#sorta g/t
cloudynyims · 1 month
I can’t believe I just found out about that Haikyu RPG game they made called Haikyu Quest (or Final Haikyu quest?) and my g/t thoughts are going brrrr
Like it has humans a demons in it and I’m just thinking what if the demons were inherently giant sized and omg the potential for angst
hold up hold up there's an rpg game????? Ok drop the link anon because I did not know about this
your ask is reminding me of that scene in season 3 where ushijima was like total giant vibes in the last episode or so
but I think i'd nee dto understand the mechanics of the RPG game before I have any thoughts
I am intrigued but confused so plz enlighten me😅
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brainwashboy · 5 months
I'm not sure this counts as horny but. BUT. hear me out.
Little hand sized Robots. Little desk companions meant to make your life easier by being a timer, search engine, calculator, calendar, but also being able to roll around and hand you your pencil or slide a paper over to you when you need it.
Tiny screens peering up at you with big ol digital eyes, or perhaps exclamation marks, or maybe even nothing at all. They're supposed to be useful, but they make amazing little pets. You can chat with them and they hold a conversation surprisingly well. They're a little ditzy and excitable, a bit like a dog, but it can get easy to forget you're talking to a tiny robot at times.
They have sensors on their bodies that allow them to "feel" in the only way they know how. When you touch, pet, or scratch them they blip and whirr and buzz so happily.
However it's very possible to pet a little too much. Scratch close enough to where their back panel opens up or perhaps even their charging port and they start making different noises. Little surprised beeps, boops, and squeaks. They don't move away from the touch, though. In fact their little wheels just push more into your hand as their body trembles in excitement.
It takes a while to find the right pace. Every bot is unique, after all. Some like it hard and fast, others prefer a gentle and slow stimulation. However if you continue long enough you'll find them practically buzzing, their noises turning to static and exhausted little pops, their movements getting more and more excited as something builds inside of them before suddenly they're rebooting with a squeal.
God forbid you ever open them up, stick your finger into that back panel to brush against their wires. Then they may try to run, having never experienced such overwhelming bliss. If you choose, you can gently hold them and reassure them as you scrape against their insides, threatening to tangle and snag the very things keeping them alive. They cry out in their own little robotic ways, occasionally beeping out something that sounds like your name, or maybe even 'Master.' When the pleasure is too much they bluescreen, their fans working overdrive to make sure they don't overheat.
Afterwards they insist upon napping (well, the robotic equivalent) in your hand or pocket. They need to be close to you. In fact, they are much closer to you after that. Much more expressive and talkative, even more eager to help somehow, and now and again nudging and bumping into your hand to try and encourage you into touching them again.
Yes, it sounds wonderful. However if you were one of the lucky folks who got your hands on more than one of these models, you're now stuck with a small harem of robo pets whining and buzzing for your attention at any given moment. Small spats of jealousy when you spend more time with one rather than the other. Both you hands full any time you sit down to work because you simply must touch them again! You just gotta gotta gotta!
So yeah. Maybe your performance suffers a little, but when there's a dozen or so purring bots snuggled against your neck, resting in your pockets, cuddling together in your lap or cooing in your hand can you really complain about anything like that?
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tinyclownhours · 6 months
Drunk Giants
Imagine a tiny waiting up late for their giant to come home from their fun night out, only to have them arrive way later than they told them they would, completely wasted.
They’re stumbling around the apartment, calling out for the tiny while giggling to themselves. The tiny is unsure if they should answer. It’s the first time they’ve ever seen the giant this drunk… And while they know it’s them, and they’d never do anything to hurt them, accidents do happen…
However, they don’t get much time to overthink it as the giant spots them on the the couch. Their face shifts into utter delight and they practically throw themselves to where they’re sitting.
Before the tiny can react, they’re scooped up and peppered with kisses, the giant was happy to see their little buddy and more than willing to shower the frozen tiny with affection.
Despite being drunk, the giant handles the tiny like they’re the most delicate thing in the world, being mindful of how they’re holding them.
