#sorry this is really long and it's basically just a messy play by play of all his lab scenes
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blindmagdalena · 9 months ago
thoughts on ep 4?
ohhhh man this is gonna be really long and disjointed because i just finished the episode. i'm just gonna be focused on the homelander stuff here bc i feel like that's what we're all here for lol
the energy he brought to that whole situation gave me the most intense anxiety. i feel like not even he was entirely sure how all of that was going to go down, but as soon as he was there, all these memories that he had repressed started flooding to the surface. obviously his relationship with Ryan is causing a lot of his trauma to come to the forefront, and this is the culmination of that.
i think what caught me the most off guard was how run down the place looked. a concrete basement with shoddy computers and post-its everywhere. a bunch of techs. it was so small, and yet it's like homelander said. it was a lot bigger when he was a child.
it was their day job. it was his whole world.
that very first moment when Marty calls him John, and he corrects "Homelander," in that boyish voice, i almost burst into tears.
the moment where he's staring at the incinerator made me feel ill for him. i already knew what was coming, and it didn't disappoint.
"I had nightmares about that exact moment, and you can't even remember it."
i had chills throughout this entire scene. it was such a succinct way to lay out how dehumanized he was his entire life. that so many people stood by and were so desensitized to his torture. they tuned out his screams entirely and played little games to pass the time. all while he watched.
this time, when Marty calls him John, there's no quiver in his voice. "Homelander," he corrects firmly, smile tight and closed. direct eye contact, waiting for a challenge. but they won't. he knows no one will stop him. not just because they can't... but because they simply won't. they wouldn't save a child. why would they save Frank?
"You're sorry? Now?"
this whole scene is such an interesting parallel to his conversation with Vogelbaum in s1, where he asks, "You want forgiveness? Now?"
something he rightfully denied Vogelbaum. in this instance, however, we see Homelander enacting his vengeance and giving that forgiveness... but only once they're dead. only once they'd paid his price. once they've suffered as he did. I forgive you.
the only time anyone expresses remorse for what they've done to him is when they're faced with it. when the regret eats away at them not for the harm they caused, but the damage done to the world, or to their own safety.
immediately following that, we see him call Marty over and not just apologize, but very specifically he asks, "Can you forgive me?"
it's perfect foreshadowing for what he's about to do to him. can he forgive the same thing Homelander is about to?
the scene that follows is so profoundly uncomfortable i had a lot of trouble watching. the reality of Homelander's life and teenage years is something that we as a fandom have always been very cognizant of, but seeing it addressed so plainly on screen was both nightmarish and vindicating.
i remember being really squicked out by his comment regarding Ryan getting Zoe pregnant, but it makes total sense that raising Ryan is bringing a lot of his own childhood sexual trauma to the surface. there's SO MUCH to be addressed here that it could be it's own post. but what's great is when Homelander calls an end to it: it's the moment Marty says he's sorry.
"I forgive you, Marty."
this is all about Homelander accepting what happened to him. facing it and the people who were part of it head on.
speaking of...
BARBARA. i know she's public enemy #1 right now, and rightfully so, but i found her so profoundly interesting. did she know Homelander was there? she didn't seem surprised at all. why would she come without backup? how did they even contact her with everything shut down? i don't know, but whatever the case, i really got the impression she already knew what she was walking into. she made a real attempt to get Homelander away from the other scientists, but he wasn't going to be swayed. they were already doomed.
she antagonized him. They were just doing what I told them. It's not their fault. It's mine. Leave them alone.
it's very apparent to me that among his fractured personalities, she represents the kinder motherly one. she, like Stan Edgar and Vogelbaum, are elevated above the other scientists. she's a figure of authority and she spoke to him as such.
"They were scared."
"I was a child."
"They were scared!"
and he does recoil at that. we KNOW Homelander hates being feared. it was his trigger with Madelyn, it's what kept him from lasering that crowd, and it's a blatant, desperate lie when he says to Starlight, "...being feared is a-one okie doke by me."
"Everyone was terrified of you from your first breath."
she breaks his heart a hundred times in this scene. from the reveal that he killed his mother in the same way Vogelbaum told him his son did—the source of that lie?—to the statement that their greatest success was making him obedient by withholding love. by turning his heart into a pit of need.
a sharp juxtaposition to Vogelbaum's You're my greatest failure.
and then she says to him no matter what you do, you will always be human.
here's the thing about Homelander's humanity. he doesn't associate it with kindness or love. he associates humanity with all the worst things that have ever happened to him. cruelty. selfishness. betrayal. his entire life he's been used and abused by the people who were supposed to protect him.
of course he doesn't want to be human. doesn't want his SON to be human. look at what humans have done to him. they're vile, they're vicious, they're dirty.
in another life, that desire could have been his drive to be good. if he'd only had a single fucking example of it.
"I'm not human. And neither is my son. And I'm gonna raise him so that he knows it."
in other words, he'll raise his son the way they failed to raise him. Homelander wants desperately to raise his son with the love he never had. he just doesn't know how to.
ultimately, like Vogelbaum and Stan, Homelander can't bring himself to kill her. he tears apart the people she tried to save, and he leaves her to stew in her own fucking mess.
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oldwritingm · 1 year ago
Sorry for my inconsistent posting schedule my darlings :(
Creepypasta/MH - The Moment They Knew They Loved You
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, Jane the Killer, Tim/Masky, “Ticci” Toby
Jeff the Killer
It would’ve been a very long time after knowing you
Even if he was physically attracted to you, he wouldn’t consider that “love”
He usually judges people more on their character
That’s not so say he doesn’t enjoy calling people ugly if he thinks they’re ugly though
So you guys would’ve been vibing together for a while
He’d come away from each interaction with you just a little happier (or a lot happier), but he didn’t really notice it
That is, until he walks into a room one day and finds you relaxing, scrolling through your phone
He announces some unhinged plan, fully intending on carrying it out
You just look up at him for a second before (being used to his bs) just giving a thumbs-up and telling him to have fun
He blinked at you for a second, a grin coming to his lips slowly
He thinks to himself: you know, this is why I like them. They understand me.
And then he starts to think about all the reasons he likes you
He spends the rest of the night with your image in his head and a light feeling in his heart
It’s when he’s lying in bed, telling himself to stop thinking so he can sleep, that he finally realizes:
Oh. I’m in love, aren’t I?
He’s not mad about it; he’s more surprised than anything (at first at least… soon he’s ecstatic about it)
But he fully accepts his affection for you, and it won’t be long till he confesses ;)
Nina the Killer
She’s a pretty perky girl with a lot of emotions
Happiness, sadness, anger… she’s unapologetic in expressing everything, to the point that many call her “extra” or “weird”
It’s only for those people that she acts more reserved, and it’s more in an act of resentment than resignation (basically her saying “eff you loser, you don’t deserve me”)
So she only really likes people that she doesn’t have to act differently around
And of course you’re one of those people :)
She finds little things to like and hate about everyone in her life, and you’re no exception
So one night she just happens to be looking at a picture of you, and she gets to thinking
She smiles as she remembers good times with you: going to the mall, getting messy with baking or butchering, late night texting…
At length she decides that there’s a whole lot more to love than hate
And then she gets to thinking about your looks, and maybe she’s biased because she’s just decided that you’re delightful, but she feels a little heat come to her cheeks
She zooms in on the picture she’s looking at, admiring your features one at a time
She’s baffled that she hasn’t noticed how good-looking you are until now
And then the memories play again in her head, but this time her heart soars extra high…
She’s in love with you!!
She smacks a hand over her mouth when she realizes it, then breaks into a fit of giggles
Get ready for not-so-subtle hints and extra affection….
She’ll want you to figure it out before she actually confesses lol
Jane the Killer
I feel like she would’ve decided that she loved you pretty early on
Maybe even before interacting with you for the first time
She watched you (perhaps not entirely intentionally at first), and was at once enchanted by your looks and the way you carried yourself
You were like a magical creature of beauty to her
She didn’t dare disturb you in the beginning; she was content just watching
She was sure that her infatuation was purely aesthetic; you were just pretty, that was all there was to it
One day she happened to actually interact with you
She was a little nervous, what with you being held so high in her head
But you absolutely floored her
The way you spoke, the way you saw her as a person…
You hooked her like a bass in a pond
She stood there breathless after your first interaction, watching you walk away with a racing heart
It was then that she knew this was much more than physical attraction
She HAD to have you, or at least try to
And trust me, she will try her hardest 😤
She’ll court you for a while first, just to see if you’re even interested
But if/when you are, she won’t be taking her time in confessing ;D
Methinks you’d have been friends for a while first
You went through a lot of things together: good times, bad times, silence, chaos…
And maybe you weren’t besties or anything, or super enthusiastic about each other (actually you’re probably a little cold to each other if anything, even if you do feel strongly attached)
But the point is that you have a history, and you know each other well
Plus there’s an unspoken bond that says you’ll have to tolerate each other for a long time (unspoken obligatory friendship moment)
Not that either of you minded
So one day you’re enjoying some silence together, relaxing out on a balcony and waiting for the dark clouds to pour rain
Your eyes are fixed on the sky, leaving your face in full view of the world
And, more importantly, Tim
He’s not sure why, but his gaze catches on your face
He starts admiring the little features: your eyes, the curve of your nose, the way your eyebrows are shaped…
He doesn’t decide that you’re beautiful. He decides that this is the face of someone he loves
It hits him like a truck—just a random thought out of nowhere:
This is the face of someone I love.
And while he’s taken aback at first, with a reddening face he realizes it’s true
He does love you!! All that you’ve been through together really meant something to him
He looks away bashfully, grumbling something when you ask if something’s up
Get ready for the long game…. This man will never confess
He’ll curse himself for even insinuating any feelings for you, so you’ll be left in the dark unless you’re REALLY good at picking up accidental gestures
“Ticci” Toby
He’d be so oblivious to his own feelings
He’d act super affectionate towards you, but only because he acts on impulse
He never stops to wonder why he gets the impulse to hug you or pinch you or say something not-so-mean (even NICE?! 🤯) when he’s around you
He doesn’t even notice that he only gets those impulses for you
So you’ll probably figure it out before him
And it’s only when you start to return that affection that he really starts to question
But again. He is SO OBLIVIOUS
It takes him a very long time to figure it out… you honestly might just have to spell it out for him
He can’t even take hints
I think that when he finally does figure it out, it’s a fleeting thought that catches for some reason
Like, he’s just daydreaming or something and suddenly he’s dreaming of dating you
And he thinks: hey, that wouldn’t be so bad. But it’s not like I like them like that. Wait…. Do I?
And then he’s just. Floored. Because HOW DID HE MISS IT FOR THAT LONG
Literally grips his hair like “WHAT!!!!”
Immediately runs to go yell at you tell you that he loves you
And you’re just like “oh I know. But thanks for finally confessing! <3”
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Thank you so much for reading!! Take care my sweet duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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xazse · 2 years ago
Kitty!Scaramouche, Kitty!Xiao, Puppy!Venti, Puppy!Kazuha, Kitty!Cyno 
Warnings: Afab!reader, Pegging, Hybrids, Fluff, Smut, Overstimulation (If I forgot anything else tell me please and I’ll edit it right away!
KittyScaramouche loves eating your out, it’s his favorite thing, lavishing his tongue on your clit, he gets so messy. You’re free to cum as much as you want but just know it’s not for your pleasure but his, the loud sucking sounds turns him on so much, he’ll slip his hands beneath his pants and touch himself while listening to lewd moans and the sound of your cunt.
KittyXiao is rather stand offish with you, but he is a great help around the house, offering to help you cook dinner, washing dishes, or simply just helping you relax, he hates seeing you overwork yourself and your body with all the boys, so on days Xiao says to take it easy he really really means it: there’s no reason to defy him since he’ll prevent you from even moving from your bed.
KittyXiao is so clingy during sex, he hates positions where he can’t see your face to give you messy sloppy kisses. He loves being on top looking down at you, spreading you open wide fucking his cock Into you at a fast pace. Your pussy really is his favorite: the way you engulf his cock and clench around him sooo good, he really doesn’t last that long but you don’t shame him or laugh at him. When hes about to cum he’ll lean down to kiss you for long periods of time while gasping into your mouth, he’ll go quiet while still slipping little moans out here and there then still and fill you to the brim with cum.
PuppyVenti! He is the definition of naughty and nice, he’ll be all sweet and smother you with all the love and affection and the next minute hes scaring the life out of you while doing something stupid. Venti loves kisses especially when you wear lipstick, bright red lipstick that’ll stick out to the other boys in the house. He’ll walk around the house and parade them for all to see, purposely making them jealous. They’ll all come to you (minus Xiao, Cyno and kazuha) and ask for the same treatment.
PuppyVenti! Oh this puppy loves being dominated, he can’t help the way he yelps and cries when you use your strap on him, it feels so incredibly good: the way you hit his g-spot over and over. Venti hates when you hold back on him, give it to him mean, don’t feel pity for him, fuck him where it hurts. He’s so cute when you cup his chubby ruined face, so cute when you connect your lips with his only to pull away when he tries to make the kiss last longer.
PuppyKazuha! Isn’t really as lovely dovey as the other boys, but he does enjoy time alone with you. Going to cute cafes and ordering your favorite drinks, eating delicious treats and chatting up about the good times, he just loves to reminisce about things.
PuppyKazuha! Loves a good rub behind his ear, or at the base of his tail it drives him insane. He really likes when your touch lingers for more than it needs to, it makes him feel so special and loved. Going back to his tail, the tip is oh so sensitive, sometimes you play with it without even noticing how it’s making him feel. His body gets so warmed up and red, when you do twist the tip of your fingers around his tail he can already feel his cock stirring: with just a tiny bit of friction. You notice little noises coming out of his throat and quickly apologized for doing it again. you’ll kiss his cheeks and offer to help get rid of his little”issue,” your fingers ghosting over his cock and rubbing him just right, don’t say anything about the wet patch already forming you’ll embarrass him even further.
KittyCyno! Is basically the one who keeps the boys in order, he keeps them checked incase they ever feel the need to disrespect you and what you do for all them. Cyno likes to do housework just like Xiao, he’s surprisingly the one who loves going shopping with you: honestly he’s just there for the way you look so perfect in your clothes, clapping and appreciating the way those clothes look so good on you.
KittyCyno! Cyno is so Rough with you, he in the end always apologizes of course but there’s just something about the way you squeeze and milk his cock for all its worth. He gets so needy and he needs all of you, when it’s just the both of you alone he’ll ask you to cockwarm him just for a few minutes, it’s never just a few minutes: he’ll keep you on his lap for hours at a time, even when the other boys are asking for your attention, Cyno just basks in your eyes on him and only him. Your clit feels like it’s on fire with the amount of orgasms he’s given, even when you’re soaked, eyes droopy and mouth agape he’ll keep stocking you with loads of his cum.
Cyno and Xiao get along the most in the house, they take on a powerful figure in the house, especially when you’re gone somewhere.
Scaramouche lowkey loves cuddling with Xiao the most, but this is only in the circumstance where you aren’t present to comfort him on days.
All the boys love when you rub their ears and tails so so much.
Venti loves your tits, he’ll fondle them while you’re making dinner, while you’re cleaning: Hell he will even dry hump you in the middle of the room if you’re cleaning the floors, Cyno will quickly correct his behavior before he can go even further because you have a hard time telling the poor puppy no.
Kazuha drools in his sleep when you’re all gathered on the bed together.
Scaramouche loves sucking on your tits, while he’s half droop/ half awake. (So does Xiao but he’d never admit that outloud)
Kazuha loves kissing so much, he’ll pout when you’re just too busy to give him a quick peck.
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puckinghischier · 5 months ago
so the clip of quinn asking the producer if his hair looks good, we’ve all seen it, right? cause i’m just thinking about it and how yeah it was probably a joke, but it’s sooooo insecure!quinn coded. like i’m sure he was nervous, and he really did want to look good for the camera. and it’s got me thinking about what it would be like to comfort insecure!quinn (i didn’t mean for this to be this long but i couldn’t stop once i started so here’s basically a three in one blurb 🫣)
it’s even things as simple as his pre-game outfits. he’s seen all the comments online about how he only wears the same few suits, so one day while you’re on the couch watching tv, he turns to you and asks if you’ll go shopping with him. of course you agree, but you ask him what’s got him so eager to expand his wardrobe.
“just…people keep saying i’m wearing the same thing all the time and it has me thinking i should probably go buy a couple more suits to wear for arrival pictures and stuff,” he shrugs, almost whispering, telling you it’s something he’s slightly embarrassed about.
you reach over and run your hand through his hair, playing with the messy curls. “q, who cares if you wear the same suit every game day? you’re wearing it to walk in the building and out of it,” you speak softly to him, noticing he’s not meeting your eye. “but, if you want to go pick up a few more, i’d love to go with you and help you pick them out,” you tug lightly on his hair to get him to look over at you, bringing your hand down to toy with the tip of his ear.
he gives you a bashful smile, mumbling out a small “thanks,” before looking away again.
you lean over, replacing your hand on his ear with your mouth. “plus, you know how much i love looking at you in a suit,” you let your lips drag over the warm skin. “almost as much as i love looking at you without one on.”
quinn shudders at the feeling of your hot breath on his ear, making him forget what he was even thinking about before the current conversation.
of course, quinn’s constantly worried about being a good captain for his team, too. he doesn’t think he’s played long enough to earn it yet, not understanding why they picked him over some of the vets on the team.
so when he comes home after a particularly rough practice or a brutal loss, you can feel the insecurity radiating off of his body. the game that eliminated them from the playoffs, though? god, you never want to relive it.
he laid in your arms for hours, switching between crying and getting angry at himself. he kept telling you it was his fault. he was the reason they didn’t make it. they should’ve chosen a different person to be captain, not him. he clearly didn’t know what he was doing, or they’d be celebrating tonight instead.
you know that most of this is caused by the questions he was asked after the game. one reporter in particular always asking the worst questions and getting under his skin. but you’re sure the group of drunk, upset fans outside of the rink who were yelling discouraging things to him only drove the knife deeper.
the way he talked about himself with so much disgust broke your heart in a way you never knew was possible. you knew he was always hardest on himself, but the fact he truly believes these things makes you worry you haven’t been doing your job correctly.
“quinn, i don’t ever want to hear you talk about yourself like that again, do you hear me?” you sat up, talking sternly but not harshly.
“well, it’s true. if they would’ve just picked someone else then-“
“stop!” you interrupted him, your sudden loudness causing him to pause, looking at you with wide eyes. “i’m sorry, i’m not trying to yell at you, but i’m not going to sit here and listen to you do this to yourself any longer,” you put just a few inches of distance between you and him on the large couch.
“you’re exactly who they wanted to lead this team or they wouldn’t have chosen you. you do have what it takes. hell, quinn, you got the team to the playoffs for the first time in 4 years. that has to count for something,” the tone of your voice is almost pleading, begging him to take what you’re saying to heart.
“your teammates love you. they look up to you. the fans love you. they were excited when you were named captain. i love you,” you take a moment, watching his face slowly change from distress to calm. “and i won’t sit here and listen to you say awful things about the man that i love. not for something that changes nothing about how i feel about you or your value as the captain of your team,” you finish, a knot forming in your throat because of how deeply you feel about the man sitting in front of you.
quinn just sits and looks at you, finally snapped out of his self destruct mode. “i…love you so much, you know that?” he tells you before pulling you into him and engulfing you in one of his ‘huggybear’ hugs.
“you’re right. i’m here because i deserve to be. and if you believe in me, who cares what anyone else thinks? i’ve got the best motivation right here in front of me,” he speaks into your neck, squeezing you tightly to his body, like he’s trying to press you into his skin, knowing he can always count on you to talk him out of his insecurities.
you get the rare moments, too, where quinn starts comparing himself to his brothers. you’d think as the oldest he’d know better, knowing that the two younger boys have always looked up to him, but once the media started trying to pit the three against each other, the seed of doubt crept its way into his thoughts.
it’s not even just about hockey, either. it’s the way jack is always so outgoing, the life of the party. and luke always seems so universally adored, his bashful charm winning him over with crowds.
quinn? quinn feels like he’s just…there. he can’t strike up a conversation as naturally as jack can. and his shyness seems to only drive people away, not draw people in, like luke’s.
and yeah, quinn knows you’re always there with him, keeping him company and being his buffer in all of the various social settings he finds himself in, but he can’t help but wish he was a little bit more like his brothers.
especially right now, when he’s sitting by the fire pit at the family lake house, a few of brother’s shared friends over for the weekend.
he’s sitting in a chair sipping on a beer, watching you partake in a heated game of beer pong with jack, luke, trevor, and cole. all day he’s felt a little…less than. watching you on the boat earlier dancing around to your favorite song with jack, not worrying about who might float by and see the two of you.
or when you were helping prep dinner, and trevor came up to you and struck up a conversation, talking a mile a minute while you kept up with and soaked up every word, adding to the conversation with just as much enthusiasm at the drop of a hat.
or right now, when cole is picking you up and swinging you around after you just won the drinking game, launching into your ‘secret’ handshake the two of you coined a few summers ago.
he wishes he could give you those things. the loud, crazy, fun atmosphere you seem to thrive in. he wishes he could be the guy to parade you around at all of the hockey banquets, introducing you to various people. he wants to dress up with you on halloween in the ridiculous couples costumes you always show him. to be the spontaneous boyfriend that goes diving off of the small cove cliffs on the lake like you love to do with jack.
but that’s just…not who he is. he likes to be quiet, observant, lowkey, private. he likes to listen to other people carry the conversation, and just chime in when he has something to add. he likes to drive the boat and watch everyone else splash around in the water, jumping in for a few minutes just to cool off before resuming his position on the driver’s seat. he hates going to the bar after games with his teammates, but agrees because he knows you like dressing up and going out.
he loves when the two of you spend time reading together on the couch, then order dinner in and watch a movie before bed. he likes the fact that the two of you can sit in silence, both comfortable enough to not feel the need to fill the space with empty conversation. he likes being able to come home to you after the loud environment of the game to the sweet whisper of your voice, because you know how he likes the soft tone after the arena full of screams and sirens.
but he can’t help but feel like he’s causing you to be less for him, seeing how much life you seem to have in times like these.
he’s broken out of his little pity party when you come running over to him. “quinny!! did you see that! we won! i won!” you fling your half-drunk self down onto his lap, beaming your beautiful smile to him.
“i did. looked like you were having fun,” he says with a smile, but his tone is flat.
he watches your smile fade slightly, cocking your head at him. “you okay?” you ask him, always able to tell when something’s not right in that mysterious brain of his.
“yeah, m’just tired. might head in early,” he tells you, drumming his fingers along the tanned skin of your leg, signaling he’s about to stand up.
“okay…well then i’ll go with you. just gotta tell the guys goodnight first,” you respond skeptically, removing yourself from his lap as he stands.
“no, no, don’t wanna ruin your fun. just come to bed when you’re done, yeah? don’t drink too much, sweetheart,” quinn shakes his head, placing a kiss on the top of your head before turning and walking away from you, leaving you confused.
you watch quinn walk up the stone steps, stopping in the dimly lit kitchen to hover over the sink for a few moments, staring out the window looking over the dark lake. you can tell by his body language something is bothering him, so you turn and walk over to tell the rest of the group that you’re heading to bed, ignoring their protests of ‘you’re no fun! quinn’s made you boring!’ with a playful show of your middle finger as you walk away, following quinn’s same path.
quinn’s so lost in thought he doesn’t hear the kitchen door open or the soft pad of your footsteps walking towards him, only breaking out of his trance when he feels your hands make their way around his torso and your body pressed against his back.
“whatcha thinking about?” you ask him, placing a small kiss to the middle of his back through his thin t-shirt.
“nothing,” he tells you, his tone not convincing you. “why aren’t you out there defending your title?” he turns around so he’s facing you, resting his own hands on your waist.
“because something has you locked in that pretty head of yours, and i intend to find out why my boyfriend is sad,” you tell him in that soft tone of voice he loves, not wasting any time getting to the bottom of his odd mood.
quinn’s cheeks involuntarily flush, always having loved when you call him pretty. but before you can admire him too much he closes his eyes and throws his head back, sighing, not wanting to talk about how pathetic he is.
“you’ll just think it’s silly and pointless,” he confesses, knowing you won’t concede until you pry it out of him.
“try me,” you tell him as he looks down at you, seeing the cocked eyebrow and look of determination on your face.
he’s silent for a few seconds, trying to figure out how to explain it to you without making you feel like you did something wrong, because he knows you’ll immediately start picking apart what you could’ve possibly done to make him feel like this. but it’s not you, it’s his problem.
you continue to look at him with love in your eyes, silently encouraging him.
“it’s just…” he starts then pauses again, bringing a hand up to toy with your low ponytail. “do you…ever…y’know, wish i was different? more like jack? or trevor?” he finally gets the words out, shock taking over your features.
he watches your eyes go from loving, to surprised, to sad.
“quinn, what? no. never,” you tell him, shaking your head so vigorously he’s worried you’ll make yourself dizzy.
he brings his hands up to stop the movement of your head, leaving his soft hands there, thumbs caressing your cheeks.
“it’s just…i see how you are around them. how…full of life you are,” he watches your mouth open and close, like you want to interrupt him but thought better of it. “and i can’t help but wonder if you’re missing out because of me,” he shrugs, removing his hands from your face to let them rest in half fists on your shoulders, a sad smile on his face.
reaching up to grab his hands and hold them in both of yours, you shake them a bit to get him to look at you.
“i’m not missing out on anything, do you hear me?” you tell him with such seriousness in your voice he’s almost worried you’re mad. “they’re a good time, yeah, but they’re not you, q.”
still not convinced, quinn let’s his doubt control his thoughts again. “i just know that they’re more your speed. they like to go out and party and have fun and i…don’t,” he can’t meet your eyes, not wanting to see the sadness settled there.
“with them you’re always talking and can be loud and spontaneous like i know you like to do. but with me it’s always whispers and quiet and hiding away in corners or at home. i don’t do silly dances with you in the boat without caring who might see or have a secret handshake when we win beer pong. i sit on the couch and read in silence. i sit in the corner and watch everyone else have fun when we go out because i don’t want videos of me all over the internet,” he continues, his tone growing more frustrated with each word spoken.
“i just don’t want you to wake up one day and realize you’ve wasted all this time with some boring guy who only wants to sit at home and only goes out when he has to or when you want to, not because he enjoys it,” he finishes, nearly shaking with vulnerability.
his words are a knife straight into your heart, not wanting to believe he really feels this way about himself.
“oh quinny,” you bring your hands up to cup his face, wiping at the moisture forming in his grey eyes.
he gives you a weak smile, turning his head to kiss your open palm, closing his eyes at the comfort your skin on his always brings him.
“i need you to know, that i love you, quinn hughes. i love you so much it hurts me sometimes. like, physically pains me. i look at you and i feel like my chest could literally bust open with how deeply i feel about you. and not just when things are good. all the time. every day. even when we’re fighting. even when you’re sad. even when you leave your socks stuffed in the creases of the couch,” you tell him, earning a small, wet laugh, because he knows how much you hate that poor habit of his.
“i love you when we’re sitting in silence on the couch because you just got home from a game and need a noise break. i love you when we’ve been reading for hours, the only sound between us the turning pages of our books. i love you when we’re sitting in the corner of the bar because you don’t want to be the center of attention when someone buys the team a round. i love you when you’re watching me be crazy and drunk on the boat because you want to make sure someone is sober and everyone is safe. i love you when you’re ‘boring’ because to me, you’re never boring,” you confess to him, feeling the small tear slip out of your left eye and down your cheek, matching quinn’s.
“you’re the person that i love with everything that i have in me. the one that brings me home whatever books i’ve been talking about wanting to read during our marathons on a random afternoon just because you were thinking about it. the person that sacrifices his alone time away from his team, and just hockey in general, to go to banquets and events because you know i enjoy those things sometimes. you’re the person that always watches my favorite silly shows with me, no matter how stupid they are. my personal chef, my human teddy bear, my best friend,” you whisper the last words, sniffling, noticing quinn’s eyes are now closed tightly.
“because even though i do enjoy being loud and rowdy sometimes, i enjoy being with you, more. i enjoy the quiet and the slowness of life with you. the time we get to spend together without distractions or expectations. so no, i don’t wish you were more like jack, or trevor, or luke, or cole, or whoever. because you’re like quinn, which is exactly who i want you to be,” your voice finally goes quiet, bringing your forehead to rest against his, hoping your words are enough to convince him that his insecurities are just that. they hold no weight and have no truth to them.
the two of you simply soak in each other’s presence, neither one daring break the intimacy of the words hanging in the air.
when quinn finally opens his eyes and leans his head back, he lets out a shaky breath.
“tell me not to get down on one knee and propose to you right now,” he tells you, a slight joking tone to his voice, earning a small chuckle from you.
“way to do a complete 180,” you joke back, once again tangling your hands in his hair.
he huffs out a small laugh, tilting his head back before brining it back up to look at you.
“thank you,” he breaths out. “i don’t know how i got so in my head, but all day i watched you have fun and i don’t know. i got lost for a bit.”
you lean forward to place a small peck on the tip of his nose, watching him scrunch it slightly in response.
“well, luckily for you, i’ll always be here to come in there and find you, bringing you back out here to me,” you tap your finger along his temple.
“luckiest in the world,” he beams down at you.
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that-house · 6 months ago
My name is Invino Veritas, the greatest pop sensation to ever grace the radios of New Space City. What’s New Space City? It’s like Space City but in New Space instead of normal outer space. Try to keep up, idiot.
My incredibly normal and lame parents, Hal and Sarah Veritas, thought they were soooo funny giving their daughter a name like Invino, and then a traveling wish-god said “you think that’s funny? i’m about to be hilarious” and cursed me so that I have to always tell the truth as long as my blood alcohol content is above a .000000000000000000001. Yeah, you read the number of zeroes right. I can’t even breathe in the same room as a PBR without confessing that I do in fact think I’m smarter, hotter, and more talented than everyone else, which makes me fun at parties.
