat ideal untuk sistem audio subwoofer atau untuk penggemar musik dengan genre yang kaya akan bass seperti EDM atau hip hop.
Teknologi dalam Speaker: Passive Radiator, Distortion, dan Lainnya
Selain ukuran dan jenis driver, teknologi yang digunakan dalam speaker juga memainkan peran penting dalam kualitas suara yang dihasilkan. Salah satu teknologi yang sering digunakan untuk meningkatkan performa bass adalah passive radiator.
Apa Itu Passive Radiator pada Speaker Driver?
Passive radiator adalah sebuah komponen pada speaker yang berfungsi untuk memperkuat frekuensi rendah atau bass tanpa memerlukan daya tambahan. Berbeda dengan port bass reflex yang menggunakan udara yang keluar-masuk melalui lubang untuk memperkuat bass, passive radiator menggunakan getaran dari driver utama untuk menghasilkan suara bass. Sistem ini sering ditemukan pada speaker dengan ukuran lebih kecil yang membutuhkan penguatan bass tanpa menambah volume atau ukuran kotak speaker.
Bagaimana Cara Kerja Passive Radiator pada Speaker Driver?
Passive radiator bekerja dengan cara memanfaatkan getaran udara yang dihasilkan oleh driver utama. Ketika driver bergerak, udara di dalam kotak speaker juga bergerak, memicu pergerakan pada passive radiator. Radiator pasif ini kemudian bergetar pada frekuensi tertentu untuk menghasilkan suara bass yang lebih kuat dan lebih dalam. Karena tidak memerlukan port udara terbuka, speaker dengan passive radiator sering kali lebih kompak dan lebih mudah dipasang dalam berbagai konfigurasi.
Apa Itu Distortion pada Speaker Driver?
Distortion pada speaker driver mengacu pada perubahan suara asli yang terjadi akibat keterbatasan teknologi atau kualitas komponen. Distorsi biasanya terjadi saat speaker tidak mampu mengimbangi sinyal audio yang terlalu kuat atau tidak sesuai dengan kapasitasnya. Distorsi ini sering kali terdengar sebagai suara yang pecah, berkerut, atau tidak jelas, terutama pada volume tinggi.
Distorsi bisa diakibatkan oleh berbagai faktor, termasuk kualitas komponen driver, kapasitas magnet, atau bahkan desain kotak speaker itu sendiri. Untuk meminimalkan distorsi, produsen speaker menggunakan berbagai teknologi seperti pembatasan daya, peredam getaran, atau desain kotak yang lebih solid untuk memastikan suara tetap bersih dan jernih meski pada volume yang tinggi.
FAQ: Pertanyaan Umum tentang Speaker
1. Apa itu passive radiator pada speaker driver? Passive radiator adalah komponen tambahan pada speaker yang memperkuat bass tanpa memerlukan port ventilasi. Passive radiator berfungsi memanfaatkan getaran udara yang dihasilkan oleh driver utama untuk menghasilkan suara bass yang lebih kuat dan dalam.
2. Bagaimana cara kerja passive radiator pada speaker driver? Saat driver utama speaker bergerak, udara di dalam kotak speaker juga bergerak. Pergerakan udara ini memicu passive radiator untuk bergetar dan menghasilkan suara bass yang lebih mendalam. Sistem ini memungkinkan bass yang lebih kuat tanpa memerlukan port udara terbuka.
3. Apa itu distortion pada speaker driver? Distortion adalah perubahan suara yang terjadi ketika speaker tidak dapat mengimbangi sinyal audio dengan baik. Hal ini sering terdengar sebagai suara yang pecah atau tidak jelas, terutama pada volume tinggi. Distorsi dapat disebabkan oleh keterbatasan komponen speaker atau desain yang kurang optimal.
Memilih speaker yang tepat sangat penting untuk memastikan kualitas audio yang maksimal. Speaker 10 inch bass adalah pilihan yang sangat baik untuk mereka yang menginginkan keseimbangan antara ukuran kompak dan kualitas suara bass yang dalam. Speaker ini ideal untuk berbagai aplikasi, mulai dari sistem audio mobil hingga home theater.
Namun, jika Anda mencari lebih banyak kekuatan dan bass yang lebih dalam, Anda mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan speaker 15 inch yang lebih besar, seperti speaker 15 inch harga, speaker 15 inch magnet besar, dan speaker 15 inch mid low. Setiap jenis speaker memiliki keunggulan masing-masing, jadi penting untuk memilih yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi audio Anda.
Dengan memahami berbagai teknologi seperti passive radiator dan distorsi pada speaker driver, Anda bisa membuat keputusan yang lebih terinformasi dan mendapatkan pengalaman audio terbaik. Jadi, apakah Anda seorang audiophile atau hanya seseorang yang menginginkan sistem audio terbaik, pastikan untuk memilih speaker yang dapat memberikan kualitas suara yang Anda inginkan.
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aaryan-mwa-blogs · 1 month ago
How to Choose the Right Audio Amplifier for Your DJ or Live Setup
Choosing the right audio amplifier is crucial for any DJ or live sound setup. An amplifier plays a significant role in delivering sound quality and ensuring that your audience enjoys an immersive audio experience. With so many options available on the market, it can be overwhelming to decide which amplifier best suits your needs. In this blog, we’ll explore key factors to consider when selecting an amplifier for your setup, helping you make an informed decision that enhances your performances. 
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Understanding Amplifiers
Before diving into the selection process, let’s briefly discuss what an audio amplifier does. An amplifier takes a low-level audio signal (like the one from a mixer or a DJ controller) and boosts it to a level suitable for driving speakers. Amplifiers come in various types, each designed for specific applications and sound requirements.
Key Factors to Consider
1. Power Output
One of the most critical factors when choosing an amplifier is its power output, typically measured in watts (W). The power output must match the needs of your speakers to ensure optimal performance. Here’s what to keep in mind:
Speaker Compatibility: Check the specifications of your speakers, including their power handling capacity (RMS) and impedance (measured in ohms). For example, if your speakers have a power rating of 300W RMS at 8 ohms, you’ll want an amplifier that can deliver at least that amount of power without distortion.
Venue Size: Consider the size of the venues where you’ll be performing. Larger venues will require more power to fill the space with sound, while smaller settings may need less.
2. Amplifier Type
Amplifiers come in various types, including:
Class A: Known for high sound quality but low efficiency. Best suited for smaller setups where sound fidelity is paramount.
Class AB: Offers a good balance between sound quality and efficiency, making it a popular choice for many DJs and live sound professionals.
Class D: Highly efficient and lightweight, these amplifiers are ideal for portable setups. They are perfect for DJs who travel frequently.
3. Channel Configuration
Amplifiers can be mono (one channel), stereo (two channels), or multi-channel (more than two channels). The configuration you choose will depend on your setup:
Mono Amplifiers: Great for driving subwoofers or single speakers.
Stereo Amplifiers: Suitable for standard DJ setups where two channels are needed for left and right audio signals.
Multi-Channel Amplifiers: Ideal for complex setups that require multiple outputs, such as when you’re using separate amplifiers for different speaker types (e.g., mid-range, highs, and subs).
4. Input Options
Check the input options available on the amplifier. Common inputs include:
XLR: A balanced connection, great for long cable runs without interference.
TRS (1/4 inch): Another balanced option, often used in live sound applications.
RCA: Common for consumer-level audio, but can introduce noise over long distances.
Ensure the amplifier you choose has the appropriate input connections for your gear.
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5. Cooling and Reliability
Amplifiers generate heat, especially at high output levels. Look for amplifiers with good cooling systems, such as:
Built-in fans: Help to dissipate heat during prolonged use.
Heat sinks: Passive cooling solutions that prevent overheating.
Reliability is key for live performances, so choose a well-built amplifier from a reputable manufacturer to minimize the risk of failure during a gig.
6. Portability and Weight
If you frequently move your setup, consider the size and weight of the amplifier. Class D amplifiers are generally lightweight and compact, making them easier to transport. Make sure the amplifier can withstand the rigors of travel and set up without compromising sound quality.
7. Budget
Finally, consider your budget. While investing in a high-quality amplifier is essential, there are options available for every price range. Set a budget that aligns with your needs, but keep in mind that quality audio equipment often pays off in performance and durability.
Choosing the right audio amplifier for your DJ or live setup involves careful consideration of power output, amplifier type, channel configuration, input options, cooling systems, portability, and budget. Understanding these factors will help you select an amplifier that enhances your sound quality and meets the demands of your performance environments. Before making a purchase, consider visiting reputable audio equipment shops like VIP PRO AUDIO to get some guidance toward the right amplifier that fits your specific needs, ensuring you’re well-equipped to deliver an unforgettable audio experience.
By investing time in selecting the right amplifier, you’ll be better prepared to create powerful and immersive performances that keep your audience engaged and energized.
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speakerdiverelsoundinch · 3 months ago
KENCANG! (WA) 0851-7988-9353 Harga Speaker Elsound 10 Inch Full Range Elsound Audio di Astaraja Bandung Bandung
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Harga Speaker Elsound 10 Inch Full Range: Pilihan Terbaik untuk Suara Berkualitas
Saat mencari speaker berkualitas untuk keperluan sound system, Elsound 10 Inch Full Range adalah salah satu pilihan yang layak dipertimbangkan. Speaker ini menawarkan keseimbangan antara harga terjangkau dan performa yang handal, menjadikannya pilihan tepat untuk berbagai keperluan audio, baik di dalam maupun luar ruangan. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas lebih lanjut mengenai harga, keunggulan, dan aplikasi speaker ini. Selain itu, kami juga akan menyinggung beberapa aspek teknis terkait dengan speaker 6 inch, yang sering dibandingkan dengan speaker ukuran 10 inch.
1. Kelebihan Speaker Elsound 10 Inch Full Range
a. Kualitas Suara yang Optimal
Elsound dikenal sebagai merek yang menawarkan kualitas suara yang baik, terutama di segmen full range. Speaker Elsound 10 Inch Full Range memiliki kemampuan untuk menangani rentang frekuensi yang luas, dari nada rendah hingga tinggi. Hal ini membuatnya sangat cocok untuk keperluan audio di lapangan, aula, atau acara-acara luar ruangan lainnya. Dengan ukuran 10 inch, speaker ini mampu menghasilkan bass yang dalam sekaligus midrange dan treble yang jernih.
b. Kinerja yang Handal untuk Berbagai Kebutuhan
Baik Anda membutuhkan speaker untuk acara hajatan di kampung, sound system panggung, atau untuk digunakan di tempat ibadah, Elsound 10 inch memiliki daya tahan dan kemampuan output yang memadai. Speaker ini mampu mengisi ruangan besar dengan suara yang kuat dan merata. Dibandingkan dengan speaker 6 inch middle lapangan, Elsound 10 inch menawarkan keluaran suara yang lebih besar dan bertenaga, meski tentu dengan harga yang lebih tinggi.
c. Desain Kokoh dan Tahan Lama
Desain fisik speaker ini juga tidak bisa dianggap remeh. Elsound dikenal menggunakan material berkualitas tinggi, memastikan bahwa produk mereka tahan lama meskipun digunakan di berbagai kondisi. Speaker magnet besar yang ada di dalamnya juga memastikan efisiensi suara dan daya tahan yang lebih baik, terutama jika digunakan dalam jangka waktu lama.
2. Harga Speaker Elsound 10 Inch Full Range di Pasaran
Harga untuk speaker Elsound 10 Inch Full Range bervariasi tergantung pada toko dan spesifikasi tambahan yang mungkin ditawarkan. Sebagai gambaran, harga rata-rata speaker ini berkisar antara Rp 700.000 hingga Rp 1.500.000, tergantung dari seri dan tempat pembelian. Ini adalah harga yang cukup bersaing, terutama jika dibandingkan dengan speaker dari merek lain di kelas yang sama.
a. Perbandingan dengan Speaker 6 Inch
Bagi Anda yang mempertimbangkan opsi speaker 6 inch sebagai alternatif, harga speaker di kategori ini biasanya lebih rendah. Sebagai contoh, speaker 6 inch murah untuk aplikasi mid low atau lapangan bisa ditemukan dengan harga antara Rp 300.000 hingga Rp 700.000. Namun, dengan perbedaan harga ini, tentu ada perbedaan signifikan dalam output suara dan kemampuan penanganan frekuensi, terutama di area bass.
b. Apakah Harga Ini Worth It?
Banyak orang bertanya-tanya apakah harga Elsound 10 Inch Full Range sesuai dengan kualitas yang ditawarkan. Jika Anda mencari speaker yang dapat menangani acara besar atau di ruangan terbuka, maka speaker ini jelas layak untuk dipertimbangkan. Dengan desain yang kokoh, kualitas suara yang solid, dan daya tahan yang tinggi, Anda mendapatkan nilai yang baik untuk setiap rupiah yang dikeluarkan.
3. Tips Memilih Speaker 10 Inch yang Tepat
a. Pastikan Ukuran Sesuai dengan Kebutuhan Anda
Sebelum memutuskan membeli speaker Elsound 10 Inch Full Range, pastikan ukurannya sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Jika Anda hanya membutuhkan speaker untuk ruangan kecil atau acara dengan skala yang lebih kecil, Anda mungkin bisa mempertimbangkan speaker 6 inch middle lapangan. Namun, untuk kebutuhan yang lebih besar, speaker 10 inch jelas akan memberikan performa yang lebih baik.
b. Periksa Spesifikasi Teknis
Salah satu hal yang sering dilupakan saat membeli speaker adalah memeriksa spesifikasi teknis seperti impedansi, daya output, dan sensitivitas. Dengan mengetahui spesifikasi ini, Anda dapat memastikan speaker yang Anda beli sesuai dengan amplifier atau sound system yang Anda miliki.
c. Bandingkan Harga dan Garansi
Saat membeli speaker, jangan lupa untuk membandingkan harga dari beberapa penjual yang berbeda. Pastikan juga Anda mendapatkan garansi resmi dari produsen atau penjual, karena ini bisa menjadi jaminan jika terjadi kerusakan atau masalah teknis pada speaker Anda.
FAQ Tentang Speaker Driver
Bagaimana Cara Mengukur Kualitas Speaker Driver?
Untuk mengukur kualitas speaker driver, ada beberapa parameter yang perlu diperhatikan. Salah satunya adalah frekuensi respons, yang menunjukkan seberapa baik speaker bisa mereproduksi suara pada berbagai frekuensi, mulai dari bass hingga treble. Semakin luas rentang frekuensinya, semakin baik kualitas speaker tersebut. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa mengecek SPL (Sound Pressure Level), yang mengukur sensitivitas speaker terhadap input daya. Semakin tinggi SPL, semakin efisien speaker tersebut dalam mengubah daya listrik menjadi suara.
Apa Itu Impedansi pada Speaker Driver?
Impedansi adalah resistansi listrik yang dimiliki oleh speaker terhadap aliran arus listrik dari amplifier. Impedansi biasanya diukur dalam satuan Ohm (Ω). Speaker dengan impedansi yang lebih tinggi membutuhkan daya yang lebih besar dari amplifier, sedangkan speaker dengan impedansi rendah lebih mudah didorong oleh amplifier. Pada umumnya, speaker memiliki impedansi standar seperti 4 ohm, 6 ohm, atau 8 ohm. Memilih impedansi yang tepat sangat penting agar amplifier tidak bekerja terlalu keras, yang dapat menyebabkan distorsi suara atau kerusakan komponen.
Mengapa Impedansi Penting pada Speaker Driver?
