#sorry if the grammar is a little all over the place I am sick
clarabowmp3 · 3 months
”so is taylor just not supposed to compete in the charts anymore 😒😒” shut up! genuinely! even actually competitive activities like sports/the olympics follow guidelines pertaining to sportsmanship and trust me there is nothing sportsmanship-like abt her behaviour atp
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
Little Bit of Food
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N sees a TikTok video of couple where the women serves her partner more food on his plate than on hers. For research purposes, she just wants to see how he would react.
Warning: no translated Spanish, spelling and grammar errors, SHORT
A/N: since I am Mexican and Peruvian, the foods mentioned are typical foods that I grew up eating, I LOVE these foods so much, if any other Latine readers have suggestions of what dishes should be mentioned, comment below and I’ll tag you when I use them in another one shot. Also, sorry if it’s short, I don’t think I can build off a lot of “story material” over a TikTok trend, you know?
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Y/N was watching TikTok and she saw a video that was interesting to her.
It was of a couple and a woman served her husband more food on his plate than on her own. The husband insisted that his wife should have more food and that he could eat something later.
Y/N knew that Henry was going to busy at the gym for a few hours so that gave her plenty of time to make one of Henry’s favorite meals that Y/N introduced him to, and that’s bistec a lo pobre. She bought sliced New York steaks from the Mexican grocery store (there’s always a butcher there), also some tortillas and 2 avocados to make guacamole or a sandwich later. When she went back to Henry’s house, she started cutting up tomatoes and onions so it would give the steak flavor. She put the onions and tomatoes aside in a bowl and got out the white rice in the pantry to wash the rice.
Half an hour later, Henry was came through the door sweaty and with a happy Kal.
“Ay hola, Kal, como te fue con tu papi, hm?” Y/N asked, kneeling to pet Kal.
“You call me papi?” Henry asked, drinking water from his sports bottle.
“When I’m talking about you to Kal, yes. Ain’t no way I’m calling you that though, it’s weird because I call my actual dad, papi. So don’t even think about it.” Y/N warned Henry as she washed her hands in the kitchen sink.
“Too late, I’m already thinking about, my lady.” Henry said, kissing her cheek as he hugged her from behind.
“Stop it. I’m making your favorite so please take a quick shower and then I’ll call you when it’s ready. Do you want one or two eggs?” Y/N asked.
“Two please, thanks love.” Henry said, kissing her lips before heading upstairs for his shower.
Y/N began sautéing the onions and tomatoes in the pan before adding in two pieces of steak for Henry, we’ll, one and a half, she cut a half piece for her plate. She got a plate out of the pantry to serve two ‘scoops’ of rice, adding the cooked steaks with tomatoes and onions on top of it, and preceded to fry two eggs on a different pan.
“Toro, food!” Y/N shouted and Kal calming running. “I said ‘toro’, not ‘oso’, you need to practice your Spanish, Kal.” Y/N said and placed Henry’s plate on his side of the table. Henry came running downstairs with his hair wet but he’s dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt.
“Thanks love, it looks amazing.” Henry said, kissing her.
“That’s good, now eat up, you’ve had a long workout.” Y/N said and that’s when she got a smaller plate, served herself a half scoop of rice, her half steak with 3 pieces of tomatoes and onions, and no eggs. When she sat down and said “let’s eat”, Henry looked at Y/N’s plate, then at his own.
“Darling, were you snacking while you were cooking again?” Henry asked, trying to find a reasonable explanation for the lack of food on his girlfriend’s plate.
“No, no, I didn’t snack at all. Eat before the eggs become cold.” Y/N pointed at him with her fork.
“Are you sick? You didn’t have to cook if you weren’t feeling well, love.” Henry said in a concerned voice.
“I’m fine Henry, I went to Fernando’s market today but the steak was too expensive so I only bought 2.” Y/N lied, she buys like half a pound of steak, there’s still 3 or 4 pieces in the fridge. Henry got up and grabbed his keys. “Where are you going?”
“To the market to buy more steak, what cut do you order a again? Med-ee-ya Libra de what?” Henry asked, opening the door,
“No no no, Henry, there’s no need for that, I can survive without bistec, please sit down and eat.” Y/N said, Henry closed the door, put down his keys, and sat back down.
“What about the eggs or the rice? I’m sure you could fill up on that, you told me you ate that when you were younger when there was nothing to eat.” Henry said.
“The last eggs were used on you, Toro. Now please eat before your food gets cold. You want something to drink? I got chicha (It’s a purple corn drink) if you don’t want soda.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, that’s fine, darling.” Henry said, when Y/N walked into the kitchen, Henry switched his plate for Y/N’s. When Y/N came back with chicha for Henry and soda for her, she saw what Henry did.
“Toro! You weren’t supposed to do that. You had a big workout, you’re bigger than me, you need all the protein you can get from this.” Y/N said, trying to switch the plates back but Henry refused.
“Nope, you cooked all this, you deserve to eat your delicious food. I could find something later.” Henry said,
“But you must be hungry, just eat it, I can make myself some potato quesadillas later.” Y/N said, attempting to get the plate back from Henry but he swatted her hand. “Toro!”
“I’m sorry love, but it’s for your good.” Henry said.
“I Don’t want you to be starving,” Y/N said,
“I won’t starve, my love. Watching you enjoy your food is filling enough for me.” Henry said and Y/N’s heart melted. She got out of her seat to sit on Henry’s lag, placing her hands on his neck to hug him.
“Amor, it’s a prank. There’s more steak in the fridge that I can fry up, there’s a lot of rice on the stove and plenty of eggs. Now please eat while I go serve myself more food.” Y/N said getting off him and grabbing her plate to do exactly that.
“You scared me, love. I was about to head over to the market…where is it by the way?” Henry asked,
“Haha, i can’t even tell you, I just know how to get there.” Y/N said, placing her steak in the pan and she watched Henry eat his meal.
“Delicious! This might even be better than your bistec empanado, did I pronounce that right?” Henry asked,
“Yes you did, Toro, but bistec empanado with sopita aguada is comfort food, along with quesadilla de papas, which I will be making tomorrow, I’ve been craving it,” Y/N said.
“That sounds so good, I have to make sure I work out even more. When I made you my girlfriend, I had no idea you would try to fatten me up.” Henry said and Y/N gasped, flipping the steak.
“I would never, how dare you accuse me. I’m gonna make flan for my friend’s birthday on Saturday so I’m gonna make another one just for us.” Y/N said and that made Henry laugh.
“I love your flan, darling. Your cooking skills put mine to shame.” Henry said. Y/N placed her steak on her place, serving more rice, and began frying an egg.
“I was born with that sazón, Toro.” Y/N said teasingly. She finished frying the egg, served it on her plate, and went to sit down. “Better?” Y/n asked, showing Henry her plate.
“Much better, my lady.” Henry said, kissing her. Kal barked. “Yes bear, you can have some steak too.” Henry said,
The End
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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sphireath-wisp · 1 year
#You and Me - Always Forever
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Sypnosis: What was one of the moments that made them decide they wanted to marry you and vice versa?
(Seishiro Nagi, Yoichi Isagi version)
Warnings: Might fall in love with the reader, no actual proposals (just the moments that spark that thought, that feeling that you'd want to spend a lifetime with that person), not proofread, messy interchanging grammar
Note: To that anon who requested, I'll get to your request as soon as possible!!
Featuring: Meguru Bachira, Rin Itoshi x GN! Reader
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Meguru Bachira - What made him want to marry you?
Meguru Bachira, luck is never on his side when he needs it most.
"Ahh, what am I supposed to do now?" Bachira mutters to himself, an awkward smile on his face as he holds onto your hand tighter. He stares off into the distance as the droplets of rain hit the floor. Was there any way he could save this?
He runs a hand through his hair, laughing at how pitiful the situation is to himself. "I'm sorry, (Name). I didn't mean for our second date to go like this." Bachira sighs and plops down onto a bench, ensuring that he leaves more than enough room for you as well.
"There goes our picnic date." You sit down next to him, still holding his clammy hands. "It's okay - in fact, it reminds me of our first date."
He giggles as he drapes his jacket over your shoulders, waiting for the pouring rain to please clear up. "When we got kicked out of the arcade? Pfft, you should have seen the look on the security guard's face!"
"I saw that same security guard when I went back and I swear, I felt shivers when we accidentally made eye contact." You nudge him as you laugh, trying to lighten the gloomy predicament the both of you were stuck in. "In the end, we got some good pizza, so I think it all was worth it."
"What did we even get kicked out for?" Bachira leans back on the bench, fingers intertwined behind his head. He stares up at the sky - no sign of the rain clearing up yet.
"...honestly, I don't remember either. All I remember was you dragging me by the wrist out. We were yelling and screaming, and I almost tripped." You add, "Not a very good impression for a first date."
"Hey! I made it up to you by paying for the pizza. Plus, you love me enough to come back for a second date." Bachira's grin grows wider as he speaks to you. However, the moment his eyes glance back at the heavy rain, the smile slowly fades.
