#sorry this is so bright and chaotic it's to express my joy and the current limits of my artistic abilities and patience. thank you.
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namisweatheria · 6 months ago
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IT'S USOPP TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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itsallyscorner · 4 years ago
Ik someone else already asked for like a delivery part (and honestly, that would be amazing. Like imagine the girls reacting to Baby Mix casually dropping it in their chat). But, also imagine Tom and Y/N haven’t released anything to the public and Perrie (my loose-lipped queen) let’s it spill over a virtual interview or something, how chaotic would that be????
Anyway, I truly loved your Baby Mix stories. You’re combining two of my favourite things so effortlessly. Thank you💜💜💜
Hello my love! So sorry for the long wait, I hope you don’t mind! Thank you for requesting this and being so patient with me❤️ I’m so glad you’re enjoying the Little Mix reader! stories🥰 I haven’t written a delivery part yet but I already had an idea of how I wanted to write this so...here ya go! Happy reading🤎🧸
Meet Aunty Pez
She would be the best aunty in the world, ugh🥺 Also I’m so sorry I haven’t been active, school has been keeping me busy, but hopefully it’ll ease up soon! Sending all my love to all of you💞
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At 3:14am, on an early Monday morning, the bundle of joy that you and Tom have been waiting nine months for has finally arrived. After hours of enduring pain and labor, Amelia May Holland was born. Weighing at 7.5 lbs, she had the same bright chocolate colored eyes as her father, gorgeous brown hair, a mix of your and Tom’s nose, and thankfully she inherited your lips. She was a precious little thing, always cradled in the arms of either of her parents, since they both couldn’t believe she was finally in the real world with them.
The sun casted soft rays of light into the hospital room you and your little family occupied. The warm light added to the peaceful atmosphere you were all currently in. You were sat against the hospital bed, cradling Amelia in your arms, while you and Tom stared at her in fascination. You lean your head against Tom’s shoulder, eyes never leaving your baby girl, who’s nose momentarily scrunched up.
Softly chuckling, you glance at Tom, “Not even a day old and she’s already doing a habit of yours.” The gentle smile grows even wider on Tom’s lips, a sense of pride rushing through his veins.
“Well she’s definitely her father’s daughter.” He hums, his arm around your shoulder pulls you flush against his chest. Tom hides his face in the crook of your neck, placing feather light kisses onto your skin trailing down to your shoulder, where he rests his chin.
“I can’t believe we made her. Isn’t she the most gorgeous baby in the world?” He speaks in a hushed voice, cautious of startling his newborn daughter awake. He gazes at Amelia with a fond expression on his face, large fingers gingerly reaching out to softly stroke the back of his baby’s hand. She’s only been here a few hours and she’s already wrapped him around her dainty little fingers. He would go to extreme measures to do anything for her and to make sure she lived the best life she can. She was to be treated like a princess in his eyes; because she was his princess and you’ve been bumped up to be his queen.
“She’s all we’ve ever wanted.” You turn to face Tom over your shoulder. The whole morning, ever since you gave birth, the two of you spent most of the time admiring Amelia and would burst into tears at how proud you were of each other. Not only had you both just made the most precious baby in the world, but this was a new chapter in your lives. A new experience of life with a stronger bond, full of love, and years of memories that’ll be looked back on in the future.
Tom shifts his gaze to you, the look in his eyes changing to adoration. He tenderly kisses your lips, repeating the actions a few more times before speaking. “Thank you so much for this. Thank you for being an amazing wife and giving me a family. I love you so, so, so, so, much. You have no idea.” He brushes his nose against yours, shutting his eyes, to savor the meaningful moment.
“I wouldn’t be doing this with anyone else but you. You’re gonna be such an amazing dad.” You beam at him. Tom softly chuckles, leaning his forehead against your temple, “God, I hope.”
“You will, you’ll be the best one in her eyes. I already know it.” You reassure him, pecking the corner of his mouth. You turn your attention back to Amelia, who was still sleeping peacefully in your arms.
“So when should we tell everyone?” Tom asks, resting his chin on your shoulder again. You lean the back of your head against his shoulder, making yourself comfortable in his arms.
“I think we should tell our family and friends first. I’m not ready to share her to the public yet, I want her to only be ours for now.” You quietly explain. You feel Tom smile against your skin.
“Of course, darling. Whatever you’re most comfortable with, that’s what we’ll go with.”
(Y/n)🌻: sent a photo
We thought Amelia might want to pop in and say hello to her favorite aunties for the first time!❤️
Perrie🦋: oh my goodness! Congratulations🥳🥳 I’m over the moon for the both of you!!
Oh she’s precious! Look at those cheeks!! I can’t wait to meet her🥺
I’m so happy for you and Tom!! You guys are going to be the most amazing parents in the world!❤️
Leigh-Anne😻: Baby Amelia, you are the most adorable baby I’ve ever seen!!!😍 Babe, you and Tom have some really good genes👀
Congrats you two!! I’m so proud of you both❤️❤️❤️
Jesy💖: Thank god Amelia got (y/n)’s genes for her lips!!😂😂 I can’t imagine another loose-lipped Holland!
I’m so happy for you guys!! I can’t believe you’re already a mum, darling🥺 We love you so much and can’t wait to see you and Baby Amelia❤️
(Y/n)🌻: You guys🥺🥺 I can’t wait to see you all and get out of this hospital! This bed isn’t doing anything for my back😭
Perrie🦋: You must be so exhausted lovey, how are you doing? I hope everything went well during delivery!
(Y/n)🌻: Very painful, I felt like I was about to pass out omg😭 The doctor kept on telling me to push, I didn’t know if I was shitting myself or pushing the baby out😭
Tom’s been amazing the entire time. Bless him, I think I broke his hand while I was pushing :(
Jesy💖: Omg!! What was Tom’s reaction to childbirth?!!
(Y/n)🌻: If you thought he couldn’t get even paler, you thought wrong! He was as white as the walls in the room😭😭 He was a good sport through it all though!
Also, Amelia’s crying. I’ve got to go, I’ll talk to you girls soon!! And good luck with the interview today, you guys are gonna smash it xx
Perrie🦋: Don’t worry about us! You’re officially on maternity leave now! We’ll send your regards for the interviewer❤️
Leigh-Anne😻: Look at our baby mama! We love you❤️❤️❤️
Jade💜: Say hello to baby Amelia and that Aunty Jade loves her🥰
Jesy💖: ^Kiss ass, she’s not even a day old and the competition for best Aunty has already begun smh.
Bye darling, we’ll catch up with you soon❤️
You smiled at your screen before turning it off and placing it onto the table beside your bed. Tom was pacing the room, cradling Amelia against his chest. He was gently rocking her back and forth, alternating from shushing her to humming some sort of tune underneath his breath. You sat back and admired the curly headed boy that’s claimed your heart. Not only was he the love of your life but he was also the father of your child. Sure you guys were young, both in your late 20s, but the daddy role definitely fit Tom perfectly.
Tom must’ve felt your stare because he turned around and sent you a tired smile. He walked towards your bed and motioned for you to lay down. Using one had to cradle Amelia, he used the other to help you get comfy in the hospital bed. Still with one hand, he fixed your hair on the pillow so that it was away from your face. His large calloused hand cradled your jaw, “Get some sleep, darling. I know how tired you are.”
You pouted at him, “But what about Amelia?” He shook his head, his thumb stroking your cheek, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll try and get her to sleep. You just close your pretty eyes and get some rest in.”
“What if she’s hungry?”
“If she doesn’t fall asleep, then I’ll wake you up. Just please get some sleep, love. You haven’t taken a proper nap since this morning and I know you’re already close to knocking out.” He reasoned with pleading eyes. You sigh finally giving in, lazily nodding in response. Tom beams at you and leans down to place a tender kiss onto your lips.
“I love you both.” You mumble against his lips. He pecks your lips once more, “And we love you too, mummy.” The moment you closed your eyes, you were out like a light.
You managed to take a nap for about half an hour until you felt a few pats on your shoulder. You were immediately awake, turning your head to look for Amelia. You looked at the hospital bassinet, where you could see her sleeping peacefully.
“What’s wrong?” You ask Tom. He was sat beside your bed with his phone held in his hand watching something.
“I’m so sorry for waking you, but you should see this.” He apologized with a pitiful smile. He scoots closer to the bed so you can look at the screen. Your brows furrow together in question as you stare at Tom; it was the girls’ interview.
“Just watch.”
“Hello ladies! Thank you for joining me today!” The interviewer started. A round of “hellos” and waves were seen on the recorded Zoom session.
“Thank you for having us!” Leigh-Anne said.
“Yeah, it’s always a pleasure to be on your show, Zach.” Jade gushed. Zach made a show of flattery making them all laugh.
“I mean I guess I should start by asking how are all of you?”
Jesy was the first to answer, “I’d say we’re all doing pretty good, aren’t we girls? You know—just trying to get by especially with all that’s going on in the world.”
Perrie agreed, “Yeah, we’re lucky enough to be healthy and have the privilege to work. So I’d say we’re very blessed and making the best out of situation.”
“That’s great for you girls. AND speaking of making the best of the situation, thank you for giving us entertainment! I’ve been watching The Search and I’m absolutely obsessed.” Zach began, complimenting the show. He continued, “Although I did notice, that there’s only four of you at the moment, and in the show. How is it like to not have (y/n) around?”
Jesy pouted, the other girls having familiar reactions at the lack of your presence.
“As much as we miss her, it’s best for her and the baby to stay home and away from the public. When it comes to your career or family; family comes first, so it was totally understandable.” Jesy explained.
Jade chirped in, “Well, she’s not completely missing out. She’s had a few virtual appearances on the show and we’ve all been in contact, we always know what she’s up to.”
“How’s she doing? With the baby preparations and all?” Zach asked the girls. Their faces immediately brightened with joy, especially Perrie how squealed and clapped her hands in delight.
“Oh she’s doing wonderful, we were just texting her! She’s officially on maternity leave!” Perrie cheered. On the screen, Jesy eyed Perrie warily.
“Officially on maternity leave?”
Perrie smiled widely, “Yes, she is! She sent us a photo of the baby in our group chat and my goodness! Their baby is so cute, I just want to pinch her little cheeks!”
The three other girls’ eyes widened at the things coming out of Perrie’s mouth too stunned to say anything.
Zach squinted at Perrie, “Wait she’s already had the baby?”
“Yeah, today actually.” The blonde answered proudly.
Perrie stopped, looking at the three girls offendedly, “What?”
“Oh my god, she did not.” Leigh-Anne facepalmed herself. Jade’s jaw was slack and Jesy’s eyes were wide with horror.
“Babe, do you know what you just did?” Jesy questioned Perrie, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose in stress.
You paused the video, taking in what just happened.
Tom eyed you carefully, “Your phone’s been blowing up consistently. Pez even called me to apologize, she feels really bad (y/n).”
You frowned knowing that Perrie was most likely upset at herself. You’ve been friends with Perrie for years now. It was common knowledge amongst you and the girls that if something big and secretive were to happen, you were to never tell Perrie. Not that you all wanted to leave her out on propose, she just didn’t know how to keep her mouth shut. When Perrie found things that made her happy or excited, she didn’t know how to contain her happiness. So it wasn’t completely a surprise to learn she’s told the world you and Tom were finally parents.
Tom noticed that you were still quiet, “Are you mad, darling?”
You shook your head, “No—no, I’m not mad at her. I know Perrie can get too excited sometimes.”
“So you’re okay with this?” Tom asked you, knowing that just an hour ago you said you wanted to keep Amelia away from the public. His hand reaches for yours, grasping it.
You tilted your head at the ceiling, “Yeah, I guess I am? I mean it’s not like she said Amelia’s name or anything. All she told them was that I gave birth already.” You paused and turned to look at Tom.
“Plus, I think she’s saved us the trouble of figuring out how to tell the world about Amelia.” You send him a smile. He reciprocates the action and brings your hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “We don’t have to tell them anything more. All they have to know is that you’ve given birth and our little princess is healthy. Also that we’re very happy. The rest of the details will only be for us. For now.”
“For now.” You confirmed squeezing his hand. You glanced at your phone and motioned for Tom to give it to you. Scrolling through your contacts you clicked on Perrie’s name, “I guess we should call her and thank her.”
You clicked on the FaceTime icon and not even a second later, Perrie immediately answered the call.
“I am so sorry.” She apologized, hand covering her face. You chuckle at her and shake your head, “We’re actually calling you to thank you Pez.”
Her face contorts into confusion, “What do you mean thank me? I just exposed the two of you during a live interview.”
Tom poked his head into frame, “Well one, you’ve announced that Amelia’s here already, so that’s one thing off our list. And two, you just saved me months worth of relief during interviews. Now that everyone knows we have a baby, I don’t need to be scared of accidentally slipping it out when I have to do promos!”
The blonde looked between both you and Tom I’m disbelief, “Are you kidding me? If I knew you two would’ve responded this way I wouldn’t have been spending the last hour beating myself up for it.”
You laughed smiling at her. Perrie beamed at the both of you, “For just delivering a baby, you look gorgeous hun. You’re glowing.”
“Aw thank you, lovey.” You look at Amelia from the corner of your eye. “Do you wanna see her?” Perrie eagerly nods at the camera. Tom takes the camera and rounds your bed to the bassinet. Aiming the camera above Amelia he said, “Amelia, meet Aunty Pez.”
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falcor-thee-luck-dragon · 4 years ago
Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 13- Avengers. Assemble
Summary: With the new Infinity Gauntlet finally put together, things are about to get more chaotic then you could have ever realized. But in the aftermath, there is a joy within the sadness.
Warning: fighting, some blood, angst, fluff, bucky returns!
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With no time to waste, Tony’s robotic tech ever so carefully placed the Infinity Stones onto a new gauntlet specially crafted by the man himself. With the utmost precision, he designed the piece in the familiar likeness of the Ironman suit, specifically taking into account the hand area. All in all, it looks just like that blasted Infinity Gauntlet that’s caused yourself and the universe so much pain.
But you known this is different, this is necessary above all else and must happen or you’ll face the dreary facts of never seeing Bucky ever again. No one still left behind in the aftermath like yourself will ever see their loved ones again, and Natasha’s death would all be for nothing. This is it.
You stand around Rocket with the rest of your friends, everyone suited up for the inevitable unknown while he carefully finishes up a few lasting touches on the metalwork with the aid of Tony to keep it steady.
“All right, the glove’s ready.” Affirms Rocket with a confident nod as everyone stands around him waiting expectantly, “Question is, who’s gonna snap their freakin’ fingers?”
