#sorry if this is morbid but i actually really enjoy talking about this kind of thing <3
fangwhoria · 17 days
If you don't mind, what scared you about it? What stood out to you?
oh i dont mind at all! it was my grandmas body when she passed last december, she’d died just a couple hours before and i was helping my mom get some stuff out of her room while we waited for the cremation people to come get her and i was only in the room for a second. i couldve taken some more time and sat and said goodbye but even though it hadnt been that long there was something really pale and alien about her and her mouth was open in a way id never seen and there was just this stillness that filled me with such a deep sense of dread i wasnt expecting and i couldnt go back in there. id spent a lot of the last year in hospitals with her and i thought it might be a similar feeling but it was so completely different. i guess it just set off the alarm bells that that was no longer my grandma. ive always been a very. caitlin doughty voice death positive person and so the fact i had a reaction that visceral and i avoided that room after even though that meant my mom had to keep going in there is something i think about a lot. idk how to explain it any better!
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richeeduvie · 5 months
ik I should be doing requests I'm sorryyyy but I've always had this idea that Princesa's like secretly morbid. The last time we've really seen this is a halloween ask awhile ago where she suggests making it look like her flapper costume is a dead one who got shot in the head and Lalo was the one who killed her. She suggested it very casually and Lalo just didn't enjoy the fact that she thought of him killing her in the first place.
But it's like she doesn't even know she's being morbid, she'll just say things that are dark or odd and leaves Lalo, Nacho, maybe Ciro just standing in their pants.
The other idea that comes from this is that we've also talked about Princesa enjoying stupid jokes and pranks and scaring people, because come on, that's cute. She gets giggly about scaring Lalo and decides that she just has to scare him again, but she needs to spice it up. She doesn't feel like just jumping out at him. She wants a bigger scare.
"Why are you buying that?"
She's out with Nacho and she's got fake blood and a stick on wound in her hand.
"...I wanna see what me dying looks like before I actually die."
Nacho's brows come down slightly, just with smaller eyes.
"Sorry, that was-it's for a prank."
"...Is that how you think you would die?"
Princesa's calmer parts of her face come away.
"It wa-It was a joke."
The next hour is her spreading out blood on the bedroom floor. It's wood and it's not soaking, which is good. She feels really bad, but she'll clean it up and it'll be funny. Lalo will probably be able tell it's fake.
Putting on the wound tickles. Princesa's giggly on the floor, sitting in her own pool of 'blood'.
"I'm not supposed to set foot in this room anymore but...do you think this is a good idea?"
"It'll be something to remember."
Nacho will have to pick the moments where Lalo might be a problem of the house.
Princesa rests in the pool, makes silly dead faces that make feel stupid - but she's Princesa. She falls asleep before Lalo comes. Sprawled out.
She wakes up shaken, her name shouted.
She's missed her own prank. Stupid.
Lalo's eyes are...crazed. Princesa doesn't know that that's the word, but they are. He's holding her shoulders and there'll be bruises. But she's staring everything into her. Everything and then confusion.
"...What is this?"
Princesa can't get giggly when Lalo's staring at her like that, when he's feeling something.
"...It's a-it's a prank. Me dead. Sorry."
They don't move for awhile. Lalo's still staring.
Just until he throttles her again.
"What the hell is wrong with you? What kind of joke is that? Who told you you can do that to me?"
Anything like humor is gone. Princesa feels cold on her cheek and feels it to be the red she spilled on the floor. It's all along Lalo. He's just red, on skin and inside. Princesa swallows.
'...I'm sorry-"
"Why did you think you can do that to me? Huh?"
The whole of her cheeks are held hard. Lalo pulls her in, or maybe it's Princesa pulling him in.
"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"
"...It's okay."
She doesn't know what to say other than other. But she can let Lalo pull her in and hold her there until she can't breathe - which seems so different than what he actually wants. Her not breathing.
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jrueships · 4 months
tag yourself as some of my favorite players except if you can tag yourself, you may need help . Ignore the pronouns lol
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doesn't know how to hold a proper conversation if it doesn't involve at least one special interest
picky eater
do NOT interrupt when in the middle of doing one out of the many favorite monotonous tasks, WILL kill you
still has to hold mommy's hand when nervous
kills people who call sports 'sportsball'
actually really nice when not pissed off 24/7
' i don't have anger issues and to show how i don't have anger issues, i am going to roll this Giant Boulder over a Small Village.'
adopts random things/people when he doesn't know what to do with his life
Gay Bear
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Says eep
Finds the lack of an amygdala extremely attractive
Considered a vip at furcon
Voted best babysitter in hometown, should be a school teacher if the economic state of the world wasn't corrupt
Repeats jokes that fail until someone pity laughs, will frantically look around to find anyone who might find it funny
Unironically exclaims 'it's so preppy in here!!!'
Should wear a shirt that says 'warning, will leap into your arms when frightened and WILL expect the catch to be bridal style on the whim'
Nba youngboy
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' i can say 'OMG' bcs 'OMG' to me isn't an insult to God, it is my Friend'
Invites himself to parties
Eavesdrops with eyes as big as saucers and mouthing surprise. Shocked to find out his spying has been discovered
Will argue with you while holding a popsicle in the hot sun
Shameless when it comes to the opportunity of social media account growth
Would ask a stranger if they had a hysterectomy because they give hysterectomy vibes
Tried to use an egg as a drum and was surprised when it cracked
Gamer Twink
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Kink is people that could kill him
Over-the-top filters over any image taken by a camera is more useful and used than oxygen
Has to do The Thinker pose when thinking
If he can't have his daily little treat or life reward for being alive on earth, considers k*lling himself
Never knows what's going on until he hears one word of what could be news and then acts like he was the primary witness at the scene
'I do really good voice impressions, wanna hear?' 'Not rea-' 'hi im spongebob'
Says 'ggs' after sex
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'Skibidi toilet rizz!'
Will make a random sound. Look at you in morbid silence. Waddle away
Texts using only a single pointer finger while squinting
that one Tiktok of that one ruff n tumble man who lives in the desert and acts very disgruntled by the fact that he has now adopted a stray kitten who's crawled into his trailer, ignoring the fact that he's immediately spoiled it with a million toys and the best food, water, and care possible
Has to be euthanized to be stopped from telling people 'don't fall in' when they say they have to go use the toliet
' not reading that, sorry, not reading that, sorry, ... squeak now or forever hold your cheese ? LOL! liked :] ! ...not reading that, sor-'
Behind those beautiful doe eyes.. is a man so horny ..
Reeses Puffs
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Considers 'ya'll' a worthy word to be written in all essays
Hates being hugged but loves giving hugs
Mystified by magic shows
Superhero media lover till he dies
Walks into random conversations already laughing then asks 'what's up :D!! What's funny! What are we talking about :D!!' After the people go silent bcs who tf is this
People think he's innocent from his humor but is actually very messy and lovesss listening to drama
Refers to his pets as his children
Doesn't know what a vacation is
Poo Dirt
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' im not going to speak to you.. im just going to Stare at you. And hope. You are a telepath.'
Wants a bad gf but would fumble her so badly
Thinks beastmode is still a thing in 2024
Has like two friends in his phone. The rest of the texts are from his family
Quietly clingy
Scary looking bitch who is actually quite soft and enjoys watching a good episode of bluey after work
'Hey guys' *chat dies*
Doesn't know how to end conversations. Just kind of. Wanders off
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Having sex with himself would fix him
Doesn't know how to admit when he likes new things. Has to make fun of it first
Would move mountains for a goth bitch
Just Laughs and automatically agrees to things when he doesn't know wtf you're talking about
'Imma be honest... i stopped listening to what you had to say and started thinking about how quiet this restaurant got after that one noisy ass messy ass etiquette lacking ass family left 35 minutes ago, sorry'
Gets ice cream at crumbl cookie
Gets lost going to crumbl cookie
Doesn't want to say anything about that
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Used to be that one kid who would immediately t-pose when he recognized his friend in the hallway
^ weird
His fashion and hair IS his emotional state right now
Haahahaa :]!! *face drops* im going to Kill you.
Attends the movie theater in full-out cosplay
'Milk does not belong in cereal'
^ sicko
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osleeplessflowero · 1 year
Chance Encounter - A Dream Oneshot
// written in second person pov
Rain gently falls from the sky, landing any and everywhere in sight.
You sit at a bus stop, holding out your hand to let the rain fall onto it. It's cold..always cold. But it feels nice, so you won't complain.
You grab the book you brought with you from your side, an old love story from decades ago which has recently become one of your favorites. You flip through the pages to where you left your bookmark, beginning to read.
The words describe what's happening beautifully, making clear imagery in your head. If only it were possible to find true love like in these stories..but something like that's highly unrealistic. Especially in this day and age.
You let out a quiet sigh, before hearing footsteps nearby. You look to your right and see a skeleton approaching you, holding up a bright yellow umbrella to shield himself from the rain.
He has on a pastel yellow sweater vest with a white button-up shirt beneath it, along with some dark brown pants for a nice contrast. You can see that he's wearing bright yellow rain boots, perfect for the weather. He has some sort of crown looking accessory on his skull. You don't think you've seen anything like it before..
"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt your reading, but I was wondering when the next bus would get here." He has a very calm voice, it sounds warm to you. Pleasing to the ears to hear. His smile is warm too, inviting and friendly. His yellow eyelights glance over you.
"Oh, you're not interrupting at all, don't worry." You smile, gently closing it on your lap. "The next bus should be here in a few minutes."
"Oh, that's good. To both of those statements. Is it alright if I wait here as well?"
"Go right ahead, I don't mind at all."
"Thank you very much." He closes the umbrella and sits beside you at a comfortable distance, resting the umbrella beside himself.
You find yourself glancing over at him, observing him. He notices you and gives you a smile, and you quickly avert your eyes, cursing internally for staring.
"I'm Dream, it's nice to meet you."
You look back over, seeing that he's rested his hands in his lap.
"Oh, um, I'm.." You tell him your name, and he keeps it in mind. "Nice to meet you too, Dream."
There's a bit of a comfortable silence for a bit as the two of you continue to wait.
"What book are you reading? I can't help but be a bit curious."
"Oh, it's a classic from a long time ago. I've always loved romance stories, it's just something about the aesthetics of certain ones. This one's become one of my favorites with time, I find myself rereading it a lot."
"It must be pretty good then, hmm?"
"I like to think so."
He glances over the title. "Perhaps I'll check it out from the library and give it a read myself, I'm about to head there regardless."
"Oh, you're heading there too? I was just about to see if there's anything new."
"Oh, yes. I'm actually returning a book my brother borrowed. He doesn't like talking to people too much, so I offered to bring it back for him."
"That's kind of you. ..Well, since we're going to the same place, maybe I could recommend something for you and maybe him as well while we're there."
"Yeah, I wouldn't mind a bit. You seem to be nice company."
"I appreciate that. Thank you."
"No prob. Uhh..any specific genres you happen to like?"
"Well, I like fantasy stories myself. For my brother, he tends to like the horror genre, or something like murder mysteries. Can't put them down once he gets invested. Though I find those stories to be rather morbid most of the time..at least he enjoys them."
"I see, I gotcha. I'm sure once we get there we can find something with the right feel."
"I'm positive we will."
A comfortable silence returns as the bus finally arrives, the two of you standing up.
"Okay, let's make a run for it- don't want to end up being drenched."
"Yeeeah, let's hurry-"
The two of you quickly run and enter the bus, paying the small fee to ride and sit down beside each other again, Dream simply smiling and allowing you to ramble about your book as you wait to arrive at the library together.
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(this playlist is what inspired me to write this oneshot, although instead of waiting for a bus it's waiting for a train. highly recommended to add to the experience!)
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afraid-of-squadra · 10 months
Hello, I’d like to request a La Squadra matchup, if you’d want to write one. I hope this wasn’t too much of a word vomit! :)
-I may seem awkward at first to people, but I just have horrible social anxiety (and possible autism) and public spaces can be overwhelming. Once I am hanging out with people I know, I tend to actually become a pretty loud and more social person, and will take a parental/leadership(? Don’t know the adjective) role in my friend group.
- I’m 18 and a massive nerd (biology major 😶), so I usually end up talking about horror movies or science/math stuff. When socializing with my friends, I enjoy talking about our different interests regardless of whether or not I partake in their interest. If I’m close enough to a person, I’ll probably flirt with them in an obvious joking manner, as long as they’re comfortable. My other jokes, which I share with everyone, are usually random or about morbid subjects like death. Deep conversations are another important aspect of my relationships. I just really enjoy spending time with my friends and partners. Whenever I can, I will try to help the people around me, whether it be with a task or by listening to their problems.
- I have an amazing cat, she is a diluted calico that I found in a sewer drain, and she is the most adorable attention hog. She meows until I hold her like a baby in my arms, but I don’t mind.
