#sounds great in bardcore
sedlex · 4 months
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badkatdesigns · 2 years
Cooking up some romantic bullshit for valentine's day 💖 hork me some quid in the name of the season ✨💖✨
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canmom · 3 months
I think Farya Faraji has realised that hour long videos about the difference between actual historical music and modern historically themed music is a great way to get people to watch stuff about music theory. Which, you know, guilty, I haven't watched his older videos on medieval music yet but I did watch this one!
Anyway it's fascinating stuff - I didn't realise how new our current approach to tonal harmony is. I tried to be careful to distinguish between the general and the culture specific in my music theory posts, but even in my own culture, it turns out I was picking out emphases that are very modern. If Farya is right, medieval European music actually sounded a lot more like the 'modal' approach that still exists in middle Eastern, Balkan and Mediterranean music. Instead of supporting a melody with chords, you would improvisationally add various kinds of what modern Western music calls ornamentation. Towards the end of the middle ages you'd get a greater degree of polyphony using e.g. a sustained drone note or additional melodies that don't really try to harmonise in the way we write them to today. At this point the level of ornamentation dies down, and it lays the groundwork for the modern system of harmony to appear in the early modern period.
In contrast to actual historically informed music, Farya describes a genre he calls 'bardcore', which aims for a superficial appearance of medieval style to modern ears but uses a modern folk-inspired performance style - strummed chords, modern classically trained singing styles, modern instruments like the Irish bouzouki invented in the 70s. (As with the viking music and orientalism videos, he's at some pains to emphasise that anachronistic music isn't bad music and he likes a lot of these 'bardcore' bands.)
Anyway, I appreciate it because it expands my horizon for 'ways music can work' and gives a narrative to the evolution of tonal harmony - maybe an oversimplified narrative, and I'm still not entirely sure what the term 'modal' is getting at (presumably something to do with the modes [roughly, scales] that music was written and embellished in?), but it's a starting point. one of the most interesting youtubers to come along recently...
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neoyi · 14 days
Any fav Soundtracks in sea of stars? The ambience Soundtracks are really ngl
I actually answered this in my side blog where I live-blogged Sea of Stars:
I fully recommend checking out the SoS tag there if you wanna read up approx. 65 bazillion posts where I analyze and gush over the game, though be mindful my side blog is an Adult Blog For Grown-Ups, so please curate and filter as needed (most of the SoS content there is sfw, but there's at least, maybe like two, risque fanart I posted up there.)
That said, I'll copy and paste what I wrote there here (with some editing):
"In the Womb of the Stars" is my defacto, most favorite song in the entire soundtrack. It is unsurprising that I picked a Yasunori Mitsuda vehicle (not that Eric W. Brown is a slouch!), it is incredibly ambient as you described. It's also ethereal, peaceful, hopeful, and conjures images of starry night skies so perfectly. I feel simultaneously content yet surrounded by mysteries I've yet to discover.
Other fave tracks...
The Great Archives: This actually wasn't in my original list. I liked the song a lot, but didn't know if it was one of those things I'd be listening to quite as much as the others on the list, but it grew on me more and more. Few could really make a theme song that genuinely sounds like "Old Wizard Lives and Smells Like a Library", but "The Great Archives" managed it very well.
Mooncradle: Particularly its night theme. The part where it sounds like it twinkles is a good first impression of the kind of whimsy this game excels at. Bardcore version of this was also good.
Dance of 1,000 Suns: Such a good title for Garl’s theme. It’s so bouncy and joyous, a perfect fit for the perfect boy.
Teaks, the Traveling Historian: The beginning kind of sounds like an ol’ West theme, though further listening, it’s pretty clearly meant to portray her mile-a-minute observational skills.
The Mole Masons: Especially its day theme. It’s just so upbeat and perky.
Serenade of Respite: This was my fave for the longest time until "In the Womb of the Stars." It's just so soothing. Legit feels like this was a leftover from Mitsuda's "Chrono Cross." That's how good it is.
The Storm Calls for You! Cheesy concertina aside (and maybe because of it), this boss theme is a BANGER.
Settlers Island: It sounds both like Christmas and Stardew Valley: very cozy.
