#☓ interactions ↳ // lexie
babiebom · 8 months
Ranking my Mechat Matches Based on how much I Like Them(currently)
A/N: this isn’t to be mean or say I hate them or anything lmao it’s just for fun since I don’t see many Mechat posts on here and I wanna post something to make it obvious that I will write for them? Might be ooc for the writings but I try my best!!
Tw: cursing, some sexual mentions, maybe a little bit of bullying(affectionate and derogatory maybe), SPOILERS (maybe)
BC: at least 5 for each
Mechat Masterlist
First the guys since I am actually attracted to them:
1)Tamura Blood
Literal love of my life I’m always thinking about him
Like it’s not even like exaggerating when I say he’s taken over 90 percent of my daydreams
Like I was never really into the whole mafia romance thing before
But I genuinely want this man to be happy
Like I know he’s a character but I want him to be happy and if I have to write a million fics just to make it true for him I will
Like he actually cares even if he doesn’t show or say it and while I usually hate it he’s just so….
Idk how to explain it
He was my first match and when I first finished his story before they updated it twice I actually was VERY upset and checked on it every day to see if it would ever be updated
Idk what happens next because I’m playing through the updates now but
If me and him don’t get a happy ending I’m going to have a breakdown
I need a happy ending with him <3
The cheek kiss is the last thing I saw and I’m so mad he cheek kissed instead of lip kissed
Slow burn isn’t usually my favorite to read so this is actually killing me
But I literally look forward to his messages every day.
2)Yasuda Hitoshi
Honestly he annoyed me at first and I found it fun to mess with him
But he grew on me
Like even before him and me(the character obviously) started getting along he started to slowly work his way up on my list
And now that we’re getting married and he has told me about the monsters or whatever that he had to save me from
He’s super sweet even if he’s still sorta a big meanie
I think it’s cute
Like YES I love the guy who is mean to everyone but me trope
Like yeah he’s not mean but he isn’t really outgoing or nice with other people
Like he jokes and is cute and UGH
And the way he actually stands up to his parents for you is literally swoon worthy
3)Johnny Roe
Honestly I think I skipped him the first couple times he popped up as a match
And then when I saw everyone talking about him I thought it was like
…..everyone was over hyping him
But then I got him as a match again
So I matched with him
And he’s actually so cute
And his storyline is cute
And he’s like one of my favorites (obviously seeing as he’s number three)
I now understand the hype surrounding him because I would actually kill someone for this man
And I want to fight the mother so bad
It makes me upset how he’s always like “she’s still my mom”
Like yeah but she literally ABUSED YOU?????
Like I understand completely and I know it would be hard to just turn off loving her for him
I want permission to throw hands
And honestly not to trauma dump my mom is the same way
Like she’s not abusive but she was abused by our family when she was a kid(including my grandmother)
And she’s so fiercely protective of her and like I love my grandmother but UGH I have like a place of resentment in my heart for her because e my mom didn’t deserve any of the bad things that has happened to her
So I know firsthand what it’s like to have a parent somewhat like Johnny(my mom doesn’t have agoraphobia)
I guess that’s why I’m super fond of him? Because he’s familiar in a way to me
I just want him to be happy :(
4)Optimo Lynx
I got a crush on him slowly
Like at first I was MEH about him
But then he was a cute nerd who is studying to be a….doctor(????? I forgor sorry)
AND on the other hand he’s a superhero who has literally saved me twice
Like actually I love him
Very smart and cares about people
Like actually HE SAVES LIVES
Like ?????? It’s sad that the public can’t know his identity bc the government will be mad
And the fact I think he would hate that
But he deserves to be paid for saving people the way that he does
And studying on top of that
Like I wouldn’t be able to IMPRESSIVE MAN
wanna give him kisses
I don’t think I’ve EVER mentioned this on my blog
But black hair blue eyes combo is my favorite
So actually he’s my dream man
I wanna give him more kisses!!!!
And maybe suck his dick if he lets me
5)Zander Echo
When I first started his storyline I only wanted to get him to like me bc he hated me
Like Oh? You hate me? You won’t after I follow this simple plan
But then he started growing on me because he calls me his little snack
And I know he means it in a cannibalistic way but it’s hot so oh well
Then he actually started caring about me kinda
And showed me the ocean in a way that didn’t terrify me (I’m afraid of the ocean)
Like actually while this is lowkey my worst nightmare
I can breathe underwater and I’m not dying or anything so it’s less scary
But I’m still scared of the ocean
It he has a castle that I live in so it’s FINE
Literally would help me get over my fear if he wouldn’t eat me
Also I wish I could give him smooches
6)Azur Blackshade
Ghost man ghost man grim reaper ghost man
Hot hot man
Actually so interesting
And sad
I wanna know how he works
Like I wanna pick at his mind
Honestly ghost types aren’t my favorite monster types but UGH
He makes me wanna write a fanfic of a ghost love interest or something
Really really like him
7)Jozef Chrobak
He was my number one for a HOT WHILE
like I think he’s so hot
And his art style is attractive
Like he’s a VERY good looking man
I do like making people like me
And the fact that he was so against love in the beginning made it more fun
And then the ex appeared and pissed me off
But we ended up together
The only reason he’s this low is because I stopped playing his route bc my own character was pissing me off
Like she’s such a bitch
Like omg he’s romantic now I hate it
Are you a dumb ass hoe or what?
I liked the poly aspect and he was VERY cute
And I’m pretty sure he was a nurse or doctor or the person in an ambulance and I find that super attractive
Like YES save lives papi!!!!!!!!!
And for the most part I liked the story
I could see myself having a crush on him irl
Sweet sweet man
I don’t remember much else since I finished it MONTHS ago
To start off Felix and Brook are pretty much equal
Like it’s a poly relationship and I like them pretty much the same
They’re both sweet men and they’re both attractive
Even though I hated that they all abandoned me
I do think it’s attractive that they all took time to better themselves and their relationship
Like it takes a lot to realize when to step back because the situation you’re in isn’t a good one or might lead to you resenting someone
They were cool
And he was a model so obviously he was hot
Love them
10)Vile Darko
Actually insane?
I like him a lot simply because he seems psychotic
Like WHO makes someone go through insane things for money or whatever
Like actually a clown and it’s attractive
Even though I’m scared of clowns
He makes it hot AND scary
Like I’m genuinely fearing for my life (in game) but I’m also like yeah if he kills me it’s fine bc he has to touch me to do that :)
11)Enzo Gomez
I was SHOOK when I realized he wasn’t just a dog man
Like he’s an actual human that was cursed
He’s a werewolf but Doberman style
His human form is attractive
And don’t kill me but the dog form is somehow attractive(maybe it’s the teeth? Idk)
And his story is kinda sad
Well sad in that he is cursed
I’m pretty sure he was a horrible person and that’s why he was cursed
And I’m glad he has become a better person because of it
12)Lan Ying
He was up at the top before I finished his story a while ago
And now he’s back but I’m not as crazy about him because I’m crazy about tamura so I haven’t played his update yet
But I do LOVE him
Like actually a dom that isn’t an asshole
And I do like shibari and he’s nice
I hate that he ties other people up though
Like mine and only mine?