- A red flag of mine is that I have trouble reaching out about my emotions, so I end up bottling things up and have a panic attack or a (rare) anger outburst. However this is something I’m working on.
- some of my hobbies include watching horror movies, sewing, embroidery, art, skating, reading, and learning about new things
- I truly love gothic rock, death metal, and classical music. I actually have a really cool patch jacket too, and I also partake in gothic fashion and makeup.
-I can’t stand people who trash-talk others for being poor or something else that is out of a persons control. It just shows a complete lack of empathy and kindness to me.
- oh yeah I don’t know if physical appearance is relevant, but I’m like 5’6, pale and chubby, and have short dark brown curly hair.
Anyways have a good day and stay hydrated ✨💛
Hi! Sorry for the wait.
This was a very difficult one, and I hope you are pleased with your result. I match you with…
Oh, this poor baby boy… He knows all too well about what it’s like to deal with anxiety, so at first you may bond because of that. You could think he’d grow distant once you “show your true colours”, but it's far from that! He’s genuinely happy when you come out of your shell, and your ability to lead is obviously a good thing for him. Now, he may not know all the things you are talking about, but he is very interested. He may not understand some stuff, so please pay attention to his state, he might get overwhelmed or otherwise uncomfortable and be too afraid to actually say something. Also, please don’t laugh at him when your flirty remarks fluster him (even if you are already dating, he is always a mess in such matters).
Pesci is truly, honestly perfect boyfriend material. Whatever your hobby is, he’s trying to pick it up too (please comfort him during horror movies, he’s easy to scare despite his occupation). Whatever you wear, he adores and compliments it. Whatever music you listen to, he also tries to get into. Your cat is now his favorite animal in the world, even if she doesn’t like him. He will probably even ask for a photo of her to keep close (not you, though, it may be dangerous considering his line of work).
Despite his relative cowardice and shyness, he’ll protect you from anything, with almost terrifying ferocity. And when you return the favor by even simply telling off somebody laughing at his appearance, he is literally ready to cry.
He wouldn’t hide his profession from you, because he doesn’t like keeping secrets in a relationship. Prosciutto is obviously the first of his teammates that you meet, but eventually others find out and want to look at the person Pesci “managed to pull off”. You become surprisingly close with Melone, somehow…
Thank you for the ask. Hope you are pleased with the result!
taglist: @go-capt-puppen
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(if you have something against Pesci, please don't bother to react, it is rather discouraging to receive "criticism" based on personal preferences considering I spend a lot of time writing these, for free).
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justsomerandomfanfic · 6 months
If you don't mind, could I please get a Lotr matchup 🥺 I saw that your requests are open and got really excited. I'd like a male ship please! I'm a 21 year old autistic girl who uses a lot of names and aliases. I also have ADHD and am chronically ill with things like asthma, joint pain and both (mild) kyphosis and scoliosis, but I still keep surprisingly active despite it. I'm known for having pretty legendary pain tolerance too, haha. Though because I'm still disabled, I tend to be a bit of a homebody and am very attached to my home.
Personality-wise, I'm simultaneously extremely level-headed and stubborn as a bull; I make my choices wisely, but I'm also quite fierce when I feel the need to be, and I don't give up easily. I've been called wise before and I tend to give good advice, though I can also be a bit of a hermit sometimes when I don't feel like talking. I'm a weird mix between very scholarly and very active, I love working out and getting strong but I'm also addicted to learning new things and reading. I tend to collect books on witchcraft, herbalism (both for healing and poisons) and cooking. Speaking of which, I love cooking, baking, sewing, gardening, caring for horses and I work as a librarian at the moment.
My personality tends to throw people off a little, mainly because I'm very sweet and friendly but also a little off-putting. Both because I come from a family with a morbid sense of humor, and because I do genuinely enjoy messing with people a little. I'm a solid true to chaotic neutral. The kind of person who would joke about poisoning people but given that I know so much about plants you might actually get worried that I would, despite me being very friendly to you just five minutes ago. I'm just that kind of person, I guess, I like to keep people on their toes. That being said, my friendly side is no facade, and there's little I love more than helping people, I actively go out of my way to do it. I especially like feeding people and making new recipes for others to try. I'd say my major flaws are that I'm stubborn, I don't forgive easily, and I can be a little sassy and passive aggressive when I get tired or upset.
As for my appearance, I am very very short and very skinny, though I'm moreso lean since I enjoy working out. I actually have decently large biceps but it's contrasted with a Disney princess-esque waist which I find kinda funny. I have very long wavy reddish-brown hair (I describe it as “strawberry brunette”), and I wear glasses. I like to take relationships very very slowly and develop a solid friendship before considering dating someone, so I really don't want someone who takes things too fast. I'm also not a fan of overly flirty people, even if they're completely loyal to me I just get turned off by over the top displays of affection.
Alright I think that's about it! Sorry if this is too long! (Btw I think I might have requested a matchup from you before but I love your writing so much that I want to get one again, I really hope that's okay ;-;) Have a good day!
Hello! Welcome back! No worries, you can request as many matchups as you want! <333 I hope you like the matchup this time too :)
Lord Of The Rings;
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✨ You met Faramir with Gandalf and Pippin, unfortunately, Denethor doesn't really like the three of you, that's Denethor for you; but it wasn't long until you got to meet Faramir - the younger brother of Boromir, and for some reason, you both felt a connection between the two of you
✨ During your stay, you and Faramir got to know each other more, taking walks when possible and talking about your interests and even bonding over shared interests - when you told him about your collection of books on witchcraft and herbalism at home, he was impressed; you told him that one of the reasons you joined the Fellowship was because you were a good healer (other than that, you loved adventure, and could do and few spells here and there)
✨ After Faramir got shot by that arrow though, you stayed by his side the entire time, and only then - realizing how close you were to losing him - did you come to realize that you had grown incredibly fond of the young man of great quality; whilst he was in his little healing coma though, you would sit and read to him
✨ Once he had finally awakened, he was surprised to have found you by his bedside - his heart went (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ - and soon, you both found yourself courting; you would often bring him little baked goods, and Faramir would sometimes gift you books on new, interesting topics when he finds them
✨ You and Faramir are very similar to each other - being passionate, caring, and intelligent - you both are very much never gonna give each other up, or let each other down, or run around, or desert each other
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salsakiyoomi · 1 year
hi! i was wondering if i could get event matchup for spiderverse?
i'm new follower but i already love your blog! your theme is so pretty and your writing brings me sooo much joy!
i'm 20 y.o woman, my pronouns are she/her
i'm demisexual panromantic
i'm enfp 7w8, leo
i'm 6'0 and have amber eyes, long gold blond curly hair and hourglass figure
i'm positive and upbeat person, i try to see the bright side in most situations
i'm friendly, energetic, confident, sarcastic, responsible, maybe a bit chaotic, cheerful and bubbly
i care about my friends and family a lot, and go out of my way to show it
i enjoy having fun and living life to the fullest
i'm very competitive and passionate person
i really like puzzles, riddles and crosswords
i love making people smile
i have morbid, dark sense of humor
sometimes i randomly say a weird obscure fact in the middle of conversation
i can play on violin, cello, piano, guitar, saxophone, harp and drums, i'm currently learning how to play on trumpet
i like poetry and sometimes i write a poem or two, also i'm writing my book
i'm ballet dancer since i was a kid and i love performing
i'm working on my own cartoon
i never quite grew out of the fantasy phase, and i'm still enamored with tales of changelings and witches
i work as illustrator for fantasy books and books for kids
i'm kinda struggling with taking rest, doing nothing, because there is always something to do, something new to learn, etc.
i'm afraid of stagnation
i overuse this kind of emojis→(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
my style is something between whimsigothic and cryptidcore
i love: found family trope, summer, sunflowers, collecting things, colors yellow, maroon, blue and green, astronomy, tea, making and watching movies, forests, making jewelry, cooking, baking, d&d, horrors, animals, plants, gardening, traveling, art, history, world mythologies, works of J.R.R Tolkien, learning new things, psychology, handicraft
ideal type: someone who truly understands me. someone who i can go on and have deep talks with them. i want this magical ✨connection✨
sorry if it's too chaotic
i hope you have a fantastic day (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
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— honeymoon
— miles is not exactly sure how the two of you met — the one thing he vividly remembers about the first time he had seen your face though was the one time he bumped into you in the school hallway— you were carrying a stack of papers and he tripped over his own feet and the two of you fell to the ground — he apologized profusely while helping you gather your papers — he was a mess, blushing and stumbling over his own words and you laughed and he paused — the sound was like music to his ears. you'd smiled at him and told him that it was okay and he shouldn't worry about it — he might've said something along the lines of "uh, uhuh, yeah, i'm so sorry." because he truly couldn't manage anything else out, too awe-struck by you — you could say he literally fell for you.
— you became close friends quickly after miles found out the two of you share art class — by heart, he was an artist, so it was no surprise when you found sketches of yourself in his sketchbook and teased him about it, it was all good fun with the two of you laughing and then comfortable silence fell over the two of you after, and almost as if on instinct, miles leaned in, pressing his lips to yours in a soft peck — it was like he was drawn to your lips ( actually, he always has been ) and he pulled himself towards the attraction instead of resisting it, it was only to his surprise when you kissed him back.
— and then, when it was summertime and you were sitting atop a roof and miles swung right besides you — laughing at how you yelped in surprise before taking off his spider-man mask and handing you a bouquet of sunflowers he had handpicked for you himself, grinning at how happy you looked, you were laughing as you inhaled in the scent of the flowers, before hugging him tightly and thanking him, he laughed — his heart skipping beats in his chest as he leaned in to kiss you, to savor your sweet taste that matched the sweet words you always spoke to him, and he couldn't help but think about just how lucky he was.
— what's on the radio : stop the world cause i wanna get off with you, the arctic monkeys
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a/n : this man is literally so dhuwhjdsh i love him so much, ty for the request <33
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phantomrose96 · 3 years
Buds After the Frost
This was supposed to be a short warm-up writing exercise yesterday and then it got... longer. Enjoy!!
The doors opened for Maddie Fenton with a pneumatic hiss. Pressurized nitrogen released, splitting open the vacuum seal on the door as its twin halves slid apart, slotting into the wall-mounted sleeves. The nitrogen misted out, cold and dry, air currents catching in swirls around Maddie Fenton’s lab coat. Her feet thocked against hollow metal, amplified by the coldness and the vastness of the containment room beyond.
She paused short of the specimen’s cell, mindful attention drawn to the panel of controls nested rightmost against the wall. The monitor read out stats, tracked metrics of the specimen’s heartrate and blood oxygenation and blood pressure. Dials beneath the screens offered her means of interaction, manipulating the cage’s environment without needing to tamper with it by hand. She ignored these, as she had been ignoring them the entire time, and paid mind only to the single switch which would seal shut the doors behind her.
She pressed it. Another pneumatic hiss followed, locking out the world behind her. Her breath curled, cold. She and the specimen were alone.
“No coffee this morning?” he asked.
Maddie sat down at the control panel, elbow leaning against the dashboard for support. She turned to the cage. “No. One of the interns broke the pot last night. New one should be delivered today.”
Phantom let out a huff of air. “You mean in this whole gigantic mega-hyper-futuristic government lab, there’s nothing that can stand in as a coffee pot?”
“I wouldn’t stay employed long if I tried using equipment to brew coffee.”
“Use one of the big ectoplasm beakers. Ectoplasm washes out with soap and water. Just suds it up and throw it in the coffee maker. I’m an expert about these things.”
“It’s more about protocol.”
Phantom waved her off. “’Protocol.’ Bureaucracy is standing between you and a delicious cup of ectoplasmic coffee, Dr. Fenton.”
Maddie looked forward now, taking him in. He’d hovered to the front of the cell, translucent reinforced glass separating him from the rest of the lab. Green eyes shined above a cheeky smile, a dusting of loose white hairs falling over his eyes, the rest of his bangs swept slightly to the side. His tailed flickered, his aura pulsed, his vital readings blipped out steady, normal, healthy.
Maddie paused.
“Why are you still here?”
The ghost boy let out a small guffaw. He motioned his arms around him, hands waving. “I dunno. Maybe the big ghost-proof box I’m in has something to do with it?”
“The shield is down, Phantom,” Maddie answered quietly. She set her eyes to Phantom, investigating. “…I put it down last night. It’s down now. You knew this.”
Phantom took just a moment too long to react, eyebrows arching up. “Oh, huh! Nope I didn’t notice. I mean it’s not like I’m constantly throwing myself at the barrier to electrocute myself so no I just didn’t try getting past it last night so I didn’t notice.”
“Phantom,” Maddie said again, voice measured, words stern. “You saw me crank down the dial that controls the shield.”
“Well I don’t know what all those buttons and dials do.”
“Yes you do. You’ve been observing me since day 1. You knew.”
