#sorry this took forever to post here also i'll try to post my stuff here more often LOL
apollysabyss · 1 year
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Smidge My Beloved
I love this fridge so much
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anulithots · 4 months
Ooh...So excited when I know that you are now a fan of Link Click, too.... Can I ask something from Link Click? What do you think are Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
Also, can I ask your top fav characters and fav moments from the series (Link Click), if you don't mind me asking (again)....? Thanks so much....
KLDKJfdskj THANK YOU FOR THE ASK! I had answered it, wanted to save it for further thoughts... then tumblr wiped the post.
I cry. Sorry this took so long!
BUT I Did handwrite some stuff down, so here we go!
(Just a note that while I proabably will analyze link click - how could I not - I won't try to do as much analysis as I did with Jujutsu Kaisen... because... well I did too much. Maybe burnt myself out? I hyper analyzed that to the point where it became another school subject... and LInk Click actually SHOWS backstory, so I don't' have to connect as many dots. )
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CHeng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang's strengths and weaknesses.
Cheng Xiaoshi: he's empathetic, but so much so that it turns into impulsive decisions. Other than that, when he does have space and time to process his emotions, he's INCREDIBLY good at strategizing based on the factors of the environment + the emotions of those involved (Lu Guang will follow rules without being as adaptive)
Overall, I'd describe the Cheng Xiaoshi emotion pipeline to be this:
gets overwhelmed with strong emotions, especially when possessing someone or in a high stakes situation. In this state, he'll do reckless, impulsive decisions, oftentimes for the good of others... but he usually regrets it later
CXS has more time to sit with and process his emotions. He usually withdraws from the world at this time. (Post episode five, or after diving into the photo on his own, when he thought Lu Guang was dead)
He does his whole 'I have a plan thing' and it's ridiculously smart. He just needs time (and lots of it) to process his emotions.
Cheng Xiaoshi is also almost.. too trusting. He trusts others, empathizes with them, so easily feels and assimilates himself with others that he'll... probably get taken advantage of. (See season two)
He also clings to the people he has. This is neither a strength nor a weakness... it's both, it's a trait, and it will become either beneficial or a detriment depending on the situation, as is the case with a lot of character traits. The plot tests the flaws and benefits of a character. (Sorry small tangent)
CXS tries to prevent the same pain of loss from befalling anyone else/ people he possesses. He fears being alone (probably also feeds into his 'too trusting' + relies on Lu Guang thing. Neither are inherently flaws) and perhaps part of the reason he is so impulsive is because his parents left him so suddenly. He gets so stressed because he has to help them/save them, and he must do so immediately, before they leave him forever.
(See I'm analyzing but I'm having trouble with fitting CXS into the overall themes... hmmm.. I'll figure it out.)
Lu Guang:
I'm not sure if he restrains his emotions, has subdued ones, or if whenever he's around CXS he can act more 'low energy' because CXS is... a lot. /aff
(See Lu Guang sitting on the couch differences from when CXS is there versus when CXS is in a dive
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Versus when he's alone:
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*feet on the table*
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*bouncing his foot*)
He acts like he's the level headed one, but he's far from it. Even in season one, especially in episode five (when he took a risk and it ended up backfiring on CXS) he can and will freak out the moment something doesn't go according to plan. And who often doesn't go according to plan?
Cheng Xiaoshi.
Lu Guang does his very best to... prevent against this. He means well. Pretty much every moment he's on screen is him trying to protect CXS.
He does keep secrets, but overall, I think he isss pretty open about what he thinks and feels (except for when it comes to CXS to his face... he'll gladly talk about it to Qiao Ling). In... I think it was episode six, he openly told Cheng Xiaoshi his reasoning for going back in time to deliver the messages in episode four... to alleviate the client (and prove to himself that it is possible) of regret.
As far as the 'strengths and weaknesses' go, for all the issues and benefits that happen because of him, it's really caused by his personality, his traits, that will be either useful or detrimental depending on the situation. LInk Click is wonderous at using the plot to fully explore the nuances of the characters, so none of their traits are 'black and white'. Very 'trolley problem esque' and up to the viewer to decide. *buzzes and explodes* /pos
In essence: Both CXS and Lu Guang are emotional idiots in their own ways (CXS's just louder about it /pos /aff) and QIao LIng is actually the only levelheaded one here.
... I need some more time and rewatches before I can fully analyze them well so that's that for now!
What I love about their dynamic
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They both trust each other, and will break all of time and space (or not break all of time and space) for the sake of the other.
Like Lu Guang, for all the times he says that CXS cannot change the past, that he shouldn't interfere, caves if it means giving Cheng Xiaoshi solace. (Episode five when tried to help Cheng Xiaoshi save his mom, and in season two when he let Cheng Xiaoshi dive to allow police assistant guy - I forget his name - to give a flower ring to his wife)
For Cheng Xiaoshi, he'll resist his impulses and emotions, even if it causes him immense pain, to comply with what Lu Guang would've wanted. Epppiisooddee fivvee is a good example of this. (And of course... I think it was episode two of season two where Cheng Xiaoshi decided not to go back in time for the sake of Lu Guang's wishes). Cheng Xiaoshi 'gave up' on trying to save everyone in the town because of Lu Guang's urging, and even throughout all the dives he does, as early as episode one, he trusts Lu Guang.
Also, in a less dramatic sense, ... alll the little things they constantly do for eachhh other aklsjfkaslfklasjd fSCREAMSSS
Lu Guang checking on Cheng Xiaoshi during his nightmares, comforting CHeng Xiaoshi after the trauma that was episode five, the both of them constantly teasing each other, how comfortable they are in each other's presence. IT'S SO QUEER PLATONIC CODED I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
Fav characters and moments.
(in the prev version of this ask I started listing out EVERY SINGE scene in season one and started going to season two... I love them all. I love them all so much I'm going to rewatch it again.)
But as of now I'll list them out and include some of my screenshot collection (it is growing heheheh)
In episode one where Lu Guang slurps his noodles to tease CXS after he couldn't eat his spring rolls
The moment in episode two where Lu Guang proclaims that the mission is hopeless and CHeng Xiaoshi says 'Just because you don't see hope doesn't mean there is none'
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Also Lu Guang smiling when CHeng Xiaoshi says how he wishes Lu Guang could've tasted the noodles too. There's Lu Guang smiling at things Cheng Xiaoshi says, what more does one need in the world?
Like in season two where Cheng Xiaoshi is restrained and QIao LIng slaps the lawyer guy in the face (I'm slow with names and need to rewatch season two)
Honestly episode five is a masterclass in good writing. The moment where Cheng Xiaoshi's mom is singing to him, then it cuts to Cheng Xiao's mother dying is just... *sobs*
Cheng Xiaoshi's backstory in general... it was either in episode ten or eleven... or nine??? I still have to rewatch up to there. Epsically because CXS's backstory was explored in really nuanced and explorative ways before the whole thing was revealed, which makes any rewatches 1000x sadder. It's such good writing holy herbs.
In episode... seven I think it was.... when CXS as Doudou punched the human trafficker and Lu Guang had a surprised pikachu face... peak fiction. How this donghua manages to make me smile and laugh then ugly cry and stare at a wall for the next few hours is beyond me /pos /sooo impreeessive the wriittttnggg.
Lesbian Noodle ladies were amazing. 100/10. Bring them back the trio needs happiness
Lu Guang wanting to go the funeral in season two with an IV and half formal clothes, half hospital gown. He's smart but in the 'I've memorized an entire Library but can't navigate a practical/social thing to save my life' sort of way. Love him for that.
Wang Juan. She has an Ivan (alien stage) haircut and she was great and yes I have another aesthetic crush shhhh
When the trio dressed up as the cartoon characters to reunite Doudou with his dad.
Cheng Xiaoshi arguing and bickering with Xu Shanshan. Then when he dives as her, he immediately makes her look bad and it's hilarious
In the 5.5 extra where Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang play video games against Qiao Ling and both of them lose.
Qiao Ling and CXS both beating up a bunch of people. Peak siblings
CXS and Lu Guang beating up Qian Jin (I looked up the wiki and it has character namess yessssss). Peak queer platonic partners.
Moments like these? IDK I just like the idea of them spending time together without necessarily needing to talk to each other, comfortable in the silence.
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.... I reached my image limit *cries*
(and sorry it took me so long to answer it)
... now I want dumplings
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deukeuniverse · 1 year
A!TWICE Reaction to finding out O!S/O is Pregnant
Request By: Anon!
Pairing: Alpha!TWICE x Omega!S/O (Gender Neutral)
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Genre: Fluff
Warning/s: Pregnancy
Summary: Alpha TWICE finds out Omega reader is pregnant
A/N: Sorry this took forever, life got in the way but I'm gonna be mass posting my remaining requests and fixing my masterlist huhu
"You're pregnant?! That's great!"
Absolutely enthusiastic about it! Nayeon will help you through it, she'll do her very best for her pup. Anything you want, you get. I feel like she'll be all starry eyed when she sees your baby bump, wanting to keep touching it and listening and feeling her mate's pup.
"Let me help you with those."
She's going to be more protective of both you and the pup. The type to keep you in bed and bring everything to you. She's going to take very good care of her s/o during this time. Will be very careful and attentive.
"I'll try my best!"
She's also very excited! Will help you with all the pains and stuff and is also going to be protective. I think she'll be very very happy and will try her best to help by researching and stuff like that. She'll make mistakes sometimes but she's trying so don't be too mad!
"OMG! You're pregnant?! I'll go tell the others right now!"
She'll be excited and go to immediately tell the others! I feel like Sana will be sensitive to your needs and will accommodate you. She'll support you in every way she can and will always be by your side. I also think she's not gonna leave you alone.
"I heard about this thing online, maybe it can help?"
