#sorta ranty
lgbtlunaverse · 1 year
Could someone tell me where the interpretation that, in book canon, the promotion Nie Mingjue gives Meng Yao made Meng Yao's life worse than it was before, came from?
I have seen that claim made multiple times now and I've looked at the text over and over trying to see where the basis for it is and I. Can't find it? Don't get me wrong, it absolutely spells out that it does not and cannot fix everything for Meng Yao, but the idea that it was actively bad for him?
Lacking other evidence, I kind of have to assume that it comes from cql canon being sort of projected backwards onto book canon. In cql canon, meng yao is suffering active and explicit bullying and abuse from the captain while under the nie, and does so because the capain believes he has risen above his station via nmj's promotion of him. (In book canon this... isn't happening. It happens with the captain in Langya instead) However, in cql canon he has also been with the nie for years and is openly close to both Nie Mingjue and Nie Huasiang, whereas in book canon he has only been working with nie mingjue for a few months (though has, in that time, apparently become close enough to him for Lan Xichen to explicitly state Meng Yao is able to calm nmj down in ways no one else can? Ofc he does this... Right after that stops being true. But. Food for thought. Not what this post is about tho.) So, if you project the much more explicit abuse from the nie sect captain in cql back on novel jgy who has a presumably much less stable position in the sect overall you get... a meng yao for whom the promotion only means a bigger target on his back and virtually no protection from nmj, who we must assume he can't trust to talk to his about because he never mentions it. (This also explicitly violates book canon when it comes to meng yao's general behaviour, we'll talk about that in a sec)
And look. We all do frankencanon in this house. I get it. And for fanfiction that is very fun. But for a serious reading of the character, his situation, and the actions that lead from that this... doesn't make much sense, in my opinion.
So. Why is that? Why did I say this was out of character for the novel? Because Meng yao spoke up about the jin captain mistreating him. Multiple times! It's just that none of it mattered because no one cared to listen to him. This is a pretty important line for his character because it flatly shows that meng yao is not and has never seen murder as something trivial. He's not trigger happy. He will only do it if he sees no other way out that doesn't end in himself being seriously harmed. (Whether he's right or justified in these cases is not the point of this post.)
If anything remotely similar was happening in the Nie sect, he would have said so. Cql Meng Yao doesn't do this because cql Meng Yao is a different character, and also the plot wouldn't work if he did. Cql Nie Mingjue, by extension, comes off as a fundamentally less trustworthy figure in cql Meng Yao's life because apparently for whatever reason, he cannot be trusted with the information that the deputy he has already publicly defended is still being harassed, and doesn't notice even when it is really blatant. The assumtpion the audience is given is that, like a middle schooler getting the principal involved when being bullied, it would only make the harassment more viscious.
This... actually has a somewhat solid basis in the book. Because after nmj yells at the bullies in question Wei Wuxian says this.
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And it is important to keep in mind that this is Wei Wuxian saying this. Not Meng Yao, not an omniscient narrator. Wei wuxian is drawing on his own experiences, likely from the Jiang family, to conclude that if someone is angry at you and thwarted by someone defending you, this generally does not make them less angry at you.
This is leaving out two crucial things, though.
Firstly, this worry isn't about the promotion at all.
The promotion hasn't even been brought up. In the novel it doesn't ctually happen immediately, it takes another few battles where meng yao continues to do his job well and nie mingjue continues praising him for him to eventually go "yeah, you deserve a raise."
This is another aspect that is being projected from cql canon onto book canon I presume, because it does happen quite quickly there, and it's a throwaway line in the books so it's easy to miss. I can't be mad about anyone forgetting the difference, but it is important to mention for this particular analysis.
Which is the second point: change in status
Wei Wuxian couldn't exactly change status within the Jiang family. (And if he could, that would just fuel rumours that he was jfm's bastard even more and make madam yu even angrier at him, etc etc.)
This isn't comparable to Meng Yao. The worry Wei Wuxian is talking about is explitly about Nie Mingjue's initial very loud defense of him. Before he has any idea Nie Mingjue is going to promote him.
