#sorry if this is coming off too heavy or angry i'm just very easy to work up
chas3supremacist · 1 year
you're on your own, kid
pairing: James Wilson x Daughter!Reader
summary: Wilson delivers some devastating news to his daughter.
cw: cancer, house s8 spoilers even though its like 11 years old, death of a parent (mentioned), angst, 
a/n: okay, so this ones pretty heavy but is kind of written off of my own personal experience but if I had a good relationship with my parent, but anyway I digress. I hope everyone at least enjoys some angst, as always, feedback, likes and reblogs are always appreciated.
word count: 1.7k words
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You couldn't face this. You hadn't spoken to your dad in weeks after he had broken the news to you - He had cancer and wasn't going to do chemotherapy. He had only told you after the surgery he had undergone proved unsuccessful, deciding he wasn't going to spend the last months of his life in a chemo suite, he had sat you down and told you, which resulted in an argument between the two of you.
"I have cancer, Y/N,"
The four words lingered heavily in the air between the two of you. At first you waited for the kick of the joke he was obviously telling you, because that's what it was, right? A joke? Your dad couldn't have cancer, it wouldn't make sense. Wilson could see that you were taking in what he had told you, so didn't say anything, opting to let you process what was going on.
"What?" It was all you could manage to say without your voice breaking, anything more and you would have certainly burst into tears as you realised that your dad wasn't really joking. Wilson sighed heavily, swallowing the lump in his throat as he looked at you. You were 22 now, in your senior year of college, studying to become a lawyer, but now, to your dad, you looked like a scared little girl.
And maybe that's what you were - A scared little girl who was terrified to lose her dad.
"I have cancer," You clenched your eyes shut as you shook your head, as if refusing to accept that this was happening. "And I'm not taking chemo." He sounded too definite on that for your liking. What did he mean, 'not taking chemo'? Did he not want to get better?
"Why not?" You didn't want to come across as angry, but you just didn't understand. Wilson sighed yet again, he understood your frustrations, House had reacted the same way when he had told him. 
"I don't want to spend the last months of my life in a chemo suite, Y/N," You scoffed and shook your head, if he was being honest, this wasn't far off of  how Wilson expected you to react. "I don't expect you to agree with my decision or be happy with it-"
"You're being selfish. How can you do this?" Now this was the reaction that your dad expected - He knew you would be hurt, be angry, how could you not be? Your dad was essentially sealing his own fate and he was entirely okay with it. "You're not even going to try and save yourself?" Your voice broke as you looked at your father, your bottom lip trembling as your mind raced.
Images of your father, sick and frail in a hospital bed plagued your mind - you forced yourself to hold back a sob at the very thought of it.
"Y/N, there's every chance that if I take the chemotherapy I'll either get sicker, or it won't help. At least this way I'll be able to spend what time I have left with you and with House," You shook your head at his explanation, how was he okay with throwing away his life like this? "Please, honey.
"No, dad. I'm not going to sit around and watch you deteriorate. House might be okay with that, but House is your friend, he can have new friends when you're gone, I can't have another dad," You tearfully ranted to him, unable to look him in the eyes for the fear that you would break down. "I'm sorry, dad."
The worst part was that Wilson totally understood your reaction - how else were you supposed to react to news like this? He nodded, accepting your response to what he had said - Accepting your response doesn't mean it didn't hurt him. Did you think that making that decision was easy for him? That he was fine with what he was doing? That he wouldn't get to do so many things with you? He wasn't expecting you to understand, but thought it would be worth an attempt - which clearly proved futile.
You sighed as you parked your car outside of your dads apartment building, sighing as you looked up to the third floor, looking at the window which belonged to your bedroom, which Wilson always kept ready for you in case anything happened which meant you needed to come home - to you, this building wasn't home, and neither was the apartment which you spent your entire childhood and teenage years in, it was the man in the apartment who felt like your home, your dad. It made you feel sick to your stomach that in a years time when your dad was no longer here, that that apartment would be some new families house, and the children would find their home in their parents, while the home you found yourself in was no longer here. They would paint over the walls which you and your dad had painted together, even though he had done most of the work, and with painting over the walls, they would paint over all of the memories you had made in that house, erasing any trace of you and your dad having lived there.
Since your dad had broken the news of his cancer to you, the world had been black and white. In 4 swift words, the colour had been drained from your life, life plans you had made with your dad torn away by a brutal disease, nothing was funny - Not even Chase's jokes poking fun at Taub made you laugh anymore. All you could think about was how your life crumbled around you in those 4, venomous words.
Sighing, you shook your head and rubbed your eyes of the tears which threatened to spill from them. You hadn't spoken to him since the day he had told you of his illness, and you had even ignored his many attempts to contact you, through both calls and texts. Guilt had begun to gnaw at you though, here your father was, at this point 5 months to live, and you were ignoring him. The next time he called you, you decided to answer and arrange a date to talk things out and explain to him why you react in the way that you did. Getting out of your car, you did your best to compose yourself as you made your way up the stairs of the building to the apartment. Your hand shakily hovered over the door, it felt like a pit had opened up in your stomach at the thought of seeing your dad. Before you could do anything else, your hand acted without the input from your brain, and your hand rapped on the hard wood of the door before you could change your mind. You heard shuffling from behind the door before it opened, and your breath caught in the back of your throat, in relief, if you will, as your dad was revealed behind the door.
You expected him to look, well, for a better lack of terms, terrible - You had heard of cancer patients who had become emaciated shells of their former selves, almost skeletal in their forms; but your dad? He just looked like your dad. If you were good enough at lying, which you weren't and your dad would attest to, you would have convinced yourself that he wasn't dying, it felt like you were seeing colour again after it had been drained from your life. But then you remembered he was dying, and suddenly the world became black and white again. 
Your bottom lip began to tremble as you looked at your dad, your eyes filling with tears as you stepped into your house, Wilson shutting the door behind you and studying the back of you as you stood in front of him, your back facing him.
"Y/N-" Wilson stumbled back as your threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around him tightly as you sobbed. He frowned as he put his arms around you, realising that although indirectly, he was the cause of your sobs and your pain.
"I'm sorry," was all that Wilson was able to make out from your crying - He knew that you were apologising in regards to your reaction, but he was able to understand why you took the news the way that you did. "I-I'm not ready for you to not be here, dad." Wilson frowned as he felt tears bubble in his eyes, looking down at you - Yet again seeing a terrified little girl who feared nothing but being without her daddy.
But for some reason, this time felt different, because this time that's how you felt. For the first time in your life you felt scared to actually be without your dad.
"I know, honey, but it'll be okay," Wilson didn't know if it would be okay, if you would be okay, but if it gave you some assurance for now, it would be fine. "I love you so much, and I always will, even if I'm not here." You felt like a child again, he was assuring you like you were one, but you felt oddly safe with that sentiment - you felt at home as he wiped the tears away from your face with one hand, while the other ran up and down your back. You treasured the moment in which you were able to feel at home, as you feared you didn't have many of these moments left.
But that was why you treasured them, right?
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cottondo · 1 year
Fizzarolli x reader | black lace
chapter four | still luv u
pills n potions. we're overdosin'
i'm angry, but i still love you.
The show was almost over. You may have found out that it was going to be just a one night deal, but you had different plans.
Making it the best night of your life, you made absolute sure that every single demon out there in the audience knew your name afterwards.
Doing the best that you could in such a long time of not being very . . children friendly, you actually put on quite the show.
You could only hope that Fizz was impressed. At least, he seemed like he was relatively interested in you and your pole moves.
He had danced with you, and even wrapped his body around yours with the help of his ribbed limbs, but, it was all for show. Obviously.
However, in those moments being tangled up with him, you really thought that getting used to that feeling would have been easy. It surprisingly wasn't.
At one point, your hands slipped down the pole because of how clammy they got, and it made some embarrassment in you, grow. You hadn't done stage performances in front of, or, with, someone you were in love with before.
Dancing was hard in general, so slipping on a stage at Ozzie's already meant you were off to a bad start. Nerves don't come easy, even if you were dead.
Fizz bitched about it in your ear, away from his microphone, and made sure you knew not to mess up again.
"Get your shit together, kid." His eyes narrow in on you, as you dance beside him on stage.
It stung a little, sure. You were never unconfident, but somehow, Fizz's opinion of you made you rethink anything you did. Are your footing positions right? The way you spun, was it okay? Should you have not thrown in an extra sexy dance move to make the crowd gasp and awe at you if it means the attention pulls off of him?
You didn't know. All you could focus on are the couple things he was obviously annoyed about. Everybody made mistakes, it was inevitable. But not at Ozzie's. The rules are different here.
You sat on the low stool in the dressing room, knee bouncing, elbows on top of your knees, and head resting in your hands. Shit.
Fizz would never want you to come back now, would he? After all, you were just a last resort to him, anyway. So what did that tell you?
  The door to the dressing room opens, and Fizzarolli was talking loud on the phone. You could hear him from the other side of the door before he came in.
When he slammed the door behind him on the way inside the room, you couldn't help but flinch and look up at him, startled.
"Yeah, yeah I know. Yes! Look, it won't happen again, because it was a one time deal. Kay? Cool." Fizzarolli glares at the wall ahead of him, before side eyeing your sitting figure. You two share a heavy look, a thickness flooding into your chest and stomach, before he looks away and waves a hand.
"Yeah. Alright . . bye." Fizz ends the call and looks to you once more.
You dart your eyes a few times up at him, nervous, though it comes off more as curiosity, and lift your head.
"I thought you said you danced before." He says.
You blink, furrowing your brows. "I hav—"
"That wasn't dancing! That was slipping."
You sink into the chair and look away from him. There was an underlying annoyance resting in your mouth. It was ONE simple mistake. He didn't have to be such a dick about it all night.
"It was an accident. My hands got too warm." You go to explain. Fizz sighs, rounding you to meet the vanity counter. When he looks in the mirror, you look at his reflection and hold a more somber look.
His expression changes lightly, meeting your gaze in the mirror. "Look, Ozzie doesn't allow mistakes. If you have one, you gotta play it off - - quickly."
Something you already knew.
You nod. "I know, I'm sorry. You just make me nervous."
His face drops in the mirror, and now completely looking to the side at you. "I do? Why?"
You shrug innocently up at him, the faintest of smiles trying to work their way to your face again. Why . . Why is an ugly letter. You didn't know why. You weren't sure what made you like him so much. The way he made you feel just by looking at him was a mystery, but unfortunately, real.
"Actually," a soft chortle escapes your mouth as you speak, and you can't help but to nervously smile up at him. "I've wanted to work with you for, like, ever. The real you, I mean." You begin to fidget under his stare. "And it finally happened- - I'm just really sorry I wasn't what you wanted."
Fizz seemed to feel something— you think. You weren't sure what it was. He looked down after staring at you for what seemed like it might have been just slightly too long. After a moment, he recovered, and went back to fixing himself in the mirror. He placed both hands on his jester hat, and situated it to fit just a bit better than before, even if there was nothing wrong with it.
"I'm pretty great, we can agree on that," he drops his hands and turns to face you, expression twisting into a type of confusion. "But, why? Are you just another one of those sex freaks that're obsessed with my replicas?"
Now, you wouldn't be opposed to having a replica of him in your house, and not just for those purposes, but that's not what you were here for.
"What?" Your eyes narrowed, and you'd been taken aback slightly. "No! I used to like your jokes- - That's how I found out about you."
"My jokes?" He asks. You'd thought he was dumbfounded by the question, from the way he was now staring at you. "Really?"
Was it really that hard to believe? That demons and imps could like him for him, and not for some showboat personality he's manifested for the Lust Ring?
"Yeah," you say, nodding. "When I got stuck working at Loo Loo Land, I guess it kinda just made me notice you twice as much, now . ." You glance down to the floor, then back up to him. "You had that passion for the circus ever since you were little. I think its cute." You look over to him, then gaze down at his arms. Fizz notices this, and looks away with a groan. "I was seven, y/n." His arms cross.
You titter. "Yeah, but its still there. You're good at what you do, you know?"
Fizz manages a smile towards you. You soak it up. "It took allot to get here. I had to be good." His eyes roll.
"Well yeah, but not everyone can do what you do." Your smile is soft and genuine up towards the jester. He notices it, and slightly, you swore he smiled a little more back. It was cut quickly though.
You think he didn't know what to say. Instead, he waves his arms, and lets out a little huff of air, shuddering a shoulder to rid the emotions of the topic.
"Listen, you're a nice kid . . But, I don't think this place is right for you." He says, turning his back to face you, so you couldn't see the bit of a cringe curling onto his face. The mirror reflection allowed you to still see it, though.
All hope you had for connecting with him was quickly deflated, and it showed in your slouching shoulders. "Maybe you should try to stick with Loo Loo Land for now."
You shift on the stool uncomfortably. "Wh- - can't you just give me another chance? It was my first time here," there a soft tone of underlying desperation in your voice, mixed in with some slight irritation.
That wasn't fair, right? People make mistakes.
"Look- - If Ozzie tells me you can come back, I've got your number." Fizz crosses his arms, turning back to you. You couldn't fight with him on it. That would just make things worse.
But, damn, you really wanted to.
You stand, taking the little bit of dignity you had left in you, and grab your jacket. With a tense pressure forming on the side of your skull, your eyes get one last look of him before you could make your leave. "Sorry to be such a disappointment."
That was it. Your feet make you leave the room, and you figure that's the last time you'll ever get to step foot in that dressing room again.
The ride home was uncomfortable in the car, even if it was just yourself.
Your thoughts were so loud, and you've been fighting back tears basically the entire time.
By the time you get back to your living space, the pit in your stomach was emptied, and slowly filling it, was bitterness.
You slip your shoes off, and trudge your way into bed. Clothes on, hair done up, you didn't care. That sulking feeling grabbed you tight, and sucked the life right out of your veins.
It just wasn't meant to be.
Your hand reaches over for your phone, and you tap on the music app you've known and loved. You press the button on it, and it starts to play.
'I can't stand it, but I still love you . .'
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nowoyas · 10 days
Koi no Yokan 12: SCAT2 (nishinoya yuu/reader)
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Ao3
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Summary: You have a headache.
Tags and warnings: very light emetophobia (mentions of nausea, one threat of vomiting, no graphic descriptions), blanket series warnings, themes of child neglect, loss of a parent, suggestions of child abuse
Words: ~4400
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Q1. Can you tell me what happened?
Takeda is here, in front of you. It takes you too long to process him, too long to process Noya beside you, a hand on your shoulder. Longer to come up with an answer. What you settle on, and utterly fail to get your brain to communicate a single word of, is this:
Recently, the noise a volleyball makes when it hits the floor is one you've started to like. It's good. It's hollow. When the gym's quiet, it echoes. When it's noisy, it blends in seamlessly. Off a body, it's a duller sound, and you imagine that has to do with as much of the noise coming from the surface it impacts as it does the ball itself. Right now, the sound you're picturing, your most recent memory, is close to your ear. It's hollow. It echoes. You try to piece together what it was impacting off of, but it's hard to think, because your head fucking hurts.
It doesn't just hurt: it throbs; it pounds; it aches, and the more it aches the more you can't place why it aches, but you should know, shouldn't you? Weren't you there?
The thought pisses you off, and the madder you get, the more it throbs-pounds-aches-threatens to split in half entirely.
If you focus on the pinprick split where your consciousness is begging to fold over, you have the vaguest idea of walking into the gym with someone. Of shouting, of everyone around you, shouting shouting shouting they won't shut up—
Then, your Senpai there, crouching in front of you. Always there.
Oh. Crouching. If he's crouching, eye level, that puts you on the floor.
When you tug on the memory, you have to bite your lip something awful, but there's more there: someone—people—crying. Yachi, Hinata, both in tears as they stand behind your Senpai. Sawamura, yelling louder than you've ever heard him, ordering everyone to stop crowding her—you?—and pinching your skull like a dull pair of scissors.
Your scalp is too tight, a pair of jeans you should have known better than to try and squeeze into, the fabric straining more and more over the thighs and waist with every continued raised voice.
The millionth I'm sorry from Hinata's lips had you snapping, voice thick with tears as you begged for everyone to stop yelling. It's desperate. Pathetic. Not you at all.
Everything too loud, too bright, and you're not sure if it's you or the memory of you lurching with nausea and pressing the heels of your palms into your eyes in vain, desperate hopes of making it all stop stop stop—
Takeda repeats the question in a gentle voice. "[surname]-chan. Can you tell me what happened?"²¹
"Think I died," you manage to grit out. The words are there, the explanations, the details, but they're heavy and you're not sure you can lift them.
A nervous laugh. "Can you tell me anything else?"
