#sorta… painted most of this didnt i
dr-reversebeartrap · 4 months
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Behold: Cube Strahm
You can now make your very own Cube Strahm to ponder the meaning of life or use as a rude, unhelpful magic 8-ball
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polychromatiica · 3 months
i love ur art sm!! ur such an inspiration 💌💌how do you choose your palettes? the colors you use have always catched my eye
thank you so much!!!
For the colours, I don't know what to suggest if you do traditional art as I'm not very skilled in that but if you're a fellow digital artist I can try!!
pretty long post coming up, btw I do need to preface I'm just a student and not a professional, so take this all with a grain of salt especially if i get technical at all
TL;DR (too long didnt read): i use a green and or orange multiply layer, i try to give everything a dark green-orange undertone, focus on how certain colours look when next to each other and how they can appear completely different
also also its late and im tired so i apologise for any mistakes
i usually start by doing colours that generally match the character im drawing, then i just kinda go wild with altering them, ive learnt to pick them on my own through practice but a lot of the time and starting out i simply mess around with "blending modes". It'd be difficult to explain all of them and they may differ from software to software but my favourite one is "Multiply" (which should be on most softwares, hopefully!)
now, what you do with these depends on what sort of vibe youre going for, I like warm colours, I don't really know how to describe my art, but I like it to be saturated yet dark.. if that makes any sense lmao
gonna use this random doodle of emma to explain what i mean. on my phone rn so its not,, very good but itll do haha
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so, i started by getting roughly similar colours to what she has. colourpicking from official art is always an option too, if youre drawing an oc then just figure out the general "local colour" (flat colours unaffected by lighting) you want the character to have and put them down, my art switches from being desaturated and saturated a lot depending on the vibe im goung for, for the more saturated art I'm gonna add a clipping layer of this solid bright yellowy green olivey colour in this example (the colour you use changes the atmosphere of it a lot, i usually use green or orange because i really like the look it gives, i love dark and warm tones)
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clipping is a feature a lot of art softwares should have, for this im using ibis paint x, i usually use clip studio paint, others will have it and blending modes too, it lets you create a new layer and "clip" it to the one below, anything you draw on the clipped layer will only show up on space that has been drawn on the layer below (but you can hide/delete anything on this layer and it won't effect the original layer!)
next im gonna use the multiply feature,
"keeps only the darker colors of the blend layer and makes light colors less opaque. The resulting color is always darker, except for where it's pure white" (taken from a website called sketch) dunno how much the specifics of its affects change between different softwares, but the way I view it is always "makes base colours darker, and adds a tint of whatever colour you selected"
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the result from doing that is this! this gives a sorta green tone, you can play with the opacity to change the intensity. this is a really simple trick to get cool looking colours, and the more I've used it and paid attention to what specific colours i get from doing it. for these saturated pieces ive noticed that depending on how much I tinted the piece any colours that would for example be white (like the hair frederick has in this drawing) is actually straight up yellow/orange
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i have some art thats a little less saturated/a bit darker than this though, but its a pretty similar process! you can see the white of their shirts are actually again a dark desaturated yellow/orange, now you may notice it looks a little green at first, that is another thing to keep in mind
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colours can trick your eyes a lot! and you can use this to your advantage very well, I'm not well versed enough in colour theory to explain the exact specifics on how this happens, but basically depending on the colours surrounding it, certain colours can appear completely different
another example is normans waistcoat in this drawing, you probably see that and think "thats blue" but nope, somehow, its actually a very very desaturated yellow! grey can appear as blue a lot ive noticed
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if we isolated that grey/yellow colour you can see it is in fact grey, but it looks blue in the whole drawing!
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whilst obviously theres nothing wrong with making a drawing of a character where things like blue actually are blue or a white/grey is actually white/grey, in the style of art I do i personally enjoy limiting the amount of colours used and using certain tricks to make it look like theres more variation in hues than there actually is, i like how cohesive it makes the artwork look :)
heres another example of what multiply can do with a few different colours, its best to learn to colour without it, i see multiply (and other blending modes! theres a lot of them) like training wheels, its not cheating to use them, its just a little boost to help you start out, and you can go a lot further in developing your understanding of colour if you try and learn to colour without it :D
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
Heyyo! Hope this ask reaches you well nwn. I have a couple hundred questions about ur art style and storytelling methods if you don’t mind :3
Most important one: How do you draw Mewtwo fingers so well 😭😭😭😭
Also, what program(s) do you use? Canvas size for different projects? What brush settings? And how do you sketch, line and colour? Which step is your favourite? How long do you normally take from piece to piece?
How do you come up with your different AUs? Any particular inspirations? What tips would you give someone just starting out a comic on tumblr?
And uhh any general tips on getting around tumblr? Blogs you really like?
Sorry for all these questions, really big fan if you can’t tell :’D I actually really love the pride art piece you did~
So i tried answering this before and it doesnt post so uhhhhh heres to hoping it works?
1. I base Mewtwo's paws as hands, worked without the rounded digits first then moved to rounded digits so... Take that as you will?
2. I use Clip Studio Art and Procreate! Mostly, anyways XD i also sometimes default back to Paint tool Sai, or Fire Alpaca if i want a different brand lol.
3. I vary in size for different projects. My animations are different than my sketches, my sketches are different from my completed art and my completed art is different for my comics! It also helps my brain not get tired XD
4. I tend to favor my lineart and rendering! Though both of them take equally long times, i render less But i love it more.
