#but i will admit even Lutteo is fun to write when I get to do it my way :)
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years ago
Here's my DCLA Gift Exchange <3
and right under the wire 😬
I know you're probably asleep but hopefully you'll wake up to this gift in a few short hours @countessofravenclaw :)
Enjoy this time-travelling Disney World adventure with the fearsome foursome of Luna, Matteo, Nina and Gastón! For some musical accompaniment:
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hide-in-imagination · 7 years ago
“Just Another Typical Dinner”-simbar/lutteo oneshot
Based on the prompt: “Can you write a little fluffy/domestic scene of a dinner at the mansion a few days after the finale? Similar to the one we got just a little bit more simbar than Matteo? A bit of Monica trying to disturb them like in episode 56 wouldn’t hurt either 😊”. Also for that anon that asked for a fifty fifty Lutteo and Simbar oneshot. 
I hope this is close to what you wanted! 
Some days after Luna’s birthday party the Valentes, Alfredo and Matteo had gathered once again at the dinner table to share a nice meal together. There were three vacant seats, one was Pedro’s because he was at Delfi’s and the other two were for Simón and Ámbar, who arrived together some minutes later, the guitarist holding her from behind making it kinda hard for the girl to walk. When she pointed that out he proceeded to smother her cheek and neck with little kisses, making her giggle before pushing him away so she could take her seat.
Matteo whistled. “Look at you. Wasn’t there enough cuddling at your date? Or did you just forget all together the concept of ‘personal space’?”, he teased as both sat down on the table in front of him.
“Talk for yourself. Or isn’t that your arm wrapped around my best friend right now?”, retorted Simón, gesturing at the Italian that was hugging Luna by the waist, their chairs pretty much stuck together.
The alluded couple looked at each other and laughed happily before Matteo turned back to Simón. “Touché”.
Alfredo smiled warmly from his spot at the head of the table as he looked at the exchange. “It makes me so happy to see so much love in this house. It’s definitely what we deserved after all the hardships we went through this year, and I hope”, he said, raising his glass, “that we have many more moments like this”.   
They all raised their glasses in toast and then started their meal.
It only took a minute for Miguel to notice that Simón was eating with his left hand. He wasn’t a leftie.
“Guys. Hands on the table where I can see them”, he called out, and with a smile that said “caught” Simón lifted his hand that was holding Ámbar’s, giving it a quick kiss before letting it go.
“All hands”, stressed Miguel, giving a pointed look at Matteo who finally let go of his girlfriend’s waist.
“So, Luna? Have you decided already what you’re gonna do after you graduate?”, asked Alfredo, starting conversation.
“Well, I know that I want to skate, that much will never change. Now, about careers I’m still not sure”.
“Why don’t you pursue a professional skater career like Ramiro? With your talent, charm, cuteness, shine and dedication I’m sure you’d get very far. Even Felipe Mendevilla made you a proposal already”, said Matteo, taking the opportunity to flirt with her. Everything was a chance to flirt with her, really.
She gave him her usual look of ‘you’re an idiot and I love you for it’ before speaking. “Thank you, Matteo, but remember that we’re a team. We are all talented, and together we’re gonna achieve great things, I’m certain of it”, she stated as she looked at Simón and Ámbar on the other side of the table, smiling at them before facing her grandfather. “But I like the idea of studying a career, I think I’d like to experience it”.
“And did you think already what you’d like to do?”, prompted the old man. 
Luna looked a little nervous. “I mean, yeah, I thought about something. But it’s not definitive yet, alright? I just think it’d be fun”.
“And what is that, daughter?”, asked Miguel by her said.
The girl smiled.
 “A kindergarden teacher”.
Everyone’s eyebrows rose at the same time in surprise except Alfredo who smiled excitedly.  
“A teacher? Really? I didn’t have you as the type who loves going to school”, joked Simón, knowing the girl would rather be in the Roller all day than in class.
