#sorry this is really long and it's basically just a messy play by play of all his lab scenes
blindmagdalena · 3 months
thoughts on ep 4?
ohhhh man this is gonna be really long and disjointed because i just finished the episode. i'm just gonna be focused on the homelander stuff here bc i feel like that's what we're all here for lol
the energy he brought to that whole situation gave me the most intense anxiety. i feel like not even he was entirely sure how all of that was going to go down, but as soon as he was there, all these memories that he had repressed started flooding to the surface. obviously his relationship with Ryan is causing a lot of his trauma to come to the forefront, and this is the culmination of that.
i think what caught me the most off guard was how run down the place looked. a concrete basement with shoddy computers and post-its everywhere. a bunch of techs. it was so small, and yet it's like homelander said. it was a lot bigger when he was a child.
it was their day job. it was his whole world.
that very first moment when Marty calls him John, and he corrects "Homelander," in that boyish voice, i almost burst into tears.
the moment where he's staring at the incinerator made me feel ill for him. i already knew what was coming, and it didn't disappoint.
"I had nightmares about that exact moment, and you can't even remember it."
i had chills throughout this entire scene. it was such a succinct way to lay out how dehumanized he was his entire life. that so many people stood by and were so desensitized to his torture. they tuned out his screams entirely and played little games to pass the time. all while he watched.
this time, when Marty calls him John, there's no quiver in his voice. "Homelander," he corrects firmly, smile tight and closed. direct eye contact, waiting for a challenge. but they won't. he knows no one will stop him. not just because they can't... but because they simply won't. they wouldn't save a child. why would they save Frank?
"You're sorry? Now?"
this whole scene is such an interesting parallel to his conversation with Vogelbaum in s1, where he asks, "You want forgiveness? Now?"
something he rightfully denied Vogelbaum. in this instance, however, we see Homelander enacting his vengeance and giving that forgiveness... but only once they're dead. only once they'd paid his price. once they've suffered as he did. I forgive you.
the only time anyone expresses remorse for what they've done to him is when they're faced with it. when the regret eats away at them not for the harm they caused, but the damage done to the world, or to their own safety.
immediately following that, we see him call Marty over and not just apologize, but very specifically he asks, "Can you forgive me?"
it's perfect foreshadowing for what he's about to do to him. can he forgive the same thing Homelander is about to?
the scene that follows is so profoundly uncomfortable i had a lot of trouble watching. the reality of Homelander's life and teenage years is something that we as a fandom have always been very cognizant of, but seeing it addressed so plainly on screen was both nightmarish and vindicating.
i remember being really squicked out by his comment regarding Ryan getting Zoe pregnant, but it makes total sense that raising Ryan is bringing a lot of his own childhood sexual trauma to the surface. there's SO MUCH to be addressed here that it could be it's own post. but what's great is when Homelander calls an end to it: it's the moment Marty says he's sorry.
"I forgive you, Marty."
this is all about Homelander accepting what happened to him. facing it and the people who were part of it head on.
speaking of...
BARBARA. i know she's public enemy #1 right now, and rightfully so, but i found her so profoundly interesting. did she know Homelander was there? she didn't seem surprised at all. why would she come without backup? how did they even contact her with everything shut down? i don't know, but whatever the case, i really got the impression she already knew what she was walking into. she made a real attempt to get Homelander away from the other scientists, but he wasn't going to be swayed. they were already doomed.
she antagonized him. They were just doing what I told them. It's not their fault. It's mine. Leave them alone.
it's very apparent to me that among his fractured personalities, she represents the kinder motherly one. she, like Stan Edgar and Vogelbaum, are elevated above the other scientists. she's a figure of authority and she spoke to him as such.
"They were scared."
"I was a child."
"They were scared!"
and he does recoil at that. we KNOW Homelander hates being feared. it was his trigger with Madelyn, it's what kept him from lasering that crowd, and it's a blatant, desperate lie when he says to Starlight, "...being feared is a-one okie doke by me."
"Everyone was terrified of you from your first breath."
she breaks his heart a hundred times in this scene. from the reveal that he killed his mother in the same way Vogelbaum told him his son did—the source of that lie?—to the statement that their greatest success was making him obedient by withholding love. by turning his heart into a pit of need.
a sharp juxtaposition to Vogelbaum's You're my greatest failure.
and then she says to him no matter what you do, you will always be human.
here's the thing about Homelander's humanity. he doesn't associate it with kindness or love. he associates humanity with all the worst things that have ever happened to him. cruelty. selfishness. betrayal. his entire life he's been used and abused by the people who were supposed to protect him.
of course he doesn't want to be human. doesn't want his SON to be human. look at what humans have done to him. they're vile, they're vicious, they're dirty.
in another life, that desire could have been his drive to be good. if he'd only had a single fucking example of it.
"I'm not human. And neither is my son. And I'm gonna raise him so that he knows it."
in other words, he'll raise his son the way they failed to raise him. Homelander wants desperately to raise his son with the love he never had. he just doesn't know how to.
ultimately, like Vogelbaum and Stan, Homelander can't bring himself to kill her. he tears apart the people she tried to save, and he leaves her to stew in her own fucking mess.
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that-house · 1 month
My name is Invino Veritas, the greatest pop sensation to ever grace the radios of New Space City. What’s New Space City? It’s like Space City but in New Space instead of normal outer space. Try to keep up, idiot.
My incredibly normal and lame parents, Hal and Sarah Veritas, thought they were soooo funny giving their daughter a name like Invino, and then a traveling wish-god said “you think that’s funny? i’m about to be hilarious” and cursed me so that I have to always tell the truth as long as my blood alcohol content is above a .000000000000000000001. Yeah, you read the number of zeroes right. I can’t even breathe in the same room as a PBR without confessing that I do in fact think I’m smarter, hotter, and more talented than everyone else, which makes me fun at parties.
I was really pissed at that guy for ruining drinking for me forever, so I was majoring in homicide at NSCU to become a totally badass assassin and kill him, but my real passion was always music. When the EP I recorded in my dorm room, My Roommate Fucking Hates Me, caught the ear of a bigshot producer, I dropped out and sold out immediately. I bring an honest sort of grunginess to the New Space City music scene, by which I mean that I pay my stylist $700,000 an hour to make my hair look just a little bit messy before I step out on stage. Nothing too crazy of course, I have an image to maintain.
Smash cut to five years later and I’m six chart-topping albums into a seven-album deal with Lucifer the Lightbringer. Yes, that Lucifer, from the bible and, more famously, those really schlocky 3190s devilsploitation porn flicks. You know, Horns of Desire (3193) and the rest? Yeah, that Lucifer. He opened a record company with the money he made selling silicone casts of his film-festival-winning penis, and my blend of earnest naivety and raw ego was exactly what he was looking for in a star.
When he sent the paperwork, I said I’d have my lawyer look at it, but I didn’t have a lawyer and was too embarrassed to admit it, so I just waited a week and signed it without reading it. Turns out when my seven albums are done I go to Hell forever and so does everyone who’s ever listened to my music. Even on the radio. Or in an advertisement. Sorry. So yeah, I’ve really been procrastinating on this last one. To all my fans out there: make sure you preorder Always Read the Fine Print, because I don’t think I can cash those checks once I’m in Hell.
On the bright side, I think if I play my cards right I can convince him to greenlight a behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of the album, and that’s basically a free pass to do whatever I want for a year or two as long as it makes for good footage. Obviously if anyone kills me before the album is done, the apocalypse is averted and only I go to hell, but think about this from a utilitarian standpoint: sure, a few trillion immortal souls are on the line, but I think this is going to be some of my best work yet. Plus, I hate getting killed. So whoever’s sending assassins after me, could you please stop?
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mybelovedrin · 1 year
✷ ITOSHI RIN x reader. fluff, established relationship. reader talks a lot and rin listens. this is actually pointless. warnings: the writing is kinda messy, i think. note: i just really think that rin <3 ! sorry if there's typos.
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"shut up."
rin probably says these two words to you more than he says 'i love you'.
yet, he really, really does not want you to shut up.
it's been twenty minutes since you came from your dinner with your friend. twenty whole minutes of you rambling. twenty whole minutes of rin lying in bed, his arms feeling empty since you're too busy turned away from him as you change into more comfortable clothes. twenty whole minutes of him having to listen to your friend's husband's family's problems while his eyes stay locked on you as you throw on one of his shirts and then start removing your make up.
and again, he really, really does not want you to shut up.
but he would really prefer holding you while you ramble, and the fact that it's been twenty minutes and he hasn't even gotten a kiss yet is kind of starting to get to him.
"so anyway, she's basically hated by everyone from his side of the family— and i told her over and over that she should talk to him about it, but she just won't listen to me. god, why am i blessed with such stubborn friends?"
at this point, he feels like he's skipped eight chapters.
and yet he still listens, humming thoughtfully as he shifts in bed a little, pulling the covers over him just a bit more as he sighs in defeat, staring up at the ceiling as he mumbles, giving his own opinion. "shouldn't pressure her into it, though."
you groan, giving him a look as you still stand in front of the mirror while doing your skincare now. "i'm not, i swear! those people suck. she shouldn't be letting them do what they want and i'm sure that her husband would do something if he knew how salty they are."
his eyes go from the ceiling to you, blinking sleepily as he stares at the way his shirt looks on you. "when are you coming to bed?"
"almost done, rinnie."
he yawns quietly, turning around so that his back is to you. if he couldn't hold you yet, he could at least listen to your voice. "then does she really plan to just endure that treatment?" his voice is muffled by the pillow as he asks, setting you off on another talking spree.
"i guess she does. i hope everything goes well for her. but personally, i would not tolerate stuff like that." you say, shrugging as you finally finish your business, before going into the bathroom to wash your hands and brush your teeth.
the few minutes of you being gone and quiet make rin feel as miserable as ever.
he waits and waits, eyelids heavy.
when the mattress finally dips next to him and he smells the familiar scent of your skin products, he swears he's never moved this fast to turn around in bed and latch onto you.
you chuckle as he buries his face into your neck, holding him close as your little giggle turns into a quiet laugh when he groans in annoyance. "you took too damn long."
his hair tickles the side of your face. it's getting longer, you realise as you play with it gently, smoothing over some soft strands on the back of his head while he sighs softly into your skin.
"i talked a lot earlier, didn't i?" you ask quietly, your lips curling into a sheepish smile.
rin stays quiet for some time, his arms around you tight and firm as he presses himself against your side, even going as far as to place his muscular leg over you, caging you in against the soft mattress of the bed. "y'know i don't mind that."
"yeah, but im sure there's a limit—"
"there's no limit when it comes to you. 'kay?" he says quietly, his voice groggy and deeper now as he gets closer to drifting off— almost as if he was ending that discussion right there, not wanting to hear you talking about yourself in such a way.
"yeah, but—"
"shut up." he cuts you off, and you stop talking, only to let out another soft laugh. "if you're gonna complain about yourself, that is. now, more sleeping and less talking. i'll listen to the remaining part of your friend's story during breakfast tomorrow."
you snort at his devotion to listening to your silly stories, a slight wave of warmth creeping up your neck. "fine."
he nods a little, before holding you tighter.
"and i didn't get a single kiss from you ever since you came, by the way."
"oh, i am so sorry. my most sincere apologies." you speak, clearly joking as you shower him with light pecks on the side of his face that's peeking out from the crook of your neck.
he grunts, not being able to hide the redness under his warm skin as he feels your soft lips. his eyes stay closed shut. "ok. good night."
"no 'i love you' or anything?"
he sighs heavily. "shut up."
"...and i love you." he adds, before letting himself relax into his sleep when you let out a satisfied sound and say it back to him sweetly, your soft voice partially responsible for putting him to sleep.
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mouwrites · 7 months
Sorry for my inconsistent posting schedule my darlings :(
Creepypasta/MH - The Moment They Knew They Loved You
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Nina the Killer, Jane the Killer, Tim/Masky, “Ticci” Toby
Jeff the Killer
It would’ve been a very long time after knowing you
Even if he was physically attracted to you, he wouldn’t consider that “love”
He usually judges people more on their character
That’s not so say he doesn’t enjoy calling people ugly if he thinks they’re ugly though
So you guys would’ve been vibing together for a while
He’d come away from each interaction with you just a little happier (or a lot happier), but he didn’t really notice it
That is, until he walks into a room one day and finds you relaxing, scrolling through your phone
He announces some unhinged plan, fully intending on carrying it out
You just look up at him for a second before (being used to his bs) just giving a thumbs-up and telling him to have fun
He blinked at you for a second, a grin coming to his lips slowly
He thinks to himself: you know, this is why I like them. They understand me.
And then he starts to think about all the reasons he likes you
He spends the rest of the night with your image in his head and a light feeling in his heart
It’s when he’s lying in bed, telling himself to stop thinking so he can sleep, that he finally realizes:
Oh. I’m in love, aren’t I?
