deci-doodles · 7 months
This was originally a request from a friend but I figured I might as well post here coz I think it’s too funny
Audio: Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique Mvt. 4. March to the Scaffold
Would highly recommend listening to the whole track coz it’s a banger but also it’s literally the composer having an opium-induced fever dream about him getting his head lopped off at the guillotine so
#genshin impact#focalors#neuvillette#I’m not sorry#this whole thing spawned from me ranting about Fontaine’s OST for like the nth time#for context I’m a classical musician and while I don’t think Fontaine’s music is necessarily bad#and I get what Hoyomix was aiming for#the direction they chose just frustrates me so much that I could probably scream about it for a good ten minutes or so#again not saying Hoyomix is bad I love their stuff too it just#FRSUTRATES ME#that the nation primarily inspired by what I’m assuming is Belle epoque France#fails to capitalise off of using French romantic composers from the era#and yes I know they said they’ve used Saint-Saëns#Ravel and Faure but I can’t hear it outside of the original Travail motif which was repurposed to just Arlecchino’s#and no imitation compositional technique isn’t making it super obvious either#but somehow we get a lot of Russian and Soviet composers#and I LOVE their stuff#but I was expecting Shostakovich and Stravinsky for SNEZHNAYA NOT FONTAINE#and also Khachaturian while we’re at it#SERIOUSLY WHY IS THERE A SUPER STRAVINSKY SOUNDNING TRACK IN SOME FRENCH CAVES#for reference the track is Magick Without Tears#I mean if we got Chopin at least question mark#but the dude is still Polish and famously homesick despite living in France#but seriously how did we get fricking Le Mer referenced in INAZUMA BUT NOT FONTAINE#no track names alluding to Debussy’s famous works don’t count either we could’ve had La Cathedral Engloutie underwater or something likE#IMAGINE#*cathedrale oops#and don’t get me started on how one of the few references I can find to French Impressionism is just Satie’s gymnopedie#and they named it Gymnopedie too LIKE#or any reference in the OST to the operas in Furina’s constellations like those are som serious bangers
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cunttom · 9 months
Did you draw that one dick comic?
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Literally i have no idea what one you mean. sorry.
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dick-meister · 3 months
@hostradio Replied: hmm? what was that? ... it must be the wind. :)
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at risk of soundn pussy, ther’s days i rlly am scared of my girl & what she might do
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trying to figure out names like ace so i don’t soundn like i’m coping my friend when i come out
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your-local-lovebug · 1 year
doki doki literature club
coliln tels me about monka she soundns nice 👍
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mellowgoop · 2 years
sorry to be a twitter refugee but. do you remember when the whole world was playing new horizons and, while our place on earth as a species fell into a peril, this gigantic swath of people bought the game just to raze their land and make it a tarantula farm to pay off their debts night one. and then were like "why isnt this fun." and then people were like "well, thats the wrong way to play the game" and then this stupid american soundning thing broke out where they were like HOW COULD YOU SAY THAAAAAAAAAAAT
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luminisworld · 2 months
Chapter 6: Secret revealed
Narrator POV:
It been a few years sience their firts time they have, Goseriel and Uricel became even Closer than before now knowing eacht others bodys because that was not the last time, they sometimes do It again, becoming now more experience and being more confortable doing It, practicaly they now belong to eacht other but there was a problem, well two problems.
Uriel and Gabriel wanned to have a meating with their contraparts, individualy, for some reasong they started to fell a really off fealing from them and they started to aviod them so they requested meating to know what was worng.
He didn't know what Gabriel wanned to Talk about so badly, he started to see himself more distant but he couldn't help It, he wanned to be with his lover instead of Gabriel, because he was his confort, he was the only angel Who understand him and loves him, but It was just natural they Gabriel wanned to have a bit of time also with him, he realize that he was already there and so he went into their "home", but now it was weird for Goseriel, but there sitting was Gabriel and so they started to Talk.
Goseriel:" greatings Gabriel my i ask whats the meating is about?"
Gabriel:" greating Goseriel, well this meating is about US."
Ok that soundned really weird sience there was no "US" in them, much less from Goseriel part.
Goseriel:" about..... US??
Gabriel:" yeah, we haven't been together for a long time and i just wanned to ask....... Is there something going on between you and Uricel?"
Goseriel:" ...... What?"
Ok what was happening Right now he was not ready for that kind of question Goseriel has his poker face, but Deep down he was afraid and angry.
Goseriel:" what do you mean by that Gabriel?"
