#sorry im . gonna do art totally trust me guys
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bulletp0int · 5 months ago
sorry no actual art
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go my doodles
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moldsporesinhaler · 3 months ago
pinned intro (a bit long, so cut off, but feel free to read. if you plan on interacting with me i advise you read) (edit: you dont have to read the pinned intro no more just click my carrd if you want to. its updated.)(site looks better on PC)
NO DONATION ASKS. -> https://www.tumblr.com/nhadyaoi/770454720828653568 (donation asks will be unanswered + asker will be blocked)
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hi! im nick :)
general info:
he/him//it/its pronouns - cis AMAB dude - christian - autistic - bisexual - black + hispanic - feline therian (just grey tabby cat, no specific breed i think) - minor
not a furry.
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things i like
- just shapes and beats
- murder drones. somewhat (crippling hyperfixation i had on it ended a while ago, dont expect me to post much about it)
- dialtown
things i like very autistically and will not shut up about once it is brought up
- just shapes and beats. but none of my current friends talk to me about it. so. yeah i think im too annoying 👍🏽
- cats. cats. all of them. i will talk to you about cats for hours. days. i will lock you in my basement to tell you about cats. for example. did you know cheetahs purr and meow because they dont have the cool big cat vocal stuff (gets pushed offstage)
- vampires
- robots, mechs
- cars
- i talk. a lot. if its too much for you and you want me to stop. PLEASE!! TELL ME!!!!!!!!
- if you follow me, chances are, i'll follow you back because my blog is still pretty small and i dont have many followers yet anyway. besides, i feel like its basic internet etiquette to fb everyone;; unless its like, not, anymore? idk (i dont fb EVERYONE however. simply if i think your blog is cool and youre not a bot)
- if i like you im gonna tag you on random cat posts, because i can.
- as aforementioned, im a minor. dont be weird. im not even 15 yet. nsfw blogs you know the deal
- i have attachment issues :'/ ++ act dumb and childish sometimes, if not often
- if i act or seem rude/standoffish/aggressive/avoidant its usually not intentional. if i say something that sounds rude please forgive me and know that i typically have no ill intent . :'] its just the way i come off sometimes i try not to be mean trust me
- i happily and obliviously interact with blogs i dont know/non mutuals, sorry (i try not to). you may or may not be here reading this because i liked and rbed 5000 of your posts
pleaseplease PLEASE let me know if it makes you uncomfortable and ill stop. idrk tumblr etiquette i just got here
- you dont have to do this 24/7 (i can interpret tone SOMEWHAT well, not great) but please use tonetags when talking to me. especially if its something like an inside joke, i easily misunderstand things
- keep in mind, i am disabled. if im slow sometimes w art, communication etc you gotta be patient with me. i suffer chronic fatigue along with the tism
ough. ok. dni list
- basic criteria, you know who you are. i dont think i need to put "nazis dni"
- proshippers. you are not welcome here.
- nsfw blogs. i mean, i guess you CAN int, just, don't talk to me please :/ + i will not fb
- anti furry/therian/otherkin + anti agere/agdre
- anti palestine/gaza, pro israel
- children under 13. get off tumblr and play outside, this is not the site for you just yet :) you guys are notoriously bad actors on the internet anyways. just dont interact
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- mutuals/anyone ive interacted with before, you're totally welcome to join my discord server. just be nice. heres the invite:
(psssssst dont be scared to join. if you join i WON'T kill you.) + theres lots of other members you certainly wont be the only one. so it wont be awkward
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friendos. mutuals. cool blogs::::
@furrycatas3922 this is winter and she is my beloved wife of 25 years (dc friend since early jul 2024 and we draw stuff for eachother n play roblox together).
i am married to winter
if you steal winter from me i will find you. (/j)(hi winter)
@mugzymiik mutual. they draw + animate cool tpc n jsab stuff 👍🏽 (hi mugzy)
@sodascreen first blog i had follow me back on here, hello first moot :)
they draw cool stuff
ok thats it if i have anymore bullshit to add ill add it. bye. happy tumblring. tumbling?? tumble?? tumbling. 👍🏽
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liking this post will give me the general impression that you read all this btw 👍🏽
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k1rameki · 1 year ago
i think i need to expand on my losergirl ayana agenda bc lord have i become hyperfixated (buckle up bc i have gone absolutely insane over this) (this might also end up becoming a hc dump uh oh) (also bear in mind thanks to all the recent art ive been seeing of her ive been on a real ayana kick when it comes to ships n shit so yeah some hcs with the other characters imma mention can be interpreted romantically too teehee) (and also!!! more general ayana hcs too :333 i have a cavity in mein cranium that can only be filled with soft ayana content)
also quick emoji keys for dialogue i may add for this ^_^
🎸 - aldryx
🩻 - tabi
🔻- ayana
🎧 - dalia
📼 - agoti
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some of the many reasons i believe ayana is an absolute girlfailure is her complete and utter failure in her previous relationship/s (I SAY THIS BC SHE PROBABLY HAS BEEN IN A FEW THAT HAVENT WORKED OUT LONG BEFORE SHE MET BOYFRIEND,, also shes just awkward as hell but thats a story for anotha time)
NOT ONLY THAT BUT HELLO??? she appears so calm and collected whenever shes engaging in simple conversation but internally shes freaking out and she has no idea where anything is gonna end up going and often times she can and she WILL let stupid things slip out of her mouth and immediately she regrets it
and let me tell you this she gets more and more pathetic and losery around dalia,, this woman is in LOVE (hence that stupid doodle i made where aya's just freaking out over the slightest bit of affection given to her) (looks like she might have abandonment issues sorry what)
IN FACT. GIVING PHYSICAL AFFECTION TO EVERYONE. SHES ALL FOR THAT SHIT,, hugs, kisses, stroking hair, you name it, this girl is a massive cuddlebug you cant convince me otherwise
i mentioned my pastry chef ayana hc in passing but i'm gonna fully expand on that now: SO. also aya family hcs bc people should talk ab that but ayana's dad is a chef (no specific speciality, but he does make a lot of baked goods) and growing up she would often mirror what he does and that eventually led to her practicing and honing her skills! :D (she also studies culinary arts at college teehee) ALSO!!! she brings all sorts of baked goods she makes over for all her favourite people to enjoy constantly whether that be cookies, pastries, cakes, all of that yummy stuff
despite being an absolute loser girlfail idiot she can jam on the bass like its no tomorrow. IM TALKING ABOUT SLAP, FINGERPICKING, YOU NAME IT, SHE CAN DO IT ‼️‼️ here's an example of the bass playing style i had in mind for her, very energetic and fluid heuehehehehehe
SPEAKING OF (and this ties in a little with my band au) and whenever she drops an epic bassline everyone just stops and stares at her totally being in the zone
🔻: –casually having the time of her life playing a bassline like theres no tomorrow–
🎸: "yo holy crap aya where has this energy been this entire time"
🔻: "huh what do you mean"
HAIR EXTENSIONS!!! ive talked about this on discord before but ayana with naturally shorter hair so she wears hair extensions! (also bc gender euphoria but shhhh)
i also believe that aldryx and tabi had zero idea that she wore them and just believed her hair was naturally long. this is how their conversation went trust;
🔻: " hey guys ^_^"
🩻: ".....did you cut your hair?"
🔻: "no? my hair has always been short"
🩻: "ME TOO— jesus christ my life is a lie"
🔻: "theyre hair extensions not the holy grail calm down 😭😭😭"
AND NOW THAT WE'RE TALKING ABOUT AYANA INTERACTING WITH THE OTHERS, LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO MY AGOTI/AYA DUO HC BC HELLO romantic or platonic these two are fucking adorable, the loserboy + losergirl pairing ever frfr (also bc i hc that theyre really close in age bc iirc ayana's birthday is january 28th so that would make her around 3-4 months younger than agoti to me at least teehee)
those two gossip about anything and everything and every single night they do each other's hair n spend time doing full fledged spa routines while talking shit about anyone and everyone bc theyre high maintenance as hell and take pride in their combined collection of bazillions of good smelling bodywashes and shampoos
🔻: "oh my god, goti i cant believe i forgot to tell you about some crazy interaction i had with someone earlier today i swear its driving me crazy"
also she works as a seamstress in her spare time when she's not doing music or baking ^_^ she often uses her expertise to create some outfits (with the help of sketches done by either tabi or agoti) and often has trouble finding someone to be her muse so she often gets dalia to help
she takes this VERY seriously by the way if she hears a singular complaint she will go insane
🎧: "how long is this gonna take ���😔 my arms are getting sore babe i cant stand like this for much longer"
🔻: "dee i love you but i swear to god if you say that one more time i'm going to stab you with this needle until your arm is red and swollen BE PATIENT PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU 😭😭😭"
🎧: "😀😀😀😀😀 youre gonna WHAT"
also. shes got a BIG sweet tooth — she and tabi bond over sweets and trying all sorts of new things together, especially chocolatey things bc theyre both obsessed with chocolate anything
🩻: "aya i went to the store and i found this wafer cake thing and i thought you and i should try it"
🔻: "TABI THAT LOOKS DELICIOUS OMG go grab two spoons right now you and i are eating all of this right now"
🩻: "OKAY SURE :] i can already tell this is gonna taste good"
also sometimes she forgets to eat proper meals and will consistently only have sweets and snacks all day until someone calls her out on it, shes very forgetful, oopsies!
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normystical · 6 months ago
hrhrgrgrggr i wanna make an animatic of becky apples with certain hazbin hotel characters but i can't. and like even if i had the motivation this very second i do not have TIME FOR THAT so uhh might just spill my ideas all over here w/ altered lyric captions
husk . lucifer . ugh !! husk
i bet lucifer's got perfect hair [vox imitating sweeping hair back cuz he's a jealous and bald mfer lmfao]
husk. husk's got stupid STUPID [ears? claws? idk tbh but he doesn't have hooves so we're changing that lyric,,]
i'm never gonna eat another appLE EVER AGAIN!! [god have mercy on my mediocre art skills bc i will have to illustrate vox not only crushing an apple but with his clawed ass hands]
OO it reallt bunches my f luff to thrink how badly he hurtyou. bbg. tell me your story
[idk what to do with the lines "i left my rider so that i could raise an army (so that you could raise an army) then c-doug popped up and he said something alarming (oo, what'd he say?) he told me that my best friend's ridden (no!) another horse so pretty (no way!)" but i do want to have the latter two lines have charlie just talking about alastor and lucifer fighting all the time like haha those guys. those silly little rascals]
and his name is lucifer [morningstar/the king of hell/HIMSELF] because UGH of course it is !! !
lucifer lucifer whag a gorgeous famcy SCHMUCK luci how you like em apples cuz i think ur apples SUCK [naybe at that part i animate an apple pelted at luci just for shits and giggles itll be fun trust me] lucifer lucifer ggeues what i knew alastor first and while technically i dont know lucifer i know hes the WORST
ugh he is soo the worst vocks . right?? its unbelievable !! stupid luci. but can i tell you about someone whos,, kind of a total lucifer in my life? okay i—i mean im kinda not done being mad about lucifer bu—
WELL I WAS flirtin glirtin with a slick promstoar (this is not the same situation.) he was the finest spider femboy that i ever pursued (rhere was more than one??) he played me like a ukulele (he did.) i dont want no drama baby (too late?) but i FLIPPED when i found out his boyfriend was a wwinged cat guy idk how to change this lyric tbh sorry guys
oh that husk[er] that husk[er]s got stupid pretty legs and i bet that angel dust would let HIM adopt his eggs [cut to vox being horrifically confused and weirded out for half a second] hUsK [angel talking about him happily] HuSk [angel talking to him on the phone] hUsK [angel greeting husk at the door] HuSk [angel moaning his mame while getting fucked lmao get fucked val wait wut] UGH !! even his wings are perkier !!
maybe husk's flirty boyfriend is the one whos the ACTUAL jerk here... UGH!! husk!! making me feel bad for projecting my own insecurities and displacing blame on HIM, when HE really did nothing wrong? UGH. hes the WORST.
[vox clear he throat]
OH RIGht! ur sad :3
i feel ur pain girl, im ur vindicator, and we dont know husk, lucifer, we just know we hate him . this isnt okay and this isnt fiiiine
...let it out bbg
[vox drops his face into val's fluff as he sighs]
its just i thoughgt al,, would always be miine
ok spilling out my ideas FINALLY done jesus fuck this sucks when it's explained rather than imagined or animated lmao
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magical-glimpse · 2 years ago
Hi I searched for open readings on dream interpretations, I was wondering if you could do one for me? 😭
I saw that I walk into a cave where me and another guy are bitten by spiders and we transform? This cave is next to a school. I think he becomes something of a vampire He feeds on passer-bys only bully boys. I don’t know how I know that. I also don’t remember feeding on them myself. But I do remember it’s not blood feeding he is doing, it’s almost energy feeding. Like I send gold “waves” in the air when he’s feeding. Then this guy that got bitten, starts feeding on me but in a different way. Oral *cringe* Like I’m dripping with honey *down there* and he’s licking up everything? *cries*
And then a few other things happen related to my professional life, but the thing that stands out the most is that I pick a parrot green chalk from the art section at a bookstore.
Then the dream fast forwards back to this guy and somehow Taurus is the theme. Very specifically it was the theme and not the actual sign. Like this bitten guy is back and he is rich, muscular, sensual (themes related to the sign I think). He’s helping me with my project (?) and He’s taking care of me a lot. He was dressed in camel shorts and white tshirt, gold chains. Beige sports shoes.
I’m sorry it was so weird, you can totally delete this ask. I was so weirded out that I couldn’t even bring myself to ask my friends who are readers 🥲😭
PS: I don’t know if this is helpful but I have vivid dreams daily, and I log them. Just last night I dreamt of a snowy night and there was like a colony of bunny families. Could be around 30. Like pure white. If they didn’t occasionally move I’d think of them as part of the snow. They were so cute and we snuggled. 😭 and for some reason I was dancing before that, and Julianna Moore decided to show up and say I dance well. *shrug*
PPS: I am a female, if that helps further. *shrug*
PPPS: you can delete this ask, I would totally understand and I swear I’m still weirded out. 😭😭😭😭😭
friend are you okay ?TT-TT this sounds very eventful lol
Okay so the first part id say is about how you function in teams?Far fetched i know but hear me out.Are the others people you know ?If not, they might representation of different archetypes of yourself.Im gonna sound like a typical psychoanalyst, but do you have a repressed sexuality ?Do you feel like you are not free to express yourself how you need?Or are you vulnerable when it comes to this subject?In a more general way, do you struggle to understand when are people just relying on each other and where they are being codepedendent ? See, i interpret the feeding here as energy exchange, food is at the same time natural and normal, but when it comes from a vampire, it is seen as toxic, bad, shameful etc.So with no further context, i would say it is linked to the way you view intimacy in human relationship, needs for affection/attention etc. You might struggle to see your own worth in relationship, or feel valued during physical or social interactions. In general, I would interpret the first dream as you feeling a lack of safety in your interpersonal relationships and in the way you relate/connect to others.I would suggest to look into attachment styles. For the second part, i would say the Taurus thing confirms the lack of safety, and especially the lack of comfort you feel in most(?) your relationships,do you have trust issues bae ?Are you also struggling with money ?Im sorry if that last one is intrusive, but it seems like in gneral in your life you dont feel very supported nor safe,you might benefit from learning about abundance mindset/scarcity mindset ( careful tho, a lot of misinfo and cults) Even the bunnies are reminding me of comfort lol.Even though winter is the coldest season, it is also the most heartwarming, I also love to go home and cuddle my pets lol
So yeah, here are my ideas.Dont be afraid to ask more questions, and dont be ashamed.Dreams are brain salads, so as such they are always super messy lol, its not problem
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lafayetteaa · 6 months ago
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Intro :D
Hello, since my strawpage is still wip, (im not gonna work on it, maybe, perhaps I might work on it) I really need to do an intro cause you guys do not know me yet, and I reblogged a lot of post.
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My name is Mayari, but my friends call me Kazz cause some people have known me for a while, but I do not care if you call me Kazz or Mayari, either is fine since I'm alright with that.
I'm a minor, so I'm letting you know that I can not donate Gofundme or Fundraiser, but I will try to support it at the best I can. even though I do not care if I'm not famous.
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Any pronouns, go crazy, idgaf
I'm in a lot of fandoms, though some I do not remember, but the total of fandoms I'm in is probably 25 or 27. But the one I'm maining right now is:
Block tales, Happy Tree Friend, High Tower (do someone even know this game?) Vocaloid, Land of the lustrous, and that's all?
I might be bad at english since it's not my first language, tagalog is. So if you have friends me and went on a call, and im trying to explain something, but you won't get it, sorry :(
I'm really, really shy, but I'm very nice, trust me, though I get annoyed sometimes, which that kind of means I might be in a bad mood.
I use tonetags, so if you do not like it, I do not care. Get used to it (although I respect your opinion but dont go "ew!!! you use tonetages!!?!!!!" please please shut up i heard this one person said that and i hope you go count your DAYS.)/srs (¬_¬")
I do draw, but easily get art block (darn you art block!!) but I only post my wip art to my friends, though I might post my art here, but sometimes I'm not very active here. (well actually heres one rn!!
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Now, the reason why I reblogged or reposted other people's posts is because.. well, idk, actually. I just like to reblog stuff that's in my interest
Also, I rarely post here bc for some reason
That probably all? I might either update (if I can) (edit 9/9/24 3:18, I can :D) my intro once I have my straw page, entry, or carrd to explain myself better
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chakotaybodypillow · 2 years ago
❤️Favorite Canon facts about Chakotay :D❤️
-He has a twisted sense of humor as stated by belanna. His sense of humor was always very subtle and easy to miss, I think his best example of his twisted sense of humor was in the episode revulsion when he was teasing harry about his obvious crush on 7. Harry needed that tbh 💀
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-He can't dance. I can't even imagine chakotay dancing, so this makes total sense to me, like he probs has rhythm. Im sure he knows how to rock his shoulders to the beat, but that's all he's got. I can imagine him at some starfleet ball being asked to do some basic ballroom dances and completely tripping over his own feet. The that of that brings me immense joy. idk why lol.
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-He doesn't like fried food..... can't get behind him with that, major L opinion my guy 😞 fried food is what makes the world a better place
-He listens to jazz. He just like me fr 😫 I love me some jazz, bossa nova to be exact. It was a bit refreshing to see because it seems like for some reason all trek characters only listen to classical, with the exception of Tom. Which is like..... boring, I get their smart and all but smart people can listen to other genres. I realize jazz is a "smart people" genre as well, but it was a step and I'll take it.
-He's an anthropologist. Good choice and a good field, all though he does mention that he wanted to do paleontology???? I actually don't know what he was now that I think about it, but both make sense for the character. It was always so cute to see him get excited about anthropology and the alien cultures. We got so little of that :/
-His clothes were beemed off of him in a transporter accident 💀... I needed more details on this story cause wth lolol
-Gonna clump these together he can cook, he likes sand art, he's a lil handy man :3. He hates carrots and pudding??? Random, but I'm grateful for the smaller details they should've shown him poking around a bowl of pudding, i wouldve enjoyed that. Such quaint little traits.
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(I actually hate this episode sm. Like who was this little weirdo. It was awkward and hard to watch. It felt like they were trying too hard to get me to sympathize with this random character, and trust me, I was not sympathizing, lol. It was uncomfortable watching a character share so many intimate details about him, and I know that chakotay was a very private person, so I feel like he was uncomfortable the whole ep too. He ended up being a lil hoe in the end, though 💀💀 sorry for the rant had to get that off my chest lol)
-The fact that dude was a full-on terrorist. I always felt they did a poor job at showing his growth. Most of his development from when he was maquis up until him becoming 1st officer was not propely displayed on screen. It seemed like it happened within the span of a single episode. I wanted TO SEE IT. Voyager fell victim of that quite often though, but that's a whole other conversation to be had.
Bonus: he can't use chopsticks lol can't relate 💁🏾‍♀️ what a bozo
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lilysdaydreams · 4 years ago
Praise Bingus (No fucking way)
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→  I do not claim to know corpse- therefore please don't think that this is what he would actually act like, or that any details about his life are actually true. this is fiction.
→ Pairing: Corpse Husband X Fem!Reader
→ Genre: Angst and fluff. (FLUFF IS COMING I SWEAR)
→ Words: 3.9k
→ In a world where everyone is born with a mark on their wrist, two souls come together over the power of bingus.
