#soy luna lutteo fic
missroller15 · 8 months
see, this is why i can’t get nostalgic over my first ever fandom…. because then i’m LEGALLY obligated to write a chaotic insane fic for it so here’s to the soy luna fandom and every single amazing beautiful wonderful person i’ve met bc of it!!
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purple-fireflies · 1 year
gastina au based on tis the damn season (by taylor swift) where both nina and gastón went their separate ways (nina went to college in the US), nina is this world renowned author but known to be tight lipped about her private life, gastón is a photographer that travels the world, and they both come back to argentina for lutteo’s wedding during christmas time and things start happening 👀👀
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Like the Red Rose blooms in the Oxford Garden: Chapter ten
Sometimes when your heart breaks… it feels like there is no way to fix it. No matter what you try. All the memories get left behind as something unfinished… But maybe, there is to way to fix it, A second chance. Some way to finish the story you two started writing because it was never the end, but just a part of the story… even if you have to travel far to achieve it.
You can say "Goodbye", you can say "Hello". But you'll always find your way back home.
“Was that your phone?” Nina asked as Gastón’s phone dinged. 
They had been studying at the library on the evening as the term finals closed in on them. There only was about a month left before the exams, and the summer would begin.
“Oh, yeah I think it was,” Gastón reached for his phone and looked at it. “It was an email… from Renishaw.” 
“What does it say?” Nina closed the book she had been browsing through, “I thought you already got the job.”
“I did,” Gastón opened the email. He would be continuing the internship he had done at Renishaw last summer, this summer. “It must be just some information.”
“He opened the email and read it through. “Huh?” 
“What is it?” Gastón looked up and saw Nina’s face growing in concern.
“Oh, nothing bad,” he reached her hand in reassurance, “Just the email said that I don’t need to do the three-week intern training period there, because I was there last year.”
“Is that a bad or good thing?”
“Good,” Gastón laughed while playing with Nina’s fingers, “It means that I have three weeks free at the start of summer. So, what do you wanna do?”
“What am I supposed to want to do?” Nina looked at him. The look of slight confusion on her face was way too cute, and Gastón had to try his hardest not to get distracted. 
“Well, it would be a waste if we just sit here the whole summer. There are lot of different things we can do.”
“I don’t know how to come up with something. You choose.”
“Well, if you want me to.” Gastón grinned at Nina, “We already were at Kent, but there are lot of other places here as well.” Gastón stopped to think for a moment, “but, honestly, we can just do that during the weekends if we want, so… How about we go back home?”
“Home?” Nina looked up at his eyes, “You wanna return to Buenos Aires?”
“Well… Yeah.” Gastón reached to take both of her hands to his and ran his thumps over them. “I have been thinking that for a while now. I mean, I didn’t come back last year, and honestly kind of regret it. Matteo really tried to get me to come. So, you’d like that, if we did go back? We could stay at mine.”
“Yes, I really would love that,” Nina smiled at him, “Your parents would be fine with us staying there?”
“Of course. I am not sure about their schedules right now, but if we get to be by ourselves, I’m not gonna be upset.” Gastón got up from his chair and moved to one on the other side of the table next to Nina.
“Luna will be so excited,” Nina smiled, “It would be so great to see everybody…and we can tell them.”
“Right, they don’t know,” Gastón laughed, “Almost forgot about that. If Luna and Matteo have kept their mouths shut, which I think they actually have. Jazmin would have flown across the ocean to make a video about this.”
“She’s probably never going to change in that aspect,” Nina laughed, “At least Delfi shut Fab and Chic down, but Jazmin is never going to stop.”
“We’re never going to live to see that day,” Gastón agreed, “How about we just call Matteo and Luna now, and let them know, so we can plan accordingly? And make sure nothing has actually leaked and they are just waiting to ambush us.”
“That's a good idea.”
“Well, lets not waste any time.” Gastón took his phone out and called Matteo.
“Hey!!!” Matteo appeared on the screen after a moment, “Nice to see you fancy school people. I was beginning to worry that you are beginning to forget how to speak Spanish.”
“We spoke yesterday,” Gastón snarked while changing his phone to his other hand, while wrapping the other around Nina. “Is Luna there?”
“We want to talk to you both.” Nina continued.
“Yeah, she is here… somewhere.” Matteo appeared to look around, “I think she went to the kitchen.”
Nina and Gastón looked as Matteo got up, from Mansion’s living room from the looks of it, and started walking around. 
“She’s with Simon in the kitchen,” Matteo whispered to them, “Do you want to…?”
“Just don’t show the screen,” Gastón said, while their view on the video call got quite crooked as Matteo lowered the phone.
“Chica Delivery,” Matteo entered the kitchen where Luna was sitting with Simon and Ambar, “Can you come with me for a moment?”
“For what?” Nina and Gastón heard Luna’s voice question. 
“We, uhm, have a phone call,” Gastón felt half bad for kind of finding Matteo’s stumblings in the attempt of hiding who he had been talking, kind of funny.
“From who?” Simon’s voice rang, “Why the secrecy?”
“There is no secrecy. It is my cousin, wants to meet my girlfriend,” Matteo continued, “And its none of your business anyway.”
“You know, if you wanna make out, you can just say so!” Ambar’s voice yelled as Luna and Matteo walked to the mansion’s stairwell.
“What does your cousin want from me?” Luna questioned as they entered her room. 
“It’s not my cousin,” Mateo huffed and sat on her bed, flipping the videocall’s camera back to the front and spoke to Nina and Gastón. “I hope this means we can stop this act at some point soon.”
“Oh my gosh!!! Hi!” Luna jumped next to Matteo on the bed. “You could have just said that it was them.”
“Actually, your performance was very entertaining,” Gastón laughed. 
“Glad you enjoyed it,” Matteo rolled his eyes sarcastically. “So what is up with you two?”
“Well, we want to talk with you two about something,” Gastón started talking, “You’ll probably be happy about that, since you like to complain.”
“Uuuuuu, about what?” Luna leaned closer, excited.
“We were talking about the summer, and Gastón’s internship doesn’t start until in a few weeks from starts of the summer—” Nina started explaining, “—so we thought we’d come back, for a couple of weeks.”
“REALLY!?!” Luna started jumping, “OMG! You are really planning on coming back?”
“Yeah, I think we both miss all of you there,” Gastón responded, “Plus, maybe it is time to let everyone know, about us I mean. You two haven’t told anybody right?”
“Of course not.” Matteo scoffed clearly smiling, “Everyone else is in deep darkness about you two, even if it really should be really obvious, if they just saw your faces.”
“Well, thats the plan, we want to tell everybody.”
“So, when exactly are you coming, on what day?” Matteo asked, “Because, uhm… actually, I have an idea. We’ll be at Italy for a couple of days at the start of summer, so what if we fly to you after that and then we fly back to Argentina together.”
“I wonder what Matteo bribed Luna with to get her on this early morning flight,” Gastón said to Nina as they were walking towards Luna and Matteo’s arrival gate at 9:35 the morning at Heathrow.
“I honestly don’t know, or do I want to know,” Nina shook her head and turned to look at Gastón’s watch, “When is it landing?”
“In ten minutes,” Gastón said pulling her closer by the waist as they sat down. “We better enjoy the quiet while we can.”
“You know you miss them,” Nina rolled her eyes at him before leaning her head in his shoulder, “But it probably will take a while until they can get off. I can’t imagine Luna and the baggage claim conveyer belt are good friends. Remember when she was convinced that she had lost her bag at Cancun during Roda Fest?”
“Good times,” Gastón laughed before brushing a strand of hair back behind Nina’s ear. He looked like he was about to lean in to kiss her when a burst of people started coming out of the arrivals gate. 
There was no sign of Luna and Matteo until the crowd started dwindling. 
“��Estás seguro de que esta es la dirección correcta?” A bubbly voice all a sudden was heard at the terminal.
“Yes, this is the right direction.”
“But are you sure? We need to find them.”
“I have been here before… I am sure.”
Nina and Gastón raised their heads to see a couple walk out of the gate. Luna was hard to miss in the crowd while she was wearing a flagrantly bright rainbow summer dress. 
“But are they here?” Luna was jumping on her tiptoes on the platform sneakers she was wearing, “What if they went to the wrong gate?”
“They didn’t,” Nina and Gastón saw Matteo and Luna’s heads turn towards them and they got up from the bench they had been sitting. “They’re right there.”
“AAAAAAAaaaaaahhhh!” Nina felt Gastón detach his arm from around her, just a few moments before she was tackled into an extremely tight hug. Wasn’t Luna just at the other side of the terminal? Well, maybe she had finally actually learned to fly. “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!”
“I missed you too.” Nina hugged Luna back, and Luna tightened her grip, so it got hard to breathe for a moment. 
“You look so good!” Luna still kept jumping up and down after she had released Nina, “You have not fully turned into a “posh English lady” on me?” Luna joked.
“No, never,” Nina laughed. She turned to look at Gastón who was just coming out of his own hug with Matteo.
“I honestly can’t believe this! You’re together again. True love really conquers all!” Luna gushed after tackling Gastón in a hug as well. 
“I am with her,” Matteo laughed, “I honestly needed to see this in person, so now I can fully believe it.”
“You need a demonstration?” Nina saw Gastón smirk before his arm wrapped around her pulling her into a kiss. 
“So, you are looking very well,” Matteo nudged Gastón with his elbow. They had separated from the girls at first when they had arrived at campus because Luna had wanted to see Nina’s room. “Such a different tune from the fall.”
“Well, it is hard to mask how happy she makes me.” Gastón smiled as he opened the door to his room. Oliver and Jacob had left to their homes earlier during the week.
“And everything that comes with it?” Matteo raised an eyebrow suggestively as he sat down.
“Well, I don’t have any reasons to complain,” Gastón nodded his head, “She’s amazing, in any way imaginable. Even though I do sometimes fear that Nina’s mother is getting ready to wring my neck for what we have been doing, like she probably would have when Nina was 17.”
“Are you in a relationship if you are not scared of your in-laws?” Matteo laughed, “Oh, I can finally say this in person. Congratulations, you’re no longer acting like an idiot!”
“You been waiting for a long time to say that huh?” Gastón punched Matteo lightly on the shoulder.
“Yes!” Matteo punched him right back, “I have been watching you to be the biggest mess in your life when it has come to Nina for FOUR years now… it’s finally over! I am just so happy about you two being happy.”
“I mean, I could say the same about you and Luna—” Gastón was interrupted by the door opening. Had he not locked it and the girls were coming… No, they would have heard them afar.
“I thought you left in the morning?” Gastón asked as James suddenly walked through the door.
“Series of unfortunate events… because I don’t have a car,” James leaned on the doorframe, “Dad’s picking me up…” James moved his eyes in the room and finally noticed Matteo, “...I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had company. Wait… are you Matteo?”
“En vivo y en persona.” Matteo got up from the bed, while eyeing James verily. Gastón had not really considered how this meeting would go down before this moment. Matteo out of principle wasn’t the biggest fan of Gastón’s other friends —whom he had never met until now— because he was a bit territorial about their friendship. On the other hand, Matteo did know that what he and Gastón had was never going to be broken. 
“Matteo, be nice.” He said in Spanish.
“I am always nice,” Matteo rolled his eyes before offering his hand to James and switching to English, “Matteo Balsano, Gastón’s best friend.”
“James Wilson,” James shook Matteo’s hand, “Nice to finally meet you, since I have heard a lot about you. Plus, I have heard you multiple times, but never understood what was being said.”
“Yeah, Spanish can be a hard language to master… But I managed to do it once upon a time.” Matteo deadpanned. Gastón found this scene purely comical.
“So, you are flying to Buenos Aires in the evening?”
“Yeah,” Gastón answered James, “Matteo and his girlfriend flew here from Italy, so we can go back together. Nina’s showing her around.”
“Oh yeah, you finally got to meet her,” James directed his words to Matteo who threw Gastón a side glance. “I am sure you have heard all about everything to do with Nina, so you definitely can agree that it definitely was such a relief that Gastón stopped being an idiot.”
“Yeah, I have a lot of experience with him being an idiot when it comes to girls. Nina’s no exception” Matteo started saying, his side eye towards Gastón growing “But yep, I have met her… for the first time.”
“Don’t oversell it,” Gastón said to Matteo in Spanish so James couldn’t hear. “We should probably go find the girls.” 
“James, I see you at the fall.” He patted James on the back as he and Matteo walked out of the door.
“How long are you gonna keep this up?” Matteo questioned as they were walking down a hallway, “These guys still don’t know about your crazy quest for the invisible internet girl?”
“Or that I knew her before at all,” Gastón shook his head, “I even told them that Luna’s name is Sol, because otherwise, it would look quite weird that my best friend's girlfriend has the exact same name as Nina’s best friend.”
“You do know that you need to tell them someday,” Matteo continued, “You can’t lie to save your life, so I am surprised that anyone has ever bought this. They’ll find out during the wedding anyway.”
“When have you become this wise?” Gastón nudged Matteo with his elbow.
“I have always been like it,” Matteo shrugged laughing, “But don’t change the subject. They need to know before the wedding.” He looked at Gastón smirking, “What? We both know that that’s the endgame here. Not like you haven’t thought about it.”
“Of course, I have.” Gastón smiled. He had thought about it, maybe a little too much for only being 20, but he couldn’t help it. That was the only future he saw in his mind. “But, we've only been together again for a little over a month. We can’t just pick up where we left off and were young. Nina’s 19. Ana would actually kill me. I guess there is no rush, if we're being realistic here. It’s not like you have any proposal plans yet either.” 
“Hey! We were talking about you!” Matteo pointed a finger at Gastón.
“It’s really good to have you back!” Gastón started laughing.
“You too,” Matteo hugged him suddenly, “I honestly missed you, a lot.”
“Are your roommates here?” Luna asked while skipping ahead of Nina in the stairwell.
“No, I told you, Marlee and Ariana went home earlier this week.” Nina explained as she opened the door to the level where her room was located. 
“Awww, thats sad.” Luna hung her head as they walked on a hallway, “They sound awesome, I would like to meet them.”
“I am sure you will,” Nina said as she opened her dorm room’s door.
“Uuuuuuu, this room is nice,” Luna gushed as they walked into the room. It was a little more bare than normal as Marlee and Ariana had taken most of their things home. “But have you been staying here alone now that they’ve gone?”
“No, I haven’t been staying here,” Nina said as she sat on her bed. “Gastón’s roommates are also gone, so I have been spending the night there.”
“Oh, right,” Luna said while jumping next to Nina, “So, do you need any help with packing?”
“I got everything sorted out yesterday,” Nina said while pointing to the suitcase next to the bed. That had been one of the only times she had actually been back in her room after Oliver and Jacob had been gone. Staying in separate rooms with Gastón didn’t make any sense when they weren’t forced to do it.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. 
“Are we going to eat or what?” Matteo and Gastón appeared through the door, “I am starving.”
Nina and Gastón were sitting at the table with Ana. They had arrived in Buenos Aires the morning the day before and stayed at Gastón’s house. Nina’s mom had insisted that they come to have lunch with her as soon as they arrived. 
Ana knew about them already, Nina had told her parents pretty soon after they had talked to Gastón’s parents. Their friends at Buenos Aires on the other hand… still had no idea, but they had a plan… or part of it. After they were done with Ana they were going to meet with Luna and Matteo at the mansion. 
According to their plan, Simon and Ambar would be the first ones to be told. Luna and Matteo had told them that Nina would be visiting. After that, they would figure out how to tell the others. 
“Isla and Marco must be happy to have you back,” Ana said addressing Gastón. 
“Well, they would be,” Gastón laughed, “If they were here. They’re in Columbia. They were actually quite mad, that we were coming back while they were gone. But they’ll be back next week, and I will get no peace.”
“Well, I understand them quite well,” Ana turned toward Nina, “I would be the same way if you came back while I wasn’t here.”
“Well, you never travel anyway,” Nina rolled her eyes, “So you don’t need to worry about that.”
“Why would I want to travel? Ana continued, “There is plenty of justice in need to serving right here in Buenos Aires. Not like your father, who seems to be very at home at Miami.”
“You know Dad’s very happy there,” Nina responded, “What would he need to be here anyway? I’m not here. Oh, did you get those boxes I asked for?”
“Yes, I did.” Ana said, “What do you need them for?”
“I need to sort out my stuff so I can ship some of it over.” Nina answered. She had thought she had already explained this to Mom. “I am not going to be gone forever. We talked about this. Just until I am done with my degree. If you feel lonely you can just say so.”
“Actually, have you talked to Mora lately?”
“No, not really,” Nina furrowed her brow. 
“Well, she’s coming back from Milan.” Ana smiled.
“What are you looking at?” Nina asked as she walked back to her room after grabbing couple things from downstairs. Her mother had left to meet a client so Nina and Gastón had been left alone. They had few hours before they had agreed to meet up with Luna and Matteo. 
Gastón had been standing in front of her nightstand looking at something. Nina walked behind him. He was holding the framed picture from her graduation with everyone, in his hand.
“You were very beautiful,” His head turned towards her for a moment. There was clear sadness in his eyes. “I should have been there.”
“No one can blame you for not being,” Nina wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him from behind. “You were across the ocean and had a lot of things going on. Renishaw is more than a formidable place to have an internship at as a freshman and look where it has gotten you now.”
“That's what I said to Matteo, but I was lying,” Gastón put the photo back down, “If I would have tried, I could have come to see your performance live at the River Live Fest, Luna’s party, and to your graduation. Mom and Dad have miles for the rest of my life… I just couldn’t do it. It wouldn’t have been fair to you and… I couldn’t have borne to see you, with him.”
“I can’t blame you for that either.”
“He’s not in this picture.”
“I broke up with him the day before,” Nina explained. She still felt guilty when she thought of that. “So, he obviously didn’t show up. I don’t know what happened with him afterward, except that he doesn’t work at Roller anymore. Maybe it’s for the best that we don’t see each other, I hurt Eric way too much for it to be fair for us to be friends.”
“You could never hurt anybody.” Gastón turned around and ran his finger on Nina’s cheek. 
“But I have, and probably will in the future.” Nina shook her head before looking into his eyes, “Why are we even talking about my ex? There’s no point to that, he’s gone, and I am in love with you. I only hope that he is happy, the way I am.”
