#sorry this took so long i was watching lotr
likeadevils · 9 months
What exactly happened between Taylor and Olivia Rodrigo?
it seems like neither partner really wants to talk about it, i would guess because there’s not that much to talk about. like, the list down there looks long, but (from the outside, as someone who casually keeps up with olivia) i would characterize it as a series of small but complicated events that caused olivia to decide she couldn’t grow as an artist while under taylor’s shadow. and from what i can tell, those are:
olivia felt creatively stifled, and taylor getting writing credits on deja vu heightened that— she’s mentioned a few times how damaging other artists claiming credits on sour was to her creative process, and how it made her feel like she couldn’t write anything original enough to be worthwhile. to be fair, olivia outright said she got the idea for the screaming part on deja vu from listening to cruel summer, so like. it wasn’t like taylor didn’t deserve credit, but i don’t think olivia was wrong for being hurt by it— it’s hard enough to find your voice as a 17/18/19 year old, let alone when all anyone can say is how it sounds just like this other person who did it much better than you. that’s going to take a toll, and taylor was (imo completely unintentionally) part of that storm for olivia
i also wouldn’t be surprised if olivia felt a little stung by taylor being so close to sabrina, even though i imagine all parties involved understand each other’s reasoning. but that’s just pure speculation on my part, i don’t think anyone close to olivia has even hinted at that. olivia has taken great pains to make it clear that she was mad at uh. josh something? jake? feminism win, local blogger forgets that guys name. but anyway shes always been careful to make her songs and public statements about that guy’s wrongdoings, not sabrina. that being said, from olivia’s music, it seems like she struggles a lot with comparing herself to other women, even as she knows that’s not like, a good path to go down. and uh. “my favorite artist has been so kind and patient with the woman who my first love left me for, while said favorite artist flippantly hit me where i’m weakest” is an tempting narrative to make yourself feel really bad, and who among us has not felt the call of an tempting narrative to make ourselves feel really bad
irregardless of any hurt, i think a big part of olivia distancing herself from taylor is an attempt to distance her brand from like, the “taylor swift fan first, songwriter in her own right second” thing that interviewers and to a certain degree the general public was treating her like.
i really don’t want this to come across as like, olivia is overly emotional and taylor is a careless money-hungry superstar, so of course olivia harbors a deep animosity to taylor— i think it’s just a case of two people who aren’t in a place where they can have a healthy, close mentorship, at least not publicly. and that’s okay! sometimes you come into peoples lives when you aren’t ready, and out of respect for them and you, you move on. from what they’ve chosen to make public, i don’t think it’s a feud, just olivia doing what she needs to do to grow as an artist and person
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marimayscarlett · 8 months
Hello, I hope it is an appropriate place to drop my unhinged RKZ thought... Upon rewatching Hobbit, I couldn't help but think that ZK would make a fine Elrond 🥺🤡...just imagining him walking around in those majestic robes, fighting with his sword, speaking unhing...i mean wise words of courage and comfort... Thank you, that's the message, also I hope you will have a wonderful new year! 💫💜
Hi 🧝🏼‍♂️
First of all, I owe you a big apology, since it took me so long to come around to this ask! Truth is, I really like Lord of the Rings, yet haven't watched the movies in ages - so I used this message as an excuse to rewatch at least the first movie before I answer this ask 🤭 (chose LotR to rewatch since I kind of like them more than the Hobbit movies).
And what can I say, after I've fallen head first into my LOTR-phase again: You are so right. Apart from the fact that I absolutely adore Elrond (incidentally one my favourite characters), I definitely see your point.
First of all, Elrond is such a well spoken and attentive person, gives out considered advice, has strong opinions at times and very courageous moments. And he can be so gentle!
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(Isildur should've listened to him, that would've solved a lot of ensuing problems)
His fashion sense, regarding robes and armour, is so elegant! It would fit Richard perfectly, since it's sophisticated, flattering and so aesthetically pleasing.
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Because since I saw Richard for example in this Roman armor in the Deutschland music video, I'm dying to see him in some LotR/GoT/fantasy armor 🙏🏻
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Apart from Hugo Weaving's wonderful portrayal of Elrond, I imagine him looking like this in the books (credits to Rene Gross) - just think about Richard in this fashion! 🤍
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And let's not forget Erlond's home, Rivendell. It's so elegant and I can very well imagine Richard wandering through the halls and the gardens:
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Or this bedroom, it's so beautiful honestly (let's...let's just ignore Frodo wasting away here, that lad is suffering for three movies/books straigh):
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In conclusion: I need a Richard-Lord of the Rings-crossover 👀 Maybe some talented fic writes have some ideas 👀
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shirefantasies · 10 months
LoTR Characters When You Give Them Flowers
Sorry for the absence, been crazy times 😅 Just something cute I couldn’t get out of my head, enjoy~ Also, correcting my Faramir drought let’s frickin go 🤙🏻
The last town you’d stopped in, there’d been a girl. A little thing, hardly more than seven or eight years old, and there she stood with a basket in hand. She was selling flowers, long and dainty stems with white blooms, no doubt to help her family sitting off in the distance.
The moment he laid eyes upon her, Aragorn had bent over, pressing the loaf he had just bought into her hand and whispering some words of hope you wished you could hear. Heart leaping, you watched him move along before approaching the girl yourself.
When night had fallen and a fire began crackling, you took the flowers from behind your back and held them out to the ranger you so dearly loved. The smile that instantly graced him was truly a worthwhile blessing.
“I know where you found these,” he remarked, turning them gently over in his hand as his smile softened.
You mirrored the expression. “I thought they could use a bowl of soup to split the loaf with. And you deserve a gift, even to the smallest gifts of the earth.”
Wordlessly, Aragorn took your hand with the one not holding the flowers, clutching it tight as his blue eyes gazed into yours.
“Do you elves know anything of the language of flowers?”
Legolas’s brows furrowed a bit at that, and you couldn’t help giggling at the sight of his expression, his next choice of words. “Words of the trees, yes, but flowers? Perhaps an old tale.”
“No, no,” you shook your head, still smiling, “my people have quite the elaborate custom around flowers. Different blooms in different colors make quite unique statements. Take roses for instance- they come in a whole slew of colors.”
“I see,” he nodded, “so a yellow rose would speak volumes apart from a red one, then?”
Your heart leapt at Legolas’s choices, his unwitting contrast between the blossoms of friendship and passionate, deep love. “Indeed. There are even flowers that say ‘your letter was received’! But if this is unfamiliar to the elves, any flowers would be quite the surprise, would they not?”
“We have always had appreciation for the earth’s beauty.”
You took that as as close of a yes as you’d get, shaking your head as you shifted in the hard base of your seat, turning back to grab the vase of flowers you’d made for your friend, the one who made your heart beat like no other. White lilies could symbolize mourning, but also that one’s love was pure. Perfect, perhaps, if unrequited. Pink irises for hope, though. Hundred-leaved roses in pink for a love truly sincere. Bursts of snow and sunset pink dotted with faint yellow, all curated by your hand to shine with words you hadn’t the heart to speak aloud.
“As do I. These I arranged for you, in fact!” Hands curling around the vase, you held your gift aloft.
Legolas’s dark eyes lit up, mischief crossing his handsome face. “Now that I’ll be guessing the meaning?”
You flushed, rising from your seat as his hands covered yours, accepting your offering. “Well, I was just curious if you’ve heard of-”
“Oh, it is far too late for that! I’m certain Lord Elrond has books on the subject. By tomorrow I’ll be an expert, and who knows? Perhaps you’ll find some flowers of your own.”
You couldn’t help shakily smiling as Legolas’s eyes peered into yours glittering so, his hands still resting warmly over yours.
“Boromir! Look!”
The man in question turned his head at the sound of your voice, watching as you bounded his way with hands full of flowers. Their bright color perfectly brought out the tone of your twinkling eyes, eyes that glittered unlike anything Boromir had ever witnessed before.
“Lovely, truly,” he inclined his head toward them as you reached him, “the finest. Where did you come by these?”
“Off at the far end of the meadow!”
Boromir chuckled deeply. “The firewood may have been forgotten, then?”
Pouting suited you, didn’t it? Adorable indeed. “Well, I just saw these and-”
“Worry not,” he slid an arm about your waist, “firewood is no emergency. You deserve this small joy- we all do.”
Glancing down a bit, you extended your hand, raising your treasure such that it practically brushed you both as it connected you. “Well, they are for you.” Were you flushing?
“For me? Well, what a gift! I suppose they do suit me more than you. After all…” Smiling, Boromir tightened his grip around you just a bit. “The most beautiful blossom in leagues is right here. If you keep this little bouquet they will envy you forever.”
You stand beneath the awning’s shade, swaying slightly as you tend to the baskets placed along your cart. Your favorite is one filled with mountain poppies collected near the base of the snows, cheery and delicate and brisk as it had felt to be there trimming them. Truly you love your life, though it gets lonely having only plants to speak to. Sometimes you find yourself drifting into fantasy, imagining someone to protect you. You like to think you’re no damsel in distress, but the truth of the matter is you’ve never been a fighter and the village ravagers have been drawing closer.
A woman purchases a simple vase of sunflowers, nodding gratefully as you pass them to her. Behind her, though, emerges a shorter figure- a dwarf, by the looks of his armor and beard. You smile. That trip to the mountains introduced you to a host of very friendly dwarrowdams who bid you stay in their boardinghouse, boisterous though it may have been.