You shake your head. Takeda looks to someone else—your Senpai, your Noya—for the answer. "What happened before I got here?"
His voice is too firm and too quiet when he answers. Angry and cold and so, so unlike him. You wish you could focus on the words long enough to catch what he has to say.
Takeda makes a note,²³ looks you over. Asks you some other question that doesn't matter—something about a pain in your neck, which you don't have, or if you do, you can't feel it over the fucking parasite trying to burst out from inside your skull.
"Alright. I need to ask you a few questions. [surname]-chan—"
Q2. Where are we?
Thinking about it isn't doing you any favors, but you can follow the logic for an easy enough answer. Takeda-sensei, Noya, your boys from the club—
"The," you start, then stop and lean over your knees. "The school. Right?"
That has to be it. Everyone's school people, except Noya, who's an always people, but everyone else is school people. Not even just school people. They're also—
"T-the gym."
Another nod, another note, an assurance that you're doing great. A hand on your shoulder, thumb rubbing soothing circles that seem to be the only thing keeping your soul in your body at this moment in time.
Q3. What time is it?
You're pretty sure you answered something. When you drag your eyes up to look at Takeda—squinting through lights too bright—his expression is worried. You suppose you might also have not actually said anything. It's getting hard to tell.
"How about the day? Can you tell me what day it is?"
"August," you blurt. "August fifth."
Beside you, Noya cringes. That must not be right, then.
Takeda rattles off a few more questions. You don't recall them, or your responses—maybe a balance test, maybe something with remembering a list of words. Just that, at the end of it, he gives you this worried look and speaks in that same gentle tone.
"[surname]-chan, I'm worried that you have a concussion. I'm going to call your parents to take you to the hospital, alright?"
Your eyes find Noya, distressed and pathetic. You're not sure what you're looking for from him. He gives it to you anyway.
"Shoot, that might be a problem," he says hurriedly. "She was telling me yesterday that her dad had a big business trip he was leaving for today. Something super important for work, right, [name]-san?"
You nod slowly.
"I think he's on a flight right now, actually. You're not gonna get him on the phone."
Takeda frowns. "That'll be a problem. Is she staying with anyone while he's away?"
"Not directly, but she's right down the street from me, and Okaa-san's pretty close with her dad. I can give you her number; she sort of keeps an eye on [name]-san whenever her dad has to go out of town."
It's a lie, probably, but at the very least, you don't have to corroborate a thing. If they make you speak one more sentence, you're throwing up right here and no one is stopping you.
"Thank you, Nishinoya-kun. I'll call your mom. Will you take [surname]-chan to sit outside for now?"
You let him help you up; let him guide you.
Outside, there are birds calling, and their voices, too, are far too loud.
Every time Nishinoya Rina's work phone rings with a call from the school, her lungs deflate like a stuck balloon. For a few brief years, it was easier to deal with: at least Yuu and Satsuki were at different schools. At least she knew which of her kids had caused an issue before she picked up the phone.
Statistically speaking, it'll be Satsuki. Yuu's usually the good one, barring those times his tempers or passions get out of hand. One of her friends—estranged now—had always told her how much more wild boys were, but as wild as Yuu is, Rina's never taken a phone call about him sending a classmate to the hospital. It's Satsuki who likes to fight, Satsuki who doesn't have incentive enough to keep her temper in check. It's also Satsuki who likes to fight her brother's fights for him—he's got volleyball, and her favorite sport is trying to get away with fights—and Satsuki who she's let think she doesn't know about every single one, because the poor girl needs an outlet and punishing her will make it worse.
In the time it takes for Rina to get the housewife at her register rung out, the phone has stopped ringing. The woman—Yanagi, a regular, stops in once a week or so for meat for the husband and kids—tuts softly at her expression. "Another call from the school, Nishinoya-san?"
Rina winces. She's never been good at this part of customer service—the endlessly bright, shining face that comes so naturally to most of the rest of her family. "Is it that easy to tell?"
"Satsuki-chan must still be making trouble. You know, if that girl had a strong father figure in her life, I bet she'd come around. Do you know Nakamura-san? I heard he's looking for a wife, and you're still young!"
Only two years younger than her, Rina wants to say, and her kids are doing much better without a father in their lives. Instead, she forces a well-practiced smile. The shop is built on regular customers, after all. "I've got my hands full with the teenagers, Yanagi-san," she replies as the phone begins to ring again. Still Karasuno High School on the caller ID. Still a problem with one of her kids. "I don't really have much time to think about a second husband. Not to mention, who'd be here to slice up pork for your kids if I'm running around with some Nakamura-san?"
Yanagi laughs, saunters towards the door. "If you ever change your mind, let me know and I'll get you his number! You'd better see what your daughter's done this time."
As the front bell rings, Rina snatches up the phone with force enough to break it.
"Hello?" she says, then cringes: her voice came out too harsh, too clipped. Yanagi put her in a bad mood. She needs to learn to control her voice better.
"Excuse me, is this Nishinoya-san? This is Takeda, from Karasuno High School."
"Yes, this is her speaking. Is this about Yuu, or Satsuki?"
"Well, actually, there was an incident during volleyball practice this afternoon, and—"
Oh. Oh shit. It's actually Yuu this time.
Not only is that an insane turn of events, it's deeply concerning.
"—[surname]-chan, one of our managers, was hit in the head with a volleyball and is showing signs of a concussion. Nishinoya-kun mentioned that you're neighbors, and her father is out of town, but that you'd been asked to keep an eye on her in case anything happened. I would strongly recommend that [surname]-chan be taken to the hospital, but without her father available, I'll have to defer to you…"
Rina is silent for a long moment. Part of it is the relief: Satsuki didn't get into any fights, and Yuu hasn't shoved any more members of the faculty in the halls. Another part: the concern, different from its initial form, but still very present.
No one mentioned a word to her about looking after anyone else's kids, but she knows the [surname] name. She's heard it—first in whispers, then spoken aloud from customers and neighbors after enough weeks had passed—all in the context of a hit-and-run incident, but she's certain the only family member she'd ever spoken to would be the mother, now dead. The father, she hasn't seen since then, and she's not quite sure she even knows what the daughter looks like.
In other words, the girl in question is a mixed-up kid who's lying about her father and needs to go to the hospital.
Rina's hands are already on the box of gloves as she comes to a response.
"Thank you for calling. I don't have any staff at the shop—please give me a moment to get everything closed down and I'll take her to the hospital. How is she doing?"
"She's very disoriented. I believe she's understanding everything I'm saying, but she doesn't seem to want to say much. From what Nishinoya-kun has told me, she's very sensitive to noise right now."
"I understand. I'll be there as soon as possible."
When she hangs up, she moves as fast as she can. The open sign is flipped; she scribbles out a sign to post on the door apologizing for the inconvenience. The meats of the day are moved to the walk-in cooler, things are wiped down with a speed she's grown proud of in the years since she took over the shop. She shoves the cash drawer into the safe, misses the apron hook, and as she locks the front door, she locks eyes with an approaching customer—old Mister Watanabe, pries too much and has known her since grade school.
"Oh, are you closing for the day already, Rina-chan? Early, isn't it?"
She flashes an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. If you call the shop and leave a message, I'll have everything packed up for you bright and early tomorrow morning, Watanabe-san. There's been a family emergency."
Noya gets permission to stay with you. It takes one look of actual concern to get permission for it, and he doesn't even have to ask. Not that anyone needs a reason for someone to stay—you're only half-there, have to be cajoled into focusing long enough to hold conversation. He's pretty sure it's more from pain than anything—the way you wince when anyone speaks, the way you hold your head. You bury your face in his shoulder, not for comfort, but, it seems, to block out some of the light, and he holds you close in a vain attempt to soothe you.
He wasn't involved in the spike that took you out, but it's still his fault. Had he moved faster, he could have gotten in front of it, could have done some dashing move to prevent your shit from getting wrecked before afternoon practice can even really start.
His mom shows up in record time, talks to Takeda for a bit before all three of you pile into her car. Yachi brought him your bag and clothes from the changing room, so you should be all set to go, and she also promised to keep notes for you until you're back at school. No one has any illusions about that being this week.
Noya sits in the back seat with you while his mom drives. She lasts several minutes of silence before addressing the issue properly.
"So… [surname]-chan, was it?" she asks quietly. Takeda-sensei must have given her the memo about your being sensitive to noise. "You're Yuu's friend?"
You nod weakly. "I-I, um. Down the street?"
"She lives a few doors down from us," Noya translates. He meets her eyes in the rear-view mirror, silently pleading: don't bring up her family.
Mom listens. She's cool like that.
"Well, we'll get you brought to the hospital. How long is your father going to be away?"
"Don't remember."
"You can stay with us, then. Your Sensei is pretty certain you have a concussion, and if the one Kaede had is anything to go by, the doctors aren't going to want you to go home alone for your own sake. She had to spend a little while being monitored to make sure everything was alright."
You jerk, mouth snapping open to reply, only to cut off in a wince. Noya rubs your shoulder soothingly.
"I know, honey. It's not ideal, but I'm a mother, you know? I can't let you go home to an empty house with an injury like that. How are you going to eat and take care of yourself alone?"
You press your lips together firmly, more stray tears slipping down your cheeks. Noya digs out his handkerchief and offers it to you.
"Hurts," you whimper, and his heart breaks.
"I know. We're getting you taken care of, okay?" he murmurs to you, too soft for Mom to hear.
You nod.
The rest of the car ride is relatively quiet. After a bit, you rest your head on his shoulder, dabbing at your cheeks periodically with his handkerchief.
Mom raises an eyebrow when she spots it, but she doesn't say a word.
Yuu's… friend? Girlfriend? …is loud about her protests to the diagnosis, Rina notes after several hours at the hospital. Wordier than the car ride, clearly wants to just go home, but, well…
It's a yes to the concussion, and a no to going home without an observation period. They want to keep you overnight and well into tomorrow—24 hours of monitoring in total—which works out, because Rina's not letting you alone until you're actually cleared to return to some amount of activity, and there's a lot she left undone at the shop that she'll need to circle back around for, like prepping for Watanabe's order and cleaning more thoroughly. Or else, Dad might be up for taking over for a day or two while she watches you—she's not so sure about having him watch over you, but if he can take over the shop, she can stay home, and no one misses out on meat for the week. You're clearly upset about it, but Yuu whispered something to you which calmed you just enough to let Rina feel good leaving you for the night.
She'd taken Yuu home to sort out the mess in the kitchen, where she now sits, watching him pace around the table. Soba's taken up residence on top of the fridge, eyes tracking him as he goes. Between her and Soba, she's not sure the last time either of them saw him so upset.
"Yuu, honey, sit down," Rina says gently.
"Can't. She's gonna be alright, right?"
She nods. "That's why they're keeping her overnight. So she will be alright."
"Okay, but why do they think she needs to be watched so long?"
"It's normal for a concussion. You were too young to remember, but Kaede had to do the same thing."
"Nee-san did? How'd she get a concussion?"
Rina cringes. "It was… a rough time. Better that you don't remember."
His eyes harden in understanding, footsteps slowing to a stop.
Every day, it gets harder to address Yuu and Satsuki about their father. In theory, they're too young to remember much, and someday, she'll have to sit them down and tell them the story in full so they understand, but not here. Not now. Satsuki certainly remembers enough to be affected, and with the way Yuu looks at her now, he knows enough that they can save the conversation for another day. Some other time, maybe, when Yuu's girlfriend isn't laying in a hospital bed and when Yuu's not busy wearing a new path into the tile floor.
Not today.
He sits, and she stares him down. "So, tell me about your girlfriend."
"She's not my girlfriend," he says reflexively.
She raises an eyebrow. His shoulders drop a little.
"…yet. But I'm gonna marry her someday."
Rina laughs, shoulders dropping a bit. That's a bit more like her son. "Does she know that?"
"Of course! I've proposed to her almost a hundred times already. I really think she's coming around to the idea."
"I'd expect no different from you," she says with a good-natured sigh. "What's the real reason your teacher's calling me about her, and not her father?"
"I guess you know about what happened with her mom?"
She knows the rumors. It was all her customers wanted to talk about for weeks at the shop—such a tragedy, poor girl had to watch her mom die, the man didn't even stop—but she'd been busy that day, hadn't been home to see it happen.
She vaguely remembers coming home with groceries to see flashing lights on the street and panicking, thinking one of her kids had gotten caught up in something. Remembers the all-consuming guilt that had overtaken her at the thought that oh, good, all my kids are okay on hearing that a woman had died, that a girl almost her son's age had to watch it happen. "More or less. Her father's still around, right?"
"Not really. She just told me about it the other day. He comes home super late, barely even looks at her if he is home early enough to see her. She's been basically on her own this whole time."
"So he's not actually on a business trip."
"He isn't."
"So you lied to Takeda-sensei."
"Look, [name]-san is—she doesn't need to deal with trying to navigate the school asking questions about her dad while she's got a concussion, and I don't think she really wants it brought up. It took a lot just for her to mention it to me, and she really only did it because she thought I already knew. I'm not gonna turn around and immediately tell Sensei that her home life's screwed up. She''ll never trust me again like that. I'm not even sure she really trusts me now."
"So her father's neglecting her."
"She has, like, food and stuff. He gave her a debit card to use for groceries and all that. He just… won't talk to her. Won't spend any time around her. She's mostly managing the team to get out of the house because she doesn't want to come home, so I try to do what I can to keep her busy. She doesn't smile very much." He pauses. "She's really lonely."
Rina's heart cracks a little. It makes sense—she knows where else she's seen you. You come into the butcher shop sometimes, buy the cheapest meats not with a sense of desperation but with a look of guilt. You don't make conversation. You don't do much more than speak when spoken to, ask for the meat you're after, and smile a polite little smile that never seems to reach your eyes. Just a can I get a pound of this cut? and a thank you very much when everything's wrapped up and paid for. Once or twice, a how much of this do you think would be good for two people for a week? The split in your lip was new, but it hadn't been the first time you'd come into the shop with some kind of visible bruise or another.
"She's going to stay with us at least until the concussion starts clearing up. I'm not letting that girl go home without someone to take care of her. What does she like to eat?"
Yuu's brow furrows as he thinks it over. "She likes sweet things. I don't think she's very picky, either." A pause. A flash of realization. "She likes karaage, I think. And curry, but we just had that the other night. I think she's still eating the same batch. She might appreciate something different."
Rina smiles. "'We'?"
His cheeks are pink when he replies, "When we got back from the training camp. She made curry while telling me about her family, and I stayed for dinner. She's a really good cook."
"She sounds like a sweet girl. There's some things I need to handle before picking her up tomorrow; you can either come with me back to the shop to do prep for tomorrow, or you can stay here and make sure the guest futon is clean and dry for her. I don't think it's a good idea for you to be without a task right now, though."
He nods. He gets extra restless, sometimes, and somehow she gets the weird sense that if she leaves him without something to occupy him, she'll come back to the house on fire or receive a call that Yuu has broken into the hospital after visiting hours. "I think I'll stay here and make things ready for her."
"I'll make a list for you, then."
They sit down together like that for a bit, making a list—what to clean tonight, how to make her comfortable, who to ask to borrow what (Satsuki's clothes if she's not comfortable with Yuu's or sending someone to grab some from her place, Mei's shower stuff). Yuu's never been great keeping tasks straight in his head, never been the best at focusing, but that's why the list—whatever he gets done will be a help, and whatever he doesn't, they can tackle together when she's home from the shop. She'll talk to the girls tonight, talk to Dad when she can. Tomorrow, she'll take Yuu with her back to pick you up from the hospital, and it'll all work out somehow.
That's all it needs to do.
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21. This chapter, and me not bringing an on-site school athletic trainer into the mix despite that not being an uncommon thing to have available at American schools (or else I worked with a very unique set of athletic trainers in a county that can employ athletic trainers at every high school but not a fucking French teacher), is dedicated to Jun Matsuno, whose master thesis²² I read in its entirety for exactly one line telling me whether or not Japanese high schools would also have an athletic trainer on campus to be brought in in case your club's manager fucking dies by volleyball. Everyone say thank you Jun Matsuno. I'm entirely positive that the goal you had in mind when writing your Master's thesis and approving it for public availability was for some Ao3 author to use it to write a very long fanfic about a less-popular Haikyuu character someday, so I am here to actualize that goal. Congrats on your Master's! I hope you're using it well, sir.
22. Jun Matsuno, "Perception of Athletic Training Services of Japanese Collegiate Student Athletes," Online Theses and Dissertations, 2013, https://encompass.eku.edu/etd/192.
