#sorry to the people who actually know things about macbeth
qiu-yan · 22 days
would jiggy be a fan of macbeth or lady macbeth
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musical-chick-13 · 2 years
And then they just...make a whole movie from her supposed perspective (which is loosely based on a book which...hoo boy we’ll get to that in a second), where the premise is that she’s jealous and wants to break him and Juliet up? That she’s so in love that she has to win him over again? (Also, how do they justify her knowing that they’re together? The entire point is that no one knows Romeo and Juliet are in love?? I know this is an adaptation, but Jesus Christ.)
Are we saying that she was just “““playing hard to get”””? That she was toying with his heart for fun? That when she told him no, she really meant “yes”?? I THOUGHT WE LEFT THAT BEHIND OVER THE COURSE OF THE LAST DECADE, I THOUGHT WE DECIDED THAT WAS BAD???!!?
Don’t even get me started on the book this is based on, where that general premise is that Rosaline is just an Innocent Average Girl, and her cousin who is Beautiful™ and vOLaTiLeLY uNsTAbLe and cRaZy comes and “takes” her poor unsuspecting boyfriend who is completely blameless for his own terrible behavior away from her while being called a “slut” the whole time. (I doubt much of this carried over into the actual movie, because that’s being billed as an ironic rom-com, and I highly doubt ANYONE would try to make that genre work while keeping this premise 100% intact.)
If you’re going to adapt something, you’ve gotta make it clear that you have some significant understanding of the original work. Retellings are fine! They can even have different functions or deconstruct tropes or be unexpectedly edgy! But it’s 1000% obvious when you don’t have any knowledge or engagement with the source material, and that is a problem. It’s ignorant, it’s lazy, and everyone involved deserves better.
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whorrorbellee · 2 months
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warnings:smut, drug use. 18+ only please The bear but it's actually just linecook!Aemond x hostess!reader.  porn w a plot.
no beta we die or whatever
2014-7:40 Pm. 
You stand at the hostess stand, looking over the Ipad for reservations, you're absolutely swamped, it's a Saturday night in Knightsbridge, London. Barely seconds pass before the phone rings again, it's the same conversation you've had every weekend for the past year. “Sorry we’re fully booked!” 
“Do you know who I am?” 
“Yes! And here at RedKeep we thank you for being a loyal customer~” 
“I want to speak to the manager!”
 “Sorry the managers not here right now”
“Then who's next in charge?” Queue you, grabbing Daemon from the office, where he completely undermines what you're saying to the customer, allowing them to take a reservation from some poor couple who had saved up their money to taste the food from RedKeep, because it is good for business. 
Keep the loyal customers, he says, fucking asshole. You watch their smug faces grin as they walk in, pressed white shirts and silk dresses they didn’t fish out the bin from the local Guild care. Sometimes you smile and make your accent slightly deeper as you lead them to their seats. Other times you let them know it's you and lead them to the table directly by the bar, letting them hear the utter nonsense that Criston and Aegon spill behind the bar all night. 
But you always retreat to the back for your five minute smoke break, snatching the Marlboro reds from the office, Daemon winking at you as you shove your coat on in the winter. You let yourself breath in the only thing that keeps you going through your shift, music blasting from the shitty headphones that came with your phone and then crush half of it between the sole of your black doc martens, straightening out your black silky blouse, and wandering through the kitchen back to your stand, where you greet another customer with a smile faker than the diamond rings that protrude off the women's fingers.
You rub the tiger balm into the crook of your neck in the changing room, its 10:00 pm, kitchen closed about half an hour ago, and the chef’s are scrubbing the floor down on their knees, you thank god the only thing you have to do is inform Daemon of the reservations for the next week, fully booked until next august, they usually go down about then, people retreat to France and Italy for summer. Your shifts go down and you tutor rich brats who are failing their GCSEs. Spending summers writing essays about Macbeth for fourteen year olds who find nothing better to do than take their daddy's golf cart for a ride around their ridiculously huge back gardens in sussex.  
You hum to yourself, slipping of your blouse, the door opens and then is slammed shut. You turn, half naked in the changing room, your locker swinging open, Aemond stands with his nose pressed into his locker, you change into a band shirt and pleated skirt, pulling on high denier tights. “Are you coming tonight?” he whispers, it's soft, you watch him pull out his bag as you re-lace your boots. 
“Yeah, did Aegon get the weed?” you ask quietly, boots thumping against the floor as you stand, you grab your backpack from the floor, shutting your locker. 
“No Cregan did” Aemonds back ripples as he pulls on a black shirt, you watch his tattoos shift under it, he grabs his motorcycle helmet out of the locker, eye shifting to yours. You go to stand next to him. He pulls out a pack of Marlboro reds, original packaging, you wonder if they're fake, but the Polish words stare back at you, “want one?” he slips one into the corner of his mouth, pulling on his jacket.
You swallow, “Yes please” you take the cigarette and push it behind your ear, walking to the door. He follows. You push open the door, stepping out into the hallway, Daemon stands in the kitchen watching Rhaenrya sharpen the knives. You still refuse to believe they were ever married, her dad and him were such close friends it was borderline Insestuous. “I'm glad Cregan got it, Aegon always choses really weird strains, like unicorn poop? What is that?” 
Aemond shrugs and follows you out the back, you wave to Daemon and Nyra, door slamming behind you. Cregan and Aegon wait by your car, its scratched to fuck. From where Aegon had slammed the door into the tree. You don't even know why you own a car anymore, parking is so expensive in London, you only use it to get to work and home. You watch Aemond shove his helmet on and then leave the car park. Unlocking your car and letting the boys pile in. 
Cregan hits his head on the ceiling and Aegon falls into a mess of giggles in the back. You breathe in the scent of cherry, air freshener hanging from the mirror, Some arctic monkey's song comes on from the aux. You look to your left, Cregans on tinder replying to some bird. It would be rude to call him a slut but he gets around, he got some bird up north pregnant and now he has to send up money every month for a two year old he barely sees. You pull out, switching gears before starting your journey to Aegon's place it’s about half an hour drive into camden, you pass the punks on the bridge and pull in to the slip where Aegon's flat share is, he lives Aemond and a bunch of hippies that sell vintage clothes at the market. 
You run to the corner shop first, buying a bottle of cheap vodka and a diet coke. Then you walk back down the dark street, lighting the ciggie that Aemond gave you, a tote bag heavy on your shoulder, passing the bike and slipping down the side of the building opening the gates. The smell of weed hits you almost immediately. Cregan sits legs spread on the rattan furniture that Aegon stole from someone's front porch last summer. You don't know why he does it, his mum literally owns the restaurant. He earns more than enough. 
You slide up next to Helaena , she leans her head into your shoulder for a moment and then leans back, thumbs padding against her cracked iphone 5, Cregan hands you the joint its some cali strain this time, you rarely smoke. But Saturdays at the RedKeep are actually killing you. Aegon pulls out his speaker and decides to blast drum and bass. You steal the aux and play cigarettes after sex. Falling into the rattan sofa, pulling your Northface jacket around your legs, its fucking cold. Aegon's wearing his dressing gown and hoodie as he stands out the back door. You don't even know why you're in the garden, an hour passes and you find yourself sweating on the sofa, legs intertwined with Aegons as he spews on about some weird conspiracy theories; dragons being real, the lizard people shit. You talk about the ghost house when you lived in the isle of white for a year. And then you've had enough of talking so you head up to Aemonds bedroom to listen to music. 
Your socks run up the carpeted stairs, pausing outside Aemonds bedroom, you knock and hear him grunt a yes. You practically throw yourself into his bed, your phone bouncing from impact, he smiles at you, and you look at his mac playing on the bed, he’s watching reruns of misfits before it gets bad. 
“You know, Aegon always reminds me of Nathan? I can't watch it without thinking about him.” You sigh,“it's a shame because Robert Sheehan is really fit” Ameond hides a laugh, he's different now. He used to light up a room with his quick wit. But now he’s buried into himself, he just keeps retreating and retreating. You used to have this weird thing between you. It was all longing looks and brushed knuckles. He’d follow you outside on early morning shifts to have a ciggie, making you laugh, legs pressed against each other on the staircase. Sometimes you’d bring him coffee and he'd make you one of those fruit salads with all the fruit scraps, slices of mango and strawberry tops. Nights spent outside nursing a joint while Aegon sings incredibly loud in the lounge. No one was surprised when they saw you two getting closer, it's like fate really. Line cook and hostess. If it wasn't Jace it was going to be Aemond.
And then the accident happened. It wasn't Luke's fault, it really wasn't. Something had split on the floor, Luke wasn't wearing the proper shoes yet. He was just about to start his shift, so he slips, grabs for Aemond, His knife in hand just about to chop something, they both fall to the ground. You remember coming to grab Aemond for a cigarette and there was just blood everywhere. All over the white tiles. You remember thinking that he had spilt some kinda wine sauce, nearly laughing until he had sat up and his face looked like it was falling apart. He was shaking, too afraid to cry, and Luke was sent home. 
It was one of those slow days. So you had shoved him into the car with a napkin pressed over his eye. Taking him to A&E for stitches, he looked so different when he came out. He smoked a cigarette in your car with bloodstained hands. You hand squeezed his thigh as you took him home. Then days later you had picked him up from the hospital. White eyepatch over the gaping hole. They removed his eye incase of an infection. It wasn't salvageable, he had sliced right through the cornea. 
He wasn't at work for weeks, you remember standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for him to come down and join the others, aegon had pulled you away after an hour. Too shy to head up there yourself and then months later you had taken a joint and pringles up to his room. He was just staring out the window, watching the sunset as Helaena  spun around with Cregan. 
“How was work?” he asks, you hand him a vodka coke, swinging your legs under yourself. 
“Fucking terrible, Daemon did it again” your hands runs through your hair. You look at Aemond, you can barely even notice the difference with his fake eye and real one, they got it spot on. “It pisses me off so much, like no wonder we aren't getting any new customers. When he keeps cancelling the bookings” Aemond shuts his laptop, he gets up and grabs a record from the pile in the corner, the needle hits the vinyl with a hum, it crackles around the room.  He's so different from his brother, you wonder where he gets it from. He's just softer. 
You miss his touch. He lies back down on the bed, hands over his heart, you're on your stomach, watching him breathe slightly, you wanna reach out and touch him, he watches you hesitate. “Sorry” he mutters. He runs his hand through his hair. Your eyebrows furrow, he looks away. 
“Why are you sorry?” you ask, you lean into your hands and watch him. Waiting for an answer. 
He pauses, chewing on his lips, and then his face settles, his lips back to the perpetual pout. “I know we had this thing between us, but you don't have to keep it going because you feel sorry for me” 
“Huh” your eyebrows raise, you almost wonder if he's joking, you wait for him to crack a smile, “ I~I don't know what to say Aemond, I don't feel sorry for you” you groan, your hands smush your face together and then you plant yourself into the side of his body. You feel him stiffen and then his hand comes back to smooth over the small of your back. Your face heats. “I ~ oh god” you look up at him watching his eyes twitch, “I always felt like you were just playing along with this whole thing, we had” you shift, pushing yourself onto your knees. “I've have this really stupid big crush on you, since I had the panic attack out back and you sat with me for twenty minutes even though Nyra was shouting at you.”
He sits up, your jaw shifts side to side, you wonder if you should just escape downstairs and sleep with Cregan instead. His hand reaches out to touch your thigh pulling back. He lets out a huff. “You’re fucking with me” he shakes his head. You shake your head back smiling.
“Wait a sec” you grab your phone and swipe back to a conversation you had with Healana months ago, you hand it to him. Watching his eye sweep across the messages. He smirks, and then scrolls down, your eyes widen, he laughs. 
“You can stop scrolling now” but he continues anyway smirk falling into a smile, “Aemond!” your own smile falls, “ Aemond, please stop scrolling” you grit your teeth. Your hand reaches to snatch your phone, But he pulls it away from you, you climb over his body hand on his shoulder, reaching out to grab at your phone. You feel yourself lose balance, you begin your descent onto his floor, but his arm grabs around your waist and pushes you back onto the bed quickly. He’s hovering over you, one arm on the bed the other lingering around your waist. 
“He’s gonna be the death of me” he smirks down at you. 
“Shut up” you huff, you bite your lips to stop you smirking, feeling heat rush to your face. You look up at him, watching his eyes glance down to your lips, you look at his. You’re so fucking high, and its not from the drugs. His hand brushes against your hip. Fingers pressing into the flesh, your skirt is flipped up, you don't even realise. It doesn't even matter because he’s already crashing his lips on your own. It's quick, chased and hard. You move together like you're running out of time, one hand brushing against your jaw the other pressed into your hip, you whine, hands running up his neck to his jaw, you're pulling him closer than what’s physically possible. 
He goes to untuck your shirt from your skirt, you part and pull it off over your head quickly, he takes in the curves of your body, tracing muscle and moles. “Nearly killed me today, walking in on you like this” you smirk under him, his hand brushed against your chest clad in a black lacy bra. You press his hands into your chest, he gropes and needs, his lips running down the column of your neck, you sigh under his touch, teeth grazing, lips nipping. 
Pupils blown, Aemonds hands fingers graze down from your chest to under your skirt, you pull him in for another kiss, teeth clashing together. Phone forgotten by the side of you. You feel his hands run down your legs, a finger hooks under the waistband of your tights, you lift your hips, propping yourself up on your elbows as he slides them down your legs, you part, standing and shifting them off. Aemond sits back and watches. The record crackles repeatedly through the speaker, and you lean down to pick one out. Carefully putting the vinyl into its sleeve. Needle back down, the music starts. “Your such a cliche” 
‘She planned ahead for a year… He said let's play it by ear’
“Shut up”,You slide yourself back into aemond’s arms, his hands run down your bare skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps, your own run down his chest and then tug at the shirt he wears. He pulls it over his head before you know it. Your hands trace the pale freckles skin, pressing wet kisses down his throat, he slides a hand around your thigh, pulling you to straddle him. He pulls your chin towards him, meeting him in another heated kiss.You moan as he grabs at the flesh of your ass, slipping his tongue into your mouth. Your back arches, your chest pressing against his. He trails his lips across your chin as he rolls both of you over, his hand grazes your inner thigh and you wrestle your skirt off quickly. 
He sticks his head in the crock of your neck, kissing tenderly. Hand brushing under your panties, he cups your cunt, swiping a finger through your folds, “Shit your wet” he pants, you feel him smirk against your throat. “This fo’me?” you nod your head, eyes half shut as you stare at him. Lips bruised and pouting. He eats up your whines with his lips as his finger traces your clit, your hands brush against his neck and then grip his hair. He slides a finger into you with ease. You moan into his mouth. He makes a come hither motion and slides another finger inside of you. Your back arches and he groans, pinning you into the bed. Your knee slides up and brushes against his hardness. 
‘Youre a doll, you are flawless ’
He stiffens, movements stilling. You smirk. His hands leave your body and you meet his lips again, hands brushing against his groin. You pull at the belt buckle. Pulling away from him to see what you're doing, he pulls your panties down your legs, head buried in the crock of your neck pressing hot kisses onto your skin. You fumble and then pull his trousers down, you can see the outline of his cock through his boxers. He grins down at you. You palm at his cock, watching him through your lashes. He sheds his boxers, you run your hand down his length loosely, thumb brushing over his tip. You watch him whine. “Condom?” 
“I'm on the pill.” You hum.
He pulls your body towards him, your crotch meeting his thighs, he leans closer. The head of his cock brushing past your folds, it feels like hours spent teasing you and then suddenly he pushes into you, feeling you stretch around him. “Shit your tight”,your hands grip his shoulders, mouth gaping open at how full you feel. 
“Fuck Aem” He begins to move slowly, you feel every inch of him, every vein brushing against you. He looks down watching you suck him in. His hands trace against the side of your body, stopping at your hips. 
Finger’s digging into the flesh. You feel so dizzy with pleasure. “Shit, so good fo’me” you clench around him, he lips curl upwards. “You like that huh?” you moan, feeling his cock brush perfectly against your walls. “So fucking pretty underneath me” your back arches. 