Seems like a very level headed guy and that’s very attractive
Probably one of the least toxic in this list ngl
13)Eichi Hirano
I’ve never really been crazy about him
Like even though I’m a hyper sexual person his is ONLY sex and sometimes him having trouble with his hotels or whatever
So I wasn’t really interested in him
In still not all that interested :/
He’s cute though
And obviously the sex is good for my character so I guess
I do think he’s kinda nice though, so I do like him
I think he is the SWEETEST guy in an unfortunate position
Because his sister is manipulating him into being basically a scammer and he doesn’t wanna do it
But she gets pissy with him if he refuses
And while I know he could take himself out of that situation
It’s hard with siblings that you wanna keep in your life or whatever
Especially because they’re twins
My only problem with him is that he doesn’t have much of a spine
Like I would like him to stand up to her
But like he’s sweet and I hope the rest of the storyline is good. I kinda stopped playing it
It’s like only two dates that they have?
I don’t feel like wasting diamonds on them right now lmao
I think he’s hot
But in reality I would hate him
I hate playing truth or dare bc it makes me anxious and I can never think of anything
also he knows exactly how he’s making those people suffer and acts like he doesn’t
Actually manipulative
And everything is a game to him UGH
It just annoys me
The sex was cool though
And he is kinda interesting
But like the whole four horsemen thing is an ewie to me
16)Ezra Michelle
I do actually really like Ezra
But I hate the fact that I can’t romance him
I wanna romance the pastor man
I wanna give him smooches but NAUR he’s dedicated his life to the lord
Also he’s cool for a pastor
Obviously they weren’t gonna put a total asshole extreme Christian person in the game
But I do think the way he’s written is very Joseph dream daddy coded but cooler and less shitty
Like Joseph was a shitty man
But Ezra is really cool so far
He’s only this low bc I stopped playing bc I was sad I couldn’t marry him and went after people I could romance instead
He wasn’t really there in the storyline
Like dare was the main character I guess out of the four
Drink and dance barely showed up
But I liked him
And I think his super power of making drinks is cool
Because I hate alcohol and how it tasted I think he would be really dangerous for me if he can make a drink that doesn’t taste like ass
And was kinda nice when we finally got to talk to him
But otherwise he wasn’t really there oof
He was more there than drink and dance but he annoyed me
Literal definition of influencer
I was ANNOYED the entire time I had to talk to him
Like his only personality trait is social media
And yeah granted his name is social
But the others were much more interesting than him
His only good trait is that he’s hot and could probably make me famous if I wanted him to
19)Joon Hwang
I don’t remember him oof
I think I liked him a little bittle but I don’t remember anything about who he is or his storyline so eh
20)Seong On
Like Joon I have no idea who this guy is even though I know I did play through some of his storyline
I have nothing to say about him yikes
Now onto the women since I did match with them!!(my storyline beliefs might be wrong because I speed through them for gems)
1)Naya Honoka
Like actually I was like OOOH a cute nurse when we first started talking
Then as time went on I was like oof she has no time to herself but she’s so nice and cute
And it was just the right amount of spicy that I was like yeah this is KINDA realistic
Then it went into a whole hostage witness protection thing
And I was like HUH
My character in this pissed me off
Bc why when she says HEY don’t say my name call me Hannah instead
My character says Naya 400999 times like MAAM
Anyways she’s so sweet and deserves love and I want her to be happy and get more breaks from working
Only thing I currently don’t like is how she literally is spending our honeymoon being a nurse
But also irl I would be okay with that bc that means I can be alone for some of the day so oof
2)Eiko Suzuki
I like her more now than I did in the beginning
In the beginning she was kinda annoying
But now I’m like OKAY she deserves the WORLD
Like not because she’s a kitsune but like she is SO PRETTY
And I do like that she’s a family girl
I do think it’s weird that she was like “I don’t want anything serious”
But wanted us to help her with everything
Like I think at this point we’re something more but they haven’t made it official
Which bothers me bc I need to know I’m the only one
And her storyline is also insane
Like WTF your ex boyfriend ruined your life and is BACK to ruin it even more
AND your family can turn into cute ass foxes and you didnt use that to your advantage and KILL HIM?
Literally just maul him as a fox and be like
OH NAUR my bf got mauled by a wild animal I wonder how this could’ve happened?!!!!!!!!!
I do think she’s cool though even though we have to help her with everything and she doesn’t think things through sometimes
I also think it’s funny that since I’m not spending diamonds on her choices that my character is a complete asshole
Like she left her to die LMAO
3)Lexi Rose
like actually her being an otaku is so cute
And I’m pretty sure she got a tv show opportunity at some point I don’t remember
Like I’m proud of her
Sad that she feels like her true self isn’t very cool
Bc I really like her
She seems sweet and cool and her interests are ones that I like
Like I might not be the biggest anime fan
But I would watch several with her as dates
Like we do not have to leave the house lets snack and you can tell me all the attack on titan lore.
4)River Morales
would’ve been number one had I played her recently
But I haven’t played her for WEEKS
so she went down as I lowkey forgot about her
Honestly she was cool and I love that she’s an artist
And I do like the poly dynamic
And the fact that she was REALLY honest about her feelings towards the end
Hate that they kinda abandoned me
But I do like her a lot
Super sweet girl
I think she was sorta insecure in her storyline and I hate that for her
5)Reko Lamarr
Dommy mommy dommy mommy
She’s kinda a bitch
And as a dom I feel like she’s pretty……
Like I feel like she should just be a bratty sub or something
Maybe it’s bc I prefer service doms?
But she’s like serve ME worship ME
instead of being a cute dom?
Like MAAM tell me what to do but love on me too
She’s cool tho
Like LOVE a business woman
Get that money queen
She’s VERY stressed
And actually kinda hot when she spanks us
Just wish she was more service-y instead of demand-y
I want to be babied pls
6)Alice Young
She’s okay I guess
I’m not really into sports
And I just started her storyline
And I kinda find the sports thing annoying
Maybe it’s bc I’m not…enthusiastic? Driven about sports that I’m like????
Just FIRE HIM??????
He’s a coach not your dad
Hire someone that cares about your mental health as well as you winning
Like girl just say that you wanna just be friends until you’re done with your tournament or whatever
Like why even join Mechat if you have a whole sports thing you wanna win
Like focus on that THEN join dating apps?
Other than that she’s pretty and cool
And I think her being athletic is attractive
She’s not that bad at all
But we hardly have content of her?
Like we barely see her during the storyline
So she’s okay I guess
Likes to dance and so do I
The only downside is that she’s part of the four horsemen
The upside is that I found the dancing plague in France to be funny and as soon as I saw this party was like that I cackled
But also not really funny in theory
Also kinda dislike her bc she thought the people were having fun when she knew they weren’t
I think she would be fun to be around in small doses.