23. I couldn't figure out a good way to stick this note on the chapter title, but he's filling out the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool. Haikyuu is set in 2012, so he's specifically using the SCAT 2nd edition (the SCAT2), based on my research to figure out what edition was in use at the time. The SCAT3 was introduced in 2013.²⁴ Some research on the subject seems to imply that the English-language concussion assessment tools is the same as the concussion assessment tools used in Japan, presumably after having been translated to Japanese.²⁵, ²⁶
24. Echemendia et al. "The Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition (SCAT5): Background and rationale." British Journal of Sports Medicine 51 no. 11 (June 2017): 848/850. PubMed.
25. Suzuki et al. "Knowledge of, and Attitudes Toward, Concussion in Japanese Male Collegiate Athletes." Front Sports Act Living 4 (2022). PubMed Central.
26. Otomo et al. "Concussions in Japanese High School Rugby Players: Research on injuries, symptoms, and signs." British Journal of Sports Medicine. 52 (2017): 368-369.
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Tags: @deeplightgarden @idonthaveanameideayet @dusstory @kazunish
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iamthecomet · 2 years
Hi Comet! Thank you thank you thank you for the prompt. I got another one yesterday and will probably give it a go soon. But now for something completely different; headcanons! The last fic made me think, what is good sleeping music according to the other ghouls? - Ghoulette Anon
Ghoul sleeping music coming right up. I'm absolutely going to go too deep into this and I am NOT sorry about it. Rain: As previously discussed, a sort of unexpected sleep music habits. Nine Inch Nails usually does it. There is something soothing about the slow steady drone of their specific brand of industrial. Tool also will put him under pretty quickly. Cumulus: Loves trippy, dreamy music to fall asleep to. Still likes it to be a little gritty, not too soft. Likes trip-hop and some lo-fi. She always drifts off really quickly to bands like Sneaker Pimps and Portishead specifically. Cirrus: Likes slow, building, instrumentals. A fan of most shoegaze as well. Likes to be rocked to sleep by music. She likes songs that ebb and flow, that feel like falling asleep in a building storm. The band Mogwai is her favorite to drift off to. Sunshine: Weirdly, falls asleep really well to folk metal. She can close her eyes and craft a story around the music. Shes drifts off to tales of old gods and wars and myth. Especially likes bands with "different" instruments (accordions, flutes, hurdy gurdys, fiddles). She can craft grand adventures in her head to them, and that makes her slip off to sleep very quickly. Her favorites are: Eluveitie, Turisas, and Korpiklaani. Dew: A real sucker for all things slow and moody when he's trying to sleep. So doom metal is usually his go to. He usually opts for the darker moodier tracks. There is something soothing about the slow drone of them. He really likes Paradise Lost and Draconian. Aether: Loves prog. Loves the way it all flows together. It's so easy to get lost in. He likes the way things change, how songs shift together. It feels dreamlike already in a way, it's easy to just let go and listen to it. His favorites are OSI and Opeth. And occasionally he will listen to full Between the Buried and Me albums, it doesn't matter that they're heavy--they flow so well together that they have the desired effect despite the death metal aspect. Mountain: Mountain can't fall asleep to music. He likes to listen to music, to pay attention to it. So instead, when he's trying to sleep he listens to podcasts. He used to listen to educational ones he actually cared about, but then he got upset when he missed parts of them. Now he listens to more low-key podcasts. Welcome to Nightvale and Lore are two of his favorites. Swiss: Likes classic emo. Not Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco emo, "real" emo. A little angry. A little smooth. A little dreamy and weird. There is something about it that calms him. He likes the rise and fall of them. The grit in the vocals. His favorite to drift off to is Cursive.
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millenniumringg · 10 months
Was tagged by my beloveds @justapalspal. and @yuusaris to do the "share a few paragraphs from your WIP" tag game :3 I've been kind of radio silent on my fics lately so here's my chance to prove I've been working on stuff LMAO
If you wanna do this, DO IT!! I don't know who to tag off the top of my head cuz tired... but DO THIS IF U WANT!!! YEAH YOU!!!!
So, here are some bits from some of my WIPs :-) there may be spoilers for some fics like Ghostbusters and Clean Sneak, but nothing too detailed ;)
From Ghostbusters! A Yugioh AU
(From the unfortunately delayed final chapter (im so sorry its gonna come i swear) where Ryou and Yugi are desperately trying to figure out how to solve the current Ghost Dilemma that is rapidly consuming Domino)
Ryou held the phone out between himself and Yugi. They waited, holding their breath in hopes they might actually get someone to answer the phone.
“Kaiba Corp, how can I assist you?”
Ryou and Yugi stared at each other. They weren’t really expecting an answer.
“Um,” Yugi quickly spoke up, “Yes, um, is Seto Kaiba available?”
“I’m sorry sir. Mister Kaiba is very busy. I can take a—”
“Busy with what?” Ryou challenged. “Listen lady, I don’t know if you’ve been outside, but it’s like night of the living dead out there. Get Kaiba on the phone and tell him it’s the Ghostbusters.”
“The Ghostbusters? I… I’m not sure if he—”
Yugi groaned. “Please just get him on the phone. He needs our help and we need his. It’s an emergency!”
The woman on the other line made a distressed hum. She seemed nervous, but Ryou and Yugi knew there was no time to lose.
Eventually, the woman sighed. “Please hold.”
When the line went quiet, Ryou grinned at Yugi.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe that actually worked.”
Yugi nodded, but his excitement quickly faded. “That was the easy part, though.”
From The Clean Sneak
(Continuing from the train capture gone awry, Yugi, Atem, Mai, and Isis must come up with a plan to get Amir away from Ryou)
“I promised to look out for my brothers, Mai.”
“Isis…” Mai hummed with uncertainty, for she recognized that determined look in Isis’ eyes. “What are you doing?”
“I’m saving Amir from himself.” Isis pushed her rifle into Mai’s hands before reaching behind herself to pull out a revolver. The handle was wooden with beautiful, delicate pearl designs embedded into it. She opened up the cylinder, counting the bullets inside.
“Three shots Mai,” She continued, but Mai wasn’t convinced.
“Three shots and what? You’ll shoot him and drag him off the train?! Isis, you’re not thinking straight. We have to—”
“We have to save Ryou. I’m saving my brother. My family.” Isis opened up the sleeper car door, her revolver in hand. “I’m just going to talk to him.”
“Talk to him?!” All three of the others in the train car exclaimed, looking at Isis in shock.
“Sweetie, I don’t think he wants to talk anymore. I think you need to think this over a little more—”
From an untitled Heartshipping ficlet
(I'm currently working on something for @ninjam117 's birthday... so here's a snippet of that >:) )
Thinking about it made Yugi blush. He put his head in his hands, angry at himself for having such… tainted thoughts about a stranger. About an alluring young man. A pale, green-eyed, white-haired angel. 
Yugi groaned to himself. He was hopeless. The man wasn’t coming. It was well past midnight. Probably 2am. He should get some rest already. He was sure the young man had better places to be anyway. 
With a heavy sigh, Yugi straightened up. He tilted his head toward the moon in the distance, gazing at it and the stars momentarily before forcing himself to turn away. 
With his head low, Yugi quietly shut the balcony French doors. He shut all the curtains, then crawled into bed, not even bothering to take his party garments off. 
The sheer curtains over the French doors did little to hide the moonlight. It bothered Yugi, for the light was so pale and magical. A perfect night to experience something… new. Something fantastic.
Yugi’s eyelids grew heavy. His blinking slowed as he stared at the edge of his bed, at the elegant night sky. 
It was quiet. Peaceful. 
Eventually, Yugi shut his eyes, sleep having taken him over.
From Cornered 2 title pending maybe
(Yes I'm making a sequel, yes I'm insane. First snippet is from chapter 1)
It didn’t take long at all for the two to peel their clothes off. They’d done it countless times before. It was almost as routine to shower together as it was to work out together.
The water was running. Malik and Ryou were kissing, holding each other almost unbearably close.
“We’re going to be late,” Malik murmured between kisses, but Ryou was relentless. He held onto Malik’s head and kissed him over and over again. Eventually, Malik had to pull himself free to laugh.
Ryou groaned. He leaned his head into the crook of Malik’s neck, his arms wrapped around his lover’s body.
“Fine.” But Ryou didn’t move. He closed his eyes, reveling in the peace that came with being close to Malik.
Malik hugged Ryou back. They stood under the running water for a while, content to remain in the embrace for as long as possible.
“I love you,” Ryou whispered, not wanting to ruin the peace by speaking too loud.
Malik smiled. He held Ryou tighter and kissed Ryou’s head.
“I love you, too.”
Ryou pulled away. He looked at Malik, thankful his face was already red from the run so Malik couldn’t see how much he was blushing. He felt over Malik’s shoulders, trailing his hands down along his chest and to his sides.
“Do you want me to wash your hair?” Malik asked. Ryou closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and nodded.
Ryou turned around and let Malik do his wonders. His hands were so gentle. So warm and kind and never malicious.
“Is this okay?” He would ask frequently and Ryou would reply, “Yes. Perfect.”
“I think you might be due for a trim soon,” Malik commented. “Your hair is getting longer.”
Ryou hummed. “Yeah. Probably.”
Malik gently tilted Ryou’s head back to rinse the soap out. Then, of course, as always, Ryou did the same for Malik. 
“Do you remember when we first did this?” Ryou asked, keeping his eyes fixated on the lathering task. “And we cried.”
Malik let out a thoughtful hum. “Of course I do.”
Ryou smiled a little. The memory was bittersweet, but felt more sweet as time went on.
“...Is everything okay?” Malik asked, hesitance in his tone.
“Everything is just fine,” Ryou replied, tilting Malik’s head back to rinse the soap. He hummed happily.
From Cornered 2... But some time later in the fic
(Another taste of what's inevitably to come in Cornered 2 but THATS IT no more sippies ... maybe)
Ryou forced his legs to back away. He forced his eyes to tear away, but nothing seemed to help. The gym spun around him. Voices that weren’t there were on a loop, getting louder and louder. 
He hurried to the locker room, bumping into one or two people along the way. His shoulders were tense, his hands balled up tight.
Unfortunately, the locker room did not provide the solace Ryou, for some reason, thought it would. 
Stiffly, Ryou sat down on the bench, holding his head in his hands. 
He wanted this to stop. He wanted the voices to stop. He wanted the panic to stop. 
But thinking such things only made it worse. It wasn’t going to stop. It was never going to stop. These things already happened to him. Ryou couldn’t go back in time and fix it. He couldn’t go back and… and…
You’re never going to forget me, you know.
“I know,” Ryou said aloud, answering the voice in his head. 
Every time you sleep, you’ll dream of me.
“I know,” Ryou said louder. 
Every time you close your eyes—
“I SEE YOU!” Ryou shouted abruptly, rising to his feet. 
“I see you every day! I hear you every day! Shut up! Be quiet! Just be fucking quiet!”
Ryou wanted to punch the lockers. He wanted to throw all of his things and roll on the floor and sob, but the only thing he could bring himself to do was stand in the middle of the locker room and yell.
“Fuck you,” Ryou said aloud again, smashing his hand into his locker before pulling it open aggressively. “I’m in control. I’m in control. I AM IN CONTROL!”
“Are you..?”
Ryou nearly screamed. He jumped, not expecting Jounouchi’s voice to be so close. 
Oh god. Ryou had forgotten he was in public. The locker room wasn’t empty. Dozens of eyes were staring at him. 
Ryou thought he might throw up.
“Hey, Touzoku, it’s okay—”
Ryou shoved Jounouchi’s hands away. He didn’t know why, though. He could really use the comfort. 
…The only comfort he wanted, though, was the only comfort he couldn’t have.
“I-I…” Ryou swallowed. He searched for words that weren’t angry or rude or frantic, but it was hard. “I’m leaving. I need to go.”
Jounouchi frowned. He stepped away as Ryou chaotically shoved things in his gym bag and walked out of the locker room.
“Where are you going? Let me drive you.”
“I can drive myself,” Ryou said through gritted teeth, though he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to be mean to Jounouchi at all, but right now that was all he could give him.
“Please, Touzoku,” Jounouchi urged, following Ryou outside. “Something is wrong. You’re not—”
“Of course something is wrong!” Ryou practically screeched, whirling around to glare at Jounouchi. “Something has been wrong with me for four fucking years, Katsuya! I can’t get away from a man in prison and my fucking fiancee is in a fucking coma!”
Ryou was out of breath. People in the gym were gathered by the front door, watching the commotion. 
“Jounouchi,” Ryou breathed. “I..” He put a hand up in the air, shaking his head. “I can’t. I need to see Malik. That’s all I want to do right now.”
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inktailsaystuff · 1 year
Rose finds Mordecai Lackadaisy One Shot because reasons
TW: Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Rose stood at the st. Louis train station, clutching the letter she had stolen from her mother in her paws. The old worn paper, a reminder of what she lost. Her older brother Mordecai. Gone one night to never return. After years of trying to find him, she got a tip from someone that a tuxedo cat that fit the description Rose had sent out lived in st. Louis. A tuxedo cat with a permanently angry expression and green eyes. Rose's tail lashed, this was is it. Maybe she would finally find Mordecai.
St. Louis was miserable to say the least, however finding a room was easy. An old cat named Ms. Bapka had let her stay in her apartment, her neighbour was a terrifying cat missing one eye. Viktor he was called apparently. When Rose first said hello to him he seemed to do a double take when he saw her. He was gruff and spoke with a heavy accent, and once she had settled in she began her search.
She spent most of her days hiding under the guise that she was a man and watching cats as they passed through cafe's and restaurants. Her eyes looking over the crowds for a familiar face, bright green eyes and a white muzzle. However after one week of no luck, Rose started to lose hope.
Rose slammed her fist into the table, fury making her fur bristle as she cursed under her breath. Storming down the stairs she nearly ran into a young smoky grey cat.
"ACK!" She dropped her stacks of magazines.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" Rose immediately back tracked helping the cat pick up all her magazines off the floor. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going and-"
"It's fine." The cat smiled regaining her composure. "Are you new? My name is Ivy." She extended a paw, her bright yellow eyes looking into Rose's green ones.
"Uh... yeah uh- I'm Rose." Rose introduced herself., subconsciously fixing her jacket.
"Huh." Ivy looked Rose up and down. "I've never seen you before." Ivy commented.
"Oh yeah. I'm- I'm just staying for a while." Rose's tail twitched as she spoke.
"Well it's great to meet you!" Ivy grinned, "Would you be willing to go for a cup of tea sometime?"
""Uh..." Rose stepped back, "I'm actually- um kinda busy right now."
"What are you doing?" Ivy pressed.
"Just uh visiting." Rose smiled awkwardly trying to escape the smokey cat.
"Great! I can show you around!" Ivy grinned grabbing Rose and dragging her off. "Hey Rocky! Can you start the car!?" Ivy called out to a tabby in a blue suit.
"Uh I-"
"Come on." Rose was pushed into the back of the vehicle. Ivy sat down next to her, meanwhile two cats sat up front. The tabby named Rocky, and a ginger who's name she was unaware of. "I can show you around and show you some of the most popular places." Ivy prattled on, that peaked Rose's interest. Maybe she could find her brother.
"A-Alright." Rose nodded, "Do you happen to know anywhere where one can get a good tea and french toast?" Rose spoke up remembering her brother's fancy pickings.
"Mhm." Ivy grinned, "Little daisy cafe. C'mon Rocky let's show Rose."
The cafe was small and quaint, once nearby Rose practically threw the door open as if trying to catch her brother sitting at one of the chairs. However to her disappointment no one was there. While Ivy prattled on about the cafe, Rose took it upon herself to look around for any trace of her brother. Perhaps a surface was too clean, or items were in perfect symmetry. However she found no trace that hinted to her brother.
"Uh are you looking for something?" The ginger she had now known as Freckle asked her as she inspected the counter.
"No." Rose answered a little too quickly. "I'm just looking around."
"You are... looking rather closely at that counter..." Freckle mumbled as Rose's nose was practically glued the smooth counter surface.
"Just looking." Rose flashed him a smile, an attempt to calm the ginger's nerves. "So. Have you met anyone that looks like me around these parts?" Rose asked very casually.
"N-No?" Freckle mumbled, stepping back. His round face contorted into an expression of confusion. "Why do you ask?"
"No reason." Rose smiled again, before going back to staring intently at the walls. Her ears pricked as she listened for rats and other vermin. Rose ignored the whispers between the two male's as she scanned the walls, her gaze landed on a framed picture. But her eye was drawn to the tuxedo cat in a suit. " MORDECAI!" Rose practically threw herself at the picture as if to make sure that she wasn't seeing things. Sure enough, the familiar angry expression and tall stature solidified it. That was Mordecai. In a heart beat she had turned to Ivy. "Do you know where Mordecai is?" She asked pointing at the picture.