He pulls out and pushes you onto your stomach, you lift your hips, he hilts himself inside of you all at once. You feel him in your throat.you hands trace against his creased covers as he pounds faster into you. He pulls your back towards his chest. Hand grabbing at your chin. You look him in the eye. Biting your lip, you feel sweat run down your bodies, his hand slides down your front and runs tight circles around your clit. He leans in to kiss you. Pulling away with a string of spit. “Close Aem”
“Yeah? Already” 
You nod against him, his fingers brush up your neck, pinning your body into his, neck tilting. Lips brushing together. You feel him pulse inside of you. You feel the pleasure spread from your back until you can't hold on anymore. You clench around him. You can taste it in your mouth. You turned around and pressed into the covers by his body, he pistons into you chasing his high,You feel him falter, bringing his face to your own, he presses his sweaty forehead to your own. Chasing your lips as he cums. Your own legs shake from under him. He collapses on your chest. Teeth grazing against your tits. He smiles up at you,  you push his hair back from his face. 
“I really like you” he whispers, his hand meets your cheek, the pad of his thumb smoothing over your skin. 
“I'm glad” you smile, “because i really you” he pulls away from you, shrugging on some clothes and running out the room. He comes back with a wet flannel. Wiping the sweat of your forehead and then between your thighs. He kisses your shoulder and you watch him grab clothes out his drawer. You pull your socks on, and his adidas jumper, along with some joggers. The cuffs of his jumper slides down your wrist to your palm. You slide your phone in his pocket and wait. Aemond stands by the door. “You coming?” your eyes widen and you jump off the bed, grabbing his hand to pull him down stairs. 
The music is louder than usual and Aegon stares at you as you walk through the door of the lounge,“You finally fucked then” 
“Aegon!” Helaena  gasps, shoving a pillow at his face. You watch Aemonds face blush but push him into the direction of the back yard, picking up your coat and bag. You both sit on the rattan furniture, Aemonds arm wrapped around your shoulder as you roll a joint, he presses his lips to the side of your mouth as you lick the paper. It's not the neatest, but it's not Aegons, which usually look limp and bent. You push the tray of your lap and tuck your legs under you, leaning into his body. 
“Do you wanna go on a date?” 
You light the joint watching the cherry light, Turning to his side, he watches for your reaction. You smile, breathing in the weed and handing it to him. “Yes please” his lips curl. You pull your phone out his hoodie pocket, eyes widening as the texts to Helaena, light up. 
You: I literally need this man so bad I'm gonna have an aneurysm x Helaena: Istg, stop whining and talk to him all he does is ride his bike and go to work x
You switch your phone off and smile. 
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butchhamlet · 11 months
a scene-by-scene playlist for macbeth--one song for each scene. you know the drill by now. track list with rationale under the cut; special thanks to @blackcatarts for help with the selection :3 happy halloween season, y'all.
track list + rationale
act one
1.1 (the witches enter) - Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Lorde Cover) (feels self-explanatory, plus the vibe of it feels like panning in over a foggy battlefield)
1.2 (duncan finds out macbeth slayed) - Aneurysm by Nirvana (found this one on this macbeth playlist a while back and it has remained a macbeth song to me forever and ever; the manic energy fits the battlefield fervor here)
1.3 (macbeth and banquo meet the witches) - They by Jem (“and it’s ironic too // ‘cause what we tend to do // is act on what they say // and then it is that way… who are they? where are they? how can they possibly know all this?”)
1.4 (duncan names malcolm his successor) - Money Money Money by ABBA (he’s plotting! he’s planning! stars, hide your fires! look just trust me on this one)
1.5 (lady macbeth reads the letter & reunites with macbeth) - She’s Kerosene by the Interrupters (every lyric of this song is about lady macbeth.)
1.6 (lady macbeth welcomes duncan to her castle) - Silver Platters by Les Gold (“no need to be cordial // you could be immortal // if you take the risk // could you take the risk?” + “step out on the dance floor // this is what you asked for // such a pretty face // what was it underneath the mask for?”)
1.7 (the macbeths argue) - Fight For Me by AlicebanD (macbeths song of all time!!!)
act two
2.1 (dagger scene) - Disturbia by Rihanna (the supernatural begins to bleed into the world! will someone please direct a macbeth where this comes on during this scene) 
2.2 (post-murder argument) - Prowl Great Cain by The Mountain Goats (very macbeth song. placed here for “and i feel guilty, but i can’t feel ashamed!” & mention of sleepwalking & betrayal & prowling [cf. his line about tarquin in 2.1])
2.3 (porter scene, duncan’s death comes out) - Daniel in the Den by Bastille (“felled in the night by the ones you think you love // they will come for you” + “and for every king that died // they would crown another”)
2.4 (hey. don’t cry. duncan’s horses ate each other) - When He Died by Lemon Demon (literally a song about the world getting fucked up after a guy dies what can i say)
act three
3.1 (banquo gets suspicious) - Aha! by Imogen Heap (entire song about people pretending to be better than they are, including an actual serial killer. + “cost you to keep me quiet” with banquo…)
3.2 (the macbeths are fracturing) - The Horror of Our Love by Ludo (EXTREMELY MACBETHS SONG. here because this is the scene where they start to switch places, with him the one buying into violence as the answer & telling her not to worry about gory details)
3.3 (banquodeath) - Bury A Friend by Billie Eilish (rdj meme voice: he has murdered his friend)
3.4 (banquet scene) - Bird Song by Florence + the Machine (song about killing the witness and then being haunted by that witness and completely losing your shit trying to shut their ghost up…)
3.5 (hecate) - Hecate by Wendy Rule (i don’t give a shit about this scene i’m sorry. interpolation boooooo)
3.6 (lennox talks politics) - Dark Doo Wop by MS MR (foggy apocalyptic ones. “it’s all gone to shit // it’s out of our hands”)
act four
4.1 (double double toil & trouble) - Hot Knife by Fiona Apple (i’m a hot knife i’mmmm a hot knife i’m a hot knife he’s a pat of butter… you’re just gonna have to trust me on this one. my school’s macbeth had heavy drumming all through this scene and it’s associated with this song to me forever)
4.2 (macduff’s family is murdered) - Pretty Little Things by the Crane Wives (songs about pretty/fragile things being destroyed because of men’s betrayal… thinking about how lady macduff blames her husband for abandoning her to the wolves :( )
4.3 (malcolm and macduff) - All or Nothing by the Dream Masons (songs that are about both malcolm and macduff. the first verse especially is very malcolm, as a young prince stranded among enemies; the chorus is especially macduff-deciding-to-kill-macbeth-or-die-trying)
act five
5.1 (lady macbeth sleepwalks) - Tymps (The Sick in the Head Song) by Fiona Apple (LADY MACBETH GUILT SONG! “those boon times went bust // my feet of clay, they dried to dust // the red isn’t the red we painted, it’s just rust” w her imaginary bloodstains, + “i’m either so sick in the head i need to be bled dry to quit // or i just really used to love him // i sure hope that’s it”)
5.2 (the scots and english gather) - Marked Man by Mieka Pauley (songs i considered for 4.3 as well. they are coming to Get His Ass)
5.3 (macbeth preparing to fight) - For the Departed by Shayfer James (songs about knowing you’re about to get got but what does it matter when you’re already damned)
5.4 (the fucking wood is moving guys) - Kingdom Fall by Claire Wyndham (songs i almost put on the prior scene, for “i’d rather watch my kingdom fall // i want it all or not at all,” but eventually i placed it here because… well, we are watching the kingdom fall, my guy)
5.5 (tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow) - Drowning in the Sound by Amanda Palmer (okay, this is kind of because of “sound and fury,” but also it’s soooo macbeth act 5. “and the body is a temple but the temple is a prison and the prison’s overcrowded and the inmates know it’s flooded and the body politic is getting sicker by the second” + “do you ever feel like this should be officially the end? // and that you should be the one to do the ending, but you can’t?” + the inevitability…)
5.6 (scots + english arrive) - Lion’s Teeth by the Mountain Goats (song about trying to kill a powerful and tyrannical figure. also sounds like a fight scene)
5.7 (macduff and macbeth come face to face) - Bury Me Face Down by grandson (so obsessed with how firmly this guy would rather go down fighting than do literally anything easier)
5.8 (macbeth’s head presented, malcolm crowned) - King of the World by WAR*HALL (a new king is crowned after one dies by violence. fleance is still out there somewhere. the cycle of violence continues. this one doesn’t work unless you imagine the witches watching pityingly/sinisterly in the background)
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nihilnovisubsole · 6 months
phew! finally a weekend where i can set aside enough time to type up The Promised Endwalker Stream-of-Consciousness Post. i finished the base story... a month ago? but work has been busy, and i think tumblr benefits from me being quiet sometimes. anyway, what a ride. when you've been building up to the end of your arc for a decade, you want to hit it like an earthquake, and that's exactly what they did.
i think people love endwalker because it fires on all cylinders. it returns - in both story and vision - to the eorzea we love, and the dev team gets to show off everything they've learned. the dungeons and boss fights are dynamic and imaginative and colorful and bring the game's epic sense of scope to bear. the story callbacks are juicy. the music is orchestral again. we're back home, and we're saving the galaxy. what's better than this?
i love that we go to garlemald. i don't - i mean, you know, i don't like garlemald. i shouldn't have to qualify that. but it's hugely narratively satisfying to see the face of the enemy we've been fighting since the first few hours of ARR. you don't think about them when you're beating them up in castrum centri or ala mhigo. they're star wars bad guys. then you meet them on their own turf. you observe firsthand how they starve and cannibalize their own people to feed their obsession with state power and military strength. the wintry environment makes it seem all the more barren and desperate. my favorite part by far. i wish we'd spent more time there.
actually, on that note:
there is an argument that endwalker should've been two expacs. i've heard similar about stormblood - ala mhigo should've been the whole thing, and doma should've been either patch content or an expac of its own. the prevailing theory is that, after ARR, the devs are afraid of letting arcs run long. i can't speak to that, but i wouldn't have minded, that's for sure!
i won't pretend not to be biased. i've noted in many xiv posts that it hurries through its political plots to get to the magic stuff. i felt more conscious of it in heavensward and especially in stormblood. i made peace with it in endwalker. with dessert this good, who am i to complain? i can do small character drama on my own time. for now, the game wants royce to be a big damn shonen hero, and that can be fun, too.
speaking of characters, urianger and estinien have grown on me. this is the arc where, for me at least, the scions have congealed. they're all good, but with any large cast and custom player character, you tend to form the meatiest bonds with a few specific ones. i think royce appreciates urianger's cooler, more mature head. they're both so formal. he realizes she's someone he can confide in. i think she sees estinien as a gifted, but hotheaded whelp, which i find very funny. patience, child. stop sulking. do your breathing drills.
i love thancred's MGS sequence and in from the cold too. they're stressful, but i love that the team tried, you know what i mean? the fact that you can fight enemies in a pinch makes those duties way more bearable than some other games that experiment with stealth.
in from the cold as a whole, honestly. If You Know, You Know
all right, i can't avoid referencing spoilers anymore, sorry. there's a sense of classical tragedy to the whole elpis sequence. it's like watching macbeth or hamlet. you know how it's going to end, and you know you're powerless to stop it, but if they'd just made that different choice! but we had to leave eden. the warrior of light had to end up where they are to finish what elpis started. i don't do fate/destiny plots, but this? i'll take it.
i also knew what would happen going into ultima thule and still came away from it moved. it's strong writing. that's all there is to it. sure, the visuals are haunting, but the dialogue has to sell a gauntlet of difficult character moments, and it pulls it off. on the design side, there's some interesting intentional friction that forces you to linger in the zone and sit with its sense of despair. that part where you have to search the empty park for signs of life? oof
with the majority of the MSQ under my belt, i started sniffing around for what else there is to do ingame. i tried ninja. did terribly. i tried sage. did terribly too, but at least that gave me access to the healer role quests, which, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). the nier raids are gorgeous. i even did the controversial werlyt quests, and terncliff is so cute. i kind of wish we could have another story there!
what's next? i dunno! right now i'm burning through the hildibrand quests before i continue on with endwalker's patch story. the field operation stuff seems interesting to do after the MSQ, in a "hey, you saved the world, but we have more missions for you" way. i've also contracted Triple Triad Collector Disease, so that'll keep me busy for a long time.
all right. one last thing. Real Gamer Moments: i was in a mount-farming party recently, and i said that i sort of collected mounts, but only used the ishgardian chocobo. it's a roleplay thing - it's the chocobo royce took when she ran away from ishgard. one of the party members said "haurchefant would be proud of you." AUGH
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enchxanting · 1 year
our love is god [ethan landry] pt. 6
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read part 5 here || all parts
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
warnings: angst, discussion of suicide, obsessive compulsive behavior
a/n: this is sooooo lady macbeth coded. hope you enjoy!!
Dear Diary,
I go to the bathroom at least twice a period.
When I'm there, I make sure I’m alone. Then I do two things. First, I stare at myself in the mirror. I don’t break eye contact until I’ve sufficiently recalled the memory of Tara’s limp body in my peripheral vision as Ethan pulled me out of her room.
After that, I wash my hands at least three times, but it’s usually closer to seven. 
I left Tara behind four days ago. My hands are raw. I don’t know what to do. 
I can’t wash this feeling away. 
Still, it’s better than sending my SAT scores to San Quentin. Thank god for Ethan, because I don’t know what I would’ve done without him. “Sorry, officer, I accidentally poisoned my best friend after our huge public disagreement?” 
Sure, yeah, that sounds believable. I looked up the prison time for manslaughter, assuming the judge believes it was an accident, and I don’t have eleven years to spare right now. 
Talk soon.
I close my diary and return it to my backpack for safekeeping. 
Mindy is still writing on the pieces of looseleaf the school counselor, Dr. Stone, provided her with. It appears that most people don’t keep a diary past the third grade, but some TED talk said that journaling can help process big traumas, and the school has been on that shit ever since. Luckily, they don’t ask to read the entries.
The school took away my friends’ and my free periods and sent us to the counselor’s office after the news broke of Tara’s “suicide.” Anika and Chad have to go alone, but Mindy and I have always had free blocks together. 
This group therapy has got to be some sort of cosmic punishment for what I did. Now I have to watch one of her oldest friends mourn, as if I wasn’t the one who let her die.
Mindy clicks her pen and slides the papers across to Dr. Stone. He takes them without looking, inserting them neatly into a file stuffed with previous entries. 
“Thank you, girls. I know that the past week has been… difficult, to say the least. I want you to know that this is a safe space, and you can freely share any emotions that this tragic event has brought up.”
Poor Dr. Stone. I know that he’s really trying, but there aren’t any emotions I can bring up that wouldn’t be incriminating. Guilt? Disgust? Fear? I sneak a glance at Mindy, who’s staring out the window. She’s silent, too.
Dr. Stone sighs. “I understand that this is all very new. Maybe we’ll feel up to talking tomorrow.”
The bell rings, and Mindy gets up without saying a word. I mumble a half-hearted “thank you” before following her into the hall.
“Christ, that shit sucks,” she says. “I hate fucking journaling.”
We turn down the hallway towards the gym, where Chad’s taking part in some sort of football conditioning at lunch. We’ve developed a habit of skipping halfway through the day to sit in his car. 
Mindy drops her bag and sits against the wall by the gym door. “It’s just so unfair,” she says. “I still don’t understand.”
I sit down beside her. “Don’t understand what?”
She’s quiet for a second. “I read the note. Tara said there wasn’t anyone left who cared about her. And that’s bullshit. I cared, and Chad cared, and Anika cared, and Sam cared, and you cared.”
Her eyes are brimming with angry tears. “Part of me is so, so fucking mad at her. Like, how could she leave us behind, after we made it out together? We were starting to get somewhere. She had that thing with Chad going, even if both of them were too dumb to realize. You were pulling in steady cash, thanks to me, so we could actually afford to get out of here. We talked about college in New York or something, far away from Woodsboro. There were all these goddamn plans.
“But mostly I fucking miss her, man. It’s barely been a week and I’m so… incomplete. And no amount of school counseling or journaling or whatever inspirational quote my homeroom teacher wants to share with me is going to fill the void she left behind.”
Mindy wipes away her tears. For the first time since we left Dr. Stone’s office, she looks right at me. 
“I know you had your fight or whatever the night before, and if that were me I’d be torn up about it. But seriously, Y/N, you had nothing to do with it. After everything with… Amber, last year, she needed a friend. One that she wasn’t trauma-bonded with, like Chad and me. And you showed up at the right time. She loved you, man.”
