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#BrubrusOfinstagram #NilausAfer ( #Brubru ) SouthAfrica #Bontroklaksman [Afrikaans]; #Broebroe [Dutch]; #BrubruAfricain [French]; Brubru [German]; Brubru [Portuguese] Life > Eukaryotes > Opisthokonta > Metazoa ( #AnimaliaSeria) > Bilateria > Deuterostomia > #ChordataSeria > Craniata > Vertebrata (vertebrates) > Gnathostomata (jawed vertebrates) > Teleostomi (teleost fish) > Osteichthyes (bony fish) > Class: Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish) > Stegocephalia (terrestrial vertebrates) > Tetrapoda (four-legged vertebrates) > Reptiliomorpha > Amniota > Reptilia (reptiles) > Romeriida > Diapsida > Archosauromorpha > Archosauria > Dinosauria (dinosaurs) > Saurischia > Theropoda (bipedal predatory dinosaurs) > Coelurosauria > Maniraptora > #AvesSeria (birds) > Order: #PasseriformesSeria > Family: #MalaconotidaeSeri Genus #NilausSeria Species #NilausAferSeria (Brubru) ,South Africa Distribution and habitat Widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, absent only from the southern half of South Africa (including the Western, Eastern and Northern Capes) and the lowland forest in and around the DRC and West African coast. In southern Africa it generally prefers Acacia savanna, Miombo woodland and Mopane woodland, occasionally occurring in more arid habitats #BrubrusSeria #BirdsSeria #AfricanBirdsSeria #AfricanAnimalsSeria #AfricanBrubrusSeria #SouthAfricanBirdsSeria #SouthAfricanAnimalsSeria #SouthAfricanBrubrusSeria #25November2017Seria #25NovemberSeria #2017NovemberSeria #2017SaturdaySeria #SaturdayNovemberSeria #SaturdaySeria (Birds of South Africa)
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#WarblersOfinstagram #VictorinsWarbler #CryptillasVictorini #Warblers Victorin's warbler Kingdom: #AnimaliaSeria Phylum: #ChordataSeria Class: #AvesSeria Order: #PasseriformesSeria Family: #MacrosphenidaeSeria Genus: #CryptillasSeria Oberholser, 1899 Species: #CryptillasVictoriniSeria (Sundevall, 1860) Synonyms #BradypterusVictorini regram @birdsofsouthafrica Victorin's Warbler (" #Rooiborsruigtesanger ") a tough bird to spot as it's usually in dense fynbos 📸 @theflacksphotography The Victorin's warbler (Cryptillas victorini), or Victorin's scrub warbler is a species of African warbler, formerly placed in the Sylviidae family. It is not closely related to the genus Bradypterus, where it was placed for many years, but instead is placed in a monotypic genus Cryptillas. It is found only in fynbos, the endemic shrubland habitat found in the Western Cape of South Africa. The common name and scientific name commemorates Johan Frederik Victorin (1831-1855), a Swedish traveler who visited South Africa. #BirdsSeria #WarblersSeria #RooiborsruigtesangerSeria #VictorinsWarblersSeria #SouthAfricanBirdsSeria #SouthAfricanAnimalsSeria #AfricanAnimalsSeria #SouthAfricanWarblersSeria #AfricanBirdsSeria #AfricanWarblersSeria #25December2017seria #25DecemberSeria #2017DecemberSeria #2017MondaySeria #MondayDecemberSeria #MondaySeria (Cape Town, Western Cape)
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#WidowbirdsOfinstagram #WhiteWingedWidowbird #Widowbird #EuplectesAlbonotatus #AnimaliaSeria #ChordataSeria #AvesSeria #PasseriformesSeria Order – #PloceidaeSeria Family #EuplectesSeria Genus #EuplectesAlbonotatusSeria Species INTRODUCTION: The White-winged Widowbird is currently included in the subfamily Ploceinae within the large family Plodeidae (weavers). This species is relatively common throughout most of the range in sub-Saharan Africa, and mainly in E, SE and South Africa. It frequents moist or marshy areas and tall grassland where it feeds on seeds of grasses and insects. It is gregarious outside breeding season and may form large flocks at communal roosts. It is resident in its range. The White-winged Widowbird has currently stable population and the species is not globally threatened. DESCRIPTION OF THE BIRD: Biometrics: Length: 14 cm (tail: 8-8,5 cm) Weight: M: 20-27 g – F: 16-24 g The White-winged Widowbird adult male in breeding plumage has black plumage overall including the head. However, on the upperwing, the black primaries have white bases, whereas the secondaries show white bases and narrow buff edges. The lesser coverts are bright yellow and the black median coverts have buffy edges. The black tertials and also primary and greater coverts show broad white edges. This pattern forms a white wing patch conspicuous in flight, with a white and yellow epaulet on shoulder. The fairly long, fan-shaped tail is black. On the underparts, the underwing coverts are white. The bill is blue-grey. The eyes are dark brown. Legs and feet are dark grey. #SubSaharanAfricanBirdsSeria #WhiteWingedWidowbirdsSeria #WidowbirdsSeria #SouthAfricanBirdsSeria #SouthAfricanAnimalsSeria #SouthAfricanWidowbirdsSeria #AfricanBirdsSeria #AfricanAnimalsSeria #AfricanWidowbirdsSeria #BirdsSeria #BlackbirdsSeria #BlackAnimalsSeria #15JanuarySeria #15January2018Seria #2018JanuarySeria #2018MondaySeria #MondayJanuarySeria #MondaySeria (African Love Bird Society)
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#SunbirdsOfinstagram #WhiteBelliedSunbird #CinnyrisTalatala #Sunbirds Kingdom #AnimaliaSeria Phylum #ChordataSeria Class #AvesSeria Order #PasseriformesSeria Family #NectariniidaeSeria Genus #CinnyrisSeria Species #CinnyrisTalatalaSeria White-bellied sunbird Whitebellied Sunbird Sunbird, Bird, Cinnyris, Greater double‑collared sunbird, Amethyst sunbird The white-bellied sunbird (Cinnyris talatala), also known as the white-breasted sunbird, is a species of bird in the Nectariniidae family. It is found in #AngolaBirdsSeria, #BotswanaBirdsSeria, Democratic Republic of the #CongoBrdsSeria, #MalawiNBirdsSeria, #MozambiqueBirdsSeria, #NamibianBirdsSeria, #SouthAfricanBirdsSeria, #SwazilandBirdsSeria, #TanzaniaBirdsSeria, #ZambianBirdsSeria, and #ZimbabweanBirdsSeria White-bellied sunbird Whitebellied sunbird Distribution and habitat Occurs from Angola to southern Tanzania south to southern Africa, where it is common to locally abundant across northern Namibia, northern and south-eastern Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Swaziland and north-eastern South Africa. It generally prefers semi-arid savanna woodland, such as Acacia, bushwillow (Combretum) and riparian thickets, Zambezi teak (Baikiaea plurijuga) and mixed miombo (Brachystegia) woodland. #WhiteBelliedSunbirdsSeria #SunbirdsSeria #AfricanBirdsSeria #BirdsSeria #AfricanAnimalsSeria #AfricanSunbirdsSeria #13December2017Seria #13DecemberSeria 2017DecemberSeria 2017WednesdaySeria (African Love Bird Society)
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