#i promis i wont ask anything ever again
garrandia · 2 years
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any day now
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
thank you @chiptrillino for tagging me in a wip game!
not quite sure what the rules are but based off of your AMAZING POST OF ART WIPS (check it out here yall chip is so talented) ive decided to just share some parts of my writing wips that i rlly like because i cannot draw whatsoever lmao
enjoy some lil snippets hehe
from heart don't stand a chance:
"Zuko couldn’t get over her eyes. She was looking past the camera towards the man who took it. Zuko could see clear as day the love she held for Sokka in her gaze.
It was a perfect moment that Sokka had captured. No wonder held it with him at all times. If someone had looked at Zuko like that, he’d never want to see anything again.
As he took in the photograph, Sokka sat next to him in silence. His hand was clutching the ring around his neck again in his fist, pressing it close to his mouth as he peered over Zuko’s shoulder to look. Zuko turned to him to compliment the picture and saw a sad fondness lingering in his eyes."
this is a scene i wrote a while ago thats gonna appear in a much later chapter. but yeah. more yue angst for you guys im so sorry.
from i love you (and that's all i really know):
"Mister Sokka," a little voice wishpered in his ear as he felt tiny pokes on his cheek, "Wake up Mister Sokka."
"Good morning to you too Izumi," Sokka responded wearily as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked towards the little girl who was standing on her tippy toes to see over the edge of the bed and poke his face until he rose.
She smiled at him once she realized he was awake.
"Can we have pancakes?" She asked shyly, hiding her mouth just below the edge of the bed as she looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
That look was going to be dangerous for him later on, he could aready tell.
"Sure thing, Izumi, just let me sleep for five more minutes, mkay?" He asked as he shut his eyes again. He was exhausted from last nights events, and the sun had barely risen. How did Zuko do this?"
this is a scene from the next chapter of this fic. so much sokka and izumi bonding you guys are gonna explode hehehe.
from cherry (the mailee fic i wont shut up about that is now a whopping 19 pages):
"Mai never had to guess with Ty Lee. She always knew when Ty Lee was happy about something because she would use an obnoxious amount of exclamation points. She would send gifs of people or cartoons making outlandish expressions whenever she wanted to react to Mai’s text with a specific facial expression. Sometimes Ty Lee would even send voice memos whenever her thoughts became too long, or she got too excited about a story that her fingers couldn’t type as fast as she could speak."
hehe i love mailee.
from yours (the mailee sorority fic that i promise i did not forget about):
"Mai lifted her head off the pillow again and met Zuko’s eyes. She studied his impassive expression, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. He did seem like he missed Mai and Azula, so maybe he did really just want to catch up with them.
But Mai wasn’t going to give up a golden opportunity like this.
“Tell us everything about the boy toy as well and you’ve got yourself a deal,” Mai said.
Zuko rolled his eyes and sighed, “Ugh, fine. And his name is Sokka by the way.”
“Nuance. You also have to wake up Azula.”
“No chance in hell,” Zuko scoffed, “You’re the roommate and her fellow ‘pong princess,’ wake-up duty is all yours.”
“If she murders me, it’s your fault. She’s a bitch when she’s hungover.”
“Whatever you say, Mai,” Zuko grinned before returning back to his phone."
i have decided that zuko is a little shit for this fic and no one can stop me.
from Where'd All the Time Go? (the yuekka fic that i have severe writers block with that i also promis i have not forgotten about):
"“Sokka I really think you need to take a moment and-”
“I am fine Aang, I don’t have time for a feelings talk right now. Right now I need to find the fucking chief of this damn place.” His words came out harsher than he meant, but he didn’t have the time to dwell on that.
Before Sokka could run off again to continue his search, a hand grabbed his arm. One of Arnook’s advisors, Malina, had started dragging him towards the podium.
“Do you not realize how late you are for this Sokka? The ceremony was supposed to begin with your speech nearly an hour ago-” she hissed at him as she pulled him along through the crowd.
“Malina I’m sorry but I really need to speak with Arnook it is urgent-”
“This damn speech of yours is what’s urgent right now Sokka, you can speak with Arnook later but the guests are getting antsy so you need to give your speech right. Now.”
