#soy luna universe
weirfq1 · 11 days
main interests/things i mostly talk about:
dc comics
doctor who
ghost b.c.
interview with the vampire
my little pony
soy luna
star trek
(+ other stuff i talk about less: supernatural, animanga, somos tú y yo, violetta, k-pop, miraculous ladybug, lazy town, etc...)
#*my gifs
12 notes · View notes
luvrsctrl · 4 months
klaroline and simbar are so taylor swift coded but specifically snow on the beach coded
“snow on the beach, weird but f*cking beautiful”
12 notes · View notes
Like the Red Rose blooms in the Oxford Garden: Chapter ten
Sometimes when your heart breaks… it feels like there is no way to fix it. No matter what you try. All the memories get left behind as something unfinished… But maybe, there is to way to fix it, A second chance. Some way to finish the story you two started writing because it was never the end, but just a part of the story… even if you have to travel far to achieve it.
You can say "Goodbye", you can say "Hello". But you'll always find your way back home.
“Was that your phone?” Nina asked as Gastón’s phone dinged. 
They had been studying at the library on the evening as the term finals closed in on them. There only was about a month left before the exams, and the summer would begin.
“Oh, yeah I think it was,” Gastón reached for his phone and looked at it. “It was an email… from Renishaw.” 
“What does it say?” Nina closed the book she had been browsing through, “I thought you already got the job.”
“I did,” Gastón opened the email. He would be continuing the internship he had done at Renishaw last summer, this summer. “It must be just some information.”
“He opened the email and read it through. “Huh?” 
“What is it?” Gastón looked up and saw Nina’s face growing in concern.
“Oh, nothing bad,” he reached her hand in reassurance, “Just the email said that I don’t need to do the three-week intern training period there, because I was there last year.”
“Is that a bad or good thing?”
“Good,” Gastón laughed while playing with Nina’s fingers, “It means that I have three weeks free at the start of summer. So, what do you wanna do?”
“What am I supposed to want to do?” Nina looked at him. The look of slight confusion on her face was way too cute, and Gastón had to try his hardest not to get distracted. 
“Well, it would be a waste if we just sit here the whole summer. There are lot of different things we can do.”
“I don’t know how to come up with something. You choose.”
“Well, if you want me to.” Gastón grinned at Nina, “We already were at Kent, but there are lot of other places here as well.” Gastón stopped to think for a moment, “but, honestly, we can just do that during the weekends if we want, so… How about we go back home?”
“Home?” Nina looked up at his eyes, “You wanna return to Buenos Aires?”
“Well… Yeah.” Gastón reached to take both of her hands to his and ran his thumps over them. “I have been thinking that for a while now. I mean, I didn’t come back last year, and honestly kind of regret it. Matteo really tried to get me to come. So, you’d like that, if we did go back? We could stay at mine.”
“Yes, I really would love that,” Nina smiled at him, “Your parents would be fine with us staying there?”
“Of course. I am not sure about their schedules right now, but if we get to be by ourselves, I’m not gonna be upset.” Gastón got up from his chair and moved to one on the other side of the table next to Nina.
“Luna will be so excited,” Nina smiled, “It would be so great to see everybody…and we can tell them.”
“Right, they don’t know,” Gastón laughed, “Almost forgot about that. If Luna and Matteo have kept their mouths shut, which I think they actually have. Jazmin would have flown across the ocean to make a video about this.”
“She’s probably never going to change in that aspect,” Nina laughed, “At least Delfi shut Fab and Chic down, but Jazmin is never going to stop.”
“We’re never going to live to see that day,” Gastón agreed, “How about we just call Matteo and Luna now, and let them know, so we can plan accordingly? And make sure nothing has actually leaked and they are just waiting to ambush us.”
“That's a good idea.”
“Well, lets not waste any time.” Gastón took his phone out and called Matteo.
“Hey!!!” Matteo appeared on the screen after a moment, “Nice to see you fancy school people. I was beginning to worry that you are beginning to forget how to speak Spanish.”
“We spoke yesterday,” Gastón snarked while changing his phone to his other hand, while wrapping the other around Nina. “Is Luna there?”
“We want to talk to you both.” Nina continued.
“Yeah, she is here… somewhere.” Matteo appeared to look around, “I think she went to the kitchen.”
Nina and Gastón looked as Matteo got up, from Mansion’s living room from the looks of it, and started walking around. 
“She’s with Simon in the kitchen,” Matteo whispered to them, “Do you want to…?”
“Just don’t show the screen,” Gastón said, while their view on the video call got quite crooked as Matteo lowered the phone.
“Chica Delivery,” Matteo entered the kitchen where Luna was sitting with Simon and Ambar, “Can you come with me for a moment?”
“For what?” Nina and Gastón heard Luna’s voice question. 
“We, uhm, have a phone call,” Gastón felt half bad for kind of finding Matteo’s stumblings in the attempt of hiding who he had been talking, kind of funny.
“From who?” Simon’s voice rang, “Why the secrecy?”
“There is no secrecy. It is my cousin, wants to meet my girlfriend,” Matteo continued, “And its none of your business anyway.”
“You know, if you wanna make out, you can just say so!” Ambar’s voice yelled as Luna and Matteo walked to the mansion’s stairwell.
“What does your cousin want from me?” Luna questioned as they entered her room. 
“It’s not my cousin,” Mateo huffed and sat on her bed, flipping the videocall’s camera back to the front and spoke to Nina and Gastón. “I hope this means we can stop this act at some point soon.”
“Oh my gosh!!! Hi!” Luna jumped next to Matteo on the bed. “You could have just said that it was them.”
“Actually, your performance was very entertaining,” Gastón laughed. 
“Glad you enjoyed it,” Matteo rolled his eyes sarcastically. “So what is up with you two?”
“Well, we want to talk with you two about something,” Gastón started talking, “You’ll probably be happy about that, since you like to complain.”
“Uuuuuu, about what?” Luna leaned closer, excited.
“We were talking about the summer, and Gastón’s internship doesn’t start until in a few weeks from starts of the summer—” Nina started explaining, “—so we thought we’d come back, for a couple of weeks.”
“REALLY!?!” Luna started jumping, “OMG! You are really planning on coming back?”
“Yeah, I think we both miss all of you there,” Gastón responded, “Plus, maybe it is time to let everyone know, about us I mean. You two haven’t told anybody right?”
“Of course not.” Matteo scoffed clearly smiling, “Everyone else is in deep darkness about you two, even if it really should be really obvious, if they just saw your faces.”
“Well, thats the plan, we want to tell everybody.”
“So, when exactly are you coming, on what day?” Matteo asked, “Because, uhm… actually, I have an idea. We’ll be at Italy for a couple of days at the start of summer, so what if we fly to you after that and then we fly back to Argentina together.”
“I wonder what Matteo bribed Luna with to get her on this early morning flight,” Gastón said to Nina as they were walking towards Luna and Matteo’s arrival gate at 9:35 the morning at Heathrow.
“I honestly don’t know, or do I want to know,” Nina shook her head and turned to look at Gastón’s watch, “When is it landing?”
“In ten minutes,” Gastón said pulling her closer by the waist as they sat down. “We better enjoy the quiet while we can.”
“You know you miss them,” Nina rolled her eyes at him before leaning her head in his shoulder, “But it probably will take a while until they can get off. I can’t imagine Luna and the baggage claim conveyer belt are good friends. Remember when she was convinced that she had lost her bag at Cancun during Roda Fest?”