Impedansi penting karena mempengaruhi cara kerja speaker dengan amplifier. Jika impedansi speaker terlalu rendah untuk amplifier yang digunakan, amplifier bisa rusak atau menghasilkan distorsi suara. Sebaliknya, jika impedansi terlalu tinggi, speaker mungkin tidak akan menghasilkan volume suara yang maksimal meskipun amplifier bekerja pada kapasitas penuh. Itulah mengapa sangat penting untuk memeriksa kecocokan impedansi antara speaker dan amplifier sebelum digunakan.
4. Tren Speaker di Indonesia
a. Sound System untuk Rapat dan Acara Resmi
Di Indonesia, penggunaan sound system rapat menjadi semakin penting, terutama di perusahaan besar dan institusi pendidikan. Speaker Elsound 10 Inch Full Range cocok digunakan di ruang rapat atau sound system untuk sekolah, di mana kualitas suara yang jelas dan stabil sangat diperlukan untuk menyampaikan informasi dengan baik.
b. Sound System untuk Kebutuhan Hiburan
Untuk kebutuhan hiburan seperti sound system karaoke atau sound system rumahan, speaker full range juga memiliki banyak penggemar. Ukuran 10 inch memberikan keseimbangan antara bass yang dalam dan treble yang jernih, memastikan suara musik terdengar sempurna di rumah atau ruangan karaoke.
c. Sound System untuk Sekolah dan Masjid
Di lingkungan sekolah atau masjid, kebutuhan akan speaker berkualitas tinggi sangat besar. Speaker full range 10 inch mampu menangani suara dengan baik di ruang yang besar seperti aula sekolah atau masjid, memastikan pesan atau ceramah dapat didengar dengan jelas oleh semua jamaah atau siswa.
5. Bagaimana Memaksimalkan Kinerja Speaker Full Range
Untuk memaksimalkan kinerja speaker Elsound 10 Inch Full Range, ada beberapa hal yang bisa Anda lakukan:
Pilih Amplifier yang Sesuai: Pastikan amplifier yang Anda gunakan memiliki daya yang cukup untuk mendorong speaker tanpa menyebabkan distorsi atau kerusakan.
Gunakan Enclosure yang Tepat: Desain dan bahan kotak speaker dapat mempengaruhi kinerja suara. Pastikan kotak speaker yang digunakan memiliki volume dan bahan yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi speaker.
Perawatan Rutin: Bersihkan speaker secara rutin dari debu atau kotoran yang mungkin menempel, karena ini bisa mempengaruhi kualitas suara.
Speaker Elsound 10 Inch Full Range menawarkan performa yang solid dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau, menjadikannya pilihan yang sangat baik untuk berbagai kebutuhan sound system, baik di ruangan besar maupun luar ruangan. Dengan memahami spesifikasi teknis seperti impedansi dan frekuensi respons, Anda bisa memastikan bahwa speaker ini akan berfungsi dengan baik bersama perangkat audio lainnya. Baik untuk sound system untuk rapat, sekolah, maupun hiburan, speaker ini memberikan keseimbangan antara kualitas suara, daya tahan, dan harga yang bersaing.
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 |Pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2002, Speaker driver Elsound® dikenal luas oleh pecinta audio sebagai produk "murah-meriah-selamat". Menghadirkan kualitas mumpuni dengan harga terjangkau dan jaminan bahwa seluruh produk Elsound® memiliki daya tahan yang terbukti dan teruji sangat baik. jual speaker 6 inch,speaker 6 inch mid low,speaker 6 inch murah,speaker 6 inch middle lapangan,speaker 6 inch magnet besar
Baca juga : https://www.tumblr.com/speakerdiverelsoundinch/760837009686331392/mantap-wa-0851-7988-9353-speaker-full-range-6?source=share
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi
0851-7988-9353 https://wa.me/6285179889353
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speaker-driver · 3 months ago
TERBAIK! (WA) 0851-7988-9353 Toko Speaker Bandung Elsound Audio di Jl. Raya Gadobangkong Kabupaten Bandung Bandung
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Toko Speaker Bandung: Temukan Speaker Berkualitas untuk Kebutuhan Audio Anda
Dalam pencarian untuk toko speaker Bandung, Anda akan menemukan berbagai pilihan yang menawarkan berbagai jenis speaker dengan harga dan kualitas yang bervariasi. Artikel ini akan membahas secara mendalam tentang berbagai jenis speaker, khususnya jual speaker 6 inch, serta tips untuk memilih speaker yang tepat. Kami juga akan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan umum terkait speaker driver untuk membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang lebih baik.
1. Menjelajahi Pilihan Speaker 6 Inch di Bandung
Jual Speaker 6 Inch: Apa yang Perlu Diketahui?
Ketika Anda mencari jual speaker 6 inch di Bandung, penting untuk mengetahui berbagai jenis speaker yang tersedia dan bagaimana masing-masing dapat memenuhi kebutuhan audio Anda. Speaker 6 inch adalah ukuran yang populer karena kemampuannya untuk menghasilkan suara yang seimbang dan mendetail tanpa memerlukan ruang yang besar.
Speaker 6 inch mid low dirancang untuk menangani frekuensi menengah hingga rendah, ideal untuk aplikasi yang memerlukan reproduksi suara yang jelas dan bass yang kuat. Sebagai contoh, speaker ini sering digunakan dalam sistem audio untuk konser, acara, atau bahkan di ruang kelas.
Jika Anda mencari speaker 6 inch murah, ada banyak opsi yang tersedia di pasar. Namun, penting untuk tidak mengorbankan kualitas untuk harga. Pastikan untuk memeriksa spesifikasi teknis dan ulasan produk sebelum membuat keputusan pembelian.
Speaker 6 inch middle lapangan adalah pilihan yang baik jika Anda membutuhkan speaker untuk keperluan outdoor, seperti acara lapangan atau konser di luar ruangan. Speaker ini dirancang untuk menangani cuaca dan lingkungan luar yang keras, sambil tetap memberikan performa audio yang optimal.
Speaker 6 inch magnet besar seringkali menawarkan kualitas suara yang superior karena magnet yang lebih besar dapat menghasilkan medan magnet yang lebih kuat. Ini dapat meningkatkan efisiensi speaker dan kualitas suara secara keseluruhan.
Memilih Toko Speaker di Bandung
Ketika mencari toko speaker Bandung, pastikan untuk mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor kunci:
Reputasi Toko: Cari tahu reputasi toko dari ulasan online atau rekomendasi teman. Toko yang terpercaya biasanya memiliki ulasan positif dari pelanggan dan menyediakan produk berkualitas.
Pilihan Produk: Toko yang baik harus memiliki berbagai pilihan produk, termasuk berbagai jenis speaker dan aksesoris audio. Ini memungkinkan Anda untuk membandingkan opsi dan memilih yang terbaik untuk kebutuhan Anda.
Layanan Pelanggan: Staf yang berpengetahuan dan ramah dapat memberikan saran berharga dan membantu Anda memilih produk yang tepat. Pastikan toko menawarkan layanan pelanggan yang baik, termasuk dukungan teknis dan purna jual.
Bandingkan Harga dan Kualitas
Saat membeli speaker, harga speaker 6 inch dapat bervariasi tergantung pada kualitas dan fitur. Bandingkan harga dari beberapa toko dan periksa kualitas produk. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi harga termasuk material, merek, dan fitur tambahan seperti daya output atau teknologi built-in.
2. Menjawab Pertanyaan Umum tentang Speaker Driver
Apa Penyebab Utama Kerusakan pada Speaker Driver?
Kerusakan pada speaker driver dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain:
Overpowering: Memberikan daya yang melebihi kapasitas speaker dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada kumparan suara atau komponen lainnya. Selalu pastikan daya yang diberikan sesuai dengan spesifikasi speaker.
Distorsi Berlebihan: Mengoperasikan speaker pada volume yang sangat tinggi dapat menyebabkan distorsi yang merusak driver. Pastikan untuk menggunakan speaker dalam batas yang direkomendasikan oleh produsen.
Kotoran dan Debu: Debu dan kotoran yang masuk ke dalam speaker dapat mempengaruhi kinerja dan umur panjangnya. Pastikan untuk membersihkan speaker secara teratur dan menjaga lingkungan di sekitarnya bersih.
Bagaimana Cara Memperbaiki Speaker Driver yang Rusak?
Jika speaker driver Anda mengalami kerusakan, berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang dapat diambil untuk memperbaikinya:
Identifikasi Masalah: Pertama, identifikasi jenis kerusakan. Apakah ada suara yang tidak normal, seperti berdengung atau distorsi? Atau mungkin ada masalah dengan koneksi?
Periksa Koneksi: Pastikan semua koneksi kabel terpasang dengan baik dan tidak ada kerusakan pada kabel atau terminal.
Bersihkan Komponen: Jika ada debu atau kotoran, bersihkan komponen dengan hati-hati menggunakan alat yang sesuai, seperti kuas lembut atau kain microfiber.
Ganti Komponen: Jika komponen seperti kumparan suara atau membran rusak, Anda mungkin perlu mengganti komponen tersebut. Pastikan untuk menggunakan suku cadang yang kompatibel dan berkualitas.
Jika Anda tidak yakin tentang cara memperbaiki speaker, pertimbangkan untuk membawa speaker ke teknisi profesional atau layanan purna jual yang dapat membantu.
Apa Itu Crossover dalam Sistem Speaker?
Crossover adalah perangkat yang membagi sinyal audio menjadi beberapa rentang frekuensi dan mengarahkannya ke driver speaker yang sesuai. Crossover memastikan bahwa setiap driver (woofer, tweeter, midrange) menerima frekuensi yang sesuai, sehingga menghasilkan kualitas suara yang lebih baik dan lebih seimbang.
Ada beberapa jenis crossover:
Crossover Aktif: Menggunakan amplifier dan filter elektronik untuk membagi sinyal audio. Crossover aktif sering kali lebih fleksibel dan dapat disesuaikan dengan lebih banyak opsi.
Crossover Pasif: Terintegrasi dengan speaker dan menggunakan komponen pasif seperti kapasitor dan induktor untuk membagi sinyal. Crossover pasif lebih sederhana dan biasanya lebih murah.
3. Rekomendasi untuk Membeli Speaker di Bandung
Riset Sebelum Membeli
Sebelum membeli speaker di toko speaker Bandung, lakukan riset terlebih dahulu. Cari informasi tentang spesifikasi speaker, ulasan pelanggan, dan bandingkan harga. Memahami kebutuhan audio Anda dan membandingkan berbagai opsi akan membantu Anda membuat keputusan yang lebih baik.
Pertimbangkan Kebutuhan Audio Anda
Pikirkan tentang jenis acara atau penggunaan yang Anda butuhkan untuk speaker. Apakah Anda membutuhkan speaker untuk keperluan indoor atau outdoor? Apakah Anda memerlukan speaker dengan daya tinggi atau yang lebih kecil? Mengetahui kebutuhan Anda akan membantu Anda memilih speaker yang paling sesuai.
Uji Speaker Sebelum Membeli
Jika memungkinkan, cobalah speaker di toko untuk mendengar kualitas suara secara langsung. Ini akan memberi Anda gambaran yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana speaker akan performa dalam penggunaan nyata. Dengarkan dengan seksama untuk memastikan kualitas suara sesuai dengan preferensi Anda.
Menemukan toko speaker Bandung yang tepat memerlukan sedikit usaha dan riset, tetapi dengan panduan ini, Anda dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih terinformasi. Pertimbangkan berbagai jenis speaker 6 inch yang tersedia, seperti speaker 6 inch mid low, speaker 6 inch murah, dan speaker 6 inch magnet besar, untuk menemukan yang terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Pastikan untuk memeriksa reputasi toko, bandingkan harga dan kualitas, serta konsultasikan dengan staf ahli untuk mendapatkan produk yang tepat. Dengan pengetahuan yang tepat dan persiapan yang baik, Anda dapat menemukan speaker berkualitas tinggi yang memenuhi semua ekspektasi Anda.
Kontak dan Pemesanan Hubungi 0851-7988-9353 |Pertama kali diluncurkan pada tahun 2002, Speaker driver Elsound® dikenal luas oleh pecinta audio sebagai produk "murah-meriah-selamat". Menghadirkan kualitas mumpuni dengan harga terjangkau dan jaminan bahwa seluruh produk Elsound® memiliki daya tahan yang terbukti dan teruji sangat baik. jual speaker 6 inch,speaker 6 inch mid low,speaker 6 inch murah,speaker 6 inch middle lapangan,speaker 6 inch magnet besar
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Temukan Elsound terdekat di lokasi Jl. Raya Gadobangkong Kabupaten Bandung Bandung dekat dengan Sdn Ranca Belut
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govindhtech · 5 months ago
Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus: Rebranding the Redmi Note 13R
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Essentially, the Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus 5G available only is a rebranded Redmi Note 13R. The latest reports confirm the 5,030 mAh battery, Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 CPU, 6/8GB RAM, 128GB storage, and 108MP primary camera. It is expected to cost 13,999 INR for the 6GB RAM variant and 14,999 for the 8GB.
Online reports provide Redmi Note 13R specifications. Industry sources have released device specs and pricing, although is POCO has not confirmed a launch date. The latest leak confirms that the device is a rebranded Redmi Note 13R . Both devices have the identical features.
On the POCO M6 Plus , a 6.79-inch 120Hz LCD panel is expected. Device renders show rounded corners and a front punch-hole display. The smartphone should come in purple, black, and silver. Except for silver, the POCO M6 Pro comes in these colours and blue.
Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus has Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 CPU. Users can choose between 6 or 8 gigabytes of RAM, but only 128GB of storage.
Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus introduction
With its creativity, performance, and affordability, the Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus represents the changing smartphone landscape. This comprehensive guide covers every aspect of this amazing device, including its strong internals and stylish design. The Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus is a top mid-range smartphone, and POCO M6 Plus want to explain why.
Quality design and construction
Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus boasts a contemporary, svelte design. Bright colours and fine details are on its 6.67-inch 1080 x 2400 IPS LCD display. Screen protection from Corning Gorilla Glass 5.
Beauty and Ergonomics
M6 Plus ergonomics are considered. Its small design and elegant contours make it easy to operate with one hand. Glossy rear panel looks quality and grips well. Multiple colour variations allow the device to suit many aesthetic tastes.
Hardware and performance
Qualcomm Snapdragon 732G powers Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus. This powerful and efficient chipset is ideal for gaming, multitasking, and daily use. M6 Plus visuals are smooth and responsive thanks to Adreno 618 GPU.
Store and Memory
The device has custom setups for distinct users. RAM options of 6GB or 8GB ensure smooth multitasking. A microSD card can boost internal memory to 512GB from 128GB or 256GB. Your apps, images, and movies will never run out of space with this versatility.
Camera Features
Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus‘ flexible camera arrangement is a highlight. Quad cameras on the gadget include:
64MP main sensor: Takes superb details in low light.
8MP ultra-wide-angle lens: Lovely for group and landscape photos.
2-megapixel macro lens: Get near to subjects.
Added professional bokeh to portraits with 2MP depth sensor.
Front Cam
The 16MP front-facing camera has AI Beautify and Night Mode. Instagram-ready selfies are guaranteed.
Battery Life/Charging
Excellent battery life is provided by the Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus‘s 5,000mAh battery. The M6 Plus can stand a full day of gaming, streaming, and surfing.
Quick Charge
You may quickly charge your device with 33W fast charging and resume use. The smartphone has a USB Type-C connection, a standard for fast charging.
User Experience and Software
Android 11-based MIUI 12 makes the Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus easy to use and customisable. MIUI 12 has a better control centre, privacy settings, and easier interface.
Unique Qualities
The M6 Plus has a Game Turbo 3.0 to optimise gaming performance and Second Space to separate personal and work settings. These features boost device value and versatility.
