#sorry mutals i will whine
garrandia · 2 years
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any day now
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mattyssluttt · 6 months
Bad Idea!
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Summary~Matt and y/n broke up nearly a year ago but it was a mutal break up as they knew they were toxic,what happens when y/n accidentally sent matt a few pictures on accident.
I softly hummed to the music that echoed through my room as i scrolled through the pictures in my camera roll,the nude ones,the non nude ones.
A messages appeared from the guy ive been speaking to.
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I swiped onto my snapchat going into my eyes only,tapping the passcode into choosing my best photo and went back on to message typing up matt and pressing the first one.
My heart dropped slightly,why was matt texting me not the coffee matt, matt matt my ex.
I slowly pressed onto his message.
My heart beat rapidly beated,my heart felt like it was in my throat.
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What the fuck!
I clutched onto my phone,my thumb grazing over the keyboard before texting back letting out a shaky sigh.
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I threw my phone across my room,panic rushing through my body what have i gotten myself into. A simple ‘no im so sorry wrong person’ or ‘block’ could of been fine.. But no! Fuck fuck fuck. I jumped out of my bed throwing on some makeup,quickly ripping off my sweat pants and the oversized tshirt changing it to a lace lounge set so i didnt look a mess.
I let out a sigh of relief hearing my door bell go off my heart sank,i sprayed my perfume running around my room throwing stuff in my wardrobe to make my room look clean before rushing down stairs looking at my door before pulling it open.
I got cut off with matt pushing me against my wall slamming the door close smashing his pink plumbed lips against mine,fuck how i have missed this,his cold slender hands trailed down to my hips giving them a tight squeeze before turning us around to my couch pushing me onto it as he dangled over me his chain following swiping across my skin as our bodies moved in sync.
His swollen lips moved to my jaw giving to a soft peck then down to my neck,nibbling my sweet spot earing a breathy moan from me,sucking on my sweet spot making marks along my skin.
‘oh-oh matt’
He chuckled against my skin,the warm feeling of his breath hitting my skin made my breath hitch,a whine made its way out of mouth of desperation.
‘I know pretty girl hold on for me’
The urge of needing him became desperate, louder whine made its way out again,his index finger placed onto my lips as he shushed me.
His cold fingers grazed over my clothed clit as they traveled up to the waist band on my shorts pulling them allowing them to snap against my skin earning a wince from me,he tugged on my shorts with desperation,i lifted my hips up helping him as he slid my shorts off throwing them somewhere in my living room.
The pad of his thumb connected to my clit rubbing the bud softly while he slipped his index and middle finger into my leaking hole thrusting them in and out,curling them to my g-stop.
‘nghh-hh fuc—fuck fuck matt’
My legs shook as the knot formed in my stomach,i arched my back off the sofa unable to process the pleasure rushing through my body,i felt close as my legs shook harshly and the knot wanting to snap.
‘ima cu-cum..matt! nghh fuck’
He fucked me with his fingers harder leaning over to my face kissing me,slipping his tongue into my mouth exploring it,the knot snapped as i squirted all over his fingers i felt him smirk against my swollen lips as he leaned down to my wet cunt,his tongue licked a strip under agaisnt my pussy earning a hiss from me from feeling senstive.
‘so pretty..teasing me with your nudes hm?’
Words were unable to form from the amount of pleasure i just felt and the tiredness swarming over me,fuck..
Not fucking for ages really did have an effect on me,i was never this tired after we used to have sex my breathing was heavy,sweat trickled down my forehead as my hair was stuck onto it; a hand swept away the sweaty hair making me sigh.
‘mm stay here pretty girl’
I felt where his presence was once there disappear then come back,he had a towel in his hand wiping up my juices off me and the couch while i sat up he got up finding my shorts for me; helping me get them back on due to the weakness in my below part of my body.
He picked me up carrying me to my bed placing me on the bed,i pulled my covers up tucking myself under the quilts whilst he was shuffling around but i didnt know what with since i had my eyes closed,too lazy to even open them,i felt the bed dip next to me shirtless matt snaking his arm around my waist pulling me into him as his kisses my temple softly moving to turn my bedside lamp over so he wouldng move me too much then went back into his original place snuggling me,mumbling the words.
I love you..
As we both drifted off.
First fic since ages ago😝😝😝
ik this wasnt rlly good sorryy❤️
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mytheoristavenue · 5 months
MHA Mezo Shoji x Reader - Make Believe - II
Summary: You ask Shoji to pretend to be your boyfriend for a dinner with your parents.
Warnings: Long, multi-parted, fluff, mutal pining, fake dating trope, mild language, fem!reader, not proofread
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After classes ended for the day, you retired to your dorm, jumped into a quick shower, and sat at your desk to apply your makeup. Glancing in the mirror, you meticulously looked over yourself, fussing over the littlest detail. After a bit, you sigh, giving up on chasing perfection and stood, walking over to your closet to find something to wear.
A floor up and across the hall from you, Shoji did the same, toweling off his wet, silver hair before running a comb through it to straighten any rogue strands. Fligging through his closet, he struggled to find something suitable for meeting his 'girlfriend's', parents. Due to his quirk and stature, most of his wardrobe was sleeveless, though he did have an idea.
Sitting on a train station bench, you once again found yourself nervous, fidgeting, and looking for Shoji. Shuffling the train tickets in your hands, you began to worry he might have backed out, making you worry. Pulling out to call him, you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder- or more accurately, three.
"Hey, sorry I'm a bit late." A smooth voice called from behind you prompting you to turn around, a blush creeping across your face upon laying eyes on him. "Hope I didn't worry you." Shoji wore a navy blue turtleneck, sleeveless of course, with grey slacks, loafers, and a grey sports coat draped around his shoulders, which hid most of his arms.
"Shoji..." you gasped lightly. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear sleeves!" you commented, before realizing how rude it must have sounded. "I-I mean, I like how you normally dress but...y-you look handsome with sleeves..." you stammered, glancing away and rubbing the back of your neck.
"Sleeves aren't exactly practical for me, nor are they comfortable," he says, offering you a hand to help you up. "But, dress to impress, as they say." You take his hand, letting him pull you up and you both begin walking towards the appropriate train. "By the way, you look lovely, if I may say. I can't place what you've done differently, but whatevcer it is looks nice."
"Thanks, Shoji..." you smiled, blushing a bit as you both boarded.
Finding your seats, you slid in first, him allowing you to have the window seat. After you both settled in and the train began to move, you spoke again. "It's nearly an hour-long ride, do you think we should, I don't know- practice?"
"What exactly were you wanting to practice, (Y/L/N)?" Shoji asked, cocking a suspicious brow.
"N-Nothing like that!" You fuss, punching his arm lightly, blushing. "Don't be a perv!"
"Hey," he puts his hands up in defense. "I didn't say anything specific. If you think I meant something perverted, you made it up yourself which makes you the perv."
"I meant like get our story straight!" you whined, slumping your shoulders dramatically. "Like how we met, how long we've been together- that sort of thing!"
Shoji thought for a moment, humming. "How about, we say we met at school because we did, and we've been together for about six months. That's a short enough time to justify me not meeting them sooner, but a long enough time for it to make sense that I'm meeting them now."
"Yeah, that makes sense!" you chirp, nodding. "I didn't even think of that, you're so smart, Shoji!"
"I know." he joked with a smirk before continuing. "By the way, you should probably call me Mezo,"
You blush lightly at the idea of using his first name, indicating a closer relationship. "How come?"
"It'd be weird if we still called each other by our formal names six months into a relationship." he rationalized. "Are you alright with me calling you (Y/N)?"
You nodded with a sweet smile. "Yeah, I don't mind at all, Shoj-" You caught yourself and corrected with a clearing of your throat. "Ahem, Mezo."
The way the corners of his eyes creased told you that he was smiling without having to see his lips. "That's better. By the way, do you think we should get the awkward stuff out of the way while we have the chance?"
"What do you mean?" you asked, cocking your head to the side while glancing up at him.
"Like PDA and stuff," he replied, glancing up at the ceiling of the train away from your gaze, rubbing the back of his neck, almost nervously. "Won't it look suspicious if we don't touch each other at all all night?"
"I figured we'd cross that bridge when we got to it." you say, shrugging, not understanding why he was so concerned.
"But it won't look as natural if it's the first time, right?" Now that he mentioned it, he had a point. It'd be odd for a couple of six months to still not hug or hold hands.
"I guess that makes sense. What do you think we should do?" you ask, humming as you thought.
"Well," he said. "Practice makes perfect?" He offered you his main right hand, staring down at you expectantly. You slipped your hand into his, red-faced, noting how warm his palm was and how his hand dwarfed yours. "There," he smiled. "We can just hold hands for a few minutes to get used to it. That okay?"
You were astonished at how gentle he was being with this all. He didn't even want to do it when you first asked, now he was sharply dressed, and doing whatever he could to make the ruse look as real as possible. Here he was, on the train to your hometown, holding your hand like it were a baby bird- fragile, but in need of warmth and structure.
After a few minutes, the pair of you had naturally begun to relax against each other, arms pressing together and weight being distributed more evenly. It was inevitable that your head would fall on his shoulder, and even more so that you would shoot back up, apologizing profusely.
"Oh, Shoji, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get too comfortable!" You fussed, cheeks aglow.
He simply chucked at you, serene as always. "I promise, it's alright. The more comfortable we get with one another, the better we'll sell this thing. Besides, we're barely doing anything, you act like you've never done this before." Your silence spoke volumes and he quickly came to the conclusion on his own. "Oh, my God, you've never done this before."
You hissed, shushing him as if any of the few other riders would comprehend the context of the conversation enough to understand the secret. "Okay, okay, fine! I've never held hands with anyone before, or cuddled, or kissed, or anything else! I'm eighteen and I've yet to have any firsts, okay? Is that what you want to hear?"
Sensing he'd struck a nerve, Shoji decided to back off. "My bad, just figured someone like you would have some kind of romantic experience is all."
"What do you mean 'someone like me'?" you asked in an accusitory tone.
"I didn't mean anything by it!" he swore, raising his hands up again. "Just...well you're a very pretty girl, I would have assumed you'd have guys lined up miles waiting to hold your hand."
You didn't think you could ever get over how he complimented you- so matter of fact, but so suave at the same time. It made it hard for you to discern what was real and not.
"Well, I don't, okay?" you confessed. "I've never had a reciprocated crush, so I never got the chance to do anything like this. That's why my Grandma wants to see him in a relationship before she passes."
"I see," he replied simply, giving you space to continue.
"And now I'm realizing most of my firsts..." you paused, heart sinking will be entirely fake. Maybe this was a bad idea..."