"The rain doesn't seem like it's stopping anytime soon. 'm sorry." Bachira takes out two sandwiches you both bought from a nearby convenience store, passing you one. You take the sandwich from his grasp, taking a small bite out of it silently. "If you want to, you can go home first... I'll call a taxi for you."
Bachira inches his hand away from yours a little. He feels his heart drop, descending deeper and deeper. What if there isn't another date after this? Will you stop texting him? Does he deserve another chance? Despite unwrapping the sandwich in his hands, he doesn't feel like eating anymore. A soft sigh escapes him as he grabs his phone out in advance to call the taxi.
"No." You take another bite of the sandwich, swallowing before you speak. Noticing Bachira's eyes widen from the corner of your eye, you repeat yourself. "I don't want to go home yet."
Your hands pull his hands back, not letting go and lightly squeezing it. "It doesn't matter to me what we do, I don't even care how stupid it is. I just want to spend the day with you. Isn't that why I accepted this date in the first place?" With a reassuring smile on your face, you stand up and reach your hand out to him. "Come on, let's go do something less romantic and more... us."
You hear Bachira laugh lightly, cheeks flushing as relief washes over you. His hands intertwine with yours and you help him up. "A picnic date never suited us anyway."
His hands extend past the canopy's cover, droplets of water landing on his arm. "You worried about getting sick in the rain?"
You shake your head. "If I do, you'll be the one taking care of me."
Bachira nods in agreement, "Don't have to remind me twice." He laughs as you feel a sudden tug on your arm, dragging you right into the rain with him.
He jumps onto a puddle of water, making the clear reflection of both of your faces in the water murky and unintentionally splashing water onto you. Like the rightful victim you are, you retaliate, tackling him into a tight hug.
Bachira's quite the mastermind, holding you by your waist as you tackle him and picking you up as if you were as light as a feather. You feel the rain trickle down your face as he puts you down almost too gently.
His clothes are soaked, His hair is a mess, and all of that oh-so-precious time spent picking out something appropriate to wear for what was supposed to be a cute picnic date had been washed down the drain. Nevertheless, he's never been so happy, he wouldn't have changed anything about today.
Golden eyes lock their gaze with you for a moment, alternating between your eyes and lips. "Can I?"
You nod, a swarm of butterflies settling in your stomach when you see his pupils dilate at your reply. From the way he doesn't hesitate, you can tell he's been wanting this for a long time. Bachira leans in and the both of you simultaneously close your eyes, lips connecting for a sweet kiss.
Meguru Bachira, perhaps he isn't so unlucky after all.
You - What made you want to marry him?
Why would you - someone logical and completely sane - want to marry someone like Bachira? He's sloppy, messy, and has this ridiculously charming shit-eating grin he uses against you all the time to get what he wants. Even your parents had doubts when he first showed up at their doorstep, fingers interlocked with yours.
Well, that's because you are neither logical nor sane, especially when it comes to the guy who comes to your doorstep at ungodly hours to drag you out of that room you coop yourself up in all day when you're down.
He's the type to pepper your face with kisses as if the world's ending, the type to decorate his hair with matching clips along with you - hell, if he could get any matching items with you, he doesn't care about how much money he is, he's spending every single cent for you. (He's so silly goofy)
Bachira is very open with his affections, or rather, he's not reserved when it comes to you. He's the complete opposite of shy, not the least bit bashful when posting about you.
And recently, you found his TikTok account. Boy, he was MORE than open when it came to you...
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And the moment you liked or commented on the post, it's an endless stream of love from him. He's practically spam-posting about you.
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He's so silly and goofy when it comes to you. You like spending your time watching and then replaying his videos again. It's such a stupidly simple way of affection, but it reassured you a lot. I can bet he's a very hands-on origami person too and you love collecting the little things he makes for you.
But, what really sold it for you was when you dug a little deeper through his account. It took a while because of how much he posted, but when you finally found his older posts - from before you both were dating, it actually told you how in love with you that man is.
Bachira was utterly smitten, and he had been from the very start.
He would ramble about your new hairstyle. That stupid PowerPoint presentation you made that he was so proud of you for - you swore you felt like evaporating when you stumbled on your words that day. He overthought so many small things in the past when he had a crush on you, it was so childish.
"What if they don't like the origami flowers I made them??? I made them in their favorite color, hope they like it :(("
"THEY ACCIDENTALLY TRIPPED TODAY AND SCRAPPED THEIR KNEE :(( day officially ruined, I expect tears and an apology from that pavement"
You had no idea he noticed those little things, it was comforting to hear that he was still looking out for you even then. Back then, you thought it was just you who was hopelessly in love, wishing him goodnight, anticipating his texts.
God, you felt so stupidly in love back then.
"(Name)?" Bachira gives you his usual upbeat, cheery grin - a hint of red adorns his cheeks. "Whatcha smiling about?"
"Oh, nothing." You'll save him the embarrassment for now - though, you highly doubt he would be embarrassed over this. "Just saw something cute."
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Rin Itoshi - What made him want to marry you?
Rin actually has an answer for this - your unwavering belief in him. It oh-so rudely broke down all the walls of bricks he spent building with time around his fragile heart, the cement that glued the bricks in place being his fear of being abandoned and failure. Yet, despite all of that, you decided to just barge in? You really are the opposite of lukewarm in every possible way.
"Tch, why are you here?" Rin's eyes narrow at the Isagi and Bachira lounging in his house as if it were their own, exasperation laced into his words.
"(Name) let us in! Isn't that right, (Name)?" Rin sighs as sees you innocently nod and take small sips from your mug. Meanwhile, his eyes almost beg you to deny it so he could have you to himself for the day. Whatever, it's fine, he'll stay in the kitchen then, ignoring Bachira's request for snacks as he leaves the room.
Conveniently, it lets him hear about what the three of you are idly chatting about.
"So, you won't be here for Rin's next match?" Rin pauses when Bachira's words reach his ears, the hold he had on his glass of water hardening. It becomes dead silent in the kitchen.
"I wish I could..." You sigh, "But, I'm going back to my country for a while. I'm a bit homesick, you know?"
"I see. Is Rin upset?" Isagi tunes in.
"Absolutely heartbroken," Rin choked on his water when he overheard your words. Fuck, you saw through him? ...Could you have at least put it in a better way?
"Ehh? But aren't you Rin's good luck charm? I think you should stay, (Name), at least for the match." What a rare moment, Rin is in complete agreement with Bachira. He leans his weight against the countertop, taking small sips of his water.
He hears the sound of a mug being placed down against the glass coffee table in the living room. "Rin doesn't need luck." Even the living room is completely silent, other than your voice.
"He's spent his whole life working and training for soccer. Nothing Rin does, especially something he dedicates his life to, should amount to just luck." Damnit, were you always this poetic or something? Did you always believe in him like this?
"I believe in him, isn't that all there is to it?" Your words are worth their weight in gold. He feels like there's been a weight lifted off his shoulders and suddenly, his heart is pounding against his ribs like crazy.
"What if he loses?" He doesn't even remember who asked the daunting question, their words stopping his train of thought.
You stayed silent and he pursed his lips as a knot tightened in his stomach.
"That means he can become even greater." You finally speak up. "He hasn't reached his greatest just yet but he's definitely destined for greatness." He doesn't need to even look at his own reflection to realize he's blushing, he could feel the heat rushing up to his cheeks already.
Rin glances at the calendar. "A week before they go. They'll take another week to come back." Well, he's got no time to waste, he has to make this week the most memorable week for both you and him before you leave. He knows his heart will ache even more once you leave now, so he'll make sure to make this week the best.
Before any of the three of you can utter a word, Rin returns, phone in one hand, tapping away at it. "Oh, what took you so long to get snacks?" You hum, noticing how unusually excited and jittery he was, pacing back and forth in the room.
"We ran out," Rin lies through his teeth with a slight smile. "Dress up, we're going to your favorite restaurant."
"Huh? Isn't it expens-" He's already making a call, reserving a table for the both of you. Bachira and Isagi get the message. Isagi patting Rin on the back while Bachira nudges him before leaving.
He's so, so lucky to have you.
You - What made you want to marry him?
"Are you in love with me?" You decide to humor yourself with a silly question, hands cupping your own cheeks with an innocent smile teasing your lips. You bat your eyelashes at him, doe eyes staring at him.
"What kind of stupid question is that?" Oh no, your charms didn't work! Flinching and gasping at the harsh response, you retort. "If it's so stupid, answer me then."
By the way, he bites his lip in thought, it was crystal clear to you that he lacked an answer to your very valid question. "See! Not so stupid, right-"
"No. I'm not in love with you."
This time, it wasn't an act when you flinch, genuinely stunned by his words. "...What?" You felt your heart sink, your expression conflicting between laughing or crying. Was this his way of joking? You certainly hope so.
"I love you," Your body was still tense. Did he say that just for the sake of it? "but, I'm certainly not in love with you."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You blink incessantly.
You hear him click his tongue against the roof of his mouth, rolling his eyes and looking elsewhere to hide the satisfied smirk on his face. "You're supposed to be the expert in feelings."
"Stop whining and just tell me." You hand ball into fists under the table.
