#sorta a songfic ?
batsvnte · 1 year
𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐞 • 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
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Pairing(s): Wally Darling
Sypnosis: you seem to not get enough of these phone calls you’ve been getting from Wally. Not like how he’s acting recently
Warning(s): Obsessive behavior, cursing, reader is 0.01% away from breaking something, also hints reader is progressively getting sick, ooc maybe, not proofread
Song used: Telephone by Lady Gaga
Word Count: 2K
Notes: black gender neutral!reader (they/them pronouns) with lovesick! Wally. Here’s my go at the lovesick au heunehueeb— the color for the lyrics are killing me but it’s fine. Also decided to go for the second person to see how this works. Au belongs to @halohelene on tik tok, characters belong to @/partycoffin
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Not that I don’t like you, I’m just at a party
You wished that you realized sooner.
The little signs that was being given off ever since that rainy day that occurred few weeks prior to what was happening now. You recalled how drenched everyone became since they were out in the rain. One of your neighbors, Wally Darling, specifically. Two days later is when it started showing physically since he was coming out to less and less. The everyone concluded that he was down with an sickness that Wally came down with.
Lounging around in your home without anything planned for the day as usual. Though part of you was reluctant to hear knocking on your door, or the phone's ringing. Waiting for someone to talk to you and drag you to bring them into their fun shenanigans they have planned for the day. You often shake away the thought, wanting the day to be by yourself as some way to recharge yourself due to your social battery being inherently low for the past couple of days.
You were broken out of your thoughts the moment the phone rang. You nearly shoot up right out of your seat before relaxing, realizing it might be one of the neighbors calling you. You suspect it would be Sally since she's been recently calling you a lot. For advice on the plays she has written and notes that she rambles to you about scenes. All the usual stuff that you and Sally would talk about for hours.
"Hello? (L/N) speaking." It was like an automated line that is always said whenever the phone was picked up by you.
No answer. You thought that it was some mistaken call that was directed to you. You were about to speak again before your voice was caught up in your throat.
"Hello neighbor.."
Wally's voice filled your ear. You haven't talked to him in a long while which surprised you in the slightest. Part of you was relieved that he was calling you.
"Hey Wally!" A smile spread across your face. "I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm feeling great, neighbor." Through his monotonous voice there was some bit of comfort for him through those words. "I'm so glad you picked up. I've missed your voice."
Here was the start of what you thought was to be a short conversation. Chatting about what you were doing the past couple of days and rambling about your interests to him. He didn't have much to say but he made it known that was listening to every single thing you said. Wally would often times thrown in compliments which caught you off guard. Maybe this was the first sign you needed to know.
"Look, Wally I need to go." It was your third reminder to him since you realized how long you've been in the phone for.
"What about the story? Can you tell me more about it, please?"
"I'll tell you soon."
You didn't hear the rest of what he had to say due to bringing the phone away from your ear while uttering a quick bye before hanging up. You let out a soft sigh, not realizing how late it's gotten. The sun was already at its prime of setting, revealing only streetlights as its main source to see the outside world clearly. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion as you wondered what time it was. And how long you've been on the phone for.
And I am sick and tired of my phone ringing
Getting prepared for your night time routine you realized you weren't as tired as you thought to be. You just been staring up at the ceiling for the past consecutive hours of the night. You decided against your thoughts of attempted sleeping, getting up from your warm covers and into the chill air of your room.
You chose to do you hair, wanting a new hairstyle for yourself. Turning on some music just loud enough for you to hear only you started with plaiting your hair. You were somewhat aware of how long it would take, but it didn't matter. Just as long as you didn't sit around doing nothing without any ounce of exhaustion is something you didn't want to do.
Through the music you mindlessly part and plait your hair into tiny strands to make braids. You didn't realize how many you've done before you heard a noise. Slowly down your pace you glance to the radio that was carelessly tossed onto you bed. You've heard this song more than enough times to count the beats to the song.
Something about it was throwing you off.
Listening closely to the noise you've made a slow realization of the phone ringing. It was faint since the phone was in a completely different room but it felt like it was directly next to you. Questions starting to flood your mind as you finally finish the hair strands in your hand, directing your eyes over to the closed door of your bedroom.
'How long has the phone been ringing?'
It could've been minutes since the phone has been ringing. Getting a random call in the middle of the night scared you somewhat even though the phone line was directly connected to your friendly neighbors. You turn your head back to the mirror that you were seated in front of. It was better not to answer the phone right now since it was probably a random call accidentally made to you. But was it? You didn't know at all. You just needed to finish what you started.
After the final braid was done, you cleaned yourself up and flopped down on your bed. Barely missing the radio that tilted to the side due to your weight on the bed. Exhaustion finally caught up with you and you fell asleep.
Sometimes I feel like I live in Grandcentral Station
For the next couple of days was a never ending cycle for you. It weirded you out at first without any question. But the more you repeated the same action, it would just happen not even minutes later once you were away from it. Waking up to a mundane routine is something you wished for.
Wake up, get yourself breakfast, phone rings for several minutes, do you daily activities friends, get dinner, and go to sleep.
Wake up, phone rings for several minutes, get yourself some breakfast, the phone rings for an hour, do your daily activities, get dinner and go to sleep.
The phone rings for several minutes, wake up, phone rings for two hours, get yourself breakfast, the phone goes off, stay indoors, the phone rings, dinner, the phone rings, and go to sleep.
The phone rings again. The ringing was driving you insane. It was going on any time you were inside your own home. Whenever you went to another's house, their phone was silent as ever. Something that you had wished for. But it wasn't the only thing that kept you up late at night. You've been having conversations with Wally prior to the endless phone calls. Part feeling bad that he was still stuck in his home instead of being outside and spending time with the neighbors. You hadn't realize that his condition was getting progressively worse the more you kept talking to him.
Wally wanted to hear your voice more. He needed to hear you talk about whatever came to mind or was brought up. The sound of your voice was a melodious tune to him. Wally couldn't help it at all.
You wished you connected it sooner than expected.
And yet here you were. You were sitting down at the dinner table that was in your own home, your food gone untouched. You could only stare blankly at the plate in front of you knowing well that it's gone cold. Your eyes slowly drifted over to the phone that was resting on the counter. You had moved it during one of your calls with Wally so you can multitask: talk to him while making yourself something to eat. Easier and more convient for you, wasn't it?
It's been ringing once again. Your mind automatically thought it was Wally calling you again. It couldn't be anyone else to call you this late at night.
How else would he know that you tend to stay up into the late hours of the night. Or how you would wake up without a thought, doing whatever gets you back into exhaustion so you have more energy for tomorrow. How else could he know these details about you that you never mentioned.
You pushed the chair back without cringing at the screeching floorboard you caused it to make. You storm into the kitchen, opening various of drawers and digging through the various amount of supplies that you had stashed away. You were doing it aggressively to the point were you could've accidentally taken out an entire drawer. Pulling and slamming over and over again before you found what you were looking for. You scooped up a pair of scissors into your hands with the satisfaction of finally finding your desired item.
Pushing yourself away from the messy drawers and cabinets, you rush back over to the phone. You nearly knock over the phone which would've been desirable but it wasn't what you were aiming for. Going to the other side, you trace the long thin cable that connected your phone to the house, which gave access to anyone calling you. Finding no care for the length, you swiftly snip the cord in half.
An unfamiliar silence filled the room. Lowering your hands, you let one end of the cord slip through you hands and onto the floor. Relief washes over your body was you stand up properly. Sliding the scissors gently onto the counter. Turning away from the phone with no care what you're going to do with it. As long as it was silent, you were happy.
The phone rings.
You nearly snap your neck to look at the phone once again. Tou were thinking you might be imagining it all over again. The phone vibrates as the ringing starts up again. You were sure that you cut the phone line. What other cord could be connected to the phone.
'What the fuck is going on? Why is it ringing? How is it still ringing!? Just fucking stop!'
One thing led to another and you found yourself on the floor sitting against the wall. Viewing the phone that was at a distance due to it being knocked over by you throwing it at a nearby wall. It didn't break fully which made you more frustrated, but you didn't have anymore energy to deal with it. You were tired. You wanted it to stop.
"Now neighbor.. is that a way to answer a friend?" Wally's faint voice was heard through the phone, but you made no effort to get closer to hear him better.
"You destroyed your phone," Wally continues to speak with a loving tone in his voice. He sounds genuine, but you knew that there was another emotion present. "How can I be able to hear your voice if I can't call you.. Don't you think it would be better to visit me?”
You remained silent. Something about the suggestion was almost to good to pass up. It has been days since you’ve seen him, and you didn’t want anything more than to make up the lost time with the shorter puppet. But then again, Wally was sick and you weren't going to risk getting others down if you ended up getting sick as well.
You could only stare at the phone but you could feel Wally’s eyes focused on you. Eager for an answer.