The Town of Mirth: Cozy x10. Love how relaxing it is. Both day and night are great.
Monuments to the Ancients: Kinda feels like it’d make a good credits score, honestly. It has that same vibe I feel whenever I listen/see the credits to Super Mario Bros 2, actually.
Shoppe: I like the overall shop theme in SoS, but the Docarri one is the best. It’s the prettiest sounding one.
The Frozen Peak: Holy shit, this one is an EARWORM.
The Bamboo Forest: Incredibly serene. Just slap a screencap of that locale on YT for ten hours with that music, and add in some trickling water sound effects and BAM! You got an ASMR.
Volcano Pursuit: Also a banger. I don’t really gel with a lot of, like, lava-themed songs (y'all can’t ever top DKC 2’s “Red Hot Bop”), but this one is really, really fun.
Elegy of the Hero: Hi, I’m gonna get on my hands and knees and cry again, thanks.
Stars Align on the Assembly Line: Love it. Would rave to it.
Ascension: Godspeed, Solen and Luana…
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scarfacemarston · 1 year
I'm writing an essay for the first time in YEARS (1500 words) any top tips as a seasoned writer? 😅
Hey! I’m happy to help. First and foremost, do not procrastinate. Yes, that is so hypocritical of me because I’ve been struggling not to do it myself. However, the less you can procrastinate, the better. I like having a writing playlist. I recommend classical music, there are so many sub genres of classical music that I’m sure you’ll find something. There are lots of good videos that are things like “Calming piano music and fire crackling” or “Library ambient sounds” if classical music isn't your thing. If you're looking to get into classical music, I recommend Debussy! Debussy has a lot of relaxing music.
This is relaxing, too, imo. It’s bardcore!  Other advice: 1. Outlines are your friend. They are so incredibly helpful, and many assignments may require an outline. I have had multiple academic and work assignments that requested one, but even if it’s not required, it’s still helpful. I had a professor introduce me to the “reverse outline”, which is when you take your paper, or what you have of it, and create an outline out of it. Here's an example. It's okay if you're not able to write outlines at the moment. You can always practice with other assignments.
2. I would also recommend writing just the subheadings and writing what you know from there and just writing in sections. I have had professors discuss how writing the introduction and the conclusion is the hardest part and should be written last. Unfortunately, some teachers/professors may require an intro first as a preview. It just depends on your teacher/professor. 3. My biggest piece of advice is something I struggle with, but it is helpful. It’s called a zero draft. It’s when you write stuff. Whatever comes to mind.It doesn't exactly have to be brainstorming, but it can be. I think this is way more free-thinking than that. Ex: tuberculosis Deadly, cultural, in pop culture, Sanitariums- places to live. Percy Shelly - author who died from it. Antibiotics - 1940s. Rene Dubos - wrote the first cultural history book. Trudeau - has cabins in NY.
It’s great for perfectionists because it’s no pressure. You KNOW you are going to write garbage. It’s like “word vomit”. From there, you have ideas, and you start to shape up what you have. What matters is getting SOMETHING on the page. Perfection does not exist. I have to tell myself this constantly.(Far easier said than in practice. I have OCD, and it’s a struggle.)
Getting it done is better than nothing at all. Again, I know sooo many people feel the same, so you’re not alone! Even people I look up to struggle with this. Misc ideas: going for walks, even if it's mini walks in the apartment/house. Also, practice self-care. Some people take longer showers/baths, and others take a nap, as crazy as that sounds. It's been weirdly helpful for me. Finally, think of a small reward for when you finally finish!
I hope some of this is helpful. Best of luck, and let me know if you need more help!