5. Depends on the project. I can typically churn out colored pieces in like an hour or so! Sketches are faster.
6. A lot of them are inspirations of something else. Shiny AU was just cause i liked Shiny Pokemon. But Dead AU was based off Danny Phantom and Mimikyu au was a "What if" scenario of the dead au!
7. Oop, Danny Phantom for the Dead AU. Legendary Mew was based off the whole Chosen one BS XD False Twins was slightly based off of TC but was actually based off another AU where Ash and Mewtwo were sorta close friends.
8. Tagging is your best friend~ don't be afraid to interact with other blogs. If someone is being mean, just block em and move on!
9. Getting around Tumblr? I'd say reblog, follow peeps, go to your favorite fandoms/tags! You'll get mutuals in no time!
10. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a lot of peeps but i dont wanna bother then with tags XD so nontagged peeps!
Loupy Mongoose
TazerPones/MegaMew and Crew
The Mew Crew
And a few more but i cant remember tumblr names djdbdb
And thank you! I have one more peice i want to finish before i forget- its a peice i didnt get to do last year XD
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yourlocaltoad · 1 year
yooo quick little update on projects
~ Voice lines ~ Recently finish uploading senseis in english, but I'm not done uploading voice lines! Tomorrow starts with the supercharger voice lines :D this includes their quest lines too
And with that if everything goes right ill be posting lines twice a day ! After I'm done with the superchargers i wanna upload some NPC lines from imagintors and superhcargers and then work on the senseis in spanish a lot of the lines for character during SSA-STT have already been uploaded by someone, so i wanna focus on the last 2 games
~ Models ~ ok so I have been a lot when it comes to extracting and that includes models if you go through my carrd there is a button that will lead ya to a mega folder with some of the models I've uploaded feel free to mess with those 3 while I work on preparing more i also wanna start uploading the renders of the models I've done for art reference. I spent most of may and june getting my hands on the ROH models and taking pics, but I was still learning how to use blender so they aint the best but I'm still willing to upload those pictures, ya know. Art references for the skylanders are hard to come by if you want to mess the ROH models you can find them here ( i didnt extract them)
~ Imagine extraction ~
Ok there is alot with this um there are all sorta of images from the games I can extract but right now im working on digging through files and see exactly what I have access too. I mostly have dig up icons right now but once I have enough to make some posts I will
I mean like there is so much from character icons to the map assets from supercharger to the kaos painting to like everything but it's also hard to dig up specific things
And website stuff is going, I mean I have enough stuff queued until September, so I'm not working on that right now
TLDR: i've been doing quite a bit lmao
ty for reading
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burning-sol · 1 year
me hc'ing pcs relationship to makeup:
gillion tidestrider, he didnt rlly wear makeup in the undersea and has internalised that but he would happily wear makeup if offered, like god someone PLEASE givr him permission. just make sure that its suitable for a triton though.
jay ferin, she's great with stuff like clown makeup and sfx. if she tries normal makeup looks she will mess it up and start cussing tho.
chip, he used to use makeup but with the bandana he doesnt now lol. anyways he's not perfect but DAMN he's better than u would expect. he refuses to elaborate on how he got so good at it (he's just very insecure abt his appearance okay).
goobleck, bbg eats that shit.
ashe winters, she literally had all the time in the world to practice at home she's SO fucking good at it. she consumes makeup tutorials like nobody's business. makeup QUEEN.
william wisp, he applies so much black eyeshadow n stuff. its in his bonez. really good with stuff relating to nail polish and all that. after meeting ashe he started to get more ambitious with his makeup, up until what happened. then he started wearing MORE black makeup and then even MORE after realising he has no blood. after gaining a new heart she's started wearing warmer makeup with more reds, and also doing more horror-esque looks. uhhh i guess basically she changes her makeup a lot depending on how she's feeling and what's happening.
dakota cole, not interested. might have some internalised feelings of thinking it makes him look less genuine or faker somehow. and gender issues.
vyncent sol, id have to think more abt whether the cat boy would wear makeup.
kian stone, prolific in it babes check him out she's rocking it. LOVES doing drag makeup. fuck yeah!!
rand, makeup would probably require him to clean himself up which is already too much to ask of him.
rolan, he likes when ppl do his makeup for him but probably doesnt really wear it otherwise. too scared to wear makeup in public most of the time. big fan of all the drag he's seen.
thanatos, um. i mean. yeah. i mean he's a robot. peter can paint him?? if he wants??? nobody else though its an exclusive peter privilege.
peter, okay i think he'd be decent at it but his REAL passion is face painting. let him draw a lizard on your cheek right fucking now.
rumi, they actually suck at makeup so bad holy shit all they do is magically sparkle don't fucking ask them to do makeup.
exandroth, she doesnt need makeup he think he looks great (it HATES it the sensory issues god no dont put anything on him girl wasnt built for this)
aster aeliana, she's really good with makeup but dislikes wearing it. merely performing her stereotypical girl duties.
ryan selucreh, he will do whatever the group's doing bro.
connor connors, hmhmhm u know what he's already seen as a loser he would sorta know how to use makeup and wear it while he's out and about. already a con-erd right? not very commited to it tho, its just a hobby.
cherry blossom, she would never
aren auguste, "no thats gay"
jebediah lightbringer, no except him and brian have matching nail polish cause you know how it is homos.
