#spanish goalkeeper
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I hope i got it right...
I want to put out there that this is extremely heavy and angsty

Self doubt
“Ay Puta...” you heard behind you while you were standing next to the Barca bench observing the ongoing game
“PUTA!!” you heard again turning around wondering why someone would swear at a fan like this – you thought for a second that it was a fan from the other team trying to start trouble in “your” fan block just to be met with a Barca-fan glaring at you
“eh??” you looked at him confused
“Sí tu.. Eres una perra” the fan glared at you pointing aggressively towards you
“eh... gracias?” you looked unsure
Your spanish was getting better – thanks to Aitana. But you were still a beginner and most of the times you didn't understand half of the stuff the girls were saying. All of them were very lovely and spoke slow around you but there were still too many words you didn't know. Aitana was the one who took it upon herself teaching you – Ona, Alexia, Mario, Marta, even Mapí switched to english (more Spanglish) when you were around them. Which was very nice and polite but you were always one to learn new things. Aitana noticed this and slowly started to tell and teach you new things. It started with small things football related like positions. Goalkeeper – Cata... portera. Defence – Lucy... defensa. Midfielders – Keira... mediocampistas. It transitioned into every day things. Not Buenos dia – Bon dia. You were in Catalonia. Definitely not Buenos Aires.
“Tu perra estúpida” the man rolled his eyes his aggressive demeanour not faltering
You shrugged your shoulders apologetic turning around again. You knew he called you stupid. You understood more than people realize. Especially the things Keira would slap your head for. But you promised Keira and Lucy to behave today. It was the last game before international break and Lucy promised you, she'll let you go on a date with your girlfriend once back in England if you'd behave. Keira promised you she'll occupy Lucy for more than one night. So you HAVE to behave. That's when you felt something connect with the back of your head. You looked down on the ground next to you to find an empty plastic cup laying there making you turn around. Of course it was the man who already called you stupid
“What's your problem man?” you asked bewildered
“Tú eres la razón por la que el equipo ya no está tan orientado a los fanáticos... todo es sobre ti y lo preciosa que eres... perra simplemente regresa a tu país” the man sneered
“Lo siento... I no.... mucho spaniard” you said carefully but you understood what he said – more or less.
“puta” the man spat at you and you noticed that he was quite intoxicated
“gracias” you nodded deciding there was no use in getting into an argument
“Eres una perra inútil que viene aquí complicando las consas – espero que mueras pronto... Lucía estaría mucho mejor sin que t�� la detuvieras” the man huffed behind you and this time you flinched a little
“Another great win for the blaugrana” Lucy gloated in the locker room grinning widely
“Sí... it was a good win” Alexia smiled “... even your performance was nearly acceptable Bronze”
“Ay... big words for someone who warmed the bench today” your sister shot back both of them smirking just waiting for you to join in
To their surprise you didn't. You sat on the far end in the locker room chewing on your lower lip deep in thoughts
“Hey Bubs...” Lucy called out softly “... what's bothering you?”
“Nothing” you looked up quickly before your attention was back on your hands
“Bubs...” your sister started to come over just to get held back by Keira
“Leave her... you know how her mind works... she's dealing with something at the moment...” Keira said her voice low her hand still wrapped around Lucys wrist “... she'll come around”
“It's just not her to be like this after a win” Lucy spoke just as low keeping an eye on you
“... maybe she saw something today and already works on a solution... you know she immediately needs to fix things in her head otherwise she'll be up the whole night” the englishwoman said softly watching you out of the corner of her eye
“Yeah... but... it's different than normal” your sister said seeing the little creases that started to form between your eyes
“I'll take her back to mine tonight okay...” Keira said “... maybe that helps”
“I can take care of her thank you very much” Lucy snapped “... I did it before you were around”
“Lucy...” her ex rolled her eyes “... it's not about that... you invited half the team to your place for a little after-game snack...”
“Oh... yeah...” your sister said ashamed already forgotten that she invited everyone before the game even started
“The way she scratches herself tells me she won't be able to deal with lots of people tonight...” Keira ignored the little outburst “... just her and me...”
“Yeah sounds good... just...” Lucy looked guilty
“... I'll keep you updated yes” the blonde smiled softly
“Thank you” your sister whispered taking another look at you
“Come on Bits...” Keira said softly carefully touching your shoulder
“Eek” you squeaked scared shuffling away
“It's just me....” the blonde said gently not following you keeping her distance
“Sorry...” you mumbled once your brain realized who it was that touched you
“Your brain running 500 miles an hour again, hm?” Keira asked lightly
“Mhm...” you muttered looking at her apologetic
“Come on Bits... it's time to go home” the blonde smiled
“Where is everyone?” you looked around confused the locker room empty except for Keira and you
“Mapí and Ingrid left around 15 minutes ago” Keira said holding out her hand
“And the rest?” you shook your head not coping with the fact you missed everyone leaving
“... Mapí was the last one... as always... the rest is probably at Lucys already” the blonde kept her voice soft still waiting for you to come around
“Okay...” you sighed pushing yourself off the bench your mind already starting to run circles again with the knowledge that your home will be invaded by the Barca squad
“We won't go there...” Keira got your bag walking behind you
“Where will we go?” you asked the blonde seeing how you fought your own body on its instincts
“My place...” the blonde simply said
“Okay...” you said lowly the thoughts your mind is producing starting to flare up again
“We'll talk at home” Keira said gently seeing how your shoulders slumped down
“Am I in trouble?” you asked carefully
“No.... Bitsy no... why would you be in trouble” the blonde quickly answered looking confused “... you were perfectly behaved today”
“Then why am I going with you?” you looked at Keira bewildered
“Oh Bits...” the blonde sighed now understanding where you're coming from “... you're not getting punished but I know you... I can see that you wouldn't be able to handle a team night right now... I can feel you need a quiet night... that's why I told Luce I'll take you with me so you can sort your head out in peace... without Pina and Mapí pulling you into their wrestling matches”
“So I did nothing wrong?” you looked at the blonde uncertain
“You did nothing wrong Bitsy” Keira smiled softly pulling you against her pressing a loving kiss against your hairline
“You're awfully quiet tonight” Keira said watching you with eagles’ eyes
“Just thinking about... stuff” you mumbled
“You want to talk about that stuff?” the blonde asked trying to get a hold on your current mood
“No” you muttered as you pushed your food around on your plate
“Bitsy...” Keira put her hand on yours stopping you from pushing your potatoes around “... talk to me”
“I just.... need some time...” you mumbled pushing your chair back standing up “... can I please go to my room?”
“Yeah okay...” the blondes sighed deeply “... I'll put your food in the fridge if you get hungry later”
“Thanks momma” you murmured as you shuffled down the hallway
“What's going on with you Bitsy?” Keira whispered to herself as she watched you
The next days went on like the evening you spend with Keira. You were extremely quiet, stayed away from players. You didn't give into Lucys prodding. Ignoring her teasing. You packed your bag for England with coercion precise which told your sister that something was really wrong. She tried to talk to you about it but you just brushed her off. Ona noticed as well. Of course she noticed. She loved you. She loved you like a little sister so she noticed that something was wrong. Ona approached you the night before you were leaving for international break trying make you feel comfortable enough so you would say something. But to her surprise you didn't falter. Just explained in your broken spanish that it's nothing and you'll just need to think about things.
Next morning on the way to the airport Lucy and Keira changed meaningful looks while you were occupied chewing your nails. You flinched once as the security guard checked your leg going over your knee but other than that you kept to yourself. Even on the flight to London you just sat there staring down on your hands.
Now two days into camp Keira watched you with growing concern as you more and more withdrew from any interactions. You kept your clear from Sarina, Lucy, Leah, Millie, herself, Mearps – all the people you normally would console if something was wrong.
“Kei... uhm... you have a minute?” Georgia asked quietly
“What's up G?” the blonde looked up from her book
“My girlfriend... is not my girlfriend anymore” Georgia said uncomfortable “.. I want to know why”
“I wish I could help you G... but I don't know what's going on with her” Keira said apologetic glancing over where you where hunched in a beanbag “... it started after the last game.... it gets worse every day... she didn't want to talk to me... or Luce... or Ona... I don't know what's going on G.... I kinda hoped you could get her to talk”
“I got a hug as a greeting Kei....” the younger blonde shook her head “... we didn't see each other for month and I got a HUG”
“She also flinches when someone touches her G...” Keira took a deep breath
“Kei.... is there someone else?” Georgia asked somewhat scared of the answer
“Don't be daft G... of course not....” the older player looked outraged
“It's just... a hug” your girlfriend looked so lost so hurt
“I know G... she's not herself since the last game” Keira looked just as lost feeling bad for her best friend “... be patient G... let her come to you... be there for her when she does... don't push her to tell you things... I know it's hard G but you need to be patient”
“I just want to hold her... tell her everything's gonna be okay” Georgia looked over to you
“Then do just that” the older one said “... not right now... but maybe tonight after dinner... lure her into your room... I'll talk to Leah to stay out of your way.... just see if she lets you hug her.... if she hugs you back... then go from there.... If you feel her freeze let go of her immediately”
“What happened at that game?” your girlfriend asked
“I don't know G... I was on the pitch... Lucy too... we told her we trust her to behave and we used you as a bait... so we let her be on her own without supervision – it helped that Mapí was on the pitch with us... of course Alexia and Frido had an eye on her but they told me she was perfectly behaved... Just that at one point she came back to the bench and was... quieter” Keira said “... so I don't know what happened”
“I see if can get something out of her...” Georgia mumbled seeing how you started to chew your nails again
“Don't force it G... she'll run” the older player said gently
“Then I'll run with her... I'm faster anyway...” your girlfriend smiled but Keira saw immediately it was just for show
“Patience G.... patience” Keira said softly
That was three weeks ago. You spoke to no one about what stressed you out so much. You didn't want to burden anyone with your problem. Lucy was out of ideas. Keira was out of ideas. Alexia was out of ideas. Mapí, Patri and Pina tried to carefully pull you back into their shenanigans but you blocked all their attempts. Lucy was this close to call your old therapist asking for help when Keira told her that it'd be useless since you always were one who needed to come forward with her problems herself. You saw how your current mood was putting a strain on different relationships. Lucy and Keira had words. Lucy snapped at Ona one night who in result threw her shoe at Lucy and hit your sister straight on the head. Alexia was tense to no end which costed Mapí a lot of extra laps after telling her best friend – not her capitana – to get laid soon before everyone gets beheaded. All that didn't help to ease your mind. It was confirmation in your head that that fan was right. They all be so much better without you around. And just like that there were these thoughts again. Maybe if you didn't call Leila last time (eventho you wanted Hempo) maybe then the team would be better now. Lucy would have mourned yes but she would've gotten over it and would be even better now. Olympic gold better maybe. Leila saved your life. Maybe she shouldn't have. Your life isn't that valuable. You're a nobody. A nobody that held the people around you back from getting to their full potential.
“I'm going for a walk” you mumbled as you walked past Lucy
“Bubs” your sister tried to go after you but you quickly jumped the barrier immediately starting to sprint off
“She knows her way around now Lucy...” Alexia said carefully looking after you where you cut the corner out of the trainings centre “... we made her memorize our numbers... she'll contact one of us okay”
“I have a bad feeling....” Lucy mumbled “... a really bad feeling”
“You know there's no use in hunting her down” Keira appeared next to Lucy and Alexia
“I know....” your sister sighed massaging her forehead
“I have a bad feeling too.... but we won't find her if she doesn't want to be found” the englishwoman said
“Everyone” Alexia announced loudly to get everyones attentions “... all phones into the basket....”
“Why?” Ewa asked confused
“The Cariño might call one of us if she needs help or something and if we don't hear it because the phones are in the locker room I will personally make sure your legs will fall off from all the laps you're going to run” the blonde catalan said threating and everyone scrambled and stumbled to get their phones
The call Alexia hoped for never came. Training was long over by now most of the Team already on their way home. Lucy was still sitting in her trainings outfit on one of the benches hoping you'd come back any minute. It got dark about an hour ago the temperature dropping but still warm for english blood. By now your sister expected the worst. She send Ona home just in case you went home or showed up there.
“Luce...” Keira said softly sitting down next to her ex
“Just ten more minutes...” Lucy said deep in thoughts
“These ten minutes won't make a difference Luce...” the blonde squeezed your sisters’ knee carefully
“... but what if...” your sister started
“... she won't come back here Luce...” Keira said gently “... there's no point in waiting for her here”
“She might....” Lucy said her voice breaking
“She won't and you know it... you knew the second she jumped over the barrier instead of going through the tunnel... just like I knew” the blonde said her voice low
“Why are you so rational about this? I'm seriously freaking out expecting the worst and you sit next to me all calm and collected” your sister snapped not knowing how to react anymore
“I trust her to make the right decision whatever this decision might be...” Keira said looking at Lucy “... I trust her that she'll call one of us when she needs to.... I don't care if it's me or you or Ona or Pina or Jenni... I trust her that she'll do it....”
“I just can't sit around waiting for....” Lucy broke the eye contact with Keira her head falling into her hands
“... go home Lucy.... you have a supportive girlfriend waiting for you... whoever she calls... that person will inform you” the blonde squeezed her ex knee one last time before standing up walking away to her car
You ran. Once again you ran. Your knees burning and hurting but you kept running. You felt like you were drowning in the trainings facility like that place won't let you breath. So you ran. Your lungs burning but you pushed yourself to keep going. You didn't know where you were going you just felt you needed to get away. That's how you found yourself standing in the middle of the beach your breathing coming out as harsh pants and you just sank to your knees for the first time letting yourself feel. You cried. You cried until there were no tears left and you nearly passed out because you couldn't breathe properly. People passed by just looking weirdly at you but no one dared to asked if everything is okay. You stayed there until the sun started to go down. You stayed because it was easier to sort your thoughts there. Where no one interrupted your mind. Again you asked if it would've been better if you went through with it back in Manchester.
“Yes?” you heard the friendly voice on the other end
“Do you think I hold Lucy and Keira back from showing their full potential?” you asked without any greeting whatsoever
“Did you hit your head? Where's that load of bullshit coming from?” the person asked bewildered
“I shouldn't have phone you...” you mumbled “... sorry....”
“No no no no... if you hang up now I'll call Alexia and tell her where you are” the person immediately threatens you knowing you didn't call her by accident
“You don't know where I am” you grumbled
“At the beach... I can hear the waves in the background...” you got your answer quickly “... talk to me Guapa”
“I just... my mind won't shut up...” you said your throat already tightening again
“What does it say...” the woman asked calm
“That I shouldn't have called you...” you mumbled trying to keep your breathing under control
“... but you did... so what do you need” her soft voice helped you staying calm
“Not this time... the last time” you finally said it out loud – more or less
“Guapi... do I need to call the caballerá? Do I need to call Alexia and tell her she has to bring an ambulance with her?” Leila asked seriously already her second phone in her hand ready to call her Nationalteam capitan
“No... I promise....” you said quietly “... but my mind tells me I shouldn't have called you”
“You were good for so long... what happened?” the spanish woman asked falling into her couch all the way in Manchester
“There was this fan....” you started but somehow thinking about it made you nauseous
“... do you trust me Guapi?” Leila asked as you didn't keep talking
“Sí...” you breathed out
“Bueno... You stay where you are... I’ll send someone to pick you up and get you somewhere warm....” the brown haired woman said softly
“Not Alexia...” you quickly panicked
“I promise not Alexia.... not Lucy or Keira either...” Leila kept her voice calm “... I want you to stay on the phone until they pick you up okay? Can you do that for me Guapi?”
“Sí....” you mumbled
“Bueno Guapi... I promise she'll help you without asking questions...” the spaniard said smiling a little
“Ingrid? You called Ingrid??” you asked upset as you saw the norwegian coming your way
“Yes... she'll help you without forcing answers out of you” Leila answered as a matter of fact “... I can't come get you this time Guapi... she's one of the few people I trust to provide you with whatever you need”
“If I wanted Ingrid I would've call her myself” you snapped still upset
“But you didn't... you said you trusted me so let me do my job as your guardian angle and help you out when you don't know which way to go” the brown haired spaniard said
“If you'd be me guardian angle you'd already committed suicide...” you grumbled watching Ingrid carefully who stood a few feet away probably waiting for you to come to her
“True.... and the 50 who would come after me too...” Leila shrugged her shoulders hearing how you slowly warmed up to her plan
“I wouldn't accept any angel after you” you grumbled
“Good... I am special” the spaniard grinned “... go Guapi.... Ingrid will be good for you.... I also told her to keep Mapí away from you”
“I like Mapí...” you huffed
“But she won't help you right now... you need someone like Ingrid....” Leila said gently “... vamos Guapi”
“Don't you vamos me...” you huffed but you got up “... gotta go now...”
“Just tell Ingrid what you need... she'll do it without questioning” the brown haired spaniard said softly
“Lei...” you started
“Sí?” Leila hummed
“Gracias” you mumbled getting closer to the norwegian
“Siempre Guapi....” Leila smiled
“Can you... maybe... say... anything?” you asked quietly sitting next to Ingrid in her Cupra
“Frido and I played together in Wolfsburg... Pernille too... Ewa was at the time at Wolfsburg too... and Poppi...” the norwegian started as she took another right turn and you noticed she wasn't going home or to any home you knew
“I remember... you played City....” you said your voice still low “... Poppi will die in Wolfsburg...”
“Hm... yeah... Pernille, Frido and I agreed to meet up one day we had off and Pernille told us about that little bistro place....” Ingrid kept her voice light “... so Frido would come and pick me up and we should meet P at the Bistro... Frido decided we could walk there.... according to her it was “just around the corner”...”
“It wasn't was it?” you snorted and it was the first time in nearly four weeks that Ingrid heard that sound and it made her heart swell
“Of course not... P called us an hour later where we were, she's waiting forever already...” the norwegian keep talking “... we needed another hour to get to the Bistro... Pernille died laughing at our idiocy... especially since she made us walk back even tho her car was parked two streets away... she said it was a lesson for Frido and I just had to suffer with that godforsaken Swede”
“You don't like Frido?” you asked surprised
“Oh I love her like my sister...” Ingrid quickly clarified “... but like a sister I sometimes want to strangle her”
“Lucy would carry me around on me ankles when I was little...” you got quiet again mentioning your sister
“I really had problems with the German language you know...” the norwegian noticed the change in your demeanour immediately “... even tho we have similar words... but I still had problems with the grammar”
“G absolutely sucks at grammar... not that I know what she's saying but her teammates tell me she sucks...” you shrugged your shoulders “... Guili says her pronunciation is good but her grammar is terrible...”
“German is one of the hardest languages to learn” Ingrid hummed
“Do you still speak german?” you asked your mind easing up again
“A little... not much... I can order a coffee and a piece of apple cake...” the norwegian smiled glancing at your face trying to read you
“G always takes me to this place in Munich... they have these... pancakes style things... but they're deep-fried... they're SO good... I always guilt trip into eating one too and then she has to do extra gym time...” you just started talking and Ingrid saw how easy it was on you to talk about your girlfriend but not your sister “... I once made Alex eat one... he was whining the whole afternoon his stomach hurts... that was funny”
“You meet up with P and Mags when you are in Munich?” Ingrid asked taking another turn
“At least for one dinner... P makes this... Danish things that are sooooo good... and Magda and G always fight for the last Kanelbullar which P always gives to me and then Mags and G fight who's fault it is that no one of them got the last one...” you talked like a kid on Christmas
“Sounds like Magda....” the norwegian snorted “... she's like María... a force on the pitch... a kid by heart”
“I'm keeping you from your evening with your girlfriend” you suddenly noticed shrinking back into the seat
“Kjæreste.... you're not keeping me from anything... I had to fight María when Leila texted... she was so scared that something happened to you....” Ingrid said softly “... you are so important to all of us... I did text her when I found you, I texted your sister that you are save now...”
“I'm not important” you mumbled
“You are... you impacted all our lives and made them so much better with just being you” the norwegian felt this was part of the problem you had the last weeks “... I can't even remember what training was without your laughter and banter with Alexia or your wrestling with María... or how you always “accidently” kick the ball against your sister head...”
“I'm not important” you repeated quietly starting to scratch the back of your hand again
“Who told you that?” Ingrid asked putting the car into Park and you saw now where you were – the norwegian drove you to Camp Nuo... Home of FC Barcelona
“No one...” you said quickly looking outside the window
“Hm... because I tell you right here right now that you ARE important... not only to me” the norwegian grabbed your hand preventing you from scalping your own hand “... to so many people... there are young girls asking us how you are and where you are at meet and greets.. you are a role model just like Alexia, Lucy, Frido, Magda or P...”
“I'm NOT important..” you stressed “... I'm holding you guys back”
“No you don't...” Ingrid said surprised “... why do you think you're holding us back?”
“People see it.... I should've seen it” you stressed your breathing getting quicker again
“Kjæreste... stop” the norwegian said firmly “No... you don't hold us back... you make us so much better... when we don't find a way through a backline – who does Alexia... Alexia Putellas – La Reina... looks too? To you... When Aitana – Ballon d'Or winner – can't get a pass right... who does she come to? To you... And you really want us to believe that Sarina came up with all that brilliant plays before the Euros? No Kjæreste.. we all know who's play it were... yours... but not only on the pitch you are important... off the pitch even more”
“I'm not important” you started to feel your chest tighten
“Come with me...” Ingrid said getting out of the car waiting for you to join her “... Alexia wanted it to be a surprise for the Champions League final...”
The norwegian grabbed your hand leading you over to the entrance of Camp Nuo. There were the pictures of her, Maps, Messi, Aitana.... and you... you in a Barca-kit (to the day you die you'll swear it was photo shopped) looking serious your arms crossed in front of your chest.
“What?” you asked confused
“That's not all... come” Ingrid said pulling you along to a place where all the important players had their own plaque – again... Alexia... Messi... Johan Cryff... Aitana.... and...
Y/n Bronze – Sangre inglesa, corazón blaugrana
“Why?” you asked tears pooling in your eyes
“Because you are just as important as anyone of us... you just need to see it...” the norwegian said softly
“He said I'm holding you back and that he hopes I die soon...” you cried “... I'm not important”
“Oh Kjæreste” Ingrid said gently pulling you against her letting you cry into her jacket
“I thought about it....” you cried feeling Ingrid tightening her arms around you “... I didn't want to hold you back... and then England lost against Sweden in that friendly and it just showed that it was because of me and I don't want to be a burden anymore”
“You, min Kjæreste.... you are not a burden.... you never were you'll never be... you are outstanding amazing... you changed so many peoples live to the better... believe in yourself... believe in your abilities and most important... believe in your system – every single one of us would give a leg for you... I could call P right now in the middle of the night telling her you need her and she'd be on the first flight over... not only P... you have France, Sweden, Norway, Austria, england, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, united states.... all of them are part of your system Kjæreste... it doesn't matter if you call Magda Eriksson, Wendi Renard, Laura Feiersinger, Megan Rapinoe or Alex Popp... every single one of them would drop everything to come and get you” the norwegian mumbled against your hair “... don't let ONE person drag you down so much.... they are not worth it and you are way above them – and that's what they can't deal with... that you are out of their league”
You cried for a while into Ingrids jacket who just held you pressing soft kisses to your hair once in a while
“Oh thank god and every other holy guy that's out there” Lucy came running down the stairs when Ingrids car pulled into her driveway
“Babe...” Ona sighed “... can you please not run into a driving car”
“She already parked” your sister said flabbergasted
“Give her space” the blonde catalan rolled her eyes seeing how you were slumped into the seat
“She's sleeping” Ingrid said as she got out of her car
“No wonder when she ran from Johan Cryff all the way to the beach” Lucy snorted looking down at you through the window
“Lucy....” the norwegian began and your sister saw the serious look on her teammates face “... it was bad... someone told her she's holding us back and that she hopefully dies soon.... she thought about ending her life tonight...”
“She what?” Lucy stumbled backwards like someone hit her square in the face
“She thought about ending her life...” Ingrid repeated “... she called Leila – I don't know why so don't even ask – but Leila convinced her to come with me... I tell you because I don't want you to bombard her with questions tomorrow morning... just be there for her okay... we ALL need to be there for her... if you can get Georgia here too... she'll need every person who loves her behind her – she promised me to talk to a therapist and we all know talking to therapists means opening up about feelings and for that she'll need us”
“I will... I'll call G later... she's still up anyway waiting for an update...” Lucy said after she processed the information “... thank you Ingrid... I don't know how to thank you for getting my baby sister back”
“You don't need to thank me” the norwegian said “... when she smiles again someday then that's reward enough”
#keira walsh x reader#lucy bronze x reader#ona batlle x reader#barca femeni#woso image#ingrid engen x reader
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la furia roja II Laia Codina x Reader
masterlist I word count: 1408
a/n: based off this request, we always love to hear from you. ❤️
warnings: injury, bleeding, a furious Laia
Laia was seeing red.
Helplessly she saw you going to the ground after the midfielder from the other team fouled her girlfriend. For a moment her whole world stood still for the brunette once the player realized you must be in a lot of pain.
It was an important game for Arsenal, they needed to win this to qualify for the next Champions League qualification round which the team didn’t make it last year.
Under the strong floodlights, the Spanish defender noticed your head bleeding heavily.
Worried Laia called for you. “Y/n!”
“Someone needs to take a look at her.”, Kim said out loud, winking the medical team to your side.
While you could feel the warm blood dropping down your face.
“I’m fine, really.”, you tried to assure them.
“This is so much blood.”, Mariona muttered standing next to Kim to shield you from the curious cameras who were keen to film such dramatic incidents.
“And who’s fault was that?!”, Laia accused furiously the player who committed the foul against you.
“Laia, you need to calm down.”, you told her softly as the medical staff was guiding you carefully to the sideline.
“Laia, she’s right. It was an accident.”, the Spanish midfielder remarked in a gentle tone.
“No, she did that intentionally!”, your girlfriend claimed angrily, shaking off Mariona’s hand who had rested on her shoulder to soothe her nerves.
Meanwhile the adrenaline helped you with not feeling much of the pain that would be later. The team doctor bandaged your head to stop the bleeding effectively.
“Oh, I’ll look ridiculous.”, you stated with a sigh.
“Very Alex Grennwood.”, Leah commented with an amused grin on her lips.
“True.”, you agreed smiling weakly.
“No, from the way she complains about it, it’s more Alanna Kennedy.”, Steph observed.
“Doesn’t matter they’re both blonde, defenders and play for City, so they could be the same person.”, the second captain laughed.
Eagerly you waited until another interruption of the game happened to get back on the pitch.
Impatiently you returned to your position, turning your head to Mariona to ask her. “Did Laia really receive a yellow card now?”
“I tried but I couldn’t stop her.”, the older woman replied.
“It’s fine, Mario.”, you responded, luckily it wasn’t that long to play anymore anyway so that card didn’t affect the game as badly.
