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nerdhut · 1 year ago
My old junky car is probably done for and I'm feeling emotional about it.
Without telling my whole life story, the context is my parents got a '99 Saturn SL in 2010 in anticipation of me driving. A few months later I started, and it's been my primary vehicle since then. I still live with family, so all the vehicles are shared to some degree.
It's honestly a piece of crap these days. It's been totaled (rear-endedl twice, we replaced the engine over a decade ago, one of the doors can't open, exhaust gets into the cabin, it smokes from the oil it burns when pointed downhill, the hvac is fucked, the electrical parts have been going wonky. It's all kinds of terrible.
Last year I was temporarily upgraded to a different vehicle and just started getting used to it when we had to reshuffle and I went back to the SL.
Tonight part of the rust that the rear suspension attached to gave out. Obviously, it wasn't especially safe to drive before, but now it's impossible to ignore.
It's clearly something that we need to get rid of. I can't quite describe the kind of sadness I feel over the thought that I'll probably never drive it again, though. It's my first car, and despite its problems, a damn reliable one. It's the only car the family has ever had that never left anyone stranded away from home.
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agonygiven-a · 8 years ago
send a letter and i’ll tell u my 5 fav blogs // ACCEPTING
ur a sneaky little booger
K. @knittedcrown, @krylorian, @knittedcrownsE. @entitledidiot, @exubiytsa, @endedlives, @edenbled, @errat​L. @leftoverfear, @lightvixen, @litossacredspace, @luncrwolfS. @shroudedheart, @sometimesbatman, @sheriis, @shephcrd, @spctlessmindsE. literally don’t have any moreY. i don’t follow any blogs that start with Y
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bittenrage-blog · 8 years ago
△ from skye :')))
(   MEME  /  NO LONGER ACCEPTING  /  @endedlives​   )
send me △ for my muse to get trapped in a small closet with yours
THE AIR FELT THIN,    but that was probably because the space inside this closet was so    small,   he   couldn’t   breathe properly as he was backed up against the closet wall with his the palms of his hands against the wall as well.   his palms     sweated    as he gave the girl an    a w k w a r d    smile,     clearing his throat as he turned his head to face the door.     he     SHOULDN’T    have came to this party.    especially not on a night of a    full moon.    fingertips pressed against the wall as he tried to keep his distance from the girl.     he didn’t want her to feel as if he was    scared    of her,    but more so he was scared of what he’d do    too    her if he let his wolf    C O N S U M E    him.    ❛   —   SO,   you’ve been at the p-party long   ? ? ?   ❜    trying to make    conversation    rather than doing what the     others    outside the closet wanted   /    expected for them to do.    he     NEEDED     to speed time up,    who knew that     seven minutes in heaven     felt      LONGER    than seven minutes.
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arch-wistcrias · 8 years ago
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          “ I’m not a LESBIAN, I’m AMERICAN. ” 
–– @endedlives​ ( GRETCHEN ) 
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oppcrtunistic-blog · 8 years ago
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“Serena, I know you’re back together with Cabbage Patch for the time being, but I need you to be there tonight! This isn’t just any old party, it’s important. Now. Please tell me you’ll be there.” ( @endedlives )
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fierceli-archive · 8 years ago
đŸ’« Just stopping by to say you're doing an amazing job and to keep it up! Send it to the first ten people on your dash to spread mun positivity 💕
THIS IS SO CUTE !!! thank you ! :’)
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punchedpink-blog · 8 years ago
i just came in here to say thank you so much for taking your time to screencap the pr2017 movie. it must've taken some time out of you and i appreciate it so much. thank youuuuu ❀
its no problem !!  ur v welcome :) truthfully, i wanted 2 do it for myself, and i figured sharing is caring ! plus,  i will do whatever it takes 2 see the pr rpc strive. now lack of caps cannot b used as an excuse.
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madeprodigy-blog · 8 years ago
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               “ you know it’s gonna be okay, right, em ? “ // @endedlives
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badreturns-m · 8 years ago
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A girl named sharon told me. Good ol' shazza.
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vaersnill-blog · 8 years ago
endedlives replied to your post
that’s like 1/3 of my rent. i’m moving to norway
i’m so tempted to move back, you don’t even know.
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andbeyonds-blog · 8 years ago
omg wait it's ur birthday ???? HAPPY BIRTHDAY U WONDERFUL HUMAN BEIN !!! i hope you have the most amazing birthday ever and share it with people who love you :3
thank you so much !!!
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cvptaingiordano · 8 years ago
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how the fuck did we get to this number , i honestly do not know but i am not complaining at all. you guys have sticked with me through the good and the bad , and i couldn’t be more thankful for all of you still being around even after the weird activity these past few weeks with exams and all. i’m truly thankful though as always i’d like to mention a few people that truly mean the WORLD to me.     p.s this is possibly the first follow forever where i’m not taking the piss in the smol appreciation posts tbh !!