8)Eura Alabaster
I actually HATE her
Like overconfident people don’t really bother me
It’s just SOMETHING about her that pisses me off
Like the way she is makes me want to beat her to death with my fists
Like she’s annoying and overconfident and stupid
AND she kidnapped me
Granted I’m not against someone kidnapping me(in the fictional world)
I HATE boats
I hate the ocean
I think that’s why I hate her so much
The fact that it’s the ocean we’re dealing with
And she’s triggering my irrational fear of the Bermuda Triangle
So it’s stressing me out
I just hate her
I haven’t finished their storyline so if she turns out fine later sorry
But right now
I hate her and how she treats Rei
Like she’s an actual bitch and I hate that my character hasn’t said so
Like actually I would’ve been like ??????are you dumb or stupid why are you such a bitch ass hoe????
She’s so mean and for WHAT
He has done nothing wrong but she acts like he has
Like he doesn’t want to scam people but this scamming ass bitch is forcing him to
And I know someone is gonna be like “he can make his own choices”
Sometimes when it involves family and staying on their good side you don’t really have a choice if you want them in your life good or not
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angelsdvsts · 3 months
˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ . ↪ closed for @stayliquid ˖ ࣪ . ࿐ ♡ ˚ .
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"uh -- yeah, hey. i'm back in town, didn't realize that i needed to announce it."
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elffees · 6 months
The (non-horny) AFOP fanbase is so dead. It feels like the game only released recently but where is everyone?? 😭
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
OC interaction game
Thanks @willtheweaver here and @illarian-rambling here!
Rules: describe an OC and pair how they would interact with the given OCs from the people who tagged you!
Will's OC Fen
Fen is a crow. But he does not act like one, having grown up among the foxes of the forest. All his life, he has had to keep his identity a secret. For obvious reasons, Fen does not let too much of himself be known. What he does show is an understanding nature ,and a knack for bringing out the best in others. Storyteller, a good fighter, tracker, and cook, he is skilled in many arts, though you’d never know that from the way he stays humble and modest. He values friendship, and will support those he trust.
Katie's OC Daedryn
Daedryn is a lady knight with one eye and red hair. She's the divine Chosen of Loqang, god of rivers and loyalty. Due to this, she is fiercely loyal to whatever person or organization she has promised herself to, to the point of following orders for orders sake. Outside of battle, where she is a force to be reckoned with, she's very sweet, a little awkward, and loves to talk about her god, who she sees as her best friend.
My OC Lexi
Lexi is a middle school girl (12-13 in the first book) who's popular, talkative and energetic. She has more acquaintances than she can keep up with (but don't tell her that!!! They're all her close friends who she must hang out with and support!!), and a close circle of companions she may hold on a little too tight to. Metaphorically, as her haphephobia prevents her from wanting physical contact. She has a mini backyard garden and indulges in nerdy pop culture, at first for her sister, then she found out she liked it. Lexi is very organized - she has a color-coded schedule she Will Follow No Matter What and her high anxiety will flare up if things become unexpected.
Edit: I forgot to mention she has teleportation powers because I got distracted trying to be concise
Lexi and Fen
Well, Lexi does not have experience with sentient crows. Not sure if Fen talks to humans or not. If Lexi were to discover his identity, she might find it difficult to keep it a secret, but would feel like she Had To regardless, out of loyalty and being true to her word. Fen's knack for bringing out the best in others would definitely highlight Lexi's compassion and love for those around her, as well as the aforementioned loyalty. His humility and modesty would be a fun contrast to Lexi's self-confidence, which means she would try to make him embrace his accomplishments more, and maybe Fen would open up to her more once he trusted her. Their shared value of friendship and supportive nature would make them good friends I think. Who doesn't love the classic young girl + sentient animal dynamic?
Lexi and Daedryn
As someone who also values loyalty and is respectful of superiors, Lexi would probably idolize Daedryn. Lexi also has trouble recognizing faults in those she values, so I believe they would understand each other. I would like to see Daedryn maybe take Lexi under her wing, making her a force to be reckoned with as well. Lexi is an enthusiastic learner. Lexi would be willing to listen about Daedryn's god, especially why he means so much to her, though Lexi would also be very excited to talk about her friends too! There may be some talking over each other, but I think they would have a cute dynamic.
Alright y'all let's pair people up with Lexi:
Tagging @gracehosborn @mk-writes-stuff @little-peril-stories @buffythevampirelover @elsie-writes @winterandwords @theeccentricraven @theelfauthor @space-writes @jezifster @theprissythumbelina @herrmannhalsteadproduction @i-can-even-burn-salad @oh-no-another-idea @eccaiia @dyrewrites + anyone else who'd like to do this fun tag!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites + extra tag if you want to :)
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scmethingsweet · 28 days
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❝ So what would you say to the idea of being my date to the up coming charity event my dad is throwing? ❞ Rhett tended to go to most things his father threw solo. Finding a random girl to sneak away with at some point in the evening. However things have changed since he and Lexi started to become closer.
|| Closed Starter || @dcydrecmings ||
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silvershewolf247 · 6 months
Lexy: Hey Andy, can you listen to this song I wrote for Juniper and tell me what you think?
Andy: What's it called?
Lexy: "Juniper".
Andy, sarcastically: Wow, a song named after a girl. There aren't a million of those already.
Lexy: Name 20!
Andy: "Rosanna", "Roxanne", "Michelle", "Allison", "Sarah", "Angie", "Brandy", "Mandy", "Gloria", "Cecilia", "Maggie May", "Jessica", "Nancy", "Barbara Ann", "Billie Jean", "Layla", "Lola", "Polly", "Helena", "Jenny from the Block".
Lexy: …Name 6 more!
Andy: "Sherry", "Laura", "Wendy", "Maria", "Peggy Sue", "Minnie the Moocher".
Lexy: …Name 5 more.
Andy: "Tracy", "Jean", "Jane", "Mary Ann", "Eleanor Rigby".
Lexy: …
Lexy, storming out: Go fuck yourself!
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tragcdysewn · 5 months
@vcndetta asked: [ wounded ] sender patches up receiver's wounds ( lexi && bryce )
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bryce lets out a faint hiss as the other touches the cut above her eyebrow. "thanks, lex. i'm really trying not to get involved, but i guess i looked a little too much like some idiot's target."
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hauntedestablishments · 6 months
im so happy to be alive at the same time as the internet. what would i do without everyone I've ever met
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hismourningflower · 5 months
i didn’t think i’d ever need reassurances from people who only know my online persona but mooties do yall actually like me
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nightwhispcrs · 4 months
closed starter for @mastcrmiind (jack shephard & lexie grey) / "yeah, i'm pretty sure i fucked up," jack sighed into his glass and then took a resigned sip. "i probably should've come to you when all this started happening, but ... you know how i am." that was putting it lightly. jack shephard was awful at receiving help, let alone asking for it. the fact he could admit to lexie that he was having problems at all was a mini-miracle.
