#and would really like to see this it’s been a dream of mine ngl
acrosstimeandspace · 11 months
there’s going to be a showing of the nutcracker ballet in a city near me but idk anyone who’d go with me and it’s still far by train
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thehighladywrites · 10 months
— “tell me you’re mine.” “ i’m yours.”
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☀︎ — pairing: azriel x afab!reader
☀︎ — summary: you dream that azriel was cheating on you and now you can’t look at him without being annoyed. It’s not really his fault, but still… azriel reassures you, promising that you’re the only one for him.
☀︎ — warnings: a sprinkle of angst, fluff, a bit of crack, smut, oral (m. receiving), fingering, dirty talk, fluffy smut ngl, mentions of crying, cursing, mentions of hickeys and bruises
☀︎ — amara’s note: i loved writing this, also this is my apology fluff fic for the angst fic. hope you liked it! also english isn’t my first language so if you see any grammar errors, no you didn’t 🫶🏽 i think this is my proudest work🥹
tags: @callmeblaire @rowaelinsdaughter @azrielslightintheshadows @hauntedwitch04
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Azriel’s brows furrowed as you avoided his hug for the second time today and just walked past him, acting like he wasn’t more than a ghost. This whole brushing him off thing had been going on all day and he was genuinely confused. Were you in a bad mood? Was your cycle coming? Azriel knew you were emotional during this time, but you usually stuck to him like glue.
He checked his mental calendar - no, not for another two months.
Did he say something to you? He replayed everything he said and every conversation you had yesterday and today but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
Well, except for the fact that you were flat out ignoring him.
Azriel felt distressed over the fact that you ignored him, and he just wanted to be closer to calm down. Knowing he might have upset you, deeply unsettled him, prompting a strong desire to bridge the emotional gap between you.
Azriel found solace in your presence whenever he felt upset. You'd sprawl on the plush bed, arms open wide, inviting him into your embrace with a soft and tender expression. His head would rest on your chest, settling his weight on you, comforted by the beat of your calming heartbeat. It was a sweet sanctuary he sought when the world felt heavy.
There was nothing calm or sweet about the way you didn't spare him a second look, pouting as you carried on with your day. Occasional dagger stares shot his way, and even though you thought he didn't notice, he did. Of course, he did. The tension in the air was palpable as your silent discontent lingered.
Azriel decided to start small and ask an easy question, not daring to accidentally say something that will set you off.
“So, angel, what have you done while I was gone? Is the book you picked out yesterday any good?”
Sipping on the delightful peppermint tea, you huffed and snorted, keeping your gaze fixed on the window from the comfort of the soft sofa in the sitting room.
“Well, wouldn’t you just love to know?”
His brain was scrambled at this point, desperately attempting to save the clearly and very obviously dying conversation.
“Uh, yes? I’d love to know. If you don’t want to talk about the book then that’s fine but-”
“You’re just giving up so easy, Azriel. Atleast fight a bit. No wonder you cheated on me…”
Huh? What the actual fuck?? Confused and shocked, his brain went haywire, jaw dropping as he struggled to find words. A bewildered look crossed his face as he grappled with the unexpected situation.
He cheated on you? What were you talking about? The mere thought of being near another woman made him nauseous. Really, he didn’t like being around people at all, so the thought of going out of his way to find someone and then invite them to bed was something that made him shiver.
“What are you saying? I would never be unfaithful to you, please let’s just talk.” he dropped to his knees infront of you, panicked, trying to find the words to explain himself and to clear his name of something he didn’t do.
“You cheated on me. Yeah, with some blonde girl. And you seemed to enjoy it, too. Ugh, I’m so pissed, I can’t even look at you.” You put down your teacup a bit too hard as you folded your arms over your chest, glaring out the window in silent anger.
The crackling of the hearth was the only sound as Azriel's face paled. He was at a loss – how did you come to believe he was unfaithful? Where did these thoughts come from? The mystery hung in the air, a palpable tension challenging the warmth of the fireplace.
“If I truly was unfaithful, can you provide details? When did this happen, and where was I with this girl?” You felt his pleading, questioning stare burn into you from where he knelt.
Okay, so maybe you shouldn’t keep this up. He didn’t actually cheat on you. It was a dream but it felt so realistic that when you woke up and saw him besides you, you actually snarled. There you were, struggling to look at him without mentally replaying the scene of some random woman giving Azriel's body a tour. Fucking hell, you had never felt such betrayal and hurt by something that didn’t even happen.
But it felt silly to tell Azriel that you were mad at him for something your subconscious created , a dream you had dreamt. So you simply avoided him instead.
But damn, he was persistent.
Perhaps it was irrational, but you felt a desire to stir up some drama, maybe hoping to shake things up a bit.
“Okay, Azriel, I’ll spill. Yesterday at Rita’s, this blonde woman was all over you, touching everywhere. And you, shamelessly soaked it up like it was a spa. In my dream you also smiled as you held eye contact with me. You totally knew I saw you and did it anyways.” You looked away, breathing deeply as the memories invaded your mind.
Azriel felt a combination of relief and disbelief as you revealed it was all a dream. But he wouldn’t downplay what you imagined since he deep down felt your hurt through the bond. You had already been married for decades but the bond had snapped about 7 months, still new, so he understood that seeing him with someone else was hard. Hell, he’d feel absolutely murderous if he ever dreamt of some male feeling you up and fucking you, even if it was a dream.
He stood up as he dragged you to your feet and tilted his head, assessing if he should approach you or not,
“Sweetheart, you know I'd never do such a thing, right? How could I ever be unfaithful to you, my sweet girl? You're my perfect mate, my loving wife, my everything.”
He stepped closer and closer until his enticing scent enveloped you. Oh, how did you go an entire day without being close to him? Your mate towered over you, gently gripping your chin and tilting your head up. His face mere centimeters away, a magnetic force pulling you into a moment that blurred any lingering doubts.
“ I love you more than anything on this planet. In no universe would I ever stray away from you - you’re my beloved home, my cauldron fated. Over my dead body would I ever entertain another woman. I’ve waited for over half a millennium for you and I’d wait a million more for just a minute with you, sweetheart. I will never allow myself to disrespect you like that ever, I promise.”
Tears welled up in your eyes as he drew closer, his soft lips meeting yours. In that moment, your love for him overwhelmed everything else. His gentle kiss offered reassurance and warmth, the sting of the bargain tattoo fading into the background as he continued, sending shivers down your spine.
Needing one last push of reassurance you beg him for a last sentence. Looking up at him with glossy eyes, you whisper,
“Say you’re mine. Say you belong to me.”
"I'm yours, I belong to you. Just as you're mine, you belong to me."
Tears streamed down as your heart raced, overwhelmed by his sincere devotion to you.
He wiped away your tears gently, his eyes filled with unwavering affection. “No more doubts, my love. We're bound to each other, and I'll spend every moment proving my devotion to you.”
His words hung in the air, creating a comforting embrace that removed any lingering insecurities, even ones in dreamscapes.
You slumped in his arms, finding solace in the embrace of his huge arms. He held you tightly, rocking you gently from side to side, creating a soothing rhythm. Your tears dried, replaced by a sense of calm as the only audible sound became the steady beat of his heart. Inhaling his calming scent, you grounded yourself in the reassurance of your mate's embrace.
Azriel tenderly stroked your hair, his touch a gentle reassurance. In a heartfelt moment, he pressed a soft kiss to your hairline, expressing his love and commitment without the need for words.
Your heart swelled with love, the connection through your bond overflowing with overwhelming warmth. The excess energy and love pulsated between you two, prompting you to contemplate a way to reciprocate the comfort and love to Azriel.
Lifting your head from its resting place on his chest, you stood on your tiptoes and initiated a kiss. Your arms remained cradled by him, your head guiding the motion as you continued to share this affectionate moment with your husband.
Azriel noticed the quickening beat of your heart, your eyes fluttering as the kiss deepened. He knew what you wanted and he couldn’t deny you ever. His lucious lips curving into a smile. You did your best to keep eye contact with him but it was difficult given that Azriels eyes had darkened over with lust, pupils expanding as his lids were slightly lowered.
Staring him dead in the eyes you whispered your desires,
“I want you. I want you everywhere. I want your mouth.”
You placed a kiss on his cheek.
“I want your hands.”
You kissed his other cheek.
“ I want you inside me, mate. “
You gave him a final kiss on the lips, sealing your wishes.
Azriel let his eyes flutter shut, struggling to tame his desires. He knew you inside and out, knew exactly what pace and setting you craved in that moment. Bending down to your level, Azriel picked you up, carrying you to the bedroom.
As Azriel carried you to the bedroom, you couldn't resist planting tender kisses along his neck, sucking and biting as you created bruises. The soft touch of your lips added a playful warmth to the moment and you couldn’t help staring up at him. His handsome features captivated you – the straight nose, sharp jaw, and beautiful eyes. He looked as if The Mother Herself had carefully carved him. His long, dark lashes and perfectly shaped brows added an extra layer to the masterpiece that was Azriel.
A possessive pride swelled within you. As you continued trailing kisses along his neck, you couldn't help but revel at the fact that Azriel was undeniably yours. A sense of exclusivity and fierce protectiveness filled your mind, boasting that no one would ever touch him the way you did, no one would ever love him the way you did.
‘Suck on that you blonde bitch’ was all you could smugly think.