"Uh? Mordecai?" Ivy stared, "How do you know him?"
"Not important where is he!?" Rose asked urgently.
"He doesn't work here anymore." Rocky grinned, "He works at the hotel now."
"What hotel." Rose asked, her gaze piercing through the cat.
"Hotel Maribel." Rocky grinned.
"Where is that." Rose was already storming out of the cafe.
"Why do you-"
"I could drive you?" Rocky interrupted Ivy.
"Deal." Rose sat in the front seat of the car while they drove, the world didn't exist to her anymore. She was so close. And this time she would not let him get away. If she was looking around she would have noted at how beautiful the hotel was.
However Rose didn't care, putting on her sunhat to hide her face, her eyes scanning the crowd. The other three sat nearby, but hidden in shadow something about enemy territory or whatever. Rose tapped her foot against the floor as she watched cats walk in and out. A woman with a bone necklace, a tall man with yellow eyes...
Rose's heart froze as she spotted him. Mordecai. Her brother stepped into the hotel looking aloof as ever. Rose didn't care how obvious she was. Standing up she stormed over in his direction. She watched how Mordecai stepped back placing his hand into his trench coat. But Rose was faster, grabbing him by his shoulders she glared at him.
"Mordecai." Rose snapped, her hat had fallen off. Her brother looked like he had seen a ghost, his tail bushed up as he stared at Rose.
"Who-" Mordecai wrenched himself out of her grip.
Rose placed both her hands on her hips, her tail lashing behind her. "Oh? Don't remember me?" Despite the fact that Rose had imagined their reunion to be happy, it was everything but that. Rose's bottled up emotions had decided to show, years of built up rage, anger, and resentment. "It's me. Rose. Your sister." She snapped, shoving one finger into Mordecai's chest. "You know. The sister you ABANDONED!"
Mordecai looked mortified, with one swift movement he grabbed Rose dragging her to a random room. "What are you doing here?" He hissed, staring at her as he shut the door behind him.
"Finding you." Rose crossed her arms, glaring at her brother.
"Why-Why would you do that!" Mordecai groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I told you-"
"I don't care what you told us!" Rose snapped, "Do you not know what happened after you up and left?" She could feel her eyes tear up.
"Rose..." Mordecai looked down at her as he fixed his pince-nez.
"I spent years looking for you." Rose snapped her voice cracking. "Years." She wiped the tears that spilled out of her eyes. "I- I thought you didn't love us anymore." She whispered.
"Rose..." Mordecai wrapped his arms around her, despite his hatred for physical contact. This was his sister. An exception to this rule.
"Why did you leave...?" Rose asked, as Mordecai soothed her. "Why did you leave us?" Mordecai refused to look her in the eye, instead staring straight ahead at the wall.
"Because..." Mordecai sighed, "I got... I got into bad business." Mordecai stroked her hair trying to comfort her. "And, I ran away because there were hitmen after me. And then... I could not come back."
"W-what?" Rose looked up at him horrified.
"I know." Mordecai looked away, "But then I joined Lackadaisy and a gang, and I couldn't exactly leave. So I stayed."
"Why- Why would you do that." Rose whispered.
"Money." Mordecai shrugged. "You needed the money,"
"You stupid furball!" Rose whacked him, "You idiot." She collapsed, "We could have... we could have just found a different job."
"I'm sorry Rose." Mordecai hugged her, "You should go home."
"I am not going back." Rose stubbornly looked up at him. "I'm not letting you leave again."
"No!" Rose grabbed him, clinging to him. "I- I don't want you to go..." She whispered. "Please..." She clung to her older brother. The brother she had spent years trying to find.
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kiruamon · 2 years
Part 9
Oz listened to the steady snoring of the little creature, which had made itself comfortable at his side. Since the latest incident, the little one had become much more clingy. Not that he would have minded. On the contrary. The critter was sleeping at the moment, so Oz spent his time reading a novel. But he wouldn't get very far. Heavy footsteps could be heard as one of his roommates shuffled through the common room. "Mind if I sit with you?"
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He smiled at the question. "Not at all," Oz answered his friend without transferring his words to the sleeping animal. "Well, then", the other muttered.
Two hands wrapped around him. Damien's legs suddenly hung in the air. How… ? What was going on now… ? He blinked sleepily and let out a small yawn. It was hard for him to open his eyes fully. Sheesh! Why didn't Oz just let him sleep?
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Oz's slender and by now well-familiar hands reached out to him…. ... They reached out to him? Wait a minute! Oz's hands and the little nerd's face were right in front of him! But how… ? In shock Damien stared at the friendly face in front of him, while he slowly realized that someone other than Oz had dared to pick him up!
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"Here you have him back," he heard his friend say softly with his deep rumbling voice. "Thank you~" His little animal friend still looked a little surprised. Probably because he had been awakened so suddenly, Oz guessed. "Don't worry. It's all good," he spoke soothingly to the little guy as he let Brian give the hedgehog back to him.
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The next moment Oz felt a sudden weight bearing down on him. "Briiian? What are you doing?" he asked, half chuckling as his friend, resting his head on his own, made himself comfortable on him. "Just thought your little friend was right about you looking pretty comfortable." Oz smirked in amusement at this comment. "So I'm your pillow?" "Yep." Brian actually looked even more exhausted than usual today. "Rough day today?" asked the small entity quietly. "Mmm. Training was exhausting." Ah, right. He should have guessed that. After all, Brian was on the school team. Keeping up with a pack of energetic and hyper werewolves on your team sure wasn't always easy. "I'm sure it will be worth it. After all, your big game is coming up." "I hope so." Brian yawned. "Mind if I doze off for a minute?" "No, go ahead," Oz replied with a gentle smile.
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"Well then. Good night," muttered the zombie already with a yawn. "Sleep tight," was all he could say before his friend had fallen asleep. Oz always found it astonishing how quickly and easily Brian could fall asleep anywhere. Meanwhile, on his arm, he heard miffed grumbling. "Sorry… We didn't mean to wake you," despite the angry rant, not a single one of the spikes straightened upward. Oz smiled at the fact that his little friend was so careful despite his bad mood. Tenderly, he stroked him over the head and down the back several times. Oz felt the small hedgehog pressing himself closer to him. "It's all right. Go ahead and sleep a little more if you want. I'll watch out for you. Promise."
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That stupid zombie face! To simply touch him! Damien didn't allow him to touch him! Had he only realized it earlier, he would have bitten off his stupid rotting fingers! But now all the complaining didn't help anymore. He was resting in Oz's arms. And had to watch how that stupid shithead make himself comfortable next to his nerd. Way too close! Damien was boiling with rage. And the sting of jealousy drove itself deeper into his chest. "I'll bite his fucking nose off as soon as he's not paying attention," Damien promised himself. But unfortunately, that would have to wait. Sulking and scheming grimly about his revenge, he shifted closer to the yellow cardigan of the kind-hearted monster who cared for him so lovingly.
On another day...
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"Oz?" "Yeah?" "I think your little friend has something against me…. " " Why do you think that?" "…He's scowling at me. Pretty bad. For half an hour?" "Maybe he's still mad because you stopped him from eating the cheese cube that fell on the floor?" "… I'm not sure that's the reason… "
Bonus: Damien being extra sulky because of Brian.
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Oz calmed him down after a while with lots of pats.
To be continued.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[2k7 Teen!Ariel and Mikey - hughughughug]
Ariel was quiet as she approached Mikey, a bot of white orchids, blue hyacinths, and lily of the valley's, in her hands. Apologies, that's what the flowers meant. Least, they're supposed to represent someone saying sorry. Ariel owned a lot of those right now. Mikey the biggest one though,
"Uhm, Uncle Mikey," She speaks up, "I uh, I bought you some flowers, for your greenhouse..."
It was the most she had said to him in a very long time. Ariel had sort of been avoiding him for a very long time. Let the anger consume her, let it ruin so much. Ariel blamed no one but herself. Placing the pot of flowers down, she begins to rub at her hands, frowning softly as she thinks,
"Uncle Mikey?" Ariel says softly, "I'm, I'm sorry, for all the things I said and did to you, and for being so angry at you, it wasn't fair of me to be so mean, and I'm sorry."
She didn't want to be angry at him anymore. Ariel loved her Uncle Mikey, she really did. Ariel lifted a sleeve to her face, quickly wiping her eyes, because she really did feel awful,
"You're my Uncle and my best friend and I want to be best friends with you again, if you want that too," Ariel admits, "Because I really am sorry Uncle M'n'M."
| Muse interaction
Mikey was starting at a steam eyes pointed out towards the leafs sprouting from it. Some browning at the ends he needed to cut them off. He learned that you could use the dead leafs al like fertilizer for the plants. From when he was looking something over with Yvonne. Least when he asked she made it sound pretty easy. Would also come in handy not like he could that easily well go and get that stuff on his own. Sure April could always help but? well since everything he was trying to show some independence here. Maybe that was why he did what he had back then. The fear of what to do as everyone around him seemed able to move forward on to paths he no longer could follow them on. Something about always thinking it be at least the four of them together, Snipping at the leafs and cursing under his breath when he cut one he shouldn't have. Trying to give a shake of his thoughts but it was hard to escape them right now.
Mikey could still hear everything Ariel told him that day how upset and angry she was with him how she lashed out and told him the wrongs he committed. How could he not know that? He was the one who did it. And worse he could even say he was pushed or forced. Maybe a little but in the end it was a choice HE made all on his own. Leo was doing the leader thing improving being better. Raph and Don were starting families. It just left Mikey feeling stuck. So when he was left to speak with Karai? he knows it was stupid and he should have ya know thought it through more. Mikey honestly expected to be fully kicked out of his family after everything went down. Because of him once again there is a Shredder roaming around in the world after all. Sure it's not the world ending kind of Shredder but still. His brothers most of all should have been the ones upset with him to tell him off scold him even.
Not that they hadn't nah he got a lot of that Leo being disappointed in him hurt, Raph's lack of usual insults when getting on his case was dreadful, and that lack of understanding in Don's voice.
He cut another leaf. Donatello. All his brothers said they forgave him Leo understood he been tempted himself. Raph? said Mikey dealt with enough once getting a proper sorry at least. Had Mikey not done that enough with Don? He knows he apologized to them all but maybe Don needed more? Why else would it hurt him so deep that his own daughter could hear about it? Mikey set the clippers down with a heavy sigh.
"Heh sorry dude, I'm gonna make you look green and bald like me if I keep going." his plants had become his best companions lately, Since he hadn't gone back to the lair in a good long while after all. Ariel was there a lot, she should Leo there and Master Splinter too. She didn't get much room to roam anyway so he could retreat and give her the space she needed. Another sigh. Mikey wasn't sure what hurt the most here, how Ariel lashed out and told him everything he thinks and feels all the time as if she was shaped by the thoughts that ran through his mind all the time. Or knowing that his brother didn't really forgive him. Even after asking for so much help with this place. It's why Mikey was trying not to do that anymore. Not just with Don with everyone.
"it's lonely here." He says, course it is Mikey been basically isolating himself. "Wonder if Splinter been watching any new stories of his. Im best weeks behind on the one we watch. I kind of miss Raph being a jerk to me, and Casey. Miss Summer telling me about her games. Miss Leo trying to get me to train with him. Miss my girl nights with April and Von...can't really do them here. Could maybe if I got more places to sit?" He'd been sleeping on an old couch he found so it was basically his bed. "Hope Ari's okay...I know things went down bad with Bishop after all." he was there but not for the aftermath of course. Mikey just sighed once more before he set his hand son to the surface of the table before pushing off to get back up to his feet.
Pruning could wait he guesses. But that when he freezes even with the foggy glass of the green house its very easy to tell when someone was here. More so when your as tall as Ariel is. Mikey didn't have much time to stand and think he made his way to the door and opened it quickly. Left to just stare at his niece unsure what to even say. Shell he didn't even know why she was here in the first place. Let alone with flowers. Mikey was starting to get an idea for the different kinds but some of the flowers she had he never really see before. Still he was unsure why she had them. This couldn't be going against her want for space right? She clearly was here because she wished to see him right? HE just offers her his best smile.
"Uhm, Uncle Mikey,"
"Uh hey Squirt? you uh lost?" He jokes because he doesn't know what else to do here.
"I uh, I bought you some flowers, for your greenhouse..."
She likely heard about it from one of the others. He looked them a moment and smiles more they were pretty the ones he didn't the know of to. Guess he'll have a reason to though. He could ask? Be a good conversation starter. He was happy with the little bit she had said now even. The most she's spoken to him since the day she got upset with him. He really hopes she stays. They have so much to catch up on to tall about so many sorrys he owed to her he been thinking them through every since still unsure whi h one was the best.
Hardly noticing how Ariel had to set the pot of flowers down since he hadn't reach for them still yet. He wasn't sure if that breech the need for space here. Lookong over to them he knows the lily's of the valley for sure they actually were a favorite of his. So, getting to see living ones?
"Uncle Mikey?"
Looking back to her, offering a faint smile. He had so much to say his mouth was trembling and his beak felt like it was on fire. The words just on the tip of his tounge. But he promised he would give her space. Thar meant the space to decide how much content she was okay with.
"I'm, I'm sorry, for all the things I said and did to you, and for being so angry at you, it wasn't fair of me to be so mean, and I'm sorry."
Mieky didn't really understand why she was saying sorry. Far as he was sure it should be him who has to day he's sorry.
"You're my Uncle and my best friend and I want to be best friends with you again, if you want that too,"
Okay thar got to Mikey easily. See her wip that tear away trying her best to say sorry and mine her side know. Mikey was scared to shead tears himself moving his mask down to hang around his neck so he could better wipe at his own eyes. Her tear may be regert or sorrow but for him? It was pure joy. He turly thought she never wanted anything to do with again.
"Because I really am sorry Uncle M'n'M."
"Aw come here" He reaches out his arms and brings her in for a good tight squeeze. He can't quite match Raph in hugs but he's sure his are warmer than anyone's. "Ari, ya don't got to apologize family-" He let his words trail off. Family dosent need to apologize, he used to believe that but with what he knows about Don? Still hanging over her hang even in this moment?
"Ya don't gotta apologize to me at least." He corrects before letting go for a moment to better look up at her even with tear filled sky blue eyes. "I should be saying sorry anyway I didn't know you were upset and I should have checked on you I guess I somehow missed the signs and I'm sorry about thst kiddo." He tries to explain. "You always gonna be my best friend though even if we have a spat again. U could never leave behind my sidekick right?" He offers before moving to grab the pot of flowers.
"How about this, you help me find places and jome.for these and we can ot all even, yeah?"
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katarascape · 3 years
Do you mind talking about what its like being indigenous in Australia? I’m curious because I know nothing about Australia.
not at all! sorry this has taken me so long too, i nearly had it done and then tumblr deleted it and i spent quite some time shrieking in frustration over it.
anyway. i must preface this with the fact that i’m white-passing and this informs basically every aspect of my experience as an aboriginal person in australia, but it also puts me at an advantage and privilege because i look white.
if i had to compare us to any other group i’d say we have it a lot like indigenous americans do. even though we were only colonised 200 years ago most of our languages and traditions and knowledge have been decimated. many of us now live in cities or suburbs and look just like any standard white person.
in school i was taught that indigenous australians had died out “naturally” decades before i was born. this was despite the fact that my school had a fairly large population of indigenous students, aboriginal and torres strait islander both.
it’s only in the last few years that i’ve started seeing aboriginal characters in australian tv and movies, and even then a lot of it is magical black kid stereotypes. 
those of us who do ‘look’ indigenous are also commonly referred to as black even though we’ve never had many similarities to the peoples of africa.
like i don’t want to go into too much detail because it’s really hard to deal with sometimes but the way we’ve been treated historically and still are treated today is horrendous. like my grandad and his siblings grew up in the prime of the stolen generations era, which is pretty horrifying in some cases and was when children of indigenous and white parents were stolen and ‘raised’ by the government (follow the rabbit-proof fence is a beautiful book and movie of the true escape of some young girls from a mission and i highly recommend reading it if straight non-fiction is too much straight up), but possibly the only reason my grandad and his siblings weren’t stolen and separated and were lucky enough to grow up with their family, is that my great-grandmother managed to assimilate them well enough that the government passed them over.
my grandad was the youngest so he doesn’t really remember it, but when he was very young, they were raised as traditionally as could be managed. eating a lot of bushfoods like lots of native fruit and veg, things like kangaroo and goanna (which is a kind of large lizard) before they firmly assimilated to survive, as was common for many, many people.
it’s more common for aboriginal people to live more traditionally the further north-west you go in australia, simply because much of that part of australia is hot and dry and white people don’t like that. they colonised along the coast first which is why most of australia’s population is concentrated in the south-east where all the nice beaches and snow fields and stuff are, and that’s basically why our coastal tribes have suffered so much in the face of colonisation.
i don’t really know how but i’ve met a decent handful of white-passing indigenous people who are shockingly wealthy. like yknow generations of lawyers and doctors and things. i don’t understand how it’s managed to happen.
anyway. most of us you’ll find have been stuck in generations of poverty and addiction and varying kinds of abuse. also none of us on financial assistance are rich from it, we’re just as badly off as white people on assistance and also the thing about poverty is that it’s a generational thing. like if you have no money it’s because your parents had none, and their parents had none, and their parents had none, and their parents were denied it because the people in power were racist.
um i’m really rambling.
like all around it’s a pretty bum deal, i constantly feel like i’m too white but not white enough, the people who could have taught me when i was young refused to because we look white, it wasn’t until the late 90s early 2000s that australia actually acknowledged the fact that the colonial state did their best to commit genocide against us and people still refuse to believe it even though there are people who lived through it still alive and only like 60 years old.
just. yeah.
also lol there’s the fact that uhh i’ve been mocked for being proud of my heritage as ‘oh you’re one of the uwu i’m a special weshul white girl’ by white people who’ll crow about being fuckin uh irish 20 generations ago or something as if that makes them special or something.
if i’ve missed anything you were curious about just say so and i’ll do my best to cover it for you :)
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atiny-exol · 3 years
!X-Exo as yandere!
