#sparry & andrew
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 10 months ago
The Royal Grift Rewind: "Sparry's Ameri-CON"
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POV's Fanmail Friday: Prince Harry on A1 Visa
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Edited to add: The Me Too Sussex Couple:
Allegedly (since #megxit) MEgain's retort even to Queen Elizabeth's FACE was "what about Andrew!!" When the duo publicly changed their minds and DEMANDED prince & princess titles upon the Queen's death, allegedly Meghan complained (what about Andrew) "what about Beatrice & Eugenie who have HRH!!!"
I've always believed The Sussex Duo is legally challenging EVERY attempt the Palace makes to sever ties with the duo.... they've used Andrew's behavior & legal troubles to blackmail the palace.
@and-the-void-looked-back When the Queen gave them 1 year to make a go of it in NORTH AMERICA (canada) she made a deal with the devil. The duo used every excuse: sars-cov-2, mythcarriage, etc to extend their "benefits." K Charles gave the people a creative lie: "escalate family tensions"
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Better Up also needs to be investigated ASAP!!
Exactly @trexalicious
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 10 months ago
We all knew there was another reason for keeping Sussex & York on the website. We knew The BRF was covering up for them. Royal Grift even made videos.
A-1 Visa (consular officers)
No maximum length of stay
No requirement to maintain a foreign residence
Unlimited travel to & from country
Cannot be tried under US Law for a crime
Where is the press bc we'd all like to see Andrew's passport:
"cannot be TRIED under US law for a crime" 🤦‍♂️
"It was reported that the King decided not to remove Harry and Andrew because he did not want to escalate family tensions and believed it was unlikely either would ever be required to deputise for him. However, last year courtiers were keen to ensure that William returned to Britain from a solo trip to New York before the King and Queen departed for their state visit to France on the same day.  The situation has since become even more urgent because of the King's cancer treatment. Later that year, the King asked parliament to add his sister, Princess Anne, and youngest brother, Prince Edward, to the list."
"...the King decided not to remove Harry and Andrew because he did not want to escalate family tensions..."
Meaning lie to the people while PROTECTING 2 ADULT CHILDREN from ANY & ALL consequences...
No wonder Andrew puffs his chest out at Easter and Christmas, and Sparry behaves as if he can do no wrong.
The A-1 visa is granted to many people such as ambassadors, ministers, diplomats, consular officers, and their immediate family members.[a][3] While government officials normally do not qualify for an A-1 visa if they are traveling for non-official, non-governmental purposes, heads of state and heads of government always qualify and must apply for an A visa regardless of their purpose of travel.[4] Visitors on an A-1 visa cannot be tried under US law for a crime, and may travel to and from the country an unlimited number of times. There is no maximum length of stay for individuals admitted on an A-1 visa, and there is no requirement to maintain a foreign residence.[3]
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yahoonewsdigest-us-extra · 8 years ago
New York's gay pride march: anti-Trump but also pro-fun
New York's gay pride march: anti-Trump but also pro-fun
Tens of thousands of marchers paraded through New York streets Sunday in a huge Gay Pride parade, with many proudly carrying rainbow flags or waving virulently anti-Trump signs. On foot, astride motorcycles or riding on flatbed trucks, participants slowly covered the 2-mile (3-kilometer) route from Midtown Manhattan to Greenwich Village, where the movement for homosexual rights was born after the so-called Stonewall riots of 1969. New York's Gay Pride march has spawned copycat demonstrations in almost every corner of the world.
But while police in Istanbul fired rubber bullets at participants to disperse marchers, the parade in New York is a long-accepted institution.Under a brilliant sun, hundreds of police officers and some of New York's most prominent politicians -- Mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Andrew Cuomo and Senator Chuck Schumer, all Democrats -- marched cheerfully alongside participants, some of the latter in the scantiest of outfits.The 2015 edition of the march celebrated the nationwide legalization of gay marriage. Last year, the mood was somber, coming after a shooting massacre at an Orlando, Florida gay nightclub left 49 people dead.