Tonight I’m not taking no calls, cause I’ll be dancing
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This is so messy omFG
I was working on another one au thing I saw on tik tok but somehow this au dragged me back here. I’ve been so stressed because of my grades and exams but writing this made me feel better at least. But like- you finna go see him or nah 👀
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shegoesbyjoy · 1 year
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the other side of oblivion
ya girl is back at it again with another DE fic ✌️ 4,528 words, pretty heavy angst (with an uplifting conclusion), and features a healthy sprinkling of some of my favourite quotes from the game.
this was written rather obsessively over the course of 2 days, most of which fell in the early hours of the morning because i apparently Do Not Know how to maintain a proper sleep schedule when i'm inspired to write. bit of a different format than the usual as well, which was fun to try it out!
as always, love to hear your thoughts if you read it (tysm for reading regardless 💖), share if you'd like, and hope you enjoy :)
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
chaos and balance- the capsize
"i don't think you understand what's actually happening here. If you'd just open your bloody fucking eyes, it's pretty obvious."
Chaos and Balance is a narrative playlist that basically comprises, in a chronological order, my headcanon for the progression of cTom Syndicate and cJordan's relationship through the course of S1, S2, the divorce arc (post-canon part 1), Mianitian Isles and the Aftermath (post-canon part 2, aka Gays on A Boat, Aitheaca, etc.) It started mainly because I really love the potential of using music to tell stories, and how lyrics can be representative of feelings seldom expressed any other way- based on both canon moments, moments I've interpreted as significant to their relationship/overall arcs, and little interludes I've written that take place in between episodes/"off camera" that connect things together in my head. All this being said, it is primarily headcanons, and is purely for fun. dont like dont read lmao
This specific being how keeping in the canon nonsense of capsize x jordan plays a role in cSyndisparklez from my pov :] enjoy!
(Red lyrics are representative of Jordan’s voice, green is Tom! Bolded black is both of them)
The shenanigans of Capsize happen just after falling for the villain,
in which Jordan is forced internally for the first time to come to terms with the fact that yes, he is in love with his friend/enemy/however you wanna put it. Despite how much he annoys him, despite all of his questionable behavior, despite it all, he has fallen head over heels for this absolute bastard of a man, and hates to admit it, but deep down has longed for a kind of affection that he could have.
I'll take my timeI'm not the forward thinker; you read my mind-
But a part of him still remains hesitant, and for one reason or another, refuses to give in, to openly admit it to not just others but himself. It’s at this point (I’ve written in) that Tom’s kissed him twice. The first, just a little peck on the lips he was able to brush off as a joke, just a hahaa ok cool bro that's funny. But the second time, as a cheap play by the zombie to get a purge kill having already caught the Ianitee off guard. It's irritating for sure, to have him weasel his way into free points by taking advantage of a distraction that worked a little too well, but why could he not get it out of his head? It hadn’t felt so wrong, actually, and… he had almost hoped it had been genuine. If it had been genuine, maybe he would have returned the gesture.
Better to leave it unsaidWhy can't I leave it unsaid
Instead they dance around it in banter, blathering on and on to one another in often complete nonsense, refusing to address what’s really on his mind. (You know I talk too much) He could confess, sure. But what happens then? All the meanwhile, Tom is scared he’s losing him. (As I hold your face, I can't find the words I need, and soon the opportunity is drowning)
Never someone all that good with words, he kind of hopes that Jordan will catch on. He has to catch on, sooner or later.. Right?Z
And then Capsize and the Ianitee pirates show up. To Jordan, it seems like she’s interested in him beyond him just being another follower of Ianite, and there’s his escape. Play along, play the part and maybe- maybe he’ll get over this.
You know my type, tightrope across the table I can't keep holding my breath
She seems to be into it. She’s responding to his flirting at least. See. He doesn’t need Tom. An Ianitee and another Ianitee seems more acceptable to him in his head, and maybe would be easier. That about, he’s not really sure.
New wave, no time Red velvet under pressure
But what Jordan does know is that he’s drawn to her. To him, it could be a way to forget about Tom. To the varied onlooker, it could just be that he’s happy to have another Ianitee around. Someone who can relate to his experience, someone who’s out to find their goddess just as much as he wants to. But he continues to conflate the two and pursue her in a way that he won’t realize for years is less than ideal.
It sparks my memory when we parked aside the shore, I kissed you there, the ocean air enchanting It escapes me quickly
Tom on the other hand, is for lack of a better word furious. Not in like a “I’m gonna murder this pirate captain for stealing my man” (because if he’s honest she’s one of the coolest people he’s met and he’s gonna befriend her whether Jordan likes it or not, with him claiming it to be ‘Mr. steal your gal’ which is??? Because does it really seem like he wants Capsize, if not as a spiteful thing)
When Jordan’s not around, Tom and Capsize hit it off, as she finds this zombie who doesn’t want to flirt with her at any given moment a lot more of an interesting person. As a Dianitee, he’s supposed to be their enemy, but for someone so supposedly dedicated to his god, he knows how to carve his own path away from being more than his god’s messenger- something she’s always admired in champions.
You call me poison, but you won't stop coming around- No, you won't stop coming around
For the purpose of perhaps getting Jordan to get the hint, Tom plays into their supposed love triangle, pretending to do things to ‘steal away Capsize’, only feeding into Jordan’s confusion. *Now Tom’s interested in her too? Is he trying to move on from me too? *- clearly to dense to realize Tom’s trying to get his attention back. She even admits to Tom that it's amusing that men seem to keep coming after her, when she’s very much more into women (abridged, but direct quote)
All I want is you- Your violet disposition, My unsound intuition
It all sort of culminates in that moment on Jordan’s ship where Tom, annoyed from his perch, watches his friend make an absolute fool of himself over Capsize, and decides to intervene, taking on the role of “fighting” Jordan over her. Capsize in a way is having a good laugh watching them roll around on the deck of the ship (I’ve drawn this, this is where it all started), starting to see it all sort of come together as to where Jordan could be coming from. At some point, Tom’s got Jordan pinned to the deck, and as one last desperate attempt at trying to communicate what he’s been trying to all along, he kisses Jordan, and much to his surprise, he kisses him back. They pull away, to Capsize’s approving nods, and it's all over.
(Jordan’s attempts at saving this are my interpretation of this conversation, aka one of my favorite chat threads of S1)
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In the aftermath of all of that (If I had any semblance of a memory I’d pinpoint when exactly this interlude takes place, but im just ballparking it somewhere after Jordan dies in Tom’s vault bc Capsize doesn’t save him); in which he’s still thinking about what happened that day. Jordan reluctantly confronts Tom who spills it all. He tells him how much and how long he’s been in love with him, and how frustrated it made him that every time he kissed Jordan, Jordan never seemed to reciprocate no matter how obvious his feelings were. He’s tried so hard to make it clear that all he wants is Jordan, he wants to be loved back, he wants to be able to call him his lover. He did what he did in front of Capsize cause the fake ass courting set him over the edge because it pissed him off that Jordan would so quickly go after someone he just met just because she was an Ianitee or whatever to get away from him, because was he really that bad that Jordan had to try to hard to stay away from him? Tom knows he had himself to blame as well, but it felt like a step too far.
Always been looking for something to lose, when I needed something to hold onto.
(This sequence is followed by Pull Me Up, which. If you haven’t seen my CMV that’s the one xD)
Note. For my sanity I choose to perceive that any capsize x jordan moments following are more related to Jordan’s ‘holiest of all Ianitees’ attitude and feeling like he has to be her savior (which is a different aspect of his character arc from the romantic side, which is what I mostly wanted to focus on with this ramble, but i do touch on it a little. It's not as ever present as it could be because I haven’t found the right song to incorporate it into outside of Violet and Talk Too Much) But there is definitely more. This is from what i have notated in my stuff for these two sequences :] enjoy!
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Okay wild idea for a fanfic: Bella and Edward get pressured into trying out for the school musical, Bella by her friends Angela, Edward by Alice because she knows Bella is and she wants Edward to go out with her because she knows he has a crush on her obviously, and it turns out they’re looking for somebody to play Kristoff and Anna in the Broadway version of Frozen and Rosalie has already snatched Elsa, so it’s bonding for the three of them? Also them doing “what d you know about love” because the director was like let’s see if they have chemistry” yesss LoL
I put this version because I don’t like the voice of the actual Broadway recording version of kristoff… idk why it’s just too deep. Makes him sound older like almost 40… and that’s… weird.
Bella: you’ve got opinions on my life and my relations… but let me tell you what!
Edward(eyeroll): Okaaaay enlighten me…
Bella: love is the one thing that has zero complications… and I can trust my gut (Edward cringes)
Edward: okay you frighten me…
Bella: some people know their hearts the minute true love starts!
Edward (eyebrow raised): some people read a lot of books…
Bella(eyes narrowed in annoyance): hey! I like books thank you very much! some people simply know… when true love says hello
Edward (kinda jealous because he thinks she likes her best friend Jacob): some girls are taken in by princely looks…
Both: what do you know about love? What do you know about anything?!?
Edward: anyone with half a brain would have brought some winter gear…
Bella: anyone with half a LIFE would have one friend who’s not a deer!
Edward: anyone who jumps headlong is gonna bang their head!!!
Bella: any fool who doesn’t jump right now is PROBABLY GONNA END UP DEAD!!!
(His eyes widen as a huge prop or something starts to fall and he yanks her out of the way scooping her up into his arms, her eyes widen in awe the director thinks they’re just doing the act really well but she’s truly shocked and he’s horrified)
Bella: wow… you’re really strong…
Edward(brushing it off, continues the number): I lift a lot of ice…
Both: at least we know one thing this trip should be interesting!