@neonwondress​​ - i swear i’m so thankful for coming across you in the tags , i’m not even kidding here. literally i don’t know h o w the hell you do it but whenever we talk you somehow make me crack the hell up and i gotta say i’m super thankful for that. you’ve got my back when shit got bad , and thanks to you i’ve been able to turn uncomfortable situations into ones that are fucking hilarious (  we both know what i’m talking about here ; gucci  ) , literaly i don’t know how many times i’ve laughed out loud with the pepe thing but what can one do. thank you for sticking around friend. hopefully this great ass banter lasts for a long time and well . . . let’s just say that my aim is to overwhelm us with threads and everything else really. hopefully this lil friendship does last for a bunch of time because i genuinely like having you around and i truly do enjoy talking to you as well as writing && everything else. you’re one of a kind ali , and i just hope you won’t get tired of my ass. i love you a lot friend !! i got chu ma friend , always - ya know you can count on me w everything yes yes ily.
@theenchantedbeauties - thank you thank you thank you thank you for everything chloe , idk how and w h y i’m worthy of being your friend but let me just tell you that you’re one of the best people i’ve come across on this website. you’ve literally got my back through everything and i possibly stressed the fuck outta you a few times with all the weird shit i say but i gotta say i’m just glad you haven’t told me to fuck off yet. literally chloe you mean the world to me and i hope we’ll be able to write more and more as time passes. you mean the world to me woman and i tell you all the time but i do love you a lot. one day you’ll get on a call with me and you’ll see how hilarious i actually am (  bc shit it’s impossible to not laugh about my weird shit  ) - lorena stop - i do want you to know though that i do love you a lot and that i’m blessed to have you around. i’m just so glad you’re here really , i probs would’ve lost my mind a few times already or done stupid shit if it werent for you XD , i love you a lot yeah c:
@warriorcried​ - naeva i totally know that i’m a butt most of the time and even though i feel like i annoy you 99% of the time , you’re still one of my favorite people around here. you’re a great human being and i just hope that you’re not only aware of this , but also aware of how much i love and care about you a ton my friend. i know i say this in every follow forever but i mean it every time. you’re in them for a reason after all. i shall also apologize in advance for all the stupid shit i may keep on saying that probably isn’t even funny and possibly even a tad bit annoying , even though i probably think it’s funny most of the time , i sort of think i’m the queen of humor even though i totally am not. either way i’ll admit it once more. i’m blessed to know you , and i am very glad that we’re chatting and all. i wouldn’t be saying this if it weren’t the truth. thank you for everything , thank you for sticking by my side and all. i do appreciate it a lot. idk what i did to deserve this friendship rlly , but whatever it is that brought us together i’m thankful ay. hands down one of the best humans on this planet. i’ve got your back fam.
@defiantiisms​ - oh hello hanny , or should i say . . . my soon to be counselor buddy ;) !! i am here writing you a smol thing to express how much i appreciate you !! i know i always send the same stupid voldemort meme (  which i s t i l l , for some reason , find funny  ) and it probably has grown to be annoying by now , but lemme tell you , you’re the only one i spam that shit to and we both know that must definitely mean something !! we’ve been writing for a hell of a long time and we somehow still manage to keep up with all the threads we have even if either of us takes a century to reply to them. btw i gotta say that our banter is one of the best ones around. hopefully you’re able to get F13 and we spend hours playing the shit out of us together ;) either way know that i love chu a lot and that i’m glad to have you around !!
@humantovch​ - these past two months have been HELL without you , so you can’t imagine how g l a d i am to know that you’re back again and to be able to talk to you once more as well as plot and soon write with you again. you’ve always been there through the good and the bad and you never left me even when i was being a total cunt (  lorena smh language  ) - as always you’re one of my favorite people around and you can’t imagine how happy i am to have you back again. the spam of messages while you were away was probably me being extra , but it does speak for itself (  even if it isn’t enough to explain how happy i am and all  ) i can assure you that. thank you for being here bebe.
@anxiousborn​ - mariesa i truly mean it every time , i wouldn’t know what to do without you. you’ve always been here , no matter what the fuck happened , whether it was me complaining about something , me basically crying my eyes out , me laughing the shit out of myself or just me being a general cunt , you’ve never left. i trust you with all my being , you’re one of my favorite people in this world seeing as you’re not only the most welcoming person i’ve met but you’ve also one with the kindest of hearts. you mean the world to me , and i love writing as well as talking to you a lot. know that i love you very much my friend and that i hope you’ll always be surrounded by happiness.
@meddlingheels​ - annie literally idk how the hell we suddenly began talking because i genuinely can’t remember , but anyways i’m BLESSED truly. i’ve been admiring you from afar for so long and now that we’re finally not only writing and plotting together but also chatting i’ve got to say you’re one of the b e s t people i’ve come across. you’re passionate with what you do , you’re kind , you’re funny too and super talented if i may add. idk how it happened but i am SUPER thankful. then of course there’s our writing , plotting chemistry which may i add is sweet as hell ;) i love you a BUNCH and i truly hope you know this. because i do mean it a lot. hopefully you’re having a lovely day !!