“It’s not fine!”, Laia protested upset that you played your head injury down in front of your friends.
The goalkeeper from the opposition was still down, you put a hand on your girlfriend’s chest to put her worries at ease.
“That looked horrible.”, she confessed with a shaky voice, wrapping her arms around you protectively. A cool breeze came up, heralding the arrival of autumn and the end of summer.
“I know but I promise you it looked way worse than it actually was.”, you gave her your word, soothing the worried lines on her forehead.
Kim interrupted the two of you, clearly annoyed that you kept talking during the game: “Come on, girls. You can talk about that later, we have ten more minutes to go.“
“Right, vamos!“, Mariona agreed, clapping her hands for motivation.
Laia looked over at you, then nodded once: “Okay, let’s go.“
The last minutes of the game dragged out like viscously flowing honey. By the time the referee blew the final whistle, the bandage the doctors had wrapped around your head had come undone, sliding down over your left ear.
Still, neither this nor your head injury could keep you from celebrating moving on to the second round of the Champions League qualification. One more step and your dream would come true.
“Next round of CL qualification, here we come!“
You bounced on the balls of your feet with excitement while you hugged your teammates, a huge grin plastered on your face. At least until someones hands appeared on your shoulders, keeping you standing still.
Looking up, you met Laias eyes who studied your face with unusual sternness: “Calm down, no jumping.“
“Sorry, it just feels so good after not making it last year.“, you apologized, not really sorry. You felt fine and wanted to enjoy this moment.
Your girlfriends eyes softened, knowing how badly you wanted to play UWCL: “Yes, I know. But…“
“But…?“, you asked, hoping she would complete her sentence.
“We need to take care of your head now.“, she said and you wondered if that was what she actually wanted to say.
You sighed: “After thanking the fans, okay?“
“But-“, you started but stopped yourself. You weren’t even sure what you wanted to say. You just wanted her to finally stop worrying. The doctors had let you continue the game after all.
“Stay here.“, Laia begged, her hand gently encircling your wrist.
With one last look at the fans cheering from the stands, you finally agreed: “Fine…“
“Thanks. Now how do you feel?“, the Spanish defender asked, her features relaxing a bit more.
You thought about your answer for a moment. You didn’t want to worry her but you also didn’t want to lie.
“Okay, just a bit dizzy.“, you finally admitted. Maybe she was right and the celebrations had been a tad too much. But it was fine, you have had worse injuries in your career.
But of course Laias face turned into a frown, the worried line between her eyebrows making a reappearance. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you want to sit down? Do you need water?“
You carefully shook your head, just in case the vertigo could worsen: “Only want to go home now…“
“Okay. We’ll get our stuff and then we’ll go home.”, she nodded in an earnest tone.
Cautiously you turned around to look into the eyes of your two friends, biting your lip guiltily. “Wally, Mario, is it okay If we do the dinner another time soon?”
“Of course! Don’t worry about it. Go home and rest.”, Lia replied, giving you a brief but comforting hug.
“Thanks, you two are the sweetest.”, you answered, smiling at the couple in front of you.
“And maybe just maybe Laia can properly cool down. You should let her do an ice bath.”, Mariona teased the defender.
“Hey! I was just worried about her.”, Laia defended herself.
“Yeah, you were a furia on the pitch.”, the midfielder remembered chuckling.
“That’s called being Spanish.”, your girlfriend shrugged.
“Nah, you’re usually less aggressive.”, Mariona remarked.
“It was about her, okay?”, the brunette responded passionately.
“Okay, but pretty sure everyone knows that she’s your girl.”, the older woman commented amused.
“They do now at least.”, Laia said with a proud grin on her lips.
“Oh god, Laia, what have you done.”, you mumbled half seriously half-jokingly, hiding your face into her side.
“Nothing.”, your girlfriend smiled innocently.
“Sure, let’s go now we can deal with the fans tomorrow.”, you pulled her hoodie as you made your way to the front door.
“Please.” Right before you left you waved your teammates goodbye, when you stepped outside into the dark of the night.
At home you were shaking your head slightly while your girlfriend was gathering all the things you could possibly need in this moment. “You know that I’m not that badly injured, right?”
“It’s a head injury after all.”, Laia disagreed whole-heartedly.
“Yes, but you already took good care of me.”, you reminded her softly.
“And now I make sure you rest enough.”, she declared leading you to the bedroom you shared, the only light source on were the fairy lights wrapped around the top bedframe giving everything in it’s reach a soft glow.
“I do.”, you protested as you made yourself comfortable.
“I got you pillows, water and some snacks.”, your girlfriend listed.
“Thanks, Laia.”, you kissed her cheek, hoping it transmitted the gratefulness you felt towards her.
“You’re welcome, amor.”, Laia waved it off.
After she had joined you on the bed you glanced at her with a shy smile. “I could really need your hugs right now.”
Without another word the brunette pulled you into her strong arms, with closed eyes you inhaled your familiar, calming, fresh out of the shower scent.
“They’re the best.”, you hummed.
“Better.”, she asked.
“Yes.” You paused for a second before adding. “Te amo.”
“I love you too, amor.”, she whispered her voice thick with emotions.
No more words needed to be said that night. You could feel the love tonight you had for each other.
#laia codina#laia codina x reader#woso imagine#woso fanfics#woso#woso one shot#woso community#woso x reader#arsenal wfc#arsenal wfc x reader#arsenal women#espwnt#espwnt x reader#awfc#woso oneshot#mariona caldentey#laia codina imagine#leah williamson#lia walti#kim little
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Yes yes yes
Now that the game is over I would like to speak my truth
Misa looked really good in that blue kit
#misa rodriguez#woso#women's football#futfem#women's soccer#el classico#real madrid femenino#woso community#spanish goalkeeper#best goalkeeper
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Platonic!Alexia Putellas, “How did you even manage to get up there?!?!”, tree
stuck II a.putellas/barça-femeni
"come on!" cata groaned as the ball sailed right past her head again, a widespread grin on your face from the free kick spot. "thats five for five coll, you're losing your touch!" you taunted, the spaniard flipping you off and kicking the ball back to you.
"i'm done with this humilation amiga!" the goalkeeper pulled her gloves off with a defeated shake of her head, making her way out of the goal.
"have you thought about maybe saving some then? won't be so humiliating." you grinned, pulled quickly into a headlock by the girl who chastised you in spanish before letting you up.
"hey!" you groaned as no sooner were you freed did a weight land on your back almost causing your knees to buckle as you stumbled but steadied yourself.
"hola!" mapi sung out, clinging onto you as you tried to shake her off. "finished your laps then?" you laughed, the older girls constant chatter throughout training meaning she was ordered to run an extra ten laps of the pitch under your captains watchful eyes.
"yes! my legs are like jelly compañero, carry me." mapi sighed tiredly, tattooed hand patting your cheek as you struggled to take steps forward.
"for a tiny person you're so heavy." you grunted out as she scoffed in offence. "i am not tiny or heavy!" the defender protested as you rolled your eyes. "tell that to me i'm the one carrying you maría." you groaned out.
"do not call me that! makes me feel like i am in trouble." the older girl huffed as you made your way inside and headed for the change rooms. "why because thats what ingrid says when she's mad at you?" you snickered, whining as mapi sharply tugged your ears for the comment.
"ow! you can walk yourself then!" you dropped her without any warning causing her to fall onto her ass with a hiss of pain. "at least help me up." the older girl held a hand out as you rolled your eyes but grabbed it.
you let out a yelp as suddenly you joined the defender on the ground, mapi hopping to her feet with a grin as a few of the girls wandered out of the change rooms.
"you fall for that everytime pollito." mapi grinned with a shake of her head as you glared up at her, catching both her girlfriends and your captains eyes over mapi's shoulder, both who frowned curiously at the sight of you on the floor.
"ingrid, ale! she's picking on me again." you pouted as ingrids face hardened and she started to quickly walk over, alexia following suit. "mentirosa!" mapi gasped as the taller girls arrived and immediately helped you up.
"she asked me for money for the vending machine and then pushed me over when i said no." you sighed, ingrid pulling you into a tight hug and glaring at her girlfriend whose mouth opened and closed like a fish.
"princesa she's lying!" mapi defended herself with a scoff, eyes burning holes into your head as you sent her a smug smile which quickly turned into a frown when ingrid glanced down at you.
"what have i said about bullying her maría?" ingrid warned as mapi could only scoff in disbelief, alexia running a hand through your hair with a shake of her head.
"honestly, maría you're supposed to be a role model for her she's only sixteen. act your age!" alexia warned, ingrids arms still protectively wrapped around you as both girls guided you away.
you only peeked around them and grinned at mapi who was staring after you venomously, your hand curling up to flip her off as her jaw dropped before you rounded a corner and were out of sight.
as much as in that moment mapi wanted nothing more than to wring your neck, she couldn't deny she really did harbour a large soft spot for you, seeing a lot of herself within you and hoping to be able to use that to guide you forward as you grew older.
so when an hour later you appeared seemingly out of nowhere with a smile and a peace offering in the form of her favourite candy bar, she didn't have a choice but to roll her eyes and pull you into a hug.
however just because mapi cared for you did not stop her also viewing you as the ultimate source of entertainment. as pina and patri grew wiser they stopped giving into the dares and challenges mapi would set them, frustratingly.
but then you came along and suddenly her attentions shifted, forever egging you on to do things to mess with your teammates, and most of the time helping you.
your innocent smile and charming demeanor meant that you were the perfect shield for her to hide behind, alexia rarely ever able to stay upset with you for more than a moment and everyone else just brushing it off as you being young and adventurous.
it was on this particular tuesday after you'd weasled your way back into mapi's good books and alexia had landed herself onto her hit list with the extra laps that mapi decided to make a move.
"i bet you cannot hide ale's boots somewhere she can't find them pollito." mapi pulled you into the change rooms as everyone else headed off for lunch, the defender watching on gleefully at the way your face lit up at the challenge.
"is this because of the extra laps?" you questioned, not quite as gullible as mapi had hoped as she rolled her eyes. "maybe." was all the defender replied as you shrugged, not really needing much convincing to go forward with it anyway.
despite the fact she kept an incredibly tidy home, which you would know given the fact you lived with her, alexia's cubby was rarely not messy, boxes on boxes of shoes stacked on the top shelf as various bottles, medical tape and knick knacks littered the cubby itself.
you smiled at the photos of her and her family taped to the wall having been all but legally adopted into it anyway, eli claiming you as her third daughter from the very moment she met you. you rolled your eyes at the pictures of you taped up, most of which were taken candidly when you weren't looking.
standing up on the bench you rifled through the various nike boxes until you found your captains favourite pair of boots, tugging them out and placing everything back the way you found it.
"where are you going?" mapi asked with a confused frown as you hopped down and headed for the door with the boots in hand. "you only said to hide them, you didn't say it had to be in here."
"you're not landing that!" mapi scoffed in disbelief as you'd tied alexia's boots together and were attempting to throw them up and over a tall tree branch, routinely missing time and time again as they fell to the grass and you sighed.
"new plan." you hummed looking around for a new hiding spot. "or, climb up." mapi gestured to the tree as you looked at it with a hint of uncertainty. "unless you are too scared, pollito." mapi taunted making chicken noises as your jaw hardened.
"gimme those." snatching the boots out of her hand you slung them around your neck, looking up again at the tree with a newfound determination, mapi cheering you on as you started to climb.
"see!" you grinned successfully, sat on a branch and hanging alexia's boots with a satisfied nod, mapi clapping her approval and gesturing for you to get down.
"uh maps?" you called out as the defender had started to walk back toward the training building, turning and raising an eyebrow as your face paled. "i can't." you shook your head as hers cocked to the side in confusion.
"what do you mean?" "i mean, i can't get down." you admitted, not having thought that far when you'd clambered up here, the height in which you were sat now dawning on you as suddenly things became even worse.
"pequeña?" your eyes widened as alexia wandered out, clearly looking for you as she spotted mapi and walked over, asking in spanish if she had seen you considering lunch had long began and you weren't ever someone to miss food.
"okay amiga, don't be mad." mapi started placing her hands on her best friends shoulders who immediately frowned. "maría that is the easiest way to get me mad!" alexia warned with a scowl, pushing her hands off as ingrid walked out next followed by frido as you sighed in defeat.
"whats going on? ale did you find her?" frido asked as the two arrived and mapi rubbed the back of her neck with a guilty smile ingrid knew all too well. "where is she amor?" her girlfriend sighed, rubbing her temple with her fingertips already knowing something bad was happening.
"eh...there?" her hand moved to stretch toward the sky, finger pointing you out as the three girls eyes followed, widening in horror as you gave them a small wave, cheeks flushed red.
"maría. why is she in a tree?" alexia turned her gaze on her best friend who shrank, frido and ingrid hurrying over to the tree as mapi started to back up, alexia advancing with clenched fists.
"its a funny story?" mapi tried with a nervous laugh, turning on heel and sprinting off as alexia moved to grab the back of her training top but missed, cursing under her breath.
"traitor!" you yelled after the tattooed footballer who disappeared inside. "get down älska. right now!" frido yelled glaring up at you as your body deflated. "i can't." you mumbled, barely loud enough for them to hear.
"how did you even manage to get up there!?" alexia yelled making you wince, ingrid already on the phone to someone as you swang your legs back and forth avoiding the blondes eyes.
"i climbed up, just didn't think about how to climb down." you admitted as alexia inhaled and closed her eyes, counting to three as frido rubbed her back sympathetically.
"firetruck will be here in ten, they'll get her down." ingrid returned as your eyes widened in shock. "no way! this place is huge and you're saying the groundsmen don't even have a ladder?" you whined with a groan.
"i hope you told them to have the sirens on." alexia glared up at you as your eyes widened even further. "oh yes. lights, sirens, the full experience." ingrid confirmed as you exhaled deeply, crossing your arms and huffing unhappily.
and lights and sirens there were.
the disruption had caused practically the entire team and staff to come outside, your face burning bright red in embarrassment as an erruption of teasing, whistles and cheers greeted you once your feet hit the grass again.
you hissed in pain as alexia appeared, grabbing your ear and twisting it. "what do you say?" she ordered pointing to the firemen who helped you. "thank you." you mumbled, eyes trained to the ground and wincing as alexia pinched harder. "and?"
"sorry for wasting your time." you mumbled again, nearly falling over your feet as the furious blonde dragged you away still with a firm grip on your ear, your blush deepening at the teasing words from everyone which followed.
"nope! you too." mapi tried to hide before she was seen but it was to no avail as alexia grabbed the younger girls ear and pulled her inside, mapi whining while you remained silent, ingrid following after her with a dissapointed look.
"sit!" you were both pulled into the locker room and pushed to sit down side by side on the bench, mapi glaring up at her best friend and rubbing her ear as you remained silent, eyes trained to the floor.
"sorry chiqui." mapi winced as she looked at you and your ear which was just as red as hers, trying to hug you as you pushed her off and sent her a filthy look making her cringe.
both your gazes shifted as alexia cleared her throat, eyes still ablaze with anger as ingrid stood beside her fixing her girlfriend with a look that meant mapi knew she'd be sleeping in the living room tonight, no exceptions.
"why the hell were you in a tree huh? estúpido!" you frowned as alexia directed the question to you, words racing through your head as something clicked and your frown melted into a pout.
when you added a sad sigh that only mapi knew was very much so fake, her head turned, eyes wide in fear of what was about to come out of your mouth.
"capi i only went up there for you." you mumbled, hitting alexia with your best puppy dog eyes as she frowned and mapi inhaled sharply, seeing where you were going to take this.
"what do you mean?" alexia asked, tone a little softer now as again you sighed.
"well mapi threw your boots up there and i know they're your favourite pair ale so i tried to climb up and get them back for you, but then i got stuck and mapi ran away without helping me." you rested your chin on your fist with another sad sigh.
"pequeña diablo mentiroso." mapi whispered under her breath, shaking her head with a look of disbelief as you glanced to her, corners of your mouth upturned smugly just for a moment.
"maría!" ingrid hissed in disbelief as mapi stammered out the truth but it was far too late, alexia already sat on your other side and looking over your ear, kissing your forehead and cooing repeated apologies as you tucked yourself into her side.
"we're leaving. go!" ingrid warned sternly, pointing to the door as mapi gave up defending herself, grabbing her bag as ingrid hugged you tightly, saying something inaudible as you smiled at mapi over her shoulder.
"you lose!" you mouthed at her smugly as the defender sighed deeply, shaking her head before mouthing something back at you, admittedly almost as proud as she was infuriated.
"well played amiga."
#woso community#woso#woso x reader#alexia putellas x reader#alexia putellas#mapi leon#mapi leon x reader#ingrid engen x reader#ingrid engen#barcelona femeni#barcelona femini#pollito
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Hi guys!
This is a massive one again, it count like 12K words. I proofread it like four time but it's big so it might still have several mistakes. And I'm sorry about it ♥
Please enjoy, I really loved working for this one :)
TW : Mention of cheating, Angst.
You never thought that your ex-girlfriend would hurt you that way. You were with Jenni for two years when she left Barcelona to go to play in Mexico. You were gutted honestly, even if you never shared the same flat, she was always in yours. Or you were always with her. It was only when you were called in national camp that you weren’t together.
With you being Australian and Jenni being Spanish, it was logical that you weren’t on the same team. Unlike Jenni, you weren’t really a player very needed by your team. More like the number two. Even in Barcelona you are the second goalkeeper behind Cata. And in Australia, there is Mackenzie Arnold, but you can’t be sad or mad at anyone because they just are amazing.
Jenni left after the World Cup and seemed to settle very quickly and easily in her new team and world. You aren’t surprised to be honest; Jenni has always been like this. Easygoing, smiling and very sociable.
You didn’t know that this part of her will lead you to a breakup. Jenni didn’t have the courage to tell herself that she cheated, you learned it like almost all the rest of the world, when pictures started appearing on Internet.
When you talked with Jenni about it, she tried to deny or make things less serious than they were before finally told the truth. She told you that yes, she met someone else, but it isn’t serious, it was just to have fun. It has nothing to do with what you have together.
Blah, blah, blah.
You couldn’t forgive her. It’s not like she just shared a random kiss in a creepy nightclub. They had dates, they kissed and even slept together several times. You didn’t say anything on social media about your breakup or Jenni’s betrayal. You just deleted all your pictures where you were together.
Your teammates took care of you. Marta and Caro brought you breakfast every morning, Lucy brought you back scones from England when she went there, Cata slept every night on your couch just to be with you (you are pretty sure that’s it was because she misses her girlfriend too), Ona shared with you her very impressive DVD’s collection, Alexia always made sure that you aren’t alone for the drill, Jana always sat with you on the bus or plane, Mariona invited you to pass several days in Mallorca in her family and Ingrid took you shopping at least twice a month.
You love them for that, honestly. You couldn’t ask for better friends. But Barcelona keeps remembering you of Jenni. So, when your agent informed you that he received an offer for you from Arsenal, you don’t hesitate a lot.
It was heartbreaking to say goodbye to your teammates and Barcelona’s fans to be honest. You really love this place, but you needed to see something else. Maybe you’ll come back in several years, that’s what you said to a tearful Jana after your speech.
The first days at Arsenal are strange to be honest, but you are glad to have others Australians teammates here. Caitlin, Steph and Kyra seemed happy to have you there and help you settle down. You are still talking daily to your former teammates, but the trio help you to feel better.
They never talked to you about your breakup, they knew you were with Jenni and that you aren’t anymore. Like the rest of the world after all. You don’t know what Jenni told her friends and family, you liked her brother and her parents, but you couldn’t saw them after that. The breakup is one thing, but dealing with betrayal is something else.
You usually don’t go to the team bonding, but tonight Kyra almost rolled herself at your feet, begging you to come. A little less dramatic, Steph just told you that she will be happy if you come while Caitlin rolled her eyes at Kyra. So here you are, looking at yourself in the mirror of your bedroom.
You look at yourself and wonder what in you wasn’t enough to make Jenni stay. Sur, you were in two different continents, but you never thought a single second about being unfaithful to your girl… ex-girlfriend.
The bell ring when Kyra is here to take you to Leah’s, taking you out of your thoughts. It’s maybe better like this. You can only smile when your friend gives you a big smile.
“I’m so happy you’re coming Y/N honestly. It will be fun, you’ll see.”
“Yeah, I’ll see” you smirk.
She slaps you playfully on your shoulder before starting her car and you promise yourself not to go anywhere with Kyra in her car anymore.
“Yeah, the baby Aussies!” Katie shout when you enter Leah’s house.
Caitlin just smiles at you at first, but soon come to take you away from Kyra when the younger one start to drag you everywhere without your consent.
“Leah ordered pizzas and we are going to watch one film or two. It’s great that you are here, really” Caitlin smiles at you.
You smile back and accept the drink she gives you. You smell it with skepticism when you learn that Beth made them, but after tasting it you have to admit that it’s pretty great. But your teammates are loud, and you aren’t used to this kind of noise anymore. You soon started to feel overwhelmed, and you look for somewhere quieter to sit.
You finally find a place on a couch, where Lia and Alessia are talking casually. Their corporal language tell you that it isn’t an important or secret conversation, but you still approach them shyly, half hiding behind your glass.
“Would you mind if I sit with you?”
“Not at all” Lia smiles at you.
Alessia smiles too and get closer to Lia to let you a bigger place next to her. She has a beautiful smile, you never really realized it before.
“I was just saying to Alessia that she should make a stop in Switzerland next time she goes in Italy. It isn’t far away after all.”
You smile and nod. Of course, you know that Lia comes from Switzerland and Alessia is half Italian, thanks to her dad.
“I never went to Switzerland or even Italy” you admit softly.
It seems to take your interlocutors’ attention and they both start to list the advantages of both countries. But you are interested by it, both girls are calm but still funny and it’s exactly the kind of conversation you needed right now.
When Leah comes in the living room with the pizzas, the team passes almost fifteen minutes to choose a film on Netflix. You are listening to their fight with a soft smile, really amused by it.
“It’s like this every single time” Alessia whispers to you with a smile. “I usually chose this moment to take the best pizza part, even a second if they really are fighting hard.”
You laugh softly, pleasantly surprised by Alessia’s confidences. You haven’t really talked a lot to her, to be honest. But she seems to be a very cute and sweet girl, everyone can see that. You are thankful to her about her small chat so you decide to get along with it.
“Alright, tell me, how do you chose your first part?” you ask Alessia while Katie is explaining why Kim’s choice isn’t good.
“I take the cheesiest one, and if it has the basil leaf on it, it’s the best thing ever. Seems like I have to make a choice for now though.”
You look at her looking attentively at the pizza in front of you. She doesn’t seem to be bothered by the others’ tantrum at all. She finally chooses the cheesy one before turning herself in your direction.
“What about you? How do you choose your first part?”
“I love pizza dough. I usually take the one with the biggest crust” you admit.
“I never heard someone choosing her part like this” Alessia giggles.
Her giggles make you smile, and you lean to take your part too. It happens to be the one with the basil leaf and you put it on Alessia’s part without a second though.
“Ok, you are not allowed to seat next to someone else when pizzas are involved now.”
“So you feel better now?”
Alexia’s voice resonates in your bathroom from your phone where you putted the speaker while getting ready.
“Yeah I mean the girls had always been lovely but that evening really helped me to be included in the team, I think.”
“That’s great, I’m really happy for you. They would have been stupid not to do it though, you are the most lovely girl ever.”
You smile, you know that she is really happy for you. Since your departure, you kept writing with some of your former teammates and Alexia is one of them. You sometimes suspect that she knows what you whispered into Jana’s ear, when you said that you might come back someday. But you are happy to have news from her.
“What about you? What’s new in Barcelona Femeni?”
“We all miss you, honestly” she begins. “But it’s been great. The new signings are settling great I think.”
“And yourself?”
“I’m fine. Olga has been great too. We, hum, she’s leaving with me now, when she’s in Barcelona.”
“That’s great Capi, I’m happy for you.”
You know how close Alexia is to Jenni, but the blonde never said any words about your ex-girlfriend since your breakup. You are glad about it honestly, but you like when she talks about her relationship. You are really happy for her; she seems so happy lately. And she deserves it.
You aren’t lying to Alexia; you maybe need to thank Kyra for taking you out of your house that night. Since that day you are pretty close from Lia who seems to really want to take you in Switzerland with all the discussions you have about it. You talk a lot to Laia Codina too, the girl seems happy to have someone she can speak Spanish with, you learned the language pretty well during the five years you were in Barcelona. You laugh and joke with Katie and you are of course really close to Caitlin and Steph.
And there is Alessia, too. You like sitting next to her during the trips or the meals, she is pretty calm but, in another hand, she always has something to say or to laugh about. But you feel relaxed next to her, a thing you haven’t really felt since a long time.
It’s scared you a little bit, to be honest. At first you wanted to put some distance between you and her, you don’t want to get attached to someone or feeling the need of having a special someone in your life. But Alessia is so sweet and seems so concerned about your well-being that you can’t stay away from her.
This is the third night out where you go today, it’s at Steph’s house this time. You decided to curl your hair tonight, but still go with your eternal jeans and t-shirt anyway.
You wait someone in your car when you are in front of Steph’s house, not wanting to go inside alone. You just have to wait two minutes before you see Vic coming and you follow her inside after having greeted her.
A lot of your teammates are here, and the atmosphere is a little more festive than the others. You can see that some of them are a little tipsy already and you smirk when you see Kyra’s state. Thanks God, you aren’t the one getting her home tonight.
“What about a have you ever?” someone randomly propose at one point.
You are not a fan of it honestly, but you don’t want to kill the fun. Looking around, you see that almost all of your teammates accepted the game, only Lia rolls her eyes with a little smile. You sit next to Caitlin who greets your presence next to her with a smile and a tap on your back.
The game went pretty well to be honest; you even have fun. Some of girls were more or less asked to explain themselves about specifics questions, making their teammates laugh or smile.
It was until Manu asked a very accurate question.
“Have you ever been a cheater in a relationship?”
There is an abrupt silence in the room, who last probably only two seconds, but for you it’s an eternity. Suddenly, someone rings the bell at the door and Leah almost jump from the couch.
“It’s the pizzas, it’s for me!”
“I’ll help you” you mumble before getting up too, not looking at everyone.
Leah doesn’t react when you talk or follow her to the door, the most far possible from the couch you were sitting on. She refuses your pounds to help her pay but puts some of the box in your hands. When you come back into the room, everyone was in a small talk and you still follow Leah, putting the box on the table this time.
You aren’t really hungry to be honest, but Steph puts a plate with a slice on your knees. You take a look and realize that there is a lot of cheese on it and almost no crust, making you sulk. Then you raise your gaze up to meet Alessia’s and her pizza slice. With a smile you get up and silently swap them.
After the pizzas, you decide to go in Steph’s garden, breathing a little bit of fresh air. You haven’t thought that you will be hearing a conversation between Steph and Manu, your compatriot roasting the goalkeeper.