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seaspraycd · 5 months
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ronan  had  a  horrible  two  weeks  as  he  jumped  between  cabins,  the  lake,  and  simply  not  sleeping  as  he  waited  for  his  sanctuary  to  be  rebuilt.  the  demigod  did  his  best  to  keep  a  positive  composure  but,  he  was  still  half-mortal  and  it  brought  him  so  much  strife. that  was  until  he  spotted  a  random  person  at  the  lunch  hall,  ronan  deciding  to  grab  himself  an  acai  bowl  and  sitting  next  to  him  with  an  awkward  smile.  "  it's  nice  to  see  new  people  at  camp,  sorry  that  you  came  at  the  most  horrendous  time.  "
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lexieblckwll · 2 months
* — this is a closed starter for @decodv ! dias ruins poderiam acontecer na vida de qualquer um, mas lexie parecia estar vivendo uma pegadinha. caminhava por uma rua abarrotada no dia mais chuvoso daquele mês e, é claro, havia esquecido de levar consigo um guarda-chuva. o som inconfundível de um carro passando próximo à calçada a fez congelar por alguns instantes, como se algo dentro dela indicasse que as coisas sempre poderiam piorar. como previsto, o motorista fez a mais absoluta questão de passar por cima de uma poça d'água, ensopando não apenas lexie, mas a todos que se concentravam no local. — mas que merda! — praguejou, avaliando os estragos em suas roupas recém-lavadas, ainda cheirando a amaciante barato. ❛ i'm just saying, murder is an option. ❜ direcionou sua fala indignada àquela que estava mais próxima, igualmente molhada e salpicada de lama. naquele momento, parte dela esperava que a outra iniciasse uma perseguição a pé ao carro do culpado pela bagunça, mas sabia que nem todos eram tão propensos a loucuras quanto a própria lexie.
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papcrrings-arch · 1 year
Closed Starter : Mark & Lexie ( @mastcrmiind ) - 11 - One character gains control over the other without meaning to.
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"Lex, we have to move quickly. That must be the only way to get through it without the obstacles getting in the way," Mark said, trying to keep the panic out of his voice, "Move quicker."
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timelesslords · 1 year
I am once again about to get suckered into watching multiple seasons of a children’s cartoon because my favorite character appears for .5 seconds
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theheadlessgroom · 4 months
"Well, I can understand that," Wilhelm replied with a little, sitting Randall down beside Emily as he resumed his own seat-as he sat down, Randall couldn't help but think to himself, You don't even know the half of it, Pa...
"I like to hope those hooligans weren't hanging around, looking to get even, but I'm also glad both of you were vigilant," June sighed with relief, trying not to think of what might've happened had they not flagged down that taxi when they did. "Even if there wasn't anyone there, you still did the right thing, leaving when you did!"
She'd had those bad "gut feelings" before, that unshakable pit in the bottom of her stomach that told her she needed to leave, to take her family elsewhere, to just get away from the area, and even if nothing came of leaving, that no disaster struck after they left, it still made her feel better, and so she understood where Emily was coming from. Especially after what happened a couple of weeks ago-the last thing she wanted was to see her son hurt like that again.
"You want me to watch the window for a little bit?" Wilhelm asked-if those muggers who'd attacked his boy were lurking out there, looking to get a little payback, then he'd gladly sit vigil for a while by the window; he had a permit for these sorts of situations. However, Randall put his hand up and said gently, "I-I really don't think that'll be necessary, Pa, I...I'm sure it's fine..."
"You sure? It's no problem for me," Wilhelm reassured, as Randall looked to Emily with a bit of uncertainty-would it bring them a little peace of mind, if nothing else, having him keep watch for a little while?
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fightingthetides · 5 months
A series of small snippets that is like an imagination of how I would change some canon events for thread/characterization rework purposes for @signorinavongola's verse. Guest muses of mine: Hibari, and Haru, mainly. Mostly manga-centric but may have taken some inspo from anime. I did write a bit of some other characters I don't personally muse, so excuse if they seem off.
Word count: 6,400+ [made an edit somehwere and am too lazy to get an accurate word count]
          [No chapter number. New conent: Reborn meets Yamamoto before he meets Tsuna for the first time]
“Oi, kid! Watch out!” Reborn suddenly emerged from some bushes he was using as cover as he was making his way to the Sawada household.
A ball was quickly approaching, and transforming the chameleon on his hat into a catching mitt, the child catches the ball with each, much to the surprise of the person. Reborn himself was quite impressed by the weight behind the ball he felt when he caught it.
‘This guy has quite the throwing arm.’
“Wow, you caught that? You’re impressive, little guy! Sorry about that, normally people aren’t in this area at this time of day.” Yamamoto admits.
“I’m a talented guy. Are you practicing your pitches?” Reborn asks, quite curious to see just how skilled this guy was. He looked to be around the same age as his future charge. He had to cut Dino’s education short in favor of raising the next 10th generation Vongola boss.
Seeing as he was practicing in a park nearby the Sawada household… there was a chance they were schoolmates.
“Yeah, I’m on the baseball team and I’m always practicing hard to not let my team down. We aim for Koshien, after all!” Yamamoto grins with pride.
There was some time before he had to arrive at the Sawada household. He was intending to observe her for a bit before starting the home tutor plan anyways, so killing some time with this kid wouldn’t be a problem.
“I can catch some pitches for you. Show me what you got.” Reborn tosses the ball back to the guy. “You can call me kid for now. If you learn my name, I’d have to kill you.” Was this part of his dry humor or was he being serious? Hard to tell with Reborn, sometimes.
Yamamoto takes it as a joke and laughs. “Sure, I’ll call you kiddo then! The names Yamamoto Takeshi by the way. Are you really going to be okay to catch some of my pitches?”
Reborn waves the green catching mitt in his hand. “I caught your first pitch, didn’t I? Stop asking stupid questions and get ready.”
“Aye aye!”
          [No chapter number. New conent: Reborn continued to catch some of Yamamoto’s pitches in secret without Tsuna or anyone knowing.]
Reborn was sure of it after a couple of encounters. Yamamoto Takeshi was a guy of talent. His athleticism was impressive, and he had a pleasant personality.
A talented athlete and a pleasant personality was a formula for a popular guy, and that could only help Tsuna who was a ‘no good’ who had virtually no friends.
Having done a background check on the guy, Reborn found out that Yamamoto and Tsuna went to the same school, and that his father was a user of the Shigure Souen Ryu sword style. From his investigation, Yamamoto didn’t learn the swordstyle in favor of prioritizing his love for baseball.
More and more Yamamoto was starting to stand out as a candidate for a member of Tsuna’s future famiglia.
“You see, I’ve had to travel a long way to help raise someone on the request of an old friend of mine.” Reborn starts to speak a little bit about himself, knowing that in doing so, he could catch Yamamoto’s attention.
He was a friendly guy, so befriending others was just second nature to him. Learning about someone was the easiest way to make new friends!
“Yeah? Where did you travel from, kiddo?”
“From Italy. I can see that my work is cut out for me, but I can see the potential she has.” Having faith in Giotto’s line, Tsuna had to have the potential.
