#sp gobbles
krist-420 · 2 years
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Timmy and Gobbels South Park gif
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buttfrovski · 10 months
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he's so fucking cute u guys
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narwhalandchill · 6 months
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got requested to share my xueyi build so!!! here it is :]
(+ EU server crew - shes on my supports rn if u wanna add me to try her out alongside e1 RM and e0s1 blade)
anyway some notes:
a bit of xueyi 101 to start out jic - the atk orb and break rope are the standard for her; her break effect to dmg% conversion A2 trace makes quantum dmg a joke whereas her sources of atk are very limited. build-wise as this freaky puppetcore weirdgirl crit/break hybrid she wants it all rly; both crit, BE and atk, but prioritizing crit until some sort of 1:2 (guides tend to put 60/120 as the baseline) is key.
S5 aeon is perfectly fine and its what i used to have on her, i pulled indelible promise in order to end the custody battle over aeon between her and DHIL lmao (+ new gacha 4* LCs in hsr are like new 4* charas luckily - indelible promise after its initial release patch in 2.0 is now a permanent offrate on all banners except for beginner, phew). the crit on it is especially nice, rly hope i get spooked with some superimpositions in the future.
she shouldnt be on glamoth anymore really - this showcase is with her on spd boots (as you can see. duh) and she does reach the 135 spd for the 1st glamoth buff requirement when with RM (which is every time i play her) so its fine, but as i swap to atk boots when with sparkle im sure you can see why it would be... suboptimal. problem is. well. look at her rope. still havent managed to roll a comparable salsotto one so 💀 we live with this.
her relics are still a bit scuffed (chest and both her atk and spd boots are. fine. but could be better) but since i often have fx and sparkle patching up her crit its fine for now.
also yes i shouldve unlocked those last few quantum dmg and BE traces ages ago but its not rly that impactful when her dmg% is already as high as it is with the amount of BE i have on her so oh well x)
obviously given her dependence on break xueyis far from an universal dps - i only use her in heavily quantum weak fights (or in SU where u can get blessings to spam her ult for the weakness ignoring attack) but when she gets to shine she shreds So hard i love her sm 🥰🥰
+ heres the atk boots build ig. not that much changing as you can see but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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trashlie · 8 months
Love and Deepspace Thoughts
I promised some thoughts about Love and Deepspace and we're a week into the game and I think I can finally ramble about it for a while. I've been immensely enjoying myself and screaming daily with my friends lol and I think I've been able to formulate my thoughts pretty well! Idk how many people actually wanna read this, but I always love to have a record of my thoughts - especially something this early in game, because knowing papergames, there's going to be so much angst, so many twists and turns, and I'm already seeing a lot of threads of how things could play out and I like to be able to look back and see how wrong I was lol.
I play on the North American server and have completed chapter 7, so this will be full of spoilers for story content, as well as a lot of spoilers for anecdotes, tender moments, and some of the myth stuff - I'll try to denote where I'll mention certain spoilers in case you're trying avoid certain things, but it'd be impossible to write all of my sincere thoughts and capture all of what I really love and am looking forward to without spoilers, unfortunately.
Below will have a lot of thoughts on the current LIs as well as speculation about the 2 coming LIs, as well as their dynamics, and further speculation on where I think - or maybe just would like to see - the story could be going. To be clear, I have not cleared all anecdotes or myths, as I'm trying to savor things and good lord I cannot pull all those cards; a lot of this is compilation between my experiences as well as @poisonheart and further things I've read and discussed in the server. I will also be approaching this as a longtime player of MLQC, papergames' other otome game, because I cannot help but see the comparisons between the game and sing the praises of where I feel like they've grown and refined, but I don't think you'll need to have played MLQC to read this - you can honestly just ignore those bits lol >A<
What I can outright, sans spoilers, say is that I'm really enjoying Love and Deepspace so much and I think that it's come at a really good time for me, personally, as a MLQC player, because there's so much in game that's been completed and we're basically going through the motions doing our dailies, waiting for our new chapter events or participating in the occasional events (if you aren't hoarding resources for SP wish tree events) so it feels SO refreshing to dive into a new game that takes place in the same universe/world but have so much new stuff to uncover, so much new lore, new characters to meet and get to know. In MLQC I have a very clear favorite, but so far in LADS, I find that while I think I might have a favorite, I really enjoy all three LIs so much and I don't feel bad when I pull someone else's card, because it means I get to gobble all the lore! I don't feel like "UUUGGHH THIS GUY" when we get to X's chapter route. Perhaps it's just that LADS really caters to specific tropes and cliches in a way that I enjoy, but I feel so much like they've done these characters great justice! This goes for the MC, too, who doesn't feel at all like a cookie cutter MC meant to be a stand in for our own self-insert, but rather has a lot of personality of her own, is feisty and discerning.
Also, I gotta give a lot of props to the character customization features. I understand why people are upset that you can only change your hair and hair color in the photobooth function, but we rarely see MC out of that feature - so much of the game is in first person POV - and the times that we do see her, she's seen from the back, so maintaining the same hair for all characters allows them to keep something they can use for her stand in in such scenarios. But the customization is legit nuts! You can do so much with it, I spent so long tweaking mine the day before the game launched! I want to make side accounts I will never play just to play with that function lol
But let's get into the good stuff!
I really cannot sing the praises for the LIs enough, and that's going to be the bulk of what I'll talk about, because even this early in game, there's so much nuance to the LIs in both their characters as well as their dynamics with MC. Everyone brings a little something different to the table, and with what little we know of the upcoming LIs, I think even if for some reason the current LIs don't work for people, maybe the new ones might? But personally, I am so invested in all three of them! While I think I have a definite ranking in favor forming, it's not like it means I dislike any of them at all, and I'm always so eager to learn more!