Promoting him would likely decrease his chances of cultivators coming after him because now he was in a higher standing in the sect than they were. If applied to that earlier metaphor of middle school bullying it's like if the bullied kid suddenly got hired as a teacher. Which. Doesn't work with the metaphor at all. Touché. But what I am trying to say is that any payback they would have planned for him relied on the fact that they could make sure that Nie Mingjue wasn't going to be within very convenient earshot a second time, and as a random disciple Meng Yao couldn't just go complain to him every time.
But as his right hand man? Who spends most of his time working directly alongside him? Lmao. Good luck. Oh, sure, it is very likely that they feel offended a son of a whore has been raised in status above them, and many will continue to do so as jgy rises through cultivation society (in fact, Wei Wuxian's observations are absolutely on point for how Madam Jin will be treating jgy later on). But as we can also see from the way jgy is treated and how he treats others throughout the story: you can be upset all you want, but if that person is higher than you in status there's jack shit you can do about it.
If I am correct and Wei Wuxian is basing this on his experiences with the Jiang family, it makes sense why he'd miss this. Madam Yu gets to be way angrier at Jiang Fengmian as his wife than some random disciples can be at Nie Mingjue. Insulting Meng Yao, suggesting that he didn't deserve his promotion or that he earned it through less than proper means (you know who is mother is) is also an insult to Nie Mingjue and the way he chooses to run his sect. They can't do that.
Another thing I see brought up in this regard would be the tea scene. There may be no explicit harassment like in the show, but cultivators still don't respect him! The disrespect is just quieter and more subtle.
Tiny detail: these are actually not Nie cultivators
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They're cultivators Lan Xichen is escorting with him, making a pitstop in heijan.
The book confirms this by basically outright stating that this is the first time they see his face, and recognize him as Jin Guangshan's bastard son.
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Now, just because there is no proof that it happened doesn't mean it definitely never happened. Mdzs is a novel that often leaves stuff out or up to interpretation. Similar stuff to the tea situtation could very well be happening in the background. But I do think it is pretty significant that there is no mention whatsoever of Meng Yao having any negative treatment from Nie cultivators betwen him and Nie Mingjue meeting and him executing them while spying for Wen Ruohan, and the most we get is Wei Wuxian's personal speculation, after which he immediately goes to wax poetic about how surprised he is that Meng Yao and Nie Mingjue are getting along super well.
And, again, novel Meng Yao would have said something. He doesn't say anything about the tea scene. - Or? Does he? Notably 3zun have some very long in depth conversations that Wei Wuxian zones out from because he's busy thinking about Lan Zhan again. But let's not rely on what-ifs. Let's say that neither he nor Lan Xichen find it worth bringing up. Major reasons for that would be that a) these are not nie cultivators, nie mingjue wouldn't really have the authority to scold them. Especially because b) it's such a subtle offense it could easily be handwaved as coincidence. "They just always brush their cups clean like that!! It's wartime you know, and they were traveling! They're used to drinking from vessels that aren't thoroughly washed everytime! It's just a habit!" And would therefore not be worth reporting.
But anything worse than that? A "price tens or hundreds of times greater" like wwx mentions? He'd report it! I do understand that "well if it was happening why didn't he say something?" would, in real life, be victim blaming. This is not real life, and I am not talking about this in a matter of blame. If Meng Yao was being mistreated in the Nie and stayed silent about it, it would still not be his fault. I am talking about this in a manner of character consistency.
His admission of seeking help in the Jin sect shows that at that time and prior to it (a very good argument can be made that he loses faith in this idea) he believes that if he is being mistreated and someone with the authority to say something about it takes his side, things can improve. If Nie Mingjue standing up for him in Qinghe only made things worse, he would not have tried to ask for help in an even more hostile environment. You can call Meng Yao many things, but naïve isn't one of them.
Meng yao's later habit of completely isolating himself and lying to everyone around him comes from the fact that revealing his suffering would mean explaining several horrible things he's become complicit in and he does not feel safe admitting to that. But he's done nothing wrong here!
The reading where he says nothing would imply an either correct or incorrect belief in Meng Yao's eyes that Nie Mingjue did not much care for his wellbeing or safety. Oh sure he defended him once but doing so again multiple times would be such a bother. This also contradicts his later behaviour, where he banks solely on Nie Mingjue's protective instincts to seal his qi and escape during the confrontation in Langya. After having been caught murdering a man, he is still convinced Nie Mingjue will immediately try to help him when he is in serious danger.