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gravechimera · 5 months
making a seperate blog for this because i dont feel like my main one is safe for this specific topic. please do not try to guess or out my main here. this is a blog where i specifically talk about gender thoughts & confusion i have, because i dont have resources to talk to anybody in real life. as of writing this i am questioning whether or not i am transfem/a girl, i currently call myself agender on main but in reality im still dealing with the question of whether im full on transfem or not.
for the record i am a teenager in highschool, i began questioning my gender when i was 11 years old, there were some obvious signs before then but i didnt necessarily have the knowledge or words to piece those together. ive identified as various nonbinary labels over the past few years, starting at demiboy then shifting towards countless xenogenders*, starting off with space themed ones then becoming more accustomed to cutesy pastel themed ones. i actually used to run a blog that coined terms like those, i ditched it but it definitely still lingers. now im agender on main & questioning transfem on the side, basically i slowly & extremely hesitantly accepted the fact i dont feel like a boy. ive only recently considered falling under the girly umbrella somewhere near the beginning of highschool when i had started realizing that lots of my favorite content creators are also trans girls, most notably patricia taxxon.
(*yes, i do support xenogenders & neopronouns.)
but i dont necessarily feel like a girl either? ok well sometimes i do but in a way that rejects most ideas of what girliness is? i feel like theres a distinction between wanting to do typically girly things like paint my nails, wear dresses, etc & actually feeling as though i am a girl or would be happier living as one. i dont like being called he/him pronouns (not like i have a choice) but i also dont like being called she/her, i usually gravitate towards they/them, it/its & any *edgy" neos like bone/bones & bat/bats. my relationship with femininity distinctly goes against traditional femininity, both cis & trans forms of the sense. i have a sorta emo furry thing going on as opposed to the usual pink cat thigh highs bridget stereotype.
i am unhappy being percieved as a boy, but terrified of being percieved as a girl due to all the societal troubles that comes with it like getting hit on by creeps, stared at, groped, all that shit. not to mention im already black, diagnosed autistic & a furry, why add another target on my back? i feel like the term girl doesnt even describe me all that well, its deeper than that. but neither does nonbinary despite me clearly not falling under or even believing in the gender binary most of the time.
theres also a part of me that wants to just ditch this question along with the concept of gender as a whole, hence identifying as agender on main. most times i do see binary gender norms & the like as bullshit, but the feminine feelings creep up like a tarantula & i begin questioning myself, while still despising the idea of gender. i think part of this hatred towards said binary comes from the fact i am therian/identify as nonhuman & see human binary concepts as something holding me back. from what exactly? i dont know, it just is.
also related to my therianthropy, i find myself conflating species dysphoria with gender dysphoria & confusing myself because of it since the thoughts directly contradict eachother. one moment i find my body hair ugly because its masculine, then the next i find it ugly because i wish i had more to emulate fur. one moment i wanna be socially percieved as feminine, then the next i dont even wanna be percieved as the same species as anybody around me. it makes exploring my gender really confusing because the thoughts attack eachother while also trying to attack me.
i will say though that the nonhuman thoughts are way stronger than the feminine urges. i dont care about feminizing my voice in the slightest apart from my aspirations towards being a voice actor, i dont shave nor do i want to, im indifferent towards my gen*tals because nobody in public should be seeing or thinking about them. however i do absolutely despise being referred to as the name i was given at birth, alongside any possible variations of it, including neutral or feminine nicknames/alt spellings/etc. i would much rather be called either scarlet, chimera*, or cherry, all of which i picked because they both suited my emo theming, i hadnt even thought of how girly any of them sounded while picking them.
(*chimera also happens to be the name of a notorious creep within a fandom im in, complete coincidence. i might refrain from going by that so i dont get mistaken for them.)
theres also this conflicting second hand antidysphoria, i guess? specifically towards people that remind me of the very things i despise about myself. i have a sort of obsessive fascination with the idea of how somebody could find solace in the very things that plague my existence, for example transmascs that pick my deadname as their new chosen name, those with interests in media thats been permanently tainted in my eyes due to abusers, etc. theres a weird beauty in it, it makes me want to sort of embody them in order to lessen the burden those things have on me. i know if i explained this to somebody directly theyd assume im a freak or something, which is honestly a somewhat reasonable take. just putting it here for more background i guess.
what do you people think? is this a normal case of gender questioning? do any other queer therians experience this weire conflicting double edged dysphoria? am i a fucking lunatic? am i just a confused child being brainwashed? let me know & feel free to ask questions.