“Good afternoon,” you greet him from aside an arrangement of daisies.
“Good afternoon indeed! Tell me, though, why one as fair as yourself is hiding behind a lot of old daisies, eh?”
Flushing, you shrug and step around the side of the cart, removing all obstructions. “I suppose I’m just a bit used to it is all. Were you looking for anything in particular?”
The dwarf shakes his head. “Nay, I was just struck by the sight of the one smile this town seems to have.”
It is a fair point. Rohan has been downcast of late, hope in short supply with all the attacks. Your lot was seen as mere peasants in the way of it all.
“Times have been hard. The orc packs have been running rampant for a long time. I- I don’t know how much longer we can hold out.”
Smirking victoriously, the dwarf leans on his axe. “You wouldn’t happen to mean the pack of stragglers that just got slaughtered, would you?”
You lit up. “You’ve seen them?”
“With my own eyes. They certainly won’t be bothering you anymore.”
“Pick anything you’d like here, please, it isn’t much, but it is the least I could do to repay your gift,” you insisted, waving a hand over your display.
He scanned your cart before a look of comical shock burst across his face at the poppies. Noting it, you lifted the basket gingerly into his hands.
“Those are my favorites, too! And they are yours.”
“Only if you keep one to remember me by. Gimli, son of Glóin,” he introduces himself sweepingly, outstretched hand deftly producing a poppy to hold out your way.
“What is this one?” Frodo inquired, holding up a small leather tome.
“Oh,” you tilted your head, “that one is a bit different. Here, let me show you.”
Shifting to sit at his side, you took the book from his outstretched palms and opened it, revealing pages blank save for the flowers you’d pressed in them, splashes of yellow, red, purple, green.
“I try to add one from everywhere I’ve been,” you added, turning the pages, “I even have a page from the Shire.”
The spread of the next pages revealed stems of lavender you’d plucked from gardens, Shire daisies, even some pansies you’d plucked from Bag End itself, and plenty more, too. Frodo’s bright eyes widened at the sight of it, a smile growing upon his lips.
“This is a treasure to see- a reminder of home, and one I can touch, too,” he sighed, brushing his fingers softly over the crisp petals, “I remember the feel of them again.”
His relief was practically palpable in the air as his eyelids fluttered shut in content, smile growing. Heart swelling, you pushed it closer to him.
“It’s yours.”
“I can’t-” He protested.
Handing the leather-bound book over to him, you nodded. “Yes, you can. Your happiness, your relief, is a much greater gift than these to me. The earth will renew it over again on my travels,” you told him with a smile.
One of Frodo’s hands left the petals long enough to linger atop yours. “I will never be parted from it.”
“Sam! Oh, Sam, wait up!”
Turning his golden head your way, Sam smiles the moment he sees you, sending your heart leaping from your chest as he speaks your name softly in reply.
“What is it?”
“Well, nothing, really,” you reply shyly, hands behind your back, “I just saw these and thought of you.”
Alight is the only word you could have used to describe Sam’s face as your hands leave your back and bring forth the bunch of little bluish-white blossoms you had just discovered a little off the road.
“Absolute beauts, those are,” he breathes with a grin, “harebell, they’re called. They like to grow in rocks for some reason, the little buggers.”
His knowledge sweeps you off your feet, but you can’t help asking. “Do you like them?”
“Of course I do! These are some really pretty ones, very bright indeed!”
Holding them out, you giggle nervously. “Well, good, because they’re for you! I picked these to give you, Sam.”
Jaw dropping and green eyes widening, Sam reaches forward and gently takes the miniature bouquet from your hands. “You mean it?” He asks with another bright grin.
“I really do,” you smile and nod.
For the rest of the day those harebells don’t leave Sam’s hand, and any time he has a moment’s idleness he’s looking at them, fingers gently caressing the blossoms as he glances your way with a smile.
Normally Merry dipped you. But you changed that that night. Normally he was the one to sweep you off your feet, charm you, but it was you who stole his breath away that night. The way you took his hand and pulled him closer into the dance, twirled him and brought him inches from your face, only had him wanting more.
What really got him, though? The rose you’d handed him at the end of it all. Such a simple gesture and yet he couldn’t tear his eyes off the thing. Or you.
Surely you noticed. The two of you were quite comfortable, else you wouldn’t be dancing so, but no one had gone beyond any teasing. It was all in good fun, unspoken attraction that suddenly grew, enveloping and consuming Merry’d beating heart as he looked at you with new passion. He needed someone who made his heart race so by his side. Someone like you could keep him up being the best hobbit he could be.
And that was why he marched right up to you later in the evening, taking one more massive swig of ale before he approached, rose twirling between his fingertips all the while.
“I hope you meant this,” he nodded down to the bright red bloom, “as much as I mean this.”
Your lips parted, the beginnings of a question fell from them, but not much escaped before your lips were pulled into Merry’s, your hands falling against his chest.
Never had you felt so light as when you were around one mister Peregrin Took. All your time with him, it seemed, was spent in joy, laughter, comfort. One look from him was all it took for a smile to creep onto your face. One song from him and it was all you could do not to kiss him right then and there.
For your part, though, you weren’t sure how he felt, thus you acted accordingly, enjoying the time you had with him as much as possible without pushing your feelings. Well, not too much- he was quite fun to tease, after all!
A flower had caught your eye as you strolled, some little cousin to a daisy bursting from brush in a merry little yellow spark you couldn’t help taking for yourself.
Well, mostly. “For you,” you said in a playful lilt, holding it out his way.
The manner in which his smile and shoulders rose had you shyly grinning. “For me?” He repeated, ecstatic as he was incredulous.
The moment you nodded the flowers was all but snatched from your hand. “Where do you think it would look better, here?” First he tucked it into his mess of curls. “Or here?” Tucking it next into the buttonhole of his coat, he grinned at you.
Giggling, you told him he didn’t have to wear it.
“Oh, I want to. I want the whole of Middle Earth to know you’ve given me this gift.” Comical as his words were, the shine in his eyes told you Pippin was sincere.
The steward of Gondor had gone up before the people to address them on some perceived victory. To his side he had pulled up his son, the elder one, and named him spearhead of it all. Boromir was a great man, certainly, but so in no shorter words was his brother Faramir, the dearer sibling to your heart.
The moment you met Faramir in the crowd of people, mostly men celebrating in their keep outfit, dented as it was, you rested a hand upon his shoulder. “Let nobody so insignificant taint your victory, Faramir. Were it not for you, half the city would not even be standing.”
“We could have kept it as it was if we-”
“No,” you shook your head, leaning a bit further on him, “none of that. You are a man, not a miracle worker. And so is your brother and everyone else in your family. You have fortitude of mind, strength of heart.”
“Yet less the swing of a sword,” Faramir chuckled.
“The swing of a sword alone a kingdom does not make,” you teasingly chastised, waving a finger, “besides, you have something none of them will ever have.”
“And what is that?” He asks, gently lifting your hand off his shoulder and up to his lips.
“My heart,” you reply, pulling one of the flowers woven into your hair out to press it into his other palm.
Faramir pulls those petals to his lips, too, twirling the stem thoughtfully with a hum. “Then I am, indeed, blessed.”
Every time it felt like your heart would shatter. He left again and again but it never got easier wondering if the man you’d grown to love would be torn from you in a brutal battle, one lax moment ending it all.
Tears pricked at your eyes as he looked into them with a smile far too easygoing to you. Too assured.
“Do not look so defeated,” Eomer told you, reaching down with a hand to caress your face in a way that sent your heart leaping, “it’s a small raiding party, that is all.”
“I know, I just-” Your breath hitched, words caught in your throat. “I care about you. I don’t want to see you hurt.”
At that, he smiled, releasing his hand again. “You should worry more for the orcs.”
“Still, though, here,” shaking your head, you produced the bundle of flowers you’d tied together for him, face warming, “take these. For luck.”
Eomer’s smile widened even as his horse grew a bit restless; giving its mane a quick pat, he reached down to accept your proffered gift. Sweeping some golden hair off his shoulder, he tucked your blossoms into his saddle.
“Now I know I’ll make it,” he replied, and with a wink he rode off.
Needless to say, he has gifts of his own planned when he returns: a confession, once and for all, and a kiss.
"Come now, keep up!"
"Whatever for?"
Laughing, you turn to face Haldir once more and see him ascending the spiraling steps behind you with a look of exasperation. Perhaps, too, amusement. Long, fair hair whips about his face in the breeze as a smile teases onto his lips.
“Is it so bad to spend a little time together?” You shot back merrily, feet still eagerly tapping upon every plank that raised you higher amidst the boughs.
“I only ask because I know of your schemes,” Haldir teases in response.
“If you must know,” you stopped, hands on your hips before you waved one about a spray of vines snaking over the tree’s bark, powder-blue blossoms extending from them, “my scheme was to see if you'd noticed these in your travels."
"I had not," he murmured in response, stepping to your side to caress a pale petal gently, warmth filling you at his proximity.
With a small smile, you took up the age-old habit you'd developed in childhood so many years past, deftly plucking and weaving stems together as Haldir watched with amused interest. Unsure as you were how much time passed, he stood stock-still even as you finished your work, placing the crown of flowers atop his head.
"Here you are, My King," you jested with a smile, taking two steps forward.
Grey eyes staring into yours, Haldir took your hand, shaking his head softly and taking a blossom of his own. "Wait here. No king should rule alone, after all."