And even if you very badly want to characterize Nie Mingjue as a blundering idiot who is apparently less trustworthy in Meng Yao's eyes than the jin cultivators who had already resoundly rejected him by the time he tries to ask for help with the langya captain. He doesn't say anything to Xichen either! Lan Xichen, who has explicitly and exhaustively been portrayed as kind and understanding to Meng Yao's circumstances and very willing to talk to Mingjue if Meng Yao wants something from him he doesn't otherwise think he'd get. The conversation Mingjue overhears where Meng Yao's new position in the Nie is explictly brought up would be kind of the perfect time to go "yeah I've been promoted but I'm not treated well by other soldiers" aaaand. Nothing. So unless you come to the conclusion that Meng Yao trusted the Jin he told about the captain's abuse more than Lan Xichen you kind of have to conclude that Meng Yao's treatment after his promotion improved significantly. And that even if people still disliked him they could not openly do anything about it because he was high enough in status for that to be socially inappropiate. Which is, explicitly, one of his main motivators over the entire course of the story: Avoiding mistreatment by getting high enough on the social ladder it doesn't matter what people think of him, they can't hurt him.
And I'm not sure how to reconcile that character journey with the idea that he would, at any point, have preferred to keep his head down and stay where he was. When he was so desperate to crawl his way out.
#the main tragedy of his character- of course- being that he keeps achieving that status and it is never enough#he achieves standing with the nie and the favor of a major sect leader and it's not enough for his father to even give him the time of day#he kills wrh amd becomes a war hero and gets acknowledged by his father!!#and all it gets him is nmj's constant distrust abuse at the hands of his stepmother and complicity in mass murder by his father's orders#he gets to the HIGHEST POSITION SOCIETY HAS. LITERAL CHIEF CULTIVATOR. And the moment he stumbles everyone turns on him immediately#like they were all just waiting for him to get low enough again that they could kick him further down#it's a rise-fall-rise-fall-rise-fall journey with every step up being a desperate fight and every tumble down being way too quick and easy#but! that rise still needs to be there!! for the story to work!!#the tragedy of qinghe for meng yao is how easily he loses nmj's fsvor. NOT that having it was bad in the first place#I understand that this reading is mainly done to put nmj in a bad light but I do genuinely think it does jgy a disservice#people more often apply this to him becoming jin guangyao which does in a lot of ways doom and trap him#and yes fuck jgs fuck that guy all the way to hell#but the key is that meng yao can't just get a happy ending by refusing power#he's not power hungry. what he wants is in fact reasonable- he's just willing to do a lot more than most to get it#'things would've been better if nmj didn't promote him/didn't send him to langya'#feels as reductive to me as the 'why can't he just be xichen's house boyfriend and join the lan instead' takes.#mdzs#meng yao#jin guangyao#mdzs meta#? sorta#feels too ranty to call meta#this is what i was talking about in my past post about how frustrating it is to base metas around disagreeing with others#makes analysis feel like discourse when that is NOT what i am trying to do#long post with long tags
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weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
i had a question about whether cats could lose their sense of smells and how to tell if a cat has lost its sense of smell, so i googled it and clicked a quora link. i didn't know that they implemented a chat gpt function... on a site where PEOPLE go to answer questions... for basically fun... (i hardly use quora plus im out of the loop on most things)
but regardless about the irony, in a heartbeat i scrolled down looking for answers from real people. my vague understanding of chat gpt is that it basically just googles your question FOR you? like.. yeah.. im looking for answers from people, ideally someone with a DEGREE.. not a robot that learned how to google? i want to at least make sure that this potentially important information is coming from a human- someone i can quote. HOW on earth is this function reliable for anything MORE important than whether or not a cat can lose its sense of smell? how on earth is this thing getting funding??? are you not concerned that your answer is slapped together by a fucking algorithm??
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sorbeau · 6 months
The Stars, God, and Most Importantly, You.
There is a fundamental misconception held by most people in the world, in which we believe that we are distinct from everything around us. All of our existence centers on the idea that we are separated from the rest of the universe, and we foolishly act as if we are not built from the stars just as everything else on our planet is. We deceive ourselves into thinking that we are not part of the universe, but watchers and controllers of it.