“Good times,” Gastón laughed before brushing a strand of hair back behind Nina’s ear. He looked like he was about to lean in to kiss her when a burst of people started coming out of the arrivals gate. 
There was no sign of Luna and Matteo until the crowd started dwindling. 
“¿Estás seguro de que esta es la dirección correcta?” A bubbly voice all a sudden was heard at the terminal.
“Yes, this is the right direction.”
“But are you sure? We need to find them.”
“I have been here before… I am sure.”
Nina and Gastón raised their heads to see a couple walk out of the gate. Luna was hard to miss in the crowd while she was wearing a flagrantly bright rainbow summer dress. 
“But are they here?” Luna was jumping on her tiptoes on the platform sneakers she was wearing, “What if they went to the wrong gate?”
“They didn’t,” Nina and Gastón saw Matteo and Luna’s heads turn towards them and they got up from the bench they had been sitting. “They’re right there.”
“AAAAAAAaaaaaahhhh!” Nina felt Gastón detach his arm from around her, just a few moments before she was tackled into an extremely tight hug. Wasn’t Luna just at the other side of the terminal? Well, maybe she had finally actually learned to fly. “I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!”
“I missed you too.” Nina hugged Luna back, and Luna tightened her grip, so it got hard to breathe for a moment. 
“You look so good!” Luna still kept jumping up and down after she had released Nina, “You have not fully turned into a “posh English lady” on me?” Luna joked.
“No, never,” Nina laughed. She turned to look at Gastón who was just coming out of his own hug with Matteo.
“I honestly can’t believe this! You’re together again. True love really conquers all!” Luna gushed after tackling Gastón in a hug as well. 
“I am with her,” Matteo laughed, “I honestly needed to see this in person, so now I can fully believe it.”
“You need a demonstration?” Nina saw Gastón smirk before his arm wrapped around her pulling her into a kiss. 
“So, you are looking very well,” Matteo nudged Gastón with his elbow. They had separated from the girls at first when they had arrived at campus because Luna had wanted to see Nina’s room. “Such a different tune from the fall.”
“Well, it is hard to mask how happy she makes me.” Gastón smiled as he opened the door to his room. Oliver and Jacob had left to their homes earlier during the week.
“And everything that comes with it?” Matteo raised an eyebrow suggestively as he sat down.
“Well, I don’t have any reasons to complain,” Gastón nodded his head, “She’s amazing, in any way imaginable. Even though I do sometimes fear that Nina’s mother is getting ready to wring my neck for what we have been doing, like she probably would have when Nina was 17.”
“Are you in a relationship if you are not scared of your in-laws?” Matteo laughed, “Oh, I can finally say this in person. Congratulations, you’re no longer acting like an idiot!”
“You been waiting for a long time to say that huh?” Gastón punched Matteo lightly on the shoulder.
“Yes!” Matteo punched him right back, “I have been watching you to be the biggest mess in your life when it has come to Nina for FOUR years now… it’s finally over! I am just so happy about you two being happy.”
“I mean, I could say the same about you and Luna—” Gastón was interrupted by the door opening. Had he not locked it and the girls were coming… No, they would have heard them afar.
“I thought you left in the morning?” Gastón asked as James suddenly walked through the door.
“Series of unfortunate events… because I don’t have a car,” James leaned on the doorframe, “Dad’s picking me up…” James moved his eyes in the room and finally noticed Matteo, “...I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had company. Wait… are you Matteo?”
“En vivo y en persona.” Matteo got up from the bed, while eyeing James verily. Gastón had not really considered how this meeting would go down before this moment. Matteo out of principle wasn’t the biggest fan of Gastón’s other friends —whom he had never met until now— because he was a bit territorial about their friendship. On the other hand, Matteo did know that what he and Gastón had was never going to be broken. 
“Matteo, be nice.” He said in Spanish.
“I am always nice,” Matteo rolled his eyes before offering his hand to James and switching to English, “Matteo Balsano, Gastón’s best friend.”
“James Wilson,” James shook Matteo’s hand, “Nice to finally meet you, since I have heard a lot about you. Plus, I have heard you multiple times, but never understood what was being said.”
“Yeah, Spanish can be a hard language to master… But I managed to do it once upon a time.” Matteo deadpanned. Gastón found this scene purely comical.
“So, you are flying to Buenos Aires in the evening?”
“Yeah,” Gastón answered James, “Matteo and his girlfriend flew here from Italy, so we can go back together. Nina’s showing her around.”
“Oh yeah, you finally got to meet her,” James directed his words to Matteo who threw Gastón a side glance. “I am sure you have heard all about everything to do with Nina, so you definitely can agree that it definitely was such a relief that Gastón stopped being an idiot.”
“Yeah, I have a lot of experience with him being an idiot when it comes to girls. Nina’s no exception” Matteo started saying, his side eye towards Gastón growing “But yep, I have met her… for the first time.”
“Don’t oversell it,” Gastón said to Matteo in Spanish so James couldn’t hear. “We should probably go find the girls.” 
“James, I see you at the fall.” He patted James on the back as he and Matteo walked out of the door.
“How long are you gonna keep this up?” Matteo questioned as they were walking down a hallway, “These guys still don’t know about your crazy quest for the invisible internet girl?”
“Or that I knew her before at all,” Gastón shook his head, “I even told them that Luna’s name is Sol, because otherwise, it would look quite weird that my best friend's girlfriend has the exact same name as Nina’s best friend.”
“You do know that you need to tell them someday,” Matteo continued, “You can’t lie to save your life, so I am surprised that anyone has ever bought this. They’ll find out during the wedding anyway.”
“When have you become this wise?” Gastón nudged Matteo with his elbow.
“I have always been like it,” Matteo shrugged laughing, “But don’t change the subject. They need to know before the wedding.” He looked at Gastón smirking, “What? We both know that that’s the endgame here. Not like you haven’t thought about it.”
“Of course, I have.” Gastón smiled. He had thought about it, maybe a little too much for only being 20, but he couldn’t help it. That was the only future he saw in his mind. “But, we've only been together again for a little over a month. We can’t just pick up where we left off and were young. Nina’s 19. Ana would actually kill me. I guess there is no rush, if we're being realistic here. It’s not like you have any proposal plans yet either.” 
“Hey! We were talking about you!” Matteo pointed a finger at Gastón.
“It’s really good to have you back!” Gastón started laughing.
“You too,” Matteo hugged him suddenly, “I honestly missed you, a lot.”
“Are your roommates here?” Luna asked while skipping ahead of Nina in the stairwell.
“No, I told you, Marlee and Ariana went home earlier this week.” Nina explained as she opened the door to the level where her room was located. 
“Awww, thats sad.” Luna hung her head as they walked on a hallway, “They sound awesome, I would like to meet them.”
“I am sure you will,” Nina said as she opened her dorm room’s door.
“Uuuuuuu, this room is nice,” Luna gushed as they walked into the room. It was a little more bare than normal as Marlee and Ariana had taken most of their things home. “But have you been staying here alone now that they’ve gone?”
“No, I haven’t been staying here,” Nina said as she sat on her bed. “Gastón’s roommates are also gone, so I have been spending the night there.”
“Oh, right,” Luna said while jumping next to Nina, “So, do you need any help with packing?”
“I got everything sorted out yesterday,” Nina said while pointing to the suitcase next to the bed. That had been one of the only times she had actually been back in her room after Oliver and Jacob had been gone. Staying in separate rooms with Gastón didn’t make any sense when they weren’t forced to do it.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. 