He’s not mad about it; he’s more surprised than anything (at first at least… soon he’s ecstatic about it)
But he fully accepts his affection for you, and it won’t be long till he confesses ;)
Nina the Killer
She’s a pretty perky girl with a lot of emotions
Happiness, sadness, anger… she’s unapologetic in expressing everything, to the point that many call her “extra” or “weird”
It’s only for those people that she acts more reserved, and it’s more in an act of resentment than resignation (basically her saying “eff you loser, you don’t deserve me”)
So she only really likes people that she doesn’t have to act differently around
And of course you’re one of those people :)
She finds little things to like and hate about everyone in her life, and you’re no exception
So one night she just happens to be looking at a picture of you, and she gets to thinking
She smiles as she remembers good times with you: going to the mall, getting messy with baking or butchering, late night texting…
At length she decides that there’s a whole lot more to love than hate
And then she gets to thinking about your looks, and maybe she’s biased because she’s just decided that you’re delightful, but she feels a little heat come to her cheeks
She zooms in on the picture she’s looking at, admiring your features one at a time
She’s baffled that she hasn’t noticed how good-looking you are until now
And then the memories play again in her head, but this time her heart soars extra high…
She’s in love with you!!
She smacks a hand over her mouth when she realizes it, then breaks into a fit of giggles
Get ready for not-so-subtle hints and extra affection….
She’ll want you to figure it out before she actually confesses lol
Jane the Killer
I feel like she would’ve decided that she loved you pretty early on
Maybe even before interacting with you for the first time
She watched you (perhaps not entirely intentionally at first), and was at once enchanted by your looks and the way you carried yourself
You were like a magical creature of beauty to her
She didn’t dare disturb you in the beginning; she was content just watching
She was sure that her infatuation was purely aesthetic; you were just pretty, that was all there was to it
One day she happened to actually interact with you
She was a little nervous, what with you being held so high in her head
But you absolutely floored her
The way you spoke, the way you saw her as a person…
You hooked her like a bass in a pond
She stood there breathless after your first interaction, watching you walk away with a racing heart
It was then that she knew this was much more than physical attraction
She HAD to have you, or at least try to
And trust me, she will try her hardest 😤
She’ll court you for a while first, just to see if you’re even interested
But if/when you are, she won’t be taking her time in confessing ;D
Methinks you’d have been friends for a while first
You went through a lot of things together: good times, bad times, silence, chaos…
And maybe you weren’t besties or anything, or super enthusiastic about each other (actually you’re probably a little cold to each other if anything, even if you do feel strongly attached)
But the point is that you have a history, and you know each other well
Plus there’s an unspoken bond that says you’ll have to tolerate each other for a long time (unspoken obligatory friendship moment)
Not that either of you minded
So one day you’re enjoying some silence together, relaxing out on a balcony and waiting for the dark clouds to pour rain
Your eyes are fixed on the sky, leaving your face in full view of the world
And, more importantly, Tim
He’s not sure why, but his gaze catches on your face
He starts admiring the little features: your eyes, the curve of your nose, the way your eyebrows are shaped…
He doesn’t decide that you’re beautiful. He decides that this is the face of someone he loves
It hits him like a truck—just a random thought out of nowhere:
This is the face of someone I love.
And while he’s taken aback at first, with a reddening face he realizes it’s true
He does love you!! All that you’ve been through together really meant something to him
He looks away bashfully, grumbling something when you ask if something’s up
Get ready for the long game…. This man will never confess
He’ll curse himself for even insinuating any feelings for you, so you’ll be left in the dark unless you’re REALLY good at picking up accidental gestures
“Ticci” Toby
He’d be so oblivious to his own feelings
He’d act super affectionate towards you, but only because he acts on impulse
He never stops to wonder why he gets the impulse to hug you or pinch you or say something not-so-mean (even NICE?! 🤯) when he’s around you
He doesn’t even notice that he only gets those impulses for you
So you’ll probably figure it out before him
And it’s only when you start to return that affection that he really starts to question
But again. He is SO OBLIVIOUS
It takes him a very long time to figure it out… you honestly might just have to spell it out for him
He can’t even take hints
I think that when he finally does figure it out, it’s a fleeting thought that catches for some reason
Like, he’s just daydreaming or something and suddenly he’s dreaming of dating you
And he thinks: hey, that wouldn’t be so bad. But it’s not like I like them like that. Wait…. Do I?
And then he’s just. Floored. Because HOW DID HE MISS IT FOR THAT LONG
Literally grips his hair like “WHAT!!!!”
Immediately runs to go yell at you tell you that he loves you
And you’re just like “oh I know. But thanks for finally confessing! <3”
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Thank you so much for reading!! Take care my sweet duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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xazse · 1 year
Kitty!Scaramouche, Kitty!Xiao, Puppy!Venti, Puppy!Kazuha, Kitty!Cyno 
Warnings: Afab!reader, Pegging, Hybrids, Fluff, Smut, Overstimulation (If I forgot anything else tell me please and I’ll edit it right away!
KittyScaramouche loves eating your out, it’s his favorite thing, lavishing his tongue on your clit, he gets so messy. You’re free to cum as much as you want but just know it’s not for your pleasure but his, the loud sucking sounds turns him on so much, he’ll slip his hands beneath his pants and touch himself while listening to lewd moans and the sound of your cunt.
KittyXiao is rather stand offish with you, but he is a great help around the house, offering to help you cook dinner, washing dishes, or simply just helping you relax, he hates seeing you overwork yourself and your body with all the boys, so on days Xiao says to take it easy he really really means it: there’s no reason to defy him since he’ll prevent you from even moving from your bed.
KittyXiao is so clingy during sex, he hates positions where he can’t see your face to give you messy sloppy kisses. He loves being on top looking down at you, spreading you open wide fucking his cock Into you at a fast pace. Your pussy really is his favorite: the way you engulf his cock and clench around him sooo good, he really doesn’t last that long but you don’t shame him or laugh at him. When hes about to cum he’ll lean down to kiss you for long periods of time while gasping into your mouth, he’ll go quiet while still slipping little moans out here and there then still and fill you to the brim with cum.
PuppyVenti! He is the definition of naughty and nice, he’ll be all sweet and smother you with all the love and affection and the next minute hes scaring the life out of you while doing something stupid. Venti loves kisses especially when you wear lipstick, bright red lipstick that’ll stick out to the other boys in the house. He’ll walk around the house and parade them for all to see, purposely making them jealous. They’ll all come to you (minus Xiao, Cyno and kazuha) and ask for the same treatment.
PuppyVenti! Oh this puppy loves being dominated, he can’t help the way he yelps and cries when you use your strap on him, it feels so incredibly good: the way you hit his g-spot over and over. Venti hates when you hold back on him, give it to him mean, don’t feel pity for him, fuck him where it hurts. He’s so cute when you cup his chubby ruined face, so cute when you connect your lips with his only to pull away when he tries to make the kiss last longer.
PuppyKazuha! Isn’t really as lovely dovey as the other boys, but he does enjoy time alone with you. Going to cute cafes and ordering your favorite drinks, eating delicious treats and chatting up about the good times, he just loves to reminisce about things.
PuppyKazuha! Loves a good rub behind his ear, or at the base of his tail it drives him insane. He really likes when your touch lingers for more than it needs to, it makes him feel so special and loved. Going back to his tail, the tip is oh so sensitive, sometimes you play with it without even noticing how it’s making him feel. His body gets so warmed up and red, when you do twist the tip of your fingers around his tail he can already feel his cock stirring: with just a tiny bit of friction. You notice little noises coming out of his throat and quickly apologized for doing it again. you’ll kiss his cheeks and offer to help get rid of his little”issue,” your fingers ghosting over his cock and rubbing him just right, don’t say anything about the wet patch already forming you’ll embarrass him even further.
KittyCyno! Is basically the one who keeps the boys in order, he keeps them checked incase they ever feel the need to disrespect you and what you do for all them. Cyno likes to do housework just like Xiao, he’s surprisingly the one who loves going shopping with you: honestly he’s just there for the way you look so perfect in your clothes, clapping and appreciating the way those clothes look so good on you.
KittyCyno! Cyno is so Rough with you, he in the end always apologizes of course but there’s just something about the way you squeeze and milk his cock for all its worth. He gets so needy and he needs all of you, when it’s just the both of you alone he’ll ask you to cockwarm him just for a few minutes, it’s never just a few minutes: he’ll keep you on his lap for hours at a time, even when the other boys are asking for your attention, Cyno just basks in your eyes on him and only him. Your clit feels like it’s on fire with the amount of orgasms he’s given, even when you’re soaked, eyes droopy and mouth agape he’ll keep stocking you with loads of his cum.
Cyno and Xiao get along the most in the house, they take on a powerful figure in the house, especially when you’re gone somewhere.
Scaramouche lowkey loves cuddling with Xiao the most, but this is only in the circumstance where you aren’t present to comfort him on days.
All the boys love when you rub their ears and tails so so much.
Venti loves your tits, he’ll fondle them while you’re making dinner, while you’re cleaning: Hell he will even dry hump you in the middle of the room if you’re cleaning the floors, Cyno will quickly correct his behavior before he can go even further because you have a hard time telling the poor puppy no.
Kazuha drools in his sleep when you’re all gathered on the bed together.
Scaramouche loves sucking on your tits, while he’s half droop/ half awake. (So does Xiao but he’d never admit that outloud)
Kazuha loves kissing so much, he’ll pout when you’re just too busy to give him a quick peck.
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wherenymphsroam · 10 months
I READ DAD BOD LEON AND LIKE JDFKD imagine praising him and getting him all flustered and needy and just 😭 he is such a hottie I NEED HIM sorry im just a lil feral abt him
cw: leon finally in his retirement era ??? (probably not canon but we can only hope), chubby leon, older leon, body worship, very light scent thing, a messy blowjob, he’s insecure at first the poor thing, uhhhh not proofread <3
w/c: 1.5k
like, leon is sooooo relieved when he’s (somehow) allowed to retire. genuinely probably just passes out for a good couple of days, drowsy and catching up on years of sleep he missed for a month or so. takes things day by day, waning contentedly through different hobbies, interests, just trying to like…. find his personality back after basically becoming the governments dog for the most of his adult life.
and some things really like … don’t click at first.
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that he’s not nearly as active without the physically demanding day to day. the mission every other month or so that sheds him of all his bodies resources, the ones that basically force upon him that consistently low body fat percentage. sure, he still works out because at this point, it’s weird Not To after putting in so much physical work for so long.
but he’s older now, his metabolism has changed. commercial gyms don’t exactly offer the same amount of intensity that his body is so used to having to work through. and naturally, parts of him grow complacent. he eats more, rightfully so. actually has the time to go out to eat on a consistent basis, and doordash is viewed as a god sent app.
he doesn’t really notice the pounds that have crept up on him until suddenly his favorite pair of jeans doesn’t need a belt to keep them up anymore. it’s when he tucks in his shirt for a more upscale night out that he realizes his button down is more fitted against him than maybe it was the last time he dug out his nicer clothes.
but once he realizes it, he shies away from it, avoids changing in front of mirrors. and when he starts refusing to change in front of you that you notice.
sure, leon was always attractive in your eyes. but it was never the muscles, the trim ‘v’ of his waistline that kept you around. you loved him, genuinely so. and to have him around more often, able to revel in some of the domestic things you couldn’t exactly soak up when he was still an agent? it’s like heaven on earth with him.
so when you notice the slight increase in his weight — the softness that begins to pad his strong biceps when he wraps his arms around you from behind, the extra bit you’re able to hold onto when you hug him — you don’t point it out. it’s welcomed, has you touching him a bit more than maybe necessary nowadays.
the first time he abruptly turns around when you walk in while he was changing, you don’t question it. it’s when he starts to dim the lights before the two of you topple onto the bed in a passionate display that you grow suspicious. your last straw is plucked when he starts coming to bed with a shirt on. an oversized one at that. he had never worn shirts to bed before, always complained about the materials feeling against him becoming irritating throughout the night.
he tries to deny when you first confront him. plays off the way the newfound pliant skin of his sides swells out over the top of his jeans waistband. shakes his head and makes a face at you, even goes so far as to roll his eyes when you reason with him, pointing out his recent ‘preference’ of keeping the lights lower when you fuck.
“I think you’re imagining this, sweetheart. I’m still sexy,” he reasons cheekily, trying to distract you with his cheesy nature.
“I didn’t say you’re not sexy,” you sigh, shaking your head. “You’re definitely still sexy. I’m just saying you look sexy with the extra bit on you,” you hum, leaning against the bedroom door.
it takes Leon a second, trying to allow ‘sexiness’ and ‘weight’ to coexist in his head. at least not in terms of himself. he loved women, all shapes and bodies and weights included. it was a no brainer to say that yes, your logic that sexiness could coexist with more weight was correct. but on him…? he’s Leon Kennedy. he’s not fat.