→ (this isnt crack lol)
→ Warnings: Lots of swearing, um self-depreciation? rejection (kinda) and negative thoughts overall. Sorry im new to warnings.
→ Authors Note: this is the first time im doing like angst so please tell me if I did well? Um also, I’ve already started on the part 2 so keep your eyes out for that. If you wanna be tagged for part two please comment and lemme know. Also check out my other fics if you want!
→ Buy me a coffee
Part two  →    
Soulmates were a phenomenon. They'd been there for ages, drawn into the Egyptian tomb paintings, seen in the cave paintings from millions of years ago, talked about in stories passed down from generation to generation. They could be matching drawings, first words, names; all black before the soulmates met and turning gold the moment they talked to each other. There wasn't a scientist in the world who could explain the phenomenon.
You'd received your mark at birth just like everyone else, a sentence running around your wrist,
"No fucking way."
Your parents weren't that happy when you asked at the age of 4 what "fucking" meant but it wasn't that bad. You were happy that you had something unique, something other than the "Hi," or "Excuse me," that was on every other arm.
When you were 13, a little girl on the train pointed to your wrist and asked her mom what it meant. Ever since then, you'd taken to wearing bracelets over it. This had turned out to be a good idea because a few years later you started making Youtube videos. At the age of 16, you started a Youtube channel where you focused on a variety of things; makeup, fashion, games, art, skits and a whole lot more.
At the age of 20, you had a steady following of a little more than a million subscribers, and you had moved to LA to be closer to all your Youtube friends. You hadn't just grown on Youtube, you'd also started a lot of side projects. You were known for the art that you did on the side, along with the makeup palette you'd come out with a year ago. Soon you were planning to release a merch collection, one that you had been working on for a whole year now.
You hadn't met your soulmate at this point but honestly, you didn't really mind. Balancing Youtube and study (along with all your other side projects) was hard. There was no need to add the struggle of love into it... Or that's what you told yourself anyways.
There were days though, days where you wished you had someone to hug, someone to cuddle in bed with, someone to go on long walks with. You didn't let yourself wallow on it that long though. Crying about it was gonna do absolutely nothing.
It started on a rainy day. The story of you and him. You were editing your soon to be uploaded video, an e-girl outfits lookbook, which had been requested by your followers. Your personal style was all over the place and your previous soft girl and cottage care look books had done well, so you decided to continue the series.
You eyes blurred as you looked at the same point of the video, and you sighed, removing your glasses and rubbing your eyes. Your editor was sick and had let you know that they wouldn't be able to edit it by the deadline so here you were, editing it yourself. You stretched in your chair letting out a yawn. You were contemplating on whether to make coffee or not when your phone pinged.
"Nooooo" you whined when you noticed it was on the coffee table that was just a little out of your reach. Stretching your foot out, you tried to grab it between your toes and then sighed when the phone fell.
"I have zero luck, I swear" you muttered to yourself, bending to pick up the phone.
The text was from Rae, asking you to join a game of Among Us. You and Rae had been friends for a bit now, which all started when she came across your art and decided to order something from you. You had chatted and clicked immediately, immediately becoming fast friends. Ever since the lockdown started, she often asked you to join in on Among us games and your friendship had really grown over these past few months.
You sent a quick "sure!" and then went to your table, waiting for the PC to turn on. Quickly tweeting out that you were streaming, you opened up Youtube and turned on the stream, saying a quick hello and letting them know what you'd be doing.
"Rae just invited me guys, I don't really know who's there," you mumbled, replying to a comment asking you who you were playing with.
You squinted your eyes, joining the voice chat and then opening your phone camera to quickly check that you didn't look horrible. Sure you didn't really care about how you looked but it was always good to check that you didn't have anything stuck between your teeth before you turned on the camera.
There was already a conversation going on, between who you thought was Corpse and Sykkuno, judging by their voices.
"Yeah I could totally do that. Get a cat and name it Bingus. I wonder if th-"
You gasped when you heard what they were talking about and unmuted yourself immediately yelling "PRAISE LORD BINGUS" and effectively shocking everyone in the chat.
A moment of silence and then Rae yelled: "OH MY FUCKING GOD Y/N, YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME."
You giggled as everyone groaned and whined, saying hi as they realised who it was. You had played with Sykkuno and the others a few times before but you'd never met Corpse before. You'd heard his voice though, as he was trending on twitter constantly over the past few weeks. Once they all quietened down, you realised Corpse hadn't said anything. Since you knew everyone else in the lobby, you introduced yourself, wondering if you'd scared him a bit too hard.
"Hey Corpse, I'm Y/N from Y/C/N, its so nice to finally meet you," you said gritting your teeth at you awkward introduction. For a second there was no response and then three words were said that made your jaw drop to the floor.
"No fucking way"
He had whispered it, obviously still in shock, and your eyes widened in surprise as a tingle spread all over your body. So this was what everyone meant by "you'll just know," when you asked them about how you would recognize your soulmate.
"Holy shit" you thought frozen in your seat.
Never had you been more glad that you hadn't turned the camera on yet.
"Uhhhh-" you started, but stopped now knowing what to say.
What the fuck were you supposed to do now.
"Wha- Whats wrong?" Rae asked after a moment passed.
Corpse cleared his throat and started "Its um, shes my -" and you cut him off, heart beating in your chest.
"Nothing. Its nothing." you said talking over him. "Who else are we waiting for Rae?" you asked joining the lobby quickly and choosing red as your colour.
"Uh one more person," she said slowly, still a bit confused.
"Oh awesome!" you said fake enthusiasm prevalent in your voice. "So Sykkuno," you started, wanting to keep the conversation going. "How's Bimbus doing?"
Sykkuno launched into a story of Bimbus and you blew out a sigh of relief, mind still numb over the revelation.
Corpse was your soulmate.
The guy who had literally went viral the past few weeks was your soulmate.
You'd finally found him.
You heard Rae cut Sykkuno off, telling everyone she was starting the game and muttered a "Thank god" when the words "CREWMATE" appeared on your screen. You would not have been able to play imposter at the moment, your mind pretty much stuck on the fact that Corpse was your fucking soulmate.
Heading down to admin, you realised you hadn't said anything yet to the stream so you quickly turned on your cam, saying a quick sorry to the viewers.
"Sorry guys, I forgot to put the camera on," you smiled focusing on card swipe.
"I hope everyone's been okay, I know this was quite sudden, but Rae invited me and I was like why not you know," you said rambling as you moved to comms and did the task there.
Lights were called and you moved to electrical, arriving there just as Leslie fixed them. You moved into the back of electrical doing the three tasks you had there when Sykkuno suddenly came in and went straight to standing on top of the vent.
You giggled already knowing his trick.
"Okay guys," you mumbled watching Sykkuno wiggle on the vent. "do we trust Sykkuno or not?"
"You know what," you said making a split second decision. "Its the first game, we might as well."
Joining him on the vent, you stilled for a second and then breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't automatically kill you.
"See, what did I tell you guys huh?" you question smiling straight at the camera. "I knew Sykkuno could be trusted."
You decided to follow Sykkuno going into reactor with him and starting 'Simon says' and just as you were on the last part, a body was found making you let a whine out.
"Guysss," you whined to the camera as Rae started talking about how she had found Daves body in admin.
"Um, I havent been in admin since the start of the game," you said, "also I can clear Sykkuno, for the last part of the round, he's been with me since lights went out."
Sykkuno confirmed it, "Yup that's right, also I can hard clear Y/N cuz guess what? She stood on the vent with me and none of us died."
Everyone chuckled as he said "Thats good enough for me."
"Uh, I was in navigation mostly." said Lily.
"Poki, can I just ask what you were doing?" said Sean, an undercurrent of mirth present.
"Me?" asked Poki speaking for the first time. "What was I doing?"
"You weren't doing any tasks, you were literally just walking from one side of medbay to the other when I peeked in."
Poki started laughing, trying to get her words out at the same time.
"Okay so-" a giggle. "okay okay- I was just, I was trying to um do the beep test," she said finally breaking down and making everyone else laugh as well.
"What the fuck?" you said, laughing at the image in your mind.
"My chat told me to do it last game so I decided to do it now, I was literally just playing around," she said finally, adding "I swear I'm not imposter" at the end.
"Hmmm," you hummed, bringing a hand up to stroke your chin. "Are you sure it was last game Poki... hm...."
Giggling at Poki indignant "YES it was last game", you quickly skipped voting like everyone else as the timer went into the last ten seconds.
Humming a tune under your breath, you went back to reactor, taking a minute to carefully do Simon says and then moved to the other task counting out one two three as you pressed on the numbers. Humming, you moved out of reactor, only to come face to face with Corpse. You paused for a second, and then moved ahead, refusing to show anything on camera. For some reason he followed you as you went to storage, looking at you while you did the trash.
"Why is he just staring?" you mumbled, biting your lip. God, you really didn't wanna think of him right now. You started walking to shields, him still walking with you when lights were called and not a second later a body was reported.
Suddenly there was screaming your ears as Toast and Rae both started accusing each other.
"Wait- Wait WAIT" yelled Poki trying to get them to stop. "What happened?"
"I'll explain" declared Rae, not letting toast get a word in. "We were in navigation okay, me, Toast and Leslie. Lights went out, and suddenly a report buttons there. It's either Toast or someone came in just as lights went out and killed but that doesn't seem likely because I didn't see anyone anywhere near us at all. Anyways I'm fucking telling the truth guys, its Toast, he's the one who did it."
"Toast, do you have anything to say for yourself?" asked Corpse, his voice making your insides shiver.
"Holy shit, this is my soulmate", you thought for the fiftieth time.
"Uh yeah," replied toast. "I didn't do it."
Everyone laughed as he continued.
"Like seriously, I wouldn't do anything like this because it'd be a stupid move from my own part, and I think Raes smart enough to not do this as well. I think someone else came in just as lights went down and killed immediately, which to be honest, was pretty smart of them."
"Okay so I can clear Corpse," you cut in noticing the timer was close. "he was with me in weapons when it happened, he wouldn't have had time to go all the way up, or even vent there because we were literally walking in."
"Yup that's right," confirmed corpse.
"I'm in cafeteria" said Poki.
"Yeah, I saw her on my way to weapons," said Sykkuno, "and I'm in weapons right now,"
"I'm in lower engine" said Sean, and Lily said she was in reactor.
"I think it's Toast," you mumbled and then rose your voice to talk over everyone. "Look okay fine, maybe he said it was a stupid move and he wouldn't do it but maybe he did it for that exact reason. He thought he could get away with it because no one would expect him to do something like that."
As the timer started going down by 10, you voted for Toast and it turned out 3 had skipped the vote while five had voted for him.
"Guys you actually voted for him?" you said in a high voice, re-enacting one of Sykkunos most said lines.
You heard a "oh for gods sake" from Rae before everyone went silent and you giggled as you moved back down to weapons to do your tasks.
You finished all your tasks and decided to go to security to check where everyone is. Humming as you moved through the electrical hallway, you narrowed your eyes as Corpse came out of electrical and went towards storage. Quickly ducking in you didn't see a body so you headed back out, going into cams and gasping as you saw the body. Reporting immediately you were shocked to see the four kills that had happened. Now only you, Corpse, Sean and Rae were left.
"Oh my god," you mumbled confused. Either there were still two imposters, and Toast wasn't the imposter or the imposter literally killed and did nothing else. Now either that could mean that its definitely Rae if Toast wasn't the imposter, or that it was Corpse as the only imposter left. That was a bit weird though becuase he could have totally killed you at the start of the game. You didn't suspect Sean at all.
"What the fuck?" mumbled Corpse, and Rae made her animal noises expressing her shock.
"Okay," you said taking charge and relaying the kill and your theory to everyone. "So either it was Toast and there's only one other imposter, who is Corpse. Or Toast wasn't an imposter and there's two of them left. I-" you took a deep breath in at the end, very confused. " I don't know anymore,"
"I think its Corpse as well,"
Corpse who hadn't said anything up till this moment suddenly started stammering out "hey-hey uh let-lets not gang up on me okay. It's not-"
"No, wait, its because Y/N said you came out of electrical right, and I saw you in upper engine literally a bit ago and you went down. I went towards cafeteria so I don't know exactly where you went but its totally possible that you killed."
You voted form him after that, convinced it was Corpse, and the other followed quickly.
"Guys what the fuck, at least give me a chance to explain my self" he whined when his body was thrown off the ship seconds later. You cheered when the "VICTORY" sign was displayed across the screen, bringing up your chat and laughing at Toast as he pretended to be angry at me.
"That was a great round, good work Y/N"
"Thankyou" you mumbled staring at your chat. You were confused when you saw the absolute influx of messages on there, and you were barely able to read them because they were going so fast. You scrolled up, and read through the few of the messages;
"You've made corpse sad."
"Corpse has literally been so quite since you came in, can you leave."
"Omg stop with the hate messages, its not her fault if corpse isn't talking to you"
"are you his ex or something? What was that reaction at the start?"
"what did you do? Corpse literally hasn't said a word since you came in."
Corpse POV
Corpses heart stopped for a minute, his breath catching. The words on his wrist glowed gold, and he stared at the little red character standing there.
This person was the reason that he had "PRAISE BINGUS" stretched across his wrist.
They were the only reason that he had searched "Bingus" on google for all of his life. The only reason Corpse knew about the meme before anyone else was because he was constantly monitoring the word online. Ever since March, he had been waiting with bated breath, anxious that he could meet his soulmate at any moment. and here you were.
For some reason, he had never expected that he would meet you in among us, or while he was on stream. He always thought it'd be someone outside. It was a bit stupid in hindsight as all he did nowadays was play among us.
He heard you introduce yourself to him but the only thing that came out of his mouth was “No fucking way”.
Immediately after he wanted to slap himself.
“Idiot” he thought to himself. “At least try to make a good impression.”
When Rae asked what was wrong, heat sprung to his cheeks as he started revealing that they were soulmates, but Y/N cut him off, saying that it was nothing.
Corpse’s heart sank a little then.
'Maybe she’s just a private person,' he reasoned with himself.
'I shouldn’t have tried to say it on stream either. God, I’m a fucking idiot, if I said it, literally everyone would know and not only would I have hated the attention, she probabaly would have as well.'
Convincing himself that she was right, he reassured himself that it wasn’t because of him. She wasn’t revealing it because she probably didn't want all the attention.
For some reason though, his heart sank even more when Y/N didnt talk to him, instead talking to sykkuno about his dog. Like sure he could understand not wanting to reveal they were soulmates but shouldn’t she at least wanna talk to him? At this point he wouldn’t even mind if she talked about his voice like everyone else.
He groaned when the word "Imposter" came across his screen, his and Toasts character standing together. He was not in the right mindset right now to be able to be a good imposter. Breathing in deeply he continued in the game, with the first round passing by quick. The second round, he saw Y/N and stood with her for a bit wondering if he should kill her. Her red character moved to weapons and he sighed moving the mouse over the kill button. Just as he was thinking of clicking a body was found. Corpse swore as Toast flew off the ship. Deciding he needed to speed it up he killed four people in the round, hissing when the meeting was called. The moment Y/N accused him, he knew it was over. He didn't even bother defending himself much, just hoping the game would end soon.
When they were in the lobby, he quickly told everyone that he was going to leave because his internet was acting up. Turning off the stream after saying a quick thank you to everyone, he leaned back in his seat breathing through his nose.
What the fuck was his life.
Even his soulmate didnt want him. Honestly, he should have expected this. Abandoned at 12 with no one around him, why did his expect his soulmate to even give a fuck about him. Tears pricked his eyes and he blinked trying to get rid of them. He breathed in deeply, grabbing the water on the table and taking a big gulp. He had never hated himself more than he did right now. Why couldnt he have an easier life.
“Why cant I just fucking be NORMAL” he yelled throwing the empty bottle of water at the wall.
Throwing himself into bed, he scrunched up his eyes, hoping that sleep would come today, not noticing as his phone lit up with a single message.
Your POV
You stayed for another game and then ducked out apologizing and making an excuse up.
"Sorry it was such a short stream, everyone," you said pouting at the camera. "It was fun though so hopefully I get to do it again." Waving goodbye, you turned off the camera and leaned your head back staring at the ceiling.
What the actual fuck.
Grabbing your phone, you stared at it for a bit. Everything that you had pushed to the back of your mind in the game, was suddenly in the forefront.
The only thing you knew about Corpse was that he had a really deep voice, he narrated horror movies, and he maybe did music?
'Rae mentioned that once right?' you thought to yourself.
You unlocked the phone and then locked it again, too scared to actually do anything.
"Oh get a grip," you muttered to yourself, opening the phone and sending a text to Rae.
‘Hey Rae, do you have corpses number? Do you mind sending it to me, I need to tell him something.’
A reply came in a minute,
‘umm, why. he's pretty private so idk i don't rlly wanna give his number if he doesn't want someone to have it’
You sighed, and decided you might as well tell her. You knew Rae wouldn't betray your trust.
‘He's my soulmate’
Immediately a ‘AHDJHAKJKAGDAK’ came as a reply and you giggled at the string of emojis after it.
‘Don't tell anyone,’ you sent quickly, trying to calm her down.
Biting your lip you added Corpse into your contacts hesitating before putting a small black heart next to his name.
"Already simping," you mumbled under your breath, hands hovering over the keyboard as you struggled to think of what to write.
You finally decided on 'Hey, its Y/N, can I call?' thinking that something short would be the best way to go. Hand hovering over the send button, you sucked in a breath and pressed it, waiting with bated breath.
A minute passed.
And then five.
And then, without you even you realising, it'd been half an hour of you just looking at your phone.
An hour later, you were slumped on your desk, eyes closed and snoring lightly, the phone still open, the message you sent lighting up the screen.
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linorangge · 4 years ago
Yugyeom as Your Boyfriend ! <3
(keep in mind this is a head canon !) requested by @americaspeach​
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how you met:
- I would like to say that this man is my ult bias so just expect this to be rlly lengthy and cute
- u did graffiti art in an alley every now and then nd sometimes street dancers would show up 
- one day gyeom showed up with jaebeom and jaebeom started b boying
- everyone was egging him on
- since yugyeom got there with beom, ppl wanted gyeom to join in
- he started doing some pops and stuff nd he did rlly well despite NOT b boying
- ppl were pretty blown away from their skills, u included
- you did ur graffiti, making sure to check if he was still there
- as the crowd dispersed after a few hours u noticed him walking away
- u totally ditched the graffiti and u walked after him
- it was hard to catch up bc mans is TALL nd has the longest legs ever
- u went up to him nd tapped his shoulder
- he turned, nd he actually had to look DOWN at u
- “u did rlly good out there”
- “oh thanks haha”
- he was kinda shy abt it
- u kinda started a convo abt his hobbies while beom was standing there in the background
- you eventually started flirting with him 
- he flirted back 
- u asked for his number 
- he gave it to u 
- he told u to have nice night nd u went back to ur graffiti
- you literally forgot that YOU had his number but he didn't have yours
- so u waited for a week for him to text u
- nd then u realized,,,,,,,
- YOU had to make the first move
- so u did
- nd gyeom was like “who is this”
- nd u were like “graffiti girl”
- nd he was like “OHHHHH wanna hang out later”
- you said yes ofc
- u went to a lil bowling alley place nd he taught u how to bowl
- u sucked at first and he won the game
- afterwards u guys drove around town and listened to music while u talked
- at some point u guys parked at some random place nd he showed u vids of him dancing
- which prompted u to show him pics of graffiti you'd done
- nd he showed u his singing vids nd u were VERY impressed
- after awhile he took u home nd yeah
- afterwards u guys became more friends than lovers
- u became close rlly rlly quick
- u guys very noticeably had crushes on each other
- nd then one day u guys were sitting on ur couch 
- and he just kissed u ????
- nd he was like “omg im so sorry ill leave”
- nd u were like “no”
- and u guys just made out for like an hour 
- nd then he was like 
- “are we official now?”
