b0tster · 1 year
Okay so as someone who has never played an AC game, and only has passing familiarity with souls-like games, do you think it'd be enjoyable if I was only into mechs? Is it more Mechwarrior plodding big pew pews or is it basically a sekiro reskin?
in terms of gameplay its vaguely soulsy but it is def a big pew pew game first and foremost! i havent played mechwarrior but i think you would enjoy it!
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balteus · 2 years
sometimes i wonder if im reading to much into the political implications of fromsoft games (armored core, dark souls, elden ring) but then i remember miyazaki has an actual degree in sociology so what do i know
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gae-ta · 2 years
i want more hollow knight
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iamthekarmapolice · 1 year
i can't put my finger on why exactly, but im enjoying doom eternal's combat a little more than doom 2016's. they're so similar i honestly cant put my finger on why im enjoying this more
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athunderstryke · 1 year
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Continuing my souls boss locked tomb fanart. I didn't change much at all cause shes already got the vibes. Maybe if I did this again I would make her a bit more on the uncanny side of soulsbourne boss designs. Like the disproportionately small head, or really long arms. cause I think I read someone mention they imagine Alecto is disturbingly too human / not human enough. And I think thats lovely. But yeah, really like how this turned out. I like to think she is a final boss situation. Or like you think she's the final one until you realize that she was right for trying to kill god and now you have to go and finish what she started and kill god, who'll then be the final final boss.
(maybe if I think of a creative way to draw jod as a boss, I will. but he's just a twitch streamer from our slightly future. he probably wears hoodies and sweat pants. kinda hard to take him seriously enough to make him look cool and soulsy. idk, maybe after atn comes out and I have more to work with.
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urbanknightart · 1 year
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Aldrich, Devourer of Gods
Was in the mood to draw something Soulsy
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gayleviticus · 4 months
I feel like hades 2 is less stressful than 1 - not necessarily easier - and thought maybe I was just already better at the game than 1. but I went back to 1 briefly and I feel like there is maybe a shift from 1 being very reflexes spam dash to 2 being more dark soulsy 'pay attention yo enemy attack patterns'...?
I might just be playing 1 wrong. but it feels like dash is so spammable it makes sense to just constantly be moving, whereas 2 limiting it more makes it feel more of a deliberate choice? idk
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He's a Loser baby, but I Want him to be My Loser, Baby
Tw: Attempted end of life,
Synopsis: After Angel tries to end himself, Husk decides to finally do something...even if that means his loyalty is on the line,
A/N: so I have a theory Husk is going to free Angel, this plays out the Theory,
Husk would never forget hearing Charlie scream, which was saying a lot seeing as they were in Hell number one, but knowing it's someone you care for, he and the several occupants of the hotel had been relaxing a relatively calm day. Angel hadn't come down, but he had had a rough night, the former overlord had been wanting to keep a closer eye on the Spider Demon since he was happier, and not in the masking type of way
Husk had seen the signs of being suicidal before, the relaxed nature as they knew that they'd not have to worry soon,
He would blame himself for the rest of his existence for not stopping Angel before he went to his room,
Charlie had offered to go check on him worried something was wrong, (oh was it) Husk literally flying up the steps with Vaggie as Charlie knelt over Angel who was on the floor, one of the angelic blades they had just used on the ground beside him
And the blood, oh sweet lord it was everywhere, but his ears perked up, he heard straggled breathing and produced a mirror holding it in front of the others face he saw it fog and realized the other was still alive,
"Charlie I need you to get him on the bed Vaggie you bandage him, he's just unconscious."
The anger and fury he felt, he knew who this was the marks that littered the others form besides the damage Angel had done, that he'd hidden this was so much worse, he felt something snap,
Marching out of the room he was already formulating a plan, the biggest thing hinged on getting a certain radio demon on board, Alastor made him jolt as he appeared, he hated when the other did so,
"You wish to request something my dear Husker?" He purred, eyebrow raised
"Yeah, I want to challenge Valentino for Angel's contract, but I have ta ask you first. All soulsI get, go to you. Angie, though I want to offer im his freedom if I can"
His smile deepened, and Husk could see the glee in the others' eyes. However, of course, he'd be happy about this
"Gambling for another soul quite entertaining however if you manage to pull this off I think in the case of him rejecting his freedom it would be much more entertaining for me, for you to keep his soul,"
The overlords eyes widened, Alastor would allow that?
"Hopefully you did not fail in your quest Husker,"
The demon disappeared but the former Overlord knew he had permission and with a new fire in his heart he marched out of the hotel in down to the studio
Marching inside he yelled out
"I wanna talk to this asshole Valentino!" Making several gasp but others looked instantly interested
"Your the kitty who plays barkeep," Velvette appeared with a snort,"Whatcha want with Val he's bein a cry baby, Angel fuckin shirked his work,"
"He didn't shirk it he tried ending it!" Husk growled, making the other workers again gasp even Velvette seemed a bit surprised before a nonchalant look replaced it, as the door slammed open revealing a pissed off Valentino
"You you're one of those Hotel people tell Angel to get his fluffy little ass back to work" he snarled getting up in the others face husk shoved the other back
"Angel is currently comatose because he tried ending his life, Valentino which is why I'm fucking here. I want his contract" More gasps came from everybody around them
The Moth Overlord raised an eyebrow slowly slinking around the other, before laughing
"Do you really think I would give up my best workers' contract?