Gabriel:" Thats exactly what i'm talking about,  you right now have this cold atitude towards me but when It comes to Uricel your atitude change completly, like is there something going on between the two or you just dont like me..... Did you ever like me?"
Goseriel was taken a back, but he just felt anger building Deep down just wanned Gabriel to shut Up, but he keep his cool.
Goseriel:" I don't dislike you, i just find mr Uricel more apealing to talk."
Gabriel:" yeah that not It, is It? I know how you look at him, It feels like you're in love with him....... Wait... Are you-?
Goseriel:" What kind of nonses are you talking about right now, ofcourse i am not in love with him, it's forviden whats worng with you??"
Gabriel:" Then why are you reacting like this if nothing is happening between you two?"
Goseriel:" because what are you saying is readyculous, how can we ever break the most important rule of Heaven just because we want to?"
Gabriel wanned to renspond back but a part of him decided to stay silence.
Gabriel:"........... You have a point."
Goseriel:" If is that all you have to say i'm going to do some duties now if you excuse me."
Gabriel:"Sure..... You can go."
And like that Goseriel went to do some duties like he said, but like always at the end of his duties he was gonna spent some time with his lover, but he didn't notices that Gabriel was following him from begin, it's been hours and Goseriel didn't seem to do nothing out of the ordinary, Maybe he was right, Maybe he was just being paranoic wait he seem Goseriel fly to a Place that Gabriel didn't knew It existed but wait why is mr Uricel also going there wait whats going on.......
Gabriel:" ....... What are you two Doing!!"
Why did Uriel call him to a meating what is It that's really important, he didn't knew, he just Hope he didn't see  that he was not really in his full, not after last night, and to be honest he wanned to be with his lover right now, cuddling and kissing like always, but well, he was already at his "House" and found Uriel already wating for him
Uricel:" greatings Uriel, may i ask whats this meating about?"
Uriel:"....... You and Goseriel Are a thing Right?"
Uricel:"....... What?"
Ok right now Uricel was really scared how did he come to that conclusión was he really obious, oh no.
Uriel:" you and mr Goseriel seem to be really close, even more than you and me."
Uricel:" well he's a really sweet angel if you get to know him-"
Uriel:" thats not true, and we both know It, that he is only like that with you but with the other Angels he's serious and cold, even to his own "twin" you should now that-"
Uricel:" what are you trying to point in here."
Uriel:" i'm trying to say that you two are in a secret realetion."
Uricel:" you should now that thats forviden theres no way we could be in one Uriel!"
Uriel:" then why are you reacting like that?"
They went back and forth but It didn't get to anything and Uricel just get out of there and went to where Goseriel was, they both kiss eacht other like always
Goseriel:" Hey there hun, you seen exausted."
Uricel:" hey baby, i'm yeah i just have a fight with Uriel."
Goseriel:" really, what happend?"
but before they could star to speak
Gabriel:"  ........ What are you two Doing!!"
Oh no.
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basment-bunni · 10 months
my 'puter soundn like a fukin passengers plane engine
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dragonknightsworn · 1 year
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“What do you think of this new cheer outfit I made. It soundns cool, and feels festive in a way you know. Probably wrong, but still I think its cool. Wonder what else I should try. Ultimate Cosplayer Lily wants to make and do some looks,”
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ingliszticzer-blog · 4 years
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𝗕𝗔𝗗 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🤔What can we say instead of simply saying that something is BAD? 1️⃣ You can say that something is ATROCIOUS (🇵🇱ohydne, okropne, wstrętne): ATROCIOUS WEATHER ATROCIOUS PICTURE ATROCIOUS ACCIDENT ATROCIOUS TIME(S) 2️⃣ Something can also be LOUSY (🇵🇱parszywe, kiepskie, okropne): LOUSY FOOD FEEL LOUSY A LOUSY RELATIONSHIP A LOUSY DAY A LOUSY WAY TO DO SOMETHING 3️⃣ We can also use POOR or LAME (🇵🇱słaby, marny, kiepski): A POOR HOUSEWIFE POOR EYESIGHT POOR QUALITY POOR CONDITIONS 💡LAME is more or less the same as POOR, it's just more slang. 4️⃣ Something can be RUBBISH or GARBAGE (🇵🇱denne, bzdurne, bezużyteczne): TALK RUBBISH (🇵🇱gadać bzdury) THE TV SERIES IS A PIECE OF GARBAGE IT'S PURE GARBAGE WATCH OR READ GARBAGE I DON'T BELIEVE THAT GARBAGE 5️⃣ GROSS is also very popular, it is like completely awful or disgusting (🇵🇱ohydne, wulgarne lub rażące): GROSS NEGLIGENCE (🇵🇱rażące zaniedbanie) GROSS BEHAVIOUR GROSS FOOD A GROSS STORY 6️⃣ Don't forget that if you like swearing and you don't mind vulgar language, you can call things CRAPPY or SHITTY (🇵🇱gówniane, do dupy): A CRAPPY COMPUTER/PHONE CRAPPY/SHITTY PRODUCT 7️⃣ Last but not least, we often say that things are OFF when they are bad (🇵🇱nie tak dobre jak zwykle, nie poprawne, zepsute lub nieświeże): THIS FISH IS OFF (🇵🇱ta ryba jest zepsuta) THOSE RESULTS ARE OFF (🇵🇱te wyniki są nie poprawne) THE CAKE IS OFF (🇵🇱to ciasto jest zepsute LUB nie jest tak dobre jak zwykle) Useful?