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lees-chaotic-brain · 4 months
"Can't help falling in love with you" covered by aeseaes. For the blue-eyed king himself, Gojo Satoru (I will never change)
For this ask, I was thinking of it as a sequel to the "dancing with your ghost" fic (reincarnation), but idk if that's allowed, so if it's not, just ignore this little tidbit.
Basically, just reader being so in love with gojo and feeling that their love is inevitable, like they are destined to be together. Mutual pining, fluff, SAPPINESS! If you can make the reader an absolute SIMP, that would be amazing omg (I am down BAD)
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summary: when the expired mochi in your pantry leaves you with such a resounding sense of wrongness that you find yourself rushing out to buy some more the last thing you expected was falling in love with a stranger...
wc: 2.3k
cw: none!! one kiss, fluff, reincarnation au, one sorta implied mention of itafushi bc i know you love them luna, reader is a bit of a hopeless romantic, overall cuteness
a/n: this is technically a part two to this, but you can also read either as a standalone! also special thanks to @pandora-ophelia-blog for all the help with gojo headcanons!!
listen to this while reading
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You had never truly fallen in love before, but you imagined that when you did in the future it would be nothing like the movies. Truthfully, you didn’t want it to be anything like the movies. The whole idea of love at first sight seemed rather…superficial to you. Like, how were you supposed to look at someone and just know that they were the one for you?
In your opinion, love at first sight didn’t exist. Maybe attraction at first sight did, but how could you love someone you didn’t know anything about? The first time you saw someone the only thing you knew about them was how they looked. That’s why love at first sight always seemed shallow and fake to you. It was more about your outer appearance than who you were as a person.
So no, you didn’t believe in love at first sight. You never had, and you didn’t think you ever would. And although you had never fallen in love before, you had plenty of ideas about what it should be like. Probably too many for someone who hadn’t even had their first kiss. But that didn’t stop you.
In your mind, love was slow, like the trickle of syrupy sweetness that slid off your popsicle and pooled on your skin on a hot summer day. Love was something like that line from The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. You know, that one that goes “I fell in love the way you fall asleep. Slowly, then all at once.”
Because love wasn’t something that just appeared. It was something that had to be built, something that built up over time before sucker punching you in the gut when you least expect it. You can’t just decide to love someone and charge blindly in. Love chose you, and it took time.
Being a hopeless romantic, you had spent countless nights laying awake and formulating what your idea of love was. But in all of those sleepless nights you never once imagined love would look like a uselessly tall fool with freaky blue eyes nearly bulldozing you over outside of a mochi shop.
Wise men say only fools rush in
The bright packaging on a box of kikufuku mochi on display at your local supermarket had caught your eye a few weeks ago, and you had impulsively tossed it into your cart before promptly forgetting about it until earlier that morning when you had found it in your pantry. For some reason, the resounding loss that filled you at the sight of the expired mochi was so strong, you found yourself struggling to breathe momentarily.
By the time you had remembered how to inhale properly, you found yourself putting your shoes on and headed out to buy some more. You couldn’t explain why you suddenly needed the mochi, seeing as you didn’t even particularly like it, yet you instinctively knew that the expired mochi in your pantry was wrong.
And so, guided by a foreign sense of loss, you found yourself walking to a nearby mochi store, confident you knew where you were going despite having never been to the store before. Lost in your thoughts, you had somehow managed to not notice the lanky giant leaving the store right as you stepped in, causing you to crash forcefully into his chest.
To your mild chagrin, he barely budged, not even wobbling while the force of the impact sent you flying back on your ass.
“Hey there.” Startling blue eyes stared at you from behind tinted shades as their owner bent down with a crooked smile. “You good?”
Meeting his eyes, you couldn’t help but feel something just click into place. There was just something so right about him and his presence. Something that was as familiar and comforting as crawling into your bed after a long day. Something that felt like home.
Time seemed to stop, and the two of you just looking at each other, mapping out faces that already felt so nostalgic. Your gaze lingered a little longer on the dimples in his cheeks, as they were possibly the cutest things you had ever seen, screaming boyish humor and good looks. 
The laughter of his friends teasing him for freezing because he accidentally knocked an attractive person over shook you out of your stupor, reminding you that you were still sitting on your ass on rough, filthy concrete.
Their teasing seemed to reawaken him as well, as he reached out a hand to help you up. You accepted, your face heating as a full body shiver ran through you as your palms connected.
Releasing his hand, you scrambled to your feet, brushing yourself off as you apologized. A little freaked out by the inexplicable connection you felt with him, you sidestepped him and attempted to enter the store.
But it seemed the handsome white haired stranger had other ideas, one long arm extending as he grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks. Flustered, you looked back, and when your eyes met for a second time, you knew it for sure. 
So this is what falling in love at first sight was like. Who knew it actually existed?
But I can't help falling in love with you
That day, the two of you exchanged numbers, and after that things flew by. You went from being complete strangers to best friends in a matter of months, hanging out one on one or in a group at least three times a week. 
As much as you tried to fight it, as much as you hated the idea of love at first sight, you couldn’t help yourself. The instant you had laid eyes on him you had just known somehow. Known he was the one. And despite your attempts to fight it, to fight the inevitability of him, it was far too late for you. If your first encounter had been your downfall, then each interaction after that had been bolts locking your fate into place. Your fate with him.
During that awkward phase where you both pointedly ignored the obvious connection you shared in favor of getting to know each other as friends, you got to know the man Gojo Satoru was, and found yourself falling deeper, the little details adding up and pulling you further.
Like, for someone who pretends to be super cool and popular he’s actually a total dweeb. The first time he let you into his room you spent several minutes gawking at the sheer amount of Digimon paraphernalia carefully placed around the space. When you had finally regained your ability to speak you made the mistake of asking him about it, and were regaled with the tales of his epic Digimon achievements and boasts about how he’s never even touched a guide. 
What can you say? Dweeby men are hot. Apparently slightly pathetic men who are desperate for your affection are also right up your alley. And sure, he was a little clueless when it came to interacting with someone he’s interested in (ie. buys ridiculously expensive gifts/flat out begs), and definitely more than a little immature (ie. dick jokes and pranks) be he was also so much more than that.
Watching him interact with his students and coworkers and hearing him recount stories, you could see just how deeply he cared. From putting the comfort of his students before his own, to always being ready to go to bat for them, he showed his reliability and the type of man he was.
Sure he was annoying at times, and probably indulged in childish shenanigans a bit too much, but at heart he was a good man. A caring man who would give everything he had and more if it would make his students happy. So maybe it was only natural that you found yourself picturing a life with him when you weren’t paying attention.
When you were with him things just felt right. You could count on him to watch out for you, and listen with care and attention. He instinctively knew when something was wrong, and never failed to cheer you up.
In a short period of time you had become so dependent on him it scared you a little. But you knew that you were what he needed as well. When the dark thoughts took over and he couldn’t stop wondering if he was doing enough, if anyone actually liked him for him you were there to haul him out of the murkiness of his own mind. 
The two of you just clicked…who knows, maybe if you hadn’t only just come around on the idea of love at first sight you would consider the idea that the two of you were soulmates. That’s just how seamlessly the two of you fit into each other's lives.
Darling, so it goes Some things are meant to be
All the months spent in the weird limbo between being completely in love with each other and just friends finally came to a head one particularly rough day. He found you curled up in bed, your burrito of depression and fluffy blankets the only thing protecting you from the outside world. 
Bouncing into your room, he was already halfway through a dramatic retelling of some tea about Megumi and Yuuji when he noticed the dank mood emanating from your swaddled form.
“Hey,” He tones down his voice and approaches your bed, sitting gently on the edge instead of violently flopping on top of you like he normally would. “What’s up with the mood? Something happen?”
The bed dips as he scootches closer to you, moving around in an attempt to catch a glimpse of your face. “Hrgghh it’s nothing- hey!”
You squirm away as he prods your cheek, burrowing further into your massive mountain of comfort blankets and stuffed animals.
“Nooooo.” You feel him flop his chin onto your shoulder, his long arms snaking out to gather you up in his lap. “Let me see your pretty face. Please?”
You ignore him, remaining firmly hidden away in your cocoon. “I said I’m fine.”
“And I don’t believe you. So, do I need to go throw you in a pond, or are you going to talk?”
“Why would you throw me into a pond?” He’s silent for a moment. “That’s beside the point. I just want to know what’s bothering you. Is that too much to ask?”
You hear more than see the pout in his voice, and the knowledge that he’s going to continue to pester you until you give in convinces you to spill.
“I don’t know. Sometimes I just wonder if people actually like me. Like, I don’t know. I’m just me. And I want to go outside and do things, I just can’t. On top of that, there’s nothing that special about me to make up for any of my flaws.”
He hums quietly, rubbing your back through the many layers of blanket. “Remember when I was in a funk a few weeks ago because I felt like people only liked me for my looks, or what they thought I was?”
You scoff a little. “Imagine being so confident in your looks it makes you insecure. But yes. All jokes aside I remember. Why?”
“Because you told me that I was amazing and special and that I have so much more than my looks and wealth to offer.”
“And if I’m that special, it would make the person I’m in love with pretty special too, wouldn’t you say so?”
