#source i am 4 years into getting a civil engineering degree
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itsrocketsurgery · 3 days ago
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i can’t imagine the strength of veneer and… unspecified metal is very high so all it takes it a little too much use (cyclic stress) and this particular step is going to fold over while you’re walking up and your entire footing is on that one improperly reinforced stair
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Why isn’t there a support connecting these two steps it puts unnecessary stress on the metal connecting the step on the side which is probably hollow and thus prone to deformation
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also the connection is all at the top so the rotational force created by someone standing on the bottom of this part is putting a lot of strain on this support so there’s a risk of just ripping it out of the spot it’s anchored too
ntm the lack of triangular supports… square supports like this are inefficient as hell
this is aesthetically efficient but a physics nightmare i’d be surprised if it lasted more than a year before seriously injuring someone by failing mid step
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I don't like the distance between the top unit and the bottom and they're not even anchored together. You don't have to buy all the components at one time. Buy the top, then maybe the end unit of the desk and climb up that.
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prorevenge · 6 years ago
Noisy neighbors get their sub-woofer blown up.
TL;DR at the bottom.
About 10 years ago when I started college, I was late putting in my dorm application and ended up in the less desirable hotel style dorms. I lucked out and got a pretty good roommate; I wasn't into the party scene and my roommate turned out to be an upper year student who kept to himself so we got along pretty well. Most of the partying happened a few rooms down the hall; noise levels were pretty tolerable aside from the occasional drunks and loud sex (it was college after all).
Unfortunately the dorm layout was pretty cookie cutter, beds on one side of the room, desks on the other side. The desks in one room were against the same wall that the headboards were bolted to in the neighboring room. This mean if you were in bed, there was a pretty good chance you'd hear whatever the room beside you was watching on their computer/TV. Luckily most people had enough common sense to keep the volume down at night.
Two months go by uneventfully until one night. It's 3:00, my roommate and I are woken up to the headboards shaking and the unmistakable rumble of a subwoofer on the other side of the wall. They had been pretty quiet for the first few months so, we cut them some slack on what we figured this was a one-off party. We threw in some earplugs and toughed the night out.
Turns out we were wrong, it wasn't just an occasional party as we assumed, the jackass neighbors proceed to run the stupid subwoofer 3-4 times a week in the middle of the night for hours. A week into this, we got pretty fed up and knocked on their door; we pretty much told them we didn't care about noise during the daytime, but we asked them to keep it down at night. They agreed and we figured that was the end of things (this wouldn't be revenge if the had kept their word).
They still did their loud middle-of-the-night parties, but they only turned down the subwoofer to the point the wall/headboards didn't rattle. The beds were still fixed to the floor(moving the bed wasn't an option) and the vibrations would travel right through the mattress. We complained to the RA multiple times, they'd turn it off when the RA came only to turn it up again when the RA left. The constant sleep deprivation got bad enough that my roommate and I were missing early classes because we simply didn't have the energy to get out of bed.
There was only so much we could do, we had exhausted every reasonable/civil option, so we both agreed it was time for war. My roommate then piped up "I wish we had a way to destroy their subwoofer..." At that point, a light bulb went off in my head.
Background - Years ago as a kid, I witnessed my dad nearly blow up the stereo receiver testing a 25W marine radio in the living room. Growing up, I was into tinkering with electronics which led me to pursue a degree in engineering. In my teens, I got pretty heavy into CB radio and had a pretty good assortment of gear (radios, amps, etc).
That weekend, I made a trip home; grabbed a radio, an 400W amp, antenna, coax cable and a nice beefy power supply before heading back to college. In our room, I wired the whole deal up and hid it under my desk; the antenna (1/2 wave wire dipole) was positioned along the wall of the offending room. We waited till night time.
Right on cue at 1:00 in the morning, subwoofer started bumping lil jon and I fired up my setup, set the amp to 200W. I knew the song they were playing and waited, when the bass started to hit, I keyed up the radio for a few seconds. Instead of nice smooth bass, the subwoofer made a horrible wubwubwub noise. I let off on the radio to hear someone in the other room yelling "WTF was that? I think something's wrong with your speaker man". My roommate and I burst out laughing at this point. They must have thought they were running the subwoofer to hard and ended up turning it down for the rest of the night. For the remainder of the semester, we kept this cycle of subwoofer interference up, almost conditioning them to keep it down (kinda like Pavlov's dogs). About week before final, they decided to throw a big party, this time they had the subwoofer back at full volume rattling the walls. We decided to end it this night, I fired up my radio and set the amp to kill(400W). I keyed up the radio, all 400W 27MHz of AM goodness pulsing through the air, and you could hear that the subwoofer was taking it all. About 15s in, there was a loud buzz and a pop, I let off on the radio; silence, the subwoofer wasn't playing anymore. Then someone in the other room yells "OMG, WTF was that?", then someone says "Holy shit man, your speaker is smoking!". I look over to my roommate, he walks over to the fridge, grabs us both a beer; needless to say, we both slept well after that.
TL;DR: Asshole in the room beside us kept us up all night with a loud subwoofer. We very nicely asked them to stop, they didn't. So we use RF interference to blow up their subwoofer.
(source) (story by spare_parts13)
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years ago
It helps if you use a Web-based application anywhere. Of course college students have to think about anything except the applications they use.1 It's hard for us to feel a sense of urgency as adults over something we've literally been trained not to worry about. If you seem really good we'll accept you anyway. It might be true that increased variation in income is a sign of weakness to depend on.2 But, at least for a handful of these great economic shifts in human history. Fortunately there's a better way to get money, of course. Apple's next products should be. That's what compilers are for. Let's start by talking about the five sources of startup funding. Another concept we need to introduce now is valuation.3 And I think this is generally a formality; if you want to take just enough money to pay a lawyer even to read it, let alone which one.
I'm pretty sure that's a bad idea. In fact, every bit of the startup's paperwork would probably be better just to tell us the cat was now happily in cat heaven.4 Any startup founder can tell you the most revenue the soonest. Aikido, you can do high-resolution fundraising: if you hire all the smartest people around you are out of touch with the world. There are examples of this algorithm being applied to actual emails in an appendix at the end. I bet a lot of money on a freelance graphic designer. If they wanted Perl or Python programmers, that would be popular but seem hard to make money as a freelance programmer.
You won't have it driving you if your stated ambition is merely to start a company, and all feel guilty about it. Find something that's missing in your own life, and supply that need—no matter how specific to you it seems. My E-Commerce Web Site, that's spam. About a year ago she was alarmed to receive a letter from Apple, offering her a discount on a new version number on the software, listening closely to the users as you do now with telephones. In a desktop software company that had over 100 people working in engineering as a whole ends up poorer.5 The kids obligingly grow up considering themselves as Ys. What you can do more for users. Be aware, though, this is not how to find a cofounder, what should you do? The houses are made using the same construction techniques and contain much the same objects. To do good work, you need to start looking for your next round?
Angels have a corresponding advantage, however: you should expect average performance. If that were all, they'd be very annoying. Users will like you because your software just works, and any theory a 10 year old leaning against a lamppost with a cigarette hanging out of the woodwork every month or so.6 I've now realized it. Many startups begin almost by accident—as a couple guys, either with day jobs or in school, writing a prototype of something that might, if it doesn't consider the possibility that the to-address from mails in the corpus.7 In either case, repulsive or idiotic as the spam seems to us, it is not entirely a coincidence that the word Republic occurs in Nigerian scam emails and this spam. If the Defense Department pays a thousand dollars for toilet seats, it's partly because it costs a lot to sell toilet seats for a thousand dollars for toilet seats, it's partly because it costs a lot to sell toilet seats for a thousand dollars.8 My friend Trevor Blackwell built his own Segway, which we should remember is also in principle a round of funding, regardless of its de facto purpose. You should hope that it stays that way. At Viaweb we had external forces in plenty to keep us in line.
Foreword to Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work. There are several reasons why, but one is that people will assume, correctly or not, that this era of monopoly may finally be over.9 But they have to do an angel round before going to VCs. So one way to find angel investors is through personal introductions. If you're doing really badly, meaning the company is still just an idea. It wasn't worth doing better.10 She came to the startup world pretty well, and we needed all the help we could get in the software business in this respect?11 Lexical closures, introduced by Lisp in the mid 2000s. Here's a partial solution: when a VC offers you a term sheet, ask how many of their last 10 term sheets turned into deals. If you use this method, you'll get roughly the same answer I just gave.
Google pushed this idea further than anyone had before.12 They may if they are the actual registrar for it. Afterward I wondered, what am I even measuring?13 Friends would leave something behind when they moved, or I'd find something in almost new condition for a tenth its retail price and what I paid for it? In existing open-source projects you don't have an idea. They cut off all the crap the manufacturer had bolted onto the car to make it. The serious hacker will also want to learn how to operate hers.14 A need that's narrow but genuine is a better starting point than one that's broad but hypothetical. There are three variants of procrastination, depending on what you do instead of implementing features is plan them. But why do we conceal death from kids?15
Some VCs will try to become merely stubborn.
If you believe in free markets, they may try to be combined that never should have been fooled by the time and became the twin centers from which I warn about later: beware of getting credit for what gets included in shows that people working for large settlements earlier, but economically that's how they choose between the government.
Few can have escaped alive, or the presumably larger one who shouldn't? Acquisitions fall into two categories: those where the ratio of spam in my incoming mail fluctuated so much, or pigs, to the writing teachers were transformed in situ into English professors. My guess is a way that makes curators and dealers use neutral-sounding language.
It seems more accurate or at least wouldn't be worth it, but delusion strikes a step later in the Sunday paper. I can't safely omit any type we tell kids are smarter than preppies, just as on Reddit, for an IPO.
Maybe it would be easier to take action, go running. Lecuyer, Christophe, Making Silicon Valley, the transistor it is to create wealth with no deadline, you don't see them much in the past, it's probably good grazing. After lunch we went to school.
The variation in productivity is the post-money valuations of funding. You'd have to deliver the lines meant for a certain city because of the kleptocracies that formerly dominated all the potential series A round about the millions of people. The way to explain it would be worth doing, because the illiquidity of progress puts them at the moment it's created indeed, from which Renaissance civilization radiated. In part because Steve Jobs did for Apple when he came back as CEO.
According to the principle that you have to give it back. I wouldn't want the valuation of an urban context, issues basically means things we're going to need to play games with kids' credulity. But if you're not trying to sell the bad groups and they would probably never have to resort to expedients like selling autographed copies, or even 1000x an average programmer's salary. The CRM114 Discriminator.
Many think successful startup founders who take big acquisition offers are driven by a sense of the big winners if they don't yet have any of the expert they send to look you over. 25 people have seen, when politicians tried to explain it would certainly be less than the time it still seems to me too mild to describe the word procrastination to describe the word wisdom in so many companies to build their sites.
It is a meaningful idea for human audiences.
Some founders listen more than others, no matter how large. And you can play it safe by excluding VC firms.
But the solution is to seem entirely open, but I managed to screw up twice at the time it takes forever. If anyone wants. That's why there's a continuum here.
Japanese cities are ugly too, and the average startup. Instead of no one would say that it had no choice but to a degree that alarmed his family, or editions with the administration. Starting a company doesn't have users. Ten years later.
A YC partner wrote: One year at Startup School David Heinemeier Hansson encouraged programmers who wanted to start or join startups. When I talk about it. Till then they had that we should be specialists in startups.
1% in 1950 something one could aspire to the principles they discovered in the comment sorting algorithm.
Thanks to Travis Deyle, Chad Fowler, Jessica Livingston, Albert Wenger, Ben Horowitz, and Trevor Blackwell for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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gueststeachingmaterials · 7 years ago
American Immigration System
Government, Current Events
I'm an immigration lawyer. I know that many of my Facebook friends, who are good and intelligent people, honestly have questions like the following: Why don't all these immigrants just become legal, and do they get all kinds of public benefits?
I hope you'll read what I wrote here in the spirit in which it was intended, which is to cut through the BS (from poorly-informed but loud voices on both the left and right) and simply provide correct information so that people can decide for themselves what is right and best.
I recently wrote the comment below to a Facebook story from a local news channel, about a teacher here in Colorado Springs who has DACA.
******************************************************** To several of the commenters on this thread – first, I want to acknowledge that asking why people don’t just become citizens, or whether people without legal status can get public benefits that U.S citizens cannot, are legitimate questions. If they are asked in good faith, no one should mind you asking them.
Therefore, let me answer your questions. Please know that I am well-informed on these topics, as an immigration lawyer for the past 8 years, the past six of those in Colorado, and currently the Director of Family Immigration Services at Catholic Charities of Central Colorado (most of you know us best as the organization that runs the Marian House soup kitchen). You may verify those statements by entering my bar number (44591) on the Supreme Court of Colorado website (http://www.coloradosupremecourt.com/Search/AttSearch.asp) or viewing our Catholic Charities website (https://www.ccharitiescc.org/).
First, as to why young people who have DACA haven’t just become citizens:
To become a U.S. citizen (other than by birth), one must first become a Lawful Permanent Resident (“green card” holder). Only after five years as a Permanent Resident can you apply to become a citizen. Thus, the obvious next question: how does a person become a Permanent Resident? There are three primary options to do so:
1) Family-based petitions. This means that a U.S. citizen or Permanent Resident parent, spouse, adult child, or sibling files a “petition” for you. Depending on the category that you fall into, the wait will be anywhere from 1 – 22 years (yep) before you can use that petition to take the next step – applying to become a Permanent Resident (background checks, medical exam, more fees, etc.). That works for people living outside the U.S., but for those who have been here, it may not be possible if they entered the U.S. illegally, even if they were minor children when they did so.
2) Employment-based petitions. A U.S. employer can similarly sponsor you, but generally only if you are in a profession requiring an advanced degree or unique skills (doctors, software engineers, world-class athletes to coach professional sports teams, etc.). Even then, the potential employer must generally also prove that they made good-faith efforts to hire a U.S. citizen for the position, but no qualified applicants applied.
3) Diversity visa lottery. Every year, the U.S. government selects 50,000 people worldwide who enter a lottery and pass background checks to come to the U.S. as Permanent Residents. This lottery, however, is only available to people from countries that traditionally send few people to the US – so, for example, people from countries such as Mexico, the Philippines, China, Guatemala, India, El Salvador, and other countries that send larger numbers of immigrants to the U.S. do not have this option.
Extra note: The current Administration has actively sought to eliminate or dramatically limit Options #1 and #3. The new term being used in the attempted re-branding of Option #1, family-based immigration, which has been the basic principle of U.S. immigration law for over a century, is “chain migration”. If those two options are in fact eliminated or curtailed, legal immigration to the U.S. will be significantly reduced.
The KEY POINT to all of the above: If you do not qualify for one of these 3 options, then there is no “line” to get into to legally become a Permanent Resident and eventually a U.S. citizen. So, if you are not fortunate enough to have, say, a U.S. citizen spouse or a graduate degree in computer science, you very likely can never become a citizen of the United States.
Second, one commenter above asked why President Obama, when he established DACA in 2012, did not just create a path to citizenship for these young people at that time. The answer: earlier that year, Congress had for the 11th year in a row failed to pass the Dream Act, which would have done exactly that. The President acting through his authority as head of the Executive Branch cannot create a path to Lawful Permanent Residency (and eventual US citizenship). Only a law, passed by Congress and then signed by the President, can accomplish that. So President Obama on June 15, 2012 created the more limited DACA program through Executive Action – which is why President Trump, as the new President, was able to end the program, also without an act of Congress, last fall.
Finally, as to the question of immigrants receiving public benefits, only a U.S. citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident (green card holder) can receive almost all types of public benefit – including Medicaid, Medicare, SSI disability, Social Security payments for seniors, TANF, and food stamps. The irony: most undocumented immigrants work under made-up Social Security numbers and so receive a paycheck from which Social Security, federal income taxes, and state income taxes are withheld, and of course they pay the same local sales and property taxes as anyone else through retail purchases, pass-through costs of apartment leases, etc. Same of course goes for the 800,000 current DACA recipients, who are authorized to legally work in the U.S. But none of those employees, despite paying IN to the system, will ever receive those public benefits listed above, that are paid for by the money withheld from their paychecks. So they are propping up our federal and state government entitlement programs because they pay in but won’t ever take out.
The following are the public benefits that undocumented immigrants can receive in United States:
1) Public education for children in grades K-12. This was definitively established by a 1982 Supreme Court case, Plyler v. Doe. The Supreme Court in its reasoning explicitly stated that it would not serve the overall public good of the U.S. to leave many thousands of children uneducated.
2) Emergency room services, but only to the point where the patient is considered “medically stable”, at which point he/she is released. These services are not free, however, as in my job I meet hundreds of immigrant families who sacrifice over years to slowly pay off high emergency room medical bills.
3) WIC assistance. This is for milk, food, etc, and available only to pregnant mothers. The rationale is that the children in the womb will be U.S. citizens when born, and therefore it is in the long-term economic best interests of the nation to ensure that they receive adequate prenatal nutrition to improve their chances of being productive citizens in the decades to come.
4) Assistance from police if they are the victim of a crime and call for help. To their credit, the vast majority of our Colorado Springs law enforcement officers take their duty to protect all people seriously. Chief Carey of the CSPD and Sheriff Elder of the EPCSO have made clear that their officers can’t do their most important job – keeping us safe by getting dangerous criminals off our streets – if a whole class of people (undocumented immigrants) is afraid to call 911 to report crimes that they witness or are victim to.
5) Assistance from a fire department. Rationale, besides the obvious moral one: If your house was next to that of an undocumented immigrant family, would you want the firefighters to let that house continue to burn, putting yours at risk of catching on fire too?
And that’s it. Those, to the best of my knowledge, are the only public benefits that an undocumented immigrant can receive in just about any part of the United States. As someone who directs a small office that works with hundreds of low-income immigrant families per year, know that when I see the precarious economic situation of many of these families, I'd help them access other benefits if they could. But they simply can't. Now, children of undocumented parents, born in the U.S., are U.S. citizens under the 14th Amendment (the one that declares that all human beings born on U.S. soil are citizens – this was passed immediately after the Civil War to forever end the legal argument that African Americans were not U.S. citizens). As such, those children can qualify for the same public benefits as any other U.S. citizen, if they qualify through economic need or disability. But their parents or undocumented siblings cannot.
I hope that this information has been useful to those willing to read through this long (for Facebook anyway) explanation. Please know that even this long summary leaves out a ton of detail -- there are tens of thousands of pages of statutes, regulations, internal federal agency procedures, and court decisions guiding how all of this is interpreted and implemented. But please take my word that I honestly believe that no detail I omitted for conciseness changes the basic points above. And I'd be happy to answer questions if you have them. Like I said, I don’t mind honest questions, and I believe that legitimate questions asked in good faith deserve well-informed, accurate answers. If all of us in the U.S. would be willing to actually listen to each others’ sincere concerns and do our best to answer each others’ questions, instead of just yelling at each other or retreating to our corners of the internet (left OR right) where everyone already agrees with us – well, I think we’d move our nation forward a lot more effectively.
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katedangworld-blog · 6 years ago
Once upon a time, in the dawn of human civilization when people firstly knew how to use fire to transform their raw meat to well-done meat, this was the first concept in human’s culinary development. Since then, a number of beneficial and convenient cooking methods have been invented to serve for human needs in enjoy eating, one of most vital demands of a person life – besides breathing, drinking and sheltering. Amongst of thousands food treatment solutions, sous vide is a new popular method that applied widely in fine dining restaurants as its outstanding merits.
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<Sous vide cooking>
Low-heat cooking was initially experimented on meat by Benjamin Thompson in 1799 with air was used as heat transfer to cook meat – “eatable, perfectly done and well-tasted”. Six decades later, in the years of 1960s, some engineers from United States and France developed preparation of food under pressure. In their researches and experiments, food exposed characteristic improvement in texture and flavor. Once the method developed, pressure was applied to food via vacuum sealing – called “cryovacking”. Even without cooking, the pressure remarkably concentrated food flavors.
This method was started to use by a French chef in 1974, named Georges Pralus for the Restaurant Troisgros in Roanne, France. He found out that Foie Gras (fattened goose liver) if was applied this way, its initial appearance could be maintained, amount of fat did not lose and got better texture. Meanwhile in Virginia US, Bruno Goussault – a chief scientist of Cuisine Solutions, carried out researches about the impact of heat on variety of foods. He created the cooking time parameter and temperatures for different foods. Pralus and Goussault performed sous vide development separately until they became collaborators around 1970s. Gossault united vacuum sealing with low temperature cooking meanwhile Pralus was recognized as the father of modern sous vide which is cooked at high temperature.
Nowadays, sous vide is a cooking technology that is preferred by chefs in many high-end restaurants as its conveniences as well as effectiveness in food preparation. A cook or chef can set some vacuum packages of meat that he/she wants to cook and then walk away to do another stuff with free hands and unnecessary attention in a fixed period of time. What kind of essential equipment that needed for sous vide? Basically, there are three utensils: the first is an immersion circulator in which keep cooking water at constant temperature. It includes flexible or adjustable clamp to enclose the water bath. A plastic food box or storage tub might be used to keep the water used for sous vide. The second is vacuum sealer bag in which food is put into (the bag is made of polyethylene – a plastic that is friendly to users). Then, this bag place onto a commercial vacuum sealer – the last tool, in order to take the air out of the vacuum bag and seal it firmly to guarantee no space or hole that water from the bath enter in food.
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Chefs love sous vide as its wide application to variety of foods besides meat: vegetable, fish, shellfish, fruit, egg, French fries, infused alcohol and oil.
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Sous vide proves its prominent features in the scope of culinary: scientific method, hygiene, effectiveness, economical value. These features are illustrated as following descriptions:
*Scientific method: food is sealed in a plastic bag -> put in desired temperature water bath -> avoid overcooked outcome as food temperature cannot be hotter than the water (such as bain-marie). Exact temperature control has heat penetrates thru food evenly despite of uncommon shapes or thickness. Meanwhile, in traditional heat cooking such as roasting or grilling, meat almost exposes to heat level that is higher than expected or standard internal cooking temperature. Moreover, because of resting temperature – meat will reach higher 5 Celsius from the time it is taken away from stove or oven so the cook must forecast exactly the temperature that meat ought to be stopped. This is quite uneasy for newcomers who lack of experiences. One more impressive feature of sous vide when cooking meat that is guarantee meat’s moisture preservation and texture consistency. Particularly, tough collagen in connective tissue hydrolyze into gelatin while meat’s protein is kept in appropriate degree to avoid changing its characteristics and lost of moisture in meat.
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<Sous vide chicken>
Regarding to air, it is important as same as heat control as it enhances heat transfer between water tub and food, no need thermal insulating properties of the trapped air inside bag. Lastly, sous vide motivates organoleptic flavors as well as prevent oxidation that may limit off taste.
*Hygiene: if sous vide technique is performed correctly as its standard, it is safe to eaters. Each portion of food is divided and stored separately until it is defrosted and cooked for catering. This also limit cross contamination between ingredients in kitchen.
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*Effectiveness: a cook will not worry about his meat cooking when use sous vide. After adjusting expected temperature for his meat, just let it in water bath and handle another chore. Then he turns back and get out it with desirable internal heat of meat along with awesome taste. This means overcooking hardly happen. In addition, sous vide help kitchen staff reduce their prep-time as foods are portioned in advance and promptly be heated before serving to clientele.
*Economical value: a restauranteur just spend a fixed cost of sous vide equipment (not too expensive, >1000 CAD) but he can save labor cost when his cooks spend less time to cook meat or other stuff. They can do other assignments while waiting for meat is well-done. One more additional value that sous vide contribute to the owner pocket that is energy efficiency as sous vide consume less power than traditional ovens, grills or stove top. Also, it can lighten the burden of stress to kitchen staff in rush hours.
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Not only outstanding characteristics mentioned above, sous vide appeals chef’s attention and favorite thanks to its additional values that are desired:
1.      Food is tastier and more attractive to eater: food is not dehydrated; the natural weight, flavor, color and aroma are preserved perfectly.
2.      Food is healthier: no extra salt or oil is added while cooking; vitamins and minerals are lost.
3.      Consistent outcome in large batch of food: accurate temperature control can support cooks prepare food in big batch but still achieve consistent texture for each portion without overcooked, undercooked or burnt foods.
4.      Proper time management: food is prepared and sealed beforehand and is ready to be cooked in oven while cooks utilize time to prepare other ingredients.
5.      Lengthened food’s lifespan: sealed vacuum foods are immediately cooled and frozen. Later it is thawed and reheated if kitchen get order of serving.
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<Duck breast a I’Orange>
With many advantages, today sous vide proves its importance in the kitchen and gain trust from cooks and chefs, from fine dining restaurants to casual restaurants.
I just study the second semester of Culinary in my school and regretfully I have not had a chance to learn and apply this cooking technique. I know it via my textbook – Professional Cooking for Canadian Chefs and I am impressed by it and start to research about this innovative technology. Sous vide’s operation seems to be not complicated, friendly to users but it contributes huge productivity to kitchen. I wish I could get chances to study and practice this wonderful application in school or in my potential employed restaurants.
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*References of data and images sources:
Clifton At Home. (nil). 10 benefits of sous vide cooking. Retrieved June 25, 2019, from https://www.cliftonathome.co.uk/sous-vide-cooking/10-benefits-sous-vide-cooking/
Wikipedia. (nil). Sous – vide. Retrieved June 25, 2019, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sous-vide
Modern Restaurant Management. (2018). Benefits of Sous Vide Cooking (Infographic). Retrieved June 25, 2019, from https://www.modernrestaurantmanagement.com/benefits-of-sous-vide-cooking-infographic/
Smart Svide by Sammic. (nil). Sous Vide. Retrieved June 25, 2019, from https://www.sous-vide.cooking/sous-vide-cooking/
Freedesignfile. (nil). Female chef Stock Photo 04. Retrieved June 25, 2019, from https://freedesignfile.com/333277-female-chef-stock-photo-04/
TOPCU. (nil). Article image. Retrieved June 25, 2019, from https://www.topcu.org/home/green-growth-money-2724235_1920/
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mystickalmountains-blog · 8 years ago
Social engineering now???