Maline shoved Sokka towards the podium and suddenly all eyes were on him. Every guest in attendance had their focus solely on Sokka."
homeboy is stressed in this scene. things are slowly going to shit in this chapter. i promise i will update this before the end of the year. i swear. im so sorry.
from a currently untitled jetko/sukka boiling rock fic:
"“Oh good, you survived after all,” She said in a mocking tone.
Jet didn’t answer. He knew anything he said would be used against him. He didn’t know where he was. He didn’t know what was happening. But he would be damned if he showed that weakness in front of the fire nation.
“I was told you were more talkative than this,” the girl mused. There was something familiar about her, “my informants were very detailed when discussing your little teashop romance.”
I knew it. Jet snarled in his mind, That bastard betrayed me."
i want this fic to be a little darker but idk how good i am at writing darker fics because i love fluff and humor too much. this could be good angst practice for me.
from a toph and sokka fic that i wrote a while back to help me cope w some shit that i dont know if ill ever post:
"“Sokka? Are you still there?” Toph asked, the slightest hint of concern began to slip into their voice
“Tell me a story,” he was trembling. Despite all of his efforts to sound calm, he knew his voice came out trembling and scratchy and pathetic-
“Is everything okay? You don’t sound too hot,” Toph said through the phone.
Breathe, Sokka, breathe. You don’t want them to be worried, you just need to calm down.
“Please, Toph, I just,” he said through shaky breaths that weren’t nearly deep enough for him to be getting enough oxygen, “I just need a distraction. I just need to hear your voice okay?”"
nonbinary toph anyone?
from a 10 things i hate about you kataang and zukka au:
"“What? Something on my face?” the guy asked deadpanned. He rubbed at his scar as if he were wiping off a smudge of mustard, and Aang’s face went pale.
“Stop scaring the sophomores Zuko, this one’s new. He won’t get your… humor… just yet,” Ms. Wu said as she waved Aang off again.
“I’m hurt that you’d imply I’m not funny, Wu. I’m hilarious,” the senior, Zuko, said as he walked past Aang.
Aang let out a sigh of relief knowing that this Zuko guy didn’t seem all that offended by his awkwardness, and darted out of the room."
zuko is a little shit part 2. the amount of sarcasm i have dripping off of heath ledger zuko is glorious. let zuko be a little shit. i havent added to this in months but when i finish some of my other wips i cant wait to get back to this.
i have more wips and drafts saved but none of them have anything juicy or funny or interesting yet because all of them are like less than three pages so far
but yeah, heres a good chunk of sneaky peakys from my wips!
I hope you liked them!
anyone who wants to do this can totally go for it. imma tag @ambykinns @lumities and @flowers-inthepieshop (only if you all want too!!) because this was fun :)
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summary: They met at a young age and fell in love at first sight. Because they are the same. Because they are both from Jotunheim. Everything is great until Loki pushes (Y/n) away. Only after years he starts desperately looking for her. And he won’t give up until he has his love back in his arms.
pairings: Loki x Reader, Thor, Vali, Narfi
warnings: angst, sadness, mean!Odin, kinda fluffy
words: 2134
a/n: the Reader is half jotun, half goddess but that‘s not really that important..
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He isn’t feeling well. Not at all.
Day and night he is looking for her. For the love of his life, he left.
The thing is, Loki never thought he could love anyone after discovering he is a frost giant; a monster. But that was not true.
On one particular warm morning in Asgard, Loki decided to go on a walk to clear his mind. He felt her before he saw her. All of a sudden, cold air surrounded the god of mischief. A coldness that reminded him of his true home – Jotunheim. His and her home.
Loki looked around, searching the reason for the sudden coldness. People around him got back in their houses or put on some extra layers of clothes.
The moment he wanted to go back to the palace, he finally saw her. He saw absolute beauty.
The young girl standing on the wall didn‘t look rather conspicuous. Her red floor length dress didn‘t seem expensive. Many stains sullied it. Her sandals looked like she wore them too often.
But that‘s nothing Loki actually paid attention to. He looked into her (e/c) eyes and lost himself.
She smiled at him once she realized the prince was staring at her. A curtesy followed.
Then she turned her back to Loki and started to admire the rising sun. But Loki couldn‘t go back to the palace, he needed to know who the lovely girl is. So he walked over the market and took a few steps to reach the wall, the girl was using as the perfect viewpoint. Loki stopped right beside the girl and even though the sunrise of that morning was astonishing beautiful, he couldn‘t take his eyes of the girl.