“Are we going to eat or what?” Matteo and Gastón appeared through the door, “I am starving.”
Nina and Gastón were sitting at the table with Ana. They had arrived in Buenos Aires the morning the day before and stayed at Gastón’s house. Nina’s mom had insisted that they come to have lunch with her as soon as they arrived. 
Ana knew about them already, Nina had told her parents pretty soon after they had talked to Gastón’s parents. Their friends at Buenos Aires on the other hand… still had no idea, but they had a plan… or part of it. After they were done with Ana they were going to meet with Luna and Matteo at the mansion. 
According to their plan, Simon and Ambar would be the first ones to be told. Luna and Matteo had told them that Nina would be visiting. After that, they would figure out how to tell the others. 
“Isla and Marco must be happy to have you back,” Ana said addressing Gastón. 
“Well, they would be,” Gastón laughed, “If they were here. They’re in Columbia. They were actually quite mad, that we were coming back while they were gone. But they’ll be back next week, and I will get no peace.”
“Well, I understand them quite well,” Ana turned toward Nina, “I would be the same way if you came back while I wasn’t here.”
“Well, you never travel anyway,” Nina rolled her eyes, “So you don’t need to worry about that.”
“Why would I want to travel? Ana continued, “There is plenty of justice in need to serving right here in Buenos Aires. Not like your father, who seems to be very at home at Miami.”
“You know Dad’s very happy there,” Nina responded, “What would he need to be here anyway? I’m not here. Oh, did you get those boxes I asked for?”
“Yes, I did.” Ana said, “What do you need them for?”
“I need to sort out my stuff so I can ship some of it over.” Nina answered. She had thought she had already explained this to Mom. “I am not going to be gone forever. We talked about this. Just until I am done with my degree. If you feel lonely you can just say so.”
“Actually, have you talked to Mora lately?”
“No, not really,” Nina furrowed her brow. 
“Well, she’s coming back from Milan.” Ana smiled.
“What are you looking at?” Nina asked as she walked back to her room after grabbing couple things from downstairs. Her mother had left to meet a client so Nina and Gastón had been left alone. They had few hours before they had agreed to meet up with Luna and Matteo. 
Gastón had been standing in front of her nightstand looking at something. Nina walked behind him. He was holding the framed picture from her graduation with everyone, in his hand.
“You were very beautiful,” His head turned towards her for a moment. There was clear sadness in his eyes. “I should have been there.”
“No one can blame you for not being,” Nina wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him from behind. “You were across the ocean and had a lot of things going on. Renishaw is more than a formidable place to have an internship at as a freshman and look where it has gotten you now.”
“That's what I said to Matteo, but I was lying,” Gastón put the photo back down, “If I would have tried, I could have come to see your performance live at the River Live Fest, Luna’s party, and to your graduation. Mom and Dad have miles for the rest of my life… I just couldn’t do it. It wouldn’t have been fair to you and… I couldn’t have borne to see you, with him.”
“I can’t blame you for that either.”
“He’s not in this picture.”
“I broke up with him the day before,” Nina explained. She still felt guilty when she thought of that. “So, he obviously didn’t show up. I don’t know what happened with him afterward, except that he doesn’t work at Roller anymore. Maybe it’s for the best that we don’t see each other, I hurt Eric way too much for it to be fair for us to be friends.”
“You could never hurt anybody.” Gastón turned around and ran his finger on Nina’s cheek. 
“But I have, and probably will in the future.” Nina shook her head before looking into his eyes, “Why are we even talking about my ex? There’s no point to that, he’s gone, and I am in love with you. I only hope that he is happy, the way I am.”
Gastón pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around Nina as she leaned her head on his chest. Her mind turned to peaceful almost at once. 
“So, I am pretty sure your stuff isn’t going to pack itself,” Gastón said looking around in Nina’s room. “Are you taking those photos?”
“Should I?” Nina asked looking at her nightstand, “Did you pack the ones you have from your graduation?”
“Yes. I thought I’d take that whole album.” Gastón nodded, “It’s just something nice to have. Those are good pictures.”
“I agree,” Nina said, turning her head, “I’ll look through some of the books I have here, see if I wanna take any.”
She was leaning forward on the bookcase when she felt fingers trace down on her spine. 
“What are you doing?” She turned around and Gastón’s arm grabbed her tight around the waist. 
“Well, just a thought. I did some calculations, and we have more than plenty of time on our hands and your mother’s gone…”
“We were supposed be packing.” A smile formed on Nina’s lips as his hand moved to her hip, caging her against the wall next to the bookcase. She had no actual intention of fighting his intentions, she had truthfully thought about it herself. Gastón was just the one who acted on more daring impulses faster.
“We can 100 percent get it done, but now that we’re alone, and will probably be hounded by everyone the rest of the day when we get to the mansion.”
“Welcome!” Luna and Matteo were waiting for them at the mansion’s gate when Gastón drove his car up to the gate.   
“Is everything in order?” Nina asked Luna as they started walking across the garden.
“Yes,” Luna was practically bouncing. “Simon and Ambar are thinking that just Nina is coming.”
“Pedro’s not here,” Matteo continued, “He’s out with Delfi, house hunting. Or not house hunting exactly but looking for an apartment so they can move in together.”
“Oh, I just love surprises!” Luna jumped up. 
“Lets just hope it’s a good one,” Gastón ran his hand on the back of his neck. He had been detached from the rest of the group, you couldn’t get around that fact, so he was a little nervous. 
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Luna looked at him. “When has love not been good news?”
“Well, it will be a surprise,” Nina reached to take Gastón’s hand, “No one knows that we even ended up at the same campus.”
“I can’t wait to see Simon’s face,” Matteo laughed. 
“I’m excited!” Luna jumped again as they got to the door.
“Here we go,” Gastón shared a look with Nina and tightened his grip on her hand as Luna opened the door and four of them walked inside the mansion. The hall was empty. 
“Hey!” Luna yelled inside the house and winked an eye to the others, “SHE’S HERE!”
After a moment, footstep started approaching them.
“Nina’s here already?” Ambar, wearing pastels once more, emerged from direction of the kitchen, Simon behind her. “So great that you’re back…”
Ambar’s voice trailed off as Gastón felt both of hers and Simon’s eyes focus on him. Amber clearly was attempting to minimize the shock on her face.
Simon on the other hand did not even try: “What?”
“You need to tell us everything,” Ambar said once everyone was sitting down at the mansion’s living room. “I mean, we knew nothing about this at all.”
“Well, it’s a long story,” Gastón said looking at Nina, “We will probably never know how this happened, but someone somewhere was clearly on my side. I have mentioned my friends before, Jacob, Oliver, James, but important to this are Ariana and Marlee.”
“Who just happened to be my roommates,” Nina continued, “So it was kind of impossible to avoid each other.”
“We bumped into her on the first day, not that I knew that Nina was there, Matteo.” Gastón shot a side-eye towards his best friend, “So I thought I was hallucinating for a second. But that being said, it was just impossible to stay away from her. Should have known that from the other times I tried that. It’s impossible.”
“We all know that fighting against something that is inevitable has no use,” Simon said draping his arm around Ambar. 
“But you kept this under wraps really well,” Ambar continued, “I mean, I am gonna be honest here, many of us, me included were curious of what would become of you now that Nina had come to Oxford, but then we heard nothing.” Then she suddenly turned toward Luna and Matteo, “I also can’t believe that you two knew about this and somehow kept it secret.”