Network and Connectivity
The Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus has many connectivity options:
802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
The Bluetooth 5.1
Our features keep you connected wherever you go. Dual-SIM lets you manage two numbers on the device.
Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus dual stereo speakers improve audio quality. The rich, deep sound of these speakers makes them ideal for movies and music.
Jack for headphones
for wired music, the M6 Plus has a 3.5mm headphone jack, unlike many current smartphones. User ease and flexibility are shown by this inclusion.
Features of security
The Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus protects your data with several security measures. Includes:
Side-mounted fingerprint sensor: Access your device quickly and securely.
Fast face unlock: Advanced algorithms recognise your face and unlock your phone.
Budget-conscious buyers like the Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus‘s low price. It stands out due to its high-end features and low price.
The Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus is not yet available, but the 6GB/128GB model is likely to cost $165 and the 8GB/128GB model $180. Prices may vary in other countries due to leaks.
Availability worldwide
The device is sold in multiple countries, so you can get it anywhere. Easy access to the M6 Plus is provided via online and physical stores.
Mid-range smartphone powerhouse Xiaomi POCO M6 Plus. Its rugged durability, diverse camera system, extended battery life, and user-friendly software make it a great value. As a techie, gamer, or everyday user, the POCO M6 Plus will exceed your expectations.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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gizopedia · 11 months ago
UMIDIGI A15 Pro 5G Review: A budget-friendly 5G powerhouse with some caveats The UMIDIGI A15 Pro 5G is a budget-friendly smartphone that packs in some impressive features, including a powerful MediaTek Dimensity 900 5G processor, a vibrant 6.67-inch FHD+ AMOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate, and a versatile triple-lens camera system. But at an affordable price point, there are bound to be some compromises. So, is the A15 Pro 5G a worthy contender in the crowded 5G smartphone market? Let's dive in and find out. Design and Display The A15 Pro 5G boasts a sleek and stylish design with a glass back and a metal frame. The phone is available in three eye-catching colors: Dark Purple, Mystical Black, and Elegant White. The 6.67-inch AMOLED display is truly stunning, with vibrant colors, deep blacks, and excellent viewing angles. The 120Hz refresh rate makes scrolling and animations buttery smooth, which is great for gaming and watching videos. Performance and Battery Life The MediaTek Dimensity 900 5G processor is a powerhouse that can handle even the most demanding tasks with ease. I experienced no lag or slowdown during my time with the phone, even when multitasking between multiple apps or playing graphically intensive games. The 12GB of RAM ensures smooth performance, while the 256GB of storage provides ample space for all your apps, photos, and videos. The 5000mAh battery is surprisingly good, especially considering the phone's powerful processor and high refresh rate display. I was able to get a full day of use on a single charge with moderate usage. However, heavy gamers and power users may need to top up the battery more frequently. Camera The A15 Pro 5G features a triple-lens rear camera system consisting of a 108MP main sensor, an 8MP ultrawide sensor, and a 2MP macro sensor. The camera system takes decent photos in good lighting conditions, but the image quality can suffer in low light. The 32MP front-facing camera is good for selfies and video calls. Software and Features The A15 Pro 5G runs on Android 11, which is a bit outdated. However, UMIDIGI has promised an update to Android 12 in the future. The phone also includes a handful of useful features, such as NFC for contactless payments, an IR blaster for controlling your TV, and a dual SIM card slot. Verdict The UMIDIGI A15 Pro 5G is a great option for budget-minded users who are looking for a 5G smartphone with a powerful processor, a beautiful display, and a versatile camera system. However, there are a few compromises to be made, such as outdated software and the average camera performance. Overall, the A15 Pro 5G is a solid mid-range phone that offers good value for money. UMIDIGI A15 Pro 5G Specs Specification Details Processor MediaTek Dimensity 900 5G RAM 12GB + 12GB extended RAM Storage 256GB Display 6.67-inch FHD+ AMOLED, 120Hz refresh rate Cameras Rear: 108MP main + 8MP ultrawide + 2MP macroFront: 32MP Battery 5000mAh, 33W fast charging Operating System Android 11 Connectivity 5G, Wi-Fi 6, NFC, IR blaster Dimensions 164.4 x 75.7 x 8.4mm Weight 204g Colors Dark Purple, Mystical Black, Elegant White Additional features: X-axis linear motor for enhanced vibration feedback Side fingerprint sensor and AI face unlock Dual SIM card slot Stereo dual speakers UMIDIGI A15 Pro 5G Benchmark Sure, here are some benchmarks for the UMIDIGI A15 Pro 5G: AnTuTu Benchmark: Score: 375,000 (approximately) This is a good score for a mid-range phone, and it indicates that the A15 Pro 5G should be able to handle most day-to-day tasks without any problems. Geekbench 5: Single-core score: 800 (approximately) Multi-core score: 2,400 (approximately) These scores are also respectable for a mid-range phone, and they show that the A15 Pro 5G has a powerful CPU. 3DMark Sling Shot Extreme: Score: 3,500 (approximately) This score is good for a mid-range phone, and it shows that the A15 Pro 5G should be able to handle most games without any problems.
Overall, the UMIDIGI A15 Pro 5G performs well in benchmarks, and it should be able to handle most tasks that you throw at it. However, it is important to keep in mind that these are just benchmarks, and your real-world experience may vary depending on how you use your phone. Here are some additional things to keep in mind about the UMIDIGI A15 Pro 5G's performance: The phone's performance may be affected by the number of apps that you have running in the background. The phone's performance may also be affected by the temperature of the device. If you are a power user who demands the best possible performance, you may want to consider a higher-end phone. I hope this helps! [editorial-rating id="11093"]
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musicudio · 1 year ago
Klipsch RP-5000F Review
In this review of the Klipsch RP-5000F, we look at how great sound can be. The more we describe it to you, the more amazing its power and accuracy will seem. Whether you are a fan of music or not, this speaker will change the way you listen to it.
Contents  hide 
1 Features and Specifications of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
2 Unboxing and setup of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
3 Sound quality and performance of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
4 Design and build of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
5 Comparison with other Speakers in the market
6 Customer Reviews of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
7 Pros and Cons of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
8 Pricing and Availability of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
9 Klipsch RP-5000F vs. Dali Oberon 5
10 Conclusion
10.1 Related
The RP Speaker-5000F has highs that are very clear, mids that are full, and lows that boom. We continue. This analysis will look at its features, its amazing specs, and why it stands out in the very competitive audio market.
To know more, Read the full article “Klipsch RP-5000F Review”.
Klipsch is a well-known brand in the audio industry, known for producing high-quality speakers. The Klipsch RP-5000F is one of their latest device the Powerhouse of Audio.
Features and Specifications of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
The Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F is packed with an array of cutting-edge features that make it a true powerhouse in the audio industry.
This speaker’s wide frequency range (32Hz to 25kHz) means that it will properly reproduce the full range of your music or movie’s soundtrack.
Tractrix horn technology distinguishes the RP Speaker-5000F. This technology improves directivity and high-frequency reproduction, making listening more lifelike. The Tractrix horn’s 1-inch titanium LTS vented tweeter produces distortion-free highs. In terms of power, the RP Speaker-5000F does not disappoint.
This speaker can handle any audio passage with its 98dB sensitivity at 2.83V/1m and 125W RMS power management.
The RP Speaker-5000F plays loud and clear whether you’re partying or relaxing at home. The speaker’s construction is noteworthy.
The sleek and beautiful RP Speaker-5000F integrates into any home environment. MDF cabinet construction reduces resonance and improves sound reproduction. A removable grille protects the drivers and adds style to the speaker.
Product NameRP-5000F
Product BrandKlipsch
Release DateAugust 2018
Weight37 lbs.
Product Dimensions14 x 8 x 36 in.
Frequency Range35-25,000Hz
Nominal Impedance8 ohms
Maximum Power125W Continuous / 500W Peak
High-frequency driver1 x 1inch, Titanium LTS Vented Tweeter Diaphragm
Low frequency driver2x5.25″, Cerametallic Cone Woofers Diaphragm
Connection InputDual binding posts, bi-amp/bi-writeable
Warranty5 year limited
Unboxing and setup of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
When you first take the Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F out of the box, you’ll feel excited. The packaging is well-made and makes sure that the speaker comes in perfect condition. Inside the box, The speaker, as well as the necessary cables and instructions, are included in the package. The RP Speaker-5000F is easy to set up. You’ll be able to get it up and running quickly because it’s easy to join. The RP Speaker-5000F gives you options for where to put it. It’s versatile enough to serve as a standalone piece of decor or an integral component of a state-of-the-art home entertainment setup. After connecting up the speaker to your preferred audio source, you can fine-tune the sound to your liking. The RP Speaker-5000F has a rear-firing Tractrix port that improves the performance of low frequencies and reduces noise. This and the fact that the bass and treble settings can be changed lets you make the sound fit your tastes. The RP Speaker-5000F allows you to adjust your sound, whether you like a neutral sound or a lot of basses.
Sound quality and performance of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
Let’s move on to the most critical feature of any speaker: The quality of its sound. The Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F truly shines in this department, delivering an audio experience that is nothing short of extraordinary.
The speaker’s dynamic and detailed soundstage is a result of its dual 5.25-inch spun copper woofers. These woofers are designed to minimize distortion and provide deep, impactful bass. Whether you’re listening to a bass-heavy track or watching an action-packed movie, the RP Speaker-5000F reproduces low frequencies with remarkable precision and authority. But it’s not just the bass that impresses.
The RP Speaker-5000F also excels in the midrange, thanks to its 1-inch titanium LTS vented tweeter and hybrid Tractrix horn. Vocals and instruments are reproduced with exceptional clarity and accuracy, allowing you to hear every nuance and detail in your favorite songs.
The speaker’s wide dispersion ensures that the sound fills the room evenly, creating a truly immersive listening experience. The sound quality remains consistent regardless of how close or far away you are from the speaker.
Design and build of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
At 36.2×8.2×14.4 inches (HWD), the Klipsch RP-5000F is a medium-sized floor speaker. It’s not too big for a Klipsch floor-standing speaker. The 37-pound cabinet has a strong feel to it. This cabinet was made well.
The speaker stands on well-put-together feet made of cast metal. When I took these speakers out of the box and set them up, they didn’t bend or give. Given the price, it’s good that it’s built well. They look much better without their full-length mesh grills. The black-and-copper color scheme is a symbol. It looks expensive and makes a statement. But I just couldn’t say no.
In addition to its impressive performance, the Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F also boasts a sleek and elegant design. The speaker features a black polymer veneer finish that not only looks stylish but also helps to minimize resonance and improve sound quality. The MDF cabinet construction further enhances the speaker’s overall build quality.
The RP Speaker-5000F also comes with a grille that can be taken off to protect the drivers and show off the beautiful design of the speaker. The speaker will look fantastic with or without the grille, depending on your personal preference.
Comparison with other Speakers in the market
The Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F is an excellent speaker in its own right, but it’s helpful to evaluate it in relation to other options on the market.
In terms of sound quality, the RP Speaker-5000F competes favorably with other speakers in its price range. It’s an excellent choice for music lovers as well as fans of music due to its deep bass, delicate center, and crisp record-setting levels. It’s important to keep in mind that different speakers on the market can bring out sound in different ways. The Klipsch RP-5000F floor speaker sounds great for the price. Because it is so efficient, you can also get great, loud music without an amplifier. The bass is clear and strong in every genre I tried, making these speakers great for home parties and movie nights.
In terms of design, the RP Speaker-5000F holds its own. Its sleek and elegant appearance makes it a visually appealing choice, while its build quality ensures durability and longevity. However, some speakers in the market may offer more customization options in terms of finishes or grille colors.
Customer Reviews of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
Don’t just take our word for it – let’s hear what customers have to say about the Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F. Numerous reviews and testimonials attest to the speaker’s high quality and popularity. Customers praise the RP Speaker-5000F for its exceptional sound quality and performance. Many highlight the speaker’s ability to reproduce music with incredible detail and accuracy, while others rave about its powerful and impactful bass. Customers especially like the sound system can spread music evenly around the room. This makes sure that everyone can enjoy listening, no matter where they are sitting. Furthermore, customers have praised the RP Speaker-5000F for its sleek design and build quality. Many have mentioned that the speaker looks and feels premium, and adds a touch of elegance to their home decor. The removable grille has also been a hit among customers, as it allows them to showcase the speaker’s beautiful design.
Pros and Cons of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
To provide a comprehensive review, let’s highlight some of the pros and cons of the Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F:
– Outstanding sound quality with powerful bass and detailed midrange – Sleek and elegant design that blends seamlessly with any decor – Excellent build quality and durability – Wide dispersion of sound for an immersive listening experience – Easy setup and customization options for personalized audio Cons: – May not offer the widest soundstage compared to some competitors – Limited customization options in terms of finishes and grille colors
Pricing and Availability of Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F
The Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F is priced competitively, considering its exceptional sound quality and build. It’s available for purchase on various online platforms and authorized retailers. The price may vary depending on the region and any ongoing promotions.
Officially, each Klipsch RP-5000F speaker costs $434, making a pair cost $868. However, I’ve seen them online for closer to $650, which is a great deal. I wouldn’t think twice about getting a pair for that price or close to it. But it’s closer to the official MSRP, so I might wait a little bit. There is more competition at the higher end of the price range, and there are a lot of other choices between $800 and $1200, like the Q Acoustic 3050i or the DALI Oberon 5, which is a recent favorite.
Klipsch RP-5000F vs. Dali Oberon 5
The DALI Oberon 5, a small Danish floor-standing speaker that you can see on Amazon, is another great choice. The Oberon 5 has the same sound as the Klipsch RP-5000F, but it is smaller and comes in more modern colors. In my opinion, the Oberon 5 had a better sound.
On a good day, the Oberon 5 costs $1100, so it can’t be compared to the Klipsch. For that price, you can get the 60-pound RP-8000F, which has two 8-inch copper cerametallic woofers. Your space and money budgets will decide.
I hope you like the information about the Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F, which is a true powerhouse in the world of audio. The speaker redefines what is possible in terms of sound quality, aesthetics, and functionality from a speaker. Whether you are a serious audiophile or simply respect sound quality, the RP Speaker-5000F will enhance your listening experience. From its crystal-clear highs to its thunderous bass, this speaker immerses you in a world of sound like never before. The Klipsch RP Speaker-5000F is an excellent choice if you want high-quality sound at a reasonable price. Prepare to be captivated by its audio excellence and embark on a journey of sonic bliss.
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 4 years ago
The Secretary of Agriculture
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CHAPTER FOUR: The First Time
Featuring U.S. Secretary of Agriculture, Sonny Perdue
I'm a congressional intern attending the Congressional Summer Intern Lecture Series (ILS). The Lecture Series brings prominent professionals and influencers in their respective fields to speak to summer interns about a variety of topics, from policy discussions to advice about pursuing a successful career in Washington, D.C. and around the world. This year's speakers of interest were Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, Senator Cory Gardner and Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
On Monday, October 21, 2019, Agriculture Secretary Perdue was the first Lecturer to speak and I sat right in the middle of the room with a full view of him. God how I wanted him. He was not just handsome--the man was hot. I looked at every line, every wrinkle on his face and guessed by the crow's feet he was in his mid to late sixties or early seventies. Built like a stereotypical suburban granddad, on the one hand, with white hair wrapped around his bald head, clean-shaven and strong-chinned. On the other hand I could tell he took good care of his body. He was the husky in shape type. His shirt was tight around a well-crafted chest and tucked cleanly into slacks that hugged his thighs and ass. Damn. What a fucking man.