"Being in love is a phase. Falling in love is overrated because you can just as easily fall out of love." Rin twirls the pen in his hand around and he continues.
"When you say you're happy with me, that means when I leave, you won't be happy, right? But, if you just say you're happy, you're not relying on any external factor for your happiness. It's the same thing for love."
"...that doesn't really make sense, Rin." He chose quite a... bad example to use as well.
"In love - you can easily get out." You nod at his words. "But, I love you unconditionally, no matter what." Did he just say that? Loud and clear? Without any hint of hesitation?
"Being in love is a state of mind, but loving is an action. Do you get it?" Your shoulder drops out of relief, grinning as you act oblivious. "No."
You can't hold back a chuckle the moment Rin sighs, slamming his pen down and ready to explain again.
"I thought you would have given up by now." You shake your head, crossing your legs comfortably and getting yourself ready for an entertaining explanation.
"Love makes humans do irrational things. I would have given up if I was only in love with you." Rin's voice lowers, the most adorable blush forming on his cheeks as he mumbles just loud enough for you to hear. "You did tell me I needed to communicate my..."
He clears his throat, avoiding your eyes. "...Feelings more, the last time we fought." Your eyes widen. He remembered? Does he really take your advice to heart?
With a tender grasp, you slid your hand into his, your lovestruck gaze on him when you mumbled, "...I love you, Rin."
He pauses. "I love you too. Now, listen up."
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alohajun · 10 months
admin I was reading through your master list and noticed that for treasure, the reaction to a fight+s/o fainting doesn’t have anything for dobby ruto woo and Hwan! Now that they’re older might you consider writing that for them? (I just love angst)
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maknae line treasure x gn!reader | wc : 0.9k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, use of petnames, reader crying + fainting + feeling sick, arguing, angst (and slight fluff if you squint) | loki's lines : ask and you shall receive!
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🐰 doyoung never lets fights escalate, always calming you down before it gets too serious
🐰 but with you being sick, it only ticked you off more when he did so
🐰 "babes, please sit down. you shouldn't be walking around when you are sick."
🐰 he was being nothing but sweet to you, but obv in your sick state, you were only pissed off by his words and gestures
🐰 "i will sit when i fucking want to!" you yelled, your own voice giving you a headache
🐰 doyoung was at your side as you clutched your head, wiping away the tears that fell down your face
🐰 "baby, talk to me. what do you want? what can i do for you?"
🐰 you felt bad instantly, guilty at the fact that you yelled at your boyfriend, who wanted nothing but the best for you
🐰 "i'm sorry. i really am. i'm so sorry."
🐰 you repeated your apologies over and over, your words slurring as your headache was too much to handle
🐰 doyoung knew what was happening before you could even get a word out, making you sit down on the sofa as the spots took over your vision before you passed out
🐰 he kept his calm even though he was internally freaking out, only heaving a breath when you opened your eyes, finally regaining consciousness
🐰 “gosh, princess. you gave me quite the scare right now, you know?”
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🦙 bro is in full panic mode as soon as you raise your voice at him
🦙 ruto is so convinced you are gonna leave him when you two get into an argument
🦙 and he's just creating contingencies in his head to make you stay with him bc he doesn't want you to leave him
🦙 “baby, please don't raise your voice. let's talk this out softly, hm?”
🦙 you knew you were going overboard and your migraine didn't help at all
🦙 not wanting to hurt your beloved bf further, you turned on your heel, attempting to take a step away
🦙 but all you are hit with is a wave of nausea and dizziness, making you still in your place
🦙 you only managed to say “haruto … i don't feel good” before fainting, falling right into his arms as he caught you
🦙 he is going insane with the things running through his head, wondering if what was happening was normal or not
🦙 but he also knew of your migraines and how iffy you got when you had them
🦙 he'd analyse your behavioral pattern as he laid you in bed, realizing you were having a super bad migraine
🦙 haruto would have your meds by your side as you came around, giving it to you as soon as you opened your eyes
🦙 he's also not leaving your side until you agree to go to a doctor bc he's not about to have you fainting on him again
🦙 “no idc if you think this is normal, i won't be able to rest well until you check this out with a doctor, okay, babes?”
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🐺 he doesn't get angry often, but when he does, it's an absolute war
🐺 woo would get too angry to even notice the signs of you not feeling well
🐺 you usually kept quiet when he got angry so he thought little of your silence when he was ranting
🐺 it wasn't until you tapped his shoulder mid-rant that he realized something was definitely wrong with you
🐺 he'd see the tears on your face and wonder if he went too far, but what happened next only screwed with his mind even more
🐺 “i understand we have our differences, but we must—jagiya, what's wrong?”
🐺 you didn't even have enough time to get out the words you wanted to say, falling directly into his arms
🐺 jeongwoo would be in full-blown panic, tearing up instantly as he felt guilty for not being more observant of you
🐺 “jagi. jagiya. please open your eyes and tell me you are alright. please.”
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🐮 junghwan didn't really mean to get as angry as he did when speaking to you
🐮 he knew you were sick and strictly ordered you to stay in bed and not worry about doing anything around the house
🐮 but when he came back home and saw you doing a deep-clean, he couldn't help but get angry at you
🐮 “y/n! i told you to stay put! why are you doing everything i asked you not to?!”
🐮 you'd be startled at his reaction, tearing up instantaneously at his words
🐮 “i'm sorry, hwanie. i really am. please don't leave me. i'm sorry.”
🐮 junghwan would instantly pause at your words, realizing he must've scared you
🐮 “no, no. hey, y/n. i didn't mean it like that. why would i leave you? i'm sorry for scaring you like that.”
🐮 he'd apologise constantly, afraid to approach you as you cowered in the corner, clutching your head as you quietly sobbed
🐮 junghwan would realize immediately that something was wrong when you rested your hands on the floor, a dazed look in your eyes
🐮 before he could ask you, your body gave away, falling to the floor with a light thud
🐮 instantly, junghwan is by your side, tapping whichever hyung’s number came up first as he called them to get help
🐮 they'd calm him over the phone, letting him know it was just a moment of being overwhelmed and that you weren't seriously unwell
🐮 once you wake up, he's holding you in a tight hug, muttering apologies repeatedly
🐮 “i'm so sorry for making you feel like that, y/n. i promise i won't ever do that again. please don't leave me. i love you, please. i'm so terribly sorry.”
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taglist — @kflixnet @gyutendo @nanasdream @twntycm @heejojo @fightmegirl @lovethyfandoms2 @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @milkybonya @enhacolor @yunho-leeknow @candililac @willdieforbeidou @luvbrie @mui890mew @one16core @soobin-chois @odetoyeonjun @wonluvrbot @acciomylove @idkwatodoanymore @kyufilms @ily-cuz-i @acaiasahi @bobariki @changmin-wrlds @teuranghae (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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gaintsnowflake · 1 year
PAIRING : Anthony Lockwood x gn!reader (wears a dress)
ONESHOT : in which lockwood asks about the marks on your body
TRIGGERS : abuse/abusive parents, drunk mother
A/N : I hope you enjoy this, I may write a part to just for the actual conversation, but I thought that this was still good to post a short little extra thing for this week as an apology for posting so late (the lucy fic will be up later tonight). Please ignore any spelling and grammar errors!
masterlist | part two
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I SMILED as I got ready for something I was invited to by my neighbor Anthony Lockwood. He was a bit more of a neighbour now. We had been practically dating, we were just too scared to ask each other out. I have lived next to him nearly my entire life. We lived normally at first, as I was never allowed out. But now that I have entered my teen years I have found myself hanging outside of my house a lot more given my situation. 
Anthony was unaware of the abuse I endured, or any of the bruises on my body that I kept well hidden. I always was wearing long sleeves and long pants, making sure not to show any skin. For the rare occasion that slap marks were left on my face, I was always able to cover it with some amount of makeup.
Today, today was different. Anthony had invited me to join him and his company at the Fittes ball. Which meant, I had to wear a dress. I bought the dress for the occasion, it was a long strapless mermaid-style dress with black gloves that went up to my elbows to match the black on the dress. The dress was stunning as it had silver beading all over. I thought I would be fine given that when they left bruises it was normally only my legs and lower arms and hands. But last night when my mother had come home drunken out of her mind, she threw a bottle of beer at my shoulders leaving deep marks which were going to show today. 
Right now, I am getting changed, preparing for the party. Most of my bruises covered besides the one on my shoulder. I try to cover it with makeup, but it didn't work well. 
Before I could go and tell Anthony that I was feeling sick, I felt eyes on me. I turned to my doorway to see him standing, admiring me as he leaned against the door frame. I gave him an innocent smile as I turned away from the mirror I was looking in. I was quick to cover my shoulder with my hand to make it look as if I was just stretching.
"Hi, Anthony, what are you doing here so early?" I tried to draw the attention away from myself, trying to hide. Only now realizing that only one of my gloves was on.
"Sorry, your mom let me in," his voice was slow as he examed me, his eyes looked at my arm covering my shoulder, and he could see multiple bruises. "What did you get those nasty things from?"
"Oh, uh," I fumbled trying to think of a lie as he walked towards me. "Not sure... must have banged my arm in my sleep."
