#soul dozer
sensitive-clothes · 3 months
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The Final Lap
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wario-land · 5 months
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Game Boy Advance's All Stars in...
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A concept idea made by me, because i love GBA and it's various games
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diremoone · 10 months
written in fine print | r. sukuna
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moving to japan to get a breath of fresh air was supposed to be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. it still may be, but now you’ve got a problem and you don’t know what to do about it. the problem? ryomen sukuna, one of the wealthiest men on the planet, being… enamored with you. you’ve come fairly far with him as “friends” while keeping him at bay, but after you both spend christmas together, you know that things have changed. and come the first day of the new year comes a surprise that forces you to face your bottled-up truth.
[ Ryomen Sukuna Masterlist ] | part three
w — slowburn, age gap, modern au, older man/younger woman, fluff, mild? angst, this time we get reader’s pov bc it’s time ;3, insecure! reader, self-indulgence, A KISS (but just one for now sorry y’all), reader and sukuna lay their feelings on the table (I’m sorry I couldn’t help but finally get to this part), sukuna gets kinda prose-y lmao, slightly unsatisfied with this fic but I hope y’all enjoy anyway, sprinkle of bittersweet at the end
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God, have mercy upon my soul.
The dozens of text messages from your cousin have you sitting on the edge of your bed in absolute disbelief. You haven’t even had any coffee yet, or any sort of something in your stomach. It’s sheer willpower keeping you from throwing up the stomach acid in your belly.
But you do need something. You make your way into the kitchen and nab the biscuits you made yesterday from the bag they were in. You shouldn’t, but you eat all four of them anyway. Then you drink something.
You were wondering why everything was going too good, why life had been so… easy as of late. Now you understood why. It was the calm before the storm. It was the universe allowing you to have some semblance of peace before it decided to throw you into the pit of mental and emotional turmoil that you’d been so great at avoiding.
Why in the world did the universe decide to put Ryomen Sukuna into your life?
That’s the question you have been asking yourself over and over again ever since you decided to take him up on the offer of a first date six months ago. Even worse, why did you even think it was a remotely good idea to get involved with someone over ten years older than you? Universe aside, you should’ve had the good judgement to keep Sukuna away. Your good intuition was something you’d always prided yourself on, so why did you decide to even let Sukuna keep coming around?
You go back to your room and get the phone, rereading over the messages. One in particular your eyes stay on:
A benefactor has paid for nana’s care and set her up in a really fancy, upscale care and rehabilitation facility here. They came and got her this morning to transfer her. When I asked about it, someone from registration said it was a gift for you. Who the fuck did you meet in Japan? 5:16 am
And you know, deep within your soul and in your gut that Sukuna was behind this. There’s no one you know that has the money to pull off something like taking your grandmother from where she was to a facility where she’s going to get more constant help, cleaned, proper rehabilitation. No one else but him.
The coffee maker suddenly beeps, beginning to brew a fresh pot of coffee. You almost jump out of your skin from it. You wait until it’s done before digging out one of the banana nut muffins Shoko brought over two nights ago to pre-celebrate the new year.
You truly don’t know what to feel. You’re unsure about everything. Coming to Japan to get a breath of fresh air from the strain your old life was supposed to be one of the best choices you’ve ever made. But now, all it’s become is a whirlwind of even more, even deeper emotional confusion.
Meeting Yuuji was great. Meeting his older brother? The entire source of the emotional confusion.
You lean against the counter and gaze outside. The snow has finally ceased and you’re sure dozers are out clearing the roads. You can’t help but fall into your thoughts.
For awhile, you’ve had… feelings. You’re not quite sure what they are, but you know that they revolve around the older, rich man you’ve befriended. You know that whenever he’s around, you feel more… open, lighter even. You know he makes you feel flustered, to which you’ve learned to seal said fluster inside of a bottle and remain indifferent in his presence. Every time he looks at you or speaks to you, it makes you feel… giddy. Happy, dare you say it.
And it’s something you swallow down and hide every time it bubbles to the surface, fearing that it’ll be nothing more than the same story as your mother: a heart broken by the letdown of not ever being enough, not being what the man actually wanted, and not being genuinely cared for.
The mug of coffee in your hands grows hot, almost scalding against the skin of your palms. It brings you out of your own mind, just in time to hear your phone vibrate with more text messages, all still from your cousin.
Because apparently fate dropped a man in your lap that was more than ready to give you anything and everything you’ve ever wanted: unconditional love on a gold platter; fate decided that you finally deserve a break from strife and grief, that you deserved to stop eating humble pie, because lord knows you’ve done choked and damn near suffocated on that shit; that you deserved to be cherished and loved and made to be someone’s number one in their life.
You know. You fucking know what Sukuna does to you, how he makes you feel inside. You also know how he wants to treat you and the things he wants to do to you. And perhaps with you, if your gut instinct is right and he wants more than a body to warm his bed.
Who are you kidding? You know you’re right.