Leader mode activated. While Jihyo is very excited about it, she's also nervous. She'll start reading and researching, doing everything she can to help you through it. Will be with you through it all being supportive and helpful.
"What do you need?"
She's going to be more protective like Jeongyeon. Mina will also be nervous about it, but she'll be happy more than anything. She'll be there for you and get whatever you need and want. She's going to spoil you as a thank you for carrying her pup.
"I'm here if you need anything."
Dahyun would be very excited! She'll be helping you and feeding you and doing everything. I have a feeling she would be a great partner to have when you're feeling low, since she loves to see you smile. Will do her best to keep you happy!
"You're pregnant! That's great news!"
Chaeyoung would be a little nervous about it! Fear not, she will still be happy about it! Her priority will be you and the pup, so she will try her best to be home more often. She's going to take very good care of you and won't let you get in harms way.
"I want to ask the unnies, just to make sure."
She's going to be very nervous and will need constant help from the other girls. She doesn't want to mess it up so she will seek help and advise from them. She will be very helpful afterwards and will try to mostly manage by herself.
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lemonisntreal · 1 year
Do you have a Tone Deaf version of Clay Calloway?
(Perfectly fine if you don't. I was just curious, plus I love all your redesigns) 🦁🎸
SORRY THIS TOOK FUCKING FOREVER LMAO [been sitting in my inbox since FEBRUARY THIRTEENTH, HOLY SHIT :D]. YEAH, here he is :pppp a solid draft for you
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Lowkey [highkey] gave up on the clothing wrinkles on the arms, but I still like how it turned out I think. I don't have much on him in terms of rewrite, but I do have some, so I'll dump it all here under the cut.
I swear I love asks, please feel free to say/ask whatever, I'm just horrible at answering in a reasonable time-frame because I always want to make it this beautiful masterpiece and end up turning all of them into full-on posts- or, at least I want to ~_~
Ash gave him that button off her jacket [probably needs to be resized I'm realizing lol] [also I totally adopted this headcanon from someone elses post- might've been yours. Whoever came up with it I love it <3]
Born during the reformation that happened after the war- basically, nobody was really fighting anymore during this time, but some big people in power were still being stupid [aka: not letting their prisoners go]
So that would be somewhere around 1947? Which would put his age at 61 in my universe [which is in 2008- the times are pretty much random, nothing really lines up irl. Ignore how they use tech and other things that shouldn't have been invented yet lol]
He grew up when the Skunk Dolls were new and popular and stuff. And he loved them- so much that the band actually kinda inspired his music career
[Skunk Dolls also made loads of protest songs btw. War stuff]
Takes a ridiculous amount of care with his mane, and if he lets you touch it, that's a true sign of trust
So the Piglets always like to play with it, and Ash has given him braids a few times
He's had that scruffy red jacket since his early days
I should draw patches on it-
Ash probably'll give him a quill or two to put in it too with all the patches and repair stitches
He wears a lot of plaid, I just didn't wanna draw it <3
Rough and torn up clothes too
Everything he owns has some sort of smudge or tear in it from motorbiking and/or just being himself <3
His ears are pierced in almost every way imaginable, and when Ash found out, she went CRAZY
Cue her getting him to try on a bunch of stuff
He likes wrought iron jewelry and has never been a fan of anything with gemstones in it
Buster is terrified of him, but Clay is just kinda a blunt person and it doesn't mix well with Buster sometimes. They get along eventually tho. There was also some really bad timing with the circumstances of how they even met in the first place too lol-
Johnny is also. Super terrified.
Buster and him are like "Ahhh.... that guy scares the living daylights out of me." "Ohh, thank god it's not just me-"
He has a strange out-of-pocket interest in astrology.
And in herbology and plants in general, but he picked that up from Ruby. Astrology was all his, and it is the one thing he will "nerd out" over
Also the kind of guy to make fun of you for nerding out too
Making fun of people is his love language
So is giving people food
He's not great with his words and can find it hard to express love by just telling someone. Back to the bluntness thing, you can often find him accidentally offending someone and he doesn't even realize it
The troupe very quickly learned this and it's more of an endearing trait of his to them [and to most people who know him]
REALLY good cook. Fantastic, in fact. Probably one of the best chefs out of any of the characters.
Learned the hard way that enlisting Buster's help in the kitchen is a bad idea. Also Ash isn't great either, but he actually tries to teach her some of his recipes. And she's quickly improving
Buster was just being an idiot and forgot you shouldn't microwave tinfoil
Clay travels a lot, but spends most of his time in Calatonia [he technically still lives at his and Ruby's house, but he's super scared of accidentally closing himself off again, so he only visits to check up on the flowers and maintain the property pretty much]
He's like Ash's second [and very cool] dad. Which- also intimidates Buster quite a bit :D
I feel like their dynamic could be a sitcom. Clay is Ash's awesome dad and Buster is Ash's lame [endearing] and oddly unhinged and anxious dad who feels like he has to be as cool as Clay [and always fails heehee]
Clay is more entertained by Buster's ridiculous criminal record than horrified and I don't know if that's worrying or just a classic Calloway W
He's a very nonchalant person
Ruby's death is the only time I can really think he had a legitimate emotional break that wasn't just him being snappy [which is also pretty rare]
Clay's also like an uncle to the Piglets
He's kinda just taken up the role of "super awesome miscellaneous family member" for everyone at this point
He's back performing again after Sing 2- just not frequently or putting out any new songs [on his own at least- he might do a collaboration or two with Ash]
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imabillyami · 6 months
Hii I I'm back 😂
Okay so I would not have guessed English was not your first language 👀😳 you are doing amazingly well!
21 parts!! *fainting* I'm sooo happy to hear that haha Please please in your words - get over yourself and post that stupid (not stupid) chapter 4 😂 - I say this in the most loving and polite way possible 😁🥰 butttt obviously what I really mean is don't stress about it too much and post only when you're happy and comfortable with it (we'll be patiently waiting 😊). I'm glad to hear you're excited for the rest of it though!! 😁
On another note... My curiosity got the better of me 😆 Gentle Cottagecore Emoji Asks 🌱🥛🍯🐄🌳🐓🐇🌲🥞⛰️ answer as many as you like
(as always no pressure to respond) 😊
Hi Aussie anon friend 🥰
Took me a while to get to your message (April is this crazy busy month for me every single year, but in a mostly positive way), but here we are.
Yeah, the writing thing is delicate and very fickle. But I've been writing for 15+ years at this point and it rarely stresses me out anymore. I just gotta do things in my own time and remind myself from time to time to trust the process. We'll get there, always do in the end. Patience is key.
Thanks for sending those emoji asks, I'll be answering them under the cut 💕
Hugs to you 💜🌻
🌱 Seedling: What is a scent you find relaxing?
Sandalwood & the scent of the air when you walk through the woods after heavy rain
🥛 Milk: What is a food you find comforting when you are sad?
I dealt with some stuff in the past, so I’m not an "eat my feelings away" person anymore these days, and I’m really trying to prevent finding comfort in food or spending money when I feel sad, so I don’t have a specific food. In fact, I really struggle with eating when I’m sad these days, a complete 180 from when I was younger. 
🍯 Honey: What is one thing you like about yourself?
Personality wise - my kindness. A lot of people think I’m faking that or playing it up, but I’m genuinely not. I just don’t see the point in making anyone’s life harder or miserable when I can spend my time putting smiles on people’s faces and leave them with good memories instead. Physically - probably my eyes. I like the dark color of them and the way people tell me I have kind eyes. So that.
🐄 Cow: What is one other tumblr blog you really appreciate?
Picking one is impossible, really, cause we’re all here for different reasons and good at different thing and I’m just glad we get to share this space together and love the thing we love.
I’d like to shout out some of my dear friends though. Tay @taydaq for her incredible art and being an all around lovely person who’s always there for others.
Mahi @mahi-wayy / @bangazaii for being a complete sweetheart and our lovely fic writing sessions and idea spitballing sessions / rarepair shenanigans in our dms.
Shanie @shanie-the-komania-toyaddict for always being there when shit gets rough and calling me out on my bullshit, but never judging (& also writing the most beautiful kayfabe compliant steenerico fic + side stories).
Carla @samijey for providing me/us with the most beautiful gifs and the most gorgeous writing (and giving me a chance when it was easier not to).
And last but not least my dear friend E. @bremmommye who’s been my friend and comfort person in & out of the internet for many years by now and who I miss dearly cause we rarely ever get to see each other in "real life" (that's what living on opposite ends of the same country and being busy does).
I love all my moots and my followers and all the people I follow who don’t follow me back, but these people are the ones that have carved out that extra bit of space in my heart for themselves and made themselves a forever home in some shape or form. Sorry, didn’t mean to get that mushy, but I really love talking about my friends.
🌳 Tree: What is one thing in your future you are looking forward towards?
Honestly, it goes hand in hand with the answer above, I think. Being able to watch the people I adore, family, friends, acquaintances, strangers I have yet to meet, grow and evolve and live authentic lives that they’re feeling happy and fulfilled with. That’s what makes me happy - seeing the people around me happy. 
🐓 Chicken: What is a comfort movie/show for you?
Sooo many. But one constant is The Princess Bride. Another one is The Breakfast Club. Grey’s Anatomy (very early seasons), Skam, Legally Blonde and more recently Heartstopper. I could go on and on, there’s a whole lot of them. 
🐇 Bunny: What’s a song that you really like?
If you could see my music library - it’s WILD. And I love every single song. I listen to music basically every single minute I’m awake and able to. So picking one song - good god. I’ll give you my 5 most recent played ones.
Thoughts of a child - The Lathums
Dublin in Ecstasy - Inhaler
Dreams - The Snuts
I bet you look good on the Dancefloor - Arctic Monkey
Poundshop Kardashians - Sam Fender
🌲 Pine: Do you prefer the cold, or the heat?