Before I could pull my hand away from him he grabbed my wrist likely and began to inspect my arm. Worry crossed his face as there was more than he had originally seen, it became obvious that I didn't just bang my arm.
"What happened?" He asked again, not daring to look at the rest of me until I pulled my arm from him.
"I told you, I just banged my arm," I lied, going to grab my glove, as I did he got a good look at my shoulder. His eyes went wide as he grabbed my waist to hold me in place. "Please Anthony, can we not do this now."
I winced in pain as I looked up, he began to touch the marking on my shoulder that was an open wound only a night before. The cuts weren't deep by now since they scabbed over, but they were still painful. I was lucky it wasn't worse, any higher and I would have been sent to the hospital.
He whispered my name as he continued to touch it, sending small amounts of pain through my body.
"It'll be fine, we can just lie and say it was from one of your cases, no one will ever know," I resuared myself more than him. "Please, Anthony, I just want to have fun tonight, can we not make this a thing."
"Fine, but we are talking about it later." He muttered, letting go. 
He refused to look in my eyes as he began to walk away from me, he was cursing under his breath, his body was tense and his hands were balled. He was mad, pissed even, to see me hurt.
Deep down, he knew it was from my mother and father. He knew. He seen my mother get home after curfew, he could hear my fathers yell from his house no doubt. All of these years that he could hear their fighting he just assumed that I would hide away, unaware that I was in the middle. He felt guilty. But why would he, how would he know I suffered from ABUSE.
---  part two ---
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secretgarden02 · 3 months
A Familiar Face
I messed up the formatting so time to repost this-
Anyways, a little one-shot fanfic inspired from this drawing done by @leviadraws. Sorry it took me one year delay, had to find some motivation first since I don't really want to half-ass this (and apologies for misspelled grammars and errors as well, english ain't my first language lmao)
Shoutout to "Memories" song by Conan Gray because that song is so Kinjo-core
It has been a month since Kinjo's absent from his work ever since Teruya's whole funeral.
Rei is still showing up like usual, taking over his position for a meanwhile. But ever since Teruya's death, Rei has not been the same like before- in fact, she's completely changed.
She's more stoic and barely shows her emotions. Even when she's frustrated or angry, she mostly just brush it off rather than showing a clear sign that she's frustrated such as sighing or pinching her forehead. She will mostly just stared at the paper works and documents in her hands before she then move on. The Kisaragi foundation still functions normally, but slowly it deteriorate to worse with how Rei acts and Kinjo's absent makes it even worse. No one can convince Rei to visit his house to check how he's doing, and even when Midori and Keisuke gave Kinjo a visit, he didn't even open the door for them.
Kinjo has been inside his home all day ever since Teruya's funeral. Teruya's death was devastating enough for him, but he tried to put on a facade that he's doing fine- until Rei later on confronted him about it and it broke him since then. Maybe Rei is right, he has been using Teruya's- no, even his friends' death excuse to keep him going so he can fight the 'despair', to his own satisfaction. He never think about his own friends desires. He can't even still move on from the betrayal he felt from losing his dearest friend- Yuki Maeda. He knows it all too well that he was just a fake person during that whole killing game, but to think that he trusted him a lot and get attached to him, it both frustrated and saddens him greatly. Even seeing the real Yuki Maeda back in that killing game simulation, he can't even hold himself back from wanting him back even though the other doesn't know about him at all. How pathetic of him.
Usually when he's absent from his workplace, Kinjo would still do his works in his home, even if he's sick. But now in his current state, he's barely touching his paperwork. A rare sight for someone who's usually workaholic. All he's doing now is just laying on bed and sleeping all day. Sometimes he would get out of bed to cook something in kitchen so he won't die from starvation, but that's only it. Afterwards, he will just go to bed and stares at the ceiling or the window, falling asleep later on. But now, it's getting more harder and harder to sleep immediately. He would sometimes ended up not sleeping at all and stayed up all day. Like today, he's rubbing his eyes, cursing himself for not being able to sleep. Maybe he reached his limit. He stares out at the window, as the sound of waves crashes onto the beach gently near his residents. From far, a bridge street that was previously destroyed by mysterious cause from the incident last month was already fixed to normal. He wonders….
The chances are very slim, but he's desperate at this point. Besides, he need a fresh air after staying inside for a month now.
Kinjo arrived at the bridge, with his full uniform on as usual. He's staring at the sight before him- pretty much nothing but empty streets as the waves gently swaying beneath the bridge. The man sigh, as he proceed to sit on the sideways of the street and slump his back. What was he hoping for? Of course they will never show up. They're being wanted by the Kisaragi foundation, so of course they will never show themself to let alone the leader of the foundation. Besides, they never know about him at all in first place. Kinjo let out a tired sigh as he chuckles, putting his hand at his right eye. "What am I even doing…? Some kind of police officer I am…. Letting my subordinates die in hands of them…."
"Are you done mourning now?"
A voice spoke up all of sudden, in fact it's a pretty familiar voice to him.
Upon hearing that voice, his other hand reaches out for the gun from his pocket and points it upward to the figure that standing beside him, as his expression immediately grows sour.
The other figure that standing beside him just looks down on him, it was Sora- no, not exactly Sora. It's Yuki now, in Sora's body after the whole circumstances that happened with his real body. The grey-haired figure doesn't look scared at all with the gun being pointed at them. Their expression remains unimpressed.
"I don't want to see you, get out of my sight." "You know that you're suck at lying, right?" "Piss off, I will shoot this gun at you. You bear that man's fortune luck, hence you're a criminal now." "That's an absurd logic of yours. Besides, I haven't done anything that obstruct the laws yet. And I don't even want this kind of blessing in first place." Yuki sighs as he rolled his eyes.
Kinjo still held his gun at the other regardless, though his hand is slightly trembling with his finger being hesitant to pull the trigger. "Even with different body, you still bear that familiar face."
"I told you before, I'm not him." Yuki looks unamused with Kinjo's remark. "… I know." Kinjo let out a sigh, he looks pretty saddened when Yuki replied that as he put down the gun beside him. "You really need to get over it, I heard from your friends that you've been absent for a month from your workplace. Is that what police officers supposed to do?"
Kinjo glares at the other figure. "You don't have the rights to talk to me like that." "Hey, I'm just saying." Yuki replied immediately. "You said that you want to get rid of the Despair right? Then you better do your job properly. Your group might eventually get disbanded if you keep chasing your old friends." Yuki sighs again as he wears his hood over his head. He wasn't planning to be a sudden therapist in first place, he just happened to pass by and then all of sudden he found Kinjo just slumping his back on the street sideways. He have mixed feelings over him, but he wasn't planning to just let him laying down on the streets with the despair group is still after him.
"Well I'm overstaying my welcome here, I'll leave you alone now. Oh, and do inform me if you managed to catch sir Syobai and Iroha. But don't kill them, alright? I need to discuss some thing with them. Don't worry, it's not anything that will break the law." Yuki waves at him as he began to walk away.
"Wait-!" Kinjo shouts as he was about to reach over Yuki's hand. But he was too slow, as Yuki is already gone in the blink of an eye. Kinjo was pretty much surprised with how fast Yuki disappeared, but he decided to not question it and sighs. His last words lingered on his mind for a good while before he takes a deep breath and slowly stood up, picking up the gun beside him.
He stares at the gun on his hand, and slowly look over to the ocean scenery in front of him. He rubs his eyes, getting rid of the remaining tears that was there earlier.
"… I'm going to find him, no matter what."
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Crossover-Ship: From Adammon To SariMay (2024)
[Note: make sure to click on the drawing to make it bigger to better view it.
and I will be using this for a Cover for a future chapter of "Falling For The Angel In Disguise" over at Quotev, the story might not be perfect and there may be some bad grammar and I don't mind if it only has a few people reading it at the moment, also while I will have the drawing both here and for a future chapter,
Please Don't Reblog this without my permission...]
Credit for Transformers goes to Hasbro & Takara
Credit for Transformers Animated goes to Sam Register & Matt Youngberg
Credit for Hazbin Hotel & Helluva Boss goes to Vivienne “Vivziepop” Medrano
I was trying to get this posted some hours ago, and I wrote a lot at the bottom of the drawing, but then some stuff started to happen again and I tried to wait patiently but it was taking too freaking long...
so I had no other choice but to do what I had to so it could go back to normal...I mean it pretty much sucked...
also the flags in this drawing next to the Crossover Ships,
is a mix of Canon and Fanon, and even if it isn't canon I'm going to have Alastor be Transgender in the Crossover story where Sari is a Main Character and she is 23 years old but will have her 24th birthday in a future chapter...
also I will be posting a drawing of her younger self that has to do with a scene in one of the chapters that takes place in a type of flashback and memory, and I gave Sari a Grandmother in that Crossover story,
who is like muscular, and yeah I will post the drawing about it in a little bit, but what is being said by the characters in the drawing doesn't 100% match what happens in the chapter that the flashback memory takes place...
I was becoming so fed-up with having to wait for this to go back to normal, but at least it didn't log me off when I had to just fix it...