Gastón pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around Nina as she leaned her head on his chest. Her mind turned to peaceful almost at once. 
“So, I am pretty sure your stuff isn’t going to pack itself,” Gastón said looking around in Nina’s room. “Are you taking those photos?”
“Should I?” Nina asked looking at her nightstand, “Did you pack the ones you have from your graduation?”
“Yes. I thought I’d take that whole album.” Gastón nodded, “It’s just something nice to have. Those are good pictures.”
“I agree,” Nina said, turning her head, “I’ll look through some of the books I have here, see if I wanna take any.”
She was leaning forward on the bookcase when she felt fingers trace down on her spine. 
“What are you doing?” She turned around and Gastón’s arm grabbed her tight around the waist. 
“Well, just a thought. I did some calculations, and we have more than plenty of time on our hands and your mother’s gone…”
“We were supposed be packing.” A smile formed on Nina’s lips as his hand moved to her hip, caging her against the wall next to the bookcase. She had no actual intention of fighting his intentions, she had truthfully thought about it herself. Gastón was just the one who acted on more daring impulses faster.
“We can 100 percent get it done, but now that we’re alone, and will probably be hounded by everyone the rest of the day when we get to the mansion.”
“Welcome!” Luna and Matteo were waiting for them at the mansion’s gate when Gastón drove his car up to the gate.   
“Is everything in order?” Nina asked Luna as they started walking across the garden.
“Yes,” Luna was practically bouncing. “Simon and Ambar are thinking that just Nina is coming.”
“Pedro’s not here,” Matteo continued, “He’s out with Delfi, house hunting. Or not house hunting exactly but looking for an apartment so they can move in together.”
“Oh, I just love surprises!” Luna jumped up. 
“Lets just hope it’s a good one,” Gastón ran his hand on the back of his neck. He had been detached from the rest of the group, you couldn’t get around that fact, so he was a little nervous. 
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Luna looked at him. “When has love not been good news?”
“Well, it will be a surprise,” Nina reached to take Gastón’s hand, “No one knows that we even ended up at the same campus.”
“I can’t wait to see Simon’s face,” Matteo laughed. 
“I’m excited!” Luna jumped again as they got to the door.
“Here we go,” Gastón shared a look with Nina and tightened his grip on her hand as Luna opened the door and four of them walked inside the mansion. The hall was empty. 
“Hey!” Luna yelled inside the house and winked an eye to the others, “SHE’S HERE!”
After a moment, footstep started approaching them.
“Nina’s here already?” Ambar, wearing pastels once more, emerged from direction of the kitchen, Simon behind her. “So great that you’re back…”
Ambar’s voice trailed off as Gastón felt both of hers and Simon’s eyes focus on him. Amber clearly was attempting to minimize the shock on her face.
Simon on the other hand did not even try: “What?”
“You need to tell us everything,” Ambar said once everyone was sitting down at the mansion’s living room. “I mean, we knew nothing about this at all.”
“Well, it’s a long story,” Gastón said looking at Nina, “We will probably never know how this happened, but someone somewhere was clearly on my side. I have mentioned my friends before, Jacob, Oliver, James, but important to this are Ariana and Marlee.”
“Who just happened to be my roommates,” Nina continued, “So it was kind of impossible to avoid each other.”
“We bumped into her on the first day, not that I knew that Nina was there, Matteo.” Gastón shot a side-eye towards his best friend, “So I thought I was hallucinating for a second. But that being said, it was just impossible to stay away from her. Should have known that from the other times I tried that. It’s impossible.”
“We all know that fighting against something that is inevitable has no use,” Simon said draping his arm around Ambar. 
“But you kept this under wraps really well,” Ambar continued, “I mean, I am gonna be honest here, many of us, me included were curious of what would become of you now that Nina had come to Oxford, but then we heard nothing.” Then she suddenly turned toward Luna and Matteo, “I also can’t believe that you two knew about this and somehow kept it secret.”
“I can keep a secret.” Luna protested. 
“Well, yes, you can, but I thought you would have been bouncing off the walls.”
“She was, trust me.” Matteo remarked, “Not like they told us right away either, though.”
“It was two weeks,” Gastón rolled his eyes, “And you were the first to know before anybody else.”
“How did your other friends react?” Simon asked. 
“Well, thats the thing,” Gastón smiled shortly, “They do not know. I mean they know that were together and I had to deal with month of nagging about needing to ask Nina out, not just from Matteo. All they know that I had a girlfriend in Buenos Aires who I left… they don’t know that Nina’s the same person.”
“Seriously?” Simon and Ambar looked astonished, “That kind of secret is almost impossible to keep.”
“They don’t speak any Spanish, so we don’t need to worry about saying something and being overheard,” Nina started talking. Gastón slid his arm on her waist, lacing his left-hand fingers with hers. “We know that we need to tell them at some point, but don’t exactly know how. Yet anyway.”
“It is one step at the time, right now.” Gastón continued, “Right now, we need to tell you all that we’re back together. You we’re the first ones after Luna and Matteo, then there are the rest.”
“Do you have any plan for that?” Luna asked, “Because Ramiro took Jim and Yam to Chile.”
“Thats the problem, not everyone is even here.” Nina breathed.  
“I might have an idea,” Ambar perked up suddenly. 
“All the help is welcomed.”
“Okay good,” Ambar continued, “Unlock your phones and give them to me.”
“Okay…” Gastón and Nina handed their phones to Ambar. 
“So, I trust, when the case is two of you, that you have pictures.” Ambar looked very focused, “Preferably one where you are kissing.”
“Yes, we do.”
“Perfect. Now everyone else, mute the group chat.” Ambar chucked her own phone to Simon. “So, I have your permission to do this?” She looked at Nina and Gastón. 
“Great,” Ambar smiled and handed them their phones back. “Now everyone will definitely know within the hour. If I have learned anything from Delfi and Jazmin, it is that news travel quickly.”
“Well, now that thats done, tell me everything about Oxford.” Ambar continued, “It must be so beautiful.”
“It truly is,” Nina started saying, “I feel like I have learned more during this year than I have in my whole life. The language was a bit challenging at first, but I am starting to get the hang of it.”
“She is already showing signs of a British accent,” Gastón turned to look at her, “So she is definitely getting the hang of it.”
“Those two won’t speak any Spanish anymore once they return to us for good,” Matteo laughed. 
“Well, we’ll see in four years.” Gastón rolled his eyes again toward Matteo.
“Four years?” Simon questioned.
“Until I graduate,” Nina explained. 
“Are you coming back then too?” Ambar looked at Gastón. “I thought you’d be doing a PhD.”
“Oh no, I am not doing that,” He shook his head, “I did think about it at some point, but no. It would be way too much effort right now and masters in science and technology from Oxford will get me way ahead in life already. I can get that doctorate later if I want, but I don’t wanna spend all my twenties studying. There are other things I want out of life.”
“I am just going to sit here and pretend to know what you are talking about,” Simon laughed, “I was talking to Mom the other day and happen to mention that two of my friends go to Oxford and for a moment she did not believe that I have winded up in the such sophisticated crowd, especially with Ambar at law-school. Rico and Julio, my brothers, flat out didn’t believe me.”
“Well, everyone has their own paths,” Nina nodded, “How are you doing with Pedro and the band?”
“Still figuring it out,” Simon grimaced, “But we’re optimistic. It is really not the same with no Nico.”
“Nico still having fun at New York?” Matteo crossed his arms, “We haven’t heard of him in a while.”
“Thats the thing,” Simon continued furrowing his brow, “I am not sure… He and Ada have not worked out.”
“Maybe he’ll come back then!” Luna piped up. 
“We can hope that.” Simon shook his head smiling. 
“Lot of people are coming back now,” Ambar said looking down, “I mean I came back from pretty much oblivion… and honestly I should thank you.” She turned to look at Gastón. “You don’t need to be this nice to me, last we saw each other I was skating for the Sliders.”
“Actually, it was during the Open,” Gastón responded. Honestly, he didn’t see any reason to be mad at Ambar. He had heard many good things about how she had turned things around. 
“I have been trying to compartmentalize the Red Sharks out of my mind.” Ambar closed her eyes.
“Well, it doesn’t matter. We’re fine. I have known you for a long time, and honestly proud of you.”
“How long have you known each other?” Simon leaned forward, curious.
“Since third grade?” Ambar counted with her fingers, “I am not doing the math right now. I went my whole comprehensive schooling at La Hoja de roble.”
“And I started there when I was nine,” Gastón added, “So yeah, third grade checks out. If I remember correctly both Delfi and Jazmin both started there in the fifth grade.”
“Did you go to that school as well?” Luna asked Matteo.
“Yep, I started there at eighth grade. Probably like a week or two after the semester actually started, because Dad’s moving schedule of course couldn’t possibly let me start school like a normal person.”
“Yep, I saved your skin during the chemistry class.” Gastón laughed. 
“Thats not what happened!” Matteo countered. “I had it under control.”
“It didn’t look like it,” Gastón shook his head, “You were absolutely lost with Mr. Patrena’s whiteboard.”
“He was the worst,” Ambar huffed, “How anybody ever learned anything from his classes, is beyond me.”
Suddenly they heard the noise of mansion’s door opening. 
“Have you seen this—??!!” Delfi walked through the door, Pedro trying to keep up with her pace behind her, her phone in her hand. They both stopped in their tracks as they saw everyone at the living room. 
“Yes, we have,” Ambar spoke first, “Live, actually.”
“It really is true?” Delfi and Pedro turned to look at Gastón and Nina. 
The Team of Jam&Roller
Ramiro: What?
Jim: IIIiiiiiiIIIIIiiiiIII!! 💗💜💚💙💛
Yam: Omg!!💙💙💙💙
Ramiro: Cool
Jazmin: I need an interview now!
Gastón: No.
Nina: No
Hey! Has anyone been missing the Roller Crew? Well, don't worry, we got them back for a chapter because I miss them too. The reason why I made Simbar to be the first to find out about Gastina is because they will have a strong friendship with each other in my canon. This was the start. Little spoiler here, but you'd know this if you've red SI: Simon and Ambar will come to attend Gastón's graduation, and they will eventually become the godparents to Gastón and Nina's second child. Plus, Simbar with Lutteo are the ones who have had to face the odds when it comes to their love, and they are the Holy Trinity of Ships, who need to be a trio. You know how I feel about that if you read MOT. Also Gastón and Ambar, having known each other the longest, is a nod to Aliados, a show which Agustin and Valentina were both in before Soy Luna (They actually played love interests, and yes it was trippy).
And for my Swifty readers, I know that you always find a way back home is technically not a Taylor song, but she did write it so fair game
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Here's my DCLA Gift Exchange <3
and right under the wire 😬
I know you're probably asleep but hopefully you'll wake up to this gift in a few short hours @countessofravenclaw :)
Enjoy this time-travelling Disney World adventure with the fearsome foursome of Luna, Matteo, Nina and Gastón! For some musical accompaniment:
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mylutteoheart · 1 year
Playing Cupid (chapter 10)
New chapter out now! There are only 2-3 left before the end of this fic. The edited version will be out tomorrow on ao3. Also keep your eyes open for a little simbar in this chapter. Luna and Matteo have been building their lives together slowly. Fresh out of college, they’re planning their future. But by planning this, they have an underlying plan no one knows of. Bringing their best friends together after 4 years of not being happy without the other. How well will their plan of playing Cupid work?
Prologue | chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | find my other fics here
"So nothing happened?" Luna insisted as she and Nina were walking to the bridal shop for the last dress fitting before the wedding.
"Well, I wouldn't say nothing," Nina answered as she looked down at her feet to hide her blush.
Suddenly, out of excitement, Luna took Nina's arm and pulled it to make her stop. She asked excitedly: "What? What happened? Tell me!"
"You remember the day we went scouting for locations?", Nina said carefully.
"Right, the location you found was even better than the one we initially had," she said, already imagining her and Matteo standing there on front of all their friends.
"When we started talking about you two loving the location, I started imagining the romance that comes with marriage on that venue and there was this moment, where it was just the two of us and we were this close to kissing," Nina gestured with her thumb and pointer finger close to one another to indicate the distance there was between them.
Luna jumped up and down at the news and said: "That's great! That must mean he feels the same way about you."
"I don't want to get too excited. It was just the spur of the moment. It meant nothing," she tried to deny, not wanting to get her hopes up.
"Don't say that, you have to keep hoping," she rested her hand on her best friend's arm in support.
"Let's just get going," Nina said, not wanting to think about it.
Luna understood and together, they started walking again to go to the bridal shop.
"I'm talling you, she likes you," Matteo said to Gastón, also on their way to the bridal shop.
Every bridesmaid and groomsman had to come to the fitting today. The suits were also tailored in the bridal shop.
"I just think she got swept up in the heat of the moment. There was a romantic side to it all," Gastón said airily, not wanting to show how much that moment meant to him.
"And I always thought me and Luna were bad at communication," Matteo shook his head in disbelief.
"What are you on about?" he took a look at Matteo to see him roll his eyes.
"We all see they way you look at each other and it's still the same look you had when you were both so in love in senior year at Blake," Matteo explained, "It hasn't changed in six years."
"Really? I haven't noticed," Gastón frowned, trying to picture what his best friend is saying.
"Of course you haven't. You know, this all reminds me of the time I was so dumb to see how Luna truly felt about me when that guy Michel appeared," he said with a fond smile, he did frown when he said the name Michel. He would never like that guy.
"Oh, I remember you complaining a lot about that guy. I would have loved to be there to witness your idiocy and to talk some sense into you," Gastón chuckled at the many phone calls with Matteo during that time. He really was hopeless when it came to Luna.
"Well, now it's my job to do that," Matteo became serious and continued, "What you need is one clear conversation with Nina and everything will be cleared up."
"You make it sound so simple," he sighed, not believing a word.
"That's because it is," he just answered, "And I'll make sure I'll prove you right. I'll just have to convince Luna, Ámbar and Simón to leave you two alone in a way where you can't do anything but talk."
Matteo held his chin in thought, already trying to come up with dozens of ways to make this happen.
Gastón's eyes widened and said: "You're going to do this now?"
"The sooner the better, weddings are all about happiness and romance so I'd love to see you and Nina being happy and together at our wedding," he said.
"You really want us to be together?" Gastón said in surprise.
"Of course, I want you to be happy and you've never been as happy as you were with Nina. I know that wouldn't have changed a bit," Matteo said as if it was the world's most known fact.
"Thank you for being such a good friend," Gastón smiled and gave him a quick hug, "Now, let's get this fitting over with."
"I see you've already started on the champagne," Matteo said with a smile as he entered the bridal shop with his best friend.
"You were just taking too long," Ámbar said with a smirk.
"Is Luna here yet?" Simón asked as he appeared and stood next to his fiancée.
"She was coming with Nina, she's probably running a little late," Matteo answered, "While we wait for the other girls to appear, we can already try the suits for me and the groomsmen."
"Oh, Simón in a suit, I can't wait to see that," Ámbar said as she sat down on the sofa in front of the fitting rooms with her glass in her hands.
"I'm sure you would look radiating in your bridesmaid's dress as well," he flirted and pecked her on the cheek. Getting into the fitting room.
The other guys followed but not before he sent a text to Luna that they needed to talk as soon as she came in.
"Hey, sorry we're late. We ran into some issues on the way," Luna apologized as soon as she came in the shop.
"It's fine, we already got started," Matteo greeted her as he walked out of the fitting room and taking Luna in his arms as he gave her a peck on the cheek.
"Don't you look handsome," Luna said as she looked him up and down.
"I always look handsome," he answered her with a fond smile.
"Let's look at the other before your ego grows too big," Ámbar interrupted their sweet moment.
"Here we are," Simón said as he appeared in front of the four people in the room.
"I'm definitely not disappointed to have come here," Ámbar said as she looked at the guy she loves so much.
"I'm sure I can't compare with you by my side at the wedding," Simón said while he gave her a big smile.
"Alright guys, let the girls put on their dresses and wait with the flirting when you have a room on your own," Matteo said as he put a hand on Simón's shoulder, showing them he's just teasing.
"Let's go Nina, the bride will put on her dress after Matteo left," Ámbar said and took Nina by the arm to lead her to the fitting room.
"Hold on, Ámbar, I'd like to ask you something first," Matteo stopped her before she was gone, Nina already disappeared.
"What's going on?" she frowned, having no clue why she was pulled apart.
"Yeah, your text sounded urgent," Luna interrupted.
"It's time we do some more matchmaking with the two lovebirds that aren't together but really want to be," Matteo said with an excited smile.
Simón turned to Gastón to confirm who they were talking about, Gastón just rolled his eyes and shook his head in exasperation.
"Is that why you two have been so secretive lately? Because you were playing matchmakers?" Ámbar raised an eyebrow.
"Sadly, yes," Gastón sighed.
"Come on, you agreed," Matteo said with a frown.
"I did and I think I'm starting to regret it," he answered.
"You don't," Matteo said without blinking.
Gastón answered: "You're right."
"Okay, what's the plan?" Luna interrupted, wanting to get back on track.
"We need to get them to talk alone without interruptions," Mattteo started to explain.
"Easy, just lock them in the fitting room, it locks from the outside," Ámbar simply said.
The four others look at her with a frown.
"What? I might not pull that stuff anymore but that doesn't mean I don't notice things," she said in a flat tone.
"You're brilliant, bonita," Simón said and gave her a kiss on her crown.
"Okay, now we just got to figure out how we get Gastón in that fitting room," Luna said, thinking out loud.
"That's easy. He just walks in," Matteo said.
They all start to think for a moment and couldn't find a better alternative. They ended up nodding and agreeing with his plan. It was the best they could do.
"Alright, let's get this crazy plan started," Gastón sighed and gave in. Getting ready to finally have the conversation he and Nina had to have.
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hide-in-imagination · 10 months
Hi, have you wondered how would Simón react if Luna had confessed her love on s3? Do you know if someone ever wrote a one shot about this? 😭.
Perdón por mi horrible inglés, español es mi lengua materna. Me encantan muchos tus fics de Simbar (la mejor pareja) y espero que disfrutes tú viaje a Argentina!