“You’re not wrong”, laughed Luna, “But, I feel like is such a noble job, you know? To help form the next generation, help them discover what their dreams are and encourage them to fulfill them… Also, I really love kids, and because of kindergarten’s’ schedules I could work in the morning and skate in the afternoon”.
Everyone seemed to be understanding now why she would like to study that and decide it kinda made sense. Everyone except Matteo who was looking at her seriously.
“Mmm I think you’re gonna have a problem with that”.
Luna looked apprehensively at him. “What?”
He grimaced and patted her shoulder. “There’s a very high chance that they’ll mistake you for one of the children”.
It took one second and then the whole table erupted in laughter.
Luna yanked his hand off her shoulder. “Hey, I’m not that small!”
“Whatever stops your crying, love”, he said condescending, making the girl glare at him but he compensated her by wrapping his arm around her shoulder and kissing her cheek. “I promise to still love you when I’m two meters tall and you can’t reach me”.
Simón laughed. “I’m sorry to tell you friend but I don’t think that’s gonna happen”.
“Talk for yourself old man, I still got some years to grow so don’t rain on my parade”.
“I’m just one year older than you!”
“Well that’s one more year I have to grow that you don’t”, countered Matteo.
Ámbar placed her hand on Simón’s shoulder and sent Matteo a superior look. “You’re just jealous cause he’s taller than you”.
Simón automatically joined the tease. “Ooohh Matteo, that’s not right. Jealousy is bad for our friendship”, he said putting his hand over his heart. Luna laughed.
“For like one centimeter!”, exclaimed the Italian, outraged. “And I’m pretty sure it’s the hair! That hairdo of yours adds you like 10 centimeters, I’m certain of it”.
Ámbar rolled her eyes and took her hand away. “Ugh, don’t even get me started on that. The moment he rises from the bed in the morning he spends hours fixing his hair. He takes longer than I do, can you believe it?”, the blond declared, winning a confused look from Mónica.
“How do you know that?”
There was a general pause at the table.
Ámbar and Simón looked at each other quickly before turning to Mónica, both responding at the same time.
“I told her” -  “The cameras”.
Their eyes widened and they tried to answer again.
 “The cameras”– “He told me”
They looked at each other once more and chuckled nervously.
Ámbar was the one who finally spoke.   
“Yeah, no, you see, I noticed that little fact thanks to the cameras that VIDIA had on their loft. You know, the ones that were streaming 24/7? You could watch them sleep and everything. So there. And then he told me too. Some time ago. A long time ago. Actually I don’t even know how I still remember”, she said, trying to salvage the situation but she had to admit that Emilia was right: she sucked at lying.
Mónica sent them a teasing look as everyone else exchanged quick glances, clearly not buying it but not wanting to dwell on the subject.
“So…”, started Matteo to break the silence and get back to safe conversational topics, “Gardener?”
Luna rolled her eyes. “Kindergarden. Teacher. When I was working as rink helper sometimes I’d teach some people the basics of skating and I enjoyed it pretty much. Maybe I could teach music! Teach little kids how to sing and how to dance…”
Simón made a thoughtful face at that.  “Hmm, now that you say so I think I’d also like doing that. Give guitar lessons to little kids or something. It’d be nice”.
Matteo gestured with his hand for him to stop.
“Simón, you’re not gonna have the time to be teaching anything because the moment the Roller Band takes off everything’s gonna be concerts, international tours, autograph signings, all the crowd screaming ‘SIMÓN I LOOVEE YOUUUUU. PEDRO YOU’RE THE BEEST’”, yelled the boy in a high-pitched voice, making everyone laugh.
“You’re right, you’re so right. How could I forget about my fans? I’m gonna have to devote myself entirely to them. With all the selfies left and right, the meet & greets, all the girls screaming my name…”  
“Hey, watch it”, warned Ámbar and Simón smiled at her as he took her hand in his.
