ask-thesparedau · 5 months
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[MUN- Hello all! As you can tell I am trying something new. From now on the storyline from before will be referenced as a ‘past event’ and the present is where asks will take place! Thank you all for patiently waiting]
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yellowgum · 2 years
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Did some fanart of @reisartblog 's jttw au!!
I loved it so much and immediately went to draw about it the moment I saw it, I love their take on macaque it's really adorable :D
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czaneavecg · 1 year
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uhhh GUYS???
yoooooooooo YOOOOO
all of em actually BRUHH
Spared! Macaque my baby boy belongs to
I promise this is the last one I wont bother you again
close ups under the cut
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goldetrash · 2 months
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askblueandviolet · 4 months
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Asks Start 💜
Previous 💜
Next 💜
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fight-spare-flee · 25 days
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incorrectjttw · 2 months
Liù'ěr Míhóu: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single? Sūn Wùkōng: Do not do that. Liù'ěr Míhóu: You won’t even notice! Èrláng Shén, entering: Wùhuàn, you wanted to see me again? Liù'ěr Míhóu: Eldest Brother's single! Sūn Wùkōng: ...
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raynee-days · 1 year
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Oops I forgot to share this
But the Macaque for my Sealed!Au. A terrible overseer of an underground realm who pulls the strings of the world above. And like a spider awaiting it’s next meal, he waits for the day Sun Wukong stumbles into his domain
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mythologyfolklore · 1 year
Bái Lóng Mă, for most of the journey: I will spend the whole journey doing nothing but horse things, except for that one time. Bái Lóng Mă, after Liù'ěr Míhóu joins the group: I've only had Youngest Brother for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him, I'll kill everyone in the Celestial Realm and then myself.
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cynicallyscorned · 1 year
the swinging pendulum that is "cynic has had just enough good experiences in his life that he's not 100% jaded and bitter to his core so there's hope for him to get better" and "when he spirals, he spirals bad - will go out of his way to actually ruin another sonic's life because of it"
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ask-thesparedau · 1 year
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The Confrontation
(Part: 1 / ? )
I think a lot of people forget that it isn’t the staff that makes the murder monkey dangerous. It’s the murder in the monkey.
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dxrknessembr8ced · 1 year
Right there right where she wanted she is going go tear the armor apart, she's going to devour his soul becoming more powerful all with his soul within her it will be glorious but she...she stopped and let him go, she spared his life realizing that she isn't hungry at all as she's now just plain bored. She dropped him from the ground as the samurai stared in a state of shock.
" W-Wha? Why? Why did you spare me?! "
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Macaque chuckled.
" Well, as it turns out I'm not hungry. Not anymore and I did get a decent fight out of it, not bad samurai. "
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Bishamon is absolutely dumbfounded and confused. Yet kept his guard up with now his sword still in his arms.
" What?! "
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" Don't expect you understand big bad darkstalker, it's what I do, when I'm hungry I kill you, when I'm not I expected a big fight from you.... "
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" You can have this village It's boring anyways, I'm going out to find Hsien-Ko, till we meet again samurai.. "
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" WAIT- ! "
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Right where the samurai apprehend her the great Macaque jumped into the air leaping from the roof tops of the villager's homes now disappearing into the night with her flock if B.O.W.s. still alive from the onslaught of this village. He couldn't believe what the samurai had been through, this is the first time in ages that the samurai has actually feared something. He now knows that the person behind this is the once innocent and sweet Hsien-Ko, the one people dubbed her as patient zero this is just the beginning as he fear that the night will get worse, all the more worse and he must find the others to band together and strike back the B.O.W.s. and the great plague.
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czaneavecg · 1 year
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SJKASJKA S IM SO SORRY but @reisartblog's Spared!Macaque au is just so ✨✨ this little guy has been in my mind for days, really excited for the next parts!!