 The room keeps to a heavy silence before Thor immediately makes hastily overconfident steps forward, “I’ll do it.” States the bearded god of thunder, no surprise to you, like he’s even in the right headspace to take on such a task. Especially looking like he just walked out of a homeless shelter.
Thor quickly earns a puzzled look from Tony. “Excuse me?” Asserts Stark with a raised brow as just about everyone else gives Thor a similar look of bewilderment.
Thor waves him off with a casual swing of his thick paw, “It’s okay.” Calmly dismisses Thor as he walks in closer to the perched gauntlet, eyes set for the powerful object within arms reach. Tony, Steve, and Clint immediately raise their arms to hold him back for the time being as your eyes widen at his go-getter attitude for something so seriously dangerous. He would fucking die.
“Stop, stop. Slow down.” Advises Tony while Steve steps between the gauntlet and an eager Thor. Blue eyes set and steady though a friendly softness flashes through them knowing the true reasons why Thor wants to do this above all the others, “Thor. Just wait. We haven’t decided who’s gonna put that on yet.” Implores Steve while Thor blinks, clearly not satisfied with this answer.
“I’m sorry. What, we’re all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?” Laughs off the large Asgardian as his eyes trail around the room to the unclear hesitant faces of you all.
“We should at least discuss it.” Interjects Scott as Thor turns to face him before looking to all of you again.
Thor finds Steve’s conflicted gaze of uncertainty, “Look, sitting here staring at that thing is not gonna bring everybody back.....I’m the strongest Avenger, okay? So, this responsibility falls upon me...”
Tony sets a friendly hand on his chest, “Normally you’re right...”
“It’s my duty.” Interrupts Thor, more heatedly this time as Tony slowly draws him away from the gauntlet. Doing his best to sway Thor’s mind, “It’s not about that...” Begins Tony as Thor interjects. “It’s not that...” Rambles Thor as you frown, eyes set on the glowing Infinity Stones as they rest comfortably atop the Vibranium laced metalwork.
“Sheeesh stop it!” Whines the agitated god of thunder, “Just let me....Just let me do it.” Whispers Thor in defeat, face falling with remorse as he focuses on Tony, “Just let me do something good. Something right...”
Tony lets out a disheartened sigh, “Look, it’s not just the fact that glove his channeling enough energy to light up a continent. I’m telling you. You’re in no condition.” Sincerely adds Tony, trying his absolute best to sway Thor from doing this to himself.
“What do you think is coursing through my veins right now?” Asks Thor with a reasonable bout of self confidence while Rodney throws a sarcastic. “Cheez Whiz?” In reply. Thor clenches his fist, pointing a threatening finger to him but ignores the verbal blow.
Eyes set on Tony as the god smiles, “Lightening.”
Tony doubtfully nods, “Yeah.”
“Lightening.” Says Thor again, like that’s going to hold all the answers and save everyone from oblivion.
Taking an anxious breath, you’ve already made your decision as you take a step forward, “Lightning won’t help you this time, Thor. You couldn’t take it.” He sends you a defeated look, eyes falling to the floor as the others gain your attention. Frowning, your eyes study the glowing colors of the new Infinity Gauntlet as you nervously swallow, “I’ll do it.”
“Y/N...” Begins Steve like a concerned father while his blue eyes grow with apprehensive doubt, he opens his mouth to speak more on the matter but you cut him off with a stern look, “My body can regenerate its genetic makeup, essentially I should heal from anything it does to me, it won’t kill me Stev...”
“We don’t know that,” Interjects a worried Bruce as he walks in closer to your little group, “It’s gotta be me, we saw what those stones did to Thanos. They almost killed him, these are the Infinity Stones we’re talking about. None of you could survive.” Explains Bruce honestly as he finds your troubled gaze, “Even you, Y/N.”
Your brows furrow in thought while you let a depleted sigh escape your lips, “How do we know you will?”
“We don’t.” Begrudgingly admits Banner, “But the radiation’s mostly gamma. It’s like...” He stares solemnly down at the beacon of destructive hope for a small moment, its shimmering colors glowing with a dangerous beauty, “..I was made for this.”
“Then it’s settled then.” Declares Tony with a confident nod, “We do this today. Everyone suit up, we have no idea how this is going to go.” And with that does the room quickly file out, your small team of nine hastily on the move to prepare yourselves for the impending future still held in mystery and a growing hope.
Soon, you and the rest of the Avengers nervously watch as Bruce picks up the metal gauntlet while Tony sends him a concerned brotherly look. “Good to go, yeah?” Wonders Tony as he stands a couple feet away for safety reasons like everyone else. Bruce gives the stones a last fleeting glance before raising his eyes up to meet him, “Let’s do it.”
“Okay, remember, everyone Thanos snapped away five years ago you’re just bringing them back to now, today. Don’t change anything from the last five years.” Warns Tony as Bruce nods. “Got it.”
Everyone takes a cautious step backwards, making sure to shield themselves from whatever’s about to happen next with either their actual suits or in Steve’s case his legitimate shield. All you got on is your usual dark attire that’s armored comfortably in the areas needed. That and your uncanny but evidently helpful ability to heal yourself instantly. Which may either become unneeded, or hold true to its helpful wonder if things go south for whatever reason.
Tony quickly has Friday adorn the protective barriers around the buildings interior so whatever happens inside, stays inside. A moment later Banner puts the gauntlet on with a hesitant grimace, the metal grows as it adjusts to his hand, immediately the power of the stones glows bright. The raw energy crawling wickedly up his arm as Bruce falls to his one knee in pain. Loud grunts of strained discomfort emitting from the half-hulks throat. Shit that looks painful.
“Take it off! Take it off!” Worries Thor as Steve throws up a cautious hand. “No, wait. Bruce, are you okay?” Banner groans in agony as Tony adds, “Talk to me, Banner.” More pained moans are heard before Bruce is finally able to give a reassuring nod, well, at least the best one he can manage.
“I’m okay.” He mutters through clenched teeth, sending a small spark of relief through everyone as he forces his fingers to reach one another. Yelling like a charging warrior through the pain of battle, Bruce forces his stiffened digits into submission, snapping his fingers through the gauntlet with all the strength he has left before a blinding bright light emits forth in an instant. Cascading the small lab into an almost heavenly glow, you can’t see anything it’s so obnoxiously bright.
When the light fades a swift moment later, you’re able to witness the aftermath of a brave Bruce Banner who’s currently semi-unconscious on the floor, metal appendage laying a couple feet away from him as Steve races to Banners side, “Bruce!” Panics Steve.
“Don’t move him.” Warns Tony as he sprays some type of healing particles onto the ashen green of Bruce’s right arm to increase the natural healing process from the stones hefty damage. “Did it work?” Wonders a drowsy Banner while he blinks back the blurry fuzz of the gauntlet's intense power.
Thor smiles brightly, “We’re not sure. It’s okay...just relax, it’s alright you did it.” Both him and Steve give Bruce some more encouraging words of praise as you take a step back from the scene to release a breath you didn’t know you had.
Holy shit, you think, heart slowing down from the adrenaline rush of it all. Trying to take in everything's that’s just happened, you ignore as Scott wanders away to the giant opening windows as your ears prick to the sound of Clint’s phone ringing on the nearby metal table. You watch curiously as he slowly walks over to it before picking it up and answering with a teary eyed grin from witnessing the picture of his beloved significant other. The sound of his confused wife reaching your ears in an instant and your heart immediately swells with joy.
Suddenly a dark shadow bestows itself upon the compounds opened sunroof, you quickly twist on your heel to face the others who are looking up at a dark shape with an equally as baffled expression. A second later your world turns to darkness.
Then nothing.
Someone’s shaking your shoulders. God that’s annoying.
But you can’t see or hear anything, can’t even feel your own body but the stuffy thick air that flows forcibly into your healing lungs. Slowly, your senses of touch and perception come back to life, vision deciding to wake up from the blurry void next and with that so does your hearing, “Y/N! Wake up! Come on, wake the fuck up!” Shouts the annoying voice of.....Clint. While his dirt smudged face flashes with uncertain panic. The fuck does he want? And where the hell are you?
Coming to, you suck in a needed breath before he quickly sits you up against a rock, a dull throbbing making itself known from the right side of your forehead that feels oddly wet. Ignoring his concerned gaze, you press a hand to it only to find your fingers coated in blood, “Clint, what the fuck just happened? And where the hell are we?” You grumble before taking a good look around you, finding nothing but rocks and ruble. “This looks like a sewer system, goddammit my suits ripped.” You complain, still a tad bit disoriented from the head trauma that’s still healing while you eye up the nasty blooded gash on your left thigh.
Clint huffs in frustration before taking a calculated look around at your minimal surroundings of rock and red warning lights as he takes a step forward, boot quickly smashing into something hard as he looks down to find the fucking gauntlet of all things right by his feet as something oddly familiar sounds in your sensitive ears. Oh, shit. Jumping to your feet, you turn your head to the cavernous tunnel on the right, night vision giving you the perfect view of... “Space dogs. Fucking space dogs!” You fearfully whisper yell as he sends you a perplexed look.
“Ugh what?” Mutters Clint as you throw him a look of pure panic, understanding something is most definably wrong if you of all people are scared shitless, he quickly sends a lighted arrow past your head before catching a glimpse of exactly what you were warning him about. Thanos’ army of monstrous bastards from space. This is your nightmare all over again.
“Shit.” Mumbles an alarmed Clint as he tugs on your arm before the two of you book it in the other direction, screams of fury and death sounding from the beasts pursuing you. For a good twenty yards do the both of you run until by some wondrous act of the universe are you able to climb your way to a higher level where the creatures can’t get to either of you. Clint shooting a skilled blow to the creatures brave enough to pursue you further, killing them quickly enough so you both have a moment to rest. And inhale much needed oxygen from the swift sprinting session you just unwillingly endured.
Laying on the metal floor next to a worn out Clint, your breaths are heavy and labored when Nebula randomly walks out of nowhere like she owns the place, glad to just see a familiar face you pay her no mind when she leans down and quickly retrieves the gauntlet from Clint before raising her hand to her ear and speaking, “Father...I have the stones.” 
Uh, what? Oh wait! Your eyes widen in fear as you swiftly jump to your feet, Adamantium claws protruding out of your fists as you prepare yourself for a fight to the death over that damned gauntlet when without warning she sends a swift blast straight through your chest. Shit, you can barely breath.
You gasp, falling to the metal earth as she’s immediately confronted by some green chick and another Nebula, though you’re too frazzled and in pain to listen to their arguing. A couple long moments later the traitor Nebula is shot, falling to the ground right next to you as your lung muscle and bones fuse back together again. Body at long last letting you take in a proper breath. Dammit she got you old western style too.
Clint’s at your side in an instant, “Jesus Y/N, you okay? That looked bad.”
Grumbling in annoyance for the misadventure you’ve just found yourself in, he kindly helps pull you to your feet, “I’ve had better days Clint, I’ve really had better days.” You deadpan as he chuckles before the both of you follow Nebula and the green woman out and into the clearing of the destroyed Avenger’s Facility.
Once foggy ashen sunlight hits your dirt smudged blood spattered face, a pearl white pegasus flies above you and Clint, “The hell?” Mumbles Barton as the two of you start jogging into the destroyed landscape of the desolated Avengers base that’s currently in the midst of a chaotic battle between Thanos’ army and the Avengers, and clearly a lot more then just your lost friends. God today just keeps getting worse, not to mention weirder.
“Come on, this way.” Shouts Clint as you two begin making your way through the mess, both on a mission to protect this stupid gauntlet and try not to get yourselves killed in the process. Though soon some type of giant lumbering beast starts trailing you two as Clint calls in to anyone listening, “What do you want us to do with this damn thing?” You can’t hear what they’re all saying due to the fact that your earpiece is broken, but quickly enough Clint glances at you.
“Y/N! We gotta find Scott and that ugly brown van of his, it’s got the time machine portal in it so we can get these stones away from here!” Shouts Barton as he jumps over a protruding piece of shrapnel before one of Thanos’ loyal creatures jumps near, throwing him to the side as you launch yourself onto the beast. Digging your shimmering talons deep into its neck as it screams in agony, dying a second later.
“Give me that fucker, I can see the van from here.” You urgently exclaim as he hands it over to you without a second thought, too exhausted to run any longer. With the stones in your possession now, you book it on swift legs across the demolished battlefield as monsters of all kinds pursue you.
You’re luckily able to slash a few while dodging heated blows in an attempt to stall your progression, although unknowingly to you while you’re sprinting like a bat out of hell, mumbling a distressed chorus of “Fuck off, Fuck off, Fuck off..” to no one in particular. Bucky’s gaze is able to track your panicked form as it races across the destroyed landscape, Infinity gauntlet in hand. So that’s what you’re doing, thinks Bucky with relief, glad to know you’re okay. Well, for the most part.
Slipping from his curious view, you make it a good ten yards before a lumbering beast knocks you from your stable legs and onto the ground just as T’Challa ends its ugly life. Body hurting all over, you finally give up the gauntlet into the arms of the Black Panther, “I got it Y/N, you’ve done well.” Praises the king of Wakanda as you give him a weak thumbs up in reply, too damn winded to really answer with anything fully comprehensible.
God it’s a good thing you heal quickly cause shit, your everything hurts.
When will this shit end! Huffing in irritation, you swiftly pull yourself up before joining the Avenging masses into the storm of chaos. You slay monster and beast of all kinds before Proxima of all beings throws her spear at your head, just narrowly putting a full damper on your already hectic day as you dodge left.
“Didn’t I kill you already?” You growl in irritation as she begins hand to hand combat with you, more so claws to sword then anything else. For the next minute do you two hash it out on the battlefield, Thanos and other brave Avengers doing what they can to fight the Infinity Stones off of him as you slice up her face in a moment of valuable weakness.
Unfortunately she’s able to kick you into the cement, raising her shimmering blood coated weapon before thrusting it downwards straight for your naked jugular when suddenly it turns to dust against your exposed skin. Eyes wide in bewilderment as you breath in heavy breaths, you’re pleasantly surprised when the bitch disappears completely, nothing left but ashes floating on the breeze.
Wiping some fresh blood from your nose, you slowly stand on sore legs, eyes quickly scanning the surrounding area only to find all of Thanos’ army turning to dust as well. A relieved smile falls upon your chapped lips, though quickly enough your heart sinks when you wander over to Steve and Thor as they watch Pepper say her last goodbyes to a dying Tony Stark. So he was the one who did it, he killed Thanos for good. And this is the price that must be payed.
Your chest rises and falls with labored breaths from battling the enemy as his reactor core flickers, white light slowly going out soon after. You frown deeply as Pepper sobs by her husbands side as you notice the others beginning to slowly gather around behind you, and the ones nearest to him. Peter, Rodney, Steve, and Thor.