Phantom kicked back in the air, floating a fraction back and higher. “Well maybe I thought it was a trap, I dunno. Or maybe I just like to get in your head, you know? What unpredictable thing will Phantom do next! Gotta write another 200 equations about ghost theory to figure that one out, Dr. Fenton.”
“Do you not want to leave?”
“Oh I wanna leave.”
“Then why aren’t you?”
“We’re having a conversation. That’d be rude.”
“Will you leave as soon as I exit the room?”
“Who knows?”
Maddie stood. She left her chair and the control panel behind. She walked up to the specimen cage instead. It was cubic, a skeleton of metal bar ribbings with a metal mesh that plastered the glass sides like a membrane. The top anchored to the ceiling, the bottom—raised by about a foot—anchored to a pedestal on the floor. Maddie stared through the mesh into Phantom’s eyes.
“Is there anyone who realizes you’re missing?” she asked.
Phantom chewed on the question. “Nah. Well um, trick question, actually. Probably not. Assuming I do this right, then no one has even realized I’m gone.”
“Do what ‘right’?”
“You know that thing about Clockwork I explained?”
“You said he’s the ghost that controls time and reality.”
“Yeah. SUPER powerful.”
“And you said you …were from one of those other realities.”
Phantom nodded. “Maybe I touched some things in Clockwork’s lair I wasn’t actually allowed to touch. Jury’s still out on whether I’m in trouble for that or not. I’ve been a little too ‘stuck in this reality’ to know if Clockwork is pissed. But yeah, I got um, bopped into your reality instead of mine. So technically my reality is lacking me right now, and yeah there’s people there who’d know I’m missing.”
Phantom flipped upside-down, as though laying on his back. He rested his palms beneath his head, elbows out, suspended in an invisible hammock, head tilted far back so that he still stared at Maddie. “Especially since it’s been, what, a month that I’ve been gone?”
“2 weeks.”
“What? No way. I’ve been here absolutely forever it has to have been at least a month.”
“This is day 14 of your observation, Phantom.”
Phantom blew a strand of hair out of his face. “Anyway. Two weeks is still long enough to have a search party out on my butt. But whether or not that’s happened is up to – it’s kind of a Schrodinger thing. Because here’s my strategy. Assuming Clockwork hasn’t banned me from reality-hopping forever, I can just get him to send me back to my own reality at the precise moment in time I vanished. And then bam, no one ever knows I was gone. And it makes no difference whether I do that today, or next week, or next month. So assuming you eventually let me go, then I’m all set there.”
“You say that almost like you don’t care when it happens.”
“I dunno, more like I’m just not losing sleep over it. It’s not like I have a say in the matter. You do. I don’t.”
“Is the time you spend here just meaningless, to you?”
“I wouldn’t say meaningless. I’m still aging goddammit.”
“You’re a ghost.”
“I’m complex.” Phantom flipped right-side-up again. “If I start growing facial hair, send me back. I’m gonna have some awkward questions to answer if I show up again with a ghost beard suddenly.”
“…And what if I never send you back?” Maddie asked, careful with her words. “How does your plan work if you stay here forever? If I destroy you first?”
“Um. …It doesn’t, I guess.” Phantom set a hand to his chin, thinking. “Yeah um, please don’t do that. I don’t wanna worry my whole family like that.”
“Do you really mean that?”
“What part?”
“That you have a family.”
“I mean. I think that came up in Interrogation Session #3. Consult your notes.”
“I just have a hard time believing you.”
“Because I’m a ghost?”
“I’m a complex ghost.”
“I know. You keep saying that.”
“It’s true.”
Silence filtered in between them.
“…What is your family like, Phantom?”
Phantom stiffened a fraction, his eyes finding Maddie’s and shifting away. “Oh, you know, family.”
“Do they exist here too?”
“You’re from another reality, at least you’re claiming you are.”
“I gotta be. The me from this reality died 6 months ago, didn’t he?”
“The you from most realities is dead, Phantom. You’re a ghost.”
“A complex ghost.”
“The you from this reality was destroyed 6 months ago.”
“Which you validated with your own sciencey equipment, right? You said so! So you know I’m not lying. Unless you think I recombobulated myself from being a protoplasmic smear on the sidewalk.” Phantom caught himself, registering the flinch in Maddie’s body. He deflated a bit, eyes averted. “S-sorry. Inconsiderate phrasing.”
“Why?” Maddie asked, tone flat, blunt.
Phantom’s eyes shifted back. “Um. Just. You know. That accident was. There were um, you know—”
“Human causalities.”
Phantom squirmed. “We don’t have to talk about that, you know? No one wants to talk about that. Okay as a ghost I guess ‘talking about how I died’ is sort of a bit more normal, but this is weird yeah, ‘talking about how an alternate-me died permanently’? That’s morbid. No one wants to talk about that.”
“Okay then. You can go back to answering my previous question.”
“Um. I forget.”
“Does your family exist in this reality?”
“Um, well who really knows, you know? I had like a grand total of 20 minutes of freedom in this reality before you captured me, so, don’t ask me like I’m any kind of expert about your reality. What’s it matter?”
“I want to know if there’s anyone in this reality who’s mourning you.”
Phantom’s face schismed with surprise. His front dropped, and the first look of genuine emotion sank into his glowing eyes. “Woah… That’s um, weirdly nice, of you, I guess. Why do you… want to know?”
Maddie said nothing.
“I. Um. I think the answer is no? So don’t um. Worry about that. If you were worried? Which is weird. I’m the enemy, aren’t I? Evil spooky ghost to be studied?”
“I’m not so sure what you are…” Maddie answered. “I heard you got destroyed trying to save them.”
“The um… the human casualties?”
“I said we don’t have to talk about that.”
“Do you know who they were?”
“The… casualties?”
“Come on we’re on a different topic now.”
“Do you know who they were?”
“I don’t—how’m I supposed to know? I don’t know how I died here, you know? You think I’ve got some kind of like… parallel-universe death vision?”
“So you don’t know?”
“I have a different question, then.”
“Okay, good, because I haven’t been liking these previous ones.”
“Are you staying just to keep me company?”
Phantom faltered. He looked left, then right, hand scratching at his chin. “I’m staying because I’m in a ghost-proof box.”
“It’s not ghost-proof anymore. The shields are down.”
“I feel like you’re circling around some accusation I’m not smart enough to follow. This feels like entrapment.”
“Then I’ll be more direct.”
“Oh no there is an accusation.”
“I think you do know how you were destroyed in this universe, Phantom.” Maddie took a step forward, and she let her left hand touch the glass, eyes focused on her fingers. “I think you know what happened at the Nasty Burger.”
“That’s—um—the human food… consumption… location… that the local human adolescents meet at, yes?”
Maddie looked up, and she locked Phantom with her stare. He squirmed, and he relented.
“I um…” he continued. “I—yeah—yeah, okay? I know about the Nasty Burger accident. It was supposed to happen to me too in my reality but I—Clockwork—stopped it from happening in my reality.” Phantom glanced left, right, as if staring beyond the confines of his cage. “When I first got knocked into this reality, I went to go find the Fenton portal so I could try to refind Clockwork and fix this and… Well it wasn’t there. And I tried to find some people I know and… I checked out the library in case the Fentons just lived somewhere else and. I um. I found the articles.” His eyes focused on hers again. “They all say you were the only survivor, yeah…?”
“I was sick, that day. It was just a cold. My husband Jack went without me.”
“I’m sorry…”
“It took my daughter and my son too.”
“I’m so sorry…”
“And it destroyed you.”
Phantom opened his mouth, but no words followed.
Maddie looked up.
“You knew this. You’ve known this ever since I captured you.” Maddie let her hand slide away from the glass. “Did you let me capture you?”
“Why would I let you capture me?”
“Because you feel sorry for me.”
Phantom’s eyes flickered about, unwilling to meet hers. “…Nah. Nah. I don’t—come on ‘sorry’? I’m a ghost you know? Bane of humanity! We’re enemies. You were just too skilled a hunter and you captured me.”
“And yet you won’t leave.”
Phantom lapsed silent.
“I um… I wasn’t happy to read about—to know the, the thing at the Nasty Burger happened here, okay? That’s something that I kinda didn’t want to believe existed in any reality anymore, but I guess… And if you were still alive. I was… maybe just kind of happy to see you? That you were okay. And still hunting. That was kind of, like a small relief.” Phantom glanced away, back again. “I wasn’t evil, you know. In my reality or this one. I care about what happened to the Fentons…”
“You let me capture you. …And you did it because you thought it would be a nice thing for you to do for me.”
“I Just—I thought maybe, um… I mean when you phrase it like that. I mean what else could cheer up renowned ghost hunter Maddie Fenton quite like a ghost subject to study? Me, especially? The ghost boy or public enemy #1 or whatever. I’m fun, aren’t I?”
Silently, Maddie pushed away from Phantom’s cage. She moved to the control panel, stiff movements and numb fingers. She entered the release code into the console, and unslung the key from her neck to twist into the override, and she threw down each successive lever in the row of four lining the top of the mechanisms.
The scrape of glass sliding away sounded behind her. All four walls of Phantom’s enclosure dropped away, metal mesh sliding away piece-meal. Phantom stared at her, blinking, floating in place.
“You’re free to go, Phantom.”
“I—uh—well hang on, I don’t think the Guys In White would be too happy about that. You can’t just let me—”
“Go, Phantom.”
“They could like, fire you.”
“I don’t care about this job.”
“I—come on, you still wanna study me, don’t you? Chat with me? If you feel bad maybe just get me a couch and some video games for my cage then I’ll be—”
“Go home to your family.”
The half-hearted smile dropped from Phantom’s face.
“Come on. You can’t just evict me on such short notice. I’m not ready for Clockwork to kick my ass so soon.”
“Go home.”
“I’m not in any rush! I like talking to you. Don’t you—don’t you like talking to me too? In like a scientific way?”
Maddie lowered herself into the chair by the control panel. She leaned forward, arms pooled in her lap, eyes to the floor. “You have a family to get back to, Phantom.”
“It’s—there’s time travel shenanigans! Like I said they don’t even know I’m gone.”
“Every single day, Phantom,” Maddie looked up, eyes stern, “…I wish every single day that my own family would just come back home. I won’t do the same to you. I won’t do the same to your family.”
Phantom said nothing. A somber acceptance sunk into his eyes.
“They’re… alive, you know. In my dimension.”
Maddie dropped her head, and she blinked away the wetness in her eyes.
“I actually… in my dimension I’m kind of closer to the Fentons than I think the, the Phantom in this dimension was. It’s… complex.”
Maddie said nothing. Silence built between them.
“Jazz is um… Jazz is applying for colleges, y-you know. She got in early-acceptance to Yale but um, we all—they all—visited Columbia last month and I think that’s what she wants the most. I can see Jazz in New York City. I think she’d rock it.”
Maddie blinked again. Tears plicked into her lap.
“…Should I stop?”
“Jack… Tell me about Jack.”
“Oh. Yeah he um… big and goofy as ever. He’s got some kind of eight-armed-octogun he’s working on. I know because I was his target practice, involuntarily by the way. He keeps trying to merge “Fenton” and “octopus” together with mixed results. We—Mo-addie—you… are still trying to talk him out of ‘Fentoctopus’.”
Maddie’s ribcage shuddered, a repressed sob, a repressed laugh.
“And Danny?”
“Danny… um… Danny is...” Phantom’s shoulders fell a little bit. He looked away, and then back at Maddie. “He loves you. I know that.”
Maddie blinked, and blinked again, and her eyes wouldn’t clear.
“And are they happy?”
“They’re happy.”
“Am I happy…?”
“You’re…” Phantom’s tail bounced. “You’re happy, I think. I like to think so. I think you’re very happy. You have a great family.”
Maddie nodded.
“Now go.”
“But I still—”
Maddie reached forward, and she grabbed the ecto-gun propped against the control panel. She lifted it into her shoulder, and flicked the safety, and the charge built along the rising whine.
Phantom balked. He blinked. He kicked away from his wall-less cage. “Not forever. I’ll be back. You won’t be alone here forever.”
He was gone.
And Maddie was alone again.
Clockwork surveyed the boy in front of him whose head was bowed nearly to the floor, white bangs trailing along cobblestone, hands clasped, apologies repeated, begging case made.
Clockwork ran a hand along his beard, which unfurled, drew back, undid itself with the shifting of his form to a simple child.
“So let’s see. You have the audacity to break my rules andbeg me to meddle on your behalf in the time stream, all in the same breath? Apologies don’t usually come with additional requests for favors.”
“I know,” Danny’s head dipped lower. “You can punish me however you want for touching the restricted timelines but you have to help it, or let me help this one timeline. Please, please just send me back to the Nasty Burger incident so I can save it.”
“It’s already been saved.”
Danny faltered. He looked up.
“You died at the Nasty Burger incident that night,” Clockwork elaborated, form shifting older. “There is no you to ruin that future. That timeline is safe. It’s a very lucky timeline.”