Genre: yandere au
Warning(s): obsession(idk found this one quite funny), possessive behavior, cursing, degrading, stalking, not really much consent, manipulation, suggestive stuff here and there
A/N: as before I excluded Chen from this but included xiumin, Yixing and Kyungsoo! Hope you like it!
Very very very sweet to you, but ruthless to others.
We all know how twisted the x-Exo personalities are, so it shouldn't surprise that he a man who would do anything just to get you and keep you by his side
You are his most priced possession, not capable of doing anything on your own or without him
His manipulation isn't noticed by you, so it was easy for him to make you rely on him and him only.
Would never harm you, or let's say he doesn't want to harm you. If you okay around too much, get in his nerves and keep asking things he told you to let go of.
He gets angry. The most hurtful thing he would do is spanking you over his knee like a child. Most of his "punishments" are more mentally or sexually. Letting you locked inside of a dark room till you apologise, having you stand in the corner repeating the same phrase over and over or his favorite: spanking you.
If you want to behave like a child one, he treats you like one.
"Just shut the fuck up y/n" He finally lost it, he tried to stay calm,tried to ignore your pleads of going outside but you just wouldn't shut up and throw a tantrum like a little child. "I..I'm sorry" scared because you never saw him like that you backed up from him, just to get pulled back with a tight grip on your wrist again. "So now you are sorry? Why can't you just do what I say huh? You can't can't behave like a fucking child y/n. Then I'm gonna punish you like one." Your eyes grew wide when he forced you to lay down over his lap, your struggles and cries for help getting shut down by a harsh slap on your butt. "Don't you dare to do anything funny. You don't want me to get even more angry right now darling."
Is very possessive and protective over you. You are his everything, his cute little doll he can always come back to just to be greeted with a warm hug and a big smile.
But that's nothing you do because you want to do it. No. It's more of a thing Lāy trained you to do
And as cute and cuddly he is with you, he has this dark side that comes out if you do something he doesn't like.
He locks you up in his house, making sure that you won't leave. If he has to go outside he can always watch you with cameras, you don't know about.
You didn't answer his text for a few minutes or ignored his call? You definetly get punished for that as soon as he is home.
Mentally abuses you as a punishment. I don't see him being very physical about anything.
But he is scary, threatening you to kill you if you do something like that again. This kind of behaviour doesn't show him that you love him and you should always love him.
Once he even threaded to cut your pinky off for lying to him and if you wouldn't have gone on your knees and apologised to him like you really meant it..maybe he would have actually done it
You never know if he is just bark but no bite or actually capable of harming you
The door opened just like it always does at this time of the day. You knew his schedule, knew his routines and that's very important for you. The last time you didn't wait for him at the door, he went really mad and nearly pierced a knife in your hand. You don't want that again. "You are finally back!" You said with your sweetest words and walked up to him, ready to take his cost of but when he didn't look up at you like he would normally do, you knew something was off. "L..lāy? Is everything-" "Do you think I'm dumb dollface?" He asked you, his voice neither soft nor caring. "I know what you did today. You tried to pick the lock." With closed eyes your heard how his heavy footsteps came closer to your trempling body. "You really think I'm dumb dollface?" With his cold hand he chokes you, pressing your body against the nearest wall. "I hate to do that doll. You know how much I hate that. But I don't let this slide again." This time you really fucked up.
Isn't that into being all sweet with him, but he is not abusive either. He is just making sure that you are safe.
He locks you up into a room specifically designed for you. He put all the things he knows about you into making this room. He used to stalk you before he basically kidnapped you to stay with him.
Makes sure that you eat properly everyday. You are dressed in the nicest clothes just for him to admire you, but yet you don't really talk much with him.
You didn't dare to, because everytime you said something before he would shoot you this glare. The glare that made shivers run down your spine and your body freezing.
He is just so terrifying just with his presence. And he knows that.
If you sare to do something wrong, he will just look at you and leave. Everything goes on as normal, but it will make you crazy.
Because he has to do something, he planned something to punish you. You were sure about it. You couldn't sleep and you felt uneasy to eat or drink anything he brought you.
All of that makes you crazy, till you break down and beg him to finally punish you so you can sleep and eat in peace again.
And to be honest, that's a sight he will never get enough off. He loves your vulnerable state, to bend and break you. To get you to this exact point.
It amuses his sadistic heart, but also breaks it because he loves you so much.
Sobs over sobs filled the room as you kneeled infront of the clone, your head hanging low and the new clothes he just put on you stained with tears already. "I..I'm sorry please! Just punish me, don't torture me like that. I can't do it anymore." You begged under your crying, not seeing the small smile forming on D.Ø.s face. "What brought you to the conclusion I would punish you darling." He said slowly and calm. Still crying you looked up to him, watching how he crouched right next to your broken figure. "Who said I'm going to hurt you?" Carefully he brushed his thump over your lips, making your mind going blank. "I never planned to." He mumbled, his face coming closer to yours, till you felt his breath against your lips. You shut your eyes tightly, waiting for the kiss that never came. Instead of that he laughed softly against your lips. "But after I saw yiu crying like that, I want to see more of it."
Very very sweet but also very very controlling. You can't particularly tell when he started with that, but now he is not going back. You can't even leave the house anymore
You have a set schedule you have to follow everyday, that includes doing something for your health (mentally and physically), eating at a set time and going to bed at a certain time.
If he isn't home you have to text him at least every hour and tell him what you did
And if you misbehave in anyway he takes the privileges he gave you away.
No running around in the house anymore, just one meal per day and you will be completely restricted the whole time.
It's not like he likes doing these things, but you gave him no other choice than showing ant teaching you that actions have consequences.
So yeah if you don't appreciate the things he does for you he just takes all of it away until you do.
And he makes sure you will beg properly for that.
Right now your arms are tightly cuffed behind your back and you sat on a chair right infront of you a plate with food. You didn't have proper food for days and you were starving, but Minseøk just left you behind like this. Cuffed and hungry with a plate of your favourite meal on it right there. You bit down on the gag in your mouth. Without knowing how much time passed, you finally heard some footsteps coming closer. And just a few seconds later the door opene, showing a smiling Minseøk. His smile was not sweet as usual, it was so much more twisted than you are used to. "I see you didn't eat anything." He said, a fake sigh leaving his mouth while he shakes his head. "Why can't you appreciate the things I do for you baby. I even cooked your favorite meal. You are unbelievable."
Listen this man is going to own you in every way possible, but at the same time you don't have any control over him. He is your owner and you are just a mere pet for him to use.
He is going to tease you, build you up and make you love him just so he can break you down again
He hates the way you make him feel, how obsessed he is over you. So he compensates that with breaking you.
You think you have control over him just because you love him? You are so wrong. (He doesn't care if you never thought that, in his mind you are just as manipulative as he is)
Teases you just to give you nothing. He can do everything while you are at his side to look pretty and do what he wants.
Won't hesitate to punish you (either sexually or physically)
At some point you would be so attached to him, that yimou can't live without him
Mocks you for that, teases you about that. But you both know that is exactly what he wanted
Your cheek turned red as Baëk leaned closer to your neck, his breath tingling just the right spot on it. Another choked moan left your mouth. "You were such a bad pet. You know that." He mumbled against your skin, his teeth sinking into your flawless skin, making you yelp in pain. As a reaction of that his hand was out over your mouth and he growled into your ear. "Don't you dare to make any sounds right now pet. You don't deserve any of this so be thankful I'm even touching you." Right after that you felt his hand covering your mouth wandering down to your neck, choking you harshly. "Look at how pathetic you are." While his grip gets tighter, the smirk on his face also becomes bigger. "How can I even love someone as pathetic as you, huh?"
Don't slap me for that, but while he is one if the most sweetest men in this world, I think he would be one of the most physically abusive yandere.
He does care about you a lot, but putting you back into your place is just a way of showing you how much he cares
Once he even beat someone up infront of you (because he talked to you earlier) and threatened to do the same to you if you don't stop talking to strangers
He will let you go out, don't get me wrong he comes with you, so not on your own. But in the end you don't want to go outside anymore, because you would always make something that would end up making Chanyeøl mad.
So for the sake of your own health and the health of others you stayed inside
But Chanyeøl of course is not only cold and abusive, he is quiete a softy from time to time. He will just not show you that often
At least at the beginning, because he didn't think you deserve this kind of treatment right away.
You have to ear that with good behaviour.
He is also so possessive over you that you need to wear at least one of piece of his clothing everyday
Till he decides that you should have his name craved into your pretty skin
Blood drips down your abused body as you helpless and powerless tried to escape your ropes again. "Don't struggle like that babydoll. You end up getting hurt." Chanyeøl is standing right behind you, his head resting on your shoulder and his voice as deep and cold as always. It made you sick and you felt like throwing up when he playfully brushed the knife over your exposed stomach. You yelled against the gag, but your pleading fell on deaf ears. Once again he chuckled at the incomprehensible yells leaving your mouth. "You know this is just your fault babydoll. You obviously thought it would be a good idea to flirt with him." Again a cut is made on your stomach, making you scream in pain. "You are so stupid y/n. So stupid. You are mine." He growled in your ear. "What do you think about letting me carve my initials into your skin? Wouldn't you like that idea? Everyone would know you are mine and-" He stopped for a second, a sick laugh leaving his mouth. "You would let out more of these beautiful screams."
Treats you basically like you are royalty the one day and like a dirty slut the other day
Mood swings! (Idk why I see that for Kāi but here we go)
One day he will buy you everything you want, treat you like you are the most fragile object he possesses and the other day he would throw you around and use you like you are nothing.
But his mood can also change from one second to another, there isn't really a big reason behind it (of course you trigger it when you misbehave )
No but to be honest if he is in his "bad" mood he uses you and just leaves you behind crying and shaking, not caring about you at all
But once he is back into his "good" mood he would apologise to you and make properly love to you (if you want it or not) slow and careful. He spoils you when he was rough to you afterwards, but that doesn't take the fact away that you are scared of him.
The first months were really rough because you couldn't different between Kāi and..yeah the other Kāi but after month being stucked with him you learned how to behave with both of them to not get hurt all too much
Show the good version a lot of love, cuddle with him and just behave like a good little girl/boy and he will spoil you
For the bad version, try to behave as good as possible, don't question anything, do everything he orders you to do immediately..doesn't matter how humiliating it is.
In the end you just can't escape him, so you have to learn how to get out if a situation without much harm
"Yes Sir." Without anything else to say you went off the bed to the ground, not daring to look up at Kāi. Currently he was in a bad mood and you didn't want to make it worse with misbehaving know. "Look at me." He spat out, sitting on the edge of the bed now. Immediately you looked up, right into his eyes. "Hm. Good girl/boy. Finally doing something right for once." Roughly he grapoed your hair and pulled you closer. "Come in you don't want to be a bad slut now, do you?" You shook your head in response, not daring to speak up. "That's what I thought. So why don't you use your mouth for the only thing that it is really good for hm?."
Spoils you endless. You want something? He buys it immediately.
Dresses you up in fancy clothes and takes you to the most popular restaurants.
Spent so much money on you, that we don't want to talk about it here.
But there is a thing he wants from you in return. And that's obedience.
He hates nothing more than you being bad, a brat or just anything else than a good girl/boy
You have to give him the respect he deserves, or else you won't get anything from him. And would learned that in a hard way.
For Sehūn it is easy to let just any family member of yours disappear one after one.
So you better start following the rules he set for your dynamic. He isn't abusive, yes here and there he would punish you sexually but it is more fun for him to see you break down.
Breaking down because he will always have the upper hand and that you will never escape him
Not if he doesn't want it.
"No. I already told you we are going out tonight. Change your clothes, I bought you new ones." Sehūn said not even trying to hide the anger in his voice. "B..but I don't really feel like going out." You tried to explain yourself, but got interrupted by your boyfriend slowly approaching you while talking. "Baby. I think you don't understand one important thing." Every step he made towards you, made you take two steps back in response, till your back hit the wall. Sehūns fist hitting right next to your head at the wall. "I'm in charge, I make the decisions here. And if you don't want that your oh so loved family has one member less, I would suggest you to go into your room, pick up the fucking outfit and change. Now." You didn't know how to response to this treat with more than a quick "Y..yes" and a nod. "Then go." Not even a second later you were on your way into your room, not seeing Sehūns arrogant and satisfied smile.
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 || (very dark) 70s!Bucky x reader
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: he tried to be sympathetic to your cause, he really did, but he couldn’t just let you get away with disrespecting him like that.  
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 2.4k
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: smut (noncon, plus breeding kink and tons of degradation, like very heavy degradation, and multiple orgasms/overstimulation), misogyny, a bit of dumbification, housewife kink, ‘sir’ kink (brief), choking, implied anal, spitting (not on the reader, unfortunately lmao), quite a bit more than period-typical sexism, awful awful awful this fic is absolutely awful
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                            Brooklyn, 1970.
Bucky’s mornings were sacred.  He had his rituals: showering, cooking breakfast, reading the paper and having his first drink and cigarette of the day, all before he left for work.
But throughout this entire week, his mornings had been ruined by the stupid fucking protest in the park just outside his window.  And to think he’d actually paid more for an apartment with a view of the park— he hadn’t realized then that the “view” was gonna be a bunch of hippies creating awful music and an unbearable smell that left his whole apartment reeking of reefer if he dared to open his window.
Attempting to ignore it for a week only made him more resentful with each passing day.  Each time he figured the crowd would surely leave soon or at least be quiet for the night, they seemed to somehow get louder just to spite him.
He probably should've waited until he was a bit less agitated to go down and try to bargain with you, but he stormed down there instead and tapped you on the shoulder when his presence alone wasn't enough to distract you from your incessant chanting.
“Would you consider being quiet?" he asked firmly.  "I have to work in the morning and—”
“We won’t be quiet until women have equal treatment under the eyes of society and the law,” you interrupted to explain condescendingly, shocking him with your icy tone.  He could hardly believe your attitude, in fact he couldn’t remember any woman speaking to him that way in his life: so far, he wasn’t enjoying it.
“I just thought you could be a little more respectful,” Bucky shot back, even more stern.  “You’re not making anyone wanna support your movement by acting entitled and inconveniencing everyone.”
“I’m sorry the revolution is inconvenient for you,” you replied, but it didn’t sound much like an apology. 
He wanted to say more but you blew him off and disappeared into the crowd, leaving him confused and irritated and livid.  Up until now he had been quietly skeptical about all this talk of liberation but now he saw it for the poison it really was.  A girl like you— who could've been a real looker with some willingness to try and a better attitude— talking to a man like him with so much hate and over what, a polite request?
This could not be tolerated; he couldn't let you get away with acting like that.  And lucky for you, he was exactly the guy you needed to teach you your lesson.
The good thing about hippies high on shrooms is they aren’t the most observant.  When he returned to the demonstration area the next night, he was able to grab you roughly and pull you back from the crowd with almost no trouble at all, dragging you into an empty alley and clamping his hand down over your mouth as your eyes went wide and your throat vibrated with silent screams.
“Shh, shh,” he soothed against your ear, “whatcha fightin’ for?”