The dismal scene breaks your heart to watch so instead do you drop your gaze to the ground where you study the ripped fabric of your pants and the dried blood that coats it. You can’t believe after all this shit and time spent tirelessly in pursuit of those fucking stones has the deed been done at last. Two friends lost in the taxing journey to save the world from a deepening pit of confusion and despair, but it’s done, and Thanos will never hurt anyone ever again.
You’re so tired you could probably curl up and fall asleep on the rocks below, but yet your body shakes with adrenaline that keeps you from submitting to the earth for a long rest.. “Y/N?” You freeze, going still as a statue when your ears fully register the voice it belongs to. You’d recognize that voice anywhere.
Blinking hard, you turn around, your eyes slowly trailing up to meet the beautiful blues of the one and only, James Buchanan Barnes. Your breath catches in your throat, it truly feels like your whole world has just stopped and reset itself. Tears immediately prick at the corners of your eyes from the intense feelings of being overwhelmed from battle and by him, he looks exactly the same as when he left you five whole years ago. Long dark hair falling to his broad shoulders, metal arm apparent as it shows itself freely in the cloudy sunlight.
His eyes of stormy ocean studies your awestruck expression, handsome face softening as he takes a cautious step forward, “Y/N.” Mutters Bucky as your lip begins to quiver, so many emotions rushing through you like a giant waterfall, a couple stray tears draw clean marks down the sides of your dirt smudged face as your heartbeat begins to race.
You feel like hyperventilating right now but are to astounded to completely lose your shit, instead do you let him silently walk the rest of the way to you before gently placing his hands against your tear stained cheeks. He hands you a handsome grin of pure love and adoration as you place your shaking hands against his forearms. So incredibly awestruck that he’s actually with you right now in the flesh for you to form a coherent sentence.
You swallow, eyes furrowed as they wander all over his beautifully dirty face, “Please tell me this isn’t some sick dream.” You whisper, voice raspy while you try and keep your inhales as less erratic as possible. “Oh God I hope this isn’t another dream.”
Bucky chuckles a sweet tune of joy before engulfing you into a ginormous Bucky bear hug, he gently wraps his strong arms around your tired vessel with ease, burying his head in the crook of your neck as tears flow freely out of you now. Shaky hands holding him as close and humanly possible while you breath him in for all he’s worth. Your Bucky, finally in your arms at last.
You can’t believe it, after everything you’ve endured, after a thousand nights spent alone and days lasting for too many hours to count. He’s holding you like his whole life depends on it, every single muscle and fiber of his entire being wills himself to hold you in his arms like nothing and no one else matters.
Because right now, in the midst of a desolated battlefield, you can finally feel at peace with the man you have never stopped loving for even a single second. The man you will swear on your life to never leave his side ever again if you can help it. Your sweet James Buchanan Barnes. Your beloved Bucky.
You can feel as a feather light kiss brushes past your hairline before he slowly pulls away, metal and flesh hands still holding yours as his blue eyes soften, “This isn’t a dream.” Chuckles Bucky as he studies your teary eyed face, a growing confusion clear on his puzzled features, “Why would this be a dream Y/N? I mean, well I’m not sure where we are actually or how I got here or why your hair looks different now....and uh...clothing too?” His brows furrow as he trails his gaze all over you, clearly unaware of the time differences between you both and what troublesome lengths it’s taken to see him again.
He doesn’t know. Biting your bottom lip anxiously, you blink with saddened eyes before resting a hand on his metal shoulder for a bit of self comfort, “How long until you came through those portals?”
Blue irises flicker to the ground in puzzlement before finding yours once again, “Uh, I think it was about five minutes actually....it’s, it’s weird. I remember seeing you by Steve and then, I don’t remember anything else until it felt like I blinked and suddenly these huge portals were appearing in Wakanda. And you weren’t with me. I don’t know what happened....I’m not sure why you look a little different now either?”
Smiling at his adorable confusion, you trail a hand up to drag it through his messy dark locks, “You weren’t gone for five minutes Bucky, you were gone for five years.”
His lips part likes he’s about to speak though nothing comes out, handsome face slowly falling into a frown while he gently touches the side of your bloodied cheek, “What?” Whispers Bucky in astonishment, “Five...five years? Five whole years? That’s why....that’s how....how you, Jesus Y/N...”
“You have no idea how much I missed you James....how much I, I...” Your throat feels like it’s tightening as you lip quivers, voice unable to produce any sounds but your labored breaths. You feel like bawling.
Bucky takes this like the dutiful lover that he is, pulling you flush against him once more as he gently squeezes you close, face pressed into your neck as he mumbles out a soft but meaningful, “I love you Y/N.” That causes you to almost crush him in your loving embrace.
“I love you too, so fucking much.”
Standing on the grassy edge of the Starks riverside house somewhere in upstate New York, dressed in your usual dark attire. Though for this instance, it’s a rather dismal affair that truly represents the black clothing adorning your body with more purpose this time. But you don’t feel as terrible as you thought you would have.
A soft late summer breeze blows your hair back as you keep your hands deep in your jacket pockets while you let yourself enjoy the beautiful view of the water shimmering in the sunlight. It truly couldn’t have been a nicer day for such a day filled with melancholy for the loss of Tony. In fact, when you arrived for the funeral today, you could barely look at Morgan without feeling the urge to shed a few tears.
She’s surprised you though, her little heart is stronger then you’d realized, she’s clearly filled with confused grief for the sudden loss of her father. But she’s admittedly able to handle the dreary situation better then you’d expected, though it is true we all grieve in our own way and in our own time. Luckily she has a plethora of friendly people by her side, plus your cat Silver who you let her adopt considering you’re technically homeless.
Soon the familiar sound of footsteps walking across the grass alerts you to a new presence approaching you nearby, you could smell his scent a mile away. The blue eyed man in question, stops by your side, eyes trailing over you while you keep a steady gaze on the water. “Y/N.” Your name on his tongue, spoken so gently as he forms your letters into a term of simple greeting.
A smile immediately tugs at the corner of your lips when he literally says anything now, you turn to face him as you raise a brow, imitating his tone, “Bucky.” You practically tease.
He flashes a quick grin before shrugging, eyes glancing up to the house before finding your undivided attention once more, “They made sloppy joes if you want one. They’re not too bad actually, I had one so....yeah.”
“I’ll take your word for it, but uh...I’m okay thanks.” You add, gaze set back onto the water beyond as you let out an admittedly tired sigh, “I’m just, I don’t even know.....whatever, I’m okay.” You mutter while giving a weak shrug, a frown crossing your features as your mind wanders to your lost friends and the reason why you’re even at this funeral. It’s been a long fucking road to peace, if this even is peace.
Bucky, noticing your disheartened expression, gently nudges your arm, “Hey, you know you can talk to me.” Assures your sweet lover, eyes softening as he gently tugs at your sleeve, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Making a sour face at the water, you avoid his gaze while your heart swirls with a conflicted sadness, “No. Not really.” You freely admit, “Both of them, I never got a chance to say goodbye. I wish I could have, I really do Buck.” Biting your lip to hold back the tears, Bucky wraps a comforting arm around you, knowing how much this all pains you since he’s been back and was filled in on everything that’s happened.
You don’t even hesitate to relax into the warm embrace as you throw an arm around his waist to bring him in even closer to you now, “Truth be told Y/N, I never got a chance to tell Tony how sorry I am for what I did to his parents. If there was onl...”
“He forgave you, Buck.” He shares a puzzled look with you.
“He did?” Whispers Bucky in confusion though a slight hopeful relief laces his words.
 You nod, “Tony...we had a long conversation about that when I was visiting once for some birthday party, it was a difficult subject. But after everything we talked about, he forgave you for what you did. Of course we had no way of knowing this was all going to happen but uh, I just want you to know that. And so did he even if you weren’t there to hear it. Guess it was the thought that counts.”
“oh.” Mutters Bucky in clear astonishment as he keeps silent for a long moment, truly processing the solid fact that Tony Stark actually forgave him for such horrendous crimes committed against his closest family members. Bucky lets out a heavy breath of relief, giving you a small squeeze before speaking, “That’s, that’s good. Yeah, alright um...” His eyes flicker to the side as he pauses for a brief moment, “..you, you want anything up there?”
Chuckling, you roll your eyes at him, “What? Let me guess? You’re still hungry and don’t want to eat alone?”
Bucky keeps silent for a brief but telling moment as he mumbles out a soft, “Yeah.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
He nervously laughs before gently squeezing your shoulder, “Or we don’t have to, it’s fine I was just wondering...”
“Buck.” You throw him a humored glance as he smiles before you lose your grip on his torso, “Come on hot stuff let’s get you a sandwich.” He grins as you start backing up towards the house filled with multiple guests of all kinds still socializing amongst one another.
“Y/N I could go myself if I wanted to.” Says Bucky as he wanders across the grass by your side, “I could....but yeah, I’d rather have you with me.”
You snicker quietly as his stubbled cheeks redden in slight embarrassment, “Well Mr. Barnes, if you must know, I don’t plan on letting you do anything alone for a long time so get used to my company.”
“Sounds good to me.” Smiles Bucky as he gently nudges your shoulder, “But seriously you gotta try these sandwiches they’re really good.”
“Buck, I don’t doubt it.”
Tagged:  @diegos-butt @minigranger @bibliophilewednesday @holyhumorliteraturelight @lilacs-lavender @a-girl-who-loves-disney @starkssnarks @vikingqueen28 @bizarrebibitch @atomicpersonacheesecake @jmstz @staygoldsquatchling02 @marvelbros-oneshots @shawnartmendes @mischiefmanaged71 @jckie94  @iamasimpingh0e @mjaudrey  @thescarlettvvitch
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miraculousl4dybug · 5 years ago
Queen Bee vs. Ladybug and Noir Knight
Okay! This is for @nobodyfamousposts who won the contest @a-marlene-s held.
Here is the story you requested for winning, hope you like it.
I frowned as Marinette pulled back. Is she alright?
“Sorry, I.. I don’t know why I did that.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, Thank you, Luka.”
I smiled, she’s so sweet.
“Oh, uh, by the way, did you find that perfect tune you were looking for?”
“I think I did, yeah, but are you sure you really want to hear it?”
I softened as she frowned.
“You’re still thinking of Adrien, aren’t you?”
It’s not a bad thing, she loves who she loves. I’ll respect that and happily stay her friend if that’s what she wants.
She looked away.
I smiled down at her, then blinked when I saw… buzzing yellow? Bees? Wasps? What….
“Marinette!” I grabbed her and ran.
Bolting down the street, her hand in mine.
“Oh no, not those things again!” She cried.
Her eyes shot to me briefly.
“Come on!”
Can we escape them? Is it possible?
“We have to take shelter.” She called.
I nodded.
She looked away and took a deep breath. Her song grew determined.
What is she?
“Tikki, Power up!”
I looked over to stare, a red blur snapped something blue out of the air and…. Was that a kwami!?
She pulled me now, towards the bridge boundary.
“Tikki! Spots on!”
My jaw dropped. I almost stopped.
She grabbed me and jumped. We fell to the water.
She placed her yo-yo put in front of my mouth as we hit the water.
Marinette is Ladybug!
She looked at me sheepishly now.
“You can’t tell anyone!” She blurted, “Seriously, you can’t- you can’t-”
She started hyperventilating.
“I would never. Not in a million years. Your secret is safe with me Marinette.”
She stared for a long minute, then nodded.
“Thank you, Luka.”
I nodded.
“But now…. I should’ve known there was more to Hawkmoth’s plan.”
“It’s okay, since you’re ladybug you know I’m Viperion. I’ll help you however I can.”
She smiled, “Thank you. The battle isn’t over now!”
“Your indecision is hurtful Adrien.”
He looked away.
It is hurtful, he keeps changing his mind, it seems almost like he’s leading me on. Using me as a backup. It hurts.
I jolted as something small and yellow, oh no, an akuma!
It reached Adrien before I could stop it. His eyes turning yellow.
Then everything went black.
I watched gleefully as miracle queen called the miraculous wielders to us. Hopefully Ladybug and Chat Noir got stung too.
But regardless, ladybug will be deprived of all her allies now.
I watched some boy I don’t know, that reporter for the Ladyblog, my son’s idiotic friend, some boy I don’t know, and the Tsurugi girl.
What a strange group.
But then my heart nearly stopped, my son. Adrien was a miraculous holder!?
If I do anything to stop the current plan and move him away then everyone will know my identity.
Okay, it doesn’t matter. It’ll be fine, we’re going to win anyways. Adrien will understand when I’m done. It doesn’t matter what happens in the meantime.
“Why such ridiculous choices! Anyways, grab your miraculous.”
The reporter girl grabbed the fox.
The first unknown boy grabbed the horse.
The second unknown boy grabbed the monkey.
My son grabbed the snake.
The last two, my son’s idiotic friend and the Tsurugi girl simply stood there.
“Why don’t they grab any?”
“Maybe because they don’t have any!”
“Or,” I murmured, “Someone is already wearing them.”
She ignored me, “Come on, hurry up and transform, my pawns!”
Drama queen more like.
“Trixx, let’s pounce.” Rena Rouge.
“Kalkki, Full gallop.” Pegasus.
“Xuppu, Showtime.” Roi Singe
“Sass, Scales slither.”
I stared in confusion at my son, that’s not Viperion. Then… who’s viperion? And why did my son take that miraculous?
“You were once Ladybug and Chat Noir’s minions, but from now on, you will be Miracle Queen’s Royal Guard!”
They bowed.
“Ladybug, Chat Noir, I’m gonna use your own weapons to defeat you. You’ll so regret not choosing me!”
I left to Mayura.
“I’m worried Luka. I was never able to give my guardian and master back the dragon miraculous. And now… He’s gone and I need him.”
“it’s okay, we can find-“
I stared at another kwami swimming rapidly towards us. Oh dear, is that a cat?
And it held the black cat miraculous.
“Chat Noir has been stung, I managed to grab the miraculous and get away. Who’s this?”
“I’m Luka…”
“Cool, well, did the Master say anything when you returned the dragon?”
“I didn’t get the chance! He’s gone and… I tried, he’s missing.”
The kwami looked worried.
“Okay, one second. Hold this.”
He dropped the ring in her hand and zipped up.
We stood there for a minute before the cat came back down.
“Okay so, bad news. Hawkmoth got the miracle box, and the Master is desperately holding his shield against Mayura and Hawkmoth.”
“Oh no, this is all my fault, I didn’t transform back before going to find him and-“
“Oh bug,” the cat kwami moved over to her, “It’s not. In fact, it’s probably a good thing. If they were following you to find him then if you’d transformed back, they would’ve learned your identity.”