„My prince“, she said with a timid voice and looked right into Lokis green eyes. In that moment he felt like she could see his soul, secrets, problems, feelings, thoughts and heart.
And it only needed this short eye contact and they felt connected and fell in love.
But Loki left her. And here he is now. Alone. Without his soulmate.
A lot of news papers, books and his laptop surround him on his bed. All of them about weird events concerning women. But none of them looked or sounded like (Y/n). It‘s almost as if the world swallowed her.
„Did you ever think about the possibility that she doesn‘t want to be found. If I remember it correctly you pushed her away, telling her that she isn‘t worth a god and should hide her, and I quote, dreadfulness in Jotunheim.“ Thor enters his brothers bedroom without knocking and takes a seat in the dark green arm chair.
„For a guy who is rather stupid all of the time, you have a bright memory.“ Loki doesn‘t look up from the article he is reading, so he doesn‘t sees the fake grin Thor is giving him.
The article flies through the air and lands in front of Thors feet. Loki is frustrated. Since three months he is looking for a sign of (Y/n). But there is none. Because she doesn‘t want to be found.
„If you wont help me then please go, Thor. Your stupidity is distracting me!“ Loki almost screams. His brother gets up without another word, walking to the door but there he stops.
„Maybe you should look for her in her natural environment, where she feels safe and sound. But what can a stupid guy like me know, right?“ With a sad look Thor leaves his brothers room. Loki starts to see clear. His brother is right. (Y/n) will be somewhere cold. That would reduce his search to a few articles in Alaska.
And because of Thors clever comment the two brothers are stuck in this cold snow storm. Even though Loki is a frost giant he feels the cold too. Their faces are hidden behind big scarves and the hoods of their jackets. Thors grip on Stormbreaker tightens. Did he just imagine a growl behind them? Hopefully not.
Loki turns around and is faced with two wolves. One is white, the other is black. Behind them the gods can suspect a person but the storm makes it impossible to know who it is.
„(Y/n), please, if that‘s you. Let us talk. We mean no harm!“ Thor screams over the howling of the wind. The strange person comes closer and from one moment to the other, the snow storm stops. Everything around them falls silent.
One of the wolves, the black one, jumps through the air and brings Loki down on the ground. Therefore his hood and scarf fall of his face and he can feel the wolfs warm breath on his cold skin.
The white wolf takes a step towards Thor and to his surprise he sits down like a obedient dog. His big brown eyes stare at the blond man in front of him and hesitantly Thor starts scratching the fur behind his ears.
The strange person stands next to the white wolf and let their eyes wander form the blond god to Loki, who almost gets crushed by the weight of the black wolf. Neither Thor, nor his brother can see the face of the strange person because of a scarf, cap and hood.
„What are you doing here?“ The disguised person recognizes the two brothers. Thor and Loki. Loki, who broke her heart and pushed her away.
Slowly, the strange person takes of scarf, cap as well as her hood. A beautiful face is shown to the two brothers. Although Loki only gets a short glimpse, his breath is taken away. (Y/n) is even more beautiful after all those years.
One last time the black wolf growls at the god of mischief, then he returns to (Y/n)s side.
„We were looking for you, my lady. More precisely, my brother was desperate to find you“, Thor says and takes off his hood and scarf to reveal a grin. But neither (Y/n) nor Loki are smiling. The tension between them is almost visible.
Without another word and with a cold expression, (Y/n) turns around. Her wolves follow her. They are heading to a small hut, the two brothers couldn’t see because of the snow storm. As she reaches the wooden door, (Y/n) can hear a whisper.
„I‘m sorry.“ Loki followed her slowly. His brother is still standing where they stood when the storm stopped. „I‘m sorry that I pushed you away. I‘m sorry that I told you you weren‘t worth a god. Because you are. If anything, I didn‘t deserve you! I‘m sorry telling you that you should hide yourself in Jotunheim. You shouldn‘t hide your beauty, (Y/n).“ Their eyes meet but (Y/n)s expression doesn‘t soften.
„The girl that fell in love with you, would have believed you. But I‘m different. I‘m not a girl anymore, Loki“, she says ice cold. The black wolf on her left side growls at the god of mischief. (Y/n) turns back to the door and opens it halfway.