- nd u were like “alright ig”
- u were dying inside tho
yugyeom as your boyfriend:
- so whipped
- he loves everything abt u
- puts “my”a lot in front of any pet name he calls u
- my baby 
- my sweetie
- my darling
- my y/n
- he’s rlly giggly when he’s around u 
- or when he talks abt u to the sevens he get blushy and giggly 
- yeah he talks abt u SO MUCH
- “the other day y/n had to get on her tippy toes to kiss me”
- “gyeom you've told us this story like three times today”
- “then ur gonna listen for a fourth time”
- uses these emojis 🥺💞😽 EVERYTIME HE TEXTS U
- “are u feeling well today baby 🥺”
- he sends u lots of texts throughout the day asking how ur feeling nd if u need anything 
- also likes to facetime whenever he can
- at the studio, during a shoot, literally any time
- he literally just likes to make sure ur doing ok
- hmmm 
- ur kinda one of his fav ppl
- he feels safe with u
- he tells u anything and everything bc he just trusts u that much
- pda wise
- he’s pretty affectionate tbh
- he’ll hold ur hand and give u long kisses
- nd sometimes ur like “bro we are in public PLEASE”
- nd he chills out LMAO
- alone he's a bit clingy
- he just likes being around u nd being in ur presence
- since there’s some height difference u sometimes just give up on kissing his lips so u kiss his collarbone/chest/neck
- it drives him insane
- he gets shy around u sometimes
- if and when u guys do the uhhhhh secks
- he’ll be shy taking his clothes off
- and you’ll b like “dude we’ve seen each other naked like 7 times already”
- “ik but u still make me nervous”
- he also sometimes likes to sing u to sleep
- he takes requests
- sometimes u guys spoon in bed nd ur like
- “can u sing bruno mars”
- nd he sings bruno mars into ur ear softly
- the nights he does that u sleep so peacefully 
- overall u make him happy
- u make him feel like he’s on top of the world as cheesy as that sounds
- he thinks ur so talented nd beautiful in every way
- he tends to take u to the dance studio sometimes 
- nd u sit there and watch
- he’ll occasionally try to teach u some moves
- u learn a few every now and then
- sometimes u surprise him with food or sweets at the studio nd he just melts
- he likes to surprise u with random things
- random presents??
- “oh yea I got u this hoodie from ur fav brand”
- “what for”
- “just cus :) “
first time I love you was said:
- he said it first
- u were doing some graffiti art and u brought him along
- he was sitting back on a little bucket, watching u 
- he’d take pictures of you or of himself to pass the time
- and then u turned, halfway thru the artwork 
- u were covered in paint nd u had the biggest smile on his face
- “what do u think”
- he just stared at u
- he enjoyed seeing u do what u loved
- even more when u saw u happy 
- “I love you y/n”
- and somehow ur smile grew bigger
- u let out a little giggle 
- “I love you too gyeomie”
- he got up from his little bucket nd crossed the alley to meet u
- he embraced u and then pulled away to kiss you
- he felt like that moment lasted forever
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chanluster · 4 years ago
— check in tag!
tagged by @healinghyunjin and @kookings thank u sm!!! except for sunny go fuck urself 
1) why did you choose your url?
oh my fucking god basically you know like ‘lustre’? like sparkles and shit? i thought chan + lustre would be cool cause chan is a glowing boy but i used the british spelling instead and now i sound like a total horndog 💀💀 its the way i didn’t even realise till my friends pointed it out and now i can’t change it yfm but yeh clearly lacking brain cells
2) any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them!
okay so 
gyuluster — my txt account!! ive had it for a while but ive been so dead on there 😭😭 tho i did promise myself that this summer i want to write more content about them so skz im sorry but 💨💨
amorlix — my giffing account!! ive recently gotten into giffing and i love it sm tho i admit it takes up sm of my time 😭 i will try using it more often
i have more but i’m gonna keep them a secret for now 😼😼 most of them are just made to gatekeep usernames LMDOAAO
3) how long have you been on tumblr?
i think it’s defo been more than a year now!! ngl hate it hate tumblr but i love writing too much to let it go so i guess we stuck 😃
4) do you have a queued tag?
no i don’t actually tho i think i should start using it sometime soon
5) why did you start your blog?
i really wanted to get away from wattpad 💀 after writing for bts for so long on there and then completely abandoning them for stray kids it made me realise i needed a fresh start away from there + the writing here is a lot better than i found on wattpad so that’s a huge plus
6) why did you choose your icon?
because felix in that fit is so fine i don’t think i’ll ever recover THE NET THE FUCKING RED NET
7) why did you choose your header?
because jake from enhypen owns me body and soul this man could call me a currymuncher and i’d happily comply ‼️ also him in drunk-dazed studio choom was an 8th wonder of the world
8) what’s your post with most notes?
my 10/10 fic !! my chan fic racked up over 1500 notes and i still haven’t recovered 👁💧👄💧👁 thank you so much for the support guys ❤️❤️
9) how many mutuals do you have?
literally 15 and half of them don’t use tumblr anymore 💀💀 i would love to make friends here but i have major trust issues cause of past experiences LMFAO
10) how many followers do you have?
1750+!! thank you homies omg
11) how many blogs do you follow?
12) how often do you use tumblr each day?
way too much fr like i’m genuinely thinking about writing offline, post and fuck off i’m way too addicted to this hellsite 💀💀
13) did you have a fight/ start another argument with a blog once? who won?
LMAO that shit is so childish if i don’t like someone i just block, unfollow, or keep the grudge stewing within me for months cause i fucking hate confrontation
14) how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post?’
if you mean the “reblog this in 10 seconds or spongebob would make a krabby patty out of you” posts then they’re annoying as hell 11 year old me truly thought my mum would die at one point cause i didn’t like them on facebook
15) do you like tag games?
yes i do! they’re really cute but i’m so shit at responding to them so if you do tag me i love u i’m not ignoring u i promise
16) do you like ask games?
yes yes yes!! don’t hesitate to ask me shit i feel like i’m hella isolated on stayblr ��💔
17) which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i mean tumblr fame is a scam but i know my desi degen @tyonfs is well known on nct (and well enough to be slandered on a youtube video!! congrats on ur downfall whore😻‼️)
18) do you have a crush on a mutual?
@mocimori i love u ur art and ur lost boy! skz ramblings please know i enjoy listening to ur ideas and would 100% buy ur lip balm if u pitched it to me also ive never gotten over the paris fanart i love u sm
tagging: anyone who wants to do this!!
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years ago
Boundary Communication
A/N: This was a little steamier I think than I have written but I do intend to extend my horizons as I begin writing again. I can read the crap out of some smut but never managed to write it lol but I’m gonna ease into it. I hope you like it! Also, anyone who wants to, feel free to send more requests in!
Requested?: Yes, “Heyy can you write with harry? Where harry and reader are dating and when Harry and reader are alone harry is being all needy clingy touchy touchy kisses hugs cuddles all cute but reader is a bit uncomfortable because she is shy. After a few attempts of trying to warm her up(this part may be a bit smutty but it is totally fine if you dont write smut) harry  gives her space and he is heartbroken bc she is not comfortable with him yet? And then they make up this time she pushes herself out of her comfort zone. Im sorry this is so specific but i thought it would be cute. And harry is so underrated he deserves more imagines. I would be so happy if you can write this!! Love you😻”
Summary: I think I stuck to the request above, I just didn’t get super steamy with it.
CW/TW: Sixth Year, No Voldemort AU, Harry Potter x Reader, it might be a little heavy bc the reader is uncomfy w/ her boyfriend Harry’s advances. Kisses, neck kisses, that sort of thing.
Word Count: 1,114
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Your POV
    I dropped my school bag at the end of one of the common room couches and plopped down on to said couch. It’s been a long day with a double Potions lesson in which Snape was being extra cruel. Poor Neville managed to get detention simply for chopping his ingredients wrong and Seamus got detention and 20 points deducted from Gryffindor for blowing his potion up yet again. I had trouble as well. Snape seemed rather unfond of me today and kept a close eye on me. I already suck at Potions, let alone when my every move is being watched and criticized.
    Then there is the matter of my issues with my boyfriend Harry. He’s been rather clingy and touchy lately but I still haven’t gotten used to it yet so I’ve mostly shrugged him off or made an excuse to escape. I can tell it’s weighing on him but I’ve tried my hardest and still can’t manage to be comfortable yet. My moody thoughts are interrupted when the portrait guarding the entrance to our common room opens and Harry steps through.
    The air in the empty common room suddenly feels suffocating. I watch Harry out of the corner of my eye as he looks back and forth between me and the staircase to his dormitory. He finally seems to make a decision in his struggle and makes his way over to me and takes a seat on my right. I keep my gaze on the lit fireplace to my left as he gently places his hand on my knee. When I don’t look up at him, he gently squeezes my knee to pull my attention toward him.
    I look toward him but don’t meet his eye and he is the first to speak, “You seem stressed.”
    I shrug my shoulders and look back towards the fire, “Potions was a royal pain in the ass today and I didn’t sleep well last night.”
    Harry seems to think for a moment before ducking his head to whisper in my ear, “I know something that could help you relax.” His hand slowly ventures up my thigh as he says this. Suddenly, he gets up off the couch and picks me up bridal style before carrying me up to his empty dorm room. He drops me on the bed softly before placing a tentative kiss on my lips. I kiss back but he quickly moves on to pepper kisses along my neck as he hovers above me. I stiffen at how ticklish it is but force myself to relax. I trust him with my life, why is this such a struggle for me.
    Harry stops to look up at me as he tugs gently at the hem of my shirt, “Are you okay with this? You usually stop me here.”
    I look into his eyes as a battle rages within me before looking away and muttering softly, “I’m sorry Harry I can’t do this.” He moves from above me and sits down on the edge of the bed with his back turned toward me. I get up and silently leave the room to pick up my bag downstairs before heading to my own dormitory.
    It’s a few days later before I really manage to talk to Harry again. I sit down at breakfast beside Hermione. Across from me, Harry keeps his head low and focuses on his breakfast. Beside him, Ron gives Hermione a specific kind of look and she returns with one. They go on swapping facial expressions, seemingly having a silent conversation, for a minute or so before Hermione finally turns to me and whispers in my ear, “At least say good morning to him. This silence between the two of you is killing us.”
    I clear my throat before timidly catching Harry’s eye and saying, “Good morning, Harry.” He mumbles a good morning back before grabbing Ron’s arm and dragging him away and out of the Great Hall.
Hermione nudges my shoulder, “Please do try to make up with him soon. I’ve never seen him so glum, not even when the Whomping Willow destroyed his Nimbus.” I laugh softly to myself and am soon lost in thought. Harry is a great guy and I love him dearly. “Perhaps what you two lack is communication. Tell him how you feel and express what makes you shy away from intimacy with him,” Hermione says before grabbing her book bag and walking off toward Professor McGonagall.
I sigh and grab my bag as well before wandering off toward our first lesson, half hoping to run into Harry on my way there. My wish is quickly granted too. I literally run into him as I turn a corner. When I notice it’s him, I wrap my arms around his waist and hold on as I mumble, “Can we talk after class? I miss you.”
He wraps his arms around me as well and mumbles a, “Sure, love.” We stand there a moment before the bell rings and pulls us apart and towards our class. We take our usual seats in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. As the professor begins their lecture for the day, I reach over and take Harry’s hand in mine before resting our hands on my thigh.
After a long and dull lecture, Harry and I wander off out of class and depart from everyone else who is heading towards the grounds. We are still holding hands when we step through the portrait hole. He tries to sit on the couch but I drag him toward my dorm instead because I know for certain it will be empty.
Harry stands awkwardly in the door way as I plop down onto my bed. I giggle at him before beckoning him towards me, “Come sit, will you and close the door behind you?” Once he’s done as I requested, I take his hands in mine, “Harry I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. I want you to know that I love you so very much and I would trust you with my life. I’ve just never really had a serious boyfriend before so this is all new to me.”
Tension seems to melt away from his shoulders as they relax. I continue my explanation, “I’ll do better about letting you know when I feel comfortable pushing the boundary back a little bit okay?”  
He kisses my knuckles before nodding, “Thank you, love. I’m sorry I’ve pushed you so much.”
I smile, “You’re forgiven. Now, how about we push that boundary back I little bit?” He grins as I move to straddle his lap and place his hands on my sides under my shirt.
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crizztelcb · 3 years ago
Ahh it disgust me! I'm tired of this fandom really, I want to give up already! just came across a salt that actually on a art blog (oh what a FUCKING SUPRISE LOOKS LIKE ALL ART BLOGS I FOLLOW NOW ARE FUCKING SALTERS) Is not even a surprise to me, It was the one that made the art for that au that I said makes me uncomfortable.
I love seeing salt criticism you know hahaha is not like they see a character and just look at the superficial of them you know hahaha must be me how don't criticize things hahaha........
Ugh if there's someone that criticize all things all the time that's me, I don't gonna talk about what the salt was about because I disagree a lot with them and I don't fucking need to bring my point of view there because I know how they work, they will not even care, i was a salter I know how is inside this part of the fandom. Funny how now I can't even stand anything they say, this is how a salter works:
As I said they take the superficial of the characters and not they core and backstory
They care a lot about gender roles and people of color, no is not "we don't like this character because their actions" but yes " depending on your gender and color you gonna be the good person or the bad one" and guess how is always the bad one
They aren't really critical people, they do have good takes sometimes but they are behind hate words and bad actions so is hard to even see them as criticism to beggin with
All of them are the same and is always the same characters in all of them, same takes with different types of words but always the same, and I know that "if something is being said over and over again that's may mean that is a actual problem" but I already read the takes and they all come from a place I know too well and that is very delicate so that I kinda of understand but don't means they are right.
I have more oh i have much more and by no means I say that ml is this ~perfect show that there's no problems~ because it fucking have a lot of problems but they are never in these "critical thinking blogs" they are totally discarted by them because they don't shock and pop to their followers.
Well thats all i have to say, hate me if you want, think I'm wrong and etc but put in your mind that I was there with you and I noticed all of this inside of there, I know we're all of this comes from: fears, trauma, bad experiences etc and the thing I advice for you is let it go. Give up of the show. You already did but is in the fandom? Get out of the fandom this all is going to make you worst than ever! trust me im still recovering, I'm fucking having a hard time because what I did in the past, the way I treated myself in the past year's!
If you like to Salt well.... good luck I guess, hope you have a wonderful life actually, i actually hate the people that send you threads and stuff, you don't deserve it even though I think your opinions are bad you don't deserve receive a dea*h thread on you inbox. I totally disagree with you, I actually fell offended by a lot of takes because they hurt deep into my personal problems, but I don't hate you. I also don't love you but yeah I don't hate you, i just want you guys to look a little more inside the characters you are salting on ok? Maybe some people like me understand that said characters because we have experience with the situation the characters are on. Just hope you ok I totally sounded harsh I'm sorry.
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marvinswriting · 5 years ago
Gut feeling
Prompt: no prompt in this one buddies, just check out bear's borrower!janis au. Like my g/t mg au its something i thought about a lot but never officially put down anywhere, but she did and you fucking bet im gonna write it
This is a long one boys, and there's still more i wanna write lmfao
Think about everything you know about borrowers-
-and throw it out the fucking window.
Yep, fuck your stereotypes. I'm Janis, and yeah I guess your right about the whole tiny-people-who-live-in-walls-and-steal. You're also creepily accurate with your borrower's code (so I wanna know who blabbed. Probably Gretchen, god. I always wonder where she was before this house). I'm sidetracked. Other then that, you guys got it all wrong. 
We are very much aware of the concept of not all humans wanna kill or harm borrowers. Thank you very much. 
We just know most of them do.
And we aren't as rare as you may think. Lots of humans know about borrowers, and you all think we're a dying species or a myth. No. We're just good at what we do, thank you. The goal is to live undetected. It's safer that way.
We also don't live totally alone, isolated in walls. Well, some of us do, and some of us wish we did. (Me, it's me, I hate my roommates.)
I live with Gretchen and Kevin. Won't call them friends, because they're not. We aren't close enough. We keep each other around because we'd go insane without the interaction from others. A borrowers life can be boring and isolated.
Its the total opposite of a human's. When the owners of the house sleep, we're awake doing food runs. When the owners of the house are awake, we're hiding away, tucked in bed.
And for a long time that worked. But then something changed. I think the owners of the house called it 'the school year ended'? Now the boy, Damian- from what we've gathered he's our age. But who knows, it's not like we can just go up and meet him. He definitely seems to be the most sympathetic one of the family. 
The dad kills any fucking bug without even getting a good look, so like- don't get caught with him (not that you wanna get caught with any of them). 
The mom watches a lot of gory sci-fi shows that always end up with the main character in some type of experimental facility so we don't trust her. 
Damian just hides in his room, playing music and singing along. I like it, its harder for us to be heard that way. 
The final member of the household is the fucking cat. Her name is Ariel which is supposedly a reference to some princess, but the only royal she is is a royal pain. Little bitch almost killed me once. 
I'm so off track though. 
Apparently, this 'school year' is over, and now Damian is home all the time. He doesn't have to get up early to leave so he's opted to not sleeping at night at all. Which is just great for us. He doesn't often leave his room, but Gretch, Kevin, and I have to be a lot more careful often resulting in us grabbing a lot less.
I glance around my 'bedroom'. Through the years I like to think it's grown to be decorated nicely. Unlike my two roommates, I pride myself in my living space. I spend most of my time here, so why not. Yeah, I have the necessities, but I also have other things like plants and makeshift art supplies. In the corner of my room is what you could call a bed and a bottle cap nightstand. There's a piece of a mirror hanging. We all found mirror shards and took them, and might I say life hasn't quite been the same since. 
We don't really look at ourselves that often, there aren't many reflective surfaces to do so. Yeah, I'd catch my face staring back at me in my water, or on a shiny surface, but it was never as clear as the mirror. As I look right now, I just look stressed.
Pretty accurate.
I've got a weird feeling about tonight.
"We need food."
"No shit Gretchen." 
Gretchen and I are sitting in our combined space, waiting for Kevin. I'm hesitant to call it a living room because it hardly looks lived in. There are four beer cap chairs (and three of us, it's fucking stupid- I know) a pizza saver as a table, and a bunch of miscellaneous items that haven't found a home yet.
"Hubbards are asleep." Kevin walks out from where he was keeping watch. "The kids light is still on and I couldn't locate the cat, are we sure we want to go out tonight."
"We need food," Gretchen repeats herself.
"We don't have much of a choice," I say, shoving makeshift grappling hooks and double-sided tape into my satchel, and grabbing another bad for food. "We gotta make a big run tonight. We can't guarantee a day by day flow anymore, Damian has to unpredictable of a sleep schedule."
Gretchen makes a noise of agreement, packing up her own things.
Kevin is still peaking out of the exit into the household, worriedly. 
"Janis are you down for that trip tonight? You look stressed as fuck."
I bitterly. "Yeah, I'm just- tired. And hungry. And quite frankly I may be coming down with something."
"They stay away from me," Gretchen says, swinging her bag over her shoulder. "Ready?"
"Let's just grab food and go," Kevin says before spinning around to look at me. "Only food, Janis."
I nod. No point in trying to defend myself when he's not wrong. I have an awful habit of finding something I could use for art and going out of my way to grab it.
But we have priorities tonight. 
We file out into the household, all pressing against the wall. The exit we used lead right to the floor. Its a debate on which was riskier, but I for one, preferred to be higher. Further from the cat and a better view of everything. Kevin mumbled something about keeping watch and made his way over to the island table the Hubbard had. He pulled out his climbing supplies and made his way up as Gretchen and I continued our trek across the floor, waiting to reach the kitchen to get to higher grounds. 
"It hasn't been this hard since we all moved here." Gretchen says quietly, but I understand.
"Yeah." I whisper.
We all moved into this house together maybe two ago. We tell time by the day and the decor around the house. Humans often put of decorations for holidays and it's like marking points though the year. My least favorite holiday happens during the summer. I don't know the name but everything turns red white and blue and there's tons of loud booms and explosions. It kills my ears and sends me into sensory overload every time.
 We've pasted two Christmases. I don't know much about the holiday, but its the most decorated, with fancy trees and cookie crumbs everywhere. A borrower's dream. But it wasn't like that now. It was hot and sticky, food got left out on the counter less. We haven't eaten anything more then the minimum to survive, if you don't count yesterday where we didn't eat at all. 
I was so lost in my thought for food, I almost didn't hear it. Kevin calling out, the patter of paws on the floor-
-oh shit. 
I whirl around just in time to have a paw whacked with my side. 
There was no claw, Ariel is here for a game of cat and mouse obviously. Roles already clear. 
That didn't make it hurt less though.
I groan skidding across the floor, curled into myself. 
Gretchen shrieks and runs away, the cat's interest on me.
She left me for fucking dead.
Rude, but unsurprising.
I'd fucking bolt too. I wonder if Kevin ran as well. 
My heart stops as the truth of the statement catches up to me. 
I'm gonna die.