Riding brought such joy and exhilaration as one could hardly know elsewhere, especially with a fair and fearless maid like Lady Eowyn at your side. The smile you so longed to see bloomed across her face as you both urged your horses on, picking up speed into a run across the green of the plains. The thudding of hooves invigorated you as the pair of you pressed on, riding like the wind until whim took you to dismount and stop for a breather.
As you sat upon the grass, a dotting of pink flowers amidst the waving green caught your eye; joy seizing you, you picked one after the other until you had a tiny handful. Eowyn’s eyes, you saw, drifted over your work, but she said nothing.
Nothing, that was, until you broke the silence. “These remind me of you, you know. We often think of flowers here as signs of mourning, but these? These are hope. Bits of brightness out of nothing.”
She smiled faintly, shyly, blue eyes shining. “Sometimes it does not feel so.”
“Well, to me it is so,” you replied, extending your little bouquet her way.
The glitter of her eyes somehow brightened as she looked upon your gift, smile opening all the way. You were overcome at the sight of it, the return of warmth to the fairest of faces, and before you realized it you had leaned in and pressed your lips to hers.
“But surely you have already received so many mighty gifts!”
“None were from you,” Arwen replied simply, breathily, waving a hand, “come, show me.”
Her smile, breathtaking even in the simplest of moments, encouraged you to pull your hands from behind your back, revealing the bouquet you’d recently tied. With the best ribbon you’d found on hand, of course, beautiful white silk lined with thin silver.
“You see, I wanted to honor you with gifts pure as your heart- gifts from the earth. These are-”
“From the garden where we met!” Arwen was one to remain composed, often feeling the pressure of her years and upbringing and, surely, wisdom. “Of course I remember! You tripped and I caught you!”
Unable to help flushing beneath her grin and the rush of memory, the heat across your face as you pitched over a stone and were captured by the hand of the most graceful maiden you’d ever seen, you simply smiled. “That would be the time. Ever since that day I cannot walk past white roses without thinking of you. And that seems fitting,” you added.
Arwen pursed her lips, eyebrows raising curiously. “Oh?”
“Pure,” you repeated, “fair and beloved as all. Delicate, but formidable. More than capable of defending themselves.”
“Are you saying I have thorns?” She teased, leaning an arm upon your shoulder, breath warm against your ear.
“I’ve seen what you can do,” you shot back, “perhaps I am.”
“Well, at any rate, I love this gift far beyond all displays of wealth. This is a gift of your heart, is it not?”
The moment you nodded, her arms were thrown about your neck, pulling you into the warmth of her chest and letting your heart beat against hers.
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jobean12-blog · 1 year
Finding Home (10)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (Animal Rescue AU)
Word Count: 1,887
Summary: You and Bucky make a big decision and you're overwhelmed with happiness... for everything.
Author's Note: So this is the final chapter for my Finding Home story with Animal rescue!Bucky! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this but then the Buck's and Noble server Summer Send Off Event gave me a great idea (using the song September, by Earth, Wind and Fire-listen HERE) on how to end it and my sweet friend @newgirlintheneighborhood sent me THIS great post that just made it all come together. Thank you all for the inspo. You can definitely read this as a stand alone but I will give you a few little bits of info just in case:
-Bucky and Sam own an animal resuce called Shelter to Soldier which helps rescue animals find homes with veterans (and everyone else too)
-Reader first saw Bucky when he was walking Alpine on a leash down the streets of the city
-Bucky has his metal arm in this AU since he's a war hero/veteran and he's come a long way both by himself (with Sam's help) and with reader in their relationship
-He rescued the dog Winter (mentioned in this story) and he's a white German Shepard with three legs (he's a war vet too)
-Bucky rescued Alpine from the streets and the cat has been a big help during his rehab
-This part takes place about 2.5 years after reader and Bucky have met
Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics Thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: lots of super soft and sweet fluffs, LotR references, the animals and kisses!
Finding Home Masterlist
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The morning light peeks through the thin curtains of your bedroom, warming and illuminating your skin. You slowly open your eyes and see Bucky’s soft profile, his eyelashes fluttering ever so slightly with his even breathing. Winter is at the base of the bed, keeping your feet warm, and Alpine is perched atop the spare pillow on Bucky’s other side.
The moment you shift your feet you hear the thump of Winter’s large white tail and then feel him rise up and do a big downward dog stretch.
“Oh big stretch Winter,” you coo quietly, giggling as you watch him try to tentatively hop over Bucky’s body to get closer.
Alpine lifts his head and blinks at you several times then seems to glare at the dog who is still desperately trying to find a place to settle between your body and Bucky’s.
Bucky starts to move, his long legs tangling even more with yours as he wraps you up and curls you into his bare chest. Winter finally finds a suitable spot next to Bucky, the dog’s big white body pressed into his side and his tail still thumping on the bed.  
“Mornin’ doll face,” Bucky mumbles as he nuzzles your neck.
Winter let’s out a small whine and pushes his wet nose into Bucky’s skin while Alpine paws at the top of Bucky’s head.
“And mornin’ to you two fuzzballs,” he adds, peeping one eye open to survey the bed.
The moment he locks eyes with Winter, the dog scoots closer like a worm and starts to nose his shoulder. Alpine promptly joins in by chasing the glittering rays of sunshine that dance along Bucky’s metal arm every time the breeze blows through the curtains.
“It’s a party already,” Bucky chuckles.
He pulls you impossibly closer and hums into your skin, placing a soft kiss under your ear.
“Morning baby,” you whisper, inhaling his scent.
Winter, apparently unhappy with the possibility of you two going back to sleep, starts to lick Bucky’s cheek and cover it with kisses. Bucky’s large hand lands on Winter’s head and he scratches him before lightly giving him a shove.
“Winter, down boy,” he says. “I’m busy.”
Winter doesn’t give up, only shimmying closer and becoming more determined in his quest for kisses. You sit up and take in the scene, smiling widely when Alpine starts to bat at a piece of Bucky’s long hair that’s laid out across the pillow.
Without warning you lean down and press a big kiss to Bucky’s other cheek. The corners of his eyes crinkle with his smile and you continue to pepper his skin with kisses, hitting every spot you can find.
Winter seems to catch on as his tail swishes faster and he keeps up his licks on Bucky’s other cheek. Your lips trail along Bucky’s jaw, then you nibble his ear, then move back down and cover the whole side of his face with more kisses, catching the corner of his mouth before doing it all over again.
“Best. Morning. Ever,” he sighs.
After several more wet kisses from Winter and sweet ones from you, and even a few paw bats from Alpine, Bucky slips free and flips you over onto your back, dislodging everyone in a heap of blankets and pillows.
“Oops,” he says sweetly, but there’s mischief dancing in his eyes. “My turn!”
He pins you down with his body and proceeds to smother you with feather light kisses on every inch of skin he can find. You arch into him, wiggling beneath his body which makes him rumble with pleasure.
His kisses become slower as he moves along your neck and when he reaches your lips he hovers just above them as he stares into your eyes.
He brushes his nose to yours and presses a kiss to your mouth before slowly rocking his hips.
You moan out his name and nibble his lip before pulling away.
“What?” he pouts. “I was just getting started on having you naked.”
You smile against his lips. “I have an idea for a wedding date.”
His pout disappears as happiness takes over his expression.
“I’m listening doll,” he says, but continues to place butterfly kisses along your face.
“So we had talked about Fall and I was thinking September might be nice. Not too cold but hopefully not too hot if we do it toward the end and there’s a special date that would be perfect.”
“Still listening,” he hums as his lips graze your collarbone. “Which date?”
“How about September 22nd.”
He stills, his lips still pressed to your skin. “I know that date,” he muses, finally lifting his head to meet your eyes. 
You nod with a giggle.
“It’s Bilbo and Frodo’s birthday!” he says excitedly. “That is perfect!”
“YAY!!!” you squeal, doing a dance under him.  
He sits up and pulls you into his lap.
“I can’t wait doll,” he whispers.
“Me either Bucky.”
“We just need to find the perfect spot.”
You both sit in comfortable and cuddled silence for a few moments before he breaks it.
“What about in Central Park? I bet there’s a tree we could find that’s big like the party tree in the Shire!”
“You’re such a dork and I love you.”
He beams at that but before he can get you under him again, Winter has nosed his way between you two, impatiently asking for love too.
“Alpine and Winter are coming to the wedding of course,” you add.
“Of course doll,” Bucky says. “Besides, I think they would be like Merry and Pippin and invite themselves anyway.”
You bury your head in his chest and laugh.
“So September 22nd is our day,” you whisper, toying with his dog tag.
“September 22nd,” he echoes.
He’s just about to kiss you when your eyes go wide and you yell out, “OH! And we can play that song at the wedding and on every anniversary…you know the one by uh…um…it goes ‘do you remember…’.”
He studies you, waiting for you to think of more.
“Is this a song from Lord of the Rings?” he asks, looking confused.
“No, no, it’s by…OH MY GOD Bucky, it’s an older song…”
As you start to recall the lyrics you sing them and shake your body to the rhythm.
His face brightens in recognition and he grabs his phone, typing quickly into Google.
“Got it,” he chimes just before ‘September’ by Earth, Wind and Fire, starts to play.
You both start to sing along and Winter begins howling with his pack, much to the dismay of Alpine who seems to want to disappear into the pillow.
“Wait!” Bucky says, pausing the song. “Don’t they say the 21st night of September?”
He clicks on the lyrics and rewinds the song, singing along as he reads. “Yep they do!”
“But that’s not Hobbit day!” you say.