I was raised by three instead of the American standard of two. My mother was a woman of gentle guidance, my father was a man of simple resolve, and my stepfather was a man of complex science. Describing him as a “man of science” may sound cold and distant, but in my experience, science is anything but. Yes, he was the traditional ex-Christian religion doubter scientist pessimist, but he was anything but cold. Where my mother taught me empathy, and my father taught me responsibility, my stepdad taught me curiosity and truth. 
By teaching me about science and the natural order of things, he instilled in me the gift of investigation and wonder, and through a clinical eye he showed me the complex, improbable wonders of the world. He showed me how flowers reproduce before I learned to write, and he taught me that the smell of rain is petrichor from the earth instead of how to tie my shoes. From him, I learned to ask “why?”.
This being said, my step-father gifted me with three core ideals: 
Science is the only truth in this world, if it cannot be proven, it cannot be.
There is no true God.
If you believe something to be true, fight for it.
This list may be controversial to some. Especially those who enjoy the comfort of religion, but before you storm off in a rage to deliver me passionate speeches on the glory of Allah, or God, or Whoever, listen to the rest of my statements. My step-father is a cold and critical scientist, but I have decided that the science he gave me is nothing short of kind and loving.
Everything I’ve been given, from my name to my ideals, has been changed and morphed to fit me comfortably, and this includes my definition of science and reasoning. This isn’t to say that I’m giving in to delusion, modern religion still has little resonance within me, but I can appreciate the desperate nature in which human love is channeled through it. There is very little in this universe that we understand, so we tend to explain it using abstract, ineffable terms like “divinity”, and the same goes for ourselves. Still, instead of exploring it using the tool of religion, we use science. To the smallest protons, science still cannot fully explain what is happening in your body, just as religion cannot explain what happens amongst the stars. There is so much of our existence that we will simply never know, and using all of the logic and science given to me by my step-father, it has left me stumped and floundering for an answer for as long as I could ponder the subject. However, I have found my answer.
That answer has always been, and will always be, Chaos, Love, and Time. Life always begins with Chaos and improbability, the chances of a sperm reaching an egg to form a baby, or stars colliding to form new elements have always been infinitesimally small. And yet, Chaos is so widespread and ever-present that there happens to be a sizable planet absolutely chock-full of that Life stuff. Of course, Time, being both the cultivator and the reaper of Life pushes it along its journey and is there to see us off when our Life ends. Chaos is our maker, and Time is our unmaker.
But what happens during Life? What gives it its supposed meaning? What gives it its worth? Love. The only thing that makes this consciousness business bearable is that it’s filled to the brim with Love. I don’t mean the simple “I think that girl is cute” kind of love, I mean the ever-present, all-encompassing, so-huge-and-universal-that-it’s-quite-impossible-to-wrap-my-head-around-without-crying Love (the capital “L” is important).
Love surrounds us at every moment whether we notice it or not. There is love in the way the sun shines, the way dirt holds us up, and the way fruit tastes sweet on our tongues. The universe loves itself in ways that are so complicated that men have spent their entire lives trying to unravel the tangled web of energy, and have labeled it science. Yes, science is a pursuit of love. What could be a grander expression of Love than for a human, made of stardust and milk and earth, to dedicate themself to the understanding of the universe in which they are a part?
I was taught to be a man of science, and in the important ways I am. But science, I’ve learned, is more “divine” than my step-father gave it credit for. We both agree that there is no Christian God, but I believe that if She exists, (God would be a She, I believe, as most mothers tend to be) She is the abstract personification of Chaos, Love, and Time, for which we wonderful creatures worship through Science.
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yummyyummie · 1 year
it's good
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gleeokenspiel · 10 months
my favourite activity is being asked what i want to eat but also i dont know. i literally do not know. but also every suggestion you offer me my brain will say no to it. i cannot help this and i wish i knew why i am like this.
and no its not because im "not hungry enough" im literally weak and stomach growly i just suck at decisions
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theswedishpajas · 11 months
I’m in the works of making an undertale AU and I’m so excited to share it when I have enough art of it but I’m also so anxious cus it’s REALLY self-indulgent-
You’ve technically seen a thing for it already and people haven’t made a riot about it so far so maybe I’ll be safe to share the whole thing eventually-?