“What the hell were you thinking?” you hear Steph whisper-shout.
“I don’t know! I thought that not asking Who has ever been cheat on was okay!”
You can perfectly picture Manu talking with her hands and Steph leaning in her direction, deeply frowning.
“I never wanted to hurt her or make her uncomfortable! I’ll go excuse myself to her.”
“You better not. Leave her alone.”
You can hear every single word and it’s maybe even worse. You know very well that Manu never wanted to hurt you, she’s a very sweet girl. But very clumsy sometimes with her words.
“You ok Kiddo?”
Caitlin’s voice makes you jump, but you give her a brave smile anyway.
“Yeah, I mean… Yeah.”
Hands in the pockets of your jeans, you shrug when she raises an eyebrow. That wasn’t the most explicit and understandable sentence. Caitlin comes to stand next to you, looking closely at you.
“You know you can talk to me, right? I mean I wasn’t with you when it happened, but if you need to…”
“I know Cait, thanks” you smile softly. “You weren’t in Barcelona, but you still checked on me. I haven’t forgotten it. But I don’t know if there is a lot to say, to be honest.”
Realizing that you don’t want to talk and not being the one to push the others, Caitlin just passes an arm around your shoulders to give you a hug. It’s comforting to be honest, you never thought that you will say that one day, but you kind of miss your Spanish’s teammates hugs and touch.
“It will get better with time” Caitlin whispers.
You nod and enjoy the hug as long as you can, Caitlin doesn’t seem to want to let you go. It was until you saw Katie’s coming in the garden too. Maybe stupidly, you gently push Caitlin away from you, making the Irish smirks.
“Don’t worry, I can share her with you”
Caitlin smiles and rolls her eyes.
“Mmmmmh. Nah, only for hugs actually” Katie adds, kissing her girlfriend’s head. “But I can share one of my guestrooms with you, if you feel too alone someday. You don’t even have to ask before coming.”
“Thanks” you smile.
Several hours later, you are turning on your mattress in Steph’s living room, unable to fall asleep. Even if your teammates tried to change your ideas, now that you are alone with your thoughts, you have trouble to fall asleep. Some of them went home but a lot of them decided to sleep here.
Your mind won’t shut up and you are getting crazy. The moment when you learned about Jenni cheating turn in your head on and on. The feelings you had, the questions you have since that day.
Why has she done that, why weren’t you enough, has she ever been really in love with you or were you just a hobby to pass time?
Scared to wake some of your teammates up, you finally decided to get up to go to the garden on more time. You miss the Spanish’s heat and shiver when you meet the English’s cold.
You don’t know how many times you stayed here before you feel somebody presence behind you.
“Hi” Alessia says softly.
“Hi” you whisper back without looking at her.
You look at her from the corner of your eyes after several minutes, to see that she’s looking at the sky. Like this, her eyes seem even bluer than they already are. Realizing that you are starring, you hurry to look at something else.
“Couldn’t sleep?” Alessia finally asks.
“No” you mumble, frowning.
Like a lot of people in Arsenal, you don’t have talked with Alessia about the end of your relationship. Or your relationship itself. You never asked Alessia about her love life either, the kind of crush you are developing for her being scary enough for you like this.
“I’m sorry you have to go through this” the blonde finally says. “I never had to deal with things like this, but I can imagine how hard it is.”
“It’s not only about the end of the relationship, but also a lot about the betrayal too. I never thought we will be endgame, but I was really attached to her, and I trusted her with my whole life. This raises so many questions in me…”
Alessia is looking at you, you can feel her eyes on you. But it’s not the kind of invading look, you can almost feel her concern in the way she looks at you.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You put your eyes on her, but you don’t really need it to understand that there is no push in the proposition. She just wants to help you to sort it out, if you want to.
“I just… don’t understand, I guess. Why has she done that? And why saying that it wasn’t true at first?”
“I can’t answer at her place” Alessia answers with a sad face. “Have you tried to talk to her about it?”
“No. I blocked her everywhere and unfollowed her teammates in case of they wanted to write me on Instagram or something. Our mutual friends are clever enough not to get in the middle of that.”
Alessia nods, seeming lost in her thoughts. She is still looking at you though.
“All I can say is that you deserve someone who will really take care of you. She wasn’t the one, obviously. You deserve the best.”
You shrug, not exactly knowing what to answer to that. You aren’t sure about it to be honest, if you deserve the best why do you have to deal with that kind of things? You probably have done something wrong; you just don’t know what.
“Hey, none of that” Alessia says like she can read your mind, slapping playfully your shoulder.
“I just keep thinking that maybe I deserved it. It makes me doubt about anyone, even my friend. If my girlfriend, the person who is supposed to love the most, thought that I wasn’t interesting enough, how can friends like me? And why? Are they really feeling that I deserve their attention or is it just pity?” you whisper, feeling your tears coming.
“Come here.”
She doesn’t let you the choice before hugging you, in a bones-crushed hug. But you needed it, honestly. Caitlin’s one was good, but this one is really special. Probably because of the girl hugging you. It’s scary and comforting at the same time.
“She’s the one who should question herself, not you. You are kind, you are lovely, you are beautiful, you are funny, you are clever… You have everything. She the one who lost someone great, not you. And I think I’m not only talking for myself when I say that we all love you here. We love you and we care for you, just like your former teammates, aren’t they keep messaging or calling you?”
“Yes, they are” you mumble in Alessia’s shoulder. “Thank you.”
She kisses your cheek, letting her lips press against your cheek a little longer than a usual friend kiss, the sweet girl trying to give you the most comfort possible. It works though, but you are not sure that it’s for the good reason. But once again, you don’t have the strength to get away from her.
That night, you made yourself the promise not to show any romantics feeling toward Alessia. Because you realized that it’s already too late for you to try to fight those feelings. You know that Alessia is sweet, but so was Jenni before she decided to cheat on you. You are not sure about Alessia sexuality anyway and there is no world where you ask her the question, it would been too strange. You don’t want anything to change between both of you.
The fans started to realize that Alessia had became your “team buddy” like they like to say, just like Jana were when you were still in Barcelona. She usually sits next to you in the bus, you drive her to the training or the home games and you stay at each other house sometimes after training. Some people are joking about Ella and Jana being replaced, making you roll your eyes when Alessia mentioned it. You love Jana, but never thought about her in any way other than friend. Which isn’t the case for Alessia.
You take the habit to cuddle against her when you are watching a movie at home, and you are surprised that she took you herself against her for the next movie during a team bonding. You try your best to erase any surprise on your face, but you catch Leah and Caitlin’s eyes on you, and you can’t hide the blush creeping on your cheeks. Leah doesn’t seem upset or trying to make fun of you, she seems to be thinking. It’s harder to read Caitlin’s look.
When you raise your eyes on Alessia’s face, she’s watching peacefully the film, so you decide to imitate her, ignoring Leah and Caitlin whispers.
“Hey Kiddo, can I talk to you?” Caitlin asks you after a training session.
Almost all of the girls have already left and the ones who stayed aren’t looking or listening to you. You saw that Katie left already and Alessia is still under the shower, her hair routine being incredibly long.
“Sure” you smile at your teammate.
She smiles and sits next to you in your cubby, looking straight into your eyes. Hers are inquisitive and you can’t keep looking at them, even if there is no trace of something negative.
“I just wanted to know how you are feeling, after Steph’s party. I know Katie kind of interrupt, but if there is something bothering you, you can come to me.”
“I know” you smile affectionally at the older girl. “I trust you. It’s just that I don’t even know where to start.”
“What about we start about you and Alessia?” Caitlin asks, raising an eyebrow.
“What do you mean?”
You try to put your best poker face here, but you are not sure it will work. Caitlin knows you since you are 17, from the first time you were called in Australia senior team when their first goalkeeper got injured.
“I myself fell in love with a teammate. Twice. The second wasn’t at all planned but here we are. I know the signs.”
There is a small smile on Caitlin’s face, and you sigh softly. There is almost no one in the locker room now, only Vic talking very fast and very Dutch in her phone. And Caitlin isn’t screaming either, there is no way that Vic can hear both of you. Looking at your feet, you frown before answering.
“You are right, but nothing will happen” you whisper, throat clenched. You shouldn’t be sad like that. “It’s not a good idea to fall for someone so fast after being cheated on and Alessia definitely isn’t sharing those feelings.”
Caitlin offers you an empathic smile, putting her hand on your shoulder. It makes you raise your eyes on her again.
“You can’t control your feelings. Jenni was a bitch to you, but you can’t let her and her mistakes decide of the rest of your life. What she did to you was wrong, it wasn’t deserved in any way. You have to fight for your happiness Kiddo, with Less or someone else.”
You bite your lip softly; you know that Caitlin is right in a way. You can’t let Jenni’s actions guide your life. But there is another problem here.
“I don’t want to take risks and lose Alessia. I really need her in my life right now. Do you… Do you know if she’s really straight?”
“No, I don’t, I’m sorry. We can try to figure out though.”
You really didn’t expect that Caitlin will ask Katie to help you both figuring out. You were thinking that Cait’ would asks Alessia during a private conversation or something like that. Not during a party in a nightclub, and not by Katie suddenly asking out loud
“We need to find you someone Less! The MVP of the game needs to have some fun tonight. Show me what kind of person you like, and I will go to talk to them.”
You almost chock on your drink, making Beth tap you a little harder than needed on your back. Alessia is looking at Katie with wide eyes when you can breathe again.
“Come on! What about him?” the Irish asks, pointing a random man on the crowd (you grimace). “Or him? Or maybe you’re on the good side and into girls too?”
Alessia went bright red and Caitlin smirks at you. You have your answer, but you don’t really like to see Alessia being so uncomfortable. You would have prefer the soft manner.
“Leave her alone, you evil” you say, putting a protective hand on Alessia knee.
Katie chuckles and stands up, taking Caitlin by the hand to drag her on the dance floor after having kissed in apology Alessia on the head. You knew that you wouldn’t see both of them until tomorrow morning.
“Are you okay?” you ask Alessia.
You feel guilty for her discomfort, she always has been nothing but sweet and caring with you. But she smiles at you and squeezes the hand you still have on her knee.
“I am. Don’t worry.”
It’s really hard not to fall in love even harder when she smiles at you like that. You gave her a weak smile back, forcing yourself not to let your eyes fall in her lips when she mixes your fingers together under the table. You are trying so hard that you missed the look Beth and Leah exchanged at the same moment.
“Come on, please! You can’t miss my birthday!”
Alexia’s pleading voice makes you smile. She’s whining like a little child and to be honest how much she wants you to be her makes you very happy.
“Alright La Reina, I’ll be there.”
The happy scream Alexia let out make you laugh.
“Too bad I wasn’t recording that, it would have made TikTok mad” you smirk.
“Callate. So, you are coming, would you like to sleep at mine?”
“No, I don’t want to disturb you. I’ll ask Jana, don’t worry. You will have already a lot to think about.”
“Nothing actually, Alba and Mama are organizing the party alone. I’m not even allowed to choose my cake.”
You are not surprised. You know how much Alba is willing to help her sister to lose control over things, organizing her birthday is a way to help Alexia cool down. And Eli is definitely the one person needed to control her younger daughter energy in the process.
“What do you want for gift?”
“Nothing, just you coming is enough.”
“Well I have to find enough gift paper to wrap myself in it.”
“Y/N, you’re coming Saturday, right?”
You raise your eyes on Kyra, standing in front of you. She’s the one organizing the party this weekend and you know how much she’s looking for it. But you won’t be able to make it.
“No Kyra, I’m sorry. I won’t be in London that weekend.”
“What? Where are you going?” she asks, frowning.
You saw behind her Alessia looking at you, just like Leah.
“It’s Alexia’s birthday. She asked me to come, and I said yes. I haven’t seen them for ages, and we don’t have any game or training for two days, so…”
You shrug while Kyra pouts and you give her a smile before pinching her cheek.
“Aw don’t be sad Kyky. I’m sure you will have fun and I’ll take you back some Sangria, okay?”
“Don’t call me Kyky” she whines, slapping your hand away. “And I want Sangria and Iberic ham.”
You smile when she turns your back to you to go to Steph and you finish to put your things in your bag. When you are finished, you sit again just to see that Alessia is looking at you.
“Are you ready?” you ask, and she nods.
Like almost every day, you drive her home with your car. The journey to the parking is silent and you can see from the corner of your eyes that there is a wrinkle between Alessia’s eyebrow.
“Are you okay?” you finally ask after the middle of the trip for her house.
Alessia is usually very talkative, and she hasn’t said a single word, looking by the window of your car, which you find it very worrying.
“Yeah” she just answers.
She gives you a soft smile and starts to look again by the window. You decide not to insist, so you put your eyes on the road in front of you. But not after thirty seconds, you feel Alessia’s hand looking for yours, linking your fingers like she took the habits since several weeks now.
Your heart fluttered every single time.
“Am I still invited to diner?” you ask when you parked your car in front of Alessia’s house.
“Of course you are!”
She’s frowning, seeming offended by your question. But it makes you smile and without thinking about your move, you kiss her hand before getting out of the car. You breath again when Alessia get out too, not mentioning or showing any discomfort about your gesture.
Alessia decided for a pasta night, she promised you to make you try one of her Nona’s receipts. You help her with the vegetables, cutting them for her.
“When are you leaving for Spain?” she asks while stirring the sauce.
“Saturday morning. I take the first flight to be able to enjoy the most of time possible. And I’m coming back on Sunday night, I’ll take the last flight.”
Alessia nods softly, concentrated on her sauce. Well, that’s what you think she’s doing. You don’t know that there is a hurricane in her head at that moment.
“Do you want me to take you to the airport?”
“I’d love to, but it’s really early, Lessi.”
It’s not what seems to retain her attention.
“I like when you call me Lessi. People usually go for Less.”
She looks at you with a smile and you can’t help but smile back. That girl really has the most sweet, cute and amazing smile in the world. How much you want to kiss her right now might not be healthy.
“I’ll drive you. I don’t care if it’s at 4 in the morning.”
She doesn’t seem to let you any opportunity to make her change her mind, so you just accept her proposition.
Alessia proposed you a glass of red wine to drink with the pasta and you accept, curious to see what kind of wine are the Italian one. You only know the Spanish and the French for now. You don’t drink a lot and Alessia neither, during the party with the team you sometimes drink a glass and that’s all.
So, after three glasses and the pasta, you maybe are a little tipsy when you find yourself in the couch with Alessia. She puts a movie on TV, but you are way more focused on the fact to keep your hands in the right places, even if you are cuddling with the blonde. Your skin is on fire where she strokes your arm with her fingertips.
When the effects she has on you are starting to remember you the not really PG18 dreams you sometimes have about her, you stand from the couch to go take a drink in her kitchen. You take advantage of being in the kitchen to splash cold water on your face to cool down like you can.
But when you join Alessia again on the couch, she rolls to be lying with her front totally on your stomach, one of her legs between yours.
“I’m going to miss you this weekend” she mumbles, eyes still on the screen.
“I will miss you too” you answer, playing with her hair.
“No sense. You will find back all of your friends from Barcelona. You won’t even have the time to think about me.”
“Now you’re the one talking no sense” you whisper.
You are not really sure that she heard you at first, because she doesn’t say anything or doesn’t move. But then she’s pushing on her hands to sit down and turn herself to face you.
Her baby blue eyes are scanning you, but you don’t look away. You are like hypnotized by her.
“Of course, Lessi.”
Your hands went naturally on her thighs and you feel your heart beating fast when she leans on you, her forehead finally softly pressed against yours.
“What are you doing?” you whisper.
You don’t know why you are scared. It’s Alessia. You know you can trust her. You never have been able to look at her so closely and you know that you will never see something more beautiful. Her eyes are looking for something in yours when she strokes softly your cheek with her hand.
“I’m going to kiss you”
Even if it’s more of a statement than a question, she waits for the small nod you give her to break the last centimeters separating your lips. The first kiss is just a small press of her lips on yours, but the fireworks in your brain are still here.
Your breath hitch, but then she’s kissing you a second time and you take advantage of having her sitting on your lap to pass a hand on her neck and deepens the kiss. After several time – you lost track of time since long – she whimpers, and you know you have to stop here if you don’t want to lose your mind.
“Lessi” you try to talk when your lips are separated for you to breathe again.
A small hum makes you understand that she heard you, even if she starts to kiss your jaw.
“Lessi, we need to – of fuck.”
She just bites your neck, and you will probably combust in a few seconds. No one kissed you for ages, even when you were still in relationship with Jenni. She was across the world after all. And the one touching you right now is Alessia, the girl you are dreaming off days and nights.
“Alessia, please” you try again, totally breathless. “We need to slow down.”
“But why?”
She’s frowning when she detached her lips from your neck to look at you. Her lips are swollen, her cheeks are pink and what you can see in her eyes make you shudder. You still have to shake you mentally though.
“Because, if we keep things that way, I will probably lose my mind at some point. And you drunk wine, so you are not totally in control. And you have no ideas about the affects you have on me”
“But I want it. I’m very aware of what we are doing” she whispers, stroking your lips with hers. “I waited for it for so long.”
“I don’t want it to be a one-time thing” you whisper back.
It’s maybe not the moment to show some vulnerability, but you have to be honest with her and with yourself. You know that it might take you away from what you are sharing right now, but you probably won’t survive a deception with her.
It seems to touch Alessia though, because she’s sitting a little more to have a better look at you. And then you can see a glimpse of tenderness between the lust and the want.
“Me neither.”
Your heart jump in your chest and after looking at her for a second more, just to be sure that you understood correctly, you take her again against you to kiss her.
“You’re glowing!”
You roll your eyes at Lucy’s sentence when she great you at Barcelona airport. You hug her bag anyway, before turning to face Ona.
“Don’t make that face, it’s true” the Spaniard smirks.
“Talk for yourself. I never seen you looking so good” you say before turning to Lucy with a smirk. “You, in another hand, you are aging.”
“Piss off” Lucy says, hitting you on the head.
You laugh and pass your hand around her shoulders, assuring her that you are joking. You are happy to be back to be honest, you miss Barcelona. The smell is so different from London, and you feel a wave of nostalgia take you when Lucy drives you in the streets.
You are supposed to sleep to Jana’s for the weekend, but she had a duty that she couldn’t skip, so the golden couple from Barcelona took on them to take you from the airport. You know that a lot of your ex-teammates would come for you if you had ask. You take advantage of the small journey to write to Alessia, letting her know that you have well arrived.
“Jana is maybe not home for now, but she gave us the key for her flat. Do you want to come to ours to wait though?” Ona asks, turning in your direction.
“Nah, don’t worry” you answer, looking up from your phone. “Like this I will be able to take a shower. I will see you both tonight though, right?”
“Of course.”
Jana makes a happy squeak when she sees you sitting on her couch, your clothes changed to support Barcelona’s heath. You laugh at her but hug her back anyway, really happy to see her in real again.
“I missed you so much! Look at you, how are you so white?” she smirks, pinching your cheek.
“Meh, and how are you still so small?”
You have texted with Alessia before Jana’s return, so you are able to talk to the girl non-stop for hours without any interruption. Jana made you diner that you eat with a Sangria, catching up the news that you missed from your phone calls. It’s only at the end of the meal that your friend asks you a question that you weren’t waiting anymore.
“So. Who is making you this happy?”
You are happy to have already finish your dish, because you probably would have chock on your food. You never talked about your feelings for Alessia to anyone, only to Caitlin. You don’t know that you are very obvious for your other teammates.
“What are you talking about?”
“You look very happy. I haven’t seen you so happy for months. So, who it is?”
You look at your friend, not knowing what to say. You haven’t talk with Alessia about the finality of your relationship, you haven’t labelled it either. You don’t know if she will be ok for you to talk about it. After what happened in her apartment that night, you talked with Alessia the morning after. You were relieved to learn that she didn’t change her mind and she still wanted more than a (wonderful) night together.
You haven’t sleep separately since that day, until you have to leave for Barcelona. Alessia took you to the airport like she said, kissing you goodbye.
“Come on, talk to me” Jana add, hitting your feet with hers. “Is it someone I know?”
“I don’t think so” you bite your lip. “Unless you already met Alessia Russo?”
“No way! I thought she was straight!”
You laugh, unable to resist to the surprise and the amazement on Jana’s face. You know that you won’t be able to skip the questions from your friend now and you really hope that Alessia won’t be mad at you about it. You make Jana promise that she won’t say anything to anyone.
You take advantage of Jana taking a shower to call the blonde back in London. You don’t know if she’s already at the team bonding, but after texting her to know if you can call her, she did it herself.
“Hello” says Alessia’s voice and you can’t help but smile.
“Hi Beautiful” you smile softly, happy to hear her. “Am I disturbing you?”
“You never disturbed me before; it won’t start now. I’m waiting for Leah to take me to Kyra’s, my favorite driver failed me.”
Alessia is teasing you, you can say it only with her voice.
“I’ll make it up to you” you promise, still smiling.
“You better. I miss you.”
“I miss you too. Do you have time to talk about something?”
“Of course?”
You try to be as concise as possible, putting the most important point of the conversation in the middle; you talked to Jana about you two. With Alessia not in front of you, you aren’t able to read her facial expressions and it’s worry you. What if it’s too soon? Would it be something that could make her back up?
Without realizing it, you start to talk maybe a little too fast, you are way to anxious for your own good.
“You talked about us to Jana?” Alessia summarizes after your rumbling.
“Yeah” you breath.
“That’s all?”
“Why am I feeling that you are waiting for me to be mad at you? Jana is one of your best friend, right?”
“I don’t know, it’s still the early hours of whatever is existing between us, and I don’t want to pressure you or something.”
You can hear that Alessia is confused, but you are yourself confuse about her confusion.
“But I thought that we were on the same page, that we are serious with each other?”
“I am, Lessi. I am very serious about us. So, you aren’t mad?”
“Of course not, you have the right to talk about us to your friends. Don’t torture yourself like this Sweetheart. Look Leah is here since several minutes already, I really have to go. Keep me update about your night?”
“I will. I’m waiting for your messages too” you smile softly, your heart jumping at the cute surname. “I can’t wait to see you again.”
“Me too”
You can hear Alessia’s smile in her voice when she sends you a kiss, wishing you a good night. You feel better now that you heard Alessia’s voice and now that you are sure about what you’ve done.
It’s with a light heart that you enter the bar privatized for the party by the Putellas, to see that a lot of people are already here.
“Here she is!” Cata shouts when she jumps on your back before kissing your cheek with a useless noise.
Then Salma pinches your cheek, Marta ruffles your hair, Mapi jumps excitably next to you and Patri slaps you behind your head. You missed them. You managed to get out of the grip of your former teammates to go see Alexia, who hug you tightly. You smile at Olga behind Alexia’s shoulder, before she releases you to take your face in her hands and looks at you with seriousness.
“You need a tan.”
“Oh, come one” you groan “I live in London, what were you all expected? It’s a miracle that you can’t actually see through my skin.”
Some of your friends around you laugh and Alexia gives you one of her big smiles in return.
“Well, you need to come here this summer in that case.”
“It works for me” you smirk.
Alexia seems happy with your answer and drag you to the bar for you to chose something to drink. You take the opportunity to catch up with a lot of your friends, talking in front of them is definitely better than messaging.
The night went great, you have a lot of fun with all of them. Mapi even managed to drag you on the dance floor at some point for several songs, before you go to get another drink. You find here Ingrid and Frido and start to talk with them, before being find by Jana.
You had a lot of notifications on your phone, your friends posting different stories on Instagram, marking you in the one you are. But you just check Alessia’s messages to be honest.
You were laughing about a story Jana was telling when you spot her. Jennifer Hermoso is here, and you feel all the blood in your face being drained. You never thought that she will be present, no one informed you. You would probably never come if you knew.
When you turn to Jana, she’s looking at you with wide eyes.
“I didn’t know she would come Y/N, I swear!”
You just have to look at her to know that she’s saying the truth. But Jenni is still here, and you haven’t seen her since your breakup. The breakup who came three months after you saw her for the last time.
“Do you want to leave?”
Jana offers you a way out and you are really tempted to use it. But in another hand, you were having fun, it’s Alexia birthday and you have the right to be here. You wonder if Jenni knows that you are here.
“No, I…”
You start to talk, before remembering that pictures are posted on social media, and you are scared that Alessia sees a picture of Jenni before you inform her that she’s here. But wouldn’t be more suspect if you write her just several seconds after having spotted her?
“Should I tell Lessi?” you whisper to Jana.
She looks at you thoughtfully, but there is soon a blond tornado grabbing you by your arms. Alexia seems terrified when she looks at you.
“Y/N, Jenni is here, I’m sorry. She wanted to surprise me, Alba just mentioned to her the date of the party and she wanted to make a surprise.”
“It’s ok Ale” you assure her, managing to smile at her. “I promised I won’t make a scene.”
“That’s not what scare me, idiota.”
“I’ll ignore and avoid her. The bar is big enough.”
“She’s here with her girlfriend.”
“Still” you say after a beam of silence. “It’s ok Ale, keep enjoying your night ok?”
Her hazel eyes look at you for a small time before she nods slowly. You always find her way to look at people strange but fascinating. Like she can scan your mind and your soul.
“You’ll need to talk to me about your new girlfriend, though. But maybe not now.”
“Maybe not now” you say back, unable to hide your smile.
Alexia leaves after that and you finish your drink to keep your hands busy. The three other girls started to talk again about a random thing that you aren’t able to really follow at first. They don’t seem to realize it, or they just let you the time to adapt to the new situation.
Soon after, you have a great distraction because Alexia’s cake is coming and you can only laugh when you see that it’s decorated with childish Barcelona goodies.
Jenni is tall and it’s hard to miss her in a crowd. You easily spot the girl who is with her and it seems to you that she’s not the one she cheated on you with. But maybe you shouldn’t look at them. Lucy and Ona offer you a good entertainment when they come to you, Lucy grumpily complaining about a waitress trying to hit on Ona. The Spaniard rolls her eyes during Lucy’s explanations, but still sticks against Lucy who passed a possessive arm around her waist.
It makes you miss Alessia.
You were touchy before your first kiss; you always find comfort with her touch.
So, you excuse yourself to go outside to try to call Alessia. You hope that she won’t think that you are too invasive and that thought made you hesitate several seconds when you are outside, your phone’s screen on her ID.
“I was wondering if I will see you in person today.”
You recognize the voice way before raising your eyes on her. Jenni is against the wall of the club, two meters away from you, a cigarette in her hand.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be here” you answer.
She looks at you several seconds before shrugging and putting her cigarette on the trash next to her. You take advantage of that gesture to have a real look at her. She hasn’t changed, but you realize with a big relief that you don’t feel any attraction to her.
“I wanted to surprise Alexia. I didn’t know I will surprise you either. I hope it’s ok that I am here.”
“It’s not my birthday, I don’t have anything to say” you answer honestly.
