cloudynyims · 4 months
OMG i would love to hear any of your mha g/t thoughts/headcanons!! i’ve been obsessed with giant aizawa lately ahhh
heeeeee he's the best grumpy acts like he doesn't care giant but is actually perfect for caring for tinies! I also think he's perfect for parental g/t because COME ON (the show basically gives us the content for free but wtvs) I'll give some hcs for other characters bc i miss my MHA era lowkey
present mic: love him to death but DAMN would tinies get tired of his voice real quick. he'd get used to tempering it for them though! He's not the type to underestimate tinies ever. Like yes! you climb that counter by yourself! you got it! he's a big tiny enthusiast but isn't over the top about it. Pretty chill to be around once you get past the sheer noise. Invest in earplugs.
izuku: my fav nerd <3 he's always had theories about borrowers existing and teh very first one he meets he'll be overboard with the questions. they're lowkey a bit dehumanizing (You live like this? how do you... you know... keep yourself clean? etc etc he's trying his best) once the borrower explains that they're just a person but smaller he chills out a little. he won't ever stop being amazed by how tiny they are, and is always a little nervous about hurting them on accident. but he's the sweetest ever, always making sure they have enough to eat and rest. protects them with everything he has and they always feel safe around him
mirio: MY FAV IN THE BIG 3‼️ He treats any tiny he comes across like old friends. this is mostly because he phases through things and sees them chilling in the walls and under the floors. he's used to it. He helps them out when he can and the borrowers are pretty chill with him too. It was pretty freaky the first time this happened though... but all the borrowers collectively agree that Mirio is chill. He's perky for sure, but they don't mind having someone to chat with who occasionally brings them food and other small gifts. Lots of hugs. To me, he has this very safe vibe that everyone can feel
Shinso: one time I saw a fic somewhere where Shinso lured a borrower out with his quirk because he thought they were a villain and it was so silly lol. I feel like he'd appreciate having a little borrower friend who he can be himself around. They sort of understand what it's like to be lonely and misunderstood, so I feel like he'd bond with them over that. he'd never ever control them on purpose and makes that very clear because ofc he wants this tiny person to trust him. he doesn't have a strong opinion on borrowers, and if he ever noticed one while walking around UA, he'd probably leave them alone unless they needed help or otherwise.
if these are somewhat ooc that's because I haven't watched in FOREVER... when i have more time this summer i'll probably start catching up on MHA, demon slayer, and JJK because I'll have plentyyyyy of time but this is all I can think of atm :)
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cloudynyims · 1 year
forest giant zoro has been infecting my brain for days bro
you ignited the flames...
I've only watched half of the LA so far but so far Zoro as a forest giant protector is GOLDEN. I'm having trouble describing it in words so I'll explain the best I can in scenarios 😵‍💫
the first thing is that Zoro would live DEEP in the forest. like, wayyyy in the back. a wandering traveler gets lost and zoro hasn't seen humans in ages. He's curious about them and asks them a few questions. He still acts how he usually does (monotonous, not really expressing much, iykyk). The traveler is a bit freaked out because they can't get a read on this random giant in the forest. maybe they run away or they just stand there looking confused and a bit bewildered. Zoro knows they're lost because you'd have to walk so far to get to where he is. once he realizes that the conversation is going nowhere, he just picks them up and takes them closer to civilization. now the traveler is conflicted bc Zoro helped them even though he seemed so distant.
on the other hand, if the tiny had a more adventurous personality, they'd think Zoro was the coolest thing ever. he's got giant swords and lives in the forest come on now!!! They wouldn't leave him alone. at all. he tries to tell them that it's dangerous and that they should leave. but they do not care at all. When's the next time they'll get to see a giant? Zoro is a little annoyed that they won't leave him alone but truly doesn't mind that they hang around. Once they meet him the tiny's life mission is to make him smile!
okay, that was just brain vomit sorry if it isn't coherent and makes no sense. TLDR: YES YES 100 times over YES
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cloudynyims · 1 month
I can’t believe I just found out about that Haikyu RPG game they made called Haikyu Quest (or Final Haikyu quest?) and my g/t thoughts are going brrrr
Like it has humans a demons in it and I’m just thinking what if the demons were inherently giant sized and omg the potential for angst
hold up hold up there's an rpg game????? Ok drop the link anon because I did not know about this
your ask is reminding me of that scene in season 3 where ushijima was like total giant vibes in the last episode or so
but I think i'd nee dto understand the mechanics of the RPG game before I have any thoughts
I am intrigued but confused so plz enlighten me😅
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cloudynyims · 1 year
first of all thank you for my first ask hehe
I feel like he would be so considerate once he knows what to do. Like understanding how to properly treat a tiny would be a learning curve for him but once he gets it, he's so perfect at it. He's so chipper and receptive that it's easy to forgive him if he messes up bc he'll correct it right away and never do it again. Idk if you get what i mean but yeah😶
like at first he's a bit handsy when they first meet, but once the tiny explains that "no, you can't just pick me up with no warning or hold me like I'm a pencil," he gets better
After he learns how to take care of a tiny, he's very respectful always asking before he does anything with them, checking in to see if they're doing okay ("you alright, amigo pequeño?"),
He would enjoy sharing different parts of his life and culture w/ them (he would definitely tease the tiny if they can't handle spice in the food he makes for them). also, he would teach the tiny how to play soccer using whatever mini ball he can find. (once he tried w/ a marble, it didn't work very well) I can imagine him trying to help them practice by playing against them w/ his fingers for some reason😅 he would definitely show off for them in practice
"Hey, watch this new move I learned," (he succeeds 75% of the time)
His favorite way to hold a tiny is either on his shoulder or the chest pocket. he's active and uses his hands a lot, so he wouldn't want to drop them on accident
as much as I love Dani, I feel like sometimes he would forget the tiny places... like he practices so hard or gets so involved w/ something else that he completely forgets about the tiny and just moves on w/ life😭 it's usually Sam, Jamie (post s1), or Ted who has to get them back to Dani. then he apologizes w/ that little smile (you know what I'm talking about) and promises not to do it again (he will, unintentionally)
that's all i can think of rn and ty again for the ask!
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cloudynyims · 1 year
giant sam thoughts gimme them right neow
WAH GIANT SAM THE ULT PROTECTOR. did I mention that I love love love sam?
So respectful, unbelievably so. I can confidently say that from jump street he would know exactly how to handle a tiny. He was raised to be respectful to everyone and that extends to a tiny 100%. He always asks before picking them up, asks how they want to be held, if his voice is too loud for them (NEVER soft-spoken king), if they feel comfortable in social situations, everything. The tiny appreciates this very much.
If he's the only one who knows about them, he would hide them for as long as they wanted until they were comfortable being shown to other people. He tells his parents about the tiny though, just bc he finds them adorable and his parents are halfway across the world.
If the tiny is more confident and bold, then Sam would easily get worried for them I see it so clearly. He'd have to get used to their autonomy lol.
"That looks a little high for you... did you want me to-- oh, you got down on your own. I'm proud of you!" (tiny looks at him in confusion like what do you think I did before you knew I was here?)
Sam would be so great at comforting them. He would always be available for them if they wanted to vent or felt overwhelmed. This is really random but I feel like he would just bring the tiny things to expand their worldview, like let them try new foods or get them a souvenir from any away games. He loves seeing the wonder in their expression every time.
Mhm I just really love sam k that's it ty for the ask <3 /p
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