While many participants were clearly, and vocally, opposed to Trump, many others said they did not want the march to become a politicized event.
Cara Lee Sparry, a New Yorker
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 9 months ago
20 minutes of my life I'll never get back. 🤦‍♂️
I must be a glutton for punishment because I actually watched Kinsey Schofield's 20 min interview w/Valentine Low. May this rant save you from making the same mistake:
Valentine Low & Kinsey Schofield just reminded me that the British press is in desperate need of a grief recovery workshop to let go of their palace manufactured PR image of Sparry, "the CONSERVATIONIST," and accept the REALITY: Sparry has ALWAYS been a member of the lost boys who never intend to grow up. He loves drugs, perverted soho house sex play pens, and living a secret lifestyle in San Francisco, CA. As we saw in the South Park Documentary, Sparry has always wanted to be left alone so he can just bang on his drums all day.
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The British media needs to accept that they never knew the Sparry aka Prince Harry. Much like Fergie & Andrew: The Meghans are two (2) intellectually below average individuals who married in haste. Both their academic & professional work histories indicate that these two (2) immature adults, lack even the basic skills necessary to function in society without the help of a PR "machine" whose job is to clean up their messes and repeatedly rebrand them into more acceptable members of polite society. It's past time for Valentine Low and other UK journalists to admit that they never really knew Sparry. All their Diana goodwill should now be invested into the future of the BRF (the family of Prince William)
No amount of hoping for the best or "covering up" for Sparry's misdeeds can transform the moral rot in his character. They bought and sold the PR image manufactured by the palace. It was the paparazzi & other "undesirables" who had the misfortune of observing the REAL Sparry. They watched him mistreat drivers, security, staffers, etc long BEFORE he was seduced by MEgain.
V Low believes Sparry flew a helicopter! 😳 Come on! Too many REAL service members have spoken out about Sparry's military character and performance and there's nothing good about it.
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Sparry, like his wife is also a liar and a bully. He's not intellectually bright, he never was... He even bullied his grandparents before the "spectacle," he bullied Meghan's father...we heard reports about seeking a left wing wife and his interest in living in the US----all before MEgain.
Low also thinks Sparry loves his children. Has Valentine Low ever seen the invisibles? No. He's transferred a PR image to a couple of never before seen kids and their so called father. A so-called "father" who is willing to destroy his brother's children (and the innocent children of other couples) through the spread of destructive lies, has zero interest in the REAL wellbeing of anyone's kids, least of all his own.
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As for the Wife: her ability to earn a college degree as an American teenager/young adult without even the offer of an ACADEMIC scholarship means that she too is mediocre and overrated. Her university commencement program states that she was a candidate for a degree in "communications" NOT some whip smart area of study like biochemistry or engineering! 🤦‍♂️
As a university student, thanks to her dad's brother (mike), she spent a measly six (6) weeks in Argentina on an exchange program (paid by her father) until she failed an exam that would have allowed her to apply for (real) jobs in the States. An intellectual or any hard worker would have studied until she passed the test. Not Rachel Meghan Markle. If no one was willing to make an exception for her low marks, then she would whore her way up a series of ladders until she found someone dumb enough to give her a platform.
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No, this is NOT a "smart" couple. This couple is a cautionary tale about how Water seeks it's own level: Sparry's mother and teachers did him a disservice, just as MEgain's father did her a disservice: SPARE the rod & SPOIL the child
Kinsey believes that MEgain is "smart" because she achieved a Duchess title. (What does this tell us about Kinsey's IQ. 🤦‍♂️😳)
MEgain became a "Duchess" because she was a professional "seductress" employeed by Markus Anderson & Soho House. Everything this couple achieves is smoke & mirrors based on TRANSACTIONAL relationships where they bully & harass anyone standing in their way.
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They don't even possess good work ethics, let alone above average IQs. Please call a spade a spade (or in this case a spare a spare) and stop gaslighting the public about what Sparry could have done had he not been involved with the wife.