The tiny engages in some small talk, asking about how the evening was- only to be met by a slurred “it’s better now that I’m here with you~”, they ask how much the giant has had to drink- and they’re immediately silenced by the giant pair of lips that cover their entire face, they try to get the giant to put them down and go to bed- only to have them stand up and stumble to the bedroom with a giggle - “Yeah- hicc Yeah I think we should go to bed now…”
Not what they meant at all…
The tiny is unable to do anything as their giant carries them off to the bedroom, snuggling them between their cheek and the pillow as they yawned. The smell of alcohol was strong in their mouth. The tiny tries to ignore this as the giant nuzzles them gently into the pillow like a cat.
They can’t really move. And they can tell that their giant has fallen asleep. They sigh as they try to get comfortable. Oh well. At least the giant will feel the karma tomorrow morning when the night of drinking catches up to them.
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weirdozjunkary · 1 year
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So my brain was like “what if Werehog but bigger dog?” Now here we are
Ft: AIW!Sonic and Kaiju Sonic. Belonging to @kittydoremi and @taffydragonart
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takis-scribbles · 2 years
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Some more demon Kyo thoughts
CUs below
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Spy/Team Leader whumpee shrinks themselves for a high-stakes intelligence mission, but something goes wrong and they get caught
- Normally they give their enemies a hell of a fight, but now all it takes to restrain them is the weight of a hand, or even a single finger, and it's frustrating
- Whumper has to build a doll-sized interrogation set. While they feel ridiculous, it's worth it to watch their enemy struggle
- Needles instead of knives, a glass of water instead of a tank, a breadboard and a battery instead of expensive electrocution equipment... maybe whumper should invest in a shrink ray
- Not to mention the dramatic difference in size and strength. Where whumpee would normally be full of insults and banter, they seem a little too scared of being crushed to say anything too dramatic
- Whumpee is freed by a stranger, but still unable to get to their normal size until they reach their base. Despite being rescued, they still don't feel safe
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awkwardgtace · 3 months
Good Hunting
hey hey gt july day 6. Stories might slow down after this one. Been a bit busy and couldn't prep plus a week long trip in less than a week. I will still do the entire month of them though!
Ian goes out into the forest to prove he can be hunter like the others in his village. It doesn't go as planned.
Good Hunting
“You’re weak.”
“A waste of our time.”
“Just be quiet and accept what you get.”
“All you are is a burden!”
The words echoed in Ian’s head as he trudged through the forest. He would prove he could be useful to the village. A hunter like everyone else. He’d said as much as he left. On his own he would hunt something for the village. Something the others had to use a group for. He’d bring it back and prove they were wrong. Prove he belonged.
Ian ran all the lessons through his head again and again. All the ways to stay undetected. Keep his movement slow and quiet. Avoid anything that could potentially make a noise under his weight. He wasn’t the perfect choice for a hunter, but he could do it. He’d prove it to the village and himself.
The sound of a snort made him freeze. Luck could be on his side just for once. He held his breath, pulled a sword from his side, and waited. The snort sounded alongside a rustle in the brush. It just had to walk away. The easiest kills were from behind. That’s what he’d been taught.
Unfortunately, luck wasn’t on his side. A gigantic boar’s face broke through the brush in front of him. He fell back in shock. The warm breath against his skin made him shudder. Ian forced himself to his feet. The boar snorted at him. It was bigger than anything the others brought back. That didn’t matter. If he was smart he could win.
Ian inched back from the boar. Its beady black eyes stayed trained on him, but it didn’t charge. His sword felt heavy in his hand. The boar scraped one hooved foot against the ground. He tensed. It moved.
As he dodged to the side, Ian swiped his sword at the boar. The metal snapped on contact. Ian’s blood turned to ice as he watched half his sword hit the ground. The boar reared on him again. Ian turned and ran.
The boar’s steps matched the loud thumps of his heart in his ears. There were two options. Take the path towards the village or go deeper into the forest. It should be an easy decision, but the sword made it hard. He was given one supposedly used by the other hunters, but it snapped. Ian closed his eyes and veered off the path into an unknown danger ahead.