I was really pissed at that guy for ruining drinking for me forever, so I was majoring in homicide at NSCU to become a totally badass assassin and kill him, but my real passion was always music. When the EP I recorded in my dorm room, My Roommate Fucking Hates Me, caught the ear of a bigshot producer, I dropped out and sold out immediately. I bring an honest sort of grunginess to the New Space City music scene, by which I mean that I pay my stylist $700,000 an hour to make my hair look just a little bit messy before I step out on stage. Nothing too crazy of course, I have an image to maintain.
Smash cut to five years later and I’m six chart-topping albums into a seven-album deal with Lucifer the Lightbringer. Yes, that Lucifer, from the bible and, more famously, those really schlocky 3190s devilsploitation porn flicks. You know, Horns of Desire (3193) and the rest? Yeah, that Lucifer. He opened a record company with the money he made selling silicone casts of his film-festival-winning penis, and my blend of earnest naivety and raw ego was exactly what he was looking for in a star.
When he sent the paperwork, I said I’d have my lawyer look at it, but I didn’t have a lawyer and was too embarrassed to admit it, so I just waited a week and signed it without reading it. Turns out when my seven albums are done I go to Hell forever and so does everyone who’s ever listened to my music. Even on the radio. Or in an advertisement. Sorry. So yeah, I’ve really been procrastinating on this last one. To all my fans out there: make sure you preorder Always Read the Fine Print, because I don’t think I can cash those checks once I’m in Hell.
On the bright side, I think if I play my cards right I can convince him to greenlight a behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the album, and that’s basically a free pass to do whatever I want for a year or two as long as it makes for good footage. Obviously if anyone kills me before the album is done, the apocalypse is averted and only I go to hell, but think about this from a utilitarian standpoint: sure, a few trillion immortal souls are on the line, but I think this is going to be some of my best work yet. Plus, I hate getting killed. So whoever’s sending assassins after me, could you please stop?
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girliism · 7 months ago
art’s peeping tom neighbor part two.
it’s been a week since you last you last looked through art’s window. you’ve been avoiding him but that can only last for so long.
it was a hot day when you saw art again. you were washing your parents car as part of the deal you made them. you wanna use the car you have to wash it. “hey, working hard or hardly working.” he jokes at the way you just standing there spraying the car with the water hose.
he doesn’t bring up what happened or make any indication that he even actually saw you. that only makes you more nervous. “probably the latter.” you say back ignoring how your heart beats in your throat.
those icy blue eyes stare into yours the same way they did that night. you suck in a breath before turning away focusing back on the car.
art clears his throat before stepping closer to you. “patrick and i just got back from from the video store and you look super bored out here so. wanna watch a movie with us?”
you’re eyes shift over to patrick who’s leaning against his car chewing on his sucker stick then back to art who smirking down at you. the car is basically clean and you have nothing better to do. “uhh. sure yeah why not. let me change and i’ll come over?” you say turning the hoses off and walking backwards towards you your house.
“cool. i’ll leave the front door unlocked just come in. we’ll be upstairs in my room.”
once you’re inside your house you bolt upstairs to take the quickest shower ever getting out and lathering yourself in coconut scented lotion, throwing on a pair of shorts and big sweatshirt to slightly hide that you weren’t wearing a bra.
your heart beats fast and your hands tremble as you climb the stairs leading to art’s room. super bad is already playing when you up get there. “sorry, we already started patrick didn’t want to wait.” art says patting the spot next to him.
the three of sat on arts bed him in the middle of you and patrick. everything was going smoothly, the three of you laughing here and there at the jokes.
then you felt movement next to you. looking out the corner of your eye you see arts hand creep up patrick’s thigh to start palming him through his jeans.
patrick’s hand grabs arts wrist pulling it off of him. “art, we can’t right now your neighbor is here.” he whispers. art just gives him a look before glancing back at you. you shoot your eyes back to the tv, heart pounding against your chest.
“it’s fine, she likes to watch. trust me.” art says going back to palming patrick’s dick kissing at his neck.
art had seen you that night and every other night. spying on him like some perverted creep. you suck in a breath trying to ignore what was happening right next to you and how it made your panties sticky.
there was a full blown make out happening besides you. patrick takes off his and arts shirts throwing them out you. this is totally unfair. you think. if they can get off why can’t you.
you bring your hand up to your mouth licking at your fingers before slipping in your pants sighing. at the same time patrick pulls arts cock out his pants taking it into his mouth.
art’s head turns to the side taking in your hidden hand movements and how your eyes are locked on the way patrick’s lip stretch around his cock.
“god you really are a creep.” art mumbles pulling your face to his, tongue immediately pushing into your mouth. “mmhp” you sound in surprise. art pulls your hand out your shorts yanking them down your legs.
“oh yes.” you whine in art mouth when he plunges to fingers into your wet core. “so much better than watching through your window huh.” “uh huh.” you nod. dropping your forehead onto art’s shoulder your hand gripping his wrist.
the sounds coming from your pussy, the gagging coming from patrick and art moaning in your ear when his best friend takes him deeper sets you off. “shit art i’m cumming.” art felt like being mean.
art takes his fingers out of you and pulls patrick off him, moving to sit in front of both of you. patrick’s hair is all messy and your lips are red and swollen, thighs shaking from your almost orgasm.
“what the fuck.” both you and patrick say.
art stares at the two of you “glad we could all be here today.” he laughs. patrick rolls his eyes grabbing his shirt moving to leave. “where are you going?” art’s pulling patrick back on the bed popping open his jeans. “look if you wanna fuck your neighbor go ahead call me when you’re done.”
patrick can be a little jealous at times.
“but i wanted us to fuck her together. you fucking her me fucking you.” art talks about you like you aren’t even there.
“do you guys do this a lot?” you ask but get no answer cause art is still trying to convince patrick to stay. “come here look at how wet she is. practically begging for in. art sits patrick in front of him as they stare down at you. legs open pussy glistening as you lay back on your elbows. “aren’t you begging for it.”
you buck your hips up towards patrick and you see him lick his lips. “fuck” patrick is ready to give in. “wait why do you have to fuck me i bottomed last time.” art just wraps his arms around patrick’s shoulder talking in his ear. “my house my neighbor my rules. plus she really tight you love that shit.”
and who is patrick to deny himself such a treat. “fine.” the boys move to take their pants completely off and you pull your sweatshirt.
patrick slides into you after placing a condom on. throwing your head back moaning at the stretch of dick in you. patrick gives you some time to adjust. “you can move now please move.” you whine.
patrick doesn’t just move he places his big hand on throat giving himself leverage to fuck into hard and fast. “fuck patrick.” yours nails drag down his back.
art reaches his two fingers up to your mouth for you to suck on. once they’re wet enough dripping with your spit he circles them around patrick’s rim.
you tell the moment when art pushes in because you can feel patrick twitch inside you and his hips stop moving for a second. you watch patrick fuck himself back on arts fingers whining.
“patrick.” you whining grinding your hips up “fuck me.” patrick starts moving again but slowly more focused on his own pleasure.
“don’t be selfish now patrick.” art tsks removing his fingers. kneeling behind him art pushes his cock into patrick ass making patrick’s cock move in your cunt. “oh fuck” you and patrick whine.
art and patrick match each other’s rhythm fucking fast. “oh my god.” you body is rocking and the headboard is banging against the wall.
your tits bounce in patrick’s face and he takes one in his mouth. “fuck fuck art right there gonna cum.” “me too.” you and patrick are sloppy messes screaming and crying into each other’s mouths.
art’s got a bruising grip on patrick’s waist. arts hips slap into his ass. “fuck, cum for me both of you.”
patrick falls forward biting into your neck as you cum guys together. patrick pulls his limp dick out of you rolling to lay next to you.
art pulls off his condom and crawls closer to the two of you. “shit.” moaning he holds onto the headboard and he jerks himself off spilling his cum onto yours and patrick’s faces painting the both of you.
part one
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lara4eclipze · 4 months ago
“take a chance with me”
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sypnosis; "damn it i love you—how hard is that to understand!" you exclaim
cw; angst , fluff , slow burn , dream academy contestant!reader , crying, erm not proofread , angst with a ____ ending
now playing: “take a chance with me” by NIKI
train , eat , sleep and repeat , this was basically your daily routine, it was boring? tiring and overall exhausting not only physically but mentally, every end of mission you get the gruesome privilege of watching your friends get eliminated — not only that you can get eliminated too
you question if this is even worth it, I mean this was your dream right?—only reason you stayed was for her
you made a promise to Lara that if she gets eliminated you would leave too , but as long as she's in the competition your in it too
you couldn't leave her , over the course of weeks and months of being together you developed a crush on her— shes perfect really
"y/n—please step forward and receive your invitation" the voice says , it felt unfair — yet you stood up and got your invitation, going back to your seat Lara held your hand noticing how you were about to cry
"hey are you alright?" she says after the cameras stopped rolling
"i hate it here—Lara I don't wanna do this anymore" you said as tears fell onto your cheeks , she quickly hugs you resting your head onto her shoulders
"we can do this—don't give up" she reassured you , you felt her kiss your head while patting you'r back
"don't leave me" she says , you heard her voice crack , as she started tearing up aswell
"hey don't cry" you said finally looking at her , you wipe away her tears and held her cheeks in your hands
"I won't i promise" you said hugging her yet again
as you and the rest of the girls made your way back to the dorms — there was tension or just silence
everyone was tired and upset over the eliminations yet what can they do
as you walk back into your room it felt empty with some of your roommates eliminated
"y/n" you hear Lara from behind you , you turned around seeing her in some pyjamas, her eyes half lidded and about to close
"why?" you ask she should be in her room by now , so why was she here , she looked adorable with her hair messy and how she's practically about to pass out from drowsiness
"can I sleep with you? — please" she looks expectantly, I mean who are you to reject that right?
you nod , after so going to the showers to freshen up , as you made your way back to bed you saw Lara already in there using her phone
"thought you were tired" you chime , she giggles , god her voice was like a bandage to your wounds
"just waiting for you" she replied hugging you till you fell in bed next to her , she was very clingy awfully so , but a small part of you screamed that it was more than clinginess
as she fell asleep you held her close , enjoying the warmth that she provided , you hum out of relief
"i love you goodnight" you doubt she heard it but you hear her hum so that's something
the house was silent and so was the dance practice for mission 3 , you got paired up with Laras group (confident)
at this point you really doubt if you will ever make it to the finals or even in the group
"from the top!" missy exclaims , as you made an mistake in the choreo causing you to be in the wrong position
"sorry everyone" you said as the rest of he girls groan out of frustration
after perfecting the choreo it was finally time to film it , you were a nervous wreck and so were the other girls , before shooting everyone got a 10 minute break
you went to the restrooms as you try your best not to break down , the toll this has in you was crazy , every single move was getting critiqued and one mistake can lead you to go home
"y/n?.. you in there" Lara knocks , you sniffle up and straighten your voice
"yeah?" you replied
"it's filming time— you need to be ready"
after 10 plus takes , you guys finally got the perfect video, by this point you were exhausted your chest was heaving and your covered in sweat
one by one you all left the set , and went back to the dorms , the girls planned to eat out which you politely decline
you slum in bed , wearing Lara's t-shirt , doom scrolling in tiktok
until you heard the door clicked , the girls are home , you heard endless chatter and laughs
as you waved them in , you saw Sophia and Lara was still in the car , Lara was facing away from you but you saw them — they got closer to eachother eventually kissing?
you felt your heart ache , why can it not be you who does that to her — instead of dwelling and risking getting caught you ran back to your room drawing some attention to you
you lied on your bed your face hidden beneath some pillows as you tear up
"why am I crying" you question yourself, after all you and Lara weren't anything
"y/n-" you heard Lara outside your door
"go away" you huff out it came out harsh but you didn't want it to
"why are you acting like this?" she says , surprised by the way you answered her
"can't you hear me i said go away!" the last thing you want is Lara coming in seeing you crying over her, you heard the footsteps fade away as she walks away
you let it out , but soon your roommate Daniela came and knocked on the door , you forced yourself up and wiped away your tears it's obvious you cried but you just hoped she wouldn't question you
"hey" you said letting her in
"is it true?" she asked , you were confused on what was true
"what?" you ask
"you screamed at Lara" the latina sighs
was it that loud? , did she tell anyone? why does Dani know?! god why
"yeah..." you said guilt chewing you up
"great job Sherlock , shes crying now — WAIT are you crying too?!" the older exclaimed
"wait shes crying?! — but I didn't mean to make her cry" why did she cry god you were supposed to comfort her not make her feel like this
"where is she?" you ask
"in Sophias room" the shorter explains
you debate whether to go there or not , first you didn't wanna see Sophia , second you didn't wanna see her with Lara
"are you going?" she asks
as you enter Sophias room you're met with a crying Lara hugging Sophia
why did you even go here , to hurt yourself?
"Lara—I'm so sorry I didn't wanna scream at you I was just not in the mood I'm just tired" you exhale
"everyone here is tired y/n! why are you acting like your the only one" Sophia cuts you off patting Lara's back
"this isn't your business—plus I'm talking to her" you snap
"oh really?! , the last time I checked Lara's my friend too" Sophia stands up , yes she was intimidating and yes you were scared
"just give her some time with Lara" you heard Manon behind you say to Sophia , before leaving the room Sophia glares at you
can this day get any worse?
"Laru — I'm sorry" you said sitting down beside her , she looks at you wiping away her tears
in a blink of an eye she hugs you tightly, her tears getting soaked up by the shirt you wore , you cradle her making sure she felt safe
"I'm so sorry okay?" you repeat as she nods , understandingly
"what were you doing anyway" you hear her sniffle , shit now what would you say? oh I was crying cause I saw you kiss Sophia and I liked you so it hurt me?
no that sounded stupid and so immature
"nothing" you said , as you hug her tighter , was it gonna get ruined? your friendship? you didn't want that nor any tension
"I know you , don't lie to me" she says , pouting , and huffing
"I swear it was nothing, now quit crying okay?—ill let you sleep with me if you do" you knew Lara loved sleeping with you , she was just very affectionate and clingy
"really" her voice low and mellow
"yes" quickly her demeanor changed all smiley and giggly
"what the fuck" you heard Manon and Daniela at the door , they looked astonished i mean who wouldn't be , that's all it took to make her stop crying?!
"shut up" you mouth to the duo , who quickly left
obviously tension was still there , afterall you saw what Sophia and Lara did— every time you closed your eyes it's all you can see
anytime Lara approached you it felt , weird and forced
little to your knowledge it also hurt Lara, she didn't know why you acted like this
"tell her" Marquise pipes up
"how? — I can ruin our friendship if I do , and I swear to God I saw her kiss Sophia" you said sighing out of frustration
"you never know—plus Sophia is taken man"
"What?! are you serious!" you exclaim, so your practically imagining shit now??
"by yours truly" marquise giggles
"you're as gay as me" you point a finger at her , still in shock with the news
but still didn't they kiss?! , was it just because of your angle?!
as you and Lara got further away from eachother it was like everyone noticed
everyone knew , Lara barely left her room it was really weird , but as the finale approached you had to put a game face on and do your best
"hey y/n" Megan sighs entering your room
"why?" you knew why she was here , you just couldn't tell her why your drifting away from Lara
"what's up with you and Lara" Megan scolds
"nothing" you nonchalantly reply
"shes been isolating herself from the rest of the girls , whatever is happening between you two — fix it " Megan says before leaving the room
you grunt in frustration , how did you get yourself into this arrangement?—not thinking much you just wanted to leave this place and run to her , to what you know is real
you'll regret this you know that but Is there any other way?
"are you serious?" Daniela says as tears appear on the corners of her eyes
"it's for the better" you sigh , urging the latina for a hug
"why are you gonna quit— how about us being in the group?" the shorter sniffles
"trust me I'll support you no matter what" you sigh
"ill tell the rest , you stop crying it's not like I'm dying" you giggle
"it's alright?" you sigh after explaining why your leaving and how you would still support them
one by one the girls run to you hugging you as they shed their tears
except where is Lara? — thats okay you'll just tell the other girls to tell lara
"tell her" Manon says
"I can't - I just can't do that" you stammer
"your gonna break her heart even more" Manon tsks
now standing outside the indians room , your hands were sweating your heart was racing
before even knocking Lara opens the door , she looked tired and almost like she hadn't slept in a week
"what" she coldly ask , okay so we're off with a great start
"can we talk for a moment" you exhale
she lets you in the room , mess is an understatement there where hoodies all over the room you spot yours aswell but chose not to speak on it
"what do you need" she huffs sitting on her bed
"I-Im leaving..." you said , you hesitated for a moment , fiddling with your shirt , eventually looking up
was she crying? , her hands covered her face as you heard endless sniffles and hiccups
"hey don't cry"
"how can I not! , we promised eachother— you've been acting like I'm the dirt on your shoe! your ignoring me like I did something so bad! just tell me what I did!!" she retaliates , angry tears leaving her eyes
you were stunned , the sweet Lara you knew who barely would hurt a fly snapped at you
"you didn't do anything—its me I'm the problem"
"I want you to continue in this shit academy and win , obviously it's gonna be hard but you can do it right" you said
"I know I did something to upset you!— why are you lying to me!" she says , you try to hug her but she pushes you away
"why are you acting like an idiot! — god we promised eachother to stay in this shit of an way to fame now your leaving me?!" she screams
"it's not like that!" you finally break
"you make me feel like you like me but then I see you kissing another girl how does that make me feel?!— and yes if sounds selfish but don't you get it , I like you how hard is that to understand!" you scream back , your voice slur and it silenced the room
"I didn't kiss anyone" Lara says
"so what did I see that night when you and her were alone in the car?" you sniffle , was she lying to you now?
god you wanted to run and jump out to oncoming traffic , you loved her — yet it felt like you were wrong for doing so
"we didn't kiss y/n , shes my best friend" Lara calms down collecting herself
"yeah and I'm blind now apparently" you said chuckling at her blatant lie
"believe me" Lara says her voice softening
"I'm so tired of doing that—it just makes me think I have chance with you — it messes me up can't you see?" you said , standing up from her bed you get your bag and got all her shirts out of it
"here" you said giving her the shirts you pick up your sweater from the ground and left her room
talking with Missy and Mitra was another story , they didn't allow it due to some contract problem
"sorry but we can't do that" Missy replied
going back to the dorms the girls obviously knew why and they helped you understand more
"I don't know anymore —i feel trapped in this place" you sigh
Megan and Daniela exchange a look which you didn't fail to notice
"what" you ask
"nothing..." the two drags out their words
"i know that stupid look you guys have what is it"
"you'll see"
you woke up to a empty house and a note at the fridge
"out eating see you later xx" the handwriting was like Megan's , it was messy
"but I'm hungry too" you sigh , you open the fridge and get some leftovers heating it up before eating it
ring ring
you answer your phone
"what" it was Megan who called
"soo we won't be home till like 8pm , it's currently 12 so figure it out" Megan says ominously
"what do you mean?" you ask
"also can you bring home some gummy snack" you follow
"guess who's home aswell" the older says
"wait..LARA?" instead of replying they hang up gigglibg
it's alright, you don't have to interact with her
you hid in your bathroom, since you thought maybe doing your make up would distract you
"shit" you swear under your breath as you had to do your eyeliner for like the fifteen time
was it already 8? who's in your room , what if it's a buglar , wait Lara's alone!
you check your phone and there it is , it's only 2pm
you creek the door open just giving you a view of who's in your room
black hair , tan skin , belly button piercing — wait that's literally Lara what is she doing in here
before you got to leave the bathroom she goes into your bed , was she gonna sleep here?
"I miss you" you hear her whisper , the familiar scent of her perfume wafted through the room , it threaten you to just run out and hug her assure her that you love her yet you couldn't you felt too nervous to
she stayed there until you heard her soft snores , heaving breathing
you walk out of the bathroom quietly trying not to startle her
she looked peaceful almost as if it's her first sleep in weeks , her face was relaxed as she hugged your pillow
you sat next to her slumbering form , and brush some stray hair off her face , you enjoyed the moment of silence, all your thoughts and worries washes away
"hmh?" you hear her hum , she pulls you towards her with surprising strength, you laid next to her as she snuggled her head in your chest
"I'm sorry , I still love you — please don't leave me" Lara whispers
"I won't , and I'm sorry if I doubted you i should've just told you how I felt insteadofhidingititwassostupid" you blurt out , you got cut off when you felt her lips on yours as she hushes you
she smiles into the kiss
"relax silly" she chuckles as she feels your heart pounding , you were as red as an tomato and about to scream out of excitement
"I can't help it"
"so.. uhm what are we" you ask
"nerd" she giggles you start to get playfully defensive
you were hopelessly captivated by her , who isn't right?
you heard a knock on your door , but since sleeping Lara was clung onto you , you decided not to open the door
until the knocks fade , you wait and then
and there they are , the rest of the girls were outside as Megan opens the door smirking
she pulls out her phone followed by the others and took pictures of the scene
"oohhh" Yoonchae and Ezrela gasps
"guys no pictures no pictures" Daniela says acting like a bodyguard as if she didnt take pictures too
"you all look stupid" you said chuckling
"yeah? and what are you doing there.." Manon teases
"hmh?.." Lara wakes up a bit and sees the girl she flushes and hides her face at your chest
they all gasps in faux surprise
"i won the bet Manon give me my money" Sophia says to Manon
"what bet?" you question
well soon you found out they took a bet on how they're gonna see you two when they came home—atleast you took your chance with Lara
funny how you thought that love was overated yet here you are inlove with her with Lara
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wherenymphsroam · 1 year ago
I READ DAD BOD LEON AND LIKE JDFKD imagine praising him and getting him all flustered and needy and just 😭 he is such a hottie I NEED HIM sorry im just a lil feral abt him
cw: leon finally in his retirement era ??? (probably not canon but we can only hope), chubby leon, older leon, body worship, very light scent thing, a messy blowjob, he’s insecure at first the poor thing, uhhhh not proofread <3
w/c: 1.5k
like, leon is sooooo relieved when he’s (somehow) allowed to retire. genuinely probably just passes out for a good couple of days, drowsy and catching up on years of sleep he missed for a month or so. takes things day by day, waning contentedly through different hobbies, interests, just trying to like…. find his personality back after basically becoming the governments dog for the most of his adult life.
and some things really like … don’t click at first.
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that he’s not nearly as active without the physically demanding day to day. the mission every other month or so that sheds him of all his bodies resources, the ones that basically force upon him that consistently low body fat percentage. sure, he still works out because at this point, it’s weird Not To after putting in so much physical work for so long.
but he’s older now, his metabolism has changed. commercial gyms don’t exactly offer the same amount of intensity that his body is so used to having to work through. and naturally, parts of him grow complacent. he eats more, rightfully so. actually has the time to go out to eat on a consistent basis, and doordash is viewed as a god sent app.
he doesn’t really notice the pounds that have crept up on him until suddenly his favorite pair of jeans doesn’t need a belt to keep them up anymore. it’s when he tucks in his shirt for a more upscale night out that he realizes his button down is more fitted against him than maybe it was the last time he dug out his nicer clothes.
but once he realizes it, he shies away from it, avoids changing in front of mirrors. and when he starts refusing to change in front of you that you notice.
sure, leon was always attractive in your eyes. but it was never the muscles, the trim ‘v’ of his waistline that kept you around. you loved him, genuinely so. and to have him around more often, able to revel in some of the domestic things you couldn’t exactly soak up when he was still an agent? it’s like heaven on earth with him.
so when you notice the slight increase in his weight — the softness that begins to pad his strong biceps when he wraps his arms around you from behind, the extra bit you’re able to hold onto when you hug him — you don’t point it out. it’s welcomed, has you touching him a bit more than maybe necessary nowadays.
the first time he abruptly turns around when you walk in while he was changing, you don’t question it. it’s when he starts to dim the lights before the two of you topple onto the bed in a passionate display that you grow suspicious. your last straw is plucked when he starts coming to bed with a shirt on. an oversized one at that. he had never worn shirts to bed before, always complained about the materials feeling against him becoming irritating throughout the night.
he tries to deny when you first confront him. plays off the way the newfound pliant skin of his sides swells out over the top of his jeans waistband. shakes his head and makes a face at you, even goes so far as to roll his eyes when you reason with him, pointing out his recent ‘preference’ of keeping the lights lower when you fuck.
“I think you’re imagining this, sweetheart. I’m still sexy,” he reasons cheekily, trying to distract you with his cheesy nature.
“I didn’t say you’re not sexy,” you sigh, shaking your head. “You’re definitely still sexy. I’m just saying you look sexy with the extra bit on you,” you hum, leaning against the bedroom door.
it takes Leon a second, trying to allow ‘sexiness’ and ‘weight’ to coexist in his head. at least not in terms of himself. he loved women, all shapes and bodies and weights included. it was a no brainer to say that yes, your logic that sexiness could coexist with more weight was correct. but on him…? he’s Leon Kennedy. he’s not fat.
“Nor am I saying you’re fat, not by a long shot,” you continue, knowing all too well what that look on his face meant. the one he wore when he was thinking too hard about something.
he tries not to flinch when your hands reach out, capturing his sides. tries to stifle the sound that wants to escape when he realizes how much more sensitive the skin there is now with the extra weight. but the pounding of his heart and heat emanating off his body tells you all you need to know. so you continue.
you’re unashamed in how you explore how pliant his sides are now, in how you trace along where the firm cut lines of his abs formerly were. gently pinching and filling your fingers with the extra skin that lies over his lower abdomen, flattening your palm over the swell there and letting it fill your palm. his breath hitches, hands twitching at his sides, itching to slide your hands off him. he yearns to step out of your grasp, but knows that’ll be too telling. so he lets you continue, let’s you have your fun.
the button of his jeans pops audibly, and it’s clear that maybe he’s gonna have to let his favorite pair go pretty soon. but that’s okay. it’s obvious how okay it is when you slide his shirt up, up, up and out of the way. when your lips finds his sternum, trailing up and down its length before moving on to his pecs. silently appreciating how they’ve swelled a bit, how the hair that scatters across his skin has seemingly spread more. you tuck your nose in, inhaling him appreciatively when you slide your fingers under the waistband of his jeans, start to shimmy the denim down.
and oh god, you’re slowly lowering yourself, letting your lips ghost over his stomach now. you’ve grown sloppier, greedier in how you lick up the salt of his skin, bite into and suck at the pliant flesh. as if a fever had overcome you.
and really, that’s not all that far fetched of an idea. it was like you were seeing him naked for the first time all over again. except he’s softer, warmer… easier to paw and play with. responsive when your hands knead at his sides, his pecs. breathless and panting when he realizes his nipples are more sensitive for some reason when you drag the pads of your thumbs over them.
he could’ve gone bright pink when you ask him to strip completely. in front of the mirror no less. but he obliges, although begrudgingly. maybe a bit more hesitantly when you roll your desk chair over in front of the floor to ceiling mirror, instructing him to sit down. but that dissolves when you settle on your knees in front of it, as if sweetening the deal.
he doesn’t expect you to be so …. eager when you finally get yours hands on him. but fuck does he look good. softened thighs spread, the perfect mix between strong and soft in front of you. his soft cock, laid oh so prettily between them, ever so full balls nestled there. you really can’t help how quickly you find yourself burying your face into him, breathing him in and mouthing at his thighs.
your hands are greedy, so very greedy in how you grab at him. his thighs, the stomach that’s started to rest on them. his pecs you reach up to paw at when you realize they’ve started to create a crease between his chest and his stomach from below.
and at first, he doesn’t believe you when you tell him he looks even better like this. that if anything, you prefer him like this. doesn’t want to hear it when you try to coax him into repeating affirmations about himself, keeps his eyes off his reflection in the mirror.
but of course, he’s a weak man. you’re sat on your knees between his spread thighs, your ass practically begging to be ogled in those jeans.
and that’s what he focuses on at first. tries not to notice how you have to tilt your head slightly when you take him in your mouth, how you have to hold his tummy when you suck him off to keep it from inhabiting how far down you can get on his length. but as the heat in his body grows, as you get sloppier with spit dribbling down your chin, he has no choice but to look down at you.
and at that point, he can’t find it in him to care about the swell of his lower abdomen. he isn’t very worried about how much more space his thighs take up on the chair when you dip one of his balls into your mouth, licking and warming and soaking them in your feverish attempt to make him feel how sexy he is to you.
but by the time he’s coming ropes onto your pretty face, he finally gives in. finally obliges you fully and admits that maybe… maybe he was still sexy as fuck. maybe he did look better, healthier with the retirement weight on him.
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selfishdoll · 1 year ago
❛how they like to eat you out...❜ ━━ ft. kashimo hajime, gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, & fushiguro toji.
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⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 SUMMARY. ━━ self explanatory fr. just small drabbles about them eating you out.
⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 CONTENT WARNING. ━━ ooc characters, mature themes, oral sex, slight mention of anal play (toji’s part), pet names, slightly mean dom for kashimo & toji, etc. if i forgot something tell me!
⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 NOTE. ━━ gege literally whispered in my ear all his adult male characters are munches.. so don’t shoot the messenger 🤷🏾‍♀️. also this is messy & i’m sorry, excuse typos & grammar mistakes. and another note geto’s was so hard to describe so if it’s confusing i’m sorry.