One thing I'd like to mention before getting into it is that I love the inclusion of the myth cards, and though they are treated as alternate universes, I think it's more like they are previous or parallel timelines, but I'll try to get into that a little more as I talk about the characters!
From what I can see so far, I think Rafayel is one of the more popular fans with the North American/English-speaking fanbase - and it's not hard to see why! He's sassy, provides good comedy, he's fun to bully, and he's really pouty. I had a feeling he would be my favorite from the get go, just because I tend to have a thing for really pathetic men lmao and I have SUCH a fondness for him. I said I think I have a ranking forming, but it feels WRONG to rank them because that's how much I really like them, but if I had to, Rafayel's #2 position is really, REALLY close to #1! But the thing is, it's not just because of all of those traits above. I'd argue that he's one of the characters who has a lot of iceberg depth, as in there's a lot of depth to him that may get ignored or glossed over because of the sass and brattiness that accompanies, or even masks, it. As poisonheart puts it, the comedy hides the pain - and Rafayel comes with a LOT of pain! There's a delicious complexity to him where he is one part needy and clingy, but also one part resentful and hurt. MC made a promise that she doesn't recall - whether it was in this life or another - and you really get the sense that Rafayel wants to settle the score, but at the same time his feelings get in the way of those bitter, hurt feelings, and I really enjoy this complexity a lot! I think it elevates all of the sassiness, gives it a purpose and meaning.
Take his Nightly Stroll Bond: on the one hand it comes across as comedic and even manipulative -and it is! But when you get into it, you understand why. That's not to say if I think there's justification for manipulation because that's not what I'm here for; I'm just here for a good time and a good time I'm having. But when Rafayel says "It's been 800 years!" I don't think that's an exaggeration - he just isn't talking about just the day that he waited. Is faking an injury/illness and checking himself into a hospital overkill? Sure lol but that's what makes him so delightful to me. There's all of this hurt and unaddressed resentment, but as much as that, there's all of these feelings! Because even though he's hurt, he CARES about MC, SO MUCH. That's the problem! It would be easier if he didn't care, but he does. He's so needy, so clingy, he wants her attention because he's waited for so long while she was off, having forgotten him, living a life that abandoned and left him behind while he waited and waited and listen ;~; my stinky fish man I'm so sorry I cannot wait for her to learn the truth. I want to know SO BADLY what happened! When did they meet, anyway? He makes a comment on the homescreen when he's sulking lol about "See you in three months... three minutes, landlubber"
And listen, idk what anyone else thinks, but the end of chapter 7 had me in my FEELINGS, with the way he tried to leave her at the bottom of the ocean - but he couldn't, because of their promise, because he's unable to go back on it, because even though she forgot all about him and their promise and went about her life without a memory of him, he can't do that. It's the hurt! It's the resentment! It's the confliction between his feelings, because it seems like they take up equal space - his hunger for her attention, for what feels like she was so fickle to give and take away, the way she meant so much to him and he feels like it wasn't the same ;A;
(I've contemplated how possible it is that they met when she was younger, before she was attacked in the Wanderer incident 14 years ago, and if that could somehow have affected her memory, but I feel like it must be something greater, because seeing the fish glow in his heart means the vow they made was binding, so something strong must've caused her to forget. But that's also why I've contemplated if this was in another life? I'm less sure about this, because in Rafayel's second anecdote, he crosses paths with MC at university, though of course she doesn't recognize or recall him, and he specifically recognizes her voice. "Though her voice has matured, her pronunciation, enunciation, the rhythm of her speech, and even the emphasis in her sentences... Every word strikes like a drumbeat, awakening long-buried memories in his mind" It feels more likely that it happened while they were younger. Also I feel like this passage really encompasses her significance, that he can recall these details, to recognize them after so much time ;~; stinky fish you make my heart ache ;~;)
I appreciate so much that they've given Rafayel so much depth, that under the comedy of his pathetic, sulky exterior is so much reason for it, that there's an undercurrent of resentment and something dark - after all, we haven't actually uncovered what happened with the painting and Raymond. We saw the mermaid skeleton in his house - was Rafayel seeking revenge for his people?
But Rafayel also shows tremendous emotional sensitivity, in ways that sometimes catch me off guard. I distinctly remember lol sitting in shock after 4-3, and the text from Rafayel that pops up asking MC if she got the thing, telling her about how he asked a seagull to send a white seallshell why hasn't it arrived yet lol and I remember going "NOT NOW RAFAYEL READ THE ROOM ;~;" and then he goes on, telling her "if you draw on it and put it into the ocean the sea will carry the feelings you poured into the drawing to the soul you yearn for" and I just started SOBBING lol ;~; It was just so.... poignant but so simple. He didn't say I'm sorry for your loss or my condolences or anything like that - it was his own chaotic, weird method, but it was sincere. Likewise, he shows that similar sincerity in Ocean At Night, despite initially dismissing paper lanterns as silly human traditions - a lantern will be blown out why would you put all your hope in something so fleeting - coming around to using his own flame, that will never go out, to light a lantern for MC with the prayer that her hopes will never go out. ;~; Listen, I cried. I was TENDER my heart was soggy ;~;
And while I know people love a good pathetic man and enjoy chaotic sass and the fact that we really, truly NEVER know where his plots are going to go lmao - always an adventure with him - I hope they appreciate that depth and don't disavow the darker elements of him that give reason to those core elements of him. Rafayel is a character that carries his hurt and bitterness on his sleeve, rather than hiding it or shoving it away, and I really look forward to exploring it and all the messiness it has to offer, and how it will play out for MC.