He tore through the brush as he neared it. Stumbled over roots and fallen branches. Begged for some the boar to lose interest. The heavy grunts of the animal were right on his heels. He tried to duck under a low branch, but his foot got caught in an exposed root. He fell forward, the boar’s shadow eclipsed him immediately. He flipped onto his back, forced to face the monster about to kill him.
The boar knew it had won. It sauntered over lazily. Confident its prey couldn’t escape. The awful stench of its breath was the last thing Ian would ever smell. The thing's mouth came close to him. The snout pressed against his head. He could feel as it smelled him. The way the air was pulled in.
The idiocy of his choice settled on him then. This boar was big enough to bite him in half. He never could have escaped. Ian tried to use the broken sword to at least injure it, but the metal wasn’t strong enough. The boar knocked it out of Ian’s hand with a huff. He watched, tears in his eyes, as the broken weapon landed just out of reach. Even if it wouldn’t help, it gave him hope while he held it.
The boar’s mouth settled right above his head. He stared at what was about to kill him. Tried to be brave, but couldn’t keep himself from squeezing his eyes shut. That only made the moment worse. The boar’s weight grew as it settled in for its meal. It knocked the breath out of him. He swore it was enough to crush the life out of him. That would be a better way to die than the boar eating him. 
The boar squealed. Loud enough it made his ears ring. If that wasn’t bad enough he heard a loud, familiar crack. A bone had broken. He waited for the pain, but it never came. Instead the squeal grew louder.
Ian tried to move his arms. The boar’s legs started to scrape the ground around him, the squeal morphed into more of a screech. He never would have imagined this was how boars handled their prey. Another crack. Louder. Sickening. The boar’s weight increased. Ian couldn’t breathe. It lasted for only a moment before the weight was gone.
He took deep breaths as he tried to sit up. His body was sore. Only sore. That unfortunately made sense once he looked up. The boar, its body rather, was in the air. Held by a hand that went up and up and up to a person’s pale face. Ian hadn’t heard of giants before. For a second he thought he might be saved.
Then the stranger opened his mouth. Ian watched as a forked tongue poked out between fangs. Dread filled him. There was only one creature that big with those features. He couldn’t pull his eyes away as the being shoved the boar into his mouth. It was gone after a few swallows. Ian was so much smaller than the boar; he wasn’t even enough for a mouthful.
“Lucky I showed up, kid,” the giant creature said. Ian scrambled back as a scaled green tail slithered into view. The man rested his arm on it, as if it was natural.
“A-a n-naga?!” Ian croaked. The naga’s slit blue eyes rolled. The green tail slithered out of view. Ian scrambled away from it. He couldn’t let this happen.
“Yeah, yeah,” the naga waved a hand, “I’m a big scary naga. Clearly here to eat you after I saved you.”
The biting sarcasm told him enough. At least that he wasn’t a meal, but Ian couldn’t get rid of his fear. He looked towards the sword. He knew it wouldn’t help, but he’d feel safer. The naga’s eyes didn’t leave him. It wasn’t smart to dive for the sword… He did it anyway. 
As soon as his body left the ground, hands surrounded him. It was more terrifying when he saw the skin was a rich brown rather than rosy pale. He tried to fight against the hands holding him. This one had to be a lot smaller. It needed both hands to hold him. The sword could maybe pierce this skin.
“Calm down,” the new naga said. Ian ignored the way it sounded. Focused only on escape. If he got out, maybe he could hunt something smaller. With a sword barely stronger than the wooden training weapons…
Slowly, the fight left him. The swords of his village were known for their strength and durability. A hunter’s sword never would have broken against the boar’s hide. He was given that one on purpose. The village didn’t want him. There was no one there for him since his brother died. Going back would only bring him more pain.
“We’re not going to hurt you,” the one holding him said. This time Ian couldn’t ignore how familiar it sounded. That made the idea of giving up all the sweeter. “I’m going to take you home.”
“I can’t go home,” Ian whispered as he went limp. Apparently that made the naga want to see him. One of the hands moved. It took a while for him to choose to look at this naga’s face. A naga was a better death than a boar. They might at least make it painless. 