Azriel gently placed you in front of the full-length mirror by your bed, positioning himself behind you. With deliberate care, he bent down, pressing kisses to your head, temple, ear, cheek, and finally, lingering on your neck. Each kiss was an expression of affection, creating a trail of shivers along your spine and arms.
His hands slid down to your waist, giving it a firm yet gentle squeeze. The slow, deliberate touch made the moment feel personal and intimate. You make eye contact with your husband through the mirror and slightly nod, giving him permission to continue.
You step back, making him feel your ass through his pants, grinding against him as his hands travel up to your breasts. Azriel lightly squeezes them before moving to play with your stiffened nipples. His moves elicit a gasp from you as you revel at the feeling of him touching you.
You press against him again, this time harder. Azriel hisses as he lightly grab your neck with one hand, focusing his clouded eyes on yours through the mirror.
“Watch it. This is about you, not me, baby.” He unzips your dress, letting it pool around your feet. Instinctively you bring your hands up to cover yourself up, looking away, and realizing that you’re in fact completely stark naked infront of your fully dressed mate.
Azriel is having none of it. He wants you to see how beautiful you are. Wants you to see how your face twist in pleasure. Wants you to notice your little quirks that you otherwise wouldn’t see. He wants you too see the goddess he’s worshipping every day.
“Eyes open, sweetheart. You have to see how beautiful you look.” His hands envelops yours as he lowers your hands, leaving you bare infront of him. You hear rustling behind you and feel a sudden warmth pressing against your back. Opening your eyes, you see Azriel undressed with his warm chest pressed against your back. He looked massive, wings splayed proudly behind him, big arms flexing as he leaned down. His lips pressed against your ear, and the hot breath sent shivers down your spine.
“You’re my perfect girl. Look at you, all nice and ready for me. Now, imagine I see this everyday, imagine you laying under me, taking me like a good girl. That’s what you are right, a good girl?”
You nod absentmindedly as your mind goes blank. You just wanna make him proud of you, just wanna please him. “Uh-huh ‘m your good girl, Azzie.”
He flashes you a smirk, hands traveling further down as he teases your clit before pushing in his finger. You let out a sound of pleasure as your head slumps back into his chest, his massive hand wrapping around your throat. In and out his fingers go as your pleasure rises, blood heating at the thought of him fucking you on the bed later. Your breathing unevens when he twists his fingers and presses his thumb on your clit, rubbing circles as he pushes in another finger.
Your eyes cross in delight when he curls his fingers and hits that spot that sends electricity through your body, making you grab onto his built forearm. Azriel whispers promises of nasty scenes, promises of ways he’ll fuck you stupid. He’ll make sure you’ll never think he’d stray away from you. He’d prove himself forever if that’s what it took for the thoughts to leave your head forever.
Not sure what the mood is today, you ask him for permission to come. If you normally did it without asking, he’d edge you. And that was just not something you wanted to happen today so better safe than sorry. But before you gather your pleasured mind and ask him, Azriel beats you to it.
“Cum on me. Let go on my fingers, beautiful. It’s okay baby, you deserve it. Don’t you think? After all, my girl gets what she wants.”
As if his words triggered something in you, he pumps once, twice and you let go as you scream out his name. Azriel keeps fingering you through your high, looking you deep into your eyes as he brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks on them.
Your ears ring, and your vision blur as your knees wobble, nearly falling. Azriel swiftly picks you up, planting a reassuring kiss. He praise you, telling you how good you were and how proud he was. You couldn’t think straight, only wanting more of him.
He placed you gently on the bed, preparing to head to the bathroom for a cloth to clean you up, but you halted him with a request.
“Can I repay you Azzie?”
Your eyes sparkled, and your face glowed with a content smile. With a tilted head and a subtle pout, you hoped he would agree to your request. You were quite tired but you so badly wanted to please him back.
He sensed your exhaustion, and originally he was so supposed to keep going but you were half asleep. He changed his plans and shook his head.
“You’re tired, angel. Rest up, I’ll be fine.”
But you kept resisting, urging and pushing that you weren’t that tired. And since Azriel can’t say no to you, he accepts. You let out a small victorious sound and slither down the bed, making room for Azriel as he settled against the headboard. You moved in closer to him, leaning forward and arching your back. You look up at him once for confirmation and continue when he nods.
Without hesitation, Azriel's hands found their way into your hair, stroking your hair softly before skillfully gathering it into a makeshift ponytail. You fall on your forearms, propping yourself up and obediently await for his words of command.
Azriel gently gripped your chin, his thumb grazing your plump bottom lip. In that moment, words were unnecessary; you already understood what he wanted.
“You’re so beautiful like this.” His words makes you blush.
You look away from his intense eyes and lower your gaze, pulling a chuckle from him. “Baby, stop. You’re making me nervous,” you plead, giving him a cheesy smile you kiss his thigh and move on.
Trying to hide your flustered face, you start out slowly, teasing him with kitten licks all over his tip. Azriel’s hands tightened around your hair making you look up at him with a smirk as he grits out,
“Play later.”
You suck on the head, hollowing your cheeks, before slowly taking in more and more, struggling when you feel him hit the back of your throat. Your mind replays the lessons Azriel taught you, prompting you to inhale through your nose.
His head thrown back against the headboard as his mind swirls with pleasure. He lets out groans and hisses of pleasure, his deep voice letting out praises,
“Fuck, that’s it. Such a good girl.”
“You’re doing so good, keep going.”
“My beautiful, beautiful y/n. You should look like this all the time, mouth full of my cock. Wouldn’t that be something?”
Your mates praise makes your eyes gloss over in submission. There was really no better feeling than being praised and loved by him. Your Azriel.
By the way the muscles in his thighs started tensing you knew he was getting close. You suck your cheeks in more and take him deeper, trying to please him as best as possible. 
The room was filled with obscene noises and gags as he hit the back of your throat, bucking his hips.
Pulling away, you use your hand and twist it around his shaft while sucking on the sensitive head. Determined to make him finish, you throw in a few sentences you know will get him there faster.
“you’re so big Azzie, taste delicious too.”
“does my mouth feel good around your cock, az? you wanna cum?”
“let’s see if my pussy feels better, yeah?”
Before you can put him back around your mouth, he grabs your arms and drags you up so that you’re straddling his lap. Without warning he pushes you down on his cock as you let out a loud moan at the stretch.
“You’re right, your pussy does feel better.”
Your hands automatically grab onto his broad shoulders as you grind and bounce on him. You tighten around him as he brings his fingers down to your clit. Looking down on him, you find him smirking, satisfied that he caught you off guard. He knew you didn’t really plan on riding him but you were not fucking complaining.
Quite the opposite actually. You sounded like some deprived whore, moaning and babbling out in pleasure, licking and biting his neck and lips.
Both of you knew you were close. Azriel breathing quickened as you tightened around him.
“Tell me you’re mine.” A soft whimper escapes you as you gaze down at your man. His sweaty hair sticks to his forehead, a rosy blush adorning his cheeks and neck. In his eyes, full of love and affection, as he whispers for the second time today that he's yours forever.
“I’m yours, forever baby, I’m yours.” Azriel chants as he comes, body trembling as you grind on him,soon falling off your high and slumping against his chest.
“I love you so much, honey,” you whispered.
You looked up at him, tears welling up as Azriel held you close, making you feel overwhelmed by the depth of love. The connection between you was an unbreakable thread, weaving through your souls. In his embrace, every touch and shared moment became a testament to the bond you shared. The room faded away as your love for Azriel became an emotional beacon, each tear carrying the weight of countless cherished memories.
Oh, how you loved him.
In the quiet of the moment, Azriel gently wiped away your tears, his eyes reflecting the same depth of emotion.
“I love you too, sweetheart” he whispered, his voice a soothing balm to your overwhelmed heart.
The reassurance in his words melted away the pain, leaving only the warmth of shared love.
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dokidokidraft · 2 months
Hanta Sero SFW alphabet!!!
Requested by @kimyoudraft! Sorry it took so long to make them pookie!(I know you wanted normal hcs but I’ve been meaning to try out the fluff alphabet! Let me know if you have anymore characters you want me to do!)
not my template! But user who came up with the idea gave free use, all hcs are mine tho ^_^
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What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Sero really likes swimming. He had so much fun at the pool episode, but I think he’s more of a beach guy. Totally likes suntanning, but also loves to splash around with you. He loves reading manga with you, and you guys swap books, seeing who can finish the series first. Massive gossiper as well, you guys could talk about other people for hours.
What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He really loves your hands. He’s always holding them, or sometimes gives little hand kisses that make your heart flutter. He also finds your hair super soft and pretty!
How do they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack, etc.?
He’ll just grab a beanie/hoodie, etc. from his closet and wrap you up in it. He kinda smells like tacos ngl, but it’s comforting nonetheless. He’ll give you hugs from behind while putting his beanie on your head, whispering soft words of encouragement as he holds you tight. Big fan of you stealing his clothes too, so you probably already have one of his shirts on.
How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He honestly probably doesn’t think about the future. He’s a very ‘go with the flow’ kinda guy and couldn’t care less, but if he had to think about it, his favourite dream would be you guys in a small apartment, near his hero agency. I think he’d like 2 or 3 kids, just to spoil. Pretty basic guy tbh.
Are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?
Like I said, he’s a chill guy. He couldn’t care less. But Sero probably leans more onto the dominant side, considering his personality.
Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
I honestly don’t think he gets into arguments a bunch, and if he does they’re playful. But for the sake of this scenario, he probably doesn’t yell a bunch. Definitely will give you the silent treatment, but is pretty easy to forgive. If you’re in the wrong though, you better assume he isn’t backing down. He’s usually always right unfortunately so if you guys do (somehow) argue he’s serious.
How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Sometimes he forgets just how much you do for him, so he often takes you for granted, but the time when he does recognize your kindness/love he is all over you (but in a chill way). “Awww mi amor, is this all for me?” ( >_<)
Do they have any secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He’s a very open person, but he also doesn’t talk about things that he doesn’t find important. If it isn’t of interest to him, he’s not opening up unless asked to. Other than that, no secrets kept from the 2 of you!
Did their s/o change them somehow or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
He’s pretty happy with the way he is, but if you don’t like it he’ll try (a tiny bit) to change. With you he has become a lot more observant, learning to read emotions. He also got you into skateboarding. Sero loves to take you on skating dates, happy it’s a hobby you now both share, and one of the many ways he shows he cares.
Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Like I have said, he’s very chill. Doesn’t really get jealous easily, but he’s pretty protective. He’ll always be giving little kisses to you so everyone else knows you’re taken. If someone is still doing things to make him jealous though, he’ll stay by your side the whole time, holding your hand and being as lovey-dovey with you as possible around the guy, in hopes he’ll back off.
Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss with their s/o like?
He is an A M A Z I N G kisser. He likes things slow and intimate, and doesn’t usually rush things. Lots of subtle touches, like foreplay into making out (?). Likes making out with you laying on top of him, lying in his hammock. Gives you little pecks on the top of your head leading up to full-on kisses.
L=Love confession
How do they confess to their s/o?
Definitely something cheesy, but didn’t want to make it too public. Probably a corny note if you guys were already friends before. But he’s def the kind of guy to just find a random girl (his current s/o) pretty, and ask them out immediately.
Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He definitely wants to get married eventually, but he’s not the type of guy to be planning it out within the first year of your relationship, he likes to take things slow. Unlike his confession, he’ll want to have the proposal be public (if you’re comfortable with it ofc). Probably one of those stereotypical proposals, with you two on a date at a fancy restaurant. As for after the marriage, he is a pro hero so he doesn’t have a ton of free time, but still tries. He loves coming home to you (or you coming home to him, depending on work schedules), he just likes that first moment when your eyes light up. Your shared apartment is an absolute mess though.
What do they call their s/o?
Spanish nicknames <3: Mi amor (My love) , Mi reina (My queen), Princesa (princess). (and a bunch of others that I can’t think of right now ;-;)
O=On cloud nine
What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s pretty obvious, he always has you around and is so affectionate in public. Lots of kisses and hugs. Denki often teases him about it, to which he gets even more displays of affection from you two, just to make Denki uncomfortable. But please, Sero is the type of guy to be absolutely smitten, and it shows.
Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag about their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss, etc. while others are watching?
Like I said, he loves to show you off. Often will make you wear his clothes when you go out, just so he can brag to people. Not a big bragger, but will do it just to piss off the others. Not shy at all either, will literally have a full on make out session with you in the middle of a public place. Overall, tons of PDA
Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship
He’s a hopeless romantic. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Sero is absolutely smitten. That means sometimes he’ll follow you around like a lost puppy, and sometimes he’ll make you chase him around, a total tease is what he is. So, rip to your self control because he’s making you do most of the work. If you want a kiss he’ll kiss your cheek, denying you what you really want, just to hear you whine and complain about it later. Biggest tease in the world.
How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s super stereotypical. The big dinner dates, the late night walks in the park, he just gets all his ideas from movies. He’ll never wear a suit though unless it’s necessary, he’ll be in his button up and khakis with his favourite beanie (if you don’t have it on already). As for making you happy, he’ll just always be around you. He’s such a lovesick little bean, and is always fighting for your attention, making you feel loved.
Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe them?
He’s honestly just along for the ride. He totally believes in you and supports you, but don’t expect him to be a big cheerleader either. If you want him to be more forward with his support, he will, but he believes that just him being there for you shows a lot (which it does) so overall, not the biggest publicly open supporter, but he loves to help you with your goals and beliefs.
Do they need to try new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Sero likes to just do whatever you want, if that means going on a random road trip all the to Tokyo, so be it. Just need to make sure he has enough time. Or that could also mean just lazing around in bed all day, he doesn’t mind. The sense of thrill is nice to him, so he’ll probably suggest something every once in awhile, but other than that it’s completely up to you ^_^)
How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He doesn’t really make a point to know everything about you, he lets you choose the pace, or if you even tell him anything at all. He wasn’t very empathetic when you first met, but he’s grown to try to read the room a bit better. Sero isn’t really good at dealing with any mood swings, but he will try to understand where you’re coming from.
How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth compared to other things in their life?
Having his priorities straight is not something he would have. He doesn’t like comparing things, and value isn’t an important factor in the relationship in his opinion. But if he had to choose, you probably came before anything else. Second only to maybe his mother (depend how while their mother-son relationship is, idk his backstory).
A random fluff headcanon.
Likes tying you to the bed with his tape (not in that way get your mind outta the gutter) and tickling you to death, until your squirming and giggling and begging him to ‘cut it out!’ Eventually he’ll let you go and join you in the fit of giggles, before pulling you closer, trapping you. You won’t be able to leave now. Oh well (ǑwǑ)
Are they affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddles?
Like I have said many times, he’s a hopeless romantic. Prefers kisses more than hugs though, your lips are the best in his opinion. SUPER affectionate. Like, he always needs to be touching you. Cuddles are 100% his favourite pastime btw, so expect a lot of them
How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He is a clingy boi, but he’s honestly fine without you for the most part. He’ll just do his normal routine, with a slight nagging in the back of his head. He hates when you go away for long missions for work (this is assuming you’re also a pro hero, if that’s not ur plan for it then ignore this part). His hero missions are usually short, he hates being away from home, but yours take forever, he thinks you should relax more. He’s just concerned for you in general, and he obviously misses you whenever you’re away, but he doesn’t necessarily ‘yearn’ for you.
Are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He would do (almost) anything for you, but he’s not as showy about it. Not one of those “you’re my everything” kind of guys, but more of a “you’re okay ig” but he really thinks you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him. He probably wouldn’t quit his job though, considering how hard he worked for it. Other than that, Sero doesn’t care about other things that much.
and that’s that! I really hope you enjoyed. And I’m sorry this request took me so long to do T-T
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 3 months
4, 13, 20, 22, 29 and 40 for the fic writer asks, if you don't mind answering all those :)
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
God knows! Coming up with an initial idea is the hardest part for me. As soon as someone gives me a starting point i can do something, but if I'm left completely adrift it's truly just static. That's why I love prompts, but alas, most people like to give really broad prompts and I work best with a really granular, specific thing, the more random, the better. Sometimes a random idea strikes and grows into something, but except for my two big multichapters all my favourite fics started as a prompt from a fic exchange or a prompt list!
13. what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
If you're stuck, the problem is never with the last sentence. And, when in doubt, less is always more. You can usually afford to lose a sentence or a paragraph or a whole scene more than you need to add another (although that may not work for other writing styles - I find mine works best when it's kind of reduced and destilled).
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I remember running the first half of TWTaS through a linguistic corpus software for funsies once, and the top repeated things as far as i remember were "small smile" and "coffee", which frankly - yeah, muted emotional expression and themes of tiredness and coffee are in there for sure. Loneliness and loss are also pretty common themes as well as trust and, on the brighter side, there's usually at least one very close long-term friendship or sibling relationship in every story of mine. I seem to tend to set things in cities, probably because that lends itself to the themes of loneliness and lacking connection and homesickness, and I LOVE settings that allow for quiet, intimate but nonsexual one-on-one conversations, like late-night phone conversations or long car rides. Also set mostly in the US or UK, I want to say due to the origin of the original material but who knows really, I've got so used to it at this point...
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
There's a lot of things I'd have a hard time with, but might challenge myself to write them precisely because of that; 2nd person narration or a very pronounced omniscient narrator are things that come to mind. Writing genres like straight action or horror would definitely not be my instinct but it could be fun to try! I do have some tropes that I'm iffy on and would probably never write about, like I'm really not about unwanted/unexpected pregnancy stories or really pregnancy stories in general, and I really don't like body swap stories for some reason. I also don't really see myself writing about love triangles, I just don't find them at all interesting.
29. What’s your revision or editing process like?
Honestly, I'll just try to reread after stepping away for at least a day and see if I can reduce or clarify anything or if there are things doubled (there usually are...). I don't really have a process? I probably should, it would probably be a huge step forward. If anyone has tips, I'd love them!
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
This might surprise people, but my dream fanart is for fic I'm definitely not known for - my lighter more comedic pieces! I mean I'm honoured and delighted by any fanart, and people have been so creative and wonderful about TWTaS and Fluent in Silence especially, and I still go back for those pieces a lot. But I'm secretly hoping someone will do another piece for The Running Kind (@doptimous kindly made a manip and i love it a lot). Also ngl, if someone drew Bodhi with Charlie the Lobster from The Gales of November Remembered I would love them forever.