One of Shoji's other hands took over the duty of holding your hand while the other set of arms wrapped around you in a protective wing. "Hey, don't think of it like that." He said comfortingly. "Technically, if it's pretend, it shouldn't count, right?" He rationalized, trying to ignore the nagging voice in the back of his head that told him he wasn't good enough to be any of your firsts. "You can still save those moments for someone special."
You thought about what he said for a moment before speaking again. "I guess that's true, but will it still feel the same?"
"I don't think I can tell you that, (Y/N)." Shoji chuckled nervously. "I think that's for you to discover on your own." He readjusted his posture, feeling you relax against his side, prompting him to do the same. "But if you ever want someone to practice with, I'm your guy..." He thought allowed, barely audibly.
Your face burned at his words, but you couldn't bring yourself to speak. This 'practice' was nice, and it wasn't like you were doing anything wrong, just some light cuddling on the train. Your mind began to wonder what other things he might be able to practice with you. "Shoji...?"
He hummed in response, one of the ends of his arms morphing into an ear that rested on your shoulder to hear you better. "Do you think we should practice...more things? Y-You know, just to make the act more convincing?" you asked anxiously, eyes glued to your lap as you awaited his response.
"What did you have in mind?" he muttered, feeling the blood rush to his cheeks under his mask.
"W-Well.." you stammered, struggling to find footing on what you wanted to say. "We hug all the time, and we've already held hands and cuddled so I guess that leaves..."
"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked, cutting straight to the point.
You shrunk at his blunt nature, one hand in his and the other gripping the fabric over your knee to ground you. "W-Well uhm," you stuttered, unsure of what you were even trying to articulate at this point. All you knew was that you wanted it, but it felt wrong in a way. "I-I've never..."
"Doesn't have to be a real kiss, doesn't count, remember?" He said, cooly, thumb brushing over your shoulder. "But only if you want to." You simply nodded timidly, glancing up at him to find him already staring back, usually mysterious eyes now full of comfort. Leaning in close, the pair of you began to bridge the gap, each tilting your heads in the respective direction. Your eyes fluttered shut first, giving Shoji a lovely view of you expectantly waiting for a kiss. Following suit, he let his eyes close, inching ever closer until he could feel the ghostly presence of your lips brushing against his clothed ones.
Suddenly, as he was about to firmly press his lips to yours, the train came to a stop, prompting the both of you to separate like oil and water. Your head shot up, searching for some sign of emergency, but instead, you were greeted with the familiar sight of the train station in your hometown. "W-Wha-?" you questioned, confused. "We can't already be here, it hasn't been that long."
Pulling his phone from his left pocket, Shoji clicked it on, grateful to have a distraction from the heat in his face. "6:05," he said, gathering his composure. "Been almost an hour since we left."
"Oh..." you accepted, gathering your things, ignoring how your cheeks burned. "I-I guess we must have just lost track of time..."
"Guess so..."
Part I
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imnotsimpingyouare · 1 year
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NSFW Headcannons - Minors DNI
For Gyutaro, Daki, and Kaigaku
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All I have to say
He's put in a sub space easily because bro has no clue what he's doing
He's never been touched this way, nor has he ever thought of touching someone this way
(Until you came along)
Huuuuge praise kink
Like he just wants to be your pretty boy 😢
He will do anything to please you just to hear you call him that
Begging, whining, the whole shebang
He feels like no one would ever touch an ugly demon like him this way, why you? He's very insecure
I feel like he may go feral and just use you one day when he comes home
Probably after a really bad day, or Muzan scolding him for letting Daki hold him back
Like he just comes home and completely defiles you
He wants to witness your little fall from grace, wants to bring you down to his level and punish you for 'messing with him'
Literally just you loving him but go off I guess 😭
He wouldn't stop until you're absolutely wrecked, his cum leaking from everywhere his dick will fit
(Or won't fit)
Even after he'd tell you he's so sorry, so sorry for destroying darling
-> softer sex with lots of praising and reassurance that you truly do love him 😢
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Such a brat 😭😭
Like she can keep up with her customers, but she doesn't have to keep up the facade around you
Cute, sweet, docile little lady -> GONE
She does not want to be dominated AT ALL
In fact, she hates you trying to assert power over her
She degrades you like nobody's business 🥺
It gets her wet knowing you accept that she's better than you, and more powerful
She's only doing this 'to get herself off'
It is my opinion she has LOTS of toys to mess you up with.
Like a whole collection BDSM shit
Step on me
She will do that btw
Does not hesitate to put you in your place
You're below her, and that's final
Need to cum? You better ask permission
You BETTER ask permission
Her punishments are brutal
She likes to edge you, and having infinite stamina she can do that all night if she so desires
Better not cross her 🤫
What really gets her going is when you compliment her. She lovesssss that food for her ego, someone as cute as you begging and praising her while she's destroying you
will peg you any day of the week
In reality, her and her brother have it in common that they really just love to be loved for who they are hot demons instead of what they look like
Daki will cuddle with you after your sessions, showering eachother in love and praise 🥺
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Bitch boy 😤
Acts all tough, but he likes it when you fight back and take what's yours
No joke though if you piss him off, he will annihilate you
He secretly wants to get caught balls deep in you (as long as it's not Koku)
It boosts his confidence to take you, wrap his hand around your neck and wreck you until you can't handle it anymore
When he does submit to you though, he's always challenging your authority
(He likes to be punished by you, he thinks it's so hot when you're upset with him)
His moans are 😩✋️
He knows it too, this bitch will moan in your ear on purpose, saying things like "my peach, you feel so fucking good on my cock, do you like that?"
He doesn't give two fucks how loud he is
cannot wait to see this mf animated 💀
He'll tease and bully you until the very end, telling you "you better not fucking cum"
On the other hand, his bratty demeanor will dissolve when he gets close, and you like to make him taste his own medicine
He HATES it (loves it) when you tease him back
It turns him on beyond belief
Like you two can just be talking but the moment you've got something sassy to say, you better be ready to face HORNY KAIGAKU.
He loves to degrade and be degraded
His aftercare is usually very half-assed, bro just falls asleep 💀
He'll clean you up a little if you're really fucked out
He prefers you to clean eachother up and talk a little bit after, like a mutal thing
Funny thing is demons don't even sleep 💀 like he just does it because he's addicted to the feeling of sleeping after fucking
His favorite thing 😭
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danihwang882 · 30 days
Aries are quite the desireable passionate lover right Hyunjin? Are you blessed, yes. Are you love yes. Do I want to be my best flirtatious romantic self for you, yes. But I admit it, I ain't perfect none of us really are. Thats where the truest love vibes come in for us humans. Because we know what it is like to struggle and suffer without the one we need around most. Its a non conformity comfort but not lazy.
Now I have this dream. Peppermint mocha coffee in your lap snuggled close to ur heart and chest. On a winters eve while snowing and thats a ideal high dream mutal shared between us.
Would another person anyone other than me tell Hyunjin, he is as pretty and unpredictable like snow? I think not. >/////< WHINES
Also as handsome and attractice as a morning sky blue calm, chilly and peaceful. You are my home and safe place. Thank you. I love you so tender heartedly. That when you go it breaks my heart a very fracton of a break every time. But its never ever, that stabbing heart stab that many of you have given me. That I forgive you for. But make amends with me in person. Say Sorry sincerely with me or the friendship will become bitter and hateful with me.
Good Night Hyunjin sleeping now. Until afternoonish. If I can.
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lecinea · 3 years
Hmmnnnn the more 'canon jiang chang' posts i see, the more i want to further my pro jiang cheng agenda.
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Part 7
Of the “mommy… I mean Wanda series”
Read: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
A/N: ahh I finally wrote a part seven 🤭 hope you enjoy
More fluff then smut… sorry Im gonna make you wait for it 👀
Warnings: swearing, fluff, alcohol, teasing, fingering, somnophila?, mommy kink… ofc
Word count: 2092
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“No, please… shush it’s too early what does she want.” You whined. It was six in the morning when Yelena called, disturbing your so far peaceful sleep. 
“Mmm, who’s calling this early?” Wanda rolled over to peak at your phone.
“Yelena.” You said before answering with a frown.
She had called you early in the morning to tell you that she had a date with a mutal friend of yours named Kate, and she desperately needed someone to help her find an outfit. After you had told him to just wear whatever she has in her closet and being generally unhelpful she abruptly hung up.
You grunted before dropping your phone and snuggling up to a sleeping Wanda. 
“What did she want?” Natasha asked, but before you could answer her phone rang.
“You’re about to find out.”
Somehow she convinced her and soon Nat was getting dressed to head off to meet her sister. Though not without calling her a few Russian swear words and complaining about why she would leave it til the very last minute like this.
You and Wanda stayed in bed cuddling for a few more hours before you felt her pull away.
“I just have some work due, keep sleeping I’ll be back in no time.” You frowned refusing to let her go.
“Oh, clingy baby today?” You snuggled into her chest.
“I have to work baby” You pouted. 
“How about I just do work right here in bed and you watch a show?” You agree, knowing this was the best offer you’d get. She sat up against the headboard, laptop on her knees as she started typing away. You settled on your tummy facing away from her and propped up your phone in front of you where you started watching friends. Occasionally you’d poke her with your foot or peak to see if you could get her attention. So maybe you were a little needy, but in your defence, both of them really liked taking care of you. Eventually, you let go of the grumpiness and started to really enjoy the show. Soon Wanda's hand landed on the back of your thigh. She drew patterns up and down your bare leg. You hummed at the sensation but didn’t think of it much, as you laughed at your show. What you did notice, was when her hand slipped up higher and grabbed your butt cheek. You tense waiting for her to move further but she doesn’t. Her hand stays on your ass as she types on her computer, occasionally squeezing, making you bite down on your lip as you try to focus on what the characters are saying. Usually, you’d already be on top of her, begging for more, but you stayed put. There was something so incredibly hot about the way she so nonchalantly touched you. You were hers and if she wanted to grab at your ass while working, then that’s her right. You were simply going to stay still and enjoy, though you couldn’t help to occasionally move a little closer to give her better access or push against her hand a little more. Every once in a while her fingers would come dangerously close to your in her thigh and you would have to take a deep breath and pretend you weren’t getting extremely wet.
Then her hand disappeared, you frowned looking over your shoulder, seeing her closing her laptop. 
“Alright, I’m done. You get me back now, baby.” She smiled getting off the bed. You sat up looking confused.
“Let’s go get something to eat before we have to go pick up, Nat.” She gave you a quick peck on the lips, pulling you up off the bed. You desperately wanted to pull her down on top of you, but fought the urge. She smiled to herself as she walked out of the room, she was very well aware of what she’s done.