I know that I did talk about some stuff, one of them being about how I got curious about that book about that prophecy stuff that has to do with Trump that one of my family owns...
I didn't read all of it, just skip some parts to see something...
which of course it makes me think there is a possible "Holy Beast" now that is like the opposite of "The Beast" and it makes me think of the whole "She's a Beast" and "I Call Her Karma"...
which was one of the things I was talking about in the original before the computer started to act a bit stupid on me...
so yeah, I was referencing Katy Perry's "Dark Horse"...
and yes, there is a reason why Alastor and Shockwave's heart they are in is a purple color...
and yes I'm going to view Mammon as Panromantic-Ace, it was still a surprise to me and probably everyone else that the Green-Goober is Ace...and even before that was shown in that awesome drawing, that shows that he is Ace in the canon...
I had thoughts of wanting to call dibs on Mammon, and even if the one from our universe did turn out to be dibs too....
I'm still calling dibs on his sorry excuse of a Apple Sugar Spice.
not in the same way that Millie owns Moxxie's Apple Sugar Spice.
but I want to call dibs kicking Mammon's Apple Sugar Spice...
because if he is involve in amplifying humans own greed to a not so good level, well that is one of the reason I want to call dibs on him...
and yeah I am talking about the Mammon from this universe,
but if the one from Helluva Boss and the one from ours were one in the same...still gonna call dibs.
this Weird Earth Angel Princess who calls herself "The Eveningstar Princess" who by the way, only calls herself that because of the whole weird thing with Mom not getting Morning Sickness with me, because she only got the Evening Sickness...
so I'm still calling dibs on that Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg...there is a reason why the tags for this is "Mature Audiences Only" but it will not be place in that certain thing that has to do with the Content Labels.
and yeah a part of me wonders if Archangel Michael could be my Dad, but like you know in soul genetic way, but then I remind myself that he isn't and I have to keep reminding myself that...
it is just a very weird coincidence that one of the Archangels shares a name with my Human Dad...
and yeah I know I'm weird about the whole thought about wanting to call dibs on Mammon...
betcha Grandpa King Solomon didn't see that coming...
like picture him being against it.
King Solomon: Sweetie, you can't call dibs on The Embodiment Of Greed...
Me: Yes...
King Solomon: No...
Me: he is a suspect in amplifying greed from a healthy level to a toxic unhealthy level...so, I will have to call dibs on him....so I may slap him.
King Solomon:....you can't call dibs on him.
Me: I call double triple dibs!
anyway I know it's weird, but while some stuff in the human that has to do with Pride, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Sloth and Greed can either be dormant or only coming out a little bit in a healthy way, like just like their counterparts, I mean there can a good and bad way to be generous and charitable and it might be a good idea to make sure to do it in the right reason and not let it go into the same zone that greed is at the moment...
yeah even if it is just thoughts, I would still want to call dibs on him so I can slap him...
I mean even if I never got into a physical fight before, and it's like one of those thoughts you wish you could do but you know you might not be able to...
but I am tired of some Eon-Boomers Sugar Honey Ice Tea,
and one of them needs to seriously stop being a Apple Sugar Spice Honey Of Liquid Egg, and dial the sin back some and stop amplifying, of course I'm going to suspect him.
and well that book that got me curious, might of just proved it...
and once again, I was only curious and I skip most stuff in that book...
though it might prove that the Earthly-Mother and The Divine Feminine needs to get stronger...
but yeah, that book did make me theorized that besides the whole "The Beast" there could possibly be a "Girl Type Beast"...
which is why it makes me think of that song Dark Horse by Katy Perry.
reasons why I believe the Other Beast is a Girl, is because the whole pronouns "her" was used when talking about this other beast...
and for all we know, the "true love" mention could be talking about Earthly-Mother, possibly but not everyone has to agree with me on that...I know my family is like on different sides when it comes to Trump, and I rather just be neutral...
but there can be different levels of those who are for and not for him, and there is some lines that both sides would NEVER cross...
we know that Alastor is a Mama's Boy, and well in the Fanon Timeline of Hazbin Hotel where The Earthly-Mother Exist, Lucifer would be a Mama's Boy as well...
you can't deny it, I mean if some fans can theorize that Michael is going to look like him but be taller than him even if so far he and Lucifer's siblings only show up in Fanon work...
and even the Fanon version of the Heavenly-Father...
then the Mrs. should be a part of some part of the Fanon, even if it isn't all of the Fanon...but I like the idea of the Fanon version that is from Hazbin Hotel AU Timelines, treating Lucifer like he is still a little angel and spoiling him with motherly love, but also is the strict mother who knows when it give him a time-out.
it be funny if Adam had no idea about the Earthly-Mother, and be shocked to find out...
I can't really hate Adam from Hazbin Hotel, I mean yeah he is a jerk but is it weird I'm kind of starting to view him as a Tsundere, maybe not a full Tsundere but maybe it's just me.
and yeah I still lost some form of respect for Adam's first wife, you know from our universe...reasons being, that she could of went back to where Adam was at any freaking time, even after she recovered after she gave birth to her and Adam's human children in a cave.
she didn't even have to go back to Adam, for him, but for their older children, but she didn't...and I think there has been a misinterpretation this whole time and she wasn't having demon offspring in that cave, she was having her and Adam's new offspring, and she was possibly pregnant when they had that fight and she left, and she possibly was either having Twins, Triplets, Quadruplets, Quintuplets, Sixtuplets, Septuplets, Octuplets and or Nonuplets...
one of Lilith's daughters, likely met and fell in love with Cain, and at some point their descendant met and fell in love with Seth's descendant, and thus the Evalith Bloodline was formed...
Evalith being like a mix of both Eve and Lilith...
both Cain and Seth are my Grandpa Ancestors, so yeah...
if one of Lilith and Adam's children did survive, besides the possible ones that were likely either twins or triplets or maybe Nonuplets.
one of the eldest ones that escape those three angels, could of went to where Lilith was and ending up helping with carrying for her much younger siblings, who could of very well been all girls for all we know.
and when Lilith left once again, this time abandoning both her eldest daughter and new offspring, it was left on the eldest to take care of her younger siblings as if they were her own, so yeah in theory this possible eldest daughter that survive from what those three angels were doing, would not just be the older sister but also adoptive mother...and possibly the adoptive mother-in-law (but still half-sister) to Cain later in in the far future during that time.
not everyone has to agree about it, but I just think it could be possible.
and I can't help but wonder if while time does run differently in Hell in possibly both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss...
the "7 years" could be "7 decades", but time could either match or move much slower or faster between Hell and Earth, but the time differences could still match with both Heaven and Hell...
plus I can't help but wonder if Charlie was 13 years old when her Mom up and left, which would be in Hell years...
which would mean that Charlie may have ended up living alone without her father knowing about it, with just herself, Razzle, Dazzle and KeeKee by her side until years later when she became close to her 20s and she met Vaggie.
I'm not 100% sure if that theory is correct, but anyway in this drawing that shows Megatron x Carmilla, I do plan to have them end up together in that crossover story where Adult-Sari is the main character, and her younger self only shows up in flashback type memories.
and yes, I decided that Blackarachnia in the Crossover, which I'm going to work on a plot twist that has to do with her...
but anyway, in that crossover story, she will be a Lesbian.
and I will have her ship with Verosika, and their ship name will be Verosikararachnia.
we know that TFA-Blackarachnia does flirt and tease Mechs, but she likely never truly showed a true interest in them, even if she did seem to have feelings for Optimus, and there seem to be a Love Triangle between Her, Optimus and Sentinel...and Grimlock....which is either more of a Love Square maybe...?
I think BW-Blackarachnia is Bi though, but we could view that she has been in the closet for years and stellar-cycles but now she is out of the closet.
also some Aces do have that well, intimate snu-snu time with their partners...I mean I still have my V-Card and some people need to understand that being Ace and the whole Celibacy thing Ain't the freaking same thing...
my panic attack that happen in 2015 is separate from my being Ace, and yeah I think I'm doing better now from that time, and I was able to keep it under better control and didn't end up with a full panic attack like I had in the car when I bump my head when inside during that time...and the reasons why I had that panic attack, was possibly because of the two phobias, one of them being Semi-Androphbia.
like I don't think I have the full version of it, and it is just the semi type...
and I think it is a good thing I view myself as "Gray-Aroace" but I can view my other romantic, being like not just Fictoromantic but also Heteroromantic as Micro, like I know I had crushes before and I still can get them...but I also had bad luck with online boyfriends and I have no interest in trying that again anytime soon...plus for all I know the reason I fell for them could of been because of the energy I may have been absorbing, which I'm glad that I started to wear my gem bracelets for the multi-purposes I have them for.
and yeah some might think it isn't possible, but I might not be the only one who can be both Gray-Aroace and be Fictoromantic...
and well I do have a drawing that I want to post that has to do with Aces, I will post it up in a little bit...
and anyway I'm going to have Mammon be Panromantic-Ace in the Crossover stories I'm working on, I was not really expecting him to be Asexual, it was a surprise for me and possibly other fans of Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel...
it's nice to find out that Octavia is Ace as well, which might make those who had wrote her being Ace in Fanfics, happy that they and others ended up accidentally predicting the canon.
like Kris eating all the pie, which is reveal in Chapter 2 in Deltarune.
which I still think they had broke into the library first and went into the computer room and open up a Dark Fountain before they went back home and ate all the pie...
there is possibly a few events in Chapter 2 of Deltarune, that was accidentally predicted by fans, and some of which are in Fanon Timelines of Deltarune AUs.
when I do play Undertale and Deltarune, I'm going to view Chara as being a Nonbinary-Girl who goes by She/They Pronouns, and their Full name is Charlotte, and their name Chara is pronounced a bit like Charlie's nickname "Char-Char" but with just "Char" and then a "Ah"...
the name Chara is linked with the name Charlotte, and while the name Chara can be linked to the whole "Character" thing, it doesn't mean it will always sound the same...
so while some can say their name like "Kara" some might choose to call them "Chara" like "Char-Char"...