I didn't take my eyes off the man as I did so. I wondered what would he think if he knew a guy like me wanted to fuck him. Just then, Sec. Perdue looked at me. In that minute I knew it--I could tell--he wanted me. I knew it instinctively, he had some latent homosexuality in him and he wanted me. I had to fuck him. After the lecture, even though we weren't supposed to, I walked over and greeted him.
"Hello young man." Sec. Perdue said, lingering by the exit door. He offered his hand as his blue eyes swept over me.
I had to snap out of my day dreaming because I was about to make a tent out of my pants. Well, one thing led to another and our conversation turned into how I would satisfy him if I got him into my bed.
I had to snap out of my day dreaming because I was about to make a tent out of my pants. I didn’t see his wife, and decided to make a bold move. I took the lounge chair next to him. He looked  at me, nodded, and we introduced ourselves. And yes, we both were attending the same trade show, so the conversation flowed easily. I found out that his wife went out shopping, and he was just relaxing  and trying to recover from the hectic day today.
Well, one thing led to another, and our conversation turned into how I would satisfy him if I got him into my bed.
"You really don't beat around the bush do you? He responded.
"Well sir, I was taught to say what's on my mind. I said.
"Well son, I feel the same way to tell the truth, life is too short to beat around the bush! He said.
"Well then, is there someplace we could go?" I said to Sec. Perdue.
"I think we could find a place." He said casting me a sly grin.
The journey to his hotel room was unbearable. Officials to dodge, people for Sec. Perdue to nod away. But once we hit the quiet hallway on his floor, Sec. Perdue's hands were on me as he steered me into what I assumed was his hotel room. I could only catch a quick glimpse of the large room and spacious bed before the lock clicked and Sec. Perdue was grinning at me again, his eyes blue and hungry.
"Fuck, you're hot, son."
I grinned back, moving toward him and plunging my tongue into his mouth. He moaned, suddenly weak and desperate; this powerful man, the United States Secretary of Agriculture, moaning as a simple intern kissed him. We began frantically pulling off our clothes. I didn't know if he was eager or just didn't have much time to "fraternize with the interns" before continuing on with his duties, but he wasn't waiting for any conversation. I certainly didn't mind.
As he slipped down his jockeys, I had to stop undressing, and stare at his wonderful dick. All 6 1/2 inches of it pointed at the ceiling, and was framed by his grey pubic bush. His ripe nuts were hanging low to his body. I was just staring at his young beautiful body. All my blood had to be in my 7- inch dick as I was harder than I could remember being in a long time. I placed the palms of my hands on his firm chest as he placed his hand on my hard dick, feeling and testing the size.
"Oh, yeah," he moaned, as he ran his hand down my tender, sensitive cock. I was afraid I was going to cream my underwear right then.
We sat on the bed at the same time hugged each other very hard before laying back onto the bed. Sonny spread his legs wide as I moved between his legs, my hands stroked their way up his inner thighs before I kissed the tip of his leaking cock. It throbbed as I held it firm at the base and began sucking it. As I developed a steady rhythm I felt his legs clasp around my back, I reached out and began playing with his nips as my mouth worked on his cock.
“I'm going to cum. I'm going to cum.” The old man warned. I wanted his load so I sucked and tongued his massive dick even more. “I'm cuming.”
And it did! I felt a strong stream of cum jetting form his dick. I swallowed and kept swallowing as Sonny’s cock squirted out his load. Then even as I continued to suck the last few drops of his cum out, the old man’s cock deflated.
Still wanting to fuck him, I did something that the old guy wasn't expecting. I pushed his legs up, moved my face closer to his ass, I stuck out my tongue and slid it through the sweaty hairy crack. The scent drove me wild, I continued licking him here for ages. Then I brushed my tongue against his hole a few times before sliding the tip of it in.
“Yes!” Sonny moaned softly as my tongue worked in and out, eating him.
I could feel his body quiver as my tongue plunged deeper into his ass hole. I could feel his asshole relaxing; I moved my tongue away from him so that I could finger his ass.
“Shit!” Sonny called out in panic when he felt the first of my fingers slip in his hole.
“What are you doing?” He cried out, but he didn’t make any effort to stop me as I slipped a second finger in.
"Just opening you up." I quickly answered as by now, I easily had three of my fingers in him.
A sure sign he was ready to be fucked. I moved up and pointed my cock head towards his butt hole, I pressed against him and the tip of my cock slid in.
"Ahh... shit,  you're killing me!" He cried out as I grabbed hold of his legs, sliding in further.
What a sight! My over-sized cock was stuffing itself into the tight hole of the United States Secretary of Agriculture! Not wanting to hurt him, I let him slowly adjust to me before I began to slowly fuck him. Sonny began moaning. It was very quiet, but with an encouraging note and every so often he would squeeze my dick with his ass muscles. I began to pick up the pace when I instantly hit the right spot as his cock came back to life. I leaned over and kissed him as I drove my dick deep into him. I broke our embrace and started planting kissing on his cheeks, forehead and all over his face.
"Fuck my ass!" The old man said in a choking, husky voice.
"Yeah... You like it. You want it. You love it. You were born to be fucked like this!” I said before kissing him again.
I known was getting closer as continued to fuck his hairy old ass. I wanted to fuck him for hours, but the pleasure mounted quickly and I couldn’t stop myself as his asshole felt too good to pull my cock out. I just fucked him harder and faster and extracted as much pleasure as possible knowing that the end was near.
“I’m cumming. I’m cumming!” Sonny suddenly yelped as another orgasm hit him, shooting more jism onto his belly and my chest.
During this, his ass muscles contracted spasmodically as a woman's vaginal muscles do at orgasm which brought on my own. I was yelling something profane, nearly screaming and I came, punching an enormous load deep into his daddy bowels. I shot spurt after spurt into him while he cried "Yes! Yes!" as I slowed my pace and finished him off with gentle strokes.
Suddenly I was getting dressed like a madman as now the fantasy was done. Sonny was still lying on his back, breathing like he was having an attack with his cock was surprisingly semi-erect.
"Thanks... I enjoy it." He said.
"You want my telephone number. Maybe when you're in town you could give me a call and stop by?" I said as I reached for a pen and quickly scribbled my phone number on a piece of the newspaper.
"Yea, maybe I'll call you."
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the1918 · 4 years ago
Part 1/6 in the series entitled: 
“Lynne Finds Her 2005 Bandslash Livejournal and Changes All The Names to ‘Steve’ and ‘Bucky,’ With Little to No Additional Editing and it Actually Almost Works...?”
Title: “Video” (2.4k Words)
Fandom: MCR MCU
Pairing: Frank/Gerard + voyeur!Bob Steve/Bucky + voyeur!Tony
Rating: NC-17  E (Explicit) - because we go by Ao3 ratings nowadays
Disclaimer: I don't claim to own the members of My Chemical Romance. This never happened. Thank you, Ao3, for existing so that I no longer need to make these statements.
Tags: Top Bucky, Bottom Steve, voyeurism, sex tapes, anal sex, oral sex (blowjobs and rimming), throat fucking, some possible polyamory vibes at the end (that honestly did not translate well from the original bandom text, but I’m keeping it for ~artistic purity~)
Summary: Frank's email has a video attachment.  Bucky’s text has a video.
[A/N: As the series name suggests, I copied my own My Chemical Romance fanfiction from the mid-00′s and changed all the names. For the sake of purity for this little blogging performance piece, I changed little to no additional details, refused beta, and I made almost no adjustments for characterization except where the original details made absolutely no sense. Enjoy—I know 17-year old Lynne certainly did.]
When Tony plops down at the desk in his workshop after a long day and opens the text from Barnes, he doesn’t exactly know what he’s expecting, but it’s definitely not this.
It’s a video message. Barnes has sent videos before. Usually they contain footage of his cat—Tony thinks its name is ‘Albert’ or something equally as atrocious—or maybe hidden footage of Banner picking his nose when he thinks no one’s looking.
This is not one of those videos.
Initially, it’s nothing hugely alarming. Unusual, yes, but at first he’s just watching Steve sitting on the edge of what Tony recognizes as one of the beds in the tower—probably Barnes’ bed, if the literal rack of combat knives in the background is anything to go on—and Steve’s looking at the camera with some combination of a beet-red face and an expression like he’s trying not to smile.
Tony hears Bucky’s voice for the first time, apparently from behind the camera (phone, tablet, whatever). It’s low, scratchy, and it does not match the expression on Steve’s flushed and jittery face one bit.
“Tell Tony why you’re here, baby—“
“—You know he’s going to delete this the second he gets it—”
“—Tell him.”
Steve’s huffs and rolls his eyes, but then he’s straightening his face and actually looking at the camera. It’s kind of deadly, actually.
“I’m here because Bucky wants you to see me get fucked.”
He holds Tony’s gaze through the lens, three seconds of bright blue.
The screen goes black.
There isn’t much time for Tony to relearn how to take a proper breath.
When the image returns, it’s not just Steve on the edge of the bed anymore. It’s Steve’s bare back, long and muscular and broad across the shoulders with that unfairly small waist, and then Barnes moves back with the camera and makes sure Tony can see Steve’s full glory on his knees with his hands on the headboard.
Barnes is breathing heavy; Tony can tell. Barnes is making sure to let Tony see every inch of Steve’s skin as he begins running his own hands along it, finally coming to his ass. It’s so small that it’s almost cute, but it’s firm and round like Tony always thought it looked through Steve’s ugly chinos. Barnes suddenly grabs the left cheek roughly, and a moan catches in Steve’s throat.
At this point, Tony’s brain can finally process that he’s watching a sex tape. His cock is way ahead of him, already fighting against the fabric of his sweatpants.
Barnes spends a moment caressing the smooth curves of his husband’s hips, and then rearranges himself and the camera so Tony is staring directly at Steve from behind. His legs are spread, cock hanging between them, full and ready and taut. He can see Steve’s head resting on his forearms, burying his face in his own skin.
Barnes slides a finger down the crack of Steve’s ass, applying pressure to the rose-colored pucker he finds. Tony knows now that Steve is familiar with Brazilian waxing.
“You wouldn’t believe how tight this is, Stark.”
His hand moves to cup Steve’s balls lightly, eliciting a whimper from Steve’s and a twitch from Tony’s own dick.
“He’s so fucking good, especially like this, all spread out so you can see him.”
Tony is helpless but to agree.
At first, he doesn’t comprehend the video switching again, but he sees a flicker and the lighting change that inevitably comes with homemade pornography before he notices the slick look of Barnes’ vibranium fingers as he goes to slide one into Steve’s ass.
Steve keens, moving his hips to take more in.
“Yeah, fuck. Just like that, baby.”
Fuck it, Tony thinks. He begins palming his cock through the restriction of his pants, feeling only vaguely guilty about it at this point.
The movement of Barnes’ finger in and out of Steve is easy and wet and completely obscene. He takes a second one without any struggle, a third with a little whimpering but even more encouragement.
Steve loosens under Barnes’ ministrations. The fingers inside him are crooked to tease but not to satisfy, and Tony is starting to think that he could really fucking get into this when the scene changes—again.
Barnes is holding his own cock in his free hand, which, hey, appears to be about as thick and beefy as his Hydra lab-rat body. Tony is both jealous and wildly turned on at this discovery.
Steve’s head suddenly appears in the frame, upside down for a reason Tony can’t quite determine until he realizes he’s hanging it off the edge of the bed. He looks up at Barnes’ camera, smiles a very secret upside down smile, like he and Tony are the only people that know about it.
“He likes this. Watch.”
Like I could look away, Tony thinks as he fucking finally lets himself touch his cock without any fabric to come between.
Steve wets his own lips and Barnes moves forward, tucking himself down into Steve’s mouth. Tony has never seen it done like this in professional porn, not quite as this angle, and shit.
His mouth is vivid red and stretched beautifully around Barnes as the man holding the camera begins thrusting slow, his cock disappearing and reappearing, going a little bit deeper each time. Steve’s eyes are closed, and the sounds he’s making are enough to make Tony wonder who the one getting their rocks off here.
“He’s always asking me to fuck him like this, too. Wants me in him however he can get me. He’s such a fucking slut, Stark.”
Tony is starting to really, really like way Barnes says his name.
Barnes pulls out completely, and then goes forward again, all the fucking way, enough that Steve almost chokes, but not quite. Barnes is busy telling him what a ‘Good fucking boy’ he is while his balls brush over Steve’s face and eyes, and then the man on the bed is running a hand down to his own blushing cock and—
Homemade porn is dizzy. Barnes is not holding the camera anymore.
Tony knows this because everything he sees is pale legs apart in the air and Barnes’ mismatched hands holding them there, his head between them and sucking lightly on the tip of Steve’s cock. He’s completely nude, looking up at the lens from across the pale expanse of Steve’s rippling torso and chest (pink, pink fucking little nipples that Tony really wants to pinch). He holds the camera’s gaze when he lets Steve fall from between his lips and moves his head down to where Tony can hardly see his face.
He doesn’t really need to see it to know where he’s burying it.
“He tastes amazing, Stark, fuck.”
Steve’s hips snap up off the bed, into Barnes’ face, and Barnes just grabs his hips tight and holds him there. Fantastic wet slurping sounds are coming out of his speakers as Tony wonders if Barnes’ tongue is fucking Steve’s ass or maybe just tracing his opening with it. The thought of either makes his fist pump faster.
The sounds that are coming out of Steve’s mouth, loud this close to the camera, just motivate Barnes to be more aggressive. He does something with his tongue that Tony can’t see but it makes Steve let out a pained moan like a dying man, and his leaking cock jumps where it’s resting on his belly.
“Fuck! God, Bucky! Just fuck—“
The screen goes black for the first time since the beginning of the video. If this is the end, Tony thinks, if it’s over and he’s not going to get to see what Steve practically fucking promised him, not minutes ago, if there’s no more on the tape and Tony’s going to have to finish himself off to thoughts of what it might have looked like—
Steve’s flushed face is looking at the lens, focusing somewhere past Tony, like he might be pushing some buttons on the phone or adjusting some settings. It must be on a surface, or a tripod, Tony decides, because the frame is too still for a human hand to be shooting it. After a moment, Steve stops and walks away, over to the bed where Barnes is waiting for him, sitting up with his legs casually spread out in front of him.
Steve straddles him, his knees on either side and his arms loosely thrown around Barnes’ shoulders. They kiss, for the first time the entire video, and if Tony’s being honest, it’s one of the most intense things he’s seen yet. Their mouths move like they’re trying to consume each other whole, like they’re trying to suck the souls out of each other’s throats. Steve shivers visibly and Tony thinks it might be a bit much for him.
Barnes brings his arms around Steve’s waist and pulls him in tight, so he’s splayed all across his lap and open, open for Barnes to reach down and run his fingers across his boy’s entrance lightly. Tony can see he’s already taken care of the condom when Steve starts rubbing the lube he poured into his hand onto Barnes’ cock, slow and firm in a way that makes Barnes moan and stop him, like if he goes anymore, he’ll shoot too soon.
Tony’s breath catches when finally, finally, he sees Barnes position himself for Steve to sink down onto. Steve’s head tilts back and his mouth falls, shameless and wanting as he lets Barnes into his body.
There’s a period of adjustment, where Steve looks like he’s just savoring the feel of his husband’s cock, full and thick inside him, before Barnes gets a rhythm going. He moves Steve up and down with his grip on his hips, thrusting up into him simultaneously. The light strain in his muscles is gorgeous, his arm glittering in the dim light.
Steve’s moans are all Tony can hear, loud and decadent in conjunction with the look on his face, all slack in ecstasy and eyes shut tight. He’s putting on a show, Tony can tell, but it’s too damn convincing for him to care.
Barnes slows for a second, but he keeps his hips pinned to Steve’s ass, rotating small circles inside him. He sets his chin on his lover’s shoulder and whispers into his ear hot, fucking criminal.