On the very far end of the spectrum is Zayne. He's the character I expected to not be too fond of, so I was so pleasantly surprised as we got to know him to find myself proven wrong! I expected him to be... hm... I guess colder? More prickly? Than he turns out to be? And, admittedly, he is still rather aloof and cold on the surface, but I think it helps that he and MC have that history and that we are introduced very early to them through the A Frozen Promise Bond. It made it readily apparent that Zayne was not a cold and aloof person because he was too lofty or something but rather... it just seemed like maybe he'd been someone more awkward when he was younger, someone who didn't know how to connect very well with the daughter of this family friend, but he still tried. The snow seal took me out, you guys ;~; I never moved on from that!!!!!!
Despite seeming so cold, there's a certain kind of warmth to Zayne, just under the surface. He shows his care and concern in the ways he knows best, as MC's PCP, caring about her well being and health, but their Tender Moments are a collection of wonderful moments showing them growing closer, getting to know each other better as people, as friends and equals. For the record, Starry Nocturne hurt me so much, but it did two things I thought were so important. a. It showed that he was not infallible, which I think is very important, because often characters are written in their roles as geniuses who never fail, or else accomplish the impossible, and to see him lose a patient, while painful to read, made him so human but also b. It gave him that moment of vulnerability with MC where he could lean on her. It's so, SO important! for a MI to be able to lean on the MC, I feel, for them to be those equals, for him to be able to be vulnerable with her, but especially so for a character like Zayne who feels very reserved and closed off.
MC makes statements about feeling like there's distance between her and Zayne, especially when they first come back into each others' lives for the first time, so getting to indulge in these little Tender Moments of them taking little steps towards each other, closing that gap between them, is so satisfying! Having that history gives them a dynamic unlike Rafayel or Xavier's with her, because she has her memories of their childhood, of who he was when they were younger, and who they are now, and can compare the warmth of him opening up, of the chuckles and laughter she elicits from him. They also have this kind of flirtship I really enjoy - something very coy, not in an uwu so shy way just.... very coy, both dancing around the bush, before one of them calls it what it is - I thought the A Heartfelt Paradise Tender Moment a really good example of this!
It's so easy to read Zayne as being cold and aloof, but he really does have so much warmth, he just isn't good at showing it. He doesn't wear things on his sleeves like Rafayel or MC. But good LORD when he's in private....!!!!!!! The Business Trip Memoria TOOK. ME. OUT!!!!!! This is the game launch and they're already throwing this at us?! It was, to me, such a mature kind of date to give us? Two people who have had to grow used to each other's absence in their lives, and continue having to make space for those absences, as both are busy people - Zayne, a dedicated cardiac surgeon and MC a hunter - and what it means to grow used to the absence and to miss each other. But listen - when MC got in his lap?! She was touching his mouth? His face?! "What did you want me to do, in front of all those people?" he asked her? SIR?!
HELLO?! Girl. Listen.
I had to fan myself alfjkkfkjafjkafkjaf lmao
I looooooove them for that element of normalcy - for the people who have important careers and lives that they have to attend to, but still find the room for each other in their lives. The implication that Zayne rushed his way through school, took on grueling workloads and lacked a social life amongst classmates much older than him, not because he loved learning or even because he was so dedicated to his career - but because it was his way back to MC, so that he could return to stand in front of her? GOD. HOW DO YOU MOVE ON FROM THAT? HOW DO YOU HANDLE THAT? Knowing that he did it all so that he could stand in front of you again? HOWLING pls LISTEN.
Zayne may feel cold on the surface, but he is SO warm, he cares so much. And not just about MC, either. Thank God, too, because I'm not huge on the "Cold man only cares about the woman he loves" type, but Zayne cares so much about his patients, and making sure they feel seen, cared about? His first anecdote had me crying about seniors in hospitals with no relatives to accompany them to their examinations ;~; What a man.
I haven't had a chance to dig into his myth yet, which is a shame, but his third anecdote DID destroy me. I'm not even exaggerating, I was sobbing in my bedroom - and the worst part is I knew it would be painful going in and I still wasn't braced for impact enough! I mean, frankly, both his second and third hurt but nothing like the third! Parallel universe Zayne in a grim reaper role where he must kill humans turning into Wanderers - so very opposite the surgeon version of him who does everything he can to save people, both of them living parallel lives to each other, experiencing each others' lives through their dreams/nightmares. THIS HAS ME SCREAMING!!!!!
So much of MLQC has a lot to do with timelines - parallel worlds, some alternate universes, a whole timeline that's technically the same timeline reset but also still moving forward...... lol I can't help but think about where all of this fits in to LADS. Even though the Myth storylines are taken as alternate universes.... I think they're part of everyone's stories. We see echos of them. I haven't finished Rafayel's but even little moments, like making a break for it and having to run to escape attention echos a scene of Rafayel and the Princess MC making a mad dash in the market alley to escape the palace guards. It feels especially true for Xavier and MC, which I'll get to. But especially with Zayne - whose myth, again, I haven't been able to dig into, but seems to pose him as a sort of god, a forseer - we have two very different timelines/events now: his myth/Philos story and his parallel Grim Reaper self. How many timelines/parallel universes are we playing with, I wonder....?
I really want to revisit this in the future when I do get to dig into his myth, because I can see how Rafayel and Xavier's myths tie into their identities and their dynamics with MC, but I don't know yet how any of that works for Zayne and MC! I'm so intrigued, I can't wait!!!!