Kris is Nonbinary who goes by They/Them, so in the canon they aren't a Enboy or Enbirl...but it is nice to know they are nonbinary in the canon. :)
Frisk can either be a Enby, Enbirl or Enboy in any timeline in the fanon of the Undertale AUs.
I'm not 100% sure about my theory about Charlie from Hazbin Hotel, being a Nonbinary-Woman will prove to be canon or not.
I am still gonna make sure to remind myself that Archangel Michael is NOT my Dad, even if the thoughts of that possibility might pop in my head maybe every once in a while...
it is just a very VERY weird coincidence that my Mom only got Evening Sickness with me...plus I was a weird baby even before she was going to have me, and even after she had me.
I think I will see about asking if we can finally check my blood type again, we been putting it off for way too long, and I rather hurry up and get it over with and see it come out "O RH D Negative" again for a third time...I'm still going to make sure to close my eyes when it happens...because of the stuff I mention before when the last few tries ended up making me feel not so good...
and yeah my calling myself "The Eveningstar Princess" because of the whole weirdness with my Mom getting Evening Sickness with me, and the whole half of my ancestors being of royal blood, and the whole Cain being one the ancestors...was part of the reason for the self-nickname...
but how was I suppose to know that one of the titles that Michael was being called was not just "Morning Star" like Lucifer, but also The "Evening Star"...and some fans, including myself after I found this info out, have been starting to call the Fanon version of Michael of the Hazbin Hotel Universe, as "Michael Eveningstar"...
and how was I suppose to know he the one from our universe, was already being called "The Eveningstar", I didn't know and I had called myself "The Eveningstar Princess" before I found that out...
it is just really freaky and just a very VERY weird coincidence...
I think later I will watch episodes of Steven Universe and the movie, as well as the episodes of Steven Universe Future.
anyway I'm going to hurry up and post this and get the other drawings I did before also ready to be posted...so yeah, I drew this drawing on June of 2024 and I'm now finally posting it this July of 2024...hope some like this drawing, and understand only half of the characters have both the canon and fanon flags right next to them.
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
prompt 49 with Nancy please?
a/n: idk where the hell I pulled this from but I did. Ty for requesting also sorry for any grammar mistakes. My heads a little foggy rn.
word count: 1.1k
200 followers event masterlist
49.“ you know that’s not the case. [she/he/they] adores you. “
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You didn't understand the tension surrounding you. Or why you felt so awkward under Nancy's gaze. Her eyes were so soft but her gaze was still somehow piercing.
"I-I um," you tried to break the silence. Patting your legs anxiously and rocking back on your heels. "I think I'm gonna go," you stated, pointing over your shoulder. Nancy's eyes widened lightly. "I gotta pick up Lucas to bring him over to yours later. His parents don't want him riding bike in the winter and they asked me to take him, so I'll see you then I guess." With a tight lipped smile you shuffled away. Nancy rushed to say a good bye.
"O-okay, you're welcome to stay for dinner if you want, when you come by," she offered. You hesitated for a second before nodding.
"Sure, that sounds great." With a wave you then disappeared behind the corner.
As you did so Nancy let out a breath she didn't notice she was holding.
"That was so hard to watch," Barb stated walking up to Nancy; who groaned and leaned her head back onto a locker.
"I don't know what it is, but she's always so uptight around me. She's fine with Steve and other people, but it's only me she's so unresponsive to."
"She's not uptight around Steve because they're best friends, Nance," Barb remarked.
"Well, yeah I know that. But like I said it's just me she's weird with and it sucks. I hate that I like the one person who despises me," Nancy grumbled, kicking herself off the wall and walking down the hall. Barb followed
"You know that’s not the case. She adores you," Barb insisted. "If she hated you she wouldn't be willing to talk to you at all. In the first place Have you seen how she acts around Sarah Foust? And also did you ever think that maybe she's all uptight because she likes you back? That's a high possibility in my book." Nancy bit her lip pondering Barb's point. But how the hell was she supposed to know? You were as easy to read as a closed book
"What the hell am I supposed to do, Steve?"
"Stay for dinner. Simple as that." You scoffed.
"And make a fool out of myself? Yeah no thanks." You took hold of your backpacks straps and held them in a firm grip. Steve and you approached your car.
"I think you're making a big deal out of this," Steve claimed. You ignored his comment.
"I think I'll pretend to be sick. No, no that's too predictable. I'll say my bird died."
"You don't have a bird."
"Psh, like that matters. It just means it'll be more believable for the fact she's never met them and never will." You shrugged, placing a hand on your cars door handle. Steve did the same to his, opening it. He let out a sigh.
"Y/n, just go. You're gonna regret it if you don't," Steve replied. You pursed your lips.
"We'll see," you muttered getting into your vehicle. As you exited the parking lot you sent a wave in Steve's direction. And he did the same to you. Thinking to himself how you totally were gone chicken out.
"You're not in any place to give me relationship advice."
"My parents are still married and they actually love each other. I'd say I'm certified," Lucas informed.
"Alright, no need to be a show off about it," you mumbled.
"You just need to be cool, Y/n. Even Mike can see you freeze like a statue when she's around."
"When have you seen me and Nancy together?"
"It's like every day after school the two of you are standing on the sidewalk talking. You probably aren't even doing any of the chatting. You reek of awkwardness from even inside the bus," Lucas remarked, rolled his eyes.
"I'm cool. I'm so cool around her, you don't even know. I'm literally the coolest." His face scrunched up, cringing.
"Please don't say that ever again." You winced yourself at your poor word choice. "This isn't the point. Just ask her out on a date, Y/n. She'll say yes. Why else would she invite you over if she didn't feel something for you?"
"Friends invite each other over for dinner all the time."
"Oh yeah sure Nancy's gonna invite you over 'as a friend' even though she's always making heart eyes at you."
"They are not heart eyes."
"Then what are they?" You stuttered out a response.
"I-its a look you give someone when you care about them."
"Or one that you make that says 'make out with me now please.'"
"Lucas!" you scolded.
"You just need to stop being a pussy and see it for yourself "
"Did you just call me a pussy?" You barked out a laugh.
"Yeah, I did and what about it? You're acting like one," he stated. "Just give her some confirmation that you like her back at least. It's honestly sad watching her have this sad puppy dog look all the time."
Your brows furrowed in thought. Fishing through your thoughts as to how you should play your cards. But as you pulled into the Wheeler's driveway your time grew limited with options.
"Stop that foot thing."
"You stop your foot thing."
"I don't have a foot thing."
"Well then get on- Mrs. Wheeler! Hi, I'm here to drop Lucas off as well as Nancy invited me over for dinner. If that's alright with you that is if not-"
"No, no, Y/n, honey, of course you can stay. With everything you do for the kids it's the least I can do. Also hi Lucas," she greeted, opening the door wider to let you both in.
"Thank you so mu-" your words got caught in your throat as the sight of Nancy came into view. Karen walked past you.
"You didn't tell me you invited Y/n." Nancy smiled shyly.
"Sorry I was trying to finish up some homework before she got here," she explained.
"It's fine, Nance. Y/n, supper will be done in an hour or so so you girls do whatever you want till then." With that she left the room. Heading to the kitchen.
The all too familiar tension wafted through the air. Nancy opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out. Lucas kicked your leg from behind you. You peered over your shoulder and glared at him.
'Do something,' he mouthed before going off into the basement.
"Thanks for coming, Y/n. It means a lot." Nancy's voiced pierced through your ears. You looked back at her, meeting her eyes.
Maybe Lucas was right…
Maybe they were heart eyes.
You didn't know where the wave of confidence came from but you were grateful to every admin in your body for it.
"Do you maybe want to go for a drive before the food is done?" You questioned. Instantly Nancy's eyes lit up. A smile breaking out on her features.
"Yeah, that sounds great." Your expression mirrored hers and you tugged her hand to lead her out the door.
One confession and a half hour later you found yourselves in the back seat of your car. Nancy Wheeler in your lap. Her lips connected to yours
Boy oh boy was Lucas right.
She did indeed want to make out with you.
