#this pic was really hard to make on mobile
garrandia · 2 years
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any day now
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poppy-metal · 4 months
Just wanted to say, I’m super obsessed with # poppy speaks!
+ the thought, how Patrick & Art would react if they’d get a nude/hot pic??
Like sending one back? Complimenting? Sending steamy messages? Or else??
If one has an answer to this thought, it’s you 🙂‍↕️
the way i just talk shit to myself on here like literally just yapping
and i think patrick would 100% send you a full video back with grainy ass quality that's still the most mouthwatering thing you've ever seen of his hand stroking his cock with the volume all the way up so you can hear him moan about it. full cock in frame, thick thighs budging as he pumps himself - the shlick shlick shlick of his palm gliding up and down making your mouth water. when he cums he rubs that in too, for awhile. smearing the fluid all around his hard tip for you to see. sends you a text after like, "fuck that was hot. needed that nut."
art is leaving you on read and it will send you into a spiral of dread and self doubt that'll have you rocking back and forth in the corner of your room but in reality as soon as art got the picture he dropped his phone and it broke and hes been at the mobile store trying to get a new one, stuck in a haze as your tits keep flashing in his mind like strobe lights and he really wants to beat his dick raw but he needs a new phone he needs to see if the photo will still be saved in his old phones storage he needs to stare in awe or he'll die he'll perish.
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Just a short cute thing where Fem! Reader and Maleficent are dating and Mal just loves teasing her gf by turning into her dragon form in small
Pure fluff, thank u :>
“Short cute” is speaking my language rn. So glad to be back to writing long stuff but between these and writing a layout for a Dead Boy Detectives fic I needed a good head canon or Drabble 🖤
Also I wrote and edited this whole thing while on the clock at work so forgive me if something is a little odd, I HATE typing on mobile because it’s easier to get typos.
Maleficent x Reader
Pronouns used: she/her/hers
Summary: watching her girlfriend study can get just so boring
Warnings: descriptions of Maleficent turning into a dragon but it’s really nothing (at least as a horror and body horror fan it’s absolutely nothing but I’ll warn you just in case), fluff
Word Count: 1.1K
Pic because finding gifs of my girl (who’s almost always background or literally on Hades lol) is so hard
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She can’t say no one warned her. Of course, Maleficent thought her girlfriend hung the sun, she was humanities own light source. All aglow when she was excited and warm enough that the dark fae was constantly convinced she had a fever. She was obsessed with her, but that doesn’t mean the rest of her friends lied when they said dating a hero kid could get so boring. Not that (Y/n) in general was boring, it was actually pretty easy to get her running around with the villains, but when she felt like being good? She could get obnoxiously good. Like straight As helping out in soup kitchens type of good. Which if the pixie was honest, she found that side of her girlfriend extremely endearing. Sometimes she even wonders if that sweet half of her is what saw Maleficent as worthy for her. Not that she’d ever admit to that out loud, it would wreck her image. If the fact that she could watch the girl complete mundane tasks in complete infatuation didn’t already kill her image. Or at least she normally could watch her like that.
The girl had been studying for an hour, rewriting her notes in a decorative and color coded way that she swore made it easier for her to study. “Rewriting it makes me think about it harder, Mali. Engraves it into my memory.” It sounded like an excuse to her, seemed to her that the girl just liked to look at pretty things. Not that she minded, whatever she wanted to do was fine by her, (Y/n) was her own woman. And Maleficent loved to be the pretty thing she was looking at, so who was she to complain about other ones? But Mali was starting to wonder if she and Tinkerbell had something in common. If she didn’t get her girlfriend’s attention soon she was sure she’d just fall over and just die. She was growing weaker by the second, she was positive of that. And getting the girl’s attention away from swirling pretty calligraphy into a notebook was proving to be impossible.
Every nuzzle to her neck was met with a playful push. Kissing her face just earned the pixie a “Mali, doll, I’m working.” It was infuriating. Why let her in if (Y/n) only planned on ignoring her? Her pale arms make their way around the princess’ waist, face falling against the girl’s back with a dramatic sigh. “I’m almost done, Doll. Just two more pages.” Two more? That won’t do, she needs more attention now. “Come on,” she drags the word out pulling away from her girlfriend with a whine. “Since when are you so good?” “I’ve always been good, Doll. You’re the villain between us, remember?” She uncaps a different pen, readjusting the notebook before her. “You don’t seem so good when you’re out running around with me and the other VKs. You ask how high when Uliana says just just like Morgie does.” It gets her a hum, pen tapping against the page in the speedy pattern. “Yeah well, if I make Uli happy she’ll do my hair. No one else here can braid like she can.” Mali laughs, “Fine, then if we can’t cuddle, let’s go see if she’ll do your hair. Give me something.” “I’ll be done soon.” She scoffs, lightly smacking the back of the girl’s shoulder, “You said you were doing homework.” (Y/n)’s eyes roll, sparing the girl a look over her shoulder, “Studying is homework, Mali.” Now her eyes roll, throwing herself back on the bed, “This isn’t studying. Studying is reading over notes, this is some other thing.” She hums, “Maybe that’s why my grades are higher than yours.” It’s a playful remark, the girl poking her tongue out at the pixie before turning back to her work.
She wants to play? Okay, they can play. She cuts a look to the girl, a pen cap held loosely in her mouth as she delicately drags a pen brush across a page. She was distracted enough. Turning into a large dragon took far too much energy from her, but a small one? One that could fit right in the girl’s lap? That was easy. Maleficent could barely feel it as her bones gave way. Shoulder blades and vertebrae stretching out to form the structure of wings. Purple scales forcing their way through pale skin, tearing their way into veins to beseen. She hasn’t let wings of any kind come out in so long, it felt heavenly. The stretch making her suppress a whimper. She desperately needed to do this more, instead of just when she felt the need to harass her way into getting what she wants.