Holaa! Ya que tu lengua materna es español, te contesto en español👍🏻❤️
Muchas gracias por el elogio y los buenos deseos 🌸 La pasé muy bien en Argentina, realmente fueron experiencias que no voy a olvidar. Tuve muy mala suerte en que justo uno de mis conciertos fue suspendido por lluvia (casi nos da pulmonía con mis amigas jajjaj) y tuve que comprar otro vuelo de vuelta, pero al final todo valió la pena🫶
Y volví más cargada de Simbar que nunca !! La última noche la pasamos con una amiga viendo todas las escenas de esta pareja y creo que se me reconfiguró el cerebro jajajaj. Los amo tanto, incluso tantos años después :')
Con respecto a tu pregunta, desconozco si alguien ha escrito algo al respecto (IF ANYONE HAS SEEN A FIC ABOUT THIS TOPIC, PLS LET ME KNOW! 🙏🏻🙏🏻) Solo tengo el capítulo de Caminos Que Se Cruzan en que Luna le confiesa a Simón que en algún momento gustó de él. Asumo que la reacción de Simón habría sido algo parecido si Luna se le confesaba antes, tipo, "Estoy halagado pero no siento lo mismo." Además, Simón a esas alturas ya era un ferviente defensor de Lutteo, así que yo creo que si Luna se le hubiera confesado, Simón habría tratado de decirle suavemente que estaba confundida, que solo creía sentir cosas por Simón por la cercanía entre los dos, pero que a quien realmente amaba era a Matteo.
Incluso si Simón se tomara en serio la confesión, no le quedaría de otra que rechazarla (amablemente claro) porque desde el segundo 1 de la tercera temporada que se nota que está re enganchado de Ámbar 😂💜 No la podía olvidar, pobre.
En general, me habría gustado que Luna le dijera dentro de la serie porque así Simón habría sabido que fue algo que le pasó a los dos y no solo a él (me da mucha bronca que al final de la serie cuando hablan al respecto Luna no dijo nada). Pero me consuelo con la cara de Luna cuando Simón le dijo que estaba enamorado de Ámbar 😂😂😂 Top 10 Soy Luna Moments.
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iridescentis · 2 years
I just wanna say, yeah, it surprised me too how little gay fics they had of Soy Luna! The way the fandom at least seemed to agree on some, I thought, there must be a fair amount? But nope!
I remember when I finished S1 of SL for the first time back in 2021, I went to ao3 to briefly check out the fandom there and being so SHOCKED there were no Jim/Yam fics. People seemed to agree they were gfs but then they ship Yam with PEDRO before Jim in fics (like not even with Ramiro, with PEDRO)? I was like "Do I have to do all the work myself" and then wrote a bunch of fics with them as gfs just to fill out the content I was lacking. I think I'm still the only one who has written about them romantically (checked now, and yep!)
Also, yeah, I really thought Sitteo (and Gastteo, people LOVE pairing up Matteo with men) would have more fics. But I guess ao3 writers focus on canon ships, and/or non-canon ships that are M/F (which is kinda funny because Violetta, a show that takes place in the same universe, has like 85% gay fics)
yeah! when i first started watching soy luna i immediately went to watch fan edits as i usually do and there was SO MANY gay ship edits i even saw yam/delfi at one point?? i just naturally assumed that all of these ships would have just as many fics but not at all
the thing that surprised me the most is so many people seemed to love the idea of an AU where the love triangle is focused on matteo and he has to choose between luna and simón and i expected that there would be tons of fics with that concept but there isn't any??
and yeah jim and yam felt like an obvious goldmine for adorable fics but apparently not?
i definitely noticed how much there is for canon ships though a huge majority i came across had lutteo simbar and gastina usually all in the same fic regardless of the main pairing
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 2 months
I curiously went to fanfiction.net to see what dcla fics they have there, but I have absolutely no idea how to navigate that site.
So, the only Violetta fics I found were either holiday one shots or Tomletta fics, and due to me not knowing how to navigate, when I wrote "Soy Luna" I just found non-related stuff with a character named Luna. For some reason a lot of Thundermans fics. I did find a Lutteo collection tho.
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sapphire374 · 4 years
When Stars Align
“Is this the second time we’ve both gotten stuck in the same elevator?” 
Wattpad Link
I would like to give a special thanks to @silver-inked for helping me when I went through writers block with this idea. I was able to figure out an idea cause of your help so thank you. :)
Background: The gang are at a Roller Skating competition. It’s sort of an AU that would take place in season three but there are no spoilers or mention of anything that correlates to season three. A character does mention Mitchel but nothing specifically about him is said. Ships included are Lutteo (with angst)  and Simbar. 
Luna and Matteo both entered inside the elevator to head upstairs since it was their turn next to compete. They stole glances from each other and it was just pure silence in the air. They both couldn’t help but stay angry at each other for their own reasons. 
“C’mon Emilia hurry up,” Ámbar demanded outside of the elevator.
“Can’t you see I’m trying!” Emilia replied. Emilia was frantically unscrewing the latch that contained all of the buttons of the elevator outside. She pulled out her scissors from her back pocket and snipped at one of the cords. The elevator stopped.
“It stopped..” Matteo noticed.
“Chico Fresa, what do you mean it stopped? Can’t you just press another button to go up.”
“None of them work. The elevator is stuck,” Matteo stuttered whilst frantically pressing all the buttons at once.
Luna covered her face in astonishment. Out of all the days and all the times it had to be now, right before it was their turn to perform and nonetheless with Matteo. The one person she didn’t even want to look at right now or even be with. Luna pulled out her phone. 
“Ugh there’s no service. What are we going to do?” Luna anxiously asked. 
“It’s ok, calm down Chica Delivery. Someone is bound to notice and try to use the elevator. They will let us go and we’ll be fine.”
“Clearly you’re forgetting one very important event. We were up next to skate and now we won’t be able to make it on time! Plus how are you able to stay so calm? You must not care so much about this, only your album is all you worry about.”
Matteo rapidly turned towards her. “Of course I care, it’s just in matters like these it’s important to stay calm. Plus you’re not so perfect either Luna. You haven’t stopped holding a grudge on me for what happened with the album and Bruno. You know I’m not like that anymore and I already apologized countless times,” Matteo rebutted.
“Ok maybe I went a little too far there but lately you’ve been just so distant from me and the gang. Whenever we talk about competitions you lose interest and the closer I try to get to you, the farther you move away.” Matteo stayed silent at her response. 
Luna broke the silence and said, “Well I’m going to try to call for help.”
“How?” Matteo questioned.
Luna yelled whilst banging at the door with her hand as a fist “HELP HELP! WE’RE TRAPPED IN HERE! HELP!” Matteo decided to do the same thing. 
“Aww hear that Emilia, they’re trapped. Poor things, well I guess they have to figure it out all on their own.” Ámbar and Emilia cackled together. Emilia picked up all of her tools and placed it in her backpack after screwing back the elevator button latch so there will be no evidence that it was them. 
“C’mon let’s get out of here so no one thinks it’s us.” Emilia ran out the hallway and so did Ámbar till she bumped into someone. Her black, fringe shoulder bag falling to the floor alongside her phone. “Watch where you’re goi- oh Simón! Uh what are you doing here?” Her mood and tone of voice quickly shifts when she notices it’s Simón.
Simón bends over to pick up Ámbar’s stuff like the gentleman he is. Ambar always loved it when he was nice to her but now wasn’t a good time. She had to hurry quick before the others suspect it was her. “I’ve been searching for Luna and Matteo. They’re needed now at the rink, they’re up next to skate. Have you seen them?”
Ámbar rapidly shakes her head, “No no I haven’t, sorry. Don’t worry too much about it though, they're bound to be found soon. In fact, they’re probably at the rink tying up their shoes, you know they’re never late to a performance.”
Simón scratches his head. “Yeah I guess you’re right. Hey, what are you doing here?”
Ámbar quickly makes up an excuse. “I was just… looking for the vending machine! I wanted to eat something before I prepared skates.”
“Oh say no more.” Simón stuffs his hands in his pockets scavenging for something. He pulls out two granola bars and smiles. “Here you go. You can have it. It’s not much but it’s something you can eat and not have to buy or waste your money.”
 Ámbar couldn’t help but smile at this sweet gesture Simón made. He always helps her, without thinking. Ámbar couldn’t help but wonder maybe there is somebody in this world who cares about her, could it be Simón? Would life be better if she just let her guard down to him, for him.
“HELP! HELP!” The staring contest between Ámbar and Simón spontaneously ended. “Do you hear that?” Simón asked Ámbar. “No no. Must be some kids playing outside.”
Simón immediately ran to the dressing room hallway. Ámbar changed her mentality on a “what if she did change” cause she feels at the end of the day he will always prefer Luna and the others. “Stupid Lunita always ruining everything. Plus, what’s the point of changing if he’s alway going to care for those losers and ignore me or leave me at the sidelines. I’m tired of being thrown to the side,” Ámbar wondered. 
Emilia dashed to Ámbar. “I came back. I thought you were right behind me running. If we stay any longer they will figure out it was us.”
“I know we have to hurry but our plan sort of backfired. Simón was able to hear these two idiots yelling from the elevator.”
Emilia puts her hand over her head. “No it can’t be. Well, fixing that elevator shouldn’t be easy and it's their turn now meaning they’ll miss it. We’re just going to have to hope that the judges don’t give them a second chance.”
Ámbar and Emilia escape the scene. Simón runs into the hallway. He notices the closer he approaches the elevator, the louder he hears the screaming for help. “Guys are you ok? Who is this in the elevator and what happened?”
“Simón! Simón! It’s us, Luna and Matteo! The elevator randomly stopped and there’s no service. Ever since then we’ve been trapped in here,” Luna announces.
“Oh I’ll go get Juliana now! Don’t go anywhere ok?”
“Guitarrista, where would we go, we’re trapped,” Matteo answered. 
“Oh yeah that’s right. Whoops.” Simón replied.
Simón runs off to go let the team know. Now it’s just Luna and Matteo…. alone. Luna sits down, bends her knees and lays her head on top with a gloomy expression plastered on her face. Matteo can’t help but stare at the way Luna feels depressed. He hates seeing her the opposite of her usual happy, cheery self. “Cheer up Chica Delivery, they’re coming soon to fix the elevator. We’ll be out of here in no time.”
“But Matteo, we missed our turn to skate and what if the judges don’t give us another opportunity. What if, cause of us, our whole team misses out on performing as well. We don’t know how severe the elevator issue is nor how long it will take and -”
Matteo cuts Luna off and tries to comfort her. “And everything will be okay. Look if those things do end up happening then we’ll have another opportunity in a future competition. Some things are just out of our hands, like this elevator incident in this case.”
“You’re right but we worked so hard for this competition.”
“And we'll work even harder for the next one,” Matteo being optimistic, hoping this would make her feel better. 
“Yeah you’re right.” Luna sighs.
The elevator turned to silence again. They couldn’t help but steal glances from one another. Oh how it was so hard to just speak to the other, they’re constantly overthinking and worried to put their heart out on the line. “Why do we always end up in arguments with each other,” they wondered. Matteo inhaled a large gulp of hair, tried to put his nerves on the sidelines and his courage to the test. 
“I’m sorry for avoiding you these past days.”
Luna’s head shifted towards Matteo now. All her attention is now on him.
“It’s just I didn’t know how to react when seeing you constantly with Michel and I was worried there is something more between the two of you. I thought there was and tried to give you space, you deserve someone who truly loves you and cares about you. I didn’t want to get in the way of that but at the same time it hurt seeing you with him so I always tried to leave. Sorry if I ended up hurting you in any way from doing that. I would never want to hurt you or cause you any pain.”
Luna's lips slowly curved into a little smile. “Chico Fresa, thank you for being honest with me. Me and Michel are just friends, I can guarantee that. I also would like to say I’m sorry for being harsh and upset. Your  music deal was very important to you and I shouldn’t always prioritize these competitions, I should’ve been there to comfort you when Bruno cancelled it at the time. You were my boyfriend and I really did care about you, and still do. I think it was just I didn’t want to see you lose sight of yourself and care solely about your album and your success. Life is much more than that but I should’ve expressed myself better. I did notice though you have changed ever since you apologized. You now make more of an effort to get along with Simon and are even friends, which is so cute! I know it has been tough for you ever since Gaston left as well. Just know I will always be here for you, whenever you need me.”
Matteo smiled widely now. Luna’s words couldn’t have been any more comforting. He hates arguing with her but he loves these intimate moments, maybe it wasn’t so bad after all to get trapped in this elevator. Maybe it was meant to be, maybe it was their time for the stars to align.
Matteo and Luna both got up. Juliana and the gang were outside with an electrician fixing the buttons to the elevator. Luna and Matteo were so wrapped up in their conversation they barely even noticed. “Let’s make a deal Matteo. I will try to focus some more time in helping you out with your music if you will do the same with these competitions and actually get excited for them, and train with me.”
Matteo chuckled. He was beaming with joy and anyone who knew him could tell. “It’s a deal.” Luna took out her hand and Matteo shook it. Right after, while holding her hand shaking it, he pulled her in closer. They were only centimeters apart now. The air felt like it escaped their lungs and Matteo knew exactly what he was doing when he did it. “So Chica Delivery, is it true what you said about me? You still care about me?”
Luna looked up. Their faces were so close to each other, their noses touched. “Chico Fresa, you still have doubts, on me?!” Luna joked.
“Do you still have feelings for me too?” The sparks were reignited again and floating in the air. Luna tried to breath and her nerves couldn’t stop from taking over her. Great, now she forgot how to breath. Matteo caressed her cheek and now her skin feels like it’s on fire. Her heart couldn’t stop racing. She wanted to answer but she already knew he knew the answer as they kept leaning closer...and closer… and…
The automatic doors have opened
Everyone stared at Luna and Matteo’s almost kiss. Luna and Matteo frantically moved their faces and stared in shock. They were not expecting the elevator to get fixed so fast. Jazmin had her tablet in hand and exclaimed, “YES I GOT IT ALL ON TAPE! Ja- Jazmin fans you all are in for a real treat this week!” Luna face palmed herself and couldn’t believe Matteo was laughing, even if he was trying to hide it.
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clockwork-fayz · 4 years
The Most Perfect Proposal
Alternate Title: A Very Disney Telenovela Proposal
Or the fanfiction that came to me in an actual dream I had and I had to write it. 
Matteo, Simon, and Gastón all get the idea in their heads that they need to propose to their significant others. A chance encounter at a jewelry store leads our three boys helping each other out to orchestrate the perfect proposal. Can they pull of three proposals? Not without totally unrealistic issues arising of course!
Or Keep Reading Here
Matteo stared at the rings in the case, his eyebrows furrowed. Before this moment he had thought that it would be easy to pick out a ring for Luna. He knew everything about her down to her favorite font to use on posters. He figured that he would be able to walk into a ring shop and one would just scream Luna to him. But this was the fifth shop he had been in, and nothing seemed to fit.
Matteo had been thinking about proposing for quite a long time before he decided to make it a reality.
In fact he could remember the day that he realized he was going to marry her.  It had been a year after they had started dating (the second time around).  Luna was sitting with Matteo in first class on their way to Spain to start off Matteo’s first international tour.
Months before, in the planning stage of his tour, Matteo had gotten the brilliant idea of having skating be a part of the concert and having Luna be one of the dancers. It was perfect for Luna; not only did she get to go on tour with her boyfriend but she was getting paid to do it. She had been in charge of the choreography and Matteo had to admit it was her best work yet.
Luna had never been to Europe before and to say she was excited was an understatement. She had spent an entire night researching every place that they were stopping and created a list of everything she wanted to do. Some more realistic than others.
“Mi amor, I don’t think that we will be able to do all of this.  Stalking the royal family will take a couple of days at least and we are only in London for a night.”
“But what’s the point of going to England if I don’t get to see one royal Matteo.  Honestly, why are we going on this tour then.”
Matteo shook his head at her amused. “You are right. Forget performing in front of sold out crowds, let’s get arrested for breaking into the palace.”
“That’s the spirit!”
It was the middle of the night on the plane, and Luna was fast asleep snuggled against him. The movie they were watching was still playing on the TV, the fast paced action sequences unable to awake her from her dead sleep.  Matteo wasn’t tired, but he was perfectly content watching her breathe.
She looked so peaceful, the blanket pulled up to her chin, her hair falling into her face. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was midnight in Buenos Aires. It was officially their one year anniversary.  Not that Luna would remember that it was their anniversary, she was terrible at dates.  But Matteo was never one to forget things like that.  He could still tell you the date and time it was when he first ran into her in Cancun all those years ago.
Who would have thought he would be here now with her? When he met her for the first time, there had been an immediate spark between the two of them, but he never considered that one day Luna would be asleep on him while they flew off on an adventure and with hundreds of memories behind them.  He thought of the first time he kissed her; how he had been secretly dying to do it for weeks and how right it felt when he finally did. He thought of every kiss afterwards, how even now kissing her made him feel like he was flying. Of how her walking in the room still made his heart beat faster.  Of how she knew him better than anybody.  Of all the walks in the parks, the scary movies watched, the jokes they shared.
It was an overwhelming feeling. It felt like he had hit a tidal wave of thoughts.  Once the thought was there, he couldn’t think of anything else.
He had to spend the rest of his life with Luna.  He was going to marry her.
The thought enveloped him as he watched her sleeping. It was an excitable feeling.
He knew he wouldn’t propose until far in the future. She would kill him if he proposed when they were so young. There was no rush. But from that moment on, the fact was in the back of his mind that she was his forever.  Even when they argued, even when the fights got so bad she was screaming at him and he would walk out slamming the door, even then he knew that Luna was the only girl for him.
Luna shifted, jarring him from his thoughts and making him jump just a little.  She woke slightly, murmuring “Everything ok Teo?”
“Si, mi amor,” he said, rubbing her arm, “Everything is perfect.”
Now it was five years later. She was 24 and he was 25. They had spent six years together, full of adventures, fights, makeups, and him adoring every moment with her. It was time to make forever official.  
As he stood at the case pondering what Luna would prefer, he heard a voice behind him.
“ Gastón ?”
You could say that Simón always thought he was going to marry Ámbar .  Even before they were together, and she still guarded herself with sharp words and poor decisions, he could only imagine a future where they were together.