Silence and his smug satisfaction over his logic fill the room as you struggle to process what he just said. “I-What. Satoru. Did you just confess to me? I’m pretty sure I heard you wrong because there’s no way you just said that so casually.”
“Nope you heard me right. I’m in love with you. Have been for a while.”
You splutter, unable to formulate a response, completely thrown off  guard with the causal suddenness of it all. “Uh…I um. Well…”
He stands, gently peeling the blankets off you, one after another until you’re left sitting on your bed in one of his hoodies and a pair of sweatpants. Placing them neatly to the side, he cups your face in his large, calloused palms and looks at you with unfettered affection.
“There you are.” He plants a kiss on your forehead, then straightens and extends his hand out in an invitation for you to take it.
“I don’t know how to fix you feeling like you’re not special, but I do know that I’m completely, foolishly in love with you. I wish I could make you see yourself the way you do, but I can’t so I’m just going to do what I can. Which right now looks like helping you get out of your own mind and outside to have some fun.”
He coughs awkwardly and rubs the back of his head with his other hand. “Like, as a date. I love you, and want to give you my everything. If you’ll have it, that is.”
For the first time that day, everything felt right. Or maybe things started feeling right the second he entered your room. You weren’t sure. What you were sure of though was how much you loved him. Beaming so hard your cheeks hurt, you look at him.
“That sounds amazing, as long as I get to give you my everything. If you’ll have it, that is.”
Relief shines in his eyes as you place your hand in his and allow him to pull you to your feet. When the two of you lean in, getting closer and closer until your lips finally touch, you feel complete. You know that everything will be okay from here on out. 
Because things will always be okay as long as the two of you are together, and neither of you are going anywhere anytime soon.
Take my hand, take my whole life, too If I can't help falling in love with you
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taglist: @arlerts-angel @ponderingmoonlight @m0k0k0 @starlightanyaaa @pandora-ophelia-blog
feel free to comment, send me an ask, or dm me if you want to be added to any of my taglists!!
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Masterlist Part 2 (in case you need a happy ending)
Very mild angst Pairing: Ghost x you TW: no Summary: Ghost understanding, something very important just slipped through his fingers. AN: this is kinda sorta songfic. Here is the inspiration.
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The worst part is that Ghost can't even get mad at you. He was never there to show you true love, you were never there to break his heart. There were no promises, no occasional touches or stolen glances. There were these two evenings: each beautiful in its own way.
On the first one, the squad was resting after a successful operation, waiting for a transport to pick them up. A large group of soldiers gathered around you and Ghost came closer to find out what was going on. The southern sky was strewn with large, bright stars. Not a single cloud hovered over the desert, so it was a perfect opportunity for stargazing. Time to time you raised you hand up, searched for a next constellation and did this strange, unpractical move: you pointed on the constellation, drawing an invisible line between stars and then pretended to grab it. Ghosts mind blurted out some jibe about you obviously being too short to grab a star. So he sat on the ground behind others, to say it out loud, when you pause. Only to find himself alone on the ground, staring up at the sky. "Lieutenant? Ghost?" Your voice brought him back to reality. "Our heli is here. Are you alright?" He nodded and was ready to stand up, when you offered him a hand. He reached out automatically and you grabbed his hand. It was almost pointless since you were much smaller, but still you helped him. Grabbing his hand like one of those stars, you'd never reach.
The other evening happened much later. Ghost could say, he got used to seeing you around. There were still no chats outside work topics, no interactions at all as soon as any of you was off to home. It was the way it was supposed to be: clean and professional. Ghost was in his office tending to paper work, when you knocked and entered. "Lieutenant, I wanted to let you know, I'll be spending the next few months away from this base. Volunteered to train international corps." Ghost nodded, not even raising eyes from his papers. "There is one more thing. I like working with you and plan to keep it on. But lately I've felt distracted, when you are around." His hand froze, not even finishing signing the last form. That sounded not good. So he finally looked up on you, only to find your absolutely peaceful smiling face. "Don't worry, I won't let it grow. We are all adults here, and I am planing to work here, not search for any kind of informal bonds. That's why I decided to take this job. Just wanted to be honest, ok?" Ghost nodded again, much slower this time. "Ok. Now go show them, how it's done." You left his office, and he tried to remember, where was he. But after a few attempts he understood, it was utterly pointless: his mind was racing somewhere. And that rush felt easy, even joyful. It was a good thing, you two were colleagues and there always was this formal barrier between you. But it was also a good thing, you were so mature and honest. It made him feel safe. His borders were secure. Somewhere deep inside, he was smiling.
Two evenings, they weren't even filled with anything special. So why the hell he felt as if a white-hot sting was deepening into his stomach, when in a few months he got a short message from you.
"The problem is dealt with. I'll be staying here for a little longer. Staying frosty."
You come back in almost half a year. Calm, polite, effective and professional - Ghost couldn't wish for a better squadmate. He finds himself observing you from afar. In theory, he must like, what he not even sees, but rather feels: you are at peace, you are over this. But a traitorous voice somewhere deep inside chuckles, "That easy, really? A few months to erase me, a few more - to consolidate success - and that's it?"
"It's good to be back, Lieutenant." You give his hand a firm, short shake.
"You aren't back," hisses something from the back of his mind, but Ghost only scoffs at it.
Too little too late, Riley.
That day, he finishes paperwork earlier and locks in his room. He sinks on his bed and watches evening lights slowly crawling across the ceiling. Simons' mind begins to spiral as he lays there, heartbroken over a love that never even happened.
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i saw a couple of these and decided to make this with my fics! (updates whenever i post one onto ao3)
the room, it echoes clear (with words we choose not to hear - tatiana-centric angst
steady, steady, you know when you’re ready - skizzscottpulse ice skating together, sorta modern au
‘cause all i’ve ever wanted is here - poly mounders eating breakfast together, set during secret life
slow dance under stormy skies - empires flower husbands slow dance in the rain
you take me in your arms, and suddenly there’s sunlight all around me - treebark hadestown au (ft ethubs and scar)
the last thing i want is to look like a fool - scottpulse hurt/comfort, set in secret life
sometimes all you can do is say goodnight (and tuck your demons into bed) - multi-chapter; set in limited life, pearl getting nightmares about the end of double life (ft. watcher lore)
among the wildflowers and the lilies sleeping by the way - third life flower husbands angst, scott missing his days with jimmy before he became a red life 
in the darkness and the howling, i’ve caused his drowning - an in-depth version of the treebark decapitation scene 
i love it when you look my way - flower husbands fluff, jimmy making a flower crown for scott in third life 
he wants me (to be loved) - ethubs hanahaki, set in last life; bdubs-centric
why don’t you sit right down and stay and while? - gempearl on a picnic date 
it’s daunting to explore, but i want more - false joining last life 
we creep up on extinction - cleo-centric, hurt/comfort, set in secret life
kiss your fingers forevermore - femslash treebark fluff, set in third life 
meet the kids - martyn + clockers family dinner, zombiewood, set in limited life 
they’re right outside the door (and they don’t know) - tenrose + donna in a weeping angels situation, rose-centric
“Oh, captain, let’s make a deal!” - jekyon mer au, multi-chapter
Suddenly Uncontrolled (Something is Taking Hold) - transformation scene for the jekyll and hyde musical, verryyyy old)
‘cause i’m six feet under nearly (and i don’t have anyone) - zombie apocalypse au
all these years without you (and your voice is still a symphony) - a crackfic filled with angst about sentient instruments that fall in love sometimes 
Adieu, My First and Last Love(s) - a songfic with its plot told by mitski songs, multi-chapter
Macabre - Swenett (one-sided, sweeney and mrs lovette sharing a dance after the former discovering the identity of the beggar woman; VERY old)
It’s Like Slang…From England - crackship with some many fandoms that ive lost count of (fem johnlock helping regina george solve a murder mystery)
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
All The Right Moves
Robert Laing x fem!Reader
Summary: When Robert comes home from work, he catches you dancing in the kitchen - and decides to join you...
Warnings: this is a songfic? fluff, dancing, suggestive smut - it gets quite a bit hot and steamy
Word Count: 1,9k
a/n: Some of you were quite a curious about the 'Secret Project'. I told you about. Well, here it is - and it's a birthday gift for @muddyorbsblr ! 🥳 We talked about those gifs and she told me about the story she imagined - and I immediately started to write it; knowing that her birthday was coming up. 🥰 Bestie, I really hope you like this! Happy Birthday! ❤
Tagging: @lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @eleniblue @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @mochie85 @chantsdemarins @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @the-princess-of-loki @acefeather2002
Peeps I think might be interested in this one... @smolvenger @anukulee @lokiforever
°☆• Masterlist •☆°
This is basically based on this song...
... and this scene...
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The High Rise was still bustling with the people who lived inside the big building, despite the fact that it was quite late in the evening. Robert had to work a few hours longer today, resulting in the sun already setting, as he stepped through the big doors of London's biggest, most modern skyscraper.