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fvriva · 1 year
tagged by @cervicrazed to show off my music taste! gonna pick from my shuffle lol
Belgrade // Battle Tapes -> i hear this is a theme song for a show now? anyway this song is a good action song. really fires me up. has a slapping beat and that alt rock band sound
The Woods // San Fermin -> my introduction to san fermin! this song has those spooky witch vibes, an extremely deep male vocalist and tones set by a female vocalist, though some of the other songs with that lead are super pretty. florence welch adjacent
NEVER MET! (feat. Glitch Gum) // CMTEN -> listen, okay, i know hyperpop isn't a real genre but i love that energetic mixture of autotuning and glitchy mixing and electronic beats. i can also almost sing along in time to this one (it's a little fast)
Bii Biyelgee // The HU -> 🫵 go listen to this mongolian folk metal band NOW 🫵 their lyrics are getting really accessible on spotify and other places and they're so emotional and beautiful
Carmen ad deum // Helium Vola -> this genre is like. bardcore but in the other direction, and is actually good. all their songs are based in actual medieval texts and sheet music/period-accurate musical stylings, but reimagined as techno music
Vocalo-Colosseum // SymaG -> technically a cover of a rin and gumi song but i would be a hack fraud without any vocaloid on his list. the song in general just fucks in general but the album art for this song on spotify really enhances the vibe
Tengu Village // Maclaine Diemer -> similarly i would be a hack if i didn't put any ost on here, and GW2 ost in particular. this is one of my favorite new areas in the game, it's such a nice place to idle (or as new as eod is as the second newest xpac i guess)
The Pines // 070 Shake -> my sister introduced me to this one by going "you'd like this band. they have something in common with you." and after a lot of my guesses she was like "they're gay" thanks girlie. anyway this one is another one of those great autotune songs with a fucking EXCELLENT breakdown in the last chunk
Noi! // Yuki Kaijura -> if anyone can find another track with the same general vibes as this song PLEASE hmu. it's giving coraline as well
Camel Dancefloor // Igorrr -> this track singlehandedly got me back into igorrr, my beloved my beloved. it's one of the less crazy igorrr tracks compositionally but it's got an addictive melody motif
tagging: @t4tmetalsonic @breitzbachbea @hunny-k @jin-kies @yoma-999 @awerzo @evilpol
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themusiichouse · 1 year
Ah, medieval Europe (or at least what looked like it). A great place to be walking around totally lost in 21st-century garb with a really obvious Mage Vibe™ about you. No, really! It's not like you'll get stared at weirdly or anything! Well...
"You know, I really think we shouldn't have walked into this city without casting some sort of illusion on ourselves," Fanny says, gazing uneasily around her at all the strange looks the party was getting.
"I should have thought of that myself, honestly," Franzi replies, in her workout outfit that was clearly showing her well-toned arms and midriff. "I have the distinct feeling that it's not entirely appropriate here to be out in the world showing more than your ankles. Or to be a woman wearing pants."
"You tell me. I fucking hate being stared at," Minona mutters. "I can feel the white people judgment pouring off these fuckers. Like they just know that their counterparts in our world flip their shit at seeing a Black person in a hoodie…"
"For once I'm glad not to be in my kitsune form," Wolfie muses.
"It's not as though any of us could have guessed we'd end up in a place like this," Felix muses. "Or predicted in advance what kind of clothing we'd have to wear."
"Well, I know one person who could have predicted it," Fanny grumbles. "Wilhelm von Blumenthal! You do seiðr, don't you? Can't you predict the future with that? Couldn't you have given us a heads up about--"
She pauses, not hearing a response.
"Hey--where is that little brat anyway?"
The little brat seemed to have other plans. Grinning broadly, he'd slowed so that the group could travel a short distance ahead of him, then ducked into an adjoining road and weaved his way through the little town until he could reach the central square. He didn't care for the townspeoples' suspicious looks, or their superstitious whispers. He wanted to know one thing and one thing alone: Whether the whole "music from the future could kill a medieval peasant" meme was true.
He got up on the central platform from which the town crier presumably announced his messages, and, pressing a finger to his throat in a bit of projection magic to boost his voice even further, called out, "Hear ye! Hear ye!"
The townspeople milling about whipped around, startled. That certainly wasn't their town crier's voice. Before them appeared a man (or was he a boy?) that looked no older than twenty--perhaps younger, even, judging by his short height and that impossibly fresh-looking face. And what on earth was he dressed as? What material were those blue pants of his made of, and why did the kneecaps look frayed? The shape of the letters on his short-sleeved shirt were familiar, but none were literate enough (or well-versed in foreign languages enough) to understand that it read, "WODAN WAS A FEMBOY." They did, however, note that it featured an old bearded guy in makeup and a dress. And immediately, every single one of their hackles went up.
"Citizens of this quaint little town," Wilhelm says, willing his voice to speak in Allspeak that would allow them to understand what he wished to communicate. "As humble as you are, you no doubt have been exposed to the beauty that music can offer you. Where I come from, I have heard the splendid tunes of traditional bards of my day, such as 'Gangsta's Paradise' and 'Pumped Up Kicks.'" He's referring to bardcore, of course. "But today, I will introduce you to a new kind of music. A transcendent experience unlike any you have ever heard before. One that will lift each and every one of you from your well-despised serfdom, and in exultation make you kings and queens. Listen well, for if you do not take the lessons of this new form of song to heart, you may never hear it again. Now is the time! Hear the music of the future! Hear the music of the REVOLUTION!"
A baton materialized in his hand. And as it did, the sound of Ride of the Valkyries poured forth into the air.
"Hello! Bonjour!" Franzi calls to a shopkeeper along the path, waving with a cheery smile. Maybe if they were simply pleasant to these people, they'd excuse their strange appearances. "You wouldn't happen to know where to find--"
But the shopkeeper merely glared at her and turned away, pretending to busy herself with reorganizing her stock.
"You try, Fanny," Franzi sighs. "At least you've got a dress that covers your ankles--"
But it's not long before a sudden burst of music floods the town--Ride of the Valkyries, pouring out from its center. With such dramatically stirring opening notes, no one could miss it--least of all the rest of the Classica family. Fanny jumps as soon as she hears the noise--for that is what Wilhelm's music is to her, noise--and balls a fist.
"Oh, there he is, that insufferable--" Fanny doesn't even finish her insult before tearing off in the direction of the sound.
"What the fuck does he think he's doing?" Johannes cries as he hurries after her. "Do the words 'keep a low profile' not mean anything to him?"
"I probably shouldn't refer to my own grandson as an attention whore," Minona says, "and yet--"
"We can complain about it later," Franzi says, hurrying ahead of Fanny. "We have to grab him and get out of here. Now!"
Wilhelm grins as he let the music flow through the open space, letting the magic overwhelm the senses of all those in front of him. Gone are the town's buildings around him, swept away by a grand illusion of a towering Norse hall soaring through the clouds, guarded by illusory Valkyries that took the form of his most beloved opera singers. A young dark-skinned woman with long hair soars forward, raising her spear to deliver the opening bars of the song;
"Hojotoho! Hojotoho! Heiaha! Heiaha!"
The voice bursts out in what could either be seen as an angelic resonance piercing the heavens or an all-out assault on the eardrums. The peasantry of this small medieval-looking town seems to have taken it as the latter. The townspeople scream at the intensity of the music-magic being hurled at them, hands planted on their ears as the force makes them collapse on the ground. That's to say nothing of the unfamiliarity of it all. What are these instruments, so ferocious and harsh? There is singing, but why is it like that? The sound of the strings arcs and swoops through the air like a lance intent on piercing them, while the brass pummels them without mercy. Some have literally fainted at the shock of the sight and sound; some manage to stand up, and hurry off to God knows where. Franzi sees them leave out of the corner of her eye; it can't be anything good.
"Wilhelm! What do you think you're doing? Get down from there!" Franzi calls, barely audible above the sound.
"Why?" he yells back. "I'm just seeing whether that meme about modern things killing medieval peasants is actually true. And I think it's working!"
"Fucking hell, Wilhelm!" his brother Johannes cries out. "We were literally just asking for directions!"
"We need to go now, before we get into any trouble," Franzi says, ascending the platform and grabbing Wil by the wrist.
"But the fun was just beginning…" Wilhelm pouts.
Well, the fun would come to an end just as soon as it began. Below, a large crowd had gathered, torches and pitchforks in hand, one person even with a long rope fit for tying someone to a stake.
"We were literally just asking for directions," Johannes repeats, as Franzi slings Wil over her shoulder and the group hurries off.
"Put me down! Holy shit! Mom! Put me the fuck down!"