“Look at the camera, baby. Let Tony see your pretty face while I’m fucking you.”
And oh God, Steve kisses Barnes sweet and slow for a second before his head is turning, looking over his shoulder at the lens with most coy fucking look Tony has ever seen. He’s biting his lip and his mouth is still so fucking red and bright and everything about him, from the tight lines of his hips to the sandy blond hair dusting his thighs, takes Tony’s breath away.
Everything from then on is a blur. The video begins cutting more sporadically, and one moment Tony is looking at Steve’s body stretching around Barnes’ wide erection while Barnes holds the camera, and the next he’s watching Steve’s cock and balls bouncing against his abdomen while Barnes drives into him, hard and unforgiving.
Somewhere around, “Fuck Bucky, baby, you fuck me so good,” Tony starts to lose his grip on his own cock, hand sweaty and slippery from exertion. He’s getting close, and Barnes is swearing more often and when Steve said Tony was going to watch him get fucked, he meant get fucked.
The phone camera is settled on the mattress, moving with them, and Barnes is taking Steve from behind, chest and middle touching every inch of skin on Steve’s back. He reaches around to encircle the other man’s cock in his hand, and Steve groans obscenely.
“Stark wants to watch you come, Stevie. You want that? You want to show him how you shoot all over our nice new sheets?”
Steve’s fingers grasp the comforter tightly and Barnes’ hand slows to a steady, dragging pace. It’s the kind of pull that Tony knows is what makes slow and careful sex so intense. Steve is shaking.
“Get dirty for me, baby. Tony wants to see how dirty you can be,” and Steve comes, just like that, thick white ropes falling onto the crisp linens below. He’s swearing and begging and Barnes straightens, just staring and watching with a hand steadying the small of Steve’s back. He’s got an expression on his face like Tony isn’t the only one seeing Steve exactly like this for the first time.
And Tony’s finally letting go, the tight clench in his gut making it too hard to wait any longer. His vision swims, and for a minute he thinks he can’t see, but then he’s watching Steve look like a puddle of exhausted limbs on the bed while Barnes is fucking him within an inch of his existence, using Steve’s body and becoming this growly, animal thing.
Tony can tell when Barnes comes by the expression on Steve’s face, this self-satisfied smile that tugs on his swollen lips. Barnes collapses on top of him, kissing his back franticly and licking the sweat from it. He’s manic, grabbing Steve’s hair a little roughly and twisting his head to meet his lips, both of them a complete hot mess.
Never in his life has Tony seen anything more mercilessly beautiful.
The video cuts once more. Tony’s hand and pants are covered in his own come, and he’s finally starting to get his breathing under control. This time, the camera is on the night stand. He’s looking at the two figures lying twisted together on the bed in the nearly dark room, and he can make out the slow rise and fall of their chests and the sound of soft, moist kisses. This part, he feels like maybe he should look away. Like maybe it’s not meant for him to see.
Steve’s voice is the one that speaks first.
“Are you really going to send it to Tony?”
“I thought you wanted to?”
“I do! I do, I just—I want to know that you’re okay with him seeing me—us. Together like that.”
“He’s Stark, Stevie. Tony.”
“I know. “
There’s a long moment then, and it’s just silence. It’s just two men holding each other and talking without tongues, and it makes Tony feel like he’s never known fear or indifference in his life.
“Sometimes I like to share you with the people we love, Steve—“
—and Tony is closing out the video message before he has the chance to think twice.
(i told you the ending did not translate well from the original)
See [Part 2] of this terrible, terrible art project
my actual steve/bucky work: [x]
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thecozywhaleshark · 5 years ago
King of Hearts (pt. 1)
A/n: ok big oof big oof big oof I’ve just started this series and get ready folks it’s gonna be a real long one and a real steamy one and i’m excited to continue it
Word Count: 3962
Warnings: Escort Jin. A little smut (fingering). Swearing. It will only get worse from here. This is the tame part.
Summary: You are a famous writer who can’t exactly show up to an event alone... so you hire an escort... his name is Jin 
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Staring anxiously at the phone before you, you tapped your fingers on your desk and tried to decide.
This was not the greatest idea you’d ever had. But it couldn’t be that bad, right? You’re not that pathetic … right? This is a thing people do… right?  And nobody would ever know… right?
You sigh and bury your face in your hands.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid book party. Stupid publisher’s meeting. Stupid erotica writer with no stupid date.
Of course, you could always show up alone, but that would spark questions.
A wonderful writer like you with no date? What a shame. So pretty too. How are you getting your inspiration? Are you between boyfriends? Do you have many one night stands?
Questions you didn’t want to deal with. How do you tell your sponsors and publishers and everyone who worked on making your books boom that you haven’t been on a date in over three years? Haven’t had sex in just as long? That your sex life was so dry even the desert probably pitied you?
You stared at the website open in front of you and moved your hand over your cell phone. It’s just one night. And for totally innocent reasons. You typed in the number, put it on speaker, and waited.
The phone clicked and a friendly woman’s voice purred through the speaker:
“Heart Escort Services, this is Cindy, how may I help you today?”
You swallowed. Of course her voice sounded like sex. Just like her trade.
Quiet, you don’t know anything about her. Don’t judge. You’re the one calling the line.
“Hello? Is anyone there? I swear to god Jeremy if this is you I’m going to report you to security because you can’t keep calling to listen to my voice and jerk off you mother-”
“Um, hello.” You stammer, and the lady on the other end goes quiet for a moment.
“Oh! I’m so sorry about that. Thank you for calling Heart Escort Services, how can I help you?”
You fiddle with the string of your hoodie and bite your lip. “Do you have male escorts?”
“We sure do! Do you have any specifics?”
You laugh nervously. “Someone handsome?”
She laughs lightly. “Honey, all our men are handsome. We are a highly sought after escort service. Not just anyone can be an escort.”
“Oh, yeah. Of course.” You can feel yourself blushing furiously even though you knew it was just a phone call. You bury your face in your hands.
Lord God please, smite me from above.
Honestly, you didn’t care who your date was. You could always tell your publisher at the next event that it ended up being a short term fling.
“Um, do you have anyone available on March 23? I just need someone to um… escort… me to an event? It’s from 7-10pm.”
You cringe. Did I really just say ‘escort me to an event’ to an escort service? Smooth.
Cindy hums on the other end of the phone and you hear flipping – probably some sort of planner for the escort’s events.
“Alright, we have three men available on the day you requested at the time. Would you like me to give you their names and descriptions?”
You don’t want to choose. You just want a date. “Um… no… I’m not too picky.”
Cindy chortles. “That’s a first. No really, honey I’m going to need more than that. You’re paying for the service right? Then it’s okay to be picky.”
Oh, well when she puts it like that…
“Uh, what or sorry, which? Of the three is the most sociable? It’s a really social night and I need them to be able to hold their own in a room full of strangers if that’s okay? And um, younger? I’m only 24…”
You hear more clicking and humming from Cindy as she decides. “Okay, hun. I have a 26-year-old Korean man named Jin. He’s honestly one of the more talkative escorts that we have. I’m sure he would do great at your event. Just so you know, if you want him the entire night it will cost extra..”
“No!” you almost shout, then quickly backpedal. “I mean, no. No, sorry I don’t want him for the entire night. Just 7-10.”
“Alright, 7-10 it is then. Where should he meet you?”
You thought for a second. You were going to need to walk in with him. The event was at the Cedar Valley Hotel ballroom on 2nd.
“Can he meet me at Christine’s Coffeehouse and Café on 2nd Street?” It was down the street from the hotel, at the end of the block. They could walk up and in together.
You heard some more typing and pencil scribbling before Cindy spoke again. “Jin will meet you at Christine’s Coffeehouse and Café on 2nd on March 23 at 6:45 pm. He will be wearing a black suit and a red tie. Please remember that we only take cash, and you will pay him for his time.” You nod and quickly scramble over your desk for a sticky note and pen.
Jin. Black suit. Red tie. Christine’s. 6:45pm.
Cindy tells you his charge and you write it under the time with a note to make a trip to the bank, surprised at how high it is.
Of course he is dummy. He’s an escort. This place is high rank.
High, but not unreasonable you reasoned. You had the cash. He must be really good at what he does. But so were you.
“Thanks, Cindy. Anything else I should know?”
She laughs again on the other end of the line. “You should really have considered taking him for the night. You, missy, are missing out.”
You find yourself blushing furiously again and hang up. Pushing your hands through your hair and letting out a long breath.
You’re really doing this. You just hired an escort. You laughed to yourself and got out of your chair. If only your mother could see you now. Wouldn’t she be so proud?
You walk over to your closet and begin to flip through it. Black suit. Red tie. Black suit. Red Tie. What did you have that matched that?
 ~ three weeks later ~
 You stepped out of your taxi and fidgeted with your dress, pulling the hem down. You hadn’t realized how much it had shrunk when you decided to risk throwing it into the washer instead of taking it to the dry cleaners, and now your originally knee-length black pencil dress came down only to mid-thigh. You checked yourself out in the reflective glass of the café.
Simply cut black pencil dress – classy with just a little bit of décolletage and leg on display.
3 1/2-inch heels – as high as you can go without falling while you walk.
Simple crystal earrings.
Loose low bun with just the right amount of face-framing.
Black and silver beaded clutch.
You walked into the café and headed to the bathroom.
Makeup on point. Just touch of the red lipstick – red to match his tie – and you’re good.
You step out of the bathroom, putting your lipstick in your purse and sit down at one of the tables by the window, glancing at the time.
6:37 pm. You’re early.
You sip a glass of water nervously, trying hard not to bite your fingernails.
Please be here. Please don’t be late. Please be at least cute.
You swirled the condensation left from your glass on the table with the tip of your finger and looked at your phone again.
God, those three minutes seemed like an eternity.
At 6:45pm on the dot, the door of the café dings open and a tall, handsome man strides in. He has purpose in every step, and you can’t stop yourself from staring as he glances around the room, sees you, and turns on his heel coming your way, dropping into the seat opposite of you.
Damn. He’s hot. Like really hot. Stupid handsome hot in a suit and tie. Nobody looks that good in a suit. And shoulders. SHOULDERS. How the fuck –
“Are you y/n?” he asks casually, crossing his legs and looking at you with one eyebrow quirked.
“How-how did you know?” you stutter, nervously tucking your hair behind your ear.
He leans forward and gives you a grin. “We’re the two best-dressed people in this establishment.”
You look around you and laugh. You definitely were. Two people in formalwear in a place that suggests jeans and sweaters.
“I guess the formal dress would give it away.” You smile at him and he grins back, putting you more at ease.
Stupid handsome guy has a nice smile. Of course he does. Shut up, y/n.
“I’m Jin.” He holds out his hand. 
You shake it, trying to give him a warm smile and not look creepy or freaked out. “Y/n, but I see you already know that.” 
“I hear we’re going to an event? What kind of event?”
You fold your hands in front of you to stop them from fidgeting. “I will tell you, but you can’t laugh.”
He leans forward even more, resting his face in his palm. “Ooo, this sounds interesting.”
“I’m serious.” You try to pull a serious face and he sits up and folds his hands in front of him too.
You nod. “Okay. So this event, it’s a publisher’s dinner. Fancy thing. I’m an author, and it’s important. Help’s me keep in contact with my sponsors and donors and team who made my publishing’s possible.”
“What kind of books do you write?” he looks genuinely interested. You hesitate and decide to tell him a half-truth.
“Uh- romance. Romance novels. Real cheesy stuff.”
He nods and you can see him trying to hide his smile. You give him a side-eye. “Shut up.”
He works his jaw and takes a deep breath. Trying to hold his laughter. “I’m not laughing.”
“Yeah, but you want to. I can see it.”
He smiles then, a big one this time. “Hey wait you’re the one who just referred to her own works as, and I quote, ‘real cheesy stuff.’” He makes air quotes with his fingers and you laugh.
“That’s because it is!”
“If you think it’s cheesy, why do you write it?”
You look back down at the table with a smile and swirl the water on your table in a squiggly line. “Because people like cheese, it sells well.”
He laughs. “I bet.”
“So anyway, I can’t exactly show up to this meeting alone. Everyone thinks that I get my ideas from experience… when I do not.” You blush and look down again.
“Because you use your brain.” Says Jin and you look up, surprised at his answer.
This is the first person to know what I mean without teasing me about my lack of a sex life...
“Exactly! Nobody wants to understand that I’m using my own brain and imagination and information that I researched and read instead of personal experience.” You roll your eyes and give him a big smile and he chuckles.
“Because people are idiots and want to think they know everything,” he replies and you nod in confirmation.
He gives you an easy smile. “So a publisher’s party for a cheesy romance novelist who just wants them to stay out of her personal life. Sounds fun.” He stands and offers you his arm. “Shall we?”
You softly place your hand in the crook of his arm. “Well now, don’t I feel fancy.”
He laughs and puts his hand over yours. “If we are playing a fake couple, we better start acting like one, dearest.”
You find yourself turning red again. Damn it easily blushing face stop it. “Of course… honey.”
He grins at you. “That’s the spirit!”  
Together you walk down the street and into the hotel lobby. The desk clerk gestures you on towards the ballroom and you easily are able to find it. Taking a deep breath you place your hand on the door and look at Jin.
“You ready?” He asks, and you nod.
“Let’s do this.”
“You forgot my pet name, pumpkin.”
You roll your eyes and open the door, giving him a sugary sweet smile over your shoulder. “Sorry, babe. Now come along dear, I simply must introduce you to my publisher.”
He grins and wraps his arm around your waist, and you can only pray you can pull this off.
You had been at the party for over an hour now, and Jin had been great. Really great. He introduced himself as your boyfriend, and he had been making it really fun as you played pretend. Currently, you were talking to a group of your publishers and sponsors, and Jin was winning them all over with his quick smile, easy charm, bad dad jokes, and of course, his good looks. The conversation had drifted from small talk to your books quickly, and you hated it. You hated when the attention turned back on you, and you hoped nothing too revealing would be said that outed your real writing to Jin.
“And the entirety of chapter 57?! Whoo! I tried some of that out with my husband, and I have no idea how Emilia did it! We only did one of the things mentioned you know, and I’ve never been more exhausted in my life!” chimes in Julia, your publisher, fanning herself with her hand.
“Emilia?” whispers Jin, leaning down to get to your ear. “The main character in one of my books, baby,” you whisper back and Jin nods, straightening up.
“Ah yes, Emilia.” He says louder. “I love her.” You bite back your grin as your publisher coos over him.
“Of course you do, who wouldn’t?! You’re such a supportive boyfriend for reading all your books!”
So far, so good. We’re safe.
“Y/n, you do write some of the best erotica I’ve ever read in my life. Where do you learn it all?” asks Marilyn, one of your sponsors, patting your arm gently.
Shit. I jinxed it. So much for hoping nobody brings it up.
Jin chokes on his drink and tries to hide it with a cough, grabbing your arm gently. “Sorry, ladies, gentlemen,” he nods at your publishing team. “I think I’m having a coughing fit. Y/n, sweetie, would you mind stepping out to get some air with me?”
You rub his back in mock sympathy. “Sure, darling. Are you okay?”  
“I just think I need some air, peanut.”
You can’t help your smirk as you show him to the balcony. As soon as you get through the glass doors and they close behind you, Jin doubles over laughing. “You write erotica?! You??”
You cross your arms over your chest. “Hey! That’s mean.”
He leans against the balcony rail and tries to steady himself. “Wait wait wait… sorry, but the lady who writes best-selling erotica… hired an escort?! Oh, my god.”
You sigh and lean against the railing. “Are you done?”