I'd like to say there's so much I still haven't done, or that my life had only just begun. But that wasn't true. I live to borrow another day and borrow to live another day. But I was content like that, I don't wanna die.
Ariel stalks towards me again. I sit up and push my self backward, only to find a wall.
I can see Gretchen duck back into the wall out of the corner of my eye, Kevin with her.
To be fair, I'd do the same. I can't bring myself to be too mad.
"Hey, kitty," I say softly, holding my hands out in defense. The cat sits down in front of me, eyes wide and pupils dilated, ready to play. "Ariel, right? Good kitty. I'm not a toy."
Ariel doesn't seem to get the message as she lifts her paw.
"Hey, whatcha got there girl?" A voice comes from behind the cat. 
My blood runs colder than it already was. 
That was to loud to be Gretchen or Kevin, to masculine to be the mom, not deep enough to be the dad-
Hands pull Ariel away despite a mew of protest, leaving me totally exposed in the open. 
Put the cat back I'd rather die that way.
My eyes connect with the boy of the household- Damian. His gaze travels up and down my small form and he lets out breathy 'what?'.
Once again, I know not all humans are bad, but you try not even being four inches call, curled up against a wall with a full ass living moving human standing there. It's a lot.
Damian kneels down so he isn't towering over me but it doesn't feel any better. I push myself closer to the wall, ignoring the pain in my side.
"Are- I uh-" Damian seems as equally at a loss as I am. 
Don't worry buddy, I didn't think I'd be getting caught tonight either.
"Are you okay?"
I can't exactly say I've been caught before, so I don't exactly know the 'this is a bad guy' red flags, but asking about my well being probably isn't one of them. 
"Yeah." I say, shakily. My voice is weak and seems a lot quieter in contrast to the boy's in front of me.
"I'm sorry about her." Damian said, placing the cat down. Ariel glares at me before walking away, clearly bored.
I could tell we were dancing around the important questions. What are you? Why are you so small? What are you doing here?
"My name's Damian."
I almost say 'I know' but believe it or not- I do have manners and hey, this human hasn't killed you yet, don't be rude and give him a reason to.
"Janis." I say, giving a small wave. 
"Janis," Damian repeats like he's testing the name in his mouth. "It's pretty."
"Thank you." I glance around but as I suspected, my roommates did not even attempt to come back. 
"You're a borrower." Damian states. It wasn't a question and his voice sounded sure, but his raised eyebrow told a different story.
"Yeah, we're real, just-" I take a breath. "Uncommon?"
Damian nods. He knew what I was right off the bat which probably means I'll have less explaining to do. It also made me feel safer in a way. It meant he's less curious. Not to mention he has yet to move any closer or invade my space, so I felt okay. I push myself off the wall a bit, trying to ignore how my head spins a bit from lack of nutrients. 
"I'm sorry if I interrupted whatever you were doing. We'll leave if you don't want us here or-"
"No, it's okay. I honestly am glad I stepped in then I did- wait, we?"
It was one thing to expose myself, but not I'm mentally hitting myself for exposing Gretchen and Kevin too.
"There are multiple of you?"
"Nonono forget I said anything." I wave my hand as if waving away nonexistent flies. 
Damian looks like he wants to press more but doesn't. "What are you doing out here? It's like, four am."
"It's still early for me. We- I need food." 
Damian's eyes light up. "Of course! Oh my god, I'm so sorry then. Do you-" He pauses. "Do you need help?"
My instinct is to decline but- there hasn't been much food out and Damian seems genuine. Its either die by cat or human. "Yeah, help would be nice."
Damian smiles softly. "Can I pick you up?"
"Yeah, you can." I smile, trying to seem brave about this, but I've never been picked up before. The only time I'm off the ground is with my climbing tools with my fate in my own hands. 
Damian places his hand down next to me, it's huge. The sheer size difference doesn't sink in when somebody is crouched a couple of human feet away from you. 
I step onto his hand regardless, trying not to concentrate on how weird it feels. 
"You ready?" Damian's voice asked from above.
Was I ready?
Why did I think this was a good idea?
I could die right here right now.
I don't know anything about this kid other than his name and his favorite musical soundtrack. 
What if he's bad news?
"Yeah, I'm good." I say, despite my inner turmoil. 
The ground beneath me shifts and as much as I like to think I was mentally prepared, physically I was not as I ungracefully fall backward into Damian's palms.
"You okay?" He asks, freezing. 
He was as nervous as I was.
This sudden realization gave me a bit more confidence in the situation.
"Mhmm," I say, patting the hand beneath me gently. "Thanks."
"Of course." Damian says, and we're moving again. Its a significantly shorter trip from here to the kitchen for Damian. He holds me close to his chest, his fingers curled around me slightly. Its comforting, and contrary to what I expected, I don't feel ready to drop. I can see Ariel curled up contently on the couch, and the entrance to my home from here. One of them at least. I wonder if my roommates are watching or if they're already cleaning out my room. 
Damian places his hand on the table and I get off on my own.
It feels better up here, to be further up. I don't feel as small when Damian steps away. 
"You've made it clear it's just you," He does air quotes. "But how many people do you take food for."
The lie of 'it is only me' is the first thing on my tongue, but I hold it. Damian has done nothing but help me so far and he already knows there's multiple of us. No harm in giving exact numbers.
"Three," I say. "One with a big appetite." I smile as Kevin comes to mind. 
Damian grins. "What do you normally take?"
"Whatever is out." I shrug, glancing around at the table. Just like the past couple of times, the tables were empty.
Damian notices this and is silent for a bit. "I'll have to conveniently forget to put stuff back then." He says quietly. I can't tell if he was talking to me or himself but I smile nonetheless. 
"So, you've never had options?"
"No." I say. It feels weird to admit that. Damian grins. 
"Guess you're in luck. Wait here." He turns around and walks over to a cabinet. Where am I supposed to even go? 
His back isn't turned long enough to let me figure that out, because he soon comes back with two things. "So I brought this because I want you to try it," Its a cookie, I know that much from Christmas, but instead of decorative frosting and sprinkles its dotted with splotches of brown. "It's a chocolate chip cookie. And I brought this for practical reasons." He lifts up a bag. "Its granola and it comes in these little chunks- well for you they'd be big, but you can just break them off as you need!"
I smile at the thoughtfulness. Maybe this kid isn't all bad news. 
He opens the bag and pours a bit into his hand before placing one on the table. Sure enough, a cluster of granola is just big enough to fit maybe two into my bag. I can break off a piece and it will last days (assuming Kevin doesn't go to town).
"Woah." I say softly, picking it up. This is the most food I've ever even been near in one place. 
Damian chuckles as I carefully place the granola into my bag miraculously fitting three. One for each of us. Damian watches me silently, I guess we're both still stying to wrap our heads around the situation. 
"Oh! I almost forgot!" He picks up the cookie breaking off a piece and handing it to me. It's the size of my head but I can just save what's left for later. Damian takes the rest for himself, watching as I silently break a piece off to eat. 
It's grainy but smooth a the same time. Sweet and salty. It's-
Damian laughs, its loud and sudden, but also contagious.
I giggle a bit as I feel my face flush. I know he's not laughing at me maliciously.
"They're good right?"
We fall into silence, and I look around. I've been up on the counters before, but I've always been in a rush, get food, and get out. I've never been this relaxed in the open and certainly never so close to a human. 
I look up at Damian and he smiles. "What are you gonna do now?"
"I don't know how true the stories are but isn't this where you leave and never come back because you've been caught? I won't tell anyone if you don't want to leave."
He had a point. But- the borrower's code wasn't law. More like- recommended guidelines? I mean, not true at all, but it's not written in stone or anything. Borrower police aren't gonna break in and arrest me or anything.
I think.
Besides, I didn't want to leave. I liked my room and my roommates (not that I'd admit that to them). They don't need to know I met a human. And Damian said he wouldn't tell anyone-
"How do I know I can trust you?"
The question had a lot more of an edge then I expected, but Damian didn't seem to take offense. 
"You don't. But, follow your instincts. I'm not trying to trick you or anything if that's what your thinking."
He did help me get food. Which saved my life. He also saved me from the cat, which saved my life too. Even before he knew I existed, he always seemed to be the nicest Hubbard. Something tells me his word is good.
"I think I'm gonna stay," I say after a while.  "I'll just- never tell my roommates about this. One of them flips over everything. She'd pack in an instant if she knew."
Damian smiled. "I understand if you hope to never see me again and if you wanna just walk away like this never happened, but I'll be sure to leave granola out every once in a while."
I grin. "Thanks, Damian." It felt weird to be so close to a human and already trust them so much. Something deep inside told me that this wasn't the last time we'd see each other, and that's okay.
"I figure you can get down on your own? You don't want me to know where you live or anything."
I shook my head, patting my climbing tools. "I got this from here. Thank you so much for your help."
"Of course, Janis. I'll take Ariel to my room to make sure she doesn't cause any trouble. Maybe I'll see you around, hopefully not under any life or death circumstances though." Damian grins before walking away, leaving me alone in the kitchen. I can hear him call out to the cat followed by padding of paws as a door closes. I almost feel as if I've hallucinated the whole thing, but the weight of the granola in my bag proves to me otherwise. 
I begin to take out a hook and rope while I think of what I'm gonna tell my roommates. Gretchen will flip either way and I don't think Kevin will believe me that I was able to fend off a cat alone, but it's what I have to do if I don't want to move. Besides, deep down I feel like I can trust the teen of the Hubbard household. 
Let's just hope my gut isn't wrong. 
alt title: how borrower janis got hooked on granola tag list!!! @realmisspolarbear @musicallygt @smallsoysauce @sourishlemons
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imnotcameraready · 6 years ago
chivalry is dead (12)
there are also So many characters in this one y’all im so sorry to do this to you but also Suffer — since they’re not gonna be reoccurring, i’m adding a characters tag so y’all know what you’re getting into. also, i felt a liiiiittle bad with all the angst i was giving, so since chapters 12 and 13 happen simultaneously, y’all are getting the Softs for now :) 
what, angst on the horizon? says who? ;)
Characters: Deceit, Patton, the Playwright, the Artist, the Bard, Sleep (Remy), Dad Guy, Teacher Guy
WARNINGS: bruises and black eyes, references to imprisonment, food/food mention — i dont think there's much in this chapter, but if i missed anything, please let me know!!
Words: 6961
Pairings: i’m so. so proud to announce. welcome to some Roceit, some Royality, a sliver of Moceit, and Dad Guy x Teacher Guy (the best ship, imho)
AO3 link!
MASTERPOST! <– look here!! for some of the series long warnings!! including sympathetic Deceit and cursing/swearing, both of which are heavily present here!
chivalry taglist: @starlightvirgil​ @forrestwyrm​ @daflangstlairde​ @marshmallow-the-panda​ @askthesnake​ @k9cat​ @patromlogil​
general tag: @jemthebookworm​
enjoy!!!! sorry for the long intro, and ilysm !! <3 <3 <3 
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This was very much not Deceit’s forte. He ran his hand through the Bard’s hair for the umpteenth time, shooting Patton a terrified expression. Patton was on the Bard’s other side, arms wrapped around his waist, head resting on his shoulder.
“You’re okay, Roman,” he whispered, again, “You’re okay.”
The trio had been standing in a weird multi-hug for nearly ten minutes, ever since the Thief absconded. Patton figured it’d be safer to stay with Deceit and the Bard; he was more accustomed to seeing Roman cry, sad to say, but it was still only a handful of times. He did know that Deceit was very much not equipped to handle situations like this, though, and, well. He didn’t exactly trust Deceit to not make things worse.
He wasn’t, though, so Patton was pretty happy. The Bard had even finished crying a few minutes ago. That wasn’t the issue. He just refused to let up from where he was pressed into Deceit’s chest, breathing slow and quiet.
It wasn’t like Deceit minded too much. It was a little annoying. Just a little. But it was also comforting. He tried his best to not look at Patton’s little glances, but Deceit knew his face was a little red. He didn’t want to let go of Roman. Not when he was this close, also comforted in his hold.
Despite Deceit’s strategy of letting go of his crush, he was almost falling faster. He pressed his lips to the Bard’s head and flicked his eyes up at Patton when he began talking again.
“You’re gonna be okay. We’ve just gotta get goin’ now.”
In all honesty?
The Bard had long since calmed down. He was now drunk on happiness. Yeah, sure, he was still really pissed off at the Thief, he’d ruined his make up, punched him in the face, made the Child cry, generally put a damper on the whole situation, but that was to be a problem for another day. The arms wrapped around his waist, the body he was snuggled into, the hand that was running through his hair, it all made him feel so secure. So loved.
He didn’t think Deceit was much of a physical person, but after this? The Bard would have to remember to go to the snake more often for cuddles.
He closed his eyes again and inhaled slowly.
Patton always smelt like cookies. Chocolate chip cookies and occasionally chai, depending on what he’d baked recently. Sometimes of just sugar.
Deceit smelt a little more just like a person, yeah, but the scent was carefully interlaced with hints of lavender and jasmine. Did Deceit wear cologne or something? Maybe he had a self-care routine. The Bard would also have to remember to have Roman ask Deceit if he wanted to do masks and manicures together.
The could just not follow the Thief. The Bard could invite Patton and Deceit to his home, hidden away amongst the pages of this story they’d written, watch a movie and bundle under some blankets together. He could just take the time and space to be content. He could take in the pleasures of life!
But, alas, it was curtains for those dreams.
“Alright, Padre, I’m good. I’m gucci,” the Bard murmured, “It’s just so nice to be held. King Cobra, honey, were you always this warm. And you’re so lovely, Patt-puff, I could fall asleep right here.”
Patton snorted, catching the briefest glimpse of Deceit’s bright red face. “You can have all the snuggles you want later, kiddo,” he patted the Bard’s chest again, “You just gotta—”
The change was immediate. The Bard stood upright, pulling his face out of Deceit’s chest and turning his head around. “Someone’s singing.”
Patton and Deceit shared a confused frown. Faintly, they could hear a voice, far, far away, but growing louder.
“For years, I’ve roamed these empty halls~!”
“Yeah,” the Bard tapped Deceit’s back and pulled away, both other Sides letting go finally.
There was still mascara dried around his face, and the eye that’d been punched was swelling and angry red, but the Bard didn’t seem to care. Patton rubbed his arms, missing the warmth and scolding himself internally for wanting something so unrealistic. He nudged Deceit, who was grumbling and stretching his arms, and both looked up.
In the Bard’s hands was the ukulele, forgotten in the earlier argument, and he twirled it before lifting it to his chest. Strumming a few precise chords, he continued the song, like a bird returning a call.
“Why have a ballroom with no balls~!” he twirled in place and sprang toward the sound.
He sure seemed happier now. Patton smiled, watching him perform, and rested one of his hands on his cheek.
Roman was just so full of life, always. It was astounding.
Wait, the Bard was moving. Patton blinked, looking up to find Deceit watching the Bard, mesmerized as well.
So Deceit liked him, too?
That’d complicate things. Deceit and Roman were a little friendlier, and Patton definitely didn’t want to get in the way of anything, if it made them both happy. If there was anything. Of course there was something. Deceit and Roman were both so charming, how couldn’t there be something? That’d be like giving someone chocolate without the flowers on Valentines day!
“Finally they’re opening up the ga~ates~!”
Distantly, they heard someone echo the same line, getting closer. It was the Roman version of echolocation.
Oh. What if Deceit’s story about Roman and the pit was just a cover up for him being in Roman’s room? What if they’d been together?
Patton shook his head. Imagining worries like that was just gonna get his head spun in a tizzy. He chuckled to himself at his pun, though gained no mirth from it, and tugged Deceit’s hand.
“C’mon, we’ve gotta follow,” he said.
Deceit blinked, looking at Patton, then back at the Bard, who’d already dance-walked his way halfway down the street. “Ah, of course,” he hurried after the Bard, faster.
He didn’t want Patton to say anything about the staring and, frankly, Patton didn’t want to say anything either. Nor his own disappointment of missing them both.
“There’ll be actual, real-life people~”
The Bard strummed, twisting down a road, and Deceit and Patton followed.
They were probably being led to another Roman, since they could make out his voice as it grew louder. Were there any more Romans, though? Or, well, any new ones.
“It’ll be totally strange!”
The other singer was just behind a corner.
“Wow, am I so ready for this change~!”
“Will you cut it out! It’s bad enough we’re out in public,” the Artist grumbled, fiddling with the sleeves of his hoodie, “And now you’re drawing everyone’s attention.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, is my voice bothering you?” the Playwright shot back, bumping his hip against the Artist’s as he shouted, “‘Cause for the first time in forever~! There’ll be music, there’ll be light!”
Deceit and Patton blinked, watching the two bicker as they walked closer. Neither of them seemed very scared of the world around them; in fact, both were looking around at the scenery, as though noticing it for the first time. While the Artist was trying to hide, his hood up and everything, the Playwright was walking around with a coat slung over his shoulders and otherwise in the same outfit they’d seen him in the other day.
The Bard had stopped just around the bend, standing in the pathway and bouncing on his feet with an excited grin, as though waiting for them to notice him.
“Uh, yeah, a little. Shut up.”
“I, wh—” the Playwright’s singing screeched to a halt as he glared at the Artist. “How?!”
“Sounds too much like my voice.”
“We are the same person, you dunce, how—wait,” the Playwright looked up and squinted, “Oh, it’s Bard.”
The Bard struck a pose, pointing his ukulele into the sky like a sword. “It sure is! It’s been so long, Playwright, Artist!” he dashed forward, ignoring the Artist’s shouts of “NO” and the Playwright’s confused spluttering as he hugged both with his arms, “I’ve missed you both so dearly!”
He spun in a circle once before pulling away, smoothing their sides down with a hand. He then leaned forward and pecked their cheeks, one after another, shocking them both just enough that neither pointed out his black eye.
This again? It was much too high energy for Deceit, not as he had to study this...what, fifth Roman? Fourth? How many had he met, by now? Jesus, how many were there. He slunk back, behind Patton, letting the moral side do the talking.
“Good to see you again, Playwright! You too, Artist,” Patton smiled at the Artist, who flinched back and tugged the side of his hood.
Patton wasn’t about to bring up the fight from earlier that morning. The Child said, on their way out, that the Artist didn’t have much outside his art. Maybe it wasn’t good for him to be yelling at them, it was definitely upsetting. And Patton was definitely hurt. A little betrayed. A little confused. But that didn’t mean Patton would be angry. He didn’t hold grudges very well.
“Um,” the Artist looked down, twisting his foot against the cobblestone path. He couldn’t, in his right conscious, not apologize immediately. “Yeah. Dad, I just–I’m really sorry about this morning. I over reacted, and I shouldn’t have snapped at you and Logan and Child. I’m, uh, it was dumb. I’m sorry.”
There it was. Out in the open.
The Artist didn’t want his perfection at the expense of love.
A hand rested on his shoulder and he twitched. It felt almost numb, like television static. He looked up to see Patton smiling widely at him, almost beaming. “You’re not dumb for having your own boundaries and caring about what you make. Yeah, it was….” his smile faltered slightly, reminded of how terrified he’d been that the Artist would actually stab them with a palette knife, “I can’t say it’s okay. But thank you for apologizing, and I’m sorry Logan and I made you uncomfortable.”
….The Artist really hadn’t expected that. His cheeks tinged with a bit of a blush as he looked down again, still fiddling with his hood.
Patton always knew what to say.
“I don’t wanna just brush over this issue.”
The Artist closed his eyes and exhaled. Patton chuckled to himself, but watched the Artist closer. Um. Maybe he didn’t understand?
Patton didn’t want to actually offend him, not right after that apology.
“Get it? Like a paint br—”
“Patton. Darling. While I appreciate the sentiment, I must admit that our relationship is a,” the Artist opened one eye, a tiny smile growing, “Work in progress.”
The Bard and Patton both hooted, the Bard plucking his ukulele once. “Good one!” Patton patted the Artist’s shoulder, “Thought I was gonna start crying there for a second, but I’m glad that was a pun, too!”
“They’re ridiculous,” the Playwright murmured.
“He’s you,” Deceit gestured to the Artist, then to the Bard. “And so’s he.”
“My cross to bear, I suppose,” the Playwright said with a tired shrug.
They’d both stepped back when the Artist apologized, leaning on a wall and watching the scene. It felt like a personal moment of reflection, in all honesty. And they didn’t have the lack of apprehension that the Bard displayed, listening in and looking between the two.
Deceit exhaled, leaning back. So Patton was bonding with yet another figment. Big whoop. No water off his scales, no sir. He turned his head, lazily looking around
Hang on. Those men were guards.