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flareish · 3 years
kuroo x reader
summary: you hide your anxiety from basically everyone including your boyfriend, until he finds out for himself
genre: hurt/comfort
warnings: Emetophobia Warning! description of nausea/vomit, anxiety, bit of angst but ends in fluff
word count: 2.0k
a/n: I tried to make this as close to my anxiety since I hadn’t known anyone with my kind of anxiety(symptom wise) until I was seventeen, which was a good ways into when I realized I had anxiety. So here is some nausea anxiety representation!
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You tap your fingers in a mindless rhythm. Alternating the fingers and repeating them back and forth, trying to make it a game, a challenge. You did this over and over again to distract yourself from that all too familiar sinking feeling. That feeling like your stomach has managed to twist and knot itself a million times. Each bump of the bus made acid crawl up your throat. You crunched a mint in your mouth hoping the peppermint would soothe some of the nausea. It didn’t, but the thought was there. You just will yourself not to throw up on the bus, anything but that. The thought in itself makes you even more nervous, and in turn even sicker.
You don’t even know why you are anxious. Today is Kuroo’s big game, but it isn’t yours. You’ve been to a hundred of his games before but never before did you feel like this. Normally you get cute little butterflies, not an angry swarm of bees. The worst part is, there is Kuroo sat next to you happy as can be, completely oblivious. He keeps trying to drag you into conversations but you fear if you open your mouth for too long, all that will come up is vomit. So you keep your mouth firmly closed only smiling tightly or shaking your head at his prompts.
It's not exactly his fault though. He doesn’t actually know you have anxiety. It’s not something you really like to talk about. You are all for promoting the acceptance of mental health but you just find every time you tell someone the dynamic changes. Either they flat out don’t believe you since you “don’t seem like the type with anxiety”. Well duh, I don’t have social anxiety, I have situational anxiety. Like here in this situation. That or they suddenly treat me like I am incapable of handling myself. That whenever a slightly stressful event comes up, I am going to melt into a puddle of pure anxiety. Sorry but I’ve made it this far, I may have to throw up a few times on the way but I am still making it. 
So you just haven’t told Kuroo. You're just nervous that it will change the dynamic. You also don’t want to steal his spotlight. Today is supposed to be all about him. It's his big game. To suddenly speak up and tell him that his game is giving you anxiety would be selfish. So like you always have, you put a brave face on and face it head-on.
“Hey, are you okay?” Kuroo asks you, now facing you, “You look a little pale.”
“Hmm?,” You also turn to look at him, “Oh I am just a bit tired that’s all. I will be fine in an hour or so.” You hope at least. He nods relieved it's not something worse. 
You finally pull into the stadium and everyone is pushing their way off the bus. Luckily Kuroo is right by you to make sure you don't get accidentally pushed down the bus stairs and trampled. The team makes it’s to the bulletin board where they are given their matchups. Nekoma is paired with a pretty hard team. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you dry heave. You knew at the point you were going to throw up and within the next few minutes. 
“Hey I think I left something in the bus I’ll be right back.” You say to Kuroo before dashing off. He goes to reply but you are already gone. 
You make it around the back of the building before you throw up. At this point you’re kinda out of it, your mind is occupied on emptying your already empty stomach. Then you feel someone pull your hair back and gently rub your back. You don’t even have to look up to know it’s Kuroo. When you finish he hands you his water bottle.  You waterfall it and rinse your mouth out of that acidic taste. 
“What’s going on are you okay?” Kuroo asks full of concern. You hesitate for a moment, thinking of telling the truth. Then you remember this is supposed to be his day. 
“Sorry I must have caught a stomach bug.” He doesn’t completely buy it so you quickly add to it.
“I didn't feel great on the bus but I just thought it was because I was tired.” You feel bad lying, “I also don’t want to distract you before your game.” At that Kuroo quickly pulls you into a hug, “Your not a distraction, I just want to make sure you’re okay.” Your cheek is pressed against his chest and your hands grip the front of his shirt. 
“We should probably head back.” You mumble.
“Yeah.” He leans down to kiss you but you duck away. He looks incredibly offended and hurt at this.
“Dude I just threw up I don’t know if you want to do that.” 
The two of you head back inside to the team, you feeling much better after throwing up. Before you know it, the competition has begun and Nekoma has won. You run down and celebrate with the team and it’s a happy day.
On the bus ride home Kuroo has a strange energy about him. Not like he’s mad more just like he’s just realized something. You nudge him and smile hoping to break him out of his little funk. He immediately smiles back and goes back to celebrating with the team. His reaction was almost like putting a mask on. You watch him for a moment before slipping into a conversation of your own.
When you make it back to school you go your separate ways. Him going to shower, and you to get home before it gets too late. A big hug before pushing away. You still refusing to kiss him after throwing up earlier in the day. 
You are laying on your bed, exhausted. Anxiety really takes a toll on your energy. Your thoughts are broken when your phone chimes with a text.  Leaning over to grab your phone off your bedside table you see it is from Kuroo. 
“Can you come over? I want to talk.”
No cute pet names. No slowly easing into it. Actually using proper grammar. Nothing in that message was a good sign. Just “I want to talk” was enough to make the acid begin to crawl again. You knew it had to be about today. Especially after you saw him zoning out on the bus. It had to be your anxiety episode. You knew he wouldn’t be happy you lied but going to this extent. Like he just found out you have anxiety and this is what he hits you with? The world’s most nerve-wracking text message. The only worse place than this would be “we need to talk”. That’s when you have really screwed up. So maybe you’ve only minorly screwed up since he said want not need. Does that mean you have the choice to say no? That was kind of tempting but you knew you would be tossing and turning all night thinking about what might be wrong. 
“Okay.” You reply to the text. Short and sweet. Putting on some shoes and grabbing a hoodie, you quietly slip out of your house. Kuroo’s house wasn’t too far but it was far enough. Enough to continue to stir in your intrusive and unstoppable thoughts. You eventually make it to his house and head in going straight for his room. Before you reach the door you hesitate and gather yourself. Preparing for whatever was about to come. 
When you go in you find Kuroo sat on the floor of his bedroom, back pressed against the bed. He jerkily looks up and you and gives you a tight smile. None of this is giving good signs. Something is very heavy on his mind. You sit down across from him, your back against the wall your feet almost touching. 
“So what was it you wanting to talk about.” You break the silence. He doesn’t respond for a moment. Just as you are about to try again he speaks up.
“Do you still love me?” Your face drops into confusion.
“Why wouldn’t I love you anymore?” You ask, suddenly realizing this wasn’t the conversation you were prepping yourself for. 
“You’ve been distant lately. You don’t tell me things like when you don’t feel good. I thought about it when I got home and I was wondering if you weren’t actually sick but just making the excuse because you got caught.” He’s very serious at the moment and his words hold a cold edge. 
“What do you mean get caught?” You match his tone. You weren’t planning on fighting but something about how he said it just set something off in you.
“You didn’t want to be there. Ever since this morning you were quiet and reserved. Even after the game, you wouldn’t even kiss me-”
“Yeah, cause I threw up! And how could I be faking it when I literally threw up.” You snap.
“You’ve been like this before though! Like last year’s big tournament you would barely talk to me.”
“That’s not true!” Although it kind of was just not the reason he thought.
“Oh yeah? What about at training camp you wouldn’t talk to me then either, you didn’t even eat with us you just sat on your own.” He threw back.
“Yeah, cause I have anxiety!” The words left your mouth before you knew it. Kuroo looked taken back.
“What?” His brow furrows, “Since when?” He’s not sure what to believe. You’re not surprised since you have worked very hard to hide it from everyone, accidentally sabotaging your own relationship without even knowing it. 
“Since forever. I just never told anyone.” You quietly say, ducking your head down.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You didn’t even need to look up to see the hurt on his face, it was apparent in his voice. You start playing with your finger, tapping them in rhythms.
“I wanted to,” You mumble, “But whenever I do stuff changes and I didn’t want anything to change.” He shifts forward and you think he’s going to leave. Instead, he grabs your hands, stopping the pattern you had going. You look up.
“Did you think I would judge you?” He was staring straight into you, willing the truth to come out.
“Whenever I tell people they either don’t believe me and brush it off or treat me like I’m incapable of handling any amount of stress. I’ve never seen anyone react any differently so I was scared you would fall into one of those reactions and I didn’t know how I could handle that. I didn’t want my anxiety to be the thing to tear us apart. But I guess it still was.” By the end of your speech, your gaze has returned back to the floor, unable to hold eye contact for that long with him staring at you so strongly. You hear him sigh then you are pulled forward and into his arms. 
“I want to be your pillar of support. I want to be that third reaction that is one of acceptance, one that doesn’t drive you crazy.” He strokes your hair soothingly, his words making you tear up, “When you are ready I want you to tell me everything. From when you first noticed it, to where it is now, to how you deal with it, everything.” By now you are fully crying, absolutely collapsed into his chest. “I love you so much.” It gets muffled in his shirt but he hears it.
“I know, and I love you.”
It would take some time for Kuroo to get used to this change but slowly but surely he will be different from the rest and he will support you no matter what. Although he also respects your strength and knows you can handle your anxiety on your own, he is always there when you need it. He becomes the third unexpected and unheard-of reaction; acceptance.