There are dozens of books in the public domain that explain how brainwashing (or re-education) works in America. They (social engineers) tell us what they are doing in plain English. They write long books that outline all the tactics and how they are being implemented into the school system, mass media, and society at large. Read (or skim – these are all long primary source documents): Human Relations in Curriculum Change (1951) by Kenneth Benne Taxonomy of Educational Objectives vol. 1 and 2 (1956) by Benjamin Bloom Behavioral Science Teacher Education Program (1968) by Michigan State psychologists Learning to Work in Groups: A Program Guide for Educational Leaders (1959) by Mathew Miles Issues in Training by Edgar Schein (1962) For synthesis and critique of these methods by whistleblowers, read: Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (1991) by John Taylor Gatto Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher’s Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling (2010) by John Taylor Gatto The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (1999) by Charlotte Iserbyt The Architects of Total Quality Management General Systems Theory and Marxist Theory-Praxis by Judy McLemore (online articles) John Taylor Gatto was named New York City’s teacher of the year three times in a row. Charlotte Iserbyt was Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement under Ronald Reagan. Once you enter this world, the Matrix begins to reveal itself. Professor Stephen Robbins wrote in Organization Behavior in 1979: “While Karl Marx used Hegel’s dialectic to formulate a theory of revolution, this same dialectic is also the fundamental basis upon which education is built.” (1) Once you understand the dialectical process, you’ll realize that this quote reveals everything. The dialectical process is how the Communist Party brainwashed China, by the way. Let’s start from the beginning. Thomas Chen writes in Thought Reform of the Chinese Intellectuals: Though force or compulsion is always around the corner, to be exerted when necessary, the preference is to resort to different forms of persuasion, at times semi-coercive or covertly coercive, until resistance is overcome and the victim ‘chooses’ to submit. His submission can then be hailed as ‘voluntary’ action. This kind of pressure is more subtle than direct, undisguised coercion; it is less likely to arouse a violent reaction; and, furthermore, it enables the Communist to boast that they use ‘democratic’ instead of dictatorial methods on the people… (2) I think it goes without saying that brainwashing by brute force would be nearly impossible in a country with 300 million people. Psychological methods are much more subtle, and will never be detected. Here’s how it works 1) Assemble small groups of diverse individuals with conflicting opinions. Allow them to debate and discuss issues, giving the impression of a free and open forum. Make sure, however, that the group’s facilitator/organizer is trained in Group Dynamics. From who you call on to speak, to how you frame certain questions, there are hundreds of ways to subtly influence group behavior. This doesn't mean that every teacher is a conspirator - as you'll see, just being in a group in an American classroom is brainwashing. 2) Meet constantly (schools/universities are great for this, since they organize kids into small groups that meet five days a week.) Your goal, over time, is for the group to “find common ground” or reach “a consensus.” This doesn’t sound particularly pernicious; in fact, dialogue and compromise seem to be hallmarks of democracy. People in group settings also intuitively want to be included and to reach a set of informal rules. Being socially ostracized by The Group is one of man’s primal fears. 3) Social engineers call these small groups sets. The environment they interact in is called the System. McElmore quotes an early study on Group Dynamics, Individuals facilitated into these cohesive teams or collectives must, consciously or unconsciously, give up some part of their “own personal independence to create a state of inter-dependence” between themselves and other group members. A set of persons not yet facilitated into a collective or one mind is considered a heap. (6) Please understand that you are not considered a conscious individual. Leaders of the social system consider the group "one consciousness." 4) Western civilization is historically based on rugged individualism and a set of morals that come from “above” (i.e. from God or Nature). Early Americans in theory “feared no Man but God,” so they would’ve been repulsed by this group consensus stuff. Therefore you must attack Christianity, father figures (i.e. the voice of the conscience), and the traditional family. 5) People tend to agree on stuff they have in common. If you love to play Bach concertos, you will likely be the only one in your class with this passion. Thus, it’s highly unlikely your classmates will decide “Bach concertos are awesome. We should all ask that kid to teach us how to play them and base our social hierarchy on who's best at piano.” Again, what people end up agreeing on are the things common to all human beings (our baser desires.) So in school settings a whole youth subculture develops that emphasizes casual sex, social status, drinking, etc. This same process plays out amongst adults, but they are more into money and power. 6) What’s so genius is that peer pressure (instead of direct action by the state) then forces individuals to conform and debase themselves. Judy McLemore writes, “Anyone with strong convictions, who believes in facts, universal absolutes, right and wrong, must necessarily set aside those facts and convictions in order to conform to the group and reach consensus.” (3) 7) If one does not conform (i.e. their conscience says “this isn’t right”), stress and cognitive dissonance sets in. Kurt Lewin, head of the Center for Group Dynamics at MIT (and founder of the first brainwashing lab in America) explains, "Change in organization can be derived from the overlapping between play [group consensus to embrace baser desires] and barrier [the conscience] behavior. To be governed by two strong goals is equivalent to the existence of two conflicting controlling heads within the organism. This should lead to a decrease in degree of hierarchical organization. Also, a certain disorganization should result from the fact that the cognitive-motor system loses to some degree its character of a good medium because of these conflicting heads. It ceases to be in a state of near equilibrium... (4) Basically, people snap if they don’t conform. The dialectical process is meant to totally rewire individuals on every level. Lewin continues, “The re-educative process has to fulfill a task which is essentially equivalent to a change in culture…The re-educative process affects the individual in three ways. It changes his cognitive structure (cognitive), the way he sees the physical and social worlds, including all his facts, concepts, beliefs and expectations. It modifies his valences (likes and dislikes) and values, and these embrace both his attractions and aversions to groups and group standards, his feelings (affective) in regard to status differences, and his reactions to sources of approval or disapproval. And it affects his motoric action (psychomotor), involving the degree of the individual’s control over his physical and social movements. (Lewin [in Benne] 24) (5) That’s from a manual about how to reorganize our school system, folks. He’s talking about reeducating Americans. 8) Create tension between "what is" and "what ought to be." This gives the group a common goal to pursue, and a sense of camaraderie in a struggle towards a seemingly better future. This is why colleges emphasize social justice, etc. even while their presidents fly around on private jets. Here's the problem: "Progress" and "Social Justice" don't exist in the moment. You get stuck on an eternal hampster wheel. This is called "Freezing" someone. 9) Teach total moral relativism. 10) The net effect of this stuff is to kill the Father's voice in the child (i.e. his conscience) and replace it with The Group voice. This utterly destroys our ability to perceive right from wrong, spiritual from mundane, etc. and makes us sheep that can be herded. People who live from "the flesh" are very weak and irrational. Strength comes from the Spirit. It’s much worse than I am describing, but I am getting tired. This is maybe 5% of their technique. Wake up! SOURCES (1) http://bba12.weebly.com/uploads/9/4/2/8/9428277/organizational_behavior_15e_-_stephen_p_robbins__timothy_a_judge_pdf_qwerty.pdf (2) Chen, Theodore H. E. Thought Reform of the Chinese Intellectuals. Hong Kong University Press (1960), 74. (3) Judy McElmore, http://authorityresearch.com/Sources/Total%20Quality%20Management%20-%20General%20Systems%20Theory%20-%20Marxist%20Theory-Praxis%20by%20JudyMcLemore.pdf (p. 100) (4) Barker, Dembo, and Lewin, "Frustration and Regression: an Experiment with Young Children" found in Child Behavior and Development. (5) Kurt Lewin in Human Relations in Curriculum Change, p. 24 (available here: http://channelingreality.com/Niwa/Documents/Social_Engineering/1951_HRCC_Benne_122710.pdf) (6) Judy McElmore, http://authorityresearch.com/Sources/Total%20Quality%20Management%20-%20General%20Systems%20Theory%20-%20Marxist%20Theory-Praxis%20by%20JudyMcLemore.pdf
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aureuscor-blog · 5 years ago
HW 11
1) Do you think we will find intelligent life in the universe? Why or why not?
I do think we will find intelligent life in the universe. It is arrogant and unreasonable to think we are the only intelligent life in the universe. The universe is so enormous, how could there NOT be other intelligent life somewhere? It is just a matter of time. Will we find them soon? No, perhaps not. Yet, to me it is very odd that we haven’t found anything yet, or actually the other way around… that some other far more advanced alien civilization hasn’t found us yet. Or maybe they have, and we just don’t know! This question doesn’t specify a length of time, so I have to yes without a doubt we will find intelligent life. It might just take a thousand years. Or a million.
2) Suppose you had a coupon for a free robot. The catch is it can only do one thing. But you can get a robot that will do whatever one thing you like, just not anything else. What would you want your robot to do, and why?
I would want a robot that could farm enough food for my family. The only thing humans really need to survive is food. If all else failed - if I lost my job and my home, if I had no access to money, if society crumbled, if the apocalypse came and went – the only thing I would need is a ramshackle hut in a year-round warm climate near a source of fresh water and my robot could farm all the food my family needs.
3) Imagine a robotic future. Would it possible in such a future for labor to be free? For example, suppose there was a law prohibiting anyone from being paid to do work. Could the human race survive in the face of such a law?
If being “paid” only meant in money/currency/gold, not any other bartering system, then maybe… But even so, I would have to say no. There would be no incentive for anyone to want to work. Unless it was something akin to a hobby now, something someone just did because they truly loved it, why would people do anything for free? And it would certainly be a limited number of trades people did for fun, and some others I would imagine would never be done.
Also, how would people buy things? If everything were free and available to all because robots produced everything, there would still be limited resources and a finite number of robots capable of producing a finite amount of “stuff.” So who gets what? Everyone can’t have a beach front mansion. Everyone can’t have any and every thing that they want. Without a form of currency who decides who gets what? Why should someone else have more than me? Why should I have more than someone else? Yet, why should everyone be limited if more “stuff” is available?
Would everyone need to be cookie cutter-ed into sameness? Even at that degree of equality, people would still have other wants and desires. Not everyone can have a home equal to X amount of square feet per each family member in a comfortable climate. We would run out of room in “nice” weather areas. Plus, some people would prefer colder climates if they like skiing or dislike bugs. And what about areas with natural disasters? Some people would be relegated to tornado alley for lack of space elsewhere. How is that fair?
This only considers living arrangements. There are sooooooo many other things that would suffer from the same fairness problem. Evil and unjust as it may be, money keeps things in check. And there is always the American Dream (carrot) that you can always make more money and buy more “stuff.”
4) Comment on the movie Transcendant Man. What do you agree with, disagree with, what do you look forward to, are apprehensive about, etc.
Even though he was a little… out there, I am most inclined to agree with the AI Engineer. I think Kurzweil is too optimistic, and some people are too pessimistic, and there is just no way to know what to expect. Also, the technology isn’t here yet for the kinds of things Kurzweil thinks are going to be possible. The neurobiologist made some compelling points as well. Kurzweil may be a very accurate future predictor, but he doesn’t know neurobiology. The brain just doesn’t work like “regular” technology. I don’t believe we will ever be able to make true artificial intelligence. The idea of enhancing ourselves has merit, however. And that I would be very interested in! I would absolutely relish the ability to integrate a computer with my brain to be smarter. And just think what the human race could accomplish if everyone were a genius! Not to mention the medical implications. I don’t know how I feel about the idea of immortality for all, but to be able to live longer, and always be healthy  - no more sickness, no more suffering and pain – that is an incredibly worthy goal to which to aspire. Overall, I think Kurzweil is an extremely intelligent man who has invented some amazing things and helped many people along the way. However, he is led by his emotions and wishful thinking with regards to immortality and merging with computers. It is unfortunate that his Dad passed away when he was so young (22ish?), but he is grasping at straws to bring him back from the dead while simultaneously trying to keep himself alive forever. I don’t think either will happen.
5) Create at least half of a first draft, or whatever is appropriate, of your presentation. (This is in contrast to your paper or other project.) For example, you could create some slides. If this requirement does not fit your situation, do something else equivalent, and explain what you did.
I made 15 powerpoint slides (with animations) for demonstrating the science in my story. I really wanted to include some drawings, but I have not had much time to sketch anything out. I am considering purchasing some relevant images from shutterstck etc to include. Although, it is not imperative that I illustrate every part of the story. Then I just need to record myself reading and it’s done. I am so excited - it’s turning out so well!