Slowly, careful not to make too much noise, she flaps her wings, once, twice. By the third time, when she realized the sound wasn’t alerting (Y/n), she knew she could take flight. Fluttering through the dorm, she lands on the girl’s dresser, blowing a small puff of flames onto a candle then settling beside it. Waiting, glowing green eyes trained on the girl who had playfully become her prey. The smell of smoke would alert her, it always did. Lilac and smoke slowly and softly fill the air, making the princess look up, worried eyes glancing around the room before landing on her dresser. “Really? You’re that desperate for me?” Desperate? No, she was anything but that. While her eyes are away from the page, Maleficent takes flight again, swooping up the pens the girl was using before fluttering over her head.
“Mali, you’re just prolonging how long it will be before I can lay back and cuddle with you. You know that, right?” Her hand shoots up for her pens and the dragon flies closer to the ceiling. “This is ridiculous, you are being ridiculous.” Pens clatter into the wastebasket by the girl’s desk, the dragon swooping in to fill the girl’s lap before she can get up to retrieve them. “Are all fae this needy or just you?” The question is met with a nuzzle against her stomach, the dragon refusing to get too close to her skin in case she’d scratch the delicate stretch of flesh.
Sighing, the girl closes her two notebooks, pushing them to the side before she lays back. “If I take a little study break will you let me finish my work without whining?” The dragon crawls up her stomach, tilting her head to the side. Sweeten the deal. “If we cuddle?” Letting out a sigh, Mali curls up on the girl’s chest, her head laying just so close to her heart she feels as if she’s hearing the lubb-Dubb of it in her own head. “You’re not gonna turn back into a girl for me? Made you wait so long that I only deserve scales?” It’s not a complaint, not a real one at least. Her nails digging into the space between two wings, a glorious scratching sensation that makes Maleficent’s eyes lull closed. She was never above playing if the Royal wanted to play. She was always the winner of the girl’s long games.
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buf309 · 1 year
Pose Reference Resources
I promised Dia (aka aerequets) that I will make a collection of pose references in the reply of one of her art posts, and then I completely forgot about it. Until now. I'm sorry for my bad memory.
So, yeah, better late than never I guess?
The pose collection I use the most is no longer free. They used to let you download a whole album (more than 8GB worth of data) to use offline, but now you have to pay $40/package or $200 for full sets. I still have the zip file for a very old version of theirs, but I can't legally share it. So, let's skip to the other options.
1/ First, you heard of those 3D dolls program that let you model your own reference pose? This one is an online one and for free, the whole ordeal. Of course since it's online and free, you can't save your model for next time, and it costs quite a lot of time to set the model up. So, you should take as much screenshots in as many tricky angles as you need once you done with the setting. Best using for complicated scenes where those below don't have what you need already available.
2/ This one is free and in 3D, you can rotate the model to any angle that you need. The only set back is the numbers of poses are quite limited. This one is best for using as a basic blocks then build up what you want to draw, or just as a practice to improve your understanding of human anatomy.
3/ This one is free for personal uses and the pose collection is massive. The setbacks are the language barrier (it's in Japanese, English is sometimes tag-a-long) and you have to search through their pages for what you need. The pics for each pose is static but they are in different angle in almost 360 degrees. There are many 2-person and 3-person poses too. Great for illustration inspiration.
4/ This one will only show reference photos of human head, at whatever angle you rotate the model. The web interface is easy to use. There are options like searching based on gender, ages, emotions, glasses, facial hair or not, etc. Good for practicing face drawing.
5/ This one will show reference photos for human body parts, at whatever angle you rotate the model, read the instructions for how to do it. The web interface is quite hard to use at first, just tinkering around for a bit, and you will be fine. There are options like searching based on gender and which particular parts that you need refs for. Good for that moment when you go "huh? how is this <body part> will look in this <situation>????"
6/ This one will only show reference photos of animal heads, and only the head, at whatever angle you rotate the model. The accurate skull refencence list is their best point. There are enough common species in the drop down list. Tbh, I don't use this much because I often need refs for the whole animal most of the time. But it's best for furry artists, I guess?
7/ Real model photos. They sell pose reference in themed packs, but there are enough free packs to use as drawing practice too.
8/ This is the best for general background reference. Lots of options. Not really good for very specific location results, but good for random background in drawings.
9/ Lastly, for specific objects or background references at strange angles, I often search for 3D models on this site then take screenshots of whatever I need.
That's all, folks. Hope this list can help ease some of the struggles that we will encounter on our quest of learning the art of drawing things 😂
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gamergirl-niffler · 8 months
Dating game that surprised me... A lot!
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Recently I started to play a mobile game called "Love & deep space" and I need to admit it - This game really surprised me.
When my ex-friend showed me this game, all I saw was: dating, pretty 3D, Korean looking men. I told her it's pretty and didn't think much of it because it wasn't out yet.
Few days ago while trying to get up from bed in the morning I suddenly remembered about this game and I decided to check if it's out. It was, so I downloaded it and started playing.
At the very beginning, the game was just a pretty looking game. I need to say that wasn't ready for the kinda limited but nice character creator (no possibility to change chair color & length - only available in photo booth option) and a voice modification option.
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Main character looks pretty!