There was one moment that really cemented it in his mind though.  He remembered it fondly. He was walking up to the apartment that they shared and could hear music blasting from the doorway. They had only been living with each other for a month or so.  It was a big step for Ámbar , who had always lived in mansions, to move into a one bedroom apartment in the city. She had been adjusting to things like having to buy your own groceries and cook for yourself.
Simón opened the door and Ámbar didn’t even notice.  She was standing at the mixer, spatula in hand and a mess surrounding her. She was swaying to the music and singing softly along as she read from the cookbook.
Simón closed the door loudly as not to scare her and she turned down the music when she noticed him.
“What are you doing mi amor?” he asked, taking in the scene in front of him.
Her eyebrows furrowed. “I thought you weren’t supposed to be home until later, it was going to be a surprise!”
“Pedro had to leave for an appointment so I came home early. Are you baking?”
She gestured towards the counter. “Clearly. Though it is much harder than it looks. I’ve called Monica three times already.”
Simón chuckled, approaching her. “You have some flour on your cheek,” he said, brushing it off gently with his finger. “And your forehead. And all over your shirt.”
He leaned over to give her a peck on the lips. She smiled, before pushing him away.
“Well now that the surprise is ruined, you will have to help me. I can’t figure out how to add flour without it flying out of the mixer and all over!”
“For starters,” he said, assessing the situation, “You should start it off on a lower setting.”
Her eyes grew wide. “There are settings?”
Simón laughed.  “Here, let me show you.”
Ámbar watched closely as Simón taught her how to run the mixer properly. It was a lot easier now that Simón was showing her.
“It looks like we just need chocolate chips,” she said, grabbing the bag.
“But we have to hand mix those in, or a mixer will break.”
Ámbar looked back at him. “What would I do without you?”
Simón showed her how to fold the chocolate chips into the cookie dough with the cookie spatula.  
Ámbar tried a bit of the cookie dough and moaned in delight.
“Babe, you have to try this. I did so good.”
Simon let her feed him a bit off the spatula. “Mmm very good. Best cookie dough I’ve ever eaten.”
Ámbar stared at the spatula and then looked up to him with large doe eyes.
“I should bake more.” Then she turned to get the cookie sheet. He went to sit on the bar stool as she scooped the dough into balls on the pan. She was humming to the music again, focusing on making sure the balls were spaced evenly. And then it hit him.
He could suddenly see years from now what their life could be. Simón would still be making music, Ámbar would have risen in the ranks at Vidia. They would live in a house together with their kids. And although they would live busy lives, they would always make time for their family.  They would spend weekends making cookies, roller skating in the park, going to the beach. It would be a chaotic but perfect life.
Ámbar looked back at him staring at her.
“Don’t tell me that I have flour all over the back of me too?”
Simón smiled and went over to her, pulling her in for a kiss.
“No mi amor, I was just thinking of how much I love you.”
Ámbar looked at him confused but not complaining.
“I love you too.  What brought this on?”
“Nothing.  Let me help you get these cookies in the oven.”
It was thinking back to that moment that made Simón realize that it was time for him to propose to her.  He went to the jewelry store that day, not expecting to see two familiar faces inside.
Gastón knew he was going to marry Nina not long after they had gotten back together.
Breaking up with her was the biggest mistake he had ever made. He thought that he was helping her. He was on an entire different continent. They never got to see each other and the time difference was killer. He had convinced himself that it was for the best. It hadn’t taken him too long to realize that he was wrong.
He had tried to go out with other girls, but they were no Nina.  There was this one girl that lived down the street from him. She was gorgeous and she was obviously into Gastón . He had asked her out to a movie with him.
He should have known things weren’t going to work out when she wanted to see the latest crude humor movie. He agreed to go, to give it a chance. It was just as awful as he thought it would be.  
“Wasn’t that so funny?” the girl asked as they sat at a diner afterwards.
Gastón hesitated. “It wasn’t really my taste. I prefer sci-fi movies actually or movies that make you think. My gir- uhm my friend from back home and I used to watch old mystery movie marathons. It was lots of fun.”
“Hmm, I don’t think that I’ve watched one of those.”
“They are really good.”
An awkward silence fell over them.
“So what books do you like to read?” Gastón finally asked, trying to break the tension.
“Oh I don’t really read.”
Gastón nodded. “That’s alright. What about music?”
“Anything that’s on the radio.”
Why is this so awkward, thought Gastón . It was never this awkward on dates with Nina. With Delphi maybe, but Nina could have conversations about anything with him.  He remembered that one time they talked for an hour ranking every mainstream Shakespearean play.
No matter how many times he tried to focus on what the girl was saying, he could not stop thinking about Nina. And the girl noticed.
“ Gastón , I really like you but I don’t think we feel the same way.”
Gastón was snapped out of a memory of Nina learning to skate to surprise him.
The girl smiled sweetly and put a hand on his shoulder.
“What’s her name?”
Gastón looked ashamed but told her “Nina.”
“How long have you been broken up for?”
“I broke up with her a couple months ago. She lives in Buenos Aires and I am here.”
The girl sighed. “That is tough. But I can tell that you must really love this girl.  And if you love this girl that much,  you should try to make it work.”
Gastón took those words to heart and almost ran home that night so he could call Nina.
She told him that she had met someone. Gastón broke inside.
For the next few years, Gastón went on many dates but everytime that he got close to someone, he realized that he did not love them.  He started to wonder if he would ever find someone he loved as much as he did with Nina.
It had been five long years since he had last seen her when she came walking into the restaurant in Buenos Aires. It was like he had been sleeping for the past few years and seeing her had finally awakened him. The sky was brighter, the air fresher. She filled up his thoughts that night and into the next day. He had to tell her that he still loved her. He had to.
And he did. And she loved him back.
It was a few days later when Gastón had the thought that he had to marry Nina. Luna had called in the morning saying that Simón and Gastón were at the Jam and Roller and that they were going to meet them at ten and Gastón had no choice but to come with them.
Gastón was over at Luna and Matteo’s apartment in ten minutes to meet them. Nina answered the door wearing a sundress and her glasses and Gastón had thought it had been a long time since a girl had taken his breath away like this.
The four walked to the Jam and Roller, Luna rambling on about the changes Ámbar had made since she had become the head of Vidia.
“Honestly I was afraid when she said she was going to redecorate,” Luna said, “But Simón kept saying that I needed to trust her vision. I’m like oh yeah Simón , I really trust her vision. Did you ever see her bedroom in the mansion? Anyways it turned alright of course.”
The familiar exterior of their old home away from home came into view. It gave Gastón a warm feeling as he saw the sign.  
Luna was literally bouncing, Matteo holding her hand and giving her a look. It was obvious a surprise was waiting inside.
Gastón reached out and interlaced his finger’s with Nina’s.  The two walked inside.
A cheer arose as they did, and in front of them was not just Gastón and Simón , but all of their old friends. Jim, Yam, Ramiro, Pedro, Nico, and Delphi were there. Delphi was holding up a laptop with Jazmín on it. Immediately their friends noticed Gaston and Nina holding hands.
“GASTINA’S BACK?” Jim and Yam shouted at the same time.
Nina nodded, and the girls shrieked in happiness going to tackle Nina in a hug. Delphi dropped Jazmín on a table going to join, Jazmín shouting in protest.
After hugs and greetings, the gang settled in the cafeteria for juice.
“Are you back for good?” Yam asked, “Both of you?”
Gastón turned to Nina and smiled. “At least for a little while.”
Yam clapped. “You can be models in my fashion show next month! I’ve already recruited the rest of our friends too! It will be perfect!”
Nina paled a little, but Gastón squeezed her hand reassuringly.
“Ramiro, shouldn’t you be touring?” Gastón asked, “I thought you’d be in Europe.”
“I thought you would be in Europe,” Ramiro laughed, “I’m taking a break to train a team for the internationals. I get to skate and be here with the love of my life.” Yam smiled at him, grabbing his hand.  
“It is so perfect that we are all here!” Simón said, “The Roller Band recording their next album. Delphi managing the Jam and Roller. Jim being a dancer in music videos. Nina is writing her book and Gastón is taking a job here! It’s perfect!”
“Ahem,” Jazmín coughed from the laptop, “I think you are somebody.”
“Perdón Jazmín , I could never forget you,” Simón laughed. “Maybe you should come back too!”
Jazmín scoffed. “And give up this job in LA working for E! I can’t.”
Pedro raised his glass of juice.  I’d like to give a toast to the last pieces of our puzzle back together! To Gastón and Nina!”
“ Gastón and Nina!”
Gastón looked over to Nina. She was turning a little pink in the cheeks from all the attention, but Gastón could tell she was so happy.  He instinctively leaned over and kissed her hair, eliciting awws from their friends.
“I always knew that you would find your way back to each other,” Jazmín sighed. “Gastina was like the third most popular ship on Fab and Chic.”
Ámbar raised an eyebrow. “Who was first and second?”
“I’m glad you asked, I still have all of the statistics-” Jazmín started, but Simón cut her off.
“Why don’t we talk about this some other time Jazmín .”
“Agreed,” Luna said, grabbing Nina’s hand. “Nina, you need to look at Yam’s designs for the fashion show. They are muy muy chic!” Nina let go of Gastón’s hand, giving him an apologetic smile as she went to gather around Yam’s tablet.
Gastón watched her for the rest of the night, trying hard to pay attention to Ramiro’s tales of tour and updates on Roller Band, but he could not stop his eyes from drifting to wherever she was.
“Hermano, I don’t think I’ve seen you this bad since, well since you were with Nina last,” Matteo said while putting a hand on Gastón’s shoulder.
Gastón grinned. “There hasn’t been anyone else besides Nina.”
“Well make sure to not let her go this time,” Matteo said as he walked away.
Those words hit Gastón hard. He couldn’t let Nina go, ever again. She was the shining light in his world.  He wouldn’t be able to survive if she was gone again. This is why less than a year later, Gastón found himself walking into a jewelry shop one day in November, unexpectedly running into his best friend standing at the counter.  
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antqsdxti · 4 years
“Hey, I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve turned your entire living room into a blanket fort and I have no plan in taking it down any time soon.”
Just to give some context, this fic takes place where Matteo and Luna never broke up in s2 episode 70 something. Along with the fact that  Ámbar never went evil and Simon never found out that she burned the rink. Also obviously Gastina is still going strong.
 Luna couldn’t believe it that the Jam and Roller had won the Rodafest. After celebrating all afternoon, Luna had decided to play a nice little prank. “No, no, I am not doing that Luna,” Nina explained nervously. “Why not Nina?” Luna whined. “Gastón only gave me the key to his and Matteo’s room because he’s forgetful that’s it,” Nina whispered. “Also if Juliana finds about this, we’re going to be in serious, I mean SERIOUS trouble,”. Nina said sternly. “But that’s only if she finds out,” Luna said, smirking. “Alright fine let's do this,” Nina grinned. Luna clapped her hands and jumped up and down in joy. Both of them opened the door to their boyfriend’s room and walked in. “Quick, take everything you can and build a pillow fort,” Luna said, grabbing pillows and blankets. Nina froze in confusion, “I thought you said we were scaring them?”. “We can do that too,” Luna laughed. Nina chuckled and got to work building. After 20 minutes of rearranging and building, both of them had finished building one of the biggest pillow forts they had ever seen. “We really do make a good team Watson,” Luna giggled. Nina laughed and said, “I could say the same thing Sherlock,”. Luna and Nina heard noises coming from outside of the room. “Quick, Gastón and Matteo are coming hide,” Nina hissed. Luna and Nina dived under one of the beds and sat there silently trying their best not to laugh. Matteo opened the door laughing at something Gastón had said. Both of them walked in and noticed that something was off. “Hey someone moved my stuff,” Matteo said. “You’re probably imagining stuff,” Gastón snorted. “Then how do you explain this?” Matteo asked, pointing at the pillow fort. “Literally no one else has our key, how did this happen,” Matteo asked. Luna gulped in laughter. Nina was trying so hard not to make a noise. “Well, not really,” Gastón said. “I gave our spare key to Nina in case I lost it,” Gastón confessed. “You did what?” Matteo asked. “If Juliana finds out we’re gonna be in so much trouble,” Matteo said. “Okay now,” Luna whispered. Nina and Luna both jumped out of the bed scaring the boys. “What are you two doing here?” Gastón and Matteo yelled. “We wanted to prank you,” Luna said bursting with laughter. “And I only did this cause Luna made me,”. Matteo and Gastón pulled their girlfriends over and simultaneously said, “Why don’t you just stay the night with me?” Luna looked at Matteo like he was crazy, “You really thought after all of this I wouldn’t?” Luna laughed. Matteo blushed at this. Meanwhile Nina nervously said, “What if Juliana or anyone else finds out? We’ll be in so much trouble with our parents,”. “It’s not gonna happen, trust me,” Gastón reassured her. For the rest of the night, both of the couples sat in the pillow fort and watched horror movies. Matteo and Luna we’re being crazy like always, bickering and having pillow fights. At one point Luna had hit Nina with a pillow, therefore causing her to jump after dozing off on Gastón’s shoulder. Nina then took the pillow and hit Luna back laughing as Matteo then attacked Gastón. The four of them then started to hit each other with pillows as Nina and Luna were crying of laughter. At one point Matteo put on a slow song and stuck his hand out at Luna, “Can I have this dance chica delivery?” “Of course chico fresa,” Luna said, smirking. Both of them started dancing and well, kissing. Gastón took this opportunity to ask, “Can I have this dance Felicity for now?”. “How could I say no to Roller Track?” Nina smiled. Gastón grinned as Nina took his hand. Nina but her hands on Gastón’s shoulder as his hands went to her waist. Both of them swayed to the music, their foreheads and noses touching the whole time. “At least this time I know who I’m dancing with,” Gastón chuckled. “And I don’t want it to be anyone else,” Nina smiled. Both of them leaned in and kissed. When Gastón and Nina kissed, it’s like the world could end and they wouldn’t care. Nothing could separate them. At one point they had lost track of time as all of them had fallen asleep. Nina was sleeping on her side as Gastón was behind her, his arm wrapped around her while Luna had fallen asleep on Matteo’s chest. Luna felt like something was off. A loud pug came from her phone as she groaned and opened the text. It was from Simon, Luna, Juliana’s searching for you and Nina. She knows you are with Matteo and Gastón,''Shit!” Luna screamed. Luna jumped off the bed and shook Nina awake. Nina groaned, “Five more minutes,”. “Nina Juliana’s looking for us, we have to go,” Luna urged. Gastón and Nina both shot up and gave each other a glance. “We have to take all of this down,” Gastón said, pointing to the pillow fort. “Right!” Luna cursed. Matteo was still in a deep slumber not taking in a single word. “He needs a little wake up call,” Gastón said slamming the pillow down on Matteo. “Hey what was that for?” Matteo groaned. “You dingbat, we have to get rid of the evidence that the girls were here,”. “Right,” Matteo said, shooting up. Luna could hear footsteps approaching, it was Juliana. Luna cursed under her breath as she grabbed Nina’s hand and opened the door to the next room. Before they knew it Jim and Yam were staring at them in shock, “Why didn’t you knock on the other door,” Jim said pointing to the main door. “No time to explain,” Nina said breathlessly as they opened the next door. “Simon? Ámbar?” Luna screamed as she saw both of them cuddling. “It’s not what it looks like,” Ámbar started but Luna cut her off, “I don’t care right now. Simon, you and I need to talk later,” Luna said sternly. “Luna we don’t have time for this,” Nina said, dragging her to the next door and opened it. It was their room. Both of them sighed in relief. A knock from the door came as Juliana said, “Girls, open the door right now,”. Nina and Luna stared at each other nervously as Luna opened the door. “Hello Juliana, we’ll be right down for breakfast,”. “Good, I see you two didn’t sneak off anywhere last night. I appreciate the maturity from you two,” Juliana said. Luna froze but Nina played it off, “Yup that’s us,”. Juliana smiled as the two of them waved goodbye to her. Luna and Nina let out a sigh of relief. Both of them got a text message from the team group chat
El Equipo
Jim: So I heard that Nina and Luna snuck out last night to see their bfs, is it true 😏
Matteo: Why do you care, also how do you know?
Yam: We’re not dumb Matteo, we heard all of you through the night
Simon: I don’t know how I should feel about this
Ramiro: typical...typical teenagers
Gastón: shut up Ramiro
Nina: yea guys it’s not really your business
Yam: HA so you are admitting to it
Luna: Well I saw Simon with Ámbar today morning, it's obvious that you guys spent the night together so why can’t we talk about that?
Ámbar: And what are you gonna do about it Lunita?
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purple-fireflies · 3 years
try to slip past his defense (without granting innocence)
A/N: Soy Luna Grey’s Anatomy au -- some plot devices will be the same, others may differ. (This is just an excerpt, I'll post the full chapter on ao3 & tumblr when I'm done with it!)
Other notes:
The title is from The Fray’s “How To Save A Life” which is basically the show’s anthem song (that and chasing cars)
Sometimes, certain dialogue may be verbatim from the show (this is only for medical-related plot devices, ie meeting patients, assigning lab reports, establishing exposition, etc) so I’m stating here right now that that specific dialogue belongs to Grey’s Anatomy, and the characters belong to Soy Luna, but everything else belongs to me
Juliana never had the last name given in the show, so for story’s sake, it’s Bahiense.
She’s referred to as “The Nazi” but that’s not meant to offend anyone at all, it was the nickname given in the show, so I’m transferring it here.
In Soy Luna, Ámbar is one year older than Luna, but here she’s the same age as her
In Grey’s Anatomy, there are only 5 people in each group of interns, but for plot’s sake, there are 7 each
In the show, Benicio’s name was never mentioned, so for writing purposes, his last name is going to be Calisto
Luna sits up quickly—bad idea.
She winces at the light coming in through the window and groans at her headache.
And someone stirs next to her.
Exactly how much did she drink?
Enough so she doesn’t remember the name of the smirky boy staring at her, pulling on his boxers.
She is never drinking again.
And he needs to leave.
“You are?” He asks, grinning the grin that probably got Luna into this mess.