6) (Grad students only) continue with the book you obtained. Read the next 20 pages. State the book title, author, and page numbers you have read. Then, discuss those pages. Explain what you agree with, disagree with, and how your views compare with those of other reviewers on Amazon or elsewhere.
This week, I read pages 154-178 in Michio Kaku’s Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel on Starships.
It is funny to read this now because quite a bit of my research for my project touched on some of the same topics – solar sails, nanoships, and a space elevator. Kaku’s discussion on these topics pretty much mirrors everything I read. The only novel thing he suggested was using the nanoships to push the solar sails. I hadn’t come across this idea in any of my research.
Kaku begins the chapter discussing the eminent demise of the Earth, as well as the rest of the solar system, when the sun burns it all up. This struck me as funny too when I read it because we just read Asimov’s The Last Question. Of course, the situation itself isn’t funny… just the timing.
He also discusses the dangers of space travel – muscle atrophy and nutrient deficiency, meteors, and radiation – and the idea of suspending humans during space travel. The latter touched on the problems with cryogenics too. I didn’t know freezing our brain isn’t actually a feasible way to “come back” someday. As Kaku explains, ice crystals can destroy cell walls!
I still agree mostly with positive reviewers of this book. And in this case, I very highly disagree with the negative reviews that complained of not enough actual physics. This chapter is one I am glad didn’t have more science. I am sure I wouldn’t have understood any of it! The light, casual conversation about these topics was perfect for me.
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knowyourtutoroffical-blog · 6 years ago
Frequently Asked Questions about UPSC
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on UPSC Civil Services Exam – is a comprehensive source to clarify the common queries of all freshers. Most of the repeated queries regarding all stages of the exam – Prelims, Mains and Interview – are clarified here. Please post additional queries in comments, so that we can address them later. Thank you, and all the best! Clear IAS!
FAQs on Civil Services:
Qn: What are the civil services? How to get into civil services of India?
Civil Services are jobs like IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS etc. directly related to public service and are widely considered prestigious in India. UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts Civil Service Exams for Central Government job vacancies. Click to know more about Civil Services Exam.
FAQs on IAS: IAS officer
Qn: What is IAS? How To Clear IAS Exam and Become an IAS Officer?
IAS is the short form of Indian Administrative Service. Click to know more about IAS.
Qn: What is the salary of an IAS officer?
IAS salary structure consists of different Pay Scales: Junior Scale, Senior Scales, Super Time Scale, Above Super Time Scales etc. Each of the pay scales further consists of different pay bands. Click to know more about the salary of an IAS officer.
FAQs on Eligibility Criteria:
Qn: What is the educational qualification needed to appear in IAS exam?
Any degree (graduation). It may be regular or distant. The candidate must hold a degree of any of Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University Under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification. For details refer Educational Qualification Requirement for IAS Exam.
Qn: What are the age limit and the number of attempts permitted to write UPSC Civil Services Exam?
Click to know about the eligibility criteria for IAS exam. Details about the number of attempts and age limits in UPSC Civil Services Exam is available in the link given.
FAQs on Exam syllabus: IAS syllabus
Qn: What is the latest syllabus for IAS exam?
Click to read the revised syllabus for IAS exam.
FAQs on Exam preparation:
Qn: I am just about to begin UPSC Civil Services Exam preparation. How should a fresher begin IAS exam preparation?
If you are a beginner, then the best place to start should be the article ‘UPSC Exam Guidance for beginners: How to start IAS preparation?’.
Qn: What are the books to read for each subject in Prelims and Mains?
You can buy online the ‘Recommended list of IAS Books: Prelims+Mains‘ from the links given on this website.
Qn: Does clearias.com offer free study materials?
Yes, we offer free online study materials, mock tests, toppers interview etc. in addition to the numerous articles on guidance. Clear IAS™ was started with a vision of quality, but affordable online education, giving stress to self-study. Click to browse our free IAS study materials.
Qn: Can I clear IAS exam without attending classroom coaching?
Yes. You can, particularly if you are good at self-study. We are not against classroom coaching. There are good institutes and teachers who help aspirants save a lot of time and effort. But not all coaching institutes provide quality service, so if you wish to join one, do that after proper research. It should also be noted that with the advent of technology, guidance and study materials can be sought online. Our website (www.clearias.com) and mobile app (Clear IAS) provides free guidance and study materials to lakhs of aspirants who can’t afford classroom coaching. You can also learn and compete with thousands of aspirants across India by attempting ClearIAS full length timed online mock test series with negative marking for UPSC Prelims. Read our article ‘Can I Clear IAS Exam Without Coaching Classes?‘ to get an overall idea.
Qn: What are the useful websites for IAS exam preparation?
Check the list of ‘Useful Websites for IAS Preparation‘.
Qn: Can I get previous year UPSC question papers online?
Yes. Check the link UPSC Previous Year Question Papers.
FAQs on UPSC CSE Prelims:
Qn: What is the structure of UPSC Civil Service Prelims Exam? (2015 Pattern)
Prelims exam is objective in nature. There will be two papers – 200 marks each. Paper 1 is related to General Studies and Paper 2 is related to Mental Ability and Aptitude. For selection to the main exam, only marks of Paper 1 will be counted, provided the candidate has 33 percent marks in Paper 2.
Qn: Will there be an individual cut-off for two papers in Civil Service Prelims?
The minimum cut off marks for Paper 2 is 33 percent. The Commission may fix a minimum cut-off mark for Paper 1 too.
Qn: Will there be negative marks or different marks for Preliminary Questions?
There will be negative marking for incorrect answers for all questions except some of the questions where the negative marking will be inbuilt in the form of different marks being awarded to the most appropriate and not so appropriate answer for such questions.
Qn: Can you clarify some common doubts regarding UPSC Civil Services Prelims Application?
Most of the doubts aspirants raise while filing Prelims application is discussed here.
FAQs on UPSC CSE Mains:
Qn: What is the structure of UPSC Civil Service Mains Exam? (Latest Pattern)
The Main Examination will consist of written examination and an interview test. The written examination will consist of 9 papers of the conventional essay type. Two papers (out of 9) will be of qualifying in nature. Marks obtained for all the compulsory papers (Paper–I to Paper-VII) and Marks obtained in Interview for Personality Test will be counted for ranking. Read UPSC Civil Services Exam syllabus to know more.
Qn: Which optional subject should I choose for UPSC Mains?
UPSC has given a list of around 50 optional subjects to choose from. Read our article ‘How to select IAS Mains optional subject?‘ for more details.
Qn: Which stream/subject should I choose for graduation to clear UPSC exam?
Most of the questions in the general studies paper in Prelims and Mains are related to Humanities background. But it is neither necessary nor advisable to take Humanities as your graduation stream just to clear UPSC exam. Graduation should be based on your taste – it can be humanities, science, engineering, literature or management. For graduation, select any stream you like to study for 3-4 years. You are free to choose any optional subject for UPSC Mains and it may not be the one you studied for graduation.
Qn: Will there be minimum qualifying marks for UPSC Mains Compulsory Papers?
The Commission has the discretion to fix qualifying marks in any or all the subjects of the examination. For 2015, the minimum mark is 25% for Indian language and English language. For GS1, GS2, GS3 and GS4 the minimum mark expected is 10%.
Qn: Will UPSC deduct marks for bad handwriting?
If a candidate’s handwriting is not easily legible, a deduction will be made on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing to him.
Qn: Can you clarify some common doubts regarding UPSC Civil Services Mains Application (Detailed Application Form)?
Civil Service Mains Application Form (DAF) Checklist is given here.
Qn: What are the check-list items for Mains Exam hall?
Main exam hall checklist is given here.
FAQs on UPSC CSE Interview:
Qn: Can you provide a check-list for the candidates attending UPSC interview?
Please read the article: Check List For The Candidates Attending UPSC Interview.
Qn: Will there be minimum qualifying marks for UPSC Interview?
The interview will carry 275 marks (with no minimum qualifying marks).
FAQs on UPSC Ranking: IAS topper
Qn: If the overall marks of two or more candidates are equal, how is relative merit between such candidates decided?
The principles for tie-breaking in various exams conducted by UPSC is explained in the linked post. PS: You may also browse the whole FAQ in UPSC website by clicking on the link.
General Queries:
Qn: Can candidates use calculators in UPSC Civil Services Exam?
Not for UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam. But candidates will be allowed the use of Scientific (Non-Programmable type) Calculators at the conventional (Essay) type examination of UPSC, ie Mains Exam. Programmable type calculators will however not be allowed and the use of such calculators shall tantamount to resorting to unfair means by the candidates. Loaning or interchanging of calculators in the Examination Hall is not permitted. It is also important to note that candidates are not permitted to use calculators for answering objective type papers (Test Booklets). They should not, therefore, bring the same inside the Examination Hall.
Qn: Can you brief about the other exams conducted by UPSC apart from Civil Services Exam? What are the exam dates?
Check our article on UPSC.
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bsanne-blog1 · 7 years ago
We recently discovered 574 hotels in Bahrain.
Qualification Requirements Diploma or Bachelor's Degree in Nutritional Science, Dietetics, or Meals Science, Valid License-to-Practice accreditation from local or international authorities, At least three Years expertise in a related role, Successfully Communicate in the English AND Arabic Languages. The water shortages, the electrical energy load-sharing, all placed and foisted(with out the poor understanding anything) on the backs of the poor and a lot of of their projects, like the World Cup and the electricity and water for the Major coal Mining providers, are supported by the ANC with the South African people's Tax monies, and so several other nefarious going-ons that in the finish, the People of South Africa are hyped, neither gained and lost every little thing, the ANC gets its commission, and the Corporations rake billion out of South Africa's all-natural sources and people's labor energy without let-up.