It was early June - the beginning of the summertime, and it showed. The days had gotten longer and the nights shorter; temperatures steadily rising. Several children were still awake; running around, laughing and having fun - just like the adults. Countless men with bottles of beer and women with swim attire crossed his paths; probably planning on throwing yet another party. Like they always did. Robert though, was tired. A long day stuffed to the brim with work was behind him and all he wanted to do, was to spend some quality time with his wife, perhaps eat something and then fall into bed to catch some much-needed sleep.
Taking one of the elevators, he leaned against the metal wall and waited almost impatiently for it to make that familiar 'ding' sound; announcing that it arrived on the 25th floor. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long.
Robert walked straight to yours and his apartment then, literally storming through the door; shutting the loud and annoying world out.
As soon as the door was closed shut behind him, a relieved sigh left his lips. He had been quite a bit lost in his own thoughts, when the sound of music - coming undoubtedly from the kitchen, pulled him back down to earth in the here and now.
And some aces up your sleeve
I had no idea that you're in deep
I dreamt about you near me every night this week
It caused an immediate smile to appear on his lips. Robert knew that song. By heart. It was one of your favourites - and became over the years one of his favourites, too.
How many secrets can you keep'
′Cause there′s this tune I found that makes me think of you somehow
When I play it on repeat
Until I fall asleep
Spilling drinks on my settee
The doctor took off his dress shoes, placed them neatly beside your shoes and put down his working bag. Then he made his way quietly, but quickly to yours and his shared bedroom, slipping out of the greyish black suit jacket he wore; the tie following immediately. Undoing a few of his shirt buttons, Robert felt finally comfortable and 'free'.
The music wasn't extremely loud, but he could still hear every word.
(Do I wanna know?)
If this feeling flows both ways
(Sad to see you go)
Was sorta hoping that you'd stay
(Baby we both know)
That the nights were mainly made for saying
Things that you can′t say tomorrow day
Being only in his matching suit trousers and white shirt now, he sneaked up to the kitchen. Carefully, he lurked around the corner. There you were, in the middle of cooking something which smelt like spaghetti Carbonara - but undoubtedly heavenly; blasting one of your all-time favourites. You were definitely feeling the music with all your heart and soul. Robert could tell, because you had abandoned the pots and pans, in order to dance.
Crawlin' back to you.
Ever thought of calling when you′ve had a few?
'Cause I always do
Maybe I′m too busy being yours to fall for somebody new
Now I've thought it through
As soon as the refrain hit, your dance moves increased. Robert leaned against the door frame, watching you with a smile; hands buried in his trouser pockets. How you moved so gracefully. How your light blue knee-length summer dress flowed with every move you made. And he watched, how happy you seemed to be. It made him happy in return as well - and his heart to beat faster with the love he felt for you.
You had your back towards your husband and therefore hadn't a single clue that he was even there. But when the last line of the refrain sounded through the kitchen, you turned around...
Crawlin' back to you.
The sight of Robert standing casually in the door frame with a soft, but amused smile on his lips caught you off-guard, of course. You visibly flinched; hand flying up to your heaving chest. You could practically feel your heart thumbing against your palm.
Then your cheeks reddened; feeling a bit like a deer caught in the headlights. But once the realisation set in, that it was your husband standing in front of you, a small giggle slipped past your lips. "Robert!"
So have you got the guts?
Been wondering if your heart's still open and
If so I wanna know what time it shuts
Simmer down and pucker up
I′m sorry to interrupt it′s just I'm constantly
On the cusp of trying to kiss you
I don′t know if you feel the same as I do
But we could be together, if you wanted to
With 'Do I Wanna Know?' still blaring in the background, you closed the distance between yourself and your husband. Without saying much, you placed a small kiss on his soft lips, in order to greet him. Automatically, your hands landed on his well-trained chest; displayed through the way too tight white shirt he wore.
While Robert's hands found their way to your waist, you rubbed his pecs with your palms in an affectionate manner. "How was work?" The doctor just shook his head. "I don't want to talk about work, darling." You raised an eyebrow and crooked your head in slightly amused confusion. "You usually always talk about work, honey."
Robert licked his lips; baby blues gazing deeply in your Y/E/C ones. "Later. I don't want to talk now. What I want is to dance."
(Do I wanna know?)
If this feeling flows both ways
(Sad to see you go)
Was sorta hoping that you'd stay
(Baby we both know)
That the nights were mainly made for saying
Things that you can′t say tomorrow day
Before your brain was entirely able to process what Robert just said, he suddenly pulled you with a quick movement closer against him. So close, that your chest collided with his. You let out a small yelp; having not expected this 'bold' move.
Crawlin' back to you.
Robert's timing was perfect, to say the least. With the peak of the refrain, he started to dance; causing your body to sway with his, of course.
Ever thought of calling when you've had a few?
(Calling when you′ve had a few)
'Cause I always do ('cause I always do)
Maybe I′m too busy being yours to fall for somebody new
Now I′ve thought it through
Robert had always been a great dancer. You knew, but he showed it to you once again...
With one hand placed firmly on the small of your back, he moved his hips in sync with yours. His head lowered; forehead pressed against yours. Your hands had wandered as well; moved from his chest to cross behind his neck. Therefore, that you were so close to one another, the dance became quite intimate very fast - and utterly intense. You could feel the warmth radiating off his body; his big, warm hand splayed over the clothed skin on your back - on the verge of touching your ass. You could smell his expensive, rich cologne; him and letting yourself drown in it.
You and Robert literally danced on a thin line between romance and eroticism. Tendencies to the latter. And when he switched positions, you knew exactly how this dance was going to end.
Crawling back to you, (do I wanna know?)
If this feeling flows both ways
(Sad to see you go)
Was sorta hoping that you'd stay
(Baby we both know)
That the nights were mainly made for saying
Things that you can′t say tomorrow day
Robert let go of you and took a few steps back. As soon as his touch left your body, you already missed it; longing to feel him again. But you were not the one in control... He was.
Taking your hand in his bigger one, he lifted both your arms and signalling you to twirl yourself around - which you did with a small giggle; dress flowing in the air once more. Although that 'foolish', girly, little giggle soon faded into a sinful, quiet, little moan, as your husband caught you mid spin with his free arm around your middle, and pressed your ass against his crotch. That was the moment you started to lose it.
Robert splayed one big hand over your lower abdomen; keeping you snugly pinned against him. If that wasn't already torturous enough, he started to move and grind in hips to the beat of the music - and what you felt through the thin layers of clothing caused a gasp to fall from your lips.
Unbeknownst to you, Robert had a naughty smile on his face; knowing exactly what he was doing to you.
(Do I wanna know?)
Too busy being yours to fall
(Sad to see you go)
Ever thought of calling darling?
(Do I wanna know)
Do you want me crawling back to you?
You were in such a haze; totally lost in the way Robert danced with you, that you didn't notice where he was leading you. Therefore, you found yourself trapped between your husband and the kitchen counter by the end of the song.
With the last line, Robert spun you once more around - this time in his arm, and pressed you against the wooden surface. A small, shocked yelp escaped your lips, before your eyes widened in realisation. The position Robert put you in only now dawning on you. Despite that you were quite flustered, you had nevertheless gained a little bit confidence.
Lifting your hand, you let your fingers toy with the opened buttons of his shirt. "Dr. Laing... How naughty..." You tutted playfully; shaking your head. Unfortunately, you weren't able to stay serious and broke out into another fit of giggles.
Robert loved that about you. Your sweet tries to act all dominant and seductive, but you were way too shy and flustered.
The doctor caught your wandering hand easily mid-air and pinned it against his own chest; his large palm swallowing yours whole. "Nu.Uh, Mrs. Laing. If I recall that correctly, you are the naughty one..." Robert stated; letting his gaze drop. His baby blues were no longer staring into your Y/E/C ones. "You started this, didn't you? Dancing to such a quite erotic song... You literally begged for this to happen, am I right?" He underlined his words by pushing you closer against the counter; hips colliding with yours. You gasped - audibly; eyelids fluttering shut. "R-Robert, I-I-I-"
He didn't need to see or hear more to know, that he was right. Your reaction was clear evidence.
"You got yourself in this situation..." Your husband whispered deeply; hoisting you up on the kitchen counter. "And now you have to deal with the consequences. Although, I'm sure you are going to enjoy it," Robert announced with a wolfish grin, before you heard the familiar sound of a zipper being unzipped. You swallowed hard. You were in trouble - because of a damn song!
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june-doe-event · 1 year
Hello !! Welcome to the June Doe Ride The Cyclone event !!
This is a 30 Day Art (of any sorts !!) event that runs throughout June, however I will rb any posts with the prompts until mid July.
(Rules, Prompt List, & such are under the cut.)
1. Absolutely no NSFW of ANY kind, the rtc kids are, in fact, kids.
2. Please tag this account in any posts (on here) that you make w the prompts !! I wanna see them !! :D
3. I'll rb posts made with the prompts from after June up until July, but after that I'm done w this acc for the year shsh
(Not a rule but just something that should be known, I have quite a few tags blocked so I might not see some posts, but I will try my best to rb all of them. If I don't see your content, send it to me in an ask !!)
This event accepts any forms of art, from drawings, to writing, to gifs, to edits, etc etc !! Be creative !!
Prompt List:
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June 1st — Pride Month / Identities
Centered around any queer hcs with the choir !! Can range from coming out scenes 2 them going to pride, list is endless :)
June 2nd — Pre-Canon / Post-Canon
The choirs childhoods, right before the accident, what you think happens after the show, again, the list is endless !!