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genderfluid-insomniac · 11 months
Primal Urges/// Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque NSFW
tags/kinks: predator vs prey, primal play, voice kink, overstimulation, power play, light restraints, oral sex, rough sex, bondage, marking, obedience training, double penetration, squirting, dirty talk, aftercare, possessiveness, possession, consensual sex, blow job, multiple orgasms, praise kink, choking
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“What do you mean I’ve gotten too used to being safe?! Isn’t that a good thing?” You stared at your lovers with an incredulous expression and they gave you a look that said you weren’t getting out of this, internally thanking the weather for being nice. Wukong nodded and waved his hands in a so-so manner. “Yeah, it is great you feel safe but you won’t always have us to save you, sunshine. What would you do if you got into a fight with a powerful demon like Spider Queen and her lackeys or our brother Peng?-“ The shadow demon sitting on Sun’s shoulders interrupted with a laugh while he continued to groom his mate’s tangled hair and rolled his gold eyes to spare a glance at you.
“That poor excuse of a warrior is coward but he is good in combat when it comes down to a fight. I’ll give him that.” Now shifting his attention completely to you, “Peaches is right though, you need to learn more than basic defense.” You knew some pretty good self-defense techniques from a class you took and with the help of the shadow peach duo and their knowledge of weapons plus combat experience. They weren’t wrong but it still hurt to hear that even if it was the truth. But something told you this wasn’t going to be normal training, the way both of their eyes lit up with anticipation and poofy tails swayed dangerously from side to side.
Sighing tiredly, you leaned against the rocky mountainside and nodded your head. “Fine, but what type of training is it this time.” The ginger looked up at the midnight-colored monkey and seemingly made silent communication with each other before turning back to you, grinning wildly at the fantasies going through their own minds and lowly chuckling. The king spoke up attempting to hide his eagerness, “We’re going to be playing a game of chase. You, sunshine, are going to try to escape from us and we’re going to be chasing after you.”
……Yeah, this definitely wasn’t a double entendre or anything, but being able to outrun your opponent helps you get more time for strategizing an attack or finding help, and your endurance could use some work. However, being that your goal was to evade some of the most powerful beings you knew, how did they think you stood a chance against them? “How is this fair? You both are-” Macaque interrupted and sat up straight, “Crazy powerful? There’s a catch for us too, lotus.” Leaning back off the king’s shoulders and letting gravity pull him towards the earth, causing panic to instinctively shoot through your veins.
He unknowingly (to you at least) appeared behind you via shadow portal and got close to your ear, whispering the rest of his sentence against the flushed shell of your ear and noticing you shiver and jump at the close proximity. “We can use any of our abilities. Means Wukong will not be allowed to use any of his powers including flying and I along with the same rule will dampen my hearing to about normal range for demons using this talisman.” You were speechless at first at the opportunity and although it was clear to the three of you that something else was at play you couldn’t pass this up, staring at the strip of inked paper held between his clawed fingers and nodding with a sure grin.
“I’m game, moonlight. How could I pass up this chance when something tells me it’s going to be worth it?” Wukong flicked his tail back and forth, rolling on the balls of his feet before getting closer to you wrapping his arms around your waist. The smile on your face was infectious as it spread to your boyfriend, he closed the distance between you both and cuddled against your chest.
It was evident that even though he was still sleepy he had energy to burn with the way his ears twitched and tail rapidly flicked back and forth. Wukong breathed in your scent and blissfully dug his claws into your cotton shirt, his voice deep and still new from the morning. “It’ll be worth it. If you manage to evade even one of us then you’ll be rewarded but if one of us catches you then we get rewarded.”
“Why do you both get rewarded for tackling me when it’s training for me?” Partially laughing at the usual absurdity that came with courting these two and leaning your head against Macaque's shoulder behind you. “Because your beloved mates get so tired from chasing you around isn’t only right you tend to us?” Glad to know he was still dramatic.
“Just the other day we spent hours in the hot springs while I groomed your fur until it was pristine which I loved because you let me sleep when you carried me out. I’ve been with you two for the past week and I have no issues with it but you both get enough coddling from me.” You rolled your eyes, enjoying the warmth they both provided before a question popped into your head.