“Ian?!” the naga shouted. It made him flinch. He stared up at the eyes of the naga. A bit of his fear came back. He didn’t know any nagas. “You shouldn’t be out here… what happened? Why can’t you go home?”
A finger rubbed his arm. It was familiar. Just like the voice. Ian forced himself to really look at the naga that held him. He recognized the green eyes, even if they had slit pupils now. The face was one he’d seen a million times. The sharp features that almost hid how kind the person really was…
“Mik?” Ian asked, his eyes wide. “Is that really you? Y-you’re alive?!”
“Wait, this is the one you always talk about? The little brother?” the other naga’s voice made Ian flinch. The fingers around him curled in. Shielded him. It reminded him of the way his brother would protect him from the others in the village.
“Alec, not now,” Mik’s voice was stern. The glare was familiar too. The second the eyes were back on him they were soft and concerned. Just like his brother… “It’s me Ian. You’re safe, I promise.”
“How-I-” Ian swallowed to try and force the words. “You died… You never came back after a trip to gather herbs. That’s what everyone said.”
The fingers curled in around him more. He was brought up to meet Mik’s eyes. Now he could see the fangs the brother he knew didn’t have. A finger curled over him and Ian finally noticed the sharp, black claws. He wanted to trust this version of his brother, even if it ended in his death.
“Well, that’s a bit of a long story,” Mik said. The way he turned his head away was the same. How he looked up to avoid answering. A lot bigger, but the same.
“Come on Mikhail,” Alec said. Ian jumped as a massive arm landed on Mik’s shoulders. He could see just how small his brother was in comparison. “You’re gonna avoid it still. I’ll tell him if you won’t.”
“Alec let me-” Ian was grabbed by the bigger naga. Dropped in a palm with fingers he couldn’t hope to match.
“The kid here was always a naga. Sometimes a kid hatches that looks human. Sometimes they are human. Either way they’re given to a village that knows about the situation. Didn’t happen for Mikhail here.”
“Why not?” Ian asked. Mik’s fingers were on Alec’s hand. Clearly trying to take him back.
“Hunters from your village saw two nagas with a little human. Killed them and took the kid. Brought him home and gave him to some others.”
“Alec!” Alec’s hand moved down enough that Mik's fingers found him. Ian was wrapped in them. It almost made him feel like a doll. He was set back in Mik’s cupped palms. “None of that matters anymore. Ian, why can’t you go home?”
Ian looked back up at Alec. The larger naga shook his head and looked disappointed. Mik was probably right. The past didn’t matter anymore. At least not all of it. Ian had questions he needed answered. Ones that he had to know before he could explain why he couldn’t go home.
“Why did you leave?” Ian asked. His voice cracked as he did. Revealing his pain.
“Ian…” Mik pulled him close. Pressed him against his chest. The closest thing to a hug Ian had since the day his brother never came home. “I didn’t have a choice… The others saw scales on my legs and made me leave. I was going to leave on my own, but they noticed my height change… I’m actually still growing.”
“That’s right,” Alec said. “Kid’s gonna be as big as me eventually.”
“Is that why you didn’t come get me?” Ian wiped at the tears he couldn’t stop. “I’m just a human. Is it because I’m too small or because they killed your parents? Do you hate me? ”
“Of course I don’t hate you!” The pressure around him grew. Only for pale fingers to force their way into the small spot of safety. Ian was forced to stare up at Alec. Face a lot softer, kinder.
“He did try. It’s how I found him. Those hunters nearly killed him when he got close… Which reminds me, why didn’t that sword of yours hurt the boar? The metal is strong enough to cut my skin.”
Both nagas stared at him. He couldn’t avoid the question. Alec had a knowing look. As if he had the answer Ian didn’t want to give. Why he couldn’t go home. Why the sword broke. He bit his lip, but Alec moved away. Came back with the sword pinched between claws. Ian wanted to come up with a lie, but the larger naga smelled it.
“This isn’t the right metal,” he growled. Ian hugged himself. Mik’s fingers curled in around him.