Both of our eye’s widened.
“That would’ve been bad. But it’s okay then now. All we have to do is save the Master before Hawkmoth and Mayura break through! And if anyone has the knowledge and skill to do that, it’s you Mari- Ladybug.” I stared at her earnestly, trying to convey the faith I have in her.
She peeked up, swallowing before nodding.
Then threw her arms around me, “Thank you Luka. You always know just what to say.”
I smiled, hugging her back. “How could I not have complete faith in you. No matter if you’re in the mask or out, you always do your best to do good. I don’t know how I didn’t know who you were sooner, you’re the only one that could be kind enough to be Ladybug.”
She squeaked, burying her head in my shoulder.
“We can do this Ladybug.”
She pulled back with a nod.
“Okay, now we have to free them from Miracle Queen. You don’t have a miraculous, we should fix that. You work best with the snake, but…”
She stared at the ring in her hand, “Plagg, would you mind having a temporary wielder, until we can get the snake back?”
The little kwami hummed, zipping in front of me.
“I suppose he’s alright, could be worse.” He moved around me. “Alright, I’ll allow it. He can use my Miraculous until we get my cat back.”
She beamed, “Thank you Plagg.”
She now turned to me with a serious expression.
“Luka Couffaine, this is the Miraculous of the black cat. I am giving it to you for this battle and this battle only. When we have finished, you will return this miraculous to me. Do you understand?”
I nodded, “I understand. You can count on me Ladybug.”
“Plagg, power up.” She held out another blue thing that Plagg ate, changing his appearance? He now had a tail and fins.
Plagg swam in front of me, “Say Plagg, Claws Out.”
“Plagg… Claws Out!”
The energy that flowed over me was different from the creeping slither of Sass’s. This power was chaotic, energizing. It felt like I could take on the world.
I smiled at Marinette, Ladybug, as I felt the uniform settle.
“You look great!” She said.
I glanced down to note the boots, the green highlights on the suit, the chains hanging loose, I moved my arms, I like the jacket that came with it, open, with bright green for chest with deep black plating. I like it. The bright green isn’t too much, and it goes well with the black. I felt the mask on my face and the ears on my head. This’ll work.”
She smiled, “Now we have to save the others.”
I nodded, Ladybug’s got this. And I’ll help however necessary.
“Then we can defeat Mayura, Hawk Moth, and his sentimonster. But first we’ve gotta neutralize those wasps so we can get out of the water. If we get stung, it’s all over.”
Luka smiled, “Sounds like you have a plan.”
She grinned, “Yep, I’m gonna make it easy for us.”
She put a necklace on. I watched curiously as a ? Dragon? Came out.
“Alright, how does that work then?” I asked.
“I’m ready to fight Ladybug!” The little dragon kwami said.
She smiled at me, “Up we go.”
“When we reach the surface say Claws in, it’ll get rid of the powerup so you can fight normally.”
“Claws in!”
“Spots off!”
“Tikki, Long, Unify!”
I watched in awe as the black and gold swept up her body, leaving her in a cooler outfit then her normal one. Plus, a sword.
The two of us flipped, heading towards land.
“Water Dragon!”
An orb of water surrounded us.
Okay, that’s really cool. Marinette really is amazing.
We hit the ground, the orb of water expanding to cover the other controlled heroes and pushing Chloe back.
“Ladybug! And hey, you’re not Chat!”
Ladybug smirked, “It’ll be Dragonbug to you Chloe.”
I nodded, then realized I need a name.
“I’m- I’m the Noir Knight.” I nodded, “I’m Noir Knight, here to guard Ladybug.”
“A few extra powers aren’t going to save you, you know.”
We both looked up to see Hawkmoth.
“In a few moments when the old guardian is too weak and his shield is broken, I’ll force him to tell me your secret identities. And it will all be thanks to Ladybug! She led you all to your doom!”
Marinette frowned, her song filled with worry. The pain in her eyes…
“He’s trying to divide you! Don’t listen to him! Ladybug! I chose you for a reason. And I trust your judgement.”
A voice I don’t recognize.
Well, “You’re wrong Hawkmoth!” I called, “Ladybug is kind and helpful. She’s risked everything for this city time and time again. You tried to follow her to find out her identity, but you failed at that. You might have found the Master, but you failed to find Ladybug! And that’s the important thing! We will stop you, because Ladybug is here and I’m here to help her. It doesn’t matter what you say or do! You can’t win against her!”
She stared at me, her eyes wide.
Then she smiled, her song alight with joy and determination.
“It’s us against the world Noir Knight.”
I smiled, “Whenever you need me.”
We turned back, “I fight with Ladybug!”
“Welcome to your doomsday, Hawkmoth!”
“Urgh, It’s time to take action my queen!”
“Guards! En Guard!”
The four heroes started using their powers, mirage, uproar, voyage, and… second chance.
That’s the one I need. I need Sass back.
“Right, Knight, Aspik is the most dangerous with second chance. You focus on him.”
She flashed me a smile, “You’ve got this, you know his powers better than him.”
I nodded, “Understood, you be careful Ladybug.”
She nodded, and both of us moved in.
Her sword out and yo-yo drawn she was already able to counter the controlled heroes.
I raised my hand, “Cataclysm!”
I charged towards Aspik, kicked him back.
I charged towards Aspik, kicked at him, grabbed his hands and yanked.
“I got it!” Ladybug grabbed his wrist, and the bracelet was off. A flash of light and Adrien and Sass were there.
“Alright Knight!” She called, “It’s your turn!”
She tossed me the bracelet and I grinned.
“Sass! Scales Sllither!”
The familiar power of Sass surged over me. The mask sharpened, the Jacket gained a scale pattern. The bright green changed to Sass’s aqua shade. A diamond appeared on my chest. The boots became more streamlined.
“Second Chance!”
Better safe than sorry.
I swiped out two illusions, noticing behind Dragonbug another figure.
“Dragonbug, behind you!”
She sliced through the illusion in front of her then shot her yo-yo through the figure behind, only to falter when it was an illusion too, and Roi Singe caught her yo-yo.
Roi Singe tapped his Uproar item to it, and the water disappeared.
Not good.
I quickly set us back to the beginning.
“They’re all illusions Dragonbug!”
I charged forward, noting the hole appearing, just barely rolled to the side, grimacing.
“Dragonbug keep your yo-yo in hand!”
I jumped, kicking Roi Singe back, pulled the baton out to hit him hard. He slammed against the water barrier.
I grabbed his staff and his uproar item.
“Dragonbug, there!”
I pointed towards where Miracle Queen was. A crazy idea coming to mind.
If it messes up Dragonbug’s power so thoroughly with just a touch to her yo-yo, not even her, I just need to hit Miracle Queen.
She opened a hole and I threw the staff through. Ignoring her laugh I sent the uproar item through next.
The bee/wasp things exploded into confetti.
Dragonbug let the water shield fall. Sending her yo-yo out to grab Miracle Queen she dragged her to us.
I quickly grabbed the now discoball source of her power with my Cataclysm.
Dragonbug is great at figuring out the plan.
The other three that were under control quickly straightened.
“Longg, Tikki, Divide.”
Longg split off of her, she smiled at him.
I nodded though, best I copy her.
“Sass, Plagg, Divide.” I caught Sass as he came off, smiling gently.
He winked at me.
“No more evil doing for you, little akuma. It’s time to de-evilize!”
She flicked her yo-yo out, snapping up the akuma. “Gotcha.”
“Bye bye little butterfly.”
Chloe changed back to normal, or well, changed by to Queen Bee.
I turned to look at Hawkmoth, best keep an eye on the enemy.
He laughed, letting out another akuma.
Chloe lit up, grabbing for the akuma.
How dare she!
Ladybug caught the akuma, purifying it as well.
“Hawkmoth is our enemy, Chloe. He can’t get ahold of the Miracle Box!”
I glared at Chloe, “How dare you. This is willingly working with him. A terrorist.”
“Well I’m not on your side anymore!”
“So then you’re a terrorist.”
She glared, “You didn’t want me. How many times did I ask to fight alongside you? And how many times have you refused to give me back my Miraculous. How many huh?”
My glare intensified. “It’s not YOUR Miraculous.”
She glared at me, “Hawkmoth isn’t my enemy, he’s yours! And the Miracle Box is mine!”
“He’s an enemy of the city! Of the country! Siding with him, Chloe you’re a criminal. You’ll be arrested for this!”
Ladybug nodded, “Chloe!”
Chloe ignored us, sitting down and opening the box.
She started to put on all the jewelry, a necklace, a hair pin, a bracelet thing, a ring, a nose ring, an anklet, another necklace.
“No Chloe don’t do that!”
“Oh yes I am, I’m going to be the most powerful Miraculous wielder there ever was!”
Hawkmoth’s laughter in the background only made me angrier.
This spoiled brat thought that she could get away with literal terrorism? That there would be no consequences of this.
I glanced down at my baton.
I hit record.
“I don’t even need to do anything! I knew you were one of us, Chloe Bourgeois!”
Chloe laughed madly, throwing her arms out.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Transform me!”
The kwamis seemed entirely unimpressed.
“She doesn’t even know our names!”
“You didn’t give the right commands!”
“Or say please for that matter.”
“I am your queen!” She cried, “The queen of the Miraculous! I command you to tell me how to proceed!”
I frowned as my ring beeped, I don’t have much time left.
“Then the Guardian will be at my mercy!”
I glanced back at Hawkmoth, well, that’s going great.
“Your friends are about to transform back! You’re on your own. Checkmate, Ladybug.”
Her eye’s narrowed, she scanned the area and nodded.
“I still have one move left Hawkmoth,” She flashed a smile at me.
“Lucky Charm!”
She threw her yo-yo up, a blur of ladybugs and a keyring fell into her hand.
She frowned, “A keyring? What am I supposed to do with this?”
She looked around frowning.
Hawkmoth laughed some more.
I don’t really hate people, but I think I can make an exception for Hawkmoth. And Chloe.
“Nothing! There’s nothing you can do! My plan was perfect! You can’t beat me!”
I squinted.
He sucks.
She looked around more, before turning to me.
“I can’t figure it out!”
“It’s okay Ladybug. Take a deep breath, center yourself, then focus. You’ve got this. You’re the smartest girl I know.”
She breathed in slowly, then let out the breath. Closing her eyes, she just breathed for a moment.
Then she looked around again.
Her expression faltered when she saw the Master again.
“Hey,” I stepped closer, gently holding her shoulders, “Look at me. Nothing else. Just me. It’s okay.”
“But it’s my fault. If I hadn’t forgotten to de-transform.”
“Then Hawkmoth might’ve found out your identity and found the Master.”
“But- I- It’s my fault. I’m the worst Ladybug to ever exist!” She dropped against my chest.
“No Ladybug,” The Master called down, “You are the best Miraculous holder I’ve ever met. You made mistakes, but who hasn’t? What matters is to fix them. And you always, always miraculously knew how to fix everything, right?”
“But what should I do Master!?”
“You hold all the keys Ladybug. You always have. And you will be the most magnificent of the Guardians.”
“What!?” Hawkmoth snapped.
“Master!” The Kwamis cried.
“Don’t do it!”
“I, Want Fu, hereby relinquish the Miracle Box and name Ladybug the new Guardian!”
My eyes widened what-
He lit up with white light.
The miracle box in front of Chloe lit up as well, a blur of light as it changed form.
An egg of Red with Black spots, though it looked… off.
The Master’s transformation ended, the egg dropped from the air, landing in Chloe’s hands.
“No! It’s my Miracle Box, MINE! I’m the Guardian! I’m the Queen!”
Selfish brat.
“Hawkmoth! Tell him to give me my box back!”
Hawkmoth turned away, scooping up Mayura. The Sentimonster started away.
My eyes narrowed.
“I’ll go after them, you grab the box.”
She nodded, “Good luck.”
I tried to follow, but the Sentimonster was too fast. I wouldn’t be able to catch up. Better I go back to Ladybug. In case she needs any help, however unlikely.
I returned in time to see her take the bee back from Chloe, and to hear Chloe yell about leaving with ‘mummy’.
I landed by Ladybug as the spoiled brat stomped off.
“Sorry, I couldn’t catch them. But, Chloe can’t get away with this.”
She looked away, “I know.”
I nodded.
We both quickly turned to leap up to the Master.
“Master,” she cried, crouching beside him, “Master wake up!”
She let out a half sob, I crouched beside her, touching her shoulder.
“Master? Master? Please…” she whispered.
He groaned.
The little kwami suddenly swept behind ladybug. Why did it-
“Oh, Such pretty costumes. Who are you.”
I felt Ladybug’s horror.
“Oh no,” I whispered, “Did he… did he lose his memory?”
The kwami pressed against Ladybug’s back.
“It’s the rule of the Guardians. Their memory gets erased when they pass on the box, to protect the secret identities of the Miraculous holders.”
“It’s all good,” Marinette said, her smile hiding the pain that her song held, “We’re friends sir.”
“Well, nice to meet you!” The Master said.
“Goodbye, Master.” The kwami whispered, dropping as his song ached with longing and sadness.
“Wait, Ladybug,” I turned to her, “You still have to cast the cure.”
She perked up, “Do you think-“
“I don’t know, I don’t know enough about the Miraculous. But it might be possible.”
“Of course.”
She pulled out the keychain that really did nothing for anyone.
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
The ladybugs swarmed around us, around the city.
“Master! Do you remember me?”
The hope in her song was almost painful.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, young lady, but this is the first time I’ve ever set eyes on you.”
The crash was hard. I might not know him, but he was Ladybug’s Master, and it’s clear that she loves him dearly.
The pain in her song, the resignation. I took her hand, trying to offer comfort.
“Yes, of course.”
“I guess since he did it to himself, and it had nothing to do with Chloe…”
“My magical ladybugs couldn’t do anything.” She whispered.
“It’s a shame you threw such a pretty keyring away.” The Master said, “I could’ve used it for my key. They were matching too.”
Ladybug gasped.
I blinked, oh, that’s what the keyring was for.
She smiled at him. “Thank you.”
We helped him down, then de-transformed back at the park.
“Thank you Luka.” She said, putting Longg’s Miraculous back in the box.
I handed her the snake Miraculous.
She stared at it for a long moment, before shaking her head.
“No, you were a huge help today.”
Plagg nodded, “Yeah, you did good for a first time cat.”
She locked eyes with me.
“Luka Couffaine, will you accept the duty of holding and guarding the snake Miraculous, putting it’s safety above your own, and use it to defend this city in times of need?”
I gasped, staring for a long moment before I swallowed. Nodding.
“I will.”