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I just played through the story and my jaw honestly dropped when my game suddenly flipped to the side for a fighting section of the game
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I was not ready, BUT I quite enjoyed it. Fighting reminds me about Genshin on mobile, dodge, tap, tap, tap, be careful of your health, etc.
Fighting parts aren't THAT hard, but at the same time you need to upgrade your cards and add things to them to make them stronger. Pretty basic stuff.
There are lots of fight related activities that give really nice rewards and drop materials needed to making your team stronger.
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Game has three love interests
Xavier - The sleepy boy
Zayne - The doctor
Rafayel - The artist
Each of them have his place in the story, and each is so much more than he looks like at the very beginning.
I honestly love Rafayel, maybe because he is an artist... he is also a little annoying, but it's also kinda sweet. I have the most memories with him and the highest lvl.
Furthermore, I love how going through the main story isn't the only way to interact with them. The game provides lots of options to spend time with them and learn new stuff about them.
You can go hunt for plushies in a claw machine or play a game that is like tic-tac-toe but with cats and cards, or you can take a photo with them. One of my many favourite things, I mean LOOK:
(in order, I mentioned them before)
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I love it because in this mode you can actually REALLY change your MC's look, which is wonderful! You can change your hair length, color, change make up, outfit and add accessories. Also, you pick poses and background. You also can do pics of your MC, just him or couple pics or mix of everything!
Of course, the main story isn't the only thing, there are also plenty of 'side mini stories' that are unlocked by getting specific memories.
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I am a sucker for ASMRs, especially the ones with my favorite characters. I can spend HOURS listening to those.
This game has something similar! You unlock specific audios by obtaining the right memories.
There are two versions - the first version is more of a story thing so you can listen, but it has "subtitles" that describe what MC says and what is happening. You don't have to, but yeah, it's a bit hard to imagine what's exactly happening sometimes.
But the other version... ooooh the other version. It's made to be JUST listen to! No subtitles or anything, just... listen and enjoy what you hear
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In summary:
I really fall in love with this game. It's so much more than I expected it to be. It offers a lot of rewards and makes it easy to obtain decent cards without throwing your real money away. Sure, it's gacha game, but it's not as annoying as it could be. Sure, you still can spend money for it if you want extra features, but if you look for a game that isn't just about spending your money, it's a good pick.
Animations look nice, cards are pretty, voice acting is good, story is ok I'd say.
As for me, it's a good game! I am recommending it! A lot!
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may the best bait win! propaganda under the cut
norea and el5n:
[SPOILERS] One of them (Norea) was killed just after accepting a proposal to travel the world with Elan. Spoilers! Norea gets killed right as she is agreeing to El5n's plea for them to escape the war* and run away together instead of laying down their lives as replaceable tools. *(referring to it as "the war" is a oversimplification of the political conflict they're involved in, done on purpose to save time/space for this submission)  (Side note that I think should be taken into consideration in classifying the ship as straight bait: The actual main couple of the show is an f/f couple. They are engaged to be married [Update because the finale just aired today: epilogue shows them now married with their wedding rings on], they both live, & their developing relationship is a main driving force for the plot, in-part because said engagement is a very purposeful Revolutionary Girl Utena reference, because the show's head writer also wrote the novel adaptation of Utena) [END OF SPOILERS] So El5n was actually really annoying to watch for most people when he was introduced, but watching El5n and Norea annoy each other was very enjoyable, especially while they were locked in a room together (along with Nika) because any of them being out and about would be inconvenient for the faction each of them had gotten tangled up with.  [HEY so originally these were 10+ image links in this section, but tumblr won't let me copy paste them all at once as that many links are not allowed on a post, and for me to post them as unlinked text i would have to post them unspaced and then go through and find where each individual link ends and add a space, which is a level of extra work i'd rather not do for this tournament. if the writer of the propaganda wants to send me a more condensed set of links or pics either through messages or by inbox please feel free, but as of now i'm just gonna leave it blank]
picard and crusher:
They have a number of romantic moments throughout the TNG series from arguably the first but DEFINITELY the second episode. but they only get together (briefly before divorcing) in an alternate timeline episode which is also the season finale. Also they have a kid together in Picard but are still not allowed to be together She was married to his best friend and he was in love with her but wouldn’t say anything because he wouldn’t want to damage his bestie’s marriage and then his friend died and they met again years later and shared a lot of romantic and sexual tension for years. He openly admitted (under mind reading) that he had loved her since his bestie was alive but felt he couldn’t act on it. In an alternate future they got married. In the canon future they got together and broke up repeatedly because trauma makes relationships hard sometimes and they have a kid together who is named after the aforementioned bestie. An episode forcing them to share thoughts makes him openly admit that he loves her and has loved her for years even when she was married to his best friend.
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totallyshattered · 2 years
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Terms of Service
Katya was going to follow her dream. She was going to be an influencer.
Like so many other girls, she'd grown up admiring beautiful models living a life of constant attention and external validation.
They were so glamorous, so classy, so carefree looking! She wanted to be like that, beautiful but untouchable, unobtainable.
However, the reality was that being an influencer took a lot of work, and getting started was proving EXPENSIVE. Things like makeup, clothes, " healthy lifestyle" super foods, everything just piled up.
Katya tried cutting corners wherever she could. She was able to get some cheap camera and staging equipment on sale or from some second hand stores, which helped somewhat.
She also decided to skimp on picture modding software and apps. Instead of buying an expensive piece of software along with the computer she'd need or paying some pay-to-play mobile app, she started shopping the app store for free options.
Katya was a smart girl, she knew she could make it work. It was her dream, nothing would stop her!