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sentientstump · 1 year
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yall really want me to spill the beans about the song, eh? 😭🙈
[orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect? ] x5
So many asked, so I'm going to go full details here:
I haven't listened to that many songs in life, mind you, so my answer would be Playing By The Rules by Red Vox (quinn you already listened to it on loop, sorry, no new info for you) I find it very great to my ears on all sound levels, every time I listen to it I try to focus on different instruments because i don't want to get bored of it xD I really enjoy the MV for it too! The theme, the style fits so nicely that sometimes it's difficult to separate it from the song itself (also, i saw that Mason Lindroth inspiration from miles away, so +quadspillion points to this MV!) The ONLY downside (upside in disguise) is that its so short... but! I have this feeling of silent appreciation when it comes up on shuffle play, yknow. Gotta enjoy things while they last! And I guess this song is a good exercise for me. Also if you asked me this question like 8 months ago I would've answered with Reno by Red Vox too .... I think I have a thing for gambling themes in songs- xD oh well
[sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is? ]
Oooh man, I haven't thought about this before! I don't think I have strong preference towards one 'medium' of art? I just really enjoy when someone uses the medium in a very 'their' way, because what is more touching than their love to the craft? I mean, of course there's people who hate their craft but good at it, and maybe that's a little touching to me too in a more.... tiny humans on a pale blue dot in a vast space of cosmos sorta way? If you catch my drift
[edelweiss ⇢ how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you? ]
ahaha, I keep wondering why people don't ask me about it more frequently "xD (one person got me though) It's from PesterChum's rules of creating nicknames (Homestuck's chat app). I had to come up with a name based on my attributes at the time, so I wrote something like "artisticArtist" but then in one chat group I somehow got the lore that I am a stump??? So that one originated from there. And then I tried to follow the rules of nicknames by writing "cleverStump" instead, because it's CS which is 1/2 closer to the GCAT rule. But then I said "screw it" and thought that sentientStump is more accurate to ✨the lore✨ , because I am sentient, but not smart (I also have a screenshot of it (thank you 13 y.o. me) but I cannot find it currently, maybe someday)
[chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts? ]
I really like to receive trinkets of any kind! They're usually small, usually cheap (I mean if they are expensive then im double happy and double sad of your wallet :c ), usually infinite happy chemicals in my brain! Magnets, pins, keychains, art supplies, gift paper bags, boxes, crafting materials and so on! I really enjoy things that are small (no joke here lol xD)
[aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life? ]
Everything mundane. like legit, whatever there is in life I want to experience it. Well, there is some no-no's such as physical pain? xD i don't want to experience a broken bone but i like the thought of experiencing wearing a cast. Or something...? 😅 I gotta experience all of the world has to offer but i do understand that i never will. Y'know, small things like walking at 16:45 on a ground road to the place where people apparently are fishing! (before walking there i didnt know!) Or eating a melted popsicle in a plastic wrap on a balcony watching a thunderstorm dissipate, or standing on a bus stop at 20:05 for one hour to understand that the buses on the bus app lied to you and no one will appear and you run to the 24hr store to buy yourself instant noodles for your dinner because you won't be able to join your family and their dinner in the countryside? Stuff like this y'know! Makes me enjoy life fr👍🏼 genuinely
[cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)? ]
Driving! But only theory rn "xD
[bamboo ⇢ do you change into a different outfit when you get home? ]
Of course! Who doesn't? o_o jk jk, it's totally cool! I tried it once because why not (look at [aloe vera] above) and tbh... not my thing! Especially when the outfit has 400 layers because of the 9 month winter, brrr. The apartment gets a lot of heating, so gotta unpeal the layers! At summer it's reverse i guess? I'm usually hanging out at my countryside house (technically two houses but same plot) and i change to the most "outside work" outfit possible after taking a short trip to the grocery store with my "i am from the city, downtown" outfit XD So basically i change into a more comfortable outfit and more worn down👍🏼✨
[chia ⇢ what’s an inside joke you have with someone else? ]
i have this very specific inside joke with my longest irl I've ever had (since 3y.o. 💪🏼💪🏼) We keep asking each other and their doggy Deya questions like: "[you're] Sitting?", "Sleeping?", "Eating?", "Walking?", "Staring?", "Barking?", "Taking a toilet?" etc. in a "what are you doing currently?" tone. It's so dumb!!!! I love it! xD
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spicybylerpolls · 8 months
do they...
kiss once impulsively, pause, then kiss passionately jancy style
kiss impulsively but they both lean in at the same time and its a passionate but drawn out kiss, then they giggle and confess
kiss when they didnt mean to by being lulled towards each other then get interrupted and dont sort it out till the finale
almost kiss but keep getting interrupted all s5 long until the finale
kiss early on after the painting confession, then have a shared sexuality storyline that involves sex in the finale/epilogue
wildcard option: sexual stuff happens but its in a vecna vision/fantasy and they just kiss at the end
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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mothman-can-write · 8 months
Yeah it’s like my hands are itching to just paint or draw something on them but also I just got them and don’t wanna risk ruining them ig. The patchwork pants should keep me at bay for a little while. On a scale of 1-10 tho, how much of a crime would it be to paint those iconic yellow stitches red?
And yes you’ve definitely captured that cozy vibe in your writing, I’m reading the story slowly on purpose because I never want it to end.
I’ve also been listening to the playlist you’ve made for it, the A side at least. Half of the songs were already in my playlist and so far there’s only 1 song I didn’t like, this is basically the perfect playlist for me.
we’ve got a little ask chain going now, it sorta feels like having a conversation at the front of a room haha! i also say do whatever you want with the boots, you can always pain them again if you dont like it! as for the stitches - colour those bitches red, that sounds sick and showing off brands means nothing
It’s like you’re TRYING to make me cry with these compliments :’) i love it when i can share music with people, and that fic has such a specific theme track in my head when i was writing it. i am curious though… what was the one song you didnt like? my best guess at the most divisive song on there is probably st bernard….