My head is spinning. I’m wracked with all sorts of conflicting guilt, grief, anger, whatever, and I can’t tell anyone about it. 
So I get up and start walking towards the nearby locker room.
“Wait, Y/N, what are you doing?” Mindy calls. I don’t answer.
I can hear her get up and follow after me, but it’s been at least two hours since I’ve gone to the bathroom. At this point, I don’t care if someone watches my regimen– I need to be clean.
Turning into the locker room, I make a beeline for the sinks. I get close to the mirror, close enough to make out my pores. and stare down my reflection. After that harrowing edition of a trademark Mindy monologue, it doesn’t take long for me to recall Tara’s face. I wash my hands once, twice, three times, four times.
“Jesus, Y/N, seriously, what are you doing?” Mindy watches from behind, her voice still shaky from crying.
Five times, six times, seven times, and it’s still not enough. I’m breathing hard at this point, but I can’t get enough air. There’s blood everywhere, all over me, my clothes, even on Mindy. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the showers. Perfect. I rush over to the nearest stall and turn the handle. 
I don’t undress before stepping under the showerhead, letting the freezing water overtake me.
taglist: @miawastakens
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killerandhealerqueen · 6 months
get to know me 🌻
Tagged by my beloved @hils79 Thank you! (I'm so sorry I'm late with this)
do you make your bed?
I don't, actually. I sleep underneath a blanket on top of my comforter so, I don't see any point, honestly
what's your favourite number?
what is your job?
Currently searching for one (hopefully it'll be a death scene investigator though)
If you could go back to school would you?
I would only go if I could afford it and I wasn't looking to get any more degrees. I'm perfectly comfortable with my masters
can you parallel park?
Fuck no
a job you had that would surprise people?
I worked as a stage manager for a summer for a production that my voice teacher, who works for the Hawaii Opera Theater, put on for a summer school class. We did Macbeth
do you think aliens are real?
I would assume so
can you drive a manual car?
what's your guilty pleasure?
Don't have one. I don't feel guilty about enjoying things
None. I'd like one, but needles are not my fave...so I don't know if I could sit that long in a chair
favourite colour?
Emerald/jewel-tone green
favourite type of music?
Anything and everything
do you like puzzles?
any phobias?
Enclosed spaces, getting locked into stores after they close
favourite childhood sport?
do you talk to yourself?
what movie(s) do you adore?
I do love me some good Disney movies, and I also enjoy the Men in Black series, 27 Dresses, The Devil Wears Prada, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, the Hobbit Trilogy...the list could go on
coffee or tea?
Tea, always
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
A doctor, surprisingly
Tagging: @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @hyperbolicgrinch @mishathewtf @seonghwacore @fourth-quartet @sunriseverse @writerwithoutsound @randomingoftherandomness and anyone else who'd like to play
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ckneal · 2 years
I generally prefer midamoul to Adam/Ghoul concepts, but I would be intrigued by a story where Adam hung around Windom as a ghost after his death, and managed to be present for the events of Jump the Shark. Sam and Dean don’t see him, though he spends a lot of time right in front of their faces, standing way too close as he looks them over and picks out every stray detail that reminds him of John. He might try shouting at Sam for being such a gullible idiot as the Ghoul plays him like a fiddle, and launch into a rant when the Ghoul forces Sam and Dean to admit what they do (”Are you fucking KIDDING ME?!”).  But nonetheless gets so worked up when Sam’s about to dragged through that manhole under his car that he manages to manifest a blow to the chest that sends the Ghoul’s sister reeling underground, breaking her grip. But Sam and Dean have no idea whatsoever. 
And this isn’t a fic, this is just a rough idea that came to me a second ago. But---stay with me---the Ghoul does. For some reason, the Ghoul is the only one who can actually see or hear Adam’s ghost, and he is desperately trying to pretend that he doesn’t. Partly because he’s not completely sure that he’s actually seeing Adam’s ghost. Because the Ghoul’s concerned that Adam might just be something he’s imaging because---horror just to think of it---he might feel just a little bit guilty about murdering people. It’s not like he was a hardened killer when he and his sister went on their revenge spree, and he’s not blind to the fact that the Milligan were innocent people. He knows they didn’t deserve to die---and he ate a lit professor once; in the back of his mind, he has a stolen memory of Lady Macbeth howling “OUT DAMN SPOT!” 
What if him seeing Adam’s ghost is actually just a sign that he himself is starting to go crazy with the guilt? 
But he can’t tell his sister about it, so the Ghoul just tries to ignore it and keep moving ahead with their plans. He ignores all of Adam’s snide comments about the Ghoul’s acting, and his heckling as the Ghoul nervously drives around in Adam’s giant piece-of-shit truck (the Ghoul may have had all of Adam’s memories, but that didn’t mean he could recreate Adam’s knack for driving stick). And while he couldn’t help noticing the cutting silence when Dean found Kate’s remains, he had his own feelings to attribute it to. But then Adam starts to say things around the point of the reveal---when the Ghoul finally gets Sam and Dean to crack about their real identities---that a figment of the Ghoul’s imagination couldn’t possibly know, because the Ghoul didn’t know, and that just makes it all the weirder. 
The Ghoul doesn’t fully understand what’s happening, but Adam’s starting to turn into a vengeful spirit, because human souls can’t just exist on earth after death. As ghosts, their humanity erodes over time, and Adam’s afterlife certainly did not begin on the most cheerful of notes to begin with. 
And as the Ghoul is trying to figure all of this out, holed up in the motel bathroom while Sam’s just outside, thinking that “Adam” needed a moment alone to cry, Adam’s ghost happens to lock eyes with him in the mirror. 
“Wait, can you see me?”
The Ghoul runs, Adam pursues. A shouting match happens, and the Ghoul lets out the words, “I’m sorry, okay? It was fucked up, is that what you want to hear?”
“No, I want to not be dead!”
“Well, I want my dad back!” 
“So what? You get to kill me over it?”
And as they’re shouting at each other, the Ghoul’s just reeling, he doesn���t even know what to say. They can hear Sam calling after “Adam” in the distance, because the Ghoul had just bolted from the room without warning before. He goes with, “Life’s not fair!” 
Adam’s about to shout something back, but then he freezes, because the Ghoul starts sobbing, and suddenly Adam doesn’t know what to do, as Sam comes into view. 
The next time the Ghoul has Sam alone, as they’re barricading Adam’s house, the Ghoul asks Sam a few questions about earth. It’s not weird, the Ghoul had already laid the groundwork with Sam to talk about hunting. Sam doesn’t even bat and eye as he talks about how ghosts hardly resemble humans after awhile, they just lose themselves, and that that’s why they shouldn’t feel bad about severing their link to the land of the living, even if they do look like they’re in pain when you “light ’em up.”
“Does it hurt them, though?”
“Honestly, we try not to think about it.”
“That’s not a no.”
Sam makes a face, and then goes to get more nails.
And then the ending would have to be the Ghoul opening his eyes in Adam’s house after having his head blown in, realizing he’s a ghost, and then turning around to see Adam awkwardly standing on the other side of the room. 
The Ghoul tries to think of something to say, but then a reaper appears with a sound of flapping wings. They look back and forth between Adam and the Ghoul, and then ask which one of them they’re supposed to take. 
Without a second’s hesitation, the Ghoul points to Adam and says, “Him!” 
And then spends the final moments of his life watching Sam and Dean scrub the blood out of Adam’s house, wondering where he’ll go and whether he might see Adam again after they burn his corpse. 
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
So beside being invested what did you think about Rings of Power? I really loved it and I can't wait for S2! :)
Oh, hi Nonny! I'm sorry I'm behind on answering asks. I hope you're still around - because I do love talking about Tolkien, and I don't get to do it a whole lot here!
So - yes, I'm interested, and I thought it was much better than I worried it would be. I still has some issues though that I hope they work on.
Okay, story stuff behind the cut in case people don't want to be spoiled. And because I'm wordy, as usual.
I'm mostly going to break this down by character/story arc
Galadriel - I liked her a lot more than general consensus, but I do understand the concerns. There's a lot of room in Tolkien's canon to let Galadriel be whatever the story needs her to be. What they made her be, however, is mostly an angry, aggressive, and static character. I don't blame the actress -- she's doing great with some questionable script writing. I'm fine with her wanting revenge, but they're swinging wildly on this one note, and really need to give her more depth and nuance moving forward.
(Also /what/ was that dark scene where she threatened Adar? I mean why go that far?)
Halbrand/Sauron - Okay, I love LOVE the idea of what they did here more than the actual execution. This is one of those times where the show was trying to have its cake and eat it too. They were trying to walk this line -- making him seem like he could be a real lost king, or someone who was going to be the Nazgul, and wanted to play up the mystery of who Sauron was but... they could have spent a lot more time letting us in on the secret, and letting him be way more manipulative than he actually was. I feel like it was /such/ a missed opportunity to not have him just be sinister, or at least unsettling, the whole way through.
I also think there was a missed opportunity not to have him spend more time with the Elves (as he does in canon) teaching them how to make their rings. It was weird to me that it was, like, a half episode.
Loved the actor (kudos to having him have the whole Aragorn feel to him). Loved the scene between he and Galadriel in the last episode -- so, so good. And I'm really glad they didn't try to force some weird kind of romance there, and instead were opting for two sides of a similar coin kind of thing.
Again - interested to see where they go with this -- will they stick to canon and have him involved in the fall of Numenor?
Elendil, Ilsildur, and Numenor - Look, we know how this ends - with Numenor sinking into the sea and Elendil and Ilsildur creating the last alliance (with the Elves) to defeat Sauron. I think there's a good start here -- both with Elendil and Ilsildur and with the beginnings of the fall of Numenor. I can't say this was the most interesting part of the show, but it does have potential for getting some really fascinating fantasy politics going.
Celebrimbor, Gil-Galad, and the Elves - Out of all the places we've been, the land of the Elves feels kind of limited, and I wish they'd expand the scope here a little. Celebrimbor isn't like I thought he'd be, but that's okay -- I do wish we had more of him though. Gil-Galad feels so stiff and undeveloped. Let him expand his role a bit.
Elrond - Yes, I love him and everything about him. No complaints. Let's give him more to do in upcoming seasons.
The Dwarves - This was pretty well done. Even if there were some huge departs to canon (There should only be one Durin at a time) I think this might be the strongest story line in the show. I loved Elrond and Durin's friendship. I also loved Dessa - and how she's somewhat a Lady MacBeth character. The characterization in these plot lines feels like it was handled the best.
The whole Mithril being the Elves' savior thing -- *sigh* Look, I know they're limited because they don't get the Silmarillion, and it's causing some strange things to happen. And I'm not a Tolkien purist - I'm fine with changes but... wtf?? Mithril was somehow created from the Silmarils and a balrog and... no. Stop. Stop explaining it.
The Southlands - I was a little worried at first, because all of the characters here were original ones. While I really did not care about the romance between the Elf dude and the Southlander woman, overall, I think what they did here was pretty good. The tension during this story line was pretty well done, and the characters weren't nearly as annoying as I feared they might be.
I still feel like the kid has some part to play -- will he become a great king of men and become one of the nazgul? That'd be a twist, huh?
I also kind of loved the eruption of Mt. Doom -- though another missed opportunity not having the Southlands change to Mordor on the map.
Adar - I actually loved this character -- because he struck on some of the lore actually from canon, and made him a sympathetic villain. Idk, I just thought it was cool what they did with him. The orcs, too, were rather well done -- and much more menacing than in the original trilogy, tbh.
The Stranger - I love Wizards, I really do. I think they spent too much time making us wonder if it was Sauron, though, when it clearly wasn't. All signs point to Gandalf, which would be.. I get it, even if Gandalf wasn't in the third age. They have room to tell the story of one of the blue wizards, which would at least be a neat twist. I also kind of wonder if he's Saruman - because that'd be even more unexpected. I suppose we'll see. I do hope, though, he has more interaction with the others, though, because this plot line was so disjointed that it kind of felt annoying to go back to it.
The Hobbits - *sigh* This is where I'm confused - in canon, there are three factions of Hobbits and the Fallohides are the ones that are wanderers, not the Harfoots. Nothing about these Harfoots resembled what we know about them in canon, so why not make them Fallohides? I don't get it.
Anyway... when I heard they were bringing Hobbits into the mix, I kind of groaned. It was better than I thought it'd be, but still not great. They were just kinda dumb -- and it was their own fault they kept getting killed by the stranger. Nori drove me crazy. Oops. (Also - holy Elijah Wood look alike with this actress.)
Some other things --
The LotR references - as someone who loves Easter Eggs and callbacks, even I was getting a little bit tired of them. They were going out of their way to pay so much homage to the original trilogy that I felt like it was trying too hard.
the cinematography is gorgeous. It is the most expensive TV show ever filmed, and it shows. I hope that push back about the show doesn't cause Amazon (or who ever is funding it) to cut the budget on this - because omg, is it beautiful.
The score was fantastic - yes, good, goes in with the wonderful cinematography
The show has some pacing issues. Some plot lines drag on too much. Others are rushed.
Also, as reviewers mentioned - some of the dialogue is really awkward and just plain weird.
So.... are they going to show the making of the other rings? Are they going to show the downfall of men into the Nazgul? How's the fall of Numenor going to go? Will they expand into the east and south? There's a lot of story to tell yet -- I'm hoping they listen to some feedback about this first season and try to improve upon it. There's a lot of potential here, and I want to see it grow into an even better show!
Those be my thoughts! Thanks for asking Nonny!
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resolvebound · 2 years
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Portrayal notes + canon divs.
Filler arcs etc: The filler episodes/arcs and 100 Year Quest are not included as canon, but if you are writing a character from the 100 Year Quest, I’m sure we can still put something together.
Appearance: The signature aspects of his look – the black section of hair, the dark lips and eyeliner, are all a result of a spell cast on him when he was younger. He absolutely does not care if anyone thinks he’s wearing makeup. The white part of his hair is also not fluffy like it is in his later canon appearance and instead is still smooth and fine.
History (pre-tower): His mother was a healer with a gift for prophecy and his father was the leader of the village. His mother was unable to emotionally bond with him, despite her best efforts, due to a ‘knowing’ that she had that he was dangerous. She later had a vision that he would cause the death of his father and her fears of that possibility further tainted the relationship. After she herself died in an accident, Macbeth stuck close to his fathers side and unfortunately (and unintentionally) did end up fulfilling the dreaded prophecy. His guilt and fears manifested as illusions and tormented him, driving the people in his village to think he was cursed or possessed. This is what prompted them to use the protection spell on him that would alter his appearance. When that was not successful in stopping the erratic behaviour and the ‘ghosts’ that were appearing everywhere, they handed him off to travelling traders (who then sold him on to the Zeref Cultists).
General attitude: He’s very quiet for the most part, only talks when he has to. He seems very uninterested in everything that’s going around him, but the truth is he’s very aware of it all (it still probably doesn’t interest him but he’s taking note anyway so he’s never caught off guard). He’s lazy, preferring to conserve his energy, only putting in effort when something interests or excites him. He’s insanely curious, and it’s only to serve his curiosity that he might actually talk or ask questions.
Jellal vs Oracion Seis: Jellal did not attack or fight with the members of the Oracion Seis in order to get them to join Crime Sorciere. He would not force someone to join him, and they are not the type who would allow themselves to be bullied into such a thing either.
Brain’s ‘death’: When Erik negotiates the freedom of the Oracion Seis, it does not include Brain, therefore their former master is not present when Jellal comes to meet them. Brain continues to rot in jail, as he deserves.
Crime Sorciere: For Macbeth, joining was a matter of convenience/survival and acquiescence to his comrades wishes. While in the guild, his motive for taking part in the bringing down of dark guilds was never about ‘atonement’ for his past sins and was closer to revenge. He doesn’t regret the deeds of his past, only that he did them for the sake of Brain.