“If you haven’t blocked me everywhere, I would have told you”
You are surprised by that statement and raise both of your eyebrow while looking at her.
“Do I really need to remember you why I blocked you?”
You have been using a neutral voice until now, but you suddenly find her way to cocky and at ease with her behavior. She seems surprised at her turn by the tone of your voice.
“No” she only answer.
You wanted to call Alessia but if that’s mean that you have to be near Jenni, you rather go inside. But when you turn to go inside, you hear her coming closer to you.
“Wait, can we at least talk?”
You sigh softly before turning in her direction again. It’s weird to be faced with her, to be honest. And you don’t really like it. But maybe you have to pass that moment to get over what happened and the different questions you have about it.
“What do you want to talk about?” you ask, crossing your arms on your chest.
“What happened. I never said that I’m sorry that it finished like that. And I’m sorry that you needed to leave Barcelona after.”
You didn’t expect any excuse, to be honest. You always loved Jenni’s cocky side, her humor and her strength of character. You always have been admirative about the way she stands with her convictions.
“It seems like we weren’t meant to be” you finally answer, shrugging slightly. “But the betrayal was the worst thing ever. That’s what destroyed me, Jenni. I trusted you and you just put two years in the trash like it never meant anything to you. That was hard.”
It’s not usual to see Jenni without knowing what to answer, but for now she’s just standing in front of you with all of her charism, but oh so different from Alessia. They are both tall but except than that, they are in nothing similar. Alessia is the sweetness personified where Jenni is cocky. Alessia has the bluest eyes you have ever seen where Jenni’s are deep brown. Alessia has blond hair, Jenni has brown.
“I’m sorry” Jenni says again.
“Forget it. Where’s your girlfriend? She’s not the one you were dating while we were supposed to still be together, is she?”
Jenni seems uneasy suddenly, dancing on her heels.
“No. I stopped things with her, she kept remembering me how bad I was with you. When we broke up, no one wanted to talk about you to me. I knew like this how much you were hurt and then I learned that you left Barcelona for London.”
You are surprised by that, to be honest. You always thought that Jenni was living her best life with her new girlfriend, completely ignoring the pain she did to you. You were wrong, but you are grateful for you friends and the way they protected you. You stay silence and Jenni takes the opportunity to come closer to you, raising her hand probably in attempt to touch your face.
“Don’t” you say, stepping back a few steps.
“I wanted to see if you thought that we will be able to start to talk again, but I think I can guess the answer already.”
“You knew I would be here” you frown.
Jenni bites her lip and shrugs. She doesn’t have to answer anything, you already know the answer. In fact, you weren’t asking a question, it was more a statement from you.
“You met someone, right?”
“It’s none of your business, Jenni. I’m sorry.”
Not after everything she made you live. Alessia is your treasure, and you don’t want Jenni to smear it. You turn your heels to go back inside. You haven’t call Alessia and you hope that no one saw the encounter you just had with Jenni, at least before you call the blonde.
But when you saw a photograph going inside just before you, you start to panic. Hands shaking, you grab your phone and manage to find a quiet place somewhere to call Alessia.
When she doesn’t answer, you start to really panic. If you look at the picture from another point of view, you are probably over-reacting. People would thought that you are too attached to Alessia and that you are kind of toxic. But they can’t understand how much Alessia means to you.
You raise your head to look at Jana, who is looking back at you with worry.
“She doesn’t answer” you mumble.
“Have you talked to Jenni? I saw her coming inside just after you.”
“Yeah. She said that she was sorry or whatever… Will you be mad if I go home now?”
“I’m coming with you.”
Jana seems decided about her decision, but there is no way that you let her make her night awful because of you.
“Don’t be stupid. It’s Alexia’s birthday, you can’t go home now.”
“You, don’t be stupid. Come on.”
She takes your hand and drags you in the crowd, you want to at least say goodbye to Alexia. You find her easily, talking with some of her friends. You don’t have to explain anything to her, she hugs you as tightly as earlier and you hug her back.
“Take care of you, yeah? And warn your girlfriend that she will have to deal with me if she does shit with you.”
“I’ll tell her” you smile softly.
If she answers your calls at one point.
But you don’t say anything to Alexia for now, it’s her birthday. You want her to have a perfect night and to remember this with happiness. You had a great time yourself, until Jenni made her appearance.
During your trip to Jana’s flat, you tried to call Alessia twice, but she still doesn’t answer. You don’t really understand why, because you looked at the stories and posts you were tag in and there is nothing with Jenni and you. There definitively are pictures of Jenni though and you saw several fans becoming crazy, wondering if it means that you are back together.
You thought about calling Leah or Caitlin, but you don’t want to put other people in this mess.
You are the mess anyway, when you arrive in Jana’s, you just lie on the bed in her guestroom, looking at your phone, waiting for it to have Alessia ID appearing on the screen. You don’t understand why she doesn’t answer, even if you are watching a movie during team bonding, she has a phone in her hand.
You have a little bit of hope every time you see your phone light up, but It’s never Alessia. Jana felt asleep since a long time already when you feel your eyes being heavy. But you are scared and you are not able to fall asleep.
You lost hope to hear Alessia’s voice when the screen shine one more time. But this time it’s Alessia’s picture and you jump on your phone to answer.
“Hello?” you say, your heart beating somewhere close to your lips.
“Hi Baby” Alessia whispers. “I’m sorry, I fall asleep while looking at the movie.”
Finally, you probably were overreacting. But you are relieved and that’s the most important thing for you now. Jana groans next to you before rolling on the bed to hide her face under the pillow, making you roll your eyes. To prevent any fight, you get up to get out of the room.
“Yeah. I’ll never trusted Kyra’s choice ever again.”
“Are you having a good night though?”
“I am. But everyone is asleep or going home now. I usually don’t fall asleep because I’m fighting against it to enjoy the fact that I’m with you, but I have no reason to do it today.”
She’s talking a lot, like always, but you are so glad about that. Her voice helps you to settle your nerves a little, but she easily catches that something is wrong.
“Where are you? It’s quiet around you, I thought that Spanish people were party animal?”
“Oh, they are” you answer, thinking about Jana dead asleep in the room.
“Is everything ok?”
You don’t know what to answer at that, so the next seconds are silent, and it can be stressing for Alessia maybe.
“She is here. In Barcelona. She came to Alexia’s party.”
You don’t have to name her, Alessia probably understands who you are talking about just like this. You hear her take a breath and you bite your lip hard.
“I- We talked but there was nothing more than talking, Lessi I swear. And I didn’t want to talk to her at first, but I went outside to call you and she was there all alone. I even didn’t saw her at first, but then she started to talk to me and –“
You can hear in Alessia’s voice that it’s not the first time that she tried to get your attention by calling your name. But you suddenly shut up, breathing quickly.
“Can you take a deep breath and please sit on something?”
You don’t ask how she knows that you are walking around Jana’s living room, but you listen to her and sit on the couch.
“I didn’t know she would be here” you mumble shyly.
“I guessed, I know that you would have told me if you knew. Why are you so tensed? What happened?”
What happened? Well almost nothing, now that you have her on the phone speaking to you. How can you tell her that you were stressing for nothing? You don’t want to look crazier than you are to Alessia. Sighting softly, you press your index and your thumb in your eyes.
Alessia’s voice is worried now and that the last thing you want her to be. Worried because of you.
“Nothing. It’s just… I got scared that you’ll see pictures of me and her before I talked to you about it.”
“About what?”
“Her being here” you shrug. “Like I told you, I found myself facing her without wanting it. And you know how social media work.”
There is a beam of silence, and you look at your screen to be sure that Alessia is still here.
“What have you talked about?”
“We talked about the breakup; she told me that my friends make a great work for her not being able to talk to me again after it. She said that she’s sorry for hurting me and that she’s not anymore with the girl she cheated on me with” you answer, searching in your mind if you forgot something.
Alessia snorts.
“Why in the world would she break a relationship with you with another woman to stop dating her right after?”
“She said that she remembered her how bad she treated me” you shrug. “And she said she wanted to us to start again.”
“Is it something you want?”
You regret not to have turn this call in a FaceTime earlier, Alessia’s tone is very plate, and it would have been easier to understand her feelings if you were able to have a look at her. You don’t hesitate before answering at that question though.
“No. I’m definitely over her, even if I think I still have repercussions from her behavior. But I’m not interested”
You hear a sigh of relief, and you smile softly. Your feelings for Alessia scare you, but you know that you won’t find a more comprehensive and sweeter person in the world. You don’t know if she’s the one (you hope she is) but right now you don’t think that you could ever find someone better than Alessia Is for you.
“Can we switch on video call?” you ask shyly.
Alessia accepted easily and you are happy to see her pretty face again. She’s lying in a bed, on her stomach and everything is dark around her. She show you the room that you recognized like one of Kyra’s spare room.
“Thank you for telling me everything. It might have been hard to face her.”
“It was. But it answered some of the questions I had”
“Which ones?”
You see Alessia tilts her head and can’t help but smile at the cuteness of the girl.
“She doesn’t really explain why she cheated, but I think I understood that it wasn’t really my fault. And I learned that she actually felt bad about it, it’s probably selfish but I was happy to hear that.”
“Cheating is selfish. Wanting to feel better after being cheated on isn’t.”
Alessia’s looking at you with frown eyebrows. You know that she’s mad to Jenni about the cheating, other than that she never really met your ex-girlfriend. You’re not sure that they would get along very well anyway.
“And when she asks me if we could start to talk again and try to touch my face I – “
“I beg you pardon?”
Oh, right. You didn’t mention the almost touching part, but you only forgot. Judging by Alessia’s reaction, it seems pretty important for her. Her face is perfectly neutral, but you can see fire in her eyes.
“She tried to touch you?”
“Well, my face or my hair I don’t know. I didn’t let her though.”
Alessia just snorts in answer. She seems to be disturbed by the gesture more than all the conversation, even if Jenni said that she wanted for you to talk again. You stay silent after that, not really knowing what to add or to say.
“Are you ok? I’m sorry if it’s too much” you finally say after several time.
“Yeah. I just don’t like the idea of someone wanting to touch my- what’s-… Well, you know. You.”
You hum for only answer, looking at the blonde’s soft face. There is a light pink covering her cheeks, but you decide not to tease her about it.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course” Alessia answer, trying to hide a yawn.
“Do you think that what we have is like, too much?”
“Too much what?” the blonde asks, tilting her head on the side again.
“I don’t know. Too intense, too fast?”
“No” she smiles. “I’ve waited for weeks before kissing you.”
“Yes but… We kissed for the first time only five days ago and now everything we just talked about is happening?”
“Stop me if I’m wrong but you haven’t only kissed, actually.”
“Alessia.” you answer, blushing at your turn now.
“I think I prefer when you call me Lessi” she smirks before giggling when she sees you rolling your eyes. “No to answer seriously, I don’t think it’s too much. We have our proper history and way to do things, but like every couple in the world.”
You nod softly, putting your feet on the table in front of you. You hate the way that you are not able to be sure about her statement entirely. But you don’t want to say it and take the risk to hurt her, she already has been way too understanding with you since the beginning.
“Hey” she says softly to attract your attention again. “I’m very happy with how we are doing things. And if something will bother me at some point, I’ll talk to you about it, ok?”
“Ok” you mumble back with a soft smile. “I’m sorry to be like this.”
“You don’t have to. Someone broke your trust at some point, it’s normal for you to need reassurances. I knew about it when I started to pass time with you, when we kiss and everything. I knew it was a part of you and if you let me, I will make everything for you to trust me with everything you have. And I will take care of you like you deserve it.”
The amount of love you have for this woman. You don’t know how you could translate it, to be honest. If she was next to you it would have been easier, you only would have kiss her with all the feelings you have for her.
“You’re going to make my heart explode” you can only say, really emotional about her declaration.
“Mmh we don’t want that, do we?”
You passed the next morning with Jana, Ona, Lucy and Bruna, eating a brunch on the beach. You even went into the water, even if it’s only February. It made Lucy laughs, only until Narla follows you and didn’t want to get out of the water after. Lucy had to go herself to take her out and you were the one laughing.
(Ona threatened you to send her to London if she gets sick because of it, not wanting to deal with an ill Lucy. Which you know are deep lies.)
In the afternoon, you said goodbye to Jana and the others to have quality time with Alexia. You explain to her what happened with Alessia those last days and then what happened with Jenni yesterday. She doesn’t seem surprised but she sights nevertheless. Ale explains to you that Jenni asked her several times to talk to you for her, which Alexia refused every time.
She doesn’t say that Jenni used that birthday like an excuse to be able to talk to you, but you understand it. It doesn’t make sense for you that she might have that idea and still came with her girlfriend. Alexia didn’t had any explanation, so you rather talk about something else. You teased Alexia a little about her relationship with Olga, but she gets her revenge while asking you thousands of questions about you and Alessia.
Ale’ drove you to the airport and you exchanged a hug, promising each other that you won’t let pass so much time until you saw each other again. Seems like it would be in Barcelona, because you weren’t able to convince La Reina to come in England.
You left Barcelona with your heart full of love and your suitcases full of Sangria and ham for Kyra. You slept during the trip, and you are a little lost when you arrived at London. You managed to convince Alessia to go to sleep and only come to see you tomorrow morning with the breakfast, you have training around ten, and you don’t want her to be tired because of you. So, you don’t expect anyone waiting for you.
You are in auto mode while walking to grab a taxi and go home as soon as possible. You can’t wait to take a shower and fall back asleep again. You jump out of your skin when you feel a hand grabbing your arm, even if it was very softly.
You turn yourself to be facing a smirking Alessia and your mind get blank for several seconds.
“Hi” she says before kissing your cheek and hugging you.
You pass your arms around her, still a little in chock. You hadn’t expected her here, you thought that she will be at home, peacefully asleep.
“Weren’t you supposed to be in your bed right now?” you whisper during the hug.
“I just couldn’t wait to see you.”
You smile and hug her even harder. It feels like you haven’t seen her for two weeks, but it was only two days. It shows how much time you are passing together. You breath her sent with pleasure and miss her arms around you as soon as she lets you go.
“Come on, let’s go to my car so I can kiss you properly” she suddenly says, dragging you by your arm.
You laugh when you follow her, but the kisses you received after were worth it. You thought that the period where you were kissing in a car were definitively behind you, but it seems like Alessia has other ideas.
After one hour in her car, you are finally home. You abandoned Alessia the time to go to take a shower but find her in her pajama when you are crawling in your bed. You snuggle up against her, happy to have her with you even if she didn’t listen to you.
“I think that Leah and Caitlin are suspecting something about us” Alessia whispers after some minutes.
“Mh. I might have talked to Caitlin about my feelings for you before something happened” you mumble, blushing slightly.
“Oh. Made sense”
“I don’t know about Leah though” you yawn, burying your face in her neck.
“She’s just very observant I think.”
You hum, letting your body relax against Alessia’s. Your eyes are heavy, but you can see that Alessia seems pretty awake, and you want to have more minutes with her.
“I have a confession to make” Alessia says.
You take your face away of her neck to be able to have a better look at her. She doesn’t have a guilty look on her face but seems more uneasy. You feel your heartbeat getting faster, scared to learn a bad new.
“Okay?” you just answer.
“When I learned that you were going back to Barcelona. I got scared”
You are frowning now, not understanding where she wants to go. You put your head on your hand to look at her, putting your other hand on her stomach. Alessia is laying on her back, but her face is turned in your direction.
“I was scared that you decide to stay in Barcelona. I know you miss your friends from here and the city. That’s what was in my mind when we came back from the training ground and a big party of the night. There were all the signals you were showing me but in another hand I know that you were hurt about your past and I didn’t want to press you about anything. Maybe I don’t know how much you are hurt, but I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. But then I kept thinking that maybe you wouldn’t come back, and I decided to take my chance.”
“I’m so glad you did” you smile, stroking softly her face. “I would have come back though.”
“Uh uh” you whisper before leaning on her and kissing her tenderly. “I miss Barcelona and the girls, but I missed you very much too.”
You feel her smile under your lips, and she passes her arms around you to hug you. You already explained to her your discussions with your friends back in Barcelona in her car, so you are just able to enjoy her presence against you.
It didn’t last long though; you are falling asleep only two minutes after, protected by your lover’s arms. You smile in your sleep when she kisses your head softly. You feel safe, cared and loved, even if these words have not yet been said. It won’t take long though.
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“I just lost Lucy the World Cup”
The 2023 Women’s World Cup Final: England vs. Spain
85:12 on the clock.
England were running out of time.
Spain had taken an early lead in the first half, and despite England’s relentless pressure, the score remained 1-0. The Lionesses had thrown everything at them, attacks down the flanks, long-range efforts, set pieces, but Spain’s defense refused to break.
And now, with less than five minutes of normal time left, the world was watching as England desperately searched for an equalizer.
Tahlia Bliss could barely hear herself think over the roar of the crowd.
Her lungs burned, her legs felt like lead, but she couldn’t stop now. Not when they were this close. Not when Lucy Bronze—one of the greatest players England had ever seen—was still out there, still fighting, still chasing the trophy she had dreamed about her entire career.
And then, in a flash, the moment came.
Lauren Hemp had the ball on the right flank, driving forward with pure determination. She cut inside, slipping a pass into the box. Alessia Russo let it run, a brilliant dummy that fooled the Spanish defence.
And suddenly, Tahlia was there.
Inside the box.
Completely unmarked.
Her body reacted before her mind could catch up. She took a touch, set herself, and then struck the ball with everything she had.
Time slowed.
The Spanish goalkeeper dived the wrong way.
The ball sailed past her fingertips only to crash against the top right corner of the goalpost.
Tahlia watched, horrified, as the ball bounced away from the net instead of in.
Gasps filled the stadium.
The commentators were stunned.
Tahlia held her knees in disbelief and her head stayed down.
“That was the moment.” The commentator’s voice was almost breathless. “That was the equalizer—if it had been a fraction lower, England would be level. But instead, the post denies them. Unbelievable.”
She barely registered the Spanish defense scrambling to clear the ball.
Barely noticed the way Lucy Bronze had turned around, hands on her head in disbelief.
Barely heard the cries of frustration from her teammates.
Because all she could focus on was the reality settling in her chest like a boulder—
She had just missed England’s best chance to save the World Cup.
England didn’t stop fighting.
They kept pushing, desperate to break through, desperate to find one last opportunity.
87 minutes.
88 minutes.
Spain packed their defense, forcing England to take rushed shots from distance. None of them came close.
90 minutes.
The fourth official lifted the board: 6 minutes of stoppage time.
There was still a chance.
Tahlia forced herself to push past the exhaustion, tried to block out the noise, the pressure, the missed shot still replaying in her mind like a cruel joke.
91 minutes.
Lauren James won a corner. The entire stadium held its breath as the ball swung into the box, only for Spain’s keeper to punch it away.
93 minutes.
A counterattack from Spain. England’s defense barely managed to scramble it clear.
95 minutes.
One last attack.
Tahlia sprinted into the box, waiting for the cross,
But it never came.
The ball was intercepted.
And then—
The final whistle blew.
Spain were World Champions.
Tahlia froze.
Around her, the Spanish players collapsed in joy. Some fell to the ground, others sprinted to their teammates in celebration. The roar of their fans was deafening.
And England?
Lucy Bronze dropped to her knees. Rachel Daly covered her face with her hands. Keira Walsh stood motionless, staring blankly at the field.
Tahlia’s vision blurred.
Her breath hitched—
And suddenly, the weight of everything crashed down on her.
Tahlia broke.
Tears spilled down her face before she could stop them. She tried to breathe, tried to hold it together, but she couldn’t.
She had let Lucy down.
She had let England down.
She barely noticed the Spanish players coming over, offering their condolences. A few of them gave her reassuring pats on the back, whispering words of comfort in Spanish, but she barely heard them.
Her body shook with sobs.
And then—
Lotte Wubben-Moy was there.
She didn’t say anything at first. Just knelt down next to Tahlia, pulling her into a hug.
Tahlia tried to speak, tried to say something, but the words wouldn’t come out properly.
Lotte just held her, letting her cry into her shoulder.
And then, one of the cameras nearby accidentally picked up her voice.
Through her tears, through the overwhelming grief, Tahlia choked out,
“I just lost Lucy the World Cup.”
The world stopped.
The commentators fell silent.
The words echoed across the broadcast, and suddenly, it wasn’t just Tahlia’s heartbreak, it was everyone’s heartbreak.
Fans around the world felt it.
Lucy Bronze, who was still on her knees nearby, heard it too.
And without hesitation, she was by Tahlia’s side.
Lucy didn’t care about her own devastation. She didn’t care about the cameras, or the fact that Spain were celebrating just meters away.
All she cared about was the young player in front of her, the one who had given everything for this tournament, the one who was now blaming herself for something that wasn’t her fault.
She crouched down, resting a hand on Tahlia’s back.
“No.” Her voice was firm, but gentle. “You didn’t lose me the World Cup. We win together, we lose together. Don’t you ever put that on yourself.”
Tahlia just sobbed harder.
And Lucy pulled her into a hug.
The world saw it all.
The way Tahlia completely shattered.
The way Lotte refused to leave her side and staying in close with other players.
The way England, despite their heartbreak, still held onto each other.
And as the Spanish players lifted the trophy, as England gathered for their silver medals, there was one image that stood out more than anything else.
Not the celebrations.
Not the trophy lift.
But Tahlia Bliss, still crying in Lotte’s arms, with Lucy Bronze bent down on her knees.
Because everyone knew how much Lucy had wanted this.
And everyone knew, Tahlia had wanted to win it for her even more.
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Based on this request
Warnings: Smut
Your classic enemies to lovers
Chelseas number 1 goalkeeper breaks the highest transfer fee to join Barcelona where she becomes teammates with Aitana Bonmati who had nothing nice to say in there last champions league meeting
You were stood in the tunnel at Stamford Bridge the who’s who of women’s football around you, to your left Barcelona Captain Alexia Putellas, fully focused on the task in hand to name one of many. Champions League nights were special. You heard every player say the same that was lucky enough to get to play Champions League football. It was the one trophy that left an empty space in your trophy cabinet. It was a hole you looked at every time you were home every year when it slipped through your finger tips the desire to win it grew more and more.
“Y/N” You looked over your shoulder at your goalkeeper coach calling your name, he held up a towel and you shook your head you already had one in hand. Your eyes wandered along the Barcelona line up trying to remember all the studying you’d been doing for yet another meeting with the European Giants, both teams dominate in there respective leagues, they’d won the champions league however. Something Chelsea had yet to achieve.
Your eyes found a pair staring right at you, multi decorated Midfielder Aitana Bonmati, your face stayed stoic as she attempted to stare you out, “I score past you tonight” she mouthed, you got a shit eating grin at the comment before turning your head back where Millie Bright seeing the interaction gave you a stiff nod
“We’ll see” you muttered to yourself, your pride wouldn’t allow her to score past you now after the arrogance was projected towards you, you were billed as the worlds best goalkeeper your ego couldn’t allow it, two greats in there position in the sport, you had to come out on top.
You took a deep breath as the music kicked in and put one foot in front of the other out into a packed out stamford bridge, it would be a nightmare to find your family after the final whistle. But you remained focused on the task ahead, the handshakes went by with no drama, Aitana keeping her comments to herself but making sure to hold eye contact as she passed. You had watched a lot of tapes but it had you thinking you should study whether she did this with every goal keeper before the game to try and sit rent free in there heads.
“They will press high, we know that, they will have a lot of possession, we know that. If we are strong in defence and midfield and we ride the wave, our times will come” Millie started, “We need to be clean and clinical and make most of the chances we get, we can do this team! Blues on three”
“Blues” you called and headed down to your goal for the first half in front of the Barcelona fans who travelled in droves, who were loud passionate and up for a night of football under the lights.
Barcelona came out the blocks quickly it was wave after wave of attacks and shots, you and your defence managed well, they had shots on target but so far none had crossed the line. The Chelsea crowd were fired up after some world class saves from you which was keeping Chelsea in this first leg, you read the game like no other goal keeper from your position. You were in constant communication with your defence making sure they were all on the same page and it paid off you got to half time nil - nil.
You were walking across the pitch as the subs flooded off the benches balls at there feet, you were juggling your towel and water bottle too busy in your head to notice a certain Spanish midfielder had slowed her pace in front of you to let you catch up. “You good” You rose her eyes, “Shame you play for losers”
You found the amusing side, just nodding, “Ok”
“It a fluke” She carried on, “You can’t keep that up in the second half. You loose like you always do, we’re better than you”
You went walking by staring at her as she got to the tunnel Millie Bright waiting, she knew you had a fiery side when pushed and it seemed Aitana was on a mission to push you, “You’ll actually have to have a shot on target next half then” Aitana the only player who got shots off to not get them on target that half, you stared the shorter player down as Millie smacked your back as you went walking by, and into the home dressing room to your manager really pleased with your performance.
You took your seat and tried to not let Aitana in your head, were they better than you? They had beat you every time you’d come up against each other. But you weren’t the same keeper they met in the final a few years back or even last year. You’d got your nutrition right, you’d leaned up gotten stronger your confidence growing and making your abilities grow. You were spoken about as the current best goalkeeper in the world so why was she affecting your mood and confidence.
It was bothering you but you could do nothing to stop her having the effect from two small interactions, there were little ear worms whispering all your insecurities to you during the 15 minute break. As you came back out for an important 45 minutes jogging towards the goal behind the home fans cheering you, you smiled clapping them.
She turned and there was Millie Bright pointing to her head to tell you to get out of it, she knew you too well.
45 seconds later however you had your back to the box hands on hips staring at the Chelsea crowd booing the penalty decision, you shook your head to yourself, as you spun there was Aitana yet again. “All that hard work for your defence to ruin it in 45 seconds” You just held eye contact as you walked by, “Shame”
You motioned with your hand for Aitana to keep talking, “Get the fuck out my box” The referee removed the players from the box as Alexia was placing the ball the referee felt the need to remind you your feet had to be on the line. You bounced around on the line stretching your arms up as you racked your brain from all your studying which way she was more likely to go.
The noise was deafening when you went the right way and swallowed the ball up saving the penalty, “Will you stop antagonising her, it’s making her better” Alexia said to Aitana who looked over her shoulder as she jogged away
“Fuck off” you yelled to no one in particular fully fired up for the next 45 minutes, you were set for a ground breaking clean sheet and draw against Barcelona when yet again a penalty was awarded, you were fizzing it was stupid; reckless, and when a different face stepped up to take the penalty and it went soaring past you even though you went the right way. You were done.
You lay on the grass where you fell stared up at the sky the face you saw was Millie’s offering her hands to get you up.
You knew soon as the restart was taken the whistle would blow so you started gathering your things and sure enough as you started walking out your box there was the whistle.
You slapped the hands of the Barcelona girls Keira Walsh and Lucy Bronze stopped you to talk to you. You managed a smile but it soon faded as Aitana was making her way over she greeted both her teammates before turning her attention to you.