Alarms blared in his head as he reached over to the Playwright. “Guards,” he hissed.
A quiet tongue click signified that the Playwright saw them. “Patton, Artist, Bard, we need to go,” he moved toward the group.
The Bard looked back, eyes widening as the guards began marching towards them. “Son of Hephaestus.”
The ukulele disappeared from his hands as he grabbed Patton with and the Artist with the other, tugging them along. The street was populated enough, characters and people walking around, but they were parting for the guards like a predator through a school of fish. Where were they supposed to run to? The Bard knew the city well enough, but all of the maneuvers he used to escape danger wouldn’t work with such a long procession. Not to mention that the Playwright and Artist had never been in the town. In an altercation, none of them would stand a chance; all the real fighters had left.
Patton winced. What were they gonna—
“Hey, babes, lookie here!”
“Oh, thank fucking Pollock,” the Artist breathed. “It’s our idiot.”
Patton and Deceit both snapped around, looking forward. There was Thomas. Not. Not Thomas. No, it was one of his characters, wearing a black leather jacket and a messenger bag, holding a half-full Starbucks venti cup with some unknown iced drink within. Somehow, the paper labeling him as “Sleep” was still firmly taped to his chest despite being held up by a single, half-inch piece of scotch tape. But, you know. Big mood.
He waved them forward again from the doorway he was standing in. “C’mon already, we don’t have all day,” Sleep chirped again, waving a little faster.
You know what? Deceit was going to question this one. He’d been through a lot, this past day. Roman wanted to play a medieval theme, but had random modern appliances strewn about? Yeah, he’d accept that. Virgil throttled him? Sure, yeah, that would happen, that was still within the last 24 hours.
But this?
“Hey, Sleepytime Tea,” the Bard hummed, pecking Sleep’s cheek as he ducked past. “Thank you for the rescue!”
Deceit pointed at Sleep. “That. Is. One of our characters.”
Patton grinned, holding his other hand and pulling him along. “Mhm! Child said they’re all around the Imagination. Ooh, I’m excited to meet him!”
Oh, yeah, that was super explanatory! That solved ALL of Deceit’s problems! That made total and complete sense!
“Sleep,” the Playwright greeted, nodding to him as he slipped past.
Deceit was going to go absolutely feral one of these days.
Sleep tilted his sunglasses and grabbed Deceit’s back. “Let’s go, girls, into the lil’ house.”
“Remy,” the Artist murmured, pulling Patton in.
Sleep nodded to him as well, shoving Deceit into the room and closing the door. He threw two locks, then spun around to lean his back against it.
All five of them watched, varying levels of panic on their faces, while Sleep took a long sip of his coffee. They could definitely hear the guards interrogating someone outside, so it wouldn’t be long until they were approached.
“Are we gonna—” the Bard began, only to be silenced by Sleep raising his hand.
He pulled the straw away from his lips and exhaled.
“Oh my God,” Deceit mumbled, “And I thought Roman was dramatic. Holy shit, you’re a character.”
“Oh, honey, you haven’t seen anything yet,” Sleep lowered his sunglasses and winked.
He fixed them, raising his drink to behind the group, further into the building. “Alright, lets go. You all, like, super do not want to run into those guys.”
Sleep led the way. The room they’d entered into was a large foyer, to a house but not. He led them down the hall, up some stairs, up some more stairs, and then out into a bridge connecting this building to the next.
The Playwright nudged the Bard, once they were out on the bridge, and pointed silently at his eye.
That was right, the black eye and smudged make up was still clear as day. He couldn’t be having that. The Bard nodded and pressed a hand to his face. The make up vanished, reappearing as though it’d never been smudged with his tears. Carefully, he also pressed onto the bruise, and the skin all sank back in and flattened out into regularity.
It was best to not show his damage. Bad enough that he’d cried in front of the other Sides. He wasn’t about to walk around with an actual wound. It would bruise over regardless, there wasn’t anything he could do about that, but Roman didn’t want them to see him as anything other than, well. That depended on the Roman. The Bard didn’t want them to see him as anything other than beautiful.
Patton and Deceit didn’t notice. That was fine, perfect on all three Romans’ accounts. They followed right behind Sleep, the other three trailing at the rear. They’d already seen most of the Imagination, having been there when it was built (though building and navigating were two different skills); for the other two, everything was starkly new, even Sleep.
The Imagination did have more structure than they’d seen the other day. Arches, bridges, buildings that looked more defined.
Something certainly changed in the world. Maybe it was the same thing that caused the Imagination to have a regular day/night cycle? Deceit pursed his lips and summoned his notebook again, jotting down some notes. A curious world indeed.
Meanwhile, Patton was just getting excited. It was Sleep! He was an older character than, well, Patton! Granted, Patton wasn’t exactly a character, that was more so the length of time he’d been in front of the camera. But he could still remember the day when Roman pitched him — a sassy Sue, dressed to the sassy nines and going out to fun sassy parties while getting no sleep whatsoever. Logan might have thought it was on the nose to just tape a piece of paper to his shirt, but, hey, it worked!
“You’re Sleep, right? It’s really nice to meet you,” Patton said, bounding a little closer.
Sleep glanced back at him with a small smile and waved two fingers, a lazy salute. “Right back at you, Patton. Heard you’re a ball of punny sunshine — that’s the Morali-tea, sis.”
Ah, well, his reputation precedes him. Patton laughed, holding the wall, and Sleep grinned. “That’s a good one!” he covered his mouth and rubbed his cheeks a little, continuing. “Where’re we headed? Ooh, and also, do you….have any other name? Than Sleep?”
“Nah, nowhere in particular,” Sleep waved his hand dismissively, “And kinda? Emile calls me Remy. So does the fandom.”
“I think the fandom coined that one,” Deceit said, “A pleasure as well, Remy.”
Sleep put up a peace sign in greetings. “Yep. If you wanna go by names, then it’s, like, definitely all good to call me Remy,” he shrugged. “Either works. What can ya do.”
What can you do indeed. “Alrighty, Remy, you didn’t answer my first question though! I don’t think we’re just going to nowhere,” Patton picked up the conversation again.
“Oh, that. Right now we’re just walking around until I get the all clear.”
“The all clear,” the Playwright repeated, eyebrow raised.
“Mhm,” Remy took another sip of his drink and shrugged, “There’s a Starbucks down the hall if you nerds wanna get drinks, too.”
He pointed down a hall and — wait, where in the blazes were they?! Deceit stopped focusing on Remy’s back and looked around.
At the moment, they were in what looked like it could be a church, with stained glass windows and a high vaulted ceiling, save for the fact that it had no pews and was more like a crossroads. Some people walked past, shuffling around in the sides. Some of them looked like Thomas, actually. Possibly characters from other vines? Not all of them were marked with signs so clear as Remy’s.
It seemed that the Starbucks idea had been shot down, because Remy shrugged and led them to the left. As soon as they turned, though, his phone buzzed.
“You’re in my world now, not your world~ And I’ve got friends on the o—” Remy held the phone up to his ear, “Hey, girl, what’s up?”
He held up his drink, stopping the rest of the entourage, and nodded his head. “Mhm. Sounds gucci, I’ll bring these bitches back ‘round. See you in five,” he hung up quick and slid his phone back into his pocket.
Remy pivoted on his heel, facing the group once more with a broad smile. All his dramatics really reminded Patton of Roman, which was making him kind of sad. He missed his energy.
The Bard’s hand nudged Patton’s subtly, and they laced their hands together while Remy began explaining. “That’s the signal, back around this way!”
“Wait, are we walking all the way back?” the Artist asked, anger mounting in his tone, “Remy, you can’t be serious. Can’t we go to Emile’s office or something?”
“Nah, nah, I’m dropping you all off somewhere else. Emile’s got appointments all day today, anyway,” Remy shrugged, “If you wanted to hang with him so bad, you shoulda left your house.”
The Playwright snickered behind a hand, and the Artist elbowed him in the side. “Now, now, no fighting,” Patton said, eager to break up another dispute before it began, “I’m glad you’re out now.”
To that, though, the Artist just pulled his hood tighter around his head and mumbled incoherently. That was okay, it diffused the tension! Better awkward silences and mumblings than any actual physical fighting.
He didn’t even want to think of the implications of the Thief punching the Bard. What was that, Roman punching himself? Why would he be so okay with that?
Like, Patton knew. He’d been upset with himself since they met with the Playwright at the very, very, very beginning. He should have known Roman was self-conscious. It wasn’t the best kept secret.
Agh, he promised himself that he wouldn’t think about it! They were going to get Roman back! It was going to be okay, gosh darned it!
“Patton,” Deceit’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts, “Come now.”
Deceit carefully touched Patton’s free hand, wrapping his fingers around Patton’s.
The Bard was right, Patton decided right then and there. Deceit was surprisingly warm.
Patton gave his hand a squeeze, turning to him with a smile. “Thanks,” his voice was quiet, just for the two of them.
Deceit, human-side-of-face lightly flushed, returned the smile. But why would Deceit be blushing at him? Patton’s mind trailed off, just as Remy stopped the group yet again.
“Alright, we’re he~ere!” he sang out the word “here,” throwing open a door.
The reaction was instantaneous.
Patton lifted a hand, pointing fingers directly with the man standing in the opposite doorway, holding two pizza boxes and wearing the same blue polo, grey sweater, and khaki pants that he usually donned. The man dropped the pizzas onto the table besides himself and pointed as well.
“Oh, fucking hell,” Deceit groaned.
“Oh, fuck yeah,” the Bard fist pumped into the air.
Dad Guy smiled first. “I think I need new prescriptions! You’ve got me seeing double!”
A laugh from the kitchen indicated that he wasn’t alone. Patton grinned back, shooting Dad Guy some finger guns. “You can try mine! My prescriptions are Patton-edly perfect!”
“Awh, c’mere kiddo, great to meet you!”
“‘Kiddo?’ Haven’t you felt my shirt? It’s all Dad material right here.”
“The only material you’re gonna need is some new material! Can’t go around reusing old jokes!”
“Well, an old man’s gotta have old jokes! Double the puns and double the Dad!”
Remy patted Deceit’s back and gave him a sympathetic shrug. “I’ve gotta dip, gotta meet with some other people around the town. You know, midday naps and all that. Good luck with that,” he gestured to the two dads, who were exchanging one liners back and forth.
Deceit only responded with a glare that begged for mercy.
Remy laughed.
The Playwright walked past Patton and Dad Guy, into where Teacher Guy was sitting at another table, a stack of papers beside him that needed hypothetical grading. There’d been too many people, too much going on in the past day. He needed someone who he could trust to be quiet if needed and, thankfully, Teacher Guy asked much fewer questions than Logan.
The Artist motioned for Deceit to follow him to the other table with the Bard, who was already opening the top-most pizza box and stealing a few slices. The trio actually stole the entire top box and slunk away to another room, just up some stairs, while the other four traded silence and puns. There was a balcony opposite of two doors, presumably bedrooms, and they sat outside on the ground, huddled around the large box of pizza.
It was probably lunch time. They didn’t have Logan to tell them that eating on a schedule was a vital part of setting one’s internal clock, so the only indicator that it was “lunch time” was the tinge of hunger in each of their stomachs.  
“If this hasn’t been a day,” the Artist sighed.
“Oh, definitely. The Thief punched me earlier,” the Bard laughed a little before biting into a slice, talking through the food. “Y’ kn’w, ah d’n’t e’he’ i’.”
Deceit snorted, looking away and laughing into a hand while the Artist reprimanded him. “Oh my God, chew your fucking food.”
The Bard rolled his eyes and swallowed. “I mean, I didn’t expect it. To be honest, I always forget that the Thief’s a violent one.”
“I always remember. Ever since he glared at me ‘first time we formed, I’ve been a little iffy about him,” the Artist waved his third slice in a lazy shrug. “You’re lucky he doesn’t hate your guts.’
“Oh, you’re lucky that absolutely no one hates yours.”
“Really? Thief and Playwright always seem two strokes away from stabbing me.”
“That’s because they don’t understand art. I know they love you! And that’s why WE love each other, remember?” the Bard took a bite out of the Artist’s slice and ignored his offended huffs, “And Deceit! How are you feeling?”
Deceit blinked. He’d been taking in the conversation, trying to dissect the differences between every iteration of Roman.
The Artist and the Bard were an interesting pair. They seemed to be so similar, yet so distinctly different, what with the Artist being an introvert and the Bard more extroverted. The Artist working with physical mediums whereas the Bard performed. But those glaring differences seemed to mask differences in desire, intent — that’s what Deceit had to focus on.
“Hey, Bruce Banner, come back. We miss you,” the Bard patted his knee with a smile. “Are you feeling okay? This has probably been quite the journey, especially with how fast things’ve been happening.”
“Well,” Deceit should indulge the Romans, if only for a little, “It has been. I haven’t spent this much time with….any other. Sides. In a while.”
The Artist nodded sympathetically while the Bard blinked. He tilted his head. “Oh. I thought you and the Dark Sides...? You know? Worked together more.”
Deceit shrugged. He wasn’t revealing anything. “Perhaps we do. In that case, then, it’s the longest I’ve spent with such good company,” he smiled coyly at the Bard.
It took a few seconds, but once the Bard fully interpreted what he said, he flushed almost as bright as his waist sash. He giggled, running his hands through his hair and swaying from side to side.
The Artist beside him also turned red, but just squinted tiredly at Deceit. “C’mon, you don’t have to play us,” he grumbled quietly, “The Prince isn’t here.”
“I know Roman’s not just a prince, he’s much, much more,” Deceit leaned on his hand, resting his chin on it as he watched the Artist.
“Anyone’d know that. He’s an artist. A bard. Playwright, thief, dragon, damsel, child, he’s all of us. But he’s all still a big dumbass,” the Artist ran a hand through his hair, pursing his lips in frustration, “You don’t have to pretend to love us or anything.”
It was Deceit’s turn to be confused. He frowned, leaning back a little in contemplation. Here he thought he was being obvious. And while staying behind the guise of secrecy benefited him greatly, if it was upsetting Roman this much….“Do you really think everything that I say is insincere?”
“Well….” The Artist looked away, staring down the Bard, who was still a bubbly and flustered mess, “Yeah. ‘Course.”
….That did make a little sense. Deceit scooted closer to the Artist. “May I touch your face?” he asked, voice soft.
The Artist’s eyes flicked back up to him quickly before he looked down at the pizza box. There wasn’t any harm. And….he couldn’t say he didn’t want to be touched more. “Sure.”
Deceit lifted a hand to cup the Artist’s cheek, cradling his head as gently as he could. Unconsciously, the Artist leaned into it, exhaling slow as to not lose his self control.
This was….a dream. It had to be. Because Deceit had wished for this for so long, and he was very used to not getting what he wanted. He just had to keep it together.
“Roman, darling,” to that, even the Bard stopped swaying, listening to what Deceit said, “I can’t say I’m the most honest person, but I can promise you this is no lie.”
With that, he pressed a careful kiss to the Artist’s left temple. The Artist’s eyes went wide as saucers as he realized, with an incredible start, that Deceit. Had just kissed him. Deceit had just kissed him, one of the saddest versions of Roman in this miserable little game.
The Bard covered his mouth with both hands, but even that couldn’t hide his elation.
“Holy fuck.”
He fell backwards, laying on the ground with his arms splayed out. It felt like he….was whole.
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The Damsel looked out the small window of his room, squinting into the bright light between the bars.
What had just happened? He reached up to his head and ran his hand slowly through his hair, grazing over his left temple.
It felt like someone had just….
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Deceit smiled a tiny bit, watching the two Romans collectively lose their minds. He was adorable when flustered. “You’re beautiful. Every bit of you,” he said, trying to force the Artist, force Roman, to understand that he was being truthful.
Even if it was a part of Roman, it still meant the world for Deceit to know that Roman knew. They could write this off later, write it off as some —
Deceit wanted to scream. Hang the fuck on. Oh, holy shit. He’d just admitted it.
He leaned back, trying to keep his movements as slow and deliberate and not-panicked as they were before, but holy shit. He’d just said it. He was in love. It was a round-about statement, series of movements and signals, but of course it was, with him.
He was in love with Roman — was it just Roman? It was a different feeling, but the same feeling across the board. God, Deceit didn’t want to deal with this, not on top of everything he was learning about the Imagination and the other Sides. He lifted a hand to his face and rubbed his scaled forehead, tugging his hat down just a tiny bit more. At least the Romans didn’t notice his sudden and extreme change in posture.
Their collective stupor was disturbed by a shout from below, and then the Playwright calling them downstairs.
The Artist swore, clearing his throat and standing up. “We, uh, we need to go downstairs, go ahead,” he motioned for Deceit and the Bard to leave, “Ah, fuck, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay!” the Bard picked up the empty pizza box and looped his other arm around Deceit’s, much to the snake’s chagrin. “And we’ll let you tell the others later, okay? We don’t want you to feel uncomfortable at all.”
That was….kind. Deceit didn’t know how to respond, he’d kind of expected the Bard to excitedly blurt it out at some point. Perhaps he would. Deceit couldn’t trust that.
He nodded, and the Bard grinned. He led the way down the stairs, barreling through the kitchen and setting the box down before entering the main room again.
The Playwright, Patton, Dad Guy, and Teacher Guy were all sitting around in a circle. The second couch was empty, so the Bard pulled Deceit onto it, paying the utmost attention. The Artist just sank into the couch on Deceit’s other side, eyes locked onto some papers on the table. Two of them were open, letters that had been opened and were now folded back into the envelopes they’d come from. Only the letter’s receiver’s name was visible, but that gave quite a bit of backstory by themselves.
Cordial invitation of Dad Guy to the Entry Gala — in celebration of Morality, Logic, Anxiety, and Deceit’s welcome to the Imagination.
Cordial invitation of Teacher Guy to the Entry Gala — in celebration of Morality, Logic, Anxiety, and Deceit’s welcome to the Imagination.
On the stack’s top was another letter, with a red kiss mark where the stamp would typically go.
Honorable invitation of Patton ‘Morality’ Sanders to the Entry Gala — in celebration of your welcome to the Imagination.
“Ew, he kissed it,” the Bard bit his lip and looked up, scanning the Playwright’s face. “What is it? I’m guessing it’s from Dragon?”
The Playwright nodded to Patton, and he picked up his invitation and cut it open. Quickly, his eyes scanned it over, and a frown overtook his features. “This’ so weird, a gala? Like a party?”
“That’s my suspicion,” the Playwright said, then rubbed the back of his neck. “We all know, er….”
“Roman’s got a flair for the dramatics,” the Artist continued, voice soft, “Dragon got a lot of that.”
“But not all!” the Bard raised his hands up in Roman’s typical princely pose, grinning cheekily.
The Playwright and the Artist both rolled their eyes. “Yes,” the Playwright said. “It looks as though Dragon is trying to lure us all to the castle.”
“....Gosh,” Patton breathed, setting the invitation down on the table, so everyone could read it.
His hand was shaking a little. He did want to see the Dragon, of course, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t nervous about the implications of the letter. And a part of him hoped that….it hadn’t been the Dragon who sent it. Maybe the other Romans were wrong. Maybe the Prince, HIS prince, was there.
To Patton,
Roman ‘Dragon’ Sanders invites you to a masquerade gala celebrating your entrance into the Imagination, as well as Logan, Virgil, and Deceit’s. Please provide your own costume and mask, as this will be a masquerade ball.
It will be a grand evening of food, dance, and excitement, made all the better with your attendance. Entry at the Drawbridge gate tonight, gates open at sundown.
No RSVP required.
See you soon, my love.
Prince Roman
“Oh, fuck him, he’s just gonna sign it like that? What a lilly-livered jackass!” the Bard’s nose scrunched up.
He leaned back again and turned up his head, repulsed by the Dragon’s blatant arrogance.  And the gall, calling Patton his love! It was like he got all the pride and none of the brains! What the hell! The Bard almost wanted to trade him one bit of self-indulgence.
Oh, he might have to throw some of his own punches, once he came face to face with the Dragon. What a disgrace to the Prince’s memory!
“It’s not somethin’ to celebrate,” Dad Guy said, a small smile on his face. The way his brows pinched definitely betrayed his worry.
Teacher Guy still patted his shoulder and shook his head. “Not the time, Dad.”
“Sorry, you know I goof when I’m nervous.”
“Hang on,” the Artist said, rereading the note, “Playwright and my invitations were different.”
He reached into his hoodie pocket and took out his own invitation, spreading it out on the table.