The heat. Don’t love the heat, but I can stand it a lot better than being cold.
🥞 Pancake: What is your favorite breakfast food?
Not a big breakfast person, don’t have a sweet tooth either (not anymore I should say), so probably something savory. I had this yummy grilled veggie & hummus on rye bread breakfast sandwich when I was traveling the other day, that one came to mind. On a normal day, I’ll just have a cup of tea (no sugar, no milk alternative), a handful of almonds, and a banana or an apple to hold me over till lunch. But yeah, if I’m going for actual breakfast, I prefer savory over sweet. 
⛰️ Mountains: Would you rather live in the mountains, city, beach, or the forest?
Grew up living near the forest and spending a lot of time playing in the woods as a kid, lived in a couple a large cities over the years, now living close to the mountains, but still in general vicinity of the city (albeit a smaller one), I’m really enjoying being able to go for a hike in the mountains if I need to catch a break. Reconnecting with nature and the quiet from time to time is real nice. 
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starxsstuff · 1 year
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[Now playing] Lovers rock -TV GIRL
🎸- He definitely calls you "luv"
🎸- He seems all chill and "nonchalant" in public but in private he's the biggest lover boy ever
🎸- Will come up with the dumbest excuses to touch you
🎸- going from the last HC,he's just NEEDS to be touching you in some way
🎸-Will make other guys know your his
🎸-You would send him weird crap in the middle of the night and he'd just roll with it
🎸- Your Contact on his phone is "My tune Or My melody" (don't even think about it Sanrio fans.)
[Now playing] My My-Chenayder(I love this song sm)
🎸-if he had to meet your parents he would poop bricks and stay close to you the whole time
🎸- He can't sleep knowing he didn't say "I love you" or he would just go to your house to lay with you
🎸- everytime he sees you he buries you with questions just to hear you constantly talk.
-Angst??-(I'm not good with this category)
[Now playing] Step on Me-the Cardigans
🎸- If u guys get into a heated argument you won't here from him for DAYS until he comes back realizing he made a mistake
🎸- I feel like his school mates would be assholes and he'd roll with it sometimes but try to apologize to you in private
🎸- (Might be an angst fic) You once caught him cheating and he didn't even feel sorry he just let you leave
🎸- (might also be angst fic maybe from the college AU) You were walking to your school/college when you were shot by some random man and you started to choke on your blood but made it to the gym floor and passed it. Hobie was HYSTERICAL
[Now playing ] Blue hair -TV GIRL (any song that comes on my Spotify playlist I'm just putting it here)
🎸- He would constantly praise you and says things like " your doing so good" or "good girl"
🎸He will MAKE you look him in the eyes the entire time
🎸-He would try so HARD to not make noises but always fails(you just the goat)
🎸-He would grab you by the neck 100%
🎸- he would say weird stuff like "you taste so good luv"
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Here's a small hobie x black reader fic where the reader is A smoke/drug addict(bear wit me)
[Now playing] Cigarettes out the window- TV GIRL
I was waiting in the office waiting for my boyfriend hobie to pick me up from rehab.
I was in rehab for five months but was still in need for more Drugs.
Hobie tried his best to make me stop but nothing would work so he'd just give in
"Hey baby" I say smiling as he came through the doors. He ran up to me and hugged me. (Time skip cause I'm tired).
We were in his house on his couch. I was BORED and hobie wasn't helping,but I wasn't bored I just needed some coke and I'll be fine...
I took some coke out of my pocket,snorting it and looking at hobie with red eyes. "Luv! I thought rehab helped you!! You said you'd quit!?". "I'm sor-....." I fell asleep in the middle of everything.
My dream was weird I was in a pool full of bags of weeds,drugs,pills anything TBH. You were excited till a voice said "snap out of it, your losing him" and that's what gave me motivation to stop
-Few months later-
Me and hobie watched the sunset holding hands. "I haven't felt this good in forever, thank you baby for helping me give up my addiction" I say getting on his lap and holding his hands. He pulled in and time went in slow motion.. that sweet passionate kiss was all I needed sll along.
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Hey pookies!!!
I'm going to sleep now
Ty for the likes on my recent post I'll post the College AU part 2 tommorow bye luvies!!
Made by - @milesmoralesloverr
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
yoo could i ask for a playlist for a tallulah qsmp fictive mayhaps? she has an insatiable hunger for music it's frightening (/silly) ,, she likes soundtracks (child of light is her current fav), stuff like the oh hellos/cavetown/bears in trees, and generally cozy sorta feeling songs, plus anything lullaby-ey if that makes sense :] hope u guys are well! sorry this is a tad long or vague hhaha -–🔉🌠
hello! Admittedly I rushed this a bit I’m not as sure about these as I was about 🌾🪶 Phil’s but I took a swing we’ll see if I missed later I guess. I tried to include as many artists as possible so you have plenty of people to look through since you said she was a bit insatiable when it came to music! I did phone in the last few songs like the lullaby-eque ones. yeah again this was a bit of a mess on my end. Though I have been writing down songs for this for a while I didn't have an easy time narrowing down things as to what I wanted to include so at this point I've just thrown my hands in the air and declared it done now. Sorry if the playlist is messy or unsatisfactory.
Art used is by @/sallomezz on tumblr and can be found here!
Hope you find something to enjoy on the playlist or in my bonus ramblings below! -phil
okay so I kinda cheated my self imposed rule of one song per artist but in my defense I couldn’t choose between Moonlight and Paperwork… They’re my two favorite Fish in a Birdcage songs and I thought both were kinda fitting so oh well both of them are there.
Anywho I could go on and on and on about how I was this close to fighting myself to the death (<- hyperbolic) over this. Let's just get to other recommendations I didn't put on for one reason or another.
Starting with musicians I put on there but didn't include a song from for whatever reason:
Myxrite! My personal favorite song Now and Again doesn't look like its on Spotify at all so uh yeah I'm linking it here because I like it a lot.
Bug Hunter is on there too but he's currently in the top ten of my favorite musicians so yeah here's more suggestions! Go With The Flow and Listen to Your Mom pretty high up there in terms of my favorite songs. Making Up Words is one of my favorites lyrically (though I must say that Disco in the Panic Room is up there too), and of course I have to mention Try My Best and Slow Burn because I keep using lyrics from them to inspire drawings (that I'll never post anywhere online). Okay fuck I need to move on before I link literally every single one of his songs lol
Same as Bug Hunter, The Narcissist Cookbook is up there in terms of my favorite musician + he put the MOTH album (one of his old ones that wasn't on on youtube yet) on youtube recently so he's been in my head a lot. Ghost Stories and UNWELCOME GUESTS (warning: unwelcome guests starts with a phone ringing noise idk my friends always get surprised by it so I'm just gonna mention it in case) are rahgjagh they are so good they exist in my head rent free
Madilyn Mei has been on loop in my head cause a friend of mine. Anyway Six Legs (tippy tappy toes) and Sleeping in the Kitchen. just live in my brain now because of them lol
The actual recommendations that aren't just more songs from folk on the playlist already:
I Fight Dragons! I fucking love them! Their music tends to have techy/8-bit noises and they're a bit more on the rock side of things but their stuff is really good! Good Morning Sunlight and Oh The Places You'll Go... They are the most <3 to me forever... Sunny Afternoon too... God I love IFD I need to make my friends listen to them with me more
If you like IFD you may also like Jonathan Coulton or the portal song guy as my friends know him lol. Nobody Loves You Like Me or Now I Am an Arsonist or really anything from the Artificial Heart Album is always my go to for showing people besides the songs from Portal (Still Alive and Want You Gone) that my friends know.
Similar to IFD, a lot of Going Spaceward's songs have techy noise in the like proper releases, but his youtube has a lot of acoustic versions of his songs that don't have those. His covers are good but really most of his music is just funky. Uh since I will absolutely not narrow this down in any timely fashion I'm just going to link the entire Can You Hear It Album and uh Count Past 23.
Joseph Dubay is a musician I only got into like a few months ago but I really like his stuff, kinda similar vibes to what i was going for with this playlist but a lot of his songs just didnt fit the vibe so I didn't feel like adding them. That being said I am obliged to tell absolutely everyone I talk about music with to listen to Pastel Goth and 4evr so yeah.
Completely different vibe but San Fermin may be of interest to y'all! Astronaut and The Woods are the ones I listen to most from them but everything about their music just scratches the brain itch for me. Their stuff is indie rock which is kinda in the genres of the bands you mentioned!
A bit of a different suggestion but since you mentioned her liking soundtracks AZALI might be a cool youtube channel to check out! They make short songs in FL Studio and idk I'll be honest I don't listen to soundtracks or things like you mentioned in that part of your ask but I do listen to every upload AZALI makes and I think they're all pretty neat. The songs are all like a minute or two long but I like to just put them on loop when I'm writing. Truth, Violence, Warmth is my go to for writing for this specific project, but Mechanical God was how I found their channel and I'm just fond of City of Shattered Glass so there those three are my suggestions.
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nabooro · 1 year
Hello again! Thank you so much for answering my last questions - I have some more nâdune/cânsag related ones, if that's alright! (I thought I'd put them all in this ask since they were (kinda) related to each other):
So first, do you have any ideas on the origin of the nâdune and cânsag? I vaguely recall that you might have mentioned it at some point but I couldn't find the post again if you did!
Second, do you have the Order of the Sanctuary at all in your canon? I think it's something that's mentioned like once in Legends that the handmaidens were traditionally trained there.
Thirdly, what do nâdune/cânsag after the monarch's full term? Obviously, Padmé's followed her into later politics but not all monarchs go on to continue working in politics.
Fourthly, does anyone else other than the monarch have nâdune/cânsag - like, politicians that were never a monarch, or even members of the upper class or the old families?