“Where are we going to do this though? On the mountain?” The king picked you up bridal style and carried you while you all got to the destination, walked through a nearby forest path, and chirped at some nearby monkeys who were eating their breakfast. Eventually, you were both led to a clearing where a new structure stood, very clearly planted recently evident by the fresh dirt or magically grown seeing as this wasn’t here as far as you knew yesterday. “Nevermind…”
This answered your question as you “walked” toward the tall bush maze and first noticed how you could barely see through the hedges, no matter how hard you looked or how close you got it was like trying to look through solid concrete. You hopped out of Wukong’s arms and brushed your hands against the tiny pointed leaves then turned to them, wondering how this was done. “How-” “I called in a favor.”
Who in the world owes your boyfriend a favor….best not to worry about it for now. Pushing your arms above your head you started to stretch, moving from your arms and core to your legs and calves. The reaction you got to warming up your hamstrings was not so shocking as you were standing up and folding yourself forward to hug your legs. “Yeah! Keep that stretch for a minute or two, looks good from here-” Meaning your ass was unintentionally facing them.
You grabbed two small stones and flicked them at both demons, knowing that although only Sun made the comment Macaque was definitely thinking the same if not worse seeing as he was quiet right now. “Ow! What’d you hit me for I didn’t do anything.” You huffed and slowly stood back up. “I know you were thinking the same Macaque!” From behind you, you heard the monkey mutter about how you still have good aim at least.
Soon enough you were drawing a line the sand that was the starting line and put your foot on it focusing on your breath control. In order to keep a good headway you needed to get into the right mindset and that meant ignoring all the possible things both men would attempt to make you screw up. “OK ok. I got this. Use the hug left or right method.” The wind cooling down your skin being warmed by the sun and the chirping of nearby critters who wouldn’t cause any problems, the still and tall leafy walls in front of you seemed more intimidating now that you were facing off with it.
Wukong whistled to catch your attention and gave you a thumbs up, lining himself and Macaque up behind you holding a phone timer. “We’re gonna give you a 10-second head start and then go after you. That sounds good, Name?” You nodded and prepared to count down mentally.
All of your thoughts buzzed around in your head, anxious to get started and burn off the energy bouncing around in you. “Start!” Hearing that one word triggered you to start sprinting immediately hugging the right wall, your hand outstretched so you could feel the hedge as you kept track of where you were.
Four ways. Right turn. Long sprint. “Just keep doing this. Focus.” A familiar deep laugh echoed from the shadows in the next right turn you were about to take and forced you to stop on your heels. Popping off in the other direction on instinct with the adrenaline fueling your legs to run faster and attempt to ignore the smooth voice luring you onto a wrong path.
“Fuck. Why does his voice have to be so hot?!” You harshly whispered and groaned as quietly as you could, continuing to run until you heard footsteps in the path next to you and leading to the opening coming up on your right. “Sweetheart, had I known you loved my voice so much I would’ve teased you till my voice went hoarse but something tells me you’ll be the one losing your voice when I get my hands on you.” Your heart rate skyrocketed and you cursed yourself.
Why did that bastard have to have six ears and an incredible sense of hearing?! “It’s hard for me to focus when such a sweet fragile mortal is ripe for the taking. Am I right, bud?” Macaque. Wait- Bud? Had Sun already caught up to you?!
You whipped your head behind you before shifting your momentum to push the next right turn, hopefully putting yourself back on track. There was no one right behind you and nothing you could hear yet unless he was purposely being silent to sneak up on you. Think, what would he do in this situation? Besides transforming into another animal and he would attack from a blind spot! Your next action was immediate as you flipped backward so your back was to the hedge and took off in a sprint like your life depended on it.
“You’re right, moonshine. They look delightful and they’re clever too, predicting our next actions.” In the corner of your eye, you locked gazes with his red sclera and gold eyes for a split second before you turned around. Guessing he dropped his glamour for a moment to try to scare you and not did it not work, it had the opposite effect of slightly arousing you in addition to the thrill of being chased by two predators but your lovers. The thought of your reward, if you succeeded, didn’t leave your mind.
The exit was just ahead you could feel it and the pair were gaining on you, another right turn and you’d be done. “Almost there-” You jumped just before the exit and your heart soared at the fastly approaching accomplishment. “Aw, you almost had it, sweetheart.” Two bodies slammed into you, one of them shielding your body from getting bruises on the ground and the other on top of you effectively trapping you in a sandwich. Fuck.