“I may have many fans, but I’ve only got one queen” he said looking into her eyes before kissing the back of her hand. “And she’s the prettiest of them all”.
The blonde chuckled blushing a little, while Matteo made a disgusted face at their cheesiness.
The voice of Alfredo erupted in the room with a laugh. “But young man, you’re not gonna be on tour you’re whole life! At some point you’re gonna have to settle down. See, I’m not getting any younger and I’d like to get to meet my great-grandchildren before I die”.
Miguel choke on his wine as the young couples on the table froze.
“God, Mr. Alfredo, you and your jokes”, chided Mónica as she patted her husband’s back.  
“It is no joke. I’m not going to die without seeing this house full of joy and little kids running around”, said the old man as he grabbed his glass of wine. “But there’s no rush, of course”, he added before drinking.
“Absolutely no rush. Like, at all”, said Miguel once he recovered from his coughing.
After two seconds of silence Luna cleared her throat. “What about you, Ámbar? What are you gonna do now that you’re not in charge of the Roller anymore?”
“I think I’m gonna sign up for university as well”, said the blonde. “I didn’t before because with everything that was going on I didn’t have the peace of mind to study. But now that everything’s calmer I’d like to do it”.
Simón put his arm around her shoulders and held her in a comforting gesture. She had been through a lot and he knew it had taken its toll on her, but he was very proud of her for coming out stronger than before.
“And what are you gonna sign up for?”, asked Mónica from the other side of the table, curiously.
“Law”, she answered as she placed her hand over Simón’s on her shoulder.  
The woman smiled widely. “Very nice! You sound sure, what drove you to it?”
“Well, it had been between my options for some time but, it was Ana who finally made me go for it”.
“Nina’s mom?”, asked Luna.
“Yeah. She was very sweet for offering to help me with everything at the Roller. Without her I don’t know how I’d have survived. And she didn’t only help me but all of us with the case. It made me think that I’d like to help other people too, like her”.
Simón looked at her completely mystified. If he had been proud before now he felt like his chest was so full it was gonna explode.
As the place filled with conversation over everything that had happened with the case and how grateful they all were with Ana for her help, Simón took the chance to inch closer to his girlfriend and whisper to her.
“I love you”.
The girl looked at him fondly. “I love you too”.
Just like that everything else disappeared and both leaned in for a sweet kiss.
“Get a room you two!” jested Matteo and the couple pulled apart with a laugh.
“Really Matteo? Still with the jealousy? Tell me truth, for how long have you been in love with me?”, asked Simón teasingly making Ámbar laugh at his side.
Luna gasped and brought her hands to her chest. “Oh my god chico fresa, you’re in love with my best friend? What am I to do now?”, she said dramatically as if it was a play.
“Don’t fear chica delivery, Luna and fresa are forever, it was written in the stars”, he spoke dramatically as well, his hands going up to the sky before coming down to cup her face.  “My heart is completely yours and I’ll kiss you a thousand times to prove it!”
He leaned to claim her lips in a kiss but it hardly lasted three seconds before Miguel grabbed him by the shoulder, pushing them apart.
“What if we eat instead? Everyone okay with that?”, said the man in a scolding voice, but he was smiling.
Everyone chuckled and went back to their plates. The rest of the meal went smoothly.  
After dinner everyone went back to their rooms. Ámbar stayed a little longer helping Mónica put everything back into place and when she was gonna head to her bedroom Miguel called for her.
“Ámbar, could you come here for a second?”
The girl turned around and walked closer to the man.
Thinking back to the dinner he crossed his arms in front of his chest and spoke with authority, but nicely.  
“New rules. No boys in your room unless the door is open”.
Ámbar raised her eyebrows by nodded either way.
“Sure, no problem”.
“Same thing with the boys bedrooms”, added the man rising one eyebrow.
“Of course”, she nodded affirmatively once again before re-starting her way upstairs.
She was in the middle climbing them when he spoke again. 
“No getaways to the deposit either”.
Ámbar froze mid-step.