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a basic man, he likes you on your back spread— holding your own legs. the way your nails dig into your pudgy flesh, struggling to keep them open whilst his feasts away between them gets him relied up. it doesn’t help the man will literally stop if they so much as touch his ears. no matter how close you are, no matter how much you’re begging for a release, the second they touch him; he stops
“come on sweetheart.. you wanna come right? just keep your legs open for me.”
he is not called the strongest for nothing, and always likes to remind you of this. meaning, he prefers to eat you out against a wall. no matter how much you you weigh or how heavy you think you are, if he wants you; you’re up against a wall in seconds. maybe he’s kneeling like you’re a goddess, fingers digging into your skin as he pulls your thighs onto his shoulders. or maybe he’s standing at his full 190 cm, ignoring your worried pleas. satoru would never admit how much that turns him on; your hands grabbing at his hair, thighs squeezing as adorable moans and gasps escaped you— all while begging to be put down. of course if you really want to, he’ll do it. most times however, you’re being difficult, worried about hurting him.
“just grab onto me, princess— ‘m not gonna drop you. see? that’s it.. just let me do all the work, pretty girl.”
a difficult position. upside down. the man sitting, your back and ass touching his stomach and shoulders, knees brushing the bed. why is this difficult ass position his favorite? well, mostly because he can see your face. the way your eyebrows crease together each time he drags his wet, thick muscle between your folds; delicately wrapping his lips around your clit just to have you whine and moan. how embarrassed you get when he points out little things to you, like how your hole is clenching around nothing or how wet you are. it’s sick the way he makes you watch yourself come all over his face, how greedy your pussy looks asking for more of his mouth. the man likes to tease you, and found this method as perfect.
“look at that baby.. see how fucking greedy you are for me?.. ah— don’t get shy, pretty girl. “
after a long day of work and gojo satoru, nanami wants nothing more then to be smothered by you. literally. it’s not rare the man will simply lay on his back after a hot shower, upper half unclothed whilst his simply pats his chest. the first time you were a little confused, only for his hands to grab your waist, pulling you over to hover above his face. doesn’t care for your worried whining or concerns. ( what if i’m too heavy ken? ) will coax you with gentle squeezes and rubs on your ass, pleading between your legs just to sit your pretty self right on his face. when you finally do, he’s breathing happily, arms tight around you so you can’t move an inch. despite your thighs closed around his head and how little he can breathe, he’s taking his time with you. tongue moving as if exploring you for the first time, loving the way your fingers mess up and grip at his hair. thick muscle rubbing your little clit raw, he’s in no rush to lift you off. you, most times, have to make the decision for the both of you. much to his dismay.
“i didn’t ask if you were heavy, princess. just take a seat, please. sit, all the way down. wanna feel every single inch of you.”
another man that loves to tease and lowkey embarrass you. meaning, he’s eating you out from behind. loves to spank you when you squirm, enjoys watching the way you glance back at him, the beautiful whines and moans that escape you. each time you attempt to move away he’s pulling you back into his face, tongue and lips never detaching from your messy cunt. will pull back, grab your cheeks and spread, just to get a wider view of you. will say something snarky, borderline mean, just to see you whine and reach back to swat at him. don’t do that, cause then he’ll definitely spank you. hard. a little note to add if you’re up for it, he will sink a thumb into your other hole, and just keep it there.
“drippin’ all over the fucking bed, it feels that good doesn’t it? so messy, baby. gonna have you lick it all up later.”
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hoejosatoru · 5 months ago
Star Crossed
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Togame Jo (characters are 21+, readers skin color and hair color/texture not described)
Summary: Being the sister of Bofurin's leader can get complicated. But when y/n accidentally hooks up with the vice leader of your rival gang? It's straight up messy. Y/n has to navigate her loyalty to Bofurin while also combatting nagging feelings about the man she is supposed to take down.
Word count: 14.5k
a/n: I got EXTREMELY carried away with this. I have no idea how this happened. BUT ALSO for the first scene of this togame will be referred to as James and y/n will be referred to as Alice because they give each other fake names when they meet. But James = Togame. hopefully that is not confusing lol. If your name is actually Alice idk why to tell you girlie sorry
Warnings: Drinking, fingering, smoking mentioned, y/n is mentioned to have past relationship with Hiragi and they hook up off screen, vague knife play, enemies to lovers, some stuff togame does could be considered stalking but y/n is also doing it back (like a cat and mouse), oral sex both m and f receiving, unprotected sex, creampie, getting walked in on, gun violence, blood mentiontion, very inacurate medical stuff please just suspend your disbelief for the plot lol, mentions of parent death, reader discussed past attempted sa, not proof read
You were looking for trouble. You could admit that.
Things were tough at work, if being a gang member counted as work. Really, it was more your life. They were so intertwined it was impossible to distinguish one from the other. So, life was just tough at the moment. Such is the burden of being one of the top members of Bofurin.
Your brother, Umemiya, was top dog. Respected by those who followed him, feared by those who were against him. Though, he didn't care much for people fearing him, it was simply a means to an end. He understood that most men only responded to power and fear and so he leaned into it, when needed.
Bofurin was mostly made of men, but being his sister allowed you the special privilege of being one of the few women involved. Certainly, you were the highest woman in the organization. You trained to fight - and kill, when necessary - with the best of them, yet that didn't stop you from getting stupid rules. Like this fucking curfew.
"Curfew my ass," you grumbled to yourself as you slipped out your apartment. Whenever things got tense between Bofurin and Shishitoren, your top rival, Umemiya insisted on you laying low. He didn't want to you going on missions or getting involved in business. Nor did he want to going out late or basically doing anything that could be considered fun.
You got it, you really did. You knew he was just looking out for you. You were truly one of Bofurin's best weapons. Shishitoren doesn't know what you look like, nor would they expect to a woman to be as skilled as you are. Their inclination to underestimate you would always be one of your biggest weapons. At the moment, though, your identity was your biggest asset. Not only did it help with gathering intel, but it kept you safe. If they knew who you were, who you were connected to, the target on your back would be massive.
So, yes, you got why Umemiya worried and tried to protect you. But you were a grown woman, and a stubborn one at that. You believed that you could handle yourself and your track record affirmed that. So if you wanted to go out one night and have some fun, was it really that bad?
You didn't think so, which is why you found yourself at a seedy little party. You heard about it through some Bofurin members, which should make it risky to attend but it was a masquerade party. Even if a few of them did attend, you'd easily blend in with the crowd. And even if Ume did find out, he couldn't be that mad. At least your face was covered when you went out.
But you weren't worried about that now. The dress you were waring fit you like a glove and you knew you looked hot. It's been so long since you've been able to wear something cute. You just wanted to drink and dance and blow off some steam. This underground party where everyone was anonymous and no one was asking questions was the perfect place to do it.
And you were enjoying all of that when you sensed a presence behind you. You were at the bar, trying to get the poor bartender's attention, but he was clearly overwhelmed by the amount of people swarming him for a drink. You felt him standing there, could feel his eyes on you.
You turned around cautiously, finding a tall man with a mess of dark hair. His face was masked, of course, but you could see emerald eyes glittering with mischief behind them. Something about him nagged at you, like a memory you couldn't quite recall. You reckoned it was the alcohol swimming at the edges of your senses and ignored it.
"Beautiful thing like you shouldn't have to wait for a drink," he said. Confidence rolled off him, in a way that some would describe as arrogance. You knew his type, all women did, but you were willing to play into his banter.
"And just how can you tell I'm beautiful with a mask on? Or were you just hoping I'd fall for that?" you questioned.
He grinned, amused by your attitude. "I've got a sixth sense for beautiful women that not even a mask could hide." He put a hand out and the bartender responded to him immediately, much to your chagrin. "What're you drinking?"
"Whatever you are."
"I like your style." He ordered two shots of vodka. "Basic, but it get the job done." You accepted the drink, your hand brushing his. Your stomach flipped, which could just be the alcohol you've already drank or it could be that this guy was peaking your interest. You haven't had fun with a man in a minute. You were too busy beating them up, usually.
"You know, I don't usually accept drinks from strangers," you mused.
"Oh? Guess that makes me special," He smirked. "But the name is James. And you?"
"Alice," you lied. You weren't stupid enough to give this random guy your name, as innocuous as he may be.
"Cheers." Your classes clinked together before you knocked them back. The alcohol blazed down your throat and settled in your stomach with a warm glow. You were at the pleasant level of buzzed, still in control but loosened up just enough to have some extra fun.
"Wanna dance?" you asked, already grabbed for his hand. He didn't protest because men who looked at you like he was looking at you never did.
"It would be my pleasure." You pulled him to the dance floor, which was crowded with bodies pressed against each other and swaying to the music. The air was hot and thick, but you didn't care. You let the music guide you, inching closer and closer to James until there wasn't an inch of space between you.
Your back was pressed to his front, your ass grinding against him to the beat. His hands snaked around your waist, feeling up and down your sides shamelessly. One hand edged dangerously close to the hem of dress, but only hovered there teasingly. You could feel him growing hard against your and your body reacted instantly, desire surging in your lower stomach.
You spun around, your eyes connecting in silent conversation. The charged air swirling around you sparked as you pressed your lips to his. You wrapped your arms around his neck, glad for the heels your wore so didn't have to stand on your tip toes to kiss him.
James responded immediately, one arm wrapped around your waist, the other gripping your ass. He kissed you deeply, with a confident ease that only made your body buzz. He slid one leg between your thigh as other dancers jostled around you, paying no mind to the two of you. His thigh brushed against your cunt and practically purred against him. Any chance of you making a smart decision was gone.
"Wanna find somewhere private?" James asked, breathless. His pupils were blown out, darkening his eyes and making them churn with desire. The second you nodded, he was leading you out of the crowd.
You wandered down the hallways, finally finding a door labeled storage. James tried to open the door, but it was lock. He frowned. "Got a bobby pin?"
You always kept one on you for these exact moments. You didn't want to show your hand, that you had such a skill. Better for him to not wonder, like you were wondering about him as you pulled the pin from your hair and pressed it into his palm. If you were any less consumed by need at the moment, you may have questioned the ease at which he picked the lock.
He grinned at you, incisor catching the light. "Special talent."
"Let's hope that's not your only one."
The door slammed shut the second you two slipped inside. He had you pressed against the wall, picking up where you left off on the dance. "I'm taking this shit off." James tossed his mask to the ground. Even in the darkness of the closet you could see he was devastatingly handsome. His nose was strong, his face angular, his eyes swallowing you up.
You followed his lead, letting your mask fall off your face. He cupped your face, brushing your cheek. "Mmm, knew I was right. You're fucking stunning." Your stomach fluttered, charmed despite yourself.
He kissed you again, unencumbered by the masks. You tangled your hands in his dark strands as he squeezed your ass. He bit into your lower lip, tugging slightly. His leg parted your thigh, urging you to grind against him. Your hips rolled and a moan escaped your lips at he delicious friction. He squeezed your tits as you rocked yourself against him.
The more you worked yourself up, the harder he got. He couldn't resist touching your cunt anymore, knowing it must be dripping. He could already feel a wet spot on his pants. He slipped his hand under the hem of your dress.
"Oh? What's this?" He pushed your dress up, revealing the knife you had strapped to your thigh. Shit, you forgot about that.
"What you've never seen a girl with a dagger before?" you brushed it off as a joke.
"Can't say I've had the pleasure." He finger trailed down the length of the blade, before trailing back up your inner thigh.
"Well you better hurry up and touch me or I'll be forced to use it on you."
He chuckled. "Don't threaten me with a good time, angel." He cupped your cunt, making you roll your hips against his palm. He kissed you again as he pushed your panties to the side, running his fingers through you soaked center. The coolness of his rings against the heat of you made you gasp.
"Fuck, angel, you're soaked," he mused, toying with your clit. "This all for me?" His middle finger slid inside you, pumping lightly. "Can feel you squeezing me already."
"You - fuck- love to hear yourself talk, huh?" You were embarrassed by how flustered you sounded already, but god this man was good with his fingers. He slid his ring finger in with his middle finger, curling against your g spot.
"Feels like you love listening," he replied. He fucked his fingers fasters, making you moan to prove his point. Your hips were bucking to match his movements, chasing the pleasure of his touch. "Look at you, fucking yourself on my fingers. How'd I get so lucky to find a nasty little thing like you?"
"James ngh-" you gasped, gripping his shoulders. The sound of your wet pussy getting fucked with his fingers filled the storage room. It was sinful, erotic. When his thumb found your clit your body sparked with the euphoric warmth of an orgasm. You moan, leaning your whole body weight on to James as your knees buckle.
"Atta girl," he praised, "So good for me." He held you with his other arm while he slipped his fingers out of you. He brought them to his mouth, sucking your release off them. "So sweet."
Before you could respond, the sound of a phone ringing filled the room. James reached into back pocket and frowned. "Sorry gotta take this." He turned away from you, listening to someone on the other end. "I'll take care of it," was all he said before hanging up and turning back to you.
"I hate to leave you now, angel, but duty calls," he said. "Can I get your number? Maybe we can finish this sometime."
"Oh, yeah sure." You normally don't give random dudes your number, but your brain was too hazy from coming down that high to think of something fake. You gave him your work cell number, knowing you wouldn't be answering him and could just block the number. As fun as this was, you didn't have time for the bull shit that came with hook ups.
"Thanks for the treat," he said, wiggling his fingers. You rolled your eyes, but waved goodbye as he slid out the door.
"Well, shit," you said to yourself when you were alone. Trouble was certainly found.
You woke with a dully ache behind your eyes. Definitely not the worst hangover you endured, but enough to make you grumpy. The texts you woke to did nothing to quiet the pounding in your head. Umemiya was scheduling an urgent, emergency meeting. Great.
It seemed that there were many of these meetings recently, which took the anxiety out of you as you got ready. You were more worried about keeping a normal appearance. If you look hungover, your brother would certainly be suspicious of what you did last night.
"You look lovely," Suo commented sarcastically when he saw you. You plopped down next to him, glad for the cool air up on the Bofurin base's roof.
"You really know how to make a girl feel special, Suo," you grumbled. Suo was one of your closest friend in Bofurin, despite his little barbs.
"Did something happen last night?" he asked as your brother and the rest of the Bofurin higher ups filed in.
"I'll tell you later."
Everyone settled around the table as Hiragi wheeled at the projector you used for meetings. The look on his and your brother's face made your stomach twinge with nerves. Something was up.
"Welcome everyone," Ume began, "I apologize for calling you all here so urgently, but we've had a major break through in our work against Shishitoren." Everyone seemed to lean forward, eager for the new information. "We've uncovered the identity of Togame Jo."
Murmurs broke out. Shit, this was big. Bofurin has been trying to get his identity for months now. We knew he was the right hand of Choji, one of the most fearsome members of Shishitoren. However, he always kept his identity concealed when he went out. You only had shoddy, vague descriptions of him from members who have crossed his path - and lived to tell the tale.
"Here's his picture. Make sure you spread it to everyone in your division," Ume stated as the photo Togame filled the screen.
The world seemed to fall away from you. Those eyes staring at you from the screen were all too familiar.
Suddenly it hit you, that nagging feeling you had when you saw James last night.
He was tall... green eyes... dark hair...
The descriptions his victims had given. It was him, James was Togame Jo.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Your blood was roaring in your ears, so you almost missed when Ume said your name. "Y/n, I want you to help on this."
"M-me?" you hated how you stuttered, but you couldn't help it. Your mouth felt dry and cottony. Not only were shocked that this was Togame, the man you hooked up with last night, but you were confused that Ume would want you involved in this at all.
"I've heard you loud and clear about wanting to be more involved," Ume said. "You are our secret weapon. He doesn't know what you look like, but he knows the rest of us. You are our best chance to get him." He paused, clearly not fully happy with this plan, but accepting he didn't have a choice. "It will be dangerous, but I don't think that bothers you."
Everyone was staring at you, waiting for a reaction. Your brain was functioning at a mile a minute, trying to process everything that was just thrown at you. Your skin felt hot and prickly under their gazes. You had an irrational fear that they could see your guilt on your face, that they knew what you did.
"Of course," you mustered up. "I'll do it." You hoped you sounded more assured than you felt. If Ume thought something was amiss, he didn't comment on it.
The rest of the meeting was a blur. The only thing that stuck out to you was Ume giving anyone who encountered Togame the permission to use lethal force, if necessary. Umemiya did not give that out lightly, so you knew how serious this was to him.
Your brain felt scrambled as you were trying to figure out how the fuck you were going to sort this out. Should you tell Ume? You know you probably should, but this was the first time he was trusting you with something big and this would totally destroy that. But he if he finds out somehow he'll be even more pissed.
As the meeting was clearing out you came to the only possible conclusion: you needed to eliminate Togame before anyone could find out.
Your eyes flicked up to his image on the screen, your body swelling with anxiety. The photo of him, you realized, was from last night. He was slipping out of the party, never having put his mask back on. So there were other Bofurin members there. Shit, what if someone saw you?
"Y/n, can you stay for a minute?" Ume stopped your train of thoughts. You nodded, not trusting your words. Everyone else filtered out, leaving just you and your brother. Paranoia gnawed at you. Did he know? Was this some sort of test. No... he couldn't. He wouldn't have asked you to help in front of everyone if he knew.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," you answered a little too quickly. "Seriously, I am. I just didn't sleep great last night. Something I ate, I think." The lies slipped out of you with surprising ease.
"I'm not saying this to be... patronizing," Ume stole the word you used often, a ghost of a smile playing at his lips. "I know you're strong and capable. I know you can do this. I don't love the idea, but Hiragi convinced me." Ume gave you a pointed look.
Your heart squeezed atet the mention of Hiragi. You dated for a bit a few years ago. You really loved him, but you guys just didn't work out. You've hooked up a handful of times since the break up, but you never got back to a serious place. Your friendship was strong enough to weather that, but you weren't as close as you once were.
Ume were convinced that you two were meant to be. He'd be over the moon if you guys got married, making Hiragi his true brother. It made you emotional that he pushed so hard for you. He knew what this would mean for you. But it was bittersweet, making you feel more guilty about what you did the prior evening.
Ume continued, "Bottom line is, Togame is dangerous guy. I need you to promise me you'll be honest with me. And with yourself. If it seems too much, too dangerous, we'll find another way."
"You worry too much Ume," you sighed. You were trying to brush off his praise of you. It felt undeserved at the moment.
"I'm serious, y/n," he replied. "You're the only family I have left. Promise me you'll tell me if you need help, or if something goes wrong. It won't be a poor reflection fo you at all."
"I promise," you lied. It felt heavy on your tongue. Bitter.
"Okay," he nodded, "I trust you."
God he was really trying to make you feel like the biggest piece of shit. You debated telling him, but you couldn't stand the shame of it. He was right, you could do this. But you had to act quickly.
"Y/n, wait up." It was Hiragi hustling up behind you as walked home. "Mind if I join you?"
"Ume didn't send you, did he?" you questioned.
"No, I just wanted to see how you were doing," he replied, "You seemed a bit off today."
You shrugged. "Just slept like shit and was not expecting the meeting to be about that." At least that wasn't a lie. "What did you have to do to Ume to get him to put me on this? It looked like it pained him."
Hiragi chuckled. "I knew you'd want to do it and it just makes sense. Dangerous, but makes sense." He sighed. "And Ume does believe in you, you know. He just doesn't wanna see you hurt. None of us do."
"I get it," you nodded. "I'm going to handle it. The sooner Togame is out of our hair, the better."
"No argument here," he replied. "Any plans on how you're going to do it?" That was the magic question, wasn't it?
In the brief amount of time since this was all dropped on you, your mind has been churning with plans. It dawned on you that he didn't know who you were. Sure, he saw your face, but what did that matter if he didn't realize who you were? You could use that your advantage.
"Dunno," you replied, "I could probably seduce him. I figure a guy like Togame would be easy enough to fool if you get him horny enough."
Hiragi grimaced. "I don't love that plan."
"Of course you don't," you replied. "I don't love it either." Your mind swam with memories of last night, how easy it had been to get that close to him. You hated how your body fluttered at these thoughts. God if only you had known then... "I'm not going to actually sleep with him. Just get him alone, when he least expects it." You weren't sure if you were saying that to reassure him or yourself.
You were outside your apartment then and Hiragi stopped to look at you. "Just promise me you're not gonna put yourself in unnecessary danger."
Well, that ship has sailed. "Unnecessary danger is kinda my thing, Hiragi."
His eyes narrowed. "I'm serious, y/n."
You groaned. "You and Ume are so serious. You guys gotta lighten up." You sighed, ready to be alone. To shower, clear your head. "But I promise I will be smart about this." At least as best as you could, but you kept that to yourself.
Hiragi nodded. "If you need anything, don't hesitate. I know how Ume can be with you and I don't want to feeling like you have to hide shit from him. If you're in a bind, but don't wanna go to him you can always come to me. You know that, right?"
You did and that was the worst part. The way Hiragi looked at you, sometimes you wondered how much his feelings lingered for you. You thought about spilling your guts to him right then and there. You did trust him, but this wasn't a minor hiccup. Togame seeing your face was a huge deal. Not to mention you didn't want to have to answer question as how he saw your face, especially not to Hiragi.
Somethings you knew he would hide from Ume for you, but you weren't sure if this was one of them. More than that, you didn't want to put him in that position. To have to choose between betraying you or betraying Ume. You had enough on your conscious right now and wouldn't add that.
"Thanks, Hiragi," your voice was thicker than you expected, fighting off emotions. "I'll let you know if I need anything." With that, you said your goodbyes.
You showered, ate, hydrated and the ache in your head subsided. You turned ideas over in your head, trying to whittle them down to being smooth, sensible. You'd wait for Togame to call you, you'd play along and get him alone, and then capture him. Kill him, if needed.
The latter made you uneasy. Killing wasn't foreign to you as a Bofurin member, but it certainly wasn't very common place. Umemiya believed in the inherent value of human life. Bofurin's goal was to keep the town safe, which meant driving out those who wreak havoc on the innocent. Ume, of course, was not opposed to using force to achieve this goal. He'll tell anyone who will listen that fights are a language.
There are very rare occasions where it is clear fists aren't enough. Weeds that have been plucked and yet grow back time and time again. That was the Shishitoren higher ups, a parasite on the town that needed to be ripped out, root and stem.
You've never been put on a mission where killing the target was the object. You've only had to kill someone once and it was in self defense. You shudder at the memory. If the rumors about Togame were true, you knew he had to be stopped. Still, the thought of killing him in cold blood brought you no joy.
You would try to capture him, let Ume handle him, but there was a risk. Would Togame tell Ume about you? Would Ume even believe him? Surely you could just say he was lying.
The sound of your phone ringing pulled you from your thoughts. Your work phone. You didn't recognize the number, so it had to be him. Your stomach was in knots as you clicked accept.
"Hello, Alice." It was Togame, that was for sure. And the way he said the name told you he knew it was fake. Shit.
"Who is this?" you kept your voice even.
"You wound me," Togame replied, "I thought we shared something special last night, y/n."
Fuck, how did he know who you were? This was bad. "What do you want?"
"I think we have a lot to discuss."
"Go ahead, then."
"Hmm, I find in person so much more... productive," Togame replied, the lilt in his voice telling you he was enjoying this.
"And why would I trust that?" you practically laughed.
"I never lie to beautiful women." You wished he could see you roll your eyes. "And because I'm putting myself just as much at risk by meeting with you." That was true. He took your silence as an invitation to continue. "Just you and me, no fights, no weapons. Just a conversation... Though if you have that little knife of yours strapped to your thigh again, I wouldn't object." You could practically hear his smirk over the phone.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. It was stupid, horribly stupid, but there was a chance you could get something out of him that would be helpful. "Okay. Meet me at the dock at 10pm. There's a spot behind 3 big shipping crates by the water that's private."
"It's a date." Before you could protest that it most certainly was not a date, he hung up.
You seen the rest of the evening playing a variety of ways this could play out. Many of them ended with you captured, or worse. You debated calling Hiragi, but you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. You didn't want to bring him into this met, at least not unless it was dire.
At 9:30 you set off for the docks. The location you gave Togame was your favorite place to clear your head. The shipyard wasn't exactly the safest place to hang out, but you never ran into anyone at this particular spot. It was perfect for when you needed to disconnect from everything. You hated that you now gave it away to Togame, but it was the only place you were sure you could talk uninterrupted.
You were stationed at your spot by 9:45. Perfect. You wanted to be there before Togame so you could scope out the area. You stood with your back towards the water so he couldn't sneak up on you. You were about to steel yourself for the wait when you heard footsteps approaching.
"Guess we both had the same idea of getting here early." Togame swaggered in dressed all in back, save for his yellow Shisitoren jacket. He seemed utterly relaxed, as if he was meeting an old friend.
Much to your dismay, he was every bit as attractive as he was last night. You were hoping it was the alcohol that had clouded your vision of him, but no. He was devastatingly, annoying good looking.
"Nice to see you angel... or I guess I should say princess," Togame smirked. Your blood boiled.
"Don't call me that," you snapped. You had, against your wishes, been given the nickname of the princess of Bofurin awhile back. It started out as a joke, but the more you expressed your hatred of it, the more people used it. Eventually, it traveled out to those beyond Bofurin and since they didn't know your real name, that was what stuck. It irked you to no end.
"So hostile," Togame mused, "And here I thought we were going to have a nice little chat." He looked out on the water, lights glittering on the inky water. "This is kind of a romantic choice. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you wanna pick up where we left off last night."
You groaned. "That was a mistake."
Togame feigned offense. "Ouch."
A thought hit you like a shock of ice water. "Did you know who I was last night?" It was bad enough that you hooked up with Togame by mistake, but if you had been manipulated? It made your skin crawl.
"No," he answered seriously. "There was a small team in Shishitoren assigned to uncovering your identity, but I was not one of them. Last night was just a very happy accident."
"For you, maybe," you grumbled. "But why not? Aren't you their second in command."
Toagme shrugged. "The detective stuff is grunt work. Besides, it was risky digging into you. At the time we were still trying to cover my identity, but cats out of the bag now it seems."
Your blood ran cold. "So there are others? Who know about me?" You scanned the area again, certain you were going to be ambushed.
"Relax, princess, it's just you and me," Togame said. "But yes there are. The small group looking into you, myself and Choji, but that's it for now."
"For now?"
"Ah, that's why I'm here," Togame replied, taking a few steps closer to you. You wanted to back away, but you also didn't want to come off as afraid. You decided to stand your ground. "Choji doesn't trust the grunts to capture you without killing you or fucking it up. You're worth more to us alive."
Your bristled, "I'm not a fucking object to be taken."
"Neither am I and yet you would capture me all the same, wouldn't you?" Togame questioned. You frowned because he was right. "I thought so. It's not pleasant work we do, but it needs to be done." He signed, pulling out a cigarette and taking a drag. "It's a nasty habit, know. Hope you don't mind."
"Can you just get to the point, please." You were exhausted and agitated.
"I'm offering you a chance to surrender without a fight," Togame replied.
You couldn't stifle your laugh. "How tempting."
"I'm doing you a favor," Togame said, "Like I said, Choji doesn't trust the other guys to do the job right, but he also isn't a patient guy. He gave me two weeks to capture you. After that, your picture will be released to everyone."
Fuck, that would not be good. You would have to tell Ume if it got that far. "How do you know that I won't capture you before then?"
"Cause I'm good at what I do," Togame replied.
Annoyance flared at his underestimation of you. You had to remind yourself that was a good thing, it would be easier to surprise him. "So what I come with you and then god knows what happens to me in Shishitoren?"
"Shishitoren has a rule," Togame explained, "Whoever brings someone in has dibs on that person. No one else can touch them, unless Choji says otherwise. He would listen to me. What I'm offering you is protection." You mulled over his words, trying to gauge the truth of them, if you could even trust him if they were true. You knew all too well what could happen to you if you were captured by a group like Shishitoren.
Ultimately you didn't know if you could trust him, but you did trust yourself. "I don't need your protection," You replied, "Two weeks is more than enough time to hunt you down."
"Hmm, I cannot deny that sounds fun," Togame mused, "Always loved when women chase me." He dropped the cigarette, grinding it into the pavement.
"Then we are done here," you replied, ignoring his comment. "I'll let you go now, but starting tomorrow I'm not holding back. I'm not scared to kill you if you resist."
Togame laughed. "I bet you've never even killed a fly."
Your anger flared and in a second you were on him, knife unsheathed and pressed against his throat. You savored the tiny flash surprise in his eyes as you shoved him against one of the shipping containers. "You have no idea what I'm capable of."
"Mmm I was hoping you'd use that thigh knife on me," Togame smirked, unbothered by the position he found himself in. You could do it, you could press the blade further into his skin and end this now.
Togame saw the wheels turning in your head and put an end to them immediately. He flipped you around lightning quick, pinning both of your hands over your head. The pressure he put on your wrists caused your grip on the knife to loosen, then slip from your grasp. He caught it with his free hand, pressing it your throat. The blade was icy against your warm skin.
"As hot as that was, I'm not trying to die tonight princess," he whispered in your ear. "Or ever, for that matter." You tried to squirm away from him, but he was too strong. His thigh was slotting between your legs, too much like the position you'd been in the prior evening. Your body betrayed you by responding with a hint of want.
"So two weeks, you and me, and the best will win," Togame said. "Do I get a good luck kiss?"
"Fuck off," you spat.
Togame sighed. "I'll get that kiss one way or another." He released you, flipping the knife back to you. "See you soon, princess."
With that you were alone, staring down the barrel of two weeks that were likely to change everything.
And so began your game of cat and mouse with Togame Jo. You went for a run the following morning, hoping to clear your head. Later in the day you received a text from Togame with a photo of you jogging.
That's a cute little set you got on
He was referring to the matching bike shorts and sports bra your wore. It happened to be your favorite, but now you were scowling at it. How had he been so close you didn't notice.
You had to one up him.
The next day you used the intel Bofurin had provided you on Togame's movements. You staked out the coffee shop he frequently, snapping a picture of him picking up his order.
Didn't picture you as an oat milk guy
You had texted him. He responded instantly.
I'm just happy you've been picturing me. Any other fantasies you want to share?