“Nor am I saying you’re fat, not by a long shot,” you continue, knowing all too well what that look on his face meant. the one he wore when he was thinking too hard about something.
he tries not to flinch when your hands reach out, capturing his sides. tries to stifle the sound that wants to escape when he realizes how much more sensitive the skin there is now with the extra weight. but the pounding of his heart and heat emanating off his body tells you all you need to know. so you continue.
you’re unashamed in how you explore how pliant his sides are now, in how you trace along where the firm cut lines of his abs formerly were. gently pinching and filling your fingers with the extra skin that lies over his lower abdomen, flattening your palm over the swell there and letting it fill your palm. his breath hitches, hands twitching at his sides, itching to slide your hands off him. he yearns to step out of your grasp, but knows that’ll be too telling. so he lets you continue, let’s you have your fun.
the button of his jeans pops audibly, and it’s clear that maybe he’s gonna have to let his favorite pair go pretty soon. but that’s okay. it’s obvious how okay it is when you slide his shirt up, up, up and out of the way. when your lips finds his sternum, trailing up and down its length before moving on to his pecs. silently appreciating how they’ve swelled a bit, how the hair that scatters across his skin has seemingly spread more. you tuck your nose in, inhaling him appreciatively when you slide your fingers under the waistband of his jeans, start to shimmy the denim down.
and oh god, you’re slowly lowering yourself, letting your lips ghost over his stomach now. you’ve grown sloppier, greedier in how you lick up the salt of his skin, bite into and suck at the pliant flesh. as if a fever had overcome you.
and really, that’s not all that far fetched of an idea. it was like you were seeing him naked for the first time all over again. except he’s softer, warmer… easier to paw and play with. responsive when your hands knead at his sides, his pecs. breathless and panting when he realizes his nipples are more sensitive for some reason when you drag the pads of your thumbs over them.
he could’ve gone bright pink when you ask him to strip completely. in front of the mirror no less. but he obliges, although begrudgingly. maybe a bit more hesitantly when you roll your desk chair over in front of the floor to ceiling mirror, instructing him to sit down. but that dissolves when you settle on your knees in front of it, as if sweetening the deal.
he doesn’t expect you to be so …. eager when you finally get yours hands on him. but fuck does he look good. softened thighs spread, the perfect mix between strong and soft in front of you. his soft cock, laid oh so prettily between them, ever so full balls nestled there. you really can’t help how quickly you find yourself burying your face into him, breathing him in and mouthing at his thighs.
your hands are greedy, so very greedy in how you grab at him. his thighs, the stomach that’s started to rest on them. his pecs you reach up to paw at when you realize they’ve started to create a crease between his chest and his stomach from below.
and at first, he doesn’t believe you when you tell him he looks even better like this. that if anything, you prefer him like this. doesn’t want to hear it when you try to coax him into repeating affirmations about himself, keeps his eyes off his reflection in the mirror.
but of course, he’s a weak man. you’re sat on your knees between his spread thighs, your ass practically begging to be ogled in those jeans.
and that’s what he focuses on at first. tries not to notice how you have to tilt your head slightly when you take him in your mouth, how you have to hold his tummy when you suck him off to keep it from inhabiting how far down you can get on his length. but as the heat in his body grows, as you get sloppier with spit dribbling down your chin, he has no choice but to look down at you.
and at that point, he can’t find it in him to care about the swell of his lower abdomen. he isn’t very worried about how much more space his thighs take up on the chair when you dip one of his balls into your mouth, licking and warming and soaking them in your feverish attempt to make him feel how sexy he is to you.
but by the time he’s coming ropes onto your pretty face, he finally gives in. finally obliges you fully and admits that maybe… maybe he was still sexy as fuck. maybe he did look better, healthier with the retirement weight on him.
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selfishdoll · 11 months
❛how they like to eat you out...❜ ━━ ft. kashimo hajime, gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, & fushiguro toji.
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⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 SUMMARY. ━━ self explanatory fr. just small drabbles about them eating you out.
⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 CONTENT WARNING. ━━ ooc characters, mature themes, oral sex, slight mention of anal play (toji’s part), pet names, slightly mean dom for kashimo & toji, etc. if i forgot something tell me!
⁺ 𓂋 𓈒 NOTE. ━━ gege literally whispered in my ear all his adult male characters are munches.. so don’t shoot the messenger 🤷🏾‍♀️. also this is messy & i’m sorry, excuse typos & grammar mistakes. and another note geto’s was so hard to describe so if it’s confusing i’m sorry.
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a basic man, he likes you on your back spread— holding your own legs. the way your nails dig into your pudgy flesh, struggling to keep them open whilst his feasts away between them gets him relied up. it doesn’t help the man will literally stop if they so much as touch his ears. no matter how close you are, no matter how much you’re begging for a release, the second they touch him; he stops
“come on sweetheart.. you wanna come right? just keep your legs open for me.”
he is not called the strongest for nothing, and always likes to remind you of this. meaning, he prefers to eat you out against a wall. no matter how much you you weigh or how heavy you think you are, if he wants you; you’re up against a wall in seconds. maybe he’s kneeling like you’re a goddess, fingers digging into your skin as he pulls your thighs onto his shoulders. or maybe he’s standing at his full 190 cm, ignoring your worried pleas. satoru would never admit how much that turns him on; your hands grabbing at his hair, thighs squeezing as adorable moans and gasps escaped you— all while begging to be put down. of course if you really want to, he’ll do it. most times however, you’re being difficult, worried about hurting him.
“just grab onto me, princess— ‘m not gonna drop you. see? that’s it.. just let me do all the work, pretty girl.”
a difficult position. upside down. the man sitting, your back and ass touching his stomach and shoulders, knees brushing the bed. why is this difficult ass position his favorite? well, mostly because he can see your face. the way your eyebrows crease together each time he drags his wet, thick muscle between your folds; delicately wrapping his lips around your clit just to have you whine and moan. how embarrassed you get when he points out little things to you, like how your hole is clenching around nothing or how wet you are. it’s sick the way he makes you watch yourself come all over his face, how greedy your pussy looks asking for more of his mouth. the man likes to tease you, and found this method as perfect.
“look at that baby.. see how fucking greedy you are for me?.. ah— don’t get shy, pretty girl. “
after a long day of work and gojo satoru, nanami wants nothing more then to be smothered by you. literally. it’s not rare the man will simply lay on his back after a hot shower, upper half unclothed whilst his simply pats his chest. the first time you were a little confused, only for his hands to grab your waist, pulling you over to hover above his face. doesn’t care for your worried whining or concerns. ( what if i’m too heavy ken? ) will coax you with gentle squeezes and rubs on your ass, pleading between your legs just to sit your pretty self right on his face. when you finally do, he’s breathing happily, arms tight around you so you can’t move an inch. despite your thighs closed around his head and how little he can breathe, he’s taking his time with you. tongue moving as if exploring you for the first time, loving the way your fingers mess up and grip at his hair. thick muscle rubbing your little clit raw, he’s in no rush to lift you off. you, most times, have to make the decision for the both of you. much to his dismay.
“i didn’t ask if you were heavy, princess. just take a seat, please. sit, all the way down. wanna feel every single inch of you.”
another man that loves to tease and lowkey embarrass you. meaning, he’s eating you out from behind. loves to spank you when you squirm, enjoys watching the way you glance back at him, the beautiful whines and moans that escape you. each time you attempt to move away he’s pulling you back into his face, tongue and lips never detaching from your messy cunt. will pull back, grab your cheeks and spread, just to get a wider view of you. will say something snarky, borderline mean, just to see you whine and reach back to swat at him. don’t do that, cause then he’ll definitely spank you. hard. a little note to add if you’re up for it, he will sink a thumb into your other hole, and just keep it there.
“drippin’ all over the fucking bed, it feels that good doesn’t it? so messy, baby. gonna have you lick it all up later.”
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girliism · 2 months
art’s peeping tom neighbor part two.
it’s been a week since you last you last looked through art’s window. you’ve been avoiding him but that can only last for so long.
it was a hot day when you saw art again. you were washing your parents car as part of the deal you made them. you wanna use the car you have to wash it. “hey, working hard or hardly working.” he jokes at the way you just standing there spraying the car with the water hose.
he doesn’t bring up what happened or make any indication that he even actually saw you. that only makes you more nervous. “probably the latter.” you say back ignoring how your heart beats in your throat.
those icy blue eyes stare into yours the same way they did that night. you suck in a breath before turning away focusing back on the car.
art clears his throat before stepping closer to you. “patrick and i just got back from from the video store and you look super bored out here so. wanna watch a movie with us?”
you’re eyes shift over to patrick who’s leaning against his car chewing on his sucker stick then back to art who smirking down at you. the car is basically clean and you have nothing better to do. “uhh. sure yeah why not. let me change and i’ll come over?” you say turning the hoses off and walking backwards towards you your house.
“cool. i’ll leave the front door unlocked just come in. we’ll be upstairs in my room.”
once you’re inside your house you bolt upstairs to take the quickest shower ever getting out and lathering yourself in coconut scented lotion, throwing on a pair of shorts and big sweatshirt to slightly hide that you weren’t wearing a bra.
your heart beats fast and your hands tremble as you climb the stairs leading to art’s room. super bad is already playing when you up get there. “sorry, we already started patrick didn’t want to wait.” art says patting the spot next to him.
the three of sat on arts bed him in the middle of you and patrick. everything was going smoothly, the three of you laughing here and there at the jokes.
then you felt movement next to you. looking out the corner of your eye you see arts hand creep up patrick’s thigh to start palming him through his jeans.
patrick’s hand grabs arts wrist pulling it off of him. “art, we can’t right now your neighbor is here.” he whispers. art just gives him a look before glancing back at you. you shoot your eyes back to the tv, heart pounding against your chest.
“it’s fine, she likes to watch. trust me.” art says going back to palming patrick’s dick kissing at his neck.
art had seen you that night and every other night. spying on him like some perverted creep. you suck in a breath trying to ignore what was happening right next to you and how it made your panties sticky.
there was a full blown make out happening besides you. patrick takes off his and arts shirts throwing them out you. this is totally unfair. you think. if they can get off why can’t you.
you bring your hand up to your mouth licking at your fingers before slipping in your pants sighing. at the same time patrick pulls arts cock out his pants taking it into his mouth.
art’s head turns to the side taking in your hidden hand movements and how your eyes are locked on the way patrick’s lip stretch around his cock.
“god you really are a creep.” art mumbles pulling your face to his, tongue immediately pushing into your mouth. “mmhp” you sound in surprise. art pulls your hand out your shorts yanking them down your legs.
“oh yes.” you whine in art mouth when he plunges to fingers into your wet core. “so much better than watching through your window huh.” “uh huh.” you nod. dropping your forehead onto art’s shoulder your hand gripping his wrist.
the sounds coming from your pussy, the gagging coming from patrick and art moaning in your ear when his best friend takes him deeper sets you off. “shit art i’m cumming.” art felt like being mean.
art takes his fingers out of you and pulls patrick off him, moving to sit in front of both of you. patrick’s hair is all messy and your lips are red and swollen, thighs shaking from your almost orgasm.
“what the fuck.” both you and patrick say.
art stares at the two of you “glad we could all be here today.” he laughs. patrick rolls his eyes grabbing his shirt moving to leave. “where are you going?” art’s pulling patrick back on the bed popping open his jeans. “look if you wanna fuck your neighbor go ahead call me when you’re done.”
patrick can be a little jealous at times.
“but i wanted us to fuck her together. you fucking her me fucking you.” art talks about you like you aren’t even there.
“do you guys do this a lot?” you ask but get no answer cause art is still trying to convince patrick to stay. “come here look at how wet she is. practically begging for in. art sits patrick in front of him as they stare down at you. legs open pussy glistening as you lay back on your elbows. “aren’t you begging for it.”
you buck your hips up towards patrick and you see him lick his lips. “fuck” patrick is ready to give in. “wait why do you have to fuck me i bottomed last time.” art just wraps his arms around patrick’s shoulder talking in his ear. “my house my neighbor my rules. plus she really tight you love that shit.”
and who is patrick to deny himself such a treat. “fine.” the boys move to take their pants completely off and you pull your sweatshirt.
patrick slides into you after placing a condom on. throwing your head back moaning at the stretch of dick in you. patrick gives you some time to adjust. “you can move now please move.” you whine.
patrick doesn’t just move he places his big hand on throat giving himself leverage to fuck into hard and fast. “fuck patrick.” yours nails drag down his back.
art reaches his two fingers up to your mouth for you to suck on. once they’re wet enough dripping with your spit he circles them around patrick’s rim.
you tell the moment when art pushes in because you can feel patrick twitch inside you and his hips stop moving for a second. you watch patrick fuck himself back on arts fingers whining.