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acesammy · 11 months
I can't remember if I sent you the ask already, but 6, 7, 11, 26 for the artist ask :))
Thanks birdie!! :D
6. art that might inspire you subconsciously
hmm i'm really not sure.. with my sketchy stuff certainly comic artists like smallwood.. i think i kinda turned towards doing more lineart rather than strictly paintings bc of cool artists i met in the elton john fanbase like sjhamart
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
oh my gosh Marker. I could watch process videos for POSCA or copic art for hours, and the art is so so cool, but yeah the medium just escapes me
11. do you listen to anything while drawing? if so what?
recently i've just been drawing while watching movies, but if i'm gonna listen to music, i tend to choose like 3 songs and loop them. There's a painting i did of Tristan Thorn from Stardust where i listened to 'kids', 'pale sun rose' and 'float on' for 12 hours straight while painting it and man. i dont think i even knew who i was after that sjfsn
26. what's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation than what you intended?
honestly most of my art is wildly straightforward lol. There's definitely a drawing floating around out there of Mike murdock that a lot of people took for matt murdock, but like,, that's completely understandable considering they're 'twins' (sorta) and I didnt do much to differentiate them. Unfortunately, the joke i was making doesnt really land if you think it's matt tho lol
artist asks?
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theharrowing · 1 year
I have reread Boy Blue almost three times now. You are such a talented writer!! I hope this message dont bother you but I have two sorta fun questions:
1. When I watch Rainy Days, for some reason I feel like it's super Boy Blue-coded (?) Like idk, the ambiance, the moodiness, the yearning. What era / mv BTS you associate with Boy Blue characters (if any)? Or you can also answer for Collateral, whichever you want!
2. When you write a story, do you begin with like knowing how it's gonna end first or do you build a rough outline of events and then decide the ending? All the endings (if you can call it that) in Boy Blue and Collateral have been so unpredictable (literally I could NOT guess how it was going to end) so I'm just interested. Btw I'm not a writer so I'm sorry if this is a weird question!
P.s: i'm glad I didnt trust Yoongi in Boy Blue hehehe
Thank you so much for writing again and sorry for the long message!
THREE TIMES that’s wild wow thank you so much!!! (the chapters are pretty quick hehe but still wow!!!) this doesn’t bother me one bit, i’m very excited to respond to these! this is going to be a VERY LONG response hehe enjoy.
this response will contain spoilers, for anyone who hasn’t read these fics!
1. i get such big Boy Blue vibes from Rainy Days Tae!!! both in the way he is burying himself in the art (idk i get this obsessive vibe tbh) and also with how 😐 stoic and serious he seems through a lot of it. i see Boy Blue Taehyung trying so hard to distract himself but all he can see is someone’s face/likeness and he needs to paint it and carve it and build it somehow. and yes, definitely the ambiance and yearning!!! i will definitely be making it his personality in White Lies haha.
originally, i wasn’t really associating their personalities with any era, but Boy Blue Taehyung maybe had hints of Stigma performances (especially with blue hair, of course.) Yoongi and his boys i just imagined in like a Velvet Goldmine crossover almost, and Jungkook was if My Time were a little more punk (and a little more whiny haha.) (Namjoon and Seokjin didn’t really have development lol sorry boys!)
for Collateral, Yoongi was originally from That That, and the others came from any number of eras (Butter maybe, Proof at times.) but because these roles don’t really fit the guys normally, it’s all kind of all over the place and i don’t really imagine them from specific eras (i have been more or less keeping Yoongi current throughout Collateral and using more recent descriptions and images every time, with the exception of some mood boards.) sometimes my mind goes to Weverse magazine shoots, especially 2020 and 2022.
2. i almost never plot things out when i start, which was the case for Boy Blue and Collateral lol. i did sort of plan the ending of Boy Blue by the time Yoongi was introduced but i was still playing around with various ideas. (glad you didn’t trust him tho bc i made him obsessive and weird like immediately and it felt like nobody really caught that??? there were hints of his involvement throughout, tho, because i always loosely wanted that to be a plot twist. In the basement, when Yoongi says, “This wasn’t supposed to happen” what he means is “This isn’t how we planned it.” and even in earlier chapters when they are first captured, his behavior is erratic because he is upset with Taehyung, especially for having a gun.)
i finally wrote an outline for how i wanted to end Boy Blue somewhere around chapter 40. i was like “ok, we need to end this fic, it’s been going on for a long time now.” i think around 42 is when i had the ending completely figured out. most of Boy Blue was the product of me just logging out of class and creating chaos.
Collateral got an outline in chapter 12, and boy howdy, has it changed a lot. i don’t think think i had the actual ending set in stone until chapter 15. i think that was the point when i decided that in order for this story to get the ending i wanted, i needed to plan a sequel, and i slid Balming Tiger into the story.
THESE ARE PROBABLY WAY MORE WORDS THAN YOU BARGAINED FOR but i get really excited to talk about my fics, so thank you for giving me something fun and thoughtful to wake up to! feel free to ask more questions if you would like to! i am an open book!!! 💙💙💙 and thank you so much for reading!!!