And finally, Xavier. God, I should have known lol in retrospect I should have realized Xavier would be my weak spot but listen..... sometimes I gotta lie to myself lol I love everything about him, the seemingly gentle eepy man who is also simultaneously a walking weapon of mass destruction but also so easily stumped by a UFO machine lol. Much like Rafayel, I'm especially fond of him because of the depth and dynamics, but also, honestly, much like Rafayel, he just checks all the boxes. Poisonheart puts it best when she says Xavier is the perfect middle-ground of the two - he's not as sassy as Rafayel is, but he'll still roast MC, he's very grounded and comes off a little aloof sometimes, but he doesn't seem nearly as aloof as Zayne, and he's also really unintentionally funny! He plays the middle-ground of them SO well. And where Zayne was working hard in order to show up in front of MC again and Rafayel has a score to settle but also so much neediness, it feels like Xavier has a LOT of karma to make up for.
Now, I personally don't have his myth cards, but poisonheart does, so everything I know I've experienced via her and all of our hours of screaming lol and the thing that really gets me the most about Xavier and MC is like..... okay it's the way he's clearly this really incredibly strong guy, but he plays the submissive prey role so well? lol He begs if she tells her to, he doesn't resist, he indulges her, he plays along - but when the mood strikes, he'll pull the dominant switch and flip the table and alkfjlFKJKAFJ ALKJFAF LAKJFAKFKJFAJ AFLKJD GODDDDDDDD IT GETS TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Xavier has that sense of like.... everything for MC, right? Like he's making up for a lifetime. There's implications that maybe he's been searching through space and time for her, trying to find her, that they've lost and each other countless times before - or rather, she's lost him - and his Shooting Stars myth supports this. Sometimes it's really subtle, sometimes it stands out so much I'm in agony. She remarks so often how he feels so distant, like he's as out of reach and mysterious as a star. She has nightmares about him disappearing and he is incredibly reassuring about staying, about not leaving. And maybe I'm reading into it, but he even talks about her hanging on tight, like maybe if she's strong enough, she can keep him from ever being taken away, keep them from being separated this time.
He's also the one who feels like he's actually endured all the years. Rather than separate timelines or parallel worlds it feels like Xavier has actually traveled through space and time, like he's the same Xavier from the myth himself, which makes him talking about the loneliness of stars so much worse. How long has he been alone, searching for her? ;~;
But their dynamic just really gets to me - it's those echos, the way MC subconsciously acts on them, and how indulgent Xavier is towards her. It's the playful teasing and the gentleness and how he plays so submissive and docile but when the mood strikes he can switch it up and catch her (and me!!!) off guard. It's the way he texts LMAO never writing out you or one lmao (which is marginally better than Rafayel's COMPLETE LACK OF PUNCTUATION LMAO ALFKAJFKJAFKJAFKJAFJK) It's the way he has that innocent baby face and could absolutely get away with murder.
Initially I had contemplated if it was possible he is actually a star and while maybe that isn't true I am still not certain he's human - at least he's not from our world (especially if he really is the very Xavier from the myth) but I still like to think of him as one, because he wears the star motif so well and likens himself to one so often. Also, look, I am a SUCKER for a star motif. I was doomed from the start lol.
There's just something about the agony and TRAGEDY in their past, in the echos, the subconscious fears, and the sheer indulgence!!!!! It's MC telling Xavier he might be her enemy later and the distress it caused him, prompting him to share his access privileges with her to earn her trust ;A; It's the way he's apparently spent DECADES, at the VERY LEAST, on our earth AND HE'S A TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE COOK lmaoooooooo it's the stupid little lines he says because he's not as overtly clingy and pouty as Rafayel but an armful of plushies is a dreadful thing because then he doesn't have a free hand to hold MC's hand !!!!!!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BE NORMAL ABOUT THIS?! WHINES
I could write a whole essay about Xavier and I'm restraining myself and attempting to be really, really normal about him okay?
But yeah for him it's that depth of like... the guilt and agony he carries - because not only does leaving her hurt him, but it hurts himself, too. That unbearable loneliness, the endless wait, hoping, wondering, unsure of when, or if, he'll find her again, but refusing to give up - and when he does, endeavoring to make up for it. Like, as it is, there's something about strong men being submissive that is so lakkjfkafkjfkjaf alfjakfaf but it's the way Xavier does it with MC that is soooooo INDULGENT, so VERY "for you, because it's you" that makes me want to chew my keyboard and howl at the moon and every time he reassures her he won't leave I feel dread but also I want it to be true.
I know how papergames operates. I know Xavier may mean it, but I also know.... ;A;
And to think, this is all JUST THE LAUNCH STUFF! We haven't even passed chapter 8 yet lmao We don't even have all our LIs! We've (maybe?) yet to meet our antagonist? WHICH I'M EXCITED ABOUT BTW
I have some thoughts and I'll try to keep them short (yknow, for me) because this is already long and rambly and maybe I can just expand on this later but: Sylus and Caleb are confirmed as LIs right? But are they the same person or not??????
If Sylus = Caleb it gives us a LOT of potential for exploring some really complex, grey morality. I mean, no matter what, Sylus is going to bring grey morality lol but especially if it turns out Caleb is actually secretly the leader of Onychinus, because it brings that whole "Who is this person I thought I knew?" and more so because Onychinus is poised as an enemy to the Hunter's Association.
But something Papergames has done in MLQC and I fully expect them to do here is explore grey morality, not only in Onychinus, but the Hunter's Association. Xavier's Tender Moments Garden of Secrets brings up the implication that some Wanderers are, in fact, intelligent, and while it's rare, it can occur. And with parallel world Grim Reaper Zayne having to kill people before they turn into Wanderers it begs the question of this world: can that happen here, too? And it gets into the moral conundrums. That's not to say the Hunter's Association are bad for killing Wanderers and protecting people but it starts to bring up questions, because in Grim Reaper Zayne's world, this is being covered up. What about this world? There's also the question of what is Onychinus even doing? I fully expect to find that whatever their objective is, it will be a question of the greater good and if the ends justify the means and the such.
Ultimately, an antagonist LI has to be sympathetic in some fashion, because how else are they going to write the story for them lol. Like they can certainly have Bond/Memoria/Tender Moments that are more about the combative element of their relationship meeting the chemistry that draws them to each other, but at any rate, there has to be something that draws them to each other and makes them care, right? So therefore, he can't be entirely bad, or at least MC has to be able to empathize with him and his objective, or the cause of it or something like that.
If Caleb = Sylus, that might be more achievable because of their history, but obviously that isn't a requirement, and that can also make it more complex, because again, that whole "this person I thought I knew".
I think there's a possibility for that overlap partly because we already have a LI with a history with MC - but to be fair, Zayne's history with MC is very different than Caleb's and has a different dynamic, so even if they didn't give him the villain route, it would still play out very differently and give them a significantly different enough dynamic that I don't think it would be a big issue.
If he's not Sylus, then there's still a lot of avenues to explore with Caleb. They've already implied that Caleb wants to take care of MC, wants her to lean on him and let him play that role for him, to stop being so strong in front of him, and I think that could very well affect his story and what has lead to his "death". Being in the airforce makes me wonder if it's possible that the military is associated in any way with Onychinus - after all, didn't he say that he does top secret work involving the deepspace tunnel, and isn't Onychinus interested in that? It wouldn't be the first time a government agency was written as being corrupt lol (and again there could be a lot gray morality here where Onychinus isn't necessarily inherently bad). Caleb could have gotten involved simply by his job.
There's the revenge angle, if he, too, was an experiment subject (which would make sense because why did Granny take him in as well?) and wanting to get back at? the people who experimented on them. Or wanting to be more involved? A spy case? SO many possibilities and I'm really excited to see where it all goes!
I think regardless of how Caleb is reintroduced to the story, I imagine there's going to be some kind of conflict - his "death" and then reappearance.... did he know that was going to happen? was it planned? was he involved? I don't think they'll bring him back and yay! now she has a family member back but I think there will be some kind of strife to work through, some good ol angst that really plays with the dynamic of feeling hurt and betrayed but wanting to return to the old times that can never be returned to, wanting to seek refuge in someone who maybe doesn't exist anymore, being drawn to someone you cared so much about and feeling so conflicted about it alfkjkfjkjafjkaf kj
This is such a rambling mess so kudos to anyone who made it this far. Maybe I'll manage to write some more bitesized thoughts later @___@
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JOHN: ok, weird alien voice in my head...i really need you to start talking again
KIYOND: @bsolut#ly! b# sp#cific!
JOHN: uhmm...what...what was your favorite thing about your planet. before it went KABLOOSHHHHH
KIYOND: john, do you guys h@v# @ thing c@ll#d a club s@ndwich?
JOHN: uhhh...no?
KIYOND: right. to m@k# a club s@ndwich you n##d to st@rt with br#@d. you h@v# to g#t the fr#sh m@d# stuff, not what#v#r slop you throw tog#ther.
KIYOND: you @dd tom@to#s, l#ttuc#, not grub p@st#! @ctual v#g#t@bl#s!
KIYOND: th#n, you @dd b@con, th@t's from @n @nimal w# us#d to c@ll th# oinkb#@st.
KIYOND: you to@st th# br#@d, @nd you put @llllll th@t insid# it.
JOHN: that...actually sounds like something i could make
JOHN: if i were at home. sounds ludicrous, though.
KIYOND: oh, i'm not don#
KIYOND: th#n you @dd @ s#cond s@ndwich on top of th# first on#!
KIYOND: you put h@m in it, @lso from @n oinkb#@st, gobbl#b#@st from @n @nimal w# us#d to c@ll, w#ll, @ gobbl#b#@st, and mor# tom@to#s, mor# l#ttuc#, @nd @ bunch of oth#r things i'm forg#tting right now.
KIYOND: it w@s six f##t t@ll, w#igh#d @ pound, @nd h@d 21 diff#r#nt ingr#di#nts from @ll ov#r @lt#rnia. It w@s th# most impossibl# food it#m you could im@gin#.
JOHN: wow.
KIYOND: i know, right?
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flowergirlmiwa · 10 months
games I wish I had when I was a kid!
Yu-Gi-Oh The Eternal Duelist Soul
This was one of the best selling games on the GBA, but I got Dark Duel Stories on GBC instead. Eventually I got 7 Trials to Glory, a mixed bag of a game I nonetheless hold dear to my heart, but I wish I had EDS as a kid. EDS is the perfect game to be the first YGO game on GBA. The spelltraps are massive blowouts, caveman Yu-Gi-Oh is in full effect, and the cardpool is both small and nostalgic. EDS (or the original Japanese release) was the first video game that actually tried to follow the rules of the real world OCG/TCG card game and it did a pretty good job along with a clean presentation, great music and flavorful decks to grind against. Plus the packs you pull from are mostly based on real Japanese card sets! Basically I admire a lot about what this game did in 2002 and in a potential world where I got it alongside my GBA SP in 2003 I would have been set for years. Instead I got... Dark Duel Stories in late 2003 around the time I got my GBA SP, and that game is .. not as worth investing time into. Oh yeah and it has a cute calendar system with weekly matches at the duel shop and oooo it's just such a cute game!