“patrick.” you whining grinding your hips up “fuck me.” patrick starts moving again but slowly more focused on his own pleasure.
“don’t be selfish now patrick.” art tsks removing his fingers. kneeling behind him art pushes his cock into patrick ass making patrick’s cock move in your cunt. “oh fuck” you and patrick whine.
art and patrick match each other’s rhythm fucking fast. “oh my god.” you body is rocking and the headboard is banging against the wall.
your tits bounce in patrick’s face and he takes one in his mouth. “fuck fuck art right there gonna cum.” “me too.” you and patrick are sloppy messes screaming and crying into each other’s mouths.
art’s got a bruising grip on patrick’s waist. arts hips slap into his ass. “fuck, cum for me both of you.”
patrick falls forward biting into your neck as you cum guys together. patrick pulls his limp dick out of you rolling to lay next to you.
art pulls off his condom and crawls closer to the two of you. “shit.” moaning he holds onto the headboard and he jerks himself off spilling his cum onto yours and patrick’s faces painting the both of you.
part one
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 16
part 1 | part 15 | ao3
cw: unsympathetic religious discussion, mentions of oral sex (istg if you’re under 18 i will send such a sternly worded letter to your legal guardian, go aWAY)
“So just, to recap…” Eddie says dully, digging a thumb into his brow bone like he’s got a headache coming on. He’s sitting on the floor with his back against a work bench — one knee drawn to his chest, the other stretched out long, nearly tripping Steve where he's pacing a hole into the concrete. He lets his head fall against the bench with a thunk, looks up at Steve and continues, “we just got abducted by two asthmatic freshmen—”
“Pretty sure Dustin's the only one with asthma.”
"Okay, and I’m pretty sure that doesn't fucking matter when we've just been kidnapped and forced to play the world’s shittiest version of Seven Minutes in Heaven!"
Eddie takes a shuddering breath, brings his voice back down an octave. "Sorry,” he says, then sighs morosely to himself. “Imprisoned by my own sheepies…”
What a goddamned drama queen.
“Sheepies?” Steve asks.
"Never mind,” Eddie huffs. “Just... I mean, Jesus Christ, is this really what's happening? This? This is really where my life's at right now?”
Steve’s been wondering that himself.
“It's an intervention!" Dustin screeches. "It's for your own good!” “I’m gonna intervene your head from your body!” “That doesn’t even make sense!” Steve gives the metal above him one final, fruitless shove, then sinks down on the steps and puts his head in his hands. Pinches the end of his nose. His voice is hoarse from yelling, his temples starting to throb. Eddie’s shaking beside him like a cat that fell in an ice bath. “Seriously,” he pleads, lowering his voice. “Let us out; this isn’t cool.” “We will, okay? We promise. Just talk to each other first. Please? Just fifteen minutes.” Aaand he's yelling again. "Fifteen— are you out of your mind??" He's about to say 'hell no,' or maybe 'go fuck yourself,' but then Dustin yelps, “U.S.S. Butterscotch!” 'U.S.S. Butterscotch.' It’s basically the Scoops Troop's 'Olly olly oxen free.' “Goddammit, dude, FINE!”
“....Yeah, that about sums it up." Steve runs a hand through his hair, sweeping his bangs back off his forehead.
Eddie gives him a worn-out stare. “Well, shit.”
“Yep.” He goes back to his pacing — back and forth, back and forth, like it's actually doing anything to calm him down. (It isn’t really. If anything it’s just making his lower back damp with sweat.)
On the floor, Eddie shivers and draws his other leg to his chest, chin resting on bony knees, arms wrapped around his legs. "Christ, it's freezing," he complains, rubbing a hand over his shins. "If we die of exposure before I get to exact my revenge on those little assholes I'm gonna be so pissed."
"Here—" Steve starts to shrug off his jacket to give it to Eddie, but then he remembers the pills he still has stashed in the left pocket and abruptly changes course. He turns to the storage shelves, scanning for anything that might be useful, and— "There we go."
He makes his way to a messy pile of old camping supplies, scoops up an armful of whatever he can find: sleeping bags, flashlights, a lantern, some old citronella candles. They won't do much for warmth, but they'll make the place a bit less Russian torture chamber, at least.
Eddie eyes him a little warily as he sets up a spot right beside him on the floor. He spreads one sleeping bag out for them to sit on like a picnic blanket; offers the other one to Eddie, who drapes it over his shoulders like a cloak, his long, dark curls spilling over the edge.
"You got a light?" he asks, arranging the candles and the lantern in a half-circle around them.
"Sure do,” Eddie says. His face lights up when he slips a hand inside his pocket. "Oh, hell yeah, baby! Look what else I got."
He pulls out a silver flask, flashing it at Steve, and Steve ignores the way the words 'hell yeah, baby' bounce around his skull like an echo through an empty cavern.
"A little insurance policy in case the dinner party was a bore." Eddie unscrews the lid; takes a wincing swig. "Would have taken boring over this, though. Think I might’ve gotten a little more excitement than I bargained for." "Yeah,” Steve laughs under his breath. "You think?"
Eddie passes him the flask, sets to lighting all the wicks while Steve takes a shot. The whiskey is cheap, and it stings on the way down, but it's nice. Warm. Liquid amber in his chest, glowing like the candlelight Eddie sparks to life.
Eddie settles down beside him. With the workbench at their backs and the warm tint to the room, it's almost cozy. Reminds him of backyard sleepovers with Tommy; a little fortress built for two.
“Do you think they’re still listening?” Eddie's eyes flit to the stairs.
“Probably." Steve takes another swig, gesturing to the shadows beyond their makeshift camp. "He probably got Suzie to help him bug this whole place."
"Ah, yes. The crazy hot, crazy smart summer camp girlfriend who totally exists."
"She does, actually,” Steve laughs, “if you can believe it."
"No shit?"
"I know, right? I mean, like..." He scratches the side of his nose. "She's Mormon and lives all the way out in Utah, so it's not exactly like... but, whatever. He's super into her, so—"
"Hold up. Dustin's dating a Mormon?" Eddie says it like he’s spitting sunflower hulls. "That's almost worse than her being fake."
“What, you got some kinda history with Mormons?”
“Oh, yeah," Eddie snorts derisively. "The Mormons and I go waaay back."
"Wait, for real?" Was Eddie in a cult? Because that would actually explain so much.
"Dude. No. Hell no. Those fuckers love to solicit the downtrodden, though. They show up at the park all the time.”
“Great,” Steve deadpans. Another wonderful amenity of the Forest Hills experience.
“Don’t worry. Wayne usually just crosses himself at them until they go away.” He makes the sign of the cross, his rings glinting in the light. “Catholic middle-aged men and LDS teens, now there’s some quality petty drama.”
“So you’re Catholic, then?” Steve asks.
“Jesus, Harrington. We’re supposed to be kissing and making up and you want to start a religious debate?”
No, he absolutely does not. He wants to make fun of Eddie, because, "That’s the second time you’ve mentioned kissing." Eddie’s cheeks go horribly pink; peach tint in the deep orange glow. “First you wanna suck my blood at dinner, now you’re talking about making out. What next?” Steve teases. “You gonna offer to suck my dick?”
He means it as a joke — a slightly rude one, sure; insinuating, but still. He expects Eddie to get it, to roll his eyes and play along. Ha ha, Harrington.
When he used to say shit like this to Tommy, Tommy would always just laugh and shove him off, tell him to go suck it yourself.
Only Eddie doesn’t laugh.
Eddie goes quiet. Runs his tongue over his teeth. He fixes Steve with one of those looks; the kind that make him feel like a burglar caught in a flood light’s beam. “Why?" he teases back. "Did you want me to or something?”
part 17
tag list below the cut comment if you want to be added to the next one
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hannieehaee · 6 months
Svt and ass shots
svt and ass shots
18+ / mdi
content: smut, ass shots, penetrative sex, etc.
wc: 798
a/n: sorry i took so long </3
seungcheol -
he goes crazy for it. the sight reminds him that you're his and he's the only person who gets to mark you in such way. he'd love the nastiness of it, feeling like getting you messy with his cum was a bit disrespectful in itself but adoring how you'd even come to entice him into doing it, not caring for the mess.
jeonghan -
he's totally into ass shots im 100% sure. i can literally visualize his moans getting higher as he neared his end and hurriedly pulled out to cum on your ass. would tease you about it and how desperate for him you must be to let him do such a nasty thing to you.
joshua -
like jeonghan, he'd be super cocky about it. it wasnt his favorite place to cum, but it'd always give him an ego boost when you'd ask (re: beg) him to cum on your ass. would tease and mock you about it despite he himself feeling weak at the kneed at the sight of your ass/back covered in his cum.
jun -
his brain would go foggy at the simple thought of hitting it from the back and getting to cum on your ass. the sight would just be too much for him to handle, making him get hard again far too soon and causing him to delay clean up or aftercare in order to get the both of you there once more.
soonyoung -
there would be zero thoughts in his head as he reached his high, meaning that he would not plan where he was going to cum. he'd just freestyle it, which would result in cumming on your ass/back most times. on days he was feeling particularly nasty, he'd play with his cum on your ass, groaning at his pretty the translucent substance looked against your skin.
wonwoo -
despite how reserved he may seem, he'd go absolutely insane over cumming on your ass/back. this would be his go-to for whenever you let him hit it raw and from behind. the mere thought of it as he reached his climax would have him rutting against you with extra strength, making it a little hard for him to even leave your warmth for long enough to cum on your ass.
jihoon -
enjoys the concept of it but not the mess. cleaning up his own cum from your back/ass was just something he was too lazy to do after the exhaustion he felt from fucking you altogether, so he'd probably save it only for special occasions in which his stamina was extra high.
seokmin -
on one side, i can see him thinking that cumming on your ass might be unseemly and disrespectful (he was a true gentleman after all!!) but on another side, i also see his carnal desires taking over while having sex with you, leading his brain to become mush and feel this sense of dominance as he marked you with his cum.
mingyu -
gives me the vibe like he's down for anything. he'd love ass shots but his favorite way to cum would be inside you. so basically, he'll take the chance to cum on your ass any day, but given the option he'd much rather cum inside you and eat out the remnants. a nasty man overall.
minghao -
he's a little bit of a wild card for me. i think he might find cumming on your ass too raunchy(?) and would rather cum in a way that left a bit less traces behind. however!!! whenever his mind was clouded by horniness, he would not even care about where he came as long as he got both of you there.
seungkwan -
i cant rlly picture him to be a huge fan of it but he's not against it!! he'd rather cum inside a condom while still inside you or having you finish him off in your mouth, etc rather than staining you with cum. it'd make him feel kinda mean and dirty, but sometimes his orgasm would just take over and he'd cum on your ass.
vernon -
yet another member who enjoys it but cannot bear to deal with the mess. after sex he just wants to lay down and hold you against him. he'd do minimal clean up and call it a day, which was something he couldn't really do if he made a mess all over you.
chan -
it'd make him feel a huge ego boost. almost as if you were just so fully his to the point of letting him stain you with his cum. he'd groan at the mere thought and become extremely whiney as he approached his high knowing he was about to finish on you in such a dirty way; a way in which only he would ever get to.
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The one where love is a death sentence. And you've just stepped up to the chopping block. Or The Twenty Fifth Installment of the SKZ!Pack Prequel Series.
Tags: Skz, Stray kids, Stay, SKZ!Pack, SKZ!abo, Poly!skz, Pack!prequel, SKZ!Pack Prequel, OT8, Skz x you, Skz x reader, Ot8 x you, Ot8 x reader, femreader, Bang Chan, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Lee Felix, Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin, Y/N, Skz imagines, skz scenarios, skz reactions, skz drabble, skz fluff
Genre: Fluff
Title: Half Baked
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You’ve never seen Chan this distraught. 
Granted, it’s not like you’ve known him your whole life or anything, but in all the time you have known him, Chan has always been the calm one-cool, collected, rational, level headed. 
This is not that. 
He flings open the door before you can even raise your fist to knock-you’d decided against using the pincode and letting yourself in, considering there was a very protective alpha on the other side-and when he sees you, his shoulders slump into some sort of exhausted relief. 
“Hey.” He breathes out, staring at you, fingers still gripped tightly around the lip of the omega’s door. 
You arch a brow and incline your head toward the interior of the dorm. “Can I come in there without you biting my head off?” 
He takes in a long, slow breath through his nose, and steps back a little from the open door with one quick jerk of a nod. “Yeah.” 
You step past him, and he’s true to his word, rooted to the spot, but your wolf doesn’t miss the way his jaw ticks as you pass, the way his nostrils flare, the almost death grip of his white knuckles as they tighten on the door. 