To Roman ‘Artist’ Sanders,
Roman ‘Dragon’ Sanders invites you to a masquerade gala celebrating Morality, Logic, Anxiety, and Deceit’s entrance into the Imagination. Please provide your own costume and mask, as this will be a masquerade ball.
It will be a grand evening of food, dance, and excitement — with a very special and very familiar guest. Entry at the Drawbridge gate tonight, gates open at sundown.
No RSVP required.
Come prepared.
“He’s….so he’s pretending to be Prince,” Deceit bit his tongue. “That has got to be who the guest is, in your invitation.”
He picked up both letters, turning them around to face himself as he turned over the phrasing in his mind. This was almost his area of expertise. The minute changes of word, the different references to the Prince, everything was catered to the recipient of the letter. Probably as a means to get whoever the letter was sent to do go.
Him and Patton both couldn’t hide their disappointment, but….it did make sense, in his world. The Dragon was manipulating them into attending, offering whatever he could.
“I don’t get it,” the Bard said, crossing his arms, “What’s the point of this? A ball? Like, that sounds flipping sweet, but for what?”
The Playwright responded. “My hypothesis is that it’s to get us all in one place. Every one of us figments, and every Side, but I don’t understand why he would—”
“Okay, so he’s gonna kill us on the dance floor,” the Artist said, pulling his knees up to his chest.
“Why do you think he’s inviting us, then?” Teacher Guy asked, “I mean, we’re probably going? Not much danger for us, and, well….”
“I wanna dance with you,” Dad Guy declared, throwing his arm around Teacher Guy’s shoulders.
Teacher Guy smiled, patting Dad Guy’s shoulder fondly as he turned to the Playwright again with more questions on his tongue. “It’s a free party. Knowing that we’re all Thomas, there’ll probably be pizza. Why do you think he’s throwing it all like a party? And what’s the point of having the costumes?”
“Dramatics?” the Playwright offered, voice weak in confusion. “The Dragon would have to figure out which costumed Thomas-esque people are the Sides, are us, and are, well, characters.”
The Artist exhaled sharply. “This is a long way to go for aesthetics. That can’t be all he wants.”
“Either way, we should go,” Patton said, voice soft, “We….Deceit, we were all talking about this. We’ve gotta talk to the Dragon.”
Deceit looked up from the letters, meeting Patton’s eyes with understanding. He nodded slowly. “I agree. No doubt it’s a trap. Of course, of course it’s a trap,” his brain was working at the speed of light, trying to figure out the smartest passage through this, “But we do need to meet him.”
A beat of silence followed that declaration.
Patton was afraid. They couldn’t not meet the Dragon — he was a part of Roman! And every part was valuable and loved and he needed to hug — but the way that the Artist curled in on himself, the way that the Playwright was squeezing his knees with his fists, the way that the Bard was trying to smile, as though it could cover up all of their fears…. It was going to be okay. It was all going to be okay. He was going to talk to the Dragon and give him a scolding. And, if he managed to get through to the Dragon, then it might help the other Romans not be afraid of that part of him. That was what mattered most.
Of course this would be difficult. Deceit would have to tread carefully. He didn’t want to risk any more damage to Roman’s psyche. He almost wanted to forget that kiss, that stupid kiss, because now it was dwelling too heavily on his mind for him to focus on the task at hand. This gala, this party that the Dragon was throwing….did he have the Prince? None of the Romans knew where Prince had gone. The way they talked about him made it sound like he was dead.
There was no way he was dead. And there was no way Deceit was going to let any of them get hurt, either.
At least the other Romans weren’t arguing back this time around. Hopefully they’d been convinced of this turn’s necessity.
God, he was so happy he didn’t have to talk in circles around this topic.
“Well, um,” Dad Guy fidgeted with the sleeve of his cardigan, “I don’t know what you all wanna do now. I’ve got cookies in—”
A sharp knock at the door shut him up. They all froze, huddled in their seats and couches. Deceit actually drew one of his daggers, poised to fight if need be. This was poor timing for the guards to have found them.
The door flung open.
There was Remy, glasses slipping down his nose, panting. He fixed his glasses and waved an arm across his body.
“Guys. You’re gonna wanna come with me, pronto,” he pointed at Dad Guy and Teacher Guy, “Emile needs them. You’re good.”
“Awh, but I just made cookies,” Dad Guy said.
“We can bring them the cookies later,” Teacher Guy offered, to which Dad Guy immediately brightened up, clapping.
“You’re right! We’ll bring you cookies later!”
“What happened?” the Playwright asked, fixing his glasses.
Remy usually didn’t run. He liked to take his time, make things easy for himself. What might have caused this sudden conundrum?
“Can’t answer that right now, we’ve gotta get going,” Remy wasn’t even holding a Starbucks cup as he fixed his glasses and motioned to them again, “You really need to see this.”
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dokidoki-tae · 6 years ago
I saw some headcanons of the squadra being jealous or protective of their s/o or crush and now i'm curious of what would you think of it (i really like how you you write the boys ❤), how do you thing the boys are when they are jealous or just being protective, and who do you think is the most jealous one? I don't know if you are taking request now, but if your not, im sorry for this and is totally fine if you dont want to write it.
Hello! You like the way I write them???? sfkjkJk 
Most to Least Jealous
Ghiaccio- The most confrontational of the lot. He won’t get upset if his s/o is talking to someone else. He’s indifferent if it’s just some rando making conversation. But he knows when someone starts to show interest other than being plain friendly. If the person is making subtle comments, he’s gonna call them out and embarrass them (and his s/o). But Ghiaccio doesn’t give a fuck, he’d lean in, get in their face, and yells ask if they’re stupid or something because clearly his partner is in a relationship. Ghiaccio isn’t affectionate in public, so it’s easy to mistake him for like a friend, but to Ghiaccio, he expects everyone to know they’re together. So Ghiaccio will be ready to throw down if someone doesn’t know their place and understand that his s/o is taken. He’s also the only one who doesn’t like people leering at his s/o. If he catches someone eyeing his s/o (like even from across the room), he’d go, “You got a fucking problem with your eyes, fucker? No? Then stop staring at my girl/guy/partner.”
Prosciutto- Won’t get in the person’s face per se. Well, he won’t do it while his s/o is around. If he notices someone making advances to his s/o. He’s gonna make it clear they are taken by being as physical as possible. His hands will roam their curves, and Prosciutto will give more light but obvious kisses on their cheek, corner of their lips, the shell of their ear, shoulder if exposed; anywhere intimate. If this person continues, he might do something that will cause his s/o to go elsewhere (e.g. go to the bathroom, go get him napkins, etc. depends on the location and what they are doing) Once they are gone, Prosciutto will NOW call them out, but do it in a calm, formal, and threatening manner. He will speak in a normal tone, making backhanded comments to get the person sweating and uncomfortable, and speak more and more softly until the person finds themselves leaning in as Prosciutto casually and smoothly finishes threatening them. If he watches someone leering, you’ll find that he snakes his hand around his s/o and his other hand brushes against their sex.
Gelato: Gelato will make threats. If people know he’s in a polyamorous relationship, and people think that gives them free rein to say whatever, and ask if they can be in a foursome or some dumb shit like that. Whether it’s a serious or a joke, Gelato will bring you down for even suggesting they’d allow an “ugly fucker” to join them. Gelato doesn’t take kindly to people wanting what he, in his mind, owns. Carries a gun, so expect him to flash it to anyone who gets in his space and talks about his relationship with his partners. It only really takes comments on the nature of his relationship to make Gelato snap.
Formaggio: When people flirt with his s/o, Formaggio laughs and laughs. He’s entertained by it, but when things go too far for his liking, like the person is scooting closer and making sexual innuendos. He calls them out kind of like Ghiaccio, but it’s a little less aggressive. He acts dumb, and “Oh, are you interested in S/O or something? What’s your deal? Why are you flirting with them then? Do you know we’re together?” He says this all in an inquisitive manner, loud enough to make a spectacle. And then he raises his voice, “Are you fucking stupid?! HUH?!” all while keeping smile menacingly. He finds the flirting okay as long as the person doesn’t fucking push it.
Illuso: Snickers at any attempts of people flirting with his s/o. He finds it amusing and entertaining, especially when his s/o isn’t getting it or is completely turned off and calls them out themselves. If he does get jealous, Illuso loses all amusement from his entire person. He’s glowers, quiet, the aura around him just suddenly changes. It’s nearly impossible to get him to mellow out. His mood is quite explicit, so whoever is causing the jealous will leave, and Illuso basically bores holes into the person’s face as they leave. Once, they are gone, just give him some attention and he’ll be okay.  MIGHT use his stand to strand the person in Mirror World and just leave them there to starve but that’s only when a person as really pissed him off like putting his hand on his s/o.
Melone: Melone watches it go down with a sly smirk. He doesn’t mind the flirting; he welcomes it because it gets him turned-on because he loves the thought of people lusting over his s/o but he’s the only one fucking them and making them squirm. He will try to escalate it and call them out in a similar manner as Formaggio just without the hostility. “I can practically feel your appetite and desire for my amore. Do you want to fuck them?” “Melone!” “I don’t blame you. They are exquisite, a work of art. But I will be the only one who will fuck them. So enjoy their beauty while you can before we have to leave.” So it’s not jealous Melone feels; it’s pride that he feels.
Pesci: He might feel jealous but it’s mostly insecurity. When others flirt with you, Pesci will attempt to speak up and let them know they his s/o is taken, but it always falls flat. If you’re with Pesci, you’d have at least some awareness of this and decline advances. Most people try to hit on you while Pesci is there, knowing you’re together simply because they think you could do better. But as time goes on, Pesci begins to realize how much you value and love him and those negative feelings disappear. Most of the time, Pesci just listens while people flirt and he just sighs and shakes his head while you take care of it. If someone touches you, Pesci will act and both of you will work together to kick their ass.
Sorbet: Very likely to sit back and enjoy the show, hoping the person continues to dig themselves into a hole. Sometimes he likes to pretend he’s not together with his s/o (and Gelato) only to have them turn around and passionately kiss them just to watch the person’s countenance fall. Other times, he’s just not having them, tells the person “they’re with me” pull his s/o (or Gelato) to his side and has his arm around your (or Gelato’s or both) shoulder. Those jealousy feelings are brief and never let it ruin his night or make him want to make a spectacle since it’s not worth it.
Risotto: Doesn’t really get jealous. He trusts his s/o (the other do too btw) to not act on the advances of others, so he doesn’t have anything to worry about. His s/o is attractive so he doesn’t blame people. They can flirt with them all they want, but at the end of the day, they will go home with him. If they make his s/o uncomfortable and touch them, then he steps in because that’s not okay. But he doesn’t really react. Eventually, his s/o picks up on the flirting of others and puts a stop to it themselves. Risotto sometimes has to suppress a chuckle when he listens to the things people try to woo his s/o.
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legion1993 · 5 years ago
Weddings are Magical Moments
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AN: this is part 3 and probably final part to this series… written in compilation with @icantlivewithyou‘s writting challenge. i hope this concludes the series nicely.  really really really super sorry this was late... life got really busy and i found i could not think of the ending... again super sorry about the late entry... hope this concludes nicely.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Prompt #43 “How did i manage to get the most beautiful girl in the world?”
summery: surprise!!!!
~summer just after graduation~
the summer consisted of you and Draco finishing getting your apartment set up… it was a messy process, but the photos from graduation now hung on your walls, you didnt use magic to finish setting up your apartment except to reach the high stuff… 
Draco: “i can’t believe we defeated the dark forces and graduated all in the short course of a year… now we have started making this place more homey… but when do we want to do the most important task…”
you turned your attention on Draco as you went over to sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck allowing your noses to collide… 
YN: “and which task is that love?”
Draco: “telling your family… any plans to see then this summer?”
YN: “no but im sure they wouldnt mind if i came for a visit…”
Draco: “what do you think if we went to see them in a few weeks? i mean we could spend about 2 weeks with them and then we will make sure to break the news of our relationship status during those 2 weeks. i just hope its alot smoother than telling everyone else.”
YN: “well if it helps babe, we will leave in a few hours, i am magically packing our things as we speak… if i know my parents and i do, they will bring over all the family that they can get in touch with once we tell them of the engagement. trust me, my family has part scottish and part spanish heritage so its gonna be alot of partying… are you sure you can handle that…”
Draco could only laugh at the thought of what meeting the family would mean… but he was excited by the opportunity. 
Draco: “as long as we are together we will be able to conquer anything. now lets get this show on the road… where do your parents live..”
you had to smile, you had to take a deep breath before revealing your hometown… cause it wasnt the london house that you would stay in every summer with your uncle and aunt… it was elsewhere that your parents mostly lived..
YN: “barcelona… they live in barcelona…”
Draco: “can we get there by train?”
you nod your head and smile, you knew his little tricks, you knew how Draco’s mind worked, though you both had agreed to wait till you were properly married, this didnt mean you both couldnt make out passionately…
you felt his lips graze your neck, your only thought in that moment was of the bliss you felt with each of his kisses. after a very passionate make out session you both grabbed your bags, hopped a taxi all the way to the train station. 
you approached the ticket agent who was nice enough to tell you the time your train would depart, arrive, and even book you guys a ride once there… you both were grateful. 
you both went to wait for the train, you decided to wander into the gift shop… Draco seemingly followed you, you were so lost in your own little daze that you didnt see Draco buying a small bracelet and necklace set for you… 
you went to the counter to spot Draco near papers and magazines. you chose a nice plain gold chain for your fiance. you hid it in your pocket when he met your gaze. 
Draco: “hey love ready to go meet our train?”
YN: “of course. lets go…”
you and Draco hand in hand with your luggage walked over to the train platform… the ride was gonna be 6 hours and 30 mins long. you and Draco would use that time to take a nap and figure out how you guys would tell you parents about the engagement.
the train arrived and was unloaded, your only hope was that with your soon to be family reunion that your parents would be totally understanding about why you hadnt brought Draco home sooner.
you and Draco found your own private stall, your own private stall in the 1st class car, you really get what you pay for… this was sure to make the ride more comfortable. you watched as Draco placed your luggage in the over head storage compartments and took his seat beside you. 
the train was loaded and ready to go in 15 minutes. lots of people, lots of background noise that was drowned out with a sound proofing spell… the only sound you both would be able to hear was the ticket man coming round to check the tickets. 
but before that would happen, you were staring out the window lost in thought. 
Draco: “Love… are you okay?”
you snapped out of it at the feeling of your fiance’s hands on your own.
YN: “of course i’m just trying to figure out the best way with which to approach my parents about the engagement.”
Draco: “come on love, lean into me we will sleep on it, if the ticket checker comes around our magic will put the tickets in the box, they are sitting on the inner window of the door with a do not disturb on the door nob. the ticket man wont come in but he will do the check of the tickets from the look on the door. now lean into me love, we will do the best thinking while we dream.”
you did as Draco suggested, it was amazing how soothing the movement of the train could be, well it was a soothing 4 hours of rest till the train stopped at one of the stations along the route… this was the kind of layover thing that you really didnt expect… but you stirred and looked up at Draco who was still fast asleep.
you moved slightly and smiled as you exited your cabin heading for the washroom. your only hope was to get there and back before Draco would wake up…
you made it to the washroom and did what you wanted to do, before heading back you stopped at the snack cart picking up a small treat for the love of your life and heading back to your cabin. 
you entered to find Draco looking around having just woken up…  his hair a mess, his eyes barely open, you shut the door and went back to his embrace… 
Draco (sleepily): “what time is it?”
YN: “shh go back to sleep love we still have 2 hours till arrival… we will arrive soon! im still here just wrap your arms round me love, we will arrive soon! you will need all the energy and rest you can get before you meet my parents.”
Draco was already holding you from the moment you started talking, but he had passed out short moments ago… all you could think was how you were so lucky… but there it was you felt it, you felt a dark energy enter the train. 
you weren’t sure about what was actually happening, but you ignored the energy, you had no idea about what was about to transpire… you had no idea that someone from your past would soon make an appearance. 
Draco woke up an hour later, you decided that it was time to tell him the rest of the truth. 
Draco: “whats wrong love? you look more worried than before…”
YN: “i feel a presence, a force that i havent felt since before my years at Hogwarts. before i got my acceptance letter to hogwarts, my parents had arranged for me to marry another magic being, a young wizard who was always kind of a creep. last time i ever saw him was the day he tried to rape me… but the last thing i heard he had been told to appear before the ministry for use of the dark arts… but he had been cursing my name in front of the ministry… my parents after that stopped the arrangement, but everywhere i went for a while i felt this dark energy, this energy is the same kind i felt only but an hour ago… Draco what if he is here, what if he is hunting me…”
Draco: “babe, its okay if anyone with so much as a small bit of dark energy gets within 5 feet of you, i’ll fight by your side as i have now sworn to always do… do not forget we are the ones now engaged to be married. we are the ones that defeated the dark powers invading our school, we are the new professors at Hogwarts school… we have the power of love on our side, as long as we are together nothing bad will go wrong… now once we get to barcelona we will find our way to your parents place. then we will be safe…”
YN: “i hope your right babe…”
~arrival in Barcelona, Meeting the parents~
you and Draco hear the station name in both english and spanish, then you both grab your bags and get off the train… you knew the way home so you decided to hail a bicycle taxi which conversation goes like this.
Taxi Driver: “where to guys?”
YN: “YLN manor…”
Taxi Driver: “how do you know the YLNs?”
YN: “i’m their daughter…”
the driver immediately cut all the cost of the ride…
taxi driver: “my apoligies mi’lady i’ll cover the cost of the ride, dont worry about a thing you and your man just relax and enjoy the ride…”
YN: “dont worry about it, it will always be my pleasure to use your services…”
Taxi driver: “you honor me with your presence…”
the driver started driving, it was a very nice scenic ride, you were very happy to be home, you were also very nervous to introduce Draco to your parents. but showing him the way to your spanish home, something about this made things feel right…
Draco: “this is a breath taking sight, but not as breath taking as the first time i saw you…”
YN: “it is beautiful, i cant wait to give you the entensive tour of the grounds… the rose garden, the rest of the house, the maze, my room!”
Draco: “your family sounds loaded… why do you not take advantage of it?”
YN: “cause i like being independant… now lets relax and enjoy the barcelona sights…”
the ride lasted another 30 minutes before arriving outside the gates of your property, you and Draco got off the cart pulling off your luggage turning to the taxi driver… you hand him a $15 tip, he looks at you confused..
YN: “keep it you deserve it… trust me your only the best taxi driver ive ever had bring me up here… thank you so much for all you do…”
the taxi driver went on his way grateful for the kindness shown, you went to the intercom and pressed the call button…
helen: “yes?”
YN: “i’m here to see the lord and lady of the house…”
Helen: “ill let you inside…”
the gates open, you and Draco walk through the gate, you wait to make sure it closes behind you guys before continuing your walk to the door… the door doesnt open right away but you wondered if anyone would even recognize you… 
the door opened at your steps, joys of a magical house… you and Draco entered and the sounds of 2 sets of footsteps echoed growing closer and closer… till you heard your name being called…
Sophie (mom): “YN, YN darling is that you?”
Brandon (dad): “is that my little girl?”