Danny blinked. “N-no. No that’s not what I mean. Save it like you saved my timeline.”
“That did happen. You’re describing your own timeline.”
“I mean do it to THAT one.”
“You are misunderstanding timelines.”
Danny lapsed silent. Worry bled into his eyes, and Clockwork sighed.
“There is no undoing timelines, Danny. There is only forking them by meddling in the stream. All futures and pasts you witness exist, and do exist, and continue to exist,” Clockwork paused, “with the exception of realities I needed to cull, to prevent utter catastrophe.” His gaze fixed on Danny. “The futures that your evil self destroyed, I did have to cull. And culling a reality is not to be done lightly.”
Clockwork motioned with his staff. “There were a handful of surviving realities that I was able to save. That room you meddled in without my permission—they contain the realities off the main track where, for one reason or another, something else succeeded at destroying your future self. …Your own deaths, in fact. In every one of those realities, Danny, you are dead.”
“I don’t…” Danny shook his head. “So then just tell me how to save that one I was in, okay?”
“Oh, that’s easy.”
“You don’t.”
Danny said nothing. Clockwork shifted young.
“You can let it live on in that room, or you could ask me to cull it, Danny. You could ask me to cull every reality in that room, so that the main branch, the one you’re from, is the only reality in existence. So you never have to worry about any existence where your family is unhappy. And it will be that way until you, or I, or someone else, meddles with the timestreams again, and more splits occur.”
Still, Danny said nothing. Clockwork continued.
“Sometimes, a mass culling of realities is healthy for the tree of time, like pruning a plant down to its stalk to survive an unforgiving winter, or a terrible disease. But I did that, just recently, to save all of time from the blight of your future self. It would feel cruel to snip off the first buds that have come after the frost.”
Danny lowered himself to the floor.
He nodded. “Okay. Just. I have a different question then.” He looked up, a young devastation wet in his eyes. “Can I still go back and visit that reality, sometimes?”
“No. I cannot give you permission to do that.”
Clockwork spun his staff. A portal swirled into being in the space between him and Danny. Washes of color formed patterns, shapes, objects, images. Like a mirror, it reflected Clockwork’s lair beyond its shimmering surface.
“This is a portal back into your own reality. It is set to the location and the time that you vanished. Go there, and leave through the Fenton portal, and nothing will be amiss.”
“No. No no I won’t. Clockwork you have to let me—”
“I am doing you a favor, Danny, getting you home after you caused more trouble. Do not make further demands of me.” Clockwork curled forward, old, sallow skin sagging, and he turned his back to Danny.
“You have to give me permission—”
“I am the only one who has permission to meddle in realities, Danny. This is an absolute.” Clockwork glanced over his shoulder. “And because this is an absolute, I have no reason to have a lock on the room housing those budding other realities.”
Danny blinked.
“I wonder if anyone might break my rules anyway. I wonder if anyone might be nosy, and enter that room anyway, and water the plants in that greenhouse without my permission.” Clockwork stared forward again.
“Luckily I am the master of all time. I would be able to see this coming. And maybe plan for it. If ever such a person would come into my lair, and meddle in my timelines, and try to spread a bit of his own kindness to the realities he couldn’t quite save, I would be fully prepared to stop him.” Clockwork spoke into the green abyss beyond him. “Unless, maybe, I were to accidentally have my back turned.”
Silence trailed after Clockwork’s words. He kept his back to Danny, staring into the abyss of swirling green ether beyond.
“…Thank you,” Danny answered, quietly. “I’ll be back.”
“I imagine you will. Those realities may get lonely without you.”
When Clockwork glanced back over his shoulder, both Danny and the portal were gone.
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gurlbesimpin · 3 years
May i request a Frontman x Fem!VIP!Reader, my idea was: Reader is a new VIP that took after the VIP spot when her father passed away, so she is a new VIP, the youngest of them all, the frontman caught interest in her, and so did reader too, what was hiding behind each others masks? So they began kinda sneaking to see each other in private when reader was there at the island, just hanging out, getting to know one another, but as the time grow more, romanic feelings starts bubbling up, then one night the salesman & reader sneaks into readers room, making out, then intense sex scene, can also reader be a Masochist? Gun play, degrading, praising, bondage, oral, spanking & plain sex with some bdsm in it! Hope this request doesn't make you uncomfortable or anything!<3
Yes i can! Sorry to any requests i didn’t do lately or messages i ignored. A lot has been going on in my personal life... sorry y’all! <3
(btw sorry for mistakes... english isn’t my first language :P )
Warnings: smut, fluff, handjob, unprotected sex, bdsm, oral sex, crude humor, adult language, gun play, mention of violence 
Hwang in-ho (frontman) x female reader/ new vip
It all started so innocent.
“Take a seat m’am” one of the waiters told you pointing to the black leather couch covered in expensive blankets and pillows. You nodded and sat down waiting for this “game” to beginn. 
After waiting for half an eternity, you witnessed the most horrific, yet most interesting thing you’ve ever seen. A glass bridge, 16 players, and a 100foot drop beneath them. This “game” was life or death. You found his morbid how your father came to this strange island to watch these horror games once a year. However, karma got the best of him and he was found dead in one of your families luxurious apartments. After watching these obnoxious games, you were left alone with the supposive “front man”. He was so kind and comforting about your father’s death... it really put you in a horrible spot. He was the only one you ever had. After that first real encounter with the frontman, you met up with him several times. Sitting down and talking with a good glass of whiskey. 
After weeks of these little “dates” you got feelings for the man behind the mask. “thank you sir”. “for what?” he asked. “for just... being there i guess...”  you said stuttering a bit. The two of you were sitting on his huge leather couch facing a screen showing the games the players are currently playing. The man looked at you, wondering what was behind your golden mask. “well, may i request something in return?” he stated. You nodded slightly. He moved his hands up to his mask, slowly unbuckling the buckles in the back and then proceeding to take his mask off. “i-” you said. His deep brown eyes staring at you. He was actually quite handsome... “your turn” he said smirking a bit. silence. Then you returned the favor and slowly took off your golden owl shaped mask. His eyes widened as he saw your face. “wow....” he whispered to himself. Your facial expression was a mix of confused and shocked. “what’s wrong darling?” he asked. “oh no nothing...” you said smiling. He chuckled then reached over to the bottle of whiskey on the table. He pours two glasses and hands you one of them. “enjoy the view” he said pointing at the screen. 
After taking a few sips of whiskey and watching the players getting brutally murdered, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. The warmth was comforting. Without saying anything, he moved his hand across your back, then to your waist and finally he settled his hand on your right thigh. As a response you leaned your head on his shoulder. He proceeded to move his hand towards your crotch in a slow pace making sure you weren’t uncomfortable. “may i?” he whispered into your ear. “yes” you responded. He moved his hand up onto your belt buckle, and undone it. Then slowly pulled your pants down with one of his hands, the other holding his whiskey. You kicked your pants off and waited. You were sitting there in your blouse and underwear. He moved his hand across your underwear, then stopped at the laceband of them. After a few seconds He slipped his hand into your panties. His hand was so damn warm, it sent shivers down your spine. “hwang in-ho...” he said. You looked at him confused. 
“my name darling.... yours?” You smile. “y/n l/n....” 
He moved his index finger in you slit until he reached your most sensitive spot. Your entire body jerked at the sudden contact. “so sensitive aren’t you?” he whispered. His words hitting you like a bomb. His slow circular motions and filthy words were a perfect combination. He continued to please you watching your reactions carefully. Right before you reach your high, he stops making you whine. “i want to have some fun with you” he whispered before helping you up and leading you to his bedroom. Things progressed quickly, from intense making out, you were pinned down on the bed, both of you naked and the man licking your core. your moans were music to his ears. Slowly removing himself from you, he crawled on top of you and lining himself up with your entrance. “ready sweetheart?” he asks. “please” you whine. He grunts and your words slowly sinking into you. His deep moans were so fucking hot. His pace was slow and steady. He scatters kisses around your neck and collarbone. You wrap your legs around him allowing him to thrust deeper. Out of nowhere, he reachers into the drawer inside the nightstand next to the bed. Pulling out a pistol and pointing it at you. you smile. That confirmed that you weren’t turned off by this, so he moved it to your forehead. “t..take it or i’ll shoot” he said trying no to moan. You moved your head up a bit, before he pushed your head back down with the gun. 
“h...harder daddy” you whined. He stopped. Shocked at the name. It looked like he was thinking before speaking. “oh yeah?” he chuckled before getting up, and moving a few feet away from you. Suddently he put his hands on your hips, picked you up like you weighted nothing, and flipped you over before lifting your lower body exposing you ass directly towards him. He didn’t hesitate, and immediatley thrusts into you again. You moan at the sudden pleasure again. He moved on of his hands across your ass, and the other to gtab the gun once again. Then pressed it against your head. With his other hand, he grabbed your asscheek a few times before *spank*. You gasp. *spank*. “be quiet for me” he said before slapping your ass again whilst thrusting into you faster and harder.
The hand holding the gun, moved away from your head and he threw the gun across the room before he gripped your hair pulling your head up. His thrusts getting quicker and sloppier. You were so damn close.... “say my name” he demanded. You couldn’t.... as a response you just moaned. His grip on your hair and scalp getting stronger. “say my name whore!” “fuck i..in-ho” you whimper.      “i can’t hear you!” he replied kissing your neck. “i..in-ho!” “you’re such a little slut..... say my fucking name!” he demanded again. Your body was shaking wildly. “say it” he moanedi nto your ear. “in...in-ho” you said before exploding.
Your moans were so loud that the entire island could probably hear it. He chuckled whilst fucking you through your orgasm. “like that slut?” he asked.
He knew the answer, your moans gave it away. It didn’t take long before he reached his high and you felt his warm seed spill deep into you. 
“fuck... y/n....” he grunted. laying down next to you. 
213 notes · View notes
thefanficmonster · 3 years
Hidden Powers
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Abuse allegations, Swearing, Mild melancholy
Genre: Humor, SLIGHT Angst, Fluff, RPF (Real Person Fic) - Sorry the genres are all over the place
Summary: A misconception or misunderstanding turned rumor threatens to bring down Corpse’s entire career, but luckily, Y/N knows better than to stand aside and let it happen.
Requested by Anon. Hi darling! Thank you so much for your request and I’m so sorry for the long wait but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the fic if you happen to come across it. Love, Vy ❤
“Fuck this game!“ Y/N yells out in frustration as she is met with the screen informing her of her failure - aka death - for the fifth time in the past hour. “Has anyone ever even passed night four? I’m sure the king of FNAF Markiplier has but I’m also sure he hasn’t done it one a livestream! And my big mouth really had to go ahead and swear not to end this stream until I pass this God forsaken night, ughhh!“
Typically, Y/N’s quite the fearful rat when playing horror games, especially when home alone like right now, but this FNAF game has gradually turned her into a raging gamer instead. Not raging as in kicking ass at the game but as in the game kicking the ass of her sanity. She’s been struggling with this specific night for a while - the better half of her previous stream and an hour into today’s. Well, seeing how little progress she’s making with each try, it’s gonna be way more than an hour into today’s livestream as well. She’ll be lucky if she manages to get past it before hitting the three hour mark or just rage quitting which she’s bound to do eventually if her gameplay keeps going at this rate.
Another try later, she’s once again jumpscared into a failure screen that’s practically mocking her at this point. Throwing her arms above her head, Y/N sighs heavily, the frustration she’s harboring becoming more and more evident in her body language. “You know what, I need a break. Lemme see what you guys are saying in the chat.”
Scrolling through comments upon comments greeting her, sending her compliments and some trolling her with some hateful remarks she comes across a question which makes her brows furrow. That same question is repeated by a few other people but they fly by so quickly she doesn’t manage to catch the people’s usernames.
“A bruise on my arm? Where?“ She says out loud as she inspects both her arms, looking for what her chat had been talking about. That’s when her eyes eyes land on the purple mark on the skin just above her right elbow. She laughs, “Oh this? I know I’m a clumsy person but Corpse is to blame for this one.“
Little does the girl know, her boyfriend, who’s currently in his own apartment instead of camping out at hers, is watching this very stream, laughing his ass off remembering how that bruise came to be.
His laughter is cut short though when he catches glimpse of Y/N’s chat which suddenly floods with concern from her fans - assumptions and allegations of him being an abusive boyfriend starting to pollute the previously cheerful comment section. His stomach turns, for many reasons, each reason making it tighten in a worse and more painful knot. 
The first blow comes from people actually coming up with such a thing. How could they even allow their minds to wander to such a dark and disgusting place where he’d be even remotely an abuser.
The second blow to his heart is delivered by the fact that people believed it. How and why could people believe such an absurd idea?! How low did these people think of him? What kind of piece of shit did he come off as to some people?