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moss-sprouted · 2 years
you know something that breaks my heart is i Just realized how much mlp was a special interest for me
i got sucked into the fandom and making and adopting and adopting out pony ocs on deviantart and eventually watched the show and it was quite literally my favorite thing till i left because a friend accused me publicly without coming to me first of tracing art of my own character that they had done for me and after that i just sorta abandoned the whole thing, moved on with a new dA for a bit till i got more focused on tumblr and i hadnt even wanted to think about mlp since
but now i just saw a sound on tiktok and people talking about their ocs and sonas and art of the characters and even videos where people are using the tiktok filters to help them design a random pony and my heart Swelled with the idea of just getting to draw cute colorful horses again even though i have like 100 sitting in one big file stuffed away so i dont lose them all forever but
then i found the mlp drama on tiktok, and it seems like its everywhere and still present, all the tracing accusations and the stealing design accusations and the actual art stealing and the fighting and it happened when i was 16 and now its been like 8 years and its still happening all the time and god i just wish i could enjoy the cute ponies again
and i dont think theres any part of the community thats going to be just chill and let people have fun and i absolutely couldn't go back to deviantart with any of it
i could do it for myself i guess but what fun is it to not get to show them off ): thats kinda what i got into art for and its been hard to do any at all of anything without that reason especially stuff i love so much
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pinkslashersimp · 2 years
what would yandare Hannibal do if his darling was just wandering around the house and somehow Hannibal didn’t notice they were gone (shocker) till 2 minutes later and started searching the house frantically and he found his darling in the library reading a book
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also never feel like ur sending in too many requests, I enjoy writing and love when ppl come back:) its very sweet
mandatory apology for taking so long on reqs, im sorry): im not a procrastinator ive just had a hell of a lot on and havent had a spare minute at all to write): doing my best atm and thankfully now everything has slowed down
TW: yandere behaviour, implied kidnapping, sorta toxic behaviour, Hannibal being a little clingy, possessive behaviour. reader is GN
If any of this triggers you please scroll and keep urself safe🤍
u didnt specify so as a treat ill write for both;)
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Yandere Hannibal thinks GN!Reader has ran away🌷💗
NBC Hannibal
Immediate panic at first, he'd taken his eyes off you for no more than two minutes to focus on frying meat for dinner. He hadn't even heard you get up or walk away, which caused him much much more anxiety. Why were you deliberately being quiet? Why are you being so disobedient? Why on earth are you doing this to him??
He’s quick to put everything on hold, take the pan off the grill and turn down the heat, exit the room and head hastily towards the front door. Despite being quite concerned, hes able to mask it well and paint a scarily calm demeanour on himself
Perhaps you’d gotten bored and wandered into the living room? It was the most plausible theory, yet your absence deemed it invalid
Your sudden and unexpected vanishing angered Hannibal greatly. Who were you to try and leave him? He re-checked the kitchen, twice. Then each upper room of his house, ensuring you weren’t hiding from him in childish fashion.
Your sudden and unexpected vanishing angered Hannibal greatly. Who were you to try and leave him? He re-checked the kitchen, twice. Then each upper room of his house, ensuring you weren’t hiding from him in childish fashion.
After half an hour, he was tired. Angry, upset, frustrated, and a large mix of emotions that bubbled around inside him, like rising scorching water, it was only a matter of time before it boiled over.
Dealing with all this, he needed to cool off before searching outside for you. He knew if you ran away you couldn’t go far, and if he recaptured you whilst angry he may hurt you.
Sighing heavily, he retreated to the library, only to be met with the sight of you leaning against the libraries ladder, eyes glued firmly to your chosen book. He couldn’t quite make out the cover as the palm of your hand covered it, whilst the other gently gripped the top.
“What are you doing?” he questioned, your eyes drawing themselves away from your page and towards his large frame in the doorway. The sight of him confused and caused you great anxiety, he looked frantic and angry, as if you’d insulted him greatly
“Um, reading…”
Hannibal let out a sigh, and pulled you into a rather tight hug after walking quite quickly toward you. “Tell me when you’re leaving my side, please.”
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OG Hannibal
Oh, you’re gone? Okay.
OG Hannibal is very secure in knowing you cannot leave his grasp. Every door in the house is double locked, you don’t have a key, and you’re terribly loud when trying to be quiet.
He knows you really can’t have gone far. It’s impossible. Literally.
He finishes whatever task he was tending to first, taking him around 10 minutes, before cleaning his workspace and seeing where you’d wandered off to
He understands usually you like to indulge in television, much to his dismay, (but he never judges you), and so he checks the living room expecting you to be sat peacefully on the sofa
He opens the door aaaaand…you aren’t there.
Weird, and it puts him on edge a little, but without panicking he checks upstairs. Maybe you were tired? wanted a nap?
No. You aren’t there either.
Just to be extra-double sure, Hannibal checks both doors, ensuring that they’re still double locked and unopened. And thankfully to him, they are.
Now, with the knowledge that you haven’t ran away and you are in fact somewhere in the house away from him, hes angry.
Why are you hiding from him? Is this a game? If it’s a game, he’ll play.
Hannibal checks every room upstairs, under the beds and in the wardrobes, checks behind the shower curtain and any bottom cupboards you might have squeezed yourself in childishly.
It clicks that there’s one last area of the house he hasn’t checked yet: The library.
He creaks open the door, and lets out a laugh when he sees you reading quietly, curled up on his armchair, which causes you to jump and stare up at him, wondering what’s so funny
“Found you!” he states, calmly. “Why are you in here?”
“I wanted to…read?” you reply, confused.
“Tell me next time.”