You retreat to the opposite side of the small couch for safety, and watch him warily as he closes and locks the door once more before turning to you. 
He takes a small step in your direction, and you tense without really thinking about it. 
Chan freezes, staring at you, and you notice the wild look to his eyes has diminished since he first saw you, but the alpha gold is present and vibrant as ever in his irises, swallowing any hint of his normal caramel.
He sighs again, and reaches up to rake an agitated hand through his messy hair. 
“I’m sorry.” He apologizes in a whisper, voice strangled, and your wolf keens sadly in response. 
You emerge from behind the safety of the couch, moving to stand in front of him. 
Surprise flashes across his haggard features, but he doesn’t move, staring at you, as you study his face. 
The man is tired, so is the wolf. 
You dare to reach up and run a finger beneath his jaw, swiping across his scent gland gently, and his chest caves in as he takes a deep, shuddering breath, then another.
“You don’t need to apologize.” You murmur back, watching him carefully, your fingers still playing around the oozing gland at his throat. 
The smell of storm is overwhelming. 
“I do though.” Chan says hoarsely, his eyes meeting yours, his bottom lip going between his teeth. “I basically kicked you and Minho out-” 
Your lips quirk up into the start of a small smile. “Yeah, well Minho was being an asshole, so I don’t blame you. He kind of deserved it.” 
Chan huffs out something that could’ve been a chuckle if his entire demeanor wasn’t so stiff and morose, and glances sidelong, past you to the darkness of the hallway. 
“Still, I don’t think my alpha has ever reacted this strongly to an omega’s heat before. I don’t know what the fuck is wrong with me.” 
You place your palm flat against his gland, and he leans into your touch, as if he’s a dog seeking comfort from a familiar hand. 
“I think I have an idea.” 
Chan’s eyes flare with surprise, and his lips gap. 
You give him the hint of another small smile. “First off, I don’t think any of us have ever dealt with someone presenting before, so that’s an unknown that we weren’t really planning for. Secondly-” 
You pause, watching him carefully, gauging whether you think he’s ready to hear this. 
Better now than later. 
“Minho wasn’t just being an asshole, though he does that often enough that it wouldn’t surprise me if he were.” You give a little laugh, and then sober up again, staring up at Chan. “He was testing something.” 
Chan’s brows disappear into his hairline. “What?” 
“Yeah.” You nod. “And I told him he should never, ever be a scientist, but he kind of cemented something into place for us regardless.” 
Chan is staring at you, brow furrowed, expression confused. 
You take in another breath, and spit it out. 
“You’re a head alpha. And not just any head alpha, you’re our head alpha.” 
Chan is frozen, staring at you, expression unreadable, and you suddenly worry you’ve broken him. 
“Channie-” You start to say, reaching out for his hands now, as his chest heaves with a breath. 
“Oh my god.” He cuts you off, his voice little more than a shocked whisper beneath his breath. “It all fucking makes sense.” 
Well, he’s taking it better than you had expected. 
“Yeah.” You nod, squeezing his fingers between your own. “Sorry to drop that bomb on you right now, but I thought you needed to hear it, at least to put your mind at ease a little over your behavior.” 
Chan’s gaze raises to you, and his tongue darts out to wet his lips.
“Fuck, okay, I’m going to need more details on that later, but now-” 
His gaze flicks past you once more to the dark hallway, and you take in a steadying breath. 
“Yeah, okay. What can I do to help?” 
The alpha in front of you rakes another violent hand through his hair, and you can practically see the agitated wolf pacing beneath the surface of his twisted features.
“I don’t fucking know. I don’t-”  
You reach out and palm his gland again, and when he finally looks at you once more, you give him a serious, pointed look, your alpha surging forward now, ready to hear about the newest omega-your newest omega-in the other room. 
Suddenly, the scent of petrichor is being drowned out by the smell of freshly baked bread, crusted in cinnamon.
“Is Jeongin okay?” 
The wild look is back in Chan’s eyes, the gold molten, as he tears away from you to pace the length of the small room, movements agitated. 
“Yes? I don’t know. Everything happened so fast, but I didn’t- We didn’t-” 
You stare at him, trying to figure out what he’s trying to say, your wolf growling dangerously now. 
“You didn’t what-?” You pin him beneath your gaze, and Chan stops, reaching up to tug at the ends of his messy curls, expression frantic. 
The smell of storm is decaying, turning into something sour and rotten.
“He’s fucking miserable, (Y/N), but I couldn’t-” 
He stops again, and something clicks into place in your brain. Your irritated wolf backs down instantly, purring and chuffing in comfort to the clearly distressed alpha before you. 
“Channie-” You say softly, stepping toward him, trying to send soothing signals into the space between the two of you. 
Chan sighs, long and heavy, shoulders slumping once more, and stares at the floor beneath his sneakers, his hands clenched into fists at his side. 
“The kid’s never taken a knot before.” He sucks in a breath and glances up at you, eyes dark and serious. “And I know he’s an omega now and that his wolf biology is built for that or whatever, but fuck, that doesn’t mean I’m incapable of hurting him.” 
His chin drops back down to his chest, and his fingers clench at his sides, knuckles whitening. 
You step toward him, and wrap your arms around his waist, consequences be damned. 
“Baby.” You breathe, tilting your head to look up at him. “Look at me.” 
He does, lips pulled into a thin, tight line, stretched with worry. 
You can see the war behind his eyes, the struggle. 
Because Chan is worried about Jeongin, worried that it’s his first time, that he’ll be uncomfortable, and his alpha is worried about the new omega, worried that he’s suffering, that he needed a knot yesterday.
You smooth your palms down the sides of his neck, watch the way his chest rises and falls with an inhale, the way his muscles relax slightly beneath the wave you push forward of your own scent. 
“Did he ask you?” You question quietly, gaze intent on his own. 
His features fall a little, and he lets out another long, shuddering breath, a muscle in his jaw flexing slightly as he grinds his teeth. 
“I mean, yeah.” He admits in a murmur, his expression unsure now. “But I didn’t know if that was just a physical and emotional response to being so close to my alpha now that he’s presented, or if he actually knew what he was asking for.” 
“It’s probably both.” You admit gently, his eyes flicking up to your own, and you give him what you hope is the hint of a soothing smile. “However, maybe you just need to trust your gut and go with instinct this one time. Not overthink it.” 
Chan lets out a little sardonic cough, halfway to a chuckle, his eyes bitter. “Yeah, kind of a hard ask when it comes to me.” 
Your mouth tugs upward, and you reach up to trace a finger down the line of his nose, smoothing away the worried wrinkles currently residing between his eyes. 
When he looks at you once more, you cock your head and stare him down. 
“You already know, deep down, you’re not gonna hurt him. You’re going to be gentle and loving and careful and give him exactly what he needs. You and I both know you’d never do anything to endanger a member of this pack, right?” 
He parts his lips, as if to respond, but all that comes out is a huff of breath, as if he’s unsure how to answer your question. 
“Right?” You prod again, a little more sternly, and Chan finally nods, shoulders slumping forward in defeat. 
“Okay, so-” You let your hands smooth over his scent gland again, your palms sticky with the leaking pheromones, and tug your fingers up through his disheveled curls, tilting his chin to make him meet your gaze. “-go in there and help our omega.” 
Something resolves in Chan’s gaze, just a little, and he gives a tiny nod, lifting his chin, his gaze flickering past you and to the hallway beyond. 
“Okay.” He nods again, taking in a deep breath, chest rising and falling against your own. “Okay.” He repeats, more sure this time, glancing back down to you, a fire in the back of his eyes. “You’re right. I can do this.” 
“Good boy.” You grin, laughing slightly as he rolls his eyes. 
There’s the Chan you know. 
Something hesitant flickers across his gaze, and he rolls his bottom lip between his teeth, looking anxious. “Fuck, why am I acting like a pup that doesn’t know what he’s doing? I don’t know why I’m so fucking nervous.” “Because you love him. And I know what that’s like.” You reply back with surety, so quickly that it takes the both of you off guard. 
The look of shocked surprise on Chan’s face probably mirrors your own. 
Because you do love Jeongin, have known it for awhile, and you know Chan knows that, but in this moment, you’re no longer talking about the newest omega down the hall, you’re suddenly talking about-
Chan stares at you, and you wish you could bite your tongue off. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
He stares. 
You look away.
You clear your throat in the sudden silence, and inch back from him, straightening the hoodie he wears, if only to give your fingers something to do, your eyes somewhere else to focus. 
You give him an awkward little pat on the chest before you step away completely. 
“So, go get him, pretty boy.” 
You can feel Chan’s gaze still on you, can feel the start of something brewing at the tip of his tongue, the tension in the air between you, but you doggedly avoid eye contact, not giving him the chance, already headed for the door. 
“Text me when you’re done, yeah? I gotta get out of here, the smell of cinnamon is making my teeth ache.” 
Your hand is on the knob when Chan calls, “(Y/N).” 
You turn back slowly, already regretting the decision. 
He gives you the hint of a smile and a little wave of his fingers. 
“Thanks.” You nod, biting down on your own tongue, and leave the apartment and the smell of baked bread behind. 
You throw another punch, your glove landing solidly in the middle of the bag. 
“Fucking-” Another hit, another ripple of pain through your already abused knuckles. 
Your glove connects again, and this time you let it drop back to your side after the hit, breathing hard, chest heaving, sweat dripping down your brow, body numb. 
With a low whistle, Changbin appears at your side, brow arched and expression slightly amused, taking in your exhausted stance. 
“Fuck, girl, if I’d known you could go that hard, I would’ve brought you with me to the gym a lot sooner.” 
You give him a sidelong glare, reaching to pull the glove off your dominant hand, before you undo the other, dropping them to the mat at your feet, before you move on to ripping the tape off of your knuckles unceremoniously. 
“Don’t get used to it.” 
You don’t usually take Changbin up on his offers to hit the campus gym-preferring to stick to long distance running with Yeosang instead-but tonight, you’d needed something a little more than running. 
Your slip up with Chan last week-and your misstep and ensuing fight with Jeongin-had had your thoughts in knots since, your body tense, and fuck it all, you’d needed an outlet. 
So rather than unfairly deck Jisung in the face when he’d poured cold water over you in the shower earlier, you’d opted for going to the gym with Changbin, and the punching bag had been just what you needed. 
Changbin reaches down and picks up your discarded gloves, tossing them back into the recesses of his large gym bag, before he steps toward you and takes your hands in his, inspecting your knuckles. 
They’re already bruising, darkening to blue, and a little bit of the skin is split on your dominant hand, but other than that, you haven’t fared all that bad, especially considering you’d been going at it-hard-for more than an hour now. 
Changbin brushes his thumb over the split between your knuckles, and you let out a hiss between your teeth, his eyes meeting yours at the sound with another knowing arch of his dark brow. 
“Minho’s gonna be proud, considering how well you fared the first time you threw a punch against him.” 
You glare at him, pulling your hand from his grasp, as a slight smirk comes to his lips. 
“I didn’t have a glove the first time. It was spontaneous, a rage filled necessity. Minho knew he was egging me on, I just reacted. He was being a fucking dick, and I threw a punch, knuckles and proper form be damned.” 
“Right, right.” Changbin agrees with a little chuckle and a raise of his hands, ignoring your sour look in his direction, as he steps over to pick up his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. 
His golden skin is glistening with sweat from his own workout, and if you weren’t in such a bad mood, you would’ve taken the opportunity to push him into the nearest locker room and lick it off, slowly and meticulously, but since you are in such a bad mood, you silently follow him down the stairs and out the front doors of the gym. 
It’s dark outside, and chilly, the sun having set hours ago, and you keep stride with Changbin easily, as you walk through the park and cut across the main field of campus, a shortcut of sorts, that will deposit you directly outside of the alpha dorms. 
As you walk, you can feel Changbin darting glances in your direction, but you ignore him, striding beside him in complete silence. 
Finally, he asks, “So, are you gonna tell me what brought all that on or-?” 
You violently kick a pebble off the edge of the path with the toe of your sneaker, listening to it rattle away amongst the trees in the darkness, and refuse to look at him, snarking back, “What? I can’t just enjoy a good boxing session every once and a while without some dark, sinister reason? Seems a little hypocritical, don’t you think?” 
Changbin clicks his tongue beneath his breath, dodging your warpath, as you kick another pebble into the trees, this one dangerously close to hitting his ankle. 
“I mean, yeah, you can, but you don’t.” You send another rock flying with a vehement curse under your breath. 
“Fucking hell, dude, just drop it, would you?” 
He pivots to walk in front of you, walking backward so he can stare at you, his brow furrowed into the start of a dangerous scowl, eyes dark and flashing with warning. 
“Fucking talk to me like that again, dude, and I’ll drop you.” 
You don’t back down an inch, glaring right back at him and walking quicker, closing the distance between the two of you. 