Related to the above, although his motives weren't pure, it can't be said that he hasn't changed at all. He’s still cold for the most part and sadistic when the mood strikes, he’s not a good guy but he’s no longer someone who will hurt innocents indiscriminately (people who annoy him are fair game tho sorry) and he will step in if it seems to him that someone’s choice is being forced or made for them. He used to not…care. What happened to others was their own business, and he does still believe that, but freedom is more important than ever to him and its something he believes everyone should have. If he does try to help, and whoever it is makes what he sees is the Wrong choice, he’ll be irritated and may try once more to make them see sense, but he’ll leave them to it after that.
The pardon: Unlike in canon, the slate is not wiped clean for Crime Sorciere following the war. There are negotiations and trials and finally conditions upon their pardon. Macbeth is mandated to attend regular therapy, reintegrate into society via Sabertooth (under the supervision of Sting), and also assist the Council’s Research department (with occasional missions tracking dark mages). During this time, he has specialised living arrangements.
His cat: Several months into his mandated therapy, it was recommended he get a pet. He requested a cat and received a fluffy black kitten. He named her Onyx and he’s very protective of her.  She is an incredibly snuggly babey and loves to be close to him.
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yourbodymyarchive · 2 years
Explaining the songs on my JonMartin Spotify playlist because I can.
Very self-indulgent post. I always make playlists with lyrics that actually fit the theme or dynamic, and I wanted to talk about the JonMartin playlist I made. Because I can. Anyway, let's get started.
Sweet Talk - Saint Motel
Sweet Talk is a very S1 Jon and Martin song. See the following lyrics: "Yeah, you might want me to drop dead, but I don't even care!...You could yell "Piss off! Won't you stay away?" and it'd still be sweet talk to my ears." You're gonna read those words and tell me that's not S1-S2 era Martin?
2. I Would Do Anything For You - Foster The People
Admittedly, this song is just a very nice love song that reminds me of S3 Jon and Martin, particularly the lyric "I don't know what the plan is, but you can share with me, cause I'll be a listening ear to everything you say..."
3. What I'm Becoming - Cage The Elephant
A little angst for the JonMartin. This is a song in Jon's POV, I think. Jon, throughout S3-S4 is becoming something he doesn't want to be. He's torn between his humanity and the destiny he faces and I imagine he'd be so sorry to Martin for that because we all know how much blame he puts on himself for the things he can't control.
4. We Will Commit Wolf Murder - of Montreal
The ultimate JonMartin song. Takes place in S5 in my mind, given the lyrics "When I die, I want you to die too, Not try to stay in this all in a dimension without you..." Also love the "There's blood in my hair" line because I see Jon as a kind of Lady Macbeth character, where he can't wipe the blood from his hands.
5. Under The Moon - Foster The People
Under The Moon is a song about longing for someone that is so far away from you and that's exactly why it's the perfect S4 era song for JMart. The song talks about looking out the window, looking at the same sky, the same moon, and I imagine Jon and Martin did a whole lot of longing, asking themselves, "Are you looking at the same sky? Even when I'm not there with you? Do you know how I dream of you?"
6. Train Song - Vasti Bunyan
This song is the ultimate song for anyone who hc's that JMart took a train to Scotland. A song about traveling north, on a train, to find the person you love. Very Them.
7. If You Love Me (Really Love Me) - Brenda Lee
Took this from the Loki soundtrack because I really think this is The Apocalypse song. Just saying, "The world is shit but you love me, and I love you, and I don't care about the rest of it."
8. This Is Our Life - Mitski, Son Lux, David Bryne
Originally from the Everything Everywhere All At Once soundtrack, repurposed for my Somewhere Else headcanon. This is the song that perfectly fits my image of the post-canon events. Jon and Martin somewhere else, finally able to choose to just love, without anything making that decision for them. This Is Their Life, free from any webs of horror. Just them.
Anyway, here's the full playlist because I can only talk about these song choices for so long and the actual playlist has way more songs.
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hyogonokitsune · 3 years
longing -- suna rintarou x reader
college!au, tw alcohol use, lil bit of fluff, lil bit of angst, some smut at the end because I can’t fucking help myself 🥴 (oral -- m and f receiving, choking, creampie, cockwarming hnnff)
11,600 words
“Hey, ‘Samu, I gotta go lie down.” You had to practically yell to hear yourself over the music blaring from the speakers. Osamu was less than two feet from you, but you might as well have been yelling from a mile away.
“I said I gotta go—fuck! Where’s your room?” You had to speak directly into his ear to make yourself understood; Osamu leaned in close to respond to you.
You hadn’t had that much to drink, but the atmosphere of the party was wearing you down. The insanely loud music and the crush of so many sweaty bodies were starting to give you a headache, and you were in desperate need of a quiet place to recharge. Most of the people were crowded into the living areas of the house, so you decided to escape to your friend’s upstairs bedroom to catch your breath.
You shut his door behind you, muffling the sounds of the party downstairs, and laid down on the bed, closing your eyes. Even here, you could feel the bass pounding in your head.
The door opened then, but when you lifted your head to look, it wasn’t Osamu standing in the room. You groaned; you definitely were not in the mood to deal with a random guy.
“Can I help you?” you asked in a hard voice, sitting up to look at him better.
“Can I help you?” he replied, utterly deadpan. He walked over to the desk in the corner and plugged his phone into a charger, his back facing you. “You’re in my room.”
“What? This is Osamu’s room.”
“’Samu’s room is the last door on the left. This is the last one on the right.” He turned around to look at you, his expression indifferent.
Your eyes widened as you realized your mistake, quickly hopping off his bed. “I’m so sorry! I must have misheard him. I just needed to get away from there,” you explained, gesturing towards the door.
He smirked at you. “Too much to drink?”
“No, there are just too many people down there, felt like I couldn’t breathe.”
His expression softened at your words. “Yeah, that’s why I came up here, too.”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it, then,” you said, moving towards the door.
“You’re Osamu and Atsumu’s friend, right?” he said, stopping you. “They said one of their old friends was gonna come over tonight.”
Your hand dropped from the doorknob as you nodded, telling him your name.
“I’m Suna,” he said.
“Oh! You went to high school with them, right? They’ve told me about you.”
“Nothing good, I bet,” he said, the corner of his mouth quirking up into a grin.
“Almost all good things,” you responded truthfully.
“’Almost’”, he repeated, a low laugh escaping him. Suna watched you for a moment, looking as if he was thinking about something. “You can hang out here, if you want,” he said, motioning for you to sit back on the bed as he pulled out his desk chair. “As long as you don’t puke on anything.”
“I told you, I didn’t drink that much!” you huffed, but you sat down all the same. You had wanted to get away from all the noisy people downstairs, but this guy seemed laidback enough that he wouldn’t make your headache worse; besides, you were interested in talking to someone who had known the twins in high school.
Suna put on a playlist from his phone, setting the volume just loud enough to block out the house music blasting from downstairs. “You’ve known them a while, yeah?”
You nodded. “Since we were kids, but I didn’t go to Inarizaki with them.”
“Good call.”
“They’re not that bad!” you laughed. “Don’t tell them this, but I actually missed seeing them every day, so it’s nice that we ended up going to the same university.”
“Maybe I will tell them that, then they’ll spend more time harassing you instead of me.”
“Don’t you dare.”
You both laughed then, before falling into an easy silence. You shifted to get more comfortable on his bed, crossing your legs underneath you.
“Do you not like parties?” you asked.
“They’re alright,” he said, rubbing at his eyes. “I’m not too crazy about having ten thousand strangers in my house, though.”
You hummed in agreement, nodding your head. “Yeah, what’s fun about having random drunk people sweating all over you? I’d rather just hang out with a few friends, ya know?”
He snorted. “Hopefully it’ll be more like that in the future, but Atsumu really wanted to throw a big party for the start of the semester.”
You couldn’t help rolling your eyes. “He just wanted to introduce himself to as many girls as possible.”
“Yeah, that was his not-so-secret motive.”
There was another pause. Suna scrolled through his phone, searching for something.
“You wanna see some embarrassing photos of the twins?”
“Yes, absolutely I do.”
He grinned, unplugging his phone to come sit next to you on the bed. He leaned in close, tilting his screen so you could see it. “Oh, here’s a good one,” he said, trying to suppress a smile as he showed you a picture of Osamu lying face down on the ground. “He tripped when we were jogging, completely ate shit.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the image, especially with Atsumu in the foreground holding up a peace sign over his brother’s body.
Most of the photos were of the two of them fighting; having grown up with the twins, it was a little comforting to see that they acted the same around their new friends as they always had with you. You felt somewhat nostalgic at the thought.
Suna paused on a closeup photo of Atsumu, his eyes red and puffy as he tried to swat the camera away. “Ah, this was after he got rejected by a girl and he swore he wasn’t crying.”
“Oh my god, I totally remember that day!” you said, laughing hard. “’Samu called me, begging me to talk some sense into ’Tsumu because he kept whining about being turned down.”
“Seriously? God, knowing that makes this so much better,” Suna said, a crooked grin on his face.
“Please don’t tell him I told you that.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
He showed you nearly three years’ worth of pictures, pausing at the memorable ones to tell you the stories behind them. It was easy talking to him; you felt able to laugh naturally and relax around him despite being strangers, something that you weren’t able to do with most people you just met.
You didn’t realize how long you and Suna had been talking until you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket; seeing that it was a call from Osamu, you answered it.
“Y/n, did you leave?”
You were surprised by the panicky note in his voice. “No, I told you I was going upstairs.”
“Yeah? Well where the fuck are ya, ’cause I’m standing in my room and you’re not in here.”
“I’m in Suna’s room—”
Before you could finish your sentence, you heard footsteps stomp across the hall and the door flew open.
“What the hell are ya doing in here?” Osamu asked, still holding his phone up to his cheek.
“We’re fucking, obviously,” Suna deadpanned. You giggled, but Osamu didn’t look amused.
“I got the rooms mixed up, ’Samu,” you explained, getting up off the bed. “Suna’s just been telling me about your time in high school.”
“Oh, great,” Osamu said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “It’s late, you want me to walk ya back to your dorm?”
“Can you even walk, or are you too drunk?”
“It’s Atsumu you should be worried about. He fell asleep on the couch downstairs.”
“Why does that not surprise me,” you laughed. You made your way over to Osamu, turning at the door to address Suna. “It was nice talking to you, I guess I’ll see you around.”
He was scrolling through his phone again, only giving you a brief disinterested glance. “Yeah, see you.”
 You poked your head into Osamu’s room, only to find that it was empty. It was a little disappointing; you had been hoping to hang out with him for a bit, since you hadn’t had time to see much of him that week, but if he wasn’t around there was nothing to be done about it. The book you had borrowed from him a few weeks ago was already in your hand, so you placed it on his desk and turned to leave.
Stepping back into the hallway, you noticed that the door across from Osamu’s was open. You casually glanced inside as you walked past, catching Suna’s eye from where he sat in front of his laptop.
“Hey,” you said, leaning against the doorframe.
“Hey,” he parroted as he took his headphones off his ears.
“I came by to return a book that Osamu lent me, but I guess he’s not around.”
“I think he’s meeting with a professor.”
“Ah.” You fell silent, and Suna turned his attention back to his laptop. “What are you reading?” you asked.
He looked up again, his expression a little sheepish. “You’re gonna think it’s boring.”
“Try me.”
He sighed. “It’s an article analyzing the influence of Shakespeare’s histories on English nationalism.”
Your face brightened as you spoke. “That was published last week, right? I bookmarked that so I could read it when I got the chance.”
Suna looked surprised at your response, his eyes widening slightly. “It’s pretty interesting so far.”
“I have to say, though, you didn’t strike me as the type to be into that kind of stuff,” you said, just a hint of a teasing tone in your voice.
His expression was blank again as he responded, “Well, I am a literature major.”
“So am I!” you said, smiling at him as you walked into his room and leaned against his desk. “I don’t think we have any classes together, though.”
“It’s a big school.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” You paused, thinking of a way to keep the conversation going. “What’s your favorite Shakespeare play?”
Suna glanced up at the ceiling, bottom lip rolling between his teeth as he thought. “I guess I’d say Hamlet. There’s just so much shit going on.”
“Ah, so you love the drama of it all,” you laughed. “I think it’s a tie between Hamlet and Macbeth for me. The twist at the end is just—” you cut yourself off to do a chef’s kiss, prompting Suna to laugh a little.
“‘Macduff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped’, such a raw line.”
“Yes, exactly!” You were beaming at him, happy to learn that you shared a common interest. Over the course of the last few weeks since you first met Suna, you hadn’t had much of a chance to get to know him, despite him being your best friends’ roommate. He usually kept to himself, and on the few occasions when he joined you and the twins to play video games or get dinner together, he didn’t talk much. He seemed like a naturally reserved person, and as you remembered this, you felt a small pang of guilt for disturbing him.
“Well, I’ll let you finish that article,” you said, getting off his desk and making for the door.
His voice stopped you before you could leave. “You can hang out here until Osamu gets back, if you want.” You turned to face him, a little surprised.
“You sure? I don’t wanna bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me,” he said. “I can finish this whenever.”
You couldn’t help but smile, feeling like this was a rare invitation coming from him. Your heart beat a little faster at the thought.
“Have you ever seen ‘Scotland, PA’?” you asked.
“It’s an adaptation of Macbeth that takes place in a fast food restaurant.”
“Yeah?” he snorted, a grin appearing on his face. “You wanna watch it?” Before you could answer, he was unplugging his headphones and bringing his laptop over to you.
“Sure, if you want to,” you told him, feeling like you were really lucking out.
Suna sat on the floor at the foot of his bed, patting the spot at his side as he started searching for the movie. You sat down next to him, careful to leave a space between you.
When you watched movies with Atsumu and Osamu, their incessant talking usually got on your nerves pretty quickly, but you found that you didn’t mind listening to Suna’s comments. Watching the film together seemed to make any lingering awkwardness between you two disappear, and before long you were laughing and leaning into each other.
“Oh, I hate this part!” you groaned when you reached a certain scene, turning to press your face into Suna’s shoulder.
“Jesus, that’s fucked up,” he chuckled, grimacing as Duncan’s character fell face-first into a deep fryer.  
“Then why are you laughing!” you said, lifting your head, but you couldn’t keep your own laughter from bubbling up in your chest. Suna gave you a crooked grin, your reaction only making him laugh harder.
“Oi, Sunarin! You got a girl in there or something?” Osamu’s voice floated in through the open door, his head appearing a moment later. His eyes widened when he spotted you. “What the hell are ya doin’ here?”
“Hello to you, too, ’Samu,” you said dryly. “I came here to return your book, but you were too busy to see me, I guess.”
“Took ya long enough,” he grumbled, but he grinned at you all the same. “I’m starving, you wanna grab something to eat?”
“Yeah, later,” you said, turning to look at Suna. “There’s still a bit left in this movie, you wanna finish it now?”
“Yeah,” he replied, a little surprised that you’d postpone hanging out with your friend to finish the movie with him.
“Ugh, fiiiine,” Osamu groaned, rolling his eyes at you, “guess I’ll go shower, then. But don’t take too long, I’m so fuckin’ hungry.”
 “Maaaan, I can’t wait until this semester’s over,” Atsumu sighed. “I feel like it’s draggin’ by.”
“Yeah, it’ll be nice to go home for break.”
The two of you were standing on a patch of grass outside the gym, passing a volleyball back and forth. It was chilly, your breath coming out in silvery puffs, but after spending most of your time inside studying for the past week, you had both wanted to get some fresh air.
“I just know I’m gonna fail my bio final.”
“You’ll be fine, ’Tsumu,” you chuckled as you bumped the ball back to him. “You’ve been studying more in the last few days than I’ve seen you do in your entire life.”
“Hey, I studied in high school!” he huffed, his face contorting in mock annoyance as he set the ball. “Just ask Suna!”
The mention of his roommate’s name made your stomach flutter, causing you to mess up the course of the ball.
Atsumu quickly stepped to the side to get under it, giving you a nice, high set in return. “Jeez, you’ve really let your skills slip, huh?” he teased, grinning at you.
“Shut up, piss head.” Your cheeks were already pink from the cold, but you felt them heating up.
“Why don’t you play anymore anyway? I’m pretty sure there’s a women’s club on campus.”
You shrugged as you responded. “I don’t know, I don’t think I’m good enough to play for a college team.”
You heaved a sigh. “Fine. I just think it’d be weird to play on a new team. I liked my old team, ya know? All my good memories are of them, I don’t think it would be fun to have to learn a whole new dynamic with new people. I’d feel like I was… I don’t know, like I was cheating on them or something.”