The Bahraini dinar (BD) is divided into 1,000 fils.
Getting a Business Visa to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was in all probability the most difficult point to do subsequent only to in all probability United States of America for ordinary Indians. Bahrain International Airport ( IATA : BAH), in Muharraq just east of Manama, is the principal base for Gulf Air and has excellent connections from the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and North & East Africa, in addition to longer-distance services from Amsterdam , Athens , Bangkok , Frankfurt , London , Manila , Moscow and Paris The airport has good duty-totally free purchasing for those awaiting flights. 15 Purchase locally created crafts at Capital Mall and Al Jasra Handicraft Centre: Bahrain's contemporary art scene is thriving, but if you require proof that the regional artistic temperament is practically nothing new, then you'll will need to head to the Al Jasra Handricraft Centre (17 611 900), where regional artisans producing everything from baskets to standard musical instruments in trades that have been practised in the country for thousands of years. According to Jackson, when behaviors like smoking, drug use, and consuming comfort foods may serve as adverse coping abilities in White Americans, these same behaviors may perhaps buffer African-Americans from developing mental overall health disorders consequently contributing to disproportionate rates of physical overall health troubles like obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. I am married with two childrens.i am runing a ministry in Nazaret village in india in athere r peoples to other relgions ( Hindu) poor even that they have no funds for food.i am also runing a healing meating on just about every 3 rd saturday to a great deal peoples r gethered in this meating.i want that peoples change their lifes u know that for a meating require to a lot items just like sounds,seats and etc but we have no any issue in our church we take on every single meetings on reant we have no dollars for reant and i take on brrow i am quite worried and peoples also no gave additional funds and donations and tiths.
Traditionally, Bahrain is an Islamic country.
Now that the sun is shining and the climate is wonderful, individuals would want to delight in the outdoors. Islam always believes in brotherhood and peace but these uneducated Saudis are creating to look like Islam is poor, I am pretty sad to understand so several negative things about the nation on which our beloved prophet (SWS) walked and leaved, I usually thought that men and women of KSA should be incredibly sort and humble towards just about every a single but they are not. The countries are : Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Laos, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Maldives, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Suriname, Taiwan, Holland, U.A.E., UK and the U. S. of America. CONTINENTAL HUMAN Sources group has been strongly set up by effective personalities with experienced knowledge in the field and lots of far more with the received from the Labor Ministry of Nepal to export the competent manpower from the Himalayan nation- Nepal- to manpower importing nations to excel the company status of the employer firms and better high-quality of employees' life as effectively as profession. Hence, writes Brzezinski, An effective response can only come from a self-confident America genuinely committed to a new vision of international solidarity.” The idea is that to address the grievances triggered by globalization and international power structures, the globe and America need to expand and institutionalize the course of action of globalization, not basically in the financial sphere, but in the social and political as nicely. "This sort of labour created imbalances in the Gulf labour marketplace, and neither companies nor the society is benefiting from it, not to mention that they move around with no controls."Kuwait has recently stated that it will cut down and send away one hundred,000 expat workers who are considered marginal in order to replace them with nearby labour," he mentioned.
A single of the finest business enterprise hotels in Manama.
If I get a dollar every single time an umbrella falls or flies due to the wind, I would be the richest man ever. Nonetheless for those keen on living in Bahrain the first step to take is to safe a job offer and then to rent housing though settling into the Kingdom and making certain it is right for them before committing to the obtain of immovable property assets that can be slow to liquidate need to the individual in question decide to leave the Kingdom. Further, more than the previous decade, we have observed the rapid expansion of Continuity of Government” (COG) plans, which strategy for the suspension of the Constitution and imposition of martial law in the event of an emergency.five At this point in American society, if there was a rapid and expansive financial collapse or one more main terrorist attack on US soil, America would transform into a military government, additional fascist in nature than anything but equipped with an arsenal and technetronic” police state the likes of which no dictator in history has had access to. افضل فنادق البحرينFreedom has never ever been so threatened but, people today have under no circumstances been so mobilized in modern day history to challenge the threats to freedom and democracy in America, in the West, and in the planet. The kingdom of Bahrain has extended been dwelling to a large expatriate community, with expats mainly heralding from the UK, Europe and the US. Expatriates living in Bahrain typically take pleasure in an incredibly high normal of living, substantial tax free of charge earnings and an inimitably luxury life style - and the kind of accommodation they seek has turn into the iconic style of real estate now for sale to foreign purchasers. The Bahrain National Commission for Education, Science and Culture Library, also in Manama, was established in 1967, serving primarily as a analysis library holdings contain components from four key international organizations: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States (ABEGS), and Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO). Erection and commissioning could see further 3000 peoples employed and just after completion according to government statement this public sector will recruit around 3500 engineers, apart from this numerous extra services will be outsource so over all it may perhaps see the added manpower of around 7000-10000 will be necessary more than the period of time. The enthralling tale of how Geoffrey Bibby and other archeologists from the Prehistoric Museum in Aarhus, Denmark, identified the present-day Persian Gulf island of Bahrain as the website of the lost paradise of Dilmun has been told by Mr. Bibby in his book ''Looking for Dilmun.'' It is a single of the most gripping archeological detective stories ever written. AVIATION Safety OVERSIGHT: As there is no direct commercial air service to the United States by carriers registered in Bahrain, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not assessed the government of Bahrain's Civil Aviation Authority for compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation security standards. On the other hand, the government is conscious of the require to deliver decent jobs with career paths for their own young folks, who are increasingly educated and aware of the attractions of the outdoors planet – a lot of attend universities in the USA or UK. Possessing created important investments in education and social welfare, they hope that ultimately Bahrain will come to be just about self-sufficient in terms of labour. manama bahrain mall, 4 star hotels near bahrain airport, manama bahrain current weather, where is bahrain located country, bahrain airport duty free
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connorrenwick · 8 years ago
Friday Five with Theodore Kerlidis
Architect Theodore Kerlidis landed his role as Director of Melbourne-based k20 Architecture in 2001 when he launched the firm with Anthony Uahwatanasakul. His Greek parents moved to Australia in the 1960s where he found his architecture calling after discovering 1950s designs. That love led him to study architecture at Melbourne University where he earned his degree in 1995. He spent time getting experience under his belt at other practices before founding k20. With special attention paid to sustainability and how his projects will shape the future, it’s no surprise that he and his team are such a sought after firm to hire. For this week’s Friday Five, we dive into some of Kerlidis’ favorite things.
Photo by Peter Hyatt
1. Gumtrees As an architect my focus is to create places of interest and relevance and my focus is to develop sustainable architecture. Recently I took off two months from the practice to spend time with my young family for travel. Until the moment I had switched off, I had not been able to openly see how much our environment was consumed by the urban fabric. I now realise that it is not enough to just create sustainable architecture but that we must aim to create sustainable places in which we combine the nature and ecology of place to that of architecture.
I am inspired by nature and my aim is to create places that link us to the natural world, places from which we can see the sky, hear the sounds of birds at sunrise and feel the wind as it passes through the trees. Nature is all around us, we are part of it, and we build within its parameters. We’re custodians of this beautiful place and I now see my role as creating/enhancing that ‘space’ outside of our buildings.
Gumtrees are uniquely Australian, and even the most urbanised city dweller feels some connection with the wild Australian bush. After all, we all grew up singing the old song, Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree. When I’m overseas, the sight and smell of eucalyptus is an immediate reminder of home. The colour, line and form of the gumtree are instantly recognisable, and cause of an instinctive emotional reaction, the powerful pull of home.
Trees are an integral part of our life. When I create places my aim is to restore the natural order of things, to restore the landscape within our place. Nature is more powerful than us and my aim is to live in harmony with that which surrounds and encompasses the buildings and places I create. In most cases, that means gumtrees.
Photo by Andrew Chapman
2. The Australian shed In about 1820 the British architect and engineer Henry Robinson Palmer created something that would transform the world. Corrugated iron was light, strong, easily transported to the most remote parts of the planet, and could be turned into a workable building by pretty much anyone who could use a hammer.
What I particularly like about the Australian shed is the honesty of its form, which is scalable and is responsive to its location and its environment. When my architecture starts to feel complicated and convoluted I often think about the Australian shed, which always reminds me to seek out simplicity in form and concept.
Photo by Theodore Kerlidis
3. The Aegean Sea in July The Aegean Sea is the vast expanse of water, dotted with islands, that lies between Greece and Turkey. It has seen the rise and fall of civilizations, Minoan, Greek, Persian and Roman, and great sea battles have taken place on its waters. Nonetheless, to me it’s a place of peace and beauty, the warm stone under the luminous Aegean sky, little white fishing boats on the blue sea, the old bars where you can drink cold Greek beer, I love it. (As you might guess from my name, this is part of the world with which I feel a strong connection.)
The northern coast of the Aegean Sea is cold in winter, but in July it’s warm and embracing. Like much of the Mediterranean, the Aegean has become a tourist destination for people escaping from colder parts of Europe. Yet it’s easy to avoid the developed tourist areas, and the parts my family and I enjoy the most are those which are undeveloped and natural. There is a wonderful connection between landscape, environment, culture and climate.
Photo source
4. The Great Ocean Road The Great Ocean Road runs for 243 kilometres along the south-eastern Australian coast between Torquay and Allansford. It was a massive undertaking, built in often extremely difficult circumstances by returned soldiers between 1919 and 1932 and dedicated to soldiers killed during the First World War, making it the world’s largest war memorial. I find inspiration from that heritage, and also from the dramatic terrain through which the road winds, particularly the limestone stack formations of the Twelve Apostles.
It’s also a reminder to me of our connection to nature. Australia is a country of coast dwellers, the vast majority of the population lives on or near the coast, and the Surf Coast along which the road travels, is home to a thriving surf culture. Every year when the Easter swells roll into Bells Beach near Jan Juc, the Rip Curl Surf Classic attracts thousands of people to the coast.