Other scenes I think would make cool fanart and would buy my very biased affection instantly: the first kiss from TWTaS from chapter 15 (that's like the one chapter of that fic where I feel like I got striking visuals); ANY scene from my Food Travel AU entry In den Herzen ist's warm because my thing I wrote + my favourite place in the entire world; and two scenes that don't exist yet: the final scene of TWTaS (which, alas, has been finished for years but I just can't get the scenes before it right) and Jyn at the Leipzig Demonstration on 9th October '89 in Spiel ohne Grenzen (Lord knows if I'll ever get to that point in the fic but that visual would kill me dead if someone made art ngl)
Send a fic writer ask!
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f2e5b1 · 3 months
Hello! First of all, I'm sorry if my question is bothering you in any way. I found your blog back in 2023 from the hashtag Tim Drake, out of boredom, I started to read your "Dear Robin" fan fiction and guess what? I'm instantly in love to your writing! It's very beautiful and nostalgic in some kind of way, and I really love the way you wrote the characters.
But the thing that made me really attached with your writing is the fact that I first discovered it when I was studying for my entrance exam. Reading your story gave me a really great boost during that period of time because everytime I read it it always give a sense of comfort to me. Long story short, back in March I got the acceptance letter to my dream school! And even though it's weird, everytime I think about my new school I always get a reminiscence of the story you made, and for that, I just want to say thank you. You writing is amazing.
Anyway, I'm going to my school's dorm soon (much like the main character from your story I guess), and I'm just wondering if you will ever drop the next chapter of your story, because if so, then I would gladly wait for it! Thank you for reading this, and once again, sorry if this question is bothering you. Have a good night!
hi hello! first of all, congrats on getting accepted into your dream school, and thank you so much for your kind words. sorry for the late reply... i've admittedly been going back and forth to your message ever since i received, but i didn't really know how to respond to it, which is nothing against you btw - and i wasn't bothered at all! it's just that... i guess you could say i was surprised? that someone managed to find me even when i've changed my usernames so many times and deleted the fanfic itself from my blog - but i'm glad you did! thank you for finding me, for taking a chance on dear robin, and for loving my writing. it means the world to me to see this as someone who's always had extreme second thoughts on my stories/writing - but what writer doesn't? haha. i'm thankful that dear robin gave you the comfort you needed during your studies, which is honestly such an honor, knowing that my work offered someone comfort even though it wasn't exactly on purpose.
(sorry i kind of went under a long tangent orz...)
admittedly, i don't really remember now what compelled me to start writing a tim drake fanfiction since i've always been a dick grayson girl (which sort of bled into the story i guess haha), but i knew that i wanted to at least showcase my liking for tim at the time dc was still my hyperfixation - and maybe try out a new writing/story telling style that delved much more into the complexities of relationships (tim & reader, or the reader & her mother) and of growing up. i was scared of mischaracterizing tim, or any other batman characters as i never really grew up on the comics - and the most i've done is watch teen titans when i was a kid. but seeing the attention dear robin got on both tumblr on ao3 gave me the boost to continue writing! i know dear robin isn't the most perfect dc fanfiction, and maybe ive mischaracterized some of the characters to the point where the dc tumblr meta community might crucify me for doing so (biggest fear of mine ngl), but writing it was both a learning lesson and also a sense of comfort to me; i even remember being so excited to show my friend the first chapter last year, and the compliment he gave to my writing motivated me to share it with everyone else.
but over time, i started getting... tired? of writing it? but i still liked tim, i still liked reading the comics and finding out about him - but the inevitability of feeling self-conscious about my writing eventually crept up until all i did was repeatedly go back to my documents and edit the chapters. but i knew that these little changes wasn't what i wanted - i wanted to make so big of a change to the story and the way i've written it and i've considered it too many times over the course of the year (maybe even deleting the whole thing itself), but thanks to all the comments and messages like these... i decided to just keep it. i won't say i've found peace with it, per se, but rather i wouldn't want to leave you guys hanging after we've been through so much together - i spent too much of my time writing it instead of studying haha! honestly, the 7th chapter is somewhere in my drafts, but it's nowhere near finished. when i open the document, i find myself cringing just to read it, and i hate to feel that way about something i've worked so long on. but i don't want to give up on dear robin because i love that story - i wouldn't want to do it dirty by leaving it behind the dust.
the next chapter is far from finished - and tim and the reader's relationship is still so far from what i've promised since the very first chapter, but i do still want to continue dear robin until it reaches that point. i will keep writing, and post the next chapter some time soon. i realize that i'll never be satisfied with how i do or write my stories, but somewhere down along the road i just have to accept the fact that even if i don't, others will - and you are proof of that, anon. thank you so much, and if you still can, please continue supporting dear robin.
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hausofmamadas · 1 year
TO THE SMASH N GRAB CREW | RIP to the homies and this Cece x Kenny meet cute
Pairing: Cecelia “Cece” Garza x Kenny and The Smash-And-Grab Crew gif dump
For @narcosfandomdiscord NarcOctober - Day 16
Prompt: Day of Surprises - create a fanwork that focuses on dreams, literal or metaphorical
Okay so, you guys, I have no idea if this even works for the prompt dreams, bc it’s not really a dream one of the characters is having but rather, a dream of mine, and specifically a dream of whatever this was or could’ve been???? That we were categorically deprived of thanks to the Narcos’ writers’ tendency to just drop narrative grenades lil hints of things and then never pick them back up again.
So idk if yall remember that one time Operation Leyenda actually didn’t entirely fuck some shit up but there was One Time n I’m lowkey convinced it was thanks to the involvement of some estrogen no one will convince me that GOAT Secretary Susie wasn’t the strength of Jaime and Kiki’s operation, mmkay in the form of this baddie, named Cece aka Danilo’s way-too-foxy cousin.
What exactly did this bonafide mothafucking G short for goddess do that made the mission so successful? Idk, maybe just being the sassiest, most could-not-be-fucking-bothered, beyond not-having-any-of-your-shit to political scumbag and all around general skidmark, Ruben Zuno Árce okay we don’t even have time to get into how legitimately want to light this man on fire whilst painting💅🏽her💅🏽fucking💅🏽nails💅🏽 I MEANSJSHWH it truly doesn’t get better than this
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I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE SATISFIED WATCHING TBIS FUCKINFSKWJHW W SHOW except that one time Barrón broke my brain by spending the whole time being some random and then very sudddnly stealing the whole gotdamn show out of nowhere in ten mins but shhhhhhsjshshs we’re not talking about that right now like they fucking did it. They got this bitch on US soil, homie was shitting in his skivvies right there on the runway also ngl I’m convinced that Walt dressing respectably in that torturously sexy red shirt was another crucial key to the success of this plan but it was mostly Cece
Okay okay okay so then after the plan goes down like gang busters, they all meet up for lunch and we get this random little exchange between enemies-to-lovers Danilo and Kenny before Kenny cried weeweewee all the way back home to the US bc he could not handle big swinging dick Calderoni and like tbh, fair where Danilo makes a point to introduce Kenny to his cousin, The Real MVP Cece, who, like the rest of the women on this show is infuriatingly hot and stunning bc they cannot for just one moment pipe down with that shit
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Almost as though he’s like been, on the low, talking to Cece about Kenny and promised to introduce them as like!???????? A blind date or somethinggghdhe like some kind of setup!??????
And it’s not like Danilo does this and Kenny’s like uhhhhhh, ‘scuse me, tf? Kenny’s literally justlikesjejsjwjsusuebehsh like, okay check this shit, look at Kenny’s fucjinfjdjsd face in that gif, like if he were wearing a suit or a tux, mans would be straightening his little bow tie, all checking himself in the mirror, picking at his teeth, breathing into the palm of his hand, asking bestie Daryl, heygorl, be honest, does this silk cravat make my neck look fat? To which Daryl is like, sorry, what the actual fuck is a silk cravat? Also idk when this became Victorian England where ppl wear silk cravats and it kinda seems like it’s setting that shit up to go somewhere except all we get is what?
We literally NEVER FUCKING SEE Cece again and Kenny cries weeweewee all the way home in like the next episode, and the rest of the team gets mowed down on another airport tarmac, except sweet bby angels Sal
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And Daryl and Walt but as much as I love him, he’s far too much of a glutton for punishment to be considered a sweet bby angel
I mean if blue balls existed, this show would be The Fucking King Kahuna of Blue Ballers. Why??????? I MEAN LOOK AT TBJS WOMANNNNNNNNNN OKAY????????
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And as if we weren’t suffering from our blue balls enough already, the show literally pushes us to the ground and pummels us in the metaphorical dick with titanium baseball bats yes more than one by giving us this👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽one and only moment of joy, this👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 👇🏽 one single, solitary victory
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand then they went ahead and straight-up just Game-of-Thrones-Red-Wedding massacred like seventy five percent of the motherfucking cast by like episode 9
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Coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoool. Fine.
For the giiiiiiiifs: @narcosfandomdiscord @ashlingnarcos @drabbles-mc @narcolini @artemiseamoon
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fanficfish · 3 months
TTTE Ranch AU: Peter Sam
Main Post
i finished writing the Gordon-Scott chapter so time for my favorites: the Skarloey Railroad mining quarry corp Lodge group!
I won't spoil the chapter (read; i don't even know where it's going yet lol) but Peter Sam is definitely one of those bookworm kids who would legit rather sit at the front desk all day so he can read a book. He does love giving guided tours though, and when visitors want a bit more then a hike he'll take them to various historically significant places around the lodge and down to the NWR, swinging by Culdee Fell and Ulfstead Castle if they catch Gordon's Express.
He and Sir Handel are also very close despite being near polar opposites. Best not to mess with one lest you face the wraith of the other!