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warnings: violence, gun violence, blood, death, gore
wordcount: 6263
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A/N: i started putting the next chapter at the end for convenience also this chapter is so messy the reason for the random perfect grammar and random parts with no grammar is because i got tired lol. thats all im sorry enjoy the chapter
"I really can't believe you brought a damn gun," I groan in the back as Woo drives unnecessarily fast. "And can you slow down? You want to get pulled over with an illegal shotgun in the back?"
He out a reckless laugh. "Unwind, Sannie. You know those fuckers are gonna have all sorts of excuses. Plus, Miss A needs to know we're doing our best. You know we can't have her losing faith in us."
I sigh and fall back into my seat. "Yeah you're right."
It's a fourty minute drive to Cita county, wherever this place is. My stomach is a little scrambled because of the mess we're about to make. One would think just because I did this often, that I'd get used to the feeling of sickening adrenaline. But I just couldn't.
The thought that something will go wrong drives me up the walls at every single moment. A man I've gotten used to seeing since I started high school is about to get cut up and devoured by the very gang that made him.
Its kept me up, I know its Yunho's own fault, but then I think of how badly I want to escape this. I think of how easily it could be me. That thought is exactly why I have to keep Yaera away.
It's exactly why I can't trust her to even be around this situation today. If anyone finds out about her, it will be a mess I won't be able to clean up.
I need to reply to her message. I have a gut feeling its passive aggressive and I don't know what to do about that.
I texted her all weekend when I should have focused on my test. But I ignored it, her sobbing on Saturday replaying in my head. And now I find out her parents have basically exploited her dead sister and is doing the same to her.
It makes me sick to my stomach. Fucked up parents who leave their kids vulnerable and broken before they even face the real world. No matter how unfair, you have to live what they did to you, when they were meant to protect you.
I guess we have that in common.
I decide to muster up a reply. Something must be wrong with me.
Me: What are your plans for tonight?
She's online. Her reply is almost instantaneous.
Y: I'm going to make a lot of money ;)
I narrow my eyes at her message. I wasn't aware she'd gotten a job. What am I thinking? Where would Yaera actually get a job? She probably plans to steal something.
Me: Don't get into any trouble.
I don't know what I'm doing by sending that message. I sound like her father and I know she probably won't listen anyway.
Y: You know I can't promise that. Anyway, shouldn't you be paying attention to your cousin?
"What are you smiling at on your phone there?" Woo asks me suddenly, making me lift my head. His eyes are teasing in the rearview mirror. "Your little girlfriend?"
I roll my eyes. "Why don't you focus on the road, asshole?"
"It is her!" Woo obnoxiously cooes. I swear I need to get him a girlfriend so he can stop worrying about what I do. "What did she do? Did she send you a cute message?"
Yeah, she's planning to commit theft. The usual.
"She just told me to enjoy my night," I say just to get him off my back.
"How romantic. So when are you letting me meet her formally?"
I scoff. "Never."
Woo's offended and a dramatic gasp pulls out of him as he nearly turns his whole body in the driver's seat. "How can you say that? You really hurt my feelings just now."
I kick his seat in the back, making him yelp. "Pay attention to the road!" I yell. "And no, I'm not letting anyone meet her. You're the one who told me to keep her away from this."
"Yeah, but I didn't mean from me!" Woo complains. "I'll pretend to be your cousin. She probably won't be able to tell anyway."
"No, Wooyoung."
"I just wanna see her personality!" Woo whines more. "I wanna see if she's right for you, you know?"
To think if this scenario was true, Woo would still be this nosy. I almost laugh at his desperate tone, shaking my head.
"So you know what's good for me now? Especially women-wise?"
"Of course. I need to make sure she knows your needs and how much of a crybaby you really are so she can let you sleep on her boobs."
My face heats up dramatically and I kick Woo's seat out of embarrassment. His annoying hyena laugh blasts through the air and I lean back into my seat. I'm not even going to dignify that with a response.
The rest of the ride is same old. Wooyoung blasts 1980s Cantonese pop, to "fit the mood" because he thinks we're in some Hong Kong crime show.
But as soon as the sun starts setting and the lights on the road begin to blur, its like a switch has been flipped.
Woo makes rough turns and parks in a shady neighborhood. We're feet away from a club with a neon lit sign flashing the words, "Nevada Dynamite". We sit in the car a few minutes, simply breathing. A car passes by and stops down the street as Woo slowly turns George Lam down.
"Are you ready for this?" Woo mutters. I nod without a word.
I pick up his shotgun and hand it to him while grabbing my crowbar. I pull my mask over my face and tighten my beanie as we get out and Woo locks the van.
Yunho's establishments don't really have an age restriction, maybe it's because he has a thing for minors. But either way, it isnt easy for us to make it past the door, especially when the bouncer immediately glares at us when we near.
"and who the fuck are you people?" he snaps. Woo walks ahead of me and flashes an overly cheerful smile, knowing he's about to ruin this guy's whole night.
"we got a message from Miss A. you sure you wanna send us away?" wooyoung says with a smirk. The bouncer's eyes widen in fear.
he doesn't get a chance to speak. wooyoung lifts the head of his shotgun and knocks it across the bouncer's face, throwing him to the side. he isnt knocked out yet, so woo slams the gun over his cranium for good measure.
i shake my head. this kid has way too much fun doing this. we barge inside the club, the neon lights and shitty techno music overwhelming. its pretty full, and i nudge wooyoung in the ribs when we get to the open floor.
he has the gun hidden underneath his jacket, but if it goes off at all we're fucked. "we need to talk to the VIP bouncer," i tell him and we look around suspiciously. "dont shoot while we're inside. if the cops show, we're fucked."
"i know, im not a moron." woo rolls his eyes at me but i have to make sure. he's trigger happy when left unchecked.
i look around worriedly. despite the intoxicating atmosphere i know this place is probably crawling with black dragons. if yunho is scared for his life the way he should be, he'd have this place fully invested.
a woman comes up to us in a tight red dress, a flower in her afro as she smiles. "evening boys, haven't seen you around here before. are you new in town?"
"not interested," i say, but woo nudges me in the ribs. the woman laughs, slightly offended.
"oh no, im just the hostess. my name is leana. can i get you boys anything? karaoke?" she offers with an unreal sparkle in her eyes.
"how can we get to the vip area?" woo asks.
leana's smile shrinks slightly. "oh no. thats restricted for the owner. but i can show you our other premium suites if you'd like a more private party."
yunho is definetely under this roof. fucking coward. i pull a small knife from my pocket and yank leana close to me so that her stomach rests against the tip of it.
she yelps, freezing on the spot. i sway her a little so it looks like we're dancing. i force a smile as she looks up at me in fear.
"why dont you lead us to the VIP room?" i say. "be a good host, yeah?"
"o-okay." her voice shivers as she turns around to walk. woo and i manage to stay close to her, with woo's hand on her shoulder as she guides us to away from the flashing neon lights and into darker fluorescents.
"please," she begs as we walk down a dim hallway. "i have nothing to do with any of this. i-i'm really just a nobody."
"arent we all, lady," woo mutters, not caring for the lady's obvious fear. we stop infront of a door and i push her aside, and she immediately runs down the hall as to not be seen.
wooyoung and i share one look before we both slam our feet into the door, throwing it open with a violent swing.
and of fucking course, yunho is there at a table with a shit ton of other gangsters. his eyes widen when he sees us and he jumps up from his seat.
"what the fuck is this?" he growls and looks at another guy. "mingi, your boys couldn't fucking keep anyone out?"
"no more running, asshole," wooyoung spits. "we're taking you home."
yunho shakes his head with a dirty laugh as men start to swarm us. i pull my crowbar from under my hoodie and glare. "not a fucking chance, kid. the next time you hear from me, i'll be on top of the drug empire in hong kong with zero fucks to give."
yunho gets up again but there's no way im letting him leave. i swing my crowbar against the head of a black dragon and shove its point into the stomach of another. soon the room is in all out carnage when they start pulling knives, and everything goes to utter shit.
i feel cuts slashing across my ribs as im forced against walls and surfaces, fighting for my life. wooyoung is using his shotgun like a sword, knocking everyone the fuck out. yunho runs out of the room when theres an opening, while a man just sits put at the table and watches everything unfold.
i punch one of the gangsters and grab his knife, stabbing it into his thigh. he howls like a little bitch, and i strike him across the face with my bar, knocking him straight into the table. the man stays at the table, smoking a cigar in a trenchcoat as if hes bored with everything.
theres money all over the table. bills upon bills. they mustve been gambling, or making a deal. i wave my crowbar toward the guy sitting as wooyoung beats the shit out of three guys in a corner.
"your boss is bold, sending you into black dragon territory," he drawls, blowing out a puff. "you must want an all out war, huh?"
"we want yunho," i heave, my shoulders rising and falling harshly.
"then you better go get him," mingi smirks. "you dont want him to reach hong kong, do you?"
"go!" wooyoung shouts at me, nodding to the door. "i'll take care of that bastard. you go get yunho!"
he wouldnt run now. i know this because hