#sounds from spain
tiaramania · 1 year
Tamara Falco's Wedding Tiara
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Tamara Falcó Preysler, the 6th Marchioness of Griñón, is marrying Íñigo Onieva Molas tomorrow at Palacio de el Rincón in Madrid and she helpfully already told us which of her family's tiaras she is going to wear! Thanks to @duchess-of-lara for telling me about it because I didn't even realize the wedding was back on after the couple broke up last year. Tamara is a Spanish socialite and TV presenter notable for being the daughter of Isabel Preysler and the sister of Enrique Iglesias.
Tamara has chosen to wear the Montellano Diamond Tiara that was made in the 1920s for her grandmother, Hilda Fernández de Córdoba y Mariátegui, 12th Marchioness of Mirabel, 3rd Countess of Santa Isabel, 10th Countess of Berantevilla, who was married to Manuel Falcó y Escandón, 9th Duke of Montellano, 11th Marquess of Castel-Moncayo, 9th Marquess of Pons, so there's a lot of titles in the family and I don't even think that's all of them. In my opinion, Spain has the best system when it comes to noble titles because they have equal primogeniture meaning women can inherit in their own right and are not skipped over for their younger brothers. Also, if you have more than one you can cede the lesser titles to your younger children so Tamara is the third child of her father but he left her the Griñón title because there were other titles that his older two children were inheriting.
María del Rocío Falcó y Fernández de Córdoba, Countess of Berantevilla, wore the tiara for her debut ball in 1950. Her mother, Hilda, who was the original owner of the diamond tiara, is wearing the Turquoise Bowknot Tiara that was made by Chaumet in 1891 for her own mother-in-law, Carlota Maximiliana de Escandón y Barrón. The top of the tiara has been altered since then and I'm not sure which member of the family owns it now but they loan it out for exhibitions sometimes.
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Jannine Girod del Avellanal wore the tiara at her wedding to Carlos Falcó y Fernández de Córdova, 12th Marquess of Castel-Moncayo, 5th Marquess of Griñón, in 1966.
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Carla Pía Falcó y Medina, 10th Duchess of Montellano, wore the tiara at her wedding to Jaime Matossian y Osorio in 1981. Carla also appears to own the Wild Rose Tiara made by Chaumet in 1922 but I don't know if it has a longer history in the Falcó family.
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Amparo Corsini Montero wore the tiara at her wedding to Manuel Falcó y Girod, 13th Marquess of Castel-Moncayo, in 1999. Manuel is Tamara's brother and the current owner of the diamond tiara.
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There's also the Montellano Pearl & Diamond that was worn by Tamara's sister, Alejandra Falcó y Girod, 13th Marchioness of Mirabel, at her wedding to Jaime de Carvajal y Hoyos, 17th Marquess of Almodóvar del Río, in 1998 and was worn last year by Isabelle Junot at her wedding to Álvaro Falcó Chávarri, 4th Marquess of Cubas. I think the diamond tiara is the right choice. It has a long history in the family and looks like it would be the easiest to wear.
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ciderjacks · 2 months
i was talking about this to a friend the other day but something i see ppl say often that really really pisses me off, is when people start hating on america, but it becomes clear they’re hating not on the state of america, but on the american people- and theyll say something to sort of like. exclude. american ethnic groups, as like a way of being like “yeahh fuck all americans they should all die IM NOT RACIST THOUGH!” except they do that by being like “yeah and there were american ethnic groups like natives and creoles and whatever…uhh but yk those americans. They killed all of them. So they’re not around anymore ergo not included.”
i just hate that. Like if you want to say you hate a whole population of people you have to acknowledge that you’re hating a whole population of people, you cant back out when it starts sounding really racist because by doing that you’re just sort of saying we are either extinct, or our whole continued existence on this land is null. Like either say you hate all americans and include us, or if that doesn’t sound right, then don’t say it at all!
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achillesmonochrome · 1 year
...Can someone please explain me, why Giacomo's name in Japanese, is literally PINEAPPLE IN SPANISH.
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dreamings-free · 7 months
https://twitter.com/LT91_Updates/status/1737145411465298198 it's only a rumour of a possible 3th date of a festival in Spain. Maybe they make a mistake or reveal something they didn't have to yet but something to keep an eye on.
ooh 👀
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pulquedeguayaba · 10 months
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Obsessed with this review in Spanish of Tor Bormann-Larsen's biography on Amundsen.