We watched the wife verbally abuse KP staffers over bereavement flowers and feckless Sparry stood by in AGREEMENT. Wicked queen Jezebel 2.0 and traitorous king ahab 2.0. Let them go!
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Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.//Walk with the wise and you grow wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. Proverbs 13:20
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I didn't follow the breakdown of any BRF marriages...plus I'm an American so what do I really know? I just don't understand the Fergie situation.
Here are some thoughts, I'd appreciate hearing how this community feels.
Fergie was the 1st to sell her soul at the altar of Noprah Winfrey and then to NOprah's business partners: Rosie O'Donnell, Susie, Dr Phil, etc.
IMO Fergie did trash the BRF with her never ending complaints about Christmas invitations (never revealing that she stayed overnight a few miles away from the house on Christmas day) & her endless complaints about The Cambridge's Wedding invitation.
Seems both Fergie & Andrew sold their souls & stories to the American media/merchants & so-called "financiers."
We have a fairly recent photo of Fergie & Eugenie with Ron Burkle. 🤢
Then there's Eugenie who is still willing to socialize with the likes of Markus Anderson. 😳🤢
The York's seem to come with Buyer Beware Stickers bc they make unwise friendship/relationship decisions.
I hope Edo is the exception because I really like him and I like him with Beatrice.
Diana called herself "thick" but she accurately sussed out NOprah Winfrey and was right to stay away from her.
NOprah's obvious disdain for Queen Elizabeth was apparent in her tone as she recounted her curtsy and also in discussions with Fergie about "the biggest game."
Perhaps NOprah's quest to bring down the monarchy is rooted in hurt feelings over Diana's rejection? NOprah doesn't like rejection, particularly from Caucasian people.
Sparry was questioned about NOprah's invitation to his wedding and replied, "NOprah is a friend." Sadly, he hasn't done the real work to get to know his mother.
NOprah and her fake "no one would ever believe it" attitude over FREE LODGING at Nottingham Cottage when Fergie had previously described her "simple" living quarters at Buckingham Palace.
NOprah scolded the British people (via twatter) for "wasting money" during the Queen's Jubilee.
NOprah calls Maria (Kennedy) Shriver her BFF and the 2 of them publicly bashed the BRF during megxit and the Queen's funeral. The Kennedy family is the last family who has the right to bash ANY family. That family is a mess and I'll leave it at that. These people are such hypocrites.
Grown up women from dysfunctional families of origin who blame the BRF for unfulfilled Disney fantasies about "royalty."
To view YT clips change your VPN to USA
Fergie in 1996 on NoOprah who really wanted to dish about Diana.
Fergie & Andrew were trashing the BRF to Rosie O'Donnell before The Cambridge's Wedding🤦‍♂️
Piers saved Fergie from complaining about the invitation.
Finding Sarah complains to the world about Christmas failing to reveal the whole truth.
Fergie visits a Shaman to grieve her mother's abandonment.
Screenshots from The Windsors (Comedy) where Fergie calls the police station to report that her daughters were radicalized.
Another tacky, pointless grifter. Zero dress sense as always and making a living off the back of a gifted title. Common as muck and pushing herself front and centre.
Reminds me of someone.
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I'm grateful that Candace says the right things about The Meghans, but so does her friend Andrew Tate.
I'm sorry to throw cold water on her commentary. At one time, I was actually a financial supporter of her comedic work & videos. It wasn't until 2021 that I discovered how Candace actually steals her "royal" talking points from the Reddit/twitter community (and possibly Tumblr) without crediting her sources.
Much of her royal commentary is recorded when she needs to boost her sagging numbers for The Daily Wire and/or when she's seeking commentary jobs with other media outlets.
Achieving a university degree is not the standard for a successful life. The Queen of England was extremely successful, and yet as a "ROYAL" she never attended a university. Candace actually attended a RI college for 2 yr before dropping out.
Sparry is a low IQ adult because he was born with intellectual deficits. His parents and educators failed to properly address his deficiencies in childhood and in his young adult years.