And the third is the mental image the idea gives him. It’s such a fucked up scene, he can’t even conjure it up, he can’t mentally picture it. Hell, he could and would never even raise his voice at Y/N. He’d never dare upset her or hurt her feelings let alone hurt her....like that!
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!“ Y/N’s gasp reaches him as though it was meant to fish him out of the downward spiral he started going down with these overwhelmingly dark thoughts, “What’s with this nonsense some of y’all are spewing in the chat?!“ She sounds downright angry and irritated, ready to fight whoever will continue spreading these rumors about her lovely boyfriend whom she absolutely adores. “Guys, I mean, seriously?! Do you have any idea what you’re talking about and WHO you’re talking about? Do we have the same Corpse in mind here? I doubt we do - you have some villainized, abusive version, and I have the loving boyfriend who tried to teach me how to handle a lightsaber so we can have a lightsaber fight and my dumbass used my own weapon against me. Yeah, I was pretty salty Corpse laughed his heart out while I was cringing in pain, but man, you guys take it farther than the farthest.“ Seeing his sweet, kind and non-confrontational girlfriend who always avoids conflict at all costs turn into this protective lioness because someone is talking shit about him is heartwarming and scary at the same time. “Y’all better shut the hole where these fucked up rumors surfaced from before you get one of the most innocent, loving and caring individuals in hot water for the BS you came up with! Copy? You better.“
Corpse has never in his entire life seen the topic of a stream chat change so quickly, the rumor never once getting brought up again.
That’s some serious power right there - power he never knew Y/N possessed because of her cute and soft exterior. Now he knows what kinda beast of a woman he’s dating - one prepared to do anything to protect him, no matter who from. And damn does that make him feel emotional and loved despite the shit that just happened. She can make him forget all the bad within the blink of an eye - that too is another superpower of hers, but this one he’s known about from the very start.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse  @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Bo Sinclair X Reader
Part 1, Part 2
I've been enjoying some Soft!Bo recently, so here's some more!
Soulmate AU: shared pain and shared scars part 3:
Time passed since you first stepped into Ambrose, only a few weeks since you ended up meeting your soulmate in the most unlikely place and getting stranded in the small town. You told yourself you were stranded, tried to convince yourself of that, but it wasn't completely true. Now you thought that even if you got the chance to escape, you wouldn't. You wouldn't leave and if you did...you would probably end up being drawn right back to Ambrose.
Weeks passed. You mourned. You still found yourself saddened by Carly's death, but you had come to terms with everything that had happened. Bo had, in an act of kindness you supposed, demanded that Vincent didn't use any member of your group to create new wax figures. You were supposed to be at home in this town, you didn't need a constant morbid reminder of your past.
Of a night, you had been staying in Bo's room while he slept on the couch. Surprisingly, he had insisted on it. Despite you being his soulmate and practically being destined forgive him, he supposed he should try to make it easier for you. He just hoped it wouldn't take too much longer, the couch wasn't as comfortable as his bed.
The events from your arrival had settled and the town seemed to fall into it's more day to day routine. You had gotten to know Vincent and Lester a little better, but you found yourself more comfortable around Bo, which made sense even if it wasn't logical to an outsider.
Despite spending more time around Bo than the other brothers, you surprisingly didn't talk much. Neither of you really knowing what to say. You wanted to be around him instinctively but didn't know what to say to the man who killed your friends, or even if you wanted to say anything at all.
Today went by as usual, you spending the day down in the garage with Bo, eating lunch and dinner with him, and awkwardly sitting on the couch in front of the brother's little television. Sitting on opposite ends of the couch, occasionally risking glances at him.
You had excused yourself and gone up to bed, changing into one of Bo's tee-shirts. You didn't exactly have a wide selection of clothes just yet but did you have other options of sleepwear? Yes, you did. Still, you chose to wear Bo's tee-shirt. You found it comforting.
Unsurprisingly, you hadn't been sleeping well. It took a few nights for you to get a good few hours of sleep but you were sure that your sleeping had actually become more disturbed than it had been. The bed was comfortable, and smelled of Bo, but you still found yourself tossing and turning, feeling like something was missing.
It was something you had been debating for the last few nights but always talked yourself out of it. Tonight though...you had decided to take the risk. You knew you would end up doing it eventually anyway.
Pushing back the sheets, you climbed off of the bed and exited the bedroom.
When you had arrived, the house had been untidy but you had fixed that during your stay. You had to fill your time with something and it helped make you feel more comfortable. So, now, you didn't feel too worried about walking around barefoot.
You made your way down the stairs and quietly into the living room. Bo mustn't have heard you since he was still sitting with his feet up on the coffee table, eyes on the television, with his temporary bedding piled beside him.
"Bo?" you asked quietly and he instantly turned to you. Under different circumstances, you might have found it amusing that you had surprised him.
His gaze scanned your body, wetting his lips at the sight of you in one of his tee-shirts. "You alright, darlin'?" he had never been shy about pet-names, always calling you by them. You didn't mind. You liked it.
"Can't sleep" you mumbled, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Wanna sit with me?" he asked and you nodded without having to think about it.
He gave you his signature charming smirk. "C'mon then" he patted the space beside him and you walked over to him.
Bo lifted his arm, laying it over the back of the couch as you sat down beside him, his arm behind you. Some old film was on the television, you had no idea what, but you didn't mind. Bo didn't seem very interested in it either.
"You got any idea what's going on in this?" Bo asked, gesturing towards the television, you just shook your head. "Need better fucking stations" he muttered to himself, making you smile a little in amusement.
"Or you could upgrade from VHS...maybe get a DVD player" you mused. "Do they even sell VHS's anymore?" you asked with a small chuckle, earning a smile from Bo.
"Guess we'll have to save up for your fancy technology" Bo teased, proud of himself when you laughed.
"I think I can deal with it" you shrugged before, not so subtly despite your best efforts, shifting closer to him.
"Good" Bo hummed, his arm lowering from the back of the couch to wrap around your shoulders and pull you closer. You allowed him, resting your head against his shoulder.
The two of you fell silent as you watched the screen, not really taking anything in. Risking your glances at Bo once again, the hand that lay lazily in his lap caught your attention. He was wearing a tee-shirt, ready for bed, leaving his wrist visible.
Gently, you reached out and took his hand in yours, your other hand tracing his scars. "Will you tell me about them now?" you asked quietly, watching your fingertips trace his scars.
"Ain't much of a story" Bo shrugged, watching your expression of concentration.
"I'd still like to hear it. Been wondering since my childhood" you confessed.
"Me and Vincent were very different kids. He was well-behaved and quiet, me...not so much. I got angry, I'd shout, throw tantrums, parents had to restrain me at the dinner table sometimes. I'd try to get out, fucking up my wrists" Bo explained, finding the repetitive touches to his scarring strangely relaxing. It wasn't something he usually liked to have on show, but he knew he could be vulnerable with you.
"That's horrible...I'm sorry" you frowned, meeting his gaze with nothing but sympathy in your eyes.
"Eh, had to do what they had to do" he shrugged dismissively. Surely, he should be apologising to you if anything.
"You did what any kid with behavioural problems does, they should have handled it much differently" you shook your head, brow furrowing in frustration. Who would treat their child like that?
“Ain’t a big deal” he shrugged again. You could already tell that he didn't like talking about this sort of thing and you found yourself hoping he would begin to grow more comfortable with opening up to you.
“Come on, Bo…if you can’t talk to me, who can you talk too?” you asked with a small but sincere smile. You were his soulmate after all. “I know it hurt, I felt it, remember? At least when the pain started for me, I had someone there to calm me and help me. I can’t imagine how distressing it would have been…” your smile quickly faded, expression turning to sympathetic as you squeezed his hand gently.
There was a short silence, Bo not looking at you, and you decided that if he didn't talk, you wouldn't push it further. “It hurt” Bo finally spoke, clearing his throat. “Each time the restraints would get tighter, ‘least that’s how it felt. The more I struggled the more it hurt, but the more it hurt the more I struggled. Just wanted to get out of the damn chair” he told you shortly, sighing as your thumb brushed over the inside of his wrist. And then he looked at you properly, “for what it's worth, I’m sorry you had to feel that too…and everything else.”
“You don’t need to apologise. I was never angry with you for the pain, just angry with those hurting you” you confessed.
Bo smirked a little at the anger in your expression. The hand that you held onto moved, gently grasping one of your wrists as he brushed his thumb over the matching scarring. "Hey, don't you start worrying about me, alright?"
"I'm not allowed to care?" you asked, suddenly hit with the realisation that you did care. You cared a whole lot about this man.
"...you want to care? You go ahead and care, darlin'" he nodded, giving his permission, making you smile.
"Good...because I will, even if you don't want me too" you told him, knowing that now. Accepting that.
"Beginning to think you're warming up to me" Bo hummed, the hand on your shoulder stroking up and down your arm.
"Don't ruin it" you rolled your eyes but still moved closer to him, naturally draping an arm around his waist and laying your head against his chest. "I wanted to ask you something" you spoke quietly after a short pause in conversation.
"Shoot" Bo looked down at you, his hold around you tightening ever so slightly.
"Was wondering if you...wanted to sleep in the bed, maybe, with me tonight?" you glanced down at your lap. You shouldn't have been embarrassed, he was your soulmate, but circumstances were more than unusual. "Don't like sleeping alone...it never used to bother me" you confessed.
"Can't complain about getting back in my own bed" Bo mused before hooking a finger under your chin, lifting your head and making you look at him. "All you had to do was ask, darlin'" he assured you.
The way he looked at you, the intensity of his gaze, made heat rise to your face, but it still earned a smile from you. "Just sleeping, though" you added, not wanting him to get any ideas.
"Just sleeping. I swear" Bo chuckled lowly, the sound vibrating in his chest. It was a nice sound.
"Thank you" you whispered, breath catching in your throat when you realised how close your faces were now.
Bo noticed how you gaze flickered down to his lips before meeting his eyes again, cheeks darkening with a flush. He hadn't been subtle despite putting effort into making you comfortable, you had often caught him staring and he'd only smirk when you caught him looking at you.
Bo didn't seem like the type of guy to sit back until somebody else made a move, he seemed like an initiator type, but you knew that he wasn't going to play into that role right now. You had just talked to him properly, invited him back into his bed. He could be impulsive but he wasn't stupid, he wouldn't risk scaring you away right now.
You had no idea where you got the confidence from, or maybe it was just the innate gravitational pull you felt towards him, but you started leaning in. Eyes fluttered shut as your lips brushed against his.
That seemed to be enough to reassure Bo that you wouldn't run away as he fully closed the space, pressing his lips further against yours in a proper kiss. One that you instantly returned.
You couldn't help yourself, arms looping around his neck as you lent into his chest. Strong arms circling your waist and pulling you closer, practically onto his lap. His kiss, his touch, his mere presence, lit a fire in you. The like of which you had never experienced before. In that moment it truly felt like you were the only two people who existed. Two people colliding in an unlikely little town.
And, in that moment, you knew. Monster or not, soulmate or not, you were supposed to be right here with Bo. It didn't matter if the universe had a sick idea of fate, the past didn't matter, only now mattered. Only him and only you. Finally, you accepted the truth you had been resisting for so many days.
He was yours and, more importantly, you were his.
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Meeting and Dating J.D.
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous and @poruchik-logy​)
(Sorry about the inactivity lately. With the holidays coming up, I’ve been a bit busy. Plus, I’ve written a post or two on my other blogs which means no post on this one. Anyways, hope you enjoy!)
- You meet J.D. when he transfers to your school. You’re in study hall when you just so happen to look up and make eye contact with the boy while glancing around the room. 
- For the rest of the period, you feel like someone's watching you, and lo and behold, every time you sneak a glance his way, his eyes are on you. He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he was looking, he just raises an eyebrow at you when you turn and meet his gaze. 
- You spot him in the lunchroom later that day and ask your friends about him though they don’t have much information besides his name and where he moved from which they got from one of their teachers forcing him to introduce himself to the class. He was a mystery …and boy were you intrigued. 
- You have your first conversation at the local Snappy Snack Shack. You’d just popped in to grab a little junk food, only to find him stalking through the store in his black trench coat. You figured you’d dance around each other until one of you left but before you knew it, he’d sauntered up to you and interjected that you looked familiar. 
- Before you knew it, the two of you had introduced yourselves and began a sort of flirtatious conversation. He bought you a slushy and offered you a ride home on his bike which you coyly accepted after a moment of nervous hesitation. 
- It was that same night that he returned to your house, rapping at your window and damn near giving you a heart attack. Even though it was terrifying at first, it was also sort of endearing and you soon found yourself joining him outside.
- Now, It’s your choice whether or not you sleep together that night. If you do then consider yourself kissed and claimed from then on. If you don’t, he’ll continue to show up at your house or hang around you at school until he gets what he wants. You. 