June 3rd — Favorite Platonic Relationship(s)
Maybe they're familial, or maybe they're just best friends !! Just, no romance :)
June 4th — Favorite Romantic Relationship(s)
Your favorite ship(s) !!
June 5th — Ricky's Birthday
Happy Birthday Ricky Potts !! Celebrate their birthday in whatever way you please !!
June 6th — Swapped Roles
Maybe Ocean is the most romantic girl in town, maybe Noel is the angriest girl in town !! Aka, the choir swaps titles & sorta personalities
June 7th — Legoland
The first play in the Uranium Teen Scream Trilogy !! Legoland content is ofc welcomed (& encouraged !!) for all of the prompts, but this is Legoland specific (if you don't have the script pdf & you'd like to read it, you can dm me either on this acc or on my main !!)
June 8th — Alternate Jane Doe
(Or John !!) Maybe Oceans parents never identified her, or maybe Noel was mangled beyond recognition !! Either way, someone else is left doll-like and confused.
June 9th — Someone Else Goes Back
Maybe Ocean votes Constance, or maybe the vote was unanimous like originally promised! Jane stays, someone else leaves.
June 10th — Mega Mall
The one(1) thing to do in Uranium. And Noel's personal hell.
June 11th — U-Pop
Ocean & Constance's (scripted) improv duo !! Sound off !!
June 12th — The Fair
What'd the choir get up to before the crash ? What were they doing ? What rides did they go on ? What'd they eat ?
June 13th — Uranium City
The Pride And Joy of Sweet Saskatchewan !! (<- literally a nightmare) !!
Or, something about the town itself !! It's history !!
June 14th — The Accident.
How'd they die ? What happened ? How did people react to it ? Who witnessed it ?
(If your content for this is gorey, please tag it appropriately.)
June 15th — Everybody Lives / Nobody Dies
Maybe they never rode the Cyclone in the first place, maybe they did but they survived, either way, everyone is fine !! (Or are they?)
June 16th — Religion
Ocean has three of them !! Something surrounding faith of some kind — or lack thereof !!
Alternative June 16th Prompt because I know some people may find the topic uncomfortable — Animals !!
Ricky's fourteen cats !! Penny & her love of animals !! Anything !!
June 17th — The Blackwood Cafe
The best (and probably only) cafe in Uranium !! Constance's family cafe, their pride and joy :)
June 18th — Cut Characters
Cut Character Submissions are welcome here no matter what, but this is specifically dedicated to them !! What was their reaction to the accident ? How did they die ? What was their backstory ?
June 19th — Zolar
The Fantasia Of Ricky Potts !! Anything to do with the world inside their head :)
June 20th — Songfic / Lyrics
Something surrounding a song you associate with the choir (or a certain member) !!
(Disclaimer this works for any type of art I just called it a songfic in the prompts list because it's. Easier ykyk)
June 21st — Summer
Happy Summer Solstice !! Anything 2 do with the current season :)
June 22nd — Graduation
What if they didn't die before they could graduate? How does that go?
June 23rd — Choir Event
Maybe it's last years Kiwanis, maybe it's a separate event !! Either way, they're performing again !!
June 24th — Production Specific
Instead of just general RTC, this prompt centers around a certain production !! (Be creative with it !! Use smaller ones !!)
June 25th — One Off Lines
Like how Ricky said in the 2016 previews that his mom read him the Little Prince TWENTY THREE TIMES (it was weird, he likes it), or how Ocean says that Constance 'has been a loose cannon since kindergarten' in the 2015 ver !! Anything surrounding stuff that they don't expand on.
June 26th — Jane's Dolly
How'd she find it? What if she had a different type of dolly? Just surrounding our favorite doll girl & her dolly :)
June 27th — Talia
Miss Talia Muruska Bolinska !! Is she real? How does she find out about the accident? How'd she meet Mischa? What was her life like?
June 28th — Families
The choirs' parents, them as a found family, the list goes on !! Just anything surrounding family :)
June 29th — Funerals
Because, these kids are dead, they have to have a memorial service of some sort !!
June 30th — Free Day
And, for our final day ( :( ) , we have a free day !! Do whatever you'd like !! :D
That's everything !! Feel free to send me asks with any questions you have !! :D
— Your moderator, @undescribed1mage :D
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🔬📐Turing Love!
turing [toor-ing]
a person skilled in mathematics.
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aroace coded reader [but reader does not have to be aroace] nerdy!reader, gn!reader x hobie brown
qpr [queer platonic relationship]
fluff, songfic, one curse word
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“Laws of attraction? Why are you asking me that Hobie? You should already know.” You answered, not bothering to look away from the experiment you were doing.
“Y’know, attraction. An I’m not talkin magnets or anything like that.”
You glared. “You just took away my like, easiest example. Not that you don’t already know that opposites attract.” Fixing your jacket, you reached for your safety goggles, only to land on air.
Hobie dangled them over your head. “Attraction! Love, friendship—explain that science eh?”
You jumped for the goggles. “Someone needs a scientific question on why you’re so damn tall!” [if you’re tall then ignore the sentence lmao]
“Plus,” you paused, looking at him. “Love is stupid. It doesn’t even really deserve a science. And don’t go talking about familya-love ‘cause I know you meant romance-love!”
“Haven’t got a scooby doo about romance. Didn’t even mean it romantically. Or, uh, in specifics.”
In quick review, you couldn’t really answer Hobie’s question [seemingly]. It wasn’t necessarily stupid, but over the span of your life you rarely [or never] experienced a crush. At least not the one’s they show on T.V. Relationships like that just lacked appeal. They weren’t right.
“What do you mean not romantically?”
“Well we friends right?
“Yeah… platonic attraction…”
“But we got chemistry.”
“That’s literally romantic.”
Hobie dropped the goggles on your lap. “Nuh uh.”
You turned around in your seat and glared at him. “Then what? Are you trying to say there’s some type of love that transcends the labels of romantic, emotional, platonic, or sexual?!”
You had to sleep on this. It didn’t even really make sense, what he said. Don’t get anyone wrong—you weren’t one to act like scientific standards were unchanging. The opposite actually—one truth five minutes ago can change, because human knowledge is constantly changing, and the earth is constantly changing. But where could someone who never falls in love understand love? Maybe Hobie’s just stupid.
Yeah right, he made a whole watch out of scraps.
“I really don’t need my inner conscience questioning me too.”
“So I slept on it and…”
You snatched a beaker from the shelf and slammed the door. “What you said doesn’t even make sense. Was it some sort of confession?”
“Mm, sorta.”
“In any other scenario I would’ve rejected you but… It’s you. So this confession isn’t some simple crush confession. It’s something complicated. Like everything else about you.”
Hobie spun around in his chair and smiled. “Yup.”
“Can’t you just go and tell me?” You groaned. “Pleeeeaseee?”
“One, discov’aries don’t come easy.” He handed you a test tube so you could measure. “Two… I don’t really know eitha.”
“Mm…” You muttered. “Then I might as well reject you anyway huh?”
“Will you?”
“Well I wouldn’t exactly be a good scientist if I did right?” You looked back at him. “My career revolves around enhancing life and helping people. And you… need help identifying your feelings.”
“You’re makin me sound’ll mushy n’ stuff.”
“That’s cause y’are.”
Unfortunately, love can’t be solved with a simple equation. Well, yes, the dopamine we get from seeing a loved one is a scientific component—but it needs to go further than that.
“I’m just… not really a fan of all that: you’re so sexy!!! stuff.”
“Me neitha… so… what are we a fan of?”
“A heart to heart dinner at a fancy restaurant is cool in some ways, but not in a romance movie way.”
“So what?!”
“Have you ever felt like saying ‘you’re hot’ to one kinda means somethin’ more? Not from anotha person—from yaself—like—‘I feel so connected to you I want to form a life bond because I treasure you deeply?”
“… Actually, yeah.”
So we’ve made a breakthrough! [Sort of.] It has something to do with connection. But how does that connection diverge from other connections? The several experiments shown—touching, kissing, holding—these can all be watered down to preferences. And while you enjoyed these things with Hobie, what made you different than any other romantic or sexual couple?
“It’s a society thing, methinks.”
“Who the hell says methin—nevermind. How so?”
“Well,” Hobie pressed his thumb to his flat four fingers on both hands. “If two kiss,” he made his hands kiss, “then it’s I guess romantic. And ya like that friend. But that’s not all-the-time true.”
“Yeah, but… we’re not exactly friends. And we don’t exactly want to date.”
“Then we sorta gotta create somethin’ new here. Orrr… not label this new relationship at all.”
“We could at least call it something.”
“We could just conform to the norms.” He made a 🫰🏿with his hands. “You’re bae.” [this was said in an american accent.]
“First of all never say that shit again. Second of all… I’ve got a name: Turing Love.”
“Stupid name.”
“No it isn’t!”
Hobie scratched his head. “And even if we did submit this as some sort of ‘Turing Love,’ who says it would be accepted.”
You held his hand and looked at him.
“We’ll just have to prove it.” You smiled.
He laughed a little. “Alright then. Can’t argue with that, can I?”