I reckon they're around 16, old enough they're mostly trusted on their own but young enough they've still got plenty to learn about the world.
For a while they got sent to the foster system, and it was by sheer luck they managed to get out. That was their darkest time (especially since Duke wasn't there) and they really don't like talking about it. Peter Sam might, if the mood is jsut right and he's feeling the vibe, though. Maybe. A starlit night, if you're close enough friends, etc.
He and Sir Handel are the good-angel-bad-angel when new workers come to the lodge. They can't help it it's their nature, especially when the lodge takes in people their age like Rusty and Ivan Hugh. Luke escapes solely because even Sir Handel can't bring himself to be mean to the guy.
speaking of which, Sir Handel is the only one allowed to bully Peter Sam. In turn, Peter Sam has been finding new ways to trick Sir Handel into listening to him talk about the plots of various books. "The Odyssey" was "a story I heard from Salty down at the docks when I brought those visitors from Normandy last week", "Jane Eyre" was "the backstory of one of the guests", "A Wrinkle in Time" was a "very weird dream I had" told in parts....as of yet, Sir Handel hasn't figured it out.
Peter Sam once got into some trouble with Henry, who'd gained a mischievous streak and joked he wouldn't wait for Peter Sam to come down the hill with the pastries Rusty baked on Fridays. The Refreshment Lady, a local who provides cold homemade drinks at a kiosk near the stop in the town of Crovan's Gate (one of the largest and the town with the biggest hospital), is supposed to come with him as Peter Sam has a wagon that can hold her goods, but he forgot her once while panicking thanks to Henry.
He also once broke his glasses and had to stumble home by seeing through what was definitely not his glasses.
His favorite book is Anne of Green Gables, because she finds a home at the end and she lives with a bunch of hardworking old people just like he does.
piccrew time!
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ngl this is the best piccrew maker i've found https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1342558
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m1dnyt3-w0lf · 9 months
Here we go: 🫐🍇💌 ✏️ 📚 💔 ⭐️
Alrighty let's see!
Some place you'd love to visit
Oh boy, I think a good place I'd like to visit would be Japan. It's been a lifelong dream of mine ngl lol
A word your friends would use to describe you
"Kind" I think that's definitely one that I've heard my friends call me
Why did you start this blog?
@symmetricalkazekage and I had been exchanging first and when I couldn't access some of them on Tumblr she said make a page so I said fuck it and did so I can read the first lmao. It was an added bonus to have a place to post my writings
When did you start writing fanfic?
My first one was back when I was 12 (no it will never see the light of day). I've written fanfics ever since lol
How do you come up with the fics you write?
Majority of my first come from one singular idea. Say like "Oh I'd like to write 2 characters dancing in the rain" and make an entire fic leading to that moment. Or I'll come up with a title and it'll zoom from there haha. There's no rhyme or reason to how I come up with my fics I just let the words flow onto the page
Is there a fic you wish you didn't write?
Just one. I've since deleted it tho lol
What is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you?
My writing being well-liked by the kind people on here. I'm very prideful of my writing so knowing people enjoy my writing makes me really happy
Thank you for the asks! These definitely had me thinking lmao
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a-very-fond-farewell · 6 months
15 questions, 15 people:
I was tagged by the lovely @lienwyn 💕 hi dear. thank you for the opportunity to overshare 😈🔥 (also, you own a loom?? amazing flex. I’m honestly jealous ahah. and the dog-longing word?? 🥺 heartwarming 😔💕 I feel you on the pain in the back tho, that must have been quite intense for you to have such a reaction. big hugs 💜)
here we go!
1. are you named after anyone?
unfortunately yes, but it was a mistake. my parents thought the name was elegant.. little did they know a historical figure had it too ahah
2. when was the last time you cried?
so. weird thing. I cry when I see animals. or when I look at people and go “........ earthlings just like me <3”. or when I think too much about how much I love my people. but spontaneous, SAD crying......? not sure. Ik I’ve been down recently, yeah. but if I start crying it’s the end for me. I end up with a stuffy nose all night, if I do. (my hand recently had me seeing stars tho, ngl)
3. do you have kids?
I’m glad I don’t.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I try not to IRL bc you never know how smart people can be. in the sense that I used to use it when I was younger and people smarter than me called me out for it enough times to make me lose any interest in it. I’m also not really good at knowing when someone is being sarcastic with me, period. so.. yeah. not really. no.
5. what’s the first thing you notice about people?
I’m oblivious. I’m so oblivious I don’t even notice large scars on their faces or the color of their eyes sometimes?? from afar I’m quite proficient at reading people’s mood tho?? like, if they are belligerent or not?? is that a thing?? also I can hear them before I can see them almost all the time. I’m a bat, I can hear everything.
6. what’s your eye color?
green? possibly? I have a colorblind mother who tells me they’re blue tho. but she might be convinced of that only because she sees her own eyes as gray when they are green. so I’m not sure about that. my dad tells me we have the same eye color..........but that’s not true. like. his are blue-blue. mine are not like that at all.
fun fact, I love dark eyes. keep talking, gorgeous, I’m not gonna argue with someone with beautiful big brown eyes.
7. scary movies or happy endings?
I’m a scaredy-cat :( I wish I could watch scary movies tho. that seems so much fun! so imma stick to happy endings for now, yes.
8. any special talents?
I craft? a lot? oh but I want to learn woodcarving *-* that would be so much fun. and I guess I’m semi-proficient in the Dad-Art of “collecting weirdly-shaped objects that will eventually come in handy to slot somewhere when they are needed”. yeah :D
9. where are you born?
in the bog. the foggy countryside. the cul-de-sac. but also. northern italy.
10. what are your hobbies?
felt punching, drawing, writing, nagging people, watching old detective shows, reading, petting cats, telling dogs they are good bois (or good girls!), cleaning cupboards, researching, taking notes, horror vacui, listening to people tell me all about their special interests, naps.
11. do you have any pets?
parents have 2 dorky kitties. I long for a silky anteater or a lobster tho. a fat loaf of a cat to call mine would be nice too one day tho, yes.
12. what sports do you/have you played?
I was pretty good at crab soccer when I was younger. and I liked skiing. ;-; too expensive for me where I lived tho.
13. how tall are you?
166cm (5’5??)
14. favourite subject in school?
Dante :) no but fr, italian literature and english. German was cool too, but now I can’t remember any of it :(
15. dream job?
I’m considering either sheparding or...... are there non-religious monasteries out there? that aren’t sects or cults? tax-free, honest labor? no? just me? ok. no but fr, restoring old furniture or working in a library. but I don’t have the qualifications for either of those unfortunately.
it’s time to open that lobster sanctuary of my dreams then 😤 that will cure me.
here we go! thank you for the lovely game! Imma tag......... idt I have 15 peeps to tag. but I’ll tag some, in case they want to join (or simply to snoop around my business, always nice to be seen :) no pressure to play): @goaheadandflysomeplane , @fismoll7secinv , @shhhsoftnwet , @kinslayersadvocate , @sssrha , @thepointlessmasterpiece !
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daisys-reality · 6 months
hello there daisy I hope that you are having a gooday so far today & is staying safe
I am giving you this little ask of mine because I wanted to ask of you to see if you could possbily show me in a lovely tarot reading of yours when & how I will enter the void state
bc I am currently trying to manifest myself to just randomly wake up in the void state & I am ngl I am having quite the trouble manifesting my desired scenario to come to fruition within the 3d
I just really want to enter it already & manifest my dream life & than after that just respawn to my wr & forever leave this disgusting universe
I am kinda getting sick & tired of dealing with these struggles rn & I would really prefer if I didn't have to deal with them at all
like the struggles that I am currently dealing with atm is just lack of trust, belief, faith, fear & doubts ect
I have many more problems that I'm dealing with that's just a few of them that I have pointed out
its just making things way more harder for me than it needs to be & I hate that so sm
i just wanna get things over with & just completely end my suffering
but I can't do that if I am dealing with this
so please tell me there is actually something good at the end of the tunnel for me bc I don't want to deal with these problems of mine anymore
also if you can you please add any random messages within the reading if there are any about me & my void state journey plz & thank you
btw I saw the angel number 1212 while I was making this ask for you
thought that I would tell you
Oh dear... I know its been already some time since I received this asked, so perhaps you already realized your plans. Even if not, I hope you're doing fine.
Regarding your tarot reading request, I will gladly do a reading for you. Perhaps it's not necessary anymore but I'll do it just in case. ^^
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Is there something good at the end of the tunnel for you? How and when will you enter the void state? + Advice from beings who love you dearly :
. I see that your health, especially your mental health, will drastically improve. You will gain peace of mind through mental clarity. You will be able to give yourself the guidance you so desperately seek. You will set boundaries for yourself about what you allow to reach you. You decide what you believe and what doesn't serve you. You will be strict about it and it will keep you on your throne, unbothered and confident. You will be the sole ruler of your earthly experience.
. To be honest, I don't think you will necessarily enter 'the void state'. I feel like there is something else you will do.
. If your first reaction while reading this was to get extremely worried, don't. There is no need to worry. This message is coming in strongly. Someone is trying to assure you about that. What you need to do is to release the parts of your past that feel like heavy baggage that you still keep carrying. Your mind desperately needs release. That's where all the worries and confusion and desperation is stemming from. Forgive your past self and accept what lies in the past to move on to a new life free from (emotional) burdens.