Fifthly (because I kept thinking of questions as I wrote this ask), do you have surnames for the other, lesser known handmaidens that are mostly just named on the wiki and don't have surnames? (You might not consider them canon in which case don't worry lol)
And finally (sorry for all the questions lol), is there a term for nâdune/cânsag that's like neutral, so you don't have to say nâdune/cânsag each time?
(Also, if it's not cheeky to ask, if I were to write something using your ideas and credit you, would that be alright? Going through this blog has really inspired me to write handmaiden stuff and I would love to, although I completely understand if you would prefer I didn't!)
Dé sorud! Thank you for entertaining my enthusiasm lol
Hi! I'm so sorry this took absolutely forever to answer, but uh... I have no excuse. I saw the ask, went 'I'll get to it later', and then did not get to it later. Apologies!
To answer your questions:
I have talked about it a little bit here, in the post on enshué, which I suppose is a little unlikely to be where to hunt for it. But tl;dr, the origin of canâk (this is the answer for your last question also!) is just simply the need for security and bodyguards, especially in politically turbulent times on Naboo. If there are five queens in five speeders or whatever the risk is split in five, etc etc. The ritualisation of the canâk and it sort of combining with the facepaint to become a sort of "one face one name" thing happens later, connected to other sociopolitical developments on Naboo.
I... have to say I have never heard of the Order of the Sanctuary 😅 When I say that I don't follow Legends and so on, I really mean that. I'm sure there is some form of training given to the handmaidens, but I don't imagine it's a specific Order or in a specific location - more varied and depending on time, age, people involved, and so on. The process is not as formalised in Padmé's era as it once was, and that reflects in other things.
So I always imagine that canâk can just... quit. I personally love very much the crisis of wearing somebody else's face and somebody else's name, and I think the process would really take something out of you that you may not be able to get back. Nonetheless, I think some of them try. And they can quit! They are allowed! It is just a job, even if it also isn't. I think those that quit in difficult circumstances probably have a bad time of it in public opinion, and I think possibly there may be assassinations and so on if someone tries to quit in term, but after their term as handmaid is over, they are free to leave and do... whatever they want. Whatever other people on Naboo do, I guess. They probably have benefits, given that it's a high-risk political position. A pension plan. Lifetime healthcare.
That's really interesting! I think they can, like nobody's stopping them, and particularly paranoid ones might - but I think it would be more difficult for them to find sufficiently loyal people, unless they've had someone with them since they were young. The position of canâk is not an easy position to occupy, whether that's because of risks to your life or because of the loss of individuation inherent in it. If you're doing it for the ruler of your people, you may be willing – but how many people are going to be as willing when it's just some rich bastard? ...lol. Which is to say: yes, but it may be more difficult, and they'd probably have to pay really well.
I don't have surnames for all of them right now, though I could probably kind of arbitrarily assign surnames to them. If you'd like to hear some other surnames you want to hear about or want to think of some kind of thematic ones, that'd be interesting!
The term is canâk, which I didn't come up with until after I'd written the post on nâdune. The word just means "disguise", but can handily be applied to the people who wear disguises or act as bodyguards in a disguised form – though not, I have to say, to those who wear facepaint for religious orders.
Finally: yes, of course! I'm always happy to answer any q's that may come up while you're playing with these little figurative sandcastles. If you want to write handmaiden stuff, please do - and I'd be thrilled to read it also!
Thank you again for your interest, sorry this took absolutely forever! Dé sorud!
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undead-potatoes · 10 months
I wanna ask that question right back! Which of your OCs is most like you? I'm curious!
I thought about this question for like an hour while trying to sleep last night, and all I'll say is don't do deep self reflection exercises in the dark before bed kids
Also this got kinda long, ops 🙈
Much like you (and I'm sure everyone else) I put pieces of myself into all my OCs, intentionally or otherwise, and so they all have bits of me.
I don't know if it's because he's so fresh in my mind, or if it's because I didn't have too much of a plan going in so he just became a natural reflection of me, but Jay is really high up there on the list.
Loud, talkative, jovial, happiest when he's of help to others, solution oriented and takes most unforeseen problems in his stride. But he's also incredibly self-conscious, and terrified of taking up space or being a bother to someone else, often forgoing his own needs bc it's not THAT important, it's fine. Sorry for existing.
He naturally gravitates towards other people's problems and a wish to help them (whether that's welcome or not), but prefers to stick his head in the sand when it comes to dealing with his own shit. When things get bad emotionally he goes into himself, and can become borderline dissociative, just lost to the void.
He's extremely good at finding stuff other people need but can't find, feeding into this need to be helpful. He's bit of a control freak and perfectionist too, and has to stop himself and call it good enough or he'll go on forever (wow look how topical)
I could honestly keep going but this is long enough as it is 🙈 I have no idea how we ended up here but I guess he's my emotional support self-insert blorbo now, bye.
Still, he's his own character. He's much better with people than I am, especially children, and doesn't have Retsuko-levels of rage bubbling right under the surface at all times. He's more manipulative and mischievous, and small grievances bounce off him easier. I only ignore my problems until I have to deal with them, he actively runs away from his. He's more extroverted than me, and doesn't mind big crowds, while they're the bane of my existence. And so on and so forth.
ANYWAYS this somehow turned into the a Jay post, I'm sorry lmao. His character wasn't really planned at all, I just let him grow naturally from the way I played (kinda like with you and your Aeducan), and once I took a step back and looked at him I was like "hold on a minute, this is just me if I was cool and had extra trauma, what the fuck".
Honorable mentions of pillars of my own personality shoved into other characters go to;
Courier May (F3/NV) - So damn angry all the time about everything, much of it useless and a waste of energy, but it's really hard to turn it off.
Nimri Brosca DA:O) - This applied more to younger me, but I can get REALLY ride or die for someone, like to the point where it becomes a major character flaw.
Pomona Hawke (DA2) - Did you eat? Yes? Are you sure? Are you wearing enough layers? When did you last apply sunscreen? Did you remember to drink enough today? [The mother hen questions goes on for another 5 minutes]. Also everything is always my fault somehow.
Sam Jones (VtM:B) - Just absolutely insufferable about social justice, and the other half of my rage that's an answer to injustice. You've not seen me angry until I've had a whiff of something cruelly unfair.
And because I feel like I've been too negative here;
Ridley (Coral Island) - Hard-working and generous :)c
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bad-mixed-lib-dyke · 10 months
Small Update on the "Marriage" Thing
This is an update to this post
I've been busy and this week is finals so I can't get into as much as I wish but did wanna make an update while I'm fairly close to things. Not a super horny update, that will likely cum later~
Everything went/is going really well.
Better than I ever could have imagined.
The courtship week went pretty well. There was one night where things were pushed a little too far. But it was ok.
There was one night where I found out something really upsetting that was being actively hidden from me and it triggered a bunch of flashbacks and I thought he was in on it but I guess he really didn't know. That actually lead to a lot of good things for us. Though it's fucked up both of our trust in the friend I took the trip with here, forever in my case.
But that lead to him giving me the passcode to his phone and computer to try to establish trust. Also discussions about radical honesty (which my autistic ass already does, but it's nice to have it reciprocated)
We also went over some times from our past where I held trauma which was super healing and has made us closer than ever :3
We were able to find everything we were looking for thrifting. A dress and veil for me, the perfect champagne flutes, I got stuff to make a flower crown. The perfect ring for me.
The ceremony was just us, I put candles all over and we read our vows to each other. These are the ones I wrote if anyone cares.
I was worried I wouldn't be able to hold up my end of the "free use" deal, but we had a lot of conversation about boundaries and stuff (my ring position would imply different levels of consent :3) But I wound up not having to worry. I've had no issues in submitting whatsoever.
Some people seem to have the impression I'm gold star? I'm not. This wasn't my first time sleeping with a man. This wasn't even my first time sleeping with this man (though I have had my first time being sober/remembering it XD)
I'm sure I'll write more on that later :3
I started cleaning around his room while he's at work and after the first day, where I was super careful not to move things too far or make any major adjustments, he sat me down and told me to do whatever I wanted. He really emphasized that he trusts me and wants me to feel comfortable in the space too. It was really sweet.
I wound up spending 2 and a half weeks at his place, and the drop we both had when I came home was intense.
I was only supposed to be there for a week, but the night I was supposed to come home I got a fever. He took care of me and caught it from me(we're pretty sure I got it from his roommate), I cared for him while also dying cause I got my period right as I was recovering XDD
I'm so glad I'm doing this with someone I know so well and can have so much trust and love with. Honestly, for a fake relationship, it's probably the best one I've ever been in.
It was supposed to be a scene we did sometimes, but we sort of just slipped into it being 24/7
Our Song is House of Asmodeus from HelluvaBoss
His nickname for me is "My Little Imp Wife"
The things I get in trouble for are for thinking and saying "sorry" (He will let me know if I need to apologize and otherwise I'm thinking for myself again)
I made the account @mrsroswell for him so a lot of my more housewifey submissive stuff might wind up over there for those who like that kind of thing.