“Humiliated on so many levels,” She mutters, “And I’m late, as well. So if you could just, I dunno, leave, that would be perfect,”
“Or we could pick up where we left off?” He asks, with a grin that tells Luna he isn’t used to being rejected.
“No, seriously. I’m late. Which I shouldn’t be on my first day of work, so?”
Take the hint.
“Wait, so you live here?”
Jesus Christ, she’s going to be late.
“Huh? Oh yeah, it was my aunt’s house, but I’m selling it so technically, not for long.” She rushes out.
“I’m sorry,” He replies, actual emotion in his eyes.
“My aunt is still ali—you know, we don’t have to do the thing,”
“We can do whatever you want,”
“No, the thing. Where you pretend you care or ask me nice questions or whatever. Listen. I’m going to go upstairs and shower, and when I get back, you’re not going to be here, uh…”
What was his name?
He laughs softly, “Matteo.”
“Luna,” She replies, shaking his hand.
“Bye, Luna,” He says winking at her.
She smiles in response and jerks her head towards the door.
“Bye, Matteo,”
And that’s the last she has to see of him.
“Each of you comes here hopeful. Wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you,” The chief, Tamara Rios, says as Luna stumbles into the room, causing everyone to stare at her.
Great job, Valente.
Luna walks around the room. She sees Ámbar, avoiding her gaze as if it was poisonous. She sees another girl, a brunette, looking around the room with wide eyes. She sees Simón, looking back at her, and resists waving at him as a kindergartner would. She walks around the OR a little more and sees two girls so close they might as well be stuck together, one a blonde and the other a redhead. She bumps into another boy, who just huffs softly and brushes her off.
The resident takes 3 more interns, leaving Luna with the brunette she saw at the orientation.
“Only 6 women out of 20,” She says, sighing, as if mad at the statistic itself.
“And I think one of them’s a model. As if that would’ve helped with the whole respect thing,” The redhead interjects.
Luna and Ámbar share a look.
Luna turns to the brunette.
“You’re Nina, right?” She says, smiling.
Nina nods, “Which resident did you get assigned to? I got Bahiense.”
“The Nazi? Me too,” Luna replies.
The guy who bumped into her says, “You got the Nazi? So did I. At least we’ll be tortured together,” He says, trying to lean into Luna’s space.
Luna and Nina exchange a quick look saying, God, can you believe him?
A doctor comes up and calls out “Smith, Valente, Ponce, Simonetti, Medina, Sánchez, Álvarez,”
Ámbar walks up to the guy and asks, “Bahiense?”
He points down the hall.
The seven look down to see who he’s pointing at. It’s a woman slightly shorter than them, using a cane to stand up, ordering some other resident around.
The guy who bumped into her says, “I thought the Nazi would be a guy,”
Sexist much?
“I thought the Nazi would be...you know, the Nazi,” Luna mutters.
“Guys seriously? Maybe it’s just professional jealousy. You know, maybe she’s just brilliant and they’re so jealous so they call her the Nazi. Maybe she’s nice.” The redhead says, and Luna sees her nametag saying Jimena Medina.
The blonde next to her, Yamila Sánchez, Luna supposes, nods.
Which means the only one left that she doesn’t know would be...Luna cranes her neck to see his nametag.
Ramiro Ponce. Who is currently staring wistfully at Yamila.
“Let me guess, you still have hope left in your heart,” Ámbar says to Jimena, rolling her eyes as if it’s what she was born to do.
Jimena shoots Ámbar a dirty look (wow, Luna wishes her luck with that can of worms) and proceeds to try to shake Dr. Bahiense’s hand when she walks over.
Dr. Bahiense looks at her hand as if it’s infectious.
Jimena, undeterred, continues to say, “Right, well. I’m Jimena Medina, but you can call me Jim if it’s easier,”
Yamila, who seemed to jump out of thin air, says, “And you can call me Yam,”
Bahiense looks so unimpressed Luna thinks that if contempt alone was enough to murder someone, Bahiense would be a serial killer.
Luna shares a quick look with Simón, who gives her a reassuring nod.
Bahiense looks them all up and down, evidently annoyed with being stuck with their group (ouch).
"I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up, I already hate you, that's not gonna change,” She starts, then moves to a bench, filled with different objects, “Trauma protocol, phone lists, pagers. Nurses will page you, you answer every page at a run. A run, that's rule number two. Your first shift starts now and lasts forty-eight hours,”
Everyone rushes to grab their pagers, studying them before Bahiense starts talking again.
“You’re interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain, you run labs, write orders, work every second night till you drop, and don't complain!”
Bahiense opens what Luna supposes is an on-call room, “On-call rooms. Attendings hog them, sleep when you can, where you can, which brings me to rule number three, if I'm sleeping, don't wake me, unless your patient is actually dying. Rule number four, the dying patient better not be dead when I get there, not only would you have killed someone, you would have also woken me for no good reason, we clear?”
Luna rushes to nod, writing furiously on her notepad, and then goes, oh.
She raises her hand.
Dr. Bahiense looks extremely pissed at Luna for having the audacity to have a question.
“You said five rules. Those were only four.” Luna says, trying not to wilt against Dr. Bahiense’s gaze.
“Rule number five. When I move, you move,” She says after her pager beeps.
That’s some TV show shit right there.
They break into a run and watch as Dr. Bahiense runs down a couple of doctors.
The helicopter—yes, a helicopter—lands, and a doctor pulls out a teenager on a stretcher.
This is way too much for Luna on her first day.
“What do we got?” Bahiense asks, and Luna hears Nina correct the grammar under her breath.
As the paramedic puts the girl on the stretcher (while she’s seizing) he says, “Katie Bryce, fifteen-year-old female, new-onset seizures, intermittent for the past week, ID lost en route, started grand mal seizing as we descended,”
Bahiense stops, leaning on her cane for a second, and then it’s all business.
“All right. Yam, put her on the side, 10 milligrams diazepam,” Bahiense groans when Yam does it incorrectly, “No, no, the white lead is on the right, righty whitey, smoke over fire, a large-bore I.V. don't let the blood haemolyse, let's go!”
Yam injects the diazepam and Katie stops seizing.
Luna releases the breath that she wasn’t aware she was holding.
Another doctor, in dark blue scrubs, another doctor comes up in stark contrast to what she and the other interns are wearing. Luna catches his name very quickly. Gastón Perida.
Nina sucks in a breath as he walks past them, Luna realizes with a start.
“So I heard we got a wet fish on dry land?” Dr. Perida says, and Luna catches how Nina stares at him with intent.
Dr. Bahiense, her sudden brashness gone, replaced with respect as she says, “Absolutely Dr. Perida,”
Dr. Perida nods, his eyes brushing over the intern group, stopping at Nina, and he then continues.
“All right, Dr. Bahiense, I’m gonna shotgun her,”
“That means every test in the book, CT, CBC, chem. seven, a tox screen, Nina and Ámbar, you're on labs, Ramiro and Yam, patient workups, Luna, get Katie for a CT, she's your responsibility now,”
Wonderful. Her first day and she gets the really hard patient.
“What about me and Simón?” Jim asks.
Bahiense looks so tired when she stares at Jim, “Right, you two, uh. You get to do rectal exams. Okay?”
Jim and Simón have faces that say no, not okay.
Luna makes a face gloating at Simón and he just glares at her in return.
Ámbar peeks into the OR where Dr. Bahiense is. Bahiense comes out and looks at her expectantly.
“Um, Katie Bryce's labs came out clear, there's nothing in the results that explain her seizures,” She says, hoping to catch Dr. Bahiense to ask her what she really wants to ask her.
“ I heard every year the attending on-call picks the best intern and, and lets them perform a procedure, during the first shift?” Ámbar asks, glaring back at Dr. Bahiense when she tries to stare her down.
Ámbar Smith does not get stared down.
“Go away. Now.” Dr. Bahiense says, and Ámbar groans internally.
Yam sighs at yet another ill-tried joke Ramiro attempts.
Flirty in med school and flirty now.
Why should she even bother?
“We have one more patient to work up,” She mumbles and he nods, walking slower to keep up with her pace.
She places her stethoscope and hears for a heartbeat. “Everything seems to be in order,”
“So he’ll be fine?” The woman next to him—presumably his wife—asks.
“If you don’t count that my bacon days are over, sure,” The patient replies.
Yam shares a smirk with Ramiro.
“You'll have surgery tomorrow with Dr. Perida, I hear he's good, and after that, you can have all of the bacon-flavored soy product you can eat,” Ramiro interjects, speaking easily with the patients.
“Please, kill me now,” the patient jokes.
“Wish I could, but I took the Hippocratic Oath for a reason,” Yam replies absently, going over and signing his charts.
She blushes at the weird looks she gets and rolls her eyes at Ramiro’s never-ending smirk.
Katie. Won’t. Stop. Talking. Which isn’t helping Luna find her way through these halls.
Did she just miss the last turn?
“You’re lost,” the kid says, grumbling.
What do you think I’m trying to fix right now? Luna thinks to herself and just about stops herself from saying.
“I’m not lost.” Luna insists, then remembers she’s a doctor, “How’re you feeling?”
“I’m missing my pageant. How do you think I feel?”
“Right. You’re missing your pageant.”
This poor girl is in the hospital with seizures and the only thing that she can think about is her pageant.
Luna feels sorry for her.
“The Spokane Teen Miss? I was in the top ten after the first two rounds. This is my year. I could've won,”
Luna absently hums and realizes that they’re going the wrong way. Again.
She turns around and pushes Katie back the same way.
“You are so lost. What are you, new?”
Luna chokes back a laugh. Yeah, something like that.
Yam watches Ramiro try to give their patient a central line. It’s not working.
And it’s visibly hurting the patient.
She groans and pushes past him, about to put the line in when Dr. Perida waltzes into their room and raises his eyebrows.
“Out.” He says, his nice demeanor replaced with annoyance.
Do all of the residents and attendings just hate interns on principle?
Yam glares at Ramiro and pulls him out, watching from the window as Perida puts the line in perfectly.
“Bet you used to mess up a lot when you started out,” Ramiro tries to joke with Perida.
Yam just winces and nods at Dr. Perida as she leaves.
Ramiro at least has the decency to look sheepish.
This is going to be a long shift.
Luna sits, taking Katie’s patient history and generally listening to her incessant babbling.
“I twisted my ankle. I do rhythmic gymnastics, which is like, really cool. Nobody else does it. And I tripped over my ribbon, and I didn't get stuck with someone this clueless. And that was like, a nurse,” Katie says.
Luna bites back a retort.
Simón groans at the plate of food in front of him. The number of rectal exams he and Jim had to do was enough to take the appetite away from anyone.
“This shift is 80 hours long, you have to eat, Simón,” Ámbar mutters, her gaze hardening after leaving Simón’s eyes.
“I can’t.”
“Eat.” Ámbar insists, pushing Simón’s plate towards him.
“You try eating after performing 17 rectal exams. The Nazi hates me. I want to puke.” Simón says, his face contorting.
“Just don’t puke near me,” Ámbar mutters.
“The Nazi’s just a resident. Attendings hate me,” Ramiro replies.
“Did you know Luna is inbred?” Nina asks, and all heads whip to her immediately.
Partly because no one expected the shy ingenue to say anything.
And partly because Luna being inbred is very surprising.
Simón hurries to say “It’s not uncommon to be the kid of a doctor,”
“I mean royally inbred. Her mother is Lili Benson.”
“Shut up. The Lili Benson?” Jim asks.
Nina nods.
“Who’s Lili Benson?” Ramiro asks.
“The Benson method? Where’d you go to med school, Antarctica?” Yam says incredulously.
No one notices how Simón and Ámbar tense up as Yam continues talking. “She was one of the biggest women surgeons. She practically invented th—”
“She won the Harper Avery. Twice.” Jim says, rolling her eyes at Ramiro.
“So I didn’t know one thing.”
“I would kill to have Lili Benson as my mother. Scratch that, I’d kill to be Lili Benson.” Nina says, her eyes alight.
“Katie Bryce is a pain in the ass. I swear if it wouldn’t get me fired, I’d strangle her with my bare hands.” Luna says, walking over to their table, sitting next to Nina.
She seems to miss the wistful glance Simón throws her way.
She does seem to notice the way everyone’s staring at her.
Nina opens her mouth to say something but stops immediately when Dr. Perida walks over.
“Good afternoon interns. It's posted, but I thought I'd share the good news personally. As you know, the honor of performing the first surgery is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise. As I'm running the OR today, I get to make that choice,” Dr. Perida says, and Luna feels a rush of hope.
Or. Felt. Seeing as Dr. Perida is clapping Ramiro on his back (it was kind of worth it to see him choke a little on his salad) and saying, “Ramiro Ponce. You’ll be scrubbing in on an appendectomy this afternoon. Congrats.”
Luna deflates.
She wanted that surgery.
She wanted it really badly.
“Me?” Ramiro asks, not quite believing it. Or maybe he’s just wilting under Yam’s intense glare.
“Enjoy.” Dr. Perida says, nodding to everyone.
Luna doesn’t fail to notice that he’s staring at Nina while he says that.
Nina doesn’t fail to notice either, if the blush on her cheeks has anything to say about it.
Ramiro looks like he’s still in shock.
“I’ve seen his file. Ramiro Ponce barely even made the cut to get into the program. He’s not your guy.” Juliana says to Gastón, raising her eyebrows.
“Oh, he’s my guy alright,” Gastón responds, absently checking the labs.
Juliana sighs, “Every year you pick your guy, and every year your guy suffers most.”
Gastón smiles. Everyone who knows him knows his easy nature, his inclination to being on the side of less serious.
Unless of course, it has to do with work.
“Terrorize one, and the rest fall in line, Bahiense.”
“I get it. I respect it. But Ramiro? Ponce is a puppy. A cute little puppy that is waiting to be killed. He can’t take the pressure. Think about it, Perida.” Juliana says, walking away.
Luna watches as Katie’s parents stumble into Katie’s room.
The look of pure worry and fear on their faces makes Luna warm to them immediately.
A couple of hours ago, their kid was supposed to go on stage and wear a sash and be a kid.
Now they’re scared that their kid could be dying.
“Katie?” The mom asks, trying to hold her hand.
Luna falters, not wanting to break their little window.
“They gave her a sedative for the CT scan, so she’s just a tad groggy,” Luna says, standing up.
“Will she be okay?”
“Does she need surgery?” The parents ask at the same time.
Their urging faces make Luna wish she had an answer.
“Uh. You know, I’m not her doctor, I am a doctor, just not hers. Anyway, I’m not Katie’s doctor. I’ll go find him.” Luna rambles.
Luna finds Bahiense, “Katie’s parents have questions. Should I get Dr. Perida to answer them?”
“What? No. Perida’s off the case. The case is the new neuro attending’s case, Dr. Balsano. He’s over there.” Bahiense says, pointing to…
Oh god.
Not today.
This is not happening.
Matteo turns and stops dead in his tracks, his eyes clicking in recognition.
This is not happening.
Luna is not dealing with this.
She turns away from his gaze and walks away. What is she going to do?
She walks towards the stairwell and gets grabbed in.
She stumbles and Matteo catches her, running a hand through his hair, which Luna grudgingly admits looks not bad.
No. Luna. Stop it. Luna. No.
“Dr. Balsano. Did you need anything?” Luna asks, trying to not look at flustered as she is.
Matteo looks positively ecstatic at this turn of events. “Dr. Balsano? This morning it was Matteo. Now it’s Dr. Balsano.”
Luna dearly wants to slap that smirk off of his face.
“Dr. Balsano, we should pretend this never happened,”
“What never happened? You sleeping with me last night or kicking me out this morning because I don’t know about you, but both are memories I’d dearly love to keep.”
This guy really can’t take a hint.
“No. No. No. This is not happening. There are no memories of anything. I’m not the girl in the bar and you’re not the guy in the bar. I am your intern, Dr. Balsano.”
“I see how it is. You took advantage of me last night and now you want to forget about it.” He says, smirking incessantly.
“I most certainly did not,”
“I was drunk and vulnerable. Not to mention, insanely good-looking,”
“You’re not that good-looking,” Luna says, while her traitorous brain says Liar over and over.
“Sure I’m not. But last night, I was wearing my red shirt and I was extremely good-looking and you took advantage,”
He’s not entirely wrong about the red shirt.
“I didn—”
“Want to take advantage again? Say, Friday night?”
He’s smiling again, only this time it’s a smile, not a smirk.
Maybe Luna wouldn’t have said no if he wasn’t an attending.
“No. You’re an attending. I’m your intern. And I would seriously appreciate it if you stopped looking at me like that,” Luna says, glaring at him. It doesn’t seem to deter him.
“Like what?” He asks innocently as if he has no idea what he’s doing right now.
“Like you’ve slept with me,”
Matteo smirks.
“Dr. Balsano. Have you ever considered the fact that this is inappropriate?” Luna breathes.
He doesn’t say anything.
Luna sighs and leaves, the door slamming behind her.
“Open. Identify. Irrigate. Close.” Jim instructs, and Yam sighs.
“Jim, I think he’d know,”
“He looks like he’s going to puke,” Jim shoots back.
Yam looks at Ramiro and says, “We have to go to the gallery now. Don’t screw it up.”
They walk up and take a seat behind Luna and Nina.
The intern above them says, “He’s going to faint. He’s a fainter.”
Yam fights back a if you only knew.
“Nah, I’m guessing code brown. Right in his pants,” another intern snickers.
Yam and Jim share a look.
Sure, she’s not a huge fan of Ramiro but he helped her a lot in med school. He helped Jim a lot in med school.
This is just savage.
“He’s going to sweat himself unsterile,”
“10 bucks he’s messing up the McBird,” someone says.
Oh god, they’re betting on Ramiro.
“20 says he cries,” Ámbar says, and sends an apologetic look at Luna.
“I’ll put 20 on him melting down completely,”
“50 says he pulls the whole thing off.” Yam hears herself say.
Luna grins at her, “That’s one of us down there. The first one of us. Where the hell is your loyalty?”
Yam breathes out.
The entire gallery, while it was buzzing before, is now silent.
“75 he can’t even ID the appendix,” Ámbar says again.
This time it’s Simón shooting her the look.
“I’ll take that action,” someone says.
Eric, Yam realizes.
The idiot from their bio class.