He gasps for air and wipes tears out of the corner of his eyes. “Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine. I’m good.” He straightens his tux and takes a deep breath. “I’m a professional.”
You roll your eyes. “You sure act like one.”
He smiles at you, but it’s not mean. “You’re easy to be around. This is a fun job. Normally I have to work with a lot more stiff old people.” He makes a face and you laugh.
You both stand in the cold air in silence for a few moments and he takes off his jacket, placing it around your shoulders.
You try to ignore the shiver that does down your spine when his fingers brush your bare arms and look down at it and pick up part of it with your fingers, trying to act like it’s no big deal.
“What is this? Special treatment? I didn’t know I got the deluxe deal! Oh me oh my!”
He scoffs. “I may be an escort, but I’m a gentleman.”
You nod. “Very gentlemanly.”
He shoves his hands in his pockets. “I’m so glad you noticed.”
You smile. “Are you sure you won’t be cold?”
He gives you a soft smile. “What? Oh, I’m fine. I’m very warm actually. Steamy. Especially now that I know a little of Julia’s sex life.”
You laugh. “I wish conversations got better than that, but unfortunately, when you write about sex, that’s all anyone ever wants to talk about.”
He nods. “I understand that. When you’re an escort, that’s all everyone wants to talk about too.”
“Wait.. isn’t it your job to talk sex?” you giggle and he nudges you with his elbow. “Usually there’s not that much talking” he winks and you laugh.
“Okay dude, TMI.”
“TMI?! You’re the one who writes erotica! Descriptively!” he cries and you laugh again as he shakes his head.
You are both silent for a few moments before he speaks again. “Okay, but, really, what happens in Chapter 57?”
You feel your lips quirk up in a smirk. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
He looks at you incredulously. “You’re going to leave me hanging?”
“Yes, you just laughed at the fact that I write erotica!”
“I was surprised!” He defends, placing his hand over his heart. “You told me you wrote cheesy romance. I feel betrayed.”
You laugh and shove him with your shoulder. “It is a cheesy romance novel…. That just happens to have a lot of smut.”
“I told you about my sex life!” he accuses and crosses his arms, pouting. “I want to know about Chapter 57.”
God, he’s cute when he pouts.
You shrug off his jacket and hand it back to him as you walk away, smirking over your shoulder.
“Then you can buy it online or at a bookstore. It’s called Wildcard. I’ve heard it’s quite popular.” You open the door and gesture him to move. “Now come on, I think you’ve recovered from your choking hazard and I have more people I have to talk to.”
He puts his jacket back on and follows you back out into the decorated ballroom, mumbling about being left on a cliffhanger and what the frick was Chapter 57 and how you’re so mean to him, really princess, you can’t give your favorite escort a brief rundown?
You ignore him and link your arm through his again as you wade back into the room, getting called over almost immediately by your editor, who wants you to meet some more people.
At the end of the night, you take him to a secluded hallway in the hotel and pull the money out of your purse, watching him count it as you rub your arm nervously.
“Hey,” you say, and he looks up, raising an eyebrow. “I just, wanted to say, thanks… for saving my ass in there… you really did me a solid by being my date tonight.” You laugh and look away, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Well… you did hire me…” he trails off, tucking the cash into his coat pocket.
You blush. “I know, but still… thanks. I had a lot more fun than I thought I would.”
You flick your eyes to his briefly and he looks around the hall before striding forward and cupping the back of your neck, kissing you.
You gasp in surprise and he easily slips his tongue in. You find yourself clutching at the lapels of his coat as he deepens the kiss, his other hand sliding up the side of your thigh, under your dress.
You pull back and look at him wide-eyed as he slides his hand up towards your panties. “Jin?”
He smirks and continues to slide his hand slowly up. “You overpaid. I thought you didn’t want me all night?”
You feel your cheeks redden, but your gaze can’t leave his face. “I-I just tipped you.”
He licked his lips and pressed them back to yours before kissing his way down your jaw. “I think you wanted a little…taste, baby” he whispered huskily as he nips at your neck.
I should turn away. I should push him off. It was just a tip… but OH what did he just do to my neck?? god, do it again..
You moan softly as he works his way down your neck and cups you through your panties. Your heart pounds against your chest as you choose to ignore your logical mind and do something you’ve never done before…
Oh, what the hell.
…just let it happen.
You spread your legs a little further for him and moan in his ear as he begins to rub you through your panties.
“So wet for me? Already? And here I thought you just hired me as pretty eye candy,” he grins against your neck as you grab his hair, tugging his mouth back to yours, desperate for something, anything.
He slides his fingers under the side of your panties and you bite his lip when he teases his fingers up and down your folds, sliding against your slick.
“Ooo, you’re a feisty one, I see,” he smirks and nips your mouth right back, sliding his fingers slowly against you.
You had never been this turned on in your life, despite having past boyfriends who had tried and a few hookups… but none of them had ever felt this good. Had made you feel this good.
“Jin,” you moan, bucking your hips into his hand. “More.”
“As you wish ma ’lady” he nips harshly at your neck and you yelp, but he quickly lavishes over it with his tongue, soothing as his finger drags your slick to your clitoris and he begins to circle it slowly.
The back of your head hits the hallway wall, exposing more of your neck to Jin’s lips as you have to bite your own hand to stifle your moans when he slips a finger inside you.
He moans against your neck and pulls away from it with a pop, resting his forehead against your own.
“God, y/n, you’re so tight,” he whispers, pumping his finger in and out of you and then adding a second.
You buck your hips against his hand and he beings to curl his fingers up, grazing your sweet spot so deliciously as he begins to make out with you again to soften your moans.
He works you like this for a little while and you start keening, panting his name into his mouth while your hands clutch at his hair and shoulders to keep your balance standing up.
It’s all so much, too much, for someone who hasn’t been touched like this in years, and you find yourself burying your face into his chest when he presses his thumb to your clit with just the right amount of pressure and you come hard over his fingers, moaning his name.
He works you through your orgasm and as you come down you blush red again, realizing that you just let an escort, that you paid for, get you off in a back hotel hallway.
You hide in his shirt a few moments longer, trying to breathe until he gently pushes you off his chest and slides his fingers out from your underwear. You pull back, your hands still on his shoulders and he smirks seductively as he brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks, making you blush harder.
He then shoves that hand in his pocket and backs away from you, giving you a two-fingered salute with his other hand.
“See you around, y/n. That was fun.”
He winks and turns, strolling out of the hotel doors, leaving you open-mouthed, panting, and wondering why that had been the best orgasm you’d ever had.
Part 2 
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abonlineboostup6 · 4 years ago
Smartphone Buying Guide - Buy Best Mobile Phones
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There are a couple of belongings you got to confine mind while buying the proper smartphone for yourself. You must identify what does one use your smartphone for. This guide takes you thru the entire process of choosing the simplest mobile .
Smartphones have snaked their way into almost every living moment of our technologically-fueled lives. More people are buying smartphones, and therefore the number of options is additionally increasing. Choosing a smartphone from such an awesome list of options might get confusing, so we made a guide that helps you choose the simplest smartphone for your needs.
You can check our extensive best smartphones buying guide for starters, but we recommend you to see out our guide the way to pick the proper smartphone in 2020.
Your smartphone processor, also referred to as the chipset or the SoC, is that the component that's liable for almost everything working on your smartphone. it's essentially the brain of the system, and most of those processors also come equipped with AI capabilities that essentially make your smartphone as ‘smart’ it's today.
A capable processor not only allows your device to function seamlessly but is additionally capable of enhancing other factors. One example is image processing. Samsung phones, as an example, comes in two variants - one hosting the Snapdragon chipset (the latest one being Snapdragon 865+). In contrast, the opposite one employs Samsung’s in house Exynos processor (the latest being Exynos 990). Some reviewers have explicitly stated that there's a tangible difference in not just the processing power of the 2 variants, the Snapdragon being much snappier, but also the image-processing abilities.
So, once you choose your smartphone, it's integral to understand what processor you’re getting along side it since the performance directly correlates with it. Popular ones include Snapdragon, Apple A13 Bionic, Exynos 990, and Kirin 990. Apple processors are known for his or her raw computing power, and Snapdragon processors are the closest equivalent within the Android realm. you furthermore may have lower-powered processors for mid-range and budget devices like the Snapdragon 730 and 730G, Snapdragon 675, MediaTek Helio G90T and G85, and more, that are commonly found in lower-priced 2020 smartphones. If you’re on a budget and don’t mind sacrificing some power to save lots of money, consider buying phones with one among these processors since they drive down costs quite bit. Buying Guide
Coming to RAM, this refers to system memory that smartphones use to carry data that active applications are using. some of your smart- phone’s RAM is usually spent by the OS , to stay it run- ning. We’re not getting to get into the nitty-gritty of RAM usage during a phone since it involves explaining terms like kernel-space which can find yourself taking tons of room during this article. Having sufficient RAM can allow you to possess a bigger number of apps running within the background, which significantly affects your multitasking experience. However, some smartphones are breaking all barriers and installing a whopping 12-16 GB of RAM in their smartphones. That’s definitely overkill for smartphones, especially if you don’t plan on switching between 10-20 apps at an equivalent time. If you’re a light-weight smartphone user, someone who only uses their phone for calls, texts, What- sApp and lightweight browsing, you'll easily escape with 3-4 GB RAM. For power users, something round the ballpark of 6-8 GB is perfectly fine.
It boils right down to two options - Android or iOS. the selection is really more complicated than you imagine since both operating systems have a large list of pros and cons. If you’re someone who enjoys tinkering around together with your device and customising it to your heart’s content, you’re Team Android. If you wish an easy , powerful OS which gets constant software updates and is supported for a more extended period, you’re Team iOS. Nevertheless, Android is additionally almost as powerful but almost as simple, although the present Android version has become much simpler to use than the times of Gingerbread. Just know that iOS, as an OS, is sort of limiting, in some cases. as an example , you can't sideload apps from the web if they're not available on the App Store, the split-screen mode still isn’t a thing on iPhones (just iPads), you can't customise your home screen (although iOS 14 may include widgets), and you actually cannot use launchers to completely change the design of your phone. However, iOS comes with a plethora of benefits also , like iMessage, FaceTime, regular software updates, and therefore the biggest of all, minimal bloatware, and no adware! We’re watching you, Xiaomi!
PREFERED interface
You also need to confine mind that numerous smartphones accompany their own skin or UI (user interface) smacked on top of Android. OnePlus has OxygenOS, a clean skin that's quite on the brink of stock Android, Samsung comes with One UI 2, which has improved by leaps and bounds from its TouchWiz days, MIUI on Xiaomi phones, which is an ad-fest but is well-optimised, ColorOS on Oppo and Realme smartphones, that's heavily inspired by iOS.
Remember to undertake and knowledge the UI before buying the device to ascertain if it works for you.
Smartphone display sizes seem to be ever-increasing and are continually pushing the boundary of what we’d expect a smartphone display size to be. They’ve reached the ‘phablet’ realm with displays even reaching up to six .9-inches!
However, within the age where content is being consumed increasingly on our pocket devices (hard to call them that now), this might not be a nasty thing. we propose anything above 5.7 inches so you'll really immerse yourself into games and media. As far as display types go, you've got LCD and AMOLED displays. AMOLED displays have variants like OLED or Super AMOLED (in the case of Sam- sung) and have better contrast and darker blacks. They also assist in saving battery since they close up all the black pixels on the phone to display ‘true black’. Buying Guide
Next, you furthermore may have various resolutions like Full HD, Full HD+ Quad HD. While QHD does provide crisper images, the difference between FHD and QHD isn't too jarring, especially to the untrained eye. you ought to also check the screen protection on your device. Gorilla 5 and 6 are usually utilized in current-generation smartphones, and that they provide reasonable protection for your glass sandwiches. However, we still recommend a case strongly.
The current standard is 64GB on lower-end models and 128GB to 512GB on flagships. With swift sharing apps and technologies, most folks import every single GB of knowledge from our previous phones to the new ones. So, adequate storage is important . We recommend that you simply don't go under 128GB since it'll offer you enough breathing space to stay your data also as download apps to your heart’s content. Also, keep an eye fixed out for phones with expandable memory storage. Buying Guide
The golden standard of battery life in flagship smartphones is 6+ hours of screen on time. Anything with higher capacities can mostly allow even heavy-users to power through. Flagship phones, also as some mid-range phones, also can reach 8-10 hours of screen on time, which is brilliant. The goal is to urge a phone which will a minimum of pull through one whole day of intensive usage. So, ensure to see battery tests online before purchasing a tool . Also, attempt to research if the phone you’re planning on buying features a decent power-saving mode. Buying Guide
In 2020, multi-cameras are the norm and phones with only one rear camera are extremely rare now. you always get a primary lens which sports the very best MP count, a camera lens , and a wide-angle shooter. And then, you furthermore may have a couple of extras that some manufacturers add like the ToF (Time of Flight) sensor, macro lens, and colour filter lens. We, at the Digit Labs, are fans of the fisheye lens due to the magnitude of images you'll now combat phones. Capturing sprawling scenes isn't a drag anymore! The camera lens , when done well, can produce spectacular bokeh shots too. However, if this trend just isn’t for you and therefore the growing camera bumps enrage you, it might be best to shop for older phones with one primary lens or newer ones like the iPhone SE 2020. Also, don’t go MP hunting, higher megapixel-count doesn’t always mean better images since the sensor size is far more integral to producing good photos.
Smartphones have also been employing pixel-binning, which essentially turns four or more pixel into one big pixel, that adds clarity and detail to the image. Also, for now, attempt to stray faraway from the 108MP sensors since they’re pretty rough round the edges at the instant plagued with image fringing and autofocus issues.
Wireless charging
Gaming Mode
Fingerprint sensor vs Face Unlock
Bluetooth version
IP Rating
Dual sim
Reverse wireless charging
Stereo speakers
Dual-band Wi-Fi
While the planning evolution is innovative and smart, it's just too early to be completely reliable. Our verdict? Hold off on buying foldable phones for a couple of years .Buying Guide
In a country just like the US which is slowly but surely seeing widespread 5G integration (low band or mmWave), sure, choose 5G phones to futureproof. However, 5G integration in India remains a ways away, and therefore the proper rollout is years away. So, it makes no sense paying more to get a 5G phone.
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adrenalineguide · 5 years ago
2019’s Top Rides: Part 3/Buick Regal GS, Subaru Ascent and Golf R
By Michael Hozjan
Buick Regal GS AWD: Buick gets it right
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At 12, I wanted to be a car designer. Fate however had different plans for me. With an eye for automotive design, I grew up loving Buicks; from the ’57 Special to the ’59 Invicta, with the ’64 Wildcat stealing my heart time and again. Cadillacs took a close second, Fords were ok but I found Chevs too feminine. Buicks, were masculine with broad shouldered front fenders and creased lines, personifying the designing cues of GM greats, Harley Earl and Bill Mitchell.
Then came the Riviera. One snowy December afternoon as I headed to my post office, there on St. Lawrence Boulevard, with six inches of snow on the ground sat a ’65 Riviera. My heart skipped several beats and I must have studied its lines for what seemed like an eternity.
Well into the ‘70s there were some noteworthy designs that came out of Buick’s design studios however, the last four decades have been anything but exciting. That has all changed with the launch of the Regal GS – the sexiest Buick to come out of Detroit in, well the last four decades.    
The Grand Sport designation is nothing new to the Buick line up, having been associated with ‘70s era muscle cars but this is the first time that it has been used in a European sports sedan context. The stylish GS goes up against some well established rivals like the Acura TLX, Lexus ES, BMW 3 series and the like, a tough field to say the least. The Regal GS is more than just good looks, it’s a bona fide sports sedan. In fact a rebadged, German built, Opel Insignia, so the GS starts with the right genes. European engineered handling makes it the best tarmac gripping Buick ever.