But it's no use simply to scream about it, or to beat her back with his tiny fists. The entire group has roped him up with their magic as Franzi hauls him out of the city, sparkling lines like music staves wrapping around him to bind him to her back. Each one of them alone, he can comfortably take, but when they all worked together, it's a different story…
"We can't stay here anymore. Good job," Fanny grumbles. "Now we're going to have to find another town, and God knows where that would be--"
"Of course we can stay here! There's nothing these simple townsfolk can do against the might of all our magic combined. And what makes you think we can't survive on our own until we get back home, anyhow--"
"It's not about magic, Wil! Not everything is about strength of magic! How would you like to be in a space where you can only force everybody to tolerate you?" Fanny cries. "Well, I mean, you probably already know what that's like, because that's basically the state of your fandom…"
"HEY!" Wil shouts.
"You know, I thought it was funny," Wolfie says cheerfully. "I wonder how they would have responded to my Cupcakke remixes--"
"Don't enable him!" Fanny thwacks Wolfie on the shoulder with the back of her hand.
"Hey, guys," Felix pipes up, "there's a--"
"Come on, loosen up," Wil says, grinning. "Of course it was funny! These people have never heard anything more than some bards tinkling away on a mandolin. Didn't you see? Ride of the Valkyries was literally blowing them away!"
"Well, the fact remains, you basically ruined our reputation in this town before we even had a chance to ask anyone for help," Fanny says.
"Guys, there's a--" Felix tries to interject again, but again his friends keep fighting.
"Yeah, and?" Wil challenges. "It's not like these people have Internet or anything. We can just find another town!"
"Word still gets around!" Fanny says. "It might be slower than in the modern day, but you know people still talk. How many times was your soulbound life caught causing trouble because people kept catching up to you?"
"That was the 19th century! This is a bumfuck century! Big difference!"
"Guys," Felix says, finally being heard, "there is a lady with blue hair following us."
"Huh?" Fanny turns around.
The whole group does, in fact. And there, in the trees, is a lovely young woman with strikingly fluffy blue hair and strangely pointed ears, staring at the party like they'd just come from another universe (which, of course, they did). They knew at once what she was, like what many of the townsfolk suspected: nonhuman. Perhaps that might make her a better ally here than most.
"Hello," Fanny says, stepping through the group to see her better. "What's your name?"
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petrichorvoices · 2 years
Listening to all the songs you said! I'm looking for songs for my front playlist. Sooo what kind of songs do you like? I am just bored right now so searching for new music:). Upbeat songs and violence songs are both great. You've already given some songs so it's alright if you don't have anything else to add!!
Oh, that helps! That means I can also just give you songs I like, even if they don't necessarily relate to our source character!
My favorite artists are the Front Bottoms, Alela Diane, Bleachers, and the Mountain Goats. Genres are more difficult, but I like queercore, whatever the genre the rest of the system likes (indie folk maybe? I don't know!), bardcore, I had a shoegaze phase a bit ago. There are still a few holdovers from that in my playlist.
If I shuffle my playlist, I get:
Lone Star by the Front Bottoms
The Funeral by Band of Horses
The Masochism Tango by Tom Lehrer (A good one for violence!)
Wave II by Elori Saxl
Fire That Burns by Circa Waves (Upbeat and violent! At least the music video is violent. I recommend it!)
Bad Blood by Radical Face
Children of God by AJJ
Tennis Court by Lorde
Bully's Lament by Shakey Graves. Specifically the Audiotree version! It's better.
Looking specifically for violent songs, there are the very obvious The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid and Bust Your Kneecaps by Pomplamoose. Arguably Love Me Dead by Ludo. Bad Bad Things by Ajj, The Masochism Tango by Tom Lehrer, Fire That Burns by Circa Waves, Happy by Liam Lynch (Which might be triggering, I don't know your relation to our source)... If you put on Watermelon Sugar - Medieval Version by Bardcore on Spotify your headmates might be violent towards you which could count! Maybe The Autopsy Garland by the Mountain Goats? Vienna by Lambert is weirdly violent for an instrumental song, or at least it has those ~vibes~. Maybe Gun Song by the Lumineers? Probably not. Werewolf Gimmick by the Mountain Goats. Blood In The Cut by K.Flay.