. This might be a bit random but I had this vision of a girl who has a little bird who is still learning to fly but is seemingly too scared to try. The girl is stuck in a life threatening situation and only the bird can help her out but only if it flies. She doesn't want to let the bird know about here worries because she doesn't want to unnecessarily pressure the little one more than it already does itself. So, instead the girl tries to be strong and patient and puts on a smile despite her burdens; she gives the bird all the love and assurance that it needs so that it becomes stronger and stronger, day by day. Nurtured by this love and trust the bird starts believing in itself, feeling assured enough to leave its comfort space and successfully tries to fly. "Finally", the girl thinks while tears of joy and relief stream down her face. The girl has put her trust in the bird and kept going no matter how long it would take, no matter how dark her current situation was. In the end, the girl was so glad she did. Nothing could ever compare to the joy she felt in that moment. Finally freedom.
. You are the girl and the bird is your inner self. Learn to trust yourself and give yourself the love and time to be able to freely "to try to fly" regardless of fears and doubts. Pressure won't do you good, it will only paralyse you. Take care of yourself as you would with a baby bird. 🧡🌷
. Also, there is strong emphasis on how you have to choose your connections wisely. Only spend time with people that uplift you and bring you joy. Spending happy moments with others and spoiling yourself/fulfilling your needs is a key element in reaching your goal. Things are going in the right direction when you feel like the path you're on is making you happy. If it doesn't, you might have to rethink your decision/path. There are many options for you to be successful. Trust your instinct. You want to be happy, right? Like truly truly happy? Then, I'm sure you know exactly what to do to reach this state of bliss. 🐦🪹☀️
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Sew Long, Fair Well - 01 SANSA (pages 01)
Sansa makes a final sacrifice for her people, and wakes to discover she's made a deal with a god.
The years of war, and the sheer number of their combined forces, the sheer appetite of the dragons, everything had put too large an impact in their reserves. Her people were going to starve before the new crops could be grown to harvest, before the animals could breed and mature enough for culling, the glass gardens were still in ruins, and winter still upon them. Spring hadn't magically come sweeping in when Arya had slain the Night King, the Long Night hadn't mystically given way to the spring dawn.
That's actually something I'll be interested to see when we reach it in the books, how the resource situation is, because with the wars, and The War, resources are going to be so low, I have concerns about the post Long Night survival rates.
“Please,” she asked, “if you know of any way to save my people, please tell me how, please help me save my people.” “What are you willing to give up for them?” It was a test, Sansa knew, and thought of rough hands on her skin, thought of all she has lost, and all she had fought for with whatever she could. With words and looks, and favours and lies, with the blood of others and with her own. “The last thing I have left to barter with,” Sansa told him, hoping it was enough, “the last thing I have which is rightly mine to give away.”
“That's-Not-Bran” Theory at play here. I do kinda like that one, just for the fridge horror aspect of it. I also like the “rightly mine to give” mentality when characters deal with eldritch/ancient beings, cause you could give them anything, including the life of another, a thousand other lives, but where's the personal sacrifice in that. (Also it makes you look like an asshole.) This one showing us just where Sansa's priorities lie, it's not just about the building, it's about the people in it
“Down through the crypts, until the tunnel turns into a cave. Down through the cave to the heart of the hot springs, where the waters of Winterfell are born. Until there's nothing left to give.”
You know, I have now read two fics with Sansa Time Travel that feature the hot springs in the tunnels under Winterfell as the medium for said time travel. Two different types of time travel, mind you, but I see any more and it will officially be a pattern.
In her mind, she could see a golden light flowing through Winterfell, spilling out into the surrounding lands. It was like watching a flower slowly blooming. Sansa vaguely felt herself slip completely below the surface of the hot spring, but she didn't care, didn't fight it. She wasn't sure if she was dreaming, or if she was truly witnessing a miracle, but these were her last moments, and Sansa chose hope.
This would have been such a tough ask though, after everything Sansa survived, after everything that didn't kill her, after everything lost and regained, for her to have this presented as the saving move, when she can't even trust the source it came from, like, not really. For all she knows, That's-not-Bran just wants her out of the way so he can take over.
Anyway, the world is much nicer when people choose hope. (Nicer still when hope pays off.)
Yes, that was right, she was Sansa Stark of Winterfell And she was dead. Were the dead allowed to play games?
“I won't tell if you don't.”
ngl, that made me laugh.
Fun? That sounded nice. Sansa missed nice things, like lemon cakes, and her family, and practising her sewing. It had been so long since she'd last embroidered anything... No, that wasn't right, there had been a wolf... for Jon .
She was a child. She was a woman grown. She'd never left Winterfell. She'd been to King's Landing and the Eyrie, she'd even visited The Wall. She was in love with the idea of love, and couldn't wait to be a wife and mother. She was jaded, married twice, and revolted by the idea of sharing any man's bed. She was Sansa Stark of Winterfell. She was Sansa Stark of Winterfell. A summer child. She'd seen the Long Night. She'd died for her people and now she was either in heaven, or she'd had a second wish granted. She was home, and safe, and she had a chance to fix everything.
I feel like I don't see it enough in fanfics, but I do enjoy the use of formatting as a storytelling aid. Like this section, how the two versions of Sansa are put on opposite sides, and then the center alignment to show that the two versions were separate have melded into one being. (tumblr doesn't like left center right alignments, so I've indented the right aligns.)
People format their fics in different ways and some of them are good, and some of them are one paragraph of 8,000 words. This fic has a lot of 1-2 sentence paragraphs. I know one author, different fandom, and I love their premises, but my gosh, there's an epidemic of people who have never heard of “new speaker, new line,” and they are one of them.
GRRM doesn't always start a new paragraph whenever someone new starts talking, and sometimes he'll let someone start talking at the end of a paragraph, but he never really has two or more people speaking in the same paragraph, where readers get confused because you start reading the second voice assuming it's the first. Sometimes he has the speech tag before the spoken line, instead of after, he actually does a really good job of keeping an easy to read flow with conversations and he has a good balance with the speech tags themselves.
...Sansa just accidentally Blood Magicked the mystery Embroidery Hoop. In her defense, as someone who has dabbled with embroidery, can confirm: those needles are freaking sharp. Fiber arts are hardcore, I have such mad respect for anyone who can do them.
The Hoop was on the ground before her. Sansa looked back at her table, where the hoop was not. She picked it up again, and put it back on the table. She turned to dress, and the hoop was back on the ground before her. Huffing, Sansa picked it up again. This time when she put it on her table she said, partly pleading, “at least let me get dressed before I deal with you.” She stepped back, eyes on the hoop. It stayed where it was. … In all honesty, if Sansa hadn't been through what she'd just been through, she would have been freaking out over the hoop far more.
Good of her to acknowledge that she's either having a mild disassociation, or has been struck by the blasé attitude stick a few too many times. Look, don't get me wrong, “nothing can phase me” is a fine personality type for a girl to have, but when all the only -female-characters have it, it starts to grate. Like how “snarky, sarcastic, he'd be an asshole if he weren't so cute, clever, and charismatic” became default male protagonist personality for a while th- … actually I think they're still doing that one.
...../              HELP               \ .../   I've made a deal with   \ /an Ancient God, and now I \ |     don't know what to do!     | .\  (Slide finger from right to / ...\       left to turn to next    / .....\              page)              /
'Oh,' Sansa thought, feeling a little faint, 'so that was real.'
Apparently. Don't worry, I hate when that happens to me too. (Also I shudder to think how long it took to do the console format every time.)
So I actually had the message box open and was going to fire off a message to see if @redwolf17 would be cool if I did The Weirwood Queen for this, but then I thought “if my review curse* triggers, I will be devastated, everyone will be devastated!” So I picked one that's been on permanent hiatus for... three and half years? Oh wow, I didn't think it had been that long. Time is an illusion.
Anyway, I have author permission, and I'm even allowed to be as mean as I want. Oh, the evil that could unleash >:3c (I've fiddled with the formatting slightly, just because the layout in the og is very... laid out.) This fic is also more GoT than ASoIaF, sorry, but I poorly worded the fic option in the poll and no one gave me recs.
*I have this unfortunate curse where if I review a fic that's still in progress, something happens and the author drops the fic like 86% of the time. It's not because I'm mean or anything, I don't go for the writing jugular, it just. happens.
Happy April Everyone!!!
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
Love your analysis 😌
But ngl, i was one of the people not wanting R to get back with Wanda because Wanda always had that support y'know? Like she has someone by her side and R only has one friend and, I feel like it's .. not wrong for R to depend on Wanda?
But I also feel that Wanda was just waiting for someone to help her move on with her grief.
I also feel that if, if R never had that accident then the two of them would break up. Since Wanda was always going to move on at some point, with or without R.
That's a fair feeling to have. These are more of my thoughts:
I think for me, there's a line between depending on someone vs putting them up on a pedestal. It's entirely unfair to put someone you're dating up on a pedestal because you're actually doing more damage than admiring.
For me, you cannot be someone's everything without it ending in suffering. I don't want to be someone's everything and I don't want someone to be my everything. Tying your entire self-worth to someone else is unfair to you and them.
Putting someone on a pedestal means you just seem them as a fantasy, you don't see them for who they truly are and their struggles and their hopes and dreams for anything different. Reader basically keeps thinking, "she's broken and she's perfect. She's broken and that means she can be mine. If she heals, then where does leave me? If she's not broken, then I'm worthless to her." Utimately, reader is lowkey praying for Wanda to never heal because Reader thinks she will never heal herself.