“Don’t start” you almost pleaded you weren’t in the humour for what she had to say, Keira and Lucy’s faces were a picture having missed the comments previously made.
Aitana smirked, “Told you we’d win”
“No you said you’d score past me which you never” you were looking down slightly at the shorter women in close proximity.
“You’re defence screwed you”
“I’m aware”
“You need to make big chances before you come for the second leg in Barca”
“I don’t need to do anything” you looked to your England teammates bid them a goodbye but as you started to leave, she of course just had to follow you.
“You need to sort your back line out” you ignored her comment but she said it again, “You need to sort your back line out”
You turned and faced the Ballon d’or winner, “I don’t need to sort anything, she made one mistake and we paid for it, we’re human it happens.” You pulled the locker room door open, “Just go away go celebrate you won yay!”
You sighed turning back to her, “What?”
“You should come play for Barca”
You screwed your face, “Oh fuck off” your eyes met her captains tapping her side in a silent plea to come away.
“I’m being serious, come play for the winners”
“Broke Barca can’t afford me” you said before going in side the door letting it close behind you, “What the fuck was that?” You yelled into the locker room, you weren’t happy at Chelsea that much was obvious. Despite being top of your league and seemingly unbeatable you felt disjointed from your team. You weren’t appreciated here that much was obvious.
There was an uneasy air in the locker room constantly everyone had there ego everyone thought they were the sole reason for success. Fingers were quick to be pointed.
“You should of saved that penalty”
You stared at your teammate, “I did! Then you fucking gave away another for no reason! They had 45 shots on target the only one to go in was because of your mistake, this ain’t on me!”
This was the game when you got home, you expressed to your agent you needed to get out. You instructed him in the upcoming transfer window to put feelers out. You couldn’t play in this environment anymore. You needed out.
As you were preparing a bag to catch a plane to Barcelona for a medical Aitana was hearing the rumbling rumours around training and it put her in a mood.
“What?” Aitana asked hearing what she thought she heard and needed clarification
“Y/N” Alexia spoke, “She’s coming here for a medical”
Aitana shook her head, “No” Alexia laughed as her friend started walking away
“What do you mean no?”
“She should stay in London we don’t need her here”
Alexia laughed at her comment, “What are you talking about of course we do!” Alexia jogged after her, “Why do you have a problem with her?”
“Don’t like her”
“Why?” Alexia smiled at Aitana, “It makes no sense”
“Just don’t, she’s cocky”
“I think she can be with how good she is” Alexia put her arm around Aitana’s neck, “If she does come here, play nice, if you get past the wall, she’s lovely”
“What do you mean if?”
“Keira and I spoke to her this morning, we’re not the only club that has put an offer in”
“In Spain?”
“No, the world, Cata is out Aitana she’s the best replacement, we need her the other two don’t have the experience we need for the big competitions”
“Why did you speak to her?”
“Barca want her, they wanted me to try to persuade her”
“Did they offer enough money?”
“I don’t know Aita, that’s not something i would be involved in”
You shocked the world when Barcelona announced your signing with them on the closing day of the transfer window that had up until that point had been relatively quiet and uneventful. There had been no rumours, no idea, you hadn’t even been reported on wanting to leave you were never apart of the transfer window conversations. It had been kept so under wraps even some of your new and former teammates had no idea.
The rumours quickly circulated. You were the highest paid goal keeper in the world. Highest reported transfer fee not only for a goalkeeper but for a female player which was groundbreaking for the position.
You were obviously a bit nervous on your first day but the staff were lovely and the players you’d met were just as nice and welcoming. You were hugging old friend Ellie Roebuck when a voice behind you spoke, “We had enough money for you then i see”
You took a breath as you turned and there was the slighter frame of Aitana, you couldn’t help the amused little smirk as her hand extended to you. “Seems so” you gripped her hand shook it neither of you wanting to break eye contact it seemed, it was a power move.
“Thank you”
Aitana loosened her hand from yours as Ellie stood as a passenger to the rollercoaster of nice to angst once again, feeling like she was intruding. “Let’s hope we get our moneys worth out of you then”
You laughed gently, “There she is, always a comment”
Aitana was walking away and made yet another comment, “Someones got to keep that big head of yours under control”
“Aita” you heard a voice come from the locker room she was entering say in a warning tone almost like they were defending you not that you knew the voice.
You and Aitana made your team laugh over your first couple of weeks together at the team one of you always had a comment. Alexia said you were like an old married couple always bickering, you just wish you could divorce out of this weird dynamic you’d grown used to.
You had your head in your hands in the canteen, you were reading over your Spanish lesson homework over and over again but it just wasn’t going in. You were never good at languages at school, you just didn’t have that brain for it. You forgot the english words for things a lot of the time let alone another languages translation.
You sighed then froze when a cup of tea was placed just on the edge of your vision, you rose her eyes as Aitana was lowering onto the seat opposite you. “Struggling?”
You leant your chin on her hands, “That obvious?”
Aitana actually cracked a smile something that caused you to smile, “You were staring at the same question when i was in here 20 minutes ago”
You rolled your eyes at yourself, “Thanks for the tea” you grasped the mug in both hands raising it to your lips
“May not of made it right, I’ve never made tea before today”
You took a sip and it warmed you through, settling the anger brewing at yourself for not even understanding the basics “It’s perfect thank you”
Aitana dragged the sheet from between your elbows on the table reading over it, “This is quite simple”
“You speak Spanish!” You defended yourself with a laugh of disbelief, “Of course it’s quite simple to you”
Aitana pointed, “What’s this?”
Aitana gave her a unamused look, “No. In Spanish”
“Oh, you want me to just read it” You felt a bit nervous your accent didn’t lend itself to the Spanish language, Aitana smirked, “Are you here to just laugh at me?”
“No. I came to help” You sipped her tea unsure what to say, “You want help?”
“From you? Not really but i need it”
Aitana slid the paper back, “I got your number from Keira, i’ll text you”
And with that Aitana left leaving you behind alone once again even more confused than when she first arrived. Aitana never seemed to have a good word to say about you or to you but her actions were the opposite. She’d hand you water on the water break, she would translate for you in training when your face showed just how confused you were, she’d make sure you knew where you were going around the facility when she noticed you wander by for the fourth time looking for something.
There just was always that comment afterwards though. That reality check.
You couldn’t believe you were even doing this, Aitana had invited you over to her home to help you with your Spanish. You paused before you knocked on her apartment door after she’d buzzed you through the main door. “Hola, por favor entra.” You looked lost as Aitana stepped aside, “Hello, please come in” she repeated in your native tongue and you stepped inside. You eyed her dining table she’d got a bottle of wine waiting with two glasses.
“Wine in the afternoon?” You asked turning to her
She hummed as she moved by her, “Too numb the pain” Aitana sat pointing, “Sit” Aitana could be quite blunt it was a taste of your own medicine you could be just the same, all your friends said you didn’t always have a filter and didn’t let your brain process before your mouth started moving.
“Sentarse” You tried the word for sit Aitana raising her eyes as she poured you a glass of rosé.
“Close enough”
“You’re a harsh teacher” you mumbled sitting down beside her, she had copies of your Spanish work with the team, she’d gone to an effort which shocked you. “Where are we starting?”
“The beginning is a good place no?” Aitana sipped her wine after clanking her glass into yours without warning causing your other hand to come up to grip the glass you almost dropped. Smooth.
“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you”
“Stupid doesn’t suit you” You frowned at Aitana, now there was no need for that. “Come on” Aitana patted the papers.
“Do you know what? No” You got back to your feet, “I thought you were doing this too be kind, clearly you just want to belittle me, forget it” you grabbed your coat and left before Aitana even had a chance to tell you otherwise or apologise, the chill of the cool evening air hit you as you began the walk back to your own place. You felt stupid enough without Aitana pointing it out and now you felt stupid for a different reason, you thought she was being nice, making the effort. You were gullible and a fool for falling for her small semblance of kindness she’d paid you earlier that day. You hated yourself for being so free and available you could agree to just go round at the click of her fingers, she wasn’t being in control you promised yourself that.
You got into training the following morning and you found a book on your seat, you picked it up and by the title you knew exactly who it was from. Spanish for dummies. “Funny” you muttered to yourself dropping it back down to the left slightly so you could sit down and begin to get ready. It would take more than a peace offering, was it even a peace offering towards you was she getting more creative in her attempts at insulting you.
“What are you doing tonight?” Ellie appeared
“I’m busy” you muttered pulling your training top down over your torso
“Doing what?” Ellie questioned the confusion and intrigue all over her face
“I’m just busy that’s all you need to know”
“Do you have a date?” You rose your head now it was your turn to look confused at the instant assumption, “What? Usually you go all secretive when you’re dating”
“No I don’t”
“You do” Keira said as she went to walk by but stopped, “Are you?”
“No!” You exclaimed, “I’m just busy”
Both girls gave you odd looks moving away, they didn’t know why you were in a mood nor did they want to risk asking, “Te gusta tu libro?” Aitana asked taking ear rings out as she walked by, you just stared at her, she called you stupid yet insisted on speaking to you in Spanish despite knowing you could barely say hello. “Do you like your book? The more you listen the more you learn” she said taking her seat to put her boots on.
“The more you talk the less I listen” you fired back with getting to your feet to head out to the training pitch, “Au revoir”
“That’s French” Aitana pointed out a little too quickly for your liking, it was like she almost expected it from you
“I knew that” you exclaimed not turning around hearing the laughs coming from the other girls, you missed the smile Aitana watched you leave with on her face.
“Adios” Aitana called after you, you clicked your fingers your finger coming up in a eureka moment
“That’s the one” You smiled at the goalkeeper coach and got straight to work with him and Ellie, you felt happy on the pitch with one of your oldest friends from England Camps doing your drills through laughter. You were grabbing water on the hot day for Barcelona in January you found yourself watching the outfield players. One in particular.
“She’s too innocent for you”
“Huh?” You looked to Ellie who probably knew you the best, your friendship had been mainly over texts phone call Facetimes and weekend sleepovers over the years but you found yourself opening up to her a lot.
“Aita.. far too innocent for you”
“Oh give over” you shook your head, “She’s barely even a friend” Ellie rose her eyebrows sipping her water, “Shut up” you rose your voice at her
Ellie laughed, “I didn’t even speak”
“You didn’t have to, you have very expressive eyebrows!” You waved your hand at her, “If you’ve not noticed we’ve not got a nice word to say to each other”
“I have noticed”
“Then drop it” You however could not, “I mean I get it, she’s won award after award after award but does she really have to have a comment on everything” Ellie smirked listening to you ramble, “Like every way I turn she’s there with a comment thinking she’s funny or something I don’t know what her game is I think she’s been put on this earth to piss me off and you know what pisses me off she’s pissing me off”
“Do you want to say piss one more time?” Ellie dropped her water bottle back into the cooler as the outfield players were heading over for there water break.
“Do I want to know?” Lucy Bronze asked with a little smirk at your exasperated expression and Ellie’s amused one
“Can we drop it?”
“You have to stop talking about her for us to be able to drop it”
“Her?” Keira asked, “Who’s her? You have a her?” Keira put her hands together, “Are you finally settling down?” You were known for your ‘fuck boy’ ways back home, why settle down when you could have your fun with whoever you wanted to when you wanted. You didn’t have to meet parents, sit through laborious family meals with people you had to pretend to like because you were fucking their daughter sister niece who ever it may be. Your sex life was once described by Millie Bright as outrageous with the stories you would tell her during practice, you knew your way around women and you liked to be in charge. It was just the way it had to be you didn’t like not being in control. Leah Williamson’s comment she stole from fifty shades of grey on your sex life summed it up perfectly, I don’t make love, I fuck.
Lucy pointed, “Did you see that?” Lucy moved closer to Keira pointing, “Just there, did you not see it?”
“See what?”
“A pig just flew by”
Lucy got a smack from Keira and you in synchronicity getting a yelp back from her as she laughed at her own joke.
You were alone in the changing room you looked to your right at the Spanish book, you picked it up and flicked the first few pages, you soon found a post-it note, go to page 259
You did as you were told and saw Sorry and its Spanish translation highlighted, Aitana had a sense of humour. You didn’t know whether she was saying sorry to you or teaching you the word to say sorry to her but either way. It made you smile. “Are you coming for those drinks Y/N?” Ingrid smiled as she was about to head out after coming from the bathroom.
You nodded with a little smile, “I am”
“Do you want a ride? Come with me and Maria if you want?” You took Ingrid up on her offer enjoying the conversation you had with the couple in the car, “You’re nothing like we thought you’d be”
You looked at Ingrid as she looked at you in her rear view mirror, “Looks can be deceiving” you smiled getting a finger gun action from Maria for your humour.
“You obviously naturally hear stuff to” Ingrid carried on, “And make assumptions right or wrong”
“We all do it” You spoke looking out the window still in awe of just how pretty this city is, you thought in the four years you were under contract here for you’d never not be impressed by it.
“You have tattoos?” Maria asked
You nodded, “Mainly on my legs and I have a few on my back” you smiled at Maria, “My mum always told me, Y/N don’t get them anywhere you can see them in your wedding pictures and dunno. Just never have” you laughed at yourself at the absurdity of it.
“My mami never gave me the same advice” You both laughed as Ingrid smiled, you soon arrived at the privately hired bar the whole team was here even some of the staff, you were told the staff usually didn’t drink and left early so the team could let there hair down together. You found a seat with the better English speakers notably the lionesses on the team which due to her friendship with Keira, Aitana was this end of the table too.
You looked brooding and unapproachable as you sat, muscular arms on show leaning on the table sipping your beer your cap on backwards as conversations went on around you. You were deep in thought. Her eyes moved as the chair beside you became occupied, “Hola” Aitana spoke, you didn’t say a word, “I shouldn’t of called you stupid”
“No” your beer came back to your lips, “You shouldn’t” you took a swig, eyes going back out to the dance floor of your teammates and staff.
“You don’t look sensitive”
You couldn’t help the little sly smile amused by that comment, “I’m very sensitive” you sat back folded your arms your muscles bulging, you noticed Aitana look, her eyes froze in yours when she saw you looking. The eye contact went on far longer than you expected, maybe you were having a staring contest you weren’t aware of. But whatever the reason you weren’t looking away first. You got a smirk on your lips as you chewed your gum, “Can i help you?”
You smiled as she finally looked away, “You’re annoying” Your eyes scanned over Aitana as she blushed profusely.
“Stop looking at me”
“Why?” You matched her whisper turning your body more towards her, your knee brushed hers as you rested your cheek against your clenched fist giving her your full attention knowing it was making her nervous.
“Just don’t”
You leant on your thighs, “Why?” Aitana looked back into your eyes, you could see the curiosity she had for you. Maybe that’s why she was mean to you? Keeping you at arms length, keeping you from getting close enough to see that adorable blush your gaze gave her.
“Eres exasperante” Aitana got to her feet grabbed her drink and off she went leaving you chuckling to yourself as Ellie arrived back from the bar
“Are you tormenting Aitana?” She sat in the seat that had previously been occupied, “I don’t want to come across as rude or that I’m gossiping”
“But you’re going to be rude and gossip?” You smiled getting a dig in your thigh for the cheek.
“I don’t know whether it’s a joke or not and I’ve not asked but they call her the virgin Mary”
“Surely not”
“Why are you judging?”
You frowned at the attitude you got from Ellie, “I’m not! I’m just saying isn’t she like 30”
“She’s 27”
You rolled your eyes moving your knees back under the table readjusting your cap, “Semantics Ellie”
“I’m just saying-“
“I know, too innocent” You assured Ellie you weren’t interested and you found it funny how easy it was to make her blush and torment her. Since she enjoyed seemingly belittling you. “You’re ignoring the fact i’m not interested”
You entered the bathroom and her eyes rose to look at you in the mirror, “Is this a quick staring contest or? I need to pee you see”
Aitana was stone faced as she turned you couldn’t help the smile as she stared you out walking by to leave.
“Great talking to you” you said as the door closed behind her shaking your head going to do your business.
You were sat in your Spanish class with Ellie wagging your pencil as you listened your eyes moved as your phone buzzed
Could you look anymore lost
You sucked your teeth and moved your eyes to the window that over looked the training pitch seeing the back of Aitanas head as she went walking by. You shook her head to yourself and soon enough you were thanking your teacher and heading out done for the day.
“Hielo” you looked in the direction of the voice it was Aitana at her car, you had no clue she’d called you Ice as a nickname
“Did you just shout yellow at me?”
Aitana giggled at your stupidity, “Hielo”
You looked dumbfounded as she stopped in front of her car, “You’re literally saying yellow”
“I’m not saying yellow”
You rolled your eyes, “Whatever, did you need me for any in particular or just to-“
“Come for a coffee with me” Aitana smiled ever so slightly, “I’ll help you with your Spanish i promise i won’t call you stupid”
You nibbled your lip as you thought about, “Fine but only because i have a stupid test on Friday”
You stood for a second, “i’m going to assume thats along the lines of get in the car” Aitana didn’t speak she just got in and closed the door before you moved to join her and she took off before you even got your seatbelt on
You actually cracked a smile whilst tucked away in a corner with Aitana, you liked when she looked happy that you got something right. “It’s going in”
“It’s got to stay there yet” you mumbled before sipping your coffee, you glanced to Aitana and snapped your head back when she was watching you. “What?”
“Nothing” Aitana turned the page, “Not sure how learning animals is going to help you in training” You smiled she was so serious sometimes that it was cute.
“I know the animals”
“Of course you do” Aitana flipped the page rather aggressively, you giggled to yourself lowering your head, “What’s funny?”
“You” you looked to her with a bright smile the amusement plastered all over your face it was making your eyes sparkle. They looked bluer than they normally would.
“Shall i storm out?” Aitana was funny, you were coming around to the fact she was blunt and to find the amusement in it. You’d be assured a few times just like yourself when you got past her wall she was actually the sweetest human being
“You caught me on a bad day”
“Clearly, you don’t seem the type to be bothered easily”
“I’m not usually, but moving countries and clubs can be stressful” Aitana watched you with eyes that told you to carry on as she must of known there was more to your little outburst. “We’re a big birthday family, I missed my nieces birthday, its stupid but I-“
“It’s not stupid, how old was she?”
“2.. her dad said she was asking for me all day, just hard because she doesn’t understand but its something i’ll have to get used to, I was lucky enough to always be able to be there for family things.”
Aitana looked over you, “When do you see them next?”
“No idea”
It was ridiculous you were more nervous for your Spanish exam than you were for your Barcelona debut, you had a team to let down in the latter, but the hours Aitana had put into the former to help you made you obscenely nervous for you to fail. You wanted to do this for her, you wanted to do well for her to prove you were listening whenever she thought you weren’t. The late nights studying worth it, staying later after training and seeing her on her off days when she didn’t have to see your face, worth it. For her.
You’d had so many coffee meetings, meals at both your houses one night it got a little, flirty.
“You’re doing it again?” Aitana spoke as you both sat on the same corner of her table.
“Doing what?”
“Oh” you paused as you were building your next fork full, you didn’t mean to. You were told how flirty you were it was just who you are. You do it without even realising it was something that had never registered with you that that’s why women seem to throw themselves at you. You flirted. You were hot. It was like putting petrol on a fire it was bound to blow up. “Sorry” you knew it made your new friend nervous you couldn’t help it.
“No” you moved your head that quick to Aitana that your head went a little fuzzy, “Don’t apologise people never flirt with me, ever, makes a change” Maybe they were right, was she a virgin? Surely she’d have to of flirted before if she had been physical with someone.
“What never?” You softened and lowered your shock when she blushed, “Or, are you just oblivious to it?”
“I picked up that you were, however unintentionally it was” she finally moved her eyes to yours, “So, no people don’t flirt with me”
“I may unintentionally flirt with you sometimes because i’m told that’s just my personality but, I can flirt for real if you want?” Aitana laughed, it was out of nerves but it came across as dismissive, “What?” You asked lowly scooting a bit closer, “Scared?”
“Of what?”
You smiled when Aitanas eyes were fixed to you biting your lip then it dropped to the hand you respectfully placed on her thigh but let your fingertips dip to the inside making their presence known. “You’ll end up naked on this table if i do”
Aitana removed your hand shaking her head, “You’re ridiculous”
You cracked a smile, “Tell me you weren’t turned on”
“I wasn’t”
A hand covered your heart, “You wound me”
“Every other girl may fall for your charm, those blue eyes and that smile of yours but I didn’t” You laughed as you continued eating
“Didn’t? Or wouldn’t?”
You got a smack from Aitana as you both laughed, “What’s your number?”
“My number? You have my number”
“No” she spoke softly, “I meant, how many people have you slept with?”
You made a noise, as if you were debating something, “That’s a tricky one”
“Too many to count”
You gave a bored look to Aitana, “What’s yours?”
“I’m not telling you that”
“Then why should I tell you mine?” You shrugged, “I enjoy sex i’m not ashamed of that, i like naked women, i like touching naked women, i like naked women touching me-“
“I get it”
You found yourself wanting her to feel pride in you. When you knocked on her door as promised to tell her your results she looked more nervous than you did. “Well?”
You smiled ever so slightly putting the woman out her misery, “I got a B”
“Really?” Aitana got so happy she leapt into you, you let out a chuckle as one of your arms came around her, her lips attaching to yours sloppily. When they disconnected she looked just as confused as you did. “What was that?”
“…a kiss” she whispered, your free hand came to her cheek as you leant in whispering
“No it wasn’t.. this is though” You closed your lips around hers faintly, Aitana looked up at your eyes luminous when you pulled your head back to gauge her reaction. She didn’t recoil in horror she didn’t create distance she didn’t stop you when you drew her closer pressing her firmly against your body.
You pressed your lips more firmly against hers this time, she was so trusting so vulnerable as your mouth moved on hers. You could have easily got carried away in the moment, she was closer now than she’d ever been and it still didn’t feel enough. You wanted more of her. You needed more of her as your whole body seemed to light on fire, your body begging for just one of her hands to touch you, find its resting place somewhere. Anywhere. You didn’t take more, enjoying the way Aitana lips seemed to be made for kissing. They were plump, soft, the bottom one slightly fuller than the top, they gave into the slightest pressure allowing your tongue entry. It sent your heart racing as suddenly her hands were pressed to your stomach her fingers scrunched down into a fist gripping your shirt. The way her fingers bounced over your abs; if your mouth wasn’t busy it would have groaned at the feeling.
The kissing became more frantic led by Aitana the anticipation building, your body’s in sync as her arms came around your neck while your body dipped to reach your hands to the back of her thighs to lift her. All the tension you’d had with Aitana ebbing away as you hit the counter lowering Aitana to perch on it. All the rigidity between you dissipating as your bodies had a silent conversation.
You were incredibly turned on, it was taking every fibre of your being to not just rip her clothes off and have your way with her. You liked submissive, the doe eyes of Aitana, the rumour she wasn’t that experienced. It laid itself to you and your need to control in the bedroom.
You ran a hand up her thigh giving it a tantalising squeeze at the top as your mouth went wandering, her neck craned back giving you unbridled access, your hot breathe could be felt on her neck before your lips attached. She removed your cap her fingers getting lost in your hair at the back of your neck and as your tongue dragged from the bottom to the top you almost came at the sweet noise she let out.
Your lips came close to her ear, “How far do you want to go?” You whispered, your movements paused as you waited for the answer, it felt like an eternity until Aitana slipped off the counter top her body rubbing down yours in the tiny gap there was. She held eye contact as she took your head and you were being led through her home, you went by the bathroom the last room you were familiar with.
You found yourself in her bedroom you instantly took a seat on her bed leaning back on your hands, you glanced to your lap, “Sit” your pupils darkened as she slipped onto your lap, she was the one to reconnect your lips she was the one to rid you of your shirt. Your eyes soaked up every inch of her when she moved backwards to take her top off, your bottom lip dragged between your teeth. You noticed her nerves you leant forward kissed her lips as you unclasped her bra with one hand before discarding it to the floor, you rid yourself of your own as Aitana held your face as you kissed. The heat soon found its way back again, your hands gripping her arse you got her to move her hips against you with silent encouragement.
The friction of the fabrics Aitana clearly enjoyed her head going back pulling a gap between your chests you latched your mouth to her breast giving her a hint of just what your tongue could do.
Something switched in you when she tugged at your hair looking down at you with a pleased smirk. The idea of letting the nervous Aitana think she was in control left your brain as you stood with ease holding Aitana with one arm turning a knee going onto the bed as you put her on her back. You rid yourself of your remaining layers before dragging them off Aitana.
You reconnected your lips as your hand rubbed up and down her most sensitive area before testing the waters dipping a finger inside of her. Her lips ripped from yours as she gasped at how deep you went, you dragged the wet finger back up her slit as you whispered in her ear.
“You’re wet already” You smirked against her gently circling her clit with your thumb, she put your finger slowly back into her, it was painfully slow your movements but the breathing of Aitana next to your ear showed it was proving effective. “Can you take another?” You asked your second finger hovering waiting for approval when Aitana didn’t answer to overcome with the feelings you asked again. She let you know she could and you let your fingers move together more freely in and out of her.
You were rougher with Aitana than you intended, you were overcome with raw sexual desire for her, you were lost in the moment forgetting how sweet and innocent Aitana was. But she took it. She loved it in fact it brought out a side in her you didn’t think existed, she wasn’t shy in telling you what she wanted, what felt good, being vocal in her pleasure. You even let her take control in a moment and let her fuck you and oh my god was that a good feeling. You got off getting women off but that was something else.
“I’m coming” Aitana was red and glistening all over from your amorous activities as she sat on your face. You had a firm grip on her thighs to stop her moving, she moaned, “Joder” she exclaimed as her breathing stopped her body tensing, a guttural noise escaping her throat. Her body slumped forward as you smack her arse her hands on the headboard behind you her back arching, you gripped it tightly before you smacked it harder the sound ringing around the room over her moaning as you sucked her clit to another orgasm. “Harder” you easily moved and manipulated Aitana onto all forms slipping from underneath her you grabbed a hand full of her hair pulling it back as your crotch pushed into her backside. “Spank me harder”
As you squeezed and kneaded her cheek you kissed up her back, you knew what you were doing it you were building anticipation, you pulled her head back further to be able to reach her mouth your tongues dancing.
“Y/N” her moaning your name whilst making eye contact drove you crazy
“Yeah baby”
“I want to come again”
“What made you think i was finished with you?” You asked with a little kiss on her lips, “Answer me”
“I don’t know” she moaned as your fingers slipped into her, she bit her lip still maintaining eye contact as you pump harder than ever as you’d learnt she could handle it, you let her hair go and her chest pressed to the sheets squirming. Her eyes moved to yours once again when you pressed a thumb against her asshole. You silently asked permission when she shook her head you gave her what she did want you spanked her and the nervous expression evaporated almost instantly.