Alright, this is long enough and I have homework. Thanks to anyone who read this far XD
If anyone has any questions about the arrangement, feel free to ask them~
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NICO NICO OH MY GOF HI HI I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH im so sorry i just went and disappeared on you like that. went through a really bad time and got sick of my blog (which i honestly have been for a good while) and just decided to wipe everything and be alone for a little. it's so good you should try suddenly disappearing into a fog sometimes I'll just want for you to come back when you've cleared your mind. sorry i miss you a lot and it's so nice to get to talk to you again :). oh here's some poetry from a book i've acquired through ah id say dubious means and ive bookmarked some that reminded me of you and your sea thing. im gonna go through and find some more for you. anyway PLEASE catch me up on things how's everything have you been writing show me show me how are your little silly creatures any new stuff youre insane about any cool things you wanna show me tell me everything man IVE MISSED YOU MWUAHMWUAHMUWHA
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enyway these are the poems 👍. ly man
okay first before anything please please PLEASE don't be sorry for disappearing and retreating into the shadows for a bit. i mean it. you're braver than all of us for knowing when to take a break and even having the guts to deactivate for the betterment of your mental health especially with your posts blowing up and people being annoying and going through shit with your mental health and everything, i'm proud of you for taking that step & happy you did it!!! of course i was worried but i'm glad you're here and i'm glad you were able to do that to help scrape the grime and dirt off <3 seriously. :)
umm how things are going!!! idk nothing much has changed since you've been gone tbh? i just found out my coworkers at the library and i are getting a pay increase because the county loves us soooooooooo much and bc we've been working so hard, so that's cool!! i also finished writing a good omens fic that turned out to be 15 pages long (rip) and it was the first piece of non-poetry writing that i've attempted AND FINISHED in over a year. ACK!!!! im v proud of it :]
ALSO a little bit of tragic news our favorite girl (guitar) vendetta, my beautiful lovely woman, is like. on the fritz for some reason? her channel switch is fizzling out and she's have connection issues with the amp and it's really sad. but!! since my birthday is next month (the 17th), i talked to my parents and they agreed that for my bday present they would help me pay for a NEW GUITAR????. THIS IS THE ONE I HAD MY EYE ON
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last thing, i watched juno 2007 (Finally!) during your absence AND IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO WATCH IT. elliot page and his little egg self :') idk it made me tear up a little i loved it so much. <3
my cats are as beastly as ever of course. here are some pictures:
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we all missed you so much man it hasn't been the same without you here. i love you so much zed so so so much <3333
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so first thing first: i misspell a lot. i also swear a lot, if that bothers you, sorry
i havent watched the last two eps of toh so heres me doing it. i’ll compile it all in one post so i wont have to tag 300+ posts, i also use caps a lot.
FOR THE FUTURE! here we go
collector’s happiness overlaid with everyone else’s suffering is so���funny??? idk also ‘it’s like the whole world is singing’ is a cool phrase if it weren’t for the context XD
aunt lily to the rescue!!
‘now, what part do i get to play’ horrific scene i want more
also: this is why you don’t give children godly powers. it ends badly!
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oddly beautiful if not for the corpses
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i want that as my wallpaper
you know things are bad when the logo/intro changes
‘it’s not like he’ll inexplicably appear if you say his name!!’ hunter have you ever read a fairytale? a myth? the bible??? names have power.
oh yeah never mess with a latina mama.
it’s cute seeing the kids miss their home
through the face??? count me in!!
luz is smitten
noooooo luz :((((( you’re happier sharing both realms everyone can see it
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anyone know what these are??
ah. the bastard is here.
nooo gus youre making me cryy
‘i’m fine, really’ said every character who is not fine in the story of ever
the soundtrack in eda’s room scene!!!! i need it!!!!
amity’s palisman being a cat fits so well bc cats choose where they go. you cant control them the way you might a dog or a bird, which fits well with the idea of choosing your own path.
camila is taking everything so well!! my mom wouldnt last two seconds in the boiling isles. neither would i ofc.
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is this an animation error or….??
some graffiti messages i managed to read:
-(do not) celebrate the day of unity! :( 
- boo belos
-hide ur kids
-they’ll find you!!
-nope, no, go away
-closed forever
and general sun and moon symbols
-beware the collector
-amelia, cat! (general stuff i cant make out) (infinity train???)
-where is the titan now?
-belos lied
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these are cute
wow that’s creepy
i know it’s supposed to be creepy about the collector playing pretend while everyone suffers but- i can’t. the secondhand embarrassment is too much for me.
light glyph go??????
collectors ‘cool aunt vibe who pretends to be coldhearted but actually cares a lot’ vs luz’s ‘bad but sad boy’
parallels? ey?
hmmm yeah that was creepy
‘little space cherub’ XDD
love how we go from funny new hexside to (ughhhh) belos. 
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hmm  i would love to analyze the composition of this glyph
all the bastard adults trying to take advantage of the collector ughhhhhh
also love the space palace
plus: ‘what do mortals eat again? rocks? fire? gravity?’, unfortunately, collector, we are not stars
of course the book is made of rocks. of course.
also king seems…practiced, on reading the book. you gotta wonder how much he knows now about collectors
cool how collector is both evil and, yk, a child. bc children are not always innocent. they can be some of the cruelest creatures on the universe (i would know)
one has got to wonder about the history told in those walls, meaning i will wonder and theorize. bc that’s what i do.
ok it seems like collector was…surrounded by titans. baby titans, and then a group of older collectors took him in, seeing as theyre smiling and reaching out a hand, instead of banishing him away. they dont look friendly, but it might just be the portrait.
although those first two portraits reveal themselves, at the very end there’s something else
 unfortunately i have no idea what it is. i dont think the repetition is an animation error or shortcut. if it were, why only repeat two times and change at the very end, where it is unlikely to be noticed??
 again, portraits repeat, except for a star in the middle.
......i wanna theorize on this. maybe on another post.
collectors doing something to a planet and our collector watching, wanting to join in, but probably rejected (the whole portrait section had a lot of images but it surpassed tumblrs limit so i deleted them, more on another post, maybe
poor raine tho. what’s up with them and people trying to mindcontrol them????
poor hooty
what’s this, rapunzel?? a tear saves the guy???
poor willow tho
‘’im gonna assume those are clean’ ma’am cleanness is the last thing you need to worry about now
that’s two simultaneous mindcontrollings! raine is on a roll!!
“trouble with your team, captain half-a-witch? leading isnt easy is it? all your time is spent helping the team, keeping people from fighting, planning your next move, and titan forbid you show any weakness! everyone else falls apart.
fucking kikimora
cuando no tienes la chancla, un bate sirve
boscha is….ugh. i’m conflicted. i get it but also.she annoys me.
everything is under control when everything is not undercontrol my favorite trope
poor (????) collector. i know he’s not good but….idk, i feel for him
poor willowwwwww poor kids everyone needs therapy here
“luz has a staff, why does that make me nervous?” considering the first impression you got of it……
i could write poems about how it fits her but just- look. it fits.
END CREDITS WHERE AWESOME!!!! Love the snapshots of the things that werent fully explained!! kikimora manipulating boscha during the attack, king being sad at losing eda and lilith and the collector…..emphathizing?? of a sort??? anyway yeah
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It's been a while since I sent you a prompt so here you go (but also no pressure!!!): YouTubers Sansa and Jon meet when Robb does a big event thing (he is also an YouTuber) and they have such a great chemistry that their fans keep asking for a collab and those two can't deal because they liked each other but they also had messy public breakups and they are shy of trying again with another public figure (is that too specific? The gist of things is youtubers!au I'll love whatever you come up with ❤️)
Ummmmm hello.
I'd like to preface this by saying... I don't know, I've been in sort of a slump lately and realized everything I've been writing has been pretty depressing and bleak (and by that I mean stuff I've been writing but not posting). In general, I've been feeling very blah and so I decided to try and force myself to write something light and remembered this prompt existed!
I preface this because I'm not sure I'm super happy with the final product, but I've also been staring at it for a while and I'm just going to post it. So sorry if this isn't what you were looking for!
Also, I think this is the last prompt in my inbox (except for that one from an anon that I got back in December 2020 that's become a sort of security blanket for me and I don't think I'll ever do because I'll miss seeing it in my inbox).
“Is that the cooking guy Bran's obsessed with?”
Arya's words take a few moments to make their way into Sansa's brain. Between the noise and the lights and the mass of people around her, it's all she can do not to have a full panic attack.
Sansa loves people, she does, but there's a reason her job is mostly sitting alone in her living room talking to a camera. She's social to a point, and she'd left that point far behind about two hours into VidCon. It doesn't help that Harry is here, with his merry band of asshole vloggers. It took her much too long to realize how toxic that whole group was and she's forever grateful she never really participated in their videos. But between Harry being, you know, around, and the pressure of meeting fans and constantly being on, she's losing a bit of her sanity.
Luckily, she's got Arya and Jeyne with her – Jeyne as her manager and Arya as... well, Arya's just always been good at getting her out of her own head and bringing her back down to earth. Which is what she suspects her sister is doing now.
“Snow's Kitchen?” Jeyne joins in, and Sansa's grateful for something to focus on as they weave their way through the crowd.
She looks up to where Arya's pointing and... “that's Jon Snow?”
“Sure is,” Jeyne says, a sudden, gleeful smile on her face.
“How do you know? He never shows his face.” Sansa has seen Bran watch his videos and she's never seen Jon Snow's face before. She would've remembered. All she remembers from those videos is the camera pointed at a kitchen counter, and all she remembers of Jon Snow himself was a torso, hands, and a disembodied voice.
“Oh, he does sometimes,” Jeyne waves away as she and Arya seem to come to a silent decision and change course to the booth where Jon Snow is.
“Come on, Bran will kill us if we come back without an autograph,” Arya pulls on her arm. Sansa wants to be reluctant, but she ends up following the others without any real protest.
“Hi!” Jeyne enthuses when they make their way up to the booth. It takes a while – his isn't the most crowded, but his fans are clearly devoted. And, she notes, respectful. A sharp contrast to the fans that used to mob Harry, she can see the difference in an instant. Some of his fans seem to recognize her and move out of the way so she can get up to the front quicker, which makes her feel a bit guilty for cutting the line.
Jon Snow looks first at Jeyne, who'd spoken, but then his eyes move to Sansa and she feels... ok, she is not going to acknowledge the way her tummy flips. No way. She tries to focus on what Jeyne's saying.