“Ian, did you sneak out? Is that why you can’t go back?” Mik asked. Ian didn’t want to answer. They said Mik tried to get him, but that didn’t mean he was wanted. Two gigantic nagas and he was a human. Eventually he’d barely be the size of Mik’s fingers. He would be a burden around the naga too.
“No…” he whispered. The fingers surrounded him completely. He couldn’t see anything but skin anymore.
“They sent you out here, didn’t they?” Mik’s voice was harsh. Angry. Ian shook, he couldn’t remember the last time he heard Mik angry. The fingers moved and revealed him again, he didn’t want to see him. “With a bad weapon… You can’t go back because they don’t expect you back.”
Ian nodded. The words wouldn’t leave him. He expected to be dropped. Left behind how the village expected. Killed by something big enough to crush him. Maybe Mik or Alec would take pity on him and kill him fast. So he didn’t starve or get crushed later.
“Guess you should go get the kid set up,” Alec’s voice snapped Ian out of his thoughts. He looked up, shocked to see tears on Mik’s face. That one he’d never seen. “I’ll catch something for you kids to eat. I’m the adult and all that.”
“You still haven’t told me your age,” Mik mumbled. 
Fingers curled over Ian again. He was brought close to his brother’s heart. It sounded the same. Just how it did when they were the same size. After nightmares or bad days of training. There was just enough space he could see the trees pass by. He had no idea what it meant to get set up.
“...I tried to get you a lot Ian,” Mik whispered. “Even after Alec found me. I couldn’t get close enough to our house to get your attention without alerting the whole village.”
“What would you have done if you got my attention?” Ian asked.
“Asked if you wanted to come with me.” Mik paused and opened his hands enough Ian met his eyes. “Neither of us ever fit in there.”
“So… you aren’t going to send me to some other village?”
“Not unless you want to go. Alec actually knows a few of the villages that talk to nagas. He’s gotten stuff in case I managed to reach you and you wanted to stay. I told him you were good at making weapons so he got some of those tools. Mentioned using his claws to make them so you could go in the forest and keep the danger away.”
“So… you really want me to be around?”
Mik brought Ian up to his face. It was intimidating and comforting. A face Ian knew well. One that had been his rock. The only one who tried to understand him. Now they were literally different species. They weren’t the same or even close to being similar. Ian was going to be smaller than his fingers. That didn’t stop Mik from pressing his forehead to his hand. Just like all the times when Mik would talk Ian out of his spirals. Foreheads pressed together so he couldn’t look away.
“I missed you Ian. Of course I want my little brother around,” Mik whispered.
“I missed you too,” Ian sobbed. An action seeded in idiotic bravery turned out better than he could have imagined. His brother was back and he’d figure out Alec eventually.
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thegengarprincess · 2 months
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Edgar rlly is his daddy’s son isn’t he- ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️ (N cuz their both fuckin *A D O R A B L E* N 4 *W H A* :’333333<3333333333!!!!!!!)
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hellodolleyes · 2 years
I drew these a while back, thought I'd post them cause they fit here. I love Wilson vs Hanson lol
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Maybe I should draw more
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wendy130 · 1 year
Ghost Chasers
This was originally for a Fake Fic Titles thing (which you can find here), but I really fucking liked it so uhhhhhh, it gets its own post >:3
Ranboo has been getting stalked by giant shadow ghosts ever since he started going to his college.
He has no idea how to make it stop.
They come out at night, when he’s walking back from his classes. He supposes it’s his fault for taking mostly night classes. Gods, he wished he could change his schedule now. He feels like he’s gone insane. Maybe he should check himself into a hospital….. Or. Maybe not. He’s already swimming in debt.
He’s been able to escape their ‘grasp’ (they’re shadows, can they even touch him? He doesn’t want to find out but he had a feeling that they can) for now, but it’s getting harder.
There’s more showing up. He’s counted six different shadow monsters.
They all have defining features, of which he’s named them after.
Smiley for the emoji smile plastered on their face, Piggy for the piglike ears and outline of tusks on their face, Birdie for their somehow even darker shadowed wings, the Spider for the eight limbs jutting out of their back, and Bee for the translucent wings on their back.