“How hungry are you? Will a snack do or should i make you something. Remember we’ll probably get take out on the way back.”  You contemplated your options. Truthfully you weren’t hungry, but you knew she wasn’t letting you get away with not eating anything. Your mind was still preoccupied with thoughts of Wanda fucking you, which slowed down your decision-making a lot. Many scenarios went through your mind, as you watched her walk around the kitchen tidying up a bit. 
“Sweetheart you’ll make a decision faster if you were thinking about food.” She turned around and winked at you. You were apparently a little too obvious in your staring. 
“In my defence, food was involved in some of my thoughts…” She rolled her eyes.
“Behave.” You smile innocently walking up to her. “What do you want honey?” She puts her arms around your waist.  You glance at the covered tray on the counter, then back to Wanda with a guilty look on your face.
“You want the leftover brownies, don’t you?” She raises her eyebrows waiting for an answer. You smile and nod, happy she understood. 
“Alright sweetheart.” She chuckles and kisses you on the nose. She brings you one, and you start to take small bites. She leans in and takes a bite of the other end making you frown. 
“No. You don’t get to be grumpy. That’s payment for all those dirty little thoughts.” You fight to not roll your eyes. 
“We should bring one for Yelena she gets grumpy when she’s hungry.” Wanda laughs. 
“Oh wow, both of you?”
You shake your head licking chocolate off your lip. “Oh no, she's way worse.” 
“How do you two survive living together?” 
You just shrug. “Lots of snacks.” 
You start putting a brownie into a container. “Better put one extra brownie in here in case Natasha wants one too, wouldn’t want a war.” Wanda laughs 
“You think my baking is that good, that it would start a war malyshka?” 
You nod with a serious look on your face. “Mm definitely.” In response to this Wanda came up to hug you from behind. “I adore you.” She snuggled into your neck. “Better put in one more.” She says pointing at the container.
“Oh, you want one too?” She giggled.
“No darling but you might and then you’ll eat one of theirs and well then we got a war on our hands.” You looked offended.
“I would not.” You crossed your arms. She placed several kisses on your face until you couldn’t, hold your frown any longer.
Soon you were sitting in the car Wanda driving and you in the passenger seat. You switched between radio channels trying to find some decent music. You settled on a slow but upbeat tune. You relaxed as you swayed and did a small little dance in your seat. Forgetting everything else for a second, until you heard Wanda chuckle. You stopped momentarily but kept swaying, with red cheeks.
You were fully aware of your lack of dance skills, but staying still was another talent you lacked. 
“Don’t stop I was enjoying it. “ She smiled pulling over to the park. Once the car was still she sat back looking at you.
“I’m not gonna dance when you’re watching me like that.” You mumbled fiddling with your hands.
“Shy all of a sudden.” She leaned forward letting her hand slip between your legs only to run up and down your covered pussy. “You usually enjoy it when I watch you.” She gave you an evil smile. You were saved by Natasha opening the back door. Wanda moved back, squeezing your thigh before greeting her wife.
“Hi! How was it?” She looked back to see a sulking Yelena get into the back seat, mumbling to herself.
“Hi.” Nat smiled at you both. “Her date was a no-show.” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, do you know why?” Wanda. She shook her head in response. 
“Brownies?” You asked and she accepted, grabbing the container.
“I found a great outfit.” She complained, before digging into the brownie.”I looked amazing in it too, you should have seen it.” She spoke through a mouthful. 
“Let’s go out tonight? You can wear that amazing outfit and we’ll have fun and forget all about that date.” It took zero convincing to get Yelena on board with that idea, the other two were definitely less excited. Nonetheless, you went out. Three of you stayed sober relatively sober during the night, watching out for Yelena as she downed one shot after another. You sat at the bar talking for the most occasionally you or Nat would chase away some guy that kept making passes at Wanda. Yelena was over by the pool table now making bets with some guy that she could beat him, three times in a row. It was fun to watch until she got a little out of hand with the amount of money she put on the line.
“Please tell me she’s good at pool?” Wanda asked worriedly.
“She is.” you commented.
“Let’s just hope she’s not too drunk to see the ball.” Natasha added. Lucky for her she was able to win all three rounds, letting the other gay walk away with a sad frown and a lot less money in his wallet. 
“Did you see that!!!” Yelena came running over. 
“Sure did.” Natasha smiled.
“Who wants another drink.” She held up the cash.
“Not you.” You pulled her back. “I think it’s time to go home.” Wanda and Nat agreed. Yelena didn’t seem to be listening though, her eyes fixed on her phone.
“Shit.” She cursed and the three of you looked at each other in confusion.
“What’s going on?”
“I was supposed to meet her at eight, as in right now!” You started laughing earning you a punch from the blonde.
“I told you no one goes on a date at eight in the morning!!” 
“UGH!! fuck fuck fuck! What do I do now?” She panics
“Okay it’s gonna be fine, just text her and said you misunderstood and ask if you can meet here?” She gets to texting right away. She gets a quick response and you all head outside to wait for her, hoping the fresh air would sober Yelena up a bit. 
Soon enough you spot a brunette girl across the street waving at you.
“Oh fuck there she is. How do I look?” She turned to you.
“Absolutely smashed, but at least you’ll have a fun story to break the ice.” You laugh.
“I hate you.” She states turning away.
“You look great.” Nat gives her a nudge. “Now go, don’t make her wait even longer.”
“Good luck! Call if you need us.” Wanda adds as the three of you head off to the car. It’s a quiet ride home. Nat and Wanda talking about something, but you are way too tired to listen.
Natasha’s arm came around you, as you walked inside. 
“Sleepy kotenok.” She smiled, pulling you in for a kiss. You leaned in, so ready to get to bed.
“And here I was thinking you were gonna let us blow off some steam after a long day?” she smirked. Your eyes opened at that. 
“Can I please have your fingers, mommy?” You mumbled hugging Nat closer, looking over to Wanda with pleading eyes.
“Wow getting bold baby. Do you think you deserve that?” You nodded.
“What does mommy think?” Nat looked over to her wife.
“Oh, she’s earned it. I’ve teased her a lot today and she’s taken it so well.” Natasha smiled at those words, and you all headed upstairs. You had to fight not to fall asleep, ones in bed. You sat up and watched the two get undressed. Only for Nat to push you back down getting on top of you.
“Just relax baby, you’ve been such a good girl today, let us take care of you.” You closed your eyes focusing on Natasha's lips on your neck and Wanda's hands wander down your body. Soon her fingers were inside you, moving slowly. Nat pulled away to watch you for a second as you moaned at the feeling you had been craving all day. She then settled next to you cuddling you while she played with your hair as well as your breasts. Wanda was laying behind you. Her front pressed against your back, with her hand still buried between your legs.
“Oh, fuck.” You moaned as Wanda adjusted your legs so she could push deeper into you.
“You’re doing so well kitten.” Natasha praised.
“Now be a good girl and let mommy fuck you to sleep.” 
Requests are open 🖤
Mommy… I mean wanda series taglist:
@wandanatvoid @m-r-nicely @harknessimp @hotdoghotdiggidydog @chains-on-rings @simplysimping999 @alilutz96 @sapphocookie @scxpingdrms @florencestann1234 @b033 @nicomcu @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @raqelacevedo @wandaslittlewhore @avengerswriter4eva @dumbassbitchwithnotits @unity-rae @temptationsbrew
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fumingspice · 4 years
i still talk to you when i’m screaming at the sky
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Pairing: Cordelia Goode x Reader
Prompt: “I just wanted a happy ending.” “I’m drunk in love with you.” “If you quote a Taylor Swift or Fleetwood Mac song one more time I’ll slap you.”
Warnings: slightly drunk delia, angsty, mentions of ill mental health. happy ending
A/N: I don’t even know. I think I’m just projecting at this rate. I wrote this instead of doing another of my five history essays due for Friday so if my teacher kills me in my sleep you know why <3
and when you can’t sleep at night; you hear my stolen lullaby.
Madison Montgomery grunted in frustration. Then again when she was ignored the first time.
You kept your head in your book, knowing she was desperate for attention.
“Lord almighty,” Madison groaned dramatically, sitting against the arm of the couch and then throwing herself back over your lap. Visibly irritated by the fact that you still handed looked up from your book she almost shouted; “Oh, how I wish someone would acknowledge my presence.”
You met at her eyes for a split second and returned them promptly to the book.
“That’s it,” she muttered. Madison gripped the book from your hand and threw it across the room. You clenched your hands into fists, doing your best to maintain your calm composure. That’s who you were in the coven. The calm one. “Look at me when I’m goddamn talking to you!”
Your eyes darted up to meet Madison’s steel glare. “What the fuck is the matter with you, Y/N?” she exclaimed.
You genuinely had no idea what she was talking about.
“Don’t yell at me, Montgomery,” you replied, biting your tongue hard.
Madison had no patience for playing games when she found something serious. Which although wasn’t often, it was almost always about something as superficial as a wrong glance at dinner. “You’ve been giving Cordy the cold shoulder for the past three months. I want to know what’s going on.”
You raised an eyebrow at her. “You’re kidding me, right?”
Madison threw her hands up at you. “Yeah, Y/N. I’m kidding I don’t actually care.”
“Typical,” you muttered. You gave a wave of your hand and your book came flying from the other side of the room. Madison turned around in one swift movement and punched the book square, sending in hurtling to the ground.
“I’m being sarcastic, you dumb fucking bitch!” She yelled. If you weren’t so pissed right now you would probably have been impressed with her reflexes.
“What do you fucking want, Madison? You’ve getting on my tits every fucking day for the entire week,” you started yelling unintentionally. “So, what is it? What exactly do you want me to fucking say? Do you want me to fucking tell you- yet again- that Cordelia has a fucking boyfriend? You want me to reiterate it to you that I can’t fucking look at her in any other way?”
Madison smirked, knowing she was getting you exactly where she wanted you. “It’s not my fault that you couldn’t keep your shit together after you broke up with her. The least you could do is grow a pair of balls and be happy for her.”
You felt your face go red with anger. “Are you fucking insane?! Do you actually hear yourself right now? Madison, I told you fucking everything! I told you it was a mutal decision. I told you that it was the last fucking decision that I fucking wanted to make!” You screamed. The anger had been building up for weeks, and sweet jesus did the release feel good.
It was late at night and you knew that if any girls weren’t asleep they would be hearing exactly what you had to say. Cordelia wasn’t in the building after all. You could say anything you liked.
“I fucking love her, Madison. Every time I see her smile at that knock-off Lindsey Buckingham I want to rip his fucking face off! I know you can’t see that because the boy you brought back from the dead chose your best friend over you and then strangled you to death!”
That’s where your words got Madison.
Within a second, you found your hand striking your face hard.
Composure was the last thing on your mind now as your fist went straight for Madison’s nose. A crack and screamed followed as the blonde launched herself at you.