“We’re definitely sticking with the 22nd baby doll. It’s perfect.”
In a fit of excitement you curl into Bucky’s arms and kiss him all over. Winter takes the opportunity to smash himself under Bucky’s arm and even Alpine saunters over to join in the happy cuddle pile.
~September 21st of the next year~
“You need…”
Those are the only words you get out before Bucky’s mouth is on you again, your body pressed into the wall and his hands wandering under your shirt.
“Bucky,” you gasp, gently pushing on his chest. “You need to go. Nat will be here soon and then we’ll never hear the end of it!”
He pulls away slightly but lifts his arms so he can plant both his hands along the wall on either side of your head, caging you in.
“I don’t wanna,” he whines. “This is the last night before you’re officially my wife and I want to make it count.”
“We spent all day making it count,” you giggle, grabbing his shirt and pulling his mouth back to yours.
Your fingertips trace the broad width of his shoulders before delving into the hair that hangs loosely at the nape of his neck.
“Thought I needed to go doll face,” he smirks against your lips in between kisses.
His metal fingers dance along your skin, inching higher until he’s toying with the little boy in the center of your bra.
“I should never have agreed to this girls night,” you pout.
He nibbles on your extended bottom lip before deftly unhooking the clasp of your bra.
“Now who’s whining,” he teases.
“Buck!” you squeak. “Fix that!”
“Well, lemme see here,” he starts with a grin before he lifts your shirt so he can stick his head under it.
Instead of fixing your bra he kisses your skin as he loosens the silky fabric more.
“BUCKY!” you admonish playfully as you try and push his head out. “You’re stretching out my shirt!”
“It’s my shirt,” he says from inside, his voice muffled.
There’s a loud knock on the door followed by Nat’s excited shouting.
“Shit,” you grumble. “Shit, shit.”
Bucky reluctantly pulls his head free but not before he has you pinned to the wall again and he quiets any of your protests with his kiss.
When he pulls away you’re breathless and flustered.
“I’m going out the fire escape,” he says with a wink.
“What?!? You can’t do that!” you whisper shout.
“Better than getting yelled at!” he says as he grabs your hand and rushes into your bedroom and to the window.
He opens it and then turns back to you, pulling you into his arms and kissing you breathless all over again.
“I love you. More than anything. And I can’t wait to marry you.”
“I love you the most Bucky. I can’t wait either.”
With one more kiss he slips out the window and starts to climb down. The banging on the door becomes louder but you can’t tear your eyes away from him.
“Give Alpine and Winter kisses for me!” you shout down to him. “And Sam too!”
You giggle when Bucky gives you a scowl.
“Sam will be lucky if I don’t punch him,” Bucky jokes. “And don’t worry, I’ll make sure the babies are well loved and ready for tomorrow!”
Once he safely reaches the ground he looks back up and blows you a kiss, mouthing ‘I love you,’ before running down the street toward Sam’s apartment.
You watch until he’s out of sight then rush to the door and open it.
“It’s about time!” Nat screeches. “Is he here!?!”
“NO!” you say and throw up your hands in surrender. “It’s just us girls. Not even Alpine and Winter are here!”
She pushes past you and looks around suspiciously.
After a thorough inspection she turns back your way, one eyebrow lifting to her hairline.
“WHAT!?” you ask, going to cross your arms over your chest.
You stop mid gesture, realizing your bra is still unhooked and hanging off you under your shirt.
Nat stares at you and you stare back but it only lasts a few seconds before you both burst into laughter.
Once you’re calm again, Nat asks, “he just left didn’t he?”
“Down the fire escape,” you giggle.
“I knew he was perfect from the moment we saw him walking Alpine across the street,” she states with a warm smile.
“Me too,” you reply dreamily. “Me too.”
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@blackwidownat2814 @buckysdollforlife @goldylions @hiddles-rose @randomfandompenguin @book-dragon-13 @lizette50 @mazarinqueen @matchat3a @abigailbeloved @pineprincess @lalalalokii @blossomedfloweroflove @danireal17 @ginger-swag-rapunzel @buckybarnessimpp @mugi-chwan95 @hibernocaledonian @gloriouspurpose01 @adoringsebstan @aedicn @thepurpletie797 @buckrecs @openup-yourmind @lettersandsodas @kingfleury @moonlightreader649 @kmc1989
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Hihi!! For buggy would you right hcs for if he ever gets embarrassed in front of the reader?:)
of course!! and thank you so much for the request my love 🥰
(so sorry it took so long to post!! 🖤)
I feel like this isn’t something that would happen often
He’s the kind of guy who will take embarrassment on the chin, make a joke of himself as long as it helps him in the long run
It’s pretty difficult to make a clown look foolish
Though there have been times where he feels like he may or may not be a little embarrassed around you
Mainly due to his own fuck ups
Once or twice he’s realized he accidentally forgotten to finish his makeup before leaving his quarters for the day from being too distracted by you changing
He actually looks kind of cute when his eyes and lips aren’t blended out to their normal points
He’s absolutely fumbled his words just from talking to you
He’ll approach you with the utmost confidence, head held high and a smirk on his lips, but as soon as he sees your smile when you look up to him his legs turn to jelly and he forgets every thought that was in his head
His usual way to fix this problem is to redo the whole scenario all over again, walking back to his original place and approaching you again just to see if he could really get through his full script
And of course nothing embarrasses him more than having you watch him get bested by any other pirate captain and their crew
Though when that happens it’s a different kind of embarrassment
He wants to show everyone how great he is, and when he can’t do that he feels like he’s failed
You’ll usually find him sitting on the edge of his bed in his captains quarters, staring at the floor, his hat thrown across the room
He never wants you to see him like that, but you and him both know that you’re the only person that can help him feel better
You’ll wander over and sit quietly next to him, your arms around him and your head on his shoulder, leaning up every now and then to gently kiss his temple
All he needs is to know you’re still proud of him, that you still love him even though he wasn’t the winner this time
It’ll take some time before he’s back to his normal Buggy self, flaunting around the ship and barking orders and being the perfect ringmaster he knows he is
He just needs a little time to relax first
tags: @lotr-got
[My tag list is always open, let me know if you’d like to be added!]
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oda-cipresi · 6 months
Hello! 👋 Welcome to the LOTR/Hobbit fandom! Since you said you’re taking requests, what would you think of HCs of Aragorn x reader whose has a dragon companion? Either she’s the first one to tame a dragon or she’s from a tribe of dragon riders, whichever you think works best. Happy writing!
Thank you for the request! I'm sorry it took this long to write it and that it's so short, but I had a lot of projects that were due in the past few days/weeks. I also found out that I can't write Aragorn to save my life. I don't want to make him too OOC but I honestly don't know much about his character (oddly enough since I have watched the movies a million times by now and I (finally) started rereading the books after 5-ish years.
Requests are still open but it might take a while for me to write them.
It might not be the best, and there are probably a lot of mistakes since English isn't my first language, so if you see any, please point them out :))
~Ciprese <3
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Aragorn x reader with a dragon companion
• When you first met, he was probably shocked mainly because: one, he thought all dragons went extinct after Smaug was defeated, and two, you have a dragon companion. He didn't know which part was more shocking, but eventually, he has come to terms with the fact that you have a dragon as a companion
• I think he would be wary a bit at first because he knows what happened in Erebor and Dale, but once he realises that the dragon is nice as they get he calms eases eventually
•Would refuse to ride it at first. He would barely let you ride it even if you are experienced, but he would eventually drop it and let you do your own thing
•the first time he rode the dragon, he had a death grip on you, but eased into it after a while.
•Dragons are hoarders and possessive of their gold (if my memory is correct)
• Aragorn would get jealous of the dragon.
• The dragon would get jealous of Aragorn.
•Eventually they would come to peace, mainly because Aragorn bribed it with freshly hunted things (idk what the right word is I apologise)
•Soon enough the dragon loves Aragorn more than you, probably. Constantly following him like a shadow (if the space allows it, that is).
•After Sauron was defeated and Aragorn became the king and you a queen, he had a place built just for the dragon so it had a roof over its head and was free to rest whenever it wished to do so.
•If Aragorn had to visit another lord or wanted to visit his friends from the Fellowship, he'd use the dragon to get there, especially if it's on short notice.
•Will bring the dragon big pieces of meat, which you have told him to stop because the dragon is gaining weight. Aragorn apologises and starts doing it in secret.
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ryuichirou · 3 months
what fandoms were you in long before twisted wonderland? I mean like over 10 years ago.
Anon, thank you for this question because it made us sit down and actually look through the albums of my old art and write a list LOL We thought it’d take like 30 minutes tops + 10 minutes to write all of this down, but it took 2+ hours yikes… So sorry, no other replies today :(
And made us realise just how much we revisit certain fandoms 🤦‍♂️ I guess we’re loyal!
Some of them were just very brief phases when we watched/rewatched something, I drew like 5 sketches for this thing and we moved on after about a week. But it was still prominent enough for us to feel like “Oh right, Ryu was drawing (this) back then”. Damn, 2013-2016 were insane, we were jumping around so much… When did these people have time to watch and draw so much shit??
Since this blog is very old, you can find some of my very old shitty fanart for a lot of those here. In all honesty, I really want to draw fanart on some of the more obscure and old ones again… if you have questions about any of this, feel free to ask!