Look at Iemitsu, after all. He was a force to be reckoned with, so there had to be some potential in Tsuna that would lead her to be an exemplary mafia boss in the future.
Yamamoto couldn’t imagine why someone would travel all the way from Italy to ‘raise’ someone. Maybe he meant something else? Bringing someone all the way from Italy must be expensive, and he didn’t think anyone in the immediate area would have the funds to do such a thing.
“What, are you a part of the mafia?” Yamamoto jokes because of Reborn’s penchant for always wearing suits and being from Italy. You know, those Godfather kinda movies? That’s the kind of vibe Reborn gave off.
Yamamoto dropped the ball that he was idly tossing up and down to stare at Reborn in shock. Was Reborn really a part of the Italian mafia? He came all the way here… to JAPAN to raise someone? That had to be a really big deal then, right?
“Ah… why are you raising someone? It couldn’t be something like finding a long-lost Don or something, right? That’d be like a movie.”
“Close. You’re intuitive.” Even though he knew that Yamamoto was just joking, it was impressive that he somehow got it right. Yamamoto gave off an idiotic vibe, but he wasn’t an idiot. It was clear that he simply used all of his time to focus on baseball.
That kind of drive was impressive and a desired trait for a guardian. Someone who could keep focus was important. If he could move some of that loyalty to baseball to his boss, then Tsuna would be safer from attack—and betrayal.
“She is going to be a future mafia don, and she’s been fighting me every step of the way about it.” Reborn sighs, a bit for dramatic effect to catch Yamamoto’s attention. “She has so much potential that she’s wasting, what a shame. I want for her to make more friends, ones who wouldn’t be afraid of her background.”
Yamamoto was all for making new friends, but there were obviously some circumstances to consider. What school did she go to, how far away did she live, did she even want to make friends with someone like him, etc?
It would be more convenient if they went to the same school, but considering how the kid didn’t give much else information about his charge, it was clear that he was being secretive for a reason.
‘Guess that makes sense, if she’s a future mafia boss, the less people who know, the better, right?’ It made all the more sense why the kid had yet to reveal his name yet. Knowing the name of the next mafia boss’s teacher was big information.
“Right, I think she goes to your school. She’s a good kid, not meant to be a mafia boss.” Reborn laments with another (fake) sigh. It was true that Tsuna wasn’t a good fit for the mafia as things stood now, but he was confident in his ability to raise good mafia bosses.
Look at Dino, he was a great student… if you ignore the fact that he’s useless if his famiglia isn’t around. Tch. It would’ve been fine if he had more time to train him.
Well, that’s history. He’ll be fine in time.
“Why does she have to be a mafia boss then? Can’t someone else take the job?” Yamamoto couldn’t help but ask out of curiosity.
“She’s the only one left who can take on the role. Every other candidate died. She’s our last hope, so I’ve been sent to protect her and raise her to be the next mafia boss.” It was a bit risky to reveal this information, but the results should outweigh the risks.
This Yamamoto guy seemed to be a righteous fellow. Knowing that a girl had no way out of a situation that was forced upon her and her life could be in trouble… it would stir something in him.
Chivalry never died, and he could tell that Yamamoto was worried by the way his eyebrows furrowed with the news.
“It’s that dangerous for her, huh?” The kid said that she went to the same school as him… so they should be around the same age, give or take 2 or 3 years. He couldn’t imagine a girl around his age being forced to train to be a mafia boss at such an age.
The fact that all the other candidates died was also worrying him, to know that she might be targeted next.
“If… fate has it so we cross paths, hopefully I can help you look after her. Maybe we can be friends.” It would be hard for him to do if he didn’t know her identity, though.
Reborn smiles. Excellent, all according to plan. He’s gotten Yamamoto somewhat interested in joining the mafia for Tsuna’s benefit. “Thanks. We won’t force you into anything.”
Tsuna wouldn’t tolerate it if another person was forced into the mafia against their will and he didn’t want to act against her wishes.
Still, it was good enough that Yamamoto was willing to consider helping out, even if a little bit.
“Alright, you rested enough. Let’s practice your swings next. Let’s see if you improved from the last time.”
“Yes sir!”
          [Chapter 4- Gokudera attitude change towards Tsu-chan]
It was only just a day and the new transfer students attitude towards Tsuna changed. It was like night and day with him starting off by kicking over her desk and now…
“Good morning, Juudaime!” The guy suddenly bows respectfully towards her. The whole class is understandably shocked by this change in development.
Yamamoto couldn’t help but think that the way this Gokudera guy was acting now was almost like… a dog? Maybe something like a Lonewolf who decided that it was okay with joining your pack.
Hearing some of the hushed whispers around him, he notes that it was mostly coming from the girls. Probably the jealousy. The girls had banded together and made a fanclub for Gokudera within a day and some girls were already seething with jealousy over how Gokudera was pouring all his attention into Tsuna.
The athlete makes a mental note that he may look out for her for a while, just to make sure that the girls wouldn’t go too far with their jealousy. The hazing or the bullying that some girls go through because of guys wasn’t new to him, but it wasn’t something he liked.
It may have been the reason why his own fans were more tame in comparison to Gokudera’s fans. They knew that he wouldn’t like underhanded methods and getting caught put you on the fastest track of Yamamoto having a bad opinion of you for the rest of… well… forever!
‘Ah… so Gokudera doesn’t have a filter when getting mad at girls, does he?’ Yamamoto mentally laughs to himself at how the transfer student was getting peeved at the girls. ‘Maybe he’s sensitive to attention? Could be that he’s just crabby 24/7. He needs to get more calcium in his diet.’
This Gokudera Hayato guy is real interesting. A real funny guy.
With that, it made Tsuna interesting as well, considering it only took a day for the two to become friends…?
‘Juudaime, huh? I wonder… is the girl that kiddo is training, Tsuna?’
[Ch. 5 So I did discuss it before that the rooftop scene would have to change for several reasons, but it could be kept if we take into the account that I changed how Reborn and Yamamoto met. Seeing as he knows that Reborn is tutoring Tsuna and trying to make her into a mafia boss, and how he says that she has potential, Yamamoto has the understanding that she has secret skills. He thinks that she is hiding her potential and therefore may understand some of his struggles with baseball. As such, he could still ask her casually about some advice, and that leads him to overtraining himself and hurting his arm.
We talked about how Tsu-chan can save him when he accidentally falls from the rooftop as it happened in canon. This will solidify his interest in Tsu-chan and have him gain respect for her because of her willingness to go that distance for someone. It’s not easy for people to jump in to save another person at the risk of your own life, so he would respect her for that.
Additionally, seeing that her… clothes… yeah, after the dying will bullets are used on her, he’d probably cover her with his jacket and lead her to the nurses office so she can get changed into any spare clothes that she probably has with her (maybe a spare outfit, or gym clothes).
This would be very Tsuna conversation heavy and I won’t godmod a muse’s speech, so I chose to write a synopsis instead.]