A scrap insued, knocking each other into furniture, punching, kicking. You fell to the ground as Madison’s boot was launched into your stomach. Once. Twice. Three times. You pushed yourself off the floor and kneed her in the crotch, sending her down to the ground with you on top of her. Your fists had found a mind of their own as they gave blows to her face, chest and stomach.
Your body was thrown from Madison’s, pinned to the wall by some invisible force. Madison crawled from the floor and punched you hard in the stomach. Then the face. You could feel blood dripping from your nose and mouth when the force dropped you on the ground. Madison sulked off, seemingly satisfied as you curled yourself into a ball.
Tears fell slowly from your eyes for the first time in months. You’d finally released every pent up piece of energy that you had held in and there was nothing left in your walls to keep you together. Madison had taken a physcial and verbal fist to everything keeping you together.
It was true; the decision to break up was mutal. Although, it seemed slightly more mutual for Cordelia. You whined too much, you thought, for her to be happy as your friend. Now, months since, you found yourself in a false mask of calmness and serenity about the situation.
The tears were almost temporary as you lay facing the ceiling. Blood dried on your cheeks making your skin feel tight but you didn’t care to move. You almost fell asleep until the front door unlocked at some ungodly hour in the morning. You didn’t care who it was nor did you care to move at this rate.
You saw your reflection in the mirror. The lines of blood on your face struck nasty images from long ago of blood on your limbs. You had recovered now. You were strong and you knew in your heart of hearts that you would never allow yourself to ever feel worthless again. You weren’t disposable. You are not disposable. You were a beautiful soul in a soaring tide, although struggling to see that.
Familiar footsteps clacked down the hall into the parlour. 
"Jesus Christ, Y/N?" Cordelia's voice sent a pang of dread coursing through your body.
"Leave me alone, Delia," you groaned, your body still ached for Madison's assault.
Cordelia fell to her knees beside you. "Oh, sweetheart what happened?" There was a pleading in her voice as she lifted the top half of your body onto her lap. She dabbed your blood with her sleeve.
You could smell the alcohol off her.
"Can you stand up for me?" She asked, helping you to your feet. She brought you to the kitchen and began tending to the mess that was your face. "Please, Y/N. Tell me what happened."
You brushed her off and tried to leave to go to your bedroom. With a flick of her wrist, Cordelia brought furniture to block the entrance.
"You're not leaving here until you tell me exactly what happened, young lady."
You chuckled meanly. "You're fucking kidding me." You turned to face her. "Madison beat the shit out of me."
Cordelia's face dropped in disbelief. "Why?"
"I'm still trying to fucking figure that out!" You shouted. Cordelia's face flinched. 
There was a silence that you hadn't felt with her in a long time, shortly interupted by Zoe walking into the kitchen.
"Cordelia, go to bed," she said. She was going to bring the calm, apparently. "I'll take care of Y/N. I think I know what happened."
"Well, then could you please explain that to me?" Delia asked defensively. Zoe motioned for her to leave.
Zoe approached you slowly and took one look at your face. "Your nose is broken," she muttered. "I know a spell, it'll hurt like a bitch but it'll save the process."
You shrugged and let her do her thing, regretting it almost immeditely as your shrieked in pain.
"Cordelia still loves you, Y/N. I don't know how you haven't seen that yet," she told you, pressing a wet towel to your nose.
"She sure as hell has a weird way of showing it," you replied. All the talk about Cordelia for the first time in months was hitting you like a truck. You dealt with things by ignoring it and although it probably wasn't efficient. It still worked.
Zoe glared at you. "She broke up with Sylvester. I can sense it," she told you. "She misses you more than anything in the world."
Tears threatened to make themselves known once more. "I can't keep doing this, Zoe. I can't keep thinking there's another chance when there's just not."
Zoe tugged you into a warm hug. "Please talk to her, Y/N. Maybe it'll do more good than not."
You nodded in agreement and heaved yourself up the stairs. Cordelia's bedroom door faced you as you mustered up the courage to knock. You could almost hear the echos of memories you shared in her room.
"Police Officer knock," the girls often joked that you had. The door opened itself and you walked in.
"Cordelia?" You spoke, glancing around her room. You could see her outline laying across the bed, a glass of scotch in hand.
Cordelia poked her head up as you walked to the bed. She had clearly been crying.
"I'm sorry I yelled, Delia," you said softly. Her reached under yours and the pain hit you hard.
"It's okay, Y/N. But can you please just be honest with me? What on Earth happened down there?" 
Tears ran down both of your faces as you explained everything. Every word of your altercation with Madison, everything that happened, everything that you had felt over the past few months. Cordelia pressed her forehead against yours and you cried harder. How could her lips be so close yet so far away?
"Why have you been drinking lately? You barely touched it before?" You asked innocently. Cordelia pursed her lips.
"I missed that warmth," she choked. "I missed that warmth that I only ever felt when I was with you."
Her words shot daggers of guilt through you.
"No matter what I tried, no drink could ever match the feeling of being drunk in love with you," she sighed. "Time was taking its sweet time erasing you, so I thought I could do it myself. The drinks. The power. The men. Nothing got close to you."
You placed your hand over hers and squeezed it. "This is so, so stupid, Delia."
The Supreme nodded. "I know. All I ever wanted was a happy ending. I wanted to grow old with you. I wanted to marry you and adopt a child. I don't even know why I'm saying that I did want that. I do want that."
You dropped your head back. "Cordelia, I would give anything to call myself yours again but I cannot go through the heartbreak of losing you again."
Cordelia paused, you saw the reflection of your hurt in her eyes.
"I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I knew you didn't want it. I didn't want it. I just thought I was doing the best for you."
"This entire time I've felt like an open wound, Delia."
There was another silence.
"Y/N, what would I need to prove to you for another chance? One more shot to make this work. I want that chance to grow old with you," she said. The Supreme was begging for you at this point.
"Cordelia, I want you to understand that if it doesn't work out this time then I'm done."
Cordelia nodded solemly, her whiskey brown eyes darted to your lips. "Can I?"
You pressed your lips to hers before she could finish speaking, your soul ravaging for that piece of Cordelia that you had hungered for.
You found it in her lips. Finding yourselves giggling. Tears of relief, joy, happiness fell onto each other's skin like drops of nectar from the Gods. All was right when you were with her.
Warm lips, warm skin. Your hands weren't cold when you were with her. 
Your lips danced together in rings of bliss as she enloped into you, it was like a battle of nature.
Cordelia broke away, her body shifting slightly under yours as her eyes sobered.
"What is it, sweetheart?" you ask. Even placing your cheek on her hand gave you relief.
"I don't want to wait anymore," she whispered. She breathed in sharply as she motioned for you to get off her. You complied and sat on the bed, watch as she walked over to the dresser and pull something out of a box at the bottom of a pile of paperwork.
You grinned, tears flowing down as she presented you with what she'd dug out.
"What do you think?" she asked, her voice hopeful. You clasped your hand to your mouth and nodded hard.
The next morning at breakfast, you couldn't bring yourself to talk to Madison. 
Not after what she did.
At least, not until you noticed her smirking in victory at the sight of the engagment ring on your finger.
taglist: @sarahp-stan @jumpoffabridge-t @sarahpaulsonsoftie @definitelynot-a-writer @bottom4delia @delias-bitch-craft @creepingwolfberry​ @thesapphictimelady​
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arhvste · 4 years
Congratulations on your milestone 🧡 about your event, how about Iwa-chan for number 3?
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❛ god, i’m so in love with you ❜
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“hajime” you sighed while sat on the bathroom counter, your body swaying softly as he kept you firmly in place between your legs.
“stay still princess, just a few more minutes.” he whispered gently while delicately smoothing the pad dampened with micellar cleaning water over your face.
you whined and allowed your eyes to flutter shut as your boyfriend cleaned and pampered your face; a chore that was usually your own responsibility. growing tired by the hands of assignments and deadlines jabbing at you, you had overworked yourself and called asleep at the dining table with your work littered around you.
hajime had shaken you gently to stir you awake and insisted upon taking you to bed properly. your face looked a little stiff and as did your body. he scolded you lightly for letting yourself fall asleep in such a setting but laid off seeing how drowsy you were.
his first goal was to get you dressed into your pyjamas; an oversized t-shirt and a pair of his old boxers to be precise, and clean your face up as you usually would before getting you into bed properly.
despite your quiet protests, hajime was insistent upon getting you cleaned up properly, he claimed you’d thank him for it in the morning which deep down you knew you would. the cold marble surface wasn’t exactly persuasive enough for you to stop your little whines and sighs of protest as he continued with your skin routine further though.
“y/n, just a little bit longer okay?” he muttered softly close to your ear as your head dropped down a little. you could only bring yourself to let out a small grunt a he smiled and tucked two fingers under your chin to push your head up.
your face relaxed as you allowed your eyes to fully drop shut as your boyfriend took care of you. you were initially awaiting the feeling of warm hands meeting your skin to rub in an overpriced night cream but you found yourself not caring when the delay in contact occurred.
“hajime...” you mumbled quietly too tired to let your eyes even crack open a little to take a look at what was caugsing the uphold of getting your skin cleaned and you into bed quicker.
“sorry,” he whispered, voice a little coarse with sleep. “it’s just, fuck y/n. god, i’m so in love with you.”
you hummed lightly as you felt his thumb caress over your cheekbone gently with what you knew was tenderness. you could feel the genuine feeling of his pure and raw love for you even without him speaking in the moment. iwaizumi was never one to always ourightly say things so boldly out the blue, but when he did, it was like a reset to your world and all the bad things had become unstitched and forgotten about.
he studied the way your eyelashes stretched out and fluttered everytime your eyes moved. the soft parting of your lips he found himself missing on days work kept him captive. your nose that he’d never fail to kiss lightly before leaving for the day every morning. iwaizumi hajime was in love with you for everything you really were.
leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead, hajime finally lifted you off the cold surface and your body found home in his strong and naturally warm arms.
you sighed in content over the relief of being free from the hard surface previously below you but you found yourself gripping your boyfriends body a little closer after reminiscing on the previous statement he had made not even 5 minutes ago. ‘in love’ huh? that was something you were certain was mutal between the two of you.
pulling you in close under the covers, hajime kept you tucked in close to him as you focused on the steady rhythm of his beating heart. no matter how much you’d annoy him, over work yourself against his wishes and more, iwaizumi was confident in saying that he was in fact in love with you, and that’s something he wouldn’t ever see changing in this lifetime at least.