2007: W.I.T.C.H., Oban Star Racers, Naruto lol my very young years
2008: Petshop of Horrors, Yami no Matsuei, Gravitation
2009: Hetalia, Vocaloid
2010: Vocaloid, Terra e…, Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Hetalia
2011: Terra e, Kaze to Ki no Uta, Sound Horizon, Hetalia, Magi (mostly Judal), Kuroshitsuji (a little bit)
2012: Homestuck, Prince of Tennis, Sengoku Basara, Sound Horizon, DC (Batman + Robin, mostly Tim Drake), Thor, Danny Phantom, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, ATLA, Adventure time, D. Gray-Man
2013: Ed Edd n Eddy, Sound Horizon, Penumbra Overture, Lucius, Thor, Hetalia, Dan Vs, Hannibal, Shingeki no Kyojin, Death Note, Bakuman, Neon Genesis Evangelion, South Park, Durarara, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Litchi Hikari Club, Hellsing Ultimate, Yami no Matsuei, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Game of Thrones, Hannibal, the Simpsons
2014: Kuroko no Basket, Hadaka Shitsuji, Hoozuki no Reitetsu, Gravitation, Shingeki no Kyojin, Tytania, Panty&Stocking, Soul Eater, Bleach, Kill la Kill, Hellsing Ultimate, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood,  Ace Attorney (trilogy + Apollo Justice), Priapus (by Mentaiko/Itto lol I drew him a lot), Togainu no Chi, Outlast, Daria, Scooby Doo, Haikyuu, DMMD, Katekyō Hitman Reborn, Tokyo Ghoul, Free, Kuroshitsuji, Psycho-Pass, Yowamushi Pedal (HUGE!!!!!), D. Gray-man, One-Punch Man
2015: Metalocalypse, ATLOK, Gravity Falls, Guns n’ Roses (yeah the band), Hannibal, Steven Universe, View Askewniverse, the Addams family, Ace Attorney Dual Destinies, DMMD, Life is Strange, Over the Garden Wall, Rick & Morty, South Park, Miraculous Ladybug, Undertale, Watchmen
2016: Supernatural, Peanuts, Osomatsu-san, Outlast, Until Dawn, BioShock Infinite, Code Geass, LoTR, Game of Thrones, Hetalia, House MD, Zootopia, Shingeki no Kyojin, D. Gray-man, Hellsing Ultimate, LA Noir, Percy Jackson books, South Park
2017: American Horror Story, Danganronpa, Neon Genesis Evangelion, ATLA, Homestuck, Yuri on Ice (super briefly), Outlast 2, D. Gray-man, DMMD, Hetalia, Gravitation, Monster, Dream Daddy, Junji Ito, Boku no Hero Academia, Osomatsu-san, South Park, Hannibal
2018: Voltron, Danganronpa, Devilman (Crybaby and classic), Homestuck, Berserk, Gravitation, Bungo Stray Dogs (briefly), Gintama, Hellsing Ultimate, Hetalia, BTS, Priapus (he came back), LoTR, Togainu no Chi, Sweet Pool, Detroit Become Human
2019: Tanya Grotter books, Hannibal, Homestuck, D.Gray-man, Hunter x Hunter, Danganronpa, Durarara, ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept., Soul Eater, ATLA, Witcher 3, Shingeki no Kyojin
2020: Shingeki no Kyojin, briefly Uncharted 4 and BioShock Infinite
2021: Shingeki no Kyojin, ATLA, Sk8, Jujutsu Kaisen, Squid Game
2022: The Great Ace Attorney, Sadistic Beauty, Hades, Mirai Nikki (suddenly), Akira, Encanto, the Gray House (the House In Which, it’s a book),  Cowboy Beebop, Fight Club, It (2017), Stranger Things, LoTR, Uncharted, Hetalia, Frozen (more like Hans/Anna lol), Kuroshitsuji, Twisted Wonderland
2023-2024: Mostly Twisted Wonderland, but we also posted some Scott Pilgrim stuff at the very beginning of this year.
I guess this is it. Woah…
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justsomerandomfanfic · 5 months
Hi ! She/Her for a romantic matchup with lotr/hobbit. 28yo and hetero, would prefer a guy taller than me (sorry hobbits and dwarves!) I’m black with long hair mostly in braids. I’m curious, feisty, funny and sensitive (but I hate to show it). Think of a mix of Xena warrior princess and Pam from the office. I like reading, video games, hiking and camping. I love to dance (salsa, batchata) and to make pranks. I’m good at sport. I hate lies and indecisiveness.
Here's your matchup! Sorry for the wait! I hope you enjoy it! <33
Romantic Matchup;
The Hobbit;
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🦌 You met Thranduil when traveling with The Company, and while the Dwarves were taken to the dungeons, Thranduil allowed you to stay - well, not allow, more like question why a human was traveling around with Dwarves of all people; he was intrigued greatly by you, and your feistiness - standing up for your friends and your decision to help them try and reclaim their stolen home
🦌 Thranduil, after speaking to you, invited you to supper with him - and though you were very loyal to your group, you were very curious - and also hungry; you joined Thranduil for supper, along with the festivities, though, throughout the events, you were constantly worried about your friends
🦌 At some point during the night, you snuck away, bumping into Bilbo, with his help, you released the Dwarves - and you were all on your way; you did wish you could've spent more time with Thranduil, on better terms
🦌 You didn't see Thranduil until before the battle - you and Bilbo snuck away from Thorin with the stone; to say Thranduil was surprised to see you was an understatement, but you couldn't really tell, his expression stayed stoic - but after the initial conversation on what to do, you and Thranduil began your own conversation
🦌 After the battle, you tried your best to hold back your tears for your fallen friends - with a sword in hand, you could finally breathe as the war had been won; it was then that Thranduil found you, his hand stretched out to you, he offered you a place to stay - your chest felt warm as you took his hand into yours - this was the start of a new chapter for you
The Lord Of The Rings;
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⚔ You met Aragorn in Rivendell, being best childhood friends with Boromir, you came along with him for the meeting - it was then that you volunteered - along with a few others - to join the Fellowship of the Ring; and right from the start, the moment your eyes met his, you felt some sort of connection with him
⚔ You were surprised how easy it was to talk to Aragorn - he was definitely a leader, powerful, and understanding - and when he wasn't being a leader - leading the group - he was actually very charming; and charming he was, who knew you could have fallen so quickly for a man that you had only just met (love at first sight)
⚔ During one of the nights that you had first watch, you sat beside the fire, it was keeping you as warm as it could - the air was chilly - and when a warm fur blanket was placed over your shoulders, and Aragorn sat beside you; for the rest of your watch, you and Aragorn spoke softly together
⚔ After the ring was destroyed, and Aragorn took his rightful place as King, you felt sad that your time with Aragorn was over, but you were also incredibly happy for him - it was after the celebration in Frodo's, the Fellowship, and Aragorn's honor, that you got your bags packed to go back to traveling around Middle Earth; though, again, your were surprised when Aragorn stopped you from leaving, revealing his affections towards you
⚔ You joined Aragorn, staying by his side, and he stood by yours - and it wasn't long until you and Aragorn married; and when Aragorn (and you) are not busy doing important royal duties, you and Aragorn sit comfortably and quietly together, reading - or even dancing - in front of the fire
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estelofrivendell · 11 months
Hi i see that your requests are open and i was wondering if you could do some platonic headcanons or a one shot where the reader is a young adult/teen in the fellowship. Perhaps something where aragorn or boromir are sort of a reluctant father figure, kinda like a joel and ellie dynamic from tlou!
A/N: How is everyone doing? I haven't written anything in two months.... I have a bad headache distracting me from schoolwork which means I get to work on this! I need to rest but I miss writing! Anon, I played TLOU a long time ago and I know little to nothing about the second game so this is based on how well I know the first game (probably not that well). I'm sorry this isn't a one shot, I'm trying to keep this simple since I'm trying to adjust after so long of not writing. I'm sorry if this is also bad, but life got in the way and I have other hyperfixations that I currently prioritise over LOTR.
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You had to be the most difficult person Aragorn ever met. He understood life treated you like shit, but that did not excuse your attitude. Life was not kind to him either yet he knew how to remain polite and respect authority. He is a man that keeps his word, however, and would not leave you in a ditch even if it spared him the annoyance you brought him. Once he cooled down and got used to watching over you, he reflected on what he knew about your life and felt pity for you. So young, yet seems older beyond your years. It took a traumatic near death experience for Aragorn to realise he saw you as a daughter, a feeling he did not understand from not having any children of his own (yet) but at that moment he knew he would kill for you.
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He saw so much of him in you that it scared him. It explained how you two just could never get along at all. Okay, you both respected each other enough to not be at each other's throats, but you had no love for seemingly rude men that thought they knew everything and he had nothing but contempt for little brats. Legolas' passing comment about you reminding him of Boromir led him to start feeling as if he should go a little easier on you, treat you with more respect and view you as the adult you are while reminding you you've yet to see the worst of the world with your young age. He also felt the world was much more beautiful than you know it and he would die for you if it meant you can experience true happiness, and that he did.
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softboiledwonderland · 4 months
Thank you for tagging me in this @konartiste 😊 being very lame and doing it months after the fact <3
LOTR themed tag game! Reblog with your own answers and tag three or more people you want to get to know better!