But it’s unfortunate for you that all you’ve learned to do is bottle up your feelings and act like they don’t exist. Because you’ve never been loved, not romantically anyway. Especially not like this, from someone like this.
How were you supposed to love? What did it really mean to be in a relationship? You’ve never been in one. Not one that ever really was going to go as far as this. Was what you were feeling all temporary? And if you did get into a relationship, what if he didn’t like you when you got comfortable? What if he didn’t like it when you laughed too hard, or any of the habits you have? What if he was just wanting to play savior and ended up leaving you a few months from now?
You toss your head back and groan. Why? Why was this happening to you?
You opt to spend the day inside, rather than go out like you had planned. You have to text Shoko and Utahime, letting them know that you’re not going to be able to participate in their plans of going out and visiting shrines for the new year. The latter is reasonably mad, but Shoko calms her down in the group chat. Although she does make an innuendo about spending the day with someone else “cozied up in bed” rather than them. You send her a side eye emoji in return on her personal thread.
You change out of your pajamas and into some casual clothes — a dark red long sleeve and some black sweatpants, switching to house socks to regular socks — despite not intending to go out for the day. You do end up on the couch for most of the day, switching your attention from the TV and the messages on your phone more than you care to admit. You hardly eat, and don’t realize it until you can feel your stomach against your spine each time.
All day is basically wasted in front of the television, trapped in your own mind. Trapped in the whirlwind that Sukuna has made of your heart and emotions.
You graze through your entire stock of sweets in less than a day, uncaring if it was unhealthy. Dusk settles on the horizon before you know it and you’re anything but tired. In fact, you’re wide awake.
“What do I do…?” you ask into the open air. You feel stupid doing it, but apparently fate has a response for you.
It’s 9:18 at night when several strong knocks rap at your door.
It’s 9:20 when you decide to finally answer the door.
It’s 9:24 when you realize you’ve got a guest at the front door, the very same man who’s been making you question yourself and your whole life ever since coming to this country.
It’s 9:30 when you question to yourself why you let him in. You didn’t think it through, that much you’re sure of. How could you be when he’s thrown your heart all topsy-turvy and mushed it into goo?
Just looking at him from his back floods your mind and makes your heart race, something you hope you’re able to hide by what you hope is a face of indifference and calmness. You can see the tattoos peek out from his turtleneck, and you have to gulp down your nervousness.
The large mug of fruity tea you’ve poured has now chilled, the ice just barely clinking in the glass. You quickly open the cookie jar on the counter and shove two snickerdoodles in your mouth to stress-eat being prepared for what was coming next.
“I…” you begin, and embarrassingly realize you have to swallow the cookies to talk. “I wasn’t expecting you to… show up.”
Sukuna’s silent for a moment, then replies stoically, “Neither was I.”
You gaze at him longer than you intend to. Your attention is mostly on his tattoos, the little bits that are peeking out from the deep crimson of his form-fitting turtleneck. You watch him readjust the watch on his wrist, partially revealing the tattoo inked onto his wrist. To your surprise, Sukuna actually doesn’t like showing off his tats. He used to in his younger years; he’s still proud of them, but he isn’t as much into flaunting them to the world nowadays.
Sukuna’s deep voice cuts through the air. “Have you… gotten my gift?”
You bite your lower lip. You nod even though he can’t see you. “Yeah… If you mean the one involving my grandmother, then yes.”
“I do apologize if I crossed any lines doing such a thing,” he says. “But I don’t regret it.”
“I can imagine you don’t,” you reply, knowing full-well that him regretting anything was a very rare occurrence. “But… Why? Why would you do that? Go through such trouble to help me… and my family? Just… Why?”
His ginormous frame turns to face you to look into your eyes and answer with nothing short of honesty, “Because I want you to be cared for. I’ve seen happiness in your eyes and I want to keep you happy. I want to be the one making you happy.”
“Buying my love will only get you so far,” you say.
“I know. I want to do more for you. I want… to be more for you. Not just… this. Whatever we have going on,” Sukuna admits casually, crossing his burly arms over his chest. But he doesn’t make eye contact. In fact, he keeps his eyes to the floor, away from your gaze. “I know what I want, although I’m not quite sure how to describe everything I feel… when I’m with you and when I think about you. It’s… I know what it is, I’m pretty sure, but at the same time… I don’t.”
“It’s new for you,” you mumble. Surprisingly, he actually hears you and nods. He doesn’t lie. Not with you.
“I’ve been with many women over the years, all for the same reason. I’ve never felt like falling in love or that it would ever matter. I know lust, I know what comes with that. With you, it’s anything but. At first, yes. But your immediate rejection, you continuing to keep your distance from me and your distaste known made me stop and think.”
You raise your brows. “All it took was a girl with some strong boundaries to make you realize you can’t live off being just horny for then rest of your life?”
Sukuna laughs. He actually laughs. A bright smile crosses his handsome face as his shoulders shake with laughter. He tries to cover it up with a hand, but all it does it muffle it into loud chuckles. It takes a good couple minutes before his chuckles finally fall into a simple smile of amusement. That’s when you admit your own truths. If you were going to be hurt, you might as well get it over with.