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tsumugisindulgence · 4 years
Belphegor & Forgiveness
It’s been a week since you saw yourself die. You saw his hands around your throat and trembled as your body hit the floor. You felt horrible for yourself in that timeline, not realizing you would be her replacement. You heard the brothers mourn your passing as they were betrayed by their youngest brother just like you were. Moods lightened when they turned to find you alive and well. Not well, but unhurt. They all embraced you and Lucifer had to hold Belphegor back from another attempt at murder. It was hardest to see Beel. Your heart was shattered for him and yourself. The twins loved you and wanted to run away with you. Belphegor had such excitement in his eyes as you walked down the city streets holding their hands. As much as you cared about the other brothers none of them were willing to leave behind everything they knew and run away with you. 
Beel pressed you tight against his chest and you couldn’t help but cry. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. You were supposed to be happy with the both of them. You didn’t know them anymore. Beel let go and you felt the need to hide. You couldn’t be around him or Belphegor. He apparently saw the fear in your eyes and froze like a deer in headlights. If he knew you then he would know demons didn’t scare you a bit, your real fear was betrayal and abandonment. He turned and walked away silently. “M-mammon…take me to my room please.” He was happy to oblige , unaware of your shock. Your knees gave out once you reached your room. You collapsed in mammon’s arms. He was scared, what happened to his human. Weren’t you okay? He asked what was wrong but you couldn’t speak, only pulling him closer in response. He stayed there holding you and doing his best to make you feel safe. 
You spent the next three days alone in your room. You didn’t pay attention to which brother brought you food for the day, only opening the door when they left. On the fourth day you were desperate to tell someone what happened but you couldn’t speak to the brothers. You picked up your D.D.D with a shaky hand and called Solomon.
“MC I wasn’t expecting a call from you.”
“I want to take you up on your offer. I need someone to talk to.”
“Of course. It must be hard dealing with everything since it directly involves the brothers.”
“Please come over as soon as you can.” 
“I’m on my way over.”
You hung up. Asmo must have told him what happened. It felt so unreal to be here. You perked up your head hearing the brothers arguing and mammon whining. A few minutes passed and there was a knock on your door. “May I come in?” It was Solomon. “Yes.” you answered meekly. He steps in and closes the door behind him. You must have looked like a mess but he didn’t seem to care. He sat on the bed next to you. “Tell me what’s wrong.” It wasn’t demanding but supportive. “I don’t belong here.” You shuffled nervously before speaking again. “Why does this Belphie get off with a slap on the rest and the one I knew got damned and exiled to chains below Diavolo’s castle?”  “He killed you. The you of this timeline correct?” You nod. “Why? The other didn’t actually take action and do anything wrong. Sure he originally wanted to but ultimately didn’t. This Belphegor, this demon killed me and got a minor scolding. HE SHOULD BE IN CHAINS! WASN’T THE WHOLE POINT TO MAKE ME LIKE MY STAY HERE? THEN WHY THE FUCK DOES DIAVOLO BRUSH OFF THAT DEMON KILLING ME AND EXILE THE ONE THAT LOVED ME?!” HE RAISED HIS EYEBROWS. Not once had you referred to the brothers as the creatures they were, because they weren’t demons to you they were friends. Solomon knew this and immediately felt the depth of your fury. He placed his hand on your shoulder. You look at him with teary eyes. “Solomon..I want to go home.” “He wasn’t the type to be emotional or compassionate so he sat there in silence. He knew there was nothing you could do, but get used to it. He wasn’t’t going to tell you what you already knew. Opening up about your feeling brought some semblance of relief. “I’m sorry MC. If there was anything I could do about it I would. Sadly, I don’t posses the ability to erase memories or return you to your original timeline.” All you could do was suppress it.
The next morning you returned to your daily routine. You walked down to breakfast in your uniform and everyone at the table looked at you shocked. You took the seat furthest from Beel’s, now you sat next to Satan. Silence followed as you reached for the foods you liked. Not everyone was there, only the early risers. Lucifer, Satan and Leviathan. It hurt to eat with your stomach already in knots. The other brothers began to arrive and Mammon was the first to talk. “MC! It’s been days why’d ya lock me out?” Lucifer swiftly hit him, knocking off his glasses. “Be quiet. She was clearly dealing with the events that transpired.” He turned to you. “MC, are you alright now?” You weren’t the lying type but you felt that telling the truth would only make it harder to get along. “Yes. I’d rather not talk about it.” The rest of the brothers nod. Light chatter carries throughout the dinning room. Beel arrives and takes his seat. Upon meeting your glance he proceeds to pick at his food and eat small amounts. He must have felt similarly, not that the would open up freely. It was getting harder to look at him. You cleared your plate and left for school. You managed to avoid him for the day. You didn’t even know if Belphegor was back at school or not. Luckily you didn’t see him.
You knew Satan would easily lose track of time if you took him to the library and asked him to talk about the deeper meaning behind the fictional books he read. The perfect excuse to stay away from the house of lamentation and eat out. It was actually nice to immerse yourself in fiction with him and you knew he enjoyed it as well. On the walk home he began to subtly pry into your feelings and you had to bite your tongue.
It was late and Lucifer scolded both of you for skipping curfew but ultimately let you go sooner than expected. You wanted to block out all of your emotions and you knew exactly where to go. After changing into more comfortable clothes you snuck over to the planetarium with a blanket and stuffed bat. You curled up on the loveseat and traced constellations. You didn’t miss the human realm until now. You were considering sleeping here and pulled the blanket over you entirely. You heard footsteps enter the room the stop only a meter away. The same aura you experienced on that day was emanating behind you. You whipped up and clenched your fists. At first he simply stared at you with tired eyes. “MC…I came to apologize.” You didn’t want an apology, you wanted back the Belphegor that shared a mutal love with you. “Beel told me more about you. Thanks for looking after him for me.” You winced, of course Beel would talk to him about you. As much as you loved Beel you were no longer sure he felt the same. “I want to move forward with you.” You grit your teeth then let out a pathetic laugh. “Heh. Move forward?” you look at him with condescending eyes then you see Beel peeking around the entry way with puppy dog eyes. He’s unaware you saw him. You let out a sigh. “Beel is the only reason I’ll give you a second chance.” “He told me you’re too kind to say no.” That’s not exactly true, you just couldn’t say no to Beel. You loved him and would do anything to make him smile. A small smile appears on your face just thinking about him. “Alright let’s go talk to him then.” 
He turns away from the door and starts walking away as if he wasn’t eavesdropping. Belphegor is the first to call him out. “Spying on us Beel?” He turns around with a guilty face. “I was hoping you’d get along. Thank you MC for giving him another chance.” “Only if he’s willing to make it up to me.” You tease with your hands on your hips. Beel smiles and answers for his twin. “Of course he will!” He is strong arms trap the both of you in a hug. This was the Beel you knew and loved. You hugged him back just as tight. “Let’s get some snacks.” He doesn’t let you answer before he throws both of you over each of his shoulders and heads to the kitchen. 
It took a few weeks to adjust to having Belphegor around. You started to get used to him and he started to become more comfortable around you. You could never go back to your previous timeline, but maybe this one wasn’t so bad.
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julessworldd · 4 years
Little Rose
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Chapter 4
warnings: cussing, physical fighting(mention of it), its guns so alochol, drugs, sex, fighting. 
A/N: To the mutals, who helped with being groupies. I do degrade you in this, drag your character through the mud. I didn’t make it to make fun of you or anything striclty for the plot. I love you wondeful babies! @reigns420​ as Michelle @marteolus24​ as Evelyn, @slashscowboyboots​ as Karen(I forgot to ask my bad) Hope you guys enjoy! Sorry for the late upate <3
Groupies never bother me too bad, unless I needed one of the boys and they were balls deep in a groupie, who had been with Van Halen to Motley Crue. They were a part of the rock n’ roll scene along with booze, drugs, traveling the world.  I never saw the hype in them, to me they were just cheap easy girls, who had issues that needed male validation to cope with life’s fucked up ways.  The boys’ groupies have never liked me or wanted to believe that I was Axl’s sister and the band’s assistant. I’ve had one call me a whore for kissing Axl’s cheek before a show one night. Greffen wasn’t too happy to hear, Guns N’ Roses’ assistant sent a girl to the E.R with a concussion, two broken ribs, a busted nose and chin. 
“Hey Princess”, Duff pulled into his chest from behind. 
“Hi Handsome, how was sound check?”, I turned around and had my arms around his neck. “Good, I missed you though”, Duff ran his hand over my rib cage. “I missed you too, Dork”, I kissed his chest, feeling his warmth and sweat. “Come on”, He grabbed my hand. Duff was dragging me like a child to his dressing room. “Duff, slow down”, I giggled. Duff suddenly stopped in his tracks.  “Duff, what’s wrong?”, I asked.  “Oh hey, Duff”, I heard a female voice. “Uh hi”, Duff swallowed. I looked passed him and sure enough it was a groupie.  “Wanna go into a storage closet and have some fun?”, She walked up to Duff and ran her hand down his chest. My blood was boiling and I saw red.  “Uh what is she doing here?”, Michelle snarled her nose.  “Yeah, Duff what am I doing here with you?”, I asked. Duff stayed silent and still. Michelle smirked and pulled Duff by his hair, “I think I hear Izzy hollering for me, see ya around Duff”, I turned around and walked down the hall.  Normally, I would have pounced a groupie for being that rude to me, but Duff hasn’t come out and said he’s off the market. “Hey Janie, I thought you were with Duff?”, Axl asked.  “Oh yeah, he was tired and fell asleep”, I lied. Axl nodded, “I’m gonna call Erin, anything you want me to tell or ask her?”  “No, just tell her I love her and peanut”, I smiled. Axl walked down the hall to his room. “What now?”, Izzy asked, leaning on a wall, lighting a cigarette. “Nothing”, I rolled my eyes.
“There’s something, your eyes are darker”, Izzy said. “Just a groupie is all. Why the hell can’t they figure out when guys are taken? Mhm? Hell that probably doesn't occur to them”, I said.  “Who was it?”, Izzy asked. “Michelle, I think. Her and Duff definitely had something more than wham bam, thank you ma'am. He didn’t do anything to get her to quit, let her rub up on him and his chest. While I was standing right behind, he didn’t tell her to quit because he has a girlfriend.”, I said sinking to the ground, pulling my knees to my chest. “I’m sorry kid. Duff probably froze, like a deer in headlights”, Izzy said, sitting next to me. “He didn’t say or do anything when I told him I thought I heard you hollering for me. Wonder what he’s doing with that-”, I clenched my fist, anger boiling within me more. “Go find him, kid. Kick his ass but not too bad we got a show”, Izzy moved hair away from my face. “I’m like Axl, I have blind anger. I'll kill him if I don’t get pulled off of him. Remember that girl I sent to the hospital last year. It took Axl, Duff, a security guard to get me off of her. I tried fighting the security dude too.”, I breathed out. Izzy knew how Axl and I are wired, I can actually bite back unlike Axl who just barks half of the time. “True, just go talk to him, set ground rules. I love Duff, but you’re the little sister I never wanted but will kill for you”, Izzy held my hand, smiling at me. “Thanks Izzy, love you”, I kissed his cheek, before getting up again.