😉 Let me know 😉 💾 SAVE FOLLOW LIKE SHARE . . . . #ingliszticzer #synonyms #synonimy #bad #vocabulary #awordaday #słówka #coffeebreak #naukaangielskiego #angielskinainstagramie #english #slang #soundlikeanative #soundnative #uczęonline #uczęangielskiego #instateacher #instanauczycielka #angielskiprzykawie #angielskidlawymagających #angielskidladorosłych #ingles #gross #off #rubbish #poor #lousy #atrocious #sukces #motywacjadonauki (at Plaża Rowy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDrqEWuBqd1/?igshid=hwprtblu7ukt
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sporesgalaxy · 4 years
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noodle prince noodle prince noodle prince noodle pr
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guacomelon · 3 years
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realtommyinnit · 4 years
theres something abt nether sucks by faster that sound so off but idk what
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trulymadlysydney · 4 years
May I ask for some advice IF you can give it to me? (no worries if you can't but I'm shooting my shot)
When writing, how do you stay somewhat focused?
rn I'm writing 3 works (as the inspiration comes tho, not at once) and I KNOW where each one is going to go and I know I WANT to write when I sit down to do it, but still when I open the document, my mind just strikes a blank and everything seems like too much at once (basically I just feel over stimulated for no reason)
Idk why and idk how to fix it but the less I write when I am in the mood to, the more agitated I get
Do you have any ideas? 👉👈🥺 Also sorry if this question makes you uncomfortable!!! That's not my intentions
thank you in advance for reading this ❤️ (I'm going to try and take some anxiety meds because I suddenly thought that it has something to do with it, but I still don't know!!)
I totally get it, It’s really hard sometimes to just sit and focus when writing.  I’ll try and explain my process, but I’ll be honest-- it’s mostly just a routine that works for me because of the way my OCD makes me go about completing things in general lol.  So it may not work for you (and it may just sound completely weird), and I might not be the best person to ask just because it’s very odd and repetitive but it’s the way my brain works.
First I break a story into sections.  Like the big plot points, or any dialogue that I have stuck in my head. Sometimes it’s literally just a sentence (or half a sentence even) and sometimes its a few paragraphs.  Sometimes I force myself just to write SOMETHING there, even if I know I’m going to go in and change it, just so that once I’ve broken the story into sections I can see how many sections there are for me to complete
Again, this is very much just because of the way that my OCD makes me go about completing tasks in general, and there’s a lot of listing and repetition when I write.  So like, instead of forcing myself to just sit and write, I’ll do something like watch one youtube video, then check tumblr, then reply to texts.  When that is over (in that order because LiStS), I make myself write a little bit more in a section. Depending on what time it is, I’ll make myself write up until the clock is at the next number ending in zero.  (For example, if it’s like 8:22, I’ll make myself write whatever I can come up with until 8:30.). So sometimes it ends up being like two paragraphs, and sometimes (say it’s 11:59 when the youtube video ends) it ends up only being a sentence (because by the time I finish writing it, its already 12:00.). Then I repeat the cycle: Video, tumblr, texts, check the time, write until the next 0 number EXCEPT this time I do it with the next section of the story. 
It works because like, sometimes I’ll find myself wishing I had more time in a certain section because I came up with a really good idea, but it’s also nice because you don’t get STUCK in one place for too long and you give yourself a break. You keep moving on with each section, and go in rotation, so that when you get back to a section you wanted to keep working on you know exactly where to go next.
I hope that made sense kaf;dlkf I’m sure it probably didn’t  really help at all but that’s the way my brain works and what works for me when I’m writing! Hopefully it wasn’t too confusing lol
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cozychell · 4 years
Hi it's 111°F in my town today which is our record temp since.... the sun was created.
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