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[You learned a week later that it is in-fact, an identified type of relationship, and it is in-fact, not called Turing Love.]
“I thought your name for it’s better anyway.”
“Shut up.”
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weemssapphic · 1 year
writing update for anyone who wants one ✨
Hello! I thought it was time for a little writing update, as I have a lot of requests still left to do, many from quite a while ago, and I hadn't posted much recently due to work and a vacation!
under the cut for anyone who wishes to know!
requests marked with an asterisk (*)
currently done - to be posted in the following order:
*Larissa x reader go to a pumpkin patch (I really want to post this tomorrow, Saturday at the latest if I don't feel well again tomorrow)
Lipstick Stains ch 12
A smutty little surprise for Kinktober!
*Phasma x reader feat. Hanahaki Disease trope (hurt/no comfort)
*Brienne x reader songfic to Strange by Celeste (hurt/comfort)
currently working on:
Lipstick Stains ch 13
*Larissa x principal!reader (okay listen I know I've been working on this for actual ages now and I'm almost done, hoping to post next week and as soon as it is finished I will squeeze it into the 'to be posted' schedule asap)
*Another smutty fic for Kinktober, so y'all don't leave my blog empty-handed ;)
next in line:
I have a lot of requests to choose from and will try to go in order of receiving them as much as I can, inspiration and appropriateness taken into account. I also have some ideas of my own hehe. Some fics I might be taking a look at:
*Larissa x reader, reader is a new openly lesbian teacher who helps Larissa realize she's gay
*Brienne x reader, domestic fluff!
*Jane Murdstone x singer!reader
*Larissa x reader, where reader suffers with vaginismus
Brienne x aggressive!reader
Jane Murdstone, sorta sickfic?
Anyway, thank you for being so patient with me. Writing/posting with a full-time job, a chronic illness and whilst trying to have a social life is not the easiest and I'm sorry if it takes me a long time to get to your request or update my series but I am seriously so thankful for everyone who is patient and kind and encouraging, and who continues to support my fics and send me requests and lovely messages. I never thought I would start posting fics publicly, let alone connect personally with so many people because of that, but it makes my heart very happy 🥰
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos Masterlist
I have too many links on my main masterlist lol
Main Masterlist
Request Rules
Tag List Form
The Host
Please Stay - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, lots of blood, wound descriptions, implied self-h*rm, awkwardness, just sorta the beginning stages of a crush so it's really cute
Help - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, depression, intrusive thoughts
Friendship - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Cuddles - The Host x gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: swearing, anxiety, awkwardness
“Did you sleep well?” Headcanons - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Wilford Warfstache
Blanket Thief - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Scary Movie Night - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: broken glass, panic attack, swearing, hurt/comfort but mostly fluff
Wilf Welcoming You Back Home Headcanons - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: mentions of food and drink
Pet - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, reader is angy, bad accents
Parole - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: cat
My Handsome Guy - trans!Yancy x transmasc!reader
Warnings: dysphoria (not explicit), Yancy calls you “doll” in a gender neutral way, period stuff
Breakfast - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, slight paranoia (?), slight abandonment issues
Star-gazing - Yancy x gn!reader x Illinois
Warnings: none
Solitary - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: panic attack, claustrophobia, swearing, hurt/comfort
Hyperfixations - Yancy x autistic!gn!reader x Illinois
Warnings: slight swearing???, fluff
Just a Little Dark Drabble - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
A Thousand Awful Days - Dark x transmasc!reader
Warnings: dysphoria, swearing, fluff
Overwhelmed - Part 2 - Dark x (implied) autistic!gn!reader
Warnings: overstimulation/sensory overload, being nonverbal, zoning out, swearing, can be read as platonic
Damien and Dark ramble - Damien x gn!reader, Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Grief - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: grieving, depression, loss of a pet
Period Pains - Dark x AFAB!reader
Warnings: talk of period stuff that may cause dysphoria
Trauma (Songfic) - Dark x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: angst
Birthday Wishes - Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: mentions of purgatory, fire/matches and a knife
Dark Drabble - Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: none
Just A Child - Dark & teenage!gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: Actor is a creep (implied), hurt/comfort themes
Panic Attack Comfort Headcanons - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: panic attack (obvi), mostly fluff
Pretty Boy - King!Dark x masc!reader
Warnings: things get a little spicy 😳
Gone, I’m Gone (Songfic) - Dark/Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: explicit descriptions of blood, broken bones, starvation and dehydration, swearing, manipulation, extreme angst
Papers (Songfic) - Dark/Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: Actor is an asshole, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of some events from WKM
Of Cowboys, Cave Ins, and Crushes - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: being trapped in a small area, death, minor injuries that are not explicitly described
Partner - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Free of Charge - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: illness, swearing, hurt/comfort
Reckless - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: death, blood, injury, swearing, ANGST
Family Reunion - Illinois, no reader
Warnings: none
Stay Safe - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing
Star-gazing - Illinois x gn!reader x Yancy
Warnings: none
Careful Not To Fall In Love - Illinois & Indiana Jones
Warnings: none
Hyperfixations - Illinois x autistic!gn!reader x Yancy
Warnings, slight swearing??, fluff
Midnight, The Stars and You (Songfic Kinda) - Damien x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Damien and Dark ramble - Damien x gn!reader, Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Trauma (Songfic) - Dark x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: angst
Gone, I’m Gone (Songfic) - Damien/Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: explicit descriptions of blood, broken bones, starvation and dehydration, swearing, manipulation, extreme angst
Sodomy - Damien x male!DA!reader
Warnings: internalized homophobia, religious trauma, hinted emotionally abusive parents, sodomy laws
Papers (Songfic) - Damien/Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: Actor is an asshole, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of some events from WKM
Hug - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Reader Who Can’t Spell Headcanons - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
First Kiss Headcanons - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
You’re Not The Captain AU
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Ficlet
You’re Another Engineer AU
Captain’s Log - Ficlet - Addition
Dogs in Space Headcanons - ISWM Crew + Captain!reader (Slight Captaineer)
Engineer Mark
Kiss It Better - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: minor injury, but mostly just fluff
Captain, My Captain - Engineer Mark x AFAB!reader
Warnings: period fic, cramps, swearing
In My Solitude (Songfic) - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: loneliness, depression, possible su*c*dal thought (written in red text just in case), death, heavy angst, maybe a little fluffy at the end but like a sad fluffy
I Missed You - Engineer Mark x transmasc!reader
Warnings: being (unintentionally) misgendered
#1 Captain - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
Your Captain - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, loss of identity, overworking
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Why Wait?
Fandom: British Musician, British RPF, RPF, YUNGBLUD
Pairing: Dominic Harrison x Female Reader, YUNGBLUD x Female Reader
Characters: Dominic Harrison, Female Reader, YUNGBLUD
Word Count: 1689 // Rating: Explicit
Summary:  What do you say girl, we do something crazy
Tags/ Warnings: My Writing, Halloween Challenge, Writing Challenge, Songfics, Smut, YUNGBLUD, Tour, Touring, Las Vegas Shows, Las Vegas, P in V Sex, Vaginal Sex, Kissing, Fingering, Teasing, Needy Dom, Marriage, Proposals, Engagement, Engagement Rings, Reader’s Engagement Ring Looks Like This, Handjobs, Semi Public Sex, Sorta, Orgasms, Why Wait // Rascal Flatts
Notes:  This is part of my writing Challenge for Halloween 2022. All fics are based off of songs I love. The aim is to write one fic a day for 15 days straight. I’m doing a similar thing for Christmas but they will all be headcanons [requests welcome for that] Enjoy x  
Updated 8/23
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‘Fuckin class man,’ I heard Dom laugh a little way down the corridor as chatter ensued close by. I was sitting in the dressing room scrolling through my phone but I looked up when I heard his voice. He had just come off stage from his second show of the night and considering I had already seen the first [and all the others he’d done on this tour] I had opted to hang back to get ready since he had told me in no uncertain terms that we were definitely going out properly tonight. For the most part of our time in Vegas we’d stuck to our hotel and the casino that adjoined it. He was always busy so he didn’t have time to breathe let alone let loose on the strip, but tonight was our time to do that. Which is why I had opted to stay in his dressing room and get myself looking presentable. I’d never let him know that he’d been right and it had taken all of twenty minutes before I was ready and bored waiting for him.
As I placed my phone down the door opened and I spotted him lingering by it as he spoke to people I couldn’t see.
‘Yeah mate,’ he chuckled, ‘ten minutes yeah and I’ll be back out.’ ‘Meet in the bar?’ I heard someone say. ‘Yeah man,’ he smiled before he turned inside the room and caught sight of me. He kicked the door shut behind him as he came over to me with a bright smile and I stood up and allowed him to pull me into him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he kissed me. He was dripping with sweat, his hair sticking to his head as I ran my fingers through it. I couldn’t breathe, his arms were crushing me to him, but I didn’t care. Finally, he pulled away from me.