“In a way,” Sukuna admits. And then he admits even more, opening his heart and putting it on his sleeve. “You’ve reminded me that there is more to life, that I can be genuinely happy beyond office walls and red light districts. You have made me remember what feeling excited, what being on my toes feels like. You make the air lighter… happier, every time I see you. You… I care for you.”
Sukuna’s last words of admission are watered-down and you both know it. Then again, he says he is new to these kinds of feelings. And at this point, you believe him. You wonder if he knows that you’re just like him — exactly the same: that you’re new to the feelings of love, what it means to be in love. It’s confusing, really. You’re not sure where to begin when it comes to saying the things that Sukuna has seemingly had no problem admitting to you. You can’t just say, “Ditto” and make out with him.
Well, you could, but that’s beside the point.
You swallow the frog in your throat and look at him. He isn’t looking at you but at the ground, almost like he’s unsure of himself.
“You’ve made yourself a cozy place inside me, too,” you speak softly. Your hands don’t leave the mug as you set it on the counter. “We’ve only known each other for barely half a year, you know? You make me wonder if what I’m feeling is love, most of the time. I enjoy you; I enjoy your company. I enjoy the thrill you bring into my life. I… enjoy how weightless you make the world feel. I… I like the thought of being… prioritized. I’m just… confused on whether or not these feelings are rooted in love or something else entirely.”
“And I apologize for making you feel that way,” he replies. “That isn’t my intention.”
You’re quick to your words before he can continue. “Don’t apologize. Please. It’s not your fault. I… I’ve never been in a relationship. I don’t know what love is or what it’s supposed to feel like. I’ve never been loved, and I’m not quite sure how to reciprocate it. I’m afraid I’ll fuck up. Say the wrong thing, not do something right.”
Sukuna’s brows furrow. “There is no right or wrong way to be in a relationship — just yourself.”
“I’ve heard that, just as much as I’ve heard otherwise.”
Silence fills your apartment. You tap your nails against the glass mug, little tinks! resounding. You can’t look at Sukuna now. Not after just admitting to having never been in a romantic relationship. Now, you must seem more of your age than you ever have in his eyes.
“Any insecurity you have is not invalid. I would never disrespect them,” Sukuna finally says, sheer conviction making you shiver.
The giant man stands to take his place not even a foot from you. Magnetism draws you to his face and you cannot look away. His hand comes up and brushes his large fingers across your cheek.
And like an open book, he reads you from the front cover to the very last word, reading off your exterior cover and the interior pages you’ve hidden away. “You’ve carved yourself from early maturity, into someone that your loved ones have needed you to be. You’ve never been able to truly be yourself, be free. You’ve always had to be the rock that everyone has needed, when no one has been for you. You desire to be loved, but not at the expense of heartbreak nor sacrificing the person you’ve molded yourself into for the people you love. You desire to be free above all else, not wanting to be loved unless there’s someone who can love you and give you your freedom at the same time.”
You gape, eyes almost as wide as saucers with your eyelids lined with burning tears. You dip your head and sniffle.
“I want that. I want that for you. I want to be the one to give that to you,” Sukuna continues. “The time we spent together not even a week ago, I want more of that. I no longer want to live the way I’ve been living. I want to live with you, do those kinds of things with you. That sounds corny as fuck coming from me of all people, but that’s the truth.”
You can’t help but laugh. His tone of exasperation at himself was just too funny not to.
“And what happens when you give me those things? Will you be done with me? Move on to the next person?” you ask. “Once you’ve played the part of the savior, won’t those feelings end?”
“I’ll never be done with you,” he answers instantaneously, like it was nothing short of law. “You’ve captivated me, all of me. I’ve already tried pulling myself away a multitude of times. But then one little word of anything about you and you’re all I think about for the rest of the day.”
You sniffle again and laugh. “Did you practice this? You sound like a poet.”
“I can be one if you’d like.” You giggle at that. It’s silly, but you feel like Sukuna would oblige you if you said yes. “But I mean it, every word.”
You nod and whisper, “I know you do.” Because it’s the truth. He’ll never not mean anything he says. Brutal honesty is apart of Sukuna.
The emptiness of your apartment is deafening, it’s silence almost palpable to the point where you feel like you might being to suffocate. But large, firm hands cup your cheeks and bring oxygen into your lungs again.
His hands are warm, so warm. The feeling of being touched like this, so intimately, makes all the blood flow to your cheeks to the point where you think you’ll overheat.
“May I kiss you?” he asks, tone quiet, voice deep and baritone that makes shivers roll up your spine. “At least once?”
You can’t help but bite into your lower lip. The suffocating feeling has returned, just for a different reason. But your instinct goes first — action taking the initiative over the brain — and you nod once more, mumbling out a small “yes” that you chastise yourself for being so meek.