          [Ch.10 Slight change in how Yamamoto reacts to meeting Reborn for the ‘first time’ due to changes in this verse]
“Hey, Gokudera… what’s up with calling me out and having a silent stare down?” Yamamoto still wasn’t very well acquainted with Gokudera yet, but he would answer to summons because curiosity got the best of him.
He was called out to the field by Gokudera, not knowing it was because Gokudera was somehow unsatisfied with Reborn’s plans to add Yamamoto to the roster of Tsuna’s guardians.
“Dude, you should have some milk. Ill temper is usually caused by a lack of calcium.” Yamamoto truly thought he was giving Gokudera some helpful advice, telling him to consume more calcium. It should help him with his temper.
Before Gokudera could even react by lighting his dynamites, Tsuna arrives with Reborn in tow.
“Yo, kiddo.” Yamamoto glances between Reborn and Tsuna. He’d had his suspicions but they weren’t confirmed until now. “I thought so, Tsuna is your charge you’re raising, huh?”
“That’s right. You said you’d be willing to be her friend and help out when you could.” Reborn answers calmly, ignoring whatever Tsuna and Gokudera had to say. He saw the potential in Yamamoto, and he wasn’t going to give up on having him join the famiglia for Tsuna’s sake.
Not only that, a healthy dose of competitive spirit between guardians promoted good growth, so having someone who could make Gokudera feel threatened was for the best. If he doesn’t continue to hone his skills and better himself, then the right hand position could easily go to the amicable and skilled, Yamamoto Takeshi.
There was indeed methods to his madness.
Gokudera was still strongly against Yamamoto joining the famiglia while Tsuna was mostly confused about how Yamamoto and Reborn knew eachother, but when did he ever need to explain himself to her?
Just like he would with Lambo, he ignored her questions in favor of putting Yamamoto (and Tsuna) to the test. It’s important to not only test his skills but to also see how well he can work in tandem with Tsuna.
“You did say that I have the option of backing out if I want to, right?” Yamamoto confirmed with the arcobaleno.
“That’s right.”
Well, Reborn didn’t have any intention of letting Yamamoto go. If the guy starts having doubts, Reborn had his ways of making the guy change his mind, so that he’ll never want to back out. It wouldn’t be a lie in that case.
Reborn hops onto Yamamoto’s shoulder, “Tsuna is my charge, the 10th head of the famiglia. Gokudera is a subordinate.”
“Sounds good, count me in for now.”
“Good. First thing’s first, time for the famiglia entrance test.”
          [Ch.11 Haru’s introduction chapter- which obviously has to change because of the premise of them being childhood friends who were apart for a bit of time due to school and other reasons]
One morning, Reborn and Tsuna were strolling to school as they normally would in the morning, but they get stopped by a familiar voice (to one of them).
“Hold it! Haru had been observing you for some time now, and Haru needs answers. Tsu-chan, when did you have a new brother and not tell me about it?” She should know how much Haru adored children, so not telling her about a new brother… sacrilege! A betrayal! So mean-desu!
Not only that, “Haru also noticed you play mafia all the time. What kind of bad games are you playing with such a young child, Tsu-chan? Are you being forced into it by some of the neighboring kids?” Though it’s been some time since they last met, Haru and Tsuna were still childhood friends and she liked to believe she understood her friend well.
This wasn’t a kind of game that she would play with a kid, so there had to be a reason behind it. Maybe she was being bullied into it. If her friend needed someone who would sternly tell the bullies ‘no, we won’t play a game that is a bad influence on kids’ she’ll do it! She’ll be the first to volunteer!
“If you’re struggling to tell the bullies to stop playing the mafia game, Haru will do it for you to stop playing such a dangerous game with the baby.”
Reborn decides to act in Tsuna’s stead. “First off, I’m Tsuna’s tutor. It’s my job to raise Tsuna to be the 10th boss of the mafia. I cannot be separated from her until then.”
“… You’re taking the game too far! Tsu-chan, I can’t believe you!” As always, Haru was a firecracker when she was angered. She always acts or talks first and only when she’s calmed down would she listen.
Her phone beeps, and she quickly says her farewells before heading to school.
      [New content alert!: Yamamoto consulting with Tsuna after noticing something is off about her]
“Hm? You had a fight with a friend?” Yamamoto couldn’t think of any friends Tsuna had in class aside from himself and Gokudera.
He listens to her recount what happened and the history that she had with her friend. So she had a ‘fight’ with her childhood friend. “To me, it just sounds like she misunderstood the situation because she doesn’t know the full details.”
Understandably, Tsuna didn’t have many friends, so it must be scary to think that she could lose one of her only friends. From what Tsuna had to say about this Haru girl, she seemed to be a smart and friendly person.
She had strong convictions and she was always ready to get mad at bullies on her behalf. Tsuna was worried about Haru finding out about how she is at school, so she put some distance between them. It worked out because as first years in middle school, they were busy adjusting to a new school.
“I dunno her, but from what you had to say about your Haru friend, she sounds like a good person who cares a lot about you.” Haru didn’t seem to care that Tsuna wasn’t the smartest, nor the most athletic. “I think, if you tried to talk to her again, she’d be willing to listen to you.”
This Haru girl liked Tsuna for her personality, so she should be willing to listen after her initial anger wears off. Surely she’d be willing to listen once she cools off? That’s Yamamoto’s theory, anyways.
He pats Tsuna’s shoulder, comfortingly. “How about this? I’ll get up earlier to walk with you to school tomorrow. I can give you support as you talk to her tomorrow, okay?”
Yamamoto Takeshi, the best support.
      [Back to regular scheduled programming. Haru confronts Tsuna and Yamamoto at the bridge]
“Good morning. It’s come to Haru’s attention that Reborn-chan is indeed a hitman and he is in fact training you to become a 10th generation mafia boss. Haru will put aside the fact she’s disappointed that you didn’t say anything to Haru.” Was she not your childhood friend?
Do childhood friends not talk to each other about important things in life? Was finding out you’re an upcoming mafia boss not big news to tell your childhood best friend? HM??? Haru would tell you if she fell in love for the first time (and it wasn’t cake)!
“If all that is true, then that means he’s been training you to be strong.” Haru has always known Tsuna to be a bit timid and weak to confrontations. She didn’t like to have fights with others and she’d much rather let things go than to confront someone.
That didn’t seem like a good quality to have for an upcoming mafia boss. Of course, Tsuna had a good heart. She cared for others and wanted things to be fair. She didn’t like to see others be hurt. That was what Haru liked about her… but… the mafia is different from her nature, isn’t it? Would she be able to fit in?
Did she have what it takes to truly be a mafia boss? (Bianchi may have ‘forgotten’ to mention that Tsuna was against being the next mafia boss and was actively trying to get out of it.)
“Haru understands that the mafia has to be strong and sometimes be cut-throat. If so, you may have to fight against old friends turned foe. Haru doesn’t want to, but-! As a friend, she will test you!” That would explain why she was wearing a suit of armor and holding a hockey stick in the morning.
Haru Miura was always so dramatic and… weird. Yamamoto was looking between Haru and Tsuna worriedly. It was good that it seemed that Haru now understood the situation, but… was Tsuna going to be okay with fighting her friend?