‘Hiya,’ I giggled. ‘Hi,’ he smirked, giving me another quick kiss. ‘Good show?’ I asked, reaching my hand so I could brush his sweaty fringe off of his face. ‘Fuckin brilliant,’ he said, ‘missed you though.’ ‘Like you’d even notice me over all those screaming fans,’ I chuckled. ‘Always do,’ he whispered before he leaned in and kissed me again. He pulled me closer again but his hands were now dancing underneath my shirt making goosebumps appear where his touch went. He kissed me deeper as I pushed him back towards the couch. As the backs of his legs hit the couch I pushed him down so he was sitting and shimmied my shirt off as I climbed onto his lap to straddle him. His hands caressed my chest, teasing my nipple with his thumb and forefinger as I kissed his jaw and neck roughly. I gasped as he pinched me hard which made him chuckle. I could feel him through my knickers, rigid against my core as he strained against his pants. I rocked my hips against him giggling as he grunted.
‘Don’t tease,’ he said in an entirely whiny voice. ‘I’ll stop teasing when you touch me,’ I said. I grabbed his hand and placed it under my skirt. He moved my underwear aside deftly as his fingers slid between already slick folds. I rocked against him enjoying the feeling of his rigid cock against my core and his fingers circling my clit. He placed one hand on the small of my back holding me in place as I leaned back enjoying the sensation. ‘Fuck,’ he grunted his hips bucking up against mine. I hadn’t even touched him yet and he was beside himself. ‘Want me to touch you, baby?’ I asked leaning forward and holding his face in my hands. He looked up at me with wide eyes and nodded. I leaned up onto my knees so there was space between us now and grabbed his hand so it was no longer touching me. Then I grabbed both of his hands and stationed them on my hips so he was holding me securely.
‘You’re not allowed to touch okay?’ I whispered kissing him again. He nodded. Then I fumbled with his pants until he was in my hand. He shivered as I ran my thumb across the tip which was now sticky from excitement. I massaged him gently in my hand watching as his head fell back against the couch and his eyes closed. Then, I carefully teased him through my pussy lips moaning as his head hit my clit. His eyes flew open as I did so, his pupils blown with lust. His hips bucked a little towards me as I did it again and I tutted, ‘needy.’
‘Please,’ he whimpered. I bit my lip as I used my free hand to caress his cheek. He leaned into it, kissing my wrist as I did. Then I positioned myself over him and eased myself gently down until he was all the way inside me. I moaned as I moved against him slowly at first taking all I could get. As I started to move quicker his breathing got a bit faster and his grip on my hips was hard enough that I was sure to have bruises there tomorrow.
My fingers went to my clit working it in rhythm with my movements. I was lost in the moment, enjoying the sensation when I looked down to find him watching me his gaze loving and full of lust.
‘Dom,’ I moaned as I felt my climax come over me. He was close behind me I could tell as his hips had started moving of their own accord meeting me with every thrust. ‘Fuck Y/N,’ he grunted as I rode it out like a wave meeting the shore. I fell against him, clinging to him as he pounded up into me solely focused on meeting me in bliss. I kissed him deeply my hand pressed tightly against his throat. And then he was cumming. He pulled his mouth away from mine burying his face in my shoulder as he attempted to muffle the sound of his moans.
As his orgasm faded he fell back against the couch, holding me as I lay against him, my head tucked into his neck. He grumbled as I pulled back.
‘One minute,’ I whispered kissing him on the cheek as I clambered off him, grabbing my shirt as I went to the small bathroom that adjoined the dressing room. I peed and cleaned myself up before checking myself in the mirror. Luckily our impromptu tryst hadn’t played too much havoc with my makeup.
When I left the bathroom he was already getting changed and I headed to the vanity to make myself a bit more presentable. I wiped the old now smudged lipstick away and replaced it, though I was sure it wasn’t going to last the night considering the mood Dom was in. I blended around my mouth and ran a comb through my hair and just as I finished I felt Dom come up behind me. His chin rested on my shoulder as he watched me.
‘Said you were needy,’ I chuckled making him laugh before he spun me around until I was facing him. ‘I know what I want,’ he said matter of factly. ‘Oh yeah, and what’s that?’ I challenged, hopping up onto the table so he was able to stand between my legs. ‘You,’ he said watching as I rolled my eyes, ‘I mean it.’ ‘Well you’ve got me,’ I said as I checked the time on my phone, ‘in fact less than five minutes ago you actually had me.’ ‘That’s not what I mean,’ he said simply. My eyebrows knitted together with confusion. ‘What are you going on about?’ ‘What would you say if I said let’s do something crazy?’ ‘I’d say what else is new,’ I giggled. ‘Come on,’ he said, ‘seriously.’ ‘I’d say what is it?’ looking at him with bemusement, a smirk on my face. ‘Marry me.’
My mouth fell open as the words left his mouth. Had he really just said what I thought he had? My eyes roved his expression trying to figure out if there was a chance he was joking. He seemed serious.
‘Dom,’ I mumbled. ‘I mean it,’ he said, ‘why don’t we?’ ‘Just go and get married?’ ‘We’re in Vegas,’ he shrugged. ‘Yeah because everyone wants to get married by a bad Elvis impersonator,’ I said rolling my eyes. ‘It’s not like it’s not gonna happen one day,’ he reasoned, ‘I mean…you and me I sorta thought forever was a given.’ ‘It is,’ I said dropping my gaze. I had thought about it. I loved Dom more than anyone I’d ever loved but marriage just seemed a big next step. Especially to go and do right after the decision had been made. ‘So why wait?’ he said moving my hair out of my face. ‘Our friends, our family-’ ‘Will get over it. Weddings are a big hassle and I know our families. I don’t want anything but you and me,’ he said. ‘It’s all a bit fast,’ I said, ‘I mean there’s like things we need to think about.’ ‘There’s a hundred wedding chapels in town. We can find someone to witness it. Whatever you want to do I’m here for.’ ‘You’ve thought everything through huh?’ I said with a small smile. He smirked and I thanked God I was sitting down because I was sure that my knees would’ve buckled just looking at him. ‘Yep,’ he smirked. ‘Not everything though,’ I said turning my head away dramatically when I looked back he was watching me puzzled, ‘you’ve not even asked me to marry you yet. Not properly.’
‘Ah,’ he said pulling out of my grasp. He moved away and grabbed his discarded pants off of the floor fumbling with them for a minute. I watched him puzzled. Then he was back, pulling me off of the table so I was standing and dropping to one knee in front of me. Then he offered up a ring. I hadn’t realised until that moment how much he had thought this through. Most of our life was done living in the moment and I thought his marriage idea was nothing more than that but looking at him now I knew he was utterly and completely serious. My eyes roved over the ring he was holding in between his thumb and forefinger. A simple gold band with a stormy blue-grey diamond and of course, not in a ring box [that was way too straight-laced for him]. I had to admit though, it was beautiful.
‘Dom,’ I said thickly. ‘Y/N,’ he smiled, ‘will you marry me?’ ‘Of course I will.’
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springsteenicious · 5 months
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(tags are in regards to my Blonde Stranger songfic idea)
I get where you're coming from for sure. when I originally had this idea I was gonna make it Hyde married to Donna because I'm the one guy on earth who kinda sorta likes them together but then I thought no one would forgive me for writing a second H/D fic. so the options are Sadness For Eric/Jackie Enjoyers or Disgust Towards Hyde/Donna. what is preferable
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skyland2703 · 1 year
I’m Drunk. Any good Chiley fics to recommend? I could use a good cry
Okay listen. We should never share Ao3 preferences XD (jkjkjk this was so much FUN to compileeee) There's angst there's floof there's canon fix it and there's smoot. Proceed at yer own risk :D
Lowkey one of my faves
Can I include my own? Sure i can!
This one's a songfic, I fucking love... weddings. And was very very disappointed to find like. ten wedding fics in the entire PR fandom that were to my taste. This was one of them :3
This one's spicy. And somehow?? I totally see it?????
Cute stuffs belowww
This one was so fucking. chiley. aaaiiiiii
AND HERE is an entire 8-work series on "If Chiley were canon" and I just dig it sadvbnhgfsda
This one was sorta fluffy and sweet type? Something I'd go for little tidbits of chiley wuuuvv; the writing style's a little different though. BUT YES. it's soft aiight XD
I... did not finish this one, entirely, so I don't know how exactly it goes, but it's got like 8000 words in one chapter, and I have a very bad attention span, but I adored the plot and shit~
Then there's this one series I came across, which was interesting to read— Riley had an onlyfans and shit went down, down, down, between him and Chase; but huhhhhhhhhh it featured an OC in large numbers, and I don't think a lot of people prefer OC fics. Either way! Here's my list!! Hope you like the recommendations!!
They sadly do NOT have any domestic fluff fics, which is my #1 favorite trope on the fanfic spectrum, but these fics really light up my days ^^
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mishtergoose · 6 months
Just listening to the song 'as the world caves in' and Came up with a cool and angsty Good omens fic idea, I'm not at all a writer so I just wanted to share it with somebody lol
Ok lol so, a songfic!
The song:
The idea:
Established relationship!
GO se1 but they failed to stop the apocalypse (or maybe a season 3 second coming) so they just spend whatever time left just enjoying it all as best they can, dressing up in their best, going to a nice but solemnly quiet dinner at the Ritz and sad romantic antics a few lil laughs stuffs like that and it ends with them just sorta holding onto each other cuddled up somewhere and just wait together for it all to end around them and just die together along with it 😭
I don't know why my brain craves pain and sadness but there it is lol
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