She needs me, I won’t let her down.
“Then Luka, you will keep Sass with you, reveal him to nobody, and when you are called, come to aid the city.”
She smiled, tears gathering.
“I’ll stand by you now and forever Marinette.”
“Thank you.” She lunged forward to hug me, “Thank you.”
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janeyseymour · 4 years ago
Silly Streaks
Someone had the idea that Jane makes all of the other queens break on stage because in an interview, the broadway queens said that Abby made Brit break a lot, and Brit and Sam both voiced that Abby is really funny, so uh... have a broadway SiX fic?
When the queens were out and about, each queen had their own place. Catherine of Aragon strutted confidently down the sidewalks of New York City, often leading the pack because she wasn’t afraid of the hustle and bustle of the city. Anne Boleyn was often bouncing between the front and back of the herd, trying to convince Aragon or Seymour to let her going into the M&M store or the Hershey store. Jane Seymour stuck to the back of the group, making sure that each of her fellow queens was in front of her. Being almost a head taller than some of them had its advantages. She was almost always able to catch Anne as she tried to sneak into the candy store for the millionth time that week. Anna of Cleves was often at the front of the pack too because she walked very quickly despite her lack of height. She wanted to be fit, lunge-walking almost anywhere she went. She also was not afraid to use her voice and ask people to “watch where they’re going because you really just almost trampled me”. Katherine Howard was more on the quiet side and wandered somewhere in the middle of the pack, airpods in and music blasting. Cathy Parr also found herself in the middle somewhere because she was just quiet. Never wanting to bother a soul, she let herself stay in the middle because she knew the first or fourth queen would clear the way for her while whoever was at the back didn’t mind the occasional shove they might get. 
When the queens were being interviewed, it was about what people expected. Catherine spoke with as much regality and elegance as you would think. She wasn’t queen for 24 years for nothing. She almost never spoke in slang (aside from the show). Anne Boleyn was always referring to more current things, and even showed off that she knew exactly who the “Spice Girls” were (“Anne, what the hell is a spice girl, and what kind of recipe would I even put it in?” Jane asked one day out of curiosity. “Oh Janey,” the second queen laughed. “They’re a band that came out in the 90s.” “Oh,” the blonde remarked, just a bit dumbfounded as to why they would name themselves after cooking ingredients.) Anna of Cleves had her own way with words, catchphrases of hers becoming quite apparent. (“Dude that’s sick!” “Punch it out! Punch it out!”) Katherine was a feisty one. She spoke with words that dripped with sarcasm, but she was never too rude about it. She offered her thoughts when asked, but for the most part she just played with the end of her ponytail. Cathy Parr was a quiet one. She spoke carefully; her syntax was impeccable even if she did stutter and stumble over her words every once in a while. She was not quite as graceful as her godmother, but she certainly wasn’t like Anne or Anna. And Jane Seymour, perhaps the quietest of the group, watched the others speak with a bright smile on her face- a clear sign that she was so proud of her girls. When she spoke, it was to agree with the others or express her gratitude for the support. Rarely did she add in her own thoughts other than “We are just so humbled by the love and support from the Queendom”. Occasionally after another queen would speak, she would quietly add on a “Yas Queen” or a simple “Preach”. 
Little did the Queendom know that the most reserved queen was actually the funniest when the cameras or spotlight weren’t on her. This came to light during a few interviews.
“Hey guys, a fan account just asked if we’d go live to do an interview with them? Are you guys all down?” Anne bounced out of her bedroom. The other five were quick to agree, so here they were. All settled down on or in front of their couch, laughing as the teen asked them questions.
“Okay, so who is the funniest queen?” All of the queens aside from Jane glanced at each other with knowing looks before the first queen spoke up.
“Okay, so we’ll let you in on a little secret. We know the queendom thinks that the funniest is probably Bo-loser, but it’s actually Janey.”
“I- What?” Jane sputtered out. “I’m not that-”
“Don’t listen to her guys,” the green queen laughed. “She’s hilarious.” Jane opened her mouth to object to this statement, but Kat beat her to it.
“You know, we all have our silly days, but when Jane does, it’s amazing. She’s like, always just like,” Kat giggled slightly. “saying that one thing under her breath, and maybe you’ll hear it, but not everyone will hear. And when you do hear it, you’re like ‘Jane what?!’ She is so funny.”
“Seriously though. Seymour makes me laugh on stage all the time. She’ll like, pop an eyebrow when I break and just go ‘baby’ before continuing on with whatever she’s doing. Or like, right before the curtain goes up for the beginning of the show she’ll say something that has me dying laughing. I have to like, get it together before my first line.”
“I had no idea you guys thought that way,” Jane admitted quietly, a small blush creeping up on her face.
“That’s hilarious,” the interviewer commented.
One night, a few days after the instagram live interview had taken place, the girls were on stage when something happened. Anna’s fake nail popped off.
“What the-” the fourth queen muttered. Instantly, Jane was behind her murmuring under her breath.
“Wait, I got you,” The third queen, feeling particularly silly that night, leaned away from her microphone for a minute and turned upstage before popping one of her own nails off and throwing it off stage.
“Jane what the-” Anna began to howl with laughter to the point where even when her microphone was held away from her face, the sound was being picked up.
Jane quirked an eyebrow, her eyes sparkling with a glint of mischievousness. “Baby,” she mouthed.
“Jane!” the red queen only continued to laugh, directing the attention towards her and the third queen. 
“Uh, guys? I’m kind of in the middle of my roast right now, so if you would let me continue, that’d be-” Katherine was cut off by more of Anna’s laughter. 
“I-I-I-” the fourth queen tried to catch her breath. “I’m so sorry. Seymour is just-” At the mention of her name, the blonde blushed. “-My nail popped off, and she literally ripped one of her own off. Who the hell does that?”
“Oh my god,” the other four queens started to laugh, as did the audience. 
“The magic of live theater?” Jane offered with a shrug of her shoulders. “So sorry Kat, you can continue now.”
“And Jane, dying of natural causes.... When will justice be served?” Katherine threw her hands up in exasperation, much like she did in every other show. Tonight though, Jane was still feeling a bit silly. In turn, she rolled her eyes like she did so often before retorting, “When will justice be served?”
The five other queens bit back a laugh before Katherine repeated her question. The two went back and forth a few times before Jane snorted, “Okay love, move on. We’ve beaten this joke to death.”
“What the-” Anna began howling again.
“Everyone notices Jane can’t dance!” The green queen exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy as she made this joke. The blonde had tripped a few times this show, once landing her on the floor in a heap. 
“And Anna can’t keep her fingernails on,” Jane chose to fake-scoff back instead of going about her stammering.
The queens had gone about finishing their show and heading to stagedoor as usual when Jane was met with a swarm of fans she usually didn’t find herself in. Most people normally flocked towards Katherine or Anne, fan favorites of the show. 
“I, uh, hi?” Jane waved awkwardly at the fans who were crowding her, not that she minded. Sometimes, it was nice for the docile queen to be recognized for being a bit more chaotic.
“Jane, you were so funny tonight. I don’t know how you thought of that stuff so quickly, but it was truly gold.”
“Oh that’s just me having the brain capacity of an onion,” Jane muttered to herself, but the fan in front of her picked up on it.
“I-” the fan laughed. “What does that even mean?”
“Did I say that out loud?” the blonde face palmed herself.
“Can you please write that on my playbill?” Another fan who heard laughed.
From that day on, the third queen would allow herself to voice her thoughts a bit more freely in the show; none of the other queens minded. It was nice to show the queendom that even in the stereotypes they had been placed in for the show, they were real people. Jane may have always been known as the quiet and most demure queen, but every once in a while, she released her inner chaos. And you never knew what was going to come out of her mouth.
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hyunnielix · 6 years ago
Fake Smile
During the current unsolved case, Y/N mysteriously vanishes forcing David to chose which is more important. 
Pairing: Y/N x Detective Loki
Warnings: Prisoners Spoilers!, ANGST!, Fluff, Backstory?, Timeskips, kinda AU
Word Count: 2.2k
I won't say I'm feeling fine After what I been through, I can't lie Fuck a fake smile
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You vividly remember the time he caught your eye, his darkened slicked back hair and distinctive warped version of a star tattoed on his neck that was nearly always covered by the collar of the shirts he wore. His build was somewhat muscular but complimented his height and he radiated dominance in his mannerisms. You observed his nervous facial tic which was yet another thing that interested you. His demeanour held something that drew you to gravitate towards him, curiosity and questions lingered in the back of your mind every time you saw him. 
Luckily for you, he regularly visited the little Chinese restaurant you worked at, unfortunately, you usually had the day shifts meaning Mei your friend and co-worker served him during the night shifts.
“Y/N, it wouldn’t be a bother if you could possibly do the rest of the night shift tonight?” the raven-haired waitress called out as she began to hang up her apron, throwing her head over her shoulder with her brows furrowed awaiting your verbal response.
“I get it you have a family here, I understand it’s no problem,” You reassured her, your lips upturning into a weak smile as she mouthed many ‘thank you’s’ before collecting her bag and exiting through the doors and into the typical depressing weather of Pensylvania. The rain pattering against the windows was somehow relaxing, a nice contrast compared to the chaotic noise of the restaurant during the day.
The ear piercing ring of the irritating bell signalled the entrance of another customer, poking your head around the corner you tried to prevent a smile as you realised it was him.
“It’s on the house,” You murmured as you placed the last plate decorated with a cheesy fortune cookie on the white marble table in front of him.
“No one deserves to be alone on Thanksgiving,” You commented, leaning on one of the metal chairs as you peered down at the male who seemed to always captivate you.
“You are,” He observed, bringing the coffee cup up to his lips as his bright blue eyes met yours, you couldn’t help but take notice of the dark rings under them causing you to let out a sigh.
“Don’t have any family around these parts, I’m used to being alone doesn’t bother me really,” You responded a bit too quickly covering it up with a smile as he nodded, fascinated by your forwardness.
“Y/N,” You stuck your hand out, you’d noticed he wasn’t a big fan of physical affection so this would have to do for now.
“David,” He replied, his voice monotone as he pressed his lips into a line, gripping your hand shaking it politely.
Since then a friendship had blossomed between the both of you, always looking out for each other as if was like second nature and instinct.
The town had dubbed him the best detective for the sole reason of every case he had been assigned he’d closed. Although his occupation originally intrigued you, it was an outlet for his frustrations and internal demons, the violence you’d witnessed firsthand had frightened you to the core. It was almost as if Detective Loki and David were two entirely different entities altogether.
The new case he had been assigned was taking a toll on his physical and mental health, although he wouldn’t like to admit it he had a soft spot for children.
“Bob Taylor fucking killed himself under my surveillance,” The words fell off his tongue like venom as he paced around the living room, he was beyond stressed as you noticed his double blinking became more prominent when he was in a state like this.
“How did he do that, I thought he was in custody?” You questioned, tilting your head in confusion as you leant against the wall, arms folded over one another as you intently listened.
“It was my fault,” He admitted, shaking his head almost in disbelief before running his fingers through his longer slicked back hair in a defeated notion.
“All my fucking fault because my anger bested me and now those little girls are going to die because of me,” He raised his voice to the point that you were flinching from the harshness of his tone as he stood in front of you.
“You couldn’t have known the outcome stop being so hard on yourself, you can’t save everyone.” You tried to convince him reaching out for his shoulder, frowning at his self-hating tendencies.
“Who else do I blame,” He snapped, his fist colliding into the all just mere centimetres from your face causing your breath to hitch. Letting out shallow exhales, you began to feel your eyes water unsure of how to handle his aggressive outburst.
“I’m sorry, I didn't mean to-,” He profusely apologized shakily bringing his fist up to his mouth and cursing quietly under his breath turning around, you were the last person he’d want to scare away.
“C’mere,” You whispered softly enough for him to hear you, he turned his body to face you, his eyes glued to the ground as his chin trembled. Cupping under the side of his jaw, you brushed your thumb against his cheek trying to calm him down.
You wrapped your arms around his torso holding his body closer to yours, resting your hand on the back of his head comfortingly. He nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. You felt warm liquid dripping onto your shoulder, hearing the soft whimpers that left his lips completely broke you. You knew he was hurting and had trouble expressing his emotions but it’d never been this severe before.
“It’s going to be okay, you’ll figure it out you always do,” You reassured him as he pulled away, covering his face with the palms of his hands to recollect himself.
“But what If I don’t?” He asked, rendering you speechless as you tried to respond optimistically which was proving to be a harder task than usual.
A ringtone caught the attention of both of you, giving him a small nod dismissing him he quickly bolted out of the corridor and front door eventually towards his black car, phone held up to his ear in the process.
The last encounter you had with him was three days ago, you knew the vulnerability he showed you embarrassed him and the fact you brought that out in him terrified him. From what you could tell he was burying himself deeper in the case to avoid you which you didn’t blame him for.
They’d found one of the girls, Joy Birch but the Dover family’s daughter Anna was still reported missing according to the morning news you’d just happened to turn on coincidentally at the right time.
A weak knock on the door disturbed your concentration and train of thought as you mixed the tea mindlessly in a ceramic cup, placing the metallic spoon on the counter of the kitchen you strode towards the door hoping like hell it was David.
“Holly!” You were surprised to see the rather old woman as you opened the door, her frizzy grey hair and magnified glasses were her defining features that were prominently engraved into your mind, perks of having her as a neighbour.
“Y/N, sorry to intrude I just wanted to ask you a few questions about Alex,” She inquired, pushing her glasses up further on the bridge of her nose a sickly sweet almost fake-looking smile plastered on her face.
“Uh- Sure Ms, Jones,” You stuttered allowing her to pass you, closing the door after she’d walked in you felt a hard metal sensation at the back of your head realising it was the barrel of a gun you froze.
“It’ll hurt less if you don't move,” She explained, Sinking down onto your knees as you obeyed her non-verbal commands, she brushed your hair to the side exposing your neck.
“This should be just enough to knock you out,” She murmured as you saw the small syringe she was holding out of the corner of your eye. Dropping the gun she held your head in a lock position, injecting the black unidentifiable liquid into your bloodstream. 
A feeling of nausea overtook your body, causing your eyelids to flutter shut against your will body crumbling into a heap on the ground.
“You’re too personally involved in this case detective, I think you need to sit on the sidelines for a while,” The chief explained lifting a glass to his mouth that was filled with a dark auburn liquid that could only be the distinctive alcoholic beverage whiskey due to its infiltrating smell, offering one to him as a polite gesture.
“No, sir you don’t fucking understand,” David cursed, standing up from out of the seat and towering his height over the chief intimidatingly, causing him to place down the second glass of poison for your liver. 