Sadly Candace is an unrepentant mean girl. I've been shocked and appalled at the things she's done to ruin the lives of good people. This ugly behavior speaks volumes about her true character.
Her American Dream was to become an entertainer, and specifically to become the female Kanye West. Ironically, Kanye is the one celebrity who can still do no wrong in her eyes.
By the way, Sparry and Megaliar are in THIS together. Sparry doesn't get a stupid man pass for choosing to live a life built on lies for fame & fortune. Water seeks it's own level and they were made for each other.
Love Candace Owens' truthfulness.
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@ellierosecreate I agree wholeheartedly with your analogy: "they leak like sieves." It all makes sense to me now---and I'm sorry it took me such a long time to put 2 & 2 together. Remember Chris Ship fawning all over MeMe because she acknowledged their presence outside of the Grenfell kitchen "we've never seen that before..." or those disgusting cupcakes they served to to royal rota who photographed them on an unsanitary block of cement. Ironically, it was Sparry & MeMe who referred to them as racists who referred to archificial as the nword. They couldn't be bothered to do their job concerning the Suck-it🍋 couple because they were in bed with them.
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Of all people Maureen Callahan lied in her article "Sophie was told to stand down." What a load of crap! They still haven't covered Sophie's winter sports engagements but seemingly someone told her to "stand down." Please.
Another commentator lied and said at least Kate wore a veil to Prince Philip's memorial🙄. Sure it's a small detail, but it goes to show that these people are pulling observations out of their butt holes! They are sitting down at the keyboard (which apparently smells like glue), staring at a dartboard photo of secretive William and typing nonsense.
It's obvious Andrew cannot be trusted at public events. He can't even fake humility or humiliation, which is obvious to the world every Christmas. He should have entered through a side door like Camilla, and Fergie should be home resting up from all of her unnecessary medical announcements. Too bad Andrew & Fergie can't see how their shamelessness hurts the daughters.
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Prince William to the Press
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The people get it:
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Every day these R-Reporters, R-Commentators, R-Experts are proving that Prince William has been right about them all along!
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Frothing at the mouth! The ENTIRE Sussex Squad is unmasking itself day by day.
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Sadly even Tom Bower took the bait & failed the "TRUST" test. The Princess is not "seriously ill," she is simply recuperating from a surgery!!!
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grits-galraisedinthesouth · 9 months ago
I cannot thank you all enough for your encouragement. Crafting a quick RESPONSE to media misinformation wasn't on today's task list; however when I played that interview (which was only to serve as background noise), I heard two (2) royal talking heads feeling sorry for the "bullied" Spare----as if he's just an innocent bystander to all the vitriolic harassment they've unleashed on both families and all over the world.
Sadly, I wonder if those who think Charles is actively leaving a door open for Traitor Sparry's future return to the BRF are correct. Let's hope they are wrong because the people can barely stomach the sight of Andrew (& Fergie), the presence of the traitorous prince would be the straw that breaks the camel's back. They won't put up with it.
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20 minutes of my life I'll never get back. 🤦‍♂️
I must be a glutton for punishment because I actually watched Kinsey Schofield's 20 min interview w/Valentine Low. May this rant save you from making the same mistake:
Valentine Low & Kinsey Schofield just reminded me that the British press is in desperate need of a grief recovery workshop to let go of their palace manufactured PR image of Sparry, "the CONSERVATIONIST," and accept the REALITY: Sparry has ALWAYS been a member of the lost boys who never intend to grow up. He loves drugs, perverted soho house sex play pens, and living a secret lifestyle in San Francisco, CA. As we saw in the South Park Documentary, Sparry has always wanted to be left alone so he can just bang on his drums all day.