Macaque, who was the one beneath you, cooed at your attempt and wrapped his arms around your waist. “And you were so close too. Too bad but this means we get our reward.” Tightening his grasp on you as Wukong took your hands and pinned them to the grass below you. He got close to your ear and whispered, the beat of your heart practically could be heard from outside your body. “Okay, what do you two want?”
Your lovers looked back and forth between themselves before slipping their hands under your clothes and squeezing your flushed sweaty skin. “To fuck you raw.” A chill was sent down your spine as you looked up to see borderline predatory eyes staring you up and down like a meal. Their tails flicked around eagerly awaiting your answer and you felt feel Macaque place kisses up the side of your neck, his dick slowly becoming hard against your lower back.
“O-Okay.” A part of you wasn’t shocked but another part of you was still catching up from the adrenaline intoxicating your body. The shadow demon spoke up from beneath you, rubbing comforting circles on your waist. “You don’t have to lotus. We can do this another time.” Neither of them wanted to pressure you into a situation you didn’t want but clearly, you were game if the slow roll of your hips against both of their groins had anything to say.
“Mhmm- Alright, sunshine. If that’s how you wanna play, bring it. Remember our safeword?” You nodded and whispered it to them, squirming at both erections pressing against you but not hard enough to give you pleasure. Soft moans filled the air and you tried your best to grind against either of them to no avail as Macaque kept your hips still in a steel grip. “Moonlight, please. Let me move, I’ll do anything.”
Perhaps bargaining would have worked had they not worked their primal urges up by chasing you but they already knew this would be the end result from the start. Wukong kept your wrist tight held in one hand while the other palmed your clothed pussy, teasing it with pinches and his claws using their sharpness to graze your clit.
Determined to draw moan after moan from you till you indeed lost your voice. Macaque spoke directly in your ear, his hot breath ghosting the shell of your ear. “I want you to beg about how you want us to fuck you and how you’ll cum to my voice. You’re our slut after all.” Your arousal grew more at his degrading and true words, your lover's deep raspy voice caused your pussy to throb and your hips to involuntarily spasm. The clothes on your body needed to come off and you’d do anything to do get an orgasm from them or any touch down there.
“Macaque Sun, ugh~ I want you to fuck me,” His hand slipped up to your nipples and pinched them, “How?” Another lewd moan left your lips and your head arched back. “I want you to fuck me with your cocks. I need them in me and I want them to fuck me until I can’t walk. Ahh~” You strained your hands against Wukong’s grip, “I’m going to cum to your voice. I love your voice, love. It's deep, rich, and calming.” The shadow rolled your nipple in his hands and moved his hand to grip your ass.
He knew how you loved to relax to it and when he hummed or let an occasional moan slip during sex. It wasn’t the first time he’d been told this but hearing over and over again from the people he craved the most was music to his ears. “Good, good. Such a good slutty mate. What do you think, Sun?”
His partner hadn’t stopped rubbing circles on your clit and was desperately holding himself back from ripping off your clothes and fucking you raw. The king’s tail whipped behind him before curling around your upper thigh and letting out a low growl. “I think they deserved an orgasm.” You heard a rip as Wukong cut open a slit in your leggings and felt his finger harshly press against your clit. Both of them ground their cocks against your legs, frantic to get a release from their building arousal.
In seconds all the pleasure wound up in your wet cunt is released and you orgasm on Sun’s fingers. A loud moan leaked from your throat and warm juices dribbled onto his fingers. “Such a good whore for their kings.” The strength had been zapped from your body and yet you still yearned for more, pleas for yet another orgasm hit their ears. Macaque didn’t stop playing with your chest when he stopped kissing and biting your neck to glance up at Wukong.
“Hm, so greedy.” He clicked his tongue and pinched your sensitive nipple. “I think you should give us our reward if you want to cum again. Peaches?” You lifted your lidded eyes and focused on your boyfriend above you who had a smug teasing grin. “I agree. Since moonshine and I won our little game of chase you’re going to obey every order we give you. Understand?”