Nina elbows Luna when Dr. Perida says, “Okay, Ponce, let’s see what you can do,”
Jim breathes in quickly and Yam also holds her breath.
Do it right do it right please do it right.
“Here it comes,” Simón says.
“Scalpel,” Ramiro says and the nurse hands it to him, echoing the word.
Ramiro takes it and everyone cheers.
Perida motions for them to shut up as Nina says, “God, he’s quite a bit of trouble,”
Ramiro gets ready to cut as Perida instructs, “More pressure.”
Ramiro manages to do it without any mishaps and then proceeds to say, “Pickups.”
The scrub nurse echoes the command and hands him the instrument.
They go on for a little bit, and Yam thinks he might actually pull it off.
Until it goes downhill after Ramiro takes out the appendix.
Perida mutters an angry remark as all the interns in the gallery call him Double O’7.
Jim shares a worried look with Yam and asks Luna, “What does 007 mean?”
Luna sends them an apologetic look.
“License to Kill.”
The cool air rushes into the basement that Bahiense’s interns have settled into.
The majority of them pile onto the gurney as Nina goes to the vending machine looking for some chocolate.
Luna winces at the whine that Ramiro makes as he walks into their “hideout”.
“They’re calling me 007 aren’t they?”
Luna groans and shoves Simón’s head off of Ámbar’s lap so she can fall asleep in it.
She’s too tired to deal with any human interaction that requires her to, you know, have any sort of emotional security.
“No one’s calling you 007,” Jim and Yam lie (but they do it in unison so like, props).
Ramiro shoots Yam an annoyed look, “I was on an elevator and Eric whispered 007,”
Ámbar pushes Luna’s head off of her lap and glares at Ramiro, “How many times do we have to go through with this? 5, 10, 15? Please tell me soon or I’m going to rim your head off.”
Ramiro sits on the gurney and groans “Eric whispered 007 in the elevator and everyone laughed,”
Luna picks her head up from where she’s trying (unsuccessfully) to fall asleep and actually feels sorry for the guy for a second but the aching limbs and pounding migraine make it kind of hard to console the poor guy.
“They weren’t laughing at you,” Jim says.
“You sure?”
“Would we lie to you?” Jim asks.
“Yes,” Ramiro, Ámbar, Simon and Luna say.
“007 is a state of mind,” Nina yells from the vending machine and throws a packet of chips at Luna as she walks back.
“Says the girl who finished first at freaking Stanford,” Simón yells at her.
Nina just rolls her eyes in response.
Just as Luna finally feels the call of sleep, her pager beeps.
She just wanted 5 minutes.
“It’s 911. Damn. I gotta go,” and Luna takes off at a sprint.
“I should’ve gone into geriatrics. No one cares if you kill an old person.” Ramiro continues after Luna leaves.
“Yes. Yes, they do care if you kill an old person. Plus. Surgery is hot. Geriatrics is… Well, it’s for freaks who live in the basement with their mom,” Simón replies.
“I have got to move out of my mom’s,” Ramiro mutters.
Nina and Ámbar share a grin.
Luna’s out of breath by the time she gets to Katie’s room.
She really has to go to the gym more.
“Finally,” Katie mutters.
Luna looks around, seeing if anything’s wrong.
Oh god, please tell me she has a good reason for this. She has a good reason. Maybe. Hopefully.
“Are you alright?” The nurse paged me 911.”
“Ha, it took me forever to get her to even pick up the phone. I had to go full Hulk.”
“Wait. So there’s nothing wrong? Nothing medically wrong?”
“I’m bored.” Katie shrugs.
Luna likes to think she’s a nice person. A little absentminded at times, but a nice person nonetheless.
Katie, however, is really testing the whole “do no harm” thing.
“I am not your babysitter. I am not your cruise director. You can’t just page me for anything.”
“Don’t be so overdramatic. My pageant is supposed to be on cable, but it’s like this hospital lives in the ’90s. I can’t find anything. If someone who’s not me gets the crown, I should at least get to see it.”
Luna takes a deep breath. She’s a teenager. You were also stupid as a teenager.
“Okay. This is a hospital. There are sick people here. Go to sleep and stop wasting my time.”
“I can’t sleep, my head’s all full.”
“Those are called thoughts. Run with them.” Luna says in a fit of anger.
She’s been working for almost 24 hours and she just wanted 2 minutes of rest.
But maybe she shouldn’t have snapped at a patient.
But that’s a lesson for another day.
Luna and Nina are in the ER when they hear a loud voice.
“4B has post-op pneumonia. Let’s get her started on antibiotics, okay?” An intern says to a nurse.
Someone didn’t tell the newbie not to piss off the nurses.
“Are you sure it’s the right diagnosis?”
“Oh gee, I don’t know. I’m only an intern. But here’s an idea. You go and spend 4 years in med school and then talk to me. She’s got shortness of breath and fever. It’s post-op pneumonia. Start antibiotics.” He sneers.
Luna rolls her eyes.
The same guy walks over to her and Nina, “God, I hate nurses. I’m Benicio. I’m with Jeremy. You guys are with the Nazi, right?”
“You know it doesn’t have to be pneumonia, right? It could be splinting. Or she could have aPE.”
He sneers again (does it ever leave his face?), “As I said, I hate nurses.” and walks away.
“Well, he’s an absolute idiot,” Nina says, shooting daggers towards Benicios across the room.
Luna’s about to respond, but her pager beeps again.
“Dammit, Katie.”
This time she walks.
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
Like the Red Rose blooms in the Oxford Garden: Chapter one
Sometimes when your heart breaks... it feels like there is no way to fix it. No matter what you try. All the memories get left behind as something unfinished... But maybe, there is to way to fix it, A second chance. Some way to finish the story you two started writing because it was never the end, but just a part of the story... even if you have to travel far to achieve it.
I forget about you long enough, to remember why I needed you
Just stand still and breathe… she could do this. 
Just breathe, in and out. 
The noise of everyone clapping and cheering rang in her ears. It felt like the noise was drowning her. 
Breathe. Inhalar y exhalar. No one would notice. She could do this.
Nina felt her hands going numb as she tried to control her ever more shallow breath. She could not move. The video Delfi and Jazmin had shown had left her in a trance. It had woken something inside of her that she had thought had been buried… she had convinced herself that she had buried it. 
She had to get out of there. Out of the crowd. She could not ruin Luna’s party like this.
She willed her feet to move. Nina glanced around the yard hoping that no one had noticed her. She didn’t know what she was supposed to say to anyone…
She quickly found her way back inside the mansion and started climbing up the staircase before collapsing at the top, her head in her hands.
Everything was still spinning in her eyes, as she tried to balance out her breathing. She could not afford to have a panic attack right now. She couldn’t… 
In and out. Just breathe. Why had she been under an impression that she was able to keep her panic attacks under control? She took another shaky breath. 
The spinning started to slow down and she could not hear her racing heart so loudly anymore. The attack had started to subside and Nina was able to take a deep breath again. 
She ran her hands through her hair and tears started falling down her face. Why was this happening to her?  Why had the video gotten to her like that, she… she knew why. She just had been convincing herself that it was not true, it could have not been true anymore…
…what was so wrong with her that she was not able to get over it? Over him. She already should have, she thought she had. But just those unexpected glimpses —why had she even been caught up off guard? She knew that he had been there, she had also been there— had brough such a surge of emotions… just like when she had heard his voice again after so many months, a months ago. Everything had just come crashing back. The joy, the pain, the way she missed him… she still did, because she love—
NO! No, no no. She could not do this, she had Eric…
…Eric— What was she doing? She did not know. She didn’t know anything. More tears came from her eyes. 
How had it come to this?
“Nina?” Suddenly she heard a voice from behind her.
Matteo was walking around the grounds of the mansion with Luna after they had all sung happy birthday to her and the girls had showcased that video. The party was still going strong, and the energy was still being super high. Knowing Luna, the party would definitely go on until midnight if not longer. 
Matteo's own mood didn’t exactly reflect everyone else’s, but he was able to keep it to himself. It was Luna’s day after all, and he did love seeing her so happy, and Luna really was having time of her life, basically leaping on every step she took. 
“Wasn’t the video so nice?” Luna asked after trying to do a pirouette in heels on the grass, and almost falling on her face onto said grass. “I legit almost cried. We have been through so much, and so many adventures are to come, as long as we are all siempre juntos.”
“Yeah, it was nice,” Matteo agreed, lowering his head just slightly, “if only we were all together,” he said mostly to himself. Yes, it was true that the video had dampened his mood. It just brought back some memories and it was not the easiest seeing the footage of all the times with Gastón. 
They hadn’t talked that much during the past month after that call about Nina and Eric. Gastón was clearly closing himself off, even towards Matteo. Matteo knew Gastón and knew that being in denial was never good for him. He was not coming back to Buenos Aires for the summer, saying that he had gotten a coveted internship at London and could not afford to miss it… well he was the son of Isla and Marco Perida after all.
He had made sure Luna had invited Gastón to the party, but he had declined, even if it would have only been for couple days. Matteo though knew the real reason why he was keeping himself at the other side of the Atlantic. 
“What did you say?”
“Oh nothing.”
“Do you see Nina anywhere?” Luna asked looking around
“Hmmm,” Matteo said glancing around. Eric seemed to be talking to Simon and Pedro, so Nina at least was not with him. “I don’t know, maybe she went to the bathroom or something, don’t worry.”
“Oh I am not, just wondering,” Luna shrugged, “I feel like she kind of vanished after the video. I wanted to ask her opinion on it.”
“She’ll probably come back soon.”
“Hopefully. Because this party got me thinking about that we should have a graduation party…”
“Luna, grandpa wants a picture with us, right now.” Ambar suddenly sprinted in front of Luna and Matteo. Mateo still did not understand how all the girls could maneuver so smoothly with those deathtrap shoes. 
“Okay, I’ll be right there,” Luna let go of Matteo’s hand and dashed off. Matteo was about to follow her before Ambar stopped him. 
“Matteo, I left my phone to my room and Simon is too busy with the band. Can you get it for me?”
“Actually I was going to—”
“I was not asking, Matteo,” Ambar looked at Matteo with her more threatening eyes, “Go get my phone.”
“Okay, okay,” Matteo shook his head and started walking towards the door. If you were the boyfriend of the birthday girl, your job apparently was the delivery boy of the hosts. Okay, not that he really minded. He could go get Ambar her phone and be nice.
Matteo walked back to the mansion and climbed over the side staircase to Ambar‘s room. He grabbed her phone from her bed—how had she even forgotten it there?
He was checking his own phone as he came out of Ambar’s room. Matteo sighed of relief when he noticed that Gastón had actually answered to his latest message. They still needed to talk but full on phone call would need to be left to the next day. Matteo also was thinking that maybe he should take some time, probably after Luna’s graduation, to go visit England. They needed to talk face to face, as he was getting quite worried about Gastón…
He was about to turn back towards the side staircase when he heard a noise that seemed to be coming from down the hall. 
Matteo did not know if this was against his better judgment —Well he had been told multiple times that he had no “better judgment”— or not, to go after a suspicious noise in a mansion that could as well be haunted. Also, disturbed people had attempted to burn it down too, multiple times, but his curiosity got the better of him. He could fight off a burglar if it came to it. He slipped Ambar’s phone to his pocket and started moving.
As Matteo walked further in the hallway, he heard the noise again. Now more clearly. It sounded like someone was crying. 
There was no doubt about it as he approached the grand staircase of the Mansion. As he walked closer to it, he saw a figure huddled at the top of the stairs. 
Matteo instantly knew who it was, even when they were not facing him. He had witnessed Jazmin working on all the girls’ hair before the party, because she had insisted of doing his and Simon’s hair as well —Pedro had ran away. That brown straight hair with a half updo, as Jazmin had called it, was unmistakable. 
Matteo saw her jump and frantically turn around. He had obviously scared her. Her glasses were in her hand and face tearstained.
“It is me, Matteo. What are you doing here?” He asked as he started walking towards her, “Are you okay?”
“...Yes…uhm, Well… no,” She was trying to wipe the tears off her face. “It’s stupid.”
“I doubt that if you are like this.” Matteo pointed out. “Do you want me to get someone?”
“NO! No, please … don’t get Eric.” Nina’s voice had quickly gotten fast and desperate… before she buried her face into her hands and, burst back into tears. Matteo furrowed his brow. It was pretty interesting that she had said that… specifically not wanting her boyfriend present. 
Hold up a second, were they even boyfriend and girlfriend? Matteo honestly had never heard Nina call Eric that. Not that Matteo had even meant him. He was never going to lie and say that he even liked the guy or whatever he had with Nina, but as Luna had said, he was not really allowed an opinion… but you gotta have some solidarity with your brother.
Matteo stepped on the stairs and sat down next to Nina. He did not wanna leave her alone while she was like this. He had gotten to know her much better during the past year, and he definitely held affection and protectiveness towards her, as she was extremely important to two people Matteo loved the most: Luna and Gastón. 
“Did something happen?” Matteo draped his arms around her, as he remembered that Gastón had mentioned in passing in some side sentence that Nina calmed down easily from physical contact. 
“No, nothing happened.” Nina sobbed, “That is the problem. I— I don’t feel anything… or at least the right things.”
“Are we talking about Eric…?” Matteo questioned carefully. Nina just nodded. Matteo tried to mask the smile on his face. He had been right, and had not just imagined the nothingness between Nina and Eric. He had always failed to see what ever Luna was always gushing about being so cute. 
“I have no right to be unhappy. I shouldn’t be, but I am. I can’t help it. Everyone was so happy for me, I just thought that, since it seemed to make so much sense to everyone, it would make sense to me too.” Nina seemed to start calming down, even when her voice still seemed quite shaky. 
“No one can tell you how you should be feeling,” Matteo responded. “I learned that the hard way.”
“I thought that I was over it. That I could move on. But I don’t know anything anymore. I don’t know what I am doing.”
Matteo absolutely knew who the topic had changed into. “Honestly, we both know that I won’t be unbiased on that front, but it never is a good idea to lie to yourself. Everyone will understand.”
“Matteo, he doesn’t love me anymore. He said he was happy for me… ” Nina shook her head, “...I, I wasn’t happy about that. I don’t know what I was expecting him to say. That he would come back and fight for me? I just convinced myself that I could get over it.”
Matteo really wanted to tell her the truth about that phonecall but he knew that it was not his to tell. They needed to talk that out themselves. “Nina, you know Gastón as well as I do. Do you really think he would ever stand in the way, if he thought he was in the way of your happiness.”
“No, he wouldn’t.” Small smile formed onto Nina’s lips. “But I don’t know. I don’t know anything anymore, about my future, about anything. It is a blurr. I have messed everything up for myself and I can’t see a way forward.”
“I know how that feels.” Matteo responded, “Trust me, it will all become much cleared if you really think what you want and care about. And do not think that you will disappoint anyone. Everyone loves you.”
Matteo got up and offered his hand to Nina. “I think we better head back. They’ll be having all the fun without us.”
“I can’t go back out there,” Nina shook her head. “I can’t face Eric… this is not the time and place for it. I need to get my head in straight. And… Luna will know something is wrong. I know I need to tell her, but I can’t do it here, she’d drop everything. It is her party, I can’t do that.”
“I can make up an excuse for you, if you want to slip away.” Matteo offered as Nina got up from the stairs. 
“Thank you,” Nina hugged him.
“Someone once asked me to take care of you,” Matteo hugged her back, “I don’t think I succeeded in that, but maybe I can still redeem myself. You are my friend, and we all stick together.”
“We do.” Nina smiled at him and started walking down the stairs. Matteo turned around and took the route he had come from.
“Here’s your phone,” Matteo threw the phone at Ambar as he got back to the garden. Ambar, Simon and Luna had been chatting with Delfi and Pedro next to the band gear. 
“Finally!” Ambar said as she effortlessly caught the phone. “What took you so long?”
“I could not find it.” Matteo remarked as he joined the others. “Maybe you should have sent someone that actually knows the current layout of your room… like Simon.”
Ambar looked like she wanted to snark something back at Matteo, but she just rolled her eyes, flipped her ponytail and wrapped her arm around Simon’s arm. Matteo grabbed Luna’s arm and pulled her a little further away from the circle. 
“I ran into Nina while I was on the goose chase for Ambar’s phone,” He started.
“Oh, did she come back out with you?” Luna questioned.
“No, she went home.”
“She had a huge migraine,” Matteo lied smoothly. That was something that would sound believable and not make anyone too worried. “Probably from the sun. And the festival this morning was probably exhausting for her as it was her performance. So not really surprising.”
“Oh noh,” Luna looked alarmed, “I should call her, make sure she is alright.”
“Luna, she knew you would make a huge fuss,” Matteo took Luna by the shoulders, “and she didn’t want to take attention away. It is your big day after all, she didn’t want to ruin it.”
“Oh,” Luna looked down, “okay then.”
“Call her tomorrow,” Matteo suggested, “Now come on. Are we just going to let that delicious looking cake melt in the sun?”
“Oh, did I tell you that Mom made it double chocolate?” Luna started pulling Matteo towards the cake. Her attention was successfully diverted. 
3:00 AM. Nina rolled on her side in her bed. You should never look at the alarm clock when you were having a hard time sleeping, but there she was. 
Not that it could make things any worse than they already were. Thoughts swirled in her head and she was unable to get them in order. 
Matteo was right, she should just be true to her heart and listen to it and not her head. 
In her head, being with Eric made sense. He was nice and sweet to her. He reminded her of herself… when she had been younger. She should give him a chance, she owed him that… Everyone thought so… but did she think so? 
What did she feel? She had felt content at the start because… because everyone had been so happy. Happy for her, because she was happy. Had she actually been? Been happy? 
She tried of thinking of Eric. Being with him had not been unpleasant, just, something was missing. She was not really sure about what she felt for him. Did she feel anything for him? The only thing she felt right now, was guilt. Not the overwhelming warmth and happiness that made her heart race. Everything that just a voice over the phone could cause.
She didn’t not feel the buzz when she touched his hand or the constant need to be close to him. There was nothing physical about the relationship. No attraction… Maybe it would come with time…
Be honest with yourself Nina … the truth was that… she did not want any of that. She could not even imagine it. It was not just nerves because she was inexperienced, because it was not true. She had done it before. 