Sukuna’s free arm wraps around your waist and gently pulls you to your tippy-toes. You’re running on instinct, one hand resting on his chest, the other circling behind his neck, eyelids slowly closing as he dives in for the kiss you’ve allowed. And when his hand cradles the back of your head, his lips meet yours, and you swear to everything from heaven to hell that you’re about to explode and die in this man’s arms.
Everything feels like it’s on fire… until it doesn’t. That fire slowly simmers down to a gentle flame, one that brings a sense of contentment.
Sukuna tilts his head, moving your lips and deepening the kiss. You allow it, and it feels like the kiss has sunk to a new depth of desire. Dare you even think or say it be devotion. His lips are warm and sweet on yours; his kiss isn’t one of urgency, but perhaps the desperation of longing. It’s not slow and controlling, not greedy. Whatever this kiss is and all the emotions contained within, you know it makes you at peace and content.
Everything feels perfect.
You both part for air, lips slow to disconnect. You can’t help but feel slightly embarrassed being so out of breath, but hearing the slight heaviness of breath coming from the large man makes you feel less awkward.
“Thought you said you hadn’t been in a relationship before?”
Your reply is breathless, “Never have.”
“Then you must be a naturally good kisser.”
That makes you laugh. You press your head to his chest and giggle away, to which you hear what you think is a chuckle from his throat.
It’s 11:20 at night by the time you look at the clock again. It’s too late for Sukuna to go home. That’s the excuse you use anyway. He’s seemingly more than happy to use the excuse right along with you to spend a night with you.
Come morning, however, things shift back to the way they were before: confusing and lonely. The couch was just as empty as the apartment. Under you was not Sukuna’s body, but a stack of pillows from your bedroom.
The note on the counter about being called in for an important meeting doesn’t do his absence justice either, instead sending every one of your walls back up, twice as high and just as thick as they were before.
Your phone dings with new messages. Utahime and Shoko, both of which declare they’re coming over to drag your ass out of your apartment to go shopping like you should’ve yesterday.
You text them back, telling them you’ll meet them at the mall, that you’re going to get ready and this time you aren’t going to miss out.
You don’t know what to do or what to think. You don’t know if one night of vulnerability means anything more than just being open with another human being. All you know is that you need a break, from yourself, your confusion, from life, and especially from Sukuna.
You need the clarity of a shopping trip and good friends for company, because your hopes for what’s coming next are getting far too high and you’re beginning to really fall in love with Sukuna Ryomen.
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taglist: (no longer adding)
@vagabond-umlaut | @poe-daydreams | @heresan @thedovahqueen | @lotus-n-l0ve | @chiyoso | @miraclecherryblossomsblog | @unbreakableblueheaven | @marscatbutler | @vanillabloo | @wo-ming-bai | @visionsofmagic | @tohsri | @yuujispinkhair | @lilacliliess | @bub-ss
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lov3-sweet · 5 months
when each of the gang go though an emo phase
Soul fragments au designs and evil designs
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What the each went through
Strawberry cookie was tired of being overlooked and stressed out
Wizard cookie wanted more power to prove to the others hes just as capable and he just wanted to let lose
Gingerbrave after being traumatized over and over agian,everyone basically abandoning him,remembers he's repressed memorys of GingerBright and dozer getting eaten and wizard cookie killing him sorta just made him go a lil cray cray
Also no one knows its gingerbrave and he uses a different name, Daybreaker cookie and hes the only that keeps hes soul fragment out in the open
Also I might explain each evil or corrupted design separately in more depth,might not really for wizard cookie since he's is just hes own ovenbreak costume in kingdom style with more to it but might also add theme songs
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Hope your day/night is going well, this is mostly based of the crem republic updates and is also a head cannon of mine. (And use this for a break from the baby boom.)So. Gingerbrave, Crunchy Chip cookie and Wild berry cookie. In the crem republic and the day going 'well'.After checking in on how the experiments with the soul jam are going (mostly because of Crunchy Chip being worried about the soul jam being unknown hands) the trio head down to the market. As the trio walking around a old and slightly torn photo falls out of Gingerbrave pocket while he is walking and Crunchy Chip Cookie notices and picks it up and looks at, Wildberry pauses noticing aswell. Seeing not only a young Version of Gingerbrave but also two other cookies he doesn't recognise. (Gingerbright and Dozer but they don't know that) On the back is a drawing of the three BUT Dozers face is scribbled over and Gingerbrights looks very angry while Gingerbraves is upset. Crunchy chip cookie and Wildberry are confused but they decided not to speak to Gingerbrave out it. Since from the drawing on the back gives a more upsetting feel then the photo.
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"Wh- What the Ovens??" Neither Wildberry nor Crunchy Chip would've expected this from Gingerbrave out of all kids. Needless to say, it was a bit of a shock when the child, upon running off to check something out, had dropped what seemed to be a photograph. Wildberry was confused at first but became more alarmed once he had seen the back of it: a scribbled drawing of child-like nature, clearly showing sadness and perhaps even frustration. Even Crunchy Chip thought it was disturbing. Wildberry did want to talk to Gingerbrave about it, but Crunchy Chip steered him away from it, reasoning that it may not be the best idea right now. While Wildberry isn't exactly a fan of this plan, what other choice did they have? "Let's just- pretend we never saw this, okay, Wildberry?"