“You’re so fucking sexy” you muttered watching the way your own fingers smacked in and out of her, you felt her walls begin to tighten, “You gonna come for me?” You asked, you spanked her harder than ever when she didn’t respond.
The excited little squeal as she pushed up on her hands told you she liked it, Aitana was kinky, who knew. “I’m going to come for you, you’re making me come for you.” You adjusted behind Aitana still on all fours so you could move faster the noise from her slit of her pleasure was audible before Aitana began moaning. Aitana shocked you and herself when she squirted slightly as you removed your fingers to tap her clit.
Aitana collapsed forward moaning every time she took a breath, she was done now. She couldn’t take anymore she was over sensitive her eyes closed as you pressed a kiss to the middle of her back.
You lay back horizontally on her bed you weren’t sure how much time passed as you both silently lay separately catching your breath before you sat up and stood up off the bed.
You grabbed your tee from the floor slipping it on, “Are you going?” You turned your head to Aitana's sweet little voice behind you
“Do you want me to?” Aitana swallowed and shook her head, “Ok” you padded out the bedroom to go to the bathroom, you cleaned yourself up, got a wet cloth grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge and headed back. You walked back around the bed you placed the bottle on the floor tapped Aitana arse, “Roll to your back” she did as she was told and you cleaned her up you threw the cloth across the room into the laundry basket taking a seat as you chugged some water. You looked to her your eyes connecting as you held the bottle to her, she sat herself up taking it from you. When she finished you placed it on the side table for her rose to your feet took the tee back off as you walked around the bottom of the bed you got into bed pulling Aitana to cuddle into you and it wasn’t long until you both fell to sleep after your hours of enjoyment of each others bodies.
You were in the locker rooms bathroom doing your hair ready for getting onto the bus to travel for the away game the other side of the city when Ellie stormed in shutting the door making it obvious you were going to be discussing something that wasn’t for everyone’s ears. That door never got shut.
“You slept with Aitana?” She asked, you moved your eyes from hers in the mirror
“How do you know that?”
“I put 2 and 2 together” Ellie explained, “You said you were going to her place last night to tell her your exam grade and she’s showed up here today with hickeys and bruises that are clearly from sex with you, it doesn’t take a genius”
You didn’t speak, you just carried on scraping your hair up into a hair tie.
“Y/N! She could have been a virgin! You know the rumour!”
You turned your head to Ellie you looked a little pissed, “She wasn’t a virgin Ellie”
“How do you know that?”
“Virgins don’t fuck like that!” you held eye contact after your exclamation, your eyes looked into the mirror when a cubicle door opened behind you and Alexia stepped out. She made sure to make contact but not one of you spoke as she moved to wash her hands dry them and leave, she made the point of propping the door back open. You sighed putting your hands on the sink looking to Ellie.
You rolled your eyes as you came down the bus Ellie still going on, “Oh come on, we tell each other everything”
“Do we?” You looked over your shoulder, “I tell you nothing and you continually over share” you turned your head back and your eyes connected with Alexia kneeling on her seat back against the window, your eyes dropped to Aitana eyes focused on her phone before looking back to Alexia not a word spoken. Now you were worried. Did you go too far with Aitana?
“Oh come on, I’ll tell you about the last bloke I slept with”
“I couldn’t give a shit about your sex life Ellie” You spoke putting your bag up above sitting in one of the four seats Keira opposite you, the look on her face you thought she knew.
“What are you two going on about?”
“Ellie’s over sharing again” you grumble pulling your phone out to try to block her out.
“Y/N” Ellie sat down
“Will drop it?” You said forcefully, “I am never going to tell you so just fucking drop it”
Keira stared at the pair, “Ok, I need to know whats happened?” Keira leant forward as the bus started to move, “Y/N” you just put her earphones in and turned your music on, with Aitana not even acknowledging you and Alexia’s stoic reaction towards you, you were worrying what conversation they’d had. You didn’t want to hurt Aitana by any means but she didn’t initiate the night previous maybe you’d got a bit too carried away.
You soon were coming off the bus, as you moved along the bus to grab your bag you found yours beside Aitana who was collecting hers. “Hi” you said to her hopeful, Alexia behind her popped her handle up a bit more forceful than you thought necessary. Was she ready to throw hands over something you’d no clue you’d done?
“You know” Aitana rose her head, “I never thought you’d be the type of person to go bragging”
“I-“ Your face softened, you had never considered how your conversation with Ellie may of come across when relayed.
“Save it.. I don’t want to hear it, I told people you were different from the rumours about you, clearly you used that charm to pull the wool over my eyes to get what you wanted”
You didn’t speak you let Aitana walk away with drama, you sighed, “Wow. That was frosty.”
“Don’t” You bit at Ellie, it wasn’t Ellie’s fault entirely but you were annoyed and needed someone to take your anger out on and she was the only option you weren’t close enough to any other teammate who knew the situation, or thought they did like Ellie. “For once in your life just keep your mouth shut”
“Just.. stay away from me for a while yeah?” You grabbed your case, “She won’t speak to me now because of your stupid comments in the toilet, well in Ellie!” You walked by Alexia who just watched you without a word but her face was different this time. You went into your corner spot thankful to be out the way, you didn’t know whether Aitana was playing a game but you sure hoped she was with how unbothered she appeared whilst you looked racked with sadness and guilt.
You were last to come to the line, you were late in fact. Alexia gave you a questioning look when you didn’t even had your gloves on, “You good?” You didn’t acknowledge her with words and just nodded, “Head in the game?” She couldn’t find out your answer as it was time to walk out.
You played well, despite your mind elsewhere it seemed even distracted you were still one of the best goalkeepers without really trying it was pure instinct.
You joined in the post match greetings Aitana was coming right towards you as both were moving through players telling them good game, did you acknowledge her? And risk her ignoring you and all the players around knew something was a miss. As Aitana got in front of you, your name was called and you were taken away for the post match interview.
You turned as the door behind you finally opened, “What do you want?” Aitana asked
You slipped by her into her home, “What do you think I want?”
“I have no idea”
“Aitana” you spoke taking your jacket off putting it on the back of one of her dining room chairs, “You are an incredibly attractive women, you offered it on a plate, you really think I’d turn that down?” Aitana shut the door folding her arms, “I don’t know what you want from me? You’re down right rude one minute, then you insist on spending every minute with you to the point I actually considered you a friend and enjoyed your company, then we have the best sex and you then ignore me.. I’m going to need you to start using some words and explain to me what you want?”
“You” You furrowed your brows, “I want you but I can’t have you”
“Why can’t you have me?”
“Everyone says you don’t do relationships, and I said to myself I wouldn’t go there with you and I did and I don’t regret it I just.. wish I’d prepared myself more for how it would make me feel afterwards”
You close the gap cupping her face, “Who said I don’t do relationships? Surely that’s my decision, I’ve never found someone I want to commit to, I’ve never had that feeling that I didn’t need someone else in my life.. then you happened. If you want me Aitana you can have me, over the last couple of weeks i’ve loved being around you, you make me laugh, I smile when I think about you. I’d really like to see where we could go” Aitana rose her eyes to yours, “What do you say? We go on a few dates and see what happens?”
“We’re dating?”
You smiled, “We’re dating. I’m not done with you yet” you kissed her softly.
#woso fanfics#Aitana Bonmati#aitana bonmati x reader#barca femeni#barcelona femeni#Aitana Bonmati fanfic#aitana bonmati imagine#woso
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hello! can i request an enemies to lovers fic for misa?!?! i absolutely love your fics and theres barely any fics about her so i thought why not
change of heart - misa rodriguez
misa rodriguez x reader

description: in which your relationship with your ultimate enemy takes a turn when she helps you through a tough time
warnings: it’s a long one buckle in, swearing, fighting, suggestive, spanish in bold italics
a/n: finally misa!!! thank you for the love and support, babe, please enjoy!! ❤️
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maría isabel rodriguez rivero, or misa if you will, was the bane of your existence. she was ill-tempered, absolutely insufferable when you couldn’t get a ball past her, arrogant and more. she was also gorgeous but you’d never say it out loud.
you couldn’t understand misa and she couldn’t understand you, the two of you just didn’t get along.
you were on the same team always, but it always felt like a competition between the two of you. sure you were a midfielder and she was a goalkeeper but that didn’t mean the hate didn’t stem.
it’s always been like that, especially in the spanish youth teams, you had the ability to push misa’s buttons in a way she couldn’t explain and vice versa. there was never a pivotal moment where the hatred began but you both knew it steadily developed as you got older.
“misa, we’re just training, calm down!” a 16 year old you screamed when she dove for your strike, a harsh smack sounding as she caught it.
“we may be training but that doesn’t mean we get lazy, chiquitín (small one)” misa smirked, kicking a long ball way past you. you send her a glare, cursing her under your breath as you went to retrieve the ball.
by the time you got back, she was doing her keeper duties, but with much less intensity, clearly only going full out when you were the one kicking the ball.
“i thought we shouldn’t get lazy, misa?” you teased, cocking your head to the side and offering her a cheeky grin that made her blood boil.
“fuck off, lay it on me then” she challenged angrily, everyone could feel the tension between the two of you but chose to watch in amusement. this happened every two minutes on the daily and everyone was so used to it.
“i fucking will” you bite back, striking the ball before she had time to think and sending it dangerously close to her face, sailing past her into the back of the net. “no, you’re a cheater, i wasn’t ready,” misa barked, you shrug at her
“you don’t get time to prepare for your little tea party in a match, rodriguez” you taunt, that’s when misa lost it. she walked over to you, standing chest to chest as she glared down at you, you could feel her anger bubbling in your entire body as your eyes challenged hers.
“listen here, princesa (princess), this little attitude of yours is a bad look” she said lowly with mock sympathy. she was clearly trying to rile you up, and sure, maybe you should ignore it but you couldn’t with this girl, no matter how hard you tried.
“my attitude? your fucking ego is the only thing that enjoys a solo performance more than you do” you scoff, she smirks amusingly, moving her face dangerously close to yours as you swallowed hard.
her scent was enveloping you, it was crazy how good she smelled after a training session but you squashed that thought down quickly.
she chose to just keep her face close to yours, her eyes boring into yours while that fucking smirk was plastered on her face.
she looked down at your lips, chuckled and moved past you, letting you stand there with slightly pink cheeks. must be from the heat.
for years the snarky remarks continued, tension rose and stemmed the basis of you and misa’s weird relationship. in reality, something else was growing under the surface. attraction.
you both played together in the under 19 spain team and your fellow teammates could all agree that both of you managed to hate each other even more, believing it was physically impossible but you and misa were always overachievers.
“move” misa grumbles as you were talking with ona, shoving you towards the girl, making you stumble before you snap your head towards misa. “you’re such a treat” you glare at her, ona makes quick work of helping you stand after she giggled at the two of you.
misa watches as you stand, making her grin and blow you an exaggerated air kiss. “always such a pleasure to see you” she mocks, you roll your eyes at her and she smiles satisfied, moving to change into her kit in her cubby.
you hate to admit that your eyes lingered on the girl as she changed, the muscles in her back rippling against her skin when she tugged on her keeper kit.
you were distracted, not even processing that aitana had joined your conversation, coming back to life when she sends you a sharp smack on the back of your head.
“ow! what the fuck?” you yelp, turning to a grinning aitana and ona, misa’s head followed the sound of your voice, her eyebrows furrowed thinking you were in pain.
“welcome to earth” aitana smirks, you huff out in frustration and urge her to continue the conversation, your eyes flickering over to see that misa was already watching you.
“can i help you, rodriguez?” you call out, she shakes her head, “nope”, flipping you off before walking out of the room. your eyes followed her as she walked out, feeling a little disappointed when she was gone.
well, you were disappointed until training started. “come on, is that all you’ve got?” misa taunted, her signature smirk that pissed you off like no tomorrow evident on her face as she caught the fifth ball you’d sent her way.
“you never change, we’re practising!” you huff, hands stationary on your hips as you glared at her, “you never change, you’re lazy” misa teases, you close your eyes in frustration, taking a deep breath as she laughed at you.
“you’re so fucking annoying, misa!” you groan, “don’t be mad, princesa (princess), you’ll get one past me eventually” she throws you a thumbs up with her gloves, you send her a charming smile, kicking the ball hard way over the goal, making her send you a glare when she had to go and get it.
“you give into her every time” ona chuckles, her arm thrown over your shoulder. when misa came back and saw ona holding you close, a funny feeling brewed in her stomach, she wanted to be like that with you, but you hated her. and she hated you.
you and misa got signed to real madrid at the same time and it was purely unintentional. when you both came to training for the first time, you swore you had a heart attack seeing her in the kit.
“you just cannot get enough of me” misa says in mock disbelief, trying really hard not to laugh at your face right now, you were shocked.
“what the fuck are you doing here?” you exhale, watching as misa chuckled at you. “i play for madrid now” she starts, “you look nice,” smiling before tugging the bottom of your training top quickly before moving past you.
your cheeks instantly turned pink, mouth a little agape as she smiled at you over her shoulder, making sure you had to open the door yourself.
the first game you and misa played for madrid changed something slightly between the two of you. the tension between you two finally acknowledged a little when you got a hatrick.
at the end of the game, you felt a hand on your shoulder spinning you around as you did your appreciation lap, “always so greedy, you just had to get three goals?” misa teased, you roll your eyes amusingly, her hand still on your shoulder.
“i was imagining you as the keeper” you smirk, she laughs at that, “you wish” you laugh along with her, both of you with gentle smiles on your faces before you realised what was happening.
you were bantering without any malice, that was a first.
the months went by and slowly you and misa got closer? that’s not the right term but it kinda was. the two of you were more or less a little more friendly, mainly through moments that people on the outside viewed as normal but very different for you and misa.
for instance, misa would make an effort to help you out occasionally. helping you out on your tracker as you pathetically tried to yourself.
“you’re embarrassing yourself” misa laughs, grabbing your hips to hold you still, your breath hitched as you felt her fingers on your skin, you were burning.
she takes the tracker from your hands and slips it in the back of your training top, lightly tapping it with her hand before pulling your top down for you.
“i had it” you breathe out, “mhm, sure you did” she winks, placing a hand on your waist before moving past you. you stood there a little dumbfounded, that was nice, and why did you like the feeling of her hands on your skin?
during that training session, she analysed your every move, misa came to terms with having different feelings about you. they were always there of course, but it was different now when she finally accepted them.
you as well couldn’t keep your eyes off misa, often making eye contact with each other before you ripped your gaze away, afraid she’d see how red your face got when she caught you staring. but she did see it, and she loved it.
during shooting practice, misa let you get three goals past her and it pissed you off. “why are you going easy on me?” you exclaim, misa holds her hands up in front of her with a little laugh, “i’d never take it easy on you,” you narrow your eyes at her unconvinced, kicking the ball softly and watching as it rolled in the net, slowly, misa just watched as it moved past her.
“rodriguez, what the fuck!” you throw your arms up, misa laughs brightly, “you’re too good for me now, miss madrid!” she teased, you run your hands over your face, shaking your head.
you walk off to grab some water and misa came up shortly behind you, you wordlessly passed her water bottle to her and her eyes widen a little at the gesture, “thanks” she smiles quickly, her hands brushing yours as she took it, feeling a little jolt of electricity between both of you.
everything changed rapidly when you and misa played in the senior team for spain. as soon as the two of you didn’t come in like a thunder strike of an argument, the team was genuinely surprised.
they noticed the complete shift when both of you were starting and unfortunately, your team lost 3-2 in a final. you hadn’t managed to get a goal and you blamed yourself for the whole thing.
you fell to the ground when the final whistle blew, lying on your back with your arm over your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks.
you weren’t there for long, you felt your body being pulled to an upright position and you let whoever it was do it. you sniffled and looked down at your legs before a gentle hand hooked under your chin and gently directed it upwards.
your eyes met with misa and it made you cry a little more, her heart broke at the sight of you, she’d never seen you cry before. she places a hand on the back of your head and pulled you close to her, tucking your face into her shoulder as you cried.
both of you said nothing, letting yourself melt into misa’s body as everything else tuned out. her other hand rubbed up and down your back, your arms eventually wound around her neck, pulling her closer as she rested her head against yours.
“you played so well,” misa cooed, dismissing all the questioning looks sent by your own teammates, misa only cared about one person and that was you.
“i wasn’t good enough” you mumble against her shirt, misa shook her head, “you’re always good enough, hermosa (beautiful), always” misa said in your ear, her hand on your back now moving in gentle circles as she drew you impossibly closer.
“we lost” you whined, misa tutted at that, “it doesn’t matter, we’ll get them next time” you pull away from her slightly, at arms length.
she smiles at you softly, her hand leaving your head to push a stray hair from your eyes before gently wiping the tears falling on your cheeks. the gesture was so intimate, your stomach was fluttering.
“who are you and what have you done with my misa?” you let out a wet laugh, she laughs along with you, pinching your cheek gently as you both sat on the ground.
“your misa?” she teases, you freeze up a little at that, attempting to pull yourself away from her embrace but she kept you close, pulling you into another hug.
“you’re okay” she breathes out, comforting you as you both conversed quietly back and forth, misa helping you calm down completely before helping you to the change room.
she holds out both of her hands with a friendly smile, you blink up at her and take them both, allowing her to lift you from the ground.
that’s when alexia and jenni came over and began to comfort you, your hands dropping from misa’s and instantly missing the contact.
she went around talking to your teammates as you all slowly filtered into the change room, celebrations still occurring in the change room despite the loss.
you sat quietly in your cubby, misa watched you concerned when you just sat there but she didn’t want to push you anymore.
you all made it back to your hotel, separate rooms for the first time in a while. you collapsed on the bed with an exhausted sigh, starting up at the ceiling while the tv gently filled the atmosphere.
at this point, all you could think about was misa, she was completely clouding up every thought in your head.
your body moving on its own, you walked to the door, swinging it open and letting out a little noise of surprise seeing misa on the other side already. you both clutched your chests in fear, breathing heavily at the fright you gave each other.
“sorry, were you going somewhere?” misa utters, you shook your head, “i was going to your room” you say a little sheepishly, misa’s never heard your voice so soft, especially directed to her.
“oh” she breathes out, you shift your weight between your feet, “do you want to come in?” you swallow, misa nods slowly, moving inside the room and closing the door behind her.
“i just wanted to check up on you” misa admitted, scratching the back of her neck bashfully.
your heart was beating so fast, you nervously glance up at misa before looking back down, trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible. you could feel her eyes burning into your side profile, trying to see what your next move would be.
you clear your throat before sitting on the bed, your legs swinging over the edge, misa smiled at the sight, you looked adorable, she felt like she could see your younger self that she admired so much shining through.
she moved to sit next to you, her thigh slightly brushing yours as she sat down. “i feel bad, but i’ll be okay” you sigh, looking over to see her smiling sympathetically, she places a gentle hand on your knee.
“hermosa (beautiful), you played amazing, i really mean that,” she says earnestly, her hand gently squeezing your knee as she maintains eye contact with you.
you smile sadly at her, “so did you” she grins, “i let three go past me” you shake your head, “it doesn’t matter, misa, you played amazing as usual” her cheeks go a little pink at your compliment, “what have you done with my (y/n)” she mocks, bumping your shoulder with hers.
you laugh brightly, “your (y/n)?” you tease, but she just nods, “mhm, my (y/n)” her eyes flicker between your own, slightly dropping to your lips before catching herself and looking at her hand still resting on your knee, ready to move it away before you placed your hand over hers.
“misa” you breathe out, almost sounding like a plea as you looked at her, her heart caught in her throat, her eyes searching yours. she moved her hand to rest on your cheek, her thumb rubbing the skin there.
your eyes dropped to her lips and she took it as confirmation, closing the gap and placing her lips on yours. you gasp against her, your mouths moving together tenderly before she slipped her tongue in your mouth.
you weren’t sure how it happened but you ended up straddling her lap, both of you breathing heavily as the kiss grew a little hotter. she gently tugged at your bottom lip between her teeth and you whined into her, making her smirk lazily against your lips, squeezing the flesh of your waist as your hands carded through her hair.
you pull away in need of air, you and misa just looking at each other with pink cheeks and blown out pupils.
you pant as you look at her, smoothing down her hair with a giggle. “sorry” you smile, she smiles up at you adoringly, shaking her head lightly, “it’s okay” you keep your hands on her shoulders, your finger lightly grazing the exposed skin near her collar.
“you okay?” she whispers, the words hitting your lips, you nod, leaning forward to peck her lips sweetly, she smiles at you so brightly. “you okay?” you whisper back, she nods, bumping your nose with hers softly.
“if i told 16 year old (y/n) how good of a kisser you were, maybe she wouldn’t hate you as much” you tease, misa chuckles, pulling you in for another kiss, her hand cupping your jaw.
“if i told 16 year old misa all she had to do was kiss you to get you all sweet, i think she’d pass out” she teases back, you giggle, rolling your eyes fondly.
you tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, “you’re so beautiful” you say softly, “you’re more beautiful” she matches your energy, you both smile at each other sweetly.
“i like you, (y/n)” she looks right into your eyes as she says it, you offer her a cheesy grin, “i like you too” she mirrors your expression before pulling you into another kiss, becoming heated relatively quickly.
you pull away breathlessly making her huff in annoyance, “does this mean you’ll let me score against you?” you tease, she rolls her eyes with a laugh, “hm, maybe, bebé (baby)” she mumbles against your lips, pulling you back into the kiss.
when you both went to breakfast the next day and sat next to each other closely, you were offered wild looks of amusement.
“isn’t this a surprise” jenni laughed as her and alexia sat across the both of you. “what?” misa shrugged, “well you’re not fighting” alexia smiled, you rolled your eyes, arms crossing over your chest when you sat straight in your chair.
misa placed a hand on your thigh under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. “we don’t fight all the time” misa defended, alexia laughed at that, yelling at ona and aitana for backup that they promptly gave.
“we made up ages ago” you narrow your eyes at alexia, she crinkled her nose at you teasingly, making you bite back a smile.
“oh don’t worry, we know you made up” jenni laughed, looking down at her plate with a smirk as she ate, “and what do you mean by that, jennifer?” you bite back, misa smiled amusingly, loving your feisty side.
“well the hickey on your neck says everything to me” she said simply, your eyes widen and your hand flung to your neck quickly, jenni laughs heartily, making alexia giggle too.
misa puts her head in her hands out of embarrassment now that the whole team was looking at you with teasing grins.
“i thought i heard something interesting last night, misa definitely got (y/n)’s forgiveness with what i heard” jenni teases, you glare at her, misa was bright red, “stop it, jenni” misa grits out,
“okay, i will” jenni smirks, continuing to eat her food before mocking your voice, “oh, misa, don’t stop” you gasp at that, ready to leap over the table to tackle the girl to the floor before you were held back by misa, the girl holding you firmly on her lap.
“misa” you whine, “no,” she reprimands, making you slouch into her, “i’ve never seen her so obedient” alexia smirks, you turn bright red, misa matches her smirk, running her hands up and down the side of your waist, promptly calming you down.
you both sat there like that for a bit until you had to get on the bus back to the airport. you and misa sit together and you both can’t help but relish in the affection and domesticity of being together.
you were cuddling into misa as you both chatted, laughing brightly with each other that had the whole team grinning.
it was extremely different from watching the two of you at each other's throats to seeing you all loved up but it was a happy change for everyone. especially you and misa.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
you know the drill, just pretend it’s you!!

liked by ona.batlle and 44,232 others
marisabel_rguez: who knew she was such a softie?
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yourname: fuck off
↳ marisabel_rguez: there she is!!
jennihermoso: i’ve learnt a lot of things about this one😉
↳ alexiaputellas: so have i
↳ marisabel_rguez: oh god, so have i
↳ yourname: stop it.
#woso#woso community#woso fanfics#woso x reader#woso one shot#woso imagine#misa rodriguez#misa#misa rodriguez x reader#misa x reader
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Starting over In Madrid
Misa Rodriguez x reader
Summary : After moving to Madrid as Real Madrid's new photographer, Nicky can’t seem to take her eyes off the pretty face Misa Rodríguez. But how will she handle her growing desire for the Canarian goalkeeper when her contract strictly forbids dating players?
WC: way too much TW: at some point angst, smut +18, but still a lot of fluff PS: French writer / I wrote this story last year, that explained some of the players are not in the team anymore. Anyway, it's a parallel univers so I do what I want
Chapter 1 ➺ A harder job than I thought Chapter 2 ➺ Clearly on a bad slope Chapter 3 ➺ Calmly panicking Chapitre 4 ➺ Hell Clasico Chapter 5 ➺ Valleys and Peaks Chapter 6 ➺ Paris est magique Chapter 7 ➺ In the Haze
> Around 15 chapter total
A Poorly Planned Escape by @skalfy A Reputation for Good Taste by @skalfy
You Can't Talk No Sh*t Without Penalties (Misa Rodriguez x Marta Cardona) by @copper-16
Just Let Go 1 2 3 4 5 by @girlgenius1111 To the brink by @girlgenius1111 No one speaks to you like that by @girlgenius1111
swipe, like, love, misa x reader by @starrynights-sunnyskies a clash to keep her by @starrynights-sunnyskies mine to save by @starrynights-sunnyskies mine to protect by @starrynights-sunnyskies
One night in Ibiza (Misa Rodríguez x Hermoso!Reader) by @pitchsidestories
Sleepy Cuddles by @suckerforblondeathletes
Change of heart by @inuyashaluver
Jump scare by @wileys-russo
#misa rodriguez#misa rodriguez x reader#spwnt#woso#woso community#woso fanfics#woso x reader#real madrid feminino#woso imagine#woso soccer#writters on tumblr#woso writers#spanish goalkeeper#slow burn#long fic#misa rodriguez fanfic#woso x y/n#woso x oc#fic rec#masterlist#misafic
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Leganés (Pedri x Reader)

warnings: lots of spanish, whatever last night was, angst because of the team's results, comfort, really short because I have to get back into the grind
"Te juro que me parece de coña ya esto" you watched as you boyfriend stomped around the room, face flushed and anger in his tone as he spoke. (I swear this feels like some sick joke)
Another loss for Barcelona, more dropped points, only 1 game won out of the last five, the perfect October run so far away.
They were in good shape in the Champions, but what did it matter when it felt as if they were throwing away La Liga?
"Y es que encima parece que siempre me toca a mí hablar tras toda la mierda de los partidos, ¿no me pueden dejar llegar tranquilo a casa para llorar?' (To add to it, it seems it's always my turn to speak after these shitty matches. Can't they just let me peacefully come home to cry?)
You hated seeing him like this, he loves Barça and it breaks him whenever things go like this.
He could have been the best on the pitch, yet he always blames himself.
"Si es que soy inútil, ni un gol puedo meter para ayudar al equipo, ¿de que mierda me sirven todos los pases si no puedo encarar a portería?" (I'm useless, can't even score a goal to help the team, what are all those shitty passes for if I can't serve when facing the goalie?)