“I can keep a secret.” Luna protested. 
“Well, yes, you can, but I thought you would have been bouncing off the walls.”
“She was, trust me.” Matteo remarked, “Not like they told us right away either, though.”
“It was two weeks,” Gastón rolled his eyes, “And you were the first to know before anybody else.”
“How did your other friends react?” Simon asked. 
“Well, thats the thing,” Gastón smiled shortly, “They do not know. I mean they know that were together and I had to deal with month of nagging about needing to ask Nina out, not just from Matteo. All they know that I had a girlfriend in Buenos Aires who I left… they don’t know that Nina’s the same person.”
“Seriously?” Simon and Ambar looked astonished, “That kind of secret is almost impossible to keep.”
“They don’t speak any Spanish, so we don’t need to worry about saying something and being overheard,” Nina started talking. Gastón slid his arm on her waist, lacing his left-hand fingers with hers. “We know that we need to tell them at some point, but don’t exactly know how. Yet anyway.”
“It is one step at the time, right now.” Gastón continued, “Right now, we need to tell you all that we’re back together. You we’re the first ones after Luna and Matteo, then there are the rest.”
“Do you have any plan for that?” Luna asked, “Because Ramiro took Jim and Yam to Chile.”
“Thats the problem, not everyone is even here.” Nina breathed.  
“I might have an idea,” Ambar perked up suddenly. 
“All the help is welcomed.”
“Okay good,” Ambar continued, “Unlock your phones and give them to me.”
“Okay…” Gastón and Nina handed their phones to Ambar. 
“So, I trust, when the case is two of you, that you have pictures.” Ambar looked very focused, “Preferably one where you are kissing.”
“Yes, we do.”
“Perfect. Now everyone else, mute the group chat.” Ambar chucked her own phone to Simon. “So, I have your permission to do this?” She looked at Nina and Gastón. 
“Great,” Ambar smiled and handed them their phones back. “Now everyone will definitely know within the hour. If I have learned anything from Delfi and Jazmin, it is that news travel quickly.”
“Well, now that thats done, tell me everything about Oxford.” Ambar continued, “It must be so beautiful.”
“It truly is,” Nina started saying, “I feel like I have learned more during this year than I have in my whole life. The language was a bit challenging at first, but I am starting to get the hang of it.”
“She is already showing signs of a British accent,” Gastón turned to look at her, “So she is definitely getting the hang of it.”
“Those two won’t speak any Spanish anymore once they return to us for good,” Matteo laughed. 
“Well, we’ll see in four years.” Gastón rolled his eyes again toward Matteo.
“Four years?” Simon questioned.
“Until I graduate,” Nina explained. 
“Are you coming back then too?” Ambar looked at Gastón. “I thought you’d be doing a PhD.”
“Oh no, I am not doing that,” He shook his head, “I did think about it at some point, but no. It would be way too much effort right now and masters in science and technology from Oxford will get me way ahead in life already. I can get that doctorate later if I want, but I don’t wanna spend all my twenties studying. There are other things I want out of life.”
“I am just going to sit here and pretend to know what you are talking about,” Simon laughed, “I was talking to Mom the other day and happen to mention that two of my friends go to Oxford and for a moment she did not believe that I have winded up in the such sophisticated crowd, especially with Ambar at law-school. Rico and Julio, my brothers, flat out didn’t believe me.”
“Well, everyone has their own paths,” Nina nodded, “How are you doing with Pedro and the band?”
“Still figuring it out,” Simon grimaced, “But we’re optimistic. It is really not the same with no Nico.”
“Nico still having fun at New York?” Matteo crossed his arms, “We haven’t heard of him in a while.”
“Thats the thing,” Simon continued furrowing his brow, “I am not sure… He and Ada have not worked out.”
“Maybe he’ll come back then!” Luna piped up. 
“We can hope that.” Simon shook his head smiling. 
“Lot of people are coming back now,” Ambar said looking down, “I mean I came back from pretty much oblivion… and honestly I should thank you.” She turned to look at Gastón. “You don’t need to be this nice to me, last we saw each other I was skating for the Sliders.”
“Actually, it was during the Open,” Gastón responded. Honestly, he didn’t see any reason to be mad at Ambar. He had heard many good things about how she had turned things around. 
“I have been trying to compartmentalize the Red Sharks out of my mind.” Ambar closed her eyes.
“Well, it doesn’t matter. We’re fine. I have known you for a long time, and honestly proud of you.”
“How long have you known each other?” Simon leaned forward, curious.
“Since third grade?” Ambar counted with her fingers, “I am not doing the math right now. I went my whole comprehensive schooling at La Hoja de roble.”
“And I started there when I was nine,” Gastón added, “So yeah, third grade checks out. If I remember correctly both Delfi and Jazmin both started there in the fifth grade.”
“Did you go to that school as well?” Luna asked Matteo.
“Yep, I started there at eighth grade. Probably like a week or two after the semester actually started, because Dad’s moving schedule of course couldn’t possibly let me start school like a normal person.”
“Yep, I saved your skin during the chemistry class.” Gastón laughed. 
“Thats not what happened!” Matteo countered. “I had it under control.”
“It didn’t look like it,” Gastón shook his head, “You were absolutely lost with Mr. Patrena’s whiteboard.”
“He was the worst,” Ambar huffed, “How anybody ever learned anything from his classes, is beyond me.”
Suddenly they heard the noise of mansion’s door opening. 
“Have you seen this—??!!” Delfi walked through the door, Pedro trying to keep up with her pace behind her, her phone in her hand. They both stopped in their tracks as they saw everyone at the living room. 
“Yes, we have,” Ambar spoke first, “Live, actually.”
“It really is true?” Delfi and Pedro turned to look at Gastón and Nina. 
The Team of Jam&Roller
Ramiro: What?
Jim: IIIiiiiiiIIIIIiiiiIII!! 💗💜💚💙💛
Yam: Omg!!💙💙💙💙
Ramiro: Cool
Jazmin: I need an interview now!
Gastón: No.
Nina: No
Hey! Has anyone been missing the Roller Crew? Well, don't worry, we got them back for a chapter because I miss them too. The reason why I made Simbar to be the first to find out about Gastina is because they will have a strong friendship with each other in my canon. This was the start. Little spoiler here, but you'd know this if you've red SI: Simon and Ambar will come to attend Gastón's graduation, and they will eventually become the godparents to Gastón and Nina's second child. Plus, Simbar with Lutteo are the ones who have had to face the odds when it comes to their love, and they are the Holy Trinity of Ships, who need to be a trio. You know how I feel about that if you read MOT. Also Gastón and Ambar, having known each other the longest, is a nod to Aliados, a show which Agustin and Valentina were both in before Soy Luna (They actually played love interests, and yes it was trippy).
And for my Swifty readers, I know that you always find a way back home is technically not a Taylor song, but she did write it so fair game
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Happy Pride Month
Here are some of my favorite canon and non canon LGQBT CHARACTERS.
@assim-eu-sou @putonmyfavoriteshow @weirdthoughtsandideas @time-never-waits-for-me @countessofravenclaw
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years
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The way they are literally Karma and Amy from Faking It. Heck even Yam and Amy have the same letters.