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lilacartsmadsion · 4 months
Okay- I’m done with Dozer- I’ll I need now is Gingerbrave himself.
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Abysmal Gingerdozer
Most commonly Known: God of Night.
Least Common Domains: Darkness, The Abyss, Stars, Dreams, The Moon, Funerals, Death, The Afterlife, Souls, Strength, Endings, Water, The Rivers, Dusk, Sleep, Spirits, the Sea, Lullabies and Divine Punishment.
‘The Infinite Skies break from Dawn and Dusk, of one of these fates does one maintain. The Abysmal Gingerdozer, He who hath Slain the Witch Fortuna and Absorbed her power, much like his older brother, hides behind a veil of which barely covers his gaze. It is said that he guards those in their sleep, keeping them safe in the arms of darkness. It is said that his gaze is hypnotic enough to cast people into slumber…However, be not arrogant in his presence, for it is he who plagues those with the horrors of the dough if one is not careful. Unlike his brother, it is he who controls the fate of all cookies, the fate of which they return to Earthbread and continue on this endless cycle of Death and Rebirth.
We all become his in the end.’
Popular Places of Worship: Wizard City/City of Wizard, The Entire Continent of Beast Yeast, Dark Cacao Kingdom and the land of dreams.
Symbols of Worship: Octagram Star, sleeping hat, moon, stars, his candy cane staff and symbols of death.
Inspirations for his design:
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I really like this design ngl-
For the last pick, I mostly copied her dress but I couldn’t incorporate it in the art. The veil is supposed to look like hair.
As for why Dozer is associated with death, it’s sort of a nod to his original lore where he dies to the Witch.
As for why he’s the younger brother when I usually headcanon Dozer as the older brother, Well you can blame Witch’s Castle for that.
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greenguy56 · 4 months
Ello Witch’s castle is having a big ass lore update
(Will have to make more than one post cause this video was long)
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The new trailer talks about that apparently the witch of light is I think a princess from a castle long ago
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She was casted out of castle and the trailer says 12 witches bowed before her sharing her wish (which I think it means the witches from the which witch are you quiz even tho there was like 16 I think)
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Also this confirms the witch of light made dozer
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The witches gathered around and attempting to harness the essence of light
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But thanks to one witch they all got ded
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Screams of pain
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Then it said the witch of light put their souls in bodies of cookies to save them by using her life essence
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But then the one witch that caused this all was able to trap the witch of light soul in a cookie and judging by the silhouette this mean first cream is actually the witch of light her self
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Had a silly idea while I was supposed to be writing my research paper :3
(idk if skater or brave should be heart but yeah‼️‼️‼️)
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2. Skater would make more sense to be heart considering his hat covers his eyes already however GingerBrave as heart would make for a cool sibling rivalry and could lead to Dozer being Soul
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 2 months
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I wanna steal this old man’s heart meds so he dies
Off to the retirement home he goes. And we're taking his soul jam. He doesn't deserve it. (Small head cannon that dozer did it just for funsies)
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blackdragonmedicdean · 4 months
forgot if I did this or not but I got a D&D style au stuck in my head for Payday and so far the classes I got are
Dallas- Mastermind Rouge/ Possible Banneret Fighter
Houston- Phantom Rouge/Shadow Sorcerer multiclass
Wolf- Battle Smith Artificer/Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Chains- Battle Master Fighter/ Path of the Giant Barbarian
Hoxton- Fiend Warlock/Renegade Fighter
Wick- Eldritch Knight Fighter/Assassin Rouge
Medic- Life Domain Cleric/Possibly Favored Soul Sorcerer or Rune Child
Dozer- Path of Beserker Barbarian/Brute Fighter
Cloaker- Way of the Open Hand Monk/Wild Card Rouge
Shield- Protection Domain Cleric
Sniper- Gunslinger Fighter
Captain Winters- Either Oath of the Crown or Oath of Devotion/ Champion Fighter
(this is what I have so far some of the classes are either Homebrew or Unearthed Arcana also if anyone has any good ones to replace the current ones I have down or some for the rest of the gang let me know. Also, I couldn't think of another class for Shield and Sniper to Multiclass into so they only got one)
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starr-finn · 2 years
S/O that quotes Russian badger
Authors note: some quotes and characters are not right, this is done with the main 4 + Houston, Sokol, and Bain btw! Some may be shorter than others, it's not because I don't like said character it's cuz I have no clue what to do
♡ Dallas is so confused by your quotes
♡ what do you mean 'allergic to that fuckshit?’
♡ he's to old for this, he's 44 after all, he doesn't get the jokes and quotes
♡ He'll research the quotes later
♡ he still won't get it though
writing time!