- How old were you when you were first introduced to LOTR? I was nine when my mum took me to the cinema (I think I'd read and loved The Hobbit by then) to watch the movie. I did not like it at all! 😂 We didn't know what it was about and had no idea it was part one in a trilogy, which came as a nasty surprise after three hours of horrible movie lol. I loved the beginning, but like: the troll terrified me to my core and for a long time afterwards I was scared it would somehow come after me, Gandalf died, I thought Boromir had a suspicious face from the start and didn't mind that he died (cue 20+ years later and I'm writing the most important fic in my life so far about him) but his death was still traumatic, and I just wanted my comfort hobbits to get a happy ending and instead they were crying and resigning themselves to more misery. I didn't even watch the other two movies when they came out I was so disgusted with the whole thing lol. Read the books and watched the movies as an older teen and loved them all.
- Favourite LOTR character? Probably Aragorn, but also the hobbits (they're a unit). The entire Fellowship is so dear to me though. And Boromir is my blorbo.
- Books or Movies? Books! The movies are cool and all, but the books are where Tolkien is.
- Which location in Middle Earth would you want to visit? If I had to choose only one it'd probably be Rivendell, but also the Shire, the Old Forest, Rohan, Dol Amroth, Gondor... and the Great River, just because of my fic. <3
- Favourite Movie? Not sure, perhaps The Fellowship, ironically enough.
- Favourite scene? I'm so bad at remembering movie scenes! Maybe the Council of Elrond? There are so many amazing ones with such beautiful music so I'm not sure. Love Gandalf charging at the Nazgûl with Pippin in tow <3
- Favourite quote? “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”
- What Middle Earth race would you like to be? I'm usually a Hobbit in every online quiz, but it'd be fun to see what being an Elf is like.
- Favourite LOTR ship: This is going to sound weird because I'm writing a long, shippy, Canon Character/OC fic at the moment, but I'm not really into LOTR for the ships so I kind of don't have one? I adore Aragorn/Arwen and Faramir/Éowyn as much as the next person and Sam and Rosie are precious, but I'm not really fussed.
Going all out and tagging all the mutuals I THINK I saw reblogging LOTR at some point, if I'm wrong I'm sorry, if you already did this back when it was making the rounds please ignore it, if you want to ignore it anyway by all means feel free to do so, thank you and have a nice day <3 @dangerously-human @to-be-frank-i-dont-care @phoenixflames12 @ass-deep-in-demons @spifflocated @erathene
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theship-thewalrus · 2 years
Hi! I just saw you're taking requests for LOTR and The Hobbit, and was wondering if maybe you could write something Legolas x Reader.
I was just watching the Battle of the five armies, and got an idea. What if, when Thranduil sends Legolas to the north to find Strider, he ends up meeting the reader (who is also a Dúnedain) and she's the one who helps him find Aragorn, becuse she's his friend?
Sorry if that was way too specific.
Thank you so much!
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legolas greenleaf x female! reader
pretty much the ask :)
word count: 903 words reading time: about 5 minutes warnings: none really
Travelling alone can provide many advantages like added freedom, quietness, independence. But it also held various disadvantages like loneliness, solitude, stress. But it was a life you choose, one you deserve. But sometime you had a companion, someone to share a few stories with on the road. Strider was what he called himself. He was a man you ran into a few times on the road, a man you would call your friend.
Never would you thought someone, let alone an elf, would come out looking for him. The man thought he was tracking Strider, thinking he would find him in a few days and return home before the season was done. Yet it was you who he found at the end of the trail, a figure wrapped up in a cloak camping by the river. After days of riding, you had finally stopped for a rest allowing him to catch up. Now he had seen you he could taste home once more.
Despite Legolas thinking you had not noticed him you had, you had known you had someone following you for sometime. One could call it a gut feeling, or simply the world telling you to keep an eye out. Tending to the fire you watch your horse turn to look in the forest behind you, seemingly knowing someone else was there. Signalling to you your stalker had arrived and caught up to you. You gave off no indication you knew he was there, to lure him into thinking he had the upper hand. It was unsure if this unknown man had good or bad intentions, though you were positive you would find out.
"Come forward," Your voice rings out amongst the silence, a large surprise to Legolas thinking he had been successful at being hidden. But as you call out to him seemingly unfazed by knowing he was here, it was clear to him you have known for sometime. Stays put for a few more moments, yet it seemed it only annoys you. "I said, come forward. Less you plan to stay there for the rest of the night." At your more biting tone, he took a few steps forward. Almost shamefully walking up to you as a small child would after doing something wrong.
"How long have you known?" This is the first question he asks wanting to see how long you have known. Chuckling slightly you continue to poke the fire, ensuring the coals are still hot. "For some time now. I have a feeling I've had someone watching me." Finally, you turn to look at him, a cocky grin on your face. It seemed this encounter was full of surprises as the last thing he expected to see was a woman.
But not any woman, a beautiful one.
Taking in the unknown elf's appearance you could not help but believe he was attractive. Nodding your head towards the fire you speak "Take a seat, you travelled this far." Cautiously Legolas approached you, as though he was waiting for you to pull out a weapon and strike him. But you did no such thing, just offering him a seat by a fire.
"Thank you," he mutters taking a seat across from you, your eyes drift from him and back to the fire. The both of you simply sitting in uneasy silence, not knowing what the other one thinks. Legolas feared you may attack him, whereas you simply wonder what his reason was for following you. Not being one to like having questions you simply ask, "Why were you following me? Surely I can't be that important to have an elf trailing me."
Legolas appeared to be taken back by your forwardness, not expecting you to outright ask him questions. The pair of you did not even knew each other's names and yet here you were asking him questions as though you were acquainted. It took him a moment to answer, thinking if he should lie or simply tell the truth. But he decided there would be no harm in it, from what he could tell you travelled alone. "I am looking for a man that is called Strider. His help is needed to save the realm."
There is silence for a moment before you begin to laugh loudly, finding his words amusing. 'Save the Realm', the loner and almost standoffish man could not possibly help save the realm. Legolas was shocked at your laughter, thinking such a thing would desire a bit more seriousness. "You must be mistaken, I have met this Strider. I doubt he would be involved in saving the realm. Besides what you are even saving the realm from?"
"I can't tell you that," was his response one that made you raise an eyebrow. Thinking for a moment you hummed looking Legolas in the eyes as you spoke "What if I helped you find him?" He perked up at this, you knew where to find him? Many questions appeared in his mind, along with many warnings about you, but none he listened to. For with your help he could return home by the end of the season with this Strider in tow. "Truly?" His voice was unsure, waiting for you to laugh once more and tell him not to be stupid. "Truly, we'll leave at dawn," you grin, looking back to the fire.
Thus, it was the start of your adventure together.
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levi-supreme · 8 months
For your 600 follower event, can I get English breakfast tea and a scone? I’m a huge fan of Lord of the Rings and I talk through the movies a lot, quoting and critiquing them.
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Characters: Jean x fem!reader
Prompts: Jean [English breakfast] and movie date [scone]
A/N: Hello there, and thank you so much for the support!!!! I'm sorry this took so long, and I hope you'll enjoy this sweet movie date with Jean!!! 💛 I am not very familiar with LOTR, so a big BIG shout out to @m-jelly for the help on this!!! Thank you so much Jelly! <3
I also apologise for the amount of dialogues in there oops! Having a lovers' squabble with Jean was actually pretty fun to write. Also, I had to rely on youtube videos for a crash course on LOTR so I hope I managed to nail something, and I hope you'll like it too!
Rei’s 600 Follower Event: Date-A-Boyfriend (Closed)
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Once a month, you and your boyfriend Jean would organise a movie marathon, and this month, is was your turn to host and choose a movie. You chose to watch The Lord of the Rings as it was your absolute favourite, and you would never miss a chance to watch the movies over and over again.
You two prepared loads of snacks as you knew how long the movies were. There were salted and caramel popcorn, nachos and cheese, pretzels, crackers and dips, veggie chips, cookies, biscuits, chocolate, and also soft drinks as well.
"Remind me how long the marathon would last again?" Jean questioned as you sat on the couch, holding a large bowl of freshly popped caramel popcorn.
"It's 11 hours and 26 minutes, Jean," you giggled, feeding him some hot popcorn. Jean raised his eyebrow.
"Really? I swear the internet told me it was shorter."
You rolled your eyes and laughed, eating some popcorn, "of course it's longer, honey. We have to go with the extended version. It's the only acceptable answer." Jean took the blanket and covered it over both your legs.
"I better not catch you dozing off halfway, then." Jean playfully pinched your cheek. "You always doze off when we get to The Two Towers."
"Nah-uh, not today, sweetie," you laughed and ate some more popcorn, "I'm gonna stay awake." Jean merely smirked and muttered 'that's what you said the last time' under his breath.
"I heard that," you scowled, playfully poking Jean on his ticklish spots making him howl with laughter, "I'll stay awake this time. I promise." Once Jean stopped laughing and you both were comfortable, you took the remote control and started the movie.
»»————-  ————-««
"You actually did stay up all the way, huh?" Jean stretched and yawned loudly when the credits started rolling. Looking at the clock in the living room, it was already close to 7am. Maybe you two could even go to the café nearby for breakfast. You finished your cup of lemonade and turned to face your boyfriend.
"I told you I was going to stay awake." You looked at Jean smugly, stretching your neck and your arms. The both of you continued watching the ending credits roll by silently. You've always had a lingering question in your head every time you watched The Lord of the Rings, and this time, you needed to get this question out of your mind.
"Jean." You broke the silence after the credits finished rolling.
"Can I ask you something?"
Jean sensed your tone of voice a little different than usual. He eyed you nervously and gulped before nodding, "... yeah?"