“I watch all your kid's cooking videos,” Jeyne's saying, and that really brings Sansa back to reality. Jon Snow has a kid? He's probably married. Her stuttering heart and traitorous stomach can shut up.
“How old's yours?” a man asks, the one standing behind Jon that she assumes is his manager. He looks kind and gives Jeyne the sweetest smile.
“Oh, it's for my boyfriend, actually,” Jeyne explains. “Theon's the pickiest eater. I've found toddler food is the easiest way to make him eat vegetables.”
“Theon Greyjoy?” the man asks.
“Unfortunately,” Jeyne sighs. The man's eyes move to Sansa and widen a bit and she almost sighs internally. He obviously recognizes her. If he didn't know who she was already, Theon (and by default, Robb) probably clued him in. She's been in enough of their videos.
“I'm Sam, I'm Jon's manager,” the man introduces with a smile.
There's a lot of introductions and awkward shuffling as Sam brings them back behind the booth and Sansa tries very hard not to show how flustered she is when Jon shakes her hand. There's more talking (mostly Jeyne and Arya and Sam) and Sansa learns three things pretty quickly: Jon started a series on kid food because Sam's son is also a picky eater, Jon doesn't have kids himself, and there's no ring on his finger.
“Get a photo for Bran,” Arya says at one point, pushing Sansa in Jon's direction. “Our brother loves your videos.”
Jon doesn't seem to know what to do with the compliment and it's in that moment that Sansa realizes he's worse with real people than she is. Sansa can be social (she used to be more social, before Harry), but she gets the sense that Jon is a true introvert. It gives her a strange boost of confidence.
“Do you mind?” she asks, standing next to him and pulling out her phone.
“Course not,” he says and moves so he's in frame. She takes the photo and immediately sends it to Bran.
“We should head out,” Jeyne sighs. “You've got fans waiting and Sansa needs to be at her panel in fifteen.”
Some awkward goodbyes (or maybe that's just her projecting), and she tries not to think too hard about how nice Jon's smile is. She tries to shake him out of her head and focus, instead, on her talking points for the Women in Social Media panel she'd been invited to.
And she definitely ignores when Jeyne leans over and whispers, “he's much cuter in person, right?”
Sansa is unreasonably thankful to be home.
She loves her fans, she really does, but VidCon is always overwhelming. Now her life can get back to normal.
The first morning after she gets back, she rolls over in bed and checks her phone. At first, nothing seems off - the normal mentions and DMs and emails. It takes about five or so minutes to realize a lot of people are quote tweeting her and she clicks on the notifications to see... there, on her Twitter, is a short, looped video of her and Jon Snow. He's smiling at her and she's laughing at something he said and Sansa watches in horror as her video self reaches out and places a hand on his arm.
She quickly switches over to her messages and sends one to Jeyne.
What the hell?????
It was a cute moment! is Jeyne's near-immediate response, as if she was waiting for Sansa to text her.
Sansa groans and opens Twitter and clicks on Jon's name (that Jeyne had, conveniently, tagged in the post) and she sees that his most recent post is the selfie she took of them, with some caption about how great it was to meet her.
She calls Jeyne.
“Do you know what you've done,” she groans, flopping onto her back and staring up at the ceiling.
“I posted a cute video of you,” Jeyne says innocently.
“Have you seen the comments?”
“Oh, you know how the internet is,” Jeyne dismisses, and for a moment anger flares in Sansa's chest.
Jeyne isn't the one the internet is now shipping with Jon Snow, if the top comments she saw are any indication. Jeyne isn't the one who's very public relationship imploded in a very public way not six months ago. Jeyne might be dating a Youtuber, but she isn't a public figure herself and while Sansa knows she means well, she doesn't... she doesn't really know what it's like.
And this was a good move, Sansa knows, from a PR standpoint. That's Jeyne's job after all – she's her manager, she's there to help build Sansa's brand. Jon has nearly eight million subscribers, which isn't too far behind Sansa's ten-point-three.
“Jeyne,” she whines, closing her eyes tight against the suddenly too bright morning sun. “You know I'm not... associating with other creators right now.”
There's a moment where she hears Jeyne take a deep breath. “Not everyone is Harry,” Jeyne says, her voice losing the teasing quality it had started with.
The memories are suddenly there, hovering in the corners of her mind – that one girl releasing Harry's DMs to her. The floodgate opening, girl after girl coming forward with receipts. Proof that Harry had been cheating on her since the beginning. And she means girls, not women.They'd all been so young, it makes her sick. It's not like she's ancient at twenty three, but finding out her twenty seven year old boyfriend was DMing shirtless selfies to sixteen year olds made it even worse.
“I've never heard a single bad thing about Jon Snow,” Jeyne continues. “He's never been involved with any drama, no one has anything bad to say about him. He doesn't really do collabs with any other creators except maybe some chefs, so it doesn't seem like he's a clout chaser. Honestly, he's a PR dream. And if you were going to get back into collabs...”
“Come on! Just because he's a Youtuber and hot as fuck doesn't mean he's a bad person. Just look at you! Don't judge a...” Jeyne seems to hesitate, search for words, “a... chef by his apron? Wait, no, don't judge a cookbook by it's cover, how did I miss that?”
“Oh my god,” Sansa groans. “If I agree to a collab, will you stop trying to come up with cooking idioms?”
“Yes,” Jeyne agrees, clearly pleased with herself.
Once she's hung up, she opens Twitter again and sees that she has a DM from Jon Snow himself.
Hey, I just found out Sam posted that photo without your knowledge. Apparently he and your manager decided all of this, but they should have asked you first. I can take it down if you want.
She stares at the message for too long before responding.
It's a good photo, it'd be a shame to delete it.
“The video title will be something like – Cooking Sansa Stark's Favorite Meal,” Sam tells them as he fiddles with the camera settings.
Sansa feels anxious, though she's been doing this for nearly four years now. She's perfectly fine in front of her own camera.
It's that Jon's audience is so different from hers, that's what's making her nervous. It definitely isn't Jon himself. She definitely doesn't notice how nice his arms are in his tight tee or how perfect his ass is in those jeans or even that stupid man bun that she should hate but absolutely doesn't.
“Here,” Jon hands her an apron and she busies herself tying it on and not watching Jon's hands as he ties his own. She absolutely doesn't wonder what his hands would feel like on her.
She is not getting involved with another creator ever again.
She made that promise to herself after Harry and she repeats it, over and over, in her head. It doesn't matter how attractive she finds Jon, it doesn't matter how nice he is.
“I still maintain it should be Cooking a Romantic Meal for Two,” Jeyne chimes in and Sansa feels her face heat and she can't bring herself to look at Jon.
It's not like they haven't acknowledged it – the way the internet has starting gossiping about them. And Jeyne and Sam have been very active in hinting about this collab and that's done nothing but fan the flames. Jon had pulled her aside when they got here to make sure she was ok with it all, which was... nice of him. She wishes he weren't nice, it would make her stupid crush on him easier to ignore.
“That's a little too pandering, even for you,” Sansa finally manages to say, which makes everyone laugh.
“So,” Jon says after they've done the video intro and he's explained to the audience what they're doing, “sushi is your favorite meal?”
“Well, I think my actual favorite meal is my mom's pot roast, but sushi is always my go-to when we're figuring out where to eat. And it's definitely not something I'd try making at home.”
The video goes well, she thinks. Jon gives her instructions and she follows them as best she can and she learns all sorts of things about him. He's from Winterfell, just like her, and he started this channel while he was in culinary school because all his friends kept asking him to cook for them, and he started making instructional videos out of spite. He has a dog (which he promises to let her meet once they're done the video, because Ghost isn't allowed in the area where they film, for food safety reasons). She also learns that he often donates his extra food to a local halfway home. Sam's the one to tell her this, and she watches the tips of Jon's ears turn red as he shrugs it off.
By the end of filming, she realizes that her small crush on Jon Snow has definitely evolved into full blown. And then, when she finally tries the finished product, she almost moans around the chopsticks and tells him that she loves him.
Luckily, she does neither of those things and saves herself the embarrassment.
This wasn't her plan, honestly.
She runs a fashion and lifestyle channel, it only makes sense that in her channel's collab video, they'd do something related. And Jon Snow is known for only ever wearing the same thing in his videos – black tee, jeans. That's it. Even in his public appearances and the few photos he's posted of himself on social media, its the same.
“Sometimes he puts on a flannel when it's cold,” Sam had amended with a laugh when Jon had grumbled about this observation, when it was decided that Sansa would buy him outfits in various styles and make him try them on for her video.
She swears she had started out with the most innocent of intentions.
She never intended to end up on top of Jon Snow in her bed while he's half dressed in khakis, the pink golf shirt he'd been wearing thrown somewhere on the floor behind her.
But, well, here she is.
“Sam and Jeyne are waiting,” Jon says, breathless and panting when they pull away for air.
“It's not my fault you look hot in soccer dad chic,” she grins, trailing her hand down his stomach to the waistband of the khakis. He laughs, head falling back against her mattress.
It's also not his fault that when she'd knocked on her bedroom door, where he was changing, and asked if everything was alright, she'd mistaken his response as a request for help and opened the door to find him shirtless.
(It might be her fault, though. She swears he asked her to come in, but now that she's taken a moment, that might have just been wishful thinking on her part. She's just glad he doesn't seem to mind that she'd barged in on him changing. Or that she practically threw herself at him.)
“I can't believe you actually got me to wear this,” he mutters.
“Just wait for beach vacation chic,” she teases. “Board shorts and a fun floral shirt...”
He groans, but there's still a smile on his face and she thinks he doesn't mind much at all. She's just about to lean down to kiss him again when Jeyne calls from the living room, “everything ok in there?”
“Guess that means we should get back to it,” Jon sighs, though his hands stay at her hips and he doesn't look like he really wants to get up. It's up to her to finally crawl off the bed and she pulls at his arm to make him sit up.