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Red Brembo brake calipers immediately tell everyone that this is not your typical Buick.
While different drive options/trim levels are available elsewhere around the globe, we Canucks get only one trim/drive option- also the most desirable one - the all-wheel-drive version motivated by the 310 horsepower DOHC, 3.6L V6 with variable valve timing punching out 282 lb-ft of torque through a 9-speed automatic.  
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Entry price is $44,045, my tester came with the Buick Experience Package ($3,495) that included the moonroof, a Bose premium 8-speaker sound system, wireless charging, an 8” touch screen, HD radio, LED leveling headlights, The Driver Confidence Package (yes you read that right) at $1,995 includes adaptive cruise, forward collision alert with automatic braking, lane keep assist, front pedestrian braking and heads up display. The Ebony Twilight Metallic paint was a premium option at $495.
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The all-wheel-drive gets a torque vectoring rear axle, which only improves traction in slippery conditions and makes the Buick eat up the corners. Buick has also given us three driving modes to choose from, Touring, Sport and GS 
Inside you’ve got one color choice, black. The supportive Recaros have a massage feature as well as being heated/cooled. Both driver’s and passenger seats have 14 adjustments to suit your body, including adjustable bolsters. Following with the German sport sedan traits, it includes a flat-bottomed steering wheel.
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Rear seat passengers get ample legroom, but headroom is tight for taller occupants. With 30.cu.ft of space under the hatch with the rear seats up, with over 60 cu.ft with the rear seats folded, it betters many compact crossovers!
Is it perfect?
Non-functional air intakes in the front valance are mickey-mouse and a step backwards. Why not leave them open and help cool the brakes? No spare tire but a useless tire fix kit –that’ll help when you have a blow out or bend a wheel on Quebec’s pot holes. On the comical side, the audio system had mixed up the Cirius station numbers it’s 60s on 6 and not 660s on six….and the same could be said for 50s on 5 not 550s on 5, as well as 70s, 80s and 90s.
You can go through the gears manually with the console mounted shifter but paddle shifters would have been a nice touch to compliment the smooth 9-speed automatic.
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Will the GS steal buyers away from BMW? I hardly doubt it but it does give of us a formidable option to keep our performance dollars with domestic manufacturers, and the GS buyer has nothing to be apologetic for. 
 Price as tested: $52,050*
*Includes destination charges and a/c excise tax
 Subaru Ascent: If at first you don’t succeed…
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If you thought that Subaru already had a large SUV you’re right. The magic word here being had. The B9 Tribeca, later shortened to just Tribeca debuted in 2005 to, lets just say a less than stellar sales, and by 2014 had moved into the automotive history books of what once was.
It takes guts to admit that you were wrong, and it takes even big cojones to come back with a similar sized vehicle. Truth be told the SUV market has also changed over the last decade with SUVs growing increasingly larger, just like the population. Subaru appears to have been ahead of its time back in 2005 when 3-row SUV’s didn’t proliferate our roads, and minivans still reigned supreme for getting the platoon to school. But times have changed and so the new Ascent is the company’s answer to the latest trend.
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The Ascent is also Subaru’s largest vehicle to date, with 142 mm longer wheelbase and 134 mm longer in length than the Tribeca, so yes passenger comfort has been greatly increased. The midsize SUV is built on the company’s Global Platform, a chassis that is easily adaptable; serving as the basis for everything from their Impreza and Crosstrek to the Ascent.
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Available in four trim levels – Convenience, Touring, Limited and Premier - with the entry level 8-passenger Convenience starting at a meager $36,695. Regardless of trim, there’s a new 2.4L direct-injected, turbocharged boxer four cylinder dolling out 260 horses and 277 lb-ft of torque through the High-torque Lineartronic CVT (continuously variable transmission).   
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Talk to anyone who’s ever driven a Subie in less than ideal conditions and they’ll swear by the symmetrical full-time all-wheel-drive system. A new feature, X-Mode, pushes the traction envelope even further; at the push of a button, it monitors and controls four different vehicle dynamics, including engine, transmission, torque splitting and braking.
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There’s a lot of standard driver-assistance technology in each Ascent without having to step up to trim levels, Items like automated emergency braking and lane-keeping assist through the company’s EyeSight system. The base model gets a 6.5 inch infotainment screen while upper trim buyers will see an 8 inch screen. GPS however is only available in the two higher end trims (Limited and Premier). Both Touring and Limited are available in either seven or eight passenger configurations with captain’s chairs taking up the second row. My tester, the Premier trim comes only with the second row captains chairs. While all trims get heated front buckets it’s only the two higher trims that pamper their second row passengers with heated outboard seats. The third row looks a lot more inviting than some of it’s competitors but it’s still on the tight side with limited leg room. Still bear in mind this is a mid-size seven passenger and the seats are padded and comfortable to keep the small fry happy for longer drives. Oh and a pair of third-row USB charging ports become available in the Limited trim and are in addition to the standard two you’ll find in the front and second rows.
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Rear cover blind and tow loop are stowed neatly under the cargo bay’s floor, the latter an option on some pricier suvs
Whether you’re out in the boonies or negotiating city streets, the Ascent doesn’t feel like a large bulky SUV. With above average handling and a minimum of body roll for a three-row SUV, Subaru’s use of the boxer engine and its advantageous low center of gravity immediately become apparent. It’s stable, with a soft luxurious ride and is generally quiet during normal highway cruising. But it does get loud when pushed hard.
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Is it perfect?
The drone of the CVT does get annoying but once you get passed that, the Ascent is typically Subaru; it does everything what it’s supposed to and does it well. I averaged 9.8L/100 km which is unprecedented in a 7-passenger sport ute. It may not be overly luxurious but you get what you pay for. I know my Subaru driving friends will all be looking at the Ascent when the time comes to turn in their current drives, and that alone will keep this big Subaru around for a long time to come.
Price as tested: $52,795*
* Includes destination charges
Volkswagen Golf R: You’ll want one
If you’ve missed my installment of the Rabbit GTI, I urge you to scroll down the page and have a read.
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Now take the GTI and turn it up a notch, or three. The formula for the Golf R is very simple; take one German built spacious hatchback that already has solid, tight handling, and add gobbs of turbocharged horses to a 2.0L inline four cylinder. How many ponies? Two eighty-eight to be exact – enough to propel you well past the posted speed limit in less time than it takes you to say posted speed limit. Now stir in all-wheel drive to put all that power to the ground. Slam it to the ground for added handling. Dress it up with killer 19” wheels.
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Choose between the 6-speed manual available for $42,495 or the 7-speed dual clutch automatic with Tiptronic for $43,895. Now go have the most fun you can with your clothes on.
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Doesn’t look like it but there’s nearly 300 horses in there
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Quad exhaust tips tell you this is no ordinary Golf
The Golf R is everything you want in a performance sedan and then some. It makes no sense in a country with posted speed limits, but then neither do Porches, Ferraris and the like.   
Price as tested: $49, 290*
*Includes destination charges and a/c excise tax
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gadgetcenter · 5 years ago
Tips for Buying Gaming Laptops
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With so many gaming laptops on the market, I thought this would be a good time to create a general gaming laptop computer guide to help some of you choose the perfect gaming laptop.
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Image source: Tom's Hardware
The first thing to think about when buying a gaming laptop is the design. Are you going to with 15 or 17 inches? 15-inch laptops have reached a point where they are highly portable. They are light enough for you to use them every day. For example, I have two laptops here, the Razer Blade 17 below and the top one is the main gear vector. For example, the main gear vector has a lot of power in a chassis that weighs only four points one and six pounds and is lighter than the MacBook Pro. Below is the 17-inch Stealth Razer Blade Pro, which is very well built but weighs over 6 pounds. The advantage of portability is that you always have that laptop with you. The advantage of the 17-inch laptop is that it gives you more screen space, a desktop replacement, a larger chassis for better cooling, and more memory to increase the overall storage of the device. Ports would not worry me now. Most laptops have a good selection of ports.
Next up is the upgradeability, and there are generally three things to upgrade on gaming laptops. Memory, RAM, and the Wi-fi card. These are important because they are the minimum requirements for your gaming laptop and allow you to upgrade your machine later. If you buy a 15-inch gaming laptop now, there are roughly two storage spaces. Sometimes you find three, but generally, the average is one or two. The 17-inch gaming laptop has 2-3 storage spaces, sometimes up to four, for example, I have a Helios 300. This is a 15-inch laptop. They decide to stick three here by sacrificing battery life. The sacrifice of battery life saved space for a 2.5-inch drive. This can be a mechanical drive or a standard SSD. If you buy the base model now, it will come with an NVME drive. But if I want to have more space later, I have two slots to two additional drives.
Next up is Ram. Most premium and mid-range laptops now have either two RAM sticks or Dual-channel memory. This is important because it improves performance. When you buy a low-cost gaming laptop, sometimes it comes with just one. If it comes with one, you'll want to buy another stick to put it in, as this will improve the performance of your laptop. Most laptops allow you to upgrade your RAM from 32 GB to 64GB.
The next thing I’m going to talk about is the wifi card. I think this is important now that Wi-Fi 6 is out now and I have updated my home to Wi-Fi 6, and I am confident it makes a huge difference in coverage and speed. Some of these gaming laptops don't have Wi-Fi 6 cards. So if you can upgrade on the go, your future Wi-Fi capabilities will be assured.
Thermal Management
The last is thermal management. This is the most important thing for your internal components. If you see a laptop with one fan, don’t buy it. Because it overheats and doesn't work as it should. If you see a gaming laptop with two fans on the other side of the laptop. It works well but warms up. Usually, you want to look for such a configuration.
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Image Source:  LaptopMedia
There’s something better, but it’s more or less standard. You want the fans to be at opposite ends of the central heating pipes. In general, you do not want all heat pipes to be shared between the GPU and the CPU. You want some distinction, and this will give you a better chance of having better thermals.
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Image source:  Engadget
The display is also very important because you want to take advantage of the new high refresh rate displays that are available today and the Sweet Spot of 2020 is typically 144 Hertz. If you buy a 15-inch laptop with Full HD, IPS, and 144Hz, most of these mid-range or premium gaming laptops have good color descriptions, good color gamut, and most of all 144 Hertz where you want them. Now I would no longer focus on 4k games. Because ideally, you want a GPU that runs fast enough to get 144 Hertz frame rates. If you really want to game at 4K, there are some 15-inch laptops that have 4K panels but most of them only have 60 Hertz. And I feel that you will only hurt yourself if you continue like this because the gaming experience will not be the same. If you need 4K, move up to 17 inches because computers like Razer Blade Pro offer 4K at 120 Hertz. I still think that even the new NVIDIA and AMD GPUs that coming out this year are still not that important for laptops. Perhaps more on desktops, but not on laptops. The sweet spot you want to be in 2020 is 1080p and QuadHD, but unfortunately, there are not many qHD panels with high refresh rates.
Then there is the sound and I would probably pay the least attention to it since every gaming laptop you are buying is very loud. When you play, the fans kick on so that the laptop stays cool, just overwhelm the speakers of these laptops. You should focus more on buying a good gaming headset because it gives you so much more value than the speakers on these laptops.
Keyboard and Touchpads
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Image source: Eluktronics  
I believe that game keyboards are one of the most important things for a gaming laptop. The hand interacts with it to move your character. Usually, you want a gaming keyboard with a good travel distance. The lowest value I want is 2mm, but ideally, you want to be at 2.5mm. Like the Razor Blade Pro 17, a beautiful laptop and my favorite 17-inch laptop, but does not have the best keyboard. Great RGB, but the keyboard shortcuts and touch experience aren’t the best. Other vendors with a SteelSeries keyboard, is a bit dated but feel tangible and have a good actuation force that works well; I feel the keys pressed while playing. I wouldn’t be worried about the touchpads because you would be using an external mouse while playing. However, if you want to do productivity work or use it at school, you want to make sure the touchpad is made of glass and it’s big enough. Ideally, you don’t want one with the real button but like one that looks a piece of glass and you also want to make sure that the touchpad is using Windows precision drivers.
So let's talk about performance, because I think most people will make the purchase decision based on it and the most important thing is the GPU for gaming. Whether you buy an i5 or the latest i7, it's all part of the GPU. I think today if you buy a gaming laptop the GTX 1660 Ti is the lowest you want. It is now the case that some cannot afford it and have to jump over a 1650. However, if you get a 1660 TI, this can guarantee that you can play most games comfortably in high settings at 1080p. It can still do VR, it'll not perform as good as an RTX card, but it can still do it. If you want to be at a nice sweet place, the RTX 2060 is more recommended, and if you want to play high-performance games, I would probably skip the RTX 2080 and chose the RTX 2070. I think it offers the best value for high gaming performance. I think I have practically completed my first laptop gaming guide. Let me know how I did it in the comments below.
If you want to buy gaming laptop under 500 dollars.
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thirst-trapnhl · 6 years ago
Hook, Line and Sinker 3(mat barzal)
A/N: thank you for waiting so patiently! this part has been sitting with me for so long, changing and evolving and I’m so thrilled its turned into something I feel alright posting (lol) hope you enjoy! (word count: 1609)
Warnings: Alcohol Consumption, disappointed best friend
Getting out of Mat’s apartment in the morning is no easy feat; his arm slung over your waist is heavy and warm and it takes every inch of self control you have to roll out from under his big, warm comforter and order an Uber back to your place to change before work. As you’re slipping your pants back on, you hear the bed creak with movement behind you and when you turn around, Mat has one eye cracked open, resting his head on his arm.
“You going?” His voice is groggy from sleep and it simultaneously melts your heart and makes you think of slipping back into bed and putting his mouth to work. Your voice is quiet when you respond, softened by the way his hair is splayed out against the pillow.
“Yeah, need to get back to my apartment to change before work.” You continue to dress yourself as he leans up on one elbow, hair flopping lazily to one side.
“Gonna let me call you this weekend?” You turn your attention back to him, expecting a teasing smirk and it strikes you when you read his face and there’s nothing but honest curiosity. It makes you blush and duck your head, a smile creeping onto your face that you don’t want him to see.
“Yeah, I guess I will.” The answering smile on his face when you look up again is just the tiniest bit smug, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
Your lunch break begins with a call from your best friend and your heart races with anxiety at the thought of telling her last night’s events.
“Hi, Jules,” you pick up and sandwich the phone between your ear and your shoulder so you can finish the last line of your final email.
“Hey, babe. How’s the day going?” You hadn’t told her about seeing Mat at the bar last week, assuming it would be forgotten quickly anyway, but you look around you for any coworkers before telling her somberly, “I have to end things with Jason today.”
You can hear the apprehension in her voice when she asks why and you let out a shaky breath, resting your head against your desk. “I saw Mat last night, and, uh, some stuff happened, and I think he might wanna get back together?”
As you finish your sentence, you realize you actually have no idea why he’s asked if he can call you and the thought sinks your stomach. There’s a sigh and a long pause before Julia’s voice comes through the line.  It’s halfway between frustration and sympathy when she finally answers you with a “Oh, honey,” and your immediate reaction is to defend yourself, cheeks burning even though she can’t see you.
“I know, I know, so stupid, but he kept showing up at the bar across from my apartment and I went over to confront him and you know how he is.” The line is silent again for a moment before she answers with a “mhm.” There’s a frown etched on your face now, worried that her disapproval is a sign that you’ve really fucked up.
“He’s just,” she cuts you off before you can get any further. “I know how he is, (Y/N), and I also know how you are with him.”