To him, it looked like Haru was very concerned with Tsuna and wanted to make sure her friend had the backbone necessary to be a boss. Otherwise, people would only walk over her and not respect her.
Well, that’s his theory anyways, given how she looks like she’s going to cry as she resolves herself to test her friend.
“Nyahaha! Lambo-san arrives! Reborn, I found you! DIE!” Another kid comes out of no where and throws a few grenades out.
Everyone took cover, but Haru couldn’t move so quickly with the bulky armor she had on. She was launched off the bridge and into the water below.
Surprisingly, before Yamamoto could think to react, Tsuna had already jumped into the water after her friend. It was reminiscent of how she also jumped off the rooftop to save him when he accidentally fell.
Not wanting for Reborn to shoot her with a bullet, resulting in her clothes being blown off, he jumps in right after the both of them. The armor looked heavy, so it would be too much for Tsuna to bring Haru back to safety.
He pulls the both of them to safety and helps them both dry themselves off. Haru changes into the spare clothes that she had hidden away nearby, and Tsuna changed into new clothes as well. A habit because of her clothes always being blasted off.
“Haru is sorry… she was just worried about you, and she was scared that you wouldn’t want to stand up for yourself if anyone disrespects you. Tsu-chan has always been too nice and timid to fight for herself.”
That was a fact that no one could deny. Haru had a pretty good understanding of her friend. She wasn’t well suited to be a mafia boss, but it didn’t seem like there was a choice in the matter.
“Haru thought that she could give you some of her own fighting spirit, you know? Maybe then you’ll be able to handle things… but… Haru sees that you do have a lot of bravery that you show in your own way. Thank you for jumping in after her, Tsu-chan.” Haru smiles, feeling proud of her friend.
She jumped in so soon after Haru was blown off the bridge, so she must not have hesitated. That took a lot of courage to do, and if she had that much courage… surely she’d be fine even if she had to be a mafia boss.
“Haha, I’m just glad that things turned out okay in the end. Usually, Tsuna goes into this crazy wild mode and her clothes go missing, leaving her in her underwear.” Yamamoto explains why he jumped in after the both of them so that Reborn wouldn’t have to act.
“Hahi! Your clothes disappear? That’s no good! If only your underwear survives… perhaps you could consider sportswear underneath your uniform?” That would at least offer a bit more modesty than being in only your undergarments.
She had yet another reason to be worried about her friend now. What girl would want to be found almost naked out in public where people could sneer and oogle? Not on her watch! “It’s settled,” Haru grabs Tsuna’s shoulders, “we’re going shopping this weekend. We’ll find clothes you can wear under your uniform so it’s less revealing. Haru isn’t taking no for an answer.”
The arcobaleno was watching over them chatting at the bank of the river from the bridge after having finished punishing Lambo for his stupidity.
“Hm… she looks like she’ll be a good influence on Tsuna. The necessary feminine touch she needs and a good friend to use as emotional support.” Reborn was impressed by the fact that Haru had recovered so quickly after being blown off the bridge.
Not only that, she accepted the fact that Reborn was a hitman and that Tsuna was a next generation mafia boss, but she still confronted her friend. That took a lot of guts. “She’d be the perfect example of a strong wife to the mafia. Tsuna can learn more from her example, about her guts.”
Of course, Tsuna and Haru's situation would be different. Haru could marry a mafiosi but Tsuna would eventually marry someone into her famiglia and retain her position as the matriarch.
Still, she could learn a thing or two from Haru's guts.
Guess he was going to look into inviting Haru to more things so she can rekindle her friendship with Tsuna again.
“Juudaime! What happened? Was it an attack? Who the hell is this? Get your paws off her, woman!”
“HAHI! WHO IS THIS RUDE RUFFIAN!? Tsu-chan do you know him?” Haru hugs her friend close to her and hisses at the new person who ran up to them. “Haru is Tsu-chan’s childhood friend, you ruffian! Bother Tsu-chan and you’ll answer to Haru!” She hisses again.
It seemed that Haru and Gokudera’s tempers weren’t a very good match because they instantly started fighting with each other.
Yamamoto laughs, “Maa maa, let’s calm down. Tsuna is okay, there was a small incident earlier. Despite how he looks, Gokudera is a decent guy, you know? He’s one of Tsuna’s friends.”
Haru makes a face, to suggest she 100% did not believe Yamamoto. “Haru is okay with you being her friend… but that one… Haru isn’t so sure. He looks like a yankee.” In that moment, Haru vowed to visit Tsuna more often to make sure Gokudera wasn’t being a bad influence on her.
The day Tsuna starts smoking, gets tattoos, or anything, she was going to start a fight with this Gokudera punk.
Round two of Gokudera and Haru fighting with each other.
          [Ch.16 Just a small lil thing for when they meet Hibari for the first time in reception room. Mostly to highlight a small change in some dynamics- this will be canon to my portrayal of Hibari if we do thread with Tsu-chan and Hibari.]
The trio of friends were eating their lunch atop of the rooftop, discussing how summer vacation seemed to come and go so quickly that it felt sad. Supplementary classes really didn’t help with the matter, of course.
That’s when Reborn comes in and suggests that they make some kind of a hideout for themselves. A secret base of sorts, which both Yamamoto and Gokudera were in favor of. The sun arcobaleno suggests the reception room as prime real estate for their hideout.
The view is excellent, the geographical location was convenient, and there furniture placed inside the reception were good quality.
“Hee—I didn’t know we had such a good room.” Yamamoto is the first to open the door to look in.
What he and the others didn’t know was that Hibari was already in the room, a dangerous viper ready to strike at the first sign of inconvenience or disobedience.
Still in a bad mood from the previous annoyance from before, Hibari’s patience meter was already teetering on the edge of nonexistence.
Just earlier in the day he’d had to bite a few students for thinking they could gang up against him with their numbers—but this was a lesson Hibari doled out dutifully as the disciplinary committee president.
Did they think he was the ruler of the delinquents for no reason?
“Who are you?”
Yamamoto pauses, recognizing him right away. It was understandable for Gokudera to not know of him yet, even daring to step past him. “Who is he?”
The athlete does try to stop him, “Gokudera, wait…”
“Won’t you put out your cigarette in front of the disciplinary committee president?” He was readying himself to act within a seconds. “Well, either way, I won’t let you get away.”
The tumultuous storm always had a volatile temper and he argues back, which was quickly met with Hibari snuffing out the lit cigarette with his tonfa. With his swift movements, he’d managed to cut the cigarette just shy of taking his nose along with it.
“Put it out.” The gall this student had to smoke on school grounds, and the absolute balls of steel to do so in front of him.
Quick to react, possibly due to his history of being on the streets, Gokudera jumped back.
With how swiftly Hibari acted against Gokudera, Yamamoto knew that this upperclassman was in a league entirely of his own. The reputation preceded him, a guy who would beat up anyone with his tonfas regardless of who they were.