Now, energetic songs! Back when front was mostly just Cecil and I, we stayed up very late a lot and we'd always end up playing energetic pop songs because they sound better at 4am. Here's that playlist! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0n1xHNsQon0K8GL0BFbqJm?si=30607f563ce84c2b It's my favorite playlist!
Hope this helps!
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mlm-writer · 4 years
Where Anecdotes Prevail (Jaskier x M!Reader)
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Pairing: Julian Alfred Pankratz (Jaskier/Dandelion) x Top Male Reader (NOT trans-friendly) Rating: Explicit Words: 1043 POV: Second Summary: Not gonna lie, you’re a little insecure, because Jaskier used to travel with a witcher and now he is stuck with ordinary you. Also Jaskier sings WAP.  Notes: A sequel to Fuck the Pain Away Tags: Jealousy, insecurity, deepthroating, facefucking/throatfucking, cum eating, Jaskier has no gag reflex because I say so and *insert WAP bardcore*
“You can also stay forever,” he had said. And you did. Your talents were mostly fixing things, from houses to small trinkets. A man like you found a job anywhere. You didn’t even need a place to live, since Jaskier could just get a place at any tavern slash inn. During the day you either had the best orgasms in the continent or worked for decent money, while in the evenings you got to hear the bard sing of exaggerated stories about yourself. He turned fixing wagon wheels into glorious races against the clock. He turned fixing barns into saving families. ‘Artistic interpretation’ he called it. You called it horseshit, but it gave you a reputation that earned better than a normal fee would. 
The tavern was casted in a warm light as you stepped inside. The sweet, familiar voice filled the gaps between conversations, accompanied by a lute. You smiled, but that smile faded as the words filled your ears. You knew these songs. He used to sing them before you, the stories of monsters and great battles, the stories of Geralt of Rivia. Jealousy etched in your chest as you took a seat at the bar. If Jaskier had noticed your entrance, he sure as hell didn’t show it. You drank a couple, before retreating to your room for a bath.
As you soaked yourself in the hot water, moping just a little, Jaskier came inside. “Honey, I’m home,” he mused as you heard him put the lute aside and rid himself of half his clothing. As fancy as his clothes were, you were absolutely certain they were not comfortable. “You went up early, long day?” You heard the sound of the lute again as Jaskier rounded the corner with it. 
“Yeah and then to top it off, it seems like I am no longer the one on your mind when I’m gone.” Jaskier blinked at you as he took a seat on the edge of the tub. 
“What do you mean, love? You are always on my mind.”
“Oh my bad, I seem to have forgotten then. You know, the times I fought bravely in battles and defeated monsters and the like.” 
Jaskier laughed and stood up. “Oh my, are you jealous?” You didn’t even have time to deny it. “Oh my, you are! Well, I’m sorry darling, but the people wanted to hear of the white asshole of ‘your voice is like a pie without filling’. I could never deny my audience.” You wanted to cut in, but sometimes Jaskier was just never done with talking. “But! To make it up to you, I wrote you a special song.” 
[*insert a sensual bard version of WAP honestly Jaskier would sing that*] 
Jaskier hardly got to finish the song, before you had him on knees in front of the tub, while you were seated on it. Your wet cock was in his mouth in no time and sucked eagerly on it. Even so, that was not what you were in the mood for tonight. You pushed Jaskier down until he was lying on his back on the wooden floor. You hung over him, thrusting into his mouth, listening to him gag and moan. You fucked his mouth like you would fuck his ass, hard thrusts that reached deep and made your balls slap against him. One of Jaskier’s hands moved up, resting above his head and you took his hand in yours. 
You shoved your cock inside him until your balls were flat against him. Jaskier gagged and struggled, but you kept your cock inside, until he squeezed your hand. You pulled out and moved off him. With just one glance, you could see he was hard as a rock. Jaskier always got hard from having your dick in his mouth and on the odd occasion that was even enough to make him cum. “Get back here and cum in my mouth,” Jaskier demanded as he made grabby hands at you. You helped him off the floor and get him seated against a wall, so his head had once again nowhere to go as you slid your cock inside. You noticed Jaskier pushing his breeches halfway down his thighs, stroking himself as he sucked you off. 