“Try it, I dare you. I just spent an hour improving my aim and force, and I’m dying to actually apply it in real life.” 
He holds your glare for another moment, a muscle ticking with annoyance in his strong jaw, and then he sighs with exasperation, stopping in front of you so you have to stop too, lest you run smack dab into his broad chest. 
Actually, that probably wouldn’t be so bad. 
He stares at you, his hands going to his hips, like he’s a mother-or Minho-getting ready to tell you off, and then he blows out another breath past his teeth, his shoulders slumping, as he admits with softened irritation, “You’re infuriating, you know that?” 
You feel the muscles in your body relax, if only just a bit, and your glare softens minutely at his obviously candid words. 
“So I’ve been told.” 
He glances up at the dark sky over your heads, the moon rising over the stark branches of the trees, and then back to you, before he says, “You know your scent has been whacked out all week right? Ever since Jeongin’s presentation.” 
Your shoulders tense, but you start to accept defeat under his scrutiny, letting out a long sigh of your own in response. 
“I know.” You finally acquiesce, voice slightly bitter, your words dropping off, as you glance back down at the ground, scuffing your sneaker along the sidewalk, wishing for another rock. 
Changbin steps closer, you see his converse kiss the toes of your own, and then his fingers find your chin, tilting your gaze back to meet his own, eyes dark and gentle. 
“Talk to me, baby.” 
You blow out another harsh breath. “I think-” You start, before stuttering off again, a sudden lump in your throat. 
You nip your bottom lip between your teeth and will yourself not to cry. 
Changbin reaches out, freeing the skin from your grip, before he thumbs your lip softly, tracing the skin with his touch. 
“You think-?” He pushes gently, eyes locked on your own, expression intent. 
You swallow thickly, and glance up at the sky above you, counting stars silently to keep your emotions in check. 
Fuck it, you might as well just tell him. 
“I think I told Chan something, inadvertently, that maybe fucked up our relationship forever.” You give a sardonic little laugh, one that lacks all humor, and shrug helplessly. “You know me and my big mouth. And then, of course, the whole thing with Jeongin-” You sigh. “Ive fucked up-probably irrevocably-two of my most important relationships in the last week.” 
Changbin’s gaze narrows in on you, and you can see him processing, going over things in his mind, reviewing the week back, looking for clues. 
“Have you talked to Chan about it?” He asks you finally, and you’re glad he hasn’t asked you what it was that you said. 
You don’t think you could repeat it again. 
‘Love. I know what that feels like.’ 
“I’ve been avoiding him.” You admit quietly, your gut churning into knots at just the thought of seeing Chan, at having to talk to him about what you’d admitted. 
Changbin takes your hands in his, thumbs brushing carefully over the sore, swollen skin of your knuckles, and when he speaks, his voice is gentle, but firm, “That’s the first step then. And we all need to make reparations with Jeongin. But I think you know all that already.” 
You swallow, before you nod reluctantly. 
“Yeah, I guess so.” 
He gives you the hint of a soft smile, and pulls you with him as he begins walking again, hand still firmly in his own. 
“C’mon. Let’s go home. Minho-hyung’s gonna wanna look at those knuckles.” 
You: Hey.  Innie: Hey.  You: Can we talk?  Innie: Yeah……cafe @ 12?  You: I’ll be there. 
You’re not sure what to expect when Jeongin slides into the booth opposite you, dropping his backpack with a thud and turning to you expectantly, albeit a little shyly. 
God, he’s pretty. 
His fiery red hair is tucked beneath a baseball cap today, a thick, wool cardigan hanging off his shoulders, a woven bracelet you vaguely remember Jisung making tied around his small wrist. His nails are painted a dark navy, matching the mood of the oncoming winter outside.
The scent of warm bread fills your nose as he leans toward you slightly, and your jaw aches in response, saliva pooling beneath your tongue. 
“Hi.” He says without preamble, large dark eyes on your own. 
You swallow and take in a deep breath through your mouth.
It sounds lame, flat, a placeholder for what you should be actually saying. 
You take in another breath and jump in without preamble. 
“Look, Jeongin, I am so fucking sorry-” 
His lips quirk slightly, catching you off guard, and he sits back, looking more relaxed now. 
“Yeah, I know, noona.” 
Your words die in your throat, and you stare at him, openly shocked. 
“You do?” 
“Yeah.” He shrugs, giving you a grin now, white teeth flashing. “Chan-hyung told me all about it. You know, after-” His words stumble to a halt, and his cheeks flush a deep red. 
Fucking adorable. 
You clear your throat. “Okay, well, I just need you to know though, that you’ve always been a part of this pack, from the moment we met you, but we just couldn’t figure out how to be around you when you weren’t-” 
“Presented.” Jeongin finishes for you easily, his brow quirking upward. “Yeah, noona, I get it now. It’s okay.” 
Your body relaxes slightly, and you let out the breath you’ve been holding, sinking back into the booth behind you. 
“Yeah?” “Yeah.” Jeongin nods back resolutely, his expression open and understanding. “It hurt, before, because I didn’t get it, but now, I do.” His dark eyes flash with affection. “You guys were just trying to protect me. I see that now. Seriously.” 
Your alpha hums contentedly in your chest in response. 
“Fuck.” Your shoulders slump with relief. “We went about it really stupidly, Innie, but I swear we were.” 
He gives you a half smile, his lips curling up, and a wave of spiced cinnamon has your gut clenching with need. 
“It’s okay, noona. Really.” 
Might as well continue with the honesty, right? 
“Innie-” You let the words die on your tongue as his eyes meet yours, large, and dark, and completely vulnerable. You swallow and ask, like a coward, instead, “-are you feeling okay? You know, after everything?” 
His cheeks flush a subtle pink again, and he looks away, tapping his fingers on the table between you in an awkward sort of stiletto. 
“Yeah-” He gives a half little shrug, and you see his throat bob with a swallow. “-I mean, I guess? I don’t really know how I’m supposed to be feeling right now. I’ve never done this before.” You reach out, stilling his fingers by placing your palm over his hand, and when he finally looks at you once more, you give him a soft, comforting smile, squeezing his hand in your own. 
His skin is warm, soft and familiar beneath your hold. 
“It’s okay, Innie. We’ve all been there. It’s overwhelming at first.” 
“That’s an understatement.” He gives a little snort, rolling his eyes. “I swear to god I’ve never been this aware of how people smell in my entire life.” 
With a jolt, you realize that you’re probably being really overwhelming right now, this close to him, touching him, your alpha pheromones oozing from every pore in an attempt to soothe the agitated omega before you. 
“Oh, shit, I didn’t even think-” You start, pulling your hand from his grasp, but his fingers clench down on your own, his brow furrowing instantly. 
“No, not you!” He blurts out, almost in a panic, and you freeze. He clears his throat, blushing again, and then repeats quietly, “Not you, noona.I like how you smell. I like how everyone in the pack smells.” 
Your body relaxes once more, and you give him the hint of a smile as you reposition your hand over his. 
“Oh, okay. That’s good. Great, even.” 
“It is?” Jeongin questions curiously, before he lifts an arm, taking a sniff of his sweater, his large eyes flashing back up to your own, alight with innocence. “Do I smell good to you guys then too?” 
As if his body reacts to his own question, you catch a fresh wave of cinnamon and yeast, heady and strong, and your fingers tighten around his own on instinct, your jaw suddenly clenched, aching and expectant. 
You breathe out slowly through your nose, and relax your fingers one by one. 
“Yeah-” You get out through gritted teeth. “-you could say that.” 
Your alpha is begging you to pounce on the omega in front of you-all too big eyes and small frame, wrapped up prettily in an oversized sweater-but you force down the instinct, breathing out slowly instead, counting to ten silently in your head as Jeongin watches you expectantly. 
“Noona?” He asks, a little hesitantly, and you’d bet that his omega is doing something weird, maybe alarming, in response to your obvious reaction. 
“Sorry.” You shake your head to clear your thoughts, and give him a strained smile, clearing your throat. “Yeah, you smell really good to us too, Innie. It’s a pack thing, a biology thing. Especially between alphas and omegas. Nature wants us to find each other enticing, so omega scents are specifically designed to appeal to alphas and vice versa.” 
“Oh.” He simply replies, looking thoughtful now, as if he’s digesting what you’ve told him. 
“Anyway-” You glance at the clock on the wall behind his head, noting the time and how long you’ve both been sitting at the booth now. “-I have a lab I need to get to, but it’s on the way to the omega dorms if you’re done for the day and wanna walk with me?” 
Jeongin’s eyes light up and he grins, nodding rapidly, as he reaches for his backpack and scoots out of the booth. 
“I’d like that.” 
You follow him out of the small, warm cafe, the winter air nipping at your nose as you step outside, slinging your own bag over your shoulder, your hands going into the pockets of your coat for warmth. 
Jeongin pulls a scarf from his bag and tucks it around his neck with difficulty, the brisk wind whipping at the knitted fabric. 
Without a thought, you step forward and bat his hands away teasingly, wrapping the scarf securely around his throat a few times, before you tuck the loose ends down into the heavy fabric of his cardigan. 
“There.” You say firmly, finishing and looking down at him, making sure he’s completely covered. “Better?” 
Jeongin stares up at you, wide, dark eyes lined with incredibly long lashes, the end of his pert nose already turning red from the cold, face tucked into the folds of the scarf. 
“Yeah.” He breathes out, still staring up at you, his breath clouding in the cold air, and not for the first time, you have the fleeting thought that Jeongin looks good enough to eat. 
Bread bakes between the two of you without warning, and you clear your throat, telling yourself to step back, but you can’t physically make your feet move, fingers still clenched on the soft fabric of Jeongin’s scarf. 
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that.” You choke out, not able to stop yourself, glancing around to see if anyone has noticed the two of you, frozen on the sidewalk in front of the campus cafe. 
No one is around.
You don’t know if that’s incredibly fortunate, or incredibly dangerous.
“Noona?” He questions softly, and your eyes flick back to his own. 
He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth and chews it, staring up at you, and everything inside of you is begging you to free the delicate, plump, pink skin. 
His cheeks are red, and you don’t know if it’s from the proximity, or from the frigid air. 
“Can I ask you something?” 
You hold your breath. “Of course.” 
He glances away, suddenly looking nervous. “Do you-” He takes in a shaky breath, and bravely meets your gaze once more. “-I mean, would you-?” 
You know what he’s asking, even without the words. 
Taking a step closer to him, your shoes butting against his own, you put a finger beneath his chin and angle his gaze upward, and you’re so close now, your lips are almost brushing, the warmth of Jeongin’s breath fanning across your tongue. 
You can almost taste the bread. 
“Yes, little pup. I would.” You murmur, words husky, voice dropping into a touch of alpha timber in response to his body against your own, his omega practically begging for your alpha just beneath the surface of his gaze. 
He sucks in a sharp breath as you let your thumb brush across the seam of his lips. 
“However, if I kiss you now, baby boy, I don’t think I’d be able to stop anytime soon.” 
His body shivers, and you can tell it’s not from the cold, and fuck, you really want to skip your lab, but-
You thumb his bottom lip once more, letting the skin drag beneath your touch, before you pull back. 
“And I want to take my fucking time, so-” You tug his collar and scarf up around his throat once more, bundling him for the walk back to the dorms. 
His eyes are hazed, pupils dark and blown, as you give him a little smirk. 
“-later, hm, pup?” 
He nods eagerly, and your alpha chuffs approvingly in response.
“Good boy. Now c’mon, let’s get you out of this cold.” 
“You can’t avoid him forever, you know.” 
Jisung tosses another handful of popcorn into his mouth beside you on the couch, eyes trained on the TV where a badly made action movie is currently playing. 
You don’t look at him as you query back innocently, “Who?” 
He snorts, stuffing more popcorn into his already puffed cheeks. 
“I’m not avoiding him.” You reply back a little too quickly, clearly a lie, your eyes stilling on the page you’ve been doggedly reading for the last half an hour. 
Jisung snorts again. “Yeah, okay, and I’m not fucking Minho-hyung.” 
“Ew.” You shove his shoulder, and he totters, steadying the popcorn bowl at the last moment so it doesn’t dump its contents all over said hyung’s couch. 
He gives you a glare, throwing a popcorn kernel at your head, and missing by a margin. 
“Well, it’s true! I’m just saying, noona-” His words become muffled as he shoves another handful of popcorn into his waiting mouth, glancing at the movie once more. “-ever’one knows you’re being weird all the sudd’n.” 
“Yeah, okay, well-” You shut your book a little bit harder than necessary, tossing it aside as you stand. “-when I want advice from you, Han Jisung, I’ll ask for it.” You lean over him obnoxiously, blocking his view of the TV, as you take a large handful of his popcorn and shove it into your mouth, chewing loudly as you stare him down. 