The same clawed hand that had played with your clit trailed up through your breast and lifted your chin so you were eye to eye with Sun. Lust clouded his eyes and there was no doubt it could be seen in yours, swallowing the thrill in the back of your throat. “Yes-” Wukong interrupted her and gripped your chin. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, my kings.” You saw his smile widen and felt yourself be lifted up with Macaque’s help, stumbling back into his chest and nodding when he whispered if you were alright. After confirmation, he voiced a command. “Strip. First yourself and then us.” This would’ve been simple since you’d done it before but your muscles ached and standing was difficult but you were high on pleasure to care.
So you slowly took off all your workout clothes and tossed them to the side, figuring that taking off all of Wukong’s clothing would take a while, and carefully moved towards him. Nearly falling when your knees decided it was good to collapse, you were caught by the monkey in front of you and he laughed softly. “Careful, sunshine. I’d love to see you on your knees but not right now.” He pressed a quick but sweet kiss to your lips as you untied his cape and lifted his heavy chest-plate armor off him which landed with a loud thud.
Then he moved to his vibrant red sash on his waist which also held up the fabric draped over his pants so that it was easy to pull off his long gold shirt, shoes, and pants till he was just left with his boxers. “I think I prefer you nude than all dressed up, my king.” You purred out and tantalizingly slowly pulled them down, testing to see if he’d break and noticing his hands form into firsts. His pretty pink cock stood hard and angry, leaking buds of precum.
Your mouth watered and you felt someone creep out of your shadow, unable to hold himself back any longer as he stroked himself through his pants seeing you strip down his boyfriend till he was naked. “Now it’s my turn, lotus.” You turned around and followed the same steps with his worn-out cape and halved kimono top which kept his hip guards up. However like before you got nice and close, leaving inches both of your lips feigning a kiss until you pulled his black long-sleeved shirt over his head.
Laughing at the annoyed groan he made and pulled his pants down along with his boxers. “Where’d you learn these tricks, Name?” His smirk crept into his voice and hands circled your waist, finally getting the kiss you withheld from him and pulling you closer. “I just learned it from someone who thinks they’re so suave.” You felt his erect cock slap against your dripping pussy and moaned at the sensation, going to plead for more when you were pushed onto your knees.
“You’re going to suck and worship my cock like the king I am, sunshine. It’s my reward after all, right?” Wukong walked from behind you next to Macaque and tilted your head up, the tip of his dick rested on your lips and prodded your mouth. Without needing an order, you opened your mouth and started giving kitten licks to the tip while your hands pumped the rest of his shaft. “Mhm~ Yeah Ngn~ That’s it. Just like that.” The stone monkey tilted his head back and gripped the back of your neck as you took his mushroom-like head into your mouth.
You didn’t notice the dark-haired monkey dip into a shadow and reappear beneath you, his arms wrapping around your thighs and pulling your attention away from the blow job you were just starting to give. “Don’t mind me, sweetheart. I’ll just be redeeming my reward down here~” Sun’s hand on the back of your head guided your head up and down the length of his cock and you felt your nose touch his pubic bone, moaning loudly when Macaque took an experimental lick up the strip of your pussy.
He snickered at your resulting reaction which also sent pleasure through his boyfriend's dick as you let out lewd noises while you sucked his cock like a popsicle and anchored himself against your dripping cunt. Mumbles of how good you tasted and why you and your pussy belonged to him couldn’t but catch your attention, especially when you glanced down and your slick mixed with his saliva covered his mouth.
Pearly fang marked your upper thighs with hickeys and bruises to tell others you were taken by the Sixed-Eared Macaque and The Great Sage Equal to Heaven. You felt his tongue start curiously exploring what caused you to moan louder and targeted those areas, learning very quickly how to make you cum from just his tongue. “Mhmmm~ Ma- Mm” Momentarily you forgot that your mouth was full and gagged at Sun’s cock touching the back of your throat.
“Breathe through your- ngh~ nose, sunshine” Your lover managed to spit out as he staggered his breathing and gripped your hair tightly. Doing as suggested, you focused on breathing through your nose and feeling his hand intertwined with yours, giving it a squeeze and doing the same back to signal that you were alright. Macaque was still sucking on your pussy like he hadn’t had a drink in days eager to get more reactions out of you and got a chorus of moans as he hit a spot that made you see stars.