(Ie. Karma is so obsessed with her lame boy crush she convinces her best friend to fake date her to gain popularity and win him over which Amy does because she’s a lovesick fool who realizes she’s in love with Karma)
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taleofharrison · 2 years
Back in my Soy Luna bullshit
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113poemas · 2 years
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esuemmanuel · 1 year
A diario se me recuerda de alguna manera lo extraño que soy para este mundo; lo diferente, lo único, lo ajeno. Cada día el universo me hace abrir los ojos con dolor y sorpresa ante la realidad de lo que es ser un ser humano; ese ente material, sujeto a la tangilibilidad y propenso a las leyes universales de la física. Me duele ¿sabes? Me duele lo que me hace ver la realidad. Me duele darme cuenta de lo raro que soy. Me duele tener el mal de la imaginación, del sentimiento, de la emoción... Me duele amar lo intangible y trabajar para traerlo al papel en la palabra escrita. Me duele tener presente que soy más que un pedazo de carne que se mueve, que piensa, que respira... ¿Que por qué me duele? ¡Porque no hay nadie como yo! ¡No hay nadie, puta madre, como yo! No hay nadie que cierre los ojos y busque ver el alma... No hay nadie que abra las manos y se entregue ciegamente a la palabra... No hay nadie que olvide su nombre, su cuerpo, su apellido, su casa para perderse en la plenitud de lo incorpóreo, en eso que sólo puede ser visto con los ojos del espíritu... ¡No, no hay nadie, carajo! Estoy solo en este mundo... He estado solo desde que nací, porque nací enfermo... Nací enfermo de luna, de aire, de éter, de sueños, de imaginación y de irrealidad. ¡Me duele! ¡Oh, me duele! Y nadie, claro que nadie, lo va a poder entender, porque no son yo... No tienen en los ojos las nubes del cielo ni en las manos las plumas de las aves... No tienen en el pecho el latido de una fuente que no deja de verterse en agua... No tienen en el plexo el fuego del mañana, de ese sol que arde buscando quemar con sus rayos la oscuridad que me castra... Me duele ser un alma que no sabe ser un cuerpo, que no sabe ser un nombre, que no entiende de necesidades físicas ni materiales... No hay día que el mundo no me lo recuerde y me haga sentir un alienígena... He querido aprender a ser humano, pero, fallo... Siempre fallo... Porque mi alma no fue hecha para este mundo y eso, carajo, duele aceptarlo.
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Every day I am reminded in some way of how strange I am to this world; how different, how unique, how alien. Every day the universe makes me open my eyes with pain and surprise at the reality of what it is to be a human being; that material entity, subject to tangibility and prone to the universal laws of physics. It hurts me, you know? It hurts me what makes me see reality. It hurts me to realize how rare I am. It hurts me to have the evil of imagination, of feeling, of emotion... It hurts me to love the intangible and to work to bring it to paper in the written word. It hurts me to keep in mind that I am more than a piece of flesh that moves, that thinks, that breathes, because there is no one like me! There is no one, motherfucker, like me! There is no one who closes his eyes and looks for the soul… There is no one who opens his hands and gives himself blindly to the word… There is no one who forgets his name, his body, his surname, his home to lose himself in the fullness of the incorporeal, in that which can only be seen with the eyes of the spirit… No, there is no one, damn it! I am alone in this world… I have been alone since I was born, because I was born sick…. I was born sick of moon, of air, of ether, of dreams, of imagination and of unreality. It hurts me! Oh, it hurts me! And nobody, of course nobody, will be able to understand it, because they are not me…. They do not have in their eyes the clouds of the sky, nor in their hands the feathers of birds…. They do not have in their chest the beat of a fountain that never stops pouring water…. They do not have in the plexus the fire of tomorrow, of that sun that burns seeking to burn with its rays the darkness that castrates me…. It hurts me to be a soul that does not know how to be a body, that does not know how to be a name, that does not understand physical or material needs… There is not a day that the world does not remind me of it and makes me feel like an alien… I have wanted to learn to be human, but, I fail… I always fail… Because my soul was not made for this world and that, damn, it hurts to accept it.
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 8 months
Sat and thought ”would the DCLA shows work in Sweden?”
And, yes: The general premises I think would be here, but there would be some factors that has to be changed.
Violetta moving around a bunch as a kid would work, but here’s the thing: Homeschooling is illegal in Sweden.
Ok, maybe ”illegal” is not the right word, but to be homeschooled you need to do a LOT of work to even be considered. You need a very special reason, for example, you have special needs and can’t work in a normal classroom. And even then, there’s schools specialized for that, and there’s an option to start schools that have smaller groups of students in the first place.
It’s also that, when starting high school, you choose a certain programme with alignments what you wanna focus on. Science, social studies, languages, etc. There is ofc also performing arts high schools. Although, in difference to the Studio, these schools still have normal subjects like math, languages and stuff. But, On Beat Studio is some college-high school hybrid that doesn’t make sense anyway.
Now, going to high school is not even mandatory, although nowadays, you’re kinda screwed if you don’t go to high school as the job opportunities are way fewer. So, it could be that Germán when they move to Sweden is like ”well high school is not mandatory, so you can just have private tutors for these final years <3” and then find a loophole with the homeschooling and get away with it. In that case, Violetta could sneakily get away and go to a performing arts school and essentially everything would be the same. Youmix is ofc unrealistic that it would happen, but wouldn’t that be unrealistic everywhere? 😉
With Soy Luna, I wanna say right off the bat: Yes, there are roller skate rinks, but roller skating outside will only work during some specific months. This is because we are a country that has snow and ice, which means there is gravel on the ground for half of the years. It’s also more common to have figure skating on ice here (and I have heard that SL originally was supposed to be about ice skating but it got too complicated). I have googled in the past that Sweden has roller derbys, so if they have figure skating on roller skates then maybe some little rink club arranges that too. I honestly think SL makes roller skating seem like a bigger sport than it actually is (although someone in South America is ofc allowed to correct me on that). I’m just saying, I think more of the skating will happen inside if this takes in Sweden, as if it’s outside then it needs to literally be summer for that to be possible.
Blake will also be a little different. First off: School uniforms are not a thing. We don’t have private schools like that (literally, private schools are still free, they just don’t have to follow the normal school corriculum like public schools do). But we of course have schools that are more prestigous and ”snobby”. And in high school, that is about what programmes you have chosen. Most schools have several programmes, and while you’re mostly with your own class taking the mandatory classes for the specific programme, there’s also optional classes like photography and drama that mixes classes and even different grades (just like we saw in S1 of the show). I think Ámbar, Jazmin, Delfi, Matteo and Gastón go the economy programme. Ramiro does not really feel like an economy guy, I’m picturing him more of a humanitary or social programmes guy. Luna, Nina, Jim and Yam def go the humanitary programme. This programme has alignments of culture and language (i think all four lean more into culture). Also, it’s only mandatory to take maths for one year, which I think Luna, Jim and Yam appreciate a lot (although, you can take a higher level math as an optional class if you want to, it gives credits for University, and I think Nina def took optional higher level math classes the other years). The reason I also picked this for them is because I myself took the humanitary programme in high school and the four girls reminds me a lot of my own friendgroup back then (my friend even legit had a similar situation happen to her like Nina with Eric i’m not kidding).