Dallas looks over at you, he hears you yell "fuck you looking at bitch?!" before you stabbed the cloaker like 5 times, killing him instantly. Dallas stares at you, confused from where that came from, but decided to ask about the quote after the heist, he knew the answer he would get though "I'm just quoting someone!" He sighs and shakes his head before smiling while watching you stab a dozer.
♤ he just stares at you in confusion
♤ confusion is his main emotions when he hears you shout your quotes
♤ He'll let you explain though
♤ he still doesn't get it
♤ but he'll watch the videos with you
He was staring at you while you walked into the bank before you quietly say "United Bank of money" before you start laughing at your own joke. He stares at you before shaking your head chuckling, he'd have to find that quote later
♢ Hoxton finds it funny asf
♢ like damn the shit you say is hilarious asf
♢ he'll watch the videos with you
♢ He'll even quote somethings with you
♢ it's oddly cute
You were cuddled up with Hoxton on the couch, watching a video with him, being totally quiet, before you suddenly yelled out "We attacked three boats, they dropped the sun on us twice!" and he just chuckles softly, smiling at you and he just kisses your forehead rubbing your shoulder
♧ He doesn't get it, but he'll humor you
♧ he laughs everytime you say something
♧ his favorite is "flamethrowmer" because of his love for flamethrowers
♧ he never makes fun of the dumb ones, and he never asks you to stop
♧ he loves you too much
Wolf sat there watching you bully a cloaker that was backed against the wall, just shouting "yeah! difficulty tweak!" in a stupid voice before shooting him in the face. He starts laughing, smiling to himself. He thought it was cute when you'd use your quotes to bully cloakers
☆ he's so confused
☆ he'll watch the videos on his own time
☆ but being old he doesn't get it
☆ he'll let you yell out quotes though
☆ he finds some funny, others, not so much
Bain is listening to you shout out your quotes he smiles softly
"Love, quiet down a bit, your hurting my ears" he says laughing softly
You nod softly and chuckle to yourself before shooting a dozer in the face, killing him instantly, you smile softly, saying out loud ".9 mm kills the body but .45 ACP kills the soul, it's how you prevent them from coming back as a Lich"
He chuckled and shakes his head, smiling "I don't get you sometimes"
♛ I personally headcanon that he watches Badger too
♛ he quotes this shit with you
♛ he finds it funny when you quote Badger
♛ he'll quote his buddies for you
♛ he loves you : )
Houston was under the van in a black shirt and his sweatpants, you too are both just talking until you smile down at him
"The Bible is just Christian manga"
He starts laughing and slides out from under the van smiling "you really like quoting badger huh?" you just smile and nod
♕ being younger he definitely understands the quotes
♕ he doesn't quote with you, but he'll let you have your fun
♕ he thinks it's cute
♕ he'll laugh if their funny
♕ he doesn't totally get the context tho
Sokol watches as you take a cop hostage, smiling at your strangeness, he'd normally just kill them after all. He's shooting at a few cops until here hears you mumble to a cop "I'll buy you 2 bean burritos if you kill them" the cop went quiet, and then stood up and shot at the cops that got close to you. Sokol just starts laughing at you somehow managing to make it work
I love these bois! Hope y'all like this one too! I appreciate that y'all read this, uhh thanks for getting me to over 200 something likes, forgot to post about it! But hey thanks a lot, also thanks for 66-67 followers! Love you all!
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And this is just a bonus one I thought of but Grace and 24 Capitalism 👁️👁️
Story is also posted on ao3!
(tw capitalism, mentions of colonialism, mentions of racism/speciesism, trauma, mentions of cigarettes/alcohol, addiction, grief, past canonical character death, identity issues, implied dehumanization, hallucinations, unreality)
It's not as if they have a problem with expense. Fuck no, of course not. They can find the cash for their fucking war machines, their stupid goddamn spaceships, their love children born on a planet where they'll never be able to breathe the air. The cash for their guns and explosives, for their dozers rolling over the ground, for pressed suits and cheery propaganda vids and everything single one of the politicians in their pockets.
And oh, they've got the money for her as well, Grace knows all about it, a special set of funds to keep their little labcoat safely in line. The killing ground school, the botany book with a Na'vi face on the cover cause it's all just wildlife, doc, remember that, the cigarettes to keep her strung out and numb, the alcohol when that's not enough.
Never enough, not for them, sure as shit not for her. Her hands shake, she's fiddling, muttering, things slipping through her hands. Focus, Augustine, fucking focus. She's only got so many cigarettes, the 3D printers only work so well (as well as they're supposed to, heh). If Max is hiding them again she's going to fucking--
Cash. Right. Money, profit, power. Expense. They'll make a body, grow it in a tank like a promise, but if shit goes down, a bloody murder on a planet she can barely remember, happening six years and a million lightyears and last week ago--well, they can't take the fucking loss, oh no, they're going to stuff in some random jackass marine, pulled off one conveyor belt and shoved onto another.
Like it's that simple. Like it's all just meat, isn't it, they all are, deep blue company logos hanging heavy over her skin, sinking into her bones until she feels it even when she's physically out of the link. Jake Sully shrugging into his brother's skin and grinning at her, Jake Sully with Quaritch's brand stamped onto his soul, Jake fucking Sully coming out of the Soul Drive upload room with jagged, defiant eyes.
There are some things that cannot be bought, Mo'at says, her hand wrapped around Grace's throat. Not enough to choke, not enough to hurt, just enough to make the point, to prove that tonight, Grace was not worth the suffocation. I had thought you learned this, if nothing else.
In a way, the rejection had been a relief. No need to try and twist everything into a knot trying to justify the application into a knot, no excuse to get shot in the head months down the line for trying to grow a rogue body on company resources. None of Sylwanin's DNA, so no watching her grow in the tank that would be Sully's, no waiting to see whatever would be left if you hooked an empty Avatar into the Tree of Souls, if you'd get something like a return or nothing, nothing, nothing...
No breath. No life. No meat, or at least not enough of it to go around, not enough bodies to go around. Just cold, hard cash and an ache in the pit of her stomach as she scratches meaninglessly, thoughtlessly, because where the hell are her cigarettes. Where the hell are her--
A hand on her shoulder and she yelps, something undoubtedly expensive slipping through her fingers and clattering to the floor.
"Jesus, Marine," she snaps, because it's Sully, of course it's Sully, standing there with a stupid look on his face and hair slipping out of his braid. Grace shoves him off with a huff. "Personal space, remember?"
She turns back to her work, eyes narrowed. A stack of bundles...shells? Grace frowns. When had she been collecting shells?
"I don't suppose you know what happened to my cigarettes," she mutters, glancing up at Sully. He's still standing there, stiller than she's ever seen him, wearing an expression she can't quite read.
"Marine?" Grace waves her hand in front of his face, but he doesn't respond. "You read me?"
He opens his mouth, but before he can say anything there's another voice, young, feminine. "Kiri?"
Grace turns her head, frowning. There's a Reef Na'vi girl walking towards them, wearing Metkayina garb–Metkayina? When had the Metkayina been visiting the Omatikaya?
"Kiri?" the girl asks, looking worried--looking at Grace. She takes a step forward and Grace automatically takes a step back, feeling something skid under her foot (sand, not soil, where's the soil, where's the ground) and she falls with a curse, Sully yelping as he lunges to catch her.
"Easy," he says, but his hands are shaking. "Easy. Fuck. Okay." She can feel his pulse pounding, she can feel his panic gathering, she can feel the world moving and shuddering around her, she can feel everything, and she knows that--she knows--
"Reya, go get my mom and dad," Sully says, his voice taut, and there's the slap of feet against sand as the Metkayina girl runs. The slap of feet, and the thudding of waves, the howling of wind in the trees. Blood grubbing as Sylwanin heaves for air, as Tom Sully chokes out, as Neteyam--
Not enough bodies to go around. Not enough bodies, too expensive to look back, too much.
"Kiri." Sully's got his hands on her face, cool against her skin. Five fingers, strong and callused, resting lightly around the corners of her eyes. "You gotta breathe, Kir."
She can't. She's choking, she's choking on her first cigarette, she's choking on her own blood, she's choking on every lie she's ever swallowed with eyes sewn shut. She's choking on Sully's hand wrapped around her throat like a bad dream, like a memory.
"I've got you," he whispers, pulling her close. "You're not leaving us, Kir."
Kir. Kiri. Little atokirina. Little miracle, little secret, little liar, little ghost…
Over his shoulder she can see Tom Sully and Sylwanin (only it's not them, she knows this, she knows this just enough to wish she didn't) running her way. They're shadows, running, looking for the blood stolen from their veins; they're shadows, running, come to make sure she pays every single of her debts.
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peasthedumb · 18 days
Back on my binge-watching Dinotrux arc.
(Rambles under the cut)
Revit and Skrapit are my favourite, I love any episodes where they interact. Also I admire Revit and Ty’s friendship, like, to an extent I feel it in my soul, which doesn’t happen often. Completely different, yet completely devoted to eachother, always got eachothers backs, ty the huge t-trux who’d do anything for the tiny lil guy, and the tiny lil guy willing to save and fix his humongous buddy. Great dynamic.
Also when I was younger, the first time I saw dinotrux, I seemed to think Revit and click-clack were siblings, and Ace and Waldo were their parents. No longer think ace and Waldo are their parents but I’ll maintain Revit and click-clack being brothers.
(Gawdamnit the tools are the best characters. Also justice for skrap-it, he needs appreciation)
Also ton-ton and Dozer ship, maybe Skya in there too
My brain really wants to ship Revit and Skrap-it, and I’m clutching at straws here honestly, but imagine them on shopping trips together in scraptor valley. They’d at least make good friends if they were on the same side.