Sun’s cock was brushed by your tongue and dipped in and out of your mouth, saliva and precum cover your mouth as you messily hold back a gag reflex and whined when he thrusts into your face. Unable to hold back any longer and cupping your jaw, he apologized rapidly for being rough and getting louder and louder. “Yes- ngh~ please!! Please! I’m gonna cum!”
You rubbed circles on his hips and arched your back when the demon below you pinched your clit and sucked harshly which snapped the rising orgasm coiling in your core. “Mhm, there you are a princess! Give it all to me!” The pleasure crashing over you like a wave and crying out in euphoria. The pulses of your voice vibrating his dick and triggering his orgasm in tandem, Sun’s voice becoming high pitched and whining like a bitch in heat.
“Fuck- ‘m cumming-” Bitter warm liquid shot down your throat and coated your tongue, his penis still jolting in your warm mouth and riding out his orgasm. Sun comforting steadied his breathing and loosened his grip on your face, whispering praises and apologies for being rough. “I’m sorry if I was too rough, sunshine. Such a good mate for us…our lovely Name.”
Your other lover however wasn’t done and kept going. Determined to eat you out like it was his last meal, the shadow demon was addicted to your taste and could feed off you for days without stopping. “’m not done. I’m going to make sure that you’re unable to walk for days.” You swallowed and leaned against your king who gladly caught you.
“My kings, be gentle- mhm,” Both responded by softly kissing your neck and licking the bitemarks made all along your body. “I want you both in me! I feel empty.” Macaque chuckled and murmured something about finally being able to fulfill his promise to you. They stroked their cocks to get hard again which didn’t take long given your arousal sexual state in front of them panting and whining from overstimulation.
Slowly both demons rubbed the tips of their dicks against your sopping cunt and pushed into your hole, Wukong sweetly rubbed your labia when you hissed from the stretch. Breathing deeply and giving the okay when the pain faded, both lovers sandwiched you between them and started moving at a rhythmic pace. “Ah- fuck- So tight!”
You had already cum twice and the overstimulation was attacking your nerves like lightning. Both pain and pleasure courses through you’re body
“Hey moonlight, looks like our little slut has been fucked dumb.” Sun leaned close to your ear, giving you a show with a raspy growl and biting the skin of your collar bones harder than before. “Who do- ugh- you belong to?” Pinching the skin between his fangs His free hand trailed down to play with your chest. Macaque wrapped his hand around your neck and gripped it tight, kneeling so he could thrust into your abused cunt.
Their speed was inhuman, Sun matched it and you couldn’t speak, only letting out moans and whimpers. Feeling the wall you’d come so close to starting to crumble and barely spitting out a response when he bit harder as a warning to answer the question. “You. I’m yours!” No one would ever get close to giving as much pleasure and pure joy as they did, knowing your body like the back of their hands and safely pushing to your breaking point. “Say our names!- mhg”
Their real names, the ones only you had the privilege of screaming out in complete lust and drunk on their cocks. “I belong to Liu ‘Er Mihou and S-sun Wukong! Ahh~ I yours and only yours.” Your lovers look at you broken and sex-crazed, smirking at the flutter of your eyes as they speed up slowly racing towards their highs as well. Beautiful scars littered Macaque's chest and sweat dripped down to his toned stomach, dark fur was wet and tangled knots were visible as you looked closer.
Wukong appearance was just a disheveled, peach-colored fur no longer resembling a heart on his bare chest and red sclera contrasting his stunning gold irises. “Yes you -ah fucking are!” He pinched and groped your tits as Macaque viciously pounded into you like a bitch in heat, loud unapologetic moans and cries came from your mouth as you orgasmed. “Cumming!” Your walls sucked both of their dicks hard and contracted around their tips, devilishly begging for their cum.
“‘m cumming too-“ “Same here, peaches~” Your demons fucked you as they worked you all through your orgasms, feeling warm liquid fill your insides and slick squirting onto you and Macaque’s pelvis. Fuck you squirted. No one had been able to do that before…..it wasn’t a myth?! Harsh breathing was all you could hear for a couple of minutes, all of you shifted back to stable states and bathed in your after-sex glow.