“Hey!” He protests, jerking the popcorn out of your reach violently, as you straighten and give him one last pointed look, gathering up your homework. 
“I’m only trying to help!” He calls out as you turn to leave the living room, flipping him off over your shoulder without looking back. “Just looking out for you, noona!” 
He goes up on his knees on the couch, cupping his hands around his mouth, as if it’ll make him louder, and you can’t hear him just beyond the doorway. 
“Considering, you know, that he’s here right now and all!” 
His words don’t register for a moment, and when they do, it’s already too late, considering you’ve just rounded the corner into Minho’s kitchen and caught sight of both he and Chan sitting, deep in conversation, at the small table. 
You come to a dead stop, your stomach instantly dropping out of your shoes, and they both look up at your entrance, Minho arching a brow at what you’re sure is clear, unfiltered panic crossing your face. 
His lips curve into the hint of a knowing smirk.
“Ah, sweetheart. We were just talking about you.” 
504 notes · View notes
drvirgus · 3 months
can i request a one shot? only if ur comfortable nd want to though also this is my first time requesting something so sorry if it’s messy😭
my request:
so momo from twice with female reader pure fluff right so reader and mono are alr dating. momos dogs boo and dobby, boo being the one whose super energetic people call him a demon dog and wtv, reader has heard about momos dogs but never met them so twice invites them to the dorms for a movie or something and momos dogs are there nd ofc boo is barking, growling nd all that stuff. reader eventually arrives and boo meets reader nd basically boo likes reader and is calm with reader showing a side that twice haven’t seen from boo even from momo.
soooo sorry for it being long😞 it’s my first request ever!! also u don’t need to if ur uncomfortable with the request!!!💟
This request wasnt uncomfortable for me at all 🥰🥰🥰 Hopefully you like that
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Momo X Reader
wc: 1,4k
Warnings: none
Momo had always been embarrassed to introduce her dog to new people. He would constantly bark, pee, or just be a little devil. Maybe that was also the reason why she had never invited you over to her place, even though you have been together for over three months now. Momo always preferred to spend her time at your house. Your house was quite different from hers. It smelled good, was clean, and pretty tidy. To Momo, however, it was also quite minimalist, as her home was cluttered with things she never really used.
Despite Boo being a devil in dog's clothing, she loved him. She could never, in her life, give him or Dobby, her other dog, away. Clearly, one could see the drastic difference between the two dogs. Dobby was rather calm, friendly, and seemed to enjoy life. Boo was quite the opposite. Others would say he was on crack. He was much more playful, sometimes more aggressive, and above all, a bigger nuisance.
The other Twice members liked to make fun of this. Especially how Boo once peed on the youngest member's leg. Just like right now, as all the Twice members were making themselves comfortable in the Japanese member's living room. Dobby was lying relaxed on the couch while Boo ran around wildly.
From time to time, could hear his growling and barking until his claws hit the floor again as he took off. Momo sighed, "I'm inviting y/n," the eldest said. Momo's eyes widened as she saw the smartphone in Nayeon's hand. She laughed in panic, "No," Momo blurted out.
Nayeon hesitated and looked questioningly at her friend and roommate. "Why not?" Jihyo asked, causing Momo to look at their leader as well. A blush formed on Momo's cheeks. "I... don't want Boo to scare her off," the Japanese girl admitted, embarrassed.
All faces, except for Momo's and Nayeon's, looked the same. A stunned silence filled the room, only the sound of an Instagram reel playing repeatedly could be heard. At least until Tzuyu, the youngest of them, started to speak, "Y/n has never been here?" she asked, and Momo nodded hesitantly.
"Where do you guys hang out then?" Mina asked suddenly, also shocked by the realization that Momo's girlfriend had never seen her home. Momo looked at Mina, slightly annoyed, "At her place," she replied curtly. "We're always at her place," she added, causing the others to nod.
"And you leave this old lady alone with your demon dog?" Jeongyeon asked, laughing loudly as she immediately got a smack on the arm. "I'm not old!" Nayeon retorted indignantly, but everyone ignored her. Sana, who was mostly cuddling with Dobby, hummed a little tune. "Y/n is already on her way here," she suddenly said.
"Oh yes, I forgot to mention. I invited y/n."
Momo stared in disbelief at the other Japanese member, who calmly played with her dog Dobby, holding his paws in her hands. Momo hesitated visibly until she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Come on. We've all accepted Boo. Y/n will too," Chaeyoung said. Her dimpels deepened as her smile grew wider.
Momo was nervous. Her hand clung to the half-opened door as she forced a smile onto her face and looked at you. You smiled broadly at the black-haired girl, placing your hand on her hip and giving her a gentle kiss. "Hey," you whispered softly as you stepped into the house and took off your shoes before Momo could change her mind.
You knew Momo was scared. After all, you had tried several times to get into her house. But no matter how often you tried, you always ended up at your place. You knew why, as you had already talked about it. A smile appeared on your face as you turned to the beautiful Japanese girl and watched her close the door.
You heard quiet footsteps and claws scraping across the floor. Immediately, you looked down at both dogs. Of course, you had already seen videos of them and could tell them apart quite well. "This is Dobby," Momo began speaking quietly as she briefly pointed to the dog on the left. Shortly after, she pointed to the other dog and swallowed hard. "This is Boo."
You immediately started smiling as you looked at the two small dogs. You weren't afraid, no matter what anyone said about Boo. You had always been a dog lover anyway. Slowly but surely, you crouched down, resting your arms on your knees. "Hey," you said calmly. Dobby slowly approached you, while Boo suddenly jumped up and tried to climb onto your legs.
You sternly furrowed your brow. "No," you simply said, which made Boo perk up his ears. His tail, which had been wagging wildly, dropped to the floor in disappointment. A soft whimper escaped his snout. A small, satisfied smile appeared on your lips as you took his little head in your hand to playfully pet him.
You immediately stood up again to look at your somewhat surprised-looking girlfriend. "Come on. I heard my wife is here?" you asked, which earned you a playful slap on the arm. A loud laugh escaped your throat, and you started to playfully run away from the Japanese girl.
Somehow, you found your way into the living room, and without even saying hello, you hid behind the eldest and simultaneously your self-declared wife. Nayeon laughed as she looked up at Momo and then at you. "You have to sort this out yourself," Nayeon suddenly said as she stood up from her spot and walked away.
Your eyes widened as you watched Nayeon leave. Almost immediately, you got down on your knees and folded your hands together. "I have decided that she is no longer my wife."
The hours passed. Everyone had already eaten and, of course, had something to drink. The loud laughter of your girlfriend echoed throughout the room, and the neighbors would surely complain about the variety of loud laughs they were hearing. Slowly but surely, each laugh died out, enveloping the room in a pleasant silence.
Dahyun raised her eyebrows as she lifted her hand. "Hey, guys. Do you hear that?" she asked, looking at each of us. You frowned in confusion. "What is it?" Sana asked, tilting her head to the side. "I don't hear anything," Mina chimed in.
"Exactly!" Dahyun exclaimed suddenly. Jeongyeon was the first to understand and immediately looked around the room. "Where is the demon?" she asked, prompting Momo next to you to look around as well. You looked at Jeongyeon quizzically. "Demon?"
The youngest member suddenly started laughing as she looked at you with an amused smile. "Boo. We haven't heard him in a while. The last time it was this quiet, he chewed up all our shoes," Tzuyu explained, and almost immediately, Chaeyoung jumped up and ran to the door where all the shoes were.
"Hm? Oh," you simply said as you continued to pet the dog's belly with your left hand. "He's here," you calmly pointed to your left. Boo was lying completely relaxed next to you, his belly exposed to you, his ears relaxed, and his eyes closed.
"That's Dobby. Boo is never this relaxed," Mina remarked, while Nayeon added, "Dobby is with me."
All the women stared at you in amazement with open mouths. Even Momo kept glancing over at you to check if it was indeed Boo. She did this repeatedly until she finally realized it. You smiled immediately upon recognizing the look in your girlfriend's eyes.
Contentment, happiness, love, and above all, relief.
"I love you so much," the Japanese girl whispered next to you as she leaned even closer, connecting your lips in a kiss. Jeongyeon playfully covered the youngest member's eyes, causing everyone to laugh. But you were in your own world. Your mouth opened a bit more as you deepened the kiss.
"Okay. Uh," Mina interjected awkwardly.
Momo's hand on your neck pulled you further into the kiss, and neither of you showed any sign of breaking it.
"We should go," Tzuyu suggested.
Your hand wandered to your girlfriend's thigh, gripping it more firmly and pulling her even closer to you.
"It was nice here... uh bye," the door closed behind them.
This was the moment Momo broke the kiss, but only for a few seconds to pull her T-shirt over her head and toss it to the floor. Immediately, you reconnected your lips for another kiss.
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zyonsay · 3 months
Parisienne im Mund SKI AGGU
Summary: Shooting the Balla Balla MV!
Reader: Genderneutral
Warnings: Smoking
Now playing: 'Balla Balla' by Ski Aggu
AN: Heya everyone! Finally some Ski Aggu content! I feel like there's such a lack of fics about him, which probably is since he's a german artist who doesnt cater to anyone besides german speakers- At least thats how i imagine it?? Anyways! This was really hard to write cuz in my mind lil bro does NOT speak english, which makes it sooo difficult for me to make him speak english. Idk, maybe im just yapping. Alsooo!! I mostly write male readers but i thought since theres barely any ski aggu fics i‘d give a lil treat to fem aligned people too :)
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 Die, die ich date, hat uns Karten für die Oper gekauft Doch ich kann heut nicht, weil ich mich mit meinen Govas besauf' Jemand legt mir eine Peitsche, doch die macht mir nichts aus, Weil ich hab' viele tolle Ranzen wie Scout
A row of dressed up people stood around, waiting for their cue. You were currently doing a favor for your friend from Hamburg, Luca. Recently he made more time for his main passion, filming music videos and social media content. Long story short, his buddy needed a bunch of people for a music video and since you owe him a favor, you gladly came along.
Ja, ich bin ein heißer Atze, ich tanz' bauchfrei im Club Hol' meinen Perso raus, doch nicht, weil ich mich ausweisen muss
The camera panned around the entrance of the club and music filled the room. Just beforehand you were personally introduced to the man in whose music video you’d appear.
“Hey, das ist Y/N. Basically meine rechte Hand.” Luca placed his arm around your shoulders, pulling you slightly into him while smiling widely. “Oh hey, danke fürs kommen!”, you blinked for a second, your german was sadly quite rusty. “Oh umm, sorry but my german is absolute shit.”, you pursed your lips shyly. The young guy in front of you smiled. “No problem! I’m Aggu by the way.” He held his hand out to dap you up. You interlinked your own hand with his. “Nice to meet you, love your music.” A genuine smile spread across your lips, which he immediately mirrored. He was known to wear a ski mask, but right now you were glad to be able to look into his blueish grey eyes. Something was drawing you to him, maybe his sharp features, his messy blond hair or the crooked but sweet smile. “Thanks! I’ve heard so much about you from Luca.” You tilted your head, nudging your friend who was still next to you. “Only good things, right?”
The smoke machines were going ham and the air inside the rented club was getting way too hot. Someone had brought along a bubble gun, so colorful glycerin blobs now bobbed through the air and occasionally landed on a person’s head. “Ok, nächster Take in 3, 2, 1!” Luca began filming and just how the instructions earlier had said, everybody started jumping around and dancing, mimicking the nightlife at a club. Music boomed trough a speaker, helping Aggu keep the pace and time his gestures correctly. The lights flashed, you purposely spilled your drink while dancing, the messier it looked, the better. It all began to feel more and more like a fever dream. Aggu had lit a cigarette and was wildly gesturing at the camera while singing to the lyrics, the melody of which flowed through the crowd.
Ich rapp' darüber, was in meinem Leben passiert, Treff' 'ne Granate im Backi, die meine Nägel lackiert, woah, mh Sie sagt mir: „Komm, wir gehen von hier“ Weil der Backstage Arsch ist wie ich später bei ihr.
Next up was a scene at the backstage, Luca had insisted stubbornly that you should play in that scene. Two seats were smushed into a corner and a few things were thrown around to make it look messy. You propped yourself in one of those seats, facing Aggu. He was rapping about something something nail polish, but all you knew is that you had to whisper in his ear for a take. Carefully, you leant closer to him, your back was turned against the camera. His scent was intoxicating, a light hint of smoke lingered on him. Feeling a bit cheeky, you laid your hand on the front of his shoulder, practically resting yourself against him. A slight flush spread across your cheeks at the proximity, you were thankful that the camera wasn’t filming your face.