“Your next outfit's there,” she points at a stack of clothes. She's just about to leave when she turns and says, “maybe we shouldn't tell Jeyne or Sam about this? Until we figure out what...” She trails off, feeling suddenly shy, even though this is her apartment and they're in her bedroom and Jon had definitely seemed into that kiss. But Harry is still there, in the back of her mind.
“I'd like to take you out,” Jon keeps his voice low so no one but her can hear. “If that's alright?”
“Yeah,” she whispers, trying to tamp down the fluttering of her heart. “I'd like that.”
She leaves and closes the door behind her and takes a moment to lean against the wall of her hallway to try and process everything.
Getting involved with another creator is not something she ever intended, and maybe this will all be a huge disaster like Harry was but... but there's a part of her that thinks it won't be. There's a part of her that knows, somehow, that Jon is different.
She tries as hard as she can to wipe the stupid, besotted smile off her face before she walks back out to the living room, where Sam and Jeyne are waiting.
“Everything good?” Sam asks, eyebrow raised.
“Oh yeah, bit of a mix-up with the outfits, it's all sorted,” she says as breezily as she can.
“Good,” Jeyne nods. “Now, before we start filming again, why don't you fix your hair so the audience doesn't figure out you two mauled each other between takes?”
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writerdream22 · 4 years
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requested by: no one, but I sincerely hope you like this anyways ✨🌻💛
pairings: levi ackerman x wife!reader, eren jeager x reader (platonic), hange zoe x reader (platonic), erwin smith x reader (platonic), etc.
warnings: none
taglist: @randomfandomimagine (let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!)
a/n: I know I haven't been posting in a long while, and that I have lots and lots of pieces to work on. I've been watching aot for a while, and I wanted to write something regarding that fandom
You and Levi had met when you were just teenagers; you were the daughter of a scouting legion commander, and Erwin's new friend had caught your attention
Just like an ordinary introvert person, you were really shy, and it was Erwin himself who introduced you to Levi, Farlan and Isabel
“They seem like nice people, you know?”
“The kids from the underground city. You should go introduce yourself”
“They're criminals, Erwin. I won't go talk to them. They will surely snob me as soon as they see me”
“Trying doesn't hurt. And if they say something, just use the moves you learnt while training.”
“If you say so”
You were intimidated, especially by Levi. But it seemed that he was willing to talk to you
“Hi, uhm, my name is— my name is y/n”
“We know who you are”
“Erwin told us lots about you! I'm Isabel, and these two boys are Levi and Farlan”
“I just wanted to know if the three of you needed someone to show you around”
“Kids, cadet y/l/n will show you around. All right?”
“Yes sir!”
You immediately thought that it was a bad idea to be left alone by yourself, with people you didn't know. Erwin knew well that you felt anxious around newcomers, but he sincerely wanted you to have some friends.
The tour went all right; you and Isabel had immediately gotten along, while it took you a few months to warm up to Levi and Farlan
As time went on and you were slowly becoming autonomous, people started to think that you and Levi were actually related and that you had somehow been separated at birth; you were both quite short, with dark hair and light-colored eyes
Not to mention that you both loved tea
When you became part of the scouting legion, you were happier than ever even though you were fully aware of the risks you were taking
When Isabel and Farlan died, you and Levi were devastated. You had set aside your grief, and stayed by Levi's side
“What are you doing here?”
“Couldn't sleep. You?”
“Neither could I. I was making some tea, do you want some?”
“Yeah, Levi, thank you”
“Would you like to talk about — about that?”
“No, not really”
“Oh, well— can I braid your hair instead? It calms down the two of us. Me and Isabel had so much fun doing that, remember?”
“Tch, I hated it. But yeah—braid my hair, y/n”
You and Levi shared a sweet moment. You didn't talk, nor you wanted to, but you comforted each other just with your presence.
As time went by, you and Levi got extremely close. The two of you became corporals, giving Erwin the condition of always having to work together no matter what
The only people that the two of you became friends with, or just cared about, were Hange and your squad
One day, while you and the other corporals of the scouting legion were having breakfast, Hange made a sarcastic remark about how you and Levi were close
“Can't you just leave each other alone for a minute?”
“We just care about each other, and we respect our boundaries”
“Seems like you have some— that you share romantic feelings for each other, eh? ”
“What do you mean, Hange?”
“Yeah, this is ridiculous. Let's go, y/n, we need to prepare for our next mission”
Hange's words really sparked something in your soul. You started to think abot the relationship that you and Levi had, the special treatment you reserved for each other even though you were famous for being strict...
One day, you decided to confront him
“Hi, y/n, is everything all right?”
“Yeah. Have you— have you thought about what Hange said?”
“I did too, by the way”
“And what did you want to tell me about it?”
“She was right. I do have romantic feelings for you, but I need to know that you feel the same before I pour my heart out to you”
“Levi, please say something”
“I don't just like you, y/n, I love you. And now, come here—”
Then and there, he kissed you. Your first kiss, just like you had imagined.
You decided to keep your relationship a secret for a while, as you didn't want Hange to know that she was right. She found out anyways, and she told everyone.
After a few years, you decided to get married. You were extremely happy, and you couldn't ask for anything else in the world.
“With this ring, I give you my soul. With this ring, I put my trust in you, and hope to live by your side until we grow old. Meeting you was one of the best things that could have ever happened to me. I wanted a splinter of happiness in that pathetic, dark void I had grown accustomed to call life. Meeting you fulfilled my dream of becoming a better man. With this ring, you make me happy, and I hope that I'll make you happy as well. Meeting you made me learn what true love is. I love you, y/n, always and forever”
As a team, Levi was deemed as more important by your superiors. Sometimes, they didn't even address themselves to you and just talked to your husband.
“Sir, my wife here also contributed to the mission. I think that you should congratulate yourself to her, as well”
Levi always looked out for you, making sure that every single detail was to your liking. As everyone knew, he showed his vulnerable self to only you, and you were grateful for the trust he had given you.
“Are you ok, darling?”
“Yeah. You're still working on those papers, eh?”
“I just have to sign a few things, then I have to meet up with Erwin. Tch, this stuff is so tiring sometimes”
“We can take a walk around the compound later, if you want. Then, I can make you some tea”
“That would be fantastic, y/n. You're really the best wife in the world”
“I'm your only wife, Levi”
The whole situation that emerged from the apparition of abnormal titans stressed you out, quite a lot nevertheless. Levi had noticed it, and saw that you were more nervous than usual. He made sure to always ride by your side, to always be able to keep his eye on you.
He knew what stress did to you. It made you more vulnerable, more subject to distractions, and he didn't want to lose you at all.
During one of your many missions, where you had the unpleasant surprise of meeting the female titan, you got severely hurt.
“What were you thinking?!”
“I wanted to save our squad! I wanted to save Petra, Oluo, everyone! But I couldn't!”
“You risked your life, y/n! You could have died, you know that?”
“I sure do, Levi! That's what soldiers do! They die, after having done something good for humanity, and I lived a pretty decent life! I got married, I had friends, but I am alive now! I am all right, it's just routine”
“You can't just do things recklessly. I can't stand losing you. Not now, not ever. I want to build a family with you, I want to live my life with you and only you. You can't die, you got it?”
“Yes, Levi. I'm sorry”
“Let me get you some tea, now”
That's when you fully understood that Levi loved you. You had managed to warm up his heart with your sweet and kind words, and he'd managed to conquer yours with just a look in your eyes.
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gildedmuse · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
So recently I've (predictably) very not well. Actually, whenever I don't post for long periods, just assume my body is trying to kill me. But I've gotten messages from three people asking if I. Okay, which is super sweet. I am actually trying to work on the next All Hearts, a really long ZoLaw post and two request fics, but mixing chronic kidney pain and capitalist society's mandate to work 40+ hours is not recommended.
But to prove I'm okay and still me, here is some Shanks antics with him being a total slut while Mihawk and Beckman just roll their eyes and go along with it. [Shout out to @jhaernyl who not only listens to me ramble about this stuff, but actively encourages it]. I also have many thoughts on the latest episodes and so many screenshots it's embarrassing. Hopefully, when I'm in less pain, I'll get around to actually posting those. Otherwise I just look like an insane person who literally takes by the second frame shots every time Zoro is on screen.
.... What is that? I look like that anyway? Fair.
Shanks Is A Bad Influence
It feels like Buggy and Shanks split up after Roger's death (the crew was told to, and they are the only ones who went to his execution) and I find it impossible to think Shanks didn't immediately set out and find a crew; like, pirating is the only thing this kid knows in life. This means two things:
He set out from East Blue. Also, he seemed at ease and familiar with the East so it's possible he spent like a year there getting everything together. Maybe he even played around in the other blues for a while before heading back to the Grand Line. I say this because his crew is from all over so either he found and recruited them in the Grand Line or visited various blues. Either way, I'm gonna say it took him about two years before getting a 'proper' start. In that case, he would have started out properly at the age of 17 and we know One Piece likes it's parallels.
That still puts Shanks at 17 to Benn Beckmen's 28. How the fuck did Shanks manage that? I'd call it grave robbing, but let's face it, the little tyke probably got up to some actual robbing of graves as well.
My point being everytime Shanks teases Mihawk about keeping this 19 year old kid on his personal island, mostly shirtless, Benn Beckmen just lifts an eyebrow.
Excuse me, captain, who had prefected the 'opps still don't have my sea legs' trip-and-fall into their first mates lap by the age of 17?
Shanks: Beckmen, you caught me! *Shamelessly nuzzles up* Thank goodness! I could be a devil's fruit user after all and - Ahh!
Benn: *Drops Shanks straight over the side of the ship into the water*
Shanks: *Sputtering* What what that!?