Goldeneye 007
I didn't have a lot of N64 games as a kid, but out of all my regrets on the console, I easily missed out the most not owning Goldeneye. Now I can appreciate it as basically the Super Mario 64 of first person shooters and imagine that, even though I only owned one controller, those levels would have kept me coming back again and again obsessively for hours. I can just imagine how I would have organically find the island on Dam by myself and wondered what was out there. I never had that chance
Super Smash Bros Melee
Throughout the early 00s I had various nostalgic experiences playing the original Super Smash Bros, and eventually I craved very dearly to play it's sequel. Literally all I could tell you is that it had (Scott the Woz voice) "a freaky STORY MODE! now that's cool!" and you could play as Bowser. It looked so damn cool but I didn't have a GameCube. I would have dreams about playing this game I knew very little about. I actually can guarantee I read about the Sonic and tails in melee rumor before I had seen more than an hours worth of gameplay in my life (all through playing demos in 2002).
When did I actually get a GameCube? 2007. I actually remember visiting Nintendo World NY in 2006 right before release of the Wii and playing Melee on one of their demo kiosks (and wind waker for the first time ever, notably). I got my hands on a GameCube in summer 2007 thanks to a friend of my dad's and pretty much the first thing I did was go to the still surviving Hollywood Video in The City and rent melee. Now considering I was 12 the first time I got to extensively play melee and really enjoy it, you could say I was still a child and that's true. I wish I somehow had a GameCube around 2004 and got to play it then though. Look, things felt different in my life then, it wasn't the same kind of feeling to me. By the time I got to play it I didn't really have that childish exuberance and excitement. Plus I got a Wii that same year for Christmas so my overall excitement for the GameCube was muted lol.
The Simpsons: Hit and Run
I would have gobbled this up as a kid even if not the biggest fan of the simps, if I had gotten this at release for PS2 I could imagine I would have spent many hours playing it
Pokemon Stadium 2
As a kid I desperately wished I had this game and rented it a bunch of times. When I discovered you could emulate N64 I spent most of my time doing so playing this game. I eventually got my own real copy around 2019 but considering I would leave the first game on for days on end I would have loved to have had stadium 2 as a kid. Plus it actually has single player content and provides plenty to people without use of a transfer pak too! I was fascinated by the updates as a kid renting the game
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deevouer · 2 years
🤔, 📷, 💻 and 😐 plz
🤔 (How did you find out about vore?): My first exposure to something vore-like, that I can remember.... is playing Sp//yro. You know those evil plants that swallow Sp//yro in that one level with the Fauns? That is the earliest thing I can remember making me go "....hmmmmmm". The second game also has these metal shark enemies that gobble him up too iirc. ......If you mean realizing other people on the internet were also interested in it, I'm not legitimately sure? I think it was coming across some pokemon art someone was shitposting with or something. 📷 - Do you prefer to be the predator, prey, or an observer?: Observer, I very rarely want to be personally involved. But chilling in a belly sometimes sounds nice too. I like stories from either PoV, though a bit of both PoVs is usually what I want. 💻 - How do you consume (pun intended) vore media made by others?: I mostly look at artwork, but I like written vore a lot! But I'm very very very picky about writing quality if I am reading, and It's very rare for me to find one I like.
😐 - Any vore tropes you dislike?: I actually. Really dislike it when the prey is described as sweet tasting. It just doesn't vibe with me, at all. It's TOO far into "idealized fantasy" territory I guess? something about it is immersion breaking lol I'm kinda not interested in the taste aspect in general actually? Unless it's maybe describing the taste of blood from getting nicked by a tooth or something, I guessssss....?
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elsadaisywrites · 1 year
House of sand
On that bed two lie naked. Old skin, thin and worn. Teeth, jagged and stained. At one point they were a man and a woman. But now, they were lumps under sheets. It’d be nice to hold each other, but then that’d mean they liked each other. She wakes up first. It was somewhere between lunch and dinner. The two most important times of the day. She hated waking up, crawling out of bed, and how stuffy the air was. But she got up, and she went to look at the front door. She looked at the front door, but she was naked. She was naked, so she put on a robe. Sometimes she wondered just what exactly went on the night before. The night before she woke with bruises and sore bones. The night before the sheets got covered in blood, or maybe vomit. But any fool would know what went on. She was a fool, for sure. She just much preferred to wonder. He was still naked, stuck in the sheets. Probably glued there, next to their spoons. 
Under her feet, granules crunched like leaves.
Step, step, step. To the pantry. Get your Cheerios. Step, step, step. Here comes the man. Squash the bug. Get your Cheerios. My man, go get it. Step, step, step. Go make some coffee, honey. If only her father had taught her how to box. So he ate his Cheerios, and he liked the Giants. Watched them as often as she’d let him. She was waiting for her coffee. She poured her cup, sat down. He got up. He got his coffee, and she took the Cheerios, because fuck it. She was up first. He was naked. He was just so naked. She should have stayed in high school. 
If she looked through the steam of the coffee, he was maybe handsome. He was maybe not so thin. He was maybe not so greasy. It’d be nice to pour her coffee on him, let it soak into the sand. It’d be nice if he’d shower. It’d be nice if she smiled. It’d be nice… if for just one goddamn day he was enough. 
That was their lives. That was their whole entire lives. That was it. After her coffee she swept the tiles. Out on to the front porch, as there was too much for a dustpan. Beat the rugs, babe. 
When she woke up, she would look at the door. Then put on her robe. At night they’d get high and she’d lay there. Sometimes she’d pour coffee on him, and sometimes he’d want some Cheerios. He never told her to stay. She never told him that she didn’t like it when he took the Cheerios. Often, she didn’t stay. Always, she would come back. It was love. Take me back. Forgive me. And they did. Too many mistakes, and too many miscarriages. He was sorry, and he was guilty. And when she was naked he just couldn’t help it. And she didn’t care (but she cared). He would come home with flowers, and she would take them. Then, scoop the sand off the table, off the counters. Sand was piled next to the T.V., and he pretended to see the Giants, clear-as-day. Babe, get the rugs.