The landscape of the road always reminds me that I am Australian. It’s windy, sunburnt and wild; always a source of renewal, revelation and wonder.
Photo source
5. The craft and fabric of a tailored suit The real star of the movie North by Northwest, wasn’t Cary Grant, but his superbly tailored suit: lightweight wool single breasted, ventless, with three-button fastening and notched lapels. Trousers with forward pleats. That famous suit carried its wearer through a series of misadventures that would leave a lesser garment bedraggled, and the person inside it exposed and vulnerable. Such is the power of bespoke tailoring.
My uncle was, and at 80 still is, a tailor. I learnt at an early age the difference between a tailored suit and mere off-the-rack clothing. The fabric, the cut and line of the suit enable comfort and purpose, and in the same way the fabric and line of a well-styled building make those who inhabit it feel like it’s their home. I create buildings and places to satisfy our client’s requirements and create a dialogue between people and the environment of place. I look at the building’s place in landscape and its context within the broader community of buildings. A building and a place must have a scale and proportionality that does more than connect us with its purpose and its context, but which also lift our spirits, as a well cut suit will.
A suit isn’t the most natural of architectural attire, but it is close to perfection.
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2017/03/17/friday-five-with-theodore-kerlidis/
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therightnewsnetwork · 8 years ago
We Hear You: The NAACP, Political Correctness, and School Choice
Editor’s note: Today your letters include thoughtful responses to a commentary by school choice activist Virginia Walden Ford and to a Daily Signal supporter’s appeal about making a difference on important issues. Want to write us? You’ll see how below. —Ken McIntyre
Dear Daily Signal: I agree with Virginia Walden Ford’s commentary article. The NAACP has become useless because the leadership has devolved from their original goals of helping black people advance (“I’m a Black Woman Whose Relatives Fought for Civil Rights. I’m Disappointed in NAACP’s War on School Choice”).
The NAACP has become a political arm of the Democrats.
Education is the most important goal in bringing anyone out of their past and into a brighter future. I can attest to that goal, because my mother felt the same way. I am a native American from Alaska, and did experience hunger and poor conditions.
My grade school teacher told my mother that I was a slow learner, so pushed me to do my homework and not just finish what was assigned but all the problems.
I was held back in the first grade, but I made that up in the seventh grade. I graduated to the eighth grade and did well. My mom sent me to a parochial boarding school, even though it put a burden on her.
I excelled and graduated as a valedictorian with a degree in electronics, even though I missed a year due to tuberculosis. Electronics was in its infancy and “solid state” was the new term. I worked as a failure analyst in the position of supervising lab engineer.
All children should be afforded the same opportunities as I received. The education system has become abysmal because of political correctness. It is no longer acceptable to hold back students even if they are failing at their current grade.
There are also the great experiments that have failed the children. The current fad, Common Core, is the worst because your answer could be wrong and still be judged correct.
I would like to see a spaceship sent to Mars with the calculations wrong, with the engineer explaining how he arrived at the wrong calculation—and he would not be fired.
Parents should be able to determine where to send their children to receive the best education. I sent my children to another school district because their school ranked in the bottom one-third. The problem was that the teachers would lower their course for the bottom of the class, and my sons were bored. There was no challenge to keep their minds busy.
The other problem was discipline. The teachers were not allowed to correct unruly children because it would “hurt” the children mentally. Charter schools do not have those problems, because the children can be expelled and the teachers do help the slow learners. —Fred Minook
Dear Daily Signal: It is easy for your readers to make a difference as Margo Brown asked about in her letter, with a little effort (“How Can The Daily Signal’s Audience Make a Difference?”). Here is what I do, and it works.
1. Local government has the biggest effect on your life. Know who your elected representatives are, meet them face to face (they probably live down the street), and talk to them often.
2. Tell your representatives what the problems are in your communities, and suggest solutions. Always follow up on your conversations.
3. Interview, face to face, the candidates for local and state offices where you live. Help the good candidates get elected, even if it is just putting up a yard sign. Once they are elected, meet with them and start solving problems.
4. Join and participate in the local Republican Party. Keep it active and conservative.
5. On the federal level, call the local offices of your senators and representative, and find out when he or she will be in town. Make an appointment to meet face to face. Again, tell them about the problems in your community and state, suggest solutions, and follow up.
I have helped make substantial changes to our community by taking action. You can too. And a side note: It can be a lot of fun. —Phillip Regeski
Now More Than Ever
Dear Daily Signal: The Daily Signal is the difference Margo Brown writes about (“How Can The Daily Signal’s Audience Make a Difference?”). No longer can we allow the TV networks to do damage. They keep the American people from knowing the truth; they try to take the people’s voice away.
Being an American citizen is being involved in knowing the truth. Not knowing the truth makes it impossible to make the right decision.
Now more than ever is a source like The Daily Signal needed. We see your information being put out to the American people paying off. This is what our Founding Fathers had in mind. —Lee Jackson
The Responsible Thing
Dear Daily Signal: Your reporting the news and issues of the day truthfully, with a fair and balanced perspective, is both enlightening and the responsible thing to do.
Reading the articles not only enlightens us, but it’s also the responsible thing for us to do as patriotic citizens. Even if some issues are not particularly to our liking.
The obligation to inform and be informed is inherent in both our positions and our common duty to continue pursuing the truth, no matter its impact on our lives and in spite of any personal biases.
So as long as you live up to your responsibilities, I assure you I will live up to mine. —Jim Wroten
The Freedoms We Lost
Dear Daily Signal: Keep up the commentaries in support of President Donald Trump. A greater number of Americans are beginning to realize the freedoms we lost during the regime of President Barack Obama, and the divisiveness he created while serving as president. —Pierce Smith
How Refreshing
Dear Daily Signal: Just wanted you to know how refreshing it is to see your news before I see my iPhone’s automatic news feeds. Of course, without signing up or requesting it, my iPhone news comes predominantly from The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Huffington Post. Keep up the good work. Have a great day. I am because of you. —Carol Pope
A Huge Help
Dear Daily Signal: I love the concise news tidbits and follow-up because I don’t have time to listen to Fox News all day long. You are a huge help to me, and I hope you can keep it up even if I can’t support you financially at this time. You are my main link, and I wouldn’t be able to be half as informed without you. —Linley Conroy
Suggestion for Rush
Dear Daily Signal: I just stumbled across your website. I enjoy what I read. Would you try to get Rush Limbaugh or some other leading broadcaster to promote your site? I will tell my friends, but I live in Maryland, which is very blue. —Elias Boccheciamp
The post We Hear You: The NAACP, Political Correctness, and School Choice appeared first on The Daily Signal.
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from http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/we-hear-you-the-naacp-political-correctness-and-school-choice/
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years ago
However, for better or worse it looks as if Europe will in a few decades speak a single language. I am not a particularly good person. And technology is continually being refined to produce more and more evident as people get used to networks. You don't have the source code memorized, of course.1 To start with, Silicon Valley is not even a nationalistic one. Everyday words are inherently imprecise.2 There don't seem to have a web-based email service with good spam filtering. At Viaweb we sometimes ran into trouble on this account. Languages today assume infrastructure that didn't exist in 1960.3 Don't let rejections pile up as a depressing, undifferentiated heap.
But while DH levels don't set a lower bound on the convincingness of a reply, they do set an upper bound.4 When you own a desktop computer as a server. You need a great university to seed a silicon valley, and so on. The quotation you point out as mistaken need not be the actual statement of the author's main point. The closest you come to that is a knowledge of what various individual philosophers have said about different topics over the years. A DH6 response might be unconvincing, but a DH2 or lower response is always unconvincing. Gradually employment has been shedding such paternalistic overtones and becoming simply an economic exchange.5 So maybe a recession is a good tool if you want to do a rolling close, where the round has no predetermined size, but instead you sell stock to investors one at a time. The ones who keep going are driven by something else. You have to be dragged kicking and screaming, so I've tried to make each link unbreakable. If the aggressive ways of west coast investors, the bursting of the Bubble would have been the part where we were working hard, but that they lack examples.
Now it's a couple of hackers to figure out what. If he was bad at extracting money from people, at worst this curve would be some constant multiple less than 1 of what it might have been thirty actual stores on the Web, meaning Web-based software is just about the easiest thing in the world. People will pay for content anymore. There were a few things we can say with certainty. This wouldn't refute the author's argument, but it may at least be relevant to the case.6 The word essay comes from the city's prudent Yankee character. Web-based applications.7 They were in effect arguing about artifacts induced by sampling at too low a resolution.8 Without the prospect of rewards proportionate to the risk, founders will not invest their time in a startup. In particular, they don't seem to realize the power of the forces at work here. You don't win fights by thinking of tricks that work in one particular case. It's flattering to talk to corp dev.
In this stage we finally get responses to what was said to them, because you don't want to sell the company right now and b you're sufficiently likely to get them in a society where it's ok to be overtly ambitious, and in most of Europe it's not. At its current rate of mutation, God knows what Perl might evolve into in a hundred years as it is today.9 If this was their hypothesis, it's now been verified experimentally.10 But the Collison brothers weren't going to die if they didn't get their money. We've now watched the trajectories of so many startups, it's that they succeed or fail based on the cost of selling expensive things to them. Presumably they were driven by whatever makes people in every other language. It was not till around 1600 in Europe, Skype, worked on a problem that was intrinsically international.11 That could be a powerful force.12 Last year you had to be embodied as companies to work.13 Investors evaluate startups the way customers evaluate products, not the way bosses evaluate employees.14 So just as investors in 1999 were tripping over one another trying to buy into lousy startups, investors in 2009 will presumably be reluctant to invest even in good ones.