Your pussy twitched at everything that brushed it and sent pangs of pain to your brain, pleading for a break and thankful it was often. Slowly, both of them pulled out, their breath hitching and biting their lips. “My mates. All mine.” Of course, Wukong recovered faster than others and immediately took to cuddling you all up, lifting you both gently onto his soft somersault cloud forgetting your clothes entirely.
“We all need a-“ You interrupted the shadow demon and kissed his cheek with a kind smile, “A bath? Yes, we do. That’s why I’m guessing, Peaches is bringing us to the hot springs or at least somewhere in that direction…you guys almost broke me.” You fell back against them both, hearing them chuckle and grabbing hands comfortably. He looked to where Sun was leading them and saw a familiar hot spring with homemade privacy screens surrounded by blooming willow trees.
“Just rest, sunshine. You did great at the training and nearly escaped us on the first try, that’s great! Maybe next time let’s not get carried away with the rewards” The king sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and elbowed his boyfriend, who looked offended at the comment like he hadn’t been as sex hungry. You could barely hear the cocky “No promises.” from Macaque as you were carried into the hot spring, the warm water soothing all the marks and sore muscles you had.
“You can sleep, lotus. We’ll take care of you.” Hearing that, you stopped fighting sleep and let it pull you into the depths of your unconscious. “Rest up, sunshine. We love you.”
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askblueandviolet · 3 months
*blows up table with mind*
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semisolidmind · 8 months
Okay, okay hear me out.
Let's say our darling Peaches is out on a stroll somewhere and gets kidnapped by some lesser demons (Kidnapped how? Who knows maybe she walked a little too far from the mountain) who wish to present her as a gift to the rulers of the region as idk a peace offering? Maybe for protection? Yet somehow not realizing that she the wife of said rulers?
And Peaches is like both really confused and amused by this. Confused because she's pretty sure most at least know that she's the mate of The Monkey King and his Warrior and amused because these demons really don't know what they're actually doing?
Peaches stared at the demon in front of her in confusion, stopping in her struggle with the rope that was tying her hands together while her brows furrowing as she took in their words. "Wait- hold on. You said you were gifting me to the rulers of this Mountain? The same one that you kidnapped me on?" She inquired, trying to understand their logic.
The demons nodded, Moving the cart she was in along the long dirt road. "Yup, To the Great Sage himself and His brother." They replied, not looking at their hostage.
Peaches could only stare in astonishment. She was completely speechless by these demons boldness to kidnap the wife of the people they were gifting her too. A part of her felt amusement at this clearly not at all thought out plan but another part of her feels pity....
She coule only imagine what her husbands would do when they hear of this.....
Apologizes for any grammar mistakes or if this didn't make any sense at all. I am currently sleep deprived so yeah, sorry for any mistakes.
hooh man. (your ask was well written. sorry it took me so long to get to it)
man, the warlords could have a variety of reactions to this.
easy and most likely answer: the boys are angry. like, unbelievably so. those stupid, ignorant idiot demons are getting dismembered right there in the reception throne room, no time for them to defend themselves. macaque cuts away reader's binds as wukong furiously beats the offending demons bodies into bloody pulp. reader tries not to look or listen as macaque leads her away and gently interrogates her about her capture.
the boys are feeling like playing along that day. they "thank" the stupid demons for bringing them such a lovely "tribute." perhaps they play up "getting a closer look at this human... hmm, brother, doesn't this human seem familiar? y'know, she really does! now where have i seen her before, hmm...oh right! she's our wife." cut to the mook demons stammering out apologies and kowtowing, begging for forgiveness because they had NO idea that this human was the wife of the mountain rulers, honest! the monkey king watches the groveling while macaque frees reader, rubbing her wrists. there's a 50/50 chance the idiot demons survive this time.
reader is feeling merciful, and thus asks her husbands to spare these very dumb demons. clearly they didn't know better, if their harebrained scheme was anything to go by. the warlords, seeing that she's relatively unharmed and clearly not that traumatized by the experience, agree to let them live. but! the idiot demons have to do hard labor as penance. you don't kidnap a queen and get off scot-free, after all.
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