You fucked his head, always impressed by just how well he could take it and deepthroat your cock like a champion. “I wonder, would you just get this hard from sucking off anyone, or is it just me that makes you want to cum without a single touch?” Jaskier tried to say something, but not a single word was comprehensible with your cock jammed in his throat. His eyes rolled back and you felt his throat spasm as he came with your cock inside him. You kept your cock deep in his throat, hardly pulling out and waiting for his body to stop convulsing. When he stopped, you pulled out.Jaskier held his tongue out for you. You rested the tip of your cock on it as you stroked the rest. Hardly a few strokes in, Jaskier replaced your had with his, looking up at you in the most vulgar of ways. 
His innocent eyes locked on yours as he stroked your cock as if he would die without your cum. You groaned as you came on his tongue. After the first shot, he closed his lips around the tip, sucking you empty as he kept stroking. You spilled in his mouth, personally proud of how much you could cum even with the frequency of sex you and Jaskier had. Jaskier showed you the cum in his mouth before swallowing it all with a smirk. You groaned and bent down to give him a filthy kiss, tasting the aftermath on his tongue. You could feel the smile stretching over his lips. “You know you don’t need to be jealous, right?” 
You pulled back looking at Jaskier. He was smiling, but there was a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. You sighed and nodded. “Sorry, I reacted childishly.” You nuzzled his face, giving him small, apologetic kisses. 
“So that song I sang you…” “Absolutely filthy, you better never play that in public.” “But you like it?” “You should sing it sometime while riding my dick.”
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helpfulbug · 3 years
hehe I'm having a great time w music rn so I'm doing the 5 songs you've been obsessed w recently thing @poptartmochi tagged me in (thank you belovie🫂🏃‍♀️)
1) this 80s cover of somebody that I used to know (I was OBSESSED w this a few years ago and it wound up in my youtube recs and well. still slaps!!)
2) Gold Bars Taken Away (奪われた金塊) of the Golden kamuy OST (I know there's sm to be critical of in this story esp the way the struggle of the ainu is portrayed BUT I really feel this song sounds like the deep sorrow of slowly losing your way of living/your land and coming to terms that the future of your culture is uncertain)
3) aliens invading by kesha (an UNRELEASED track!! I know its probably bc of label bs and she probably has no say in it but it's still one of her best songs to date)
4)Party Rock Anthem (Medieval Core Version) (im so deeply saddened that the bardcore trend has largely passed us by but there are still a few ppl actively doing songs! shout out to to ushers yeah! that almost took this spot but nothing can top the sheer funkyness of this cover)
5) one more night (demo) by fleetwood Mac (I love this sm everytime I think I have my fm favs in order I discover a new hidden gem🤹‍♀️)
tagging the music mutuals (no pressure to do this ofc!!) @nightstitcher @lostcryptids & @natookie (you guys have epic taste<3)
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wromwood · 3 years
I was tagged by @chiropteracupola to share four of the songs I’m currently obsessed with! Thanks, dude. :3
1. Hate to Say I Told You So - The Hives (this is the newest entry on this list. I just encountered this song by watching Invincible on Amazon Prime, which I highly recommend if you have access to the Prime streaming service. I don’t listen to as much punk as I should, so this song was almost refreshing when I first heard it. It just sounds so good, and it connects to a part of me I don’t reflect on too much. I’m glad I discovered it.)
2. MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) - Medieval Cover / Bardcore - stantough (that’s the YouTube channel name), originally Lil Nas X (I also like the original version of this song, but I’m a sucker for this instrumentation. The blend of a modern song with an older sound is just irresistible to me, and I love imagining a bard pulling together a band and performing this to a large court of people.)
3. The Jitterbug - Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg, according to Google (I was reminded of this cut number from the Wizard of Oz recently. The song itself is really catchy, but the history is what really fascinates me. How this song was cut because the people making Wizard of Oz were worried it would date the film. How so much choreography was left to be unseen. How we at least have the audio of the original actors singing this number.)
4. The Power of Love - Huey Lewis and the News (A holdover from my recent dive back into Back to the Future. This song is just so catchy, and brings back great memories of putting on the first Back to the Future movie with my folks.)
Don’t feel like tagging anyone right now, so feel free to do this if you want to!