Atsumu looked at you like you’d just told him the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard. “That’s still bullshit.”
“Well I don’t expect you to understand, you freak. You wouldn’t care who your teammates are, as long as you get to play volleyball.” You gave him a smile as you passed him the ball. “I still have fun playing with you and ’Samu, though.”
“You better. If that ever changed, I’d have to rethink this whole friendship.”
You both laughed, but a part of you wondered how serious he really was.
“Fuck, okay my fingers are actually starting to go numb. Can we go inside now?” you asked, shoving your bright red hands into your jacket pockets.
“Yeah, you wanna grab some dinner?”
The two of you set off for the campus dining hall, huddled close together for warmth. The sun was just beginning to set, making the bare trees cast long, spindly shadows on the path in front of you. You quickened your pace, shivering a little.
The dining hall was just beginning to fill up; you and Atsumu managed to grab a table near the back of the room before all the spots were taken. You wrapped your freezing hands around your bowl of soup, savoring the warmth. Atsumu wasted no time digging into his own meal.
“You might wanna wipe that rice off your face, ’Tsumu,” you told him in a low voice, “that girl over there is checking you out.”
“Huh?” he asked, his mouth full. His eyes glanced over to the direction where you were tilting your head. “Eh, whatever.”
You rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face. “You still hooking up with that girl from your stats class?”
“Yeah, I actually really like her,” he said, swallowing a massive bite of food. “She’s sweet, and funny. And she’s really good at—”
“Stop,” you said, holding up a hand. “I really don’t wanna know.”
He smirked at you. “I was gonna say helping me study. Jeez, what were you thinking about?”
You bit your lip, trying not to give him the satisfaction of seeing you smile.
“What about you? You been seeing anyone?”
“You know damn well the only guys I hang out with are you and ’Samu.”
“And Suna,” he added. You took a big gulp of your soup so you wouldn’t have to say anything in response. He was right, though; lately you had been spending more time with Suna, even without the twins around. “I’m kinda surprised at Suna, actually,” Atsumu continued.
“What, that he’s hanging out with me?”
“No, that he’s not hanging out with any other girls.”
Your brow furrowed a little. You had assumed that Suna got around; he was handsome, after all, and he had that mysterious, reticent personality that most girls went crazy for.
“I mean, back in high school he was kinda known for just having a ton of hookups. I figured he’d keep that up in college. I don’t know, maybe he’s too busy now,” Atsumu mused.
You mulled it over in your head. It seemed to you like Suna had more free time now than he would have had in high school; almost every time you stopped by their house, he was either in his room reading or listening to music, or else playing games with the twins. You were pretty sure he could have fit in a hookup or two if he wanted.
“Maybe he just wants to focus on his classes,” you offered, but it didn’t sound realistic even as you said it.
Atsumu snorted. “Yeah, like he’s gonna trade pussy for his GPA.”
“Charming, ’Tsumu,” you sighed. “It’s not really any of our business what Suna gets up to, though.”
“I’m just saying, it’s a little weird for him.” Atsumu’s arm stretched out to steal some food from your tray. “Maybe he’s met someone he really likes.”
His words made your stomach turn over, but you weren��t entirely sure why.
 A few days into the spring semester, both Atsumu and Osamu came down with nasty colds. By the time the weekend rolled around, they were completely incapacitated, unable to do anything but huddle up together on the couch, sniffling sadly.
You had taken pity on your friends, so on Saturday night (after receiving several dramatic texts from Atsumu that he was dying), you decided to go over to their house to cook them dinner. The twins were curled up on the couch watching a movie, wrapped in thick blankets with used tissues scattered around the coffee table in front of them. From where you stood in the kitchen prepping ingredients, you had a clear view of them over the counter; the sight of them looking so sorry for themselves reminded you of all the times you had gone over their house to keep them company when they got sick as kids. You smiled to yourself, thinking of those fond memories.
“Y/n,” Atsumu whined from the living room, his blanket pulled up over the top of his head. “I don’t feel good.”
“I know, baby. Dinner will be ready soon.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw him tighten the blanket around himself, a dopey grin on his face. “Y/n called me ‘baby’,” he said happily.
“Simp,” Osamu muttered under his breath.
Atsumu stuck a leg out from under his blanket to kick his brother. “Don’t be jealous, you scrub!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at them; their usual bickering sounded especially cute when their voices were so congested.
“Even when you’re sick you guys can’t shut up.” Suna had come downstairs, rubbing his eyes as he walked into the kitchen.
“Sunarin! Are you finally gonna hang out with us?” Atsumu asked excitedly.
“Absolutely not. I don’t wanna catch whatever weird disease you guys have—”
“You make us sound so disgusting,” Osamu grumbled.
“I just came down to get food,” Suna continued, grabbing a Cup Noodle from the cupboard.
“Oh no you’re not,” you said, snatching it out of his hands. “I’m making dinner for you guys.”
Suna’s eyes widened a little in surprise, but he didn’t object. Instead, he leaned back against the counter, watching as you dried the vegetables.
“Suna, could you chop up the mushrooms for me?” you asked. “Oh, but wash your hands first, please!”
Without saying a word, he did as you asked. You could hear Atsumu snickering from the couch.
“Talk about a simp. Y/n actually got Sunarin to help out in the kitchen,” he said, smirking. Suna balled up the paper towel he was using to dry his hands and chucked it at Atsumu’s head.
“You’ve got snot dripping down your face, dude.”
“Shut up!” Atsumu cried, sniffling as he burrowed deeper into his blanket.
With Suna’s help, prepping the ingredients went twice as fast. You expected him to leave the kitchen once it was done, but to your surprise he stayed, leaning against the counter again to watch you as you cooked. Occasionally he asked you a question about what you were doing.
“The chicken takes a little longer to cook than the veggies, so I’m adding that to the broth first,” you explained. “The order you add things affects the flavor, too.”
“How many times have I offered to teach ya to cook, Sunarin?” Osamu called from the other room. “Guess ya only wanna learn when Y/n’s doin’ the teaching.”
Suna glared at him over his shoulder before turning his attention back to what you were doing. “I didn’t really have to know how before.”
“It’s never too late to learn,” you reassured him.
“Nothin’ sexier than a man who knows how to cook!” Osamu yelled, grinning. Suna ignored him, but you noticed the tips of his ears turning pink.
When the food was nearly done, you asked Osamu to clear a space on the coffee table. With Suna’s help, you carried over the meal you had cooked together, setting down the steaming bowls of soup, rice, and vegetables in front of the twins.
“My nose is all stuffed up, but this still smells so good,” Atsumu said, eyes closed as he sniffed the air.
“Yeah, your cooking’s always the best, Y/n,” Osamu agreed as he reached out with both hands for a bowl of soup.
“Oh, I picked up your favorite tea on the way over here, too,” you said, going back to the kitchen.
“What?! You really are the best!” Atsumu wailed. You walked back into the living room, carrying two mugs in each hand. “What did we ever do to deserve you?”
“It’s a mystery to me,” you replied, but the smile on your face was gentle as you handed the twins their tea. You passed the third mug to Suna, and the look he gave you was nothing short of tender as you sat next to him on the floor. The sight of it made your heart pound in your chest.
When you had all finished eating, you and Suna carried the dishes back to the kitchen while the twins dozed on the couch. After packing up the leftovers, you started washing the dishes and cooking pots, with Suna drying and putting them away.
“Thanks for making dinner for us,” he said quietly, not making eye contact with you.
“Of course,” you said, offering him a smile. “I don’t mind doing it.”
“You must really like those two idiots, if you’re willing to do so much for them.”
You looked over the counter into the living room where the twins were passed out on the couch. Osamu was curled up on his side, his head leaning against the armrest and blanket tucked up tight around him; Atsumu had his head thrown back, mouth hanging open as he snored softly. The sight of them sleeping so peacefully made a feeling of warmth spread throughout your chest.
“I’ve known them since we were three,” you told Suna, gaze still pointed towards the twins. “They’re like brothers to me.” You paused for a moment, thinking, before turning your attention back to the dishes in the sink. “I think it’s normal to want to do things for the people you care about.”
You caught Suna’s eye as you looked up to pass him a freshly-washed plate. He was staring at you intently, brows slightly furrowed, but you couldn’t quite name the expression on his face.  
 It came as no surprise when, a few days after taking care of the twins, you came down with a bad cold of your own. You managed to suffer through your classes and had just returned to your room to sleep for the rest of the day when, less than five minutes after changing into your pajamas and climbing into bed, there was a knock at your door.
“It’s open,” you called out, thinking it was one of the girls from your floor coming to check on you.
When Suna stepped into your room, you nearly fell in your haste to jump out of bed.
“Sorry, was I not supposed to come in?” he asked as you disentangled yourself from the blankets.
“No, I just wasn’t expecting it to be you,” you told him. You grabbed a hoodie from your closet and quickly pulled it on over your tank top, attempting to hide the fact that you weren’t wearing a bra.
“Oh,” was all he said. The two of you stood there staring at each other awkwardly for a moment, before you noticed the bag he was holding in his hand.
“What’s that?” you asked, pointing at it.
Suna blinked as if he had suddenly remembered why he was there. “The guys told me you weren’t feeling well,” he said, setting the bag down on your desk and pulling a container out of it, “so I thought I’d bring you some soup.” His voice got softer at the end, and you noticed a slight blush on his cheeks as he held it out to you.
He must have made it and immediately brought it over to your dorm, because the container was still hot to the touch. You struggled to keep your lower lip from shaking at the sheer thoughtfulness of it. “That’s really sweet, Suna. Thank you.”
“It’s probably not nearly as good as yours, but…” his voice trailed off. He scratched at the back of his head, the blush deepening on his face. “I tried to do what you showed me the other night.”
“Do you wanna have some with me?” you asked, but you were already taking down two bowls from the shelf above your desk and pouring out a serving for each of you, before putting the rest in your mini fridge. You ate a spoonful, eyes closing as you savored the taste. “Mmm, this is really good, Sunarin!” you smiled at him.
“It’s not bad,” he said, grinning a little bit.
“It’s really good for your first try!” you pressed on. “You know, if you want more practice, you can cook for me anytime.”
He snorted. “Yeah, that’d be a pretty sweet deal for you. But what would I get out of it?”
“Duh, you’d get to spend more time with me.”
“Oh, then pass.”
“Suna!” You pretended to pout, earning a genuine laugh from him. It felt good to joke around with him again, after not being in contact with him at all over the winter break.  
“Do you wanna hang out for a bit?” he asked when you had finished eating, setting his empty bowl on your desk. “Or were you just planning on sleeping for the rest of the day?”
You were a little taken aback at his question, since he had gone out of his way to avoid Atsumu and Osamu when they were sick. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll catch whatever I have?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “If I was gonna catch it, I would have caught it from Thing 1 and Thing 2 already.” His expression faltered a little. “We don’t have to if you don’t want—”
“No, I do!” you said, a little too quickly in your eagerness to not let this chance slip through your fingers. “I just don’t want to get you sick, that’s all.”
“I’ll be fine.” Suna rolled his eyes, smiling. “You wanna watch a movie? I’ll let you choose, since you’re sick.”
“Oh, how magnanimous of you,” you teased as you carried your laptop over to your bed. You sat down, propped up against the pillows, and shifted to the side so Suna could sit next to you. “Can we watch ‘The Devil Wears Prada’?”
“I feel like you’d kin Miranda Priestly.”
“I will leave this room, right now,” he threatened, beginning to stand up.
“No, no! I was only joking!” you laughed, grabbing his arm and pulling him back down. He rubbed at his face, but you could see his slight smile hidden behind his hand.
The movie was almost over before Suna realized that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. When he first felt your head lean against him, the pounding of his heart had prevented him from daring to look at your face, but after several of his comments had gone ignored, he finally peered down at you, surprised to see your eyes closed. When the credits rolled, he had intended to get up and let you rest, but when he tried to move, your body shifted to turn towards him, an arm reaching out to wrap around his torso.
“Rin,” you murmured in your sleep, and the sound of your voice saying his name caused all of his resolve to disappear.
With you sleeping so peacefully, your warm body pressed up against his, Suna couldn’t bring himself to risk accidentally waking you up. The sun had already set, making your room dark and cozy, and so he figured he could wait there for a little bit until you woke up from your nap. Lifting one of his arms to put it around your shoulders, he closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, sunlight was streaming in through the window. He blinked blearily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. His movements prompted you to wake up, your gaze slowly focusing to find yourself leaning on his chest like a pillow.
“Guess we were both more tired than we thought,” he said, his voice raspy from sleep.
“Mmph,” you mumbled, noticing a damp spot on his shirt from where you had drooled on him. God, how embarrassing.
“How are you feeling?” he asked softly, shifting to look down at you.
“A little better,” you said. Sitting up properly, you rubbed at your face, attempting to hide your blush from him. “Sorry that I fell asleep on you.”
“It’s okay,” he said, smiling a little before his face shifted into a more teasing expression. “Did you know that you mumble in your sleep?”
You groaned, hiding your face in your hands even more. “Yeah, I’m aware.”
“It’s kinda cute.”
“Please don’t make fun of me this early in the morning.”
Suna pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the time. “Ugh… I’ve got class at 9:45. I gotta go home to shower and get ready before then.” He stood up and stretched his arms over his head. You lowered your hands from your face just in time to catch a glimpse of his toned stomach as his shirt lifted up; the sight of it made your cheeks burn anew, your head turning quickly so he wouldn’t notice you staring.
“I’m glad you’re feeling better, Y/n,” he said, putting on his coat.
“Thanks again for coming over,” you said, forcing yourself to look him in the eye.
He grinned a little sheepishly as he made his way to the door. “Well, ya know… you gotta do things for the people you care about.”  
 Stepping out into the brisk early springtime air, you spotted a familiar head of dark hair a few yards in front of you.
“Hey, Sunarin!” you called out, waving at him when he turned around. He stopped walking to allow you to catch up with him. “Are you done with class for the day?”
“Yeah, but I’ve got practice.”
“Mind if I walk with you?”
He didn’t respond, but the slight shrug of his shoulders as he took off again told you that he wasn’t bothered by your company. You walked side by side, your hands brushing against each other’s occasionally, each brief contact setting off butterflies in your stomach. If it had any effect on Suna, he didn’t let it show.
“Have you thought about what classes you’re gonna take next semester?” you asked.
“Not really,” he said. “Why, you gonna start stalking me?” he added, lips quirking up into a grin.
“Just making conversation,” you grumbled, turning your face so he wouldn’t see your blush.
You looked up in the direction the voice came from to see a guy from one of your classes making his way over to you. You greeted him politely, and he launched into a conversation about the latest paper you had been assigned, falling into step beside you.
“Are you doing anything now? You wanna go get dinner with me?” he asked eventually.
“Oh, I can’t, actually,” you told him. “I have plans with a friend tonight.”
His face fell a little, but he quickly bounced back. “That’s alright, some other time maybe.”
“Do you know what you’re doing for spring break yet?”
“I’m not really sure, I’ll probably just stay on campus,” you said.
“Oh, me too!” he said, grinning at you. “Maybe we could get together then.”
You had reached a branch in the path, and he turned right to continue towards the dining hall.
“See ya around!” he said with a wave.
You waved back, noticing that Suna’s eyes lingered on the other guy’s back as he walked away.
“That dude likes you,” he said in a deadpan voice.
“He was trying to ask you out, dumbass.”
“What? No he wasn’t. I don’t think he’d do that in front of you.”
“Well, if he asks you again you should say yes.” Suna was smirking at you, but his voice was devoid of any emotion.
His words pricked at your heart, making your chest feel tight. The idea of him encouraging you to go out with someone else was a little upsetting. You turned your head away from him.
“Yeah, maybe,” you said absentmindedly. In truth, you had no interest in going out with that other guy, but Suna’s comment had left you unsure of what to say.
His brows creased a bit. Turning back to look at him, you saw that his gaze was significantly colder than it had been before. You opened your mouth to ask him what was wrong, but he cut you off before you could.
“I’m gonna be late for practice,” he said flatly, walking off quickly and leaving you to stand alone on the path.