YN: “mom, Dad it is me…”
your mom and dad immediately surrounded you with hugs and love… Draco stood there and let you have a few moments with your parents… then the real conversation began…
You backed out of your parents embrace and into the open embrace of Draco…
YN: “mom, dad this is Draco Malfoy… he is my man…”
Draco: “it is an honor to meet the people who brought such an amazing woman into the world and allowed her to go to Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry…”
Sophie (mom): “its an honor to meet you Draco… my name is Sophie…”
Brandon: “its an honor to meet the man who seems to have won the heart of my charming daughter… my name is Brandon… come on in you guys… why didn’t you let us know you were coming pumpkin…”
YN: “i wanted to surprise you guys, i knew you guys were here cause i did a magical check-in… you are gonna love hearing about my final year… this is gonna be one crazy story, but it also leads into my starting to date Draco…”
Sophie (mom): “well lets have Helen take your bags to one guest room and we will have a nice sit down in the living room…”
you and draco follow your parents to the living room…
YN: “place looks the same still… i missed it here…”
Sophie(mom): “and we missed having you here… now you appear and dont even write… like this is crazy… and you show up now with a guy! please darling please explain…”
you and Draco sat on the love seat across from your parents as you began to explain in a little bit of detail the story of what happened and how you met Draco…
YN: “well the story goes like this: me and Draco started at Hogwarts at the same time, he was in my year… we had this kind of rivalry especially in quiddich but thats besides the point… the rivalry was famous, it did wonders for the schools publicity… but during our 3rd year i started being a magic tutor, it was mostly slytherins that needed the help, by the way, that is what house Draco belonged to… but he started to be gentler once i started tutoring him. we started growing closer but didnt admit our feelings till 2 years ago, we hid from public eye ever chance we got to steal a few moments alone… there was a kick our birthdays are within a week of eachother… it was a kick in the pants when the summer before graduating year showed great promise, we had just turned 18 yay for us… we met in hogsmede great minds think alike so we had a butterbeer together but his father and some followers of voldemort showed up at the three broomsticks, it was a scary situation… we booked it out of there and to the alleyway behind grand central station in london… and the feelings came out, from there on we snuck around alot more, before then it had only been the moments before and after quidditch and during the summer, and the moments during the tutoring sessions… the school year started with a moment in the shared slytherin/ravenclaw quidditch captains tent… it was the only lone moment before the school was under attack, we were summoned as house prefecs to the great hall where we were told that the dark forces were entering the school ground, trying to break down the barrier, voldemort and his forces invaded the school, no students were harmed, many teachers were hurt, we only had 2 casualties but voldemort got vanquished but not before voldemort killed Dumbledore… there was only so much that people could do… but after the order of the phoenix and the ministry got there Draco’s parents were disarmed by me and Draco but then were arrested by the order… the school which was semi-destroyed got repaired… the year went on as normal as could be… we didnt loose any students… Professor McGonigal stepped up as the headmistress of the school, i stepped into her position for the classes that she taught that wasnt mine… but Draco stepped in to help fill the position of wherever he could be helpful…”
you had to take a breather, you had basically been taking none stop… tears had been spilling, Draco’s hands on your own as he took over speaking…
Draco: “Sophie and Brandon, during the beginning of the battling i got up to address the school, kind of a we will survive this mess type of speech… and i confessed to the entire school of my feelings for your daughter… naturally the school was amazed but a little shocked, it became the next chapter in our love story… sir, madame, i know that she has already said yes but i still want to ask your permission will you guys allow me the honor of having your daughter’s hand in marriage?”
your parents no sooner had shocked looks on their faces, but there are many ways this could go, your mother now had a look of ‘omg yay!’… your father had just a plain look of ‘omg’… 
Sophie (mom): “i give my blessing… Brandon? what do you think?”
Brandon (dad): “well this is certainly quite the ordeal that you guys have been through, but love builds up through even the smallest things, you know when your mother and i met we were from different houses too… love takes time to bloom into a force more powerful than anything… i too give my blessing on this union… so you guys got engaged at school, during the battle… what a time to do that… but still i suppose live in the now is still a thing… congratulations daughter may your years live long and prosper…”
~celebrate with a healthy horse race~
your father snapped his fingers and champange appeared in all of your hands…
Brandon (dad): “Draco i havent known you very long and i look forward to the day i do, but i have observed how you are around my daughter and i happily approve this union… how are you both feeling?”
You and Draco looked at eachother and smiled lightly…
YN: “we slept on the train ride over, we are pretty good right now… do you guys still have the barn?”
Brandon (dad): “ah my little girl wants to race me again?”
YN: “oh dad when are you gonna learn that you will never beat me?”
Brandon (dad): “apparently never… shall we daughter?”
You got up and followed his gesture with Draco and your mother on your heals…
YN: “of course father!”
arriving at the barn you entered to find your star horse munching on her hay… but when you walked in and called her name she looked at you and let out a happy neigh… 
YN: “hey girl, i missed you too… Draco come meet my baby…”
Draco came up beside you as you stroked your horses nose…
YN: “draco, meet Lyla… Lyla this is my Fiance Draco…”
Lyla approached Draco and nudged his hand, he started to pat her nose… you smiled lightly, you were so hopeful that everything would work the way you wanted it to during this race… like so many times before you would beat your father in the maze race… the hardest track with which to race… 
Sophie (mom): “i have an idea how bout we go in pairs for this race… i go with your father and Draco can go obviously with you YN honey… what do the competitors think?”
you and your father exchanged a look and then turned back to your horses…
Brandon (dad): “sounds fine to me…”
YN: “lets see how well this goes… same rules as usual Dad?”
Brandon (dad): “wands are only for emergency use, this is purely relying on pure riding skill only… Draco, better watch closely for one day you might have to race against me in a singles match…”
Draco: “i look forward to that day…”
you finished grooming your horse and putting on the sattle… then you slid into your riding boots… 
YN: “have you ridden before draco?”
Draco: “a few times, not as often as you it seems… but no matter, we will have a nice healthy race…”
YN: “its not all fun and games… its also not a nice healthy race either… its a vital race that happens at least once every 1-2 years… this is just a little competition between father and daughter, we dubbed it a tradition… but my goal is to remain champion… it gives me sweet perks throughout the year… like little gifts appearing around me, within my things etc… its really sweet…”
Draco came up and gave you a kiss on your forehead, your only trait wrong was your inner demons… you had been feeling them more and more since arriving back on spanish soil… 
Draco felt you shudder beneath his embrace and pulled your chin to face him… 
Draco: “your trembling love… are you sure your up to this?”
YN: “of course… just dont let me fall if i start to…”
Draco: “never… now get up there and lets show your parents what a winning team looks like.”
you got on Lyla first, then helped Draco get on behind you… Your father and mother did the same thing… it was a nightmare… you had no idea how you were supposed to explain your feelings…
Brandon(dad): “lets make this interesting… winning couple gets to have our nicest private room in the barcelona hot spring resort for 2 nights… its gonna be a nice weekend getaway for the people who win that… now  does that sound fair?”
YN: “yes on your mark…”
Brandon (dad): “get set…”
YN: “go…”
you and Lyla took off, Draco holding on as tight as possible… he smiled as you let out a war cry that sounded like something out of hercules legendary journeys or something… (***lol one of my current watchlist***)
anyway, your father and mother were not far behind but you rounded the first corner, and took off at high speeds…
Draco: “hey love, this is beautiful, lets take a walk through here later…”
YN: “you think its beautiful now, wait till nightfall its even prettier…”
Draco started kissing your neck gently, you keep your speed increasing not letting up till the entrance to the maze, where as per tradition you slowed down a bit as to not get hurt or run into anything…
Draco: “this is a-maze-ing!!!!”
You started to giggle, but then silenced your self…
YN: “be extra careful with your vocal tones this maze can send echo’d vibrations of vocals if they are too loud… this route is the one i take its clearly marked with symbols only to be seen by my magic’s eye, my father did the same thing… it is how we trained our horses on which path to take…”
Draco: “understandable… but as long as we are speaking calmly and quietly, what kind of wedding do we want?”
you were not startled but a little surprised at the question…
YN: “something obviously to reflect who we are… how do you feel about a wedding at hogwarts just before the students leave on christmas break?”
Draco: “of course we could use the great hall, all the students, teachers and guests can attend the great hall is probably one of the biggest spaces in the entire school.”
YN: “this will probably shock my parents, but i know there will be some people from my family that will not agree with us on where we decide to hold our wedding but we can count on one thing, that is my parents insatiable appetite for trying to over help with everything…”
Draco: “control freaks eh…”
You nod as the exit to the maze comes into view… you clicked your tongue and felt the wind blow… you knew that your parents were no longer far behind… you and Draco made it out of the maze this sent a shockwave to your parents… your father knew instantly that you had made it out of the maze, but he also knew he had to follow the rules..
Brandon: “Sophie do you think our little girl is gonna be okay? i mean i can see the change but i’m not sure what to entirely make of it…”
Sophie: “well she does seem happy and they do look good together. she wouldnt have brought him home unless she was absolutely sure…”
Brandon: “should we tell her?”
Sophie: “soon we just got her back under our roof, but if we dont tell her before they leave our sted, he will surely come for her…”
Brandon: “do you really think he will, i mean he hasnt set foot back on our property since that day…�� 
Sophie: “look dear the exit, hurry lets catch up to our daughter and future son-in-law…”
you and Draco were almost half way round the final bend when you felt a shockwave, your father let out his war cry, it made you look back, you urged Lyla to go faster, as you finished your final round of the hill…
you stood at the top waiting till your father and mother reached the mid way point on the hill, before you urged Lyla in a charge motion with which to pass your parents on their assent of the hill… that is exactly what happened… the look on your father’s face was priceless, works every time… 
Draco: “that was some hardcore stare down…”
YN: “happens every single time we race.. its nothing new… just a little healthy shock your parents, type thing.. now lets win that trip, it will be a nice stay before we head back… plus i was hoping to take you there…”
Draco: “some nice relaxing fun with my fiance sounds like a momentous occasion, was your dad acting a little weird?”
You turned slightly to look at Draco as you both ducked beneath the apple trees…
YN: “you noticed that too… i thought it was just me that noticed…”
Draco: “i hope he doesnt have alterier motives for putting that getaway as the reward…”
you suddenly had to think about this, you were so sure that something had been wrong from the moment your father upped the race stakes… you had never heard him talk that way before…
another shockwave hit, this time it wasnt from the race… you stopped lyla and turned around…
YN: “somethings wrong…”
Draco: “i feel it too… your horse and grounds mi’lady, what do we do?”
YN: “take out your wand and be ready to shoot anything that doesnt look like what we have just ridden through…”
you also drew your wand out of your boot, pulling the reigns Lyla turned around and spoke…
Lyla: “whats wrong? i thought this was a race why are we turning around…”
Draco: “love your horse is talking…”
YN: “did i forget to mention that? oops… yes Lyla something is wrong we just arent sure what just nice and steady down the path Lyla we dont know whats wrong yet…”
Lyla started slowly back down the trail, you and Draco keeping your eyes open for anything suspicious…  you both then heard it, the distant sound of spells being cast… 
you urged Lyla to go faster, you and Draco with your wands ready cast your disarming charm at the same time to the 2 men standing over your parents… you both then got off your horse and stood with wands ready.
YN: “turn around slowly and back away from my parents…”
the 2 guys turned slowly but only one of them spoke…
Trevor: “its good to see you again YN… i see you have returned from school… long time no see…”
YN: “Trevor… back away from my parents.. leave this property before i send you back to the ministry dungeon for obstruction of rules…”
Trevor: “relax i heard you were back in town i figured we should talk…”
YN: “back away from my parents then talk quickly… then ill let my fiance decide what happens to you after that…”
Trevor and his friend now backing away from your parents as they got off the ground and poofed back to the house… you and Draco now stood blocked them from being able to approach the house. 
Trevor: “i gather that the twit beside you is your fiance…”
Draco: “who are you calling a twit asshole…”
Trevor: “YN this guy has a mouth to him… you really picked a charmer… now how bout you guys let us inside and we wont hurt you both…”
Draco: “hey buddy back off, the lady said speak and then let me decide what to do with you…”
You were appauled that he would dare to show his face after all those years ago when he tried to rape you… but he would never get that far this time not with Draco still guarding you…
YN: “Trevor you dare to show your face here after all the pain and turmoil that you pretty well caused me… you got some nerve… Draco dispose of them…”
Draco: “with pleasure my love… then we shall go see if your parents are alright…”
Draco and Trevor now at odds, you were kinda turned on by Draco’s sudden take on a hero verses jealous villain type thing… it was the moment where the knight would keep the princess behind him and face off with the person who was trying to get at her… this case that was true..
Draco: “you leave her be, leave now and i wont defy every bone in my body telling me not to kill you right now…”
Trevor: “you know i would leave but im starting to get really turned on by how hot she looks today, cowering behind you, the way her eyes sparkle in the light of the sun…”
Draco (spell casting): “Sectumsempra”
you watched in delightful horror as Draco now seeming to be enjoying his new magical freedom, aimed that at Trevor… as graduates and full fledged wizards you guys could do magic as often as you like, just not in front of muggles. 
Trevor: “you little rat… Clyde get him…”
Clyde (spell casting): “Levicorpus”
you slowed time a bit and stepped right in front of Draco, unfroze time and let the spell hit you. you hung upside down, and you floated away from the fight… you were so scared, but watched intently as the next spell was cast…
Draco: “Nox”
the field and town went dark… then Draco helped set you back on your feet you both started running, you ran towards the maze… only you knew the way through… out of your family, only you were crazy enough to go into the maze in the dark. 
YN: “remember speak calmly… the walls still send echoes… ugh why is he… wait a minute… thats it…”
 you pulled out your phone and send a 911 Barcelona home to the order… you one response of on way… you were just supposed to hold out till they got there… within seconds you and draco were out of the maze… you guys made your way towards the barn… 
there you guys found Remus…
remus: “whats wrong?”
YN: “he is here, somehow he got out of azkaban… he had been in prison for the last 4 years, but thats because he had tried to rape me, my parents banished him from the grounds, ministry guards took him away i went to hogwarts that fall as though the incident hadnt happened. there were so many things wrong that school year, someone very special told me that he believed in all i could be, told me to believe in myself that things would get better. you know what i believed him, look at where i ended up. the way that life has worked out for me so far is amazing, if not for Draco’s encouragement i would have given up hope a long time ago… but this guy and his pal are dangerous… they need to be put away for a long long time… forever would be nice…”
Remus: “well i have order members searching the ground and Nymphadora is inside with your parents YN, she is explaining things to them as well as protecting them. my job is to stay close to you guys and hit these guys head on…”
YN: “don’t underestimate them, especially the one who calls himself trevor… that scumbag walked away from the sectumsepra… i was sure that he was done for… but that was not the case sadly… last time we saw them was just outside the maze… they followed us in to the maze i know that place like the back of my hand but for those guys odds are they are still in there… if you can tell the order members in the field to surround the maze and be wand ready ill lower the maze… its a simple spell that my parents use to mow the grass in the maze.”
once you had finished speaking Remus ushered you and Draco to the side out of direct view of the entrance to the barn… as footsteps came up the path, you were not sure of who was coming down the path but there was more than one set of steps coming. 
you huddled into Draco who was leaning against the wall… you then realized that there was no light in the barn…
YN: “alohamora..”
the barn lit up as the group of 6 people entered the barn, 4 order members 2 criminals. you breathed a sigh of relief. this was your downfall, you felt a pull away from Draco but as always you fought it. 
Trevor: “you little bitch, you and your skeeving little fiance are gonna pay dearly for this… we are the innocent not them…”
Remus: “silence, you evil skum, order take them to the ministry im sure they are missing some prisoners. ill follow shortly.”
the 6 people disappeared, Remus came over to you and Draco…
Remus: “children i expect to see both of you at the ministry/teachers luncheon the last saturday before school starts…”
Draco: “of course wouldnt miss it…”
YN: “thank you for coming to help with this… ive already sent a file on trevor to the minister they are not going anywhere… thank you again Remus…”
with that Nymphadora comes up beside Remus but not before giving you a homely embracing hug…
Nymphadora: “don’t worry about anything YN you and Draco will live a happy life together. be the greatest power couple to live. dont live according to what your parents have set for examples. make your own examples control your own destinies.”
YN: “i believe we still have a rematch in dueling to do… N..”
Nymphadora: “of course we do and we will get to it soon! once the ministry and the order stop being so hectic.”
you smiled and let her go back to Remus watching as they both disappeared. you went to Lyla and de saddled her and gave her a fresh bale of hay and a few carrots…
Draco: “don’t worry love those creeps will stay put this time… now lets get out of this night air as beautiful as it is, its a little chilly. lets go inside love.”
you and Draco hand in hand walk back towards the house, entering inside you both take off your shoes and head over to the kitchen… you wave your wand and 2 cups of hot chocolate were made… 
you shivered as you took off your sweater, Draco didnt shiver at all he also was dressed better than you…
Draco: “your shivering love, here go sit in the living room, ill bring the drinks.”
you went to sit in the living room, you could hear your parents who were upstairs in their room… it had been a trying day, quite frankly you were exhausted, you were sure that if Draco was smart he wouldnt want to marry into the family…
Draco came over a few moments later and set the hot chocolate on the table. he went to the couch and grabbed a blanket bringing it over to where you and he would be sitting. he opens the blanket and places it around his shoulders making sure that there was enough leyway to wrap you in it as well.. 
Draco: “are you gonna be okay?”
YN: “are you sure you still want to marry me after what just happened?”
Draco pulled you to lay your head in his lap the blanket enchanted by the love emitting off you and Draco fit itself around you guys to keep you both warm. 
Draco: “why would you say that… YN as far as i’m concerned your the best part of everything that i am. i wouldnt be the man i am today if not for you. why would you think i wouldnt want to marry you?”
YN: “i saw how you looked when you saw trevor and me exchange glares and words. you looked like…”
Draco: “like any guy would who just wants to protect his girl from a slimey self absorbed dick head. babe i would marry you right now if it was do-able. but we both know we have people who are waiting for us to say the word on the wedding date and location… i wouldnt trade what we have for anything. now just relax, when your ready we will go upstairs and cuddle like we normally would.”
you lay there in his lap and made a feble attempt to put those horrible thoughts of the events that took place out of your head. Draco kept petting your hair, you kept making sure to keep your thoughts pure and simple… you then pulled out your wand and started to design the Save the Date cards…
Draco watched you do this, he was impressed with the design, once finished you both stared at it with intent looks… 
Draco: “so does this mean we are officially sending these out…”
YN: “i mean the stationary will be better designed by magic and easier to replicate too… everything else can be hand picked no magic necessary… but the stationary will be cheaper and better quality if we do it ourselves with magic.”
Draco: “r u ready to go upstairs love?”
you nod leaving the design on the table… there are many things in this world that you feel extremely comfortable with but the way Draco had you sit up removing the blanket as he picked you up in a craddle and you guys made your way upstairs.
you pointed the way to your room, arriving inside you guys saw your bags on the chair and found your room hadn’t been changed… Draco put you back on your feet and shut the door. 
Draco: “looks like you live better here than at the paris house…”
YN: “not really, kinda but not really… i consider home not by what i have but where my heart is… but you have my heart so my home is now where you are.”
Draco:  “How did i manage to get the most beautiful girl in the world?”
YN: “you simply were a little terrible at school.”
Draco shut the door and playfully stalked towards you… 
Draco: “you know i can’t wait will we get married, i cant wait to see all of you, to be able to have all of you… to be able to say that i am no longer pure… to say that i gave myself to the girl of my dreams as she has given herself to me…”
YN: “draco darling that sounds like seduction in your vocal tones…”
Draco: “then lets live the passion we felt that day 2 weeks before the start of our final year.”
you snapped your fingers making you and Draco shift into your nightware… it was then like the night you guys spent together in london, making out, not caring, not stopping. 
that was the best sleep you had since well that night in london. you and Draco didnt care what time you fell asleep, as long as you both woke the next morning in eachothers embrace that was what truly mattered.
~*time jump* the rest of your stay with your parents in barcelona was fantastic, you and draco celebrated your engagement with a meet ‘n’ greet of the rest of your family… the dancing food music it was alot to take in. by the end of the 2 weeks you guys were ready to get back to your normal lives. as luck would have it when you both got back your teachers owls arrived at the same time. you both decided in a few weeks you would make a trip to diagon alley to do some shopping… and that is where we pick up our story…*~
you both flu power to diagon alley, you guys arrive and start doing your together and individual shops. it was apart of your tradition. it was alot more aparent now than ever the wizarding community didn’t care that you and Draco were together.
YN: “okay how bout we finish the shopping here then we look and see what the wizarding community has for wedding stuff… cause obviously we want some of our lives as wizards in the wedding right.”
Draco: “what about the wedding bands we could have the specially crafted… my father always used this store for all his accessory needs. come along.”
Draco leads you down to the lower side of the alley, you both looking around feeling many eyes on you. but you both stopped before entering the jeweller… 
YN: “why dont we go in love?”
Draco: “cause this man who runs this store was a follower of voldemort.. he was never really apart of anything but he was a low key death eater… i know cause he was often at family gatherings. we have to be very very careful… let me do most of the talking… just stay attached to my arm and be quiet unless spoken too.. i say this for your protection and mine love, not to be mean…”
you nod knowing that if Draco was right and he usually was this man could be especially dangerous. you clung to the arm of your fiance as you both walked inside. within 5 seconds of entering you both were approached by a man who looked to be in his mid to late 40′s maybe a bit older… 
Henry: “Draco, what a plesent surprise, come without your parents. havent seen them for ages how are they…”
Draco: “on their way to a ministry trial… they caused trouble at hogwarts tried to kill me and my fiance here, and attacked the school with voldemort who is now dead, voldemort killed dumbledore and now me along with my gorgeous fiance happen to be in town for some wedding browsing and school prep as we are 2 of the newest hogwarts professors.”