- You suppose that your first date happened at the Snack Shack so from then on, the two of you were sort of seeing each other. Well, one of his favorite things to do with you is not be at home so the two of you were hanging out in an empty lot.
- The sun went down and you were sitting in the dark, the glow of the moon being the only thing lighting up your date. You were sitting down and he was lingering on his feet somewhere behind him, sorta pacing from what you could hear. 
- He knelt down beside you and you turned your head to look at him, only to immediately get pulled into a kiss that all but had you melt into the floor. It was passionate and somewhat rough, exactly what you’d expect from him. And you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
- Well, he most certainly isn’t letting you go after that. I hope you like him babe because you’re not getting rid of him anytime soon. 
- This man is fully willing to makeout with you in public. So yeah, there’s a lot of Pda.
- His hands are pretty much on you at all times.
- Pecks on the lips. He loves when you just give him a kiss for no reason at all.
- Rough, passionate kisses. He asserts his dominance by hooking his arms around you and pulling you into a searing kiss until you can’t breathe.
- He definitely calls you “woman” and a ton of other pet names ranging from cute to just plain annoying. 
- He never would have imagined a girl like you would actually put up with him for so long …but boy is he thankful you have.
- He’s a little shit and that’s just something you’ll have to live with. He’s blunt, conniving and sarcastic, but he does care about you.
- He pretends like he doesn’t give a shit a lot of the time but he does, more than he cares to admit.
- Surprisingly enough, JD actually really likes cuddling. You’ll usually lay with your legs intertwined and your head resting against his chest while he wraps his arms tight around you. 
-  Jason's father sort of ignores him, they aren’t very close and certainly not close enough to be sharing affection besides; maybe, a pat on he back or something similar. So he craves attention and affection.
- He yearns for you to touch and love him but he doesn’t know how to tell you that he wants you to suffocate him with your own body. He’ll just try to repeat whatever it is he did to make you touch him or touch you until you do something to him.
- Hugs from behind.
- Husky whispers in your ear. He does it on purpose because he knows what it does to you.
- Motorcycle rides. 
- Trying to get him to quit smoking. It never actually works but he; somewhat, tries to cut down on it for your sake. He thinks the fact that you care is sorta amusing. 
- Cutting class together.
- Going shooting with him. The beer bottles and porcelain plates kind of shooting, not the Ram and Kurt kind of shooting. 
- Dark humor. Although, sometimes you genuinely don’t know if he’s joking or not. 
- He can always seem to make you laugh, even if it makes you feel guilty to laugh at some off the stuff he says.
-  Hearing an alarming amount of gun and bomb facts. 
- Going to Snappys Snack Shack with him.
- Junk food binges.
- He’s kind of a stalker if I’m being honest. He follows you around without you knowing, finds out everything he can about you, etc. You’re sort of like an obsession of his and that can be good or bad depending on the situation and to what extent you know about his feelings. 
- He knows practically everything about you, ranging from your birthday to where you are at pretty much any given time.
- He’s not too great at all that lovey dovey shit but he tries. It might take him a little while to get the hang of it but he eventually will. 
- Getting him to play the sax for you.
- Having his hand on your thigh whenever he’s driving. 
- Making out.
- Hickeys.
- He likes when you wear his clothes, it’s like marking his territory without getting in trouble for making your neck different colors.
- Listening to morbid music.
- Deep existential conversations. What else do you talk about with your girlfriend besides the meaning of life and why society will ultimately cave in and destroy itself in a violent revolt?
- Late night phone calls from him. Be prepared to rush to your landline at three a.m. so that you don’t wake up your parents. You can’t even really be mad at him because he’ll just immediately launch into either a spiel about how he missed you or ask what your opinion on Manchurian candidates are; successfully silencing you in bewilderment. 
- Getting random knocks at your window whenever he decides he just has to see you. 
- Your parents either love or hate him, there is no inbetween. He’s generally pretty good at playing the role of the upstanding young man who cares a lot about their daughter; that parts real of course, but occasionally a parent will just get a bad vibe from him and his charade; though convincing, just won’t work on them. 
- If that’s the case with your parents then you’ll sort of be forced to sneak out if you want to see him, which he’s particularly good at helping you do. 
- Getting kept away from his father. He tries to keep your interactions to a minimum, especially if you have a much different personality than to the man.
- Incredibly jealous though he’ll always try to hide just how upset whatever situation you’re in makes him. He makes jokes and “forgets about it” as soon as you join his side, convincingly acting like nothing happened or that he saw nothing wrong with it but staying up the rest of the night wondering what he can do about it. 
- Possessive. You’re each others, aren’t you? He’s yours and you’re his. Everybody belongs to someone and the two of you belong to one another. 
- Is he protective? What do you think? If you ever complain about a person bothering you, he’ll almost immediately ask if you want him to kill them. You think it’s a joke. It’s not. 
- Although it may seem like he does things just for his own benefit, he would genuinely do anything you ask of him. Sometimes he’ll surprise you with the lengths that he goes to make your life easier and happier. 
- He’s hot tempered and kind of an asshole so the two of you are; most likely, almost constantly fighting. You’ll usually be yelling at each other or arguing passionately which is a problem because he thinks you’re hot when you’re angry. He’ll usually wind up trying to kiss you which succeeds in making things worse and having you give him the silent treatment/break up. 
- He tries his best to give you your space but the instant you want him back, he’s all over you. He usually never actually apologizes but he doesn’t force you to when you’re in the wrong either so you suppose it’s fair. 
- I love you’s are few and far between. He doesn’t really want to make himself seem too vulnerable so you only get them on rare occasions. 
- The two of you tend to not talk about the future. He wants to be with you forever; which is obvious, and he wants you to be his; which is also obvious. But you don’t know if you’re entirely sure you can handle him. So, you try to just enjoy the time you’re spending together and not think about how things may end. 
- You’re either the Bonnie to his Clyde or his blissfully unaware darling. Pick your poison. 
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pudimsuki · 3 years
Hitoshi Shinsou + Apartment + Yandere SFW ? like I just love your stories and wanted to request this ^-^
Yandere! Hitoshi Shinsou x reader
Hi, love ❤ I'm sorry for taking so long, I was dealing with some things lately, BUT here I am :))) Hope you like this one, even though it's kinda short!
Also, thank you for the kind words ❤
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You couldn’t take it anymore. You swore to yourself that this time, this time, you wouldn’t answer him. But you couldn’t. After a whole two weeks of complete silence with you refusing to exchange a single world with him, you finally break it.
Him. Your captor. The man who states his love for you. His sick, twisted and morbid love.
You remember vividly the day you met. He was alone at a bar, eyes glued on a glass of some clear liquid, and you thought ー Oh, silly you ー, you thought he looked sad, sitting there by himself. Well, it wasn’t like you have company either, but if you could reset something in your life, it would be the moment you stepped in and asked him if he wanted to have a drink with you.
“C’mon kitty. Talk to me.”
You close your eyes, hoping to make it easy for you not to answer. Your tongue tingles with the need to say a word. Just one word. It wouldn’t be that bad, right?
“Ok. What about this” The purple haired man started, raising two noodle packages. “I’m not feeding you until you answer me which one you want.”
He was gonna make you starve now?
You took a deep breath.
“I’m waiting, love. Which one do you want?”
Then you snapped, staring at him with fire in your orbits. “I want you to fuck off you creep!”
In a mere second, it was done. All your effort, all your self control deep in the trash now. You felt your limbs relax, getting out of your control. Your eyes glazed over.
Shinsou approached you, smiling. “Now it wasn’t that hard. Was it?”
You wanted to scream, tell him how much you hate him, how he should be alone and miserable and never loved. But no, you couldn’t do anything. Not now when he got his claws buried deep into your mind.
“So, here's what we’re gonna do.” He touched your cheek, stroking the soft skin. “We’re gonna sit and eat this like a normal couple and then we’re gonna go to bed and cuddle for the night. I know you love it. Now, nod if you understand.”
So you did, automatically.
“Good girl.”
The hour you spent in the kitchen didn’t last long enough. Soon, you find yourself being guided to the bedroom, the one he so fondly said was shared by you since now you were a “loving couple”.
That's what he always does. Shinsou seems to live in a make-believe life in which the two of you love each other deeply. You couldn't tell if he has any inkling of how sick he is or if he really believes in your “relationship”. Not that it matters, actually.
“Come here, kitten. Sit on my lap”. He said, already on the bed.
You did it, of course. Not that you had a choice, your body not under your control anymore. That was the worst part of it all. He stole everything from you: Your family, your friends, your life, your movements, your will.
You felt tears prick at your eyes as he adjusted you on his legs. You could feel the hardening in his pants. Of course he enjoyed it.
“Kiss me.”
“Say you love me.”
“Hug me back. Tighter.”
“Smile for me, love.”
Please, stop. You wanna say. Just stop.
But you couldn’t. You never had a chance, anyway.
His demands continued for an interminable hour until he decided it was time to rest. That night, you slept with a smile on your face. A smile that he orders you to give him before sleep. But not even him could control the single tear running from your eye.
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I know this ruins all the mood, but now I can’t stop singing the line “A single teardrop falling from your eye” from The Weeknd and Ariana Grande’s song (Save your tears).
Yeah, sorry.
Thank you for reading and for the support!
Angie ❤
[any comments will be answered with my main account: @angie-1306 ]
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thechangeling · 2 years
Not the only Freak
I've got another one for Autistic Acceptance month! Consider this my ode to autistic friendship and weirdness. No plot just vibes.
For Rory and Ly ❤
Cw: sex mention and ableism mention
"I think I'm weird."
It was probably a slightly peculiar subject to raise out of nowhere, but Alyssa was certainly used to that from Ty. Especially seeing as she did it equally as often. It was how they communicated. No pointless rules.
She turned to him, sitting up slightly from her spot on the bed where she was lying next to Ty. They had both been lying in silence, scrolling on their phones.
Ali raised her eyebrows. "Well I mean... yeah you kinda are Ty, but so am I. It's our whole thing."
Ty sighed, exasperated. "No. No that's not what I mean. I mean, beyond that. As in a different kind of weird."
"Alright I gotta admit you lost me sorry."
Ty sat up fully, pulling his legs underneath him. "What I mean is, there are things that I think about, things that I want that I know I shouldn't."
Alyssa bit her lip in consideration. "Like?"
Ty was afraid she would ask that. He played with his sleeves. " Well see, the other day in class we were discussing demons, different types and breeds, how they are created, that sort of thing. And I couldn't help but think, what makes a demon evil? Obviously most of them seem to commit evil deeds but is that because there is something inherit about them that makes them evil such as having no soul? And whose to say having a soul is what makes you good?"
Alyssa grinned. "Oh this is great! Not only are you having a philosophical crisis but I also get to infodump about my special interest! Buffy and Angel talk a lot about souls and what makes a person bad or good." She tossed her hair back. "Granted it's not super consistent but hey, definitely gives you something to think about."
Ty couldn't help but smile a little at her excitement. "Yeah but it goes deeper than that Ali. I'm not just questioning the nature of souls I'm questioning the nature of me."
Ali pouted. "Couldn't even let me infodump for a minute could you?"
Ty winced apologetically. "I'm sorry, I'm just in the middle of a bit of a crisis. I promise you can go off as soon as I say my peice.
Alyssa nodded. "Alright then. Go for it."
Ty chewed the inside of his cheek. How to explain. He wasn't even entirely sure of what he was feeling. He just knew that he couldn't confidently answer the question "did he have a soul?" And that scared him. After all why did he find himself drawn to the monsters in the dark if he wasn't one of them?
"I feel like there is this thing inside of me. This dark twisted and disgusting thing that always whispers to me day in and day out, what if? What if I really did it? What if I keep pushing past that line that everyone has drawn? Broke those rules that are supposed to importent, meant to mean something. But they never really meant anything to me. I never really understood." Ty took a breath. Alyssa was watching him attentively, but never looking disturbed or disgusted.
"And this thing inside of me just want to keep going further and further. Wants to keep pushing and keep taking.  It wants to see what happens next. It's almost a morbid curiosity of sorts. Such as wanting to know what it would be like to have sex with a demon even though I know that results in demon pox. Or wanting a vampire to sink their fangs inside me. I could pretend that it's a purely scientific curiosity, but I think I would actually enjoy it. I enjoy all of the things that I do that I shouldn't. Does that make me a monster?"
Alyssa twirled a peice of her hair around her finger. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I definitely don't think you're any weirder than I am. And I don't want to speak for the entire autistic community but I know lots of people go through this exact same thing. Even if they don't know the monsters are actually real." She smirked. "You may be a freak Ty, but you sure as hell aren't the only freak."
It was a word he had grown up with his whole life. Before he haven't even known the word autistic or disabled. It was spat at him as a curse by the likes of Paige Ashdown and other bullies. It was hissed behind his back when people thought he couldn't hear. It was the word that justified people treating him like a bug they could squish under their shoe. Or like a monster.