Also gotta love the huge lack of romance in the main plot. Actually a good show that isn’t entirely supported off of ships and such, that’s just left for the fans to headcanon. And Skya is honestly probably the best written female character I’ve ever seen. Like, probably one of few female characters I actually like. No ‘ooo I’m a strong independent woman’ arcs, just a normal well rounded character.
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lov3-sweet · 5 months
Soul Fragments cookie run au
What is this au i have created out of boredom and hyperfixation on An evil Gingerbrave? Well first a disclaimer, its a mix of witchs castle and cookie run kingdom but I'm also guessing what would happen in witchs castle and its very much different from cannon since there isn't much to work with since it just came out,but lets now break it down of why its called soul fragments
1.What are soul Fragments? Well soul fragments is what our tiny team calls their own souljams before they even find the Ancient heros The each gained their souljams or fragments from performing something that corresponds to their respective viture,here's the order they Receive their soul fragments Wizard cookie,Strawberry cookie,GingerBright,GingerBrave and then GingerDozer Despite GingerDozer being the first one being baked in the group since he's from the first batch he ages slower and has the mental state of an 8 year old but he starts to age a lil faster when hes outside the Witchs castle.since they earned theirs differently heres how.
.Wizard cookie performed a giant healing spell by admiting he messed it up the first time and learned from it. .Strawberry cookie saved a cookie weaker then she is since she knows what thats like. .GingerBright being able to keep everyone's spirits up when it was bleak and being eaten in the end. .GingerBraves soul fragment earning was different instead one of light he gained hes by being brave yes but from pure hatred after the witch ate GingerBright and GingerDozer and explained on how hes also from the first batch making them siblings and hes the last one standing. .GingerDozer faced the scariest thing he could ever face,a mentally unstable GingerBrave and stopped him with a hug.
You must be confused since I'm sorta jumbling the timeline together lets get it straight
2.time line of events
•being made •ovenbreak •new friends •Dozer taken away •adventures and earnings but also the gang being taken one by one •the witch and the final showdown •Dozer and Brights passing and gingerbrave going ape sh!t but wizard cookie and first cream cookie stop him,wizard cookie also lock away every memory of him using magic including dozer and bright being eaten. •they escape and build the kingdoms as Strawberry and wizard cover up brights and dozers death •normal timeline of crk but shadow milk cookie stalking wizard cookie •Dark enchantress resurrected GingerBright and GingerDozer then they join the CoD meet the rest of the group on a battle field and angst ensures •GingerBrave being overworked and tired after telling the Ancients the truth causeing them to somewhat distrust him and Strawberry and wizard somewhat letting him take the blame •Gingerbrave goes to the tower of chaos and confronts Dozer and Bright to ask them what happened but Dozer pushes all three of them into the ultimate dough then Dark enchantress rebakes them except gingerbrave as he ran away before she arrived but the ultimate dough seeped into hes own dough as it was compatible causeing him to avoid fire so it wouldn't fuse with him so he awouldn't change -all I have manged to figure out on how the au timeliness of events happens but the telling of the first events won't happen until arc 2
Fact until soul fragments part two- GingerBrave was made from leftover first batch dough but the witch left it in the darkest shadow to see how it would taste but she messed up and accidentally added magic powder causing him to come alive
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mantrabay · 1 year
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Witching Hour Minstrel 1
Whatever happened to the twelve o ‘clock rambler,
nocturnal venturesome brushstroke sort,
they paint sound and city pastel,
never at a loss for inspiration,
weather neither bar nor barrier,
in the face of whirlwind snowfall,
freezing ice, torrential downpour,
within themselves, he, she, they plod on,
hardship is adopted, never cast aside,
while others brazenly squirm,
wallow in uproarious denial,
wilt before the slightest storm,
taking flight in arid comfort zone,
shelter is their first convenient port,
not for stoic diarist this threadbare exit,
exodus of the half-hearted humbug,
but ironclad ilk stubbornly remain,
eyes and ears are substitute antennas,
alert does not begin an ample portrait,
of this wilful dwindling genus,
genus, genie, genius, glow worm ghost,
peaceful prowlers with pen on queue,
they capture worlds sidereal,
under velvet moon imagining bespoke,
crescendo of cathartic bonhomie,
icy night frost punctured by high drive fog horns,
deft nib from dark ink manteau nomad,
who engross themselves in light and shade reflection,
how magical their canny weave lexicon,
for us timid souls to relish evermore,
as we balk at the eerie life we revel in,
vicarious the kismet, excitement from afar,
drama under bridges, shadow figure chinwag,
river stream babble, blind alley gust,
eavesdrop on historic past teaser,
litter swept aural gossip whoosh,
eventide mournful dog bark heart tug,
darting elfin’s sly mind peep thereon,
yet the vagabond minstrel has to comb,
each backstreet, zebra crossing, sprawling suburb,
for inert sleepy after hour dozers,
who crave eye candy fodder as humdrum sidestep
Prose piece and photos
all my own work
Many thanks to everyone who reads this submission.
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