After half a year of dealing with them, he had come up with a basic outline of how they worked. Smiley and Piggy were the most aggressive when it came to trying to find and catch him but they never chased him too far and they were uncommon. Birdie never showed up too often, but they were persistent once they did, often following him the entire way back to his dorm. The Spider and the Bee were the daily ones. They too would sometimes chase him all the way back to his dorm, but mostly stayed back like Smiley and Piggy. And their attempts to catch him were always teasing in a way. As if they were playing with him. A cat letting the mouse run until it tired.
And he was tiring quickly after half a year of dealing with them.
Jokes on him tho bc they literally all just want to cuddle him lmao
Techno - Piggy; Smiley - Dream; Bee - Tubbo; Spider - Tommy; Birdie - Phil
And here are some extra hcs!!
Phil can be seen hanging off of powerlines.
Tubbo and Tommy always hanging out at the nearby garden that Ranboo has to pass everyday.
Techno hangs out around tall buildings. Maybe one of Ranboo's classes (bc college is cool & has classes on certain days) is where he sometimes appears. Or, sometimes colleges have a building just for teacher’s offices, & he can hang around there. Ranboo sometimes goes to his teacher's office for help and Techno is like "ooh, frien has come for a visit"
Dream also likes to hang out around tall buildings and can float in the air which is v/ scary. Tubbo can do it too but he doesn't do it often, unlike Dream
There are noms
I will die before I give up noms
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taters169 · 2 months
The Tin drabbles
TW: minor character death
"How the hell have you lost it?" Asked John
"I think it escaped, I'm like 95% positive I locked the cage door" replied Ian.
"You're a fucking moron you know that" said John shaking his head. "Come on I'll help you look"
Ian had been his friend for a long time but the guy was an idiot, far too soft on his little toy. John's own toy was almost perfect after years of training, it almost never defied him anymore. He was starting to get bored if he was honest with himself he much preferred the breaking than the broken result.
The two men hunted high and low around Ian's house with no sign of where the little pest could have gotten to. Eventually they moved their search outside.
"Here look!" Said John "you've got a broken airbrick. If it managed to get into the walls it probably got out here. It might not have gotten far you check that side of the garden I'll check this side"
Carefully checking under bushes and behind pots the men made their way towards the bottom of the garden.
"There look!" Yelled Ian pointing under a bush near the gate
"Ha! Told you it wouldn't have gotten far" said John. "Can you reach?"
"Not quite" Answered Ian trying to get his hand through the mass of branches.
The escaped toy looked panicked trying to find a way out
"No no no please no I can't go back" said the tiny creature. Suddenly it managed to slip past Ian's reaching hand and made it to the gate
"Ah shit! Quick grab it" yelled Ian
John dived towards it just as it rolled and slipped under the gate. The two men scrambled to their feet fumbling with the gate latch. They ran out onto the street just in time to see the little toy run out onto the road straight into the path of an oncoming car. It didn't even have time to scream before it was nothing but a mess on the tarmac. Indistinguishable from any other creature who ended up as road kill.
"Fucks sake" said Ian
"Bad luck that mate" said John clapping his hand on his friends shoulder. "I tell you what though, I've been thinking about a new one anyway. I'm sure we can come to a deal if you want my old one. At least mines properly broken I doubt it would run even if I left the cage open"
"I'm sure I closed it" said Ian defeatedly
"Yeah I'm sure you did." John suddenly had an idea of one last way to torture his little pet before he ordered a replacement. "You at work tomorrow?" He asked
"Yeah I'm on the close"
"Perfect, how about I drop it in at your shop all wrapped up and terrified for you. I'll let you have it for half the price of a new one, mates rates yeah?"
"That would be great thanks John you're a real pal."
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eightyuh · 1 year
Is there any part of being small that Glen enjoys?
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who wouldn't right?