But here was Alyssa using it as something positive. Something that connected them. Not the only freak.
"It's about us Ty" she often said. "It's about you and me."
And wasn't it always?
He reached for her, pulling at the strands that she held and playing with them which made her smile. "And besides," she continued. "It kinda makes sense."
Ty raised a brow. "What does? That I like to break other people's rules? Or that I have the strangest sexual fantasies?"
Alyssa rolled her eyes and took Ty's hand that was twirling her hair in hers. "First of all, you need to get rid of the idea that wanting to experiment with a downworlder or do kinky shit makes you a bad person. It's kind of insulting and also straight up not true."
Ty began to protest but Alyssa shot him one of her famous "don't fuck with me" looks.
"Second of all, a lot of autistic people have this fascination with the "unatural" or creatures that society deems monstrous." Alyssa played with his fingers. "Sometimes it manifests in romantic or sexual feelings, but something it's just this morbid fascination. You see this especially with vampires. The vampire is you. An extension of the heroine or protagonist, usually a representation of their repressed desires. And marginalized people as a whole are usually drawn to the monsters in stories because society has deemed you monstrous in the same way."
Ty smiled fondly at her. "Looks like you got to infodump after all."
"Oh shut up," Alyssa scoffed, shoving his hand away playfully.
"No it's interesting," Ty encouraged. "And it makes sense. I just still feel.." he trailed off. "I'm not sure."
Alyssa shifted her legs and brought them to her chest. "You still worried about the nature of your soul?"
"You think that's stupid.
Alyssa shook her head. "No I didn't say that. I just think I love a show that has a vampire without a soul doing a lot of great things, and also a lot of bad. I think it's less about the soul and more about choices. As per Buffy usual."
Ty flicked his fingers. "This is about existentialism right?"
Ty's heart fluttered at how she lit up. It was a relatable feeling. Knowing that someone actually listened to you when you talked was everything.
"Yeah! Exactly!" Alyssa began to bounce excitedly in her seat. "So basically the universe is inherently meaningless. We have no larger purpose to be on this earth. There's no grand plan, no greater scheme or bigger picture. You create meaning based on the choices you make. Essentially,"
"If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do," Ty quoted.
Alyssa squealed and flapped her hands excitedly. "You got it yeah! Exactly! Basically the point is, it's about what you do. I don't really think having a soul or not matters even if souls do exist. Like, no one is born good or bad. It's about what you do and why you do it.
Ty groaned. "But then, if demons aren't naturally evil because of the lack of a soul then how do shadowhunters justify calling them?"
Ali scoffed and threw up her hands. "I'm not a shadowhunter, you need to figure that one out."
"Wow thanks Ali," Ty said sarcastically.
"Hey don't look at me you're the one who wanted to join this inane ass organization in the first place Sherlock."
He rolled his eyes. "This "inane ass organization" is the reason we met. And I never wanted to hurt people, I just wanted to solve mysteries."
Alyssa sighed. "I'm sorry Ty."
"No, you're right. I just have no idea what I'm doing."
Ali cupped his cheek and he leaned into her touch, nuzzling her hand. "Hey one problem at a time ok? I happen to know a bleeder den that's pretty safe. I could take you there."
Ty sprung up excitedly. "Really?"
"Yeah they don't take werewolves because apparently our blood doesn't taste good, fucking rude if you ask me."
Ty tried to contain his smile. "Will you still come with me?
Alyssa raised an eyebrow. "Are you kidding? Damn right I'm coming with you. Somebody's gotta haul your ass home after you're ready to pass out from blood loss." She stood up to grab her jacket.
Home. It was strange to think of the scholomance as home. Especially with Livvy occassionally disappearing and never really being quite there. Ty was away from his entire family, surrounded by many questionable people.
But amongst all of the uncertainty he had made himself a second family with Alyssa and Anush. A family full of misfits and outcasts. Freaks, as Ali would say.
And maybe that wasn't such a bad thing to be.
Home. It's where you are safe.
It's where you are loved.
"If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do" is and Angel quote.
Tagging: @lavender-scented-rat   @littlx-songbxrd   @arangiajoan   @have-a-holly-jolly-angstmas @tired-vin @phoenix-and-dragon @amchara @wagner-fell @sandersgrey @the-wckd-powers @spooky-drusilla
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realcube · 4 years
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characters ♡ yaku, kenma, kayegama & iwaizumi 
content warning ♡ fake crying, mentions of murder, hurt/comfort, fluff & timeskip! iwaizumi (no mature themes, just domesticity)
credit ♡ thank you to 🍦anon for this request
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morinosuke yaku
♡ why did you need to need to practise in the bedroom?? in his bedroom, no less
♡ your show was quickly approaching and you recalled the scene where you were to burst out into tears on stage, and you hadn’t yet rehearsed how you were going to do that
♡ honestly, you were under the assumtion that yaku would have no problem with you practising while in his bedroom bc he has ran lines with you in the past and this was hardly any different
♡ so sat, thinking about the most horrible, morbid, grotesque things you possible could, all while keeping your eyes wide open and not blinking so soon enough, the tears started rolling
♡ proud of yourself, you smirked before burying your face into your hands; now to add sobs!
♡ it started out with mere snivels but then as you got more confident, it built up to full on bawls which were loud enough to gain yaku’s attention from the kitchen
♡ he was quick to rush over to his bedroom, his soul audibly leaving his body when he saw your upset weeping figure on the bed
♡ he basically pounced on you and engulfed you with his embrace, ‘dear! what’s wrong? are you alright? who hurt you?!’ the questions were fast falling off his tongue as cradled your head, leaving no room for you to speak without being muffled by his chest or arms
♡ and when he noticed that you were trying to speak, he simply hushed you, ‘shh! it’s okay, dearest.’ and continued to whisper ‘comforting’ stuff like that in your ear 
♡ he thought he was helping but really he was just preventing you from getting you point across
♡ eventually, you managed to escape his steel grip and gasp, ‘yaku! i’m fine! look — no tears!” you gestured to you damp cheek, “i was just practising for my role! i’m not actually sad. though, it’s cute that you care so mu--”
♡ as soon as yaku heard the word ‘practising’ he immediately recalled how you mention you have a sad scene where you need to cry and his natural reflex was to lean backwards, grab a massive teddy bear that sat behind him which he had won at a carnival for you but you insisted that he keep it bc you didn’t want to carry it home
♡ ...and he threw it straight at you, causing you to fall backwards and burst out laughing at how you were currently being straddled by a big teddy bear 
♡ ‘(y/n)! i thought you were hurt! you can’t just fake cry without telling me first- i was so worried! like i thought it was real and--’ this went on for an elongated amount of time, yaku ranting while you added a faint ‘sorry!’ whenever you saw the opportunity 
♡ eventually, he stopped only to take a deep breath, visibly calming doing as his chest heaved, ‘alright. what’s done is done; it’s fine. you worried me though, (y/n). i thought you were being for real, what then?’
♡ you nodded, smiling at his softened expression as your lips twisted into a smirk at his final comment. cocking a brow, you purred, ‘so...you think i’m a good actor? tha--’
♡ pow! another plushie to the face! K.O! 
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kenma kuzome 
♡ as a joke, you dabbed water under your eyes a few times so you could send your friend a snap of you ‘crying’ and ofc kenma had to walk in at exactly the wrong time 
♡ you were over at his house, chilling on his couch while he was upstairs talking to kuroo over the phone— he said he’d only be a moment but almost half an hour had passed and he still showed no sign of coming back downstairs, though you couldn’t blame him as kuroo does have a tendency to be overly descriptive when spilling tea
♡ anyway, as soon as you had sent your snap, you placed your phone down and scanned the room in search of some tissues to wipe you eyes with, when kenma barged in 
♡ ‘hey, (y/n). i’m sorry that took so lo--’ when his gaze shifted from his phone onto you, sitting on the couch with tears streaming down your cheeks, he immediately cut himself off
♡ at first, you were frozen, simply staring at each other; as if he had just walked in on you committing a violent act of homicide in his living room 
♡ honestly you were too stunned to move at first but if you could, you’d probably say something along the lines of ‘this isn’t what it looks like’ but before you could even open your mouth, kenma edged towards you until he was able to outstretch his arms and wrap you in his warm embrace 
♡ with your cheek pressed against his warm hoodie, basking in an uncommon blissful silence, you postponed your explanation until you were finished enjoyed how his nimble fingers caressed your back
♡ you hummed, your lips curling a smile at how comfortable you felt in his arms and how nice his hoodie smelt, since it usually reeked of an unholy mixture of body spray and monster energy 
♡ he planted a kiss upon your head, murmuring into your hair, ‘baby, what’s wrong?’ 
♡ you were quick to swipe away your ‘tears’ with the back of your hand, ‘i’m fine, don’t worry.” you chirped, beaming at him to reinforce this point, ‘it’s just water, for a silly video i sent to my friends.’
♡ kenma blinked rapidly, staring down at your seemingly genuine smile
♡ honestly, you expected him to tease you or be irritated that you made him reveal a hidden soft side of himself for no reason, since he’s usually quite private with his emotions 
♡ but instead, the corners of his lips just lifted into a slight smile as pushed your head back against his chest, then resting his head upon yours, ‘oh, that’s cool.’ he breathed, his warm, calming voice causing your eyelids to become heavy — that and the fact you had went on a run not too long ago
♡ kenma felt your eyes flutter shut against his chest so he slowly leaned backwards, holding you against his hoodie as he laid down, allowing himself to doze off with you snuggled up on his heaving torso 
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hajime iwaizumi
♡ you were making iwaizumi dinner, cutting onions and cooking curry
♡ so it was not surprising when tears started brimmed at your eyes, eventually slipping from your lashline and trickling down the soft skin of your cheeks, leaving you to blink rapidly to lubricate your burning eyes
♡ iwaizumi had just came out the shower, he had dried off but when he came downstairs and peered into the kitchen, he was wearing just a towel which was draped around his hips, ‘mm, something smells good. whatcha cookin’, baby?’
♡ he didn’t plan on staying downstairs for long, which is why he didn’t throw on a shirt; all he wanted to do was get to the bottom of what that magnificent aroma was that he smelled from upstairs, then once he figured it out, he’d go back upstairs, get changed, then head back down for dinner 
♡ but his plan was cut short when he noticed crystalline tears pouring from your red, puffy eyes 
♡ without thinking or taking into consideration why your eyes are red, his immediate reaction was to dash over to your side and slip his arms around your waist, puling you in so that one of your hands had no choice but to rest on his back while the other continued to stir the pot
♡ noticing that your watery eyes were still fixated on the curry, he took your chin inbtween his fingers and forced you to cook at him, ‘why’s my angel crying? hm?’ he cooed, features painted with genuine worry and concern
♡ you lifted a brow, stifling a chuckle at how silly he was being, ‘what do you mean?’
♡ before you could process anything else, iwaizumi bought you in for a passionate kiss with the his hand pressing against the small of your back, only pulling away so he could rest his head on your shoulder and hum into your ear, ‘you can tell me anything, angel, so what’s on your mind?’
♡ you bottom lip quivered at his intimate action — you might just start crying for real 
♡ biting your bottom lip, you resisted your tears and forced out a laugh, ‘what’s on my mind? well,’ you started, momentarily letting go of the ladle so you could hug back, ‘i have to make dinner for my himbo husband, but the onions and spices are burning my eyes. pray for me, iwa.’
♡ it took him a moment to register what you just said. he’d been in the kitchen many times so by now he was basically immune to the way onions and spices affect the eyes, so he completely forgot that stuff like that happens. he honestly, wholeheartedly thought that you were crying real tears of sadness while making dinner
♡ he impulsively pushed you away, crossing his arms over his chest and his initial kind expression lowering into a scowl, ‘who are you calling a himbo?! i just forgot that some people have weak-ass eyes. bye.’ he spat, clearly trying his best not to laugh as he stormed off to his room, keeping a firm grip on his towel the whole time 
♡ don’t worry, though. he was back ten minutes later — fully clothed — to eat dinner with you :))
♡ but don’t mention it ever again or else he’ll blush and tell you it ever happened 
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tobio kageyama 
♡ you were scrolling on your fyp and found a video of a person explaining how to cry on command and you didn’t believe it’d actually work so you tried it
♡ as it turns out, it does work and now you are sitting on your bed with tear stained cheeks and a dry throat, completely zoned out until kageyama came marching into your bedroom
♡ it was in that moment that you recalled that you had invited him over for a movie night and you had left your front door unlocked for him, hence he must’ve invited himself in
 ♡ ‘sorry i’m late, but i brought doritos.’ he spun on heels after closing the door, doritos in hand but not for long because as soon as he noticed your cheek glistening the lamplight, he instantly dropped them to rush over to you 
♡ ‘eh? (y/n)? are you crying?’ he asked with a harsh voice, which wouldn’t help if you really were crying. instinctively, he reached out for your hand and began pressing kisses to the back of it 
♡ he wasn’t really too sure on what exactly he could do or say to comfort you, so he recollected on the time you tried to cheer him up after he lost a big game. you lay beside him on his bed, humming a distant tune that matched the one playing in his ear from his earbuds. one hand threading through his hair while the other cupped his cheek so you could press occasional, soft kisses on his cheek while he set to himself. it was calming, and it definitely worked in making him feel better. usually, it’d take him months to recover after a devastating loss like that, but with you by his side and giving him support, he was back to his normal self in a couple weeks
♡ well, as normal as it gets for kageyama
♡ you gently shook your head, admiring his adorable actions and allowing his to continue as you used your spare hand to wipe away your artificial tears
♡ ‘oh, sweetie, i love you so much.’ you mused, thinking up a way to start your story without sounding foolish  
♡ but perhaps you shouldn’t have began your explanation with a term of endearment as his impulse with to promptly throw his arms around you, holding onto your torso tightly 
♡ you were taken back for moment, wheezing slightly as kageyama squeezed the air out of you but finally able to speak once he relaxed his arms, ‘tobio! nothing’s wrong, don’t worry. i was just testing to see if i could fake cry or not. i’m not actually crying.’