He liked the way it felt to have you squirming against his grasp, using all your strength and not even getting close to escaping.  
“How does it feel to know I can do anything I want to you?” he growled against your ear.  “C’mon, sweetheart, can’t you put up a better fight than that?  I thought you believed in equality… you should be able to get away if you’re as strong as I am.”
He felt your warm tears trailing down around his fingers which held your face tightly, the struggle of your limbs slowing and weakening slightly.  His cock was already getting hard as he imagined the moment you would finally give in.
“You remember me, don’t you?  You didn’t need to be so rude, darlin’.  You could’ve just been nice and none of this would be happening.”
Your elbow shot back into his ribs and he exhaled sharply but didn't let go, grabbing your wrists and holding your arms to your chest as he pinned you to the wall.
"Oh, that's not gonna work, babydoll.  I'm so much stronger and bigger than you, all you're gonna do is make me angrier.  Is that what you want, sweetheart?  To make me angry?" he asked mockingly, leaning in to lick the shell of your ear as you tried to turn away.  “Pretty girl like you would make a great wife, why would you want anything else?”
Ignoring your struggle, he reached into your shirt and purred as he groped your chest, your nipples hardening when he pinched them.  “Maybe I can get behind this bra-burning thing if it means having easier access to your tits all the time,” he grinned.  “How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself when I can see them through your shirt?  Shouldn’t be showing ‘em off if you don’t want any attention.”
As fun as it was to play with your tits, he had bigger plans, so he reached lower to start tugging down your jeans, your legs uselessly kicking as he exposed your ass and thighs.
His cock was already rock hard as he hastily opened his fly and pulled it out with one hand, leaning back to spit on it quickly.  He spread the fluid with a few strokes over his length, figuring it would be enough to get inside you even if he didn’t really care if he hurt you.  
Your eyes went wide and your head bucked wildly as he poked the head of it against your opening, your body fighting a little harder once again.  The irony of that, though, was that you were already plenty wet in spite of what he had expected; it was so much funnier to watch you struggle now that he knew you were not-so-secretly enjoying it.
“Don’t be so dramatic," he chuckled darkly, "I bet you can take a cock real easy since you believe in all this ‘free love’ bullshit.”
He groaned as he pushed into you, impressed by how tight you were— so tight that it made his cock throb right away, your walls pulsing and rippling around him as he filled you to the brim.
“Oh fuck, there you go…” he hissed, smiling as you sobbed harder and struggled a bit more before finally relaxing into his tight embrace.  "You're gonna take it all, baby, every fuckin' inch of me."
A hard sob choked out of you every time he slammed himself to the end of you; he could feel the hatred radiating from you, the way you would kill him in a moment if only you weren't so weak.  But he could feel your reluctant acceptance, too, and the way it was slowly turning into euphoria— you were finally starting to like how it felt to be helpless to him, it was obvious with the way your pussy gave him such a warm and willing welcome while your pretty tits got even harder.
You clearly wanted to hate him, but your body knew better.
"You think I'm a sexist pig, I'm sure," he chuckled, "but I'm really not— I love women!  And you know what I love most?  Huh?"
He felt you nervously shake your head behind his hand and he laughed.
"I love the way you get so dumb when you get a cock in you.  All those useless little thoughts leaving your head when you're finally getting fucked right."
Your cries got louder even though they were still muffled by his hand, your sweet little pussy giving him a squeeze of encouragement.
"It's okay to like it, babydoll, it's what you were meant for.  Made to be my brainless fucktoy… born to serve me," he growled.  “You really should learn to appreciate," he grunted between brutal thrusts, "that your only purpose is to keep my dinner hot and my cock warm.”
Your eyes rolled back in your head and he felt your walls bear down on him tightly, wetness seeping down around him.
"Oh fuck, are you coming?  Shit," he moaned.  "Looks like you really needed to be put in your place, just needed to be used... god, you made a fuckin' mess, too, you soaked my cock…"
Your little hands tightened into fists, pushing against where his arm held them back, but he stayed steady as he pumped into you, letting himself get a bit lost in the feeling of you while he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
It felt so damn good to have a cunt coming around him, but it was even better knowing that you were fighting it and still couldn’t stop it, completely helpless to how good he was making you feel.
You almost screamed under his hand when he reached down to quickly rub your clit, your back arching to try to run away from his touch; poor thing, you were so sensitive it probably hurt you, but he was having too much fun watching you realize you were going to come again.
"Yeah, gimme another one, slut," he grinned, your legs quivering as waves of slick coated him and started to even drip down your legs.  "Can't stop coming like the dirty whore you are, huh?  Bet nobody's made you come like this before— cause nobody's given it to you right.  Nobody's shown ya what it's supposed to be like when a man takes you and makes you his."
From the way you moaned softly, teary eyes fluttering shut, he knew you liked the sound of that.
"Yeah, wanna be mine, baby?  Wanna be my little slut?  Or do you want me to pump this pussy full and leave you here on the ground for any other man that comes by to use you if he needs?"
You groaned softly, a weak little noise, and he felt his cock flex; as much as he wanted this to last as long as possible, he couldn’t hold back anymore.
“M’close, honey,” he breathed.  “I’m gonna come.”
He laughed breathlessly when you shut your eyes, like you were trying to go somewhere else in your mind, trying to pretend this wasn’t real.  But it was real, and he wasn’t going to let you forget that.  He was elated to make your nightmares come true.
"I sure wouldn't mind pulling out and covering that pretty face you've got,” he hissed.  “It'd be funny to see you go back to your little march and show them how owned you are.  But not today, babydoll, I think there's only one way you're gonna learn your lesson."
Another muffled gurgle from you, and this time it didn’t even sound like protest.  Maybe you were just too tired for that at this point, but it gave him hope that you could finally behave.
"I'm gonna take my hand away from your mouth and you're gonna beg me to come inside you, is that clear?" he grunted, feeling you nod vigorously.  "You're not gonna scream are you?"
You shook your head, and he slowly pulled his hand from your mouth as you gasped for air.  "Please— come in me," you panted.
"Address me as 'sir'," he instructed.
"Please, sir, I— I want you to come," you whined.
He chuckled right against your ear, feeling you shiver in his grasp.  "Honey, I don't give a fuck what you want."
To think you ever resisted your natural desire for submission was absurd now, considering the way that statement made you openly moan, your walls fluttering around him.
“Gonna fill you so fuckin’ deep you’ll never get it outta you, sweetheart.”
One more orgasm washed over you, making him laugh darkly while he watched you bite your lip to attempt to stay quiet; but that was impossible once he fucked you harder just to spite you, having to hold you tight to make sure he got as deep in you as possible.  Your whole body shook as he slammed into you, and he laughed at how dumb and helpless you looked.
"Bet you're on those new birth control pills," he grimaced.  They really weren’t that new, but he still hadn’t gotten used to them.  "Makes me sick to think you're letting a perfectly good womb go to waste.  Betcha want me to breed you nice and deep, yeah?  Wanna get knocked up?  You don't even care that I'm a stranger, you wanna get your pussy filled by any random man's come so you can have any random man's baby, ain't that right?"
At first he had worried that you would scream or cry for help, but now his concern was more that your moans would be too loud and somebody would catch the two of you in this alley.  Even if it was obvious now that you wanted it, public indecency was still a crime.
Good thing he had a new way to shut you up: his hand tight around your throat, silencing your sobs to blessed silence.  It was so hot to have you entirely at his mercy like that, to feel your pulse beneath his fingers, that he couldn’t stop himself from speeding up his thrusts suddenly.
"Fuck, I’m gonna come,” he gasped, “fuck, y-you… little whore…”
He had a habit of running his mouth when he was right on the edge, and the way your pussy was milking him for all he was worth made him spit out whatever filth he could think of.  
“Stupid fuckin' bitch," he mumbled under his breath as he fucked you as fast and rough as he could, chasing his high with no regard for your pleasure or your pain.  "Dumb whore, fuck, you stupid— ah, shit— stupid fucking cunt!"
He cried out as he filled you, groaning loudly with every pump of his seed into your waiting body.  Only when he was sure every drop was inside you did he release his grip on your neck, a loud gasp coming first before a few coughs and chokes that only made his cock harder despite having just filled you.
You started to struggle again, and he couldn’t believe it— after everything, did you still not know your place?
There wasn’t much time to relax and enjoy the afterglow when you were already trying to get away, and so he had to hold you tight again while he smiled exhaustedly.
“N-no,” you stammered, and he covered your mouth again as he pulled your head back to rest on his shoulder.  Clearly he hadn’t done enough yet to fuck that word out of you.
“Where ya goin’, sweetheart?” he panted against your ear, still catching his breath, his chest covered in a thin layer of sweat where it was exposed by his shirt.  “You’ve still got another hole to fill.”
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moririki · 3 years
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when it comes to a fool blinded by love, it sure hurts to have the short end of the stick
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CONTAINS -> angst, friends with benefits‼️, happy ending bc i'm weak like that, denji not knowing how to process emotions, very loose college!au cos i'm lazy, makima being slightly antagonised because fuck her, mentions of sex but nothing super explicit i don't think
MORI'S THOUGHTS -> thinking about denji's hands. i want to learn how to animate manga panels now so i can do a csm edit. also the writing style got kinda boring im SORRY
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HEARTBREAK WAS ALWAYS BOUND TO HAPPEN IN THESE SORT OF RELATIONSHIPS. anyone with a pair of eyes and ears could give a clear answer to the question "who does denji like?" and no matter how much you wanted that answer to change, it would never be you.
even when the blonde boy had been so insistent on his heart belonging to another, he still had urges. so under the influence of one too many bottles of alcohol, it was a fairly easy decision for both of you to fall into bed together. more than once. more than you'd care to admit.
being with denji was nice. he was funny, sweet at times and vulgar during the others, and you found yourself repeating a mantra of don't catch feelings for your friend during your time together. and truth be told, it was hard not to, even when you and denji had finished your business and the topic of conversation always seemed to make its way back to makima.
it left a bitter taste in your mouth when denji acted like nothing had happened between the pair of you in other settings. the bitterness turned sour when you realised that there was no reason for him to have to either, and you cursed yourself when you realised you had done the worst thing possible and gone and fallen for your friend who so clearly wouldn't like you back.
but there were times where you thought that you just might have a chance.
even though your cursed your heart for fluttering and rearing its head each time so willingly at denji's mercy, you couldn't help but take every offhand action of his as a ray of hope. with the way his hands engulfed yours to anchor himself as he thrusted into you, the way his lips left urgent kisses on your lips as you panted beneath him, the way he whispered sweet nothings into your ear as you cried out in ecstasy.
and even when you were lying next to each other in his bed, catching your breath. you would turn to look at his face sometimes, only to see him staring at you already with a look in his eyes that could only be described as wistful. but you were a fool to think that you could ever upseat makima in denji's eyes.
false hope could only get you so far.
with his breath tickling the back of your neck and his large hand rubbing patterns into your hip, this false hope really had gotten you somewhere. but all good things must come to an end. words that you dreaded to say weighed heavy on your tongue, but you dragged yourself along, lifting them just enough to feel them escape your lips before you could really stop them.
"denji, what are we?"
you felt the hand that rested on you go still, and the arm that was poised as a pillow for you went rigid. hell, the boy that was holding you so close to his chest had practically stopped breathing, and you felt your eyelids slide shut in a bitter defeat before you heard another word. it's not like you needed them to understand how he felt, anyway.
"we're friends, aren't we?" his tone was so controlled, so even and level and unlike the denji that you knew and, dare you say it, loved. it sent another shot tubneling straight through your heart, and you were glad that you were currently facing away from him. you wouldn't be able to handle seeing the look on his face as all of your tentative hopes were crushed under his heel. all you wanted to do was curl in on yourself and maybe try to cry away the numbness that was invading your body from the chest outward.
you raised a shaking hand to push denji's own off of you, and you felt the mattress underneath you creak as the boy shifted in confusion at your behaviour.
your kept your back turned to him as you got out of his bed, pulling on your own clothed and scowling in frustration when you couldn't find your shirt anywhere. you were seconds away from letting the first droplets fall, and you did not want to let denji see.
you snagged some random material of a shirt off of the bedroom floor, yanking it over your head and turning to face denji with a face that you hoped wasn't too scrunched from holding back your tears.
"we're not just friends and you fucking know it."
you didn't have time to register his wounded facial expression or the pleading calls of your name that he cast towards your retreating figure, but you grabbed your shoes before leaving his dorm, shutting the door behind you a little too forcefully and storming off back to your own room.
you must look insane, padding along the halls with no shoes as angry tears streaked down your face and you tried your best not to audibly sob. by the time you had made it back to your room your eyes were streaming, and you flopped on your bed with little regard for anything else other than crying your eyes out.
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truth be told, after that fateful night and the best cry of your life you felt much better. you knew where you stood, you had your feelings sorted out, and you knew that a little distance would really help you to finally move on from your friend.
now, if only denji would stop calling and texting you like nothing had happened.
you felt like you could scream when you saw a notification from him, asking if you wanted to study for the test that you had next week. you bit back the petty urge to ask him if he wanted to study with you as just friends, instead opting to turn your phone off and bury your face in your pillow once again.
matters of the heart take time, after all.
on denji's end, things weren't looking much better. he brushed off his confusion at your actions and words when you had left so abruptly the other day, only to find himself staring at his ceiling trying to decipher his feelings and what the hell you had meant.
he likes makima. and he has, for a while now. he could count on one hand the amount of times he had interacted with the girl who sat in front of him in the lecture hall, and every time had been met with this strange giddy feeling in his chest. though it was rare, he knew that feeling.
but the one he felt right now was so, so, different. when the door clicked shut behind you, it felt like a piece of him had up and left along with you. the very reason that he had accelerated things so far in your relationship was because of how right things felt with you. the slightest graze of your fingertips across his chest didn't light any fireworks in his mind, but it's like warmth perforated his skin and was injected straight into him from you.
truth be told, that feeling was the most addicting he had ever felt. and when he heard that air of finality right after the door shut behind you, it didn't take long for denji to realise just how cold everything felt without you.
but he still liked makima, right?
that giddy feeling in his chest he got from her was enough to fill the you-shaped hole, right?
you not talking to him wasn't what made his heart hurt, right?
he only realised just how wrong he had it when he talked to makima for the fourth time ever. she had turned in her seat, even smiling at him and asking for a pen, and all that came to mind was how much he missed your smile.
hell, he missed everything. the sound of your laugh, the smell of your hair. the way you fit against him and said his name. and that's when he realised this you-related feeling was.
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there was a knock on your door. and another. you groaned, rolling over to check the time to see that it was three in the morning.
by the time you had cracked your door open you saw a flash of blond hair and a face all-too-familiar, you knew it was too late to slam your door shut. denji's face perked up, and you already knew that you were done for.
he lifted his hand, revealing a pretty albeit crumpled bouquet of flowers. you almost giggled to yourself, guessing that the mastermind of that romantic gesture was most likely denji's roommate aki. but it was appreciated, nonetheless.
"what do you want, denji?" you were painfully aware of just how much of a mess you looked right now- eyes still red around the rim from how many self-pitying tears you had shed over this entire situation.
denji's mouth and opened and closed, and you sighed against your barely open door which still had a chain on it.
"i'm not in the mood, denji."
"no, no, it's just that i wanted to say that i've finally figured out what we are." it appears tgat your friend finally found his voice. you looked him in the eye again, trying not to let the hope in your heart build itself too high. "we're way more than friends, y/n."
you felt any resistance crumble at those words, and the sheepish smile on your face grew.
"so, can i come in?" you smiled at denji, shutting your door to undo the latch before opening it again, wide enough to let him back in to your life. consider him a weakness of yours.
the first thing denji did when he crossed the threshold of your door was wrap his arms around you, dried tears and crumpled flowers and all, and bury his face in your hair. the only words he had to offer was a mumbled i miss you into your skin, and you felt your body melt against him like it had so many times before.
when you finally broke apart, you couldn't help but wonder.
"so, what are the flowers for denji?" the boy before you blushed, his eyes flitting off to the side. he raised a hand to the back of his neck, taking a breath to summon some courage.
"i was hoping... that i could take you out on a date. or be your boyfriend. something like that."
"what?" denji was still bright red, though his eyes were locked onto yours.
"you heard me." you smiled once again, taking a step forwards and effectively closing the distance between you two.
"i would love to."
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take a look at the menu - ,, ⚖️ ·˚ ༘ ꒱
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the-bau-quinjet · 3 years
I've Always Loved the Rain
Summary: Request! Y/N can manipulate the weather, but sometimes her emotions get the best of her. What happens when Bucky brings his girlfriend to Tony's garden party?