"One Round of Poker All or Nothing, if I lose I work as your mole if you lose I get his contract and soul," he knew he had to play up the other's ego to get him to agree to lure him," think about it Valentino you would have someone actually competent to listen in"
Husk new Alastor would know, but he was counting on that if worst came to worst,
And like he planned his words made the other Overlord pause and think,
" interesting proposition, Fine one game. With Angel not being able to work I'm going to have to struggle to fill in the rest of the schedule anyway you can be assured he will be punished thoroughly for it," he snarled as a table was drug over
Holding a hand out both of their abilities flaring as they shook hands and the deal was set
It was a difficult match purely luck whoever God Favored right now would be shown, Valentino laid down his cards smirking it was a four of a kind, a nice decent hand but Husk started laughing as he laid down a royal flush taking down the other overlord, he had won he didn't believe he still had it after he had lost to Alastor but here he was standing victorious once more showing his luck was still on his side,
"Oh shit," he heard Velvette mutter, a smirk on her face, a hand covering her mouth
Valentino for once looked stunned and for a moment Husk saw himself perhaps the biggest loss in his life, but the moth was forced to produce the contract and hand it over, he shrugged however immediately trying to play it off
" oh well I'll find some new bitch to be my star, and not like anybody will want his leftovers,"
Husk felt rage at the other's words, but with Angie's contract in his hand, he just focused on that the sheer euphoria he had done it, he could feel the others soul and he could not believe how warm it was despite everything the other had been through, it was almost loving and caring, he raced back to the hotel and saw Alastor standing on the balcony leaned on it
"Good show Husker, Angel Dust is awake he awoke when he felt something shift in his very soul." The other purred, with that smug grin the former overlord hated
He only nodded and headed for the other's room, Charlie caught him halfway there
Husk allister said you were going to do something-"
He pulled out the contract and she gasped" I bet it all,"
He let out a small noise as the princess of Hell embraced him tightly, hearing her murmur
"Thank you Husk," nothing more needed to be said he understood what she was saying
"Of course Princess,"
Before she let go and watched as he headed for the bedroom carefully opening the door he saw angel on his side curled up
"Come to stare at the failure?" Came from him,"can't even kill myself properly, now Valentinos gonna-"
" he's going to do nothing Angie, Please look at me,"he interrupted not wanting to use the contract to force the other that would go against what he was trying to do
After a few moments the other slowly turned over his eyes were red and it broke husk see the other so hurt bandages wrapped around him bags under his eyes slowly the other approached and tenderly wiped the tears away,
" how can you promise me he can't do anything he has my soul-"
" Angel he doesn't have it anymore" fear entered the other Demon's eyes and husk sighed and pulled it out that made Angel sit up wincing but the absolute shock written on his face
"Husk... how did you?"
" I saw you on the floor angel and I couldn't take one more minute of seeing you hurt, I blame myself partially for what happened I knew you were suicidal because I've seen it before but I didn't say anything. So I challenged Valentino to a poker game where I would be the mole they were looking for if he won and if I won I got your soul in contract as you can see my luck is still with me,"
Tears entered Angel's eyes, and Husk knew the realization was hitting him that all the years of abuse were behind him because Angie knew Husk would never treat him the same,
" I will free you, but only if that's what you want truly-"
A finger was placed to his lips to silence him, Angel was shaking his head,
" I have been underneath a overlord for as long as I can remember I honestly don't know what I would do but I do know it would be self-destructive I don't know how to behave without well someone to help guide me. If you're willing to take on this loser, I wouldn't mind having you as my Overlord, especially in comparison to that piece of shit,"
Holding up the contract, Angel felt the collar appear, but it disintegrated. To his surprise, the contract also disintegrating however, Husk gently took one of his hands, a ring appearing glowing bright orange it lit up the room, and Angel gasped before it faded and disappeared
" Guess we're both losers under the same umbrella, huh?" The spider demon smirked
Husk smiled placing a kiss to the others hand making the other grin,
"And baby that's fine by me,"
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dadizz · 4 months
Thoughts from trying Wuwa
-the exposition is kind of a lot, it could use a slower drip feed of info
-the optimization on lower end hardware, even at bottom of the barrel settings, is abysmal
-the gameplay feels fucking incredible, sorta soulsy with its stagger system and dodge mechanics
-the character designs are cute, but the girls seem pretty samey so far, minus a few exceptions
-the setting seems cool! Fantastical modern settings are awesome
-the theming around sound and frequencies is a neat throughline
Honestly, the gameplay is so smooth and fun, kinda like HI3 met Genshin and they went on a date in Lordran. I'll play it just for the gameplay, at least for now.