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The British media needs to accept that they never knew the Sparry aka Prince Harry. Much like Fergie & Andrew: The Meghans are two (2) intellectually below average individuals who married in haste. Both their academic & professional work histories indicate that these two (2) immature adults, lack even the basic skills necessary to function in society without the help of a PR "machine" whose job is to clean up their messes and repeatedly rebrand them into more acceptable members of polite society. It's past time for Valentine Low and other UK journalists to admit that they never really knew Sparry. All their Diana goodwill should now be invested into the future of the BRF (the family of Prince William)
No amount of hoping for the best or "covering up" for Sparry's misdeeds can transform the moral rot in his character. They bought and sold the PR image manufactured by the palace. It was the paparazzi & other "undesirables" who had the misfortune of observing the REAL Sparry. They watched him mistreat drivers, security, staffers, etc long BEFORE he was seduced by MEgain.
V Low believes Sparry flew a helicopter! 😳 Come on! Too many REAL service members have spoken out about Sparry's military character and performance and there's nothing good about it.
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Sparry, like his wife is also a liar and a bully. He's not intellectually bright, he never was... He even bullied his grandparents before the "spectacle," he bullied Meghan's father...we heard reports about seeking a left wing wife and his interest in living in the US----all before MEgain.
Low also thinks Sparry loves his children. Has Valentine Low ever seen the invisibles? No. He's transferred a PR image to a couple of never before seen kids and their so called father. A so-called "father" who is willing to destroy his brother's children (and the innocent children of other couples) through the spread of destructive lies, has zero interest in the REAL wellbeing of anyone's kids, least of all his own.
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As for the Wife: her ability to earn a college degree as an American teenager/young adult without even the offer of an ACADEMIC scholarship means that she too is mediocre and overrated. Her university commencement program states that she was a candidate for a degree in "communications" NOT some whip smart area of study like biochemistry or engineering! 🤦‍♂️
As a university student, thanks to her dad's brother (mike), she spent a measly six (6) weeks in Argentina on an exchange program (paid by her father) until she failed an exam that would have allowed her to apply for (real) jobs in the States. An intellectual or any hard worker would have studied until she passed the test. Not Rachel Meghan Markle. If no one was willing to make an exception for her low marks, then she would whore her way up a series of ladders until she found someone dumb enough to give her a platform.
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No, this is NOT a "smart" couple. This couple is a cautionary tale about how Water seeks it's own level: Sparry's mother and teachers did him a disservice, just as MEgain's father did her a disservice: SPARE the rod & SPOIL the child
Kinsey believes that MEgain is "smart" because she achieved a Duchess title. (What does this tell us about Kinsey's IQ. 🤦‍♂️😳)
MEgain became a "Duchess" because she was a professional "seductress" employeed by Markus Anderson & Soho House. Everything this couple achieves is smoke & mirrors based on TRANSACTIONAL relationships where they bully & harass anyone standing in their way.
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They don't even possess good work ethics, let alone above average IQs. Please call a spade a spade (or in this case a spare a spare) and stop gaslighting the public about what Sparry could have done had he not been involved with the wife.
We watched the wife verbally abuse KP staffers over bereavement flowers and feckless Sparry stood by in AGREEMENT. Wicked queen Jezebel 2.0 and traitorous king ahab 2.0. Let them go!
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@weepingcycleyouth It is becoming clear to me that the reason these experts, commentators and so-called reporters are so enamored with the idea of Sparry and wife's return to the royal fold is due to their hatred of William for his "obsessive secrecy..."
The undisciplined family members are good for business---Diana, Fergie, Andrew, Sparry, etc. William learned the hard way that these people are not your friends, and if he gives them an inch they will take a mile.
They obviously don't want what's best for the people or the country--- they want what's best for their "business."
If only they had written as many articles about the missing physician signatures on Archificial's faxed birth announcement. What about the fact that they never actually saw the baby? So many unexplored details and yet they have chosen to link arms with the suck-it🍋 squad to kick The real Princess and even the king during a season when they deserve medical privacy.
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Prince William to the Press
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The people get it:
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Every day these R-Reporters, R-Commentators, R-Experts are proving that Prince William has been right about them all along!
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Frothing at the mouth! The ENTIRE Sussex Squad is unmasking itself day by day.
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Sadly even Tom Bower took the bait & failed the "TRUST" test. The Princess is not "seriously ill," she is simply recuperating from a surgery!!!
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