Now, the adoption plot is a little complicated here. In Sweden, adoption from inside the country is extremly hard. We don’t really have your standard orphanages anymore where people just come and adopt a child (last one like that was in the 1960s). Adoption is also extremely hard because the government thinks so much about ”the biological parents”. Most adoptions done here happens overseas… So, the Sol plot is a bit complicated. Roberto can’t really just drop her off at an orphanage. He’d either have to drop her off at a hospital and the adoption goes from there (often if adoption happens in Sweden nowadays, it’s if someone gives up their child at birth. Sol is not left at the hospital at birth, but idk). He could have also left the country again and put her in an orphanage overseas. It is possible that he actually went with her to Mexico and put her in an orphanage there, and then Monica and Miguel were a couple from Sweden adopting her from Mexico, or they already lived in Mexico and adopted her and then moved to Sweden. I think they are in Sweden before they get the opportunity to work for Sharon, as they’d need to speak the same language.
Now, there is not several countries in which you speak swedish, like you speak spanish in LA. No, you speak swedish in Sweden (and parts of Finland). So, instead of having different accents from different countries, you have different accents from different parts of the country. And I have decided that Luna and Simón live in Gothenburg. This is because there are beaches there, and also because when I think of a swedish equivalent of Simón I think of someone who speaks in a west coast/gothenburg accent. Then Sharon comes and asks the Valente family to come work for her in Stockholm, and so they move there. The rest of the plot of SL would work out pretty similarly lol.
Bia is the one that needs to be changed the least, if barely at all. The only thing really to change is that Moondust were roadtripping to Norway or Denmark or Finland instead of Brazil. At first I thought Bia could be half swedish half norwegian or half swedish half finnish. But actually? She can still be half brazilian, it would not really change super much.
Also, Fundom is a space they go to on their free time. Since we don’t see the Bia characters go to school, nothing about that needs changing. Fundom could still very much exist in Sweden and have teens and young adults work and hang around there. The plot would still work out perfectly!
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iridescentis · 8 months
if we were in the soy luna universe and all the characters that ended up getting famous (which is really up to your hcs) which would you most likely be a fan of?
because i imagine that matteo, the roller band and yam have successful music careers, luna and ramiro have successful skating careers, nina is a successful author, jazmín is a successful media/drama youtuber and everyone else doesn't really involve themselves directly with fame
so personally, i would most likely be a casual fan of the roller band and maybe yam but i would probably know of jazmín just from being on the internet, the rest not so much
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saras-dcla-events · 1 year
Are you ready to Jam?
I've been talking about this for quite some time now, and finally it's ready!
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They did this poster all by themselves be nice /hj
Jim and Yam is probably the most well known wlw ship from Soy Luna. However, there's surprisingly little fancontent for them. Sure, people do some posts every now and then, but when it comes to doing stuff like art and fics (fics especially), I've noticed quite a lack for it. It's like, yeah, people appreciate them, but they aren't the ones people prioritize first - which also makes them kind of underrated even when it's a well-popular ship, haha. Though, I feel like there has been lot more of them in the past year than there has been since literally the show started, and I wanna continue on that trail.
So, for a week, starting Monday September 25th and ending on Sunday October 1st , there will be Jam (or if you prefer them by JimYam) content every day! I thought a long while when to put it, and I did want it to be in september, and I remembered that on the 26th, it's the 2 year anniversary since I for the first time saw Soy Luna, so this would be perfect!
This week is made first and foremost for myself, so I can have an excuse to talk and make a bunch of content for them, but you are all very welcome to join in and create content as well! Anything from fics, art and edits to simple headcanon posts are welcomed! And, since this ship is non-canon, you are totally permitted to just depict them as platonic if you choose to make something for the event. Jamweek celebrates Jim and Yam, and that includes their relationship in all shapes and forms! Now, every day has a theme...
Day 1 is Past. This refers to literally anything taking place before the show. Maybe how Jim and Yam met. Maybe what they did during their summer vacation before season 1. Maybe some day in middle school where something happened to them. The imagination can and will run wild about their past. You can also be so wild and put them in another time entirely, set in the past. Wanna make a 50s AU? Sapphic 1800s AU? Past can mean a LOT of things!
Day 2 is School. Jim and Yam are at school a lot, so lots of things can happen to them there. Did they get up to some adventures at Blake? Maybe it takes place in the past again, this time in their elementary or middle school. Or perhaps at the university they both got in to? The things that can happen in a school setting is endless!
Day 3 is Skate. Roller skating time! Or, well, it just says "skate", so you can be wild and let it be like a skateboard or something instead. Are they practicing for a competition or are they just out skating for fun? Maybe they're trying a new move, or skate at an unknown place, causing things to not go as planned... we'll just see!
Day 4 is Date. How fun! Are they going on a date, or perhaps is it a date on the calendar they have to memorize for some reason? Maybe someone's birthday date, or the date when they will have their date! Haha! And if they're going on a date, what do they do? It feels like Jim and Yam can do a lot on their date!
Day 5 is Song. Is it a song someone sings? Is it a karaoke night? Maybe a song they hear on the radio that sparks a significance? Is someone of them writing a song? Songs can do a lot!
Day 6 is Secret. Who has a secret? Is it one of the girls? Is it someone else's secret they have to keep? Will we find out the secret or is it too secret for anyone to know? So many mysteries!
Day 7 is Future. What lies ahead in Jim and Yam's future? What are their careers? Are they married? Do they have kids? Pets? What's going on with them? Let's explore that!
Hope you're as excited as I am, because I will make so many jam-puns you will be so sick of it! x)
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
Lunar Eclipse
Lunar Eclipse https://ift.tt/Mby405d by Bellamy759 "Soy un amante, incapaz de satisfacerte por siempre. Por favor, ayúdame a reflejar la visión de mi vida en la luz de la luna roja. Recuerdos sobre ti. Las lágrimas están cayendo aunque sea por un solo breve momento..." ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ✿ ➫ ❥ One-shot/songfic inspirado en la canción "Lunar Eclipse" de "Super Junior"   © All Rights Reserved © Todos los derechos reservados Words: 1543, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Español Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Draco Malfoy / Hermione Granger Additional Tags: Romance, eclipse - Freeform, AU, alternative universe, universo alternativo, Angst, Hope, Esperanza via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/pFOYPBb April 11, 2024 at 02:42AM
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shady-swan-jones · 1 year
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A story in the Soy Luna universe. Simon and Ambar. Season 3.
Ao3 . Wattpad
Wherever Luna Valente is, a buzz of activity surrounds her. She’s in the middle of the cafeteria, chatting animatedly with the Roller Jam team about yet another idea she has for the costumes of their next choreography.
The words glitter and amazing come up more than twice.
Of course they do, Ambar thinks, rolling her eyes. The scene unfolding in front of her, though not unusual, still manages to annoy her. Here she is, buried in her papers trying to keep a whole business afloat, one that provides both everyone's entertainment and several jobs, while sweet, cheerful Luna Valente is picking colour themes like she doesn’t have a care in the world apart from skating. Ambar watches as the group agrees with her ideas, praising her imagination and artistic spirit.
Flowers. She suppresses her inner Miranda Prisley. For spring? Groundbreaking.
Not only they’re shamelessly agreeing with everything her -former- sworn enemy suggests, -that’s what friends are supposed to do- they are doing it in Ambar's face, and loudly. She hasn’t seen that level of excitement since, probably the last time Luna made a suggestion.
Ugh, where can one get some peace around here? Ambar wonders, looking at her folder for answers. The papers stare at her wordlessly, refusing to pick sides. The presence of the calculator mocks her, as if there’s a chance of being able to focus with so much noise around her.
She gathers up her things and gets up to leave, when a body collides with hers sending said cowardly calculator flying around, along with a few papers and a good chunk of Ambar’s dignity. The rest of it slowly evaporates as she looks up to see whose -warm- body impedes her exit.