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mossolantern · 2 years
why don't parents seem to understand that there's a difference between actually helping somebody and forcing somebody into an uncomfortable situation that they specifically said "no." to in order to "make them get over it"
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acrosstimeandspace · 8 months
there’s going to be a showing of the nutcracker ballet in a city near me but idk anyone who’d go with me and it’s still far by train
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optiwashere · 10 months
thank you for all the food!! I don't know how you write so much and write so good but you're the queen rn
My special secret? Hyperfixation and too much time on my hands.
But seriously, thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the fics. All authors enjoy getting to fuck up their feelings of inadequacy with lovely messages like this.
I especially am glad you're enjoying them as I've recently gotten some interesting... IDK, backlash isn't the right word for what's happening w/ my inbox. I think it's one person that has a problem with me for some reason.
ANYWHO, that's not important. What's important is that I hope you continue to enjoy the stories 💜
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flovey-dovey · 1 year
(swings the door open) And another thing--!
The evil queen also only lost because she, as an arrogant antagonistic character, underestimated Snow White (”No need to worry about a kiss since she doesn’t know anybody, let alone one who would kiss her!”, basically). She meets a grizzly end because of her own actions and because she, too, didn’t change or have a character arc, except that she became consumed by her jealousy whereas Snow White refused to use her looks or status to get what she wanted.
And in regard to Snow White’s character arc, I’m not sure she actually changes much at all, from beginning to end. And you know what? I’m not sure she needed to.
She represented a very simplistic yet ever-enduring positivity and optimism, accepting that bad things were happening but that things would be okay, that you don’t need to become as cold and cruel as your environment to make it through, that there was light to be found in the darkness, that you could find a “happily ever after” even if, for a while, the best you can do is dream about it. She works proactively to make the best of it, wherever she happened to be, and wanted to earn her keep in the cottage along with the Dwarves’ friendship, that’s something she doesn’t go in expecting.
She walks on with her head held high, with a smile and a song, with good friends and love by her side. Being dainty didn’t make her weak. It takes strength to face the horrors of the world and come out the other side. Snow White didn’t, and doesn’t, need to be a girlboss to find happiness, and neither does anybody else. Regardless of any good intentions, in my opinion, that’s just a dirty hag-faced lie.
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plumipal · 1 month
I just had a thought- how would Grim and the ramshackle ghosts feel about all the stuff happening to us?
Especially if the yandere(s) are coming over to our dorm too! Would they, depending on the severity of the yandere and their specific actions, range from supporting it cuz yknow reader gets to be happy with someone who treats them well and loves them to concerned because sweetie please get yourself outta there 😭
I can imagine Grim is NOT alright with it and for a multitude of reasons, they are taking away your time with HIM, and once he pays more attention to the bigger picture? Yeah messed up things be occasionally happening that could very well hurt you!! He does not like that!!!
im just imagining Grim being visibly not alright and reader will not have it either when it comes to him, they are a PACKAGE deal and that is that no matter which yandere comes their way 🗣️
we have many people more alright with Grim being reader’s number one priority, or yknow silently(?) wishing it was them, poor Grim and Reader man encountering yandere after yandere 😭
Grim would give us a look if we expressed any sort of romantic interest in any yandere I think lol
‘Pologies if it was too long or ranty, though I am curious who you think would be the most and least alright with this? I imagine Leona and Ace (legally required to bring up Ace he’s my all time fav next to Grim) would NOT like it lmao
.. first off, this is the longest ask ive ever gotten, I gotta just say oml thank you so much????? You, wrote all of this, fpr me?? 🥹🥹🥹💖💖💖 this literally made my week thank you so much bestie 🥹😭 second off, this inspired me to rant too, I hope you enjoy!- (not proofread btw)
So im mainly gonna focus on grim, no offence to ramshackle ghost fans, I just really like the silly little fire-cat/rat/weasel/creature. He was literally our first friend, our first companion (I bet Ace and grim bicker on who was your first).
And oh boy, guy is NOT HAPPY when he sees all these dumbasses vying for your attention and either trying to butter him up with tuna (which will not work on the mighty grim!) or ugnore him completely! Like you stated you and him are a package deal! Get the prefect and get their silly hungry companion!!