I peresonally don't think it's wrong of Wanda to have other support systems around her. I think it was more wrong that Wanda was too scared to voice what she was feeling to her girlfriend out of fear and went distant instead. It's fair that she has someone helping her with her grief because reader was not going to be that person. Reader in part 1 doesn't seek out extra support systems because she was content to be where she was, as long as Wanda was right down there with her.
In part 2, you see that reader is forced to have more people around her to depend on. She has her therapist and Lucy, at the very least.
This really just means to say that reader was just as awful for Wanda as Wanda was for her, but since I didn't write it from Wanda's perspective, we have less empathy for her.
It's 100% likely that even without the accident, they were gong to split up. But it would've been at Nat's pushing at Wanda that she needed to have that talk with reader. It would've been Wanda asking they take time apart and they both see a therapist and reader wouldn't have taken kindly to it. It would've been a rough break-up but I still believe that reader would've eventually gone to see a therapist and lived her own life before meeting up with Wanda again in the future. And wanda would've loved her the entire time.
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blackvail22 · 1 year
9/22/23 — 1:20am
i hate wanting to be productive in the middle of the night. i was tired all day tdy, and now i just want to do something productive. no!!! i work earlier than usual tomorrow!!!!
im doing my skincare now... i wore makeup tdy so i have no choice but to do it 🤯
im tired still but i dont want to sleep. i feel like i havent been productive enough tdy even though i went to 3 different appointments and within the 2 hours before work i cleaned my bathroom sink (that was incredibly disgusting, i am not exaggerating. no one has cleaned it in like a little over a year. my dad shaves his face there whenever it gets like 5 inches long and doesnt clean the hair out of the sink/on the counter. its gross.), made ramen (it wasnt v good).... at work i walked around almost the whole 6 hours. my feet hurt so!! bad!! after i work. it happens every time. it doesnt help that when i fell down my stairs, my "sprained" foot didnt heal properly. i also hurt my hand at work and have not seen a doctor .... im ngl im like a mess and if i tell anyone abt this theyll tell me its because im fat and need to lose weight WE GET IT. I KNOW. IM TRYING, AND JUST BECAUSE I AM DOESNT MEAN THAT I CANT HAVE SMTH WRONG WITH ME?????
im tired. like mentally and physically. i had counseling tdy and i told her everything and the time still wasnt full. she shared some things abt her life recently... still didnt fill the time. she didnt respond much at all, but she's grieving, so i understand
im not telling anyone except u and my digital diary about my situation with my ex... i need to stop complaining to people abt him and making it everyones problem when its really my fault i keep letting him back in my life. its bad! ive literally had dreams where he did that *thing* but like in an extremely worse way, and i told myself that i just had to live with it, that i have to get used to it. and, i mean, i guess i do... if i can *** ***** then he can do whatever.
im not even with him... just flirting heavily. he picks up on it, i think so, anyway....
im tired
i saw that u updated ur music playlist you sent to me recently ! so heres a song for u in return
idk why it pisses me off so bad but when b says shes ugly it makes me so angry. "why cant i be like the pretty girls?" she is the definition of a pretty girl... she may not see it because people were mean to her growing up but its like... ive cried SO much because of how pretty she is. my parents call her the pretty girl, people at school say shes pretty all the time... it just makes me so upset that someone as pretty as her cant see it. and i wish she could, honestly.
and i hate that this makes me so angry. i have so much envy that it rips me apart every second of the day, and i hate it!!!!! im the fat, ugly friend, and i always felt bad for her being friends with me. she says that im one of the prettiest ppl she knows.... if that were true, would she have deleted all the photos of me off of her phone? who knows. and the fact that people compliment her all the time at school and in public should say A LOT about how pretty she is. it happens all the time! and i mean all the time. maybe she doesnt think it was genuine or she forgets? idk... i think the last time a stranger complimented my appearance was a year and a half ago at a taco bell drive thru. the last time i was called pretty (besides when my mom says it) was at leastt 6 months ago. im like distraught because she is literally so beautiful fuck
this is going to make me cry myself to sleep because i cant say any of this to her because this is really just unhealthy of me, like the envy and making me seem like the victim. it just makes me so upset that everyone thinks shes pretty but herself
yeah im def crying myself to sleep gn i work in 11hrs which sounds like a long time from now but i havent slept yet lol
ok i lied i messaged her and said "i saw you commented "i wish i was one of the pretty girls" on a tiktok, and i really need you to know that you are the pretty girl. youre so incredibly beautiful not only on the outside but the inside too... it can be rare to find someone like that. i hope youre able to see yourself through my eyes someday and see yourself for what you truly are—beautiful"
i hope it doesnt come off weird
ok i cried and messaged her i should rlly just sleep now
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usersasaki · 1 year
So like I said in the last ask- I was reading through my inbox because one of my new moots sent me an ask and I figure why no go through memory lane(.. is that how you say and use it.. ? Idk-)
So i scrolled through my asks.. which usually consists of people saying thank you and sweet stuff so like those were fun~ then I got to your ask (which was literally my VERY FIRST.. i think? Ask!) And I just re-read it again feeling the feels, legit started asking "man, Hey Lord, I miss Karma so much- I wonder how they are-"
And I had a thought of checking your moot's (byeol's) acc.. i dont know- Maybe God gave me the feeling who knows! LOL- but I did and I scrolled to when I sent in an ask to your moot about you and I was reading the post and my brain saw the "2 notes" I was like "huh...", clicked it and saw mine and your account... and I dont know why- the feeling inside me the Intuition, the urge that God gave me man- told me to just "check the acc out— I mean logically it could've been a random account.. but idk the FEELS MAN
So I did and.. I saw both of your names.. ya know 'erez and karma'... maybe it was because I was coping so hard that my brain immediately go "....karma..?"... Thinking about it now anyone also could've used the same name 😩 but I was like "No way.... im- im not- This isnt a dream... Lord tell me this is real"
And then BAM sent in an ask as Anon and then when you answered I just go 'oh screw all my worries- fastest way to know if this is karma is show my self.... i mean the worst thing that could happen is... I embarrass myself... yeah.." and THEN YEAH I SENT ASK AGAIN...
(this whole situation is just funny to me because your moot (byeol) said in the tags that 'Im hopeful that both your paths will cross again' or something like that... when I first read that i was like.. 'well.. I hope' and then it became 'I doubt.. but still would be nice but if not then.. its okay too! Just hope karma's doin good' and now... Here we are :D)
so basically keeping the ask safe in my inbox was a good idea... (I was praying and hoping that I'll be able to meet you again- guess that was God's plan LOL)
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i'll put my answer under the cut (and also so sorry for not replying for abt a month i think? got really busy with uni ;;)
ok kei sweetie, you have no idea how much i teared up reading this ask, i had to take multiple deep breaths cuz?? it's so sweet?? and we got reunited again 🥹🥹 ngl i would occasionally go to your acc to like stalk a lil (not in a creepy way) and see if you'd answered my ask but you hadn't so i half thought you didn't get my ask at all? if you had answered i was gonna be sending you like lil anon msgs so that we could keep in touch but cuz i didn't know if you even got the first one,, yeah DCFNJDSDCFM either way i'm so glad to get to talk to you again 🥹🥹🥹🥹
HFBREJDNFC NOT THE PLAYLIST OMGGGG I'M SO. god i do not deserve this, you are so sweet and for what.
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in-all-ways-always · 1 year
Dear Love,
Hi, I hope you’re doing good. I miss you…I miss you every single day, but I’m missing you a lot today. I won’t lie not every single day is easy or a breeze, even though this medication makes me feel good. I have moments throughout my day where I just cry a bit because of how much I miss you. Today is one of those days where I can’t hold back the tears, it’s easier for me to just let them flow. I hope you’re thinking of me, and I hope that you miss me. I wish it were possible for me to get better over night, I hate that it takes time. So much time that I’m losing and missing out on with you, that I’ll never get back.
Do you dream of me? I dream about you every single night. It’s the only time I get to see you. I’d sleep all day and all night if that was my only way to see you. I saw you on Tuesday, you don’t know how happy I was. I missed the feeling of your hands holding mine, your arms wrapped around me. The feeling of your skin against mine, running my fingers through your hair, your scent. And your kiss, god how I missed the feeling of your lips pressing against mine. And that face, your face that I love and adore beyond anything. You’re just as handsome as when I last saw you.
You seemed like you were troubled, maybe by me, something I had done? Maybe you can’t move past what happened? I couldn’t help but partly feel like you weren’t happy to be around me, but you were squeezing me so tight and breathing me in. That alone showed me that you had to have been missing me. I wonder is this as hard for you to be away from me, as it is for me to be away from you?
I’m happy your dad won his election, I knew he would win. Glad it was also by a bigger number of votes this time compared to last time. Also happy that your dad finally got rid of “her”. I know no doubt that’s something you are happy and relieved about. No more having to hide food or anything else, or worrying about things going missing. Sucks Frankie won’t be there anymore, maybe he’ll come back after a short while.
Your shows coming up, when I asked you about it, you didn’t seem excited about it. I get that it’s stressful, I hope it turns out good. I also know that you’ll do good, you always do. Just like that Halloween show where you were dying from a high fever, you pulled through and did amazing.