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ikissjesse · 2 years
*enters ask box* jesse x robaire pls 🥺
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I hope u dont mind i made this a hc list !! I could def do a fanfic for u if u want that instead <33 btw im making this 2 sections, first is confessing then second is couple stuff HEHSHDJAH
jesse n robaire confession hc's !!
they mean sm to me :(( <3 *stuffs them into my pocket while sobbing violently*
i am a firm believer that jesse confessed while drunk
remember my drunk 4town hc's where jesse's the chill drunk ? yeah, he confessed in a painfully chill, relaxed way
robaire (who was sober) was sitting next to him on the tour bus, when suddenly a very drunk jesse puts his arm around him n says "y'know, i reallyyy like u. ahah"
jesse was so calm while ro was abt to go up in flames
aaron z slid t a 50$ bill since they made a bet about who would confess first, which aaron t happily won
robaire assumed he was jus saying that cos he's drunk n didn't think much abt it
^ is what i would say if it werent the ONLY THING HE COULD THINK ABT FOR THE REST OF THE NIGHT
he was always the cool n collected member but today was not his day
he was blushing sm aaron t was abt to tease him on it before aaron z quickly pulled him back to his seat, giving him a glare that basically said "say anything n ill make sure the cops cant find ur body"
needless to say t smiled nervously n stayed in his seat for the rest of the car ride
ANYWAYYY back to jesro
robaire decided to vaguely bring it up the next day when jesse was sober,
"sooo, do u remember anything from last night?" type thing (he's not smooth when he's nervous shhh)
jesse thought about it for 3 damn seconds n said no, to which robaire gulped n contemplated whether or not he should tell him
"did i say anything weird?"
robaire laughed to cover up his fear of what jesse would say next, then told him abt how he got touchy-feely w him n that he told him he "really liked him"
jesse pretty much choked on whatever he was eating at the time when he heard that
"oh- heh, did i?" ~nervous voice crack~
they ended up laughing abt it for a bit, making robaire think he really was jus saying it cos he was drunk :(( ueueue why am i hurting myself w my own hc im so sad rn thinking abt this
jesse (being the confident bitch he is) stopped n looked robaire in the eyes w a soft smile, n BAAM cue the romantic background music n the aarons watching from a distance, he TOLD ROBAIRE HE LIKES HIM FR WOOOOO clap clap clap
robaire.exe has stopped working
for a ~cool, collected~ guy, he was an absolute MESS after that, stuttering n blushing (if his hair were longer i bet loads of money he'd b twirling it /j)
he didnt think his bestfriend (slayyy friendzone him /j) would like him too??? like??? hello?????? he thought he was dreaming
nonetheless, he confessed his feelings for jesse too n they just sorta had that movie moment where they jus look at eachother w love eyes n stupid grins thats only romantic to the ppl doing it n probably awkward for ppl around them
aaron t jumped up from his hiding spot next to aaron z n screamed "JUST KISS ALREADY LOSERS" n quickly hid again, giggling while z rolled his eyes n smiled
nnnnnn now they were both flustered messes. great 🚶
from most confident guys in the band to shy bitches smh
spoiler alert; they didn't kiss </3 but thats okay bc
now we're onto...
dating hc's !!
slightly suggestive not that much tho
jesses kids already adored robaire n probably already knew that their dad had a crush on him bc of the drawings n paintings he had of him so they were ecstatic when they learned the two started dating <3
"so.. what do we call uncle robaire now??" "daddy2? dada?" -his kids having a super duper important meeting at their toy kitchen
robaire overheard this n quite literally started sobbing instantly
he went to jesses room where his ☆boyfriend☆ was n layed down next to him, when asked what happened all he could say was "uehdiadhaxikz... ur kidsksbsixj...theyre talking abt what they should call me now that we're todhaidgadaosoaudjajdjaowiw9uskznal"
obviously jesse had been w him long enough to understand him thru the sobs, n started rubbing circles on ro's back as a smile broke out on his face
robaire was literally this picture dont even try to argue w me on this:
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the kids settled on dada n robaire sobbed aGAIN when they first called him it
he was like whispering "dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry" to himself then excused himself to go to the bathroom to cry
"daddy, is dada okay? he looked sad" "oh dont worry hun he's fine"
he was in fact not fine (/pos) n jesse went n knocked on the bathroom door to check on him
robaire loves these kids to death n spoils them soooo much, jesse jokes about it making parenting way harder than it should be for him
onto other couple things now !!
their first official date was at a nearby art cafe where u could do pottery, paint, etc
they went w pottery like the cliche romantics they r ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎
think jesse guiding robaire, head resting on his shoulder, holding his boyfriends hands
they fucked up the first pot bc they kept making flirty little remarks about eachother (gay ppl 🙄 /j)
"jess i love u but if u make me fuck up another pot i will drop kick u into oblivion"
🏳️‍🌈 insert 'fuck me instead' joke from jesse 🏳️‍🌈
robaire may or may not have elbowed jesse for that
their first kiss was so extra like omg
during their france tour they found some time for themselves n went on a little date thru paris n at EXACTLY midnight (no it wasnt new years <3) while they were admiring the eiffel tower they leaned in n dkjaidhsi!!!!! <333
a fan actually saw n started squealing as quiet as they could so jesse n robaire wouldnt notice
they did notice . .
robaire (jesse was recovering from the kiss, red-faced as hell) asked the fan to keep it secret n not tell anyone about it since him n jesse wanted to keep it private until they were comfortable enough to tell ppl outside of their band, to which the fan agreed to
stan that fan for clear skin !!
they did eventually tell the press about it during an interview after they'd been together for around 2 months, it was vvvv difficult hiding it from paparazzi
before anyone (besides 4town n the fan) knew about them they had v light pda, like putting their arm around the others waist <3
they weren't rly big on pda so after everyone knew it was still just a little kiss on the cheek, holding hands, etc, they prefer doing couple things in private
like i stated way before, the kids love robaire, n they did a little date night for their dada's !! preparing a meal made of toy food, making the couch nice so they could relax n watch a movie together, n went straight to bed after bringing them drinks so they could have some alone time
jesse n his baby mama raised the twins so well <333
they spent the rest of the night cuddling, watching a movie n jus enjoying the company of one another
n the rest is history !! <3
i wouldn't mind making a part 2/fanfic tho ngl, i could go on abt them for ages HAHAHSIDHQI
anyhowww, thank u for reading !! sorry for the long post, they're just so skabidbsobdoabz <3333
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auckie · 3 years
Do you have any more autism child stories?