Once she left, gone for a whole month. He thought it was for good. She must have made up with her mother. He got himself a Pittie, named it Blu. Gentle. Blu was a rescue. One day there she was. Fuck him. The man was just so sorry, he was just so sorry, and he was thankful she came back. Sorry about the dog. Only just a dog. She didn’t think so, and she was wrong. But she ran him over in her rusty Ford. He couldn’t have a thing. He buried the dog in back. Her mother had been dead since June, and the sand started coming back.
When one would get mad they’d whoop the other. Then, she would leave. Then, she’d come back. No friends, and their family was gone, who’d love trash anyway? Other trash would. Slap. slap, slap. No doggy for you. No pittie, no kitty, no rotten old fish. Kick, kick, kick. No job. No degree. They just look at ch’ya too funny. Spit, spit, spit. Your family’s shit. Gobble. Gobble, gobble. You can hobble for awhile. What can it hurt? I know you’ll come back.  
They acted like the sand wasn’t even there.     
Would you believe they were 42. Just yesterday they were 16. Just last night he knelt down in front of her, and pulled out a ring. It was nothing special. Bastard probably stole it. He said something about love and God and she laughed him away. It started raining sand. He spent the night on the floor (in the sand), feet away from his Blu who was resting just outside the door. How many times had he asked her? He had lost count. She just wanted to see if he’d ask again. She just wanted to see how many times she could leave before he changed the locks. 
Just the day after she felt eternity would be better. Swearing on her life and on the bible and on Blu that another night in that bed and she’d set the house on fire. So she waited until he went to bed. And pulled out his handgun, the one he kept safe in the closet. And she’d point it at him. Then at her. Then at him. Then she’d put it back. Then she’d pick it up. Then she left the house. How many times had she promised to burn the house down? How many nights were spent staring at the barrel of a gun? Where is my picket fence? They’d lost track.
She never messed with the gun before, long before. But years ago she had never touched drugs. Drugs were here now, and so was her man. Years ago she had never killed a thing. But his dog was gone, and he was still here. People change. There was a time when he had never known what it felt like to have his dick burned. Then she threw hot coffee on him, naked. There was a time when neither knew what it felt like to be forgiven, and then they met each other. 
She came back in the house that very night, ankle deep in sand. The same as any other night she had left the house, but this was like the night she first shot up. This was like the night she killed his dog. This was like the night he choked her and he choked her hard. He loaded up the needle, and wound her arm up good. Off to bed. And in the morning she was up before him, and she was a woman of her word. That extra gallon of gas? Yes, the one in the little red container. Yes, that one. Pouring it on him. At first he thought it was just another wake up call. A pot of coffee. But this one wasn't hot, yet. He jumped out of bed, smelling the stench. Before she lit the match he had her bloodied and out the door, naked. They were both just so naked. 
They were both just so naked all the time. At 16, he had a truck. In the back of the truck they’d get naked. Everything had been so surreal and forgettable and unsure. Hating the feeling of it coming to an end. Rather spend their whole lives in the back of a truck. Under a blanket. When the ground they slept on was clean. No need to walk or to eat or to breathe. That meant it would change. That meant that things would change. Both were just so scared, scared to lose one another. Scared to breathe, because that would change things. Lovebirds tangled up like a web, lying on a bed. Their hearts so far past simple and sweet. 
Their house was just so dirty. She wished he’d let her open the blinds. Burp, burp, burp. He hasn’t shaved in weeks. Yell, yell, yell. Now, they’re 53. Punch, punch, punch. And their lives are still the same. Cry, cry, cry. Together, they were alone. 
Farther along the line they went. An overdose… or two. But they still haven't kicked it, yet. “What a shame…”, said the neighbors. “They’re no good for eachother…”, said the cops. But who would they be without one another? Without drugs and the sand they would still be the same. Without one another, they just wouldn't be together. Sirens heard, everyday. She was soft, like a bird. He went away. Off to the pound, and she brought him back, again. But when she drove her Ford, he fought back. Then naked they would go to bed. Together. 
Each time, the sand rising. Sometimes coming down in torrents. Doing their best to sweep it out. 
She had a vase, once, that broke. He’d used it as an ashtray, for his smokes. All of the ashes and all of the butts came tumbling out, and onto the rug. She had broke the vase, but he was the one who wasn't so kind to her grandma’s old gift. Yes, he had known how much it had meant. Really, now that all was spent, could a vase really break an old lover’s nest? And that was the straw, that broke the camel’s back. Oh, wait… she came back. This time waist deep, then rising rising, until they couldn’t breathe.
Drive, drive, drive. The old man went to sell her Ford. Sweep, sweep, sweep. She finally did some chores. Changing the blanket, and washing the sheets. The sand was blowing away, in heaps. Pour, pour, pour. Gasoline goes in the tank. The tank of a truck, that he had painted blue. Whoop, whoop, whoop. Whoop the cushions of that couch. Where he can watch the Giants, and you can drink coffee without a pout. How? How? How? How does that robe fit you so nicely? Did you buy it for yourself? Where? Where? Where? Where did the spoons go? Did you just throw them out like that? Oh, I know! They went in the drawers. Cheerios aren't just a snack. You pour them in bowls, with milk and your coffee. Then you sit at the table, and watch the sun rise. Then off to the bedroom. Who will be first? “Just sit there, my darling? You’ve tried, did it work?” And he pulls out the gun, and together they stare. Together like always. He points it at air. Then suddenly, she’s looking into that barrel again. She doesn’t care if she’s pretty. She cares if it ends. Then his turn to go. Together again, they lie once more. Their house full of sand. The end.