“Not a fan of the flower painted skates?” Simon asks as he crouches to gather her things. Ambar looks down to see him smiling at her, as if he is amused by her annoyance.
"You know I prefer black and silver”. She answers sarcastically, both knowing her annoyed face isn’t about the skate colour at all. “But there’s no way Luna and her friends could pull them off, so this floral it is”. She motions to take her things as he gets up, his smile meeting her icy gaze.
"I know they can be a lot. You need some quiet to work, right?” he asks, his eyes full of understanding.
She nods, not expecting he’d get her so easily, but again, it’s Simon. Guitarist with a heart of gold. And arms of a greek god, her mind supplies unhelpfully.
"I get it, Ambar. But be nicer, they are brainstorming for the competition”. His eyes are begging her to understand. The competition and Luna are important to him.
"Should they be doing it here? If I listen to one more conversation about tulle I’m going to lose my mind, Simon!” she exclaims, her hand lifting in a desperate attempt to communicate her frustration.
Simon barks a laugh, quickly hiding it behind his hand, as if it would insult his friends. Said friends are deeply engrossed in tulle themed conversation to notice them. His eyes are still shining playfully when they meet hers. The brown orbs are focused on her and it doesn’t fail to nudge that longing in her insides that she constantly tries to push down. Maybe that’s why he does it, maybe he’s aware of the effect his gaze has on her.
Before she gets more lost in her unexplored feelings, Simon interrupts her thoughts.
"They’ll go back to practice in the rink in a few minutes. You’ll have the place almost to yourself. In the meantime, do you want to take a walk around, clear your head? I’ll have a smoothie waiting when you come back.”
Though the idea of space right now is enticing, there’s one thing missing from being perfect.
"Only if you come with me.” His eyes spark as they try to decipher her intentions. “Just a few minutes. You haven’t taken a break yet”. Damn, the last one she shouldn’t have said.
"You’re keeping tabs on me, senorita Ambar”.
"Because I am your boss, Simon.” she clarifies. As if this is the only motive for watching him waiting tables, playing the guitar, laughing at Nico’s jokes and being a goofball all day long. Her goofball, she hopes, someday.
"Right, boss”, he plays along. “Since you’re asking so nicely, I will accompany you.” he motions to Nico that he’s taking a break, ignoring his friend's dagger filled look and they head for the door.
Ambar hides her smile.
They're in this bottomless limbo these days, Simon and her. She had apologized for the secret she kept from Luna, he's trying to figure out if he'll continue to give her chances to prove herself. It seems like every interaction they have has angry undertones and there's a place in her soul that's gaping open, longing for the kind of selfless affection only Simon has ever given her. This new normal they have fallen into is a poor substitute for what she knows they can have again.
Simon's mind seems to be in similar plains. His eyebrows furrow and casts a tentative look in her way.
"This doesn’t mean I have forgiven you, Ambar. Nor that I’ll play along next time you hide something from Luna", he asserts. He casts his sight downwards and Ambar's eyes fall to his necklace. She's dying to ask about the story behind his pendant. Maybe another time, when they're alright again.
"I know, I know, Simon, I am apologizing again-"
"-or cover for you again next time you and your teammates have an evil plan. I am tired of it. I won’t do it to my friends", he says as they cross the street, the tall trees of the park welcoming them.
"You mean you’re tired of me?” She stops walking and looks at him, the vulnerability evident in her eyes. She bares her soul to him, in this moment she’s wide open.
"No, no. I didn’t mean that, Ambar.” He stops and puts a hand to her shoulder to comfort her. It’s a quick gesture, but she feels relieved. “You know I didn’t mean that”, he says quietly, almost to himself. His hand caresses her shoulder once more and returns to his pocket.
They continue walking, a veil of silence upon them. It’s not uncomfortable, Ambar thinks, but this is the park where they had such emotional conversations and the memories it brings are too emotional to ignore. They're walking along the place where she started opening up to him, all those months ago. She remembers the person she was before finding and confiding in him, how alone and powerless she felt. The memory of his kind words and understanding eyes would seem worlds away, if he wasn’t looking at her with the same openness now. Now, after everything she’d done to him and his friends, after him coming face to face with her darkness and being on the opposite side of her evil plans. He still chooses to see the best in her, even now that he has ample evidence of her worst side.
She’s feeling her emotions build up as they walk side by side, looking in front but very aware of each other’s presence. It’s almost surreal that in the eyes of the world they are on completely opposing sides, yet in their own little universe. They’re walking close, in the same direction.
Time to start bridging the gap, Ambar thinks and she feels a spark in her fingers. She closes the small distance between them, and softly caresses Simon's hand, linking their fingers together. She squeezes his hand as her eyes close, basking in the warmth of their link. Simon looks at her surprised, but she’s avoiding her eyes and looks straight ahead. She’s smiling, a secret smile she reserves for private moments. He squeezes her hand back timidly.
"Simon." Their eyes meet. "I know there are many things left to fix between us to even think about the possibility of us. I know I have more apologies to make and steps to take before I’m ready for another chance." He seems surprised by her sudden honesty. "But please, only for the 15 minutes left in your break, let’s pretend we're in that happy place where we've resolved our issues. Let's say we’re there, together. Just the two of us, like this.” she tucks her head on his shoulder, sighting happily. She molds herself to his side, basking in his warmth.
Affection doesn’t come naturally to Ambar, having grown up with a cold and distant mother figure can do that. But with Simon, it felt second nature, his body always responding to her touch.
"Pretend we’re together? Simon asks. The way he holds her, he seems to enjoy the idea of acting the part of a normal couple, without obstacles in their way. He squeezes her hand and whispers “Like a glimpse into the future?”
Hearing the hope in his voice, it almost brings tears to her eyes. This man, this loyal, loving man. She slows down their walking and finally stops in front of him. She searches in his eyes and only finds honesty and longing. They will get through this.
She untagles her hand from his, only to go for a long hug. He immediately envelops her in his arms, resting on her midriff and her hair. Ambar rests her cheek on his chest, hearing the steady thud of his heartbeat. She could stay hours like this.
“Like a glimpse into the future”, she affirms softly. Simon arms squeeze her, the unspoken emotion bursting through his skin. She hasn’t felt safer and lighter than in his arms.
She feels a soft kiss pressed into her hair. For the first time in a while, she lets herself hope.
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countessofravenclaw · 2 years
You just gotta love how Disney Channel depicts Universities and the application process
Disclaimer: I am not American so I don't fully pretend to understand
In the HSM (including HSMTMTS) franchise it is treated as a big decision that you pinder for a long time, because it will be end all be all of your life. You need to leave everything behind because "College is your real life" so don't bother to have any relations or important things in highschool because of it.
In Liv and Maddie it is pretty similar, except you can apparently just enroll in Uni that you never applied to because you quit your TV show
In every other show the main character gets into an Ivy League school without really trying and while dealing with all the other crazy stuff in their life
In Hannah Montana, Stanford makes an exception for you after you already didn't get in because you happen to be an international pop star. But then you reject the spot because you wanna go shoot a movie in Paris, but but you can still enroll in the school after all because you decided so.
And then if we hop over to Latin America...
In Violetta you just don't go to college, because you can go to this performing art school instead with an unclear syllabus and curriculum on when you graduate and what age you actually are and goes bankrupt every other day.