She went through app after frustrating app trying to find something halfway decent until one day she stumbled on an app that looked really good and had a ton of features for modding pictures.
It was called Bimboozle, and it said it was looking for influemces to beta test who would get the app for free as long as they agreed to share their info and use as many features as possible.
There was this long service agreement, and a non disclosure, some disclaimer about private ownership. She just scrolled without reading and clicked agree on each one. All these were the same anyway.
Katya was ecstatic, it was so good! It could do everything she wanted. It also had a feature called Tipz. If you clicked on the icon for Tipz, it would give some advice on how to use functions, or advice for what to adjust. It was really very helpful!
Every time you used it, it would ask a survey question, "Did this Tipz help you Bimboozle yourself?" It was silly, and she rolled her eyes, but she'd agreed to test and rate the features.
So Katya would always click either the OMG Yes! option which made a happy little chime that made her feel all warm whenever she heard it, or the Totes No! option that played a sound that, for some reason, made her feel stressed.
Thankfully, the Tipz were usually really good, so she got to hear the happy sound a lot!
"Bigger is better! Add a bit more to your bust for the boys!"
Did this help?
OMG Yes! *happy chime*
"Pouts are pretty! Puff up those puckerers!"
Did this help?
OMG Yes! *happy chime*
She felt so good using the Tipz like that. She started to feel warm and fuzzy when she lovingly molded her increasingly sexy pictures.
It was funny. She didn't seem to need them to mod pics so much anymore, but she still gave feedback every time she used them.
Her hair seemed lighter and lighter. And. had it really grown 6 inches in a few weeks?
*happy chime*
Well, she was eating healthier, and she'd been getting so much more sun, which could bleach her hair naturally. And she just loooooved how the color looked.
She had to buy new bras again. Something about going up 3 cup sizes in a month seemed weird.
*happy chime*
Well, she was still a growing girl after all. And yay, these new bras were totes so sexy!
Katya was ecstatic, feeling so bubbly and fulfilled as her following grew. And she got so many compliments! She was making money, feeling good and sexy, and people were so interested in her every activity. It was her dream life.
She took a new sexy selfie, opened the app to modify it, and clicked the Tipz like always. She needed to hear that chime. It made her feel so HOT!
"Brains are for boys, bimbos are blank! Show your fans just how dumb you can be!"
Did this help?
*happy chime*
Katya moaned. She really did look so dumb looking in her pic. She could see how boys would like it.
She tried to make a dumber expression in the next pic. It really wasn't that hard. She'd been feeling fuzzier lately.
"Good Girls think with their cunts! Show your fans just how sexy it feels when you're dripping!"
Did this help?
*happy chime*
"Fuuuuucckkkk," such an amazing sound. And she really did feel horny. Maybe she could do a more adult shoot. Katya bet her followers would love to see pics of her rubbing her seemingly constantly aroused vulva on objects around her apartment.
It had been 3 months since Kitty had downloaded Bimboozle. Life was perfect!
Her porny pics had spawned a whole new adventure for her. Her constantly dripping slit seemed to have all the best ideas, and she loved seeing all the cocks her fans were sending her.
New pics! Her cunt was lewdly on display, and her fat titties looked perfectly fuckable. She automatically clicked the Tipz. She needed it! It was so smart, and she was so dumb, but if she did as she was told, she got cocks, and money, and cocks, and even some yummy pussy.
"You're prime pussy! Invite your followers to use and abuse you"
Did this help?
*happy chime*
Kitty squirted when she heard the chime. She hadn't even realized she'd been circling her clit until the orgasm hit.
Kitty would invite the next boy who messaged her to come over and use her body. Her still sodden pussy ached to be filled by her fans. The app told her so.
The happy chime went off on its own, and she shivered in orgasm again. She hadn't clicked on Tipz. Oh wait, the Terms of Service updated.
She could barely read anymore, but Tipz popped up to help her as always.
"Good bimboozlers are property! Agree and let Bimboozle own you for good!"
Did this help?
*happy chime*
Kitty's world exploded as she clicked Agree. She was a good bimboozler now, and she'd never been happier.
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kaleidoscopeminds · 3 months
anon is so right like it’s kinda crazy how the sparkly makeup doesn’t just enhance luke, he actually embodies it<3 what’s your favorite makeup look of his?
i appreciate this ask so dearly, unfortunately asking me to pick a favourite of any of luke’s anything is going to be fruitless because i can’t make a decision to save my life and i refuse on principle to say anything of luke’s is better than anything else. however i will use this as an excuse to think about and demonstrate what i think are some highlights of luke’s makeup over the years, so thank u for the opportunity <3 here under a cut bc this got long and i know the formatting on this is going to be crazy on desktop; best viewed on mobile
firstly it’s been so interesting to see the evolution of how he’s been doing his makeup over the years, and shout out to the yb era when he started experimenting with his smudgy glitter <3 have to give a moment to these ones which make me feel all sorts of things
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i’ve really been enjoying how he’s transitioned from a subtler glitter and occasional coloured liner look on stage from tmh tour which is where he really started wearing it most of the time:
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to a much more obvious shimmery eye looks during the 5sos show (wow remember these pics huh):
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to a full and much darker eyeshadow for the aesthetic of the nostalgia tour, which is so hard to even pick out good ones because i think all of them have been so gorgeous but here are ones that i’ve liked for various reasons
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there are several more subtle make up looks which i really enjoy, to just enhance is natural beauty, firstly this sparkly liner which he wore for the fonda shows and in milan, which i think accentuates his eyes so beautifully
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the second is his inner corner highlight which he’s done a few times with stunning results, but i really like the gcl one because wow, and when he had a bit of eyeliner and a glowy highlight for one of the boy press days/shoots. stunning. enhances his gorgeous eyes perfectly.