I bounced down the hall, like Popcorn does. “Hey Janie, guess what?”, Axl grabbed my hand, making me stop. “Yeah Ax?”, I turned to him, he had a smile the size of Texas.  “I’m having a daughter”, He almost had tears in his eyes. A Niece, a princess like I knew at the airport. “That’s amazing, I’m so happy for you two. We were right”, I laughed, trying to not to cry. “I know, can’t believe I’m gonna have a daughter. What if she doesn't like me?”, Axl had pulled me into a hug. “You’re gonna be an amazing dad, Axl. I promise you that, you’re not gonna be like him. You’ve pretty much raised and protected me for years and I’ve turned out good. Oh I love you too”, I squeezed him tightly. “Thanks kid, love you too”, Axl smiled. 
I knocked on Duff’s door, he opened it. He had tears streaming down his face, his face was blotchy and pink. “Hey, what’s the matter?”, I asked. “I’m sorry, Janie”, He said. “For what?”, I asked softly. “For not telling Michelle that I’m with you. You probably thought I cheated, I didn’t. I love you and never want to lose you. I told her and that I wanted her to let the others know what Duff McKagan is happily with Axl’s little sister”, Duff pulled into his bare chest. I saw lipstick marks on his pecs, collarbone.  “Duff, it’s okay. I’m sorry leaving you, I was just taking myself away before I pounced on her. I love you. Did she try kissing you?”, I rubbed his chest where salmon color lipstick stained.  “Yeah, I pushed her away. Probably too hard for a girl, but it just happened that way”, Duff said. “I believe you, Duffy. She would have a busted face from me so your pushing was okay. I think she got the point after you freaked out on here”, I laughed. Truthfully, I’m not sure what Michelle would have got from me. Duff wasn’t  gonna be wrapped in a red ribbon with a bow on his head, at her doorstep that’s for sure.  “Oh I gotta tell you something”, I smiled up at him. “What’s that, Princess?”, Duff asked. “Axl is a father to a baby girl, we’re right”, I giggled. “Holy shit, that’s amazing”, Duff kissed my forehead. “I know! I’ve already bought a sleeper when we were in Manchester. It has a pink elephant with a purple bow”, I gushed. Duff was just staring at me with adoration and a smile on his face. “I just hope she doesn't have her dad’s red hair”, Duff smirked.  “I have red hair, what’s wrong with red?”, I whined, my heart felt like it was stabbed. “Nothing, just aggravating Axl is all. I love your red hair, love running my fingers through, I like it when I wake up and it’s in my face.”, Duff grinned, kissing me. “Fuck you, bottle blonde”, I stabbed back. “Mines dirty blonde naturally, baby”, Duff smirked. 
We finally finished the European leg and were back in the U.S, the American leg was always easy and fun.  “Baby? Wake up”, I heard Duff whisper into my ear. “Mhm”, I groaned. “Oh I woke you, my bad. Go back to bed”, Duff said. “No what do you want?”, I asked, yawning. He didn’t say anything, I felt his tent on my thigh. “Really Duff it’s 4am?”, I groaned. “I’m sorry, he has a mind of his own. Not my fault you’re so damn gorgeous”, He whined. “If I give you head, will you leave me alone so I can sleep?”, I asked, rolling over to face him. Duff nodded, but he raised his hand a little. “What is it, Duffy?”, I sighed. “Actually, I wanted to give you head?”, He blushed a little. “Oh”, I laughed. “Same thing, will you let me sleep?”, I asked. He nodded his head furiously,  “Better make worth your while, bub. Waking me up, when I was sleeping so-”, I said, but he attacked my core. “Mhm fuck Duff”, I whined. “You said to make it worth my while”, Duff said as he entered two fingers in me. I pushed his head back, “Don’t talk”, he continued eating me out. Soon enough, Duff triggered my high and I whined and pulled his hair. Duff came up and rubbed his head, “I’m not a girl who you’re curb stomping, damn.”  “I’m sorry Duff, I’ll make it up to you”, I kissed him. “Really?”, Duff smirked. “You gotta let me sleep for a good while, okay?”, I said fluffing my pillow more. “Fine”, he whined. “Go to sleep, Duff. It’s almost five am”, I said. “But, I still have a problem”, Duff pointed to his crotch.  “Alright fine you broke me. If any injuries occur don’t sue me”, I sighed, crawling to him.  “Sue you? Baby, you don’t get paid enough”, Duff smirked. “You’re burying yourself deeper, boy”, I gave him a go to hell look. After giving Duff a sloppy/sleepy head he finally let me sleep. 
“If you touch me besides a cuddling position. Think of me as  the Berlin Wall, you’ll know what barbed wire feels like between your legs”, I looked at him.  He nodded and he was out like a light. 
Izzy was known for being quiet and a part of the shadows,which was cool the majority of the time. Only if we weren’t on tour and Duff and him had an interview and he needed to be ready in five minutes. “Hey Slash, have you seen Izzy?”, I asked the curly guitarist, who was strumming his guitar. “Uhh, I think he went off with a groupie. She was blonde, sorta small, kinda like you”, Slash grinned. “He doesn't have time to rail a chick right now. Fuck, you guys really stress me the fuck out at times.”, I pinched my nose. “Sorry, Janie. I think he took her to his room”, Slash gave a tiny smile. “Thank you, Slash. See ya around”, I gave him a hug. “See ya kid, be safe”, Slash said. “I’m older than you,'' I said, opening his door. “And I’m taller”, Slash laughed. “I hope your string pops”, I smirked. Duff was standing outside our room, “Hey Gorgeous” “Not now! Are you ready? If you’re not, I’m gonna kill you with your bass”, I said. “Yeah, waiting on you and Iz”, Duff said. “Apparently, he’s balls deep into a blonde chick. Like I know exactly who he’s fucking Slash”, I rolled my eyes. Duff was gonna say something when we heard a huge pornographic female moan along with Izzy’s name. “He’s finished now”, Duff smirked.  We leaned against the wall next to his door, “See ya around Iz”, the door opened and revealed the groupie or random chick. She blushed seeing Duff. I gotta keep him a shorter leash. 
“Jeffery Dean! Get your ass ready now, before I cut your head off”, I yelled standing outside his door.  “I’m dressed, Janet! Anything else you wanna bitch at me for?”, Izzy yelled. “No”, I said sad and my lip started quivering. Izzy and Axl are the two people I hate to be yelled at from, Izzy could be brutal especially if he was coming down from smack. 
I stayed in the green room as the boys were being interviewed by Kurt Loader.  Izzy hasn’t yelled at me like that since my ex, Ashton, cheated on me twice. I know Izzy wasn’t exactly yelling towards me, but he was being loud and it reminded me of being back in Lafayette. 
“God, Janie he done it twice for fuck sakes. When are you gonna see he’s a piece of shit and you deserve better!”, Izzy yelled. 
“Izzy, leave her the fuck alone. She’s upset”, Pamela rubbed my back. 
“She’s fine, Pam. Leave her alone, she needs to be bitched at. Axl’s out fucking whoever, so it’s my job to-”, Izzy stopped in mid sentence as I smacked his face. The room was silent, Pamela’s mouth hung open, Izzy held his jaw and cheek.  “Fuck you, Jeff!”, I slammed the door and ran down the stairs to my car.  “Janie?”, I looked up to see Duff standing with a case of Budwiser.  “You okay? Did you and Axl fight again?”, he asked calmly.  “No, Izzy and I did. Ashton cheated on me again and Izzy lost his shit over it. Pamela told him to lay off, but he didn’t. He made me so fucking mad that I uh smacked him across his face. I just ran down here. Are you here to hang out with Izzy?”I said while trying to hold my tears. 
“I was, but screw him. Wanna drive around for a while and finish the case?” Duff asked in a soft voice. Duff and I were kinda close but Axl told us no funny shit. “Sure. Your car or mine?”, I asked. “Come on”, Duff held his hand out for me. I was hesitant to take it. What  if Izzy or Pamela were looking down. “Come on, I won’t bite”, Duff grinned. I took his hand and he led the way to his car.  We drank the whole case and made out in the backseat.  “Ashton was an ass to you, I hated seeing the way he treated you”, Duff admitted. “Why? He was just a dude, who I was too blind to see he’s shit. Izzy is right”, I sighed. “I mean yeah Izzy had a point. I care because I hate seeing girls being treated like shit. I would kill  a guy from treating my sisters like he did you. You’re an amazing woman, Janie. You’re sweet, protective, loving, got the prettiest smile ever. Any guy would be lucky to have and would be a fool to lose you.”, Duff said. “Thanks Duff. You’re not so bad yourself. Too bad Ax told us no funny shit”, I said. “You always listen to your brother? You’re 22, Janie”, Duff asked. I climbed into his lap and kissed him. 
That was the first time we fucked and led to where we are now. Ironically, I pissed Izzy off and Duff is being his sweetheart self, mending the pieces back between us.  The door opened, I looked over. It was Izzy. “Here to yell at me more cause you didn’t get enough smack this morning?”, I sassed. “Janie, I’m sorry. I didn’t sleep last night, Karen wouldn’t get off of me”, Izzy defended himself. “I don’t care. Where’s Duff?”, I asked. I wasn’t ready to accept his apology and hug him again. “Outside the door”, Izzy mumbled. I passed him and went to find Duff. Duff was getting ready to lit a cigarette, a stick was perched between his teeth as he rummaged to find a lighter. I brought my lighter to him. “Thanks, gorgeous”, Duff smiled as he blew out smoke. I forced myself into his arms and laid my head on his chest. “What’s wrong, baby?”, Duff wrapped an arm around my back.  “I just need to be held for a bit”, I mumbled. “I can do that, Janie”, Duff whispered, bringing me closer to him. 