Basically it goes like this:
"God, it took me months to finish this book!!! Not because it was badly written. I think it's the most objective biography of this gentleman who called himself a polar adventurer just for having the title. An immature dude that, besides having delusions of grandeur, fancied himself the one and best polar explorer. The way this guy was able to sell his ideas and get people to sponsor all his enterprises that he believed had exclusive rights to left me with a bitter taste. He betrayed his mentors, friends, and family. He did all sorts of scams. Only hooking up with married women. Nowadays, no one would pay for even his bus ticket. In the end, he tries to play victim once again, dragging with him 5 more people. A clown till the end. This is nothing but a reminder that how a person, aside from the glory, fame and the capitalization of such a significant enterprise as scientific exploration, isn't better than a regular person that leads a quiet life contributing to society. They all hide their skeletons in their closet. But this guy, I can conclude, while he had the ability to survive the polar weather, for activities as equally as complex, like human relationships and science, was fucking useless. I have had enough of this wanker...a fucking disappointment".
It's so rare to come across reviews of polar exploration books in Spanish cos most of them aren't translated* so really caught my eye. Also she shits on Roald SO hard but still gives the book a 4 star review 😆
*More than willing and able to fill that gap btw 🙋
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geddy-leesbian · 9 months
migraine pill induced RE2 AU Serrennedy with twins drabble
(you can tell I wasn't fully in my right mind when I wrote it because there's no angst)
note: one twin was named Severa when I first posted this, but after discovering a more appropriate namesake I decided to change her name to Carmen :3
Leon's at work. Sherry's at school. Neither of the babies were crying. Rita was still awake and a bit cranky, but Luis was in the rocking chair holding her, and she'd fall asleep soon. Carmen was already asleep, in her little bassinet that Luis gently rocked with his foot. It's the quiet moments like this one, as few and far between as they are, that make Luis ask himself "How is this my life? What the fuck happened?"
It's not that he dislikes it– He loves it. He wouldn't trade it for anything. He's just baffled at how it happened, how much he changed, and so quickly. 
Two years ago, he was ambitious and eager to climb the career ladder. Even after he was beginning to feel lukewarm about Umbrella, he still had his sights set on doing something big, even if it was for a different company. As far as his love life went, he had been allergic to commitment, sticking to hookups. He couldn't say he was opposed to having kids, but only because he had literally never even began to think about if he wanted them.
Now he's living with his boyfriend. He has three daughters. Currently, not really any career to speak of. He's a stay at home dad, and completely satisfied with that.
He actually had gotten a job at a lab again for a while. But then they decided to add a baby to their family. Luis had planned to put the baby in daycare so he could keep working, but then they found out they were having twins, and that finding a decent daycare with two open slots was far more difficult than they ever would have expected. (And it certainly didn't help that Luis and Leon both had overprotective streaks, and if a perfect daycare option existed they probably would have found some stupid excuse not to send the twins.) Leon was far more passionate about his own job than Luis was, so as soon as the doctor said Leon was recovered from the c-section enough for him to go back, he did. 
And then Luis was more than happy to quit his job, and take care of the twins. He still had his passion for biology, but ever since Raccoon City, labs tend to make him just a bit uneasy.
Being a stay at home dad to Sherry had been easy, but two really little babies were a very different story. It was truly a full-time job, but taking care of them gave him so much more fulfillment than being in a lab ever could nowadays. (And if someone told him two years ago that he would think that some day, he would have just laughed and thought it was completely insane.)
He had thought about other career options, mostly teaching. That would let him indulge his passion and make use of his degree, while getting to be a good influence for kids, without the uneasiness lab research gave him now. But that was a long ways away, it wouldn't be until the twins were older. 
And just like that, the quiet moment is over. Rita was only getting fussier, not any sleepier or more relaxed. Luis starts to sing to her too, hoping that adding that on top of the rocking will be enough to get her to settle down and sleep. No dice. Luis sighs and gets up to leave the nursery, afraid that Rita will start crying loudly enough to wake up her sister.
Diaper is clean. She's not hungry.
“You just want Daddy, don't you? I know you like him more than me,” He glances at the clock on the oven as he speaks. “He'll be home soon. You know, I don't mind that you like him more. That mean you're going to try to be like him, keep his eyes? I hope you do. He's stupid sometimes, but he has pretty eyes.”
Both babies had been born with blue eyes like Leon's, but Carmen's were already starting to darken, looking more and more like Luis's everyday. Rita's were still blue now, but there was plenty of time left for them to change.