His message bothered you because you had been fantasizing about him. Your mind kept drifting to that night, his kiss, the way he touched you... You tried to convince yourself it was meaningless intrusive thoughts, but it didn't help how ridiculous it felt. You should be focusing on capturing him, not how it felt to have his fingers slide between your thighs... Anyways.
It didn't help that you were now sending photos back and forth every day, getting closer and closer to one another. It was almost like a game, how close could you get without the other noticing? To make matters worse, Togame started calling you.
You ignored it at first, but curiosity got the best of you. At first it was just little taunts about seeing each other, but the conversations became longer and longer. You actually found yourself looking forward to them, waiting by your phone in the evening.
All the while you were inching closer and closer to each other. Once, you'd been tailing him, certain he was unaware. But a few turns led you to a dead end, which nothing but a post it on the concrete reading nice try princess.
Never one to be one upped, you led him on a wild goose chase the following day. You left him a polaroid photo of yourself flipping him off.
That night Togame thanked you for the photo in that sweet, syrupy voice of his. Telling you he was going to keep it in his wallet. You blushed despite yourself.
You were being absolutely ridiculous, you realized. A week passed, half the time before everyone in Shishitoren would know who you were, and you were blushing over some stupid comment from Togame. It was idiotic. You were treating this like some stupid game, forgetting how dangerous your opponent was, how high the stakes were.
You weren't proud of how you tried to get your mind off things. Hiragi came over and you turned that damned phone off, shoving in the darkest corner of your drawers. He was in your bed within an hour.
And it was good, sure. Having dated Hiragi he knew your body well, but it didn't stop your mind from drifting to Togame. If you believed in magic, you would think he's bewitched you. Realistically you were just being weak, letting a guy get in your head like this just because he was attractive. Maybe Ume was right to not trust you with serious stuff if this is how you handle it.
When Hiragi left the next morning, you felt worse than before. Nothing changed and now you felt guilty about using Hiragi. You'd hooked up a few times, so you didn't think it was that big of a deal. But knowing you had ulterior motives he wasn't privy to made you feel bad about it. Ugh.
Like clockwork, Togame called you that evening.
"You had another guy over last night? And hear I was thinking we had something special," Togame mused.
"Didn't take you for the jealous type," you replied.
"I've never been a very good sharer," he replied. "Especially not with Bofurin guys."
"I guess it's a good thing I'm not sharing anything with you, then," you replied.
"That was Hiragi, wasn't it? That your type? Good guys?" Togame questioned.
"And what if it is?" You bristled, more in defense of Hiragi than anything.
"You'll be very bored," Togame yawned, "Does he even satisfy you."
You thoughts of the prior evening, Hiragi's hands in your hair, your bodies press together, him slipping inside you. The orgasm good, but not like that night with Togame...
"Yes," you answered.
"Hmm was that hesitation I sensed, princess?" Togame purred. "Is he not getting you off? You know I could."
"Beginner's luck."
"Oh? Wanna test out that theory?" Togame replied. "I've been wanting to get a second taste."
"Goodnight Togame." You hung up and tossed your phone away.
Thank god your friends were having a girls night. You needed to relax and get your mind off things. Not only were your thoughts about Togame incessant and irritating, but you were edging closer to the 2 week mark. Just a few days stood between you and the entirety of Shishitoren knowing who you were. You could feel the clock ticking.
But not tonight. Tonight you were just hanging out with your friends, getting wine drunk, and thinking only of gossip and drama. It was exactly what you needed.
You talked well into the night, but insisted on going home even though your friend said you could say. The alcohol was wearing off, but there was still the slightest buzz in your body and all you wanted was your bed. Your place was just a few blocks away it would be fine, you had told her.
Perhaps it was the buzz, or the way you let your guard down around your friends that had lulled you into a false sense of security. You were certain you would have heard the footsteps if it wasn't for that.
"Hello, princess." The voice was low and close to your ear. Too close.
You spun around, your knife whipped out and pressed agains the neck of-
"Togame," you gasped. Adrenaline and fear coursed through your system, making you breathless. "What the fuck?" You were pissed at him for scaring you, pissed at yourself for being so oblivious that it allowed him to scare you.
"It's dangerous for you to be walking home alone at this hour," Togame replied. He hadn't even flinched when you pulled the knife on him.
You grumbled, tucking the blade back into its hiding spot. "Yeah, you're the danger."
"There's worse things than me out here, princess," Togame replied. Something about his words sent a shiver down your spine. "Let me walk you home."
You eyed Togame, wondering if this was all some ruse. He could have just gotten you, easily. That really freaked you out. But... he didn't. There was a curiosity about him that nagged at you. Maybe, you wondered, getting those questions answered would put him out of your head.
"Walk me to the park, I don't wanna go home yet," you replied. You started walking, not waiting for him to agree. This time you were keenly aware of his footsteps trailing right behind you.
Togame broke the silence as you settled down onto a bench next to a willow tree. The park was usually bustling with life, but at this hour it was still and silent. "Another romantic spot you've chosen for us."
"Are you incapable of being serious?" you replied flatly.
"Usually," Togame grinned.
Despite his aversion to giving straight answers, your curiosity got the best of you. "Why didn't you grab me back there? You completely caught me off guard. You could have..." You trailed off, the bitter taste of almost defeat preventing you from finishing the sentence.
"That's the million dollar question, isn't it?" Togame considered. "I guess I'm not ready for this to end yet. Having too much fun."
"So you just want to toy with me longer?"
"I wouldn't say that," Togame replied, "I'm a bit... conflicted about what comes next. I don't take pleasure in the idea of handing you over to Choji as a bargaining chip, but I owe him. I'm just delaying the inevitable, I suppose."
"You're nothing like I expected," you commented.
"Oh? What did you expect?"
"I just thought you were going to be, well, evil," you replied, "The rumors about you make you seem like a monster, but I don't see that. At least I haven't yet."
On some level you felt Togame could just be showing you what he wanted you to see. That he was playing the long con and trying to lull you into a false sense of security. But you realized you weren't truly afraid of him. You were afraid of getting caught, of what Choji might do to you, of disappointing your brother, but Togame? He didn't strike that deep fear in you that you've experienced from some other men.
Togame chuckled. "I'm certainly not a saint, but I'm no devil. I reckon it's easier for guys to make me out to be a monster than admit they were beat fair and square. You on the other hand live up to the rumors."
"What rumors?"
"Well, for a while all we knew was Umemiya had a beautiful little sister," Togame explained. "You're every bit as stunning as they say, which makes my job harder."
"Really? Is that all they say about me?" you replied, ignoring how Togame's words brought a tint to your cheeks. You were more annoyed that people only commented on superficial shit because you were a girl, most likely.
"To be fair, Ume did a really good job of hiding any information about you," Togame replied. "Honestly, you've surprised me in a lot of ways too. I kinda expected you to be bratty." Togame smirked. "Which, I guess you are, but you're also strong, brave, and smart. Being your enemy isn't easy."
Pride surged through you. People often questioned your abilities, whether it was because you were a girl or Umemiya's sister. Either way, it always made you feel like shit, like everything you've accomplished meant nothing.
"Thank you," you replied.
"Of course," Togame said. "Can I ask you a question now?"
"That night at the docks, I made a joke about you killing and it seems I touched a nerve," Togame said. "It's left me wondering, have you ever killed someone?"
"I have," you replied, your voice thin.
Togame raised a brow. "Did it not go well?"
You sighed. "You could say that." Your arms wrapped around yourself instinctively as the memories flooded back. It wasn't a story you shared with many, but for some reason you wanted to tell Togame.
"It wasn't my intent to kill the guy, at least that wasn't the plan going in," you began. "He was a run of the mill creep, harassing women and just a nuisance. We thought he was harmless at the time. I was supposed to just scare him off, but then he pulled a gun on me. I wrestled it away from him, but in the scuffle he got me to the ground and I hit my head hard."
You took a deep breath trying to calm yourself. "I was dazed and he... he was trying to get my pants off and..." You shuddered at the memory, how you could still feel his hands on you to this day. "Luckily he didn't get far because I shot him then. I wasn't necessarily trying to kill him, I just wanted him to stop, but it he died."
"Fucking bastard," Togame snapped. "I'm glad you killed him. I would have done it myself if you hadn't."
"I don't regret it. If it wasn't me, it would have been another girl. Someone who wouldn't have been able to defend herself," you replied.
"I'm sorry that happened to you, it's fucking awful," Togame said, "Men that prey on women are the scum of the earth." You were surprised by how genuine he was, the fire behind his words.
"Shishitoren doesn't exactly have the best reputation, you know," you replied. You knew some of the members have done some bad things.
Togame's face darkened. "Believe me, I know. But when I find out about it, they are dealt with by me personally. Trust me when I say I make them regret it before kicking them out." There was a fervor to his voice, one that comes from person experience.
"You seem very passionate about that," you commented.
"My dad beat on my mom," Togame told you. "I was really little, my memories are only vague now. I just remember being really scared and feeling so powerless. I couldn't help my mom then, but if I can stop other abusive assholes now I feel like it makes up for it somehow."
"He sounds like a piece of shit," you replied. You hated the thought of Togame cowering as a child, watching something no kid should ever have to.
"He was. He left us when I started getting older," Togame said. "I think he knew I would fight back when I was big enough. Those few years without him, when it was just my mom and I, were some of my happiest." He stared off into the distance for a moment, lost in a memory you couldn't see. "Then my mom got sick. Advanced form of cancer. She was gone within a year of the diagnosis. I didn't have anyone, no other family or anything. That's when I met Choji."
You found yourself leaning into him as he spoke, drawn to the story, drawn to him.
"He brought me into Shishitoren, gave me a purpose and a family. I honestly don't know if I would have made it without him," Togame admitted. "I feel like I owe him now. I'll do practically anything he asks because he was there for me when no one else was."
You looked at Togame then. Really looked at him. His story changed your view of him completely. You understood him, you realized, more than you ever expected to. You wondered, then, how different things would have been if Ume had met him and not Choji.
"I'm sorry Togame," you replied. "Ume and I lost out parents when we were younger. Robbery gone wrong. It was so painful, but at least I had my brother. I can't imagine what it would be like to go through that on your own."
"I guess we are more alike than we ever thought, huh y/n?"
"Yeah, I guess we are."
Togame was a good person, you decided, but was led astray by feeling indebted to a man who was not good. But if it had been Ume? Someone who would have kept him on right path? If you had met under different circumstances...
You had the sudden urge to kiss him. It was not a feeling borne of lust, rather of the desire to be close to him. To feel him. Togame's eyes met yours and you sensed it in him too, that desire. But you were scared of breaking this moment, of shattering this fragile thing that was taking root.
You opted to take his hand, warm and rough in yours, and squeeze it gently. You went to pull it away, but Togame held you.
"Y/n..." he breathed.
"I should go," you replied, without moving.
A silent conversation happened between the two of you. An understanding of the inevitable coming.
Togame nodded. "I'll walk you home." You didn't protest this time. You walked together in a weighted silence, exchanging quiet goodbyes at your apartment.
You fell asleep thinking only of Togame.
You went for a walk the next day, trying to calm the storm of your mind. There were only two things you knew for certain: feelings for Togame had taken root in you and if you didn't turn him in in the next 2 days everything would go to shit.
A headache was starting to form when your phone rang. The number you've come to know as Togame's flashed across the screen. Call it intuition or an anxiety disposition, but you knew something was wrong.
"Y/n, where are you?" Togame was breathless, almost frantic.
"I'm in the park. What's wrong?"
"Choji, he released your picture."
Your blood ran cold. "What? I thought we had two more days?"
"He was in a mood. He thought I would have caught you by now. Fuck," Togame said. "They're coming, you gotta get back to your place. I'm on my way."
"Shit okay," You replied. You told him the route you planned to take, one that was out of the way, hoping you couldn't be followed. Togame said he was going to try to catch up with you. "Thank you, Togame."
You hung up then, walking as briskly as you could without drawing attention to yourself. You thought you were doing well until you rounded a corner and saw a bright yellow jacket heading towards you. You turned around only to find another one coming up the block.
Shit. You took off down an alley, following the twists and turns you hoped would confuse them. You could hear their footsteps behind you, buzzing like angry wasps hunting you down. Your pulse was hammering in your ears, knowing they were gaining on you.
"Fuck," you gasped. You hit a dead end. You turned around bracing to face your attackers.
"Well if it isn't the princess of Bofurin," one of the men said with a nasty smile. "You're quite the prize."
"Fuck off," you snapped.
"No can do," The other man replied. The both stepped closer to you, caging you in. "Why don't you just come nice and quietly with us? We'd hate to mess up that pretty face of yours."
"No fucking way." You pulled your knife out. "You want me? Then you're gonna have to kill me."
You lunged at the first man, slicing him across the arm. He let out an angry yelp. "Fucking bitch!"
The both went after you, you were more agile, maneuvering away from them. You landed some blows on them, but they were tough. It wasn't enough to knock them out. The circled you, getting you closer and closer to the wall, with nowhere to go. The knife was knocked out of your hand, hitting the concrete with a clatter.
"Got you," the other guy sneered. He reared back, poised to strike you, but he was suddenly ripped away from you.
"Togame?" the first man said, bewildered.
You'd never seen such anger in Togame's eyes. He was in a frenzy, beating the man who was about to hit you into the ground.
"Dude what the fuck? We're on the same team?" the first man yelled. Togame paid him no mind. The man tried to pull him off his partner, but Togame shoved him away. "I'm not dealing with this bull shit."
He pulled out a gun, aiming it right at you. You gasped, ducking just in time to miss the bullet that whizzed past you and struck the brick behind you. You felt a white hot pain on your ear, your fingers coming away with blood. For a horrible second you thought you had been hit, but the bullet had only grazed you you.
All Togame saw, though, was you bleeding due to another man. He snapped, jumping the guy that shot you. He ripped the gun out go his had and pistol whipped him, knocking him out cold. He kicked him, despite the guy being unresponsive. You were afraid he might kill him.
The other guy tried to get up, staring daggers at Togame. All other thoughts left you as you lunged at him. You beat him to the ground, dodging his blows as best you could. With a final punch to the face, the man went limp.
You and Togame stood, both panting. "Are you okay?" He was cupping your face, inspecting you for signs of damage.
"I'm okay. Let's just get out of here before they get up."
You made it back to your apartment unscathed. Togame was flurrying around you the second you were alone.
"You're not okay, you're bleeding," he frowned, looking at your ear. Some of the blood had dripped down on to your shirt, making the wound look worse than it was.
"It just grazed me," you replied.
"You could have died." You shuttered at the truth you had tried to ignore. A few millimeters separated you from death. "Do you have a first aid kit here?"
You directed Togame to it, who insisted on caring for your wound. His had were delicate and diligent as they cleaned the wound. You sat on your bathroom counter, Togame leaning so close to you, you could feel his breath fanning across your skin. It made your stomach flip.
"Am I going to live?" you joked.
Togame cracked a small smile. "Yes, but only because you have such a great doctor." He finished secure a tiny bandage to your ear, his hand dropping. You deflated at the lost of contact.
"Togame," you said, looking into his emerald eyes. "You saved me, but what does that mean for you? Are you going to be in trouble?"
Togame shrugged. "I'll tell Choji I was about to capture you and those two idiots busted in and ruined it. He'll believe me. I just... I just wish it didn't have to be like this."
"Me too," you admitted.
Togame looked at you with longing. "What do you want?"
What a loaded question. You weren't even sure if you knew what you wanted, in a long term sense. You couldn't think outside of this moment. And what you wanted now was clear to you. "I want you."
It was like a switch was flipped then. All your reservations gone in an instant. Your lips connected with his and your word was set ablaze. You had kissed him before, of course, but this was totally different. This was more than just hunger and lust.
You wrapped your legs around Togame's waist, holding him close to you. He gripped your ass, lifting you off the counter. His tongue slid into your mouth, pulling a soft moan of contentment as he walked you to the bedroom.
You were a tangled mess as you fell together on the bed. The weight of Togame on top of you equally comforted you and flamed your desire. He was so solid, so strong you couldn't stand any layer of clothing being between you and his skin any longer.
"Someone's eager," Togame teased as you yanked off his shirt.
"Like you're not?" you countered, giving the bulge in his pants a squeeze. You pulled your own shirt off, relishing the desire that flooded his eyes when they flicked down to your chest.
"Oh, I definitely am." Togame leaned back over you, caging you in. "I'm not scared to admit it." He was kissing down your neck sucking at your skin. "I haven't gone a night without thinking about you since we met." He was at your chest now, his tongue tease your nipples.
He continued down your body, his breath against your skin as he spoke. "Been dreaming of touching you against." He slid your pants down your legs, pressing a kiss to your cloth covered cunt. "Dreaming of tasting you."
You squirmed, aching for release, for him. You murmured a desperate plea for him to continue.
"This time, y/n," he slid your underwear off you, "I want to you say my name when you cum. My real name."
Togame licked a stripe up your dripping cunt, shamelessly moaning. "Fuck you're so sweet." He ate you out like a man starved. It was messy and frenzied, but diligent. He knew exactly how to work you up, rolling your throbbing clit with his tongue before sucking on it.
Your hips bucked as your hands knotted in his raven-black hair. Togame groaned in response, loving the stinging pull of you gripping his hair.
"Jo!" you moaned as he pressed his tongue inside you. It was warm and wet and sinful as he fucked you with his tongue. The sound of his name on your lips drove him near mad. He cock was heart and aching as he ground into the bed for some relief.
You rolled your own hips, chasing the high that was building rapidly. Your throbbing clit bumped against his nose, sending jolts of lightning pleasure through you. "You like that y/n?" Togame mused. "Like fucking my face with this pretty little cunt of yours?"
You whined in response, words escaping you as he swirled his tongue impossibly faster. It was so much, too much. Your orgasm hit you with white hot pleasure, consuming all your senses.
"Jo- ngh," the words slurred out of you. Togame hummed contently against you, lapping up every bit of release. He was painfully hard then, but it no rush. He wanted to savor ever bit of you.
You, however, were not so patient. You were yanking him up by his hair, desperate to kiss him again. He chuckled against your lips as you pawed at his pants. "What's the rush, angel? We got all night."
"Need you," you murmured into the kiss. You were hooking when you heard your name. You were so lost in the haze of lust that you didn't realize it wasn't Togame who had said it. Your head whipped around to find-
"Hiragi," you gasped. You were frozen in shock. Your brain couldn't compute Hiragi being here in this moment. Hiragi appeared equally shocked.
"What the fuck is going on?" He was glued to his spot in the doorway, like a deer in headlights. You were vaguely aware of Togame beside you, poised like a cat who was debating pouncing.
"I-I can explain," you stumbled over your words. You were scrambling to put your clothes back on. It was nothing Hiragi hasn't seen, but you felt too exposed. You sensed Togame doing the same, all while keeping his eyes carefull trained on Hiragi.
"I thought you said you weren't going to sleep with him," Hiragi said, a current of emotion in his voice. He was just shocked, he was hurt. Although you have not been together for awhile seeing you with another man- Togame no less- was like a knife in his heart. Your shame was instantly amplified with guilt.
"I'm sorry Hiragi I-I didn't expect to..." Your voice trailed off because how could you tell Hiragi you developed feelings for Togame? You hadn't even fully admitted that to yourself.
Hiragi snapped. "You were supposed to be being smart y/n! Just lured him in and capture him. What the fuck where you thinking?"
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Togame scowled. "Was this a trap, y/n?"
"No Togame I swear-"
"No?" Hiragi was bewildered. "Don't tell me you want to sleep with him."
"Of course she wanted to," Togame replied, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "Why don't you tell your little friend the truth."
Fuck, this is bad. No matter what you said, you were screwing yourself over. If you admitted you wanted it, it would destroy Hiragi and your brother would certainly find out. But if you lied, that would ruin what you've developed with Togame.
Togame took your silence as an answer. "Whatever. I don't need this bull shit." His words were angry, but his face was crumpled with sadness. He walked towards your window, where the fire escape was.
"Togame please wait." You rushed after him, but he shrugged you off.
"I don't like being used, y/n," Togame snapped. "This meant something to me, but if it was all an act for you, I have no reason to be here any more."
"It wasn't, Togame please." But he was already gone, anger and hurt preventing him from listening to you.
You were left with Hiragi now, who was staring at you dumbfounded.
"You actually have feelings for him? For Togame fucking Jo?"
What was the point of lying now? "Yes."
Hiragi made a sound of disgust. "Seriously? He's just fucking playing you. You walked right into his trap. I thought you were smarter than this."
Anger flared in you. "He's playing me. And I know exactly what I'm doing. He's not wha everyone thinks."
Hiragi scoffed. "He's really got you fooled. He's a piece of shit, y/n. Everyone knows it."
"He's not! You don't know him like I do," you insisted. "He's been good to me."
Hiragi searched your face. "These past two weeks... have you been with him?"
"Not... sexually," you cringed. "This was the first time we ever, well..." You explained how you met Togame, without knowing who he was. "We've been in contact since then, but this was the first time it got physical. I didn't plan to feel this way, honestly, I had planned to capture him. But then, I don't know, it just happened."
Hiragi looked utterly disappointed in you. Disappointed and heartbroken. "Ume trusted you with this. I trusted you with this. Hell, all of Bofurin was counting on you to get this done and this is the shit you pull?"
You stared at him, not knowing what to say. Nothing felt right.
"I wasn't enough for you, but Togame was?" Anger bled out of his voice, replaced by pain.
The way Hiragi looked at you then broke you. You never wanted to hurt him. "Hiragi please-" You took a step towards him, but he stepped back holding his hands up.
"Don't. I can't even look at you right now," he replied. "I'm leaving."
You didn't bother trying to stop him. You dropped to the floor when you heard your apartment door slam shut, sobs wracking your body as you felt your world crumble around you.
The next morning you woke feeling worse than you had with any hangover. Your head throbbed but, worse, your heart ached. You reached for your phone, finding the inevitable 'we need to talk' text from Ume. He told you to meet him at the rooftop in an hour. Ugh.
You got ready, feeling like you were preparing for your own funeral. You tried to figure out what you were going to say, if there was any way to explain this that made it seem like less of a disaster. You were coming up painfully short. You couldn't stop thinking about Togame, how he looked when he thought you were tricking him. What must he think of you now?
As if reading your mind, you received a text from Togame. He was asking you to meet to talk. You knew you should go see your brother, but what if he kept you on lockdown? You'd never be able to explain things to Togame and he'd go on thinking you used him this whole time.
Umemiya was already mad at you, how much worse could it get? Maybe if you could figure things out with Togame, you could advocate for yourself more to Ume. Maybe you could make him see Togame as you see him. You had to give it a chance
You texted Togame back, saying you'd be there in 15 minutes and set off for the address he sent you. You prayed things hadn't been totally ruined between you two as you weaved between pedestrians on the sidewalk.
If you hadn't been so caught up in what you were going to say to Togame, you might have thought more about how it was odd he was asking you to meet in an old warehouse. You may have noticed that it was oddly quiet as you approached, a stillness that is manufactured by someone trying to make a space seem unthreatening.
But you were so wrapped up in your thoughts of Togame, of your brother, that you were shocked when you stepped inside and found yourself face to face with Choji.
"Hello y/n," he said with a mean smile. You immediately turned to run, but two men jumped out to block the door, aiming guns at you.
Fear flared inside you. Fear and sadness. Had it been Togame who has betrayed you this whole time? You had no time to process this as Choji ordered the guards to grab you.
"Get off me!" You thrashed, trying to get away from their grasp. But they were too strong, too comfortable pressing the gun against your back. You knew you had to comply, to at least live longer. They manhandled you into a chair, tying you down.
"Leave," Choji commanded his underlings coldly. They complied wordlessly. Somehow, being alone with Choji was scarier than being outnumbered. "So you're the infamous y/n? I have to say I'm disappointed." He yawned, as if bored. "I was told you were well trained, but you seem rather weak to me."
You ignored his barb. "Why don't you untie me and see about that."
"Hmmm, I don't think so," Choji replied. "I'm more interested to see how you'll fair against someone else." Choji took out his phone, sending off a text to someone. Moments later, a back door opened and Togame walked in.
"What the hell is this surprise abou-" Togame stopped dead in his tracks when he saw you. The look of fear and confusion on his face was like a wave of relief over your body. He didn't know about this. "Choji what is this?" He demanded.
"I thought you'd be happy, Togame," Choji replied. "I did your job for you."
"It was you who took my phone then?" Togame said. "You fucking lied to me."
"Oh? And you haven't been lying to me?" Choji raised his brow. He seemed calm on the outside, but you could sense anger brewing inside him.
Togame scowled. "I have always been loyal to you."
"Prove it," Choji replied. "Hurt her." Choji pulled a knife out from his sleeve and tossed it at Togame's feet. "Cut her up and I'll believe you."
Togame looked from the knife to Choji to you a decision settling over him. "No."
Before Choji could reply, the entrance burst open as Umemiya and Hiragi ran in. "Y/n!" Your brother cried when he saw you.
Choji pulled out a gun, leveling it at them. "Take a step and I'll blow your head off." He turned the gun to you. "And her's too." The conviction in his voice and the flare of violence in his eyes told you he would keep his words.
"Choji you don't have to do this," Togame stepped forward. Choji swung the gun in his direction, those he looked much less in inclined to shoot Togame.
"What the fuck has gotten into you Jo?" Choji snarled. "Did you forget you answer to me?"
"Come on Choji, don't point that at me." Togame took another tentative step forward. "Can't we just talk about this?"
Choji let out a dark chuckle. "Talk? You wanna talk about how you're going to betray me over some Bofurin bitch?" His anger was seeping out of him, cracking the cold facade. "We've been loyal to each other for year, Jo. And what? You fuck her stupid little cunt and betray me? I didn't know you were so stupid. Or weak."
"Don't fucking talk about her like that." Togame snapped. "I'm not fucking scared of you Choji."
You were watching this interaction in a fearful silence. The air felt charged, one wrong spark and it would erupt with violence. Sweat beaded your forehead as you worried what Choji might do. Not even to you, but to Togame.
"You've forgotten your place, Jo," Choji spat. A mean gleam sparked in his eye. "But I think I know how to remind you." Choji swung the gun in your direction.
You vaguely heard your brother scream behind you, but the world was falling away from you. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion as the gun let out a loud BANG. Your eyes scrunched shut, your whole body tensing as you braced for the impact, for the pain.
But it never came. When you finally opened your eyes you saw Togame on the ground in front of you, blood seeping out of his shoulder. Choji looked as shocked as you felt.
"Togame!" you cried desperately fighting against the ropes the bound you. Choji fled with a curse as Ume and Hiragi rushed to your side. The second they cut through the ropes you flung yourself down to Togame's side.
"Fuck Togame, why did you do that," you cried. Blood stained his shirt where he was hit. You applied pressure to his wound, feeling the warm blood seep between your fingers.
Togame let out a groan of pain as he shifted to look at you, but grinned. "Just felt like doing the right thing for once."
Tears sprung in your eyes. There was no denying how you felt about Togame and the fear of losing him now was suffocating. "Please Ume, please we have to help him!" you begged your brother.
Ume looked like he didn't quite know what to make of what he saw, but nodded nonetheless. "I already have Hiragi calling for help. It's going to be okay, y/n."
You turned back to Togame, who was breathing raggedly. "If you die on me I'll fucking kill you Jo."
He smiled again. "Wouldn't dream of it, princess."
Help arrived quickly, whisking Togame away. It was Bofurin's special team of doctors, one that allowed us to avoid hospitals in sticky situations. You wanted to go with Togame, but your brother insisted you get checked out yourself.
"I'll be fine, y/n, I promise." Togame squeezed your hand before they slid him into the back of a van.
You were taken in Ume's personal car back to his place. You were quickly deemed fine, just a little scratched up. Ume insisted you rested at his place overnight to make sure you were okay. Togame, he insisted, was in good hands and he'd instructed the doctors to keep him updated.
You slept fitfully that night, only pure exhaustion pulling you into the depths of sleep. You woke to good news: Togame was fine.
"Can I go see him?" you asked.
"They recommended he rest a few days," Ume replied. "You can go then. We have a lot to discuss in the meantime."
You shrunk under your brother's stare. "I guess I have a lot of explaining to do, huh?"
"I would say so."
So you explained it all. How you happened to meet Togame, not realizing who he was until the meeting the next day. How you fully intended to go through the mission as planned, wanting nothing more than to support Bofurin and gain your brother's confidence that you could handle difficult assignments. How you slowly came to know Togame more, finding he was nothing like the rumors that proceeded him.
"I really didn't mean fo this to happen," you explain. "I just... I was scared of letting you down. I know I should have told you right away, but I thought I could figure everything out on my own. Show you I was capable. But I really fucked that up. I'm sorry Ume."
Ume was quite the whole time as the words poured out of you, his expression unreadable. Your heart pounded as you waiting for his response.
"I'm sorry too, y/n," Ume said, surprising you. "All I've wanted was to protect you, but I see that I've gone overboard. I never meant for you to feel like I didn't trust you or didn't you were capable. There's no one I trust more than you, but also no one I worry about losing more."
Hearing your brother's praise warmed you. "Seriously?"
"Of course," he affirmed. "Of course I'm upset that you weren't honest with me, but I can understand why you did what you did... And this stuff with Togame, you really like him?"
"I do." You surprised yourself with how quickly you responded. "I think he's a good guy, Ume. I want you to get to know him like I have."
"I can't lie, the thought of you doesn't make me feel great," Ume admitted. "But I trust your judgment. All I know about him is what I've heard from others. If he is important to you, I wanna get to know him more."
You hugged your brother. "Thank you Ume."
He squeezed you back. "Of course, y/n. We are definitely going to have to talk about this more, but there's someone else who wants to talk to you."
Ume left the guest room he had you staying in and returned with Hiragi. "I'll give you two some privacy." He shut the door behind him, leaving you alone with Hiragi, who was hovering uncertainly.