„Please, (Y/n). I know I hurt you but Thor didn‘t harm you. At least let him inside, he probably is hungry and cold and I don‘t want to listen to his complaints on our way back.“ (Y/n) looks back to the man who broke her heart and then to his brother who obviously is cold.
The two wolves enter the hut first, then (Y/n) follows and invites the two brothers with a hand gesture. Loki waits until his brother reaches the hut and is the last one to enter, closing the door behind him.
Thor is relieved because of the warmth and holds his hands over the small fire in the chimney. Loki still stands at the door, not knowing what to do, say or even think. His silver tongue lays heavy in his mouth.
The two wolves lay in front of the fire and seem to befriend Thor. They snap at his hands playfully again and again.
„Here I have got some soup and beer for you“, (Y/n) says while entering the living room with a bowl and a huge mug full of dark beer. With a smile on her lips she gives Thor the food and drink, then she starts caressing the head of her black wolf.
„What‘re their names?“, Thor asks and starts eating the soup with a wooden spoon. The question seems to trigger something inside the half Jotun. She starts fiddling with her hands and can‘t keep eye contact with the older brother.
Loki takes a step forward but stops because the white wolf growls at him. The wolves don‘t like him, not just because he broke their owners heart but because of something deeper.
„Their names...are..“ (Y/n) takes one deep breath once more. „Vali and Narfi.“ Thor nods and eats his soup without another thought about the two wolves but his brother is shocked.
He knows the names of the wolves.
After one particular steamy night (Y/n) and Loki layed in their bed together, their arms and legs entangled. They felt the love between them in this moment. And in this night they talked about children.
And they agreed on the names Vali and Narfi because a girl and a boy could bear those names.
Lokis and (Y/n)s eyes meet and they are both full of tears. On one hand the black haired god wants nothing more than to get his love back but on the other side he knows this is impossible.
He insulted her.
He pushed her away.
He left her.
He left his children.
He broke their heart.
Why would she want him back?
„Loki? I believe we need to talk“, the soft voice of (Y/n) reaches his ears. The next moment Thor rises from the old couch and leaves the room with the two wolves following him.
„Darling, if I knew what I know now, I would have never pushed you away. You must understand that...“, Loki starts but gets interrupted by (Y/n) who punches him right in the face. His nose starts bleeding.
„That you wanted to be a king? I know why you said those things, Loki. You never wanted love or me, all you ever wanted was to take you fathers place as a king and rule Asgard. You are a selfish little monster.“ These words hit Lokis heart. She said it herself. He is a monster.
„Darling, please. Let me explain“, he begs and gets down on his knees. Something he would never do but here is in Alaska, kneeling before his lost love. „You are right I‘m a monster. I left you. I left you and my children. And I will never forgive myself for doing so. But I promise you I‘m not this monster anymore. I gave up the throne because I missed you so much. I couldn‘t eat, sleep nor think straight without you. Sometimes I couldn‘t even breath. Please, (Y/n), give me a chance to show you that I changed. That I‘m a better lover now. A better father.“ Loki grabs his lovers hands and looks deeply into her beautiful (e/c) eyes.
(Y/n) is overhelmed by his words and opens her mouth to say something but nothing could describe how she is feeling right now. „Stand up!“, she orders. Loki does so and is surprised that she didn‘t tear her hands from his.
„I have to tell you something, before I give you a second chance. After you...abandoned me and I found out that I was pregnant, I knew I had to leave Asgard. So I went to the one place where I thought you would never look, well because you hate Midgard. I gave birth to Vali and Narfi, your sons, here alone with no one to help me. Three days after their birth an old man knocked on my door and asked for help. Of course I let him in but that was a mistake. It was Odin, Loki. He cursed our little boys so that they would be wolves forever. I don‘t know why he did this, maybe because he was afraid what our children could do. Maybe because he hated me. I don‘t know.“ A tear escapes Lokis green eyes and he has to sit down to process the story (Y/n) just told him.
„I‘m so sorry, darling. Maybe I can free them from their curse. I will try“, Loki says. The lovers stare in each other’s eyes for a moment till they hear the two wolves coming back. They sensed their mother in distress and of course want to protect her.
„Vali. Narfi. It‘s okay“, (Y/n) says to calm her boys. And the brothers sit down before the feet of their parents. „Your father will help us.“
Vali and Narfi look up at their father and for the first time after what felt like centuries, Loki starts smiling.