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however i also think he has the perfect face for dramatic makeup and love him exploring that too. we should also have a moment for some of the editorial looks he’s had which make him look incredibly striking. i think one of my favourites was the boy album shoot, this dark dramatic glitter. ugh so good
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specifically for magazine make up he’s had i loved the crazy dark smoky one for the magazine, along with again, some inner corner action from the fault magazine shoot for wfttwtaf
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and here to finish, some honourable mentions below for some really nice looks that i have enjoyed and would like to highlight:
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bluechanas · 1 month
Oh my fucking GOD!!! There is absolutely NO need to apologize for no kagehina when you've blessed us with this oh my god I don't even know where to start???? My first thought was "oh tsukki is the meister" and then I processed what I was seeing and you're so fucking right oh my god, like it's so perfect for Yamaguchi's character arc (like so perfect that I'm kicking myself for not seeing how perfect it was before) and Tsukki being a SHIELD and ahhhh!!! And then. The kiyoyachis. The KIYOYACHIs. I legitimately don't think I've seen a kiyoyachi I love more (and I love a LOT of kiyoyachi)! Your soul eater au is of my favorite pieces of art I've seen in the past month, hands down. It's just!!! Ahhh!!! You capture the Vibes of the soul eater art style so well and somehow manage to capture the essence of each character AND their relationship dynamics!! And that's not even STARTING on their clothes!! I like me some clothing design but this. This is just perfection. I can't see the pic rn bc I'm on mobile but like. Ugh. Amazing. I'm pretty sure I teared up at Yachi and Kiyoko's clothes bc it just fits their vibes so fucking well!! Like this is something I'd see everyone wear in the canonverse AND it still!! Fits!! The soul eater aesthetic!!! How?? What did you trade with the devil to acquire these skills??? And the fact that it really was just created by time and good ol' hard work makes this even better!! Like the fact that your brain came up with this! And you translated it into art like this!! People are just amazing!! This is absolutely 100% going on my list of "fics to write when I have more time and energy" because you have absolutely outdone yourself!!! I don't even know what other words I can use to convey how much I love this but please know that I've stared at it for the past 10 minutes just taking in all the little details!!
holy shit thank you sososososo much for all the love!!!! i'm so glad you like the dynamics and designs because i think about this au waaay too much and it's so great to see so much appreciation!! asks like this are so lovely and super encouraging 💞💞💞💞ahhhhh seriously thank you so much!!! again!!!!! this is so sweet!!!!!!
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gascreates · 18 hours
eeeee I love your atla dino au so much!!! do you have an idea of how bending would look different in the dino forms?
aaaa thank you!! im glad you like it!! it feels so great to know that people like this au!!!
actually, bending as a dino was one of my first thought experiments, came way before anyone had any dino designs! ive always wanted to make sure to preserve the whole magic martial arts vibe of atla, even in dino form. and combat is such a big thing in atla that im constantly shifting things around in my head to try and make sure that everything feels balanced. i don't want dino bending to be the definitive replacement for human bending, yknow?
im gonna plop the rest of my response under read more cuz it got pretty long. here we go!
as for how bending actually looks, my thought was that dinos primarily use their head and tails for major bending motions, as most dinos dont have long or flexible limbs that would do much good, at least compared to human limbs. each bending looks slightly different, as with their human forms.
earthbenders are the easiest to visualize to me, as mostly they just do a lot of stomping and head throwing. foot goes down, rock goes up.
airbenders mostly rely on appendages that are feathered, so flapping wings or slamming down a very feathered tail like a fan. i have no idea what a non-winged airbender would do. probably not be very good at airbending.
waterbending is kinda muddy honestly, in my head they're mostly ground based tail and head swingers. less flipping than an airbender, but more mobile than an earthbender. i feel like sokka would use his head a lot though. he's not a bender, so if he wants to get a concussion blugeoning a parasaurolophus, go ahead man.
also also, airbenders and waterbenders can absolutely propell themselves with bending. i mean i guess all of them could if you want, but it's super common in air and water. air dinos flying in dino forms that aren't *quite* built for sustained flight (aang is a microraptor, which is a gliding dino, and not actually able to fly, but with airbending, that doesnt matter!) and water dinos bending while swimming in order to torpedo themselves through the water.
and then firebending is mostly reliant on the tail and legs if possible, basically use the tail as a replacemnt for legs in human form. loooots of roundhouse kick stuff. with a tail. also i was thinking that maybe it's normal to be able to spit fireballs like a dragon? but it's still kinda hard, and something most people can only do in dino form. idk about that one, i just like the idea.
i drew a bit of concept art for this waaay back, but honestly im not all that well versed in how to draw movement, so i feel like the firebender there is the only really clear representation of my thoughts. here's that pic, and a link to the post.
