#id like it way better if I wasnt lagging like I was on dialup
dadizz · 4 months
Thoughts from trying Wuwa
-the exposition is kind of a lot, it could use a slower drip feed of info
-the optimization on lower end hardware, even at bottom of the barrel settings, is abysmal
-the gameplay feels fucking incredible, sorta soulsy with its stagger system and dodge mechanics
-the character designs are cute, but the girls seem pretty samey so far, minus a few exceptions
-the setting seems cool! Fantastical modern settings are awesome
-the theming around sound and frequencies is a neat throughline
Honestly, the gameplay is so smooth and fun, kinda like HI3 met Genshin and they went on a date in Lordran. I'll play it just for the gameplay, at least for now.
Tldr, fun gameplay!! Hope the pacing and optimization is tweaked <33 I've got high hopes.
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