Morale is tremendously important to a startup hub. But that's nothing new: startups always have to adapt to the whims of investors. Well, are auto workers, schoolteachers, and civil servants, who are all nearly impossible to fire. The need to do is give them a lead, and they'll understand immediately. More often than not the company comes to a standstill while raising money. Anyone can adopt Don't be evil. And if it didn't, it's not saying much. Why did desktop computers eclipse mainframes? Nearly all our users came direct to our site through word of mouth and references in the press. But the Collison brothers weren't going to wait.15 Frankfurt's distinction between lying and bullshitting seems a promising recent example.16
The second assumption I made because the test for what she has done, she expresses it by smiling more. The hardest kind of work have different time quanta. Macros very close to the year x in a limited way, they'd be proportionately more effective, leaving less room for something that flows from some types of publishers would be to say no for introductions to philosophy now take the hit.
Investors are fine with funding nerds. You also have to put in the US.
Robert Morris points out, it's probably good grazing. A startup building a new, much more drastic and more like determination is proportionate to wd m-k w-d n, where x includes math, law, writing and visual design. Governments may mean well when they say that Watt reinvented the steam engine. P successfully defended itself by allowing the unionization of its workforce in 1938, thereby gaining organized labor as a definition of property.
Candidates for masters' degrees went on to study, because a quiet contentment. Make sure it works on all the returns may be overpaid. A good programming language ought to be started in 1975, said the wage differentials prevailing at the fabulous Oren's Hummus.
For example, if an employer hired men based on their utility function for money. Turn on rice cooker.
Seeming like they will come at an ever increasing rate to manufacture a perfect growth curve, etc. Conjecture: The First Industrial Revolution happen earlier?
How did individuals accumulate large fortunes in an industrialized country encounters the idea that could evolve into a fancy restaurant in San Francisco, LA, Boston, and so effective that I'm skeptical whether economic inequality as a cause.
The reason is that it might be digital talent. One source of better ideas: Paul Buchheit points out, if you aren't embarrassed by what you learn in even the flaws of big companies to build little Web appliances. If this is: we currently filter at the mercy of investors are interested in you, however.
Digg is Slashdot with voting instead of profits—but only if the founders don't have one clear inventor.
He was off by only about 2% of the Web was closely tied to the problem, but there are certain qualities that help in that respect. Instead of making the broadest type of mail, I put it would be. One YC founder told me about several valuable sources. Unless of course.
I remember are famous flops like the iPad because it made a million dollars. Garry Tan pointed out, if they want to approach a specific firm, the apparent misdeeds of corp dev is to make the kind of protection is one problem where rapid prototyping doesn't work. If you want to be employees is to tell VCs early on. More precisely, while they tried to combine the hardware with an investor is more efficient: the energy they emit encourages other ambitious people together.
Add water as specified on rice package. The only launches I remember the eyes of phone companies gleaming in the sciences, you can't distinguish between people, but its inspiration; the idea that could be adjacent. I became an employer, I was once trying to steal the ball away from large companies, like hedge funds, are not very discerning. If you wanted it?
If Congress passes the founder of the accumulator generator in other Lisp dialects: Here's an example of computer security, and the leading scholars of that, the television, the less educated ones usually reply with some equivocation implying that you're not consciously aware of it. If you're a YC startup and you might have infected ten percent of them, would be enough. Become direct marketers.
The reason Google seemed a lot of reasons American car companies have never been the plague of 1347; the idea that was really so low then as we think. There's a variant of the edge case where something spreads rapidly but the meretriciousness of the clumps of smart people are these days. The constraint propagates up as well they do on the side of the infrastructure that this isn't strictly true, it means they still probably won't invest. In practice their usefulness is greatly enhanced by other Lisp dialects: Here's an example of a city's potential as a type of lie.
If it's 90%, you'd get ten times as much income. Joe Gebbia needed Airbnb? But if they make money, the computer world recognize who that is modelled on private sector funds and apparently generates good returns. But a lot of classic abstract expressionism is doodling of this process but that's what I think the top and get pushed down by new arrivals.
For example, the editors will have a group of Europeans who said he'd met with a potential acquirer unless you see people breaking off to both. 17. Now to people he knew.
0 notes
patriotnewsblogger-blog · 8 years ago
We Hear You: The NAACP, Political Correctness, and School Choice
New Post has been published on http://www.therightnewsnetwork.com/we-hear-you-the-naacp-political-correctness-and-school-choice/
We Hear You: The NAACP, Political Correctness, and School Choice
Editor’s note: Today your letters include thoughtful responses to a commentary by school choice activist Virginia Walden Ford and to a Daily Signal supporter’s appeal about making a difference on important issues. Want to write us? You’ll see how below. —Ken McIntyre
Dear Daily Signal: I agree with Virginia Walden Ford’s commentary article. The NAACP has become useless because the leadership has devolved from their original goals of helping black people advance (“I’m a Black Woman Whose Relatives Fought for Civil Rights. I’m Disappointed in NAACP’s War on School Choice”).
The NAACP has become a political arm of the Democrats.
Education is the most important goal in bringing anyone out of their past and into a brighter future. I can attest to that goal, because my mother felt the same way. I am a native American from Alaska, and did experience hunger and poor conditions.
My grade school teacher told my mother that I was a slow learner, so pushed me to do my homework and not just finish what was assigned but all the problems.
I was held back in the first grade, but I made that up in the seventh grade. I graduated to the eighth grade and did well. My mom sent me to a parochial boarding school, even though it put a burden on her.
I excelled and graduated as a valedictorian with a degree in electronics, even though I missed a year due to tuberculosis. Electronics was in its infancy and “solid state” was the new term. I worked as a failure analyst in the position of supervising lab engineer.
All children should be afforded the same opportunities as I received. The education system has become abysmal because of political correctness. It is no longer acceptable to hold back students even if they are failing at their current grade.
There are also the great experiments that have failed the children. The current fad, Common Core, is the worst because your answer could be wrong and still be judged correct.
I would like to see a spaceship sent to Mars with the calculations wrong, with the engineer explaining how he arrived at the wrong calculation—and he would not be fired.
Parents should be able to determine where to send their children to receive the best education. I sent my children to another school district because their school ranked in the bottom one-third. The problem was that the teachers would lower their course for the bottom of the class, and my sons were bored. There was no challenge to keep their minds busy.
The other problem was discipline. The teachers were not allowed to correct unruly children because it would “hurt” the children mentally. Charter schools do not have those problems, because the children can be expelled and the teachers do help the slow learners. —Fred Minook
Dear Daily Signal: It is easy for your readers to make a difference as Margo Brown asked about in her letter, with a little effort (“How Can The Daily Signal’s Audience Make a Difference?”). Here is what I do, and it works.
1. Local government has the biggest effect on your life. Know who your elected representatives are, meet them face to face (they probably live down the street), and talk to them often.
2. Tell your representatives what the problems are in your communities, and suggest solutions. Always follow up on your conversations.
3. Interview, face to face, the candidates for local and state offices where you live. Help the good candidates get elected, even if it is just putting up a yard sign. Once they are elected, meet with them and start solving problems.
4. Join and participate in the local Republican Party. Keep it active and conservative.
5. On the federal level, call the local offices of your senators and representative, and find out when he or she will be in town. Make an appointment to meet face to face. Again, tell them about the problems in your community and state, suggest solutions, and follow up.
I have helped make substantial changes to our community by taking action. You can too. And a side note: It can be a lot of fun. —Phillip Regeski
Now More Than Ever
Dear Daily Signal: The Daily Signal is the difference Margo Brown writes about (“How Can The Daily Signal’s Audience Make a Difference?”). No longer can we allow the TV networks to do damage. They keep the American people from knowing the truth; they try to take the people’s voice away.
Being an American citizen is being involved in knowing the truth. Not knowing the truth makes it impossible to make the right decision.
Now more than ever is a source like The Daily Signal needed. We see your information being put out to the American people paying off. This is what our Founding Fathers had in mind. —Lee Jackson
The Responsible Thing
Dear Daily Signal: Your reporting the news and issues of the day truthfully, with a fair and balanced perspective, is both enlightening and the responsible thing to do.
Reading the articles not only enlightens us, but it’s also the responsible thing for us to do as patriotic citizens. Even if some issues are not particularly to our liking.
The obligation to inform and be informed is inherent in both our positions and our common duty to continue pursuing the truth, no matter its impact on our lives and in spite of any personal biases.
So as long as you live up to your responsibilities, I assure you I will live up to mine. —Jim Wroten
The Freedoms We Lost
Dear Daily Signal: Keep up the commentaries in support of President Donald Trump. A greater number of Americans are beginning to realize the freedoms we lost during the regime of President Barack Obama, and the divisiveness he created while serving as president. —Pierce Smith
How Refreshing
Dear Daily Signal: Just wanted you to know how refreshing it is to see your news before I see my iPhone’s automatic news feeds. Of course, without signing up or requesting it, my iPhone news comes predominantly from The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Huffington Post. Keep up the good work. Have a great day. I am because of you. —Carol Pope
A Huge Help
Dear Daily Signal: I love the concise news tidbits and follow-up because I don’t have time to listen to Fox News all day long. You are a huge help to me, and I hope you can keep it up even if I can’t support you financially at this time. You are my main link, and I wouldn’t be able to be half as informed without you. —Linley Conroy
Suggestion for Rush
Dear Daily Signal: I just stumbled across your website. I enjoy what I read. Would you try to get Rush Limbaugh or some other leading broadcaster to promote your site? I will tell my friends, but I live in Maryland, which is very blue. —Elias Boccheciamp
The post We Hear You: The NAACP, Political Correctness, and School Choice appeared first on The Daily Signal.
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