"What would you do... if you were in Aragorn's shoes?" You turned to Jean as he looked at you silently. "What would you have done if it were you?"
Jean was tongue-tied. He looked as though he had something to say, yet he just opened and closed his mouth like a gaping goldfish.
"I would've done the same, you know," you turned towards the TV again, "I would've done what Arwen did. I'd give up immortality for a life with the person I love most."
"And I would stop you from doing so, exactly like what Aragorn did."
"But why?" You questioned Jean again, and he remained silent. "Why would you do that?"
"Because I would want you to be happy." Jean stared hard at you. "I—j-just, well. Just imagine. You would've outlived me, for sure. What will happen to you once I'm gone? You're going to be all alone, and you're going to be miserable. You're going to die of a broken heart like Arwen, and I wouldn't want that to happen to you. I don't want you to suffer."
"I beg to differ," you took Jean's hand and held it, "I don't care about all that. Yeah, sure, I will be alone, but at least I was happy. I may be heartbroken without you, but I wouldn't have any regrets. I'd rather live a short but fulfilling life and die of a broken heart than to live a long life filled with regrets."
Jean gripped your hand tighter, staring hard at you again. "Sweetie. Listen to me. That's silly, and very risky, okay? Arwen chose to give up her immortality and look at what happened? If the ring wasn't destroyed, she would have died. All her choices and decisions would have gone to waste."
"But look at them! Arwen saw her future with Aragorn, and they even had a family together. She decided to take a gamble for her happiness and for the man she loved. If that isn't the purest and most beautiful form of love, I don't know what else is.
"Sometimes you just have to take a gamble, honey," you loosened your grip and gently cupped Jean's cheek, "I'll put my faith in the people I trust, and I believe in them too. I'll do anything in my power to be with you.
"Remember what Arwen said to Aragorn in Rivendell? She said 'I would rather share one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone', and that is exactly what I want to tell you too. It doesn't matter that I'll be alone. What matters is that I get be with you, and that's already more than enough."
Jean looked at you again and sighed, laughing and shaking his head in defeat, "fine, sweetie, you win, okay? I'm yours until the end of eternity."
Smiling, you gently pat Jean's cheek, giving him a kiss. "And so am I. I'm yours until the end of eternity too."
As you stretched your limbs on the couch, Jean looked at you again and suddenly, he pulled you into his embrace and hugged you tightly. Your arms snaked up his back and hugged him in return, and the both of you remained in each other's embrace.
"I know your question was hypothetical, but don't ask me things like this again, 'kay? It's scary." Jean muttered out of a sudden, causing you to break out a laughter.
"You're ruining the moment, Jean, shhh," you giggled, nuzzling your head in the crook of his neck, "just keep quiet and hug me." The both of you continued hugging each other on the couch, until Jean's stomach rumbled loudly, making you burst out laughing again.
"Well I'm sorry to ruin the moment again, but I'm starving, and I want food. Proper food." Your giant boyfriend grumbled and shook himself free from the hug. "Let's wash up and get breakfast." Jean complained again and pushed himself off the couch, dragging you to the bathroom while you had a wide smile on your face.
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Aaaaaaaaaaand that's it for the movie date with Jeanbo!! Thank you so much for sending me such a lovely request, and I hope you liked it!!
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Tagging: @ack3rlady  @jean-prettyboy-kirschtein  @hannie2kay @thesimpsstuff @lilshades  @jayteacups  @nelapanela94  @postwarlevi @levisbrat25 @galactict3a @ladycheesington
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Rei’s 600 Follower Event: Date-A-Boyfriend (Closed)
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lord-aldhelm · 8 months
About Me
Since somebody (who shall go unnamed) told me I talk too much about Aldhelm, I wanted to make a post about this.
Like, you know that there is more to me than this right? Like this man and TLK is my obsession but there is so much more to me than just this. It has become an important part of my life, a hobby and an obsession, and I feel like my life has become all the richer for it. I have gone WAY out of my comfort zone in so many ways because of this fandom and have done so many things that I never would have even considered because of it. And have met so many amazing and wonderful people and made some (hopefully) lifelong friends from this. Like it has seriously enriched my life way beyond my ordinary day to day hum-drum bullshit and I am eternally thankful for it.
I am 43 years old. I am married and have two cats (they are my kids lol). I was a veterinary technician (or veterinary nurse depending on your language) for over 16 years before it took such a toll on my physical and mental health that I had to quit. I do my art full time now, so I mostly stay at home. A good friend got me into doing pet portraits in 2017 so that has been my focus, although I also do original paintings, mostly of animals, that I sell online as art prints and merch (like stickers, blankets, totes, t-shirt designs, puzzles, etc). It is not a livable income but it is a nice supplement, and I can relax and work at my own pace and not get stressed out.
When I am not doing that we like to take walks in the forests near our house, go out and explore the local area, take little trips, watch TV and movies together, you know all those kinds of things. I love gardening and yard work, and can't wait until the weather warms so I can get more work done in our gardens. I am somewhat handy and can do some repairs around the house, which is a good thing because this house has a lot of issues.
I love to read, and am reading a book called "Hild" right now by Nicola Griffith, which takes place in the 7th century Britain. I have learned a lot about the Anglo-Saxon time period because of TLK and it has intrigued me to learn more about early British history. I also LOVE fantasy, especially Lord of the Rings and Neil Gaiman. I don't have a big collection of books but I get more all the time!
I love fantasy and Ghibli movies, and have a nice little collection of DVD's that we like to rewatch. I would love to do some fanart from LOTR and Princess Mononoke, and now that I feel more comfortable drawing people I may do so.
Maybe I draw Aldhelm a lot, but that is just because I love drawing him so much... I honestly don't have a lot of time to do personal art and when I do I want to do something that I love. And drawing him relaxes me and makes me very happy. And not only that it has taken me outside my comfort zone to do a subject that I typically don't draw, and gets me acquainted with drawing textures that I am unfamiliar with, like cloth, chainmail, human hair, skin, and metal. I have learned a lot in the past year doing these drawing and I will continue for a very long time. I might do other things if I feel up to it, but drawing him has become a cornerstone of my creativity and I will not stop.
I am sorry that I like to talk about TLK and Aldhelm a lot... when I am passionate about something I don't let up. I just don't want anyone to think this is ALL I do and I am one dimensional.
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shirefantasies · 26 days
Hi there! I saw your LotR imagine about an animal companion and thought it was adorable!! Could you do one but with a cat instead? It could either be a normal sized cat or a big one, your choice! I just love cats! Hope you have a good day today!
Heck yeah! I’m more of a cat person too so this resonates with me far more than the other 😆 dude, I'm so sorry this took so long but I hope you like it Liv 🖤
The Fellowship With Your Feline Companion
✧ It does not escape you the way he raises his eyebrows upon first seeing the cat perched upon your shoulder.
✧ But you misunderstand him- Aragorn is well used to forming deep bonds with animals, his just happen to be with horses and all he’s thinking is what a surprise it is you got the cat to stay.
✧ Never will you forget his expression of polite, stoic surprise the first time your cat clambers onto him and settles there and the subsequent smile you share.
✧ You often catch him whispering in Elvish to your cat. Even if you cannot understand the words, they seem to have a calming effect.
✧ “All lives are valuable. Even the smallest ones.”
✧ “And who is this?” Legolas asks upon meeting you, dark eyes glinting with mirth as they fix upon your cat, who currently perches upon your shoulder.
✧ Reticent as your companion tends to remain, the kind hands of the elven prince bring forth purrs and soft eyes of peace easily.
✧ Legolas takes to borrowing your companion for trips up the trees. Sometimes they return with a casualty, your cat having claimed a bird as prey on the climbing and scouting trip.
✧ Quite impressed is the woodland prince with the way you developed an archery method with a cat upon your shoulder. Perhaps he may even have to try it!
✧ Always refers to the cat as ‘your guardian’ as if you are not the one providing feed and care! You frequently tease each other about who owns who in the relationship.
✧ "And the cat is going with you?" You did not appreciate his teasing skepticism. "Yes," you answered, tone hard, "Take it or leave it. You want me on this journey, you get him."
✧ He tries. Boromir tries to break through your layers of frost, but no success. At least not until the night your feline companion clambers off of the log by your side and onto his lap, accepting the shred of meat he is offered. The man sighs as your beloved cat tears in. "He is so small. So innocent in all of this. I simply do not want to see him hurt. You understand that, right?"
✧ After that, you notice Boromir’s efforts. The nest he built your companion to sleep in and the way he stands right at its side every night watch.
✧ Boromir is absolutely the type to pout when he calls or beckons to him and your cat completely ignores him, prompting you to burst out laughing every time.
✧ Sometimes he is a bit rough when he makes to pet or scratch your cat, prompting you to take and guide his hand in gently stroking him.
✧ "Does he bite?" The dwarf asked, cautiously extending a hand. "Not unless I tell her to," you subtly corrected.
✧ It becomes a bit of a joke between you and Gimli- any time he gives you some sort of hassle, you jokingly threaten to sic your beast upon him even if she’s just sitting there purring in your lap.
✧ Picks pieces of meat from fireside suppers, selecting them as carefully as a royal beefeater for his queen and smiling with great pleasure when they are enjoyed.
✧ Insists that beside you, he is your cat’s favorite. Bickers with Legolas for this position more often than you’d have expected.
✧ Gimli has a field day when he, upon taking off his helmet, discovers your cat wedged inside curled up tightly. “Well, I suppose I go now into battle with no helmet. If I’m struck atop the head, remember me, cat!” He says this all as if he is not grinning ear to ear.
