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welcometothesewers · 3 months ago
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I got to draw mine and partners transformers ocs for icons and I’m so happy y’all will never understand, my tiny heart is like “yippeee!” bc we can have matching icons!
Houston, the first on is my shuttle!
Cascade, the precious dragon and the second one in order, belongs to @sorbwt
Soundbarrier, the beautiful aerial dancer and the third in order, belongs to @royalwares
I love my partners’ ocs sm. Idk how I found such creative masterminds!
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jdrider02 · 1 year ago
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silly transformers related twitter doodles
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glitch--mouse · 1 year ago
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Always a big plus 😌
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problematicbots · 1 year ago
If facetime with Sentinel Prime have more episodes
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royalwares · 1 year ago
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"Your Aerial Dancer World Champship Winner for the 5th consecutive year: Soundbarrier!"
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pocoslip · 1 year ago
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When Energon is pretty Scarce Nowadays
(still wondering what happen to the third energon cube)
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moonwatchuniverse · 2 years ago
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April 19 Remembering Test pilot Scott Crossfield... Seventeen years ago, April 19, 2006 Naval officer and NACA test pilot Albert Scott Crossfield passed away in a thunderstorm aircraft accident. Arlington National Cemetery became his resting place. Between 1950 & 1955 Scott Crossfield was an aeronautical research pilot  for NACA, which would become NASA in 1958. At Edwards AFB, Crossfield tested most experimental jet aircraft, including the Bell X-1, X-4, X-5 and the Douglass D558-II-Skyrocket in which he became the first pilot to fly at Mach 2.0 twice the speed of sounds in 1953. Crossfield became chief engineering test pilot at North American and was the first to fly to rocket-powered X-15 hypersonic research aircraft during it s first unpowered glide in June 1959 and on its first powered flight in September 1959. Crossfield flew 14 of the 199 total X-15 flight tests and survived a  catastrophic explosion  during a ground test in June 1960. Crossfield always wore a Rolex GMT-master 6542 Pepsi pilot watch, which can be seen in this 1959 photo where he was holding a scale model of the North American X-15 hypersonic research aircraft. (Photo: AP/NAA)  
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ko-solar · 1 year ago
🌟 Throwback to insightful coverage by Cheddar Climate on Ko-Solar's innovative plan! 🍃 Reflecting on the past year, as they explore highway barriers that absorb sound and harness solar energy. 🛣️ Let's ride the wave of sustainability into the future and transform our highways for a greener tomorrow! 🌐🚗 @ko-solar
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bambooplantsforsale · 1 year ago
🌿 Discover Ocoee Bamboo Farm's 15-gallon Clumping Bamboo plants, perfect for enhancing road buffers and creating tranquility along Central Florida's highways. 🎍 Shield yourself from noise along I-4, SR 408, SR 436, and more. 🌳 Visit us today and experience the allure of bamboo! 🌿🌱💚
Contacts Ocoee Bamboo Farm 407-777-4807
#OcoeeBambooFarm #ClumpingBamboo #HighwayTranquility #RoadBuffers #BambooBeauty
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delnoiseofficial · 2 years ago
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Installing bolts through the crash barrier is proven to be better in stability and handling forces.
Try Our Noise Barrier Installation 👉 www.delnoise.com
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winklertreeandlawncare · 2 years ago
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wof-inbox · 3 months ago
Hey Winter, Rememeber that Su- Something something air plane? IT AIN'T GOT NOTHING ON THIS!