Warnings: nothing except some angst!
Word Count: 2086
a/n: I really did have fun writing this! Thank you for sending it my way :)
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"Are you ever going to tell him?" Wanda's thoughts appeared in your head causing your head to snap in her direction. "You've been staring at him for the past ten minutes."
"Actually, it's only been 8 minutes. And, no. I do not plan to ever tell him because that would be wildly embarrassing, and he would hate me forever." Your own thoughts were easily heard by the witch.
Before she could try to convince you, you got up and left the living room. You and Bucky have been friends since you joined the team. Everyone, barring Bucky, has told you how you must be special because Bucky has never trusted anyone as quickly as he started trusting you.
There may have even been a point where you thought he could've possibly returned your feelings, but that was before he started dating Perrie.
"Y/N, you can't keep running away from me." Wanda called out as she approached your room.
"I'm not running. I just have get ready for Tony's party." You rolled your eyes. You've never been one for parties, but you'd rather just go than have to deal with Tony complaining about you missing it.
"Oh, you mean the party Perrie is going to?" Wanda questioned from your doorway.
"Shut up! Someone could hear you." You quickly pulled her into the room, glancing down the hall before closing the door. "I don't care that she's coming. It's fine."
"I know you're pouting, even if you refuse to look at me." Wanda obviously saw right through your bullshit.
"Wan, he's my friend. I just want him to be happy, and if Perrie makes him happy then so be it." You resigned yourself to having to watch Bucky and Perrie together. "Just, promise me you won't say anything."
You nearly begged her, knowing she didn't agree with your method of bottling everything up.
"You're my friend. I want you to be happy too." She tried to avoid your request.
"Wanda, please." You nearly had tears in your eyes. You couldn't make it through this party if Bucky knew about your feelings. "I can't think about it. Tony will kill me if I ruin his perfect weather."
You joined the Avengers after Steve and Nat found you during one of their missions. You saw the two of them trying to sneak into a hydra base, but they had no way of approaching without being spotted.
In a moment of bravery, or stupidity really it could've gone either way, you ran up to them and offered to help. You managed to create enough of a storm that they could get inside without being noticed.
When they came back out, they offered for you to join them figuring someone who could manipulate the weather would be a good teammate to have.
"Oh, Y/N." She pulled you into a hug in an effort to comfort you. "I won't bring it up, I promise." She squeezed you tightly before letting go. "Now, let's pick out an outfit that'll have Barnes regretting not asking you out."
You shook your head at her playful laugh, but agreed with her nonetheless. If this is what it took for her to stay quiet, you'd do it.
The sun was still high in the sky when you made it out to join the party. Summer nights always seemed to last forever, the sun not fully setting until nearly 9.
A few clouds dusted the sky, but Tony really did have the perfect weather for his garden party.
You looked around, trying to locate a familiar face. Finally spotting Nat and Wanda, you made your way through the gardens to greet them.
"Y/N, you look incredible!" Nat cheered as you approached.
Wanda convinced you to wear a pale purple two piece set. The classy lace outer layer of your skirt fell to mid calf, the lining ending just above your knee. The top was cropped to end mid stomach. Perfectly matching the skirt, a form fitting lining was covered in a flowy lace layer.
"Thank you. You both look amazing, as usual." Nat wore a black midi dress with a slit. Wanda opted for a flowery yellow dress with buttons up the middle.
You fell into an easy conversation, discussing anything and everything you could think of to keep your mind busy.
"Ladies, looking good!" Sam complimented the three of you as he, Steve, and Vision approached. Vision immediately swept Wanda away to dance.
"You're not so bad yourself, Wilson." You laughed. "Steve, you're very dapper this evening."
"Thank you. Care to dance?" Steve held his hand out for you. Knowing Sam was seconds away from convincing Nat to dance with him, you nodded in agreement.
You couldn't help but smile as he lead you around the dance floor Tony had set up. The party had been going surprisingly well so far.
"You really do look amazing tonight." Steve broke the silence, smiling down at you.
"You're too sweet." You brushed it off, looking over his shoulder as you blushed.
"I mean it." He spun you around, eliciting a surprised chuckle from you.
Your smile fell when you spotted Bucky and Perrie by the bar. He wore khakis and a pink button up, something you were certain Perrie picked out to match her pink chiffon dress.
You were shocked to find his eyes on you. He looked sort of angry, but you hadn't the slightest idea why.
"I don't know what Bucky's doing with her." Steve followed your line of sight, commenting on the couple.
"He's happy." You turned away from Bucky, heart aching just from looking at the two of them together. You tried to mask the pain in your voice, but Steve saw through it.
"He's not. He might think he is, but Perrie... she's not right for him."
"What do you mean?" You shouldn't have asked, but you craved more information about Bucky.
"She just doesn't understand him. Not like you do." Steve's words hurt you more than they helped.
"Steve, he chose her." You could feel the tears brewing. You didn't notice as the sky got darker and darker. "I have to go."
You turned to walk away from Steve and the conversation only to walk directly into Perrie.
"I'm so sorry!' You quickly wiped your eyes, avoiding the concerned look Bucky was giving you. He lightly grabbed your elbow when you tried to walk past them
"Y/N?" The way he said your name had you frozen. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing. I, um, I have to go." You pulled your arm from his grasp, again trying to get away.
"No, Y/N-" Bucky's plea for you to talk to him was cut off by Perrie.
"James, we're supposed to be dancing." She whined, pulling on his right arm.
"It's fine, Bucky." Your face contorted into a tight smile. "Dance with your girlfriend." Your vision blurred as you tried to push your way through the crowd.
Nat found you first, pulling you off to the side of the party and gesturing for Wanda to join you both.
"Y/N, what happened?" Natasha tried to coax any bit of information out of you. You ignored the question, focusing instead on trying to control your tears.
Your powers, although you could mostly control them, were tied to your emotions. If what you were feeling manifested itself in the weather, it was almost impossible for you to regain control.
One tear finally fell from your eyes, a matching raindrop falling from the sky.
"Y/N? Why don't we go inside?" You managed a nod, breaths coming out shaky as you tried not to completely lose control.
You were only a few steps from the main entrance to the gardens when everything fell apart.
"Y/N?" Bucky called from a few feet behind you.
Just the sound of his voice caused the delicate balance you had achieved to shatter.
Your tears overflowed, thunder cracking in the sky. The thought of ruining Tony's part only made you cry harder.
The rain fell fast and heavy instantly soaking everyone outside. You stayed frozen, listening as everyone shrieked and ran to get out of the rain.
"You guys should go inside." You spoke softly to Nat and Wanda, gesturing for them to go without you.
"Are you sure?" Nat looked past you at Bucky before meeting your eyes again.
You nodded. "I mean, I'm already soaked." The rain continued to fall mixing with the tears on your cheeks.
They each gave you a quick hug before running to get inside.
"Y/N?" Bucky called again when you still hadn't turned around.
You took a deep breath trying to prepare for this conversation before you turned to face him. He was soaked, his hair sticking to his face despite his efforts to push it off.
"I'm sorry." You whispered so softly, you weren't even sure he could hear it over the rain.
"Don't do that." Bucky shook his head.
"What?" You scrunched your face in confusion.
"Apologize for your feelings." He spoke gently as he walked up to you.
You huffed a laugh. "Well, I was more so apologizing for the rain."
"I've always loved the rain." He shrugged, turning his head up to the sky. He stayed like that for a minute just letting the rain wash over him.
"I think I've always loved you." More tears fell as you admitted the truth. You closed your eyes in an effort to hide from his reaction.
"Y/N, look at me." Bucky pleaded, but you squeezed your eyes shut tighter and shook your head.
"Y/N, please." His hand came up to rest on your cheek, the other resting on your waist. He ran his thumb back and forth over your cheek coaxing you to open your eyes.
Your eyes fluttered open despite your best efforts to keep them closed. You had to blink a few times to clear the raindrops from your eyelashes.
"I love you too."
You searched his eyes for any signs that he was lying, but all you could find was sincerity.
"What about Perrie?" You couldn't help but ask, even if you'd rather forget about her entirely.
"I broke up with her the second she whined about me trying to make sure you were okay."
"You broke up with her because of me?" Your mouth fell open, eyes trained on Bucky's. He nodded sheepishly, but maintained eye contact.
"You're the most important person in the world to me. I probably should've realized what that meant sooner." He looked down, a pink tint blossoming on his cheeks. "She was actually the one who pointed out to me that I'm in love with you..."
"She said that?" Your jaw dropped even farther.
"Yeah. It was really Steve agreeing with her that clued me in though."
"You really love me?" You felt the need to verify what you had already heard. The rain lessening to a slight drizzle went unnoticed by both of you.
"I really, really do." He still held your face in his hand, now leaning his forehead against your own.
"Say it again." You whispered.
"I love you." He said the words quietly, but the meaning behind them was deafening.
"I love you too."
Your lips collided in a passionate kiss, years of hidden emotion coming out.
The rain clouds disappeared entirely, the sun set now visible in bright shades of pink and orange.
You finally pulled back when the need for air overcame your need for Bucky.
Your smile faded slightly, eyes showing a slight fear. Bucky noticed immediately, his own nerves growing.
"What's wrong?"
You gestured to the now empty gardens.
Aside from everything being soaked, the wind did a number on the decorations. Tables and chairs were overturned, plates and glasses smashed on the ground. The lanterns that had been hung were now strew across the ground in various states of destruction.
"Tony's going to be so mad at me!"
"He'll forgive you." Bucky stated with confidence.
"How can you be so sure?" You eyed him with furrowed brows, still nervous about facing Tony.
"He's forgiven worse, Doll. Trust me." Bucky eagerly awaited the moment you understood what he was saying.
Your eyes went wide, mind blanking on how to respond. That is, until Bucky smiled brightly at you.
"You've always told me joking about it can help. Figured I'd give it a try."
The two of you burst out laughing before slowly making your way inside, hand in hand and soaking wet.
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Permanent taglist:
@averyhotchner @jesuswasnotawhiteman @madewithsebstan
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waltnut · 3 years
Yes, I'm a THIRSTY, HORNY and DEHYDRATED bicht. But I am proud of myself. Can I request more NSFW head cannons of our monster boyfriend? But don't make it dark, maybe add some after segg cares if you want? I LOVE YOU.
Don’t make it dark?? Don’t you know what I’m about??? I can’t believe this.
No I’m joking lol well damn, NSFW? Okay well, this is for the Monster Fuckers so kiddies look away. I’m sorry to those who don’t like NsFw. I will tag it as “NSFT” for Not Safe for Timeline but I also hide it under the cut. I’m sorry. I had fun with this...now I’m embarrassed lmao You guys seem to like these so...
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The prompt has me thrown a bit, but I’ll just make some stuff up, I hope that’s okay.
NSFW Headcanons - Monster Boyfriend edition: Demon Lords, Vol. 1
Adult content. These are demons. If this disturbs you, then stop reading here. Otherwise, enjoy?
Level 3
He sheds his feathers on his body when he’s nervous. MC makes him nervous when he’s like this. What do they think of him? Is he ugly? Would they call him a monster?
He’s the most submissive in this form. Gentle touches make him shiver and jump. He feels the most vulnerable and actively moves away from MC if they try to be intimate.
But he wants the intimacy. It’s reassuring. He’s still wanted. He actually might cry a bit. He’s sensitive, be nice.
MC will have to do most of the initiating. After the first time MC had had intimacy with him like this, he will be more confident the next times they engage in any sexual activity.
Level 4
All the pride and confidence. None of that level 3 sissy business, he will have you.
He’s very grabby, and maybe grips a little too tight. He likes the power of being stronger than you. He wants you to know it.
He seems to always have his wings as wide as he can make them. It must be some sort of mating dance. He does have that part bird instinct in there somewhere. He wants to show off, maybe intimidate you a bit. Does he like fear?
Might use the feathers on his tail to tickle you to make you squirm while he has you. What fun!
Level 3
He is very clingy. He wants to always be touching you. Even if it’s just the tips of his wings or tail, he wants to have the physical touch.
As he goes through this level, his ability to sense any Greed from the MC to be highly erotic. Talking about buying those new clothes you’ve been wanting? Turn on. Saying how you’re gonna share any of them with him? He can’t contain himself.
He loves pets. Brushes against his hair, feathers, scales, will make him coo. Bird noises, gotta love them.
Easy seduction outfit, should you choose to wear one, anything shiny. Gold chains? Perfect. Sheer black clothes but with gold edges and designs? Also perfect. He can’t resist the shiny.
Level 4
Don’t even think about leaving him, until he lets you. You’re part of his treasure now and he will preen and polish you accordingly.
Lazy in this form, expect lots of cuddling with the dragon. He’s quite warm. The texture on his underside is soft like skin even though it looks like lizard scales. Don’t be surprised when you feel surprise boners while laying with him. He may be lazy, but he’s not tired.
Touching the skin texture of his body is a great seduction tactic should you need one. It’s the sensitive side to his body while the rest is covered in feathers and scales.
While he will dress up MC in gold as a mating ritual, should MC do the same to him, it is the greatest indicator that you are accepting his proposal for intimacy.
Level 3
Two dicks. Look we all know it. We all agree. Moving on.
Touching the purple frills on his ears is like touching his junk. It’s a highly erroneous zone for him. But be gently, they are very soft and sensitive.
Do you even lift? Well you might need to because he is going to be wrapped around you the entire time. He’s quite heavy and good luck getting out of that one.
Laying with him in water is the best way to show any intimate intentions. Even if you think it’ll be a relaxing chill in the water, think again.
Level 4
Now if you’re brave and choose to sleep with a giant ass sea monster, you’re in luck because he can manipulate water to allow you to breathe in the water.
He is the largest of all the brothers in terms of monster size. He’s a giant sea dragon. So be careful when dealing with...well, his size.
He likes to flip you around in the water, so staying in one position is not an option. It’s like a dance!
Want to know if he’s into it? Watch the orange fleshy bits on his sides. The more he glows the more you know!
Level 3
If you’re into having sex after yelling and screaming at each other then congrats! So is he. Angry sex is what he’s about. He’s wrath. I mean, come on.
Belittle him. No really. He’ll want to prove you wrong. Fuels the fire.
Extremely dominant. Don’t even try to top him. Also you just finished? No rest for you, you’re going again.
He’s gonna scratch and mark you. Bring some bandaids.
Level 4
Okay first of all, you really want to sleep with this? He’s terrifying. He is an actual hell spawn. Well okay, be prepared for selfish sex. He’s rough.
Want to know if he’s into it? Watch the flames on his back. Can you pass your hand through it without it burning you? You pass. It’ll grow brighter and larger the closer he is to finishing.
Most likely to choke you.
Will call you names during the act, sorry. The “not nice” kind.
Level 3
Words are your biggest weapon. Constant love and adoration is all you need when he’s like this. You won’t even need to touch him to work the magic.
As the avatar of lust, he knows the human body of all genders. His genitalia resembles a males’ but it does have a clit on the bottom side of the head of the dick. You can get real creative with that.
Kiss and touch his ears! He loves it. They might flick at your touch, but he’s into it.
Is able to have his scorpion tails in this form if he chooses to, and he likes pushing and pulling you around with them.
Level 4
More of a Dom in this form. He also enjoys a good mess.
Don’t grab onto his tails, he’s not into it. But grabbing onto his mane? Go right ahead with that.
A little bitey. Vampire tendencies.
Most likely to try and sex you on the ceiling. Why? Not sure. But he’s able to do it so just roll with it.
Level 3
Look at that long ass tongue. He’s gonna use it. Why wouldn’t he use it? You’re gonna want him to use it. The paralysis saliva he can produce is something he can choose to use.
Will jump on you out of nowhere. No literally, where did he come from? It’s 3 Am and everyone else is asleep. But a good smack will get him to stop if it’s unwanted. Bad puppy.
He might share his food with you if he’s offering intimacy. Like with his mouth. Like it might already be chewed a bit.
Chromeo lyrics: ((Don’t turn the lights on! I want to see you in the dark~.)) His eyes are sensitive, okay.
Level 4
You ever had sex with a Minotaur? You ever wanted to?
Will carry you off to a secluded area that he has found for himself. He doesn’t want to be disturbed.
The longer you go with him, the hotter his body feels. Just like when he feeds, he’ll have steam coming off his body.
Most likely to hump your leg.
Level 3
He enjoys you being uncomfortable. Emotionally or physically.
Sleep paralysis demon. Hey, at least you won’t be doing most of the work.
He’ll quietly hum a lullaby to you to see if you’ll accept his intimacy proposal. If you hum back, you accept. Careful, he might hum your favorite song.