It was getting close to showtime, each boy was in their dressing room doing whatever pre show ritual, finishing a quick nap. “What happened between you and Iz?”, Axl asked, combing his hair. “Just him coming down, you know how he is if you tell him what to do. Plus he was with a groupie.”, I said. “Who was it?”, Axl asked. “What the fuck does it matter? You’re married and have a kid on the way”, I scoffed.  “You’re right. I’m sorry he yelled at you. I can kick his ass for you”, Axl pulled me into a hug. “I love you, but Izzy would put up a good fight. He’s scrappy”, I giggled. “Hey there’s that laugh”, Axl grinned, ruffling my hair. “Have a good show, Ax. I’m gonna go find Duff. Love you”, I said, kissing his cheek. “Thanks, kid. Love you too”, Axl rubbed my shoulder. Duff’s door was cracked, weird. Maybe he got hot or a roadie forgot to shut it back. I opened the door, a girl was in his room but no sign of him. “Uh who are you?”She asked. “His girlfriend, who the hell are you and why are you in here?”, I asked, feeling my blood pressure rising.  “Evelyn, I always come see him when he’s in town.”, Evelyn flipped her black hair back.  “Listen here you green-eyed sex kitten, Duff isn’t single anymore. So you get your horny ass up and tell all the other whores that Duff McKagan isn’t available for you to have fun. I’m sure you can find one of the guys to fuck in a storage closet”, I said. “I’m not leaving until I hear Duff say he’s with you”, Evelyn rolled her eyes. “Not a chance, sweetness. You’re leaving now without a scratch or you’re leaving in an ambulance. Your choice, Evie”, I smirked. “I’m not leaving until I hear Duf-”, She was cut off. “Evelyn, I would get up and leave if I was you and had some sense”, Duff said. “You’re not seriously with this rude bitch? Duff what about what we had?”, She whined. “I am, I appreciate you if I would stop being rude to my girl, I asked you to leave”, Duff said, standing behind me. Evelyn huffed and walked out. “I’m sorry that they don’t listen and are rude to you. I just forgot to tell them”, Duff said, bringing my hand to his chest. “That’s not gonna work if you don’t tell the press you’re not single anymore”, I pouted. “I did today, Kurt asked if Izzy and I were single or not? It was a fan question”, Duff said. “Really?”, I blushed. “Sure did. Said how much I love you and how you make me feel safe, like I’m home”, Duff said.
I smiled, “That’s how I feel about you. You’ve always made me feel safe” 
“I’m glad I have, you’re so damn pretty”, Duff smiled. “5 minutes”, a roadie said. “Good luck”, I kissed his cheek. “Thanks. You gonna watch?”, Duff asked. “Of course, silly”, I said as we left his room. Steven was drumming his sticks on the wall and Slash’s top hat. Izzy stood staring at the floor. “Iz?”, I asked.  He looked up at me, I pulled him to my arms, “Can’t stay mad at you, no matter how much I try to. I’m sorry screaming at you this morning”, I whispered. “It's okay kid, you’re just doing your job. We kinda give you a hard time, sorry about overreacting to you”, Izzy rubbed my back. “Good luck”, I kissed his cheek. “Thanks”, Izzy smiled. “Hey you two made up”, Axl said. “We did”, I smiled. They had to go on. 
I’m glad we can fuss at each other and at the end of day we got each other's back. Crazy, dysfunctional family, but it was the closest thing to a family I had.
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maiface23 · 5 years
Date Night&City Lights With David Dobrik
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WARNING: Smut and fluff
(Sorry if it seems rushed, I wrote this story already and lost all the work, so this is a re write)
It's Saturday night, and you are on your second date with David. You've been friends with the VS for 8 months now, and while this is only your Second date with him, it feels like you've been together forever. You were so happy when he asked you on a second date, because that's when you knew his feelings for you were mutal.
You're wearing a red velvet dress with long sleeves and short bottom, the dress coming up to the middle of your thighs. David is wearing his usual attire, black t shirt, black jeans. He's not wearing his hat, and it looks like he actually brushed his brown curly hair. Youre driving in his tesla, his hands on the wheel, he's still wearing his green bracelet and silver ring.
You guys just got done eating at a restaurant of your choice, your riding in the passager seat of davids tesla, on the way to his house, when he makes an unexpected turn.
"Where are we going?" You ask
David response "just wait, it's a surpise."
Suddenly, david parks the vehicle on a cliff, the only lights around you is the lights in davids tesla and the City lights of LA.
You gasp at the view "wow, its- it's beautiful."
David smiles at you "I knew you would like it."
You look back at david, he starts to press his touch screen on his dashboard, and the fake fire place turns on, making the car warmer than usual. You laugh at davids attempt to be smooth.
"Wow you are so cheesy!" You laugh out loud.
David looks at you "I'll be cheesy, for you."
You blush at his words.
Then a song comes up from the speakers in the car, the song is Freak Me by Silk. You really start to find this amusing now. You both let out cries of laughter. It feels almost like david is trying to be funny, but then start to wonder if he's trying to be serious, so you try to change the mood and go with it. You start to step out of the car,
David questions you with a smile "what are you doing?"
"Dance with me." You reply
You step fully out of the car and wait for david to do the same. He gets out and walks around the car and starts to approach you. You stand still waiting for his hands to wrap around your body.
Finally he gets to you, and wraps both his hands around your waist, pulls you to him so your bodies are touching each other as much as possible. You wrap your hands around his neck.
"You know I can't dance, right?" He says looking down at you smiling.
"Just follow my lead. Don't try too hard, feel my body, and move with it."
You start to sway your hips, going to the flow of the cheesy song david put on not too long ago. You look into his eyes and reassure him he will be able to follow your moves. Then you feel his body sway with yours, you smile at him and he smiles back. The lights from the city are still just as beautiful as they were when you got there.
David grabs your hands and makes you do a spin infront of him, then pulls you back to him making You giggle. He then leans you back making you do a dip, your hair almost touching the dirt you stand on.
"Okay, too far! Too far down!" You laugh
He pulls you back up and you both start laughing again. You know this is suppose to be romantic, but you guys can't help but find this all too humorous. You both take a moment to catch your breath and stop laughing, you look up at david and his eyes suddenly darken.
David Leans down towards you and whispers "can I kiss you?"
You can't find the words to tell him yes, you were shocked at his sudden words, changing everything in that moment. So you just nod at him.
He then presses his warm, soft lips onto yours. Butterflies explode in your stomach, you grab his hair, deepening the kiss. You haven't kissed David before, and you're so happy you finally are. It's exactly what you dreamt it would taste like. Suddenly the atmosphere changes, you feel a shift in control, from david following your lead to you following his.
You feel him nudge you backwards, so you take a step back not releasing your lips from his. Then he does it again, so you take another step back. He nudges you back one more time, and you fall on top of the front of his tesla, and he falls on top of you. He takes his hands off your waist and grabs your legs, motioning you to wrap them around his waist. He breaks away from your lips and travels down to your neck. You think he's going to give you kisses on your neck, but instead gives you love bites first.
You moan out "fuck david"
He smiles into your collar bone "you like that Y/N?"
You grab his head and make him kiss you once more. Your heart starts to race, you start to feel hot, davids warmth making you feel even more turned on.
He then let's go of one of your legs, and sneaks his hand in between your thighs. He breaks away from your kiss again and moves back down to your neck, he starts to make out with it, and you invite the kisses. He starts to make circles around the outside of your panties, teasing your clit. You feel like you could cum on his hand any moment, feeling tortchered by his touch.
"Oh my god, david." You whine
This once cheesy and humorous moment, turned into the most sexiest moment of your life. You turn your head giving david more access to your neck, and you stare at your amazing view of the lights.
David stops kissing your neck and looks up at you "do you want more?"
You look back at him and whine "yes, please, s-so much more, please"
Suddenly the music stops playing, making david stop his torcher on your body.
He stands back up and smiles "okay, let's go back to my house"
You feel so sexually frustrated, you wanted him right then and there, but then you remember you are outside on a cliff. While it would be kinky to have sex with him there, it wouldn't be a good look for davids imagine to get caught having sex in public. David helps you stand up and guides you back to the passager seat. You try to fix your hair and not look so hot and bothered while you wait for him to make his way back to the drivers seat. Without missing a beat, the moment he sits in the car, you are already on the road again. David driving a little faster than he should be, you nodiced he is also sexually frustrated.
"You have no idea how close I was to fucking you just now." He says to you
You gasp, his words echoing straight to your groin
"Why didn't you?" You replied
He looks over at you and smiles "because.... when I have you in my bed, I can do whatever I want to you for as long as you want me to."
You don't really know how to reply to that statement. His aggressive words are too exciting to you to give him a response, so you just say "Oh, okay"
Moments later, you are at his house. He turns the car off and you both get out, he takes your hand and guides you to his front door, before he opens it,
he looks down at you smiling "are you ready Y/N?"
You make sure he knows what you've been wanting and waiting for "Fuck Yes, david"
He then takes your hand and walks you into his house and straight to his bedroom.
"Lock the door, baby" he commands
And you follow his lead.
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xollos · 5 years
hi everybody (botat voice) my whine was$2 off today so i had some and now... i am Motivatted to talk about Lalli or lall-y if u like wall-e lmao
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the FIRST thing u need to nkow is that he is EXTREMELY SMALL and must be protected at ALL COSSTS. i dont care who ayou are. rprotect HIM.
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me about to unload some wisdom on u all about loving lalli
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YALL REACting to this like whoa bitch damn who is this lol
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REMEMBER WHen he smiled??? it gives the viewer 10000000 blessings yall are WELCOME posting on my dash about the insects ud like to fuck and i give u lalli blessings that will make u fortunate in ur bug fcuking endeavros
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hes gay happy bpride month
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eats food... like a good boi... nourish.... fuck ur grandma for making mistakes.... eat ur Bread Circle
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this was in the background of stranger hthings 2s21 iand i think it looks like lalli
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another smile. for u bug fuckers.
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ghthis is extremely cute. theyre both gay and in olove.
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lalli seeing the term ‘anti” for hte first time
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my poor boy didnt have any friends iuntil he swas 19 yesars old... can u imagine... lalli i want tuo bue ur best firend uhit me up u can reach me at paypal.me/xollos
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this weird casey anthony art expresses the exact emotion i feel for lali
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he sleeps and he is so soft and vulnerable he needs to be protected against predatory republicans
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heres a good white chili crescieps
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fat horse.
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i gliterally matede thises to show how much li love lalli and emil. thank u for ur time. but were not finished yet because if u dont love lalli then fuck u.
sorry oi photosohopped him to shoot maes hughes when hughes died i jumped on my bed and was very angrey idr why i made llali into his wife (borat voice) my hwiaaafe
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tthis is a picture of my hometown but the google car drove thru at night.
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he is HUANTted he has  atragic backstory and everyone needs to respect him. i respect him fvery much and i would vote for him.
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hes a very good listender and emil ais  AATRUGLE
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GOD. hes a dorable
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lalli is my son. dont boo him.
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me when someone says they dont like alli JK EVERYONE LOVES LALLI but for ereal if someone told me they didnt like lalli all 9 of thises things would happen to me
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this scares me t o be honest
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remember this time lalli looked like moomminmanmma?