Two seconds passed before she turned around with a smile on her face.
Miguel smiled back warmly, nodding his head before heading to the kitchen.
This time it was the blonde’s voice that called out to him, making him turn in her direction.
“Ah, these rules apply to Luna as well, right? You should tell her tomorrow. Or tonight”, the girl suggested before continuing her way to her bedroom, leaving a very stunned Miguel at the base of the stairs.
At the next morning he publicly suggested at breakfast that they used the Benson fortune to buy the boys an apartment to live in. Everyone gaped in shock.
Everyone except one blonde, who hid her smile behind her juice. 
Can you believe it took me one day to write this but I’ve been trying to finish my other oneshot for a MONTH?
I hate myself.
Anyway, I hope this was good and fluffy enough  🌺
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mylutteoheart · 8 years ago
No Quiero Sentirme Un Cobarde
So it’s officially the last day and I had so much fun reading and writing, I hope you guys had fun too. I am sad that it’s over but at the same time Soy Luna will be back in exactly one week so that’s a good thing I guess. Btw I had a hard time picking one scene out of all of them because I feel like they messed up so many scenes for Lutteo. I do hope we get a lot of romantic scenes between these two in the second part to make up for the drama in the first part and I also hope that they have some episodes where they’re an an actual couple because I know how much they like drama, especially between the main couples. I wanted to say thank you again for all the nice things you said about my fics, it means a lot to me and I do hope you keep enjoying my writing because I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon.
So this fic is how I wanted one particular scene to end up in the first part of season 2. It was in episode 33 where they were all just done with school, I think and Matteo was about to tell Luna how he feels but then Fer sent hm a video about Luna and Sebastian pretending that he’s asking her out and Matteo thinks they are together.
prompt: fix it fic day (where you fix one canon scene to your liking)
Matteo walked with Gastòn out of school and followed Luna to make sure he will catch her to be able to talk to her. He was very nervous and he couldn’t quite believe what he was about to do. He knew that the following conversation will be the most honest he has ever had with Luna, thinking about it, made him even more nervous.
They both stopped in their tracks to prepare Matteo for what’s about to come. He watched her walk away, trying to build up his confidence.
“Are you sure about what you are going to do?” Gastòn asked one last time to make sure that Matteo was sure about his choice.
“Yes.” Matteo smiled at the thought. “I don’t have any doubts. I’m going to tell her everything that I feel” he kept looking at her with admiration while he was saying this.
“Okay, then good luck.” Gastòn and Matteo did some kind of bro shake with their hands. “I’ll be there if you need me.” His best friend told him and then he left to sit on one of the benches nearby.
Matteo walked to Luna full of confidence and anxiousness. He was nervous about the way she would react and he not so secretly hoped that she won’t reject him and tell him everything she feels.
“Luna!” He called out to her.
She heard him and turned around because she wasn’t sure who called out her name. But she assumed that it was him and when she turned around and her assumption was confirmed.
He walked to her smiling and happy to finally tell her how he really feels about her, Luna had no idea what was going on so she looked at him with confusion and wonder on her face while he was walking towards her.
Then, suddenly. He heard his phone. He had a message and he stopped to check who it was from. He took a quick glance at her before he looked on his phone. Luna just kept standing there, waiting for what he was going to tell her, she frowned because she didn’t have a clue about what was going on.
Luna frowned even more when she saw Matteo’s face full of confusion and wonder while he was looking at his phone.
He looked at his phone and it was a message from Fer but he didn’t check what the content of the message was because he didn’t want anything to get in his way right before he could tell her what he wanted to tell her.
“Matteo.” Luna called out his name and he looked up from his phone. He forgot the message instantly. He smiled at her because he was so happy to see her but she didn’t return it, that made him a little dissapointed but it didn’t stop him from his mission.
He started walking towards her again. He has to do this now, he can’t postpone it anymore. He needs to tell her now.