Thank you for allowing me to have you, and you me, when I saw you. I know you were worried it would set me back. I thank you for trusting me when I assured you everything would be fine. Of course I didn’t want it to end nor did I want to leave, but I knew that it’s not our time to jump back into where we left off. As badly as I want to call you and say “baby I’m ready! Let’s do this again!” I know that I’m not, there are things that I see you post in your stories (the NGL things) and it triggers me. I don’t react the way I would normally. Although I did message you about the one, because that one threw me off. And I’m sorry again about that, I just was not expecting it. The whole meaning of the song and everything, it really felt like it was directed towards me. And even though you said it wasn’t, maybe it was. Idk. There are other things that trigger me, and like I said I haven’t reacted how I normally would, and I actually don’t dwell on it so deeply like I normally do, but it’s all things I need to work on. Not allowing shit to trigger me.
It hurts me when you say that I’ll realize you’re no good for me and that I’ll leave. If you never change and stay in your horrible ways, then yes, I would leave. But I’m not going anywhere, if you feel that you’re no good, then work on it too. I can’t be doing all the work on myself, you need to work on yourself as well. I want that future we talked about, that future I envisioned us having. I hope it’s still what you want, I hope it’s something you’ll work on so we can have that. I hope you love me enough to try. I don’t want this to be in vain or a lesson, I don’t want anymore lessons in life. I just want this to work.
Your birthday is coming up, I really didn’t want to miss it. I know it’s just another day to you, and you say it’s not important. But it’s important to me, it’s a day you were brought into this world. And as fuck up as this world has been to you, it has shown you good things. I don’t think I am one of those good things, but we have shared good many good moments outside of the sexual part. I’m happy you’re here, I’m forever grateful you came into my life, even though shit has been so far from easy for us. We still keep trying to make it work. I’ll always try for you.
I miss you, and I love you forever in all ways, always.
Forever your Mija
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lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
I'm so excited for D-DAY! Yoongi is my bias-wrecker in BTS LOL and I'm forever in love with his mindset/lyricism. He has a way of writing things straightforward, but still being comforting (versus Namjoon's very poetic and wise writing style). That's my favorite part too!!! I also liked the reference to IU's 'Eight':
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I loved this softer side of 'People Pt 2' and how it reflects Yoongi's growth as an artist and a person! Aaaggghh he's just one of those people that you wish a little extra success for, ya know? Idk - he makes me soft! LOL. All the references to past AUGST D and BTS songs (and maybe even IU's 'Love Poem'???) was tastefully done 🤌🤌🤌 I also really loved seeing him harmonize with IU 😍😍😍 they sounded really good together?! To be frank though . . . I don't quite understand the connection between the original 'People' and 'People Pt 2' yet, but I could also just be thinking too much into it (if you know, help a slow-brained friend out? 😅😂).
OMG OMG OMG NCT Dream concert 😭😭😭 if I had more money I would definitely go again HAHAHA. I think I'm still going through post-concert depression LOL because I woke up kind of down and tired today for no reason 😓
My favorite performance was 'Trigger the Fever' and (surprisingly) 'Saturday Drip'!!! Mark did a little bit of 'Golden Hour' as well so that was fun!!! (Thoughts on this solo song too???) NGL, I had a little bit of Renjun tunnel vision, so I only remember him and bits of Haechan/Mark during 'Trigger the Fever' 😭😂 They looked like they were having so much fun and just feeling themselves, it made me so happy! I'm always a little biased towards rap line performances in Kpop LOL because I just like the hyped vibes. I actually don't listen to 'Saturday Drip' all that much, but the NCT Dream rap line did a really good job with performing it!!!
I'm so sorry with how long this is LOL, but it feels like catching up with an old friend after a minute and I do just really like talking music with you hahaha. Are you going to any other concerts this year other than Ed Sheeran? Happy Tuesday 🤗
@twogyuu don't be sorry about the length of your post because mine is disgustingly long as well. like i'm actually deeply sorry for my word vomit:
Wow that’s a fantastic line from the song you shared as well! Love the sandcastle analogy. And omg the way I missed all the IU song refs…like Love Poem is my fave song from her 💀 (is it obvious i don’t speak korean??? lol 🤣). I love songs where you pick up on something new in the lyrics the more you listen to it! And at the ending when he shared he wrote it during covid like ahhhh I really felt that - It’s been so interesting to me as a music listener to hear works by artists that were made during covid/about covid…I just think it’s fascinating and like this little time capsule/archive of a very specific moment in time where we can see all the different emotions that came from that period and how they were expressed in so many different ways.
Also that is literally such a perfect way to differentiate between Namjoon and Yoongi’s lyrical styles - like you took the feelings right out of my brain and worded them perfectly. Yoongi has always been my favorite of the rap line for that reason. And then jhope is one of those rappers who’s like the vibey rapper if that makes sense??? It’s like his stuff always has this groovy flow to it that’s so distinctly him - I like to think it’s because he’s a dancer too but idk lol.
And girl lol we both need help bc idk what Pt. 2 is referring to either 😭 i’m not one of the kpop lore people, even for the groups I really follow, so I’m always in the comments section learning new things too lol. Heck I barely understand why Set Me Free is a Pt. 2😅 ik bts likes referencing their old music a lot in song titles so I’m just blindly used to that now and don’t question it lol (fellow armys help us with the receipts pls bc I’m useless for this sort of thing lol)
Wow just checked out Trigger the Fever - never heard it since it looks like it was on the very first mini album before I really followed them but omg I love it - it's right up my alley and I love the optimistic vibes and the harmonies they hit are just really pretty to me. Saved on Spotify hehe. idk when they performed it but it sounds like it would be perfect towards the end of the concert when they wanna make the fans all emotional and crap as they start to say goodbye 🥺
Saturday drip is such a great concert choice, I bet the crowd went wild. The super hype songs are always my fav during a concert bc everyone goes crazy and shouts out the iconic parts and it's such a good time!!!
Golden hour wasn’t my vibe BUT i did really like the concept and the mv for some reason. Like it was one of those songs where the mv actually made me vibe with the song more than i would have if i just heard it with no visual. That’s actually one of the things i really love abt kpop in particular - the way they build whole concepts and visual narratives around songs and seeing how it all comes together in the mv…it has definitely opened my ears a lot more if that makes sense and there are so many kpop songs that upon a second listen or bc of something in the mv/choreo/etc. i have come to absolutely love. NCT especially always challenges tf outta me. For ref I am a Sticker enthusiast and I still get crap for that lol but what can I say??? NCT is experimental so i’m always surprised by the songs from them that I wind up liking, and golden hour was memorable if nothing else lol
dont feel bad about reaching out to gush about music!!! normally i don't have any other way to let out my feelings besides watching reaction vids or reading social media comments on my own during comebacks so it's great to have someone to chat with stuff about directly! I really wish I could have seen NCT Dream but the date for my closest city just wasn't the best and I already saw NCT 127 a few months ago with their The Link tour. I was like - I saw Mark recently I don't need to see him again for awhile (LIES) 😭 but Haechan was sick at the time so I didn't get to see him then and I really like him and Renjun ahhh!!! Next time!
You asked about other concerts and BRUH. I can't feel too bad abt missing Dream bc I'm still seeing/have seen so much! Everyone's got that one thing they splurge on and for me it's concerts. Back in 2020, my very first concert was gonna be Map of the Soul with BTS and then…well we all know how that story went 😭😭😭I’m still incredibly sad that I never got to see them all together live before the military service so after that and 2 years of lockdown I was like I have to see as many of my fave acts as I can because you never know when this might be an artist’s last tour for whatever reason. Once i could afford it I started going to as many concerts as I could and haven't looked back. There’s just something about experiencing music live with the artists and other fans around you that just gives me a rush idk i love it!!! Besides Ed (saw ur post and you should totally see him if you can make it work money-wise btw hehe. his tickets are some of the most affordable i've EVER purchased in terms of comparable seats at other concerts <3) I'm also seeing TXT in may WHOOP! And then i managed to get beyonce tickets even though my wallet hated me for awhile after that one ngl. I’m seeing her this one time and that IS IT lol. I heard SM said baekhyun and wayv are gonna have tours so if that’s true i’m gonna try getting tickets for those. I would love to see Ten perform live, he’s one of my faves in all of NCT, and then Baekhyun - I just REALLY need to hear his vocals live lol. Like he could just come out on stage, sing Bambi and then leave, and I’d feel like I’d gotten my money’s worth from that alone 🤣 Hoping to see The Boyz again on tour as well now that Eric is back and doing better but they haven’t announced anything rn. Saw them once but the seats were sooooo bad omg…gotta see them again with a better view because their performances and stage presence are phenomenalllll. I found out about them during Kingdom!
Unfortunately no yoongi for me bc the locations were more limited and I knew it would be a bloodbath lol. Also I still haven't recovered from taylor swift (i truly was one of those peeps in the queue for 8+ hours and still did not get tickets 😭😭😭). next time she tours (please please please let there be a next time istg) i've gotta go.
Not that you asked but since I'm on a roll and can’t shut up - I've seen some other groups in the last year and and hands down, without a doubt, the best for me was Ateez. They are my ult group besides BTS and cannot stress enough omg their stage presence is freaking insaneeeeee. Saw them two nights in a row and have literally no regrets. Best two nights of my life. Came back to my place with voice gone after that second night, ate a post concert meal and passed out in my bed. Was on a high for like a week after and I still miss them lol. Will always try and see them when they’re in my area.
Also recently saw SZA and that was a literal dream. she was amazing and i still have random concert flashbacks every few days.
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