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@harbingers-cat told me lalli and ommominmamma are mutal kin
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bebe baby babie boy. i love him so much and i willprotect him forever. this is My bBoy.
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I LOVE HIM!! I HLOVE HIM!! I LOVE HIM!! lisent ot me. listen. i am not lalli kin. i am not lalli kin. but form the beginngin i felt a kinship to lalli. we are the same. i am not lalli kin. he is very good andsecretly nice and he loves emil and is gay . what more could u want? he is very nice and precious.
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i know what hemeans when ehe says here paper. i know. butter good. butter bogood. 
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 heres a picture of soene trying their best. fuck anyone who doesnt understand. i love lali and would die for him . thatknsk harb for the pictures. the end
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chelleaslin · 5 years
Marichat May 2019 Day 29- Werecat
Marinette would have never believed it if she hadn’t seen it with her own two eyes. There were reports of wild animal attack through out Paris for the last few years. When it first started there were talk of a rapid dog, these rumours were debunked when the police revealed that the hairs found on the mutalated bodies were feline.
New rumour sprung up after that. They’re was talk of one of the big cats from the zoo getting lose, that the keepers didn’t want to get in trouble and tried to bury it. Of course these weren’t true but after the death toll hit 6 deaths, the zoo had to be investigated. Of course all of the animals were accounted for and the gossip died a little after that.
The deaths slowed down for a few weeks, there was one death a week and the nothing. It stayed like that for about two months. All the gossip, rumours and speculation around the deaths disappeared.
Marinette was walking home from school, she had another hard day of not being able to women up and get Adrien Agreste’s attention.
They were giving the option to choose partners at school for a project. Alya and Nino instantly chooses one another, both of them giving Marinette sujestive glances at an oblivious Adrien. She tried her hardest, she called out to him and everything! But Chloe Bourgeois butted her fat head into the conversation and snatched him from right out under her nose.
Marinette growled in the back of her throat as she recalled the event, her frustrations getting the best of her.
Her blood ran cold when she heard a much threatening growled echo down the alleyway from her right. She froze up, she stood at the mouth of the ally but refused to enter it, she couldn’t even convince herself to turn her head and take a peak at whatever made that horrifying sound.
Her mind suddenly flashed back to a few months ago, all the reports of a feral beast, maiming and killing Parisians.
Another sound erupted from the alleyway, it was so inhuman and guttering that Marinettes mind went back even further to late night on Wikipedia pages reading about Beast of Gévaudan, Dispite the fact that she knew the reports said a feline caused the murders, she couldn’t help that her mind automatically went to supernatural creatures, eg. Werewolves.
“Oh, god.” She gasped, someone was there. Someone was in that alleyway with whatever was in their. They could be hurt or worse, they could be dying. “Hello?” She called back, tears welling up in her eyes as she started to shake, she was terrified.
“M-Marinette?” The weak voice called. Marinettes body went into shook, the person knew her? It took her a beat longer to realise that ment she knew the person. Someone she knew was in danger! That was all it took to the adrenaline to kick in and she was running down the isle.
“Hello, who’s there?” She called out, “where are you?”
She heard another growl that died down into her cough, as the seconds went by the cough sounded more human.
“Mari..” Marinette heard her name called from behind a dumpster. She carefully walked towards it, hyper aware of her surroundings, knowing that the creature could be here somewhere still. She took a step forward and heard an odd sound, she looked down to see a pool of dark red blood beneath her foot. She ripped her foot back in disgust, quickly side stepping the puddle and finally looking around the dumpster.
Her blue eyes widen when she spotted a very familiar head of blonde hair, even if it was covered it blood.
“Adrien!” She gasped, she quickly ran to his aid, dropping to her knees next to his quivering form. “Oh, god, oh, god. Are you okay?” She started to panic for they’re was so much blood. She eyes whipped around wildly, knowing full well that the attacker couldn’t be far.
“I need.. help.” He whispered out.
“What happened? Where’s the wound?” She frantically searched his body. She carefully uncurled himas she checked his face, limps and abdoman but she couldnt seem to find the source of the blood. “Where are you hurt?”
“N-not my blo..blood.” He panted out. Marinettes blue eyes widen as she shuffled back away from him. What did he mean it wasn’t his blood whose blood was it? No one else was here.
Adrien’s jerked forward, his buckled over onto his hands and knees as he started to groan in pain. Marinette furrowed her brows concerned for the boy she held dear in her heart. Even if it wasn’t his blood, he was in pain.
Suddenly he threw his head up as the sound from earlier tore through his throat. Marinette was up on her feet in seconds as she watched in horror as his body started to change. His blinker and in a second his eyes were no longer his eyes, they resembled something like a cats. He hissed and growled as his body started to contort as his bones visibly moved under his flesh, snapping into new positions that shouldn’t have been humanly possible. His skin developed like picks on black hairs that soon spread into patches all over his body, his clothes shredded and tore as his body grew in size.
After a few more seconds suddenly Adrien was no longer here and in his place, a giant cat, it resembled something like a panther but much larger and feraler looking.
She stood up, slowly backing away, the creature turned its head and looked at her. She turned around ready to run when a whine broke out from its throat. It sounded so scared and vunrable that she almost felt sorry for the creature. She turned around to look back down at it in return it looked back up at her, eyes so different yet so familiar.
“Adrien?” Marinette called, hoping that the sweet and gentle boy was still in this beast. The creature never replied, it just walked towards her silently. Marinette tensed up and took a few steps back that caused Adrien to whine again. She froze and stayed in place, wondering was he wanted. Her mind briefly flicked back to all the murders and her heart rate picked up again.
Adrien leaned his large head towards her hand and opened his jaw. This is it Marinette thought, she squeezed her eyes shut and waited.
No bite came. No steering pain or streams of blood.
Instead she felt a large sandpaper-like wetness up her arm. She snapped her eyes open and looked down to see the were cat liking her. She screwed her face up in disgust, finding herself giggling at little at the sensation.
At the sounds of her small laughs, Adrien seemed to perk up. He suddenly rubbed his head agaisnt her abdoman, purring loudly as he did so. Marinette stiffen for a section but quickly settled. If he was going to hurt her, he would have done so now. She looked down at the him as he soaked up attention and affection, he was just like a normal house cat. She hesitatly ran her hand down his head, just to test her theory.
He preened at the sensation and butted his head into her hand like a kitten would. She laughed again, in amazement and disbelief.
“Adrien?” She called as she got on her knees and looked up at him. “Can you transform back? I think we need to talk.” He stared hard at her for a few seconds without reacting. Marinette worries that he could t understand her in this for, but he eventually laid down and the weird transformation that happened earlier started again, only this time backwards until a very naked boy was left in the big beasts place.
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behindbrowneyezz · 3 years
I would just like to know why people MUST tell someone when they are being emotional....i mean, i’m sorry but me being an emotional person doesnt make me an idiot. i’m fully aware of how sad i’m sounding.
after someone ive really found myself looking up to, recently told me i whine about my father. I was not only completely shocked this came out of her mouth, but in the moment i was so in shock i had to laugh it off in order to finish that conversation WITHOUT becoming even more emotional. I just find it weird that someone would spend so much time being around every time i call if they cant stand what i talk about. i find it disgusting. Im fully aware of how emotional i can be, but truthfully i DONT open up to many people...so the fact that they just threw that back in my face felt like a total blind side.
I do well on my own. the one thing i learned from my father VERY well. now just because i have lonely, emotional days, doesnt mean i’m weak....doesnt mean i’m going to allow people to be close to me and my tribe if theres not mutal respect...i’ll spend my days alone before i EVER allow bad hearts around me.. This has taught me a lot though, someone can smile in your face, message you daily, and STILL be annoyed by your thoughts and feelings. 
I find it sad and WOW have i wasted so much time trying to build friendships that i thought were going to mean something. all jokes on me though, I should of had .....
to scott and rozy, thank you for being here when you were. but i gotta go, take care.
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leesungjongg · 7 years
Since I decided to annoy every single mutal / fav blog, ofc I can't miss you lol! Have a deserted Island Infinite ranking king! ^^ needed to do that before going to sleep XD
i’ll try my best at ranking this LOL
1. Sungyeol. Although I haven’t watched Law of the Jungle, I feel like he’d already have an idea of what to do because he’s more experienced. It’d be interesting to see what kind of things he comes up with in order to survive on the island. He’d probably have some wild (and uncomfortable) ideas, but like?? it’s better than nothing. If I was on the island with him, I’d reluctantly go with his plans (and maybe have a few stories to tell my family when we get back... if we get back LOL)
2. Hoya. He REALLY doesn’t give up. I think he’d be able to survive for a long time on the deserted island because of that. Idk where his humor will get him, but at least he can entertain everyone with jokes LOL. He’s also really inspirational, so I think if he sets his mind to it, then he can influence others to do the same and keep going. Seeing other people do well makes me want to do well, so if I was there with Hoya, I’d probably end up trying my best to survive alongside him. 
3. Sungjong. He’s been to Law of the Jungle once... maybe he has some kind of idea? I also think he’d keep a positive attitude and keep trying. So like a mix of Hoya and Sungyeol LOL, which explains why he’s third. He’d probably end up getting some food and be able to ration it. Judging from the clip from when he had a tug of war with someone from the island(??), I don’t think he has a lot of strength. But he can pretty much charm anyone into anything. If I was with him, I’d end up doing everything for him, just so he can survive LOL.
4. Myungsoo. He also doesn’t back down from a fight (of survival?), I think. He’d also want to do whatever he could in order to help others. I remember in Showtime he was cutting the log and it didn’t work at first omg but he soon got the hang of it, so I think he’d also be able to take care of himself for a while. I have a feeling he wouldn’t last long though. We’re similar in some aspects, but I don’t know how I’d react if I was on the island with him.
5. Dongwoo. He has a lot of energy and he’s really optimistic, so he’d be working through some things in order to survive for the first few weeks. But I think he’s a bit too carefree about things, so he’d end up doing useless things until it’s too late. Being on the island with him would be fun for the first few weeks maybe, and I’d appreciate his positivity, but in the end, I’d give up on him (sorry dongwoo :c)
6. Woohyun. Yeah I don’t think he’d last any longer than Dongwoo LOL. He’s really emotional so he’d probably be freaking out/being sad for a while before actually coming to his senses and figuring out a way to survive. And even then, he’s probably still be whining. I’d probably end up finding a way to get away from him because I think he’d just drag both of us down (sorry Woohyun ilu)
7. Sunggyu. He’s clever, and I’m 100% sure that he would come up with a really good plan that could last him like, a month or so on the island, but he’s not going to do anything. He’ll probably end up ordering everyone around and get easily frustrated. I’d appreciate his tactics but I’d eventually get annoyed with him not doing anything.
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