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millicnreasons-blog · 8 years ago
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agonygiven-a · 8 years ago
send a letter and i’ll tell u my 5 fav blogs // ACCEPTING
ur a sneaky little booger
K. @knittedcrown, @krylorian, @knittedcrownsE. @entitledidiot, @exubiytsa, @endedlives, @edenbled, @errat​L. @leftoverfear, @lightvixen, @litossacredspace, @luncrwolfS. @shroudedheart, @sometimesbatman, @sheriis, @shephcrd, @spctlessmindsE. literally don’t have any moreY. i don’t follow any blogs that start with Y
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inundantem · 8 years ago
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“You are not going, no way, I won’t let you,” Skye said, putting her foot down. “Scarlett, you are not going out with the bad boys. Lydia did it, I did it, you don’t need to do it.”
                                    [ @spctlessminds  / starter  ]
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southsideleader · 8 years ago
here is your weekly reminder that in some universe, forsythe pendleton jones the second is melody grant’s first lady.
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geniusidict-a-blog · 8 years ago
&& betty cooper.
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          STAY AWAY FROM HER LIP. Maybe Fiona was right, she was too sweet, too perfect. He would only break her heart; they both knew it. And yet, here he is, out on her porch in the stolen car he’d borrowed from Jimmy, there was no serpent cut hanging on his shoulders tonight, in faded levi’s and a shirt that could have used a iron was as close to scrubbing up as lip was going to get. 
           “--- sorry, i’m late  i know, Liam hit carl in the face with the TV remote 20 seconds before I was leavin’ fuckin’ typical.” he pauses, eyes roll as he laughs dryly, “ you look nice by the way ---” a coy smile on his mouth. “ you hungry? -- thought we could drive over to greendale, hmm?” 
@spctlessminds // starter for Betty Cooper !! 
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millicnreasons-blog · 8 years ago
🔊𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓵𝒆𝓽𝓽 𝓶𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓷
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           He wasn’t quite convinced how he’s managed to convince her to let him take her out on a first date, nevermind date number four, not of course that he was counting ( he was totally counting! ) he hung out with her a lot, she was lydia’s little sister. but being with her in a group setting was very different to time alone. his awkward dorkiness was even more apparent when not blending in with scott and the others.  What the hell was he thinking? i’ll make dinner, i can cook. a lie, if ever there was one.  thankfully, his dad had left IDIOT PROOF instructions for chicken alfredo, it couldn’t be that hard right? WRONG. by the time Scarlett arrived a little after seven the kitchen was in chaos,and stiles a mess. 
         He shrugged laughing as he invited her inside, “ so, about that whole I can cook thing? turns out, I can’t BUT  i can order a mean pizza --”  shaking his head as she steps inside, brown eyes taking her all in, wow -- she looked stunning, as always. “ you look really pretty, Scar --- me, on the other hand look like i had a fight with the pantry and the pantry WON but hey, i think I pull it off, don’t you?”  he jokes, nerves eating away in his gut. God this was a disaster, she probably thought he was total moron. “ i’m sorry -- this wasn’t exactly what we had planned, i just wanted to do something nice ---” a defeated sad smile plays on his lips, teeth biting into his bottom lip. please don’t leave he thinks, but doesn’t voice it. His eyes doing enough of the talking for him. 
      Maybe she’d find his haplessness adorable. 
@spctlessminds // liked for a starter from stiles.
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agonygiven-a · 8 years ago
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            “  you’re  --  you’re  MAD.  i  get  that,               but  please  just  talk  to  me.  “
@spctlessminds // i literally don’t care who throw someone @ me
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southsideleader · 8 years ago
i forgot for most of my day that fp is now the first lady of the united states and i cannot stop laughing @spctlessminds pls send help
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faculaes · 8 years ago
@spctlessminds was consoling Andrea
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Andrea pushes up her glasses.
         "Like I feel like I'm there sometimes because I'm some sort of CHARITY case." She sighs and looks up toward the sky. Andrea knew what she felt for Brandon, and she THOUGHT she knew what he felt for her, and yet she still felt second class compared to Kelly and them. Her and Brenda had grown especially close working the phones for the hotline, but she felt like that wasn't a lasting enough impression. "You know what I mean ? Or am I just being crazy ?"
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millicnreasons-blog · 8 years ago
’ Here comes the heat before we meet a little bit closer Here comes the spark before the dark, come a little closer The lights are off and the sun is finally setting The night sky is changing overhead It’s not just all physical I’m the type who won’t get oh so critical So let’s make things physical I won’t treat you like you’re oh so typical All I wanna get is a little bit closer All I wanna know is can you come a little closer?' @spctlessminds && @vixenwidowed // FITE ME if this song doesn’t give you cheronica feels 💁🏻❤️
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