Benn: Checking to see if you had eaten a devil's fruit on us, Capatin.
Benn: You didn't.
Smart ass. But he can't resist Shanks forever. Shanks will wear him down eventually.
Next time Mihawk tracks him down for another match - because you know he gets bored way quicker than he'll ever admit and Shanks is at least amusing a challenge - Shanks makes a big deal out of how Mihawk follows him around, "accidentally" revealing they slept together, sighing about how it's so hard to resist him.
Benn Beckmen is just leaning against the side of the ship, sipping his booze.
Shanks: -and I can't stay for hours like last time!!
Mihawk: Are you quite done?
Shanks: *whispering* Does Benn look jealous?
Mihawk: He looks bored. Much like I am. Is this some strange attempt to get out of my challenge, Akagami?
Shanks: What? No, come on I told you I was game. But, hey, could you do me a favor? Maybe like try and kiss me or something? Like take a swing like your going to hit me but then stop shot and grab me by the waist instead.
Mihawk: .... Trickery is beneath you. Besides, you're absolute rubbish at it.
Shanks: Oh, come on, I would totally help you get laid if you asked!
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* I want a proper match afterwards.
Mihawk: *In a forced, monotone voice* After this I will take you to my lair and have my way with you, Akagami.
Mihawk: ... My lair? Really?
Shanks: *Holding up cue card with quickly scribbled line* What? That is how you talk.
Mihawk: I can't believe I wasted precious hours of light tracking you to this atrociously rural port.
Shanks: See? Now, read the next one.
Benn: Captain? If this is going to take all night, I am going to go join the rest of the men in the tavern.
Shanks: Huh? Wait! Benn! What if Miha really stabs me this time!?
Benn: *Salutes Shanks with his bottle* Sounds like that is his plan captain. Have a good 'challenge'.
Shanks: What? No... *Reaching out hand, like he might die if Benn leaves, looking completely devastated* Not even a little jealous...
Mihawk: You couldn't have thought that pantomime would actually work.
Shanks: Benny, don't leave me.... *Turns to Mihawk, immediately brightening* Oh, well, there's always tomorrow. Hey, Miha, guess whose free all night and horny as a pirate in the calm belt?
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* Very well.
Mihawk might as well get something for the trip he made. Although, he's reconsidering if the sex was actually worth the trouble after he ends up listening to Shanks worry half the night that Benn is shacking up with someone else (after a couple hours of rough and raw fucking, admittedly).
Is it the hat? He likes his captain's hat. Miha, you think his captain's hat is sexy, don't you?
Mihawk: It's utterly ridiculous.
Shanks: ....
Shanks: ....
Shanks: *Smile* Ahh, Miha, I knew you liked the hat!
Shanks: What do you old Northerns find sexy?
Mihawk: I am only four years older than you.
Mihawk: And silence.
Trying to convince Mihawk to go spy on Beckman for him. Shanks doesn't actually care if he does sleep with someone else, it's more that Beckman didn't immediately turn angry and jealous like Buggy would have that has him paranoid.
Mihawk is going to fuck this annoying red head again just to shut him up.
Mihawk: Maybe he doesn't like red haired boys who don't know when to be quiet?
The next morning Shanks is pacing among his poor crew that's gotten stuck listening to Shanks obsess about Beckman again. IS IT REALLY THE HAIR!?
It's not even a matter of Shanks's age (or obvious immaturity). I mean, Beckman got on board and stayed, didn't he? Beckman just enjoys watching Shanks try so hard to get his attention. Like Benn's attention isn't constantly on Shanks. He had to when his captain is always one step away from disaster.
He only left him with Mihawk because it was clear Dracule is not a real danger to Beckman's captain.
Except maybe insulting him to death. But Beckman is pretty sure Shanks can handle it. He's met Buggy. He's suspects Shanks LIKES it if anything.
It gets to the point where when they dock somewhere and see Mihawk waiting, or come back to the ship and spot his familiar silhouette, most of the crew goes off somewhere for another drink (sometimes the newer kids will stay to watch such an awesome fight, everyone else is like... Look, you'll have plenty of opportunities later. This is not a one off.)
Benn just takes a look around, nods to Mihawk (a silent signal for, "he's all yours, do with him as you please, if anything happens to him I will track you down and make sure your last few hours on this blue world are as painful as humanly possible") and heads off.
Oh, it's just the Hawk boy.
That's fine then.
Benn use to be a sailor on a trade ship between the North, East, West and Grand Line. He's seen it all.
They called him The Gun Slinger BEFORE he joined Shanks's crew and became a pirate.
So this young, broke ass kid from the streets of some near artic northern island trying to pass himself off as a Lower North rich type has a thing for his captain? Not really enough to keep Beckman up at night, no matter how good at swords he's supposed to be
Besides, he's pretty sure for the kid to keep tracking down Shanks, he must be bored out of his skull. He's not going to do anything to endanger their captain.
Not if Shanks is the only thing he can find to keep him entertained.
One day, Mihawk is going to be waiting on the dock when a bunch of Red Haired pirates are stumbling home, laughing and chattering amongst themselves (Shanks's crew always seems to be in a good mood). One of them will catch sight if Mihawk and walk by with a smile, patting him on the shoulder.
The captain's occupied. Seems likely he'll be 'occupied' for a good while, too.
Mihawk won't smile, but he will think "So you finally warmed him up to you, Akagami?" and snort lightly.
Poor Benn, though. Mihawk could never imagine being with someone so much younger than him. Shanks is only four years his junior and already it strains Mihawk to put up with his occasional moments of "youthful whimsy" (aka being an annoying, immature child)
"A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair"
Mihawk just putting that on his Not To Do List.
That lasted until Roronoa.
(Mihawk just looking at Zoro knowing this is bad news.)
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
*Cross out, scribbles*
*Hands back to Benn*
Do Not Do:
- A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair a silly hat, who is overly dramatic and in any way, shape or form related to Gol D Rogers.
Ace: Hey what's up?
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
Go ahead, Benn, laugh it up. Mihawk is aware he has a type. Young, pretty, and utterly insane.
After that night where Shanks was otherwise 'occupied', it's over six months before Mihawk sees his friend his rival again. He is, as expected, far too smug and proud looking.
Shanks: Oh, Miha, so sorry you came all this way, I'm-
Benn: Well, I'm off, captain.
Shanks: What!? But we, you, I... Benn, hessoeexyarentyouworriedforyourcaptain?
Benn: *patting Mihawk on the shoulder* Have fun with him. Don't forget to return him by noon tomorrow, we have a schedule. Oh, but if you can babysit him for at least four hours? That would be great.
Shanks: BABYSIT!?
Mihawk: I suppose I can be troubled to do so.
Shanks: TROUBLED!?
Benn: Thanks, Hawkeyes. I owe you.
Shanks: *Fake tears clinging to his lashes* You two are so mean!
No, don't feel bad for him. Shanks is just trying to guilt the two of them into bed at the same time, and they both know it.
Thanks no thanks, they're not into that. But Shanks can be pretty cute when he's trying so hard (Benn) and at least he's not as boring as everything else in this world (Mihawk) so they allow him to keep up the act
Shanks: *looking at Zoro's wanted poster over Mihawk's shoulder* But I feel like you'd gladly go to bed with him and his captain if he asked. That doesn't seem fair to me. You'd never go that far with me and Benn.
Mihawk: *Eyes Benn*
Mihawk: *DEAD. ONLY.*
Mihawk: I have my reasons.
They can and do agree on plenty of things, including reciprocally not being that attracted to each other.
Shanks: Sounds fake to me
Shanks: But guys!
Shanks: This isn't about you
He's gonna need you guys to drop the egos and focus on what HE wants. I.E., being in the middle of two sexy Northern men.
Honestly, so mean to poor Shanks!
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luminalightsverse · 2 years
Post that probably nobody cares about but I will post it anyway because I can 😂
I decided to post about some of my OC's and AUs. I've been thinking about it forever and I'm still not really sure if I really should do it because they're not the best characters in history and I tend to do them kind of Mary Sue. I always have so many ideas and I try to put all of them in one character, so they start out pretty good and beginn to get more and more Mary Sue like. But then again I'm pretty sure no one will be interested in them so it dosen't matter. 😂
But for the few people out there who might be interested:
I don't know yet what exactly I will post about them, if it will be just overviews, personal description or even storys like oneshots or a whole fanfiction etc. or if I will be posting pictures of my OC's because I'm really bad at drawing and it always takes me like forever to finish a picture and I don't really have the time, patience and motivation to draw right now. I tried to learn it many times in my life with diffrent tutorials and techniques etc. but always gave up because of all of this. Also because of the lack of time I don't draw that often or that much. Usually it's just one picture of my character so I have something to look at, even if it dosen't always turn out like I wanted because of the lack of talent and ability to draw things like I imagine them.
So yeah back to the topic...
Right now I plan to post some of my OC's from Star Wars, Marvel and Encanto. While some of them are kind of new most of them I first made up when I was like in the elementary school or like 11/12 and worked on them through the years.
I would be very happy and thankful for constructive criticism, tips and ideas but don't be mad if there are things that I don't want to change or to include. Also if your "criticism" is just hating around I will delete it. I'm not a big fan of deleting comments but years ago when I once wanted to share my characters and ideas I got so much hate and threats. It got so worse that I had to delete everything I posted and that I had to abandoned my account where I posted it. That really took the fun out of the whole thing for me and is also the reason why I'm struggling so much with the idea of posting anything again and also the reason why I do this unnecessary post instead of just posting my stuff.
Well yeah I guess that's everything for now. Idk if I already start today to post stuff or if I'll do it in the next few days. Anyway thanks to everyone that really read all of this and I'm really sorry for that long post. 😅 But I really appreciate it. As a thank you here a dancing kitty and doggo.
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