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crystalelemental · 3 months
I know the backtracking is gonna be anus, but that’s a whole Gym’s worth of experience for Aerodactyl to just gobble up, and I can’t exactly turn that down, now can I? Of course, if Gyarados actually got any FLYING MOVES, then the whole conversation is moot! But since Game Freak apparently HATED Gyarados for two whole generations, this is where we’re at! Come to think of it, why didn’t the physical/special split happen in Gen 3 when they were reworking the whole system anyway?
I suppose that's fair, considering FRLG also made the dumbass decision to lock EXP Share behind catching FIFTY GODDAMN POKEMON. Carry on, then.
Also I feel like Gyarados still doesn't know any good Flying moves. As of Gen 9, the only Flying moves it can learn are Hurricane (inaccurate, off its bad Sp Atk), and...oh wow, it lost Bounce? That's hilarious. Gyarados never had good Flying moves.
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cwmorton · 7 months
Title: "The Hilariously Outrageous Guide to Street Eats, Bro!" Yo, yo, yo! You chillin', broheims? Alright, fam, get ready. Today, I'm about to share some real downtown wisdom about the best grub spots where your bucks can buy you bombastic bites that'll light you up like Times Square on New Year's Eve! We talkin' street food, baby! Let's rock and roll! First off, remove that silver spoon from ya mouth, scrap that Michelin Star crap, and don the mantle of some true culture crawling, my dudes. You put on those back-alley-ombre shades and get ready to hustle these heavenly havens of heartiness! 1. "The Hotdog Stand Hustle" Check it, brotatoes! Uptown, downtown, right on the corner of "Who cares?" and "I’m gonna chow down regardless"—there’s that magic moment when your beady little peepers spot that showstopper of a hot dog stand! Those dogs get grilled up better than your lame excuses for not texting back last weekend! Sloppy, scrumptious, and straight-up sinful, there's nothing like munching on a good ol' hotdog at 2 AM when you can’t remember your own name! 2. "The Taco Takedown" Listen up, amigos! Tacos are not just food—they're a freakin' street phenomenon! Gorge on guacamole-filled wonderfulness topped with the spiciest salsa, tucked into a teeny tortilla that makes your taste buds scream "Ay, caramba!" You might bite your tongue with the first crunch, and when the flavor hits, your tongue's like "Worth it, bro!" 3. "The Pretzel Pandemonium" Look, if you don't dig pretzels, we gotta problem, palski. Salty, dough delirium twisted into knots like your brains after one tequila shot too many! Whether it's a classic glazed baby or a loaded one sprinkled with some funky flavors, y'all ready to get twisted, fam? 4. "The Pizza Pie Hurl" Bro, even your Aunt Karen knows that there ain't no party like a pizza party! We ain't talkin' 'bout some fancy-schmancy cardboard cut-out crap from a Pizza Palace; we mean the real deal! The gooey meltdown of mozzarella on your mucky mitts that leaves a trail of tasty tomato sauce running down your chin, that’s the life, homies! 5. "The Crepe Crusade" Finally, to the land of the French! Ooh la la… let's sizzle and shimmy with some seriously sweet street sophistication – crepes! Delicate dollies of syrup-drenched satisfaction to flip those frowns upside down. Chocolate, strawberries, bananas - legit whatever your heart desires! So, there ya have it, my home slices! A slammin' and jammin' guide to the world's bomb-diggiest street eats! Get out there, and go gobble up the deliciousness that’s greasier than your hair gel! And hey, always remember - Calories don't count on the street, bro! Peace out!
https://oaidalleapiprodscus.blob.core.windows.net/private/org-ebiS2uoTJCiy7DgIarKqzpPd/user-LilFgADY9X3ssMBrnG5HyJkp/img-f7znXVa2yG1tXbgNh7JkHN1q.png?st=2024-02-25T20%3A40%3A52Z&se=2024-02-25T22%3A40%3A52Z&sp=r&sv=2021-08-06&sr=b&rscd=inline&rsct=image/png&skoid=6aaadede-4fb3-4698-a8f6-684d7786b067&sktid=a48cca56-e6da-484e-a814-9c849652bcb3&skt=2024-02-25T10%3A31%3A10Z&ske=2024-02-26T10%3A31%3A10Z&sks=b&skv=2021-08-06&sig=8%2BwFj8QAqEXMdmSm9Ivy7NFCkg%2BdGAH%2B4sJMCQQ81Wk%3DYo, yo, yo! You chillin', broheims? Alright, fam, get ready. Today, I'm about to share some real downtown wisdom about the best grub spots where your bucks can buy you bombastic bites that'll light you up like Times Square on New Year's Eve! We're talking about street food, baby! Let's rock and roll! First off, remove that silver spoon from your mouth, scrap that Michelin Star crap, and don the mantle of some true culture crawling, my dudes. You put on those back-alley-ombre shades and get ready to hustle these heavenly havens of heartiness! 1. "The Hotdog Stand Hustle" Check it, brotatoes! Uptown, downtown, right on the corner of "Who cares?" and "I’m gonna chow down regardless"—there’s that magic moment when your beady little peepers spot that showstopper of a hot dog stand! Those dogs get grilled up better than your lame excuses for not texting back last weekend! Sloppy, scrumptious, and straight-up sinful, there's nothing like munching on a good ol' hotdog at 2 AM when you can’t remember your own name! 2. "The Taco Takedown" Listen up,
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snitch-baby · 2 years
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peppermintpillz · 2 years
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helen keller drawings ig
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izzaa13 · 3 years
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2nd WIP of Timmy :D
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porcupiney · 5 years
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mrcartmaneeeez · 7 years
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‘Member this cute little moment?
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Happy thanksgiving!🦃
Aww thanks so much!! I’mactually Canadian so our Thanksgiving was last month but thanks for thinkingabout me ^-^
Happy Thanksgiving to everyonewho celebrates it~!
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