#i went w Severo Ochoa and Margarita Salas
geddy-leesbian · 9 months
migraine pill induced RE2 AU Serrennedy with twins drabble
(you can tell I wasn't fully in my right mind when I wrote it because there's no angst)
note: one twin was named Severa when I first posted this, but after discovering a more appropriate namesake I decided to change her name to Carmen :3
Leon's at work. Sherry's at school. Neither of the babies were crying. Rita was still awake and a bit cranky, but Luis was in the rocking chair holding her, and she'd fall asleep soon. Carmen was already asleep, in her little bassinet that Luis gently rocked with his foot. It's the quiet moments like this one, as few and far between as they are, that make Luis ask himself "How is this my life? What the fuck happened?"
It's not that he dislikes it– He loves it. He wouldn't trade it for anything. He's just baffled at how it happened, how much he changed, and so quickly. 
Two years ago, he was ambitious and eager to climb the career ladder. Even after he was beginning to feel lukewarm about Umbrella, he still had his sights set on doing something big, even if it was for a different company. As far as his love life went, he had been allergic to commitment, sticking to hookups. He couldn't say he was opposed to having kids, but only because he had literally never even began to think about if he wanted them.
Now he's living with his boyfriend. He has three daughters. Currently, not really any career to speak of. He's a stay at home dad, and completely satisfied with that.
He actually had gotten a job at a lab again for a while. But then they decided to add a baby to their family. Luis had planned to put the baby in daycare so he could keep working, but then they found out they were having twins, and that finding a decent daycare with two open slots was far more difficult than they ever would have expected. (And it certainly didn't help that Luis and Leon both had overprotective streaks, and if a perfect daycare option existed they probably would have found some stupid excuse not to send the twins.) Leon was far more passionate about his own job than Luis was, so as soon as the doctor said Leon was recovered from the c-section enough for him to go back, he did. 
And then Luis was more than happy to quit his job, and take care of the twins. He still had his passion for biology, but ever since Raccoon City, labs tend to make him just a bit uneasy.
Being a stay at home dad to Sherry had been easy, but two really little babies were a very different story. It was truly a full-time job, but taking care of them gave him so much more fulfillment than being in a lab ever could nowadays. (And if someone told him two years ago that he would think that some day, he would have just laughed and thought it was completely insane.)
He had thought about other career options, mostly teaching. That would let him indulge his passion and make use of his degree, while getting to be a good influence for kids, without the uneasiness lab research gave him now. But that was a long ways away, it wouldn't be until the twins were older. 
And just like that, the quiet moment is over. Rita was only getting fussier, not any sleepier or more relaxed. Luis starts to sing to her too, hoping that adding that on top of the rocking will be enough to get her to settle down and sleep. No dice. Luis sighs and gets up to leave the nursery, afraid that Rita will start crying loudly enough to wake up her sister.
Diaper is clean. She's not hungry.
“You just want Daddy, don't you? I know you like him more than me,” He glances at the clock on the oven as he speaks. “He'll be home soon. You know, I don't mind that you like him more. That mean you're going to try to be like him, keep his eyes? I hope you do. He's stupid sometimes, but he has pretty eyes.”
Both babies had been born with blue eyes like Leon's, but Carmen's were already starting to darken, looking more and more like Luis's everyday. Rita's were still blue now, but there was plenty of time left for them to change.
And there's Leon, finally. Luis kind of feels like a 1950's housewife, a baby in his arms, running to the door to greet his "husband" with a kiss. 
“Perfect timing. I can't get her to sleep.”
“Well, of course you can't,” Leon says, taking Rita from Luis. “She doesn't like you because she knows you wanted to name her after a drink.”
“Hey, we've been through this! Margarita is a fine name! Not my fault Americans can only think of alcohol when they hear it.”
“Can't argue with evidence though,” Leon says in a hushed voice, because Rita's eyes are already getting sleepy and starting to close. “She's falling asleep for me just because I took a stand and wouldn't let you name her Margarita.”
Luis gives his best over dramatic eye roll. This was just one of their many joke arguments they liked to repeat. When Luis had brought up the name, Leon had vetoed it, but gently, saying he didn't dislike the name, but that other people would make fun of it. Leon had even been the one to suggest just using a shortened version, rather than ruling out the name completely. But they both had fun bickering and teasing each other, so Leon pretended to despise the name.
And Luis will get his revenge when Carmen inevitably spits up on Leon as soon as he picks her up. She definitely likes Luis more.
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