In Soy Luna you can just get into the freaking University of Oxford with an application forged by your girlfriend through identity fraud. And that enrolment into Oxford all the sudden turns into an exchange on your freshmen year that extends your stay with no warning and apparently holds you hostage for the plot convenience. If this doesn't happen to you then you just go to University but don't look like you actually are going since you are too busy fighting authority over a rollerskating rink.
There is probably more, but I have not actualy seen al Disney Channel shows to make more examples... (Feel free to add), but make it make sense you guys.
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watercolorsinmyheart · 8 months
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Characters Named Luna
Luna Loud (The Loud House)
Luna (Brat Universe)
Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Princess Luna (My Little Pony)
Luna Valente (Soy Luna)
Luna Mothews (Monster High)
@weirdthoughtsandideas @assim-eu-sou @countessofravenclaw @calyxthenerd @putonmyfavoriteshow @time-never-waits-for-me
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franleotta · 4 months
Hoy es día patrio y en la patria de hoy día el presidente cantó gritando en el Luna Park y dice que si la gente no llegara a fin de mes, se morirían.
Me sale la insulina alta en sangre como desde hace 2 años pero no puedo dejar de comer mal. Como sano un día y al siguiente me descontrolo. También tengo el colesterol para la mierda y los triglicéridos para el carajo. No he mejorado nada. La endocrinóloga me va a mandar a matar o algo para ahorrarme el futuro. No quiero tener diabetes pero tampoco sé cómo dejar de comer tan emocional cuando busco dopamina. Igual sí hay cambios, solo que muy graduales, trabajé la digestión en constelaciones y eso.
Sábado es el día que toca hoy y además me desperté al mediodía, o cerca ni idea. Mumi me ronroneaba en la cara y me lamía con su aliento a basura rica. India dormía enroscada sobre la almohada de al lado, pegada al colchón sobre la base de madera de la cama, con su abrigo polar de invierno. La noto envejecida en el último tiempo. Los gatos envejecen así, de prepo, bruscamente. Pero yo sé que India va a estar conmigo unos cuantos años más, lo sé, lo siento dentro.
Chiara me tocó la puerta para preguntarme si quería almorzar con ella. No tenemos mucho en la heladera, todo lo que compramos se acaba rápido aunque apenas hagamos una comida al día. Las verduras están carísimas (mil pesos una lechuga). Cocinar para 3 es caro. No sé cómo hacen las familias de 5 o más.
Resaca de porro fuerte encima igual me arrastré para lavarme la cara. La casa estaba dada vuelta: durante la semana no hago tiempo de limpiar y ordenar, apenas termino de trabajar caigo muerto de cansancio con el cerebro frito y solo quiero no pensar ni accionar por horas. Esa es la gran conquista del capitalismo, que no te queden fuerzas para nada más que no sea el sistema productivo de la repetición. Yo sé que hay salida pero no tengo el mismo nivel de energía que otras personas para luchar por los sueños. Sueño mucho y me canso rápido.
Cuando me senté a comer, sentí agradecimiento y pedazos de mi alma volvieron a mi cuerpo en forma de sabores. No te preocupes, me dijo Chiara, cuando terminamos de comer limpiamos. Vos te encargás de la cocina, me indicó, yo de acá y del baño, señaló los pisos mugrientos y sonrió. 
Mi hermana me conoce hace 24 años y sabe cómo calmarme, qué decirme y cómo ayudarme, en todo momento. Es perceptiva, inteligente y empática. Y además, aprendimos a entendernos sin criticarnos. Yo la respeto en su totalidad universal, y ella a mí. No somos iguales y nos amamos por eso.
Aún faltan como 5 días para cobrar y los guantes con los que lavo los platos ya no dan para más (esto es terrible terrible terrible se mete agua se me mojan los dedos me muero del asco), las piedras de las gatas me dicen ayudame loco (Mumi me dejó caca en la puerta de mi pieza aunque les limpio las piedras a cada rato) y no tengo pan desde la semana pasada. Pero me quedaban muchas paltas de cuando fui a recorrer con Teo y Gaby, uno vendía 5 paltas por 2mil, al toque dije, estaban verdes y ahora maduras y cremosas. Así que el otro día cené palta con huevos revueltos.
El tema es que limpiamos todo, olor a rico, nos cambiamos para, gracioso, ir a vernos con nuestros novios. Teo estaba con una migraña fulera de esas que no lo dejan ni pensar. Es una maldición en su familia, soy testigo. Le di besos, lo sané con mi amor, ¡se le fue todo!, y además también por  los 2 migrales encima que se tuvo que clavar. 
Me sumé un rato a la clase de regresiones y cruzamos al CaféMartínezNuestroLugarSeguro a merendar. Compras en el Carrefour y se fue al cumple de su amigo. Me mata este pendejo, huele delicioso, me besa increíble, y nos amamos con un amor parecido al de una florcita preciosa brillando bajo un haz de sol que la ilumina y le da calor. Él es ese sol. 
Me quedé en su casa, seguí comiendo para la mierda y pensando. Cómo puedo hacer esto. Cómo puedo ganar más. Cómo puedo construir esto. Siempre así de insoportable: ambiciono la ambición del ambicioso ambiciado. 
Estoy medio en un trance escuchando un set de una que sabe de frecuencias y viajes. La canción dice: el cielo encendido, la noche es perfecta, ven conmigo, ven a bailar, yo le bailo a la luna, y tú baila con las estrellas, ven conmigo a la fiesta.
En la fiesta de ayer me sentí libre. No sé si es de venir laburando la socialización en terapia (obvio que sí es por eso), peeeero no hubo ruido mental anoche. Solo conexión, risas y observación. Además, la luna llena en sagitario nos tenía risueñes. Elles no saben, pero yo sí sé que aportó, lo sentía. Además (segundo), me sentía hermoso ayer. Tenía un gran outfit, un buen peinado, y noté que la gente me miraba. Aún me es indescifrable si a los chicos cis les atraigo, no termino de entender si sí o si no. Me gustaría gustarle a todes. Primero, porque yo mismo gusto mucho de mí.
Me pregunto si existirá la música en los cielos. ¿Únicamente el cerebro es capaz de convertir esas ondas electromagnéticas en algo tan conceptual y consistente como lo es la música? ¿Podrán los espíritus transformarlo de otras maneras? Me parece muy extra necesitar un cuerpo para gozar la música. O mejor dicho: me parece muy extra necesitar un cuerpo. Punto. 
En todo caso, si los espíritus no pudieran escuchar la música (me refiero a las almas, las entidades, todo lo supradimensional con un nivel de conciencia lo suficientemente avanzado para no depender de la materialidad), yo les haría el favor de contarles cómo se sienten las cosquillas musicales en las vértebras de la espalda. Pero ahora que lo pienso, no tienen espalda. Aunque la habrán tenido, en algún momento.
El otro día uno decía que el mejor consejo de postura que le habían dado era el de imaginar que salen láseres desde tus pezones y que apuntás a la cabeza de las personas con esos láseres. Desde entonces, cada que estoy muy inclinado medio friki envuelto hacia el celu, veo los láseres atravesando los cráneos de las personas y pum, espalda recta. 
Menos mal que me quedaron los pezones, bueno, menos mal que me quedó un pezón y medio. Así puedo enderezar la espalda y registrar qué contarle a los espíritus sobre la música esa que se siente con un cerebro humano de esos que se hinchan y dan migraña y luego te tiene que besuquear tu novio resacoso mal alimentado con problemas de socialización.
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