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Now, grim surely uses his position as your closest companion as a safety net, they can't kill off the closest you have to family in this world! Guess they gotta live with him if they wanna have a life with you.
Ace hates that grim was your friend before him, feeling annoyed whenever he bullied (Juice) Deuce about being friends with you before him only for grim to butt in. Ace isn't too annoyed with grim though, and grim thinks that Ace is one of the better choises of the roster you have, they're both friends after all.
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Of course most students in the cast don't liek "sharing" you with grim, especially the more territorial ones. Leona is probably the worst, I mean come on they're both feline looking creatures. With scent being a heavy thing for felines (yes even beastmen dont come at me) Leona is not happy to have his scent on you be muddied by the little rodent (the greatest mage of all, grim). Probably the worst choise since they're just gonna bicker to the end of the world..
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Floyd doesn't like this either! Not fair that he has to share!! And with grim no less.. Floyd results in biting you instead of scenting, his chompers being good for nibbling on you. He also has the advantage that grim is sorta afraid of him (honestly who wouldn't be? Especially yan Floyd...).
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Kalim tries to brime grim, with anything he could ever think off! Unlimited tuna for grim, and the best there is as well!! Nything grim could ever want on a silver platter, only if grim let's kalim marry you! That alone doesn't sound too bad, but that unsettling horrifying servant that follows Kalim around. He knows what jamil can do, and he sure does NOT want you with that dude!- guy is manipulative and creepy (he would definelty seperate you and grim!-)
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Malleus... Malleus scares grim, guys is honestly horrifying. Threatening to curse him into an eternal slumber so he can whisk you away from him, he doesn't want that! You would also get sad id malleus did that, so luckily the possessive dragon had to share (for now...)
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Whoever you choose, grim would probably disapprove, guy thinks of you as family (he will never admit that tho). He cares about you, and he is not okay with the invasion of privacy from these teenagers! >:(
I know you didn't ask fpr any drawing or such, but I couldn't help myself sorry 🤭 hope you like my ramblings back at you!
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Here’s the thing, when references to Scott started popping up more and more I figured there were four ways it could go:
1. Kang related Bad Wolf style shenanigans (like I talked about here.)
2. It’s all genuine and everything’s all good.
3. It’s all genuine and all to add to the rug pull if/when they kill him off.
4. They’re gonna give him a big head so they can pop it, which is just...
Like, for one thing they’ve already kinda done that in AMATW (”If only Cap could see you now” and such), but also, really? Out of all the characters in this franchise (both meta and specific) it’s Scott who needs to be taken down a peg and given a lesson in humility? That’s like saying Wanda needs a lesson in grief and trauma or Steve needs a lesson in loss.
But we’ll see where it goes, I guess. Trailers are quite literally not the whole story after all (and given that it’s just an audio leak for now, I could also barely hear it). Besides, it can’t be any worse than some of the bullshit Sp*ncer’s done to him over the years.
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solazu1 · 3 months
Jaylex canon for your myth au? Or Jam? Or both? Jamlex? Polyhornets? Curious.
So I constantly joke about Jaylex being a whole ass situation-ship for majority of my stuff and it it could also be implied here that's the case but actually they’re exes! Jay and Alex dated for a bit before they broke up for a multitude of reasons and then Alex got into a relationship with Amy. Jay and Alex’s relationship broke off a while before auditions for Marble Hornets (does a comical big thumbs up)
Jam is also canon to the mythical au but it's sorta more depressing as they don't really have a label to put on what the two of them are. It's romantically, definitely, but neither are sure if they want to ask. They eventually do just sorta settle on ‘i guess we’re together now’ there's a lot more to it but that's a basic summary without getting too ranty about it :3
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kommissarkartofelov · 4 months
i like this sorta ranty blogging style, brings back feelings of the old internet
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to continue my love of the toyger hair i ported an oblivion port of the hair into fnv since i dun have the knowhow or patience to backport skyrim's nifs into the fo3/fnv era gamebyro engine plus someone made a freckled race (sadly hidden from the nexus as of writing)
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unfortunately the preset for the freckled race was not sufficiently cute enough for me, so i decided to crack open the g.e.c.k. n make a freckled asian race
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guess more than anything its a hapa race lol dunno where i put the files, so prolly lost to the zone
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oh, and the reason why i felt that the lobotomite texture would work for a creepy-cute design is i played a bit (probably for 5 mins before quitting from a trauma loop in DUST) with the playable lobotomite mod and managed to mess with the sliders to make a kinda cute lady. fllatou 4 have toyger will tomboy
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also tried making a tired/sad girl instead of a tomboy
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pretty proud of her since she conveys the exact vibe i want
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fits with the total desperation of FROST though unfortunately by the time i got done taking a handful of screenshots of her i lost interest in playing also yey not using the toyger hairdo for the umpteenth time
eh why not bonus sims segment i have an unhealthy like for character creators
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wanted to try making an unconventional lass, ended up with a NEET goblin
think i had that one jewish girl who photo got posted occasionally on 4chins n popopoka's blind girl in mind when i made her
am tired now dunno if i'll do any more posts like this aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah bye
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy anon. Honestly not even inaccurate on the living under a rock thing. I won’t say I follow JKR or Harry Potter news well. It’s not my fandom. But the posts are confusing to say the least and tend to lack any middle ground on people’s morals or the perception of them. Or whether said people should even believe randoms on the internet who have a tendency to spread lies and over exaggerations. When most everything on the internet is posted with oversimplification upon further research, it makes the rest doubtful as well.