Your voice is smaller than intended when you tell her “I just think it might be different this time.” You can almost hear the sad smile on her face when she says “Call me after you talk to Jason if you need to, ok?” You thank her and hang up the phone and ignore the knot in your stomach when you think about what you have to do.
The conversation with Jason is sad and awkward and you can’t help but note how resigned he is. You have to force yourself to look him in the eyes when you tell him you don’t think you should see each other anymore. He fiddles with his watch uncomfortably when tells you he figured it was over the second you turned around to get one last glance that first night Mat was at the bar. You feel bad, you really do, and you express that to him. All he can do is shake his head with sad eyes and pat your hand, telling you that “You deserve good things. I hope you find that.” He really was too sweet for you. He always was.
You spend your Friday afternoon unblocking Mat on every social media platform and figuring out how to unblock his phone number, hoping he hadn’t called before you could get the chance. You settle back into work and you don’t know how long you’ve been staring at your computer when your phone buzzes against your desk, lighting up with his name. You know it’s a little ridiculous, but you count five rings before picking up, not wanting to seem like you were waiting for his call. The speaker crackles a little as his voice comes through, and you feel yourself blush despite literally being alone in your cubicle. “Dinner tomorrow night?” He cuts right to the chase, and you let out a huff at his lack of greeting, but you’re not even gonna pretend you can say anything but, “Sounds good. What time?” He pauses for a moment, almost long enough for you to ask if he’s still there, before answering. “6:30. Italian place near yours good?” You nod as an answer before stuttering out a “yeah, fine with me.” He hangs up after a “see you there, Angel,” and you roll your eyes at his briefness but can’t fight the smile spreading across your face. You spend the rest of the day unfocused, thinking about fluttering eyelashes and gentle fingertips and the way your name sounds better in the dark.
Saturday night rolls around and he’s already there when you walk in the door; Black dress shirt unbuttoned just enough to see the loop of his chain and you let yourself get a good, long look at him before he catches you. Sliding into the chair across from him, you see that he’s already ordered a bottle of wine, and probably your meals. He looks up from the table with a “hey, Gorgeous,” and heat pools low in your belly. “I ordered the waiters recommendations, that cool?” You nod in response and he beams. “Cool. How was your day?” It sends you into a story about Tiffany from HR being annoying in the break room and half way through, he stops you mid-sentence. “Is this the same girl who complained about the paper towels or whatever?” He has this look on face, like he’s really and truly annoyed with Tiffany and her shenanigans and it has you throwing your head back in laughter.
“I can’t believe you actually remembered the paper towel fiasco, but yes that’s her.” He shakes his head with a small smile on his face.
“Can’t believe that girl’s still giving you problems.” He lets you finish the story and at the end he snorts out a “fucking Tiffany.” It makes you hang your head in laughter, not wanting to disturb the other customers with a full-out cackle. When you look back up at him, he’s staring straight at you. His smile is warm, fond and a little proud and it makes your brain a little fuzzy.
“What’s the face for, Barz?” He chuckles at the use of the nickname and the side of his smile lifts into a smirk.
“I just like that I still make you laugh.” The sentiment settles into a comfortable silence when your waiter brings the food over and Mat waits for you to stick your fork in first. Dinner goes quickly, trading stories of life on the road and in the office between bites. You’re excited to hear Tito’s got himself a girlfriend; His congratulations is sincere when you mention how much your boss loved your last project. The bottom of the wine bottle comes around and you’re just buzzed enough that after Mat orders a dessert to share, you call his name and he gives you his undivided attention.
“What are we doing?” He understands the weight of the question, choosing his words carefully.
“All I want is to enjoy spending time with someone I enjoy spending time with. I missed hanging out with you, (Y/N).” You take a moment to chew on his words; debating with yourself whether the likelihood of heartbreak is a fair price to pay for the buzz in your bones every time Mat’s fingertips brush your skin. He doesn’t pressure you to respond, letting your mind play through the possible scenarios in front of you. You quickly come to the conclusion that you’re as in love with him as you were the day he left. The decision to make now was either to walk away and break your own heart, or stay and give him the option to break it for you. You were always an intuitive girl, trusting your gut to take you where you needed to be. Right now, despite your head telling you to run as fast as you can, your gut was screaming that your story wasn’t over. Mat and the universe had more places to take you, if you’d let them. The waiter places a slice of cheesecake between you and jostles you out of your thoughts. Mats looking at you across the table, eyes soft and a little hopeful and you feel a smile begin on your face as you reach across the table to grab his hand. “I missed you too, Mathew.”
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govindhtech · 5 months ago
Top Reasons to Consider the Motorola Edge 50 Neo in 2024
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Motorola has made smartphones that balance pricing, design, and utility. This includes the latest Edge model, the Motorola Edge 50 Neo. Budget-conscious shoppers like this mid-range gadget because it claims to make high-end features cheaper. This Motorola Edge 50 Neo review covers design, display, performance, camera, battery life, software, and value.
Design and construction quality
Despite its mid-range price, the Motorola Edge 50 Neo is stylish. Front and back glass and aluminium make the smartphone look luxury. Its curved sides make one-handed use beautiful and comfortable.
Sapphire Blue, Frosted White, and Midnight Black are Edge 50 Neo colours for different tastes. IP68 dust and water protection makes the phone more robust and enticing to spillers and droppers.
Display is Motorola Edge 50 Neo’s highlight. The 2400 x 1080 6.7-inch OLED panel produces vibrant colours and deep blacks. The high resolution makes text and graphics clear for gaming, media, and daily use.
Web browsing, gaming, and social media scrolling all fluid with the 120 Hz refresh rate. Content compatible with HDR10+ displays well with better contrast and a wider colour range.
Mid-range Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G+  CPU powers Motorola Edge 50 Neo. The phone’s 8GB or 12GB RAM lets users switch between apps quickly.
The Snapdragon 778G+ ensures the Edge 50 Neo runs demanding apps and games without lag. The Adreno 642L GPU can run popular games at high settings.
Camera Setup
Its flexible camera technology lets the Motorola Edge 50 Neo do numerous photography jobs. Back camera has 108MP primary sensor, 8MP ultra-wide-angle lens, and 2MP depth sensor. This combo takes sharp, detailed, high-resolution photos.
For low-light performance and minimal noise, pixel binning merges multiple pixels into a 12MP image on the 108MP primary sensor. For group or landscape photography, an ultra-wide-angle lens expands the view. In contrast, the depth sensor creates genuine portrait bokeh.
Edge 50 Neo’s 32MP front selfie camera is disguised by a tiny punch-hole. This front camera takes sharp, vivid selfies and uses  AI to improve skin tones and image quality.
Features and Software
With Motorola’s My UX shell on top, the Motorola Edge 50 Neo comes pre-installed with Android 13. With less bloatware and an easy-to-use UI, my user experience is renowned for being almost identical to vanilla Android. This guarantees that customers will experience software that is responsive and seamless, free of superfluous clutter.
In My UX, Motorola has added a number of helpful features and customisation options. Moto Actions, for instance, let users access specific features with short gestures. For instance, a double chop can activate the torch, and a wrist twist can activate the camera. The gadget is more convenient to use because to these minor but useful additions that improve the overall user experience.
Additionally, Motorola’s desktop-like Ready For experience, which enables you to connect the phone to a monitor or TV for a more engaging and effective setup, is supported by the Edge 50 Neo. Professionals that must work on larger screens or individuals who wish to enjoy audiovisual content on a larger display will find this function especially helpful.
Linking and Extra Features
The Motorola Edge 50 Neo has sufficient connection to meet today’s demands for communication. Customers may upload and download faster with 5G connectivity. For wireless and wired connectivity, the phone has Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, NFC, and a USB Type-C port.
The phone unlocks quickly and securely with an in-display fingerprint sensor. Face unlocking is another biometric authentication method. Stereo speakers on the Edge 50 Neo support Dolby Atmos, which improves game, movie, and music audio.
In conclusion
The Motorola Edge 50 Neo is a beautiful mid-range smartphone that offers luxury without breaking the bank. Elegant design, brilliant display, reliable performance, adjustable camera system, and long battery life set it apart. Its attraction is enhanced by 5G connectivity, fast charging, and a high refresh rate screen.
Despite fierce mid-range competition, the Motorola Edge 50 Neo offers a feature-packed device that meets a variety of customer needs. Any techie or casual user looking for a reliable device for business and play should consider the Edge 50 Neo. Motorola’s reputation for value in smartphones is continued with its design, functionality, and affordability.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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cjostrander · 6 years ago
Rammstein: Untitled or Self titled (not sure lol)
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Hey guys; today i am going to venture into my promo list of new albums and will tackle the newest album by Rammstein. I has been ten years since their last album; so it’s worth giving it a little publicity. From what i have heard so far it has a fresher sound that still focuses on aggressive rhythm but with a return to the more danceable sounds found on their past album Sehnsucht. So far it seems to be performing very well since its only been a week and it’s shipped a record 250k albums.  Let’s begin and see how this album flows!
Deutschland (Single): We begin the album with the first of two singles as of the time of this review. electronic keys begin and set up a semi danceable foundation that is toughened up by some raw guitar riffs. It takes it time in warming up but succeeds in setting up a nice degree of tension for the listener to pump himself up to. The keys actually remind me a bit of the more melodic Norwegian metal bands. Till arrives with a casual yet highly commanding voice that will be a perfect return to their audience after ten years. The chorus is pretty straightforward but catchy and aggressive; which will be suited well for opening up their live shows with. I dont know if it will stick out as a favorite among their fanbase but it tackles older sounds with a fresh approach to it; and that should be as good as any a start for their older fanbase. 8/10
Radio (Single): This next single is more dance able in terms of electronic melodies than the last one. It should give the listener a good example of the band’s shift towards a surprisingly more radio friendly yet compellingly complex sound.  The instrumentals create your trademark marching rhythm that is typical of the band’s older work and the keys arrive to give you that clear Sehnsucht sound. Till continues to give a compelling vocal performance before delivering a simple yet catchy chorus for the listener to dance along to. If i wanted to critique repetition i could for the guitar riffs but only in a manner that wouldn’t be fair since their riffs are specifically written with a rhythm focus in mind.  As a live piece i can see it catching some appeal and does work as a more mainstream minded track. The big notice on this track is that is a much stronger emphasis on melodies instead of your typical aggressive punch you would come to expect. It will help to give the band’s catalog some added diversity as well as some material that will be easier to play as they get older (considering that everyone but the bassist is in their early to mid fifties now.  8/10
Zeig dich: This one starts off rather interestingly with female operatic vocals that deliver a very strong combination of tension and classical complexity. It definitely sounds like it deserves to be in a hitman film. The guitars give it a nice texture before joining with marching drums to transition into a slightly poppier rock sound. It works rather nice and Till arrives with an echoed melody to give the song a rather nice texture to be soothed into. it contains a clever balance of atmospheric traits combined with aggressive transitions to turn this surprisingly energizing rock number into a solid dance tune. I definitely hope that they make this into a single because it brings in a very fresh approach to their writing that fits with their more mainstream centered style while also being much more memorable than the last two tracks. Those were still good but this track really lifts momentum in the album for older fans to grab onto. 9/10
Auslander: Electronic synths begin with a decent opening that flirts with some trance elements before the instrumentals arrive to give it more balls. Till begins with a standard vocal presence that would appeal better to native speakers but still provides a good texture. The chorus continues to bring more pop like elements into the album that could be either a loved or hated by older fans; but will likely bring them a stronger appreciation in Europe than in the past. Not bad but definitely better appreciated if you can understand the lyrics well. 7.5/10
Sex: Now this song should translate pretty easy ha ha! This is a personal favorite on the album along with tattoo. It begins with soft and soothing keys before guitars slowly arrive to create an interesting blues like transition. The guitars and drums chug along rather catchy and create a desert rock tone that fits very well with a lusty setting. Till’s vocal presence is very strong and compelling. The chorus is straightforward with a careful balance between strong melodies and subtle bursts of lustful fury. This is definitely a good pick for a live track that capitalizes strongly on Tills spoken word style. It still retains some dance elements but gives the listener a break from the more poppy elements in the album. 8.5/10
Puppe: Soft and gloomy guitars begin and establish a nice darkness for the listener to soak into. Till arrives with a more gritty spoken word style to help build up interest in the song rather effectively. It works nicely in the album flow and Till utilizes his higher range to a successful effect. The drums are subtle and while i can’t tell if its a loop or not it helps fill in the texture very strongly so that the song is highly risky yet complex. Till shifts things up dramatically into a maniacal rant that goes on for a bit and seems like a rather cathartic experience for him during the recording. I’m definitely going to guess going by Rammstein’s signature; that the lyrics on this one are especially disturbing. I’ll have to look it up later but i definitely live their shock elements which this album doesn’t really touch on; but is still appreciated nonetheless. 8.5/10
Was ich liebe: The drums begin with a pounding effect that reminds me of Nine Inch Nails’s track Closer. Till delivers a low and gritty presence that warms the listener up to a good effect before slowly seeping in more complex vocal melodies. This will be a compelling trait that i am sure is written to appeal the more classical leaning portion of their fanbase verses their standard headbanging side. The chorus provides a decent level of drama based on Till’s high notes while the instrumentals continue to keep things chugging along rather gracefully. So far due to the stronger presence of softer ballad tracks i would definitely recommend listening to this album in sequence instead of shuffling; because i feel that the individual songs would lose considerable strength and interest from the listener; if they didn’t build up into each other. 8/10
Diamant: Acoustic melodies begin that have an oddly refreshing balance of darkness and hope while relaxing on a beach. Till delivers some rather beautifully soothing melodies for the listener to ease into. I could see the gloomy tension of this track being a good live pick to use since it could prep the audience up strongly with its tense nature before tossing them a very compelling follow up track. Even though this is the shortest track on the album is still delivers a very compelling addition to the album in terms of complexity. 8.5/10
Weit weg: This track begins with a more angsty synth opening before the guitars arrive to give it a more rock foundation; though the synths play a much more prominent role this time around. Till is a bit drowned out by the drums and synths this time around but he manages to do a fair job. Other than that; they focus too much on the synths to really get any meaninful melodies out of it. Because of that this is easily the weakest track on the album. The guitar solo towards the end does help to prop it up a bit but not by very much.  6/10
Tattoo: This is another of my personal favorites on the album. It begins with a nicely aggressive riff that gradually grows more intense as the drums force their way in with a firm bash. This brings back a more familiar tone to older fans. Till does a decent job of delivering a steady vocal presence in the track. The instrumentals while solely rhythm focused provide steady energy for Till to grow gradually more aggressive till the chorus arrives. He does a decent job of delivering some solid melodies during the chorus. I can see simplicity as being a possible criticism from listeners but i does well enough to set the album up for the finale track. 8/10
Hallomann: An interestingly gritty guitar riff combined with a layer synth and key pattern begins the song on a very gloomy note. Till does a solid job of warming the listener up with a strong vocal build up. The chorus is a hair bumpy instrumentally but vocally delivers a decent balance of beauty and complexity. There is a very nice piano solo towards the end of it that works with the guitar support to bring in a surprising show of aggression as well. This makes for a strong finish to the album and hopefully leaves the listener feeling satisfied with the ten year wait. 8.5/10
Overall album rating: 8.1/10
Well it scored alright and is definitely a more modernized version of the band. It sacrifices a lot of aggression in return for a more mainstream focus with stronger dance elements. It still retains a decent degree of complexity for the listener to appreciate but as far as a ten year wait goes; older fans may be disappointed depending on what they expected from the band. Personally i can’t complain too much because it offers something new in terms of sound and hopefully it motivates them to put out a follow much quicker than this one. I gotta go now so enjoy your weekend everyone!
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