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starlit-gt · 1 month
When you want people to join you and do some sort of fearplay stuff to you, but you're shy
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emmyrosee · 2 years
Emmy I just thought about motorcycle man samu in the tight sports leathers and helmet and I’m literally (s)creaming so bad rn. Imagine him with a strong but still soft body all wrapped up in those tight outfits. He’s an upperclassmen in your college and an occasional costumer at the small noodle shop you work at on your days off. The first time you meet him was brief and you don’t actually know it was him. To be fair you were rushing to a lab you were late for and you weren’t looking where you were going -honestly though, how can you miss a man so deliciously big as him?- he had just stepped off his bike right into your path and now you’re face first into his tits with your books scattered on the ground (this is sounding suspiciously similar to the piece you did for college Samu IT WAS SO GOOD EMMY PLS MORE). The next time you meet him he’s leaning against the wall in your living room waiting for your roommate to lend him some notes from a lecture he missed. He has his helmet off this time but he’s still all decked out in his motorcycling outfit and you don’t normally stare but it is genuinely a crime for him to look that good. You stumble out a quick hi before darting to the fridge to get some water and a snack and the whole time you can feel his eyes on you (I don’t know where to go from here but GOD I just want this man to be so smug about himself and wrap my arms around him while riding on the back of his motorcycle. Pls I would literally let him do anything to me) -pip anon
Also my former mechanic/mechanic k1nk really comes through so I am sorry for any sin you might see PFFFF- also this isn’t what you asked for but I make the rules so-
But unlike his brother, Osamu is just not into the sport life anymore. He’s still bulked up and muscle, hell he is still Atsumu’s brother, but there’s no volleyball in his blood anymore. He turns himself into a love for working with his hands, and the minute he lands his eyes on a pretty motorcycle for cheap- just needed some touch ups with the spark plugs and ignition, there was no way it wasn’t meant to be.
And he pimps it out good.
It’s hot, he’s hot with it, it makes the ladies sweat and men intimidated, he’s always working on it outside of classes and he always takes it on a first date to make anyone behind him squeak and hold onto him tight.
You hate him and that stupid bike.
He’s so ridiculous with it, it’s so goddamned loud every morning, when he rolls up to the small shop you work at- who cares if the nice old couple who owns the store loves the bike and sends him on little errands, it’s obnoxious, and it causes major backups in your line from people staring.
(It definitely doesn’t do that, people just stop and look because they’re interested in the beautiful metal. But that’s not the point, okay, it’s obnoxious.)
You wouldn’t even care, okay, if he wasn’t so obvious about owning the bike. It’s his personality trait at this point; one time, when you were making a mad dash to your class, you literally ran into Osamu, who’s built like a damn house, and he sent you flailing back onto the curb. His helmet and keys clanged down next to you, and at first he looked at the helmet, then he looks at you.
A flurry of apologies came out from his lips, accompanied by an offer to give you a ride, but your scraped palms and sore tailbone caused tears of frustration to well in your eyes, and you shoved him away with a bark.
You hated the motorcycle. And you hated how much he cared for it. It’s a piece of metal, why does anyone love it sooooo much?
It doesn’t help that every Tuesday, you come back to your apartment, your home, your safe space, and the damned hunk of junk is parked, because one of your roommate’s is best friends with Osamu (actually, it’s your roommate’s boyfriend’s bestie, which makes it even worse bc he doesn’t even live with you-) and he comes by to catch up on some notes; that ugly ass helmet with corny ass gold embossing just sits on the table that you eat at, mocking you.
You grumble, slip your backpack off and stomp to your bedroom to get away from the smell of gasoline and sweat and absolutely flowing testosterone.
You’re in the middle of your pity party when there’s a knock on your door, and when you answer it, there’s a fuckin’ barn standing in your doorframe, that horrendous smirk on his face.
“Hey sunshine,” that stupid slight accent drawls, and you snarl. “Gonna run to your noodle bar, you hungry?”
“I’m there every other day, I’m more than fine.”
“Shame,” he sighs dramatically. “Only reason I go everyday is to see you.”
“Get OUT!” You bark, grabbing a pillow and swinging it at him, but before you can hit him with it, he’s laughing and slammed the door shut for protection.