His wool is so soft. Why is it so soft? You need to touch all of it.
Level 4
If you’re not banging irl, you will in your dreams.
You ever wanted to have sex in space? He can make the best magic Galaxy projector you’ve ever seen, and without the paid promotion!
His wool smells of soothing herbs and incense. So despite his creepy ass behavior, you find a way to calm your nerves.
You’ll have the best sleep you’ve ever had afterwards.
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Stella with owl demon S/O (The finale)
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(This is the last chapter in the secret lover mini-series. If your just finding it, go back and read the full series. Its a fairly long story.) Hope you enjoy~
Years of meticulous planning. Manipulation, blackmail and manoeuvring. And all for this one day.
It had almost been a year since Stolas cheated on Stella, almost a year since You and Stella had become a less than secret couple. And today you were going official.
It had been simple getting information on Stolas.
A few cameras here, a tapped phone line there, not to mention half the staff was on your pay roll. They gave you all the information you could need, you taking any information, no matter how minor.
Honestly, Stella coming to you was a pleasant surprise. You did have this grand plan in place, a plan to split the family at its seams.
And in an instant, Stolas' incompetence had saved you months of work. And so Stolas' arrogance, shall be his undoing.
Over the last year, youd had dozens of visits. Spending months carefully prodding the couple, if you could still call them that. You pushed the wedge between them deeper and deeper, all for today.
You strolled into the palace like it were your second home, a small wicker basket hanging from his arm.
Navigating the halls, you found yourself in the palace kitchen, or at least the one the family had used the most.
Grabbing a set of glasses, you turned to find Octavia sitting at the table. 'Octavia, dear, how are you.' You asked, sounding as overjoyed as you felt.
She looked up at you with dead eyes, 'How do I look.' She asked sarcasticly. And honestly, the girl looked like she hadn't slept in a week.
Sitting down you gave her a sympathetic look. 'Fight?' You asked simply.
She just nodded, taking a sip of coffee.
You sighed, placing your hand on hers. 'What about the white noise machine I got you, that help any?' You asked hopefully.
Octavia sighed 'It helped a little, but they both managed to yell over it.' She told you, rubbing her face.
You sighed again, reaching into your pocket. You pulled out a fist sized stone. 'Here' you told her, handing her the stone.
Octavia stared at the stone for several moments, before looking up to you, blinking heavily a few times, 'Uhhhh... thanks?' She said, clearly confused.
You let out a chuckle, resting your head on your hand. 'Your welcome.'
The girl stared at the stone, before looking back at you 'what is it?' She asked simply.
You laughed again, 'Well it was going to be a birthday present, but it would seem you need it more now.'
Picking up the stone you gently tapped its top, a complex Web of symbols growing across it. Tapping it once more the symbols disappeared.
Octavia looked much more interested now, as you explained it to her. 'This bad boy, is what you'd call a noise sponge. When activated, it basically sucks all the noise out of a room.'
Octavia stood up, 'Really?' She asked seemingly excited. With a smile you told her 'See for yourself' you told her before tapping the top of the stone.
Octavias mouth moved, but no noise seemed to leave. She spoke again and again, each time seemingly getting louder and louder, before taking a deep breath.
Her mouth stretched and her body moved as though she were screaming, but there was no sound whatsoever.
Tapping the stone, sound noticably re-entered the room.
Octavia panted, before giggling like... well a school girl. Picking up the stone, you handed it to her.
Octavia stared at the stone, getting up, you followed her. 'Now remember this. That's not a toy. Its a powerful artefact, so don't use it longer than needed, and no sound can be heard when activated, be careful where you use it.'
Octavia just nodded her head, her eyes never leaving the stone. 'Thanks (y/n)' she told you giving a big hug.
'No problem kiddo.' You told her patting her back and planting an affectionate kiss atop her head.
Leaving the room you reflected on your growing friendship with Octavia.
She truly was an amazing young woman, a spitting image of her mother, if a bit cynical. She had a deep fascination for the occult, something you were more than happy to help her explore.
The two of you had actually become pretty close, having talked and met up dozens of times. You acted as a confidant, and a suspected, only friend for the girl.
You didn't like manipulating the girl, but it was quite easy to sour her relationship with her father, you really only had to bring focus to his selfish nature.
Of course, that didn't mean she was running to Stella's side, but her trust in stolas was cracked.
So with some pep in your step, you made your way to Stella's study, giving polite and playful little bows to the palace staff.
Youd worked hard to become beloved by the staff, acting as sort the "good noble" that looked out for them. At least for the ones not ready on your payroll.
You found her study. Giving your outfit a once over you knocked on the door. Stella snapped back, telling you to go away.
You released a bitter-sweet laugh, you opened the door, 'Are you fucking d-' Stella yelled before cutting yourself off.
'Hello darling.' You said calmly. In an instant she got to her feet, rushing over and wrapping you in a hug.
You pulled her into a kiss, locking the two into a passionate embrace. Breaking the kiss, you asked her tenderly 'How are you doing, my love?'
You'd gotten very good at telling when Stella was upset and when she was trying to hide it, and now she was certainly upset.
'How am I doing? Oh you know, I've had to deal with my slut of a husband and that... fucking Imp! For months now.' She growled, taking several heavy breaths before turning back to you. 'Other then that, I'm fine.'
You gave her a sympathetic smile, before remembering why you were here. 'Well, then I have just the thing.' You told her, giving the basket a little shake.
You pulled her towards the door, Stella resisting. 'Lets go play' you tell her playfully.
'No, I can't' she tells you, resisting your pull 'I have to much work to do.' She said clearly upset at the reality of royal responsibility.
Pulling her close, you looked her in the eyes before firmly telling her 'Do you trust me?' You asked her sternly.
That seemed to surprise her, before she just nodded her head. 'Then we should do this... trust me'
Stella conceded, letting you lead her out of the palace.
Walking out the back of the palace, you passed the field she had once burnt to ash, now regrown into a healthy and lush lawn.
Taking her into the clearing, you layed out the blanket you'd brought in the basket.
Sitting down, you pulled out the bottle of wine. Pulling the cork, you poured you both a glass. Sitting there you both fell silent, a weight hanging over your head.
You turned to her, looking deep into her eyes, you told her calmly. 'Stella, theres nothing in this world I love more then you...' taking your hand, you placed a kiss atop it.
'I'm sorry... I'm sorry I was never good enough for you...' you told her, emotion growing in your voice.
She looked deeply concerned, asking you 'what do you mean?'
You shook your head. 'The truth is. All I've ever wanted was to be with you...' you looked at your hands, 'I had such plans to Get you back, to prove I deserved you. But stolas seems to have ruined everything... You deserve better and I'm going to give it to you.' You looked up at her, 'I love you Stella.'
Looking at Stella, she looked distraught, teary eyed as she pulled you close. 'I love you too (Y/N).' There was a long pause before she whispered in your ear, 'I wish I had been with you... all those years ago'
Her words put everything together, a wave of determination flowing through you. With your purpose secured, you pulled her into a passionate kiss.
The two of you became more physical, your hands roaming her body. Stella's arms wrapped around your neck. You becaming more passionate, Stella matching your energy at every step.
It was as you undid the back of her dress that you heard it... he was here.
Giving her another kiss you asked her, 'Do you trust me?' Your breathing still raged.
It took a moment, but Stella responded 'Yes, Yes I trust you...' With that you kiss her again, carefully readjusting her dress.
It took another moment, but you heard him. 'Well, well, what do we have here?' The voice was cold, clearly unhappy.
Breaking the kiss, you looked up to find a very angry looking Stolas staring down at you.
You carefully pushed Stella off, giving her a more innocent kiss on her cheek. 'Go play somewhere.' You whispered, standing up.
You turned to face Stolas. The prince was absolutely livid, tapping his fingers on his forearm.
'Stolas! My what a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?' That was a lie. You specifically picked this spot, at this time because you knew he would see the two of you.
All according to plan.
Stolas spat back, 'Don't talk to me like that you bastard. Trying to fuck my wife. In my own home, do you have no shame.'
You couldn't help but begin laughing. You gripped your legs, laughing so hard it was hard to breath.
Straightening up you looked at Stolas, allowing years of venom to show. 'Shame?' You asked incredulously, 'Your asking me if I have shame?' You chuckled again. 'Pot meet kettle.' You spat at him
Dusted yourself off. 'Shame...?' You spat, through gritted teeth. 'Youre asking me if I have shame? You speak of your lust before your child. Plastering the hellnet with your lust for that satan-damned Imp, Fucking that Hellspawn in the bed, you shared with your Wife. You know nothing of shame, you harlot!' You finished almost screaming.
Stolas grit his teeth, his hands dropping to his side. The weather began to shift.
The once clear sky quickly being replaced with a ocean of grey clouds.
'You think you can take my wife?' He asked seriously. Your smile grew, taking a few steps towards him, smugness growing across your face. 'Think? My good man... I already have.' you tell him simply.
With a flick of his claw Stolas manifested his Grimoire.
In a flash you reached into your coat, pulling out a silver lock and throwing it at the Grimoire.
Almost immediately on impact, dozens of silver vines shot out, wrapping around the book.
Stolas, initially shocked tried to open the book, the lock on its cover not budging against his grip.
He looked up at you, pissed and clearly expecting 'That little item,' you began 'ensures that your little book won't affect the outcome of our little fight, Stolas.'
You smirk at him 'Now' you began 'you'll just have to fight me like a man.'
Stolas seemed both concerned and enraged by this, throwing the book to the side. 'You think I'm scared of you?'
He reached for his cloak, dramatically throwing it to the side.
You just chuckled, cracking your knuckles, the demonic Prince charged, swinging at you.
You easily dodged.
'My, how impressive!' you said, mockingly.
Stolas swung again, and again, missing each time. 'Come on I don't have all day!' You called at him smugly.
Stolas went for a violent haymaker, missing again. This time you retaliated with a hard punch to his nose, hearing a crack apon your fist meeting his face.
He stumbled back, blood dripped from his nose as you taunted him further.
'You know I had such an elaberate plan, Stolas.' You told him, taking out a shiny set of knuckle dusters from back pocket. 'I had every step perfectly worked out, all to turn your family against you.'
Stolas, became enraged, blindly charging at you. You easily dodgeing him, giving him a violent crack to his face.
'And then you, you fool... you did most of the job for me... half my plan, unneeded because you were a selfish, arrogant fool.'
Stolas made it to his feet, his left eye already swelling. He widened his eyes, likely intending to turn you to stone, but before he could, you reached into your pocket and threw a handful of dust at him.
The silver dust shone as it flew through the air, his reaction was instant. Falling to his knees clutching his face.
You chuckled, leaning on your knees for a second, 'When Judas betrayed jesus.' You began.
'He received 30 pieces of silver, as such its toxic to demons. And now it's your payment for all suffering you've put your family through.' You told him, blankly, no emotion in your voice.
'Years, Stolas. I've been preparing for this fight for years. I've played this moments out hundreds, thousands of times. Nothing you can do I havent prepared for.' You wiped your lip, standing up straight. 'Your going to lose.'
You were taunting him now, relishing seeing him suffer.
Reaching down, you grabbed his hair, pulling him up. It was as you were about to taunt him again that you were suddenly punched in the face.
Stumbling back, you found stolas getting to his feet. Wiping his eyes he glared at you, 'You think I'm some push over? I'm a prince! I am a Goetia, I'm not gonna be taken down by some retched lowborne.' He screeched, raising his fists.
You just smiled back, wiping your cheek 'Finally... a real fight.'
The fight was a brutal, Stolas, despite his lanky figure and privileged upbringing, could pack one hell of a punch.
But you were prepared for this.
For every hit Stolas landed, you hit him twice. Every use of magic was thwarted with an item or counter spell. You were almost perfectly matched.
You stood across from each other, fists bloody, clothes filthy and torn, bruised and battered.
Still a smile adorned your face. Chuckling, you began 'you've put up one hell of a fight, Stolas.' You said as though remembering something. 'But even if you beat me, I still win!' You told him smugly.
Stolas cocked his brow, 'what are you going on about.' You smiled again, before reaching into your jacket before you pulling out a long white feather.
'Stella, your uh, "wife"...'you ran the feathered across your nose, taking in her lingering scent. 'We've been fucking for the past year now.' You chuckled again 'we fucked everywhere, her study... your bed, and man... can she scream.'
That set him off, he charged you, releasing a desperate a d furious, battle cry, swinging like a mad man.
You dodged the swing, and with one final uppercut the demon Prince stumbled back. He looked at you shocked, before smacking into the ground.
You couldn't help but laugh. The piece of shit fell like a sack of rocks.
Turning around you found a very concerned Stella. With a smile you walked towards her, stumbling over your battered legs.
Stella ran to your side, helping you keep up right.
You chuckled, pulling her in for a kiss. 'I have something for you.' You told her, your voice course and worn.
Reaching into your coat, you pulled out a small black case.
Breaking her grip, you stepped back and fell to your knee.
Taking several deep breaths you began, 'Stella. You are my light in the darkness, the love of my life. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you.'
Opening the case, you showed the sparkling diamond ring. 'Stella, my love. Will you marry me.'
Stella looked shocked, tears coming to her eyes as she covered her mouth.
It took a moment, but she nodded her head, 'Yes... yes I'll marry you.' She said, her voice thick with emotion.
You just smiled.
Everything was perfect.
Just as you planned.
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jifanjiang0710 · 2 years
Call Your Name - Hange Zöe x Reader
Warnings: Character death, mentions of death.
Written by: Leo
"[ Name ]…"
The heat is unbearable. Hange Zöe reminisces about the past.
Since as far back as she could remember, Hange doesn't recall ever being lonely. Even now there always seems to be someone by her side. Not because she had many friends — many were put off by her eccentric nature — it's that this particular person wouldn't leave her side.
Even when said person was a cadet in training, Hange had known about them. Not as much as family or say, a childhood friend would, but there was a mutual sense of comprehension they held with each other. Arguably, it can be said that Hange knew that person the best, and vice versa.
Perhaps that was why they joined the Scouts, when given the choice. They were placed in her squad. If an outsider were asked the two people who would always be found beside Hange, it would be Moblit and them.
You should have had a good life with the MPs, or Garrison. You should've listened to me. And now look where that got you.
On the day the remainder of the Scouts returned from the basement in Shiganshina, there were only nine of them.
That night they returned, broken and bruised with wounds that wouldn't ever heal. Hange was, she thought, understandably angry. Leave, she'd asked them to. Go back.
They merely kept their peace, head hanging almost apologetically.
"Are you mad at me?"
"Why would you think otherwise?"
That was accurate to an extent. Because how could they abandon Hange like this to face the world alone? With Erwin and nearly the entirety of the Scouts gone, with the heavy demoralisation that came with knowledge out of the outside world, the fate of Paradis was set on her shoulders.
Yet knowing this, they likely came back for this very reason. Through Hell and back Hange doesn't remember a time where she has been lonely, not with them by her side.
You don't deserve to move forward alone like this.
She supposes, she has to thank them, for staying so long, even if the world tore at their skin, soul chipping away day by day.
"We could just run away. Leave this war and live in the wild somewhere. Wouldn't that be nice…Levi?"
"How's Heichou?" they ask, as Hange finishes up the stew.
"He's alive. Not doing great, but at least…he refuses to die."
"He'll make it."
"Easy for you to say. You're dead."
"...I'm sorry. That was insensitive of me."
"It's alright."
"Have you finally lost it, Hange? Who're you talking to?"
"Ah…" she looks over her shoulder. "You're awake."
"Long enough to listen to you spout at air." He groans, sitting up. "Where's the monkey bastard?"
How nice it would be, to abandon it all. Live out a peaceful life with just them by her side, stubbornly adamant on staying.
…Levi could come with, Hange supposes, if they took well to him.
But that day was the last she saw of them. With the approach of dawn they were gone, gone with the twilight wind. All that was left were a wounded soldier both in body and pride, the shattered remains of the Commander of the Scouts, and the swift calls of birds.
I wonder, *Hange thinks, as she sees the final thunder spear explode in a shower of gunpowder, *will I see them soon?
Titans really are…beautiful.
"...[ Name ]?"
They smile, the first time in years. "Welcome back."
"The…the flying boat! How are they?!"
They stare far into the horizon, at the little speck in the distance.
"They made it, thanks to you. You've done well, Hange."
"Moblit! Erwin Danchou! And everyone!"
"Why don't we have a seat?" They intertwine their fingers with hers. "Everyone would like to hear about your adventures."
Both pairs of eyes meet, and Hange, too, smiles.
This is my debut fanfiction, though it is a far cry from what I usually write. I'm just an amateur so don't expect much in the future.
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