"Pepi, sabes que no es tu culpa. Hay veces que no se da y no por eso tenemos que perder la fé, todavia queda mucha liga por delante" (Pepi, you know its not you fault. Sometimes things just don't go your way but it doesn't mean we have to lose faith. There is still so much of the league to look forward to)
"Joder pero si es que parecemos dos equipos completamente distintos aquí que en Champions" he sighed, dropping next to you in the couch, head resting on your shoulder "Encima verás Flick mañana, voy a llegar sin piernas a casa, encima nos lo merecemos" (Fuck but it's as if we were two completely different teams here than in Champions... You will see Flick tomorrow, I will be coming back home without legs, and it's worse because we actually deserve it)
"Solo os tocará dejar de confiaros tanto a veces, y dejad de veniros tan abajo, un gol no es el fin del mundo, y al final todos son capaces de remontar" (You all just have to stop being so overconfident, and also stop depressing yourselves, a goal it's not the end of the goal and in the end, everyone can do a comeback)
"Espero que sepas que me tendrás que hacer de portera en casa hasta que me veas metiendo 5 goles por partido" he burrowed his face on your neck, you knew that meant a topic change. (I hope you know you will have to play goalkeeper until you see me scoring 5 goals per game)
"Vamos a dejar a Robert sin trabajo" (We will leave Robert jobless)
You knew how hard it was all for him, he was finally coming back from all those injuries, was playing the best he had in almost years, and to see all his hard work not giving him the expected results, it was depressing him, harming him. You sometimes wished it could always be just you and him cuddling in your couch, no preoccupations to harm you.
You believed in your boyfriend, he only had to believe in himself too, because the problem with Pedri was just that.
Doesn't matter if he had the whole world praising him, if he lost, even if he was playing with a team in the seventh division of some lost country -not the case, you know the team just didn't have the night, Pedri would blame himself even if he scored 100 goals and they lost against 101.
You felt him sigh against your shoulder. His anger phage was over at least, grumpy one starting.
"...¿Querés jugar al FIFA tú como el Barça y yo como el Leganés y destrozarme?" (...You want to play FIFA you as Barça and me as Leganés and completely destroy me?)
"Si, por favor" (Yes, please)
#barca#fc barca#barcelona#pedri#pedri imagine#pedri x reader#pedri × reader#pedri gonzález x reader#pedri gonzalez#football imagine#spanish football
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Come to Bed 18+
Reader x Ona Batlle
Warning: Smut! Smut! Smut!
Word count: 3k
*Y/n’s Pov*
It was Saturday and we had the day off. I was sitting at the desk messing around on my desk. I was watching clips of the Australia and Spain game. I was the new goalkeeper for the team and I was in goal that game when we lost.
I really blamed myself. I knew it was my fault when we lost. I missed 8 saves, I sigh and take notes on the mistakes I had made in the game and write them down.
It’s 8am. Ona was still sleeping. I smiled, she looked so peaceful. I bite my lip as my eyes trail her body. Her shirt was up a bit exposing her black sports bra and toned abs.
My eyes trial down to her ass. Her ass was hanging off the side of the bed, her shorts up and her ass cheeks were slightly hanging out of her tight fit shorts.
I bite my lip and fix my shorts and adjust them as I get hard. I blush even more as I noticed she isn’t wearing any panties under her shorts.
I shake the thought, I leave my laptop open and mute it so it doesn’t wake up Ona. I grab a new pair of clothes and go into the bathroom.
I take a shower and start getting ready for the day. I get dressed, I brush my teeth and hair. I finish up in the bathroom and come back into the room. Ona was still asleep.
I sit back down and continue messing around in my lap trip watching clips and taking notes. 10 am rolls around, I smile as I feel a pair of arms wrapped around me and feel kisses on my neck.
“What are you up to, baby girl?” Ona asks in a sexy morning voice.
“Watching clips and taking notes.” I smile at her.
Ona yawns. “Babe you look like you haven’t slept at all. How long have you been up?” Ona asks.
“I slept, I fell asleep a little after you did.” I reply, rubbing the back of my neck.
Ona closes my laptop and sits on my lap. I smile and wrap my arms around her waist. Ona smiles and kisses me deeply. I smile against her lips and kiss back.
I love Ona. She and I have been dating for 2 years. Ona was always there for me when I was at my lowest. Ona was immediately at my side comforting me after our big loss against Australia.
Ona breaks the kiss bringing me back to reality. Ona smiles and stands up, she bites her lip and slips off her shirt, sports bra and shorts. I bite my lip and adjust my shorts as I get hard from the sight in front of me.
“See something you like?” Ona asks.
I bite my lip and nod. “Yes you’re beautiful baby.” I say. I slip my hand in my shorts and boxers and slowly stroke my dick at the sight in front of me.
I slip off my shirt and sports bra and toss them off to the side. Ona smirks and gets on her hands and knees and places kisses on my bulge and rubs it.
“Mm fuck.” I moan and lean my head back.
Ona giggles, she grabs the waistband of my shorts and boxers and slides my shorts and boxers off and tosses them off to the side.
My cock springs out once it’s freed from its confinement. I let out a quiet moan as Ona licks and kisses my cock.
“Mm there’s my favorite cock.” Ona says in her beautiful Spanish accent.
I moan and grips the armrests as Ona strokes my cock and swirls her tongue around my tip. I moan as Ona tears my length in her mouth.
Mm her mouth was warm and felt like heaven. I moan and run my fingers through her hair as she slowly bobs her head.
Ona hums against my dick and bobs her head a bit faster. I moan and place my hand on the back of her head as she keeps sucking going faster and faster.
“Fuck baby, your mouth feels so good.” I moan and lock eyes with her.
Ona locks eyes with me as she swirls her tongue around my tip as she keeps sucking my cock. I moan as she begins to massage and play with my balls.
“Ugh fuck.” I moaned as she sped up bobbing her head faster than before.
She let my dick pop out of her mouth as she kissed my inner thigh with a smile.
“My favorite American cock.” Ona whispered as she took my cock back in her mouth immediately deep throating me causing me to become a moaning mess.
She looked into my eyes as she hums against my dick seeing the reaction she was getting from me.
“I’m gonna cum buckets if you keep doing that.” I moan and close my eyes.
I gripped the chair arms rest with one hand. The other hand on the back of Ona’s head as she was making me closer to cumming.
My balls tighten as my dick hits the back of her throat. “Fuck Ona I...”
Throat pie:
I moan gripping Ona’s hair pushing her head further down on my cock as I explode in her mouth. Sweat dripped down my forehead, my legs buckled and began to shake.
Ona lifts her head up and swallows my load. Ona smiles and comes back up and kisses me. I moan in the kiss as I take myself in her lips. Ona smirks, she gets an idea.
Ona giggles and turns her back to me. Ona grabs my dick and guides me into her entrance and slowly sinks down on my cock taking my length deep inside her.
“Fuck daddy your so big. I love you so deep inside me.” Ona cutely moans in pleasure.
I moan in pleasure and place my hands on her hips as she slowly slides up and down on my dick. Her skin slaps against my skin as our moans fill the room.
“Mm fuck, feels so good.” Ona moans in pleasure.
I moan and help her slide up and down on my dick faster and faster. I moan and lean forward and kiss her neck and back as she continues to ride me.
“Mm fuck right there babe.” I moan in pleasure.
Ona Moans and goes faster and harder. Her skin slaps against mine as our moans fill the room. Fuck her pussy was amazing, Ona was so fucking good in bed.
I don’t think I could last much longer. Her grip was amazing, the urge to cum was getting stronger.
Ona moans and slams her ass down on my dick. Ona moans and cums all over my dick.
Ona cumming sends me over the edge. “Fuck Ona.” I moan loudly in pleasure as cum oozes out of my dick and fills her entrance, filling her up to the brim.
Ona moans and slowly slides up and down on my dick helping us ride out our highs. We both as cum continued to spurt and ooze inside her painting her walls white.
Once we both come down from our highs, Ona slowly slides off my dick. Cum immediately pours out of her pussy and drips onto my dick and onto my lap and onto the floor.
Some drips onto my abs. “Ugh fuck, that was amazing.” I moan.
Ona giggles. “That was just round 1 babe. We’re not even close to being done.”
I smirk, fucking hell Ona was so hot when she was like this. This was my favorite side of her.
“There’s still a lot more to come” I giggled immediately, throwing Ona into position onto her hands and knees, slapping her ass as she wiggled her ass.
“Fuck Y/n I need you now, don’t make me wait” Ona begged as I placed one hand on her back and one on her hip, her Spanish accent strong.
“I won’t baby” I said immediately slamming into her.
The way she moaned I’d never heard her moan as loud as she did as she got used to my length. I continued to thrust in and out of her, hypnotised by the way her ass rippled after every thrust.
“Fuck baby your ass look incredible baby” I moaned and added a spank
Her ass became a light shade of red from the amount of spanks she was receiving but she wanted them more and more, the sparks turning her on.
“Pull my hair baby” Ona moaned is request looking back at me over her shoulder”
I smiled as I took grip of her hair immediately as she requested and pulled on it lightly
“Fuck your so deep in there now baby” She moaned even louder then before
I couldn’t say anything in response from the pleasure I was getting but she was right, I felt so deep inside of her. The feeling I had she was so tight around my length. That feeling as-well as gripping her ponytail was incredible.My thrusts became faster and faster, harder and harder.
“Need your cum baby please” Ona moaned looking back at me
I was already so close but when Ona looked back at me, said what she said is such desperation I couldn’t contain it. I’d never felt my balls tighten so much as exploded inside of her painting her insides white
“There you go, fuck, there you go baby” I moaned as I gripped her ass again as my cum carried on leaking inside of her.
“Needed that baby, needing all your fucking cum” Ona giggled. “Love it when you fill me up”
I giggle at Ona as I looked into her eyes, still full of desperation as I leaned in placing a kiss on her lips
“Get on your side” I said with a smile as I began to get on my side.
Once we were in position my left hand found its way under her neck, my right hand lifting her left leg in the air, I inserted my dick inside her already full pussy and began to thrust in and out. Thrusting up and down I began to kiss the back of her neck. I could tell this had an affect on her right away as her moans began to get louder.
“You like that baby” I whispered speeding up my thrusts.
“Fuck, so much” Ona replied brining her arm over her body and grabbing my shoulder.
The way I could slightly see how she swallowed my dick up, it looked amazing, the view was hypnotic. Her ass jiggling against my stomach.
“Fuck baby, your ass is fucking huge, so nice too look at” I moaned in her ear once again.
“Maybe you - you can fuck it after” She replied, her voice hitching from the pleasure she was currently feeling
That statement alone turned me on all the more, I could feel pre cum already leaking inside of her once again.
Rubbing my hand down her side I could feel my balls begin to tighten.
My balls tightening making me go on with the pleasure I was feeling. Fucking into her faster and faster. Kissing down and around the back of her neck. Ona felt amazing, so tight but my dick felt like it fit perfectly.
Ona moved her head to the side allowing me to kiss and suck her neck all the more as I continued to fuck her, my grip on her calf getting tighter and tighter as I felt myself get closer to my release.
Moving my grip from her calf to her right boob tightly I felt my self explode inside of her once again.
“Fuck Ona, fuck” I almost yelled nestling my head into her neck as I let go of my load again. Shooting up inside of her.
“Fuck Y/N, empty inside of me please” she pleaded.
I did what she asked, her pussy dripping once again with my seed, both turned into a pair of sweaty messes.
I slowed down my thrusting as I helped Ona get down from her high, slowly pulling out my cum leaking out of her pussy down her ass cheek.I turned Ona over to face me, a smile on both of our face.
“I want you bent over your ass all exposed for me” I whispered with a kiss
The way Ona smiled, her face turning a shade of red as she climbed off the bed, her boobs jiggling as she did this. She got into position. Her hands on the bed as she bent over. I couldn’t resist as I spanked her ass a little hard causing it to jiggle around.
“So good” I smiled too my self getting a little giggle from Ona.
In sudden thought as Ona bent down infront of me, I decided to spank her, getting her ass ready. After 5 sparks on each cheek I leant forward placing a kiss on each side.
“Much better” I whispered taking a grip of her right ass cheek.
Slowly I began to tease Onas asshole with my tip, slowly getting her prepared for my length. Placing my right hand on her back I slowly enter her ass, her hands gripping the bed as hard as possible, her knuckles turning white.
"Fuuuuckkk. Y/N, your massive" She yells in a mix of pain and pleasure.
I began to speed my thrusts up, moving my hand from her back to gripping her brown hair in a pony tail pulling it to allow me to get even deeper inside of her.
"This is fucking amazing, you feel amazing" I say softly as I use my spair hand to grab her ass.
Her ass still as shade of red from the spanking I had put her through.
The view of Ona fidgeting from the pleasure, trying to grip any part of the bed she could as I continued to fuck her made me go even faster, turning me on all the more. Watching as her ass rippled after every thrust. Her fat ass bouncing repeatedly off of my thighs was a view I'd dreamed of seeing and wanted to see it all the more.
I move my hands to now be gripping tightly onto her hips, allowing me to pull her into me, allowing us both to get closer to our highs. I began to slam her into me faster and faster, the way it made her ass jiggle against me made me want to explode suddenly.
“Babe I feel like I'm going to explode all ready" I moan, my thrusts becoming slower.
"Fill my ass up, I want you too fill it to the brim" Ona moaned, sweat dripping down her back.
“Not a drop wasted” She added
5 minutes passed, the only noises filling the room was our continuous moans as I slowly began to reach my high.
"Ona fuck Ona I’m my god it’s coming, I’m about to cum” I moan as I started to thrust as hard as I could.
The grip I had on her ass was unbreakable as I explodes in her asshole. Without being able to warn her properly it was coming.
“Such a good girl” I moaned as my head hung backwards as my thrusts slowed down, emptying every drop inside of her.
I held onto her shoulders as I thrusted as deep as i could inside of her filling her all the way up.Her ass swallowing me up as I continued to thrust before slowly pulling out, cum oozing out.
“Fuck Ona , you are fucking amazing” I giggle spanking her ass one more time.
“How about I use that mouth one last time” I asked as Ona got back up on the bed.
She didn’t respond all she did was nod as she stuck out her tongue.
I get up into the bed and on my knees as Ona lays on her stomach. Playfully placing my dick onto her face.
“You really are massive” she giggled placing a kiss in the middle of my shaft.
I giggled at this as she slowly began to jerk my dick taking my balls in her mouth.
I bite my lip as Ona then begins to licks my dick and spits on my dick. I blush as her spit drips and runs down my length. I bite my lip and blush as she takes my length slowly in her mouth. Mmm fuck her mouth was so warm.
I reach over and hold her hair up in a ponytail. I quietly moan as Ona slowly bobs her head, she begins to slightly choke and gag as my tip hits the back of her throat. At the same time Ona reaches down and toys with my balls as she bobs her head a bit faster.
As she bobs her head a little faster spit begins to drip out of her mouth, making me moan at the sight. Her eyes watering, her chin covered in her spit was a sight I loved to see. I couldn’t help myself as I began to thrust into her mouth faster, making her gag more and more.
“Fuck, this, this is amazing” I moan as I throw my head back
It had only been around 15 minutes and I’m already close to cumming. God Ona really knows how to suck a dick, I quietly moan and grip the sheets and rest my legs on her shoulders.
I grab her head and help her bob her a bit faster. After 5 more minutes of an amazing blowjob I feel myself getting closer to cumming.
My precum leaks in her mouth and down her throat letting her know that I was about to bust.
Throat pie:
Pushing her head all the way down my length I couldn’t take it anymore as I exploded down her throat. Ona began to uncontrollably gag but I had to push through. Once I had finally exploded my last bit of cum into her mouth I let go of her head as she sat up on the bed.
“Fuck” she whispered
I giggled at this reaction. “Good” I asked her as she caught her breath.
“Amazing” she replied with a smile coming over to me and pulling me into a hug kissing my lips.
She placed another kiss on my lips hugging into my side.
“This is why you should always Come to Bed” she giggled.
#my writing#lesbiansmut#wlw smut#woso fanfics#woso smut#g!p reader#soccer#ona batlle#ona batlle smut
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star girl | lucy bronze x reader
based off the request ‘maybe one with Lucy, that the r scores in the euros final like the winning goal’. let’s imagine it’s the 23’ world cup final again and leah + beth never tore their acl’s xx
It’s safe to say tensions were high in the locker room as you and your fellow England teammates prepared for one of the biggest matches of your careers. Sarina had opted for the same line-up that secured your team the european championship a year prior, just a few changes here and there.
Yourself was on the bench as a substitute, however, it didn’t make the experience any less nerve-wracking. Double knotting the laces on your boot, you walked over to a familiar brunette.
“it’s totally normal to feel sick to my stomach right?” She chuckles, as if she isn’t about to go out to a crowd of 75,000+ people. “The life of a footballer love.”
“How have you played three world cups? I feel like a heart attack is going to hit me any minute.” Sitting next to her, she squeezes your hand and kisses your temple. “Calmer?” The older girl asks. “Calmer.” You confirm, leaning your head on her shoulder for a brief minute.
You would describe your relationship with Lucy very much black cat x golden retriever; while you was often energetic and switching through emotions like tv channels, lucy was the opposite. While she liked to have fun and be sarcastic and all, she was actually a very chill person who would just go with the flow.
Lucy and you had been dating for just over a year and a half with only close friends and family knowing. You’d be lying if you had your doubts if the both of you would even last - with Lucy playing in Barcelona and you for your childhood club Manchester United, but you stuck it out and recently just bought your first place together.
It was 7:45pm over in Sydney Australia, both opposing teams beginning to line up next to each other in the tunnel. You and the other substitutes were to come out after the starting players. You prayed to God you could come away with a win tonight - you knew how hard each and everyone of you worked and to win the world cup would just be the cherry on top to an undefeated championship run youse had going.
Walking out, it all suddenly got very real. The cheers from the crowd made you smile as you took your seat.
The referee blew her whistle; it was go time. You watched the game intensely, weighing up the stats of your team and the opposing team. Spain was playing good and the nerves in your stomach were intensifying with each passing second.
“Oh shit look!” Ella pointed over at James who was now running down a practically free pitch. “Come on, come on.” You muttered under your breath as you see Spain’s goalkeeper take her stance. James went to hit the ball, it travelling at a good speed. Unlucky for you and your team, it just narrowly missed the goal and instead hit the crossbar - the goalkeeper catching it as it fell back down, opting to roll it to one of her Spanish teammates.
Ten minutes had passed and your team was yet to make another chance, Spain players literally tackling left and right. It all came crashing down however when Carmona scored twenty-nine minutes in, managing to slot the ball into the corner of the net. As the opposing team celebrated you couldn’t help but feel bad for your girlfriend who you know would be blaming herself for the goal after she gave away the ball taking on three players at once.
The game carried on with a profound feeling of desperation. While Beth, both Laurens and even Keira had a shot at goal, none of the attempts made it into the net. You was happy to hear the half-time whistle blow, running down the steps and back through the tunnel.
“It’s not your fault, don’t even think it.” Knowing exactly the thoughts going on in your girlfriend’s head, you rubbed her back supportively. “I got too bloody cocky, I should’ve just passed it back.” Lucy ran her slim fingers through her tied back hair.
“Hey hey, we still have another forty five minutes to show them what we’ve got. And I don’t know about you, but I think Bronze over here shouldn’t stop aiming for gold.” Her lips tugged at a grin over your partially lame joke. “You’re right, as always. Don’t know what I’d do without my woman.” She quickly pecked your lips.
“Okay lovebirds, keep it in your pants - we have a game to win.” Keira piped up, giving both you and lucy a little smack on the back of the head.
It’s safe to say after the pep talks the squad received in the locker room, England was on top form. It also helped that Spain had let go of the reigns a little, clearly thinking they were safe with the one nil advantage.
The 68th minute. That’s when the crowd started to get a whole lot louder and players were charging down one side of the pitch. Hemp had control of the ball, slowing just before the box and passing it to Beth. The blonde hit the ball with her left foot sending it straight into the back of the goal. Cheers roared through the stadium as you celebrated with the other girls on the bench. The scoreline now 1-1, you was still in this.
Your time had come to make a debut in the game, walking onto the outskirts of the pitch, Sarina going through the plan with you. James was the girl who was making way for your appearance, giving you a double high-five and pat on the back.
Running onto the pitch, adrenaline rushed through you as you made eye contact with a certain someone and sent her a wink. You hadn’t even managed to get three passes before you were caught with studs pressing into your ankle, sending you down onto the ground “What the fuck was that for?” It’s not like you was massive threat to the Spanish team at that moment considering you was about to pass the ball back up your end.
Luckily you were awarded a free kick, having alex take it. The match was getting more tense the longer you played, both teams creating good chances. Spain was even awarded a penalty which thank god Mary saved.
91 minutes. The game had entered extra time. Scores still level.
You watched as Keira dribbled with the ball, passing to Leah who kicked it up the pitch. Weighing up where the ball was in the sky and where you was near the goal you saw your chance; jumping up in the air you threw your body back, your left foot getting a hit on the ball which sent it flying into the net. Getting up off the grass, you look at one of the assistant referee’s to make sure it wasn’t offside.
His flag staying down, you dropped to your knees in disbelief. The girls ran over to you cheering and shouting your name while practically assaulting you with hugs.
The final whistle was blown about thirty seconds later with your whole squad now coming into the pitch. Familiar hands wrapped around your torso and lifted you into the air, carrying you bridal style. “You’re fucking incredible you know that?” The brunette spun you around grinning like a little child.
Once put down you cupped her face in your hands, overcome with emotion and smashed your lips onto hers. Although the defender was taken back, she gave into the moment and kissed you back with just the same intensity. It wasn’t the way either of you was planning to make the relationship public but hey, you just won the biggest tournament of your lives and wanted to celebrate with your special lady.
it wasn't long before you was ambushed by your team shouting compliments left right and centre. the crowd was also off on one, the volume making your ears ring.
walking back through the tunnel and into the locker room you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when a voice whispered into your ear "follow me."
obliging by the command and plodding behind the brunette, she dragged you into what appeared to be a storage room, miscellaneous sports equipment scattered around.
pushing you up against the cold wall which made you audibly gasp she planted a searing kiss onto your lips, hands having a firm hold of your waist. you reacted almost immediately, placing you hand on the back of her neck and bringing the two of you even closer.
"god i love you." the older woman breathed out as she moved from your lips to your neck, biting and sucking the skin to the point you was squirming in effort to not make any noise.
"i should score goals more often if this is how i get rewarded." forcing her to look at you, you reconnected your lips wasting no time in biting her bottom lip and snaking your tongue inside.
just as she slid her hand under your shirt there was a bang on the door. "lucia bronze and y/n y/l/n! if youse two are not out of there in ten seconds i will kick this door down myself!" tooney shouted.
you placed one last peck on lucy's cheek "i think we've been caught."
the right-back rolled her eyes. "we're continuing this later." she smirked, hitting your butt before unlocking and opening the door for you.

liked by youruser and 2,792,051 others
lucybronze Won the world cup and the girlfriend jackpot. On top of the world right now.
youruser 🤍
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#lucy bronze x reader#lucy bronze#barcelona femeni#lionesses#england lionesses#england#request#world cup#women’s football#woso#woso community#woso x reader
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Nena II
Barcelona Femení x Child!Reader
Summary: Just another day at your sister's work
You giggled as Asisat lifted from her shoulders and swung you around. Your tummy went all fluttery in a good way as she kept going before releasing you to stumble about.
She caught you when you lost your footing, putting you upright again and smothering a laugh when you fell right back onto the floor.
"Again?" She asked.
You got up immediately, nodding. "Uh-huh!"
"I think we should take a break," Sandra said as she approached," Or the little miss might throw up her breakfast."
"Ingrid's Mapi made pancakes!" You said excitedly," And Ingrid let me have syrup with it!"
"Wow!" Sandra said to you before turning to Asisat," It'll be a pain to clean if she pukes that all up and then you'll have to explain to Ingrid why we've got her kid sister throwing up her food."
"Alright." Asisat ruffled your hair. "Maybe later then."
"Later!" You agreed before allowing Sandra to take your hand and lead you to a shady area.
You had fallen into an easy routine in the past few weeks you've spent in Barcelona. Ingrid and her Mapi would get you ready for the day where one of their teammates (usually Frido or Keira) would take you out onto the field where you would sit in the shady area where the goalkeepers practiced.
Today, though, you were joined by familiar faces.
"Jana! Bruna! Look, I made pictures!"
The two girls, cleared from medical enough to lightly train but not enough to do the extremely complicated drills that were currently going on, hung out with you.
"That is very good, y/n," Jana complimented," You're the best colourer."
"I am very good." You knew that already because Ingrid and her Mapi told you often but, still, it was nice to be recognised for your talent. "You colour."
You tore a sheet out of your book and gave it to Jana along with a purple pencil.
You did the same for Bruna before deciding, after watching her for a moment, that she wasn't doing well so you sat on her lap and helped her.
"In the lines," You told her, parroting the words your Papa used to say to you," So it's not messy anymore. Don't worry. You'll get better when you practice more."
"Gracias, y/n," Bruna said," I'm sure with an expert like you, I will get it in no time."
You nodded and grabbed another sheet. "Mama says you have to practice to get better. She says that's why Ingrid's so good at the ball game so you have to practice your colouring, Bruna. So you can get better."
The warm Spanish sun beat down upon you and your friends as the other girls trained. When it get even hotter, Jana and Bruna gave you two bottles of water and sent you on your way with them.
"Gemma! Cata!" You said as you approached," Here!"
"Our hero!" Cata said as she unscrewed the lid and drained it. "Thanks, kiddo! Gemma, thank her."
Gemma sprayed water at Cata. "I was going to before you interrupted." She leaned down to hug you before allowing you to chug from her drink. "Thanks for the drink, little buddy. Why don't you head on back to Jana and Bruna and do some more colouring? It's nearly time for lunch."
Gemma was right because no sooner had you completed your third picture, did Marta and Caro come to collect you.
Your hand fit easily into Caro's hand and you took Marta's too - just because you could. Together, they swung you into the air every few steps and you giggled ecstatically every time.
Marta laughed with you while Caro settled for just a smile. You beamed at them both - especially when Caro decided to make a pitstop to get you a chocolate bar from the vending machine.
Marta ended up making your plate for lunch and no matter how much you begged and begged, she stuck to the list of approved food your sister had given her.
"Go on, nena," She said, directing you to a very full table," Can I trust you girls to look after her?" The occupants of said table all nodded and she gave them a fierce look before relenting.
Lucy stopped you from sitting down, grabbing her jacket to pile it onto the empty seat. She nudged Keira. "Pass it over." Once Keira surrendered her own jacket as well as Ona, Salma and Esmee, Lucy used them all to create a makeshift booster seat for you before plonking you onto it and pushing your food closer.