“I will not stop until I find her, now are you willing to deploy your best officers or not?” He questioned rather confrontationally, pointing this finger onto the desk repeatedly to get the message across as he resisted the urge to blink again.
“Just be sure the little girl doesn’t get killed in doing so that’s if she’s still alive.” The chief taunted him, dismissing the detective from the short meeting that ended on a bittersweet note.
Dreading the information he had to give to Holly about her nephew Alex, he reiterated and rehearsed the particular words he was going to use as he reached the front door of the familiar house.
The iridescent moonlight that shone down momentarily distracted him from the fact that it was almost too quiet as he scanned his eyes around the property hesitating before deciding to press the doorbell, the obnoxious ringing of it almost deafening with the silence originally surrounding him.
Listening intently, what he could deduct as rustling around and movement in the house began to interest him more than it should.
“Miss Jones? You in there? He began to speak, voice starting off strong but ending in a whisper as he pushed the front door open easily, causing his suspicion to triple. A brief and almost faint noise that sounded remarkably like someone crying fully caught his attention.
“David! We’re in here,” You screamed muffled by the piece of cloth Holly had stuffed in your mouth, fighting against your gag reflex every time you attempted to open your mouth as warm liquid continually streaked down your cheeks unable to rid the shock out of your system.
“You little bitch,” Holly exclaimed referring to you, rushing to inject more of the deadly poison into the little lifeless girl's body beside you before yours.
Your eyes widened as your gaze fell on his shadow that seemed to be approaching the room silently, hearing a small exhale which you could only guess was him, he stepped into the doorway gun at the ready while his eyes focused on the scene unravelling before him. 
”Stop, put it down!” He ordered, gun outstretched and pointed in her direction as she pulled out the half-emptied syringe and released her grasp on it, the small syringe collided with the floor causing a tiny clang.
“Make sure they cremate me. I don’t want to be buried in some box,” She commented, her gaze focused on yours a wicked smirk plastered on her face as she straightened up, still facing you. 
”Turn around, show me your hands,” His tone was dead serious, adrenaline pumping through his system as he waited. Your eyes widened as you realised she was reaching in her pocket for the gun she threatened you with earlier.
“I will shoot her,” Holly threatened, pointing the gun at your head. The sound of guns firing sent electrical shocks through your body, eyes clenched shut as a bullet buried itself in the wooden planks beside you. What sounded like a body hitting the ground prompted you to open them.
“Requesting backup to the Jones's house,” He muttered, momentarily forgetting the address which caused him to curse as he ambled towards you, he’d been hit slightly grazed by the bullet causing a crimson substance to trickle down his face temporarily stunting his vision.
“Shh, sweetheart it’s okay I’m here now,” He dropped to his knees, removing the piece of cloth that was holding back your choked sobs before he wrapped his arms around you. You leant into his touch resting your forehead on his shoulder as he began to help you breathe properly. Inhaling and exhaling slowly, your crying stopped.
“You’re bleeding, fuck,” He exclaimed as he brought his hand down to your lower abdomen watching your face contort with pain as you struggled to speak, nodding instead in response to his observation.
“So are you,” You weakly replied attempting to wipe away some of the crimson substance streaking down his cheek while slumping back against the wall.
“Now take Anna and get her to the hospital, she’s not going to last,” You ordered, glancing at the lifeless child with worry, unsure of the specifics of what Holly had injected her with.
“What about you?” He questioned, face painted with concern as his brows furrowed while you tried to convince him to leave and potentially save the girls life.
“I’ll be fine, you requested backup remember?” 
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shipmistress9 · 6 years ago
FTLOAP: Bonus 1: Skullcrusher
As announced, there won't be a new chapter for FTLOAP this week, because I'm on vacation in the UK. I'm visiting a friend and also am going to meet other friends I never would have made if not for fanfictions and HTTYD. So what better company could there be to watch the third film with? @taketheshot21 , @athingofvikings , @themanonthecouch , @heathenvampires , I'm so happy to know you! :D
However, just because there won’t be a new chapter this week doesn’t mean there will be nothing. This is the first part of my Bonus and Background Collection for For The Love Of A Princess. This little story here was meant to be a fun story, but in the end turned more fluffy and a bit angsty, maybe. Anyway, this little story refers to something that got mentioned in Interlude 3: Chaos Squad. It's about how Dagur ended up calling his brew Skullcrusher... and other things. Hope you enjoy it. :)
Fandom: HTTYD
Alpha/Co-author: @athingofvikings
Discord-server for discussions and questions
. o O o .
Groaning, Eret covered his eyes with his hand as he stepped out of their house’s backdoor. The bright sunlight felt like little lances piercing into his head, which only made the headache he already had worse.
“Loki, I’ll never drink that stuff again,” he muttered. “I feel as if my head’s splitting in two.”
“Ah, don’t be such a lightweight,” an aggravatingly cheerful voice came from behind him, and Eret turned to glare at the voice’s source. Dagur, however, just kept grinning. “You just overdid it a bit. Not that I can blame you, that stuff is fantastic. Good thing I wrote down the recipe; I’ve got to make more of it. And it needs a proper name. Something… something cool so that people know exactly what to expect of it. Mmh, Mjolnir, maybe? Or would that be too presumptuous? How about Blissbringer? No, that sounds more like an aphrodisiac. I mean, it was followed by pure bliss, but I doubt everyone who drinks this would be so lucky as to experience such joy. Mmh, I’ve got to think about this. Anyway... not the point! The point is that my brew is fantastic. You just need to work up to it. Believe me, once you’ve gotten used to it, you barely feel anything anymore.”
Grunting, Eret shook his head – and regretted it instantly as the motion made his vision swim. It wasn’t as if he didn’t believe Dagur; he knew well enough that his hangover came from too much rather than from what he’d been drinking last night. But, Loki, this time he really wished he hadn’t drunk anything. Having a hangover was never fun, but having one when dealing with a skittish stallion? That was worse.
“You really could have stopped me at some point,” he muttered, but smiled nonetheless when Dagur gave him a nudge to the arm.
“Ah, but we had so much fun!”
And they really had. Eret still couldn't believe how… liberating it had been to spend the night with Dagur. Not just laughing and drinking and joking like they’d done nearly all their lives, no. Actually spending the night together, as lovers. As a couple.
That still sounded… strange, even in his own head. Just like calling Dagur his boyfriend did. But it was true nonetheless, and now that the truth was out – at least between the two of them – he couldn't be happier.
He’d known for a while that what he felt for Dagur was more than just brotherly affection. But it had taken the chaotic night of the grand blot a few months back, with inhibition lowered by alcohol, incense, and the sense of new beginnings, for him to realise what he felt. And that Dagur felt the same.
That night, they’d kissed for the first time. He remembered the kiss he'd once shared with Swanja, an experiment to see whether their closeness meant more than the affection between siblings. But there had been nothing, just awkwardness and weirdness. With Dagur, it had been different. It almost happened by accident, in-between messily making-out with who knew how many people, but it had sparked a deep fire that since then was glowing inside him. For all these months now, it had never failed to bring a grin to his face, and last night… Last night, it had grown into a true bonfire, every stroke of hands over bare skin, every kiss only letting it burn hotter.
No, there was nothing about last night Eret truly regretted, not even celebrating their love with Dagur's latest brew. The stuff had been good! But by Odin, he wished he'd drunk at least a little less.
“Fun it was,” he admitted with a smirk that made Dagur cackle. “But I severely hope the reports about the horse they sent back from Berk were exaggerated, or I fear my head might just split in two at some point.”
The reminder of bad news was enough to let even Dagur sober up in an instant. “So it's true?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed. “They're all dead?”
Eret nodded, eyes dropping to the ground. “Looks like it. The entire house burned down to the ground, and no matter how much they searched, they couldn't find any survivors. Just... burned bodies. They haven’t even been able to sort out who is who for some of them.” The thought still hurt. Eret had spent a lot of time at his aunt’s household, had taught his cousin Hiccup, who had a natural gift in dealing with animals, how to handle their horses, had sparred with his uncle Stoick and his younger cousin Arndis, had told stories to his little cousin Teitr, the small boy staring up at him with wide green eyes. It were fond memories; he’d always enjoyed spending time with this part of his family. But now, they were all dead, they and their entire household, servants and everybody.
He took a deep breath to steady himself again. Death wasn’t something he hadn’t encountered before. Hel, it had been only three years ago that he and his sisters had lost their mother. But this was still… different somehow. Because nobody knew what really happened, whether it had been an accident, a dragon attack, arson, or a deliberate assassination. Everything was possible, and yet nothing made sense.
And there was nothing he could do about it either. Nothing but to take back his uncle’s horse, who was too hot-blooded for anyone in the Tribes to handle. Or that’s what he’d heard. Maybe they were just too superstitious to ride a dead man’s horse. Although truth be told, Skullcrusher was tough to handle. Eret remembered breaking him down only two years prior, and it had been quite a bit of work. No wonder even his father’s grooms didn’t dare to get near the beast now and had called for him instead. Well, he had to pick a new horse anyway with his current steed getting too old, so getting used to this one might be just right anyway.
“Woah, that’s what I call a big horse,” Dagur whistled as they rounded a corner and spotted the stallion on a secluded paddock nearby.
“Yeah, and you better keep your distance,” Eret replied, and placed his hand in a ‘wait here’-gesture on Dagur’s chest as they reached the fence. “If even the grooms had their problems…”
Dagur paused in his steps, then nodded. “Yeah, you’re probably right. But don’t think I’ll always do as you say,” he added, cackling when Eret rolled his eyes with a fond smile. If last night had made one thing clear, then it was that neither of them would be submissive in any way. Instead, there would be constant play-fighting between them, and Eret was looking very forward to it.
Brushing all distracting thoughts aside for now, he entered the paddock. His hands were raised in a calming gesture, and he automatically started to make shooing and humming noises under his breath to keep Skullcrusher calm as he neared the horse. The stallion was a beauty, even with his black fur matted by lack of grooming. Nobody had gotten close enough to him in a while to do so.
Contrary to what Eret had expected though, the beast didn’t calm down. Instead, it seemed to get even more agitated, lifted his head with his ears pressed flat to his fur and pranced nervously. It made Eret pause; that wasn’t how they’d trained their horses to react to those noises.
“Be careful,” Dagur called from behind. “It looks as if it’s ready to hammer you into the ground. And not in the fun wa– oops!” Dagur’s loud words had startled the stallion, his attention jerking away from Eret before he turned and cantered away to the other side of the paddock. “Sorry?”
Eret turned and gave Dagur a flat look.
“Hey, I said I was sorry!” Dagur called in a slightly remorseful tone, but the amusement tinging his words sounded far more like him.
Fighting the twitching of his lips, Eret turned back to the stallion and slowly walked over. Dagur couldn't stay serious for long no matter what, probably not even if his life depended on it, and it was part of what… what he loved about him. Because that was what it was. Love. Sure, they'd always been close. But this felt so much different. Good. Right. He threw another glance over his shoulder at Dagur, a warm smile, and as if Dagur had known, his expression already matched Eret's.
But now, he had a horse to deal with. Again, he neared Skullcrusher with raised hands, averted eyes, and the usual calming noises, but it was bewitched. He barely ever made it closer than half a dozen steps before the horse bolted. For over half an hour he tried again and again but didn't make any considerable progress, until it happened.
Eret wasn’t sure whether the beast did it on purpose, just hadn’t paid attention, or was so stressed by now that he wasn’t even looking where he was running anymore. But at his next attempt at bolting away from Eret, Skullcrusher missed and hit him in a near-full bodyslam against his shoulder, and Eret found himself lying on the hard ground before he knew what had happened. All he knew was that, in addition to the hangover, his head now also hurt from the impact.
“Hey, you still alive down there?” There was concern in Dagur’s voice as he appeared above him a moment or three later, but it was barely noticeable beneath the amusement.
Groaning, Eret closed his eyes, his head pounding somewhat fiercely. “I think I found the perfect name for your deadly brew,” he muttered, trying to concentrate on anything else beside the hammering pain. “How about Skullcrusher? Because let me tell you, they both hurt the same.”
Dagur paused, then burst out laughing in his usual irresistible way. “Oh, Gods, that’s brilliant,” he cackled. “I hope that old nag doesn’t mind, but yeah, I’ll use that name. It’s perfect.” He reached one arm out to help Eret up, and Eret took it gratefully.
Groaning some more, he followed Dagur to the side where a plate with cheese and bread, and a carafe with fresh water were waiting. He hadn’t even noticed, but Dagur must have sent for food at some point, and Eret threw his lover an appreciative smile. “Thanks. That’s just what I need now.”
“Anytime,” Dagur retorted, grinning. “Thought you could need a little refreshment.”
They settled in to eat, chatting lightly over non-threatening topics. The weather, the landscape, the latest gossip. Not about what was important, like the war or the dead, or what their feelings for each other meant and where they might lead them, but it was good. For now, it was good.
“Alright then, let’s give it another try,” Eret muttered eventually. With his arms crossed in front of him, he leaned against the paddock's fence, frowning as he watched the grazing stallion in the distance.
“I'd say he simply doesn't like you,” Dagur commented, cheerful as ever. He sat on top of the fence next to him by now, and apparently found the idea of a continuation of the show highly amusing. “If you'd come at me with that determination, I'd given in long ago.”
Almost against his will, Dagur’s cackling made Eret’s lips stretch into a grin. It didn’t last long, however, worries soon clouding his mind again. “But he has to cooperate,” he muttered, face dropping again. “If he’s really so fixated on his former rider that he wouldn’t accept anyone else…”
“So what?” Dagur asked when Eret trailed off. “Isn’t that what you train these horses for? To be loyal to their owner?”
Sighing, Eret nodded. “Yes. But his owner is dead,” he replied harshly. “We can’t keep him uncontrolled like this, so if he doesn’t accept anyone else near him, then… then we have no choice but to kill him too. And–” he gulped as a lump was forming in his throat at that thought– “and I don’t want to do that. Skullcrusher… He’s like the last part of them, you know? If he dies too…”
Suddenly, a hand was on his shoulder, squeezing him comfortingly, and only now did Eret realise how tense he was. Killing a horse was never a pleasant job, but this horse? No, he couldn’t let that happen, not without a better reason. It would feel like losing them all over again.
“Hey, it’ll be okay,” Dagur muttered, suddenly sounding much more insightful than usual, and when Eret turned, the redhead had an oddly intense expression on his face. “I didn’t mean it like that. Since when do I encourage giving up that easily?” Again, he squeezed his shoulder, but this time it failed to cheer him up. “Go on, try again. Maybe he just didn’t understand you. Are you sure you used the right noises? They sound pretty weird to me.”