i have so many, most either involve me genuinely believing im about to be killed as a consequence of doing something really batshit autistic or just being a huge bully and asshole in middle school (but like, in an autistic dipshit way). but the first two that comes to mind that's sorta on par with the cars post in terms of like, clusterfuck, is when this kid in my like elementary grade class didnt show up to school one day. turns out his dad passed away in a car accident, and so we were asked to make cards for him. i loooved to draw the stupid paul frank monkey
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remember this thing? i would doodle it everwhere. so when it came time to do our cards, i put three of these things on the card, doing the 'see/hear/speak no evil' poses, and on the inside i think it just said like 'sorry your dad died </3' or something completely tone deaf. his best friend, who i had a huge crush on, stopped me and was like. no way in hell youre giving that to my best friend. his dad DIED. i don't remember if i turned it in to the teacher or not, but i do remember that i was really mad about it, and didn't understand what i did wrong, so come the end of the day, when we had to pick up and stack our chairs, i picked mine up and rammed it into him, ripping a hole in the ass of his pants. and for some reason, i didn't get in trouble. i never did despite like physically aggressing kids in front of teachers all the time, because i was smart and shy and i think they must've assumed i was just defending myself? not true at all. anyways, this second part isn't directly related, but they happened within days of each other and so i assumed it was like punishment for my actions: my mom left some country crock lemonade powder out on the kitchen counter one day, and i took a huge scoop and ate it raw right before she walked into the room and said 'oh yeah, don't use that lemonade powder because i poured paint thinner in it.' and then walked out. and i like. yknow i was like. tails gets trolled horrified face! my dad was always joking about paint thinner related deaths, so i KNEW, i knew if i had ingested it i was done for, but i didn't really understand how long it would take, or how i would feel because i was too little to think about these things critically. so i assumed i was going to die, but i was too shy/sad/embarassed to say anything about it, and for the rest of the week i was like writing out my own eulogy, last will and testament, my last rights etc. and i had this little magic 8 ball toy from mcdonalds-- it might not've been a magic 8 ball, bc i remember it being both dexter's lab themed and also lion king themed...but regardless, it was something that answered 'yes/no/maybe/try again later' when shook or spun or whatever. and i kept referring to it like it was Gd's way of speaking to me, trying to figure out when i was going to finally hit the bucket. i was my name is earling everyone too, and they took notice bc i would leave like little chocolates at my parents bedroom door like a cat leaves a dead bird for its owner, and when i they finally beat what was wrong out of me, my mom LAUGHED! at me being so absurd. like i didn't think i was going to fucking die for a solid week as punishment for shoving a chair leg up another kid's ass, for trying to prevent me from mocking his dad's death.
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thevalleyoftriumph · 2 years
okAy that picture made me curious can u tell us abt sec?
UHH OK so. im jus gonna call sc orange since thatz what im used to but wavez my little handz around
not much to say abt them! most of the scarz ive drawn for them are from when dark fuckin Decimated them in ava5- their powerz may have been able to heal them, but that didnt make scarz just. not appear.
umm their hairstyle iz a lil silly. the sidez are shaved similarly to chosen, but the rest iz long enough that they usually have to tie it up so it doeznt get in teh way when they do stuff. the sidez r slightly grown out n r fuzzy :] they usually either cut it themself when it getz too long, or have someone in the color squad do it [usually either blue or yellow shhh]
motherfucker haz shitty little eyebagz and iz constantly bruised. theyre clumsy az hell and have *sparkle emojiz* a sleep disorder lol. sometimez they just straight up pass out while standing and end up thumping against a table or smthn. itz why they take like, no time at all to pass out during the Five Minutez it takez for the color squad to build stuff lol. so chancez are you might see orange with a few bruisez here n there, mainly on like, their legz or the back of their head lol.
they wear a pretty basic hoodie, but have one of those artist smockz over it ! in the pocket they usually keep penz, a paintbrush or two, or any tiny trinket thatz small enough to fit comfortably.
i didnt color the image so you cant see, but their hoodie iz a light like.. cream with a couple orange highlightz. the smock iz a darker color but haz a lot of paint stainz all over it ! little artist.
oh!! they have uhh two scarz on their back right where the wingz they drew in ava4 had been! deleting them left two scarz there since they were literally connected. no blood or pain in the deletion, just. poof! scarz!
also not shown since i didnt color the image, after ava5, their eyez go from Just brown to like... not hazel or heterochromia itz weird itz like, brown but when they experience strong emotionz or use their powerz, they turn a pale green! usually if itz just from emotionz, it rangez from fleckz of green to just a more hazel undertone. weak powerz are turning the irisez green, and full power use changez the whole eye to green save for the pupilz [which will usually be white!]
also, after ava5, due to darkz swordz fuckin w them so badly and not just killing them, it DID leave a few thingz; their blood iz black and red! like... red, but with sorta black swirled in. marble patterned lol. silly goofy guy :]
uhh. two lil fangz too :] [sharp teeth run in the family. usually only fangz. dark iz an outlier and should not be counted /j]
iii think thatz it? question mark?
OH no ! they have braceletz and paint their nailz to match the rest of the color squad :]
i think thazt it For Real thiz time
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