"I heard you had a fun weekend, nena," Ona said with a smile, glancing around before pushing part of her nice food onto your plate.
You nodded. "Uh-huh, Ingrid took me to the park and her Mapi let me take Bagheera on a walk."
Esmee rolled her eyes with a huff of a laugh. "She spoils that cat."
"Bagheera's my best boy," You replied to her, cramming food into your mouth," He naps in sunspots and sleeps in my bed with me."
"Really?" Keira asked before glaring daggers at Lucy," Sounds just like Narla."
You cocked your head to the side. "Tia Alexia's dog sleeps in her bed?"
"She means my dog," Lucy said as she ruffled your hair," I have a dog called Narla too."
You made a face. "That's mean, Lucy," You said," You shouldn't name your dog after Tia's Nala. She could get bullied."
Salma, on your other side, laughed. "I don't think dogs get bullied, nena."
"Cats get bullied," You said," Ingrid's Mapi said that's why Bagheera isn't allowed out without her - because the neighbourhood cats bully him. The other dogs could bully Lucy's Narla."
Salma chuckled as she ruffled your hair and shovelled food into your mouth. "Never change, nena. You're adorable."
You made a face at that but didn't argue, allowing Salma to feed you to rest of your meal.
You got restless halfway through lunch and slipped off your seat to tug on Irene's sleeve. You bounced up and down urgently. "Toilet," You said to her because she was Mateo's mama and your mama told you that every mama in the world recognised the potty dance.
Thankfully, your mama was right because Irene excused herself from her conversation and took your hand, leading you to the bathroom.
You did your business quickly but had to be lifted up to reach the sink and then again to use the hand dryer - bursting into hysterical giggles when Irene poked you in the stomach when your top rode up.
By the time you got out of the toilet, lunch had finished and Mariona joined the two of you on your walk to the gym.
"Looking cool in your shoes, nena," She said.
You grinned at her proudly. "They're my most favourite!" Yet again, you had chosen to wear your new light-up shoes. You had been wearing them a lot recently so now Ingrid didn't get worried your feet would start aching because they had finally been broken in.
"Well, they're my most favourite too!" Mariona replied.
"Good!" You said firmly, patting her side in approval with a smiling face. Mariona was pretty cool most of the time when she wasn't running around like a headless chicken and she was doubly cool when she talked to you about your new shoes.
"Are we talking about super cool light-up shoes because..." Patri stamped her feet and the bottom of her shoes lit up into a rainbow.
You gasped and jumped, showing that your shoes could do the same.
"I told you I'd find them, nena! Look at us, we're matching!"
"We are!"
Patri took your hands from Irene and jumped up and down with you, both of your shoes lighting up in sync. You giggled hysterically as the colours bounced.
Over her shoulder, you spied another recognisable face.
"Claudia! Claudia!" You exclaimed," Look! Look! We match!"
You and Patri jumped again to prove your point and Claudia gasped. She glanced around like she had a secret before beckoning you closer.
"You know what?" She asked.
"All three of us match!"
She stamped her feet and her shoes lit up too.
You gasped.
"Wow! So cool!"
You looked around the room, holding onto Patri and Claudia and dragging them over to the corner of the gym.
"Aitana! Aitana! Aitana! We match!"
The three of you stamped your feet, causing the rainbow lights to appear again.
Aitana, as she lifted weights, smiled at you. "That's really cool, nena."
You looked down at Aitana's sad, boring shoes and sighed. You released Claudia and Patri to pat Aitana on the leg consolingly.
"It's okay," You told her," If you ask very nicely Claudia and Patri can take you to get matching shoes too."
She let out a chuckle. "Thanks, nena."
Before you could make any more suggestions though, you were pulled away from your friends by Frido, who promptly led you over to the opposite side of the gym which had been set up for your nap time.
You frowned. "Don't wanna nap," You complained.
Frido sighed. "I know. I don't want you to nap either but Ingrid says so."
You huffed. "Ingrid's not the boss of you."
Frido's eyebrows raised. "Somehow, I don't think Ingrid agrees with that. Come on, you, nap time. I'll get you some cake tomorrow if you nap now."
Your eyes narrowed. "With sprinkles?"
"With sprinkles."
"Okay. Naptime now."
Your nap went by very quickly and when you ended it, you still felt groggy.
Someone was touching you though and you squirmed around in their arms until your head was tucked into their neck. They were nice though, nice and warm even if they jostled you every time they took a step.
"You should take a picture for Olga," Your Ingrid's Mapi teased," It might get you one of these sooner rather than later."
"I'm quite content with this one." It was Tia Alexia's voice that spoke next and you realised that you were in her arms.
You blinked away your sleepiness and rubbed your eyes. "Hola, Tia," You said softly.
"Hola, nena," She replied," You slept a long while. I was getting worried you would sleep forever."
"Silly, Tia," You said," That's not possible."
"No?" She teased," Oh, silly me!" She bounced you. "It's nice to see you, nena. I was worried I wouldn't see you today."
"I always like seeing you, Tia," You replied.
"I like see you too."
You turned your head out of her neck and smiled softly at Ingrid's Mapi.
She smiled back at you, a small smile that was reserved only for you. "Hola, elskling," She said and her use of Ingrid's nickname for you made you feel all nice and fluttery inside. "We're heading home now. Ingrid's getting the car all nice and ready for us."
You nodded but didn't say anything else. You still felt kind of tired and sleepy so just soaked in Tia Alexia's warmth and the steady hum of talking between her and Ingrid's Mapi.
You didn't even notice when you moved from Tia Alexia's arms to your Ingrid's until you were placed in your car seat and strapped in.
Ingrid hovered over you as she wiped up the drool from your cheek. "Hi, elskling. Don't you look all nice and sleepy?"
"Frido made me nap," You replied, eyes drooping as she clipped in the last buckle," But I wasn't really sleepy."
"I bet you're sleepy now though, right?"
You nodded and yawned. "Little bit."
"That's alright, elskling," She said," You have a nice little nap in the car and then you can get up when we get home."
"Okay..." Your eyes drooped even lower. "Mapi?"
"Si, elskling?"
"Can we have cuddles with Bagheera on the sofa when I wake up?"
"Of course, elskling. I'm sure Bagheera would love to cuddle with you."
"And you."
"And me."
"And Ingrid."
"And Ingrid too."
#woso x reader#barcelona femeni x reader#barca femeni x reader#barcelona femeni#barca femeni#woso community#woso fanfics#woso imagine#woso
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Salma or Selma?
Salma Paralluelo x BarcaPlayer!R x Selma Bacha
Warnings: angst, anger/sadness, cheating, betrayal, author making up future champions league results for the plot so please don't bully me if things go differently irl, long chapter
The last few months were a whirlwind of emotions for Y/n L/n. She couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong, an unsettling sensation that clawed at her insides like a persistent itch.
Despite the facade she tried to maintain, there were moments when doubt crept in, casting a shadow over her once happy and carefree personality.
Y/n found herself second-guessing every word that came out of Salma Paralluelo’s mouth. A year ago, Salma and Y/n started dating. This boosted the joy in the 20 year old’s life.
She found warmth in Salma's touch and a kindness in her gaze that made her feel cherished and adored. She thought highly of Salma, being there for her when she won the World Cup, despite her own country being eliminated in the Round of 16.
On the field, outside of their relationship, they’re a duo in Barcelona that couldn't be stopped by the opposition defenders. Y/n is a left winger while Salma was mainly positioned as a striker. The amount of goals and assists they’ve given each other boosted their playing confidence more.
Overtime, the colors in the sky turned cloudy.
When Salma wasn’t with Y/n outside of football, the Spanish girl was with the goalkeeper on their team, Cata. This didn’t concern Y/n at first, the girl had trust in Salma and building bonds with teammates is important. Salma knew Cata before she knew Y/n anyways.
Eventually, small things started to creep up onto Y/n’s mind. Salma and Cata had small inside jokes together. The duo were affectionate, which Y/n didn’t mind at first because that behavior isn’t uncommon in Spain.
Y/n suspicions were confirmed once she noticed Salma starting to ditch her to hang out with Cata, almost everyday.
Salma promised that she is helping Cata with a recent breakup. Y/n wanted to press further but didn’t. The girl knew that other close friends on the team, Esmee or Ingrid for example, would tell her if they suspected something with Salma and Cata too.
Though she desperately tried to dismiss her suspicions as paranoia, the nagging feeling persisted, festering beneath the surface like a wound that refused to scab and heal. With each passing day, as Salma continued to ditch their plans, Y/n's unease grew. And little did she know, the tempest of betrayal that awaited her would challenge everything she thought she knew about love and trust.
“Are you freaking kidding me?” Y/n yelled as she turned into a hallway at Johan Cruyff stadium. She walked with Esmee Brugts, happy about their win against SK Brann. Now, she stood as her heart sank into her stomach, shattered in a million pieces.
Cata had her arms around Salma as the girl kissed down her neck, stopping once she heard the scream of her actual girlfriend. Salma jumped away, pushing Cata before looking right at Y/n, not knowing what to say at first.
“So this is w-why you we-were ditching me?” Y/n’s voice broke.
The left winger started to panic. For a second, it felt as if she couldn’t breathe. The suspicions she had were real and weren't just a story she made up. Esmee noticed her panic, she gently pulled Y/n’s arm and turned her away from the cheater and the goalkeeper before things got worse.
“Y/n wait-”
“Not now.” The Dutch cut Salma off, looking at her with sadness and slight disappointment, before pulling Y/n away from what occurred. Esmee couldn’t believe what her friend was capable of too.
The team didn’t find out what had happened. Y/n, Esmee, Salma, and Cata only knew. A week later, Salma showed up to Y/n’s apartment. She begged for another chance and mentioned that she cut Cata off. Y/n didn’t respond to her pleas for a couple of hours while Salma begged in her apartment.
Eventually, Y/n took Salma back. With a heavy heart and a tentative embrace, Y/n chose to believe in the possibility of redemption. She missed Salma’s presence and allowed herself to be enveloped in the warmth of Salma's embrace once more.
The American national didn’t let the Spanish girl come back without promises though. She told Salma that she couldn’t talk to Cata outside of football, not mention what happened to anyone except for who already knew (Esmee and Cata obviously), and not to ditch her again. Salma smiled and agreed.
For a month, things between the two looked the same from an outsider's perspective. They would’ve said that Y/n and Salma looked extremely happy with each other. Y/n scored 4 goals against Chelsea in the first leg of the Champions League Semi-Finals. Salma had the brightest smile as she hugged her girlfriend.
However, the scars of betrayal ran deep. Y/n never let the betrayal between Salma and Cata go. When Cata tried to congratulate her on her goal, Y/n just walked by her, saying “Thanks.” No hug or high five.
Sometimes, she wonders if they’re still interested in each other. Y/n hopes she's not in the way of any possible feelings between the Spanish girls.
Barcelona and Chelsea still have to compete in the second leg of the Semi-Final, but Y/n believed that Lyon and Barcelona will go head-to-head in the Champions League Final. Lyon is facing PSG in the Semi-Final but they've won the first leg 4-1.
Y/n is excited about a possible Champions League final, last year she won the final against Wolfsburg because of her goal that pushed Barcelona up 3-2 in the second half.
A day after she got back from London, Y/n went out to celebrate with a few friends who came to Spain, from America, to visit her. Salma didn’t come with her to meet her friends because she wanted to go to a gym session instead, which Y/n believed.
(its you in the pictures below)
tagged: urbestie
liked by selma_bacha, malpugh, and 44,927 others
americans in espana 🇪🇸🌞
salmaparalluelo 😍��
malpugh you're so cute
wososoccer478 she hasn't posted with salma in nearly 8 months 🥴
leahlover8 I noticed that! They're still together in fcbfemeni training pictures so they're okay I believe
aitanabonmati ☺️
esmeebrugts no invite? 😧🇳🇱
y/n.l/n next time Es I promise!
wosotranfernews the best friendship ^
A few hours after she posted on Instagram, Y/n got home to her apartment and took off her sandals. She placed her sandals right by the door before walking to her living room and laying down on top of her comfortable ivory couch.
She pulled her phone out of her brown leather bag, clicking on the lock button to see no notifications from Salma. Y/n heart started to race but she ignored it when she saw the sole notification on the phone from Instagram.
Y/n raised her eyebrows in confusion as she stared at the notification on the pink iphone. She knew the french player who currently played at Lyon. Even though she is confused, she is intrigued too. Why is Selma reaching out to her, and why now? Selma and Y/n followed each other three years ago but haven’t talked until now.
hey. how are you?
The Barcelona player typed out a response, waiting for the response from the girl behind the screen.
When y/n looked up at her phone, she noticed that it was twenty minutes past midnight. She got home from dinner with friends around nine. The conversation she had with Selma lasted three hours. The American scrolled down on her phone to see if she had notifications from her girlfriend Salma.
The girl decided to give Salma the benefit of the doubt, despite her past cheating. Y/n continued to text the French girl for a few minutes before they’ve both decided to call it a night.
Y/n’s heart skipped a beat as a message from Selma illuminated her phone screen. The simple message might be nothing to others but to Y/n, it held a power within them. It had been so long since Salma had taken the time to bid her goodnight or good morning, even though they’ve been together for 14 months. The gesture from Selma touched Y/n in a way she couldn't quite explain.
The American took a shower, changed into her night clothes, and laid in her bedroom in the quiet darkness, her thoughts drifting back to her conversation with the Lyon player. Talking to her felt so easy. Sometime in the conversion, their typed messages turned into audio messages and their shared laughter after their jokes made y/n happy in the absence of her girlfriend. At that moment, Y/n knew that she needed to talk to Selma more. She had so much in common with the Lyon player and their sense of humor aligned.
A month has gone by and Y/n was right, Lyon and Barcelona would be facing in the Champions League final. She felt a wave of excited emotions, knowing that this will be her second final with the team.
In the second leg against Chelsea, Y/n scored a hat trick and Caroline Graham Hansen scored the fourth goal. The game ended in a 4-2 win. The WSL team was sent home and Y/n felt bad as one of her USWNT teammates played for twenty minutes against her.
Salma and Y/n started to drift apart and the team started to question it. Aitana asked Y/n one day if things were okay, Y/n lied and said yes.
The Spanish girlfriend started to ditch her American girlfriend again. However, things were different this time. Y/n felt her heart go elsewhere as Salma abandoned her.
Over the month, Y/n engaged in everyday conversations with the Left-Back at Lyon. Selma and her had a few FaceTime calls and they're compatible in many ways.
Y/n started to question everything. She wanted to distance from Salma so she can figure out her feelings, but they're on the same team. At training, Salma found herself close with y/n so avoidance wasn't ideal. The American knew that she will see Selma in the Champions League final so she couldn't avoid her too.
In the quiet solitude of her plant and pink covered room, with the gentle hum of the Barcelona town outside her window, Y/n looked through her camera roll. She scrolled through her "Lover girl" album, which contained pictures of Salma and her together. Y/n felt her heart sink as she stopped at the last picture, clicking on the date to see that she didn't update the album since the night she caught Salma cheating on her with Cata.
Clicking off of the album, she went through her other folders to see many screenshots from her FaceTime calls with Selma Bacha. Y/n blushed as she saw Selma doing silly things on the calls, like (jokingly) getting angry over their Fifa games or making silly frowning faces .
Y/n's heart ached with the weight of indecision, torn between the familiar comfort of Salma and the extreme chemistry with Selma. Each possessed qualities that spoke to different parts of her soul, Salma with her history and shared memories, and Selma with her vibrant energy, admiration, and newfound connection.
As she wrestled with her thoughts, Y/n knew that the choice she made would shape the course of her future, a decision not just about love, but about her career and the kind of person she wanted to be.
Y/n exploded her bottled emotions onto her friend, Lindsey, from back home. Yes, Lindsey Horan from her International team that played for Lyon. The same Lindsey that knew Selma just as much as she knew Y/n.
"You know what they say. If there's two people in your life, pick the second one. Since there would've never been a second choice if you loved the first one enough." Lindsey said over the FaceTime. Yn laughed at how "corny" the saying is.
"I love Salma, Lindsey. However, I can't go on with this if I can't trust her." Y/n frowned.
"You shouldn't go on with her either if you want Selma involved with your future too. It sounds like Salma might leave you for Cata soon. No offense, I just need you to hear the truth before it happens..." Lindsey added on. Y/n took a deep breath, processing the blondes valid points.
"How do you know if Selma likes me?"
"Oh she likes you a lot. She's mentioned it to the team multiple times. Selma is just waiting on you to let Salma go." Lindsey confessed.
"I can't just break up with Salma. She'll move on to Cata and it'll break up the team's dynamics. It happened with a love triangle here before." Y/n explained, referring to the love triangle between Lucy Keira and Ona.
"Lyon is interested in you. Everyone involved in the transfer markets knows they want to activate your release clause. They just need your approval-- and maybe you can come here for a new start." Lindsey suggested. Y/n nodded at the possibility. She could leave Barcelona, leaving Cata and Salma to be together and she could be closer to Selma. Plus, Lyon is a big club like Barcelona so it's a good career move.
The tension hung heavy in the air as Barcelona squared off against Lyon in the electrifying Champions League final. The crowd's roars echoing like thunder in Y/n's ears as she stepped onto the field, her heart pounding in rhythm with the pulsating beat of the game.
At the first sight of Selma Bacha, y/n felt nervous. Nobody knew how she felt about her except for Lindsey, who is one of Lyon's midfielders currently. The Barcelona left winger took Lindsey’s suggestion into consideration and she has a few plans for her career after this final.
During halftime, the game is 2-2. Caroline Graham Hansen scored a brace so far along with Becho having a brace for Lyon. The atmosphere is intense as there is another fourty-five minutes left. For Y/n, amidst the chaos of her thoughts, there lingered a deeper, more insidious feeling: guilt.
She knew that she was breaking up with Salma after the season ended. Y/n never confronted Salma about seeing her talking to Cata secretly again before the match. The left-winger knows she is in the way of the two Spanish girls who want to be together. In consideration of her love for Salma, she decided that she will break up with her after the season ends rather than now.
The girl wouldn't have to worry about the pre-season and the next season afterwards in Barcelona. Y/n talked with her agent and Lyon agreed to activate her release clause and will offer her a contract on the first day the transfer window opens in the summer.
As the minutes ticked away and the score remained deadlocked, the pressure mounted, threatening to suffocate Y/n beneath its weight. Yes, she is facing her future club, but she is with Barcelona for now and wants to win with them for one last time. She had an energy driving her to push herself harder, to fight with every fiber of her being. When Salma scored a stunning goal in the 67th minute, by Y/n’s assist bringing the score up 3-2, the crowd exploded.
Salma runs to the corner and celebrates with her usual “4 fingers'' symbol. Afterwards, she turns around and immediately holds her hands out to hug Y/n. The American sighed before smiling lightly, hugging her girlfriend tightly and pulled her face down on Salma’s shoulder. The news media and their shippers talk about this on social media, believing that they aren't broken up like rumors suspected.
The girl inhaled Salma’s vanilla scent before looking into Salma’s eyes, pulling away before letting the rest of the team hug her. She frowned as she walked away, knowing that it might be the last time she will hug her soon-to-be ex-girlfriend.
Y/n walks away towards the left side to see Selma, on the Lyon side, looking at her. The French player smirked before looking away, making the American girl blush.
Selma had a feeling that Y/n will join her in Lyon after this season. The girl gave too many hints on their late night facetimes calls about “being able to see each other all of the time soon.” She knew Salma and Y/n were done, due to suspected cheating from the Spanish, so she didn’t feel badly about her flirtatious moves.
Just when victory seemed within Barcelona’s grasp, fate intervened with a cruel twist of irony. Just two minutes after Salma’s goal for Barcelona, Lyon’s forward Diani passes the ball through the Barcelona box and Horan taps the ball into the net, right past Cata’s hands.
The French crowd explodes as Horan runs to the corner of the box, yelling as she pumps her fist into the air in celebration. Y/n looks on at her USWNT captain, who looked so happy to score her goal with the Division 1 Feminine team.
In the 85th minute, Ingrid Engen dribbled the ball up the field before seeing Aitana who was free to receive a pass. The ball goes up over the players before Aitana jumps up and hits it with her head. The ball flies up again before landing on Esmee’s boot. The Dutch “nutmegs” the ball through a Lyon defender before passing to Y/n. The American dribbles quickly through Selma Bacha before shooting the ball. As the ball goes through Endler’s legs, Y/n screams in excitement. Goal!
Barcelona 4-3
In the dying moments of the game, Selma's team managed to break through Barcelona’s defense, scoring a last-minute goal from Le Sommer that left Y/n reeling in disbelief. As the 90 minutes appeared on the watches on the referees wrists, 6 minutes of extra time were added to the board.
Y/n looks over at her coach Jona, seeing that he wants the team to play defensively. A few minutes pass but it’s anyone's game. Y/n couldn’t break through the Lyon midfield when she had the ball a few times.
She passes the ball down to Aitana, and the ballon d’or winner passes the ball down to Ingrid, who passes the ball back down to Cata who launches the ball across the field towards Claudia Pina.
Claudia and Selma both go up and try to head the ball towards a teammate. The Lyon player was successful and the ball landed on Horan’s boot. Y/n runs up to challenge the other American but Lindsey passes it to her striker before Y/n reaches her.
Marta challenges Hegerburg who quickly dribbles around her.
Ona goes to challenge the Lyon striker before pushing her inside of the penalty box, ruining the potential goal scoring opportunity.
Almost all 22 players on the pitch ran to the ref, debating on the challenge as “just a foul” “tir de pénalité” “el desafío est�� fuera de la caja” and much more. The referee contacts the VAR room with their mini microphone before blowing the whistle. Lyon Penalty.
Hegerburg, not injured by Ona’s contact, goes to take the penalty. Y/n felt her lungs close in as the crowd erupts in screams and whistles. She knew there was a minute left. If the Lyon striker makes the shot, Lyon wins the Champions League unless a miracle occurred.
Y/n’s hands covered her face in disappointment as Hegerburg’s goal went behind the net. Cata moved to the left to block the shot when the hard shot went to the right.
All of the Lyon players dressed in their Blue away jerseys ran to the corner and celebrated the penalty. The players on the bench even ran and screamed to celebrate the penalty.
Not a single opportunity occurred for Barcelona before the final whistles blew. The scoreboard flashed 4-5 in favor of Selma's team. The Lyon players screamed as they all jumped on each other in joy. A wave of devastation washed over Y/n, the bitter taste of defeat staining her lips as she bit on them, trying not to cry in front of thousands of people.
Yet, amidst the heartbreak and despair, there was a deeper wound that cut to the core of Y/n’s heart. At the moment, she stood alone on the pitch as other Barcelona players fell onto their knees in sadness, some clapped for their fans while having tears in their eyes, Ona ran away into the dressing room so she didn’t have to face the fans who were angry with her last minute mistake.
At first, she thought about her girlfriend who is experiencing the loss too. She looked around to seek solace in Salma's embrace. She stood in the same spot with her hands on her hips as she continued to bite on her plump lips.
What Y/n saw shattered her heart into a million pieces when she realized that Salma wasn’t looking for her. Instead, she watched in silent agony as Salma rushed to Cata's side. Cata sat on the grass and cried as Salma whispered affirmations in her ear. It looked so intimate. In that moment, as tears welled in Y/n's eyes and the weight of her loneliness, she knew that the scars of this defeat ran deeper than any she had ever known.
The American in the white away kit fell onto the grass and let all of her warm tears flow down her dimpled cheeks. She didn’t care who saw it and if pictures would be taken. Y/n’s suppressed feelings about her suspicions were confirmed.
Salma chose Cata. In her worst moment, she wanted Cata’s comfort and not her own “girlfriend.”
Y/n, in the back of her mind, knew that she was done with Salma. She couldn’t speak to her after this. She left her alone in the worst moment while she comforted the girl she committed infidelity with.
The girl cried for a few minutes, feeling alone in this dark moment, before she felt the embrace of four arms around her body. She couldn’t see who it was, since she laid flat on the grass with her hands covering her face.
“Y/n, You did amazing out there!” The American in the Barcelona jersey heard the voice of her USWNT captain, Lindsey.
“No I didn’t” Y/n complained, ignoring her beautiful goal and two assists she made during the match.
“Y/n don’t speak about yourself like that. Shit you’re a good opponent!” Y/n froze and her tears seemed to stop flowing when she heard a familiar french accent.
Y/n sat up from the grass, wiping her grass covered knees as Lindsey sat beside her. She turned and looked at Selma, this being their first interaction outside of the game, who wiped her tears with her thumbs. Selma patted Y/n’s puffy face afterwards before sitting right beside her, leaving no space.
“I hope so.” Y/n replied a few seconds after Selma spoke last.
“Congratulations guys.” Y/n continued as she looked back and forth between her friend and the girl who is more than a friend.
“Thank you. You were kicking our ass for a good half.” Selma laughed, she wrapped her arm around Y/n’s lower back as the Barcelona player moved her head to Selma’s shoulder. Y/n laughed in response.
“No literally. I can’t wait to see that when I play with you this summer.” Lindsey agreed. Y/n smiled in reminder of making it on the USWNT olympic roster with her.
“You guys shouldn’t waste your time comforting me. Go celebrate!” Y/n laughed through her dry tears and pointed towards the Lyon teammates who were currently celebrating.
She looked around to see Esmee, her best friend at Barcelona, being comforted by some of her Oranje teammates that played for Lyon which made her smile. Y/n knows she will miss her the most when she leaves.
“Who said we are wasting time? The celebration and trophy setup isn't ready for another ten minutes. We have time to be here for you— and we want to be here with you” Selma held Y/n tighter.
Despite her own triumph, Selma's concern was solely for Y/n, offering a comforting embrace that felt similar to medicine curing a cold. In that moment, as Y/n leaned into Selma's embrace, she felt her heart soften, her realization being proven stronger with this moment. It was Selma who was there for her, Selma who offered solace and understanding, Selma who held the key to her heart for the last few months. The left-winger’s heart chooses Selma and will move to play for Lyon.
The media picked up on Salma and Y/n going to comfort other people after the game, which caused their fans to explode in speculation. When pictures of Selma Bacha holding Y/n L/n came out in the media, Lyon and Barcelona fans were shocked before being supportive. When Salma and Cata hard-launched their relationship, fans were shocked too.
The girls never confirmed their breakup publicly, even though Y/n and Salma mutually broke up after the Champions League final. However, they both publicly moved onto their new girlfriends and Y/n moved away to play for the Lyon team, enjoying her new life with Selma Bacha.
an: hope you enjoyed! I'm sad that the barcelona men's team lost the quarter final of the champion's league 😣
#woso x reader#olympique lyonnais#selma bacha#salma paralluelo#barcelona femeni#woso community#wwc 2023#aitana bonmati#esmee brugts#fc barcelona#lindsey horan#cata coll
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