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missl19 · 7 years
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BTS Gang related Jimin X Reader
The cold air hit against your skin causing you to shiver as you continued to walk down the dark damp street that was unlit from moonlight. The rain sprinkling in the air and covered your black coat. Your mind wondered to the events of today so far it was 8:30pm and you have had a dreadful day. To start of your bus was late making you very late to your first lesson which you teacher hates you anyway. YOU mentally sigh thinking of how much trouble you got in, and the rest of the day didn’t get better for example your friend Laura didn’t show up today making you alone for English and Physics class your only companion was the school’s playboy Jackson that kept making winky faces at you and passing you notes throughout the whole lesson. You groan snapping out of your thoughts you continued to walk down the street thinking of the cake and diet coke you had in your fridge that had you name on it its been a bad day you definitely need  it today.
Morning came about quicker then your thought after dragging yourself to bed last night and snuggling in the sheets of your bad. The sunrise hit your face there for causing you to wake up. Today was Saturday you were thankful for the weekend as you have not had a fantastic week so far. You dragged yourself out of bed and made your way to the kitchen. You lived alone with a black and white cat called Bella .
“Morning bella” you said in a happy tone only for your cat to look up from the floor and meow in response
You made breakfast which is banana pancakes and then plan your day. After breakfast you go to your room and get ready for your day after satisfied with your choice of outfit which consist of a black mini skirt and crop top and black high heels you went along with your day. After lunch with your mother which all she did was complain that you don’t have a boyfriend and complained about how she didn’t like your choice of clothes saying it was to slutty and compare you to your older sister who was engaged . you feel annoyed with your mother you to never got on as all she did was take about your sister and how you needed to be like her. You were the youngest and there for your sister had the spot light which you could never claim your own. After many hours of your mother picking you apart you finally were free you were on your way home when your phone dinged only to see a text from your friends Laura and Katie asking you to go to a party tonight. You thought for a few seconds before replying yes you needed a break you thought and wanted to unwind with a girl’s night with your closest friends. You decided to go shopping and pick out a new outfit for tonight after many shops and after buying many things you didn’t need you found the perfect dress. It was black and strapless which hugged your body perfectly and showed of your breasts. You looked at the time which was 2:30 and made your way back to your apartment to get ready.
It was now 8:30 and you were stood outside the darkest looking club you have ever seen waiting for your friends. This isn’t the type of place you would go to with the club filled with drunk men and loud music blasting out of the broken windows. The place looked trouble but you waited for your friends anyway trying not to look nervous .
“HI Y/N” your friend Laura shouted over the loud music
She was wearing a green dress and blue high heels you mental laughed at her fashion sense she was always wild when I came to outfits and more braver then you. You preferred black and white clothes never really going for bright colours.
“HI Y/N YOU LOOK NICE” she screamed again with your friend Katie nodding along she was wearing a pink dress and dragged your hand in to the club.
After being in the club for 5 minutes you were surprised it wasn’t as bad as you thought it was clean and very modern. After finding a table your friends start taking about life and college. After half an hour and 3 to 4 drinks later your friends were getting drunk after flirting with many guys your friends came back to the table. Only for two tall guys to come up to your friends their hair dark and dressed in leather your friends basically drooling over them and drabbing the chance to dance with them leaving you all alone at the table. You notice a man looking at you his hair bright red and his body muscly. With a cigarette  in his mouth You see him smirking at you and eyeing you up and down. He looks hot in his leather pants and his black t-shirt you notice a few tattoos on his arm. You find yourself attracted to this man he stare at him only for you to see him to come over to your table.
“Hi babe what are you doing here all alone?” he says while taking a sip of his beer.
  “my friends are dancing with those guys” you guester to the dance floor and mental groan for doing so after seeing your friends making out and grinding against the boys.
“Looks like they are having fun” he says with a laugh “you should have fun babe” he says eyeing your low-cut dress.
“hi I’m jimin” he says with a smile
“Hi I’m y/n” you said back kind of nervous to be talking to this sexy man
You to firt back and forth for a few hours until he leaves after a nice and pleasant conversation you say goodbye and making his leave and walking away. After a few more drinks you notice the time 12:45 you look for your friends only to find they have gone. After making your way to the front of the club you see two men fighting with people stood around watching and cheering on of the guys on. You make your way to the front of the club and look for a taxi to come and pick you up , to tired to walk back and just wanting to get home and eat something nice which you hope you have at home.