And there's Leon, finally. Luis kind of feels like a 1950's housewife, a baby in his arms, running to the door to greet his "husband" with a kiss. 
“Perfect timing. I can't get her to sleep.”
“Well, of course you can't,” Leon says, taking Rita from Luis. “She doesn't like you because she knows you wanted to name her after a drink.”
“Hey, we've been through this! Margarita is a fine name! Not my fault Americans can only think of alcohol when they hear it.”
“Can't argue with evidence though,” Leon says in a hushed voice, because Rita's eyes are already getting sleepy and starting to close. “She's falling asleep for me just because I took a stand and wouldn't let you name her Margarita.”
Luis gives his best over dramatic eye roll. This was just one of their many joke arguments they liked to repeat. When Luis had brought up the name, Leon had vetoed it, but gently, saying he didn't dislike the name, but that other people would make fun of it. Leon had even been the one to suggest just using a shortened version, rather than ruling out the name completely. But they both had fun bickering and teasing each other, so Leon pretended to despise the name.
And Luis will get his revenge when Carmen inevitably spits up on Leon as soon as he picks her up. She definitely likes Luis more.
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chaseprice · 4 months
Me and Jen started Matt smith season of dw last night.
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kellyvela · 1 year
Oh god, i used to watch Frikidoctor for the news of season 7/8 GoT 😂 (spanish mother tongue)
How did you crash with him?
I suppose we all knew about Frikidoctor and his S7 leaks that were 100% confirmed, he was all over Twitter and Reddit. His leaks were legit since he got them from someone that dubbed the series to Spanish (that's why he got his reputation of having legit leaks). HBO sued him at some point, so he couldn't do the same for S8. He got some info from the filming sets in Spain (Like Tyrion's trial) and then he added his own speculations (Tyrion will die being the bitter part of the bittersweet ending -WTF? & jonerice not being in the trial because aunty was giving birth boatie with Jon by her side LMAO) and got almost everything wrong (targ restoration WRONG, boatie WRONG, jonerice king & queen WRONG).
I still remember his fervent belief that 'without targ restoration the show would make no sense' LOL
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kn11ves · 8 months
the cruelest thing you could do to someone is teach them spanish with a spainiard accent. look what youve done not only to they have an accent on account of them learning you gavw them a FUCKING LISP
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suzufield · 8 months
Spoke spanish with a customer at work and I was shaking
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yngai · 1 year
funniest aspect of the re-tooled canon introduced with ressie 7 is that wesker, who before RE5 was working towards resurrecting umbrella in his own image by ensuring the old corporation burns in the aftermath of raccoon city (even aiding the trials & the american government in covering up the military’s involvement by posing as a key anonymous witness with all the data he gathered from umbrella’s russian facility/the red queen) & while he might have found some slight success with tricell as they were at the forefront of the federation of pharmaceutical companies (& the BSAA’s major donor, the seeds of their corruption were planted pretty early), in the end the american government (who is essentially the central villain of the franchise & also the real world) had the last laugh when they reinstated umbrella as an anti-bioweapon PMC in ‘07, they succeed where wesker failed & i adore, & i do mean adore, that the final scene of RE7′s main storyline is a shot of a blue umbrella helicopter rescuing ethan & mia set to hopeful music as ethan muses on his future & his reunion with his wife .  ‘and these guys are here to clean up the mess.’ he says, followed up by two DLCs where we as chris & joe baker see just how much they’re failing at containing the spread of eveline’s mold eventually covering up the whole affair with aid from the BSAA .  it’s so deliciously ironic & speaks to the overarching political commentary of resident evil .  i want to learn more about this new umbrella corporation given their (understandable) absence from RE8 outside providing the hound wolf squad with equipment .