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The F22 Raptor! Designed by Lockhead Martin for the American air force. If you're like me and not in the air force then just like me you probably assumed the F35 was better than the F22 because it was a higher number. That could not be further from the truth, the F35 is stealth but not nearly as capable. Allow me to put this in perspective you know all those CEO's who only care about making money off of something? Congress straight up told Lockhead Martin he wasn't allowed to sell the F22 to any other countries. Even allies! Mainly because if someone got a hold of it and knew what they were doing, there's nothing we could do to stop them. Except intercept with some more F22's. The F22 raptor is capable of something called hyper cruising, meaning without full afterburner the F22 can just cruise past the soundbarrier. Granted my knowledge is very limited when it comes to aircraft but the only other one I know that can do that is SR-71 blackbird. I'm gonna tell you a little story so you can understand, a few years ago there was a US drone off the coast of Iran and Iran decided to spin up a couple of F4 Phantoms to intercept. Now the F4 was a great platform, in Vietnam when we used them. What those F4's where incapable of detecting was the scariest flying object since the cretasiouc period. So a couple of F22s came up right underneath the F4's without being detected, check their entire payload, and then came up behind them and said: "You should go home now.". I don't know if I'm making myself clear the sheer existence of this thing is a war crime. Most aircraft are limited by how fast they can go this thing is limited by how fast it can go before the paint peels off. and what it's painted in is also classified. Most of the time even ground based high-fidelity radars can't detect this thing until it opens it's bombay doors increases it's radar cross section. Radar cross section is a measurement of how big something looks in the sky. And this thing looks like it doesn't exist until it decides to unalive you. Now lets go ahead and talk about dog fighting, you've must of heard about those before, there things are capable of stalling, and turning around within the length of their own aircraft. So a common tactic for fighter air craft when their intercepting is going nose to nose and they try and out turn one another to turn around a fire. Most of the time what happens up there is by the time your halfway through your turn this thing has already unleashed it's payload and destroyed you. Lets say you get lucky and the Pilot's having a off day and you end up behind a F22 and your trying to get missle lock, good luck. Again this thing looks so small in the sky most missiles won't lock on to it. And I can just hear someone going "WhAt AbOuT hEaT sEaKeRs?" in the background. It's gonna drop flares, chaff, either outmanuver you or climb to a elevation your aircraft can't compete with and then it's gonna come in behind you and kill you so dead you'll be reincarnated as a bug about to be squished. Legit overwhelming odds is the only chance you have against this thing, that or somehow the slow guy in class managed to get behind the controls of the most advanced fighter aircraft on the planet. I am really glad this thing is on our team.
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“And they’re all so amazing!” -Winter
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usafphantom2 · 10 months ago
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Chuck #Yeager flew bombers. In #Vietnam. This week 75 years ago the English Electric prototype of the #Canberra took its first flight. The bomber was named after Australia's capital—a nod to the British tradition of naming bombers after cities. In service for the #USAF and license built by Martin; it was designated B-57. Perhaps its most famous pilot was Chuck Yeager. While Yeager is widely celebrated for breaking the #soundbarrier in the X-1, he also piloted F-100, F-102, and F-4 during the Vietnam War. Today few are aware that he also took the controls of the B-57 bomber in combat missions.
If you enjoy taking a look back on military aviation history as well as current events, then check out my free weekly #newsletter at: hangarflyingwithtog.com In this week’s issue I’ll go more into detail on the B-57. You'll also get a high-resolution image that I've taken at airshows each week. No watermarks, no restrictions, just my thank you for reading my newsletter. Keep your eyes on the skies, and now you know!-Tog
@PilotPhotog via X
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baharrothbluu · 18 days ago
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pretty happy with how my transformers vs ultramarines diorama looks but I think I need some decepticons for it
rn the lineup is:
Legacy G1 Optimus (equipped with WFC: Earthrise Soundbarrier)
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Legacy Road Rocket (equipped with WFC: Siege Smashdown)
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Siege Jetfire
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Golden Disk Collection Jackpot (equipped with GDC Sights)
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Studio Series G1 Bumblebee
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Studio Series G1 Steeljaw
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Studio Series Gamer Edition WFC Optimus Prime (not on display bc 2 Optimuses (Optimi?) would be weird)
ROTB Skullcruncher (not on display bc I need a Decepticon to give him to)
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problematicbots · 1 year ago
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I can't...they are literally the same picture
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mayashesfly · 1 year ago
A few thoughts on Hero of Numbani
Strange thing to say, I know, but weirdly enough I find the side story with BackwardsSalamander extremely hilarious if not downright concerning. And the way it ends up being tied up with the main story extremely Pog-inducing. (Gotta love those small background details)
Having Efi as our protagonist was honestly very entertaining and interesting. I really liked the way the writer described and showed her problems and difficulties with being a child genius. And I loved how the Omnics were so integrated in the worldbuilding (absolutely terrifying to think about how easily they can be compromised though... Yikes!)
All the culture and worldbuilding is great in general and even though this book didn't feature alot of Overwatch characters, characters you'll already be attached to, the writer did a good job making me like and appreciate the new characters we had.
It was an amazing book in general, in my opinion. And it's definitely something I would want to reread again!
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