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in terms of visualizing the movement, there's this one video game project though called dinoSword by Jean Nguyen that actually really represents what im thinking, even if it's a bit flashy and fast for what i mean. either way, it's badass and might give a good point of reference. absolutely check out their work, here's a compilation of some of their animations
and here's a gif of another one of their animations which i will try so so hard to describe in the alt text
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so yeah, all in all super badass! definitely faster and more deadly than what i have in mind, but the general idea about the potential movements and range of motion for these dinos is there
(also a side note, in terms of species for dino forms, my half baked idea is that it isn't really based on nation or bending style as it is geographical location. like, those are obviously linked, but the cause is the physical location. so you can find spinosaurus anywhere you find water, even though it is commonly believed to be a water tribe dino. there are swamp spinos, earth spinos, and yeah, even fire spinos. yes, there are conotations and societal consequences to a fire spino, regardless of how accurate those assumptions are. it got worse with the war
the msot common species for each nation are: mid to large raptors for the fire nation, spinos abd cold weather dinos for water tribes, large herbivores for the earth kingdom, and tiny tiny raptors or flight adjacent dinos for the air nomads. maybe also some lil herbivores, and they just dont get to fly in dino form.)
in terms of what the actual element looks like while moving, i imagine that dinos would have a rougher time with anything that has a huge amount of finesse to it. delicate movements or anything super precise might not be worth it to do in dino form, and most attacks would be more explosive than their human alternative. that whole thing katara did where she incased zuko in a ball of ice in the s1 finale? not happening as a spinosaurus. so while a dino form might give a boost in power, it isn't always practical at the time. not to mention it takes energy to transform, and sometimes it's best to save that for the fight itself.
the general feel of the movements is much more flexible and weirdly athletic than any actual dinosaur would ever be. but at the same time, i want to impose this idea that dino bending, while powerful, can be pretty clumsy, and each dino brings it own limitations. large dinos like sokka and katara are automatically slower, and in fights like the ones we see in atla, that really matters. small dinos like aang and toph also have to deal with how lightweight they are. their natural defenses are to run and hide, so they dont get much in terms of physical equipment the way a large carnivore or herbivore would. they're much more reliant on their bending to stay safe than say a big ol ankylosaurus, who's built like a tank.
SO. that's my big infodump agdkhsjf. i have maybe possibly thought a bit too much about this au. thank you for the aaaask!! so sorry if you didn't expect a wall of text x3
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prophbuilds · 1 month
CAMS-02 Catsith – A Review
After my little Test of Buyee and Finally getting my grubby little paws on not one but Two(!) HG Catsith kits - essentially a double dose of personal Unobtainium - you know I had to build one eventually.
Well… this one left me with more than a few questions when I was done.
So sit back, relax and join me as I enjoy my rare recent win. Here’s my review of 2015’s G-Reco grunt suit from the Capitol Army, the HG CAMS-2 Catsith.
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So… what can I say about a kit that, at the time of writing/building, is almost a decade old?
Well, the Catsith has all the earmarks of a classic Grunt Suit. The back has the now fairly standard two-peg system for the High Grade backpacks. It also has a little long square hole above those that looks to be another type of mounting point (not the blocky one of some of the old SEED kits but possibly another locking point?). Aside from the big ‘ol flight pack that it almost always had in the show, it comes with that very basic load out of a shield, a gun and swords - a staple of a number of Gunpla but the hallmark of a basic grunt unit.
Before I get too deep into that rabbit hole, let me talk up the build a bit.
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The build went really smoothly. It’s a 2015 kit so it relies on polycaps for stuff that’d be better served with a plastic-on-plastic connection but it’s still an amazing solid kit. It's even disturbingly well balanced. The Catsith even has one of my fave gimmicks – leg based beam sabers! I mean, I love the when a mobile suit has beam weaponry in places that isn’t just the backpack. I Really love when it’s someplace that can be used defensively – a hole in the palms, a spot on the forearms, etc.
The Catsith one-ups other suits by hiding them in a moving flap on the front of the shins. The toes move down, the handle of the saber flips out from behind the moving flap and it lays in a groove along the front of the foot. It’s absolutely a neat gimmick and I love it.
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So here’s my final thought on the kit before I get back into the rambling from the beginning…
The Pros:
It’s a simple kit. Not super complicated to stick together. Not a lot of stickers that you couldn't just paint in or ignore.
You have options for the optics. You can place them over the clear lens or use the smaller one on the head directly and have it behind the “glass".
It can balance like nobody’s business. I didn't have to do much to get my goofy pics. It’s a tad back heavy with the full flight pack installed but it's Super stable.
The Cons:
There’s flexibility just left on the table. This tends to be a thing with certain G-Reco kits. The designs are unique and I love them but they’re a pain in plastics. The knees could bend more with a few tweaks and the arms could have a better range in the elbow. Same with the waist.
It’s an HG so it suffers from a lack of hands. I love that it comes with three hands (and hand backs) for stuff but it lacks a basic holding hand. It’s two open hands and a trigger finger. I get that the leg-mounted sabers are Technically a part of the suit but they’re still beam sabers. They’re even used in the hand in the show. A bummer not to have a set as they are molded in a very nice pink color. Hard to just grab a Hand kit and replace them without work.
Overall, this is a fun kit. There’s just one issue that confuses me about it… why is it not one of those kits that gets reprints and alternate versions?
This thing has all he trappings of a GM style suit. It’s simple but not so much that a builder couldn't do something with it. It's got a gimmick, sure, but it’s an easy enough fix if you didn’t want to deal with the flip out sabers. It even has a bunch of artwork for alternate versions and You Know how Bandai likes to take a kit, mold it in a new set of colors and drop it on P-Bandai. The Catsith doesn’t even get that.
The G-Self is the Hero suit of G-Reco. It makes sense that it’s going to hang around a bit despite the series not being that popular. But it’s not the only one to get a different version. The Grimoire – the Zaku to the Catsith’s GM in this universe – got a nice modded version in the third Build series, Gundam Build Divers. It makes no sense.
Instead of going off too much on stuff that no one can use, how about I wrap this up.