Tldr, fun gameplay!! Hope the pacing and optimization is tweaked <33 I've got high hopes.
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blaiddfailcam · 2 months
Hot tamale but I actually love the final cutscene of the DLC because A) it's the most Soulsy non-ending ever and B) I love how it evokes the Golden Epitaph's account of "a humble prayer of a young boy."
Miquella wasn't addressing Radahn directly—he was praying to himself, hoping that Radahn would accept his hand and fulfill the vow. It'd be sad and endearing if it wasn't equally so ominous, lol.
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notedchampagne · 3 months
Medieval type aus could also be fun with them. Taking it in the kinda over the top dark soulsy direction gives u some fun possibilities
Another au that proved surprisingly fun for my own ocs at least was a soul eater au lol, which def has some tlt au potential I think. It's really fun to really lean into the cartoony anime designs and in book 2 we already got harrow dragging around a sword representing gideon, soul eater also plays with the whole combining 2 ppl thing to an extent(crona n black blood, and asura having consumed his weapon)
i do like the vibes of medieval aus but unfortunately these & soul eater fall into the same problem in that i dont know enough about them: the most i know about medievals is that sort of fantasy setting with dragons and princes and ive already thought about witch harrow, princess harrow & knight gideon, prince kiriona (my personal favorite) and it just stops there. theres no plot its just pretty pictures and like a scene in my head where they snipe at each other. unless theres an equivalent motivator for lyctorhood or alecto in there its the same book plot with a different outfit on
i have heard of soul eater tlt aus before but again idk shit about it and also im not willing to watch an entire anime for au potential. also i will say something very mean here. i dont really like crossover aus. for example let me take a few animes i have watched (haikyuu, dungeon meshi) and put that thing into griddlehark: i can take gideon and harrow and box them within an already existing narrative (they have to go to nationals! they have to go to the dungeon to further their own goals!) but hq/dunmeshi work specifically because of their detailed cast. gideon and harrow do not have the levels of soulmate-friendship that allow them to grow through the power of volleyball (also i think harrow would be a manager instead of a player). i can see harrow becoming the dungeon master and being Consumed by the depth of her vision, but you would have to assume that they can keep up the competence of laioss monster knowledge and enough physical/magical prowess to keep them both alive. actually hold on if i add the sixth in there they might just be a competent team this au isnt so bad. BUT MY POINT STANDS. youre trying to fit beautiful round pegs into square holes - it fits, but somethings missing and it just feels a little unsatisfying. theyre not bad though. theyre just stuff id just draw once or twice then not think of again
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niku30 · 2 years
My bestie/soulsis and I making a Scrooge x male OC ship was not on my 2022 bingo card but I am already obsessed
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kashuan · 1 year
Hey it's the Dark Souls anon again, just letting you know I finished my short Gwyndolin/solaire fic- I can't post links in these things but it's under user DarkSqueakuelKaathe. I am super looking forward to more stuff from you, I love your Ds2 art too, as that game kind of gets left out a lot but has really great characters in it!
(Oh and one more Soulsy thing - have you heard of the Archthrones? An in-progress really expansive mod for DS3 that brings in a lot of elements from Demons Souls, and also revisits locations from DS2 like a non-sunken Heide's Tower! You might enjoy the new enemy designs on their socials) Oh ahh awesome!! I'm definitely going to check it out soon, I haven't had time yet but I'm looking forward to reading it and I'll leave you a comment when I do :) And oh, thanks so much!! I appreciate the feedback especially since 2 does have such a niche fanbase :,) As for Archthrones- yes! I've actually been following their twitter for quite awhile (and, coincidentally, just watched another demo vid from it last night, of the ornstein/nk duo fight ♥_♥); I'm super excited to try it when it's out!!
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azrithart · 2 years
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A dark-soulsy armor design for my revenant paladin ✨🗡
Admittedly, this is like version 6 of this dnd character in an alternate timeline—and I love my trashcan elf. He has very little memory of what killed him, and fragments of who he was. He goes by Elendar, a Drowish word for “lasting, enduring, continuing”.
Revenant subclass by @planar-cosmos in his book, Dark Secrets from Deep Below! He has a lot of rad DND and Pathfinder content. Check it on on DM’s Guild!
Please do not repost my art. Reblogs are fine! Thanks :D
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lespensee · 11 months
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Brand: Soulsis
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athunderstryke · 4 months
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Kiriona as a game boss kinda dark souls inspired.
this is part of a fanart series I have, so far I've done Gideon and harrow as a boss duo, harrow lyctor stage, Ianthe, and Alecto. I haven't come up with much lore this time around, I mean the symbolism speaks for itself a bit. She's gods right hand fighter, cavalier, warrior. trying to make this more dark soulsy I just added some fleshy body horror "strings" on her and amplified the chussy. and I also gave her a golden skull mask cause id like to think shes not her true self.
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