There was a beat of awkward silence before you spoke. "I'm sorry Hiragi. You of all people did not deserve how I handled this."
Hiragi moved finally, sitting next to you on the bed with a sigh. "Is Togame... is he your boyfriend?"
"No, not exactly," you replied. "I know I have feelings for him and I have a lot to work out with him. But I can see myself with him."
"Were you with him when we... hooked up last week?" Hiragi asked, struggling to look at you.
You winced. "No, I hadn't been with him physically at that point if that's what you mean." You sighed. "I knew I felt something for him, but I thought my emotions were just screwed up. You were comforting and safe, I thought it would settle my mind. I never expected that I would develop really feelings for him. I'm really sorry I dragged you into this mess, Hiragi."
"You know, I kinda thought we'd end up together eventually. Guess I've been listening to Ume too much," he chuckled humorlessly. "I was hurt shocked when I saw you two, but I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."
You shook your head. "No, I definitely deserved to be yelled at. I hate that I hurt you, I never intended that. I hope you know I care about you so much."
Hiragi nodded. "I do. And I want you to be happy and not have there be any issues between us. I value you as friend no matter what."
Tears pricked in your eyes. You didn't realize how scared you were at the thought of losing Hiragi in your life until this moment. "And I want use to stay friends, no matter what. You will always be special to me, Hiragi. Nothing and no one will change that. I hope we both find who make us happy. You deserve that more than anyone."
"Thanks, y/n," Hiragi hugged you tightly. "But I hope you know if Togame ever hurts you I'm beating his ass myself."
You laughed. "You have my permission. Hell, I'll help you if he hurts me... but I think he might surprise you."
"We'll see about that," Hiragi replied. "You rest up, okay?"
You nodded. "Thanks for coming by, I'll see you soon."
You woke to good news the following day: Togame was well enough for visitors. He was resting at his apartment, which Ume drove you to. You almost laughed at how absurd this was. Never did you think Ume would be dropping you off at a Shishitoren's place, but the last two weeks have certainly turned your life upside down.
"If you need me to come get you, just give me a call," Ume said as you climbed out of the car.
"Thank Ume." You shut the passenger door and hurried up to Togame's place.
You were breathless when he answered the door, wearing only a grey pair of sweat that sat low on his hips. His body was perfectly toned; a little line of hair disappearing into his sweats. The only thing that indicated he was injured was the bandage around his left shoulder. That did nothing to detract from how good he looked.
"Hey," Togame smiled.
You practically flung yourself into him, squeezing him into a tight hug. You were careful not to hurt the left side of him, but Togame didn't seem to mind. He wrapped his right arm around you, pulling you into him further.
"Sorry for the lame one armed hug," Togame murmured into your hair. He breathed in your scent, perfectly sweet. "Doctor said I gotta let the left arm rest."
Togame shut the door behind the two of you, leading you to his couch. His place was surprisingly clean and organized. "Are you okay? Is your shoulder fucked up?"
"I'm okay." Togame's thigh brushed against you as he sat. You could feel the heat of him even through the layers of clothing. "Doctor said I'm the luckiest man alive. The bullet missed all the important stuff. He gave me some meds to help with pain, so I just need to rest and let it heal."
You let out an exhale of relief. "Thank god... But why? You could have gotten yourself killed? Why didn't you let Choji..."
"I would never have been able to live with myself if Choji hurt you and I stood by and did nothing," Togame answered. "I've turned a blind eye to the shit Choji does for so long, but I couldn't ignore this. It would make me no better than him and I'm starting to realize I want better for myself."
"I'll never be able to repay you, but I hope you know it means the world to me. You saved my life," you said. You took his hand in yours and squeezed it.
"I would do it a hundred times over, if I had to," Togame said. "When he pointed that gun at you, I realized I couldn't live without you."
Your heart fluttered at his words. "Togame, about what Hiragi said-"
"You don't have to-"
"No, please I want you to know I wasn't trying to trick you," you insisted. "I made a joke about seducing you to catch you before I really knew you. It was never an actual plan and I never thought Hiragi would take it seriously. It's important to me that you know that I was with you that night because I wanted to be. There was no motive besides my feelings for you."
The soft smile that graced Togame's face made you melt. "I understand, y/n. I should have heard you out instead of storming out like an asshole." His grin morphed into something more sly. "I'm just glad I lived to hear you say you wanted to seduce."
You groaned, but with laughter. "It was a joke!"
"Sure, sure." Togame's hand was on your thigh, rubbing little circles in the most maddening way. You slid off the couch, nestling yourself between his legs.
"Well, if you're not going to believe me," you ran your hand up his inner thigh, squeezing him through the sweats, "Might as well make it true."
Togame's eyes flooded with desire seeing you on your knees for him. Never did he think he would have the princess of Bofurin like this, but never did he think he would be falling in love with her.
He cupped your cheek, his thumb rubbing over your bottom lip. "I really am the luckiest man alive."
You grinned, pulling his sweats and boxers down to reveal his length. He was long and thick, flushed a pretty shade of pink at the tip. He was already hard by the time you licked a stripe up the underside of him. You swirled your tongue around his fat tip, making his hips stir.
"Don't tease."
You obliged, taking him in your mouth. You hollowed out your cheeks, sucking him in deeper as you bobbed your head. Your tongue teased the underside of him, his cock throbbing in response. He slid his hands in your hair, causing you to moan around him. Togame hissed at the sensation.
"Fuck your mouth is heaven," Togame groaned, his head falling back on the couch. You moved faster, spurred on by his praise. Your hands stroking the parts of him your mouth couldn't reach. You could feel his hips lifting ever so slightly, trying to get further down your throat.
Togame gently pushed you off him. "''M gonna fucking bust if you keep doing that," he explained when you pouted at him. "Wanna do that inside you. Been driving me crazy that I haven't felt you yet."
Togame was helping you to your feel, pulling you to his bedroom. "Are you okay enough to do that?"
Togame scoffed. "Nothing is going to stop me from fucking you right now, y/n."
You blushed as you hit the bed, Togame climbing on top of you. He favored his right side, but over all seemed fine. You were in no position to argue with him.
Togame helped you get your clothes off, admiring your form. "So fucking pretty." He leaned in and kissed your neck. "And all mine."
"Jo," you gasped as he slipped his fingers between your legs. He toyed with your clit as he kissed you. His fingers slid inside your pussy while he sucked on your neck and chest. You were soaked in seconds, your arousal dripping down his fingers. Togame would have liked to prep you more, but he simply could not go another minute without being inside you.
"Need you Jo," you murmured. Your hips were stirring, craving more of him to soothe the ache inside you.
"You got me, angel," Togame cooed. He gripped the base of his cock, rubbing his tip through your soaked folds. You mewled as it nudged your throbbing clit. 
Finally he lined himself up to you, letting out a groan as he pressed into the tight ring of your cunt. You sucked in a breath feeling yourself stretch around him. "Fuck, you're so tight." He slid in and out of you in short strokes, helping you both adjust. "So fucking wet too."
He dropped down to kiss you as he rolled his hips. His strokes were deep and languid, as if to savor every moment. Togame wasn't in a rush to get off, he just wanted to feel your warm cunt around him. 
Your breath was more labored with each roll of Togame's hips. His fat tip hit that sweet spot inside you so deliciously. You rocked your hips up to meet him, your clit nudged by the base of him. Sweet little noises left your lips, driving Togame wild.
"Feel good, angel? You liked when I fuck you like this?" Togame said. He picked up his back ever so slightly, making you body shudder. "Know you do, can feel you squeezing me."
"Please, Jo." You didn't even know what you were begging for, you just knew you wanted more. Wanted him. 
"Gonna make you feel so good," he babbled on. He was losing his patience to take things slow as you wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the dark curls of hair. "Been dreaming of having you like this for so long."
"'S good Jo," you slurred. "Feels so good." Your body was trembling, desperate for the release you've been craving. Like Togame, its felt like you wanted this for so long. He was good with his hands and his mouth, sure, but ever since that first night you've been wanting this.
Togame reached between you and rubbed your clit, drinking in the moans that escaped you. "Go on and cum for me pretty."
Your back arched off the bed as pleasure flooded your veins. You were writhing as the euphoria temporarily took control of your body and mind. Nothing existed outside of the two of you in that moment. "Jo-nngh."
All of Togame's composure was lost watching you cum on cock while moaning his name. His hips stuttered, spilling himself deep inside you. You felt so warm and full of him as he rode out his high, your name dripping from his lips. 
Togame stayed inside you as he peppered kissed all over you. You giggled, holding him close to you. "You're perfect," Togame murmured against your skin. "I don't deserve you."
You cupped his face in your hands, making him look at you. "You do, Jo. You're a good man." 
Togame smiled gratefully. "I hope I can prove that to you."
"I know you will," you replied. "I know things will probably be a bit complicated right now, but I want to figure it out together."
Togame turned and kissed your palm. "Together." 
No promise ever sounded sweeter.
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wynnyfryd · 1 year ago
Trailer park Steve AU part 16
part 1 | part 15 | ao3
cw: unsympathetic religious discussion, mentions of oral sex (istg if you’re under 18 i will send such a sternly worded letter to your legal guardian, go aWAY)
“So just, to recap…” Eddie says dully, digging a thumb into his brow bone like he’s got a headache coming on. He’s sitting on the floor with his back against a work bench — one knee drawn to his chest, the other stretched out long, nearly tripping Steve where he's pacing a hole into the concrete. He lets his head fall against the bench with a thunk, looks up at Steve and continues, “we just got abducted by two asthmatic freshmen—”
“Pretty sure Dustin's the only one with asthma.”
"Okay, and I’m pretty sure that doesn't fucking matter when we've just been kidnapped and forced to play the world’s shittiest version of Seven Minutes in Heaven!"
Eddie takes a shuddering breath, brings his voice back down an octave. "Sorry,” he says, then sighs morosely to himself. “Imprisoned by my own sheepies…”
What a goddamned drama queen.
“Sheepies?” Steve asks.
"Never mind,” Eddie huffs. “Just... I mean, Jesus Christ, is this really what's happening? This? This is really where my life's at right now?”
Steve’s been wondering that himself.
“It's an intervention!" Dustin screeches. "It's for your own good!” “I’m gonna intervene your head from your body!” “That doesn’t even make sense!” Steve gives the metal above him one final, fruitless shove, then sinks down on the steps and puts his head in his hands. Pinches the end of his nose. His voice is hoarse from yelling, his temples starting to throb. Eddie’s shaking beside him like a cat that fell in an ice bath. “Seriously,” he pleads, lowering his voice. “Let us out; this isn’t cool.” “We will, okay? We promise. Just talk to each other first. Please? Just fifteen minutes.” Aaand he's yelling again. "Fifteen— are you out of your mind??" He's about to say 'hell no,' or maybe 'go fuck yourself,' but then Dustin yelps, “U.S.S. Butterscotch!” 'U.S.S. Butterscotch.' It’s basically the Scoops Troop's 'Olly olly oxen free.' “Goddammit, dude, FINE!”
“....Yeah, that about sums it up." Steve runs a hand through his hair, sweeping his bangs back off his forehead.
Eddie gives him a worn-out stare. “Well, shit.”
“Yep.” He goes back to his pacing — back and forth, back and forth, like it's actually doing anything to calm him down. (It isn’t really. If anything it’s just making his lower back damp with sweat.)
On the floor, Eddie shivers and draws his other leg to his chest, chin resting on bony knees, arms wrapped around his legs. "Christ, it's freezing," he complains, rubbing a hand over his shins. "If we die of exposure before I get to exact my revenge on those little assholes I'm gonna be so pissed."
"Here—" Steve starts to shrug off his jacket to give it to Eddie, but then he remembers the pills he still has stashed in the left pocket and abruptly changes course. He turns to the storage shelves, scanning for anything that might be useful, and— "There we go."
He makes his way to a messy pile of old camping supplies, scoops up an armful of whatever he can find: sleeping bags, flashlights, a lantern, some old citronella candles. They won't do much for warmth, but they'll make the place a bit less Russian torture chamber, at least.
Eddie eyes him a little warily as he sets up a spot right beside him on the floor. He spreads one sleeping bag out for them to sit on like a picnic blanket; offers the other one to Eddie, who drapes it over his shoulders like a cloak, his long, dark curls spilling over the edge.
"You got a light?" he asks, arranging the candles and the lantern in a half-circle around them.
"Sure do,” Eddie says. His face lights up when he slips a hand inside his pocket. "Oh, hell yeah, baby! Look what else I got."
He pulls out a silver flask, flashing it at Steve, and Steve ignores the way the words 'hell yeah, baby' bounce around his skull like an echo through an empty cavern.
"A little insurance policy in case the dinner party was a bore." Eddie unscrews the lid; takes a wincing swig. "Would have taken boring over this, though. Think I might’ve gotten a little more excitement than I bargained for." "Yeah,” Steve laughs under his breath. "You think?"
Eddie passes him the flask, sets to lighting all the wicks while Steve takes a shot. The whiskey is cheap, and it stings on the way down, but it's nice. Warm. Liquid amber in his chest, glowing like the candlelight Eddie sparks to life.
Eddie settles down beside him. With the workbench at their backs and the warm tint to the room, it's almost cozy. Reminds him of backyard sleepovers with Tommy; a little fortress built for two.
“Do you think they’re still listening?” Eddie's eyes flit to the stairs.
“Probably." Steve takes another swig, gesturing to the shadows beyond their makeshift camp. "He probably got Suzie to help him bug this whole place."
"Ah, yes. The crazy hot, crazy smart summer camp girlfriend who totally exists."
"She does, actually,” Steve laughs, “if you can believe it."
"No shit?"
"I know, right? I mean, like..." He scratches the side of his nose. "She's Mormon and lives all the way out in Utah, so it's not exactly like... but, whatever. He's super into her, so—"
"Hold up. Dustin's dating a Mormon?" Eddie says it like he’s spitting sunflower hulls. "That's almost worse than her being fake."
“What, you got some kinda history with Mormons?”
“Oh, yeah," Eddie snorts derisively. "The Mormons and I go waaay back."
"Wait, for real?" Was Eddie in a cult? Because that would actually explain so much.
"Dude. No. Hell no. Those fuckers love to solicit the downtrodden, though. They show up at the park all the time.”
“Great,” Steve deadpans. Another wonderful amenity of the Forest Hills experience.
“Don’t worry. Wayne usually just crosses himself at them until they go away.” He makes the sign of the cross, his rings glinting in the light. “Catholic middle-aged men and LDS teens, now there’s some quality petty drama.”
“So you’re Catholic, then?” Steve asks.
“Jesus, Harrington. We’re supposed to be kissing and making up and you want to start a religious debate?”
No, he absolutely does not. He wants to make fun of Eddie, because, "That’s the second time you’ve mentioned kissing." Eddie’s cheeks go horribly pink; peach tint in the deep orange glow. “First you wanna suck my blood at dinner, now you’re talking about making out. What next?” Steve teases. “You gonna offer to suck my dick?”
He means it as a joke — a slightly rude one, sure; insinuating, but still. He expects Eddie to get it, to roll his eyes and play along. Ha ha, Harrington.
When he used to say shit like this to Tommy, Tommy would always just laugh and shove him off, tell him to go suck it yourself.
Only Eddie doesn’t laugh.
Eddie goes quiet. Runs his tongue over his teeth. He fixes Steve with one of those looks; the kind that make him feel like a burglar caught in a flood light’s beam. “Why?" he teases back. "Did you want me to or something?”
part 17
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hannieehaee · 11 months ago
Svt and ass shots
svt and ass shots
18+ / mdi
content: smut, ass shots, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 798
a/n: sorry i took so long </3
seungcheol -
he goes crazy for it. the sight reminds him that you're his and he's the only person who gets to mark you in such way. he'd love the nastiness of it, feeling like getting you messy with his cum was a bit disrespectful in itself but adoring how you'd even come to entice him into doing it, not caring for the mess.
jeonghan -
he's totally into ass shots im 100% sure. i can literally visualize his moans getting higher as he neared his end and hurriedly pulled out to cum on your ass. would tease you about it and how desperate for him you must be to let him do such a nasty thing to you.
joshua -
like jeonghan, he'd be super cocky about it. it wasnt his favorite place to cum, but it'd always give him an ego boost when you'd ask (re: beg) him to cum on your ass. would tease and mock you about it despite he himself feeling weak at the kneed at the sight of your ass/back covered in his cum.
jun -
his brain would go foggy at the simple thought of hitting it from the back and getting to cum on your ass. the sight would just be too much for him to handle, making him get hard again far too soon and causing him to delay clean up or aftercare in order to get the both of you there once more.
soonyoung -
there would be zero thoughts in his head as he reached his high, meaning that he would not plan where he was going to cum. he'd just freestyle it, which would result in cumming on your ass/back most times. on days he was feeling particularly nasty, he'd play with his cum on your ass, groaning at his pretty the translucent substance looked against your skin.
wonwoo -
despite how reserved he may seem, he'd go absolutely insane over cumming on your ass/back. this would be his go-to for whenever you let him hit it raw and from behind. the mere thought of it as he reached his climax would have him rutting against you with extra strength, making it a little hard for him to even leave your warmth for long enough to cum on your ass.
jihoon -
enjoys the concept of it but not the mess. cleaning up his own cum from your back/ass was just something he was too lazy to do after the exhaustion he felt from fucking you altogether, so he'd probably save it only for special occasions in which his stamina was extra high.
seokmin -
on one side, i can see him thinking that cumming on your ass might be unseemly and disrespectful (he was a true gentleman after all!!) but on another side, i also see his carnal desires taking over while having sex with you, leading his brain to become mush and feel this sense of dominance as he marked you with his cum.
mingyu -
gives me the vibe like he's down for anything. he'd love ass shots but his favorite way to cum would be inside you. so basically, he'll take the chance to cum on your ass any day, but given the option he'd much rather cum inside you and eat out the remnants. a nasty man overall.
minghao -
he's a little bit of a wild card for me. i think he might find cumming on your ass too raunchy(?) and would rather cum in a way that left a bit less traces behind. however!!! whenever his mind was clouded by horniness, he would not even care about where he came as long as he got both of you there.
seungkwan -
i cant rlly picture him to be a huge fan of it but he's not against it!! he'd rather cum inside a condom while still inside you or having you finish him off in your mouth, etc rather than staining you with cum. it'd make him feel kinda mean and dirty, but sometimes his orgasm would just take over and he'd cum on your ass.
vernon -
yet another member who enjoys it but cannot bear to deal with the mess. after sex he just wants to lay down and hold you against him. he'd do minimal clean up and call it a day, which was something he couldn't really do if he made a mess all over you.
chan -
it'd make him feel a huge ego boost. almost as if you were just so fully his to the point of letting him stain you with his cum. he'd groan at the mere thought and become extremely whiney as he approached his high knowing he was about to finish on you in such a dirty way; a way in which only he would ever get to.
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drvirgus · 8 months ago
can i request a one shot? only if ur comfortable nd want to though also this is my first time requesting something so sorry if it’s messy😭
my request:
so momo from twice with female reader pure fluff right so reader and mono are alr dating. momos dogs boo and dobby, boo being the one whose super energetic people call him a demon dog and wtv, reader has heard about momos dogs but never met them so twice invites them to the dorms for a movie or something and momos dogs are there nd ofc boo is barking, growling nd all that stuff. reader eventually arrives and boo meets reader nd basically boo likes reader and is calm with reader showing a side that twice haven’t seen from boo even from momo.
soooo sorry for it being long😞 it’s my first request ever!! also u don’t need to if ur uncomfortable with the request!!!💟
This request wasnt uncomfortable for me at all 🥰🥰🥰 Hopefully you like that
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Momo X Reader
wc: 1,4k
Warnings: none
Momo had always been embarrassed to introduce her dog to new people. He would constantly bark, pee, or just be a little devil. Maybe that was also the reason why she had never invited you over to her place, even though you have been together for over three months now. Momo always preferred to spend her time at your house. Your house was quite different from hers. It smelled good, was clean, and pretty tidy. To Momo, however, it was also quite minimalist, as her home was cluttered with things she never really used.
Despite Boo being a devil in dog's clothing, she loved him. She could never, in her life, give him or Dobby, her other dog, away. Clearly, one could see the drastic difference between the two dogs. Dobby was rather calm, friendly, and seemed to enjoy life. Boo was quite the opposite. Others would say he was on crack. He was much more playful, sometimes more aggressive, and above all, a bigger nuisance.
The other Twice members liked to make fun of this. Especially how Boo once peed on the youngest member's leg. Just like right now, as all the Twice members were making themselves comfortable in the Japanese member's living room. Dobby was lying relaxed on the couch while Boo ran around wildly.
From time to time, could hear his growling and barking until his claws hit the floor again as he took off. Momo sighed, "I'm inviting y/n," the eldest said. Momo's eyes widened as she saw the smartphone in Nayeon's hand. She laughed in panic, "No," Momo blurted out.
Nayeon hesitated and looked questioningly at her friend and roommate. "Why not?" Jihyo asked, causing Momo to look at their leader as well. A blush formed on Momo's cheeks. "I... don't want Boo to scare her off," the Japanese girl admitted, embarrassed.
All faces, except for Momo's and Nayeon's, looked the same. A stunned silence filled the room, only the sound of an Instagram reel playing repeatedly could be heard. At least until Tzuyu, the youngest of them, started to speak, "Y/n has never been here?" she asked, and Momo nodded hesitantly.
"Where do you guys hang out then?" Mina asked suddenly, also shocked by the realization that Momo's girlfriend had never seen her home. Momo looked at Mina, slightly annoyed, "At her place," she replied curtly. "We're always at her place," she added, causing the others to nod.
"And you leave this old lady alone with your demon dog?" Jeongyeon asked, laughing loudly as she immediately got a smack on the arm. "I'm not old!" Nayeon retorted indignantly, but everyone ignored her. Sana, who was mostly cuddling with Dobby, hummed a little tune. "Y/n is already on her way here," she suddenly said.
"Oh yes, I forgot to mention. I invited y/n."
Momo stared in disbelief at the other Japanese member, who calmly played with her dog Dobby, holding his paws in her hands. Momo hesitated visibly until she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Come on. We've all accepted Boo. Y/n will too," Chaeyoung said. Her dimpels deepened as her smile grew wider.
Momo was nervous. Her hand clung to the half-opened door as she forced a smile onto her face and looked at you. You smiled broadly at the black-haired girl, placing your hand on her hip and giving her a gentle kiss. "Hey," you whispered softly as you stepped into the house and took off your shoes before Momo could change her mind.
You knew Momo was scared. After all, you had tried several times to get into her house. But no matter how often you tried, you always ended up at your place. You knew why, as you had already talked about it. A smile appeared on your face as you turned to the beautiful Japanese girl and watched her close the door.
You heard quiet footsteps and claws scraping across the floor. Immediately, you looked down at both dogs. Of course, you had already seen videos of them and could tell them apart quite well. "This is Dobby," Momo began speaking quietly as she briefly pointed to the dog on the left. Shortly after, she pointed to the other dog and swallowed hard. "This is Boo."
You immediately started smiling as you looked at the two small dogs. You weren't afraid, no matter what anyone said about Boo. You had always been a dog lover anyway. Slowly but surely, you crouched down, resting your arms on your knees. "Hey," you said calmly. Dobby slowly approached you, while Boo suddenly jumped up and tried to climb onto your legs.
You sternly furrowed your brow. "No," you simply said, which made Boo perk up his ears. His tail, which had been wagging wildly, dropped to the floor in disappointment. A soft whimper escaped his snout. A small, satisfied smile appeared on your lips as you took his little head in your hand to playfully pet him.
You immediately stood up again to look at your somewhat surprised-looking girlfriend. "Come on. I heard my wife is here?" you asked, which earned you a playful slap on the arm. A loud laugh escaped your throat, and you started to playfully run away from the Japanese girl.
Somehow, you found your way into the living room, and without even saying hello, you hid behind the eldest and simultaneously your self-declared wife. Nayeon laughed as she looked up at Momo and then at you. "You have to sort this out yourself," Nayeon suddenly said as she stood up from her spot and walked away.
Your eyes widened as you watched Nayeon leave. Almost immediately, you got down on your knees and folded your hands together. "I have decided that she is no longer my wife."
The hours passed. Everyone had already eaten and, of course, had something to drink. The loud laughter of your girlfriend echoed throughout the room, and the neighbors would surely complain about the variety of loud laughs they were hearing. Slowly but surely, each laugh died out, enveloping the room in a pleasant silence.
Dahyun raised her eyebrows as she lifted her hand. "Hey, guys. Do you hear that?" she asked, looking at each of us. You frowned in confusion. "What is it?" Sana asked, tilting her head to the side. "I don't hear anything," Mina chimed in.
"Exactly!" Dahyun exclaimed suddenly. Jeongyeon was the first to understand and immediately looked around the room. "Where is the demon?" she asked, prompting Momo next to you to look around as well. You looked at Jeongyeon quizzically. "Demon?"
The youngest member suddenly started laughing as she looked at you with an amused smile. "Boo. We haven't heard him in a while. The last time it was this quiet, he chewed up all our shoes," Tzuyu explained, and almost immediately, Chaeyoung jumped up and ran to the door where all the shoes were.
"Hm? Oh," you simply said as you continued to pet the dog's belly with your left hand. "He's here," you calmly pointed to your left. Boo was lying completely relaxed next to you, his belly exposed to you, his ears relaxed, and his eyes closed.
"That's Dobby. Boo is never this relaxed," Mina remarked, while Nayeon added, "Dobby is with me."
All the women stared at you in amazement with open mouths. Even Momo kept glancing over at you to check if it was indeed Boo. She did this repeatedly until she finally realized it. You smiled immediately upon recognizing the look in your girlfriend's eyes.
Contentment, happiness, love, and above all, relief.
"I love you so much," the Japanese girl whispered next to you as she leaned even closer, connecting your lips in a kiss. Jeongyeon playfully covered the youngest member's eyes, causing everyone to laugh. But you were in your own world. Your mouth opened a bit more as you deepened the kiss.
"Okay. Uh," Mina interjected awkwardly.
Momo's hand on your neck pulled you further into the kiss, and neither of you showed any sign of breaking it.
"We should go," Tzuyu suggested.
Your hand wandered to your girlfriend's thigh, gripping it more firmly and pulling her even closer to you.
"It was nice here... uh bye," the door closed behind them.
This was the moment Momo broke the kiss, but only for a few seconds to pull her T-shirt over her head and toss it to the floor. Immediately, you reconnected your lips for another kiss.
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The one where love is a death sentence. And you've just stepped up to the chopping block. Or The Twenty Fifth Installment of the SKZ!Pack Prequel Series.
Tags: Skz, Stray kids, Stay, SKZ!Pack, SKZ!abo, Poly!skz, Pack!prequel, SKZ!Pack Prequel, OT8, Skz x you, Skz x reader, Ot8 x you, Ot8 x reader, femreader, Bang Chan, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Lee Felix, Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin, Y/N, Skz imagines, skz scenarios, skz reactions, skz drabble, skz fluff
Genre: Fluff
Title: Half Baked
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You’ve never seen Chan this distraught. 
Granted, it’s not like you’ve known him your whole life or anything, but in all the time you have known him, Chan has always been the calm one-cool, collected, rational, level headed. 
This is not that. 
He flings open the door before you can even raise your fist to knock-you’d decided against using the pincode and letting yourself in, considering there was a very protective alpha on the other side-and when he sees you, his shoulders slump into some sort of exhausted relief. 
“Hey.” He breathes out, staring at you, fingers still gripped tightly around the lip of the omega’s door. 
You arch a brow and incline your head toward the interior of the dorm. “Can I come in there without you biting my head off?” 
He takes in a long, slow breath through his nose, and steps back a little from the open door with one quick jerk of a nod. “Yeah.” 
You step past him, and he’s true to his word, rooted to the spot, but your wolf doesn’t miss the way his jaw ticks as you pass, the way his nostrils flare, the almost death grip of his white knuckles as they tighten on the door. 
You retreat to the opposite side of the small couch for safety, and watch him warily as he closes and locks the door once more before turning to you. 
He takes a small step in your direction, and you tense without really thinking about it. 
Chan freezes, staring at you, and you notice the wild look to his eyes has diminished since he first saw you, but the alpha gold is present and vibrant as ever in his irises, swallowing any hint of his normal caramel.
He sighs again, and reaches up to rake an agitated hand through his messy hair. 
“I’m sorry.” He apologizes in a whisper, voice strangled, and your wolf keens sadly in response. 
You emerge from behind the safety of the couch, moving to stand in front of him. 
Surprise flashes across his haggard features, but he doesn’t move, staring at you, as you study his face. 
The man is tired, so is the wolf. 
You dare to reach up and run a finger beneath his jaw, swiping across his scent gland gently, and his chest caves in as he takes a deep, shuddering breath, then another.
“You don’t need to apologize.” You murmur back, watching him carefully, your fingers still playing around the oozing gland at his throat. 
The smell of storm is overwhelming. 
“I do though.” Chan says hoarsely, his eyes meeting yours, his bottom lip going between his teeth. “I basically kicked you and Minho out-” 
Your lips quirk up into the start of a small smile. “Yeah, well Minho was being an asshole, so I don’t blame you. He kind of deserved it.” 
Chan huffs out something that could’ve been a chuckle if his entire demeanor wasn’t so stiff and morose, and glances sidelong, past you to the darkness of the hallway. 
“Still, I don’t think my alpha has ever reacted this strongly to an omega’s heat before. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.” 
You place your palm flat against his gland, and he leans into your touch, as if he’s a dog seeking comfort from a familiar hand. 
“I think I have an idea.” 
Chan’s eyes flare with surprise, and his lips gap. 