Overall, the Catsith is a fun little build. It’s a solid kit that has a good range of motion in the hips and neck. A nice little base kit to mod into the mech of your dreams…
If you can find one.
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canon-fcdder · 10 months
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It's cool how you use font size to show how loud your muses are talking, though it makes it hard to read the dialogue sometimes. I feel bad about saying it, but I also want to be able to read the words you lovingly and carefully crafted together. ♡
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(( Yeeeeeah, unfortunately that's not really a ❛ Stylistic ❜ choice and more of a ❛ Tunglr really likes screwing with my text ❜ thing. dfjkfngdfkgd — I think it might have to do with the new editor, since I don't recall my replies sometimes being Wonky until it switched over. Then again, I don't know for sure. Because on My desktop and mobile, everything looks Normal-Sized ( i'll include a pic of how it's Meant to look under the cut ) but apparently it can get HELLISHLY small and sporadic for some of my writing partners?? ))
(( From now on, Imma go into HTML and see if I can manually fix dialogue before posting replies and pray it sticks, because Damn. I think the text gets fixed when a post is saved into drafts, but again— I'm not sure. But anyway, sorry about that and honestly thank you SO MUCH for the kind words. I really appreciate it and there's no need to apologize, because nah I'm with you— I am Not one for ridiculously small text and very much want all my things to be Readable. I only show how loud my muses are talking through descriptors ( and occasionally using Big Text ) not by trying to hide what is being said. lmao ))
(( Ex: How my shiz is Supposed to look rip fdjgndfg ))
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crackinglamb · 8 months
hi on one of ur reblogs u said u use a private server on discord and i wanted to ask how u organize it?? i have my own as well but i think i have no idea how to really use it to take full advantage :/ any tips?
Sure! Short answer: I make a new channel for each subject I want to keep organized.
Okay, some more detail. You start off with general channel when you make a server, so that's where I put things like my daughter's school schedule and my word totals when I'm keeping track for year end roundups. I have a few recipes in there too, so I can see them wherever I am and don't have to carry a cookbook with me (long distance relationships have interesting logistics, lol). But I also have channels for NaNo, links to interesting stuff or playlists, pics, fic ideas, separate ones for headcannons and snippets (this is where notes to myself go). My active OC's all have their own channel too, where I can keep anything referring to them in one place. Ideas, screenshots, general stats, any fanart I might receive, that sort of thing. I even have one for jotting down gift ideas for friends and family so I don't have to remember what people ask for.
Basically, I think of each channel as like a file folder. Everything related to the name of the 'folder' gets put there. I generally pin the first thing in the channel so I can get to the top really quick instead of having to scroll through it. I've had my private server for years now, so some of the channels are pretty full. I'll pin the items that I know I'll be referring to later too (for instance, the names of the people in the DAFF crew list for tagging in reblogs). I keep the channel names simple so I don't get confused by my own organizing system. I've never bothered to break up the channels by subcategory like you see in big servers, since I'm the only one using them.
Now, all this said, I'm primarily a desktop user. I honestly don't know how hard it is to do all this on mobile, since I rarely actually use it on my phone unless I'm sending myself a note or am in a voice chat. But I hope this helps, or at least gives you some ideas of where to start. Thanks for the ask. Happy organizing!
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secretsideblog1234 · 2 years
About me
You’re going to find a lot of fucked up kink content here. I’ve got a paradoxical sort of interest where the stuff that turns me on to look at online is genuinely not what I’m into IRL. If any of this happened to me for real I’d be deeply fucked ip and not in a good way. however, this means that I tend to get turned on by stuff where women are genuinely unhappy and suffering. I don’t like “she secretly wanted it” content of “she started off fighting but gave in because of the pleasure”. If a woman is experiencing pleasure then someone is doing something wrong. that kind of means that on most levels this is a fantasy for me, and obviously my fellow fantasizers are welcome but if you’re a full on non-fantasy, red-flags-everywhere type of guy who loves to make women uncomfortable, I should probably let you know that if you message me then I will probably feel somewhat uncomfortable :) :) :) I can’t promise I’ll reply to *everything* but I’ll definitely try my best. I won’t post identifying info or pics, but I will NEVER block or report (except obvious bots) Since I’m a woman you should never need my consent for anything really but just to spell it out: all men can harass me, send me anything they want, threaten me, try to gaslight me/mess with my mind, try to drag me into whatever kink you choose (I will watch anything as long as it opens on mobile), stalk me, etc. etc. pretty much treat me in whatever way makes your dick hard!
(A small side note if anyone has any hypno content where the girls body is controlled but her mind is still fully unwilling and suffering (Ella enchanted style lol) please let me know that’s a very underrated genre)
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morroodle · 1 year
Towards the end of day 4 of top surgery recovery and figured I'd share how it's going. Idk if this can help anyone else but its at least going to help me. Prepare for out of order chaos
The pain isn't too bad! Like yea it hurts but I got used to it and I can take pain meds to help
Getting out of bed is a pain in the ass though. Going from laying down to sitting up is HARD (it's definitely not because I have no abs)
Speaking of pain: the drains. They don't hurt by themselves but when I shift wrong and they tug? Not fun. Not sure how to explain it but pinching isn't inaccurate
Drain fluid. Does not smell good. It's not a very strong smell and you get used to it pretty fast but it's still not fun
I also. Do not smell good. God I can't wait to shower
My mom spilled the drain fluid on me. Twice. Ew.
It's fuckn ITCHY. Always just below where I can reach through the bandages. I am going to kill someone.