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yardsards · 2 years
this cold snap combined with being Obligated to visit my shit parents has me fantasizing about the fact that some day i will move hundreds -perhaps thousands- of miles away from here
#eliot posts#i'm not yet sure where tho#roughly considering georgia bc it's one of the more blue of the southern states#california is always an appealing idea but the cost of living Scares Me#could also move outside of the states#prolly to south america but europe could also be neat like spain or italy or somethin#i've only done surface level research on what it's like to like in various south and central american countries#but a few of em sound good for my wants. especially uruguay i think?#alas most of the pros and cons about emigrating from the u.s. are written by the Type Of Person to blog/vlog abt that type of shit#so their complaints are shit where it's like. that just sounds like how most ppl outside of like los angeles live their life#or shit that is very much like what ot was like growing up in my rural hometown#this one bitch was weeping and moaning abt there being no amazon prime 2 day shipping#anyway tho#i do know that the immigration process is very tough (tho especially in europe)#so that would have to wait til AFTER i've spent a few years here in the states setting up a stable life and saving up money#also definitely need to get better at spanish (or learn portuguese if i wanna go to brazil) bc my spanish SUCKS i talk like a preschooler#this one lady on youtube was boohooing about ''i thought i could just learn spanish through immersion'' LIKE BRUH#you just EXPECTED the locals to accomodate you when you didn't even teach yourself RUDIMENTARY spanish beforehand???#whadda fuck
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diari0deglierrori · 1 year
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thepavementsings · 2 years
#sorry in advance to baking-soda for butchering her wonderful verse#i was listening to this on a walk with my dog thinking about TURNED INTO A GIRL ALEX#it happens at the end of the 2020 season.#He calls george. trying to joke about it#'Its barely the worst thing thats happened to me this month. adding it to the tally eh george?'#but george can hear the fear and hesitation nestled behind the exasperated laugh he lets out#So george offers. He can talk to Lewis for Alex. If he wants. He's helped - well he knows about this stuff- george has heard.#alex's shaky smile on the other screen as he breathes out a thanks is enough for George to push through the trepidation as he makes the call#Of course Lewis tells him everything#but george cant hear 'emotionally meaningful' and 'sex' and 'alex' in the same sentence without feeling like his chest is being hollowed out#so he lies. says Lewis told him it has to do with life stressors. tries to ignore how his skin crawls when he suggests it to Alex#that he should see if Max is in Monaco. Swallows thickly around the sound of 'you know because of your seat'#Alex laughs unkindly. 'right. because of the seat. guess i'll try him before i leave.'#before he packs his bags and his dreams and moves back home to england. back to me. george thinks#he doesnt see alex over the winter. pretends it's because he's busy with family and training and a mercedes seat he's vying for.#it isnt until he's walking past the red bull hospitality in Spain the next spring when he sees it#Alex. standing in the doorway just tucked out of the way. arm stretched over his head to holding the frame.#he looks the same. save for the way his red bull shirt hugs his chest tighter. the puffiness of his cheeks more present#he catches george's eye from where he's been standing. nods him to the space between the buildings#his shoulders are drawn up. hands in his pockets when he shoves lightly into george's side#george's mouth feels dry with the words 'you didn't.. it didn't work?'#theres an anger that flashes behind alex's eyes before it's quickly replaced with a familiar bemusement#'no. guess you cant fuck the girl out of red bull but cant fuck the red bull out of the girl.' but theres no heat behind it#'hey. it could be worse. at least i dont have to be out there doing media with the rest of you idiots'#george barely makes it back to his motorhome before he heaves up whats left of his breakfast#there's more but only so much fits in the tags. sorry again.#george/alex
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pinemartenstudios · 10 months
Can we get some headcanons for Creamhound? Because of you, this ship became my new hyperfixation
So now I want some context with these two sillies (If you can do that ofc)
I don't have much to share, but at least is something ^^!
.-Clotted Cream takes longer to notice he's developing a crush. According to his loading screen, he trained himself to smile no matter what, he probably is very empty on the inside and has difficulty accepting his own feelings.
.-I see Caviar as a cool uncle figure for Clotted Cream xD. He would support him regarding his feelings and give him a little push if he needs.
.-It's canon that Brute has written songs to vent his feelings, so he maybe uses writing in general to express himself. She writes cheesy fanfiction where Clotted Cream is a prince and he's a princess, and they're from rival kingdoms and have a forbidden love relationship (the metaphor isn't far away from reality but this fantasy makes it extra cheesy) .-She sometimes ends daydreaming about Clotted Cream and gets distracted during important meetings of the COD or other situations.
.-If they organized more meetings, all of them would have to be outside the Republic. The Higher City people are very discriminatory, it would be harmful for both of them to be seen together there.
I don't know if I mentioned it, but just in case, I hc Brute as genderfluid (he/she)!
I'm so happy you're enjoying the shipp ToT
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belanova · 11 months
yknow what maybe ill listen to some newer hispanic rap maybe it isnt all terrible there Start listening YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! man that is a very interesting accent i wonder which part of the carribean is the singer from *The singer is from spain*
..... clicks off
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