You give him the hint of another small smile. “First off, I don’t think any of us have ever dealt with someone presenting before, so that’s an unknown that we weren’t really planning for. Secondly-” 
You pause, watching him carefully, gauging whether you think he’s ready to hear this. 
Better now than later. 
“Minho wasn’t just being an asshole, though he does that often enough that it wouldn’t surprise me if he were.” You give a little laugh, and then sober up again, staring up at Chan. “He was testing something.” 
Chan’s brows disappear into his hairline. “What?” 
“Yeah.” You nod. “And I told him he should never, ever be a scientist, but he kind of cemented something into place for us regardless.” 
Chan is staring at you, brow furrowed, expression confused. 
You take in another breath, and spit it out. 
“You’re a head alpha. And not just any head alpha, you’re our head alpha.” 
Chan is frozen, staring at you, expression unreadable, and you suddenly worry you’ve broken him. 
“Channie-” You start to say, reaching out for his hands now, as his chest heaves with a breath. 
“Oh my god.” He cuts you off, his voice little more than a shocked whisper beneath his breath. “It all fucking makes sense.” 
Well, he’s taking it better than you had expected. 
“Yeah.” You nod, squeezing his fingers between your own. “Sorry to drop that bomb on you right now, but I thought you needed to hear it, at least to put your mind at ease a little over your behavior.” 
Chan’s gaze raises to you, and his tongue darts out to wet his lips.
“Fuck, okay, I’m going to need more details on that later, but now-” 
His gaze flicks past you once more to the dark hallway, and you take in a steadying breath. 
“Yeah, okay. What can I do to help?” 
The alpha in front of you rakes another violent hand through his hair, and you can practically see the agitated wolf pacing beneath the surface of his twisted features.
“I don’t fucking know. I don’t-”  
You reach out and palm his gland again, and when he finally looks at you once more, you give him a serious, pointed look, your alpha surging forward now, ready to hear about the newest omega-your newest omega-in the other room. 
Suddenly, the scent of petrichor is being drowned out by the smell of freshly baked bread, crusted in cinnamon.
“Is Jeongin okay?” 
The wild look is back in Chan’s eyes, the gold molten, as he tears away from you to pace the length of the small room, movements agitated. 
“Yes? I don’t know. Everything happened so fast, but I didn’t- We didn’t-” 
You stare at him, trying to figure out what he’s trying to say, your wolf growling dangerously now. 
“You didn’t what-?” You pin him beneath your gaze, and Chan stops, reaching up to tug at the ends of his messy curls, expression frantic. 
The smell of storm is decaying, turning into something sour and rotten.
“He’s fucking miserable, (Y/N), but I couldn’t-” 
He stops again, and something clicks into place in your brain. Your irritated wolf backs down instantly, purring and chuffing in comfort to the clearly distressed alpha before you. 
“Channie-” You say softly, stepping toward him, trying to send soothing signals into the space between the two of you. 
Chan sighs, long and heavy, shoulders slumping once more, and stares at the floor beneath his sneakers, his hands clenched into fists at his side. 
“The kid’s never taken a knot before.” He sucks in a breath and glances up at you, eyes dark and serious. “And I know he’s an omega now and that his wolf biology is built for that or whatever, but fuck, that doesn’t mean I’m incapable of hurting him.” 
His chin drops back down to his chest, and his fingers clench at his sides, knuckles whitening. 
You step toward him, and wrap your arms around his waist, consequences be damned. 
“Baby.” You breathe, tilting your head to look up at him. “Look at me.” 
He does, lips pulled into a thin, tight line, stretched with worry. 
You can see the war behind his eyes, the struggle. 
Because Chan is worried about Jeongin, worried that it’s his first time, that he’ll be uncomfortable, and his alpha is worried about the new omega, worried that he’s suffering, that he needed a knot yesterday.
You smooth your palms down the sides of his neck, watch the way his chest rises and falls with an inhale, the way his muscles relax slightly beneath the wave you push forward of your own scent. 
“Did he ask you?” You question quietly, gaze intent on his own. 
His features fall a little, and he lets out another long, shuddering breath, a muscle in his jaw flexing slightly as he grinds his teeth. 
“I mean, yeah.” He admits in a murmur, his expression unsure now. “But I didn’t know if that was just a physical and emotional response to being so close to my alpha now that he’s presented, or if he actually knew what he was asking for.” 
“It’s probably both.” You admit gently, his eyes flicking up to your own, and you give him what you hope is the hint of a soothing smile. “However, maybe you just need to trust your gut and go with instinct this one time. Not overthink it.” 
Chan lets out a little sardonic cough, halfway to a chuckle, his eyes bitter. “Yeah, kind of a hard ask when it comes to me.” 
Your mouth tugs upward, and you reach up to trace a finger down the line of his nose, smoothing away the worried wrinkles currently residing between his eyes. 
When he looks at you once more, you cock your head and stare him down. 
“You already know, deep down, you’re not gonna hurt him. You’re going to be gentle and loving and careful and give him exactly what he needs. You and I both know you’d never do anything to endanger a member of this pack, right?” 
He parts his lips, as if to respond, but all that comes out is a huff of breath, as if he’s unsure how to answer your question. 
“Right?” You prod again, a little more sternly, and Chan finally nods, shoulders slumping forward in defeat. 
“Okay, so-” You let your hands smooth over his scent gland again, your palms sticky with the leaking pheromones, and tug your fingers up through his disheveled curls, tilting his chin to make him meet your gaze. “-go in there and help our omega.” 
Something resolves in Chan’s gaze, just a little, and he gives a tiny nod, lifting his chin, his gaze flickering past you and to the hallway beyond. 
“Okay.” He nods again, taking in a deep breath, chest rising and falling against your own. “Okay.” He repeats, more sure this time, glancing back down to you, a fire in the back of his eyes. “You’re right. I can do this.” 
“Good boy.” You grin, laughing slightly as he rolls his eyes. 
There’s the Chan you know. 
Something hesitant flickers across his gaze, and he rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, looking anxious. “Fuck, why am I acting like a pup that doesn’t know what he’s doing? I don’t know why I’m so fucking nervous.” “Because you love him. And I know what that’s like.” You reply back with surety, so quickly that it takes the both of you off guard. 
The look of shocked surprise on Chan’s face probably mirrors your own. 
Because you do love Jeongin, have known it for awhile, and you know Chan knows that, but in this moment, you’re no longer talking about the newest omega down the hall, you’re suddenly talking about-
Chan stares at you, and you wish you could bite your tongue off. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
He stares. 
You look away.
You clear your throat in the sudden silence, and inch back from him, straightening the hoodie he wears, if only to give your fingers something to do, your eyes somewhere else to focus. 
You give him an awkward little pat on the chest before you step away completely. 
“So, go get him, pretty boy.” 
You can feel Chan’s gaze still on you, can feel the start of something brewing at the tip of his tongue, the tension in the air between you, but you doggedly avoid eye contact, not giving him the chance, already headed for the door. 
“Text me when you’re done, yeah? I gotta get out of here, the smell of cinnamon is making my teeth ache.” 
Your hand is on the knob when Chan calls, “(Y/N).” 
You turn back slowly, already regretting the decision. 
He gives you the hint of a smile and a little wave of his fingers. 
“Thanks.” You nod, biting down on your own tongue, and leave the apartment and the smell of baked bread behind. 
You throw another punch, your glove landing solidly in the middle of the bag. 
“Fucking-” Another hit, another ripple of pain through your already abused knuckles. 
Your glove connects again, and this time you let it drop back to your side after the hit, breathing hard, chest heaving, sweat dripping down your brow, body numb. 
With a low whistle, Changbin appears at your side, brow arched and expression slightly amused, taking in your exhausted stance. 
“Fuck, girl, if I’d known you could go that hard, I would’ve brought you with me to the gym a lot sooner.” 
You give him a sidelong glare, reaching to pull the glove off your dominant hand, before you undo the other, dropping them to the mat at your feet, before you move on to ripping the tape off of your knuckles unceremoniously. 
“Don’t get used to it.” 
You don’t usually take Changbin up on his offers to hit the campus gym-preferring to stick to long distance running with Yeosang instead-but tonight, you’d needed something a little more than running. 
Your slip up with Chan last week-and your misstep and ensuing fight with Jeongin-had had your thoughts in knots since, your body tense, and fuck it all, you’d needed an outlet. 
So rather than unfairly deck Jisung in the face when he’d poured cold water over you in the shower earlier, you’d opted for going to the gym with Changbin, and the punching bag had been just what you needed. 
Changbin reaches down and picks up your discarded gloves, tossing them back into the recesses of his large gym bag, before he steps toward you and takes your hands in his, inspecting your knuckles. 
They’re already bruising, darkening to blue, and a little bit of the skin is split on your dominant hand, but other than that, you haven’t fared all that bad, especially considering you’d been going at it-hard-for more than an hour now. 
Changbin brushes his thumb over the split between your knuckles, and you let out a hiss between your teeth, his eyes meeting yours at the sound with another knowing arch of his dark brow. 
“Minho’s gonna be proud, considering how well you fared the first time you threw a punch against him.” 
You glare at him, pulling your hand from his grasp, as a slight smirk comes to his lips. 
“I didn’t have a glove the first time. It was spontaneous, a rage filled necessity. Minho knew he was egging me on, I just reacted. He was being a fucking dick, and I threw a punch, knuckles and proper form be damned.” 
“Right, right.” Changbin agrees with a little chuckle and a raise of his hands, ignoring your sour look in his direction, as he steps over to pick up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. 
His golden skin is glistening with sweat from his own workout, and if you weren’t in such a bad mood, you would’ve taken the opportunity to push him into the nearest locker room and lick it off, slowly and meticulously, but since you are in such a bad mood, you silently follow him down the stairs and out the front doors of the gym. 
It’s dark outside, and chilly, the sun having set hours ago, and you keep stride with Changbin easily, as you walk through the park and cut across the main field of campus, a shortcut of sorts, that will deposit you directly outside of the alpha dorms. 
As you walk, you can feel Changbin darting glances in your direction, but you ignore him, striding beside him in complete silence. 
Finally, he asks, “So, are you gonna tell me what brought all that on or-?” 
You violently kick a pebble off the edge of the path with the toe of your sneaker, listening to it rattle away amongst the trees in the darkness, and refuse to look at him, snarking back, “What? I can’t just enjoy a good boxing session every once and a while without some dark, sinister reason? Seems a little hypocritical, don’t you think?” 
Changbin clicks his tongue beneath his breath, dodging your warpath, as you kick another pebble into the trees, this one dangerously close to hitting his ankle. 
“I mean, yeah, you can, but you don’t.” You send another rock flying with a vehement curse under your breath. 
“Fucking hell, dude, just drop it, would you?” 
He pivots to walk in front of you, walking backward so he can stare at you, his brow furrowed into the start of a dangerous scowl, eyes dark and flashing with warning. 
“Fucking talk to me like that again, dude, and I’ll drop you.” 
You don’t back down an inch, glaring right back at him and walking quicker, closing the distance between the two of you. 
“Try it, I dare you. I just spent an hour improving my aim and force, and I’m dying to actually apply it in real life.” 
He holds your glare for another moment, a muscle ticking with annoyance in his strong jaw, and then he sighs with exasperation, stopping in front of you so you have to stop too, lest you run smack dab into his broad chest. 
Actually, that probably wouldn’t be so bad. 
He stares at you, his hands going to his hips, like he’s a mother-or Minho-getting ready to tell you off, and then he blows out another breath past his teeth, his shoulders slumping, as he admits with softened irritation, “You’re infuriating, you know that?” 
You feel the muscles in your body relax, if only just a bit, and your glare softens minutely at his obviously candid words. 
“So I’ve been told.” 
He glances up at the dark sky over your heads, the moon rising over the stark branches of the trees, and then back to you, before he says, “You know your scent has been whacked out all week right? Ever since Jeongin’s presentation.” 
Your shoulders tense, but you start to accept defeat under his scrutiny, letting out a long sigh of your own in response. 
“I know.” You finally acquiesce, voice slightly bitter, your words dropping off, as you glance back down at the ground, scuffing your sneaker along the sidewalk, wishing for another rock. 
Changbin steps closer, you see his converse kiss the toes of your own, and then his fingers find your chin, tilting your gaze back to meet his own, eyes dark and gentle. 
“Talk to me, baby.” 
You blow out another harsh breath. “I think-” You start, before stuttering off again, a sudden lump in your throat. 
You nip your bottom lip between your teeth and will yourself not to cry. 
Changbin reaches out, freeing the skin from your grip, before he thumbs your lip softly, tracing the skin with his touch. 
“You think-?” He pushes gently, eyes locked on your own, expression intent. 
You swallow thickly, and glance up at the sky above you, counting stars silently to keep your emotions in check. 
Fuck it, you might as well just tell him. 
“I think I told Chan something, inadvertently, that maybe fucked up our relationship forever.” You give a sardonic little laugh, one that lacks all humor, and shrug helplessly. “You know me and my big mouth. And then, of course, the whole thing with Jeongin-” You sigh. “Ive fucked up-probably irrevocably-two of my most important relationships in the last week.” 
Changbin’s gaze narrows in on you, and you can see him processing, going over things in his mind, reviewing the week back, looking for clues. 
“Have you talked to Chan about it?” He asks you finally, and you’re glad he hasn’t asked you what it was that you said. 
You don’t think you could repeat it again. 
‘Love. I know what that feels like.’ 
“I’ve been avoiding him.” You admit quietly, your gut churning into knots at just the thought of seeing Chan, at having to talk to him about what you’d admitted. 
Changbin takes your hands in his, thumbs brushing carefully over the sore, swollen skin of your knuckles, and when he speaks, his voice is gentle, but firm, “That’s the first step then. And we all need to make reparations with Jeongin. But I think you know all that already.” 
You swallow, before you nod reluctantly. 
“Yeah, I guess so.” 
He gives you the hint of a soft smile, and pulls you with him as he begins walking again, hand still firmly in his own. 
“C’mon. Let’s go home. Minho-hyung’s gonna wanna look at those knuckles.” 
You: Hey.  Innie: Hey.  You: Can we talk?  Innie: Yeah……cafe @ 12?  You: I’ll be there. 
You’re not sure what to expect when Jeongin slides into the booth opposite you, dropping his backpack with a thud and turning to you expectantly, albeit a little shyly. 
God, he’s pretty. 
His fiery red hair is tucked beneath a baseball cap today, a thick, wool cardigan hanging off his shoulders, a woven bracelet you vaguely remember Jisung making tied around his small wrist. His nails are painted a dark navy, matching the mood of the oncoming winter outside.
The scent of warm bread fills your nose as he leans toward you slightly, and your jaw aches in response, saliva pooling beneath your tongue. 
“Hi.” He says without preamble, large dark eyes on your own. 
You swallow and take in a deep breath through your mouth.
It sounds lame, flat, a placeholder for what you should be actually saying. 
You take in another breath and jump in without preamble. 
“Look, Jeongin, I am so fucking sorry-” 
His lips quirk slightly, catching you off guard, and he sits back, looking more relaxed now. 
“Yeah, I know, noona.” 
Your words die in your throat, and you stare at him, openly shocked. 
“You do?” 
“Yeah.” He shrugs, giving you a grin now, white teeth flashing. “Chan-hyung told me all about it. You know, after-” His words stumble to a halt, and his cheeks flush a deep red. 
Fucking adorable. 
You clear your throat. “Okay, well, I just need you to know though, that you’ve always been a part of this pack, from the moment we met you, but we just couldn’t figure out how to be around you when you weren’t-” 
“Presented.” Jeongin finishes for you easily, his brow quirking upward. “Yeah, noona, I get it now. It’s okay.” 
Your body relaxes slightly, and you let out the breath you’ve been holding, sinking back into the booth behind you. 
“Yeah?” “Yeah.” Jeongin nods back resolutely, his expression open and understanding. “It hurt, before, because I didn’t get it, but now, I do.” His dark eyes flash with affection. “You guys were just trying to protect me. I see that now. Seriously.” 
Your alpha hums contentedly in your chest in response. 
“Fuck.” Your shoulders slump with relief. “We went about it really stupidly, Innie, but I swear we were.” 
He gives you a half smile, his lips curling up, and a wave of spiced cinnamon has your gut clenching with need. 
“It’s okay, noona. Really.” 
Might as well continue with the honesty, right? 
“Innie-” You let the words die on your tongue as his eyes meet yours, large, and dark, and completely vulnerable. You swallow and ask, like a coward, instead, “-are you feeling okay? You know, after everything?” 
His cheeks flush a subtle pink again, and he looks away, tapping his fingers on the table between you in an awkward sort of stiletto. 
“Yeah-” He gives a half little shrug, and you see his throat bob with a swallow. “-I mean, I guess? I don’t really know how I’m supposed to be feeling right now. I’ve never done this before.” You reach out, stilling his fingers by placing your palm over his hand, and when he finally looks at you once more, you give him a soft, comforting smile, squeezing his hand in your own. 
His skin is warm, soft and familiar beneath your hold. 
“It’s okay, Innie. We’ve all been there. It’s overwhelming at first.” 
“That’s an understatement.” He gives a little snort, rolling his eyes. “I swear to god I’ve never been this aware of how people smell in my entire life.” 
With a jolt, you realize that you’re probably being really overwhelming right now, this close to him, touching him, your alpha pheromones oozing from every pore in an attempt to soothe the agitated omega before you. 
“Oh, shit, I didn’t even think-” You start, pulling your hand from his grasp, but his fingers clench down on your own, his brow furrowing instantly. 
“No, not you!” He blurts out, almost in a panic, and you freeze. He clears his throat, blushing again, and then repeats quietly, “Not you, noona.I like how you smell. I like how everyone in the pack smells.” 
Your body relaxes once more, and you give him the hint of a smile as you reposition your hand over his. 
“Oh, okay. That’s good. Great, even.” 
“It is?” Jeongin questions curiously, before he lifts an arm, taking a sniff of his sweater, his large eyes flashing back up to your own, alight with innocence. “Do I smell good to you guys then too?” 
As if his body reacts to his own question, you catch a fresh wave of cinnamon and yeast, heady and strong, and your fingers tighten around his own on instinct, your jaw suddenly clenched, aching and expectant. 
You breathe out slowly through your nose, and relax your fingers one by one. 
“Yeah-” You get out through gritted teeth. “-you could say that.” 
Your alpha is begging you to pounce on the omega in front of you-all too big eyes and small frame, wrapped up prettily in an oversized sweater-but you force down the instinct, breathing out slowly instead, counting to ten silently in your head as Jeongin watches you expectantly. 
“Noona?” He asks, a little hesitantly, and you’d bet that his omega is doing something weird, maybe alarming, in response to your obvious reaction. 
“Sorry.” You shake your head to clear your thoughts, and give him a strained smile, clearing your throat. “Yeah, you smell really good to us too, Innie. It’s a pack thing, a biology thing. Especially between alphas and omegas. Nature wants us to find each other enticing, so omega scents are specifically designed to appeal to alphas and vice versa.” 
“Oh.” He simply replies, looking thoughtful now, as if he’s digesting what you’ve told him. 
“Anyway-” You glance at the clock on the wall behind his head, noting the time and how long you’ve both been sitting at the booth now. “-I have a lab I need to get to, but it’s on the way to the omega dorms if you’re done for the day and wanna walk with me?” 
Jeongin’s eyes light up and he grins, nodding rapidly, as he reaches for his backpack and scoots out of the booth. 
“I’d like that.” 
You follow him out of the small, warm cafe, the winter air nipping at your nose as you step outside, slinging your own bag over your shoulder, your hands going into the pockets of your coat for warmth. 
Jeongin pulls a scarf from his bag and tucks it around his neck with difficulty, the brisk wind whipping at the knitted fabric. 
Without a thought, you step forward and bat his hands away teasingly, wrapping the scarf securely around his throat a few times, before you tuck the loose ends down into the heavy fabric of his cardigan. 
“There.” You say firmly, finishing and looking down at him, making sure he’s completely covered. “Better?” 
Jeongin stares up at you, wide, dark eyes lined with incredibly long lashes, the end of his pert nose already turning red from the cold, face tucked into the folds of the scarf. 
“Yeah.” He breathes out, still staring up at you, his breath clouding in the cold air, and not for the first time, you have the fleeting thought that Jeongin looks good enough to eat. 
Bread bakes between the two of you without warning, and you clear your throat, telling yourself to step back, but you can’t physically make your feet move, fingers still clenched on the soft fabric of Jeongin’s scarf. 
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that.” You choke out, not able to stop yourself, glancing around to see if anyone has noticed the two of you, frozen on the sidewalk in front of the campus cafe. 
No one is around.
You don’t know if that’s incredibly fortunate, or incredibly dangerous.
“Noona?” He questions softly, and your eyes flick back to his own. 
He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and chews it, staring up at you, and everything inside of you is begging you to free the delicate, plump, pink skin. 
His cheeks are red, and you don’t know if it’s from the proximity, or from the frigid air. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
You hold your breath. “Of course.” 
He glances away, suddenly looking nervous. “Do you-” He takes in a shaky breath, and bravely meets your gaze once more. “-I mean, would you-?” 
You know what he’s asking, even without the words. 
Taking a step closer to him, your shoes butting against his own, you put a finger beneath his chin and angle his gaze upward, and you’re so close now, your lips are almost brushing, the warmth of Jeongin’s breath fanning across your tongue. 
You can almost taste the bread. 
“Yes, little pup. I would.” You murmur, words husky, voice dropping into a touch of alpha timber in response to his body against your own, his omega practically begging for your alpha just beneath the surface of his gaze. 
He sucks in a sharp breath as you let your thumb brush across the seam of his lips. 
“However, if I kiss you now, baby boy, I don’t think I’d be able to stop anytime soon.” 
His body shivers, and you can tell it’s not from the cold, and fuck, you really want to skip your lab, but-
You thumb his bottom lip once more, letting the skin drag beneath your touch, before you pull back. 
“And I want to take my fucking time, so-” You tug his collar and scarf up around his throat once more, bundling him for the walk back to the dorms. 
His eyes are hazed, pupils dark and blown, as you give him a little smirk. 
“-later, hm, pup?” 
He nods eagerly, and your alpha chuffs approvingly in response.
“Good boy. Now c’mon, let’s get you out of this cold.” 
“You can’t avoid him forever, you know.” 
Jisung tosses another handful of popcorn into his mouth beside you on the couch, eyes trained on the TV where a badly made action movie is currently playing. 
You don’t look at him as you query back innocently, “Who?” 
He snorts, stuffing more popcorn into his already puffed cheeks. 
“I’m not avoiding him.” You reply back a little too quickly, clearly a lie, your eyes stilling on the page you’ve been doggedly reading for the last half an hour. 
Jisung snorts again. “Yeah, okay, and I’m not fucking Minho-hyung.” 
“Ew.” You shove his shoulder, and he totters, steadying the popcorn bowl at the last moment so it doesn’t dump its contents all over said hyung’s couch. 
He gives you a glare, throwing a popcorn kernel at your head, and missing by a margin. 
“Well, it’s true! I’m just saying, noona-” His words become muffled as he shoves another handful of popcorn into his waiting mouth, glancing at the movie once more. “-ever’one knows you’re being weird all the sudd’n.” 
“Yeah, okay, well-” You shut your book a little bit harder than necessary, tossing it aside as you stand. “-when I want advice from you, Han Jisung, I’ll ask for it.” You lean over him obnoxiously, blocking his view of the TV, as you take a large handful of his popcorn and shove it into your mouth, chewing loudly as you stare him down. 
“Hey!” He protests, jerking the popcorn out of your reach violently, as you straighten and give him one last pointed look, gathering up your homework. 
“I’m only trying to help!” He calls out as you turn to leave the living room, flipping him off over your shoulder without looking back. “Just looking out for you, noona!” 
He goes up on his knees on the couch, cupping his hands around his mouth, as if it’ll make him louder, and you can’t hear him just beyond the doorway. 
“Considering, you know, that he’s here right now and all!” 
His words don’t register for a moment, and when they do, it’s already too late, considering you’ve just rounded the corner into Minho’s kitchen and caught sight of both he and Chan sitting, deep in conversation, at the small table. 
You come to a dead stop, your stomach instantly dropping out of your shoes, and they both look up at your entrance, Minho arching a brow at what you’re sure is clear, unfiltered panic crossing your face. 
His lips curve into the hint of a knowing smirk.
“Ah, sweetheart. We were just talking about you.” 
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zyonsay · 9 months ago
Parisienne im Mund SKI AGGU
Summary: Shooting the Balla Balla MV!
Reader: Genderneutral
Warnings: Smoking
Now playing: 'Balla Balla' by Ski Aggu
AN: Heya everyone! Finally some Ski Aggu content! I feel like there's such a lack of fics about him, which probably is since he's a german artist who doesnt cater to anyone besides german speakers- At least thats how i imagine it?? Anyways! This was really hard to write cuz in my mind lil bro does NOT speak english, which makes it sooo difficult for me to make him speak english. Idk, maybe im just yapping. Alsooo!! I mostly write male readers but i thought since theres barely any ski aggu fics i‘d give a lil treat to fem aligned people too :)
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 Die, die ich date, hat uns Karten für die Oper gekauft Doch ich kann heut nicht, weil ich mich mit meinen Govas besauf' Jemand legt mir eine Peitsche, doch die macht mir nichts aus, Weil ich hab' viele tolle Ranzen wie Scout
A row of dressed up people stood around, waiting for their cue. You were currently doing a favor for your friend from Hamburg, Luca. Recently he made more time for his main passion, filming music videos and social media content. Long story short, his buddy needed a bunch of people for a music video and since you owe him a favor, you gladly came along.
Ja, ich bin ein heißer Atze, ich tanz' bauchfrei im Club Hol' meinen Perso raus, doch nicht, weil ich mich ausweisen muss
The camera panned around the entrance of the club and music filled the room. Just beforehand you were personally introduced to the man in whose music video you’d appear.
“Hey, das ist Y/N. Basically meine rechte Hand.” Luca placed his arm around your shoulders, pulling you slightly into him while smiling widely. “Oh hey, danke fürs kommen!”, you blinked for a second, your german was sadly quite rusty. “Oh umm, sorry but my german is absolute shit.”, you pursed your lips shyly. The young guy in front of you smiled. “No problem! I’m Aggu by the way.” He held his hand out to dap you up. You interlinked your own hand with his. “Nice to meet you, love your music.” A genuine smile spread across your lips, which he immediately mirrored. He was known to wear a ski mask, but right now you were glad to be able to look into his blueish grey eyes. Something was drawing you to him, maybe his sharp features, his messy blond hair or the crooked but sweet smile. “Thanks! I’ve heard so much about you from Luca.” You tilted your head, nudging your friend who was still next to you. “Only good things, right?”
The smoke machines were going ham and the air inside the rented club was getting way too hot. Someone had brought along a bubble gun, so colorful glycerin blobs now bobbed through the air and occasionally landed on a person’s head. “Ok, nächster Take in 3, 2, 1!” Luca began filming and just how the instructions earlier had said, everybody started jumping around and dancing, mimicking the nightlife at a club. Music boomed trough a speaker, helping Aggu keep the pace and time his gestures correctly. The lights flashed, you purposely spilled your drink while dancing, the messier it looked, the better. It all began to feel more and more like a fever dream. Aggu had lit a cigarette and was wildly gesturing at the camera while singing to the lyrics, the melody of which flowed through the crowd.
Ich rapp' darüber, was in meinem Leben passiert, Treff' 'ne Granate im Backi, die meine Nägel lackiert, woah, mh Sie sagt mir: „Komm, wir gehen von hier“ Weil der Backstage Arsch ist wie ich später bei ihr.
Next up was a scene at the backstage, Luca had insisted stubbornly that you should play in that scene. Two seats were smushed into a corner and a few things were thrown around to make it look messy. You propped yourself in one of those seats, facing Aggu. He was rapping about something something nail polish, but all you knew is that you had to whisper in his ear for a take. Carefully, you leant closer to him, your back was turned against the camera. His scent was intoxicating, a light hint of smoke lingered on him. Feeling a bit cheeky, you laid your hand on the front of his shoulder, practically resting yourself against him. A slight flush spread across your cheeks at the proximity, you were thankful that the camera wasn’t filming your face.
Aggu leant over the bar and let out an exhausted huff. “Fertig!”, Luca grinned from one ear to another. The takes you had now were pretty damn good and even though it was fun, everybody was happy to finish the video shooting. “You ok?” You spun around on one of the barstools. “Hm?”, he hummed while tiredly lifting his head from where he was resting it, buried in his arms. “Yeah, just tired. But I’m happy with how it turned out.” You nodded lightly, stopping your endless spinning. “C’mon, I’ll sponsor you a Cig.” Even under the ski goggles you could see his eyes light up.
You placed a cigarette between your lips and then held out your pack of Parisiennes to him. The two of you were sat on the step of some stairs at the back entrance of the club, your legs touching. “You got fire?”, a slightly embarrassed look flashed over your face. Somehow you always forgot to bring your lighter – or you lose it by the time you need it. “Mhm.” Aggu hummed. He had taken the ski goggles off and once again you found yourself glancing at his eyes. He expected you to take the lighter into your own hands, but you just held your cigarette in place and leaned in towards him. A few strands of hair loosened and fell into your face. He couldn’t help his breath hitching at the closeness, he could smell your cologne. It smelled like green tea mixed with a minty undertone, or to put it differently, a breath of fresh air. It took Aggu a second to register your movement, but he then reached his lighter forward, holding the flame to the cigarette between your lips. The orange light illuminated your face and made it glow; he was mesmerized. Your eyes fluttered open and you caught him looking at you, a slight smile spread across your lips.
Ich bin balla-balla Komplett gaga Parisienne im Mund, ich bin ein toller Macker
With a sweet, slightly stupid grin he lit his own cigarette. A light chuckle escaped you, he seemed to fancy you as much as you fancied him. He took a long drag of his cigarette before leaning against your shoulder, the nicotine rush fuzzing up his mind.