Other itches are annoying too. They may not be covered by bandages but with such limited mobility it's annoying. I got a back scratcher but those don't help much when you can barely move your arms
I've probably been moving more than I'm supposed to
Love it when I move wrong and suddenly there's pain and a very suspicious warm feeling and I can't check to see what's wrong because of the bandages
Bendy straw my beloved <333 the $20 ninjago cup I got from legoland is finally making itself worth it
The first day I was incredibly nauseous. I could barely sit up for a few minutes, much less stand. Made eating dinner... not easy.
Day 2 I was feeling great! Even touched some grass!
Day 3 morning: nearly threw up when changing my shirt. I didn't but oh god it was not fun. I've never been nauseous like that before, I was hot inside but my skin was cold and my mom said the color very literally drained from my face. Made me stuck in a chair for like 20 minutes until I could stomach going back to bed.
I'm fine now (probably)
I've been enjoying being taken care of. I'm lucky enough to have a very good support system and I appreciate it. I also appreciate always getting my pic of food >:D
God I want a hug. I'm gonna get so squished once I'm healed and I fully accept my fate
Mentioning again my hatred for the drains. I was very scared of them going into this, I didn't like the idea of having tubes both in and out of my body. I don't really care about that now, I don't see it and I've gotten used to it, but god they are so annoying
I'm not nearly as tired as I was expecting! Sure I'm a bit sleeper than normal but it's really not that bad.
I'm bored
I wanna draw ;-; I havent had motivation or ideas for weeks but the moment it becomes inconvenient? Release the floodgates!
I haven't actually noticed the lack of boobs much yet. Maybe it's because they're still bandaged and I can't see or maybe it's because I live in my mastectomy pillow but I haven't really had a rush of emotions yet
It's kinda weird. I was expecting to feel so much but everything so far just feels so... normal? It's not normal but I've gotten used to it. Its like I'm waiting for my emotions to catch up
That being said there is one thing I've noticed and definitely felt things about. I had a pretty big chest and there used to be quite a dip between them and now there's just... nothing. It's flat. I'm sure this is just a fraction of what I'll feel when I get the bandages off for the first time but this tiny bit that I can see and feel right now is... wow. It's weird. God I can't wait for the rest of it
That's all I can think of for now, I'll keep yall updated on how things go from here and hopefully this can help someone! I know most of this has been complaining but I am not trying to discourage anyone from this, I've just only experienced the bad parts so far. I'm sure I'll make a similar post listing all the positives once I get there but for now things aren't very fun
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pepprs · 2 years
haven’t done these in a long while bc i stopped playing wobbledogs for like a month and a half but here are some of my favorite dogs i made this weekend!
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this is suzie (brown body and yellow / pink head) and nip (yellow body and green heads) and they are besties who are also in love! suzie turned pink in adulthood bc she is blushing hehe :D suzie is descended from cub (a dog in one of my last posts) and idk who nip came from but i love him. one time suzie was flipped upside down on her back like a turtle and nip came over to try to turn her right side up again! they stuck very very close together all thru their lives which was very cute bc ive never seen dogs bond like that before!
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this is ralphy and he is perpetually angry (antagonistic, unpettable, and food averse 😍👍). i forget what it was exactly that pissed him off (i think he like tripped over a piece of food or something as a puppy?) but he was angry literally for the rest of his life and nothing i did calmed him down. i tried praising him, scolding him, giving him toys, making him do commands, making him watch tv, mutating him, putting him in a zero gravity room… nothing. i ended up just storing him bc he was starting to make ME angry but i do appreciate his determination lol
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this is shnitzel and as you can see they lived a very hard life. i don’t have any good pics of them unglitched but they were stuck in this deeply disturbing fold for much of their life bc they had two heads that were way bigger than their body which was a lot shorter and smaller than them. i ended up storing them and then bringing them out into a zero gravity room so that they would never glitch again but sadly they lived the rest of their life in isolation 😞
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this is oinge!! i just really like how it looks hehe… its biggest accomplishment in life was being a very good digger after a lot of dogs who just didn’t care abt digging at all — it created some dens and also unearthed some seeds and toys!
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this is chug jug (named while i was singing chug jug with you w the background music of the game while creating him lol). chug jug was pretty normal throughout his youth but when he became an adult his final mutation included becoming a deeply cursed and depraved individual. his head kept twisting on his neck (see pictured). he kept deliberately walking into walls. and worst of all… i opened the game to see him appearing to h*mp another dog. SICK and twisted.
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MEET VICTORY ROYALE (who i mentioned previously bc IT WAS BC OF THEM that i got the one winged angel achievement thereby beating the game!!!!)! i also named them while singing chug jug with you and just casually trying to create a ratboy genius looking dog for the hell of it without attempting to get that achievement and when i saw victory royale my jaw genuinely dropped. fun fact they actually DO have two wings but both of them are on the same side (bc they have the double wings mutation) which is rly cool bc i was wondering if dogs like that still give u the achievement and it turns out to be true! victory royale didn’t have a very notable life but they started a trend and im excited to see their future descendants :~D
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say hi to queeky!!! they’re my first dog w unsynced ears and i find them so endearing. i liked her coloring in her youth better (she was brown with a darker green body) but the magenta looks cool on them too! i wish i could add more pics on mobile i got such a cool photo from when she was a puppy of their double tail wrapped around their body w one tail on either side
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AND FINALLY…. THE GIRL EVER…. MEET FAIRYBREAD!!!!! i am OBSESSED w this girl though i do wish her eyes had been a different shape and her colors hadn’t gotten so saturated as an adult… oh well. she is very cool and i love her :~D
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