@98chu , @agonygiven && @makeswar​ - ( i’m squishing this into one paragraph please don’t hate me ) the three you truly do mean the fucking world to me. i love the great ooc banter we all have , how comfortable i am talking to each and every one of you as well as everything else. as individuals you guys truly are not only fun to be around with but also little humans with a truly kind heart. hopefully our friendships will last a long time , bc let’s be real , you guys rock yeah. i love all of you and the content you put out there. i truly do. I LOVE YOU AY.
@imscandalized @watchashea @warstopper @starsxmemoriesinthesky @dreamfated @facetiious @fearhermind @thefineartofbitchcraft @stuartwcmbly @rougetous @moonartcmis @unstcppcble @unfadiism @endedlives @eternallydreamingstar @illvgal @ofherage @pcrfectdaughter @seesgood @covrtney @vixenwidowed @guiltedblossom @lawtied @lovesnothing @obstinategrimes @ofcorruptiion @ofcherrywine @elenasdiariesx @originlc @disapprcve @ofgrief @guardianiism @brckenones @skylinesentinel @wcrofhearts @sheriis @casskaiser @thekaisers @bittenrage @brokenskiin @94chrry @tearedrops @hiraethc
I possibly was extra as fuck with making this as long as it is but , i felt like it was needed. note that i LOVE EVERYONE ON THIS SITE , and that i will always adore and appreciate every single mutual , follower and partner that i have. you guys mean the world to me , and i truly hope that this wasn’t too much (  even though it totally was  ) - thank you for being around. It’s almost a year since i created mason and well . . . i’ll be making a giveaway once that comes c: i love you all , and i hope everyone’s having a great day.
p.s i will be remaking my old oc from back in the day on tuesday afternoon . . .
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arch-wistcrias · 8 years ago
TAGGED BY: @nothingsurvived​ angel face 
I TAG: @heelbound​ @griefdefined​ @crimsonuproar @lionoffrance @watchashea @endedlives @agonyworn @appleashen @acquiredcraving @machiiavelliian
RULES: answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you wanna get to know better !
A - age: 18 B - birthplace: malta  C - current time: 5:35 pm  D - drink you had last: water E - easiest person to talk to: @badlandswrites ( ily jas ) & @suttonwrites ( ily lucy ) F - favorite song: lyrics wise wisteria by hands like houses ( bc of the line ‘I have grown into the ground and there are branches in my bones’ ) and just like feelings wise I do love weightless by all time low G - grossest memory: the time a snail got stuck in my braces don’t ask  H - horror yes or horror no: yeah boi I - in love?: not right now ( except with kat mcnamara :/ )  J - jealous of people: sometimes. often. i try not to be  K - killed someone: :///  L - love at first sight or should i walk back by again?: boi what does this even mean bye  M - middle name: mohamed  N - number of siblings: four  O - one wish: i make peace with myself  P - person you called last: my mom Q - question you’re always asked: why are you the way you are??? R - reason to smile: that video of the guy seeing the color purple for the first time always makes me cry smile  S - song you sang last: no air by jordin sparks T - top 3 fictional characters: daphne blake, daisy calloway, juliette ferrars  U - underwear color: pale pink  V - vacation: SOMEONE TAKE ME TO GO SEE ALL MY FRIENDS  W - when’s your birthday: may 14th X - x-rays: i’ve had a stomach operation and got hit by a car so like fifty in total lmao  Y - your favorite food: anything with salmon in it ( also almost anything my mom cooks; god i miss her )  Z - zodiac sign: taurus baby!
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endedlives-blog · 8 years ago
a, b, c, e, r, t
give me a letter and i’ll tell you my 5 favourite blogs starting with that letter  |  accepting !
a: @astralord , @agonyworn , @andbeyonds ,  @agonygiven , @atlaswolf
b: @bloodruined , @breedsmisery , @butscrewmefirst , @boldlydared , @bittenrage
c: @chilledbreath , @crimefright , @cfkillers , @chatonesque , @cryoconquer
e: @endedlives ( self promo bc even tho i’m trash i’m lovable trash. ) ,  @earnedstripes , @electrvcfeel , & i don’t really follow anyone else.
r: @redlegacy , @roastsalive , @russethued , @runrisk , @roseguided
t: @trickarrowd , @theirfate , @tetheredfates , @templebones , @theirtrouble
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uglypain · 8 years ago
l o v e u
meme. accepting !
@leftoverfear / @lagaudiiere / @loveisaviolence / @lifewilled / @lazirus
o ):
@venomclaws / @valesker / @valoroused / @valorslain​ / @violentmyth
@endedlives / @endbound / @enduedgenius / 
u ):
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