Ich bin balla-balla Komplett gaga Ihr Swag 2010, sie trägt einen Rock mit Brakka
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itwasntimethatdidit40 · 5 months ago
Let’s get it on
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Pairing: Lucien Flores x afab!reader x Frankie Morales
Words count: 12779 💀 (I humbly apologize, please don’t hate me)
Rating: +18, absolutely NSFW, please if you’re a minor don’t interact.
Tags/Warnings: POV second person, no use of y/n, reader wears a skirt, has breast and vagina, other than that no other description is given and I made sure she doesn’t blush, she has hair but it is not described what it is like and no one runs their hand through it, unprotected p in v (it's fiction, no one gets pregnant or gets infections in this world, please use protection in real life), unprotected anal, oral (everyone receiving it LOL), spit roast, a little bit of choking (very lightly), spanking, manhandling, rough sex, masturbation, dirty talk, use of “daddy” once, mention of anxiety, mention of cheating, brief Santiago appearance, angst, fluff, Lucien, reader and Frankie are bi af ❤️, pet names (baby, kitten, good boy, princess), soft!dom Frankie, sub!Lucien, everyone is horny af, reader is basically a menace along with the guys, alcohol consumption, cum eating, cream pie, a lot of nipple play just because I love it (don’t look at me like that, boobs are gorgeous ❤️), Frankie is PEK but also a boobs man in this because I said so, frottage, pussy pronouns, balls sucking, Lucien's chain (only one, sorry) makes a series of glorious appearances *wink*…listen, I don't know what other kind of smutty things I wrote anymore, If I notice something is missing I will add it right away.
This was written for @baronessvonglitter’s Fuck-tober challenge , thank you so much for the opportunity and happy birthday again 🩷 She assigned me Lucien and the song Let's get it on by Marvin Gaye, I had a blast! And it drained me, but that was only my fault because I couldn't stop writing LOL Sorry if I've been more of a pain in the ass with this, I promise I'm done. It’s the very first challenge I’ve participated and it’s also my very first Lucien fic, I’m so nervous about it💀
As usual, English is not my first language so please be patient with me, no beta and no proofreading, I reread it a couple of times today too and I hope there are no mistakes, please forgive me if you find any.
I really hope you’ll like it!
Lucien: hey baby, long time no see, how you doing?
You: I was alright before this text came
Lucien: I know you miss me and you know that too.
You: Not even a little bit.
Lucien: baby… I’m sorry. Can we meet? Please?
You: and why on earth should I do this?
Lucien: I just want to give you back something that you left at my place.
You: fuck, okay, just one time, in a public place and don’t you dare to have expectations.
Lucien: come on, deep down you still love me.
You: sure, so deep down that I can't find it
Lucien: cruel woman. Shall we meet at the usual bar at 9?
You: I’m not the one who cheated, asshole. Fuck, ok. See you there.
You put down your phone letting out a sigh, cursing yourself for accepting to see him.
Lucien. Your ex. The unreliable man that broke your heart.
You entered the bar looking for him, scanning the place and seeing few people at the tables drinking and chatting.
He was sitting at the bar counter, rolling a bottle of beer between his fingers, staring intently ahead.
The bartender was with his back to him loading a dishwasher.
You watched him from a distance, he hadn’t changed much since the last time you saw him.
He was wearing one of his colorful shirts that he wore all the time, even when you went to your mom’s for lunch on Sundays and she obviously never failed to point it out to you “Can't he just wear a normal shirt for once?”.
You didn’t know what to do about it, Lucien has always been a stubborn guy and anyway, despite what your mother said, they suited him well.
Light wash jeans hugged his legs, his hair was a little longer but as messy as you'd always seen it, and a short beard covered his cheeks and jawline leaving some patches.
You had always liked his aquiline nose, the way you felt it press against your cheek as you kissed, and even more the way it rubbed against your clit as Lucien moved down between your thighs.
You shook your head.
“This is only going to bring me trouble” you thought as you approached “well, fuck, maybe I’ll even get a decent apology” you rolled your eyes as a whiff of his perfume reached you, a perfume that you had given him before he left you and that had caused you to have one of the worst fight in history that lead into a very painful break up. It was persistent, woody, with a very fresh citrus note, quite unmistakable.
You still remember the day you entered your friend’s house and you distinctly smelled that perfume in her living room. That day you had discovered that Lucien had been cheating on you. And to add insult to injury, as soon as he had heard you enter he had hidden behind a cabinet in the kitchen like a complete idiot. It took you 30 seconds to find him. You were already suspicious seeing your friend’s messed up hair and smeared lipstick, you had asked her if she was with someone and she had replied that no, absolutely not, she was taking a nap. But you knew her well, she had never taken naps, especially in the afternoon, she was a hyperactive person who needed to keep herself busy all the time. Apparently she had found a way to do it by fucking your boyfriend.
“Hey” you nodded at him, without trying too hard. Seeing his face again was already enough to bear with.
He turned and greeted you with a smile “Hey babe” UGH. You couldn’t stand that casual innocent smile on his face.
“Lucien, if you call me babe one more time I swear I'm leaving”
He pouted, putting those puppy eyes on you that you once liked so much and now only made you angry.
“Okay, I’m going to behave, I promise. Would you just…sit down?”
You huffed “okay, just for a moment”
This bar was another place you never went back to after you broke up, you often came there together after work to have a beer and meet friends.
It was a nice bar, actually, but you had given up and now you were meeting your friends on the other side of town.
The counter was made of dark wood, as were the stools, and some industrial-design lamps hung over it, enveloping the place in a relaxed and soft atmosphere.
Frankie, the owner, was former US special forces pilot, as soon as he turned around and saw you he greeted you like an old friend “Hey beautiful, how are you?”
“I’m good Frankie, thanks, can I have a beer?”
“Blanche on tap as always?” He still remembered your usual order, which put you in a good mood despite the presence of that asshole of your ex.
“That would be wonderful, thanks” You looked at him with eyes full of gratitude.
Frankie must have understood the reason why you hadn’t come anymore and he must also have understood how little you wanted to be there at that moment.
Lucien was silent and watched you interact, you could feel his gaze still on you.
Frankie moved to pour your beer and you resigned yourself to turning to him.
“So, let me get this straight, what the hell do you want exactly?” you asked him with a serious look.
“I wanted to give you that” he replied by putting a hand in his pocket and taking out a ring you were hoping to see again.
“Oh good, finally you did something right” It was a ring that your grandmother had given you and that you cared about a lot because it was one of the few memories you had left of her. This was the measure of how little you wanted to see Lucien again, you had even given up on it.
Deep down you knew, or at least you hoped, that Lucien wouldn't get rid of it.
If he had pulled another nasty thing to you could have redone the side of his car with a key or something. He would have deserved it and wouldn't even have had right to complain.
What bothered you the most about the whole thing was that he had done everything behind your back, if he had spoken honestly to you and told you that he wanted an open relationship or if he had confessed that he wanted to leave you you would have accepted it more easily.
“I was sure you would be happy to have it back” he smiled
You had looked at him askance and replied “well then you could have done it sooner”
“I thought it was better to let some time pass” he had shrugged at which you had sighed because he wasn’t entirely wrong but you had replied peeved anyway “Six months?!”
Lucien didn't know what to say, he just stammered "s-sorry" and looked down at his legs stretched out on the stool.
You growled and rolled your eyes again, he was impossible. “I don’t think I can expect much from you though so it’s okay”
Frankie put the beer down in front of you and smiled sweetly, “here you go, I missed you by the way”
“I missed you and this place a lot too” and took a long drink, feeling the beer slide cool on your tongue.
You could see Lucien out of the corner of your eye and he was smiling, he always told you that you drink beer like no other girl which he thought was a compliment… a really poor one actually, but for some reason you liked him saying that. You were probably blinded by love, because you were really in love with him once and there was no denying that having sex with him was amazing, he always knew how to push the right buttons and make you feel incredibly sexy in his arms. Not to mention the fact that he made you squirt and that had never happened to you before.
His kisses, the way he touched you, how he knew how to use his hands on you, his amazing cock, the scent of his skin, everything about him drove you crazy.
As much as you hated to admit it, you missed him. Just for the bed part.
“What’s that pretty little head of yours thinking?” Lucien ventured, giving you a crooked smile.
You stared at the bubbles of your beer rise up the rim of the glass and get lost in the foam.
“What a shitty boyfriend you were, if you really want to know”
And how wet you made me, but you would never have told him that.
Lucien took a sip of his beer, shifted on his stool and replied, “I know. I’m sorry.”
You hummed contentedly as you took some peanuts from the small bowl Frankie had placed in front of you along with your beer. It wasn’t such a bad thing to hear him admit his flaws after all, better late than never.
“I know I was terrible to you and I don't know how you put up with me for so long,” his voice sounded strangely sincere, as if he had actually thought about what he had done wrong.
“Well, that's not bad to hear. Thank you very much” you granted him a smile, even if he didn’t deserve it.
Lucien's eyes lit up "it's nice to see you smile, finally"
You were losing it, just a little. “No no no. I won’t fall into this again.” You thought, “I won’t let it happen.”
“We’re not okay, though” you added “don't get any strange ideas”
“Of course” he smirked “Are you dating someone?”
“Actually yes,” you replied right away “a good guy.”
“Oh. And what’s his name?”
He chuckled, shaking his head
“What?!” you asked him, widening your eyes, “what are you laughing so much about?”
It was unbelievable how Lucien could go from melting your heart to irritating you in a matter of seconds.
“You can't be okay with someone named Simon”
“Why not?!” You frowned, looking at him, waiting for the most stupid answer ever
“Because it sounds like an accountant's name. Or that little Chipmunk guy's name. I can't believe you're happy with him”
“I am.” you replied, offended, “he’s very good. And anyway it’s none of your business”
Simon was simply the first name that came to your mind, there was no boyfriend, you just wanted to keep him from knowing you were still alone.
“So tell me,” Lucien asked, coming closer to your ear, “does he make you come like I did? I remember how you moaned while I fucked you”
You felt a jolt down your spine as his words kept reverberating in your ear and inside your brain and then you hurried to answer “Of course he does”
Lucien’s mouth curved into a mischievous smile “I don’t believe you”
Best fuck of your life but still an asshole.
“You cheated, Lucien, so you lost every chance you get over me, shut the fuck up already” you snapped, almost on the verge of tears.
You held back with all your strength to not give him the satisfaction.
Frankie turned to you immediately “Hey, it’s all good? Should I kick his ass out?” He asked looking grimly at Lucien.
“Thank you Frankie, there’s no need, I’m going home”
You took your wallet out of your bag to pay but Frankie waved his hand in the air “no way, it's on the house”
“Well, thank you then. I hope to see you soon, without this asshole around” you squinted at Lucien who seemed finally mortified.
Being with him was like riding a roller coaster, it was fun and breathtaking and then in an instant there would be a downhill slope and everything would go to hell.
You rushed out after saying hello to Frankie again and completely ignoring your ex.
Lucien followed you after leaving some money on the counter under Frankie’s stern gaze.
He grabbed your wrist and you glared at him “I know, okay, I’m an asshole, I didn't want to make you suffer! I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I’m sorry about everything”
“Well you could have not acted like an idiot in the first place. We’re done, Lucien, let go off my wrist” you didn't even raise your voice, you used a coldness that surprised you.
You turned and walked away without even listening to him anymore.
You were tired, so damn tired. You just needed to go home.
It had been a horrible day at work, your boss had loaded you with deadlines and you had left the office after 2 hours of overtime with your head exploding. On your way home you thought that after a day like that you really deserved a beer and without thinking twice, instead of going home, you headed to Frankie's bar.
It was Friday night, after all.
You entered the bar, pushing your way through the crowd to reach the counter. The place was full and Frankie was busy.
As soon as he saw you, his eyes lit up under the cap he never took off and he smiled at you “It’s so nice to see you again!”
You smiled back thinking how stupid you were tm so never have noticed how cute Frankie was before.
He placed a beer and a small bowl of peanuts in front of you without you having to ask.
“Frankie, you’re my savior” you told him, noticing his beautiful brown eyes, his strong nose just like you loved in a man, his lips and jawline made to be kissed.
He was gorgeous.
“Don’t mention it, knowing what others want is my job after all” his mouth curved into a soft smile and you felt something, like a little fire that was ignited inside you.
You sat there exchanging jokes with him between one cocktail and another that he prepared.
He was funny and kind and you loved spending time with him.
When the place had started to empty a little, it was already 1am, Frankie had poured himself some whiskey and leaned against the bar counter in front of you.
He looked tired too.
“The bar is really doing well, isn't it?” you said “you should hire someone to help you”
He smiled “Santiago took a share, he'll help me from next week. You remember him, right?”
You nodded. You had met Santi one evening when you were there with your friends. He was a nice guy, a former special forces agent just like Frankie.
“Listen…” Frankie hesitated for a moment “I don’t want to sound cheeky but… would you like to go out sometime?”
You looked at him, saw his hopeful look, and agreed. He was too handsome to say no.
You both smiled and you ended up helping him set up the bar while the jukebox played old rock songs.
You felt at ease with Frankie, the horrible day you had just had no longer mattered.
When the last chair had been turned upside down on the tables and the floor had been cleaned, you went out into the back alley to throw out the garbage.
“What do you say about Monday? It's my day off,” Frankie suggested.
“I think it’s perfect”
Frankie’s gaze lingered on you, making you hot and bothered.
You had moved closer to him, just an inch from his face and you had placed a hand on his broad chest, letting it slide slowly over his shirt “I don't want to seem cheeky but… could I kiss you?” you asked him raising your chin and watching him through your lashes.
Frankie chuckled “Hey. You're good, miss. Sure you can.”
As soon as you put your lips on his you felt it, a rush of adrenaline that went through your entire body. That dark alley wasn't exactly the most romantic place in the world but when you kissed him it seemed special. Frankie returned your kiss on the lips a couple of times, as if he was respectfully trying to understand how far he could go.
You pulled him by his shirt to bring him closer to you and deepened the kiss.
Your tongue caressed his lips and he didn't have to be asked twice, he let you in immediately and wrapped his arms around your waist.
Frankie was different from Lucien's, your ex was greedy and impatient, it almost seemed like he was in a hurry while kissing you.
Frankie took his time, tasted you like a ripe fruit, licked inside your mouth expertly, knew exactly what dance he wanted to involve your tongue in, tenderly nibbled your lower lip.
You felt your knees buckle, as his hands slowly moved towards your ass, you placed yours on his to invite him, to give him silent consent, and you moaned into his mouth when his big hands squeezed your ass cheeks.
You pushed him against the wall, sliding a hand between you and touching his erection over his jeans.
Frankie chuckled, his voice hoarse “hey, someone’s hungry”
“I haven’t eaten,” you replied, pouting and then bursting into laughter. Frankie pulled you back into his embrace, kissing you again, trailing down your jaw and then your neck.
You moaned again.
“Well, you should eat something. There’s a place around here, they make amazing tacos, how about that?”
“I prefer to eat you” you replied mischievously, fumbling with his belt, Frankie looked at you in ecstasy. You took his cock in your mouth right there in that alley, dirtying your knees on the asphalt without caring. He was big, about the same size as Lucien, it pulsated deliciously on your tongue and you greedily swallowed every drop of his cum.
You started dating that same Monday, he took you out to dinner and you ended the night at his house where Frankie served you three orgasms with his mouth.
It had been unbelievable, Lucien was good at it but Frankie put a special dedication into licking you like he was pussy drunk and determined to giving you the best experience you could have had.
That evening, held in his arms, your face resting on his chest, you felt completely satisfied after a long time.
You hadn't heard from Lucien for three months, you and Frankie were dated regularly and you really liked how your story was going. One day he took you flying in a helicopter. Seeing him focused, capable, totally immersed in his element made you so excited that as soon as you got off the ground you fucked him in his car, in the parking lot, with the risk that someone would catch you in the act.
He was a fantastic man, passionate, attentive and caring.
You had forgiven Lucien after all, if he hadn't asked you to see each other, your story with Frankie would never have started.
You often went to Frankie's bar after work, sat down for a drink and chatted with him and Santi, who in the meantime had started working there.
One evening while you were laughing together Lucien came in. You muttered an “oh no” under your breath looking at Frankie who immediately put a hand on top of yours resting on the counter and squeezed it as if to tell you to stay calm.
Santi exclaimed “Hey! What are you doing here?!”
You and Frankie simultaneously turned to him with wide eyes “do you know him?”
And Santi laughed and shrugged answering “of course! He’s my cousin!”
Lucien was as surprised as you were to see you all there together.
You had never met Lucien’s cousins, he had barely introduced you to his mother and only because she had insisted. He had always been elusive, you should have known from the beginning how it would end between you.
You certainly didn't want an official engagement either, anyway.
“Why the hell are you here, cousin?” Lucien said scratching his head.
“I work here, idiot, I even told you last week at your mom’s lunch but I’m not surprised you didn’t listen.”
You giggled at Santi’s reprimand, looking at Frankie and squeezing his hand tighter. You were so glad to be with an uncomplicated man like him.
Frankie promised you something and did it, he made a date with you and showed up on time, he showered you with attention and always thought of your pleasure before his own.
“Sit down, I'll pour you a beer” Santi said and moved to the tap.
Silence fell between the three of you, until Lucien broke it by noticing the way you were caressing Frankie's hand, making small concentric circles with your thumb on the back of his hand.
”So he’s your new boyfriend? Wasn’t his name Simon?”
“It didn’t work with Simon, Frankie is much better anyway,” you looked at him tenderly and his eyes returned yours with a sparkle under the peak of his cap.
“I’m glad,” Lucien simply said, looking at Frankie and then at you. Maybe he had finally learned to behave in a civil manner.
Santi placed a beer in front of his cousin and asked “so do you like this place?”
“Sure, I've been coming here long before you started working there. She and I used to come together all the time.”
Santi finally understood your triangle. “But you…” he said pointing to you “and him” pointing to Frankie and you nodded “but before you were with him… ok I understand”
Lucien laughed “it’s not that weird, you know”
And you thought that no, it actually wasn't, because of the state of mind you were in. You were very calm, finally, and Lucien's presence didn't bother you at all.
You spent the evening together, while Santi and Frankie served cocktails, chatting and laughing.
At the end of the evening you insisted on staying to help clean up despite Frankie and Santi's protests, so Lucien also felt compelled to volunteer.
“You'll finally do something useful, cousin.” Santiago said and you all laughed, including Lucien.
You and Frankie went home around 2am, while you were thinking about how tired you were he pushed you on his bed, his eyes locked on yours as he stripped you of your jeans and panties and spread your legs.
You just can’t resist when Frankie’s eyes darken in that particular way, as if he felt the intrinsic need to make you come. That night you also read something else in his gaze, the need to claim you as his.
“You really have the most beautiful cunt I've ever seen, do you know that darling? Who does this pussy belong to? hm?”
“It's yours” you managed to say as you took off his trusted baseball cap throwing it on the floor “it’s all yours”
He drowned in your pussy, coating your folds in his saliva, his tongue frantically moving up and down and his fingers teasing your entrance. He nuzzled at your clit, making you squirm with the tip of his nose bumping into your harden bud again and again.
You raised your gaze so as not to miss a single movement of his tongue and his hungry lips that were drinking from your most intimate part.
“Fuck, you’re so good at doing it, Frankie, oh my god” you whined, lacing your fingers with his soft raven curls, he smirked against your skin and kept licking you until you were an incoherent hot mess just babbling his and god name in a blissful state.
“I need you” you pleaded “please Frankie, give me your cock”
He lifted himself up to your mouth and kissed you, letting you taste your essence from his lips while with one hand he spread your lips and his tip began to push inside you.
“Fuck, you’re drenched” and you nodded completely incapable of putting together a meaningful sentence.
He filled you up, accompanying the last thrust with a groan, and waited just long enough for you to get used to his intrusion before starting to pump in and out of you with a steady pace.
Sex with Frankie was nurturing in a way that surprised you, he really took care of you, making you feel safe every step of the way, every thrust into you like a kiss on your cervix and a caress to your soul, you never experienced something so endearing before.
He really was the perfect partner and you’re never felt so lucky in your life.
Three more months passed since the first evening spent with Frankie, Lucien and Santi at the bar and it became an habit almost every weekend, Lucien showing up late, you making fun of him and generally having a great time together chatting and laughing. Sometimes you invited some friends and one of them ended up having a huge crush on Santi.
You were happy to see them exchanging languid glances and withdrawing from you to chat alone. Claire, your best friend, confessed to you that she was crazy about Santi after almost a month and you were not at all surprised.
“I’ve noticed the way you two look at each other for a while now,” you laughed “it’s time you decided to go out alone.”
“Oh, we will, next Monday.”
You hugged her chirping “I’m so glad for you dear, you truly deserve the best! And Santiago is such a great guy!”
“I know!” She smiled “he’s so sweet and kind and such a menace sometimes, I just fell head over heels without even realizing it”
That was perfect, you with Frankie and your best friend with Frankie’s best friend, like every rom com that you loved rewatching for comfort at which Frankie laughed so hard at.
You couldn't wait to tell him that sometimes it really happened.
You were tidying up as usual, listening to music from the jukebox. It was two in the morning on a Friday like any other, since you were with Frankie your hours of sleep had decreased a bit but sleeping in his arms guaranteed you a deeper, more peaceful rest.
You and Frankie had celebrated your first six months together with a dinner earlier that week followed by two hours of intense, animalistic, intoxicating sex.
Lucien had seen you fall more and more in love, he had seen the way you looked at him, how you always sought physical contact, even if it was just intertwining your fingers with his, it was obvious that Frankie made you happy.
You would have been lying to yourself if you said you didn't feel anything for him anymore but Lucien made you lose the ground under your feet.
You needed someone stable, Frankie was your rock while Lucien was a dizzying amount of a person.
You were taking out a bag of garbage when you heard noises in the alley and low voices.
You looked out the back door curiously and saw Frankie and Lucien talking in the shadows. You stood still behind the half-closed door trying to listen. They hadn’t noticed you.
“We should tell her,” Frankie said and Lucien replied, “not now, please, she would never forgive me.”
“Lu, I love her, do you understand? I don’t want to hurt her.”
Lucien nodded “I know Frankie, you think I don’t care about her? But if we tell her now she’ll think it’s my fault, please. We’ll find a way, I promise”
Lucien rested his hands on Frankie’s forearms, caressing him and bringing his hands to his, clenched into fists along his sides “come on, don’t do that”
You were paralyzed. What was it that they couldn’t tell you? And why did Frankie and Lucien seem so close when in front of you they just acted cordially and threw each other the occasional barb?
You thought they were united by their affection for you and Santiago and tolerated each other for your sake but at that moment you weren't sure anymore.
Your blood froze in your veins when you saw Lucien approach Frankie and kiss him.
It was something you never thought you’d see in your life and most of all you never thought Frankie would do something like that behind your back. “Stop it Lu. I told you, I won’t do anything until we tell her. Kissing the other day was a mistake, I can’t forgive myself for that” he pushed Lucien away “and how can you think of doing it again? Have some respect for her and for yourself”
You couldn't see Frankie's gaze in the dim light but you knew it was similar to the first time he realized Lucien had cheated on you. You were relieved, Frankie hadn't given in, hadn't made the same mistake, because he knew how you felt.
Lucien blurted out “Look, I love her too, I don't want to be an asshole again but you also know how I feel about you. And I know you feel the same, idiot. Don't try to put all the blame on me, there are two sides to every ditch and I didn’t dig alone. Your lips were on mine the other day and I felt your hard cock okay?!”
Lucien had a desperate tone that you had only heard him use when he had tried to apologize to you months before.
You were speechless. If you had to be honest with yourself, you had noticed certain looks but you had never interpreted them.
Frankie pushed Lucien by the shoulders pinning him against the wall “Listen to me, idiot. You were the one who kissed me first. It’s incredible that you don’t even know how to take responsibility for yourself.” Lucien’s feet barely touched the ground from the way your boyfriend was slamming him into the bricks of the wall. “You may have been the first man who made me hard but that’s it and you know why? You will never ruin what I have with the best girl I’ve ever met. I want her to be part of this. Either that or we do nothing.”
He had moved away from Lucien to go back inside, you quickly left the garbage in the closet so you wouldn’t get caught, you would throw it out later with an excuse.
You walked over to the bar and poured yourself a shot of whiskey, downing it in one gulp. “Hey, where were you?” Santi asked as he came back through the front door. He had gone out to take Claire to get a taxi.
“I went to the bathroom,” you lied, and Santi raised an eyebrow, looking at you with concern. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I'm fine, don't worry.”
You put the glass in the dishwasher and loaded it, mulling it over in your head as Santi talked about how great the night had been. He counted the takings sitting at the counter while the jukebox played Bruce Springsteen's Hungry Hearts.
You had always known that Lucien was bisexual, you were too. You had a girlfriend for a couple years in college and it had been a great relationship.
It must have been the first time it happened to him, you couldn't think of any other explanation.
“I want her to be a part of this” Frankie’s words were still ringing into your head.
You giggled unknowingly at the thought of Frankie being excited for another man, it was… sexy.
“Hey!” Santi snapped his fingers in front of your eyes “are you still here with us?”
“Yes” you quickly answered.
Santi chuckled “what was that little smile for?”
“Oh nothing, I was thinking about Frankie” it wasn’t entirely a lie, you were thinking about him. And Lucien. And the three of you together. It intrigued you more than you were willing to admit.
“You two lovebirds are so cute” Santi mocked you and you didn’t mind at all.
Frankie came back followed by Lucien “Are you ready to go home, baby?”
“Yes, I’ll take this to the closet and I’m ready” You lifted the first case you saw behind the counter hoping that it actually belonged there.
“Let me do it” Frankie suggested but you immediately replied “no love, I can do it, don’t worry, I’ll be right back” you smiled and gave him a kiss and then you headed towards the closet.
You picked up the garbage you had left there and went out into the alley to throw it away. You took a long sigh, feeling your cheeks hot as you thought back to the scene you had seen. You didn’t know what would happen but you had faith in Frankie, he would fix everything.
You went back inside. Lucien sat silently in the corner, looking back and forth between you and Frankie, and now you could see longing in his eyes. He looked at Frankie almost as you did.
Your heart fluttered.
After two days of silence you were ready to snap at Frankie. Why the hell didn't he tell you the truth? You could see his gaze drop every time you mentioned Lucien in a conversation and you knew he had the speech he wanted to give you on the tip of his tongue.
You were pissed, but you tried to stay calm.
You couldn't believe Frankie wasn't being honest with you about this when he had talked to you about much more serious things, opening up to you with simplicity. He had told you about his previous job, about the anxiety attacks it had left him with.
He had been in therapy for years and dropped out because of this.
Santiago was the person who helped him face reality, he never abandoned him and Frankie said he owed him his life. The reason he opened the bar was because they had always talked about it “we’re going to open a bar and we won’t have to deal with this shit anymore”. They had always said that and it had become a kind of mantra that had kept Frankie afloat every time he thought he was sinking into anxiety.
He was a new person now and you were lucky enough to find him.
You didn't want to lose him and you certainly wouldn't have tolerated it happening because of Lucien.
You wanted so badly to trust that Frankie would tell you about it sooner or later.
And then there was something else and you knew it was wrong but you couldn’t get the way he had pushed Lucien against the wall out of your head.
Lucien was not small and yet he seemed light as a feather under Frankie's hands.
Was that his real strength? He had obviously never used it with you and you had asked yourself many times what those powerful arms were capable of doing.
In addition to that, you couldn't stop thinking about you, Frankie and Lucien in the same bed. It was your’s greedy brain fault.
You felt guilty because Frankie never failed to please you. At the same time, however, you imagined what it would be like if Lucien had also entered the picture.
Frankie wanted it too after all, he had said so.
By the end of the week you were so pent up by all scenarios you imagined that you actually prayed for Frankie’s confession.
“Frankie” you said on Friday morning, after a night spent at this place sleeping in his arms “we need to talk”
His fingers began to fidget on the kitchen table where you were both sitting having a cup of coffee and some pancakes that you made from scratch.
“About what?” He asked
You swallowed air, carefully choosing your words “Well, I saw something last Saturday night” and he widened his eyes knowing already what you meant. You could see fear in his look so you instinctively brought your hand over his nervously tapping on the table’s wood.
“Don’t worry” you tried to reassure him “I don’t want to break up with you. I love you Frankie, and you can tell me anything, you know that, right?”
Frankie looked pale and concerned “Yes baby but that was so bad. I don’t know what to say”
“Truth is fine” you suggested and he nodded, taking a long breath “yeah, you deserve it so here it is. Lucien kissed me once, about two weeks ago and then again on Saturday. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I was scared. It’s just that… I also didn’t know I was into men before. I swear it’s the first time that happened to me but I felt something. Something strong, actually. I was so confused but more than anything else I don’t want to hurt you. I love you, no matter how many men I could find attractive, you’re the most important person in my life.”
Your heart melted instantly at the puppy eyes look that he gave you.
“I trust you. I wish you had told me right away because you know I can understand, but if it was your first time I guess you needed time to process it.”
“Yeah” he murmured softly “but I’m sorry anyway”
“It’s okay. Actually… I don’t mind the idea”
Frankie spat the coffee he was drinking back in his cup “What?”
“Yeah” you admit “I mean… it’s hot” and you felt your cheeks burn at the revelation.
Frankie smirked, looking at you with that particular gaze in his eyes that you recognized as horniness “you would love to fuck both of us, don’t you? Naughty girl”
“I’d love to have a threesome, yeah” you cooed, approaching him and sitting on his lap. You put your arms around his neck and kissed him, you felt his hands wandering on your back and hold you tight.