 After that day, things between you and Suna were different. He was suddenly making himself even more scarce than usual, and during the few times when you managed to see him, he was quieter than before. You couldn’t think of what would make him act so coldly towards you, and the possible explanations you came up with in your mind only made you feel worse.
You were waiting outside the gym one evening for Atsumu and Suna to get out of practice. When you saw them walking out the door you went over to greet them, handing over the bag of pork buns you had picked up at the convenience store.
“You’re a lifesaver,” Atsumu said, gratefully accepting the food you offered him; Suna, however, stepped away before you could pass it to him.
“Sorry, I’ve got stuff to do,” he said cryptically before turning from you.
“We were planning on playing Smash later, are you gonna be around?” you asked.
“Probably not,” was all he said, waving one hand over his shoulder as he walked away.
Stung, you turned to Atsumu. “Suna’s been avoiding me, right? I haven’t been imagining that?”
Mouth full of pork bun, he shook his head. Swallowing thickly, he said, “Nope, he’s definitely been MIA lately. I don’t know why, though.” Seeing the way you bit your lower lip in worry, he was quick to speak again. “I’m sure it’s got nothin’ to do with you! Sunarin’s probably just busy.”
“Do you think he’s seeing someone?” You couldn’t stop yourself from asking.
“Nah, if he was I’d know about it. He’s never brought anyone back to the house.” He crammed half a pork bun into his mouth, struggling to chew it. “Honestly, he might just be a little homesick.”
“What?” It was hard to imagine someone like Suna being homesick; considering he spent so much time on his own, you didn’t think of him as the type of person to miss anyone.
“I mean, he told me he’s goin’ home for spring break to spend time with his sister,” Atsumu explained. “He must really miss her.”
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed at the news. A part of you had hoped that Suna’s avoidance of you actually was due to his busy schedule, and you had been looking forward to your spring break as the perfect opportunity to get some quality time with him. The fact that he wasn’t going to be there confirmed your doubts, proving, in your mind at least, that he really didn’t want to be around you anymore.
“You got any more of these?” Atsumu’s voice brought you out of your own thoughts.
“Yeah, here,” you said, giving him the bag of pork buns intended for Suna.
He continued chattering the whole walk back to the house, but you hardly processed a word. You were too busy wondering about what you could have possibly done to make Suna no longer want to be your friend.
 It had been several weeks since you had spent any time with Suna, aside from the brief moments when you saw each other at the house when you were visiting the twins, but he always gave an excuse as to why he couldn’t hang around. You knew he was a private person, but his sudden avoidance of you hurt twice as much after he had seemed to be getting more comfortable around you. Several times you had texted him to ask if he wanted to get food with you or watch a movie together, but he either claimed he was too busy with classes, or ignored you altogether. Eventually, you gave up trying to contact him.
But that didn’t stop your heart from fluttering when you did see him in person. You found yourself living for the moments when you would be sitting in the living room with Osamu or Atsumu, and Suna would come downstairs, giving you a quick nod before rushing out the door; or when you would be hanging out in Osamu’s room and Suna would walk down the hallway, locking eyes with you for half a second before going into his own room and shutting the door behind him. Each time you hoped he would stop and actually say something to you, and each time you were left disappointed.
So it came as a surprise when, one day when you and Osamu were in his kitchen making onigiri together, Suna came downstairs and actually lingered for a bit, even after spotting you. Not wanting to scare him off, you bit your tongue as he sat on the counter, watching you form the rice balls with your hands.
“Those look good,” he said; you weren’t sure if he was addressing you or Osamu.
“Here,” Osamu said, putting some on a plate and passing it to his friend. “You headin’ out soon?”
Suna nodded, his mouth full of rice. “Yeah, I’ve gotta meet with my advisor.”
“We’re going out to eat later, you should come. You haven’t hung out with us in a while.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ve been kinda flakey lately,” he said, his tone apologetic.
You couldn’t help yourself. Looking him in the eye, you spoke. “We’ve missed you, Rintarou. It’s not as fun without you around.”
“Gee, thanks,” Osamu muttered, but you hardly heard him. For the first time in weeks, Suna was looking directly at you, his gaze almost soft.
“Can’t imagine how rough it must be for you to have to spend time with these two goons,” he said, grinning.
“I’m standing right here, man,” Osamu said, his voice sounding only slightly annoyed.
You laughed, and to your amazement Suna returned it. You could feel your heart pounding against your ribs, hopeful that this awkward tension between you two was finally over.
“Text me when you guys are leaving, okay?” he said, hopping down off the counter and making for the front door. “I’ll meet you there.”
You couldn’t keep the giddy smile off your face even after he left. The thought of spending time with him again was almost too much for you.
“I wish you guys would just fuckin’ kiss already,” Osamu griped, his hands still deftly forming perfectly-shaped onigiri.
“Huh?!” you spluttered, nearly choking as his words sank in. “Who?”
“You and Sunarin, you clown. Do ya have any idea how painful it’s been watchin’ you two idiots for the past few months? Jesus, even ’Tsumu noticed.”
“Noticed what?”
“That you guys like each other!”
“I don’t—wha—,” you fumbled over your words, not entirely sure what to say. “Suna doesn’t like me!”
“Uh huh, yeah, okay. Y/n, the man made you a whole-ass pot of soup when you were sick. I’ve known him for years and he won’t even let me borrow his phone charger.”
“If he likes me, then why has he spent the last two months completely ignoring me?”
“Because Rintarou has the emotional intelligence of a fuckin’ cantaloupe.” Osamu finally turned to look at you, his hands resting on his hips. “Look, he’s never actually liked someone before—not for real, anyway—so I don’t think he knows what to do about you. He’s never gonna fess up and tell you how he feels, so his next best option is to just avoid you entirely. But he’s been missing you, real bad. I can tell.”
“So I’m supposed to be the one to tell him?”
Osamu smirked at you. “So you actually like him?”
You paused for a moment, sucking in a breath. “Yeah, I like him.”
It was the first time you had admitted it even to yourself. A wave of relief immediately washed over you, as if you had been holding onto a secret that you no longer had to hide.
Ignoring the blush you felt creeping onto your face, you forced yourself to look at your friend.
“But isn’t that weird for you? I mean, we’re your best friends, would you really be okay with it if we started dating?”
Osamu glanced up as he thought about it, taking in a deep breath and exhaling loudly. “It’d be a little weird at first, but I’d get used to it. But it doesn’t matter how I feel about it.” He looked back down at you. “If you’re happy, then I’m happy.”
“’Samu,” you wailed, “you’re gonna make me cry.”
“So, you gonna tell him or what?”
“I don’t know… what if he doesn’t feel that way about me?”
“He definitely does.”
“Well, maybe it’s just not a good idea for us to date… I mean, neither of us has ever been in a real relationship before, what if we just crash and burn?”
Osamu took in another deep breath, looking as if he was preparing himself for something unpleasant. “Look, you know I’m not a sappy guy, and I feel gross even saying this, but honestly, you and Rintarou are two of the most compatible people I’ve ever met. Even I can see how cute you guys are together. You’d be stupid not to date him.”
“Seriously, ’Samu, you’re actually gonna make me cry.”
“Whatever,” he said, turning back to make more onigiri. “Just hurry up and confess already, I miss hangin’ out with my friends.”
 You waited until Atsumu and Osamu were out of the house; that way, if things didn’t go well, you could quietly slip away to collect your dignity without having to answer any questions from them first.
You stood in Suna’s doorway, heart pounding furiously in your chest as you steeled yourself for what you were about to do. He was sitting on his bed with his headphones on, looking at something on his laptop, but when you knocked on the door frame he glanced up, noticing you for the first time.  
“Hey, Rintarou,” you said, your voice a little shaky. “Can we talk?”
He took his headphones off and shut his laptop, setting it to the side and scooting forward to sit on the edge of the bed. “Yeah, of course. What’s up?”
Forcing yourself to take a deep breath, you stepped into his room and sat down next to him. He was looking at you intently, a small crease between his brows. You glanced down at your lap, fingers twisting nervously, before looking at his face again. If you weren’t honest with him now, you never would be.
“I like you,” you said bluntly, “more than just a friend.” Suna’s lips parted slightly as if he wanted to say something, but no sound came out. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way,” you continued, really struggling now to hold his gaze. “I just… I had to tell you. And I’m sorry if that makes things weird between us, that’s not what I want. Your friendship means a lot to me and I don’t want to lose that, so even if you don’t—”
Your words caught in your throat, afraid of what he was about to say.
“Can I kiss you?” His voice was impossibly soft, the question sounding so delicate as it fell past his lips.
You could have sworn your heart stopped beating for a moment. You nodded your head. “Yes.”    
Suna’s hand reached up to cup your cheek before he leaned in, agonizingly slowly, to press his mouth to yours. His lips were so soft, his touch incredibly gentle. Placing both hands on the back of his neck, you melted into him, sighing as his other arm wrapped around your waist to pull you in closer. You could feel him grinning against your lips just before he broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
“I like you, too,” he said softly.
Returning his smile, you leaned in to fit your mouth to his again, relishing the way it felt to be held by him, to have him kiss you so tenderly. It took all of your willpower to pull away from him.
“Rin, I have to go,” you whispered against his lips.
“What?” His expression was puzzled as you abruptly stood up.
“I have class in ten minutes,” you explained, making your way to the door.
“So you’re just gonna drop that on me and then dip?”
You turned to look at him over your shoulder, grinning. “Yup.”
“Unbelievable,” he muttered, but the smile was still on his face even as you left.
 The first few weeks after you and Suna started dating passed by in a blur. The heartache you had felt when he kept his distance from you had been replaced by a constant feeling of joy at the knowledge that you were together now. You still got butterflies every time you saw him, your heart melting each time you pressed a kiss into his cheek and saw a blush creep onto his face.
The only complaint you had was that after three weeks, you and Suna still hadn’t slept together. It wasn’t like you hadn’t tried, but there was always something that prevented you from actually succeeding: he was too exhausted after finishing volleyball practice; you both had term papers to work on; someone on your floor burnt popcorn in the microwave, setting off the fire alarm. The closest you two came to doing anything was one night when you thought you had the house to yourselves. You and Suna were making out on his bed, and he was just about to take off your shirt when Atsumu suddenly burst into the room to ask if they were all out of laundry detergent. He had quickly left, smirking, after realizing what he was interrupting, but you were too embarrassed to continue after he closed the door.
At this point, it had been over a year since you last had sex, and you were starting to go a little crazy. You were pretty sure Suna knew it, too, based on the smirks he gave you when he happened to catch the way you would stare at him periodically. After the length of time it took for you two to finally admit your feelings for each other, it was incredibly frustrating that the universe seemed to be keeping you apart again.
The end of the semester rolled around, and the twins decided to throw another big party before finals week. You managed to convince Suna to not hide in his room the entire time, and to your amazement he seemed to be having a good time, laughing in the corner with some friends from the volleyball team.
You were sitting on the couch next to Osamu, slowly sipping the beer in your hand. He was talking to you about your plans for the summer, but you couldn’t stop your attention from drifting over to your boyfriend every once in a while, grinning at him each time you happened to catch his eye.
“Our parents are renting that beach house for two weeks in July, you wanna come with us again?” Osamu asked, drawing your gaze back to his face.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, that sounds fun,” you said, a little distracted.
“Your boyfriend can come, too, of course,” he smirked.
“Shut up,” you groaned, trying to hide your blushing face by downing the rest of your drink.
“Bet you’re gonna miss him, yeah? Three months is a long time to be apart from your lover.”
“I swear to god, ’Samu, if you don’t shut the fuck up…” you grumbled, but you couldn’t help the smile that crept onto your face at your friend’s teasing.
Osamu’s attention was stolen then by someone asking him to go do shots, so you got up and walked to the kitchen by yourself to throw out your empty beer bottle. After you tossed it in the bin, you felt warm hands encircle your waist and a familiar voice whispered into your ear.
“It’s getting kinda crowded down here, you wanna go upstairs?” Suna’s warm breath tickled your ear, making you shiver in his arms. Turning around to face him, you gave him a quick kiss before taking him by the hand and leading the way to the stairs.
Closing his bedroom door muffled the sounds of the party, and you were able to breathe easier now that you were alone with him. Suna scrolled through his phone briefly before finding the playlist he was searching for, setting his phone down once the music started playing.
“Hey,” you said, grinning as you recognized the song, “this is the same playlist that you put on the night we met.”
He took a few steps towards you, arms snaking around your waist to pull you in close. “I know,” he said simply before leaning down to kiss you. You allowed him to deepen it, lips parting for his tongue, hands grasping at the fabric of his shirt.
Without breaking away, Suna guided you to his bed, gently laying you down and crawling on top of you, his knee coming up to press between your legs. You moaned into his mouth, feeling him grin against you. Breathing hard, you pulled his shirt over his head, leaning back so that you could look at him. You had known he was fit from all the times your body had been pressed against his, but seeing his muscular form with your own eyes was different. You squirmed under him, feeling your arousal growing between your thighs.
“I’ve wanted this for a long time, Y/n,” he whispered, leaning down to press kisses into your neck.
“I know,” you murmured.
“Yeah?” He pulled your shirt off of you, warm hands burning into your skin. “Do you know what I’m gonna do next?” he teased in a low voice, mouth moving down over your collarbones as his hands came up to cup your breasts, thumbs rolling over your nipples through your bra.
“Rin,” you whined when he pulled down the fabric to suck one of your nipples into his mouth, his other hand coming to rest between your thighs, groaning against your skin when he felt the wetness seeping through your shorts.
“Yeah, baby?” He was kissing a line down your stomach, goosebumps rising in his wake. He tugged off your shorts and panties together as you sat up to unhook your bra, tossing it onto the floor without taking your eyes off his face. Your hands immediately moved to the waistband of his pants, unbuttoning them as you planted sloppy kisses across his chest. He wriggled out of them and threw them to the side, before wrapping a hand around each of your legs and spreading them apart. “Is this what you wanted?” he asked, lips gliding over the soft skin of your inner thigh. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me, baby. I know how badly you want this.”
You whimpered, fingers running through his hair and gripping tightly. His warm breath ghosted over your skin, making you shiver again. A loud moan escaped you when he finally pressed his tongue against your pussy, running slowly over your folds and circling around your clit before moving back down. He repeated the motion, making your breath come out in short pants as your fingers tangled themselves further in his hair.
“God, you taste so sweet,” he moaned against you. His hands pressed down on your hipbones, pinning you in place as you started trembling around him, small whimpers leaving your mouth the closer you came to your release. You drew your legs up, the heel of one of your feet resting on his back as your spine arched, pressing into his mouth.
“Fuck, Rin, I’m so close,” you gasped out. He hummed, hands reaching up to trace his fingertips along your sides. You started moving your hips and he stilled, holding his tongue out for you to grind against. Within seconds you were cumming, legs shaking and nails digging almost painfully into his scalp. He kept his mouth open to allow you to ride out your high, gaze trained on your face.
“You’re so cute, baby,” he murmured, moving to plant a row of kisses up your throat and over your jaw. “So fucking cute.” His lips fitted against yours as he grinded into you, the friction against your clit making you gasp.
“Rin,” you whispered, pulling away to look in his eyes, “lie down.”
He rolled off of you, reaching out with both hands to pull you on top of him. You kissed him once, teasingly, before sitting up and gazing down at him. With one finger, you traced a line from his throat down over his chest and stomach, coming to rest where the skin dipped down between his hipbones, smiling to yourself at the way he shivered from your touch. Hooking your fingers underneath the waistband of his boxers, you gently tugged them off of him, watching the way his thick cock sprang out to slap against his abs. Heart pounding excitedly, you dragged your nails over the top of his thigh, pleased when his muscles tensed beneath you.
“Don’t tease me, baby,” he groaned, fingers digging into your arm. “I’ve had to wait so long for this.”
You would have been content to make him wait even longer, wanting to hear him begging you to touch him, but the pleading look in his eyes softened your resolve. “I know,” you purred, leaning down to run your tongue along the underside of his shaft, grinning to yourself when you heard his sharp inhale. You swirled your tongue around the tip, letting your spit run down his length, before wrapping your lips around his cock.