Henry looked shocked… like he had heard nothing about this… 
Henry: “i’m so sorry sir, i had no idea any of this had taken place. now what brings you both into my fine establishment this fine afternoon.”
Draco: “can we place the order for our wedding bands please.?”
Henry: “whats the date of your wedding sir?”
Draco: “december 20, 2020…”
Henry: “why start so early for the wedding collecting?”
Draco: “cause it will save us time in the long run. now can you help us or not?”
Henry: “of course if you guys don’t mind filling out some paper work for the bands and the engravings if any…”
draco nodded Henry went to grab the paperwork, you left Draco to go sit down at the table, you both knew that out of the 2 of you, your writing was the most legible.
Henry re appeared a few moments later with paper work. he placed it on the table in front of you…
Henry: “ive marked everything thats essential to the ring process… ive also marked the spots that need signatures or initials. please feel free to fill out the essential parts plus more if you wish. as much detail as possible when describing what you want done with the rings. please do not hesitate to ask questions.”
Draco sits beside you as you start filling out the form. you inputted as much information as possible, Draco simply drapped his arm around your shoulder as he leaned back in his seat. 
within 5 minutes you were just signing it for the final time… 
YN: “babe sign and initial where i did it is apparent that we both sign and initial this document.”
Draco did so, then brought the document to Henry… who looked it over very carefully, Draco brought you with him to the counter where Henry stood.
Henry: “well it appears everything is in order… how will you guys be paying today…”
Draco: “put it on my new personal tab as i no longer live at home.”
Henry: “very well Mr. Malfoy we will see you in a year…”
you and draco left the store in a happy happy daze, neither of you really caring too much about what the cost would be, this wedding was yours and you both intended to not let any superstition or anything like money stand in the way of having what you both wanted this wedding to be.
you and draco finished your rounds and went home. it was gonna be a long 2 weeks  to finish getting ready and lesson prep for school. you had to prepare what you would teach your students as did Draco… 
Drawing up lesson plans included having some fun mock-dueling. it was a great way to keep eachother on your toes. you both also happened to be the leaders of the schools dueling club. 
Draco: “lets drift into a world thats entirely our own as we binge watch random disney movies.”
~*you guys spent the next week and a half packing and watching iconic disney classics… Draco loved how you would sing every single song, every verse every word… he loved your voice, he loved listening to you sing. the week and a half flew by and soon it was time to travel to london to spend a few days with the order and the ministry. these next few days would include signing a few legal documents, getting the ministries blessing to marry, the orders blessing to marry and attending the teachers/ministry/order dinner before the start of school. the dinner went well, everyone made a toast to you and Draco calling you the heroes of hogwarts, swearing you guys in as professors, and socializing. then it was the day to board the train to hogwarts. of course teachers have to arrive earlier than students. duh… thats how it always works. taking the teachers train then the boats made you guys feel nostolgic, thinking of your first day of your first year at Hogwarts. but this time it was different. you both knew what to expect… or did you…*~
you guys stepped off the boats and walked up the hill to the entrance hall… using your wands you sent your luggage to your room, changing into your professor robes… you guys went to meet the teachers in the great hall… 
Minerva: “Draco, YN welcome back to Hogwarts, i hope you guys enjoy your first year as professors, this year we have taken precautions for any unexpected thing that could happen or befall the school. a repeat of last year will never ever happen again… the students arrive in  a few hours and then we will make our enviroment a magical experience. now teachers i invite you all to go set up your classrooms ill make the announcement when the students arrive.”
You and Draco remained behind to speak a few moments with Minerva… 
Minerva: “i have a special request for you both to have something formal on tonight.. the dinner is gonna be one to harold and don’t worry everyone will be here to witness…”
YN: “what exactly is harolding this evening Minerva?”
Minerva: “sorry dear its a surprise now off you both go, set up your classrooms, press your evening wear, make sure of your hearts and prepare speeches for tonight as well… it will be a momentous occasion.”
you and Draco walk off towards the hallway containing your classrooms. first stopping at yours… you entered looking around the room and thinking about design as you had done from the day you guys got these jobs… you guys had done design ideas for your classrooms… 
YN: “so i dont really want to change too much as i said, i still want to feel like i did when i taught here during graduating year… Draco i dont know which robe to wear tonight… she said formal, what the hell are we going to wear…”
Draco: “dont worry love, we will figure that out after we decorate our classrooms… now decorate your classroom love, something that reflects you and your teaching style.”
You walk into the center point of your classroom and close your eyes, you open your arms to the sides and the classroom transforms to a teal color, the stone straightens up the desks change to a navy color. your desk changes to a emerald green, with a ravenclaw logo on it… 
Draco came up behind you, he made sure to wrap his arms around your waist with a clear view on everything. 
YN: “just tell me its awful or too much and ill change it…”
Draco: “its hot…”
YN: “that also sounds like a heeping wad of seduction in your voice. just you wait till our wedding night, it will be a romantic occasion… though once we start we might not want to stop.”
Draco and you could only laugh as you both exited your classroom and headed for the D.A.T.D.A classroom (defense against the dark arts)… ~(*yes i had to abreviate but i also put what it means cause its fun!*)~
Draco and You walked in and remembered instantly your first official duel, it happened right here in the classroom under the guidance of RJ it was a exercise to see a few students skill levels. this was also where both you and Draco admitted to your individual selves of your feelings for the other. now here you guys are preparing for a wedding, your wedding.
Draco: “i know i need to make a choice so im just going to close my eyes and let the magic happen.”
You watched as Draco’s room turned into like minded shades of teal emerald green and black… it was a very draco like room. you spun around a bit and smiled… 
Draco: “that is much better more me and me when im with you.”
YN: “lets now go spend some time setting up our quarters, maybe have a small makeout session before the announcement of the students arrival is made…”
Draco: “if you were my wife already we would be making a baby by now…”
YN: “i’m surprised Draco Malfoy wants children…”
Draco: “of course i do now hold on tight… ill teleport us there…”
you hold onto Draco as he sends both of you to your new quarters. the shared room approved by the ministry, the school board and the order. you and Draco now had some time alone, finally being back at Hogwarts and not having to hide or sneak around.. 
After a few hours, the sun was finally setting  you and draco decided to find your outfits for the evenings festivities. 
Draco: “wear this one love, it’s as formal & professor like as anything else in your closet…”
draco used his wand to put the dress on you, you took your wand and used it to Bring out Draco’s suit…
YN: “wear this one babe, it will be especially handsome on you.”
Draco: “babe we will look amazing, now are you gonna put it on me or do i have to do it myself.”
you pulled out your wand and used it to put the suit on Draco. you both then stood by the mirror and starred at yourselves together all formal.
Draco: “we look like professors now…”
YN: “yes we do…”
Draco then held his arm towards you facing away from the mirror towards the door.
Draco: “shall we go love?”
You took his arm and smiled.
YN: “of course babe!”
you both made your way down to the great hall which was decorated alot fancier than normal… you both thought nothing of it, for you both thought it was just a ploy to make the school seem a bit more cheery…
you walked out to the balcony leaving Draco who was in conversation with Hagrid but noticed quickly of your absense.
Hagrid: “it is gonna be a pleasure workin’ wit you and YN it is gonna be nice to have 2 of the yungins that i have had the pleasure to watch grow into a fine witch and wizard couple. by the way i was routing for both of you from the moment i met you both. i was hoping you would become a couple.”
Draco: “thank you Hagrid, but do you mind if we continue this conversation in a while, im gonna go make sure YN is okay…”
Hagrid: “of course ill se you at the feast!”
Draco leaves Hagrid with a smile and approaches you from behind wrapping his arms around your waist.
Draco: “here come the boats…”
YN: “there seem to be alot of them..”
Draco: “i’m sure that whatever students come through these halls will adore the professors and learn lots like we did…”
YN: “our first day seems like so long ago now…”
Draco: “today is the first day of our forever… now lets just enjoy watching them come in…”
you and Draco now enjoyed the sight of the boats coming in closer, the lamps lighting the sky, soon you both would hear the wonder of the children to walk these halls for the first time.
but the bell sounded saying that the boats had docked and children were walking up, you and Draco went into the great hall, you both sat in the seats you were assigned… you thought that strange as well but didnt question. for there in the room was a very very different seating arrangement, yes you could tell where the houses were sitting but the set up kinda reminded you of a church… 
but that was probably your brain going into decorating over drive, Minerva then stood before the staff…
Minerva: “the students are just lining up outside i hired another staff member as kind of a run around person for the school, she will be helping out in various activities but mostly as the new head of Gryphondor house.  you will see her in a few seconds. but before we open the doors i want to say i hope this year is gonna shine bright… now bring in the students.”
the doors opened, Draco’s hand was on the small of your back both of you watching the students both first years and originals walk in the room… then you saw the person, the person who you were sure would have ended up working for the ministry…
you let out a smile one that you were sure she had also seen… the sorting process began, the memories of you and Draco getting sorted were coming back everything seemed so long ago and yet not so far. 
Draco (in your ear): “no matter what happens you always have people who care for you always and forever.”
that sent a shiver down your spine as did the open speech that Minerva was now giving…
Minerva: “now that the first years have been sorted i have a few things to introduce… the first is we have some staffing additions… i as the transfiguration teacher have become the headmistress of the school, my position has been taken by YN YLN an alumni of the recent school graduation. the position of defense against the dark arts has been filled by Draco Malfoy another alumni of the recent school graduation. the position of Head of Gryphondor house and official class helper and demonstration specialist has now been filled by Hermione Granger another alumni from the recent school graduation year. but before we dive into our beginning of year feast, i have one more surprise. i welcome in now some very special honored guests as well as invite YN and Draco to go open the doors…”
you and Draco go & walk to the doors each of you to each side opening them and watching as ministry, order and family members all started pouring in and filling in the extra seats. both of you were very very very confused… but then you saw them, 2 figures that were smiling and so very familiar… 
YN: “mom, dad…”
you ran straight into the arms of your parents, neither of them lightening up on their embraces of you… they released you to bring you and Draco aside…
Sophie: “have either of you been told anything?”
YN: “no we havent Minerva wouldnt tell us anything… she just said we had to dress formal and that we would never forget this night… whats going on mom…”
Brandon: “Draco i wonder if i might have a word with you alone for a moment…”
Draco placed a kiss to your cheek as he walked off with your dad… this left you with your mother…
YN: “okay mom whats going on?”
Sophie: “we got a letter from Minerva that said she wanted to celebrate a new union tonight… then she told us to stop by the jeweler in diagon alley said she had been told you and Draco had been there, we went there and picked up your rings… does that give you the clue as to what is going on honey…”
thats when it hit you, the people, the decorations, hermione you were sure harry and ron were there too, the seating layout, the carpet coloring, the aisle… you were getting married tonight…
YN: “mom tell me its true… tell me that the biggest day of my life is happening, tell me that i’m about to… OMG my dress is totally the wrong color… wrong style wrong everything… Mom can you come under the cover of the stairs and help me fix my dress please… its totally wrong, had we had fair warning we could have been dressed properly for the occasion…”
Sophie: “now now my dear come on lets get you all ready for this… ill help you just as your father is helping Draco…”
your mother and you went behind the stairs and she started helping you with her powers to design your dress based on what ever you and she had ever discussed… 
meanwhile Brandon and Draco were having a heart to heart…
Brandon: “listen Draco i know your about to marry my little girl and i understand your being nervous you have every right to be, hell i was nervous when i married YN’s mom, don’t worry my boy i’m sure whereever your parents are right now they would be extremely proud deep deep down off the man you have become. now lets change the color of your attire and get you into position…”
Draco: “before i do this i want to say something, i know your opinion of me wasnt very high from the beginning but i also know that without the approval of her Parents YN wouldnt have been as happy as she is today. i thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for raising such a elegant and talented young woman and allowing me to make her my wife.”
Brandon: “your welcome. now hold still and prepare to be amazed…”
and just like that Draco’s outfit too changed transformed with a flick of Brandon’s wand. both the men walked around and back into the great hall and up the aisle… the doors were then set to close once your mom let out a slight whistle. 
Hermione met your dad and Draco at the alter…
Hermione: “Draco, i know now that my cousin has truly found someone special to call her own for her happiness… im honored to be in the fine presence of my dear uncle once more…”
Brandon: “congratulations Hermione on the new position here at the school… i actually have this favor to ask of you Hermione will you go to the end of the aisle and walk YN up the aisle in my place…”
Hermione nodded her head and popped herself to you… her appearance scared you and your mom…
Hermione: “aunt sophie, ive spoken with your husband and i am instructed to walk my dear cousin down the aisle, you are to join your husband at the end of the aisle.”
Sophie: “i just have one more thing to give YN to hold on to for the ceremony…”
your mom gives you the box containing the magic bound ring… you took it holding it in your hand… your mom kissed you on the cheek and walked back into the great hall whistling as she entered the hall…
the doors closed before you and hermione took your places. 
YN: “for the record, i’m glad your here cuz… i couldnt imagine doing this day without you…”
Hermione: “i couldnt imagine missing this chance to share this day with you…”
YN: “its gonna be exciting to work together…”
Hermione: “we just have to wait for the minister to say a few words first… dont worry we will be able to hear everything…”
~inside the great hall the festivities are just beginning.~
Minerva was settling the crowd, before continuing to speak. 
Minerva: “okay i now invite Cornelius Fudge our Minister of Magic to the podium to begin this wonderous ceremony… and to the happy couple know that the school staff and i are all very very proud of you both for everything your relationship has endured.”
Cornelius comes up to the stage exchanging a brief hug with Minerva and stepped up to the podium before speaking… 
Cornelius: “honored guests, family and friends, students of this magnificent establishment, let us all join together in the celebration of the marriage between Draco Malfoy and YN YLN. this happy couple are alumni’s of the school, now they are ready to be joined in holy matrimony. under the laws which bind us as witches and wizards, we all join together to bind these two in celebration of their love. please rise with me as the bride enters the great hall…”
harmonious music starts playing through the hall and the entryway, there is air caught in your throat, the ground beneath you feels like sinking sand. Hermione basically slows time a bit to help you gather your wits…
Hermione: “girl i know it feels like you cant move or breathe right now but thats just your nerves, everyone gets nervous at one point or another, its apart of life we wouldnt be human if we didnt get nervous. now we will walk you down the aisle to your prince charming and like we have discussed and fantasized about so many times… i’ll not let you make a fool out of your self today…”
you turned and hugged your cousin knowing full well she was right, she knew you were nervous, she knew more about you than you did about yourself. you let go and straightened up a bit.
YN: “thank you cuz for understanding why i hid this from even you… i trusted you but as me and Draco had…”
Hermione: “i get it cuz say no more now lets get out there before everyone thinks something is wrong.”
setting time back on course, setting yourself up for first reaction at the opening of the door, the first thing that caught to your ear was a whisper on the air from Draco..
Draco (in a whisper through the air waves): “come to me babe, we will be celebrating together soon enough. just keep your eyes locked on mine.”
you and Hermione both now in dresses beyond comparison made the crowd awe in wonder at the sight of you guys in your dresses. Draco’s face was one of pure bliss, he looked like he was mentally undressing you.
making your way up the aisle one step at a time, you smiled knowing that in a few short moments you would be saying ‘I Do’ with a man who makes your heart soar… 
you made it all the way up the aisle, your parents met you at the alter and waited for cornielius to start the speal… 
Cornelius: “honored guests of the bride and groom, students and staff of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. welcome to the wedding of Draco Malfoy and YN YLN now i will ask Brandon the father of the bride to bring the charge and blessing to the couple then we will proceed from there.”
your father approached you and took your hands in his own hugging you before only holding one of your hands in his own as he spoke.
Brandon: “YN, your mother and i are very proud of the young woman you have grown into, we are blessed this day to give you away, but i have a charge for your husband to be… this is a magical charge it is supposed to bring good fortune and joy to your union as a couple but only the husband speaks for both of you as a couple… Draco, will you promise to protect, honor, love, cherish and uphold any and all vows/promises you make to YN from today and forever?”
Draco: “i solemly swear so to do under the laws and bindings of magic.”
Brandon: “then may your union with my daughter be fruitful, blessed and strengthened by the laws that bind us magically.”
your father then put your hand in Draco’s, the touch of his skin made you smile, you were happy and you looked hot to boot. the ceremony continued.
Cornelius: “very good now before we exchange vows and rings does anyone here object to this union?”
no one objected, so the ceremony continued.
Cornelius: “very good Draco, YN could you both join hands and face eachother, Draco we will start with you… start your vows when your ready!”
Draco cleared his throat as he began to speak.
Draco: “several years ago i stepped into the London grand central station and onto platform 9 ¾ for the first time, my heart started pounding the further i got onto the platform. my mind was racing a thousand miles a second, then you walked past me walking your luggage, the 2 people who i now know to be your parents over near the platform entrance. your aura was one i had never seen before, we had not yet met but i could tell you were gonna be someone special to me. For the years to follow I was always attracted to you, I knew you were my one but due to my family’s nature and their expectations I couldn’t act on my feelings for it scared me at the thought of what might happen to you if my dad found out. The day in London where we spent that night cuddled in my London safe house was a nice change we were finally together. But now standing here declaring to everyone that I love you is the best thing I have ever done. I promise this day forward to love, honor, cherish, respect and protect you for all the days to follow and forever.”
it was your tears that brought Draco’s hand temperarely out of your own to wipe away your tears before you started speaking. 
YN: “Draco I love you with all my heart, yes our journey of us is only just beginning it was blooming into what it is now when we first met. The more I knew you the more my heart soared the more it soared the stronger my feelings became. I know that I wouldn’t be standing here today if you weren’t such an amazing guy Draco I commit myself fully to you, you already have my heart, I commit to you my body, my life, my devotion, love, honor, respect and protection. I know one day we will do great things for this school as the people did who taught in our same positions. Today you gain all of me as I gain all of you. I love you always and forever.” 
Cornelius cleared his throat the crowd did the same some people got really teary eyed. 
Cornelius: you both may now exchange the rings reinstating what you have said in your vows.“ 
 Draco held your left hand in his right hand and started to speak. 
Draco: “I Draco, take you YN to be my wife from this day forward forsaking all others for as long as we both shall live.”
 Draco slid the ring on your finger and you got into position with his ring and started to speak. 
YN: “I YN take you Draco to be my husband from this day forth in sickness health protection and blessing forsaking all others as long as we both shall live.” 
Everyone teared up some more for they all knew what came next as Cornelius once more spoke.
 Cornelius: “as minister of magic it gives me great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife. Draco you may kiss your bride.” 
Draco pulled you close and you both slid into the passionate kiss it was a little salty from your tears but that didn't matter. Once you both pulled back the crowd roared with applause as Cornelius spoke once more. 
Cornelius: “I present to this entire audience of family and friends Mr and Mrs Draco Malfoy!” 
The crowd cheered louder. The party began shortly after with a feast first and then the address from the new couple. The address went something like this. 
Draco: “friends, family, honored guests we are thrilled to have you all here today, when YN and I had discussed our wedding we imagined well not this, but something far more elegant. We both want to thank everyone for putting this together, we especially want to thank Minerva for the surprise, for all that she has done for us, supporting us our relationship fighting for us and our right to be together. She was the first professor to figure out that me and YN were an item. She kept it from everyone on our account and our word. She has been there for us through thick and thin and we just wan to honor her tonight. Without her we would not be the brightest witch and wizard of our generation.”
You immediately jumped in to spread out a few more addresses. 
YN: “I also would like to take this opportunity to thank 3 amazing people without whom we would have given up hope of us a long time ago. Harry, you showed us that courage is all that there is to make us stronger. Well Harry it worked for both of us so thank you. Ron, you showed us that we don't have to be fearful of everything but instead that it's good to face your fears. I can definitely say it worked thank you for all that you are. And lastly my dearest cousin Hermione, girl where do I begin, sure you didn't like Draco at first but once you saw how happy I was you began to like him didn't you, I know that one day you will find and marry your prince charming too, and when that day comes I'll stand by you just as you stood by me. Thank you girl for all you are and continue to be all you can be. Thank you everyone for coming and please enjoy the party. Let's hit the dancefloor and party like Dawn will arrive fast!”
The party went on for a few hours but you and Draco didn't stay for the entire thing instead you both went back to your room and finally gave into the longing passion you both had been longing for for like ever.
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