“What have I done to have a woman like you? Really, I’m the luckier motherfucker that ever existed”
You kissed him again losing yourself at the sensation.
You saw Lucien at the bar that evening.
Santi was busy making drinks across the counter, Claire was sitting in front of him, Frankie was in the back getting a keg of beer to replace the one that finished.
You were sitting next to each other and you could feel the tension rising in your chest.
Lucien, oblivious to everything, smiled at you and told you about a movie he had just seen.
You hadn’t been this nervous in his presence since you first met and you couldn’t stop staring at the gold chain around his neck. It made you wet to think at the way the accidentally hit your face while he pumped into you.
You'd never liked it on anyone but him, just as you'd never liked anyone who wore a baseball cap all the time before you met Frankie. They were your exceptions.
You were imagining Frankie being hit while Lucien fucked him. Each time they hit your lip or chin the sudden pain turned into pleasure and that little moment had become part of your sexual routine.
The kiss you had seen, though chaste and hasty, had uncovered a series of needs inside you that you hadn't even expected. You had been seething inside all week and talking about it with your boyfriend had only partially calmed you down.
“Lucien” you said “I need to tell you something”
“Just tell me” he grinned, you could see from his expression that he wasn’t expecting anything you were about to say.
“Maybe it’s better if we go out” you sighed, getting up from the stool.
Lucien followed you with a questioning look on his face, you made your way through the crowd to the exit and you leaned against the outside wall of the place, standing on the pavement, while he looked at you “so, what do you have to tell me?”.
You twisted your hands nervously as you searched for the words. “I… I saw you. You and Frankie” you spat suddenly, not finding another way to say it.
Lucien immediately became alarmed and started babbling “oh, no, listen, it’s not what you think… I mean… nothing serious happened, I would never do something like that behind your back again, I know you’re happy with him and I don’t want to ruin it, please believe me. It was just a kiss”
“I know. Frankie told me” you said, firmly “I can't exactly say the same about you but I trust him”
Lucien looked down, as if he was scanning the pavement for who knows what. “I… I’m sorry. I really am. I don’t want to take him away from you. The thing is… I realized how happy you were and first I envied you…And one day… I saw Frankie looking at me and I… I messed up, please forgive me, I’ll never kiss him again.”
You watched him simmer and feel ashamed and you were almost tempted to leave him like that, without saying anything else, as punishment for what he had put you through months before.
You smirked “Lucien” and he wouldn’t stop piling up excuses “Lucien! Shut up and listen to me!” you snapped
“Okay” he replied continuing to inspect the sidewalk.
“Frankie I are inseparable, you know. But… we can try something, if you want”
You locked eyes with his and watched as his expressions changed from confused to intrigued. “What?” he asked, with a crooked smile.
You knew he already understood but he was dying to hear you say it.
You rolled your eyes, annoyed at seeing him gloat like that. “I can’t stand you when you do that.”
“Like what?” he pressed, moving closer to you.
“Like… you are, God, you are so arrogant. You make me regret my own thoughts.”
“Tell me what you want,” he whispered into your neck. He was dangerously close, you were practically trapped between him and the wall. If there was one thing that would never change, it was Lucien’s ability to make you feel like you were playing with fire.
“I want… the three of us…”
“What?” he insisted “say it”
“I want us to have sex, okay, the three of us. together” you squealed.
Lucien looked into your eyes, searching your gaze, you felt like you had confessed a sin. “Oh. I wasn’t expecting that. Interesting.”
“Stop gloating and tell me what you think,” you protested, arms crossed over your chest.
Lucien took your hands and brought your arms down your body, pressing you against the wall and whispering in your ear, “I’m in. Whenever you want.”
“You’re a slut, you know that, huh?”
“Hey! You suggested it, okay? And what can I do, I like to fuck with people who turn me on. So tell me sweetie, when are we doing it?“
“Tonight,” you answered instinctively, the desire to kiss him eating you up and the thought of seeing him with Frankie occupying every part of your brain.
“Woah, you’re not wasting your time.”
“You know I never liked it,” you replied, looking at him through your lashes.
Lucien had always awakened a primal instinct in you, maybe it was his disheveled look, the shirts he always wore open partially revealing his chest, the smell of his skin, the way his beard nipped your cheeks as he kissed you, you didn’t know, but you felt it strongly every time he got closer than he should have.
You came back in and your gaze immediately searched for Frankie, you saw him behind the counter and you slipped in, grabbing him by the waist “you know you can’t stay here” he warned you tenderly, placing his hands on yours “be good and go back to your stool”.
You moved in front of him and looked him intensely in the eyes.
He was so beautiful, so sweet, so attractive that you would have covered him in kisses right there, in front of everyone.
“It’s done. For tonight.” you cooed, winking at him.
Frankie smiled “you’re a little schemer, you know that?” And he kissed you, giving you a pat on the ass immediately after “Good. I can’t wait. Now get out of here”.
You dutifully went to sit down and did nothing but watch him and Lucien alternately for the rest of the evening, reading anticipation on their faces, feeling impatient and excited. You could hardly believe that this was going to happen, and yet you were one step away from having sex with both of them and you had wanted it.
Santi went home with Claire leaving the three of you alone, he looked at you a little suspiciously because normally you would have protested at the fact that he was running off with his girlfriend leaving you to clean up.
He didn't know what you had in mind but he wasn't stupid anyway and he had surely noticed the glances you had exchanged all evening.
He turned around before leaving and smiled saying "have fun”
Once you were alone, a strange energy spread through the bar. No one knew how to make the first move. Lucien was babbling about the beer bottles left lying around, Frankie was busy sweeping every corner, you were lounging at the counter, rubbing the surface with cloth and detergent as if you had to mirror yourself on the wood.
You had to do something to warm up the atmosphere. You put away the cloth, washed your hands and armed with courage you took a coin from your wallet and headed towards the jukebox. You were looking for a song that could give you the push to take the initiative.
You chose Let’s get it on. Marvin Gaye. “A classic always works. It has to work.” you thought. You turned and looked around the place. The dim lights, the smell of whiskey, lime and beer, the little couches scattered around in the corners, the old jukebox, it was a place you knew like the back of your hand and it made you feel comfortable.
It was nice to watch your boys move around in there, confident and relaxed, it had been for all the nights you’d spent there.
You were pleasantly tipsy, not so much that you were drunk but enough to feel brave.
You could have done it. With the song playing in the air, warm and sensual, you felt ready.
You went to your rock first. You walked over to Frankie smiling at his obsessive sweeping of the same spot for the past 5 minutes.
“Hey. I think it’s clean.”
"You say?" Frankie leaned the broom against the wall, laughing, welcoming you into his arms immediately after. You rested your face on his plaid shirt, inhaling his scent, that intoxicating scent of tobacco and leather that you loved so much.
“I love you so much, you know that, right?” You murmured in his chest.
“I know, baby, I love you too”
You raised your chin and looked him in his beautiful chocolate eyes, he moved his hand up to your face, cupping your cheek, brushing his thumb on your skin.
“You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever met” he said. You didn't know how but Frankie had the extraordinary talent of always saying what you needed to hear.
And he said it in a way, with that deep, slightly hoarse voice that made you tingling inside every single time.
You kissed him, savoring him slowly, his tongue brushing your lips, making room into your mouth, intertwining with yours. Frankie deepened the kiss, holding you tight.
You moaned softly into his mouth, reaching out to take off his hat and burying a hand in his hair.
“Interesting song choice,” Frankie whispered, moving his hands to your ass and squeezing “Shall we go home?”
“Yes in a little while, let me dance with you some more” Frankie chuckled, holding you close and starting to swing with you, your bodies pressed and rubbing together.
Lucien came up behind you. “Can I join?” he asked mischievously.
His arms were on Frankie’s, you were deliciously snuggled between the two of them as the three of you moved your hips in unison.
You were silent, still moving, your breaths growing together.
Lucien's hands wrapped around Frankie's strong biceps were a perfect sight. Sandwiched between the two of them, you felt exactly how you imagined.
Hot, confident, eager.
Lucien was the first to break the silence, you felt him half-hard against your ass.
“At my place or yours?” he asked Frankie smirking
“At my house. It’s closer” he replied immediately.
You pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. "Are we sure we want to do this?" Frankie asked.
“I think… yeah” you were hopeful that neither of them had changed their minds and Lucien nodded “Yes, I’m more than sure” and accompanied the sentence with a caress on your arm.
“Do you still want it, Frankie?” And he nodded too saying “of course”
“Come here,” you waved them both closer together and put a hand on the back of their heads, making your mouths collide, a tangle of lips and teeth and tongues.
Lucien's lips were impatient and needy on one side, Frankie's ones expert and sweet on the other. And you in the middle. You no longer knew who was licking whose lips, your saliva and your mixed flavors were intoxicating.
You pulled away and panted “let’s go.”
The song that had accompanied your kisses had ended, leaving a trail of desire.
You reached Frankie's truck hugging each other, Frankie and Lucien's hands intertwined behind your back.
You sat down in front next to Frankie, taking Lucien's hand that was hanging from behind on your shoulder and caressing it while with the other you squeezed Frankie's thigh, slowly moving up towards the crotch of his jeans.
He squinted at you “what are you doing, babe?”
You batted your eyelashes “nothing” and then chuckled softly.
“Well, this nothing is sending me out of space”
Lucien laughed in the backseat as you finally approached Frankie’s house.
As soon as you entered Lucien pushed you against the wall and kissed you “god, I missed your lips”
You smiled, holding on to Frankie's shirt and pulling him close to you.
Frankie's hand hugged your hip feverishly, moving up to your breast, his palm open on your shirt, right on your hardened nipple stiffing against your lacy bra.
Lucien continued his lustful path up your jaw, down the column of your neck, sucking the soft skin and smoothing it with his tongue.
Frankie kneaded your breasts with one hand while squeezing your butt with the other until he grunted “Take off your clothes, baby”
Lucien pulled away, looking at you expectantly.
You smiled at both of them, standing in front of you waiting to see your naked body appear before their eyes.
You took off your shirt, throwing it on Frankie who smiled catching it and bringing it to his nose to inhale your scent.
You could see that light in his eyes, that spark of desire that always shone when he wanted you desperately.
You continued your undressing by unhooking your bra, letting it fall to the floor. Their eyes were fixed on your nipples stiffen in the air.
Lucien instinctively took Frankie's hand and squeezed it tightly, wincing.
“You are always as I remembered you. Gorgeous,” he muttered and a rush of pride rose up to your chest.
“Yes? Touch me,” you invited him.
Lucien’s hand tremblingly approached your waist, moving up along it, stopping at the side of your breast. With his thumb he reached your nipple, brushing it with the tip of his finger.
He freed himself from Frankie's grip and took his hand again, placing it on the crotch of his jeans, turning to give him a crooked smile full of silent requests.
Frankie smiled at him, embarrassed but horny, moving his hand up and down the outline of his cock. It was a new sensation for him, he seemed totally enraptured by it.
Lucien didn't stop caressing you, a moan escaped his lips, his eyes moving alternately between you and Frankie.
Frankie in turn raised a hand to touch your other breast, you wriggled in your guys's hands, so different and yet so enhancing, both of them.
Your guys… it was so strange to think about but that's what they were in that moment. Yours, all yours.
Lucien urged you, “Why don’t you take off your skirt too, princess?”
You didn't need to be told twice, you pulled down the side zip and let it slide down your hips.
“Mmm you’re wearing my favorite panties” Frankie whispered and Lucien echoed “I remember them well. I loved the curve of your ass tight in those panties”
They looked at each other pleased and in a fit of need they exchanged a kiss. Seeing their beards rubbing against, their tongues chasing, their hungry lips capturing each other and hear them moaning into each other’s mouth was too much.
You moaned, your eyes hypnotized in front of that vision. Everything you had imagined took shape in front of you, it was like a dream from which you prayed never to wake up.
“God…” Frankie muttered “let’s go to my room”
You had always liked Frankie's room, it was simply furnished but comfortable.
There was a large bed right in the center, with a beautiful blue duvet that you loved, it was wonderful to cuddle up there with him.
Frankie pushed you gently against it, inviting you to sit down. He turned to Lucien, slowly opening the buttons of his shirt, looking into his eyes. Lucien was looking back at him intently.
Once undone, Frankie ran a hand over his neck, tangling his fingers in his chain, letting it slide down his chest, until it reached his jeans. He fumbled with the button, then pulled down the zipper, and let them slide down his hips. Lucien helped him by stepping on them and pulling them off his ankle, then kicking them to the floor.
He took off his shirt and threw it in a corner. He was naked except for a pair of black boxers that barely contained his erection.
Your gaze wandered on his sculpted chest that ended in a slightly soft, delicious belly, which you had always loved to nibble and you felt your panties getting wet at the sight.
Frankie was the only one still dressed at that point so you urged him “Undress, love, we want to see you”
You could recognize a hint of uncertainty in his eyes but you knew he wanted it. He wanted it so badly that his cap had been left behind at the bar and it was the first time that had happened.
He took off the flannel shirt he was wearing over a T-shirt.
Lucien sat down next to you, letting his fingers slide down your arm.
Frankie pulled his shirt off his neck, leaving his chest bare. You had a thing for his nipples, small, pink, sweet as honey under your tongue. You loved playing with them, and Frankie went crazy every time you did it, even if he wouldn’t admit it openly.
“Come here,” you asked, and he leaned in. You reached up and took one of his nipples between your fingers, pinching it.
Lucien chuckled as Frankie squirmed under your touch “he likes it huh? Good to know”.
Frankie glared at him, “only she can do that,” and Lucien pretended to agree with a clearly amused tone, “yes, of course.”
Frankie snorted, before reaching down and grabbing your knees, spreading your legs “let me see her”.
He reached for the lace of your panties, rubbing it against your folds, wetting the fabric further. “Oh yes, that’s what she needed.”
“She needs you always” you moaned.
“I know. Lie down, love, I want to give her everything she wants” he replied under his breath.
Lying on the bed, you felt Frankie's hands hook around the edges of your panties and you lifted your hips slightly to allow him to pull them down.
He began kissing your inner thigh, lingering on your skin, trailing up towards your groin.
Lucien lowered himself to one of your breasts and licked the areola all around, deliberately avoiding the nipple, looking at you with a knowing smile.
The moment Frankie dipped his fingers between your folds Lucien took your nipple into his mouth, starting to suck slowly.
They worked in sync, your boyfriend between your thighs and your ex on your tit, it felt like they were everywhere, all over your body, ready to taste every part of you.
Frankie’s fingers gathered your arousal to your clit, surrounding it with two fingers shaped in a V and stroking it up and down.
You whined their name, both of them.
Lucien was sucking at your nipple like a madman, pinching and twisting the other one with his fingers.
He parted for a moment just to ask Frankie to stop. Frankie interrupted his careful work around your clit and folds with a grunt “what do you want?”
“It will take me just a second” Lucien wetted two of his fingers with your juice and then he spread it out on your nipple, motioning in circles and then sucking at it again. “mmm even better, babe, I can taste how sweet your are on your fucking beautiful tit”.
It was something he enjoyed doing and it always made your head spin. He moaned loudly sucking at your nipple like that, overwhelmed by the new flavor on it.
Frankie returned down to lick your pussy, up and down, precise, calm, relentless. No one could do it like him, not Lucien, not anyone else you’d ever had.
His hands squeezed your thighs, holding them wide, his tongue lapped flat between your outer lips and when he reached your clit he took it between his lips, sucking it.
“Oh my god, it feels so good” you whine
“I can never get enough of your sweet little pussy,” he whispered between licks.
Your hand disappeared between his dark curls, pushing him towards your pussy, inviting him to dive even deeper and when you felt his tongue pushing your entrance you encouraged him to fuck you with it “more baby, give me more” and Frankie nudged into your hole continuing to take care of your clit with his fingers and then alternating sucking and stroking, until two of his fingers were inside of you and he curled them in a way he knows he was making you crumble.
Lucien was cupping your tit, caressing it with his hand and tongue, his beard gently brushing it, giving you extra stimulation.
They didn’t stop until you were a mess of whimpers and beg, you felt your essence running out of you, Frankie’s mouth catching every drop of it expertly, obscene squelch coming out of you as you clenched around your boyfriend’s big fingers.
“Give it to me, baby, give it all to me” Frankie incited you while you felt your orgasm flooding through your body, making you quiver.
Lucien slipped between your legs “I wanna taste her a little more, please” asking your boyfriend’s permission which drove you absolutely crazy, Frankie made room for him by placing himself next to you and as he continued on your bundle of nerves with his thumb, Lucien licked you clean, drinking from you.
They stood up and kissed as you caught your breath, Frankie's hand on Lucien's waist pulling him towards him, demanding and keen.
You stayed out it for a while watching them, leaning on your elbows, enjoying their eager mouths, tasting your flavor on each other’s tongue, their beards drenched in your juices.
Frankie was much rougher with him, almost matching Lucien’s typical impatience.
He bit his lower lip, sucking it then forcing his tongue into his mouth licking like a starve man.
You loved seeing him lose his inhibitions, it turned you on deeply the way he trailed down on Lucien’s jaw and neck and up to his lips again, rubbing his hand on his cock over the fabric.
You knelt down beside them, your hands on the elastic of their boxers. You pulled them down with their help and they stepped out of them, leaving them crumpled on the floor.
With one hand on both of their cocks you began to stroke them, feeling their velvety skin slide between your fingers, both were already hard, leaking pre cum.
“Mmmm all slippery and wet for me… I love it” you cooed and they stopped kissing looking down at you, mouths parted and running out of breath.
You brought their cocks together rubbing them on one another, touching the tips, stroking them up and down and they left out a whimper.
You had to use two hands to hold both of their big fat cocks.
You continued to smear their pre cum down their length, skin on skin, tips kissing, pleasure on pleasure building strongly as they throbbed in your hands.
They were both hypnotized by your movements, eyes locked on your hands working on their shafts.
You felt a rush of power in your chest, both of your guys at your mercy, your cunt slick again, arousal pooling at your core.
Lucien palmed the back of your head and you couldn’t help but leaning yourself at his cock licking his tip, savoring his flavor on your tongue.
You did the same to Frankie and he praised “you’re so fucking beautiful like that”
You took his length in your mouth, stroking Lucien with your hand, Frankie’s heavy and hot on your tongue as you slide down until you felt it in the back of your throat, almost gagging.
Frankie whispered “god, baby, you always take me so well”
You whined feeling your cunt dripping on your thighs, beginning to suck him.
You run your tongue up and down his length, sucking on his mushroom head, feeling salt and musk invading your mouth.
You stroke Lucien some more and then he moved on his knees right next to you.
You turned and looked him as you sucked, his dark eyes eagerly watching Frankie’s cock disappearing between your lips.
“Can I help?”
You pulled away from your boyfriend’s cock, a thread of saliva connecting his length to your lips.
“Do you want to taste it?”
Lucien nodded repeatedly.
“Say it,” you urged, “I want to hear it.”
“I want to -”
You shook your head, “Tsk. You’re not getting away easily with this. And you don’t say ‘I want’. Ask nicely.”
Lucien gulped before speaking again, visibly annoyed. You didn’t care, it was Frankie’s cock you were talking about, it belonged to you. Him begging for it seemed like the least he could do.
“Can I take it in my mouth, please?” Lucien had finally decided to submit to your will, he was losing his cockiness, pleading with his entire face, and it felt good.
“Only for a few minutes. And make sure you don’t make him come, that’s my job”
“Okay” he agreed and he lowered himself onto Frankie’s cock, mouth wide open, starting to suck where you left off.
Frankie gave you a pleased look, he was clearly impressed by your attitude and you caressed him on his tummy, just above where Lucien's head was, tracing with your fingers that happy strip of hair that led to his intimacy.
A little something only you were allowed to do, ‘cause Frankie was so self conscious of his tummy.
He gained a little bit of weight that went right there on his love handles since he retired and you worked so hard to make him feel better about it.
You loved every single inch of him, from his lovely curls, to his strong nose, from his wide shoulders to his soft belly.
His body was made for loving you, to protect you, to make you feel safe.
You grabbed his balls as Lucien continued to suck him avidly and you gently gripped on them, Frankie left out a whimper that went straight to your cunt.
You angled your face to suck on one, sliding it over your tongue the way you knew he liked it.
Your face right next to Lucien's as you took care of Frankie together must have been something Frankie would never have imagined, you had never heard him moan like that and honestly you were on the edge too as you heard the obscene sounds made by Lucien's mouth full of Frankie's cock so close to your ears.
“Jesus fuck” he muttered, taking an handful of Lucien’s messy hair, pushing him down to his length, you suffocated a little evil laugh at hearing Lucien gagging more than you did.
As soon as you felt Frankie's balls harden you ordered Lucien to move, he took Frankie's cock out of his mouth with a lewd pop and for a moment you lost concentration looking at his swollen lips.
You shook yourself, stuffing what belonged to you into your mouth, wrapping your hand around his base, sucking non-stop, Frankie pulsing on your tongue, his musky scent filling your nostrils, him praising you “my good girl, you are so incredible. You like it huh? I know love, just like that, don't stop”
You increased the pace, sucking at his tip with all the breath you had left, swallowing his whole spent down your throat as soon as he spurted it in long thick streaks, his whole body quivering, his head falling backward and his eyes shut.
“Fuck yeah, baby, oh my- fuck you swallow like a champ” His voice spent and hoarse almost cracked.
You kept it in your mouth until he softened, he looked at you so sweetly, cradling your head, repeating “I love you, baby, I love you so much” and you looked back at him with all the affection that flooded from your heart.
“Come to me, darling,” he said as he sat on the bed and motioned for Lucien to join you on the opposite side. The two of you lay down on Frankie’s bed, you were in the center again, pressed against his chest with one leg wrapped around his waist, while Lucien hugged you from behind.
Frankie kissed the crown of your head, your hair, caressing your arm, holding you tight.
Lucien left a small trail of kisses along your cheek and neck as you felt his cock press against your ass and you hummed quietly.
The three of you stayed like that for a while, snuggled together and listening to your breathing return to normal, until Frankie asked you what else you wanted to do.
“I want…” you paused, examining your desires thoroughly “I want you in my cunt and Lucien in my mouth”
Frankie left out a “damn girl! You’re insatiable” kissing your forehead and you hid your face on his chest giggling.
You raised your head admiring your boyfriend’s captivating smile and his beautiful brown eyes, a little dimple popping out at the side of his mouth.
“Yeah” you cooed “I’m always hungry for you”
Frankie provoked you “and what do you tell me about him?”
“It's a nice addition” you admitted reaching Lucien’s cheek with your hand, passing your fingers tip on his scratchy beard.
“Spit roasted huh?” Lucien whispered into your ear “such a good girl for us”
“On all fours, babe”
You willingly complied with Frankie's request and he stood behind you.
“Is she ready?” He asked and you whined a “yes, please” sticking your ass out and spreading your legs for him.
Frankie leaned down and spread your folds his fingers, looking at your pussy. “Almost” he said.
You snorted “What, almost?” You felt wetter than you’d ever felt in your life, just the thought of being taken by both of them at the same time made your clit vibrate “Yes, love, you need to stretch out a little for me, just a little”.
You protested under your breath and Frankie suddenly stuck his index and middle fingers up to his knuckles inside you. You winced, feeling your disagreement die in your throat.
“Here you are princess” he said, starting to move his fingers inside you, in lascivious squeaks and a flow of juices that coated them.
Lucien was in front of you, kneeling, slowly pumping his cock. He approached your face passing the tip on your lips, spreading drops of pre cum over them.
Your mouth instantly agape welcomed him, humming at the flavor spreading on your tongue. Its thick vein crawled across your palate, its flavor a little more pungent than Frankie's but just as pleasant.
You inhaled sharply through your nose, focusing on relaxing your mouth to let him slide in as Frankie's fingers explored relentlessly inside you, caressing your g-spot.
You were basically gushing on his fingers, squirming and crying as your orgasm rose up from your tummy, to your chest, choking in your throat full of Lucien’s cock.
“Fuck baby, you’re dripping on my wrist” Frankie groaned.
Lucien placed his hands on either side of your face and gave a couple of harder thrusts, hitting your throat.
You felt on the verge of tears but the orgasm Frankie was giving you was easing the pain, leaving you in a state of dizziness.
Frankie lined up with your entrance, hitting your folds with his cock a few times and then entering with one firm thrust. He hit your cervix and made you see stars.
He began to hammer into you, gripping your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh.
It was rougher than usual but you didn't mind. Being fucked from both ends was blowing your mind, you had never felt so full.
“Fuck, princess, you’re taking me well” Frankie yelled behind your back while Lucien was grunting right in front of you, palpitating on your tongue.
You were exhausted, overstimulated, yet you didn't know how to stop.
Your skin was incredibly hot, little drops of sweat were sliding down your skin.
You looked at Lucien and his chains flapped on his chest while his raven curls were plastered to his forehead.
His eyes were narrowed, his jaw was slack, an ecstatic expression painted on his face.
You could have come just by watching him but Frankie wouldn’t stop thrusting into you, he was now bent over you holding onto your breasts, barely keeping his balance but you knew how much he loved grabbing your tits while he fucked you. Frankie was a tit man. He was the king of oral sex but while he was doing it he loved to pinch your nipples and could spend just as much time sucking your tits as he enjoyed doing it at your clit. No one had ever made you squirt before Lucien, that’s true, but Frankie was on another level. Making you explode like that was a mission for him and to do that he concentrated on putting his mouth where he knew it would have the greatest effect. And you had sensitive nipples. A perfect match.
Frankie was so close, you knew it because of his sounds. You knew them by heart, those guttural moans that slipped past his lips when he couldn't hold it in any longer.
He flooded your pussy a few moments later and you came right after him, the sound of your orgasm muffled by Lucien's cock still in your mouth even though you felt a storm inside.
You swallowed Lucien's seed shortly after, his hand anchored to the nape of your neck.
He sounded incoherent and delirious as he filled your mouth with his cum.
You collapsed together on the bed, a tangle of legs and arms and labored breathing.
After a few minutes Frankie said “I think I’m not done yet” and you looked at him and immediately understood. Lucien didn’t know him that well, his face was relaxed and totally unaware.
“Huh? What do you want to do?” he asked innocently. Frankie was staring at you and smiling in a mischievous way.
“Oh I know…” you grinned back at Frankie.
“Can someone explain it to me?” Lucien was starting to get nervous, probably feeling cut off from your complicity.
He would know very soon.
Frankie didn't give him time to ask any more questions, he moved on the bed, manhandling him like a puppet.
He turned him over on his back, holding both his wrists still with one hand and said “now you will take my cock. Be good and get down on your knees for me, kitten”
He let go of his wrists and Lucien, submissive like you'd ever seen him, got down on all fours for your boyfriend.
“It's time to take off that braggart look on your face.” Frankie barked.
Lucien tried to protest but before he could, Frankie's finger had already disappeared up into his ass.
He screamed a “fuck” in a broken voice and Frankie laughed “Come on, I know you like it”
“Yeah, I do. You could have prepared me though, motherfucker” Frankie slapped Lucien’s ass.
A red patch radiated across his skin. You were sitting quietly on the side of the bed, enjoying the scene. Frankie was serving you a little revenge on a silver plate.
“I think you deserve a little punishment so now you will shut up, you will take my cock in your ass and you will like it, we clear?”
Lucien moaned as Frankie moved his finger inside him, stretching him out.
“Fuck. Okay. it's not the first time someone's been hard on me though”
For a novice, Frankie certainly showed no hesitation “Ask yourself why”
He had had anal sex before, it had happened with you too but it was his first time with a man.
Lucien's breathing had become heavy again, he was literally melting under Frankie's touch.
He added another finger.
“Yeah, you like that, look how good you're taking my fingers. Tell me you like it, I want to hear it.”
Lucien moaned incoherently and Frankie spanked him again “Use your words”
Lucien babbled “I- I can’t” and Frankie's hand went down a third time on his ass
“Yes you can, speak up” he ordered.
Frankie was a vision.
Focused, relentless, you unconsciously lowered a hand between your legs as you watched him, starting to flick on your clit.
“I love it” Lucien finally managed to say “fuck. yes”
“Good boy” Frankie hummed “you can call me daddy if you like that”
You laughed and Lucien raging voice protested “I won’t call you daddy in a million years, asshole”
Frankie thrusted his fingers inside him saying “Shall we bet?”
Lucien left out a single desperate moan.
“I swear I never wanted it before but now I feel like doing it” you whispered and Frankie winked at you.
He pumped his cock it into his fist, until he got hard again, giving a few more slaps to Lucien who was waiting obscenely open for him.
He pounded into him grabbing him by his hips, thrusting in and out of him ferociously.
Lucien screamed in a frenzy.
You kept touching your clit, increasing the pace along with Frankie who sank into Lucien in long, incessant thrusts.
He grabbed him by his waist and Lucien slammed into Frankie’s chest, holding him firmly as he continued to fuck him.
“The chain” Lucien pleaded “please”
Frankie entwined his fingers with the metal “what do you want, kitten?”
“Pull it. Gently” Lucien said “I need- please”
Frankie didn’t hesitate, pulling it towards him, Lucien moaned, his breathing slightly constricted by the metal around his neck. Frankie was careful not to overdo it and the little extra stimulation sent Lucien over the edge. His neck was red where the chain dug into his skin.
You were now at your limit, flicking on your clit like crazy, two finger stuck in your cunt, wailing along with Lucien and Frankie.
You came screaming Frankie's name like a God, Lucien's body jolted against Frankie's, he pulled out of your ex's ass, stroking his cock a couple of time before painting Lucien’s ass cheeks with his cum.
You were lying on the bed again a moment after, you hugging Frankie and Lucien next to you.
You sighed, breaking the silence first “If we do this again I think I’ll cancel my gym membership,” and they both laughed.
A/n: If you've made it this far, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for your time. 🩷 I hope you enjoyed it, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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