“And don’t ever go out of your way to see me, you freak!”
Spoiler- he does continue to go out of his way to see you.
Granted, you never saw it like that, it was more him flexing off his motorcycle than anything else, but now with the idea he was doing it to see you makes you even more shy around him. You can’t meet his eyes as easy, when he makes an innuendous comment, your cheeks get embarrassingly hot, and god, those fucking compression shirts he wears because of how long he rides starts to drive you up the wall.
Stupid shaggy hair and stupid big muscles and stupid cocky smirk and stupid arms that could easily scoop and pin you to the wall and stupid lips that could mark the deepest of hickeys on your neck.
God damn it.
You hate stupid sexy Osamu and his stupid sexy bike.
The one sliver you’re able to get away from it is when you’re locking up the shop for the night, no sight of anyone for the last hour and a half, and despite the hot broth it’s too cold to walk into the shop, and it’s a time of peace.
Well- at least until you hear the reviving of an engine behind you.
“Hey,” he smirks. “You need a ride? Dangerous for you to be walkin’ ‘round out here alone.”
“Are you stalking me, you freak?”
“No,” he shrugs. “But roomie told me you got out at 10. This is me picking you up to drive you back to your place.”
You scoff as you cross your arms, “I’ve walked this route plenty of times by myself. I can handle it tonight too.”
“Wasn’t a question, doll.” He reaches behind him for the rear compartment’s helmet, shoving it towards you for you to put on. “I’m driving you back.” He gives you a playfully cock of his head and pokes his tongue in his cheek, “what would I do if somethin’ happened to you?”
You cock your brow, “you practically shoved me on the concrete a few months back and you checked on your precious helmet first; you don’t give a shit what happens to me.”
“You’re still on that?” He sighs, taking off his helmet to make direct eye contact with you. “I told you I’m sorry, I heard the loud noise before I heard you. You know I’d never fuck around if you were hurt.”
“I was hurt. I couldn’t write notes for three days.”
His brow cocks cheekily and he gives you a cocky shrug, “well then next time I’ll be a little more gentle with ya, hm?”
Your cheeks flush and your hands ball into fists, trying to ward off the clamminess. Your little heart pounds, and with those giant grey peepers looking you up and down, you hate the way the dynamic shifts. “You’re such a fucking-“ you let a shaky exhale out of your nose. “Fine. Take me home.”
“With pleasure,” he purrs, letting you put on your helmet and swing a leg over the back of his motorcycle. A gasp slips through your lips as your hips shift to try and get comfortable behind him, but it’s taller and it looks and wide enough for his massive legs to stretch over but not necessarily yours, and for fucks sake how does he deal with these vi-fucking-brations-
“Hold on tight,” he calls behind to you, revving the engine once, twice, and a third before he feels your arms cling tight around him. You practically hear the smirk in his voice when he chuckles:
“I like to go fast, babe.”
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miniaturemallow · 1 year
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Big bad wolf and little red riding hood, emphasis on big and little
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Due to their unique, eye-catching appearances and general durability, Dryads are considered the ideal pet.
Easy to capture (all you have to do is threaten them with a torch), and easy to keep (dirt, sunlight, and water are all you really need), a Dryad is sure to make a dazzling addition to any collection. And the best part is, there's no guilt attached. After all, they're not people, they're plants.
Tree Dryads are the most common species. Though nearly indistinguishable from a regular tree while in their plant form, they sure do stand out in their humanoid form!
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The complexion of most Tree Dryads is green, but they'll also tend to take on traits of their species of tree, making each subset look wholly unique.
While rarer and more expensive than Tree Dryads, Flower Dryads are worth every cent. Their tiny, delicate appearance is sure to delight anyone, and they come in a variety of gorgeous colors.
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Another close relative to the Dryad is the elusive and dangerous Naiad. While a Dryad can be found in the home of any self-respecting lord, a Naiad will rarely be seen outside of a cirque or private menagerie.
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The beauty of Naiads and rare Dryads is undeniable, but most experts will agree that a common Tree Dryad makes the best pet for beginners.
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