Eret snorted. “Of course I’m using the right noises!” he exclaimed. “I’m working with these horses for almost ten years now, don’t you think I–” He broke off, eyes widening as he remembered. Of course! Stoick had been bad at getting these noises right. Like… really bad! It had always sounded off and he hadn’t been good at remembering the right order either, or so Hiccup had said. And he’d also said that he’d trained his father’s horse to react to a different set of noises instead, a melody their mother had often hummed to them.
“Ha!” His outburst seemed to startle Dagur, judging by the puzzled frown on his face as Eret turned to grin at him. “Thanks, Dag, that’s it! I was using the wrong sounds. Now, I just…” Almost feverishly, he scoured his mind for the right tune. It was one he’d heard in his childhood too, but had forgotten until he’d heard Valka hum it to Teitr. Hearing it again from Hiccup in Berk’s stables had been nothing but funny in that moment, but the deeper meaning hadn’t registered in his mind – not until now. But now, it was back, and all he had to do was remember the melody.
Nodding to himself, Eret pushed himself off the fence and made another attempt at getting closer to Skullcrusher. The stallion eyed him warily, looking ready to bolt again. One step more, than Eret began to hum. It came out low and more insecure than he’d hoped, but the effect was instantaneous. Skullcrusher’s ears twitched around, curious. The next step had the horse’s flanks tense up again, but Eret’s humming held more confidence now, and it only took a couple of seconds until the horse relaxed again. Two more steps, then Eret was able to touch the stallion’s snout and place a calming hand on his neck.
“There we go,” he murmured, scratching the horse’s chest which he obviously enjoyed greatly. “That’s good, isn’t it? Yeah, you’re a good boy. We’ll get along, you and me, won’t we?” He kept murmuring and humming until the stallion had relaxed completely, and Eret sighed in relief. So they wouldn’t have to kill him after all, but would be able to keep him instead. He would be able to keep him. “But you know what, big boy? Skullcrusher is quite a mouthful. Mind if I just call you Crusher instead?” The horse snorted, once, then rubbed his big head against Eret’s chest, making him chuckle.
“Is it safe to get closer?”
Looking up, Eret saw that Dagur had followed him across the paddock and now stood a healthy distance away. He was grinning, as usual, but there was more in his eyes than just humour; a certain fondness and a hint of pride. Eret placed a calming hand on Crusher’s neck, the other on the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, but be careful,” he said calmly. “No too sudden movements.”
Eyeing the horse warily, Dagur came closer. “He’s even bigger than he looked from afar,” he muttered, glancing upwards. “Now I’m all the more glad he didn’t trample you into the ground. I would have missed you.” He winked, making Eret snort. “No, really. But jokes aside… I’m glad you were able to calm him. Because you’re right, it would have been a shame.”
A shame indeed, Eret thought to himself. Again, the memories of those lost threatened to overwhelm him, and he quickly sought comfort in those around him; against Crusher’s neck and with Dagur’s hand in his. He would keep them alive in his memories, he decided, but life would go on.
It would have to.
. o O o .
So, that was that... hope you enjoyed it! :)
I can't say how often or regular I'm going to add to this collection. Feel free to suggest if there's something you'd like to see/know, but I won't/can't guarantee that I'm going to write everything.
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croatian-magician · 6 years ago
An unforgettable night
Pairing: Rakidric
Summary: Ivan joins Luka to congratulate him for winning the best player awards
Luka was shaking from head to toes, his award in his hands. He still couldn’t believe this was real. It was like living a fairytale, except this wasn’t, this was his life. He had pinched himself enough time already to know he wasn’t dreaming.
His speech, the interviews, the congratulations, it was all a blur and he was grateful to finally be in his hotel room where he could compose himself and realize what was happening. He was currently holding a lifelong dream. So far, he had managed to restrain his tears of joy, but now that he was finally alone, he let it all go.
He wanted to jump around, to shout his joy to the whole world, but since he didn’t know what to do he simply stayed there, his cheeks wet, until there was a knock on the door. Quickly, he put his award on a nearby table and wiped the tears out of his face. Then, in a haste, he went to open the door, assuming it was another person wanting to congratulate him.
He wasn’t wrong, even if he wasn’t expecting this particular man to show up.
“Ivan… How… I thought you wouldn’t be able to make it…”
His teamate didn’t answer. He simply pushed the door closed behind him and put a hand on Luka’s nape, bringing his face closer until their lips were touching, while the other went to rest on the small of his back. Luka had to stretch on his toes to reach his lover but that didn’t stop him from wrapping his arms around his back, crying again from the simple, pure happiness of having Ivan here with him.
“Of course I needed to be here, Lukita. This is such a big night for you, how could I live with myself if I missed it? I just wanted to stay away from the cameras though, so I could focus on you and only you. And maybe it’s a bit selfish, but I wanted to see this, to see the joy on your face when you would realize I was standing at your door. Will you forgive me for this?”
“You big idiot, there is nothing to forgive! I love you so much, Ivan, you have no idea. Thank you for being here, thank you for making this night even more perfect than it already is!”
Luka buried his face in his boyfriend’s chest, taking in his scent. Ivan always smelled of home and safety. When they were apart, he would lend him some clothes that Luka would wear or sleep with, just so he could feel this connection with him, no matter the distance separating them.
“You look stunning tonight, Lukita. I mean, you always do, but that suit… You wear it so well.”
Luka fidgeted a little, playing with his bow tie, flustered by Ivan’s compliments. A shy smile and a gentle blush covered his face as he bit his lip, not knowing how to react to the praise.
“Oh, you think so? Did you see me at the ceremony? I didn’t look too awkward in it? You know I’m more comfortable wearing a jersey than fancy clothes…”
“What kind of a question is this? Are you seriously asking me if I watched the ceremony when my wonderful boyfriend was involved? Of course I saw you and I’m pretty sure you stole everyone’s heart out there. You’re lucky I’m not a possessive boyfriend. I could get jealous.” Ivan teased him gently, playing with the brooch on Luka’s vest.
“But you know you’re the only one I love.”
“Of course, I know it. Now, how about you show me that trophy you won with all your hard work and dedication?”
“Oh, yes, sure! This way!”
Luka took Ivan’s hand and quickly guided so they could both sit on his bed, close to where he had left the award. He went to fetch it then proudly showed it to Ivan, stars in his eyes, like a child proud of his drawing.
“Can I touch it?”
“Of course you can! Here, you can even hold it. It’s not a forbidden treasure, you know.”
He gave him to his boyfriend, and to his great surprise, Ivan’s eyes started watering. His lover gave him an apologetic though bright smile.
“Sorry for getting emotional Lukita, it’s just… Somehow, I feel more proud and happy than if I had won this myself. You fought so hard to get where you are, dragi. Your reward was long overdue.”
Luka leaned over him to put a quick, butterfly kiss on Ivan’s lips. Then he gently caressed his cheek, wiping his tears away.
“Damn, it means so much… To know that you think so highly of me… That you’re proud…”
“Of course I’m proud! Everyone is so proud of you Lukita! I could write a whole essay right now about how you’re the most amazing man I know, about how you keep surprising me with your talent day after day.”
“Please don’t. As much as I’m sure I would enjoy your writing, I would prefer if you could use your hands to keep me close to you right now.”
“Oh, someone is in need of cuddles, I see.” Ivan laughed, putting the trophy aside so he could open his arms for his lover.
Luka happily snuggled against him, stealing another kiss from Ivan’s offered lips. They quickly laid on the bed, with Luka resting above his boyfriend. They kissed lazily, not trying to initiate anything further, happy with their slow making out. After a while, they parted and Luka let his head fall against Ivan’s shoulder. He slowly traced his lover’s jaw with his finger and the taller man laughed and stayed still to make his task easier.
“You know what happens now, right?” Luka whispered, as though he was sharing an intimate secret.
“Actually I don’t, but please do tell me.”
“Well, now you need to be the next one to get an award. I know you have enough strength in yourself to achieve it.”
“Sounds like an impossible task. I mean, how am I supposed to receive an award first when you’re going to win Ballon d’or in December?”
“Don’t say that! I’ll never win it. I mean, I already can’t believe I got this trophy and the UEFA one, so the Ballon d’or? That’s definitely out of my reach.”
“No it isn’t, because the insecure idiot I’m holding in my arms right now is the best player in the world and I think it’s more than time for him to admit it.”
“No buts. Luka Modric. Best player in the world. That’s what your award stands for, so don’t argue about this. You are the best, Lukita, and I’m far from being the only one saying it.”
“God, Ivan, each time I think I can’t love you more, you just…”
Luka tried to convey his feelings through chaotic hands movement, unable to express himself through words. Ivan chuckled and kissed him before he could embarrass himself any further. At first, the smaller man pouted a little, upset that his lover was making fun of him, but he soon let go of any grudges and parted his lips to welcome Ivan’s kiss.
This time, he tried to make things more heated and moved so he would straddle Ivan, but his lover gently pushed him away, although with shaky hands.
“Sorry, we’ll have to save that for later, Lukita. I can’t get you too worked up or exhausted, I promised Marcelo to take you to a small party he organized for you. I’m pretty sure he’ll rip me apart if I don’t take you there.”
“Oh, so now you’re working with the Real Madrid enemy? I didn’t expect that from you, Ivan. Maybe I corrupted you well enough so you’ll finally see the light and agree to come play here with me? Also, don’t be ridiculous, Marce would never hurt anyone.”
“I’m only doing this for you, Lukita. Don’t get any ideas, though. Your pretty eyes won’t make me sway from the path of loyalty, even though I must admit the offer is tempting. As for your friend, it shows that you weren’t there when he talked to me during the clasico, right after we started dating. If I remember well, it was something about him breaking my knees so I would never be able to play again if I ever hurt you.”
Luka opened his eyes wide, faking shock.
“Damn, at least now I know why you’re treating me so well. I guess I’ll have to thank Marce for that…”
“You little…”
Ivan switched position with his lover, trapping Luka under his body, then he slided his hands under his suit shirt and started tickling his sides. The smaller man tried to wriggle out of his grasp, but Ivan’s hold on him was firm and he wasn’t ready to let that happen. When his lover started begging him for mercy, Ivan finally stopped, but he kept Luka trapped underneath him, almost crushing him under his weight.
“Ivan, I don’t want to be rude, but could you move, please?”
“I don’t know, are you ready to behave? Or will you keep on provoking me?”
“I’ll try my best to be nice.” Luka chuckled back before putting a teasing kiss on Ivan’s nose.
“Well that’s good, because it’s about time to leave. If you please.”
Ivan got up from the bed and offered Luka his hand. The smaller man happily took it, a warm smile on his face.
“I’m warning you, Lukita, you’d better have one of the best nights of your life. Today is for you, my handsome best player.”
“Oh but this night already is unforgettable, because of you. Thank you for being here tonight, Ivan.” Luka whispered before leaning in for another kiss.
Ivan lips were warm against his and when they parted, Luka’s eyes were bright with happiness.
“It’s time to go now.” Ivan reminded him, though they could have spent hours just staring at each other.
“Let’s hurry then. With the state my clothes are in because of your childish games, people will already gossip. It will be even worse if we’re late.”
“True. I’m impatient to see you partying around and really enjoying tonight’s achievement. Also, you’re always so cute and giddy when you’re drunk.”
“Ivan, if you try to take videos of that, I swear that I…”
“I won’t, I promise Lukita. You know you can trust me.”
Luka saw the sincerity in his lover’s eyes and he relaxed, his worries forgotten.
“Although I can’t say the same for your Real Madrid teamates.”
This time, Luka groaned, rolling his eyes, but he still took Ivan’s hand in his before heading outside, a shy, hidden grin of bliss on his face.
Videos or not, he would keep these moments in his heart forever.
Taglist:  @puolendollarinonni @smolmandzo @arduango @winters-chiid@tinymodric @pachua @sejan-is-love @marilyn-mandzukic@zadarskabagudina @mandzukics @mandzos-bitch @mandzomandzo@incorrect-croatia-nt @slashandsports @mad-for-mandzukic @sebby-ravnica@synne-sol @kettie09 @ed-dzeko @flemishyugotalian @ante-ray-bitch@federicobernardeschi @domo-no-domo-yes @lovefor-lovren @lovren-la-vida-luka @mrsmodric
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arleendoeswords · 8 years ago
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Arrow (TV 2012) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak Characters: Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, Roy Harper, John Diggle, Lyla Michaels, Malcolm Merlyn, Thea Queen, Laurel Lance, Quentin Lance, Sara Lance, Barry Allen Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Family, Domestic, Action/Adventure, Romance, Alternate Reality Summary:
Nothing so far, not the island, not the Undertaking, not Slade could have prepared Oliver Queen for the earth-shattering year awaiting him. Who knew regaining your humanity could be so hard?
Chapter 1: Announcements
Felicity Smoak was pretty confident of her abilities. However, the dilemma of knocking on the door while juggling a large bowl full of her famous eight layer dip (the eightieth is a secret, she often said with a wink) in one arm and the twelve pack of beer in the other, confounded her.
She stopped for a moment and kicked the door with her sneaker.
John Diggle opened, his smile wide and welcoming, "Hey there."
She answered his smile with one of her own. "I come bearing sustenance," she lifted the bowl to his eye level, "and adult beverages." John chuckled and took the beer from her.
"Thanks," he said and moved away for her to walk in.
John's place before the return of his ex-wife Lyla, had always struck Felicity as a bit austere. Digg's apartment had felt lived in, but a bit solemn. Muted colors and serious lines, much like the desert he spent in during much of his time in the Special Forces. However, now as she walked into the apartment and headed for the kitchen, she could see splashes of colors around the rooms. A dark red pillow on the recliner. A wonderful throw full of chaotic blues, greens and oranges spilled over the dark brown of the leather sofa. A new piece of abstract art, bold and full of rough strokes adorned the dining room wall.
Lyla already was making her mark.
Happiness swelled in Felicity's heart. Good, John needed a woman's touch. Need color on his sofa and his life.
Her smile didn't fade when she and Diggle walked into the kitchen and saw Lyla trying to shove something into Roy's mouth.
"Come on, Roy. It is only a bit of spinach and artichoke. It isn't rat shit."
Roy grimaced and Digg laughed, "Well now he definitely won't try it. "
Lyla stuck out her tongue at him and didn't protest when John reached out and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her to him.
He took a bit of the concoction off Lyla's fork, "Hmmm, not bad-definitely not rat shit."
Lyla swatted him on the chest and both of them laughed.
Roy's face shuttered and Felicity's own grin faltered watching the fleeting moment of pain grace his face.
It had been two weeks since the war ended. And a little more than a week after returning from China to find Roy beating his fists raw on the broken dummies still standing in their old ruined lair.