♡ kageyama’s eyes widened and he paled
♡ you weren’t actually in need of comfort? then why did he just get all soft? for nothing?
♡ ‘no.’ was his simple response which he punctuated with another kiss on the back of your hand
♡ you couldn’t help but giggle, taking advantage of this opperuntiy to reach out and ruffle his hair, ‘yes. i’m seriously okay. i’m happy, actually, because i get to spend my evening watching movies with you!’
♡ surprisngly, he didn’t glare at you for messing up his hair — since it was already untidy — and just took a seat beside you, keeping ahold of your hand as if it was a fragile gem, ‘i don’t believe you.’
♡ you laughed, realising that he was clearly making excuses for openly showing affection and being soft so you just let him, hopping to your feet and tugging your hand away from him so you could grab the doritos he dropped, ‘whatever you say, tobio.’
♡ he pouted but it was only brief as he was soon able to take your hand once more, ‘yeah..’ he grunted, averting his eyes so you didn’t see the blush creeping onto his cheeks, ‘whatever, just put on the stupid movie...stupid (y/n)...i love you..’
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shoichee · 4 years
okok hc or fic: reader was teiko’s “head” manager(?) and her talent was being a medic (if someone gets injured they’re back on the court in under a minute type thing) and training plans. suddenly momoi’s talent blooms, she starts working w/ everyone in the team (+ reader’s crush akashi) and people think she’s a better manager than reader. because of this, she overworks + collapses in front of her best friends kuroko + kise (don’t let akashi know yet i have plans for that 👀)
Akashi x Reader
[Teiko!manager Headcanons]
you had a knack of being a natural chiropractor in loosening up tense muscles instantly (for more fluid play) or easily putting in back dislocated joints
basically you have crackhands
in your free time as a hobby and a job as the “head manager” (that Akashi announced to the team himself), you’d often bury yourself in anatomy studies and gym plans on the internet and databases to review over Akashi’s team training routines to see if they were effective and safe; oftentimes, you’d return back with improved plans, and as time went on, Akashi entrusted you with creating the plans yourself completely
you took on the job so eagerly to impress the Teiko captain, if you were being honest to yourself
your enthusiasm even inspires Momoi, Teiko’s other manager, to work harder
no one in Teiko knows physiology better than you, and as expected, it was also your best subject along with health
Kise often looks at you in horror and respect at how you don’t cringe/flinch at the loud cracks resonating across the room or court when players come to you for instant relief (the origin story of how he came to call you (y/n)-cchi was the very fact that you manage to put back his dislocated shoulder in 3 seconds flat one game)
when Kuroko first joined the 1st-string, he was a walking magnet for injuries, and you ended up being there for him every single time… nosebleeds? check. sprained ankle? check. nausea from over exhaustion? check.
both you and Kuroko relish in the fact that everyone in the team can never understand how the both of you do some incredible things with your hands
both of you being quite dexterous, you both often teach each other your specialties for fun; it’s almost shocking to see Kuroko effortlessly loosening up a stress knot and you pulling off a well-done palm pass
you admit, you do juggle a lot of responsibilities… from being a makeshift nurse, to a chiropractor, to a budget gym coach, and even to being moral support
Momoi often reminds you to take breaks being the caring person that she is
you often showed her the ropes and tricks of being a manager, on top of your duties, and you find it really endearing that she’s so earnest in learning from you
even if you enjoyed doing what you do, part of the massive workload is to try to get into Akashi’s good graces
talking to him about basketball duties is easier to achieve than talking to him outside of the extracurricular
you might be a tad bit insecure about it; after all, what middle schooler is already so accomplished in academics, sports, and everything you could think of? wasn’t he also studying to take over his father’s company??
to you, who only starred as Teiko’s humble manager, it felt hard trying to establish common ground for conversation outside of basketball
so you stuck to working hard at your position, hoping that your work ethic would get his attention one day; you were a firm believer of actions over words, so you hoped your actions would come off as genuine
picture you and Momoi running across campus with stacks of papers for the team… it makes most of the teammates’ hearts melt at the sight
your work certainly got you praises from other teammates, but out of all players, Kise was the one who figured out your motive
you felt absolutely morbid; to think that Kise, of all people, would figure you out like the back of his hand
Kise being sweet as he is, offers to help you get with the captain but you merely prompted to threaten to break his arm if he spilled your crush to anyone else
“(y/n)-cchi… I’ve been thinking.”
“Yes, Kise?”
“It’s really cool that you’re working so tirelessly for the team, but I can’t help but wonder if there’s a reason why you work so hard.”
“O-Of course I do! I want to see you guys all succeed!”
“Then I’m curious as to why you always look at Akashicchi—o-ow, ow, ow!! (y/n)-cchi, I’m sorry! So can you please let go of my—ow!”
“H-How did you know?!”
“I-It was as obvious as day, (y/n)-cchi! I’m pretty sure even Kurokocchi found out about this before I did!”
“N-No way!!”
“Tell you what, I’m super duper knowledgeable in this stuff! You can count on me for this sort of advice—OW!”
spoiler alert: Kise was right in that Kuroko definitely noticed your attraction to Akashi before anyone else… he just never brought it up to you
one day, Kuroko comes up to you to whisper:
“(y/n)-san, have you realized that Akashi-kun has been observing you recently during practice?”
“W-Wait! Is he looking over here right now?”
“Not that I think. He’s occupied with the coach right now.”
“D-Do you think this is a good sign?”
Kuroko gives you a small smile before he replies, “I would like to think so. Keep working hard, (y/n)-san.”
and you do, you’re constantly on top of your game for the next season until Momoi suddenly gets more recognition for her “precognitive defense” skills
her newfound talent was extraordinary and never-before-seen, and her ability became more critical to Teiko’s victories than your own skills
you were happy and proud for her, because after all, her achievements were extremely deserving to be praised
it’s only when some 1st-string players started making offhand comments about how you weren’t really needed in the 1st-string and was more suited to the lower strings that placed seeds of doubt into you
these people would often compare you to Momoi in how she improved much more despite you being in the team for longer
there’s also talk about how your skills are more useful for 2nd-string and 3rd-string players because Momoi’s ability is already sufficient enough for Teiko’s starters
after all, how would a player even be injured if they can predict their opponents’ moves to avoid such incidents?
there’s also the fact that Akashi has been calling Momoi more frequently to research on upcoming teams for analytical data because her talent has become very useful to ensuring victory
the same peers and adults who gave you praise were the same people who began to ignore you or dismiss you; that being said, the collective change in attitude is definitely subtle enough that it would fly under most people’s radars
Kuroko was the first to notice and defend you against a small group of players who were bold enough to badmouth you in the gym
Kise would find out a little later about the somewhat unpleasant gossip about you and would pull the “no you” reverse card, returning back with MEANER underhanded comments that would send these shit talkers CRYING HOME (manga Kise strikes here unexpectedly eh?)
Murasakibara is someone who would be slightly uncomfortable with the gossip about you, especially since you’ve always been so helpful and kind to the team and himself; he’d either leave the room himself or easily scare them away with his looming height and presence without saying a single word when he enters the room “minding his own business”
Midorima is a bystander judging from how he’s reacted to the Teiko dynamic changes in the actual show // he, of course, wouldn’t like the nasty talk about you but would actually mind his own business, choosing to focus on himself and what he has to do to contribute to his team; he assumes that you would work hard the same way he is and let your contributions do the talking
now Akashi surprisingly wouldn’t hear much of the gossip, since his presence alone SHUTS them up and commit to their practices like normal; after all, it’s very clear that Akashi doesn’t tolerate this type of behavior in the team (example: Haizaki), and it’s more apparent that he wouldn’t hesitate to drop kick them out especially since he has a soft spot for you (which Kise never fails to bring this up to you, but you think he’s reaching too much into it) // TLDR; the teammates mostly have the common sense to not utter anything bad about you… maybe one kid would slip out and get punished for “bad sportsmanship,” but Akashi merely assumes that it’s just one bad apple and not necessarily… the many others as well
Aomine???? bro he ain’t even at practice wdym (HELPPP LMAOO) // jokes aside, if he catches wind of players shit-talking outside of the gym… say at the convenience store or when he’s walking home or something, well… they wouldn’t have a good time…
Momoi simply chastises the gossipers when they try to talk shit on you to make Momoi herself look good, and it leaves? such? a? horrible? taste? like, she wants to believe that they’re just really poor jokes and not what they really believe in, and the teammates merely reassure her that they’re just bad jokes and that they “wouldn’t do it again;” poor Momoi wholeheartedly believes them
the weird talks about Momoi being “the better manager” just signalled to you that you haven’t contributed enough to the team yet, and it motivated you to work even harder
oddly, you weren’t jealous of the fact that Momoi was receiving more positive attention than you
you were more afraid of the fact that you were going to get left behind, and this fear only tightened its hold on you when more teammates (who used to talk to you a lot) have changed their tunes when they speak with you now, compared to them talking to Momoi
and you felt that the Generation of Miracles would do the same too… including Akashi
it wasn’t an irrational fear for you because he’s already been calling Momoi a lot more frequently for help than you recently
so you even offered to mop the gym floors after practice, offered to stay later than usual to be the one to lock up the gym for anyone (cough, Kuroko) who wanted to practice whenever they wanted
at one point, you even tried to do what Momoi does: researching on upcoming teams and making your own predictions (that didn’t really work, and that cost you a few nights’ worth of sleep every single time)
not to mention that you still had regular school like any other student? you were the epitome of a mess
Kuroko was with you in the empty gym, you putting away the extra basketballs in the storage closet while he practiced his dribbling, until he heard a crash in there and a few basketballs rolled out the door
you collapsed right when you rolled in the basketball cart
POOR KUROKO HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO // he just tries to give you a piggyback ride as he abandons his plans of practice and tries to jog to the nearest local clinic
that’s where he bumped into Kise, who was heading home after an evening shoot when he saw the two of you
chaos ensue as Kise freaks out and Kuroko had to calm him down himself after answering the never-ending questions
at least the doctor there gave relieving news that you only collapsed from over-exhaustion and that the bruises from the fall were very faint
Kise makes a joke to Kuroko about, “What’s with you and (y/n)-cchi falling to the floor and fainting? You guys can’t be that alike.”
when you shortly regain consciousness, you were met with a… very stern Kuroko and Kise, who were both ready to hear your explanation and to scold you to oblivion
to your surprise, they were understanding; Kuroko understands the feeling of not being enough and working hard to meet other people’s expectations, and Kise understands the struggle of juggling multiple things in his schedule (come on, student, athlete, and model?)
they still scolded your ears off:
“(y/n)-san, you idiot. Why didn’t you ask anyone to help out?”
“(y/n)-cchi, do you think we’re undependable?!”
“Er, no, that’s…”
you were still dizzy from the fall and the lack of proper sleep (and maybe nutrition if we’re being honest), and you were just a ball of stress
you kind of begged your best friends not to tell a SOUL to anyone about this incident, especially to Akashi… you didn’t want to look even more incapable in his eyes than you already were
they do agree on one condition: for you to take AT LEAST a day or two off school to completely recover and rest up (you reluctantly agree; besides how were you going to explain the bruises that can’t be covered to your peers?)
HELP WHY ARE KISE AND KUROKO THE BEST LIARS TOGETHER ON CAMPUS LITERALLY NO ONE SUSPECTS A THING… except Akashi, the ever sharp captain, felt something was amiss
especially since some Teiko players emanated a feeling of relief at the news of you not being here that day, or the next
Akashi would play detective sleuth and find out what’s really going on sooner or later
End Note: gonna cut this off here b/c I KNOW this anon got a juicy part two i FEEL IT
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