“I really hate weak herbivorous animals that form groups. Whenever I see them, I really want to bite them to death.” It was always the weak animals that thought the answer to their problems was to band together and overpower the strong with their numbers.
Troublesome students would band together with their numbers to challenge his decrees as if they had any power over him.
Tsuna, who was behind both boys wanted to walk past them to look at the reception room herself, but both the boys were highly alert to how much of a threat Hibari was. One could simply chalk it up to chivalry or a sense of duty to protect a girl, neither of them allowed her to get past them.
Hibari had already noticed there was yet another herbivore who had yet to announce themselves to him. What coward had hidden themselves away behind the two bigger herbivores? “Which herbivore is hiding behind you?” He asks casually, which quickly ignited the tension in the room.
In particular, Gokudera was the first to react, his dynamites at the ready. No one would harm his boss while he was still standing, and Yamamoto wasn’t one to let his friend go in on his own, preferring to act as supplementary back up.
With swift movements, Hibari made quick work of Gokudera by deftly sidestepping past him and swiping him across the face with his tonfa. “One.”
Seeing his friend injured, Yamamoto is angered, easily getting into the concentration mode to allow him to dodge past some of Hibari’s attacks, that weren’t made in seriousness (not that he’d know).
Hibari made the quick assessment that Yamamoto Takeshi was the more ‘fun’ of the herbivores that dared encroach his territory. He had good speed, good reflexes, but… it was obvious to his eye that he was protecting his right hand.
Right, he was a favored member of the baseball team who had recently caused a stir within the student body with his rooftop stint. “Are you injured? You seem to be protecting your right hand.” He taunts the baseballer.
That moment of hesitation on Yamamoto’s part gave the elder student the opening to kick him into the all across the room. “Two.”
Cold eyes finally flit over to the final student standing in the doorway. A girl. One who was still in shock over how quickly he dispatched her two friends. No, perhaps they were something akin to bodyguards?
“They won’t be waking up any time soon, I made sure of that.” Hibari walks over to grab Gokudera and Yamamoto by the backs of their shirts.
There was no amusement in beating a terrified and unwilling ‘combatant’ if she could even be called such. As she’d yet to step into the reception room, she was granted amnesty in being spared from disciplinary action.
Not to say that he wouldn’t be against fighting and punishing a female if the situation called for it, but he didn’t see the need to punish someone who hadn’t explicitly warranted such an action.
Dragging both unconscious guys behind him, he walks over to the opened window. It was readily evident that he had intentions of throwing the two out the window, much to Tsuna’s aghast surprise.
Then, a baby appears suddenly, shooting the female student, to Hibari’s surprise. How a baby managed to climb to his floor was surprising enough, but to have also evade his detection until now was another thing entirely.
‘Public indecency?’
+1 to the accruing charges of trespassing, crowding, AND now stripping out of her clothing, screaming loudly about something inane. With those charges stacked against her and her rushing at him, Hibari uppercuts her chin to render her immobile in the quickest way possible.
The shock would be enough to take her out of the fight, and he’d made sure to control the output of his strength as to not crush her chin.
It may leave a bruise, however.
Turning to address the fallen boys, Tsuna gets up and smacks him twice with a slipper, taking him by surprise.
“…” Taking a moment to process what had just happened, he concludes that some herbivorous animal had bared her teeth at him and landed two hits with a rudimentary weapon- a slipper. Looks like he’d underestimated her. “Hey… can I kill you?”
“That’s enough. You’re strong after all.” The baby from before interrupts them.
“I don’t know who you are, but I’m very irritated right now. Would you sit there and wait for me?” No, not even babies would be spared from his ‘tyrannical might,’ so Hibari strikes against the arcobaleno, to only be halted.
It was one surprise after another!
A girl who surprisingly had more bite to her, and a baby who had an impressive amount of skill. “Wao. You’re amazing.”
“Let’s break things up.” Reborn reveals a bomb in his hand and it sets off, allowing Tsuna and the rest of get away safely- for now.
          [Ch.22 I REFUSE to allow for them to forget about Tsuna’s birthday for the ‘comedic effect’. If Haru is childhood friends, she’s going to remember and change that. HMPH!]
“How exciting! It’s almost Reborn-chan’s birthday? Of course, Haru would love to help with the preparations for it!” Haru is enthusiastic about the invite to join in the celebrations of Reborn’s birthday.
Haru thought it was odd that Tsu-chan wasn’t the one informing her about the surprise, but then she realized that with how close their birthdays were to each other, this had to be a joint birthday celebration?
With how busy Haru was on the daily, her schedule was always very hectic, and the same could be said for Yamamoto as well who was busy with sports. They sometimes crossed paths by mere coincidence when she got out of tutoring and him out of practice.
That was likely the reason why he brought it up to her being the first one to come across her.
Looking from side to side, she ensures that Tsuna isn’t nearby for the rest of this conversation. “Ne, Haru is just asking out of curiosity, but why aren’t you talking about Tsu-chan’s birthday as well? Are you having separate celebrations?”
If so… why wasn’t she invited? RUDE!
The look of confusion on Yamamot’s face made Haru squint her eyes skeptically. Surely even Tsuna’s mother wouldn’t have forgotten her own daughter’s birthday…? Surely she brought it up at least once?
‘Maybe she’s just been so busy with caring for all the kids it slipped her mind?’
Understanding of how busy Nana could be, maybe that was the reasoning behind it… but it still didn’t sit right with her. “Well… Tsu-chan’s birthday is the day after Reborn-chan’s birthday. Planning two consecutive parties is a lot, so it would make sense to celebrate them together, right?”
Haru Miura is not one to forget important dates, and Tsu-chan’s birthday was one she always remembered every single year. If they couldn’t find the time to celebrate together in person, Haru always made sure to send a small package with a gift to the Sawada household, so it wasn’t like she’d suddenly forget for this year.
“Ah, is it?” Yamamoto laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head. He had no idea that it was also her birthday so soon. They’d only been planning the party for Reborn, but they could probably make some changes to the plan to account for Tsuna’s birthday celebrations as well.
No one would want to feel left out or forgotten, after all. Without Haru saying something, Tsuna would’ve felt disappointed or hurt by them forgetting about her.
“That’s the great thing about childhood friends, huh? You’ll make sure to have Tsuna’s back. Let’s think of some ideas to propose to the others to incorporate Tsuna as well to the plans.”
“Hahi! Haru would love that! Ah- but is Gokudera-san going to be attending the planning sessions as well…?” Haru asks quietly.
Yamamoto chuckles, noticing how easily Haru showed her emotions on her face. It was clear that she didn’t get along with him and was hoping that the answer to the question would be ‘no’.
Then again, with how often they bicker whenever they’re in the same room, it was understandable that she didn’t like him very much. “Sorry, I can try talking to him to be less of a hissing cat.”
[I decided that this is a pretty good place to stop. For the most part the rest of what goes on in the daily life arc probably stayed the same or didn’t change much for me to want to highlight it. Mostly manga-centric but I may have took some inspiration from the anime in some areas.]
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