The fact of the matter is, how in the know are you about the game or JKR (other than the occasional Twitter scandal) can you be if you aren’t perpetually in the state of researching everything you know? Or if it’s not even near your interest? Someone buys you a Harry Potter game, what do you do? Tell them to fuck off?
My question aims more to how is JKR any different from the many assholes who create or work for other entertainment, that don’t get the same level of outrage? Or the outrage gets replaced by another story to come later. And should the outrage be lain on, yes, the usually ignorant customer? Doesn’t that turn them away from even hearing the valid arguments out?
This question is more in reference to JKR involvement with said game. Probably valid criticism on the game, idk, I don’t know much about it, other than the visuals. And yes, I am coming from a place of ignorance on this matter, but from my perspective I just see a lot of shaming and a lot less information.
Though I still don’t understand vilifying people who buy the game because a. They don’t have any reason to believe internet people b. How likely are they to even know? The only reason I’m sorta in the know is because I spend too much time on the internet. C. Again why vilify for ignorance when you can teach instead of bitch?
(This is a sincere ask, by the way, filled with many days confusion. I do apologize if this is a bit ranty.)
We discussed this whole topic of "How complicit am I in JKR's suckitude?" extensively on my blog a while back. You can scroll back a few months if you want to see. The game was discussed at length then (though prior to anyone having played it).
As for why we would bitch instead of teach... dude... exactly how much of a tireless saint do you expect others to be?
If someone ran around using the n-word because they "just didn't know", would you give them a pass? What about if they loved their golliwog doll from childhood? Whose job is it to tell them to stop being a complete ass in public?
Yes, yes, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, metaphorically speaking. (In reality, vinegar is one of the best ways to murder the shit out of flies, but I digress.) However, the fact is that randos on the internet enjoying their own space aren't free teachers who owe people things. They're reacting with wrath to a piece of propaganda by some fuck who wants them dead.
You're busy and haven't had time to do research. Fair enough. But everyone else is also busy.
Hogwarts: Protocols of the Elders of Gringotts, as that other post called it, is reportedly not at all subtle in its flagrant antisemitism.
One reason people are frustrated is that most non-Jews simply cannot be bothered to learn the very most basic information about antisemitic tropes. This isn't subtle stuff, nor is it hard to learn if you browse wikipedia instead of screamy social media posts.
I agree that tumblr, twitter et al. are bad places to get information much of the time, but that doesn't mean information is unavailable.
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shenanogram · 11 months
this is sorts ranty but fuck it im posting it anyway, dont read if you dont wanna see watcher crit
this season is lowkey pissing me off. like what the fuck do you mean this teenage girl is soooo evil for having short relationships????? and her girlfriend dying and her retiring from public life was karma????? that ep all around is so fucked
and the milktoast ending of the most recent ep “suree he used his sister a tool for political gain and killed a bunch of ppl so they fesr him but hay the people like him 🤭🤭🤭” ggrraaawjejejehjebwbebhe
like i sorta expect better from them and it makes me so sad to see them talk about this stuff like this
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