Soft moans and pants reached your ears as you slowly took all of him into your mouth. When the head of his cock hit the back of your throat you paused, tears forming at the corners of your eyes from the stretch of your jaw. You slid your tongue along his cock as you hummed lightly, eliciting a loud groan from him. Your hand came to grip his cock as you started bobbing your head up and down, moving in tandem with your mouth. Suna tilted his head to watch you, his chest rising and falling heavily. Keeping your eyes on his face, your mouth left his cock with a wet pop and moved down to suck on his balls, your hand continuing to jerk him off.
“F-fuck,” he moaned, throwing his head back against the pillow. His fingers entwined themselves in your hair, gripping firmly, but you had reached the limit of your patience. You crawled back on top of him, thighs planted on either side of his hips, and used your hand to drag his cock along the folds of your cunt.
“I wanna feel you, Rin,” you said breathlessly as his hands gripped your hips. “Wanna feel you inside me.”
Pressing his tip into you, you slowly sank down onto him, loving the way his mouth fell open as you took him completely inside you. The stretch made you gasp, head falling forward to rest against the crook of his neck. You kissed the skin just below his ear as you started grinding your hips against him, his fingers digging into your soft flesh. The sensation on your clit made you moan into his skin.
“Does that feel good, baby?” he whispered.
“Feels good,” you whimpered, your pace quickening. “S-so good.”
“Oh fuck, you’re so tight…”
The knot in your stomach was rapidly tightening. A few more motions were all it took for you to be cumming again; you pressed your lips against Suna’s, tongue reaching into his mouth as your orgasm washed over you.
When your hips stilled, he lifted you off of him and flipped you over onto your back, nipping at the skin of your neck as he repositioned himself between your legs. With a groan, he sank into you again, hips snapping against you urgently. Your body already felt worn out, but the sensation of him fucking you so deeply had you clawing at his back, desperately trying to pull him closer to you. He lifted your trembling legs onto his shoulders, the new angle of his cock thrusting into you making you cry out.
“Is that your spot, baby?” he crooned, repeatedly hitting the place that made your breath catch in your throat.
“Yes, yes, yes, right there, Rin, p-please don’t stop!” you babbled. One of your hands reached out to grab his and bring it to your neck, eyes pleading with him.
His fingers tightened around your throat. “Fuck, you look so cute taking my cock like that. You gonna cum again, pretty girl? Gonna cum all over my cock for me?”
His grip on your throat was making you lightheaded, the friction against your clit sending pleasant vibrations throughout your entire body. The spot his cock was hitting inside your pussy had you hurtling towards the edge again, eyes rolling back as you incoherently begged him not to stop.
“Rin, I-I’m cumming—fuck, fuck, fuck,” you practically sobbed as your pussy clenched around him again. He released his hold on your throat, moving his hand up to lift your jaw and kiss you deeply, relishing when you moaned into his mouth. Your lips parted and he rested his forehead against yours, gazing into your eyes, continuing to pound into you as you came. His breath stuttered as his thrusts grew more erratic, his face flushed as his cock throbbed inside you, hot cum filling your cunt.
“Fuck, Y/n,” he murmured against your lips before kissing you again, slower than before. He pulled out and laid down beside you, breathing hard. You reached up to brush the loose strands of hair out of his face, fingers running over his cheekbones.
“Why did we wait so long to do this,” you asked, making him laugh.
“We’re so fucking stupid,” he said with a grin.
You exhaled happily, moving closer to him and nestling your head against his chest. His arm reached out to wrap around you and press his palm into your spine to pull you closer. He was warm, but your uncovered body shivered against the chill in the air, goosebumps rising along your skin.
“Here, cutie,” he said, shifting so that he could pull the comforter over you. “Comfy?”
“Hmm,” you hummed, closing your eyes and pressing a kiss into his collarbone.
With Rin’s arm around you and his steady heartbeat in your ear, you fell asleep almost instantly, feeling more content than you had in a long time.
 You woke up before Suna. He had moved in his sleep, now lying on his back with one arm outstretched underneath your head. You watched him for a moment, smiling at the calm expression on his face, before climbing out of bed slowly, careful not to disturb him. Putting on your panties and one of Suna’s oversized t-shirts, you slipped out the door to walk to the bathroom down the hall.
Osamu and Atsumu’s doors were still closed, a fact that you were grateful for when you reached the bathroom and saw your reflection in the mirror. Your hair was a tangled mess, your neck littered with little love bites, damning indicators of what you had been up to the night before. Splashing your face with water, you tried to scrub off the smeared remnants of yesterday’s makeup. Satisfied when you no longer looked like you spent the night in a club, you crept back into your boyfriend’s room.
“Hey,” Suna mumbled when you stepped back through the doorway, propping himself up on one elbow and rubbing his eyes with the other hand.
“Hey.” You smiled at him as you shut the door.
“Take those clothes off and come back to bed.”
You giggled, shrugging out of your clothes and stepping towards his outstretched arms. He pulled you into a tight embrace, peppering your face with kisses. He settled you down on your side next to him, pulling your thigh up to rest on his hip.
“Rin!” you squealed when you felt the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance.
“I just wanna be inside you, baby,” he murmured. His touch had already made you wet, allowing his cock to slide into you easily. You sighed as his hips pressed up against yours.
His lips met with yours, his kiss achingly sweet. “I don’t ever want you to leave this bed,” he breathed out. You smiled against his lips, fingers running through his soft hair. He shifted his hips then, and the sensation was too much for you.
“O-oh,” you whimpered as your pussy tightened around him.
“Are you cumming?” he asked, the corner of his lips quirking up into a grin.
“Sh-shut up.”
He didn’t say anything else, simply tightening his arms around you and kissing you again. The two of you lay like that for a while, slipping into a peaceful state of half-sleep, until the sound of a distant door being flung open pulled you back.
“Fuck,” Suna mumbled under his breath. Not a second later, a loud knock sounded from the other side of his door.
“Sunariiiiin,” Atsumu’s voiced whined from the hallway. “Are you guys up yet?”
“Is that door locked?” Suna whispered to you. Commending yourself for your earlier foresight, you nodded. “Good.”
“Suna! Y/n!” He pounded on the door. “I know you guys can hear me, come on!”
“I gotta get my own place,” Suna grumbled, his eyes still closed. You giggled, and when the knocking on the door stopped you snuggled in closer to him, ready to go back to sleep.
Until your phone started ringing.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you groaned, reaching out to grab it from the nightstand. “What do you want, Atsumu?”
“Aha! I knew you were awake!” He sounded very pleased with himself for succeeding in getting you to talk to him. “Can you make me pancakes?”
There was a pause as his question sank in. Holding your phone to your head and staring at Suna, you pulled away from him and sat up, eliciting a low groan from him. “You want me to make you pancakes?” you repeated in an incredulous voice. Suna cracked open his eyes, his face scrunching up as he heard Atsumu’s request.
“Get Osamu to do it.”
“He doesn’t make them as good as you!”
You could practically hear him pouting on the other end of the line. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you heaved a sigh. “Give me a minute.”
“Thankyouthankyouthanky—” You ended the call before he finished. Climbing out of bed, you pulled on your clothes again.
“Are you actually gonna do it?” Suna asked.
“He’s just gonna keep harassing us until I do it anyway,” you said. “Besides, it’s almost ten o’clock, we might as well get up.”
Suna rolled over and pressed his face into the pillow, groaning loudly. Grinning, you tossed a clean pair of boxers and a shirt at him.
Atsumu looked way too happy when you finally appeared downstairs. He and Osamu were sitting at the kitchen counter together; they nudged a steaming mug towards you when you walked in.
“We made you coffee,” he said, his grin wide across his face.
“Uh huh,” you grumbled.
“Where’s mine?” Suna asked as he trailed in behind you.
“Make your own, dick,” Osamu told him, smirking as he sipped his own drink.
Suna rolled his eyes, going to pour himself a cup from the coffeemaker.
Trying to hide your laughter from him, you gathered up the ingredients and set to work. When all the pancakes were done cooking you passed half of them across the counter to the twins.
“Mmm,” Atsumu hummed, closing his eyes as he took a bite. “So good.”
“I gotta teach you how to make these yourself, ’Tsumu,” you said, taking a bite of your own breakfast.
“Yeah, that way you clowns can let us sleep in for once,” Suna added.
“Don’t pretend, Y/n,” Atsumu said, “you know you love seeing my cute little face first thing in the morning.”
“I prefer seeing ’Samu’s, actually,” you teased. Osamu stuck his tongue out at his twin, laughing at his crumpled expression.
When you all finished eating, Atsumu and Osamu jumped up to wash the dishes for you. Holding your mug of coffee with both hands, you leaned into Suna’s side.
Looking over his shoulder at you two, Osamu grinned. “So, how was your night?”
“Fine,” you said in a casual tone.
“And that’s all you’re gonna get out of us,” Suna finished.
Osamu rolled his eyes, turning back to the dishes in the sink. “As if I’d want any details.”
“My night was great, thanks for asking,” Atsumu chimed in.
“Yeah? Was that before or after you puked in the backyard?”
You couldn’t help the relaxed smile that found its way onto your face, happy to get to listen to them teasing each other like always. With one hand resting on the counter, Suna’s other reached around your waist to tug you closer, fitting your body against his. Standing there laughing with your friends, with his arm around you, felt like the most natural thing in the world.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Fallout 4 companions react to meeting Arcade Gannon?
Ever the curious neighbor, as soon as the sole survivor spotted the blonde, bespectacled man at the bar in the Dugout Inn, they drifted over and struck up a conversation. A drink or two later, the two were swapping tales about wasteland encounters, pointing at various holes in their travel clothes and pairing them up with fantastic backstories. When the sole survivor's companion finally swung open the door, they were given an inviting wave.
"Sit down!" the sole survivor encouraged them. "First round's on me. I'd like you to meet Arcade."
Cait: "Hiya handsome." Cait winked at the man in the lab coat and leaned on the bar. "I'm Cait. Never seen you around before. Where is it you're comin' from?"
"I, uh..." Arcade adjusted his glasses and ran a hand through his wavy hair. "West of here. Nowhere in particular."
"A free spirit, then? Just passin' through?" Cait looked him up and down. "Think the Science! Center might be lookin' for a new egghead, if those clothes aren't just for show."
Arcade tugged on his outfit self-consciously. "I thought it might keep Commonwealth raiders from shooting me on sight, if they thought I was a doctor."
Cait bobbed her head in a noncommittal way. "Or they might see you as an easy target. That is, if they don't spot that plasma pistol you've got in your back pocket."
Codsworth: "Hello to you, sir!" Codsworth exclaimed, bobbing excitedly. "Codsworth, at your service. Might I say, it is a fine occasion to meet someone nowadays who appreciates the importance of good hygience and care for one's appearance."
"Thank you," Arcade said, with a somewhat quizzical glance at the sole survivor. "And you belong to..."
"Well, I belong to him just as much as he belongs to me," the sole survivor jumped in to explain.
Codsworth waved them off. "Not to worry, the conventional assumptions are not unwarranted. I am happy to accompany and assist in wasteland adventures as necessary. When not necessary, I typically clean the house."
Curie: "Monsieur Arcade," Curie purred, with the special enthusiasm she reserved for introductions. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. You can call me Curie. Have you been in Diamond City long?"
"Not long at all," Arcade replied, clearly intrigued by Curie's accent. “Parlez-vous français?"
"Oui, Monsieur!" Curie exclaimed. "Le français est si rare de nos jours. Où avez-vous appris?"
"Oh, um... des... des livres, principalement," Arcade stammered. "Books. It's not as good as my Latin, I'm sorry."
"Latin?" Curie switched gears instantly. "Etiam magis rara."
Arcade laughed. "Well, not where I'm from. Who are you? Linguists are practically unicorns, nowadays."
Curie sighed. "It is a long story. Perhaps we wait until Vadim brings the drinks, and we can compare notes?"
Danse: "Ad victoriam, Arcade." Paladin Danse shook the newcomer's hand with gusto. "Paladin Danse, with the Brotherhood of Steel."
Arcade's eyes narrowed. "Brotherhood of Steel?"
"That's correct, citizen," Danse replied proudly.
"Uh-huh." Arcade looked back to the sole survivor. "I had no idea they were in the area. Are you stationed in Diamond City?"
"Brotherhood operations are a strictly classified matter," Danse answered, furrowing his brow. "But our main base of operations is at the Boston airport, where the Prydwen is docked. You can't miss it."
"Well, that explains it." Arcade examined his drink, avoiding eye contact with the Paladin. "I didn't come in from the north. I'm sure it's a sight to see."
Deacon: "Nice to meet you." Deacon declined the handshake, instead crossing his arms and cocking his head to the side. "Nice tan. Been on the road long?"
"Too long," Arcade replied, retracting his hand and returning the calculated look.
Deacon grinned. "Alright, I won't pry. Welcome to Diamond City. Did Vadim try to poison you yet?"
"You watch it, John Doe!" Vadim shot back from halfway down the bar. "Or I call the guards, see if you actually do work the midnight shift, ya?"
"You can walk down to Danny's sign-up sheet for shifts and check yourself!" Deacon's grin grew wider. "And I'll tend bar. We'll see who can do a better job of it."
Dogmeat: Dogmeat approached the man's open hand, which he gave a good sniff. Soap, hot dust, a whiff of plasma cartridges: Nothing out of the ordinary. Satisfied, the dog opened his mouth to pant, tongue lolling, and accepted the scratch behind the ears.
Hancock: "Arcade, huh?" Hancock gave the man a winning smile and took one of the open stools. "I'm Hancock. First time in Diamond City? You're gonna love it here. Vadim and his brother really know how to knock you on the floor."
As if to demonstrate, Vadim delivered three shots of Bobrov's Best to the little group. "On the house," he offered. "Celebrating Mayor Hancock's newest business deal with yours truly."
Hancock threw his back, and when Arcade hesitated, he threw that shot back too. "Next one, buddy."
"Did he say Mayor Hancock?" Arcade asked. "Mayor of Diamond City?"
"Nah, nah." Hancock laughed. "God, wouldn't that be a riot. Ever hear of a town called Goodneighbor?"
MacCready: "Arcade." MacCready shook the man's hand warily. "Like the pre-war places that have a whole bunch of games inside them?"
"Actually, like the..." Arcade made a face. "You know what, never mind. Like the pre-war arcades, yeah."
"Oh, man." MacCready grinned. "There was this one I found once in the Capital Wasteland, mostly broken down of course, but it had one working machine in it. The Red Menace Whac-a-Commie. Someone took the whackers ages ago, but the little Red Menace guys still popped up and down. Duncan- my son- loved it."
Arcade chuckled. "Yeah, they're... they're fun. I found a Hoop Shot once, but the basketballs were all dried-up and flat."
"Gotta get yourself a Pip-Boy," MacCready replied, nudging the sole survivor's shoulder affectionately. "This one has a collection of mini-games for theirs. Atomic Command, Grognak & the Ruby Ruins, Pipfall... all the greats. Oh, I'm MacCready, by the way."
Valentine: "Nick Valentine. Pleased to meet you." Nick shook the man's extended hand with practiced warmth, giving him time to realize the metal grasp he offered was not a cybernetic, and the scar around his jawline was actually just where his synthetic skin ended.
True to form, the stranger's eyebrows shot up, his grip slackened and his mouth dropped open. "You're a... what are you?"
Nick gave him the standard line. "I'm a detective. But, if you're referring to the plastic and platinum bits, I'm also a synthetic man. All the parts, minus a few red blood cells."
"Whoa." Instead of the typical scramble to put some distance between the two of them, Nick was surprised to find Arcade's handshake tighten again at this explanation. "I've heard of people like you, but never thought I'd actually meet one. Er, well, one that was obviously living as a synth. Though I guess you don't have much of a choice, huh?"
Piper: "Arcade? Piper Wright." The reporter shook the newcomer's hand firmly. "So, what's your story? What brings you to the Great Green Jewel of the Commonwealth?"
"I uh..." Arcade looked flustered, despite Piper's encouraging smile.
The sole survivor came to his defense. "Leave him be, Piper, he just got into town," they scolded playfully.
"What?" Piper asked innocently. "Can't the town reporter ask questions around here without everyone telling me I'm being too nosy?"
"Town reporter?" Arcade perked up. "Is that your newspaper, on the way in? Public... something?"
"Publick Occurrences," Piper answered with pride. "Covering anything and everything worth hearing about that happens in the Commonwealth."