She and Gastón had gone all the way just three months into the relationship. She could never regret it, it had been incredible. Any time he had even just touched her, the feeling was indescribable. She had not felt something like that since… 
Even just the way he had known something was wrong from her voice after saying once sentence. She missed that too.
Tears crept their way back into her eyes. The searing pain in her heart returned in waves. She could not keep going like this. He was gone, but that didn’t change the things with Eric. She could not keep doing this to him. She had seen firsthand what happened when the relationship was stretched too thin while there was nothing left. .
She almost instinctively reached out to the drawer in her nightstand. Her hands found the fabric easily, she never could have been able to get rid of it. Nina wrapped the green scarf around her left hand and laid back on the bed. 
Next morning she was not feeling that better, so she tried to keep busy. Alongside all of her personal problems, she still had to figure out, well, the future. 
The graduation was going to be in three days and she still had not finished any college applications. Her mother had surprisingly not been super overbearing on the topic, but Nina had the feeling that if she didn’t present her with some answers soon, Ana’s patience was going to run thin. 
This should be easy, if only she actually knew what she was doing. 
Nina was sitting on the floor of her room and had probably a thousand different university leaflets in front of her. Yeah, honestly, she was trying to focus on this to avoid the eventual conversation with Eric. But this also needed to be done, so what better time than now?
She reached for one of the leaflets and looked it through. Why was this so hard? She had thought that after figuring out the major, picking the school would come automatically. 
“Could I just get some kind of sign?” She leaned into her bed and sighed. How had she let this come to this? 
She thought back to year ago. She had had the perfect plan then, which would have given her everything she had ever wanted. But she had let that all go. She really didn’t know what she wanted, huh? Why had she stayed? Staying for the writing post seemed ridiculous right now, but she had not known it then. She had given up all her happiness, all her clarity for that, and had ended up here—Why had she done it all?
Suddenly her phone started ringing, making Nina jump for a second. She frantically looked around to see where she even had left it before getting up to get it from her nightstand. That must have been Luna, probably wanting to ask why she had disappeared last night… the call was coming from an unknown number. So it was not Luna.
“Nina Simonetti,” Nina answered the phone. 
“Nina, Hello,” a vaguely familiar male voice rang from the other end of the line. “this is Manuel Ramirez, the headmaster of Blake South College.” That's why the voice had sounded familiar.
“Hello, Mr. Ramirez,” Nina answered, not really sure why she was receiving calls from the headmaster.
“First I want to say how sorry I and all the faculty are that you won’t be giving a speech at your Graduation ceremony this Saturday.” Probably about two weeks ago after they had gotten their final exam results back Nina had received the news that she was the top student of their graduating class. Traditionally that would mean the she would have been required to give a speech at the graduation, but thankfully she had been allowed to turn it down. She would never have the courage for a speech. From what she knew, the one giving the speech was the student who had gotten highest results after her. She did not know who that was, but thats how Gastón had given the speech last year. 
“I know, but as I told Mr. Perez already, I don’t really like to give speeches and I am sure the one who has been offered the honor will be more than up to the task and I am really looking forward to hearing their speech.”
“We understand that,” Mr. Ramirez continued, “and that is not what I called you to discuss. Well, as you know already, you received the highest marks across the board. So, I have the honor to inform you that you have received the Educación Internacional Para Jóvenes Prometedores Del Mañana scholarship. It is sponsored by the city hall of Buenos Aires, and is highly coveted. Blake is one of the rare schools that has the qualifications for its students to even receive it.”
Nina was too stunned to speak for a second. She had not expected this at all. “I am sorry… I don’t think I have ever heard of that.”
“Only the top graduating student can qualify for the scholarship, and even then it is not guaranteed,” Mr. Ramirez explained, “No one at Blake has received it in a couple of years due to varying circumstances.”
“Yea, but, what is it exactly?”
“Like the name suggests, it is a scholarship for international study programs. It covers five-year University tuition, which means to masters, plus the student accommodations for a one year.”
“Wow… uhm, that is a lot,” Nina was still wrapping her head around all of it. “Does this apply to all the schools?”
“Not all of them, of course. All the Universities included in it are ones with teaching languages other than Spanish. This excludes most of the Spanish and Latin American universities. The latest schools added to the scholarship are from the Nordic region of Europe including The University of Helsinki and the Aalto University.”
“So this is for learning new cultures?”
“I won’t beat around the bush Nina,” Mr. Ramirez continued. “This scholarship is for you to go to an Ivy League school. Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and of course Cambridge and Oxford. Blake is a coveted upper secondary school and we expect great things from our alumni. We have not had an alumna in a noteworthy school outside of Argentina in five years until last year when one of our graduates went to Oxford. He is keeping the name of Blake South College up, and we have all the faith that you do the same.”
“Of course, but I need time to think.”
“I’ll sent you all the detail via email. I am sure you’ll make the school proud.”
“Thank you.” Nina said and heard the call to be disconnected. 
Wow. She had had so much on her plate that scholarships had not even crossed her mind, not to mention massive one like this. It was huge. 
Somehow automatically her hand had reached for another university leaflet… Oxford. The looming, beautiful building stared at her right from the page. The Head Master just had to mention Oxford. 
Was this the sign? Did she believe in signs? She didn’t know. 
Just… after everything had happened, she had just thought that she would spend the rest of her life in Buenos Aires. Moving away had been a fleeting dream, a burst of courage… because she would have not been doing it alone. Now… she was afraid. 
The scholarship was way too good of an opportunity to not take advantage of it. She wasn’t an idiot. Right after they had divorced, her parents had set up a trust for her future education, which they had put in a certain amount monthly. Nina’s Blake tuition had been covered from that. Of course, her parents had tried to one-up each other on their contributions, plus Mora had made couple of donations to it as well. Nina did not know the full amount, but she knew that it was a fair amount. But there definitely was something super tempting to not needing to rely on it. 
Gastón had gone to Oxford with Isla and Marco paying everything out of pocket for him, and of course he had been extremely grateful about it, but Nina knew that he had felt some kind of way about it. Being the sole child of millionaires was not as easy as it maybe seemed. 
“Why are you in my head again?” Of course, she had ended up thinking Gastón again.
All a sudden her phone rang again. This time it was Luna. 
“Hey Luna,” Nina picked up the call.
“Ninaaa!” Luna’s bubbly voice came from the other end. “Hiiii!”
“I am glad you called,” Nina started speaking, “I am so sorry that I left yesterday. I didn’t want to make a scene…”
“It’s all good. Matteo told me you got a headache.” Luna responded, “How are you feeling? Any better?”
“Yes, it went away during the night.” Headache? Matteo clearly was quite good at the excuse game, which should have not been surprising. Nina did get stress migraines from time to time. “I am fine now.” She felt really bad about lying to Luna like this, but she didn’t know what to say. She needed to figure everything out. But she would tell Luna the truth. 
“Okay well, what are you doing now?” 
“Universities. Trying to sort all that out before Mom’s patience runs out.”
“Uuuuu, me too!” Luna’s voice got even more excited. “I can’t believe that we are graduating on Saturday. Matteo has been helping me and Ambar is taking me shopping today. What are you wearing?”
“Didn’t I tell you?” Nina questioned. “Mora sent me a dress from her upcoming collection.”
“Take a picture. I wanna see it. Can you come over tomorrow? I wanna talk to you about the plans I have made about community college.”
“I missed you!” Luna jumped to hug Nina as she opened the Mansion door the next day. 
“You didn’t see me for a day.”
“Yeah, but still.” Luna did a small twirl. “What are those?” Luna was gesturing the pile of booklets Nina was holding-
“University pamphlets. I wanted to talk with you about all of that and you mentioned community college.”
“Yes of course,” Luna said as she skipped ahead when Nina walked inside. “Simon and Ambar are out, and so is Pedro, so only Matteo is here with us. We can talk in peace. Mom just brought some cookies to the living room… I left my phone upstairs. I’ll go get it real quick.”
Nina shook his head laughing as she watched Luna run up the stairs before realizing that she was getting up the wrong staircase. 
“She still does not know how to navigate here,” Nina turned around and saw Matteo shaking his head behind her. He had appeared from nowhere. “I was sitting on the couch, so I heard what you were talking about.” 
“Yeah. It is maybe time to actually make decisions about all of this,” Nina gestured to the brochures in her hands. “Luna mentioned leadership and teaching classes at community college.”
“Yes, that idea came to her in a dream yesterday. You know how she is. She will probably tell you more about it soon.” Matteo explained, “Monica and Miquel are really happy about her actually having a plan.”
“It is a good one. Academics are not really her and that way she can have her career in skating as she wants.”
“Yep… How are you doing?” Matteo changed the subject. “You look better than couple days ago.”
“I don’t know how I am doing.” Nina shook her head, “I made some decisions, but totally lost with others.”
“What decisions?”
“Eric,” Nina shook her head, “I just… I can’t keep doing this to him. He deserves much more than me. But I don’t know how I am supposed to tell him that. I don’t want to break his heart.”
“Well, truth is always a good start.”
“I know.” Nina said looking down, “I better put these down on the table.” she gestured to the leaflets she was carrying and started walking toward the living room. 
“Hmmmmm… Oxford huh?”
Nina turned around and to her horror, she saw Matteo holding the Oxford leaflet. When had she dropped it?
“Uhmmm, well, I just had it there.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you are pretty bad liar?” Matteo said looking at her. “Look, you don’t need to tell me, but I want you to know that you can trust me. I am your friend.”
“I know. Okay. The headmaster called me—” Nina started to explain, “—and told me that I have gotten a scholarship called: Educación Internacional Para Jóvenes Prometedores Del Mañana.”
“Wow, thats big.”
“You know what it is?”
“I am pretty sure Dad was just and just able to mask his disappointment that I didn’t get it.” Matteo laughed, “But yeah, I know what it is. So you were thinking about Oxford?”
“Well…” Nina struggled to find the right words, “...the scholarship kind of came out of the blue. I don’t know, honestly.”
“Wasn’t it your dream to go study abroad last year?”
“Well, yes, It was, but…”
“But now it is not anymore?”
“No, thats not it. I guess, it still is? Maybe. I would love to go, learn and live like an adult, with no Mom hovering over my shoulder and England is an amazing place.”
“Then what is the problem?” Nina saw Matteo to furrow his brow. “If you say Gastón, I won‘t believe you. I know him and you do too, he would never have a problem with you following your dreams.”
“I know that.” Nina smiled. “Guess part of that is the fact that I felt like he closed the door on that path for me, but I wanna open it again, but I don’t know how. And how can I leave everybody? All my friends are here and the team…”
“Nina, Roller will always be important part of all of us, but we are all also growing up.” Matteo started talking, “Simon and Pedro are trying to keep the band afloat, I have the label plus the studies I am doing, so do Jim, Yam, Delfi and Jazmin. Ambar is going to law school. Everyone will be going their separate ways, and I think you know that. If you want my opinion, I think you should do it. Taking risks can be worth it, especially if its for something you really want. Plus it seems like you have already made the decision.”
“I have?”
“You got a scholarship that basically enables you to go study basically in any school in the world, but the only thing you are thinking about is Oxford.”
Matteo was right, and Nina knew it. Maybe she had always known it. “But how do I tell Luna?”
“Tell me what?”
Nina turned around and saw that Luna was standing on the bottom of the staircase.
Aaaaaa! It is honestly quite weird that I have been writing for the soy Luna fandom for about two years and have not yet written about how Gastina got back together. Well here it finally is, the Gastina Oxford story as we could say. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter
You all know what I think about the dynamic Matteo and Nina were never allowed to have, because you bet Matteo was never fan of Eric. He is the one who knows the other side of the whole mess and is able to help Nina through it.
Additional note: This will in no way shape or form be an accurate representation of what it is like to study at Oxford. I don't study there and there is only so much research you can do. Plus if I'd try to keep things 100 % accurate, the story would suffer, and the story itself is not all about Oxford or their studies. That being said, if you are a student at Oxford and reading this... I am so sorry.
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putonmyfavoriteshow's master fic writing post on-going ~ Violetta the heart of pretending (future franletta/leonetta reverse fake-dating au dramedy; my passion project) Soy Luna ...and they were roommates (post show jazmilia/delfma; self-indulgent rom-com chaos for side-characters who deserved more) BIA the celestial goat & her cosmic fish (platonic-for-now chiarleste's great astrology debate; a dynamic exploration between my favorite kind of bickering sidekicks) finished multi-chaps ~ Violetta a perfectly perfect gift (luty ft. franletta - my first official dcla multi-chap!) luty month (daily prompts from @iristhedeadflower) franletta month (daily prompts from @weirdthoughtsandideas) finished one-shots/two-shots ~ Violetta no boys, no problems (right?) (franletta s2 alternate ending to italy arc) an unexpected evening (jadangie fix-it fic - dcla gift exchange 2022 + bonus dcla pride month chap) midnights (a ludmila pov luty fic + bonus luty month chap) playing murder (and all that jazz) (violetta gang halloween fic - canon pairings) go figure (a naty pov luty fic) the mistletoe experiment (a natila story based on a dcla advent calendar prompt from @countessofravenclaw) welcome to new york (christmas version) (violetta gang xmas fic - canon pairings) it is what it is (luty - angsty ficlet) the deadfast club (violetta gang horror two-shot - luty focus ft leonetta/camcesca)
Soy Luna elevator goes up, elevator come down (simbar s3 missing scene - tumblr soy luna fic week 2021) unlock my heart (when lutteo got locked in the dressing room, except it's jazmilia aka the best non-canon ship ever made by a random wheel) there's a great big beautiful tomorrow (lutteo/gastina tomorrowland adventure - dcla gift exchange 2023) BIA losin' sleep (thiana s2 missing scene inspired by @assim-eu-sou) dream date (romantic chiarleste debut to ao3) non dcla ~ my sorta friend's sister's funeral (victorious - jori - angst/fluff one-shot) even crows have wings (six of crows - kanej - sl/roller skating au one-shot) page 55 (the villains of valley view - hartmy - missing scene drabble) if we were a horror movie (the villains of valley view - hartmy - hartmy watch jennifer's body)
other fan content: my tumblr edits tag my tumblr gifs tag
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mylutteoheart · 1 year
Playing Cupid (chapter 9)
And finally a new unedited chapter. I'm sorry it took so long. The edited version of this one will be posted on ao3 tomorrow. I'm determined to finally finish this so expect updates every 2 weeks from now on. I don't know how many chapters are left but things are finally happening with gastina in this chapter. Also, at the end I was inspired by a certain creddie scene in the icarly revival so if you've seen the last episode of the show, you might recognize it. Luna and Matteo have been building their lives together slowly. Fresh out of college, they’re planning their future. But by planning this, they have an underlying plan no one knows of. Bringing their best friends together after 4 years of not being happy without the other. How well will their plan of playing Cupid work?
Prologue | chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | find my other fics here
Chapter 9: A Bump in the Road
This was a bad idea, Nina knew it but she had to go through with it. She promised Luna to spend the day finishing up the details for the wedding. Gastón would help and that's the part that made her the most nervous.
They decided to meet at the Jam & Roller. Being in a public place might make this meeting less nerve-wracking. Plus, Luna was closeby, training for the next skating competition with the team. If they needed help with anything, she could be here soon.
"Hey, sorry, I'm late. I was discussing some details with Matteo about the duet we're doing," Gastón said in a way of greeting.
"I heard about that, Luna said Matteo was very excited about this," Nina answered, "He's really happy you're back."
"Me too, I have to admit that I missed Buenos Aires. England isn't quite the same," Gastón said quietly.
Nina smiled and answered: "I imagine so."
Gastón felt the awkwardness and changed the subject even though he wanted to say so much more.
"So what do we have to do today?" he asked.
"Well, Luna and Matteo have everything booked and sorted out. We just need to check that the things they ordered will be delivered on time," she said as she looked through all the papers with all the orders on them, "We have to make some phone calls then."
Gastón nodded in answer and said: "Sounds easy enough. What's their wedding date again? I want to make sure I get it right."
"It's exactly 4 weeks from now," Nina looked down at the date.
"Then we better hope everything is okay because arranging anything on such short notice would be impossible."
"Let's get started then."
That's what they did, for the next few hours, they make phone call after phone call. Nina was relieved to know that everything was going smoothly so far. With something else to focus on, there wasn't any awkwardness between them. But sooner or later, they'll have to have a serious talk.
"Are you sure this is true?," Gastón asked the lady on the phone.
"I'm afraid so, the venue was destroyed by a heavy storm. We can't repair it in time," the owner of the venue answered patiently.
"Is there any alternative?" he asked a little panicked and turned around to look at Nina to show how he felt.
"If there is, I'm afraid you need to find it yourself. We have to put all our resources in the repair of the venue."
"Alright, we'll have to find something then, thank you," he answered, disappointed.
"What's wrong?" Nina asked, clearly in panic.
"We have to find a new venue," he sighed. Feeling hopeless this problem will be solved.
"Finding a new venue on such short notice is going to be impossible. We're never going to find the perfect place again. How on earth will we pull this off when we don't even have time to breathe until the wedding?" Luna said exasperated, pacing back and forth in the locker room.
Nina and Gastón stood near the counter, looking worriedly at their friend while Matteo is rubbing his neck. He clearly didn't like seeing his fiancée in distress.
He gently took her hand when she waved with them and pulled her in for a hug.
"I know this wedding is stressfull, chica delivery. It doesn't help the skating competition is close but just take a breath. We can solve this, I just need you to calm down," Matteo said while rubbing her back in soothing circles.
Her shoulder fell at his words and she started to relax.
"Okay, we can do this. No worries, it's going to be fine," Luna said to no one in particular.
"Listen, you don't have to worry, okay? Gastón and I will take care of this. We'll find the perfect venue for you. We're your best friends, we know you two well enough to know where you'd like to get married. Leave it up to us to find a better location," Nina interrupted. Wanting to help her friends as much as possible.
"We will do this?" Gastón said surprised.
"Yes, we will. We can definitely do this," she answered confidently.
Luna leaves Matteo's arms to give Nina a bone crushing hug and said: "Thank you so much, Nina. That means the world to us."
When they pull apart, Matteo lays a hand around her waist and said: "Yes, thank you. I know we made the right choice when we chose you to be in the wedding."