He finally stood right before her and he couldn’t stop smiling but she still had that look of wonder on her face.
“What do you want to tell me?” She didn’t even try to hide that she wanted to be anywhere but here.
Matteo started sweating and his heart was beating so fast. He got more nervous by the minute. “I… Don’t really know where to start.” He admitted shyly.
“Why not start at the beginning?” She said sharply.
“Okay.” He needed a minute to think. “I’m sorry, Luna.” He tried to start.
“Sorry for what? For lying to me about having a girlfriend? For pulling away from me for no apparent reason?” She gave him an angry look.
“I’m sorry for everything.” He said with all sincerity.
There was something in his eyes that made her believe him and she knew she wanted to jump in his arms and kiss him but she resisted the urge. She stopped because she remembered all the pain that he put her through.
“You really think you can just apologise to me and think that everything will be alright after that?” She was getting angrier now.
“No, you’re right. An aplogy is not enough. I know that. But just know that everything I did, I did for a reason.” He tried to explain.
“And what could possible be the reason for doing all of this to me?!” She started yelling a little.
“I did all of this because I love you.” He said, trying to stay calm to her outburst.
“What kind of reason is that?” She didn’t believe him.
“I love you and I wanted to protect you and I realize now that I approached the situation in the wrong way.” He pleaded.
“How is lying to me a protection for me?” She didn’t understand a thing.
“I lied to you because I didn’t want to hurt you.” He sighed, he had to tell her the entire truth. There was no way going around it anymore. “My dad is pressuring me to go to Oxford next year. I thought it’d be better if you forgot me because I knew that it would hurt you if I left. You would have fought for me until I got on that plane. I didn’t want us to be together and making all those amazing memories with you to leave you afer that and never speaking to you again. I just couldn’t do that to you, you don’t deserve that.” He looked at the ground because he was a little ashamed of everything he did.
“Matteo, that’s nonsense. We were able to be together during the summer when you were miles away and we were both okay with the situation. We did a long distance relationship before. What makes you think that we couldn’t do this again?” Her voice was softer now.
“During summer, we knew that we would see each other again but who knows if we ever get to see each other again when I leave again.” He explained.
“We would have figured it out. I know that for sure. I know we are so much stronger than this and you know that. Maybe you were afraid, afraid that it wasn’t going to work out and that it would end more painful than when you just broke up right after you came back. You were afraid of getting hurt because you know that what we have is special and unique. You knew that if we ever started dating for real, it would get serious and your feelings would grow even more and you knew that you’d be heartbroken if it didn’t end well between us. I think you were afraid of that pain because it would be too much for you to bare, it would be too much for us to bare.” She looked at the ground as well, she was getting sad of that image. “But you know what, Matteo? I’m not afraid. I know that we’ll get trough everything that would be thrown at us. I know that we’re strong enough to get through it together.”  
Matteo was a little startled by her words but he did manage to get out what he’s been wanting to say all this time: “Luna, I love you so much and I tried everything to forget you but nothing worked. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you. I know what I did was stupid and I acted like a coward and I don’t want to be that anymore. I’m willing to fight for you, no matter what it takes. I really hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me and I want us to try again and this time I’m all-in. No matter the circumstance, no matter the obstacle. I will fight for you, for us. I promise you that.” There was a spark of desperation in his eyes and Luna couldn’t resist the sadness mixed with regret and desperation in his eyes. So she leaned in and gave him a huge hug. Matteo was surprised by her move but he was happy about the outcome of their conversation. He pulled away slightly to be able to look into her eyes to find something but all he could see was love and that’s all he needed to lean in and kiss her with all that he’s got. She kissed him back instantly. The kiss turned deeper and with more desperation like they need each other to be able to breathe. Their kiss slowly turned into a make-out session and they stayed like this until they needed air to breathe. He now knows for sure that he made the right move to talk to her and he knew he needed to do a lot to be able to regain her trust again and he was willing to give everything for him and he made sure she knew that as well.
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