Preston: "Welcome to Diamond City, Arcade." Preston shook the man's hand warmly. "I'm Preston Garvey with the Commonwealth Minutemen."
"Minutemen?" Arcade asked, clearly unfamiliar with the term.
"We're citizen soldiers," Preston explained. "The people of the Commonwealth banding together to protect ourselves and decide our own future."
"So sort of like a free state?" Arcade straightened up. "Or do you have some kind of command structure?"
"Command structure." Preston chuckled and glanced at the sole survivor. "You're looking at it."
Strong: "Strong need to get moving," the super mutant replied, rubbing his big hands together. "Milk of human kindness not here."
Arcade took the mutant in with the air of someone who had dealt with somewhat-friendly specimens before. "I can ask the bartender if they have brahmin milk."
The sole survivor waved him off. "No, that's not what he-"
"Puny humans do not have milk!" Strong cut in.
"Wait, milk of human kindness?" Arcade looked confused. "Is that... Macbeth?"
The sole survivor sighed. "It's a long story."
X6-88: "Good afternoon." Rather than sit down, X6-88 adopted a protective stance of the sole survivor, completely ignoring the hand Arcade was offering. "I hope you know that if harm comes to this individual, your life will come to a swift end."
"Uh-huh." Arcade retracted his hand. "Bodyguard?"
"Of a sort."
Arcade turned to the sole survivor instead. "Is he always this much of a stick in the mud?"
They shrugged. "He's protective and slow to trust. Give him a bit and keep your hands where he can see them, you'll be fine."
X6-88 nodded. "Affirmative."
Ada: "Hello sir." Ada nodded her head in greeting. "I am Ada. I hope you are enjoying your stay in Diamond City. Did you experience any trouble getting to the stadium?"
"Nothing out of the ordinary," Arcade replied. "Sorry, you're an amalgamation I haven't seen before. Sentry bot and protectron parts for sure, but your head is..."
"An assaultron," Ada filled in helpfully. "I take it your region does not have many of these bots?"
"No, they seem to be more of an East Coast thing."
"Just don't get on her bad side," the sole survivor joked. "You don't want to be on the receiving end of an assaultron laser."
Gage: "Well hi there!" Porter shook Arcade's hand forcefully. "Porter Gage. Talked you into trying some of this swill, did they? Brave soul."
"It's not so bad," Arcade replied with a smirk.
"Oh sure, if you're lucky enough to have Scarlett bring it to you." Porter winked at the waitress, who paused in her service to flip him the bird.
"Mmm, not my type," Arcade admitted.
"Not your ty-" Porter blurted before putting two and two together. "Oh, gotcha. Well, there's always Hawthorne."
The raider waved to the adventurer in the corner, who waved back. Arcade sank as deeply into his stool as he could and blushed.
Longfellow: "Mmm." Old Longfellow rejected Arcade's handshake and took the offered seat, swinging around to face the bar. "Storm's comin' soon. Can smell it."
"Then it's a good thing we're inside," Arcade replied, his tone unsure.
Longfellow grunted his agreement and accepted the drink Vadim slid to him, downing it quickly.
The sole survivor scowled at him. "Guess he's not in a talkative mood today."
Maxson: "Elder Arthur Maxson of the East Coast Chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel." Maxson shook Arcade's hand confidently.
Arcade, on the other hand, looked like he was being violently pulled between an instinct to flee and an intense curiosity. Curiosity won out. "Maxson? Of the line of Captain Roger Maxson?"
"High Elder Roger Maxson," the Elder corrected him. "You know of him?"
"Well sure, everybody on the West Co-" Arcade stopped himself. "Never mind. What's an Elder doing in a dive like this?"
Maxson studied him intently, clearly sizing him up. "Shore leave," he finally answered, sliding into the offered seat.
Desdemona: Desdemona smiled coolly. "I know."
The answer took Arcade aback, but the sole survivor just rolled their eyes. "Dispense with the power plays for once, Dez. We're just trying to have a drink."
The Railroad leader raised an eyebrow, but she sat down. "Suit yourself. When did you arrive in town, Mr. Gannon?"
"Oh, for the love of..."
Arcade eyed her suspiciously. "I don't remember telling you my full name."
Desdemona lit up a cigarette. "You didn't. But I'm by far the friendliest person in the Commonwealth who's wondering why a Follower of the Apocalypse is all the way out here, across the continent."
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funky-sea-cryptid · 2 years
chapter 1
3 and 1/2 pages of exposition.
these three pages of exposition are centered on a raindrop. i dont know how said raindrop is going all over the fucking place?
can raindrops change color if they go through smog clouds? just googled it and actually smog cloud stifles rain, so i dont know why it's raining so damn much
first page introduces the previous (now dead) chief commissioner kenneth. why is he introduced? no one knows. because he isnt a major character. he's just kind of? mentioned? why?
nesbo introduces two of the minor characters in the first chapter: kite, a reporter, and tortell, the sitting mayor. lots of critique of tortell, but that's for later
mentions a "soviet vessel leaking so much rust into the water that it looks like its bleeding". is that... possible?
glamis reference
duff entrance! duff's my sweet boy and i'll have lots of furious rambles about how jo nesbo did him SO dirty later on.
duff is described as having "the hands of a concert pianist", "miserly lips", "intense blue eyes", a "nose like an aggressive beak" and a massive scar that "splits his face in half" put a pin in his scar, it's important. (and i have thoughts on that reveal).
the norse riders show up. they're so fucking - listen. for such minor characters, nesbo describes them a lot. my man does not shut up ever.
"the anonymous tip-off duff had recieved" how on earth did this happen fr.
seyton is like "we should call in SWAT" and duff's like "NO NO WE'RE NOT CALLING SWAT STFU" like bestie- bestie you are outnumbered!
9 police people to 12 norse riders.
duff challenges his men to leave for the ms glamis on friday - ALL OF THIS HAPPENS IN A WEEK??
we're still on chapter one.
oh my god.
"he knew his appearance and confidence attracted a certain type of woman" oh my god SHUT UPPPPP
duff about to send the youngest officer to pin the gang people. hOw CoUlD tHiS pOsSiBlY gO wRoNg (said with sarcasm)
macbeth had called to help out and duff said NO??????
seyton: can you smell it? duff: smell what? seyton: their fear. WHAT THE HELL.
duff: macbeth and SWAT are asleep in bed.
hard cut to macbeth and SWAT, not in bed.
im going to gouge my eyes out this is still chapter one.
banquo sounds... so british????
first mention of fife, this nameless shithole of a town's sister town.
banquo: this is why we should have guns :) macbeth: what.
introduce olafson, some sharpshooter guy
oh and angus hiiii angus :D
does the s in a ZIS-5 actually stand for stalin or is this book set in the 1950's?
this will be a common theme: did this happen or is this book set in the 50's?
this chapter is... so long
introduces bonus! this could've been a different chapter
anyways bonus is like "i shouldnt drink so much :) but im gonna anyways."
hecate hiiii
oh shit wait i forgot hecate was a man in this. im so sorry hecate that this gross ass old man did this to you :,,(
hecate has the villain monologue and is ominous and shitty blah blah blah jo nesbo is so fucking. he writes so long and its so frustrating to me, a bitch who has already written a macbeth adaptation. i was sooo worried in posting my rewrite to ao3 that i wasnt descriptive enough and now i know there's such thing as "too descriptive"
cut back to the harbor. duff and the gang have fucked up
they got sivart. is he supposed to be young siward? who knows. not me.
jo nesbo and his villain monologues. take a shot every time there's a monologue.
duff's like "ohhhh im such an idiot" like yeah....
macbeth insulting his men asmr.
i dont CARE about angus and olafson's backstory, okay??? like?????
macbeth fucking... pulls??? a lamp??? off a storefront?????????????
macbeth saves the day!! and chapter one ends.
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145 - spoilers continue
Not a great visit, but what a gift to be able again, at last, to say that.
It seems like there's a missed opportunity for the cards to actually mean something? Why not have the 10s take the elevator and the jacks take the stairs?
God, I can't drink or run or climb like I used to. Two visits in three days was too much for me. It probably would have been too much in The Before Time, too, but now that I live in Connecticut my visit frequency distribution will be very different. And I think that's the part I'll miss the most, the utter whim-ness of it. Bad day at work? Off to the McK. Bored? Back I go. Stressed and need to hide from the world for three hours? I know a place. And it'll be strange not to have that outlet.
But I also know it's time for that change, and it's probably been time for a long time. I want real things now. Which is why I've elected to spend 7 years in a PhD program that I'll finish when I'm 35, and yeah I probably still won't get a job, but it's 7 years of healthcare and maybe after that I'll be a mother or married or dead.
Speaking of real things, in May I'm headed to Actual Scotland for a conference, where I'm supposed to present a paper about immersive theatre. Which means that I'll get to justify every visit between now and then as Professional Development.
Anyway, not all that much to report. I spent this visit and some of the last one reacquainting myself with the building itself, and the objects that have grown so familiar over the years. Macduff's typewriter. Garcio the Balcony Boar. The wolf on the fifth floor (minor panic when I couldn't find him - he's still there, just on the other side of the room). The horrifying mushrooms with the holes in them in the taxidermist's cabinet. All this stuff which has for the last 10 years formed so much of the landscape of my life, and to be back among it again makes it feel like no time or horrible things have passed since.
But of course horrible things have happened, and I see them mirrored in things both old and new. You can't watch the matron furiously scrub at her hands with a napkin without thinking about Lady Macbeth, of course, but it also conjures those desperate early days of the pandemic when we thought that could save us. When Hecate reaches out into the darkness and frantically swipes at people who aren't there, who is she fighting? Who is she reaching for? Why can't she see us when she always used to be able to?
Everyone I've spoken to seems happy that the padded room, at last, has a scene, but I didn't realize until I saw it for myself that the only way to watch it is through the small rectangular window in the door. And standing on tiptoe, craning to see what small bits of action I could, reminded me of the awful isolation of these past two years, when we've all been staring at each other through rectangles.
I don't remember if I've ever thought this before, but after a small, almost unnoticeable jerk of her head during the rave, it occurred to me that maybe Sexy doesn't want to be doing what she's doing. I don't know if it happens with every performer, but it's right before they pick her up and she screams, and that certainly changes an awful lot.
I spent a lot of time just going through things in the Macduff apartments and the hospital. Those are my places - the safe, maternal, sinister ones, which I guess explains a lot about me. The matron seems to have latched on to TIS SAID THEY ATE EACH OTHER, which is a line l I love and nobody ever talks about. She's scribbled it all over her windowsill. I don't know if she still writes the line about the honest men on the pillar; I haven't seen that scene yet. God, it's so wonderful to not know things again.
Moonlight Becomes you was never a part I really paid particular attention to; at least it hadn't been in the months leading up to the shutdown. But for the first time I noticed that Danvers mimics the same choreography that she sees during the ballroom.
Sorry for the long, introspective, not-particularly-informative recap. I know Tumblr is no longer the place to be, in this or any other circle, but I'm not going anywhere or venturing into Discord or Reddit. I'm old school.
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s1utspeare · 3 years
DMBJ Characters as Shakespeare Leads
I got into it in the notes of a moonfall echo post and now I’m going insane about what Shakespeare Characters each DMBJ person vibes the most with who do I blame for this
WU XIE as VIOLA from Twelfth Night
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okay bear with me, I know this is a strong one coming right out the gate. But the GAY ENERGY. the ATTEMPTING TO BE SOMEONE THEY’RE NOT ALL THE TIME. the sheer amount of LOVE INSIDE. also this bitch spends SO much time in the series dressed up as other people like??? mans loves cosplaying except the cosplay is for Life and Death Situations. also the love triangles are hilarious. plus they’re both cute and gay and i love them
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did i choose these two because they’re arguably the hottest characters in each of their canon? maybe. also Cori Boy is the only one violent enough to even come CLOSE to xiao-ge’s deadly energy. I could have done Hamlet, who is the only other real Shakespearian swordsman, but Hamlet talks too much. also something about the desperation and side-switching that appeals to me. OH THEY BOTH HAVE GOOD TITS yeah that’s a good reason too
WANG PANGZI as THE FOOL from King Lear
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okay before any of you come for me in the notes, the Fool is arguably the greatest Shakespearean character. They’re only CALLED the Fool cause it’s their job, but actually they’re the only one with any braincells in the play. Both start out as the archetypal comic relief character and then become the heart and soul of the story. The Fool makes a bunch of jokes and also prophesies the end and possibly is magic?? who’s to say. But anyway Pangzi also does all of those things and I feel like he should get to wear a funny hat. plus the Fool just has to deal with idiots trying to take his job by being clowns for free, and Pangzi can relate to that energy I think
LIU SANG as ARIEL from The Tempest
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If it weren’t for just the SHEER amount of creepy magical energy they both exude, it’s the loyalty and sacrifice that does it for me. Not only are they both Ethereal Beings, there’s also a lot of sound ties to Ariel in The Tempest, so like it checks out. Plus they both Crouch. Also I just want Liu Sang to be able to smite some bitches sometimes. That would be good for him (it’s NOT because they’re both my favorite characters IT’S NOT)
Bai Haotian as Puck from A Midsummer Night’s Dream
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So this is not only because i have a thing for casting women as Puck, but also because they fit so well together!! like. they both have crushes on people they perceive to be in authority! they both like being helpful! they both should get to be a little feral and also do magic! like Xiao Bai would be SUCH a cute Puck and if Wu Xie weren’t such a dumbass he’d make a good Oberon but alas. He is a Dumbass. so Xiao Bai is Puck but Wu Xie doesn’t get to be in Midsummer because he is simultaneously Too Dumb and Not Dumb Enough. 
LI CU as PRINCE HAL from Henry IV Part I
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sorry for more Tom Hiddleston pics but he’s genuinely like the best Shakespearian actor I’ve ever seen, and he’s done it all. Anyway Li Cu is Hal but specifically Hal from Part I because Part II isn’t as good and Hal is basically Dead when we get to Henry V so it has to be Part I. Anyway. Troubled youth who doesn’t want to do what his father wants so he basically gets kidnapped and raised by an older man who is full of Trickery and also Witty Remarks? The Best Friends Trios? The evolution into a Hero in Their Own Right? These guys are perfect for each other. Also I go feral about both of them at any given moment
A-NING as LADY MACBETH from Macbeth
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YES I used A-Ning from Time Raiders because I think she’s the hottest version of A-Ning WHAT ABOUT IT. Anyway A-Ning could be no one other than the scheming girlboss Lady Macbeth. They’re both Morally Ambiguous but Fuck they look so good doing it. Can And Will manipulate literally any man into doing what they want. Su Nan was also a contender for Lady Macbeth because she resonates very strongly with the “Out, damned spot!” monologue, but she respects authority too much. A-Ning would not hesitate to kill the bitchass king of Scotland so that her family could ascend to the throne and I love that for her
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OKAY BEFORE ANYONE SAYS “brigid i know u chose them because ur a simp for zhang daddy rishan and ur a simp for hamlet stop being so predictable” LITERALLY NO ONE ELSE COULD DO IT THO??? LIKE??? ok they both are setting their life purpose on the bedrock of an older mentor figure’s death... they both have to deal with conspirators trying to usurp them... both the Ultimate Tragic Hero and Make Me Cry Every Damn Day... both are torn away from their nerd boyfriends by death... they both live in my head rent free... I know Zhang Daddy Rishan does not talk as much as Hammie Boy but I 100% think that there’s a CONSTANT monologue going on in his head at all times. Also the Am I A Coward speech? That’s our Daddy Rishan to the MAX. No one look at me or im gonna start making picsets of him with Hamlet quotes superimposed over it I swear to GOD
and finally.... 
WU SANXING as IAGO from Othello
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Not only does this picture from the NTL production of Othello represent what I want to do to Sanshu every time I see him onscreen, but these bitches are two of The Fakest Hos I have ever come across. It’s a love-hate relationship with them most of the time; you hate them for what they’re doing to the heroes, but they’re so good at the Trickery that you can’t help but admire them for it a little bit. They can, have, and will sell their family members for a single Lick of Power and Wealth. And yeah, you could MAKE an argument for them to be Good or at the very least Morally Ambiguous but they’re both giant dicks and deep down in our hearts we all know it. 
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