Aggu leant over the bar and let out an exhausted huff. “Fertig!”, Luca grinned from one ear to another. The takes you had now were pretty damn good and even though it was fun, everybody was happy to finish the video shooting. “You ok?” You spun around on one of the barstools. “Hm?”, he hummed while tiredly lifting his head from where he was resting it, buried in his arms. “Yeah, just tired. But I’m happy with how it turned out.” You nodded lightly, stopping your endless spinning. “C’mon, I’ll sponsor you a Cig.” Even under the ski goggles you could see his eyes light up.
You placed a cigarette between your lips and then held out your pack of Parisiennes to him. The two of you were sat on the step of some stairs at the back entrance of the club, your legs touching. “You got fire?”, a slightly embarrassed look flashed over your face. Somehow you always forgot to bring your lighter – or you lose it by the time you need it. “Mhm.” Aggu hummed. He had taken the ski goggles off and once again you found yourself glancing at his eyes. He expected you to take the lighter into your own hands, but you just held your cigarette in place and leaned in towards him. A few strands of hair loosened and fell into your face. He couldn’t help his breath hitching at the closeness, he could smell your cologne. It smelled like green tea mixed with a minty undertone, or to put it differently, a breath of fresh air. It took Aggu a second to register your movement, but he then reached his lighter forward, holding the flame to the cigarette between your lips. The orange light illuminated your face and made it glow; he was mesmerized. Your eyes fluttered open and you caught him looking at you, a slight smile spread across your lips.
Ich bin balla-balla Komplett gaga Parisienne im Mund, ich bin ein toller Macker
With a sweet, slightly stupid grin he lit his own cigarette. A light chuckle escaped you, he seemed to fancy you as much as you fancied him. He took a long drag of his cigarette before leaning against your shoulder, the nicotine rush fuzzing up his mind.
Ich bin balla-balla Komplett gaga Ihr Swag 2010, sie trägt einen Rock mit Brakka
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aidansloth · 6 months
Slow Dancing
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Summary: JJ and you slow dance <33 (short but sweet)
Warnings: dirty jokes (i mean, it’s JJ), swearing and nothing else really
Words: 1k
Posted this on AO3 too! You can find it here.
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Your head was laying against JJ’s chest, the two of you comfortably spread out on the Chateau's couch. It was just the two of you, late as it was everyone had gone home (but John B, obviously, who was already snoring in his room). JJ considered this place his home therefore making it kind of yours too. 
Air filled and emptied your lungs with no hurry. The world seemed to slow down at times like these, the only people to exist were you two. His fingers traced your arm gently up and down while your figure basically engulfed him. Softly playing in the background was the radio, whatever station it was set on didn’t really cross your mind, nor the song that was playing. That was until a specific song came up. With no hesitation, you pulled your top half up, looking at him.
His eyes twinkled as they followed your figure sprung up with a bubble of joy stuck to you; standing in front of him you put your hands in front, waiting. His eyebrows scrunched up while looking at them before his gaze lifted to your eyes, his mouth opened a couple of times but no words were uttered at first. 
Your eyes lit up, a painfully big smile popped up on your face and JJ swore he fell a little bit more in love with you.
"I love this song!” 
“What… what are you doing?” A giggle came out of your mouth as if he said the funniest thing in the world.
“Asking you for a dance, obviously.” 
“Obviously.” He repeated with a couple of nods and a half-convinced smile. His hands that were previously toying with each other came up to fix his hat: a nervous habit of his at which you smiled at.
“Sorry to disappoint babe, but I don’t know how to dance.” JJ had never had the need or want to learn how to dance but in that moment it was his biggest regret. Now, he clearly wasn’t unfamiliar with party dancing, with dancing that took place in bars or nightclubs; that dancing you could say he was very intimate with. But this dancing? Dancing that accompanied sincere feelings and longing stares? No. Nothing prepared him for the sugar-y rotten feeling in his gut that your request brought him. How could his movements ever compare to the gentleness of you?
 For reasons to him unknown but to which he was greatly thankful for, your smile grew wider. With a shrug you responded.
“Me neither,” your hands still sweetly tempting him, “But that’s what makes it fun.” 
And how could he ever deny you?
So that’s what he did. His hands rested on yours and you pulled him up with haste, as if you simply couldn’t wait to have him against you. His feet and hands had never moved so clumsily and he was suddenly grateful he took his combat boots off earlier. The only thing keeping him grounded was the feel of your hands on his. Such a soft touch so unfamiliar on him. 
“So, ehm- how, how do we do this?” His long eyelashes brushed his cheeks as he tried to move with you without stepping on your feet. Lips slightly agape, hair messy and his goddam nose sitting so fucking adorably on his face. God he was so fucking pretty was the only thought circulating your mind right now, so much you nearly got lost in it.
“Just- you just gotta feel it, you know?”
“Don’t mean to be rude here sweetheart but unfortunately I don’t feel it.” Your chuckle was heaven to his ears.
“Okay okay, just follow me then, alright?”
“Always sweetcheeks.”
Your arms moved in unison, as one was brought towards you the other one shifted towards him, along with your bodies adjusting to the rhythm. Simple enough. Light giggles filled the dim room and JJ’s muscles finally relaxed. 
“See ‘J? You’re a natural.” As your pretty (very very pretty according to the boy) eyes look up at him so dearly he can’t resist a joke.
“Yeah, guess you just took my slow-dancing-virginity.” His eyebrows wiggle and a shit-eating grin appears on his face. A laugh raptured from you.
“Your what?”
“My slow-dancing-virginity.” He stated with much conviction.
“Okay- are you enjoying this new experience then?” Your smile and eyebrow wiggle mimicked his.
“Oh,” he scoffed, "Don’t even have to ask babe. You've been an excellent teacher.” JJ couldn’t resist a wink. “Wouldn’t mind you teaching me some other things.” Was he saying all of this just to get your pretty laugh out? Maybe, but it didn’t make it any less true. Another snort left you.
"Forward much?”
He shrugged, another suppressed grin. “You know me. Straight to the point kind of guy.” 
With new found confidence he left one of your hands and lifted the other one above your head; quickly getting the signal you twirled for him. He bit his lip: you looked ethereal. He must have done some damn good deed in his past life to deserve this.
Nothing matched the giggle-leaking smile that adorned your face. Your lonely hand met his again. Normally you’d make a silly remark regarding his surprise cheesiness but the silence embracing you two felt too comfortable to break.
At this point the initial song had finished and already switched to some other lovesick tune. Your eyes were still drowning in each other’s, soft smiles the same. Gradually your hands came up around his neck and his rested on your waist, thumb caressing your skin. His head came to rest against yours, his breath just taking you in. 
“Careful there JJ, you might go soft on me.” You left out a giggle that slowly died down as he watched you oh so tenderly. 
His thumb still stroking your waist, eyes grinning with glee. “Yeah, just might.”
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Thank you for reading!! Constructive criticism/advice is welcomed.
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Would you mind sharing your planning process of the comic? I'm starting to brainstorm a fiction idea and right now the ideas are very messy and I wanted to know if you could show how you plan what happens on a season and on an episode, maybe with an example of a season episode you already published, so I can learn how to organize myself?
I really, REALLY appreciate you coming to ask me for help with this. It's awesome to hear that you respect my writing enough to seek me out as an authority on such things, or at least enough to ask for advice.
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But I'm gonna be real with you - what you're asking for is not a quick slapdash reply that I can whip up in my free time. What you're asking for is an hour long video essay (with examples) on the level of an educational creative writing online course.
And I--I don't know if I have it in me to do that right now. Not with everything else I'm trying to do. (Sorry.)
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What I can give you instead is a basic rundown, and maybe some recommendations for where to this stuff.
To be absolutely brief: For me, the best way to visualize how I plan would be to make a flowchart.
Keep in mind that....... I don't ever actually.......MAKE. A flowchart.
Mostly, I am just using this as a visual representation of how my ideas flow from and to each other in a coherent way. The reality is that this skill is something you have to develop until it becomes second nature.
As an example, let's take the episode(s) where I introduced Seaglass.
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This little arc was planned in season 3, but really started to come into play in Season 4.
To make it happen, I started with the obvious main idea: SEAGLASS.
I then broke it down into multiple smaller ideas:
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If you notice, the main plot of this doesn't even start when the Seaglass exposition does. Steven makes Seaglass back in season 3, but doesn't know about it. But these ideas are still important to acknowledge as being a part of the main plot.
I then fill in MORE space between these larger ideas.
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This whole set of steps is just a logical progression of me playing 'how do we get there'. I make up plot points and say 'what happens to get from A to B?'
And keep in mind - this may seem kinda obvious. That's because... it should be! But that's how the planning happens.
Realistically, it's just a bunch of asking myself questions. The same exact questions I refuse to answer in asks.
"What happens next? What would happen if....?" "Why doesn't Steven know about ....?"
"How would Steven find Seaglass if he doesn't know she exists?"
Well she's small and green, kinda like Peridot. So he goes looking for Peridot and mistakes Seaglass for her.
BAM! You've got yourself a plot point. That's a plan, baybee!
And then just kinda rinse and repeat.
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And eventually, you want to make sure that you have some sort of connection back to the main plot point. In this case, it's the realization that Steven CREATED LIFE.
Again, I want to stress - I don't actually........plan.... by writing this down.
I do this process in my head. Often, multiple times per chapter, writing and editing to make it make more and more sense. The important part is about asking yourself questions. The same questions your readers should be asking.
"Why is this character doing this?" "Why is this event happening NOW?" "How will A find out when they realize what B has done?" "What is the BEST time for B to find out...? What is the WORST time?"
All of this takes imagination. It isn't about organization. It's moreso about learning to tetris plot events into their most snug spaces. It's about thinking of events as a staircase, which eventually leads to a larger staircase of plot arcs.
And as a final note, I will say that someday, when I'm less busy, I may make a video about plot. But it will take more time and effort, and for now, please just watch videos by other creators! I'm sure they're just as good at it as I am.
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sissiarte · 4 months
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THEY ARE HERE!!! I'm very excited to finally share the full designs hope you guys like them <3
These are only like a base, they'll wear more layers on top and have more weapons and armor some times (and like, wear other clothes) but I wanted to have at least one reference for myself that I can use and later on work on top of and give them more outfits (playing dolls with them basically)
I had a lot of thought behind the designs so if you're interested, there's an infodump below the cut. It's very long and messy so read at your own risk
I tried to have some sort of historical accuracy (even if it's a fictional story and the exact time period when it happens is ??) mainly bc I'm tired of how celts are portrayed in media (they wore tacky colors please stop with the grey brown leathers fur), and a bit bc I'm a nerd and I can't do anything if I don't do some research before.
On the other hand I wanted to make good character designs that told things about the characters and stuff, so I had to juggle a bit both things. Plus there's not much variation in clothing styles, so I had to do what I could.
I wanted to use colors, jewelery and styles to group or distinguish the characters. So Láeg and Emer wear a very similar color palette, Cú Chulainn has some blue in his mainly red outfit (and also the under tunic thing resembles Emer's) and Ferdia has some red in his mainly blue one.
Láeg and Cú Chulainn wear the same kind of thing, but I gave Cú Chulainn more layers in reference to the 34683 shirts thing. I went no pants wider belt for Ferdia bc honestly I didn't know how else to make a clear distinction as "this one character is from a different place", there's only so much you can do with the few styles there are.
Jewelery choices! This was a lot bc I really like torcs and I wanted to use them again to give Ulster characters and Connacht characters different kinds of torcs. My first instinct was to give Connacht those very heavy ones that have rings at the ends, but then I did some research and those were only found in england so. Then I went to look what kind of torcs were found in each place and I found that they were the same!!! Obviously!!! Bc they are next to eachother!!!
So I took creative choices and as I found some bracelets in Ulster that looked like torcs I went okay those done (plus they are way easier to draw) And I gave Ferdia the spirally one and Cú Chulainn the "bracelet" one. Plus gave a matching bracelet to Láeg. Emer wears a lunula bc her father is described as wearing one in The Hound of Ulster and I liked it.
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(some pics for reference: from left to right the torc Ferdia wears, the bracelet Láeg wears and from were I based Cú Chulainn's torc, and the lunula Emer wears)
Also important, the headpiece Láeg wears. I used to draw Cú Chulainn with a similar one just because I liked it, but then after reading I liked that Láeg is the only one wearing it. At first I was going to give Emer a similar one but in the end decided against it to make it exclusive to Láeg and to not give her more jewelery than to Ferdia. I wanted Ferdia to wear a lot and be like, more stylish I guess bc I feel he cares about that stuff (I mean part of the bribe to fight Cú Chulainn was a brooch so)
And I think that's it! Sorry it was a lot hfasjkd but I wanted to share it. If there's something I have missed and you're curious to know about feel free to ask! I might have a long ass answer like this or it might be just because XD And if you have comments or opinions they are also welcome! I'm no expert or anything (just a big nerd) so I apreciate any insight.
And if you've gotten this far thank you for reading my yapping <3
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