“Jimin stop oh my god stop”you hear a girl say
Jimin the hot red head from the club you think no it cant be you thought but you turn around anyway only to see a group of guys watching as the red haired man beats up the boys underneath him.
“GO ON KILL HIM “ you hear one man say kind of small with black hair and a drink in his mouth.
“jimin come on man stop lets go home” you hear someone else say you glance at the man his dark hair covering his face with a hoody also covering most of this face as well. The only see his bunny teeth sticking out as he brings the glass of beer up to his lips to take a slip.
The red haired man finally gets of the boy and you see his face it is jimin his face is bruised and cut but not as bad as the other guy as his friends and his girlfriend have to help him walk away.
“DON’T START A FIGHT WITH ME AGAIN IF SO I PROMIES YOU WONT LIVE TO KISS THAT WHORE AGAIN” Says jimin his voice loud and scary the boy nods and his friends drag him away all of them chanting sorry jimin over and over again.Everyone must fear this guy to think as watch the other men run away.
Jimin makes his way back to the group of 6 guys that are stood drinking and smoking they all seem not shocked from the fight meaning this has happened many time. They hand jimin a beer and smoking to smoke you don’t question what.
“All right we got to talk about the shipment “you here one man say
“its coming tomorrow and everything needs to go okay you guys understand “you here a dark voice say talking to the rest of the boys.
You want to see more so you walk forward a bit only to knock over a beer bottle causing all 7 boys to quickly turn around and stare at you.
“You shouldn’t be here love” a tall man says who you assume is the leader or something.
“this doesn’t have anything to do with you okay? You need to leave love now” his voice dark and pissed probably annoyed you interrupted the sketchy conversation.
The other guys look at you with wide eyes waiting for you to say something your nerves get the best of you and you can’t say a word.
“Leave her alone namjoon” you here someone say only to find its jimin looking at you with a small smile.
“babe what are you doing here? You should go home “jimin says with a smirk
You look back to see the other guys looking at you waiting for an answer you spin around on your heels and walk away. you turn around to see jimin looking at you and smiling. once you walk away and get in a cab all you can think about is jimin.
As morning hits your face you groan as you drag you body from the bed and in to the shower after washing away yesterday you hop you and start to get ready for work you work at a café in town not to far away from where you live. you check your phone to see its 7:45 you don’t have to leave till 8:30 meaning you have lots of time to get ready and have breakfast. You notice your mother has messaged you again asking if you have a boyfriend yet and telling you that your sisters wedding is soon and to make sure you look perfect.
After getting ready and having breakfast you jump in your car and drive to work.
“Morning y/n how was your weekend” your co worker momo said
“It was good thanks momo” you say as you put on your apron and begin to wipe down the tables.
As the day went on you cleaned more tables and talk to the custmors
“Hi babe didn’t think I would see you again” you hear a raspy voice say
You turn around to find jimin is stood behind the counter looking in your eyes he’s wearing grey sweatpants that hang of his hips and a white t-shirt that shows he’s arm muscles of perfectly he’s also wearing glasses and a black snapback that shows of his forehead.
“Hi jimin what can I get you? Its nice to see you again” you say in a shy quite voice.
After you take his order which is a cup of coffee and a piece of coconut and strawberry cake you go up to him and say.
“are you okay the last time I saw you  you were hurt ?” you say instantly regretting the choice of words you knew he was trouble but for some reason he found yourself drawn to him.You saw his face his guys went dark and he put his fork down.
“Babe you don’t need to know some things babe okay” he says as he begins to pick up his fork and continue eating the cake.
“you sure you’re okay you looked hurt? don’t get in to anymore fights “you giggle a little.
“listen baby I’m not the best guy and I’m trouble I get in to loads of fights sleep with loads of woman and smoke and do drugs. I’m not a good guy I’m a bad guy which you should stay away from, I don’t want a pretty girl like you to get hurt from hanging around with a guy like me.”He says as he put £20 on the table.
“I like you I do but I’m no good you should stay away from me baby “he says after he walks away leaving you wanting more.
You find yourself wanting the bad boy which is jimin.
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