"I don't want you to regret it," Nina just said with a shy smile.
Gastón didn't answer, he just stood there frozen. Looking for a venue for a wedding could imply so much. It could bring his feelings to the surface due to all the romance that comes with wedding shopping. This day isn't going to be as easy as he thought.
"We should get started as soon as possible, I'll go get my computer to check out some locations," Nina said, "Gastón, are you coming?" 
She looked up at him and he just nodded. She was waiting for him to come.
"Do you mind if I talk to Gastón first?" Matteo interrupted and put a hand on his best friend's shoulder.
"Sure, I'll get started without you then," Nina answered and left the room.
"I should meet up with the team to discuss some things," Luna excused herself and left the room as well.
"Are you sure you're okay with doing this? You'll be spending a lot of time with Nina this way," Matteo asked.
"I am. Of course I'm nervous about this, I know my feelings will surface but that just might be the push I need to really talk to Nina," Gastón said, confident.
"If you're sure, I trust you know what you're doing," Matteo said with a smile, "I should get back to Luna, make sure she's okay."
"Okay, so we have a few location sightings lined up for today. It wasn't easy to find many locations available that day but I think we managed just fine," Nina said, looking down at the list of venues they made together.
"It's mostly because of you. We wouldn't have found so many without you," Gastón smiled at her.
Nina looked down, trying to hide her blush.
"We should get started right away," it was all she said.
So they did, they planned to visit 5 locations today and they couldn't find a good one until they arrived to the last one. It was next to the Japanese garden that Luna and Matteo knew all too well.
"This was one became available at the last minute," Gastón said while looking around.
They had a great view of the stream with the red bridge over it.
Nina looked around in awe and said: "This looks beautiful."
"Yeah, it's magical," he said while looking at Nina.
"I can already see it. Right here," she said as she stepped near the edge of the grass the place where the best view of the stream is, "Matteo and Luna should say 'I do' right here. It's a perfect place. I can already see it. It would complete the circle."
"Yeah, it couldn't be more perfect," he smiled at her enthusiasm.
"Imagine this...," she said and took his hand so he could stand right in front of her.
He was surprised by her sudden touch and felt the warmth radiating of off her. He reluctantly let go and put both his hands in his pockets to avoid giving in to his want to touch her again.
"The bride and groom standing here, face to face. Both radiating with happiness. It would be so romantic. They'll start their life together right here. Matteo saying I never expected to fall for you, you came out of nowhere. Then Luna would say she can't wait to spend the rest of her life with him," she said with a faraway look on her face.
Gastón could do nothing but stare at her. While saying all of this, he was imagining them standing here. Her walking down the aisle.
When Nina opened her eyes, she saw him staring right at her and she said breathless: "Isn't that romantic?"
"It truly is," he said quietly and looked down at her lips. 
She noticed where his eyes landed and started leaning in.
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sedonalace · 6 years
I like me better when I’m with you
I started writing this so I could post it by Christmas but then I didn't. And I almost let this get unposted until after Valentine's day but teehee surprise I stayed up until nearly three in the morning finishing this so I could let @deliverychicafresa  read this before it wasn’t Valentine’s day for her anymore. I hope it’s worth the surprise,
Anyways, I didn't proofread this for obvious, previously stated reasons. Also, I had combined two prompts I saw on here to make this but I lost the post to credit it. Anyway, double Valentine's day fic I guess. This one is twice as long though so enjoy, I hope.
She really didn't care that she didn't have anyone to spoil with flowers or chocolates or fancy dinners or intimate nights of candles and champagne and privacy with this holiday. Sure Valentine's day was meant to be spent with your partner to show them your love. But Luna likes to look at it more as an opportunity to spoil her family and friends with all of the love she has for them. And it's one of her favorite holidays because of that reason. There's nothing that gives her more joy than to show her appreciation, in this case, cookies.
Getting home from a long day of classes at the university, Luna was still in the warm and cheery mood to dive right into her cookie bonanza. She planned to make at the very least 6 dozen batches of cookies for her best friends to give the next day, and it was going to take her all afternoon to do so.
Not even an hour after getting home, already elbows deep into making her first batch of cookies that were already in the oven, she suddenly remembers the bag of frostings she had bought from the grocery store before returning that she had left in the car. Luna looked over at the timer, seeing that she had about six minutes left on her cookies. It would take her about four minutes if she sprinted all the way downstairs, to her car, and back up, so she figures she would be able to make it in time if she hurried quickly.
Yet alas, when she makes it back up to her apartment, with two minutes to spare like predicted, she realizes that her front door was locked and closed and that she didn't bring her key with her. Leaving her totally screwed.
Of course, pulling on the handle and kicking the door repeatedly, and so hard that it made her toes throb, did nothing to help. Especially when her new next-door neighbor approached her looking rather wary as she basically attacked her front door about to rob herself. She stops while looking between him and the door rather sheepishly. While he looked pretty terrified, to say the least.
"Is there a reason why you're trying to knock down your door like that?" he asks of her. Luna sighs while grumpily whines at her failed attempts of entry, as well as greeting impression. "I accidentally locked myself out, and now I have cookies that in the oven that are about to burn any moment now, so I am just praying no one has to evacuate from a burning building right about now," she hastily explains herself.
The guy nods more understandingly as she frantically looks at her door for some answer to just spew out right in front of her eyes magically. He taps her shoulder as she does so. "Uh, you don't happen to have a spare like under your welcome mat or anything like that? Luna shook her head. She did actually, but two weeks ago when she had Simon drop off her skates in her apartment while she went to take a test, he had left it inside and she forgot to put it back under the mat, leaving her back up, backfired.
"No, I forgot to replace it. I need to get in there fast though, I seriously think something can end up burning soon,"
Thinking extremely quickly he points toward the window right next to the door. Sure it's not a huge one, but with Luna being tiny and all, she could definitely be able to fit through there easily.
He points it out to her and together they try to find a way to open it up. Luckily Luna hadn't set the lock in place from the inside, yet it was still hard to slide it open. But somehow with a little bit of patience and nimble fingers, they got it open. However, with the screen still on there, they needed tools. So he went back inside to grab a screwdriver and such. Meanwhile, the timer of the oven went off repeatedly, and the scent of burnt cookies becoming stronger making Luna slightly more tense than before.
But he comes back quickly and is able to unscrew the corners of the screen, gently removing it, and putting it to the side. While giving Luna a boost into the window as she hurriedly scrambles to the front door to turn off the oven in time.
Luna comes back to the front, where he's still waiting for her shyly. "Thanks for helping me Matteo," he shrugs a bit murmuring you're welcome as he peers inside shyly at the smoking pan of burnt cookies. Luna notices and decides an offer. "Do you want to maybe come in? You saved my apartment and all. It's the least I can do. And I'll even make you cookies, not burnt ones of course," Matteo chuckles at her remark as he nods his head yes as he follows her into her kitchen.
She leads him through to the kitchen and motions for him to sit down on a bar stool and pours him a glass of lemonade from the fridge. As he lifts the glass to his lips, Matteo peers over at Luna taking her oven mitts and blowing away the huge cloud of smoke that emerges from the burning oven, trying to air it away as fast as possible to get to the pan. "Is everything okay?" he questions her warily at the smoky cloud. He hears Luna cough a few times and is finally able to see her when the air clears. "Yeah, all good," she chokes out as she sets the burnt to a crisp pan of cookies on the stove rack. Luna, looking completely disheveled and disappointed. Matteo can't help but chuckle at the charred mess.
"Is burning your food a common occurrence around here?" he can't help but cheekily ask. But Luna can't be amused. "For your information, I bake pretty often," she states before pausing. "However, unfortunately, I forget and lose things a lot so this social experiment of combining my best and worst habits was not my finest moment, but we all make mistakes, right?"
She dumps all of the remaining crisps into the trash while scrubbing the remaining char with a spatula. Matteo still looking very amused. "Well, not all of our mistakes have the potential to burn down a building but, whatever helps you sleep at night," he points out before taking another sip. Luna rolls her eyes but can't help but agree with a smile.
"Anyway," she takes the opportunity to change the subject while scrubbing the baking sheet in the sink. "You go to the same university as me right? What are you studying?" Luna hardly knows anything about Matteo besides that he's a year older than her and comes from a rich family in Italy. She'd at least like to get to know the guy she impulsively invited into her home.
"Music Composition," he simply puts. "I'm trying to become a big-shot producer one day. But I also write and sing my own songs. And have helped out a few people writing some of their songs too," Luna nods her head interestingly. "That's really cool. Have you ever worked or interned with a record label yet?" she asks him intrigued.
But he only shakes his head. "Nah, I've applied so many times to the local ones. And even some in Italy. But none of them have gotten back to me," she smiles sympathetically at him and reaches out with the damp, wrinkled fingers from the water and places them on his, looking up at him. "The opportunity will come soon I'm sure of it."
Those few seconds a flame shot up his skin. The warmth of her fingers electrifying to the touch. He only noticed how strong he felt it when she pulled away. The feeling still tingly on the back of his hand. A smirk twitched upon his lips, quickly wiped away once she laid his eyes on his for a brief moment before going back to her baking. What an intense moment for two practically strangers, it boggles Matteo's mind.
"And you," he clears his throat. "What are you studying?" Luna looks up from rolling a ball of cookie dough in her hand before placing it in on the sheet. She ponders over it a bit, grabbing another chunk of dough before rolling it in the palms of her hands. "I don't know yet. I haven't decided yet. It's complicated," she tries to explain. But it only makes him appear more confused. "I mean, I have until the end of the year to decide. But truthfully, I haven't found my passion that I want to study yet. My parents have been pushing me to be a teacher, my grandfather wants me to take up business, my best friend says I'd be good as a pastry chef...."
"Here's another question," Approaches Matteo. "What do you want to do?" Luna looks at him dazed. "Me?" she points to herself, somehow waiting for him to slowly nod back. "I guess my one true passion would be to skate for the rest of my life, but that's not exactly realistic." Matteo frowns at her. "And why not?"
Luna looks over at him like he couldn't be serious, "There are many reasons," she explains while rolling the last ball onto the plate and popping it into the oven. "It's not like I've been doing it my whole life. I wouldn't be able to do the Olympics or anything. Plus what would my family think of me for quitting school to pursue skating? I mean what else would I skate for? I just do it for fun." Her justification isn't enough for him.
"Who says you have to quit school?" He shrugs. But Luna is still confused. "Huh?" "I mean, what if you could find a major that lets you revolve around skating in some way?" Luna chews on her bottom lip. "What major involves skating?" Matteo tilts his head back trying to reach into the back of his mind for answers. "Marketing? For sporting events maybe? Management for teams? I mean there are ways, you just have to really think it through."
Maybe his rant wasn't something wastefully inspiration with empty promises. Maybe there was a fulfilling and realistic point he had given. Something she had encountered before.
"It sounds somewhat appealing to me, I'm just not sure..." "Hey," he calls to her attention. "Whatever it is whenever you decide, I'll be great regardless. You have a bright future ahead." When he says those words he looks straight into her eyes so deeply, she feels so flushed and speechless she can't move. Completely entranced by his brown eyes searching for some sort of acknowledgment which words fail her to give. Only when they ding of the oven calls her to attention does she move and break from the spell, does she process everything going through her brain.
As she lays down the cookies on the cooling rack, she finally looks back at him after a few, long silent seconds of none of them saying anything to one another. "Thank you, Matteo. Your words really help," He smiles back smugly yet as much as to not overstep. "Then, I'm glad. You're welcome."
Luna pushes the bowl toward him and offers him an apron. "Do you wanna help me finish the rest of the cookies?" she asks with an excited smirk. His face reflects her as he takes the apron from her hand. And joins at her side, grabbing a piece of dough, rolling it together as one.
Hours later they've made all of the cookies she planned to make for her friends now that she had the help from Matteo, who just so happened to be an excellent decorator as well. To reward their hard work, he went back to his apartment to swap out their lemonade for chardonnay and finish talking through the night.
One conversation to another, one hand placed on an arm to a leg to a hip, one risque comment to another, bouncing lightly yet flowing gracefully throughout. It was clear to both of them that they felt connections so strong it would be hard to resist one another even if they tried. Alcohol consuming, conversations flying, words that sounded like poetry singing a song when came to those quiet stories that they both intently shared with each other. And both of them to themselves over and over thought the same thoughts, flying through their minds.
Maybe she was in love. And maybe he was in love with her too.
And it came to no surprise when he kissed her so gently that it wasn't enough, that he wasn't content with that either. She straddled his hips and suddenly she was taken to another paradise far away, surrounded by him and only him and that's all she ever wanted. But she never realized it until now.
He left in the morning before she could wake up, leaving a note by her bedstand and all. Smelling the cologne on her pillow was enough to make her wake up bright and happy for once in her life, she may never want to leave her bed.
He comes back to his apartment after his classes on Valentine's day, the taste of her lips still tingling on his tongue. At his doorstep laid a box of cookies that he recognizes and a card, letters all loopy and messy and no doubt in his mind where it came from.
"I know we just met and all, But I really had a ball, will you be my Valentine, and maybe give me a call?"
Matteo snorts laughing. Poetry is definitely not her strong suit given the terribly cheesy poem. But he'd still take her cookies and number any day.
24 December
Ten months can turn into a whirlwind of chaos and bliss by some miracle. Luna never expected to see herself nearly a year later, changed into not necessarily a whole new person. But changed into a new personality, someone older and wiser and maybe just..... more in love?
She also never expected a random Valentine's Day eve spent with a neighbor she rarely talked to, to turn into the next night, into the next consecutive nights. Into making out on her couch one late evening, into dates, and gifts, and all of the sudden titles and meeting family and going on a trip together, etc. All in all, having a relationship happen so fast and so deep was never on her agenda. But what wonders and happiness did it bring her to life.
And as magical and blissful as that all sounded, to now have a wonderful boyfriend who she loved with all of her heart and got to see every single day, as he lived one door down, today was not as magical as it seemed sadly.
Maybe she was just spoiled rotten that she got to see Matteo almost every single day of this year so far and that she is so in love with him she can't picture anything else. But this one holiday, or a few days really. These few days of Christmas, she just couldn't seem to find a cure to dull the ache in her heart living without him.
They had talked about it for weeks now. Both already have met each other's parents, who quickly adapted and adored to one another. They couldn't come to an agreement on who to spend the holiday with, no matter how hard they tried. Still being a relatively new couple and navigating their relationship, compromises just couldn't find its way in the middle. And with both sets of parents begging their children to come home for Christmas, it was naturally decided that they would go their separate ways for the holiday. Leaving both of them a little heartbroken.
Now with Luna back in Cancun for the holidays, and Matteo back in Buenos Aires with his family, it was the furthest they had been from each other. And they tried to make the distance for the short period work. And they did. However much to the annoyance of their families.
Christmas Eve, when they should be sitting with their families and eating together, conversing joyfully all around, exchanging gifts and what not. It wasn't necessarily the case here. With a 3+ hour phone call still ongoing. Cooping with distance was just something not on their agenda apparently.
"How is the food not still ready yet, hasn't been like all morning and afternoon since our grandma and aunts started cooking?", Luna asked Matteo. He was in as much disbelief as she was. "Give them some credit, babe. They bust their ass to make a wonderful dinner here. It'll be ready soon." She hates how much he's right. But patience has never been her strong suit either. "You know how hungry I get, ok?" She hears him chuckle on the other end of the line. "I know, I know. That's why I love you of course." "Mhm," she sounds through content.
Although she can hear voices on the other side of the phone. "I have to go, dinner's ready here. I miss you," Matteo sighs. Luna mimics him. "I miss you too. Call back later, yeah?" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course, I will. Bye," "Bye." Luna hangs up feeling defeated. She really misses him. And she missed her family too of course. She loves being with him.  But her soul can't help but feel a little hole missing without him here celebrating this day with her.
Not too long later, she gets called for dinner. Where she gets pulled back into the serenity but also chaos of her family. She definitely missed this. And feels much happier being surrounded b the love of her beloved family, it's like the hole is not replaced but, feels lighter in a way.
A little after midnight, when the stroke of midnight comes, everyone wishes each other a Merry Christmas, and everyone begins opening their gifts, she gets a text from her beloved boyfriend.
Matteo 00:09: Merry Christmas, Luna
Matteo 00:09: Your present is waiting for you outside
At first, Luna smiles at the first text he sent, Even if it's hours past the time he should be sleeping, her heart bursts at the thought of him staying up to text her that. Although when the second one gets delivered to her, she becomes curious and concerned. It just can't be possible.
She hesitantly puts on her shoes and walks outside to the brisk air in the early morning hours of Christmas day. And before she knows it, she's come standing face to face with Matteo, quickly followed with tears in her eyes.
But her only instinct is to scream at the top of her lungs, neighbors be damned, and run straight into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist, fully embracing his body.
"I really can't believe you're here," she cries into his shoulder. Once she gains a bit of air, she pulls back and cups his face in her hands. "How is this possible? I thought you were back in Buenos Aires? I mean, what-" He cuts her off by kissing both of her hands. "I changed my mind two days ago. I bought last minute tickets to come here. I couldn't get a direct plane to Cancun so I had to go to a way further airport and take an express bus that took a few hours here. That's why I was able to call you But I made it," he breathes out heavily. But Luna keeps shaking her head in disbelief, unable to quite grasp that he's here, with her right now. On Christmas. Just like in fairy tales. "I really can't believe you," Luna cries. But Matteo is there to wipe the tears away.
"I love you, so, so, so much," Luna whispers against his lips. "I love you too," he mumbles before finally closing the bridge between their lips. He kisses her fiercely and savoringly, finally at the conclusion of his long journey to get there. And it's never felt so good before as it does now.
Going through hundreds of obstacles just to be here by her side, it all makes it worth it to feel her lips on his. To feel her arms around his neck, feel her hands in his hair. The tears falling down their cheeks, the smiles and laughter erupting from their lips in between kisses. Every single thing makes it worth it. And there's nothing he'd trade in the world for it than to be there with her safe and sound, the happiest they've ever been.
Who would have thought being distant neighbors would become so much more than that, bridging gaps and making love bond unbreakable. In a world that is lost, there's always love and hope to be found.
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