✧ “You remind me of Strider,” he tells you early in your journey together, “One with nature as you are. Though I must say you carry a much fairer presence.”
✧ Your cat has never shown such maternal instinct as when Frodo joins her life. The weight of the ring suffocates him, but the touch of fur is just as grounding, her weight upon his lap a welcome one that brings reality back before his eyes.
✧ She even saves his life at one point, leaping onto him right before the ring could slide onto his finger.
✧ You find yourself gravitating toward Frodo’s side more and more, smiling at the way his fingers instinctually tangle in the soft fur upon your shoulder.
✧ Frodo is the only one your cat allows to pick up and hold her except for you.
✧ “Are you a wizard like Gandalf?” Pure amusement and endearment overtook your neutral expression, shattering it in favor of a smile at the hobbit, who himself looked a combination of awed and frightened. “It’s because of the black cat, isn’t it?”
✧ Insistent as you are that your cat is not some fabled familiar or enchantment, Samwise still addresses your second half with nothing short of reverence. Perhaps even a title.
✧ Absolutely delighted to make tiny plates of whatever you guys eat or just for giblets to give the newest quest member.
✧ Knowing as much as he does about plants, Sam is able to identify, harvest, and dry some catnip to put in a little tear of fabric. Suffice it to say he really has a friend after that!
✧ “You know,” Sam remarks one night by the fire as you lay side by side, his hand gently stroking your feline companion’s fur, “It’s nice. Having a comfort like this. Almost like you’ve brought a piece of home. Then again, you are home to each other, aren’t you?” “We are indeed,” you agree with a soft smile.
✧ Having a hobbit pull a little sword on you was certainly not on your day's itinerary. "Well, you are just full of surprises, aren't you?" You quipped. "I could say the same to you," the golden-haired hobbit replied, nodding his curly head toward the cat winding between your booted feet.
✧ Once you are recognized as friend rather than foe, Merry wants to know hear the story behind your becoming a duo, sitting next to you at the fire and listening intently, eyes remaining fixed upon yours.
✧ “So you were nothing more than a baby?” Merry leans on his folded arms, addressing your cat as if expecting an answer. “Just a stray? And look at you now! Big and strong. You had someone to take good care of you.”
✧ “Forgive me for asking this,” the hobbit inquires one day with a tug upon your cloak, “But how do you fight? With, you know…” “I’m an archer,” you chuckle, “We stay as far away as we can help and keep to our very specific shoulders. It can be a little clumsy sometimes, but I do alright. Haven’t died yet.”
✧ Rustling at your side is not an uncommon thing for you to wake to- rustling accompanied, of course, by the sight of Merry scooting his bedroll closer across the dirt until his hand can reach your beloved pet.
✧ "Whoa!" The sudden emergence of your cat's head from beneath the folds of your cloak startles the hobbit, who stumbles back a bit. "You know you've got a-" "Cat on my shoulder? As a matter of fact, I do," you answer with a grin.
✧ Happily takes over keeping your companion entertained, trying different methods of play like dragging sticks and dangling leaves to jump for.
✧ One day you catch Pippin fixing you with an odd sort of stare, tilting your head as you stroke your cat’s. Is he…jealous? Needlessly to say, later that night you find yourself running your fingers through curly hobbit hair instead.
✧ “Can I sleep with you? I- I mean the cat, by the-” “Of course you can, Pippin,” you just giggle.
✧ Tries his best to quit smoking around his little friend, ducking away and even sometimes flying up from his seat when he realizes his pipe’s curling product may be drifting the cat’s way.
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @filiswingman @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @evattude @noodlesduck | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🖤
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greypetrel · 5 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @melisusthewee, and at least another person. I'm sorry if I ignored the tag, I was away and it's a busy period, let me know ;_;
Tagging forward: @ndostairlyrium @shivunin @inquisimer and YOU who are reading and would like to do it!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 12, right now.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 497,183 ... I'm chatty.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Dragon Age, and a crossover with LOTR/The Silmarillion.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Home Was Never on the Ground (long fic, concluded, it's anthological and mainly me filling blanks in DAI as inspiration stroke)
She of Many Names (ongoing, a LOTR/Dragon Age crossover. A follower on Instagram asked me if Aisling was Sauron, the idea made me laugh so much that my mind took fire.)
Saturday Prompts (a collection of prompts I posted here. I never uploaded every one of them, oops)
Death and All of Its Friends (ongoing, a DA2 collection)
The Night Before First Day (Two chapters, concluded. One it's in rhyme and illustrated. Aisling taught her daughter that the Dreadwolf is Santa out of spite. Solas tries to disapprove.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, always!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I do love angst, but I don't like angsty endings all that much ahahahahah. I think the one that gets closer, in a bitter-sweet way, is One for the Road. Call me a sucker for rare-pairs, this was also prompted here and my brain took fire (LavellanxFenris)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The Night Before First Day. Listen I'm not a Christmas person, I turn into a seasonal depressed Grinch at Christmas, living in a catholic country doesn't help, and that is my way of giving myself some joy.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not that I know of.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Not any that I publish.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Yes I do. She of Many Names is a Dragon Age and LOTR crossover. I love it dearly, I'm slow to update it because I have the greatest love for Tolkien (with all his flaws, but my brain rewired when I saw the first movie, and the book has been my entire personality for two years. I wouldn't be the same person without it) and I do care of rendering it as I want.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? ... Not that I know of? I hope not, ahahahah :"D
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? If you consider that English is not my first language, all my fics are translated? xD Other than that, no.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I'd love to.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? EowynxFaramir, hands down. Out of pure lenght. Maybe LeiaxHan Solo (my parents are both nerds, I think my mom made me watch Star Wars the first time... I don't remember, the vhs were always around in the house. I was very, very little.)(we don't talk about the sequel trilogy.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I tried to write a third chapter for the aforementioned One for the Road... But it ends up in a love triangle and I don't like love triangles that aren't a poly relationship. So, it's sitting in my folder and I'll never finish it. I was considering ditching the second chapter and rewrite it as a "Aisling as a companion in DA2" fic... But MEH.
16. What are your writing strengths? I think dialogue. I am trained as a comic artist, which means that the writing parts that get polished are dialogue. I have much more experience with that. ... I am also terrible at judging my own work in a positive way, tho, so you tell me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? English not being my first language and leading to mis-spellings. Other than that... I started writing fanfiction after YEARS of not writing anything in prose that wasn't screenplays for comics (which follows different rules). Since I stopped because of being hurt by it, I went on to it by not planning stuff.
I'm rusty with prose, and my retelling -the first thing I tackled- clearly had little planning ahead.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? It's a no, for me, unless you specifically wants your audience not to understand what's being said and create a sense of isolation and of not knowing what's going on. A sentence here and there with a translation is fine. But if it's something long... You want the reader to understand well. Italicized text it is.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I wouldn't call it a fandom, but: Greek Mythology. I drew a parody comic of the Iliad in my first high school year, alongside friends. It had been so fun. I also wrote, still in high school, something heavily inspired by Eragon, which only my friends had the pleasure of reading. (I'm only saying it involved my now most hated trope: THE SECRET TWIN.)
20. Favorite fic you've written? The next one.
I'm very invested in Ashes and Sparks, aka the Dreadwolf AU. I'm putting ideas in it and going fully canon divergent and writing it as I would like Inquisition to have gone. No Corypheus, more crazy tevinters, and the focus ON FUCKING TIME TRAVEL.
In a modern setting because yes.
It's also tackling something I absolutely hate in fiction when it's done wrongly, which is time travel, and I'm sweating and hoping I'll do it with logic. It's something niche and not so focused on a single ship, so probably it'll interest only me, but I'm happily writing and trying to contain myself from posting chapters of more than 10k.
Blank Form Under the Cut
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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saintannatar · 22 days
Tag game: Getting to know people better/catching up
Thank you for the tag @narisz ! Sorry this took so long, I had to boot up my desktop dinosaur lol.
🍭 Favorite color: Besides black, I'm liking deep purple at the moment.
🍭 Last song I listened to: "Different Lives" by Fly by Midnight and Rachel Grae. I only know a couple songs by Fly by Midnight, but boy are they both maddeningly good. I don't usually go for a peppy sound but their songs are just such well-crafted ear candy.
🍭 Last film I watched: The Last Unicorn : )
🍭 Currently reading: LOTR! (yeah, I'm one of those people who read the Silm first, three times, and found it much easier to get through.) But the hubby and I are finally nearly done with the tome. (We read it out loud together, it's fun.)
🍭 Currently watching: AMC's Interview with the Vampire. Definitely enjoying this take. It's certainly fanfiction, but it's a fun time.
🍭 Currently craving: More weekend. This is the night of my Sunday
🍭 Coffee or tea: I enjoy both but am dependent on coffee.
🍭 Hobby to try: I'm just picking up embroidery again after... over 20 years D: I'm very pleased with the results and excited to use it for our silvergifting cosplay next year!
🍭 Current AU: Oof I'm barely working on my canon original story. It's always simmering on the back burner, but has, for the last couple of years, taken a backseat to a family of dysfunctional elves and demigods. As far as they're concerned, I'm just cheerleading as @rufyshinra pens his incredible Fëanor lives AU. <3
Tagging, with zero pressure: @rufyshinra, @ickyrainbows3245, @pumpkinphoenix, @ughtumno, @welcomingdisaster
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