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theda-rison · 4 years
Thursday Night Link Roundup - August 27th
Let’s dive in like people ignoring the “Shallow! Don’t dive!” signs.
So like, I knew that the United States Postal Service was Super Good, and, Very Important. I lived in Scotland for a year and while the free healthcare was everything I’d hoped it would be, I would take the USPS over the Royal Mail any day of the week. I don’t know if it was because I was living in student accommodations or something, but the USPS seems like way less of a pain in the ass to deal with (though I will say, the people working in the RM stores I went to were very nice. Wait, the people at one place were nice, the people at the other place were like, “eh.” But I had moved flats and couldn’t go to the first place anymore >_>). 
Well then! Thank you Cody’s Showdy (Some More News) and your information about how the USPS has been slowly degraded and eroded away - mostly by republicans - over the decades. Like… I know they’re all neoliberals a la Reagan or Thatcher and they want to privatize everything, but can’t we just accept that some things are things we’re supposed to have? Like, as humans who exist on this planet who need things to be able to continue to exist?
But then like… there’s a reason why I’m the Family Socialist. 
I was deadlifting when I started this video and when the “jaywalking, punk anarchist!” part came up I laughed and dropped the weight. It’s Radical Reviewer with an essay on the stupidity of conservatives pretending that protestors and leftists are making 1984 happen.
I get that PragerU is just propaganda and that Dave Ruben is a propagandist, but I feel like they have to had sold their souls or something to be so intentionally obtuse and not be just… curling inwardly on themselves from the gravitational waves of how dense they are. Like… anyone could read the book and be like “No, you’re wrong,” but Dave blocks people on Twitter, so how would he ever hear them?
Also, Orwell was a socialist so to take his book and literally do the doublespeak shit in the book at his own book?
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Speaking of “yikes” did everyone else see Ben Shapiro just own himself like the slavery that he claims wasn’t bad? Love Kurtis Conner’s take: “I fell on my keyboard and my hands typed out ‘WAP Cardi B Megan Thee Stallion I’m Horny’ and the video came up and I accidentally clicked on it and I accidentally watched the whole thing.” Like, how do you “accidentally” watch a video?
You know when you’re in high school and you know someone who’s completely bothered by something or someone and they say, “I don’t even care! I don’t even care! I don’t even care! I don’t even care! I don’t even care!” about 40 times and you’re just looking at them blankly and you’ve just been doing Shakespeare in English class so you’re like, “Methinks the lady doth protest too much,” regardless of their gender? All of the conservative blustering over the song feels like that.
Great song, btw.
So, spoilers, if you haven’t watched Westworld. I haven’t, but I like to live dangerously. Here’s Just Write with Westworld And The Trouble With Ensembles.
So the reason why I wanted to watch this when it popped up was because my comic that I wrote during July (and part of August) is an ensemble cast. So, I think this did a lot to answer my questions on how to make a story with an ensemble cast be good and not a mess, and it even brought up some things that I hadn’t thought of, so, thanks Just Write.
This week’s silliness: When you hit a tritone in medieval times by Daniel Thrasher.
(I bet he doesn’t even skate.)
Just everything about this sketch is great. The king, the knight, the jester, the demon, all of it. I just love the king as a character, he reminds me of something out of a Mel Brooks movie.
Songs of the Week:
I'm a member of the Midnight Crew - (posted by)  Amanda met Snor
Is this song from--? Yes, it is. And we are all going to sit here and enjoy it!
This song is from 1909 by the way. I just find that kind of cool.
Inception 'Time' , Hans Zimmer - Kalimba cover. - IPIDA SOUND
I really like the way the song sounds on a kalimba. (I’ve thought about buying one and hoooo boy, are they expensive.) I also just love their cat hanging out nicely while they play. Adorable.
System of a Down - Aerials - Medieval Style - Bardcore -  Algal the Bard
I think, for whenever I get married, I want to hire a band to play metal music, but in a medieval/renaissance way. Ooh, maybe I’ll make everyone do country dances. The Jane Austen kind. Just for funzies, lol.
It’ll be like: “Why aren’t you dancing? You’re the bride.” “They’re very sweaty dances.”
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