The letter Thea left on the floor next to him. He hadn't heard them and didn't even respond when Oliver tried to stop him. Roy kept hitting and when he noticed who was stopping his fists he turned them on Oliver.
For a second, everyone feared the Mirakuru had left some long-term effect on him and he was in the middle of another episode. Then Felicity saw the letter. She picked it up and read the note. Horror and anguish for Roy flooded her and she knew he wouldn't stop until he dropped. Running to the dismantled cabinet, she found what she was looking for and came back to the fighting men. Roy slammed into Oliver, screaming at the top of his lungs.
Felicity stabbed Roy with a knockout dart. Thankfully, Roy was human again because he froze mid-swing and like a marionette doll with his strings severed, collapsed on the mat next to a panting Oliver. "What the hell just happened to him?" Oliver rubbed his temple where Roy landed a lucky right. Confusion and hurt warred in his blue eyes. Burning tears itched behind her eyes and she could not speak, knowing how much the letter would hurt him as well. At her expression, Oliver's face grew pale, "Felicity?"
She handed him the letter. As she feared. He didn't take it well.
After reading the letter, Oliver looked at her. His face devastated and stricken.
He left for a few hours. Afterwards, when he returned to a hungover Roy nursing his raw fists, he didn't berate the younger man. Instead, he went to him and said, "I am sorry. It is my fault. We will find her." Roy's eyes bright with tears, but gave Oliver a hard nod and jumped up to pick up the mess he made of dummies.
Oliver didn't say anything and helped him. Through it all, she could only stare and pitched in to help in silence.
Finding Thea proved a little harder than expected because since finding out she purposely left, Felicity still hasn't been able to track Thea down.
Roy didn't ask her about her progress. He only trained and trained, and then trained some more. The single-minded devotion he currently exhibited reminded her too much of another man driven by despair and demons. "It is my fault," he told her not a few days before after another failed attempt to find Thea.
"No-" She tried to say more, but Roy cut her off as if she never spoke,"If I had just told her the truth…" Roy trailed off, his eyes glazed. Secretly, Felicity agreed-not that it was his fault, not that-but the telling the truth bit. Of everyone already in the loop about Roy and the Arrow, Thea should have been first.
Not that she could actually voice that unpopular opinion with Thea's very overprotective, worried brother within earshot.
That was a topic she would have to address with Oliver another day and time.
Back in the present she pulled a cold beer from the case and handed it to Roy, "Here," she said. His signature lopsided smile graced his face and he tipped it towards her in thanks. Grabbing one for herself, she toasted and they both took a swig.
Today was the first day since coming back they had had an afternoon without scrambling from one thing to the next.
"Where's your roommate?" Felicity asked, taking another sip, enjoying the cool liquid going down her throat.
Roy shrugged. "He had a lunch meeting with Walter. Said would be here after."
After they found Roy, Oliver decided to stay with him at his place in the Glades. Roy didn't protest too much, which meant two things to Felicity-one, he didn't want to be alone or two- he was too depressed to care who lived with him. She thought it was a combination of the two, but Oliver had given her a knowing stare and a nod. He wanted to keep an eye on Roy. He felt responsible for the boy's pain. It broke her heart to see them suffering for the same reason in different ways.
Thankfully, the arrangement had worked out so far because Roy was still alive and Oliver hasn't come to the lair breathing fire.
At least not about Roy and Thea. That topic was reserved for getting his family's company back.
Oliver spend most of his time these days with Walter and lawyers trying to figure out what they were going to do about Queen Consolidated. Everything was still up in the air and there wasn't any real leadership heading up the ship at the moment. The shareholders were all up in arms and even Walter was having a hard time from keeping them from dismantling the company. Oliver kept cursing his idiot act of signing it over each day that went by and the need to make a clear and concise course of action soon was stressing him greatly. All of then knew if he didn't do something soon, Queen Consolidated wasn't going to be around very soon.
It was part of the reason for this gathering today. That, and Diggle was finally going to let them know the big news the couple were withholding.
By the way they were intertwining their fingers and the intimate looks, Felicity had a pretty good idea what it could be, but couldn't wait to hear it.
A knock broke through her reverie.
Oliver was here.
She took another swig of her beer and steadied herself.
Diggle opened the door, and both men gave each other a pat on the shoulder as Oliver walked in. You would think they hadn't seen each other for months instead of last night. But then again, a number of things had changed with Oliver in the last few weeks.
It was as if the crisis with Slade, the death of his mother, him almost giving up his life, caused a hyper-awareness of his surroundings and the people around him. He had touched and laughed and smiled more in the last fourteen days than in the last two years Felicity has known him.
Seeing him lighter warmed her soul in ways she didn't want to examine.
It overwhelmed her at times, the quiet joy of seeing this light come over him at different moments. Watching and actually embracing everything around him. A swell of something heavy and full would surge up her body and she often would blink back tears.
Like now.
Take another sip,she told herself and looked at the ordinary granite counter-top.
John looked towards them and motioned for them to come to the living room.
Everyone settled on the chairs and sofa, except for Roy who sat on the floor propping his elbow on the table, dipping another chip into Felicity's dish.
"Man, Blondie, what's in this! It is great." His big eyes crinkled at the corners as he bit down.
She laughed. Sometimes it has very easy to forget he was still young. But moments of this, with him on the floor and making noises while chowing down, snippets of the boy came through.
Diggle cleared his voice and said,"Well, now that we are all here, there are a few things Lyla and I wanted to discuss with all of you."
Oliver bent down and took a chip and some of the dip. "What about?" and then ate it. He blinked and stared at her in amazement. "You made this?"
Felicity snorted, "Yes, but why don't we hear about what John and Lyla want to tell us. My dip can wait."
Roy coughed.
Annoyed at her damn double entendre mouth, Felicity ignored Roy, Oliver's amused half smile and focused on John.
"You were saying?"
John gave a small shake of his head and threaded his fingers with Lyla's. Felicity stared for a moment at the beautiful contrast of his dark skin against Lyla. Almost like yin and yang.
"Well," he said looking over at his ex, "Lyla and I were wondering what you guys were up to this Friday?"
Excitement spiked in her stomach. The looks they were giving each other, like two kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar and not even caring.
They wanted to drag this out, well she could do it do. Teasing, she said,"I don't know guys. I mean I have TONS of job offers to go through. I don't think I will be available on Friday. But if it is really important, I think we can work something out." Winking, she bent down and took a bit of the dip.
Flavors explored in her mouth. Damn, it really was a good. She smirked to herself. At least her mother had taught her one useful thing.
Lyla smiled, "We were hoping you all could come to the courthouse with us."
"I knew it!" Springing up from her seat, Felicity hugged them both. "Congratulations! I am so happy for you both!" John and Lyla laughed, then Felicity noticed a lack of bodies. Still hugging John, she looked behind her to see Oliver and Roy sharing similar confused expressions.
Exasperated, Felicity huffed, "Really, guys. Courthouse? Ex-married couple living together." Still no recognition. How the hell could they be so oblivious! "They are getting married!"
Shock and happiness simultaneously appeared on Oliver's face. Both men rose and gave hardy congratulations and hugs.
"There is one other bit of personal news we wanted to share." Lyla said. Her smile softer, almost vulnerable. Dig have her a similar expression.
Something akin to deja-vu skirted through Felicity, which was impossible because if what she suspected was right, this was not something she had ever experienced before.
Thought it was life altering. For them and for the team.
"Is it big or small news." Felicity asked, hating that her voice came out in a hushed whisper. Diggle's dark eyes turned soft. So many emotions swirled there, love, respect, fear, hope. He inclined his head to her in a slight nod and said, "Right now small, but will be big at some point." His words held a tone of reverence and awe.
Tears swelled and spilled from her eyes. "Oh, oh!! Oh god! I am so happy for you both. So happy." She grabbed Lyla's hand, not surprised to see she was crying as well. A baby. A small, beautiful human being.
Again, Oliver and Roy were clueless. This time, the moment was too beautiful for her to be flippant with them.
She looked at Oliver, really looked at him in a way that she hadn't for two weeks. Letting herself hold his gaze and drown in their blue depths.
The words came out in a whisper, laden with emotion, "They are having a baby."
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tiandiding · 8 years ago
Email from Nicola
Got the email from Nicola today, I’m so excited! Thank you for sharing these beautiful stories with me!!
Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 10:31:32 PM British Summer Time
Subject: Re: Hi Nicola
Date: From: To:
Wednesday, 29 March 2017 at 20:06:10 Bri=sh Summer Time Nicola Odemann DIDING Tian
Hi Diding,
I'm sorry for the late reply but I wanted to have enough time to answer your beautiful email and the last couple of days have been pretty chaotic. First of all, thank you so much for reaching out! Your email and words were truly beautiful! And I can so relate.
When I was 12, my family moved to a small city in southern Germany, right at the foot of the Alps. Although I have lived in other places before, I consider this place my true home because I grew up there to become the person that I am today. Since then I have been surrounded by mountains and spent as much time as possible hiking them or swimming in beautiful mountain lakes. The area I grew up in is deeply connected with my love for photography and since taking photos is a part of me, so are the mountains. So are the views that I know so well and which are so calming. I'm in uni now in northern Germany, so I don't have that direct and immediate access to these places as I had before but I still carry them inside me. And I need them. I can only be without mountains for so long before I feel the growing need to return. There is something in those mountains that heals parts of me I didn't even know need healing. Parts that only feel complete once I'm surrounded by nothing but nature and only hear the sounds of nature and my own breath. It's like you said, there is a stillness in these places but this stillness is louder than any human-made sounds could ever be. It's like everything becomes clear in this simple way of being. I believe that's the reason why I love mountains so much. In the city, you are someone. In nature, you're just human. Nothing else matters than putting one step in front of each other and climbing that mountain and when you've done so, the joy is so real and complete. It's hard to put it into words but I think mountains for me are more than formations of rock but rather a reflection of my soul. And of course, the mountains do not care about it. Human life and human projections do not matter in relation to the age of the mountains.
Some years ago I was in Nepal. We hiked through the Himalayas and one day we slept at a tiny village right at the foot of Annapurna II. When it got dark, the sky was so bright and full of stars and so magical - I had never seen anything like that before. It was like there were more stars than there was darkness and right in front of this spectacle was the giant silhouette of Annapurna II with its snow fields shining in the starlight. It was then when I finally realized what had been on my mind all the time. I realized our own insignificance. I stood there and I felt such a deep connection with the universe while at the same time, I realized how little our lives count in contrast to the magic that had just unfolded itself. Our lives are a mere blink of the eye when comparing it with the mountains that inherit this earth. But while this thought would have bothered me before, it suddenly calmed me. Once I realized our own insignificance, I realized the significance of life. And I realized that this is not an contradiction but that this is the key.
So we need the mountains. We need them in order to remind us of the wonder that is life. And I guess that leads back to this 'blue hour' that you were referring to. When the day disappears and the night arrives, when the struggles of that day disappear and make room for the freedom that accompanies the dark, and when that in-between moment meets the stillness of the world in the evening, I think that is when we see most clearly what it is that is inside us.
And while this is a total romantic view of the mountains, I am totally aware of their power and the dangers they inherit. But the mountains were always honest. Everything that happens in them is due to human efforts and projections upon them. And I think the reason why people project so much into them lays in their mysticism and the effect that has on human beings. They make us see the insignificance of life and hence we try everything to prove them wrong. That is why so many people risk their lives climbing them, I think.
I'm not sure all of this is what you were aiming at. But it is what came into my mind after reading your email. I truly hope that you find what you are looking for.
All the best to you,
(and it's easier for me to express these kind of things in German, so please excuse any grammatical incorrectness when I felt the message more important than my knowledge of how to play around with these words in English more correctly)
DIDING Tian <[email protected]> schrieb am 12:29 Freitag, 24.März 2017:
Hi Nicola,
I’m Diding, a student on MA Illustration and Visual Media at London College of Communication. Currently I’m doing my personal project “Mountains in the Winter Night”, it's about mountains in that specific environment and the reflection of them in human mind, basically, I want to make the connection between the emotion we have during the winter night and the stillness of mountains.
From my personal experience, I got the idea in Jan, cause at that time, the weather became cold and it’s getting dark very early, but before the sky changed into fully dark, there’s a stage where everything is in deep blue. So as I was sitting on the bus, looking outside and everything was in that cold dark blue, especially the trees. (Yes, actually you can’t see mountains in London, what I saw were trees, but in order to connect my idea with the poem which related to mountains, I started to imagine mountains in the winter at night and in that cold blue.) Somehow I felt nature was the real thing which actually lived in this world, me, as a human being, with all my insignificant thoughts, seemed like unreal. Yes, we lived, had family and friends, but one day, we will all end up in earth anyway. Who’s going to remember you after thousands of years? Our existence is like ephemeral. With all these thoughts, I started to think about my life so far, my past, my anxiety about future and became nervous, everyday routine seemed endless and useless. But when I thought about the image of mountains at cold night, all I could feel was silence. Stones and rocks, layer by layer, day after day, year after year, they become mountains, massive but still. These somehow gave me the strength and courage to go on with my life, mountains which were far away from my daily life, (I even never been to mountains at winter night), supporting me to continue working when I felt unable.
So I believe that even though most of us live in cities now there must be a certain connection between mountains and us. It’s really tricky, because I never really been to mountains at winter night, and only by imaging it, I can still ‘feel’ its stillness, silence and strength. Or in another word, I actually made my mountains through imagination according to my life experiences. For me, mountains in its way symbolize states of being and the human mind, the imagery of them is ‘support’. As you can see, it’s really personal. My project sounds like about mountains, but there’s actually a huge part about humans.
I’ve followed you since a long time ago, when I started my project, I thought about your photographs and the line on your website: Nature is my playground and this is what I do. Which interests me a lot, I like your photographs about nature and film makes them more dreamy. There are many photographs of mountains and my favourite one are those with mountains as background, the view of people’s back in the middle. It makes me want to ‘follow’, follow them into the mountains, the wildness. Even though I’m sitting in front of a computer, the mountain looks within reach. It looks like you’re always on the way, and I remembered once saw your Instagram, you said: “you miss those mountains so much”. You must have many stories with mountains, feelings and thoughts about mountains. I’m wondering if you can share some of them with me, because I would really like to hear your experiences with mountains (It looks like you’re so close with them), your thoughts about the relationship between mountains and humans, and mountains in the winter at night in your mind.
Sorry I can’t believe I’ve already written so many words! And I know I look like come from nowhere...but I really need your experiences for my research and I would really appreciate it if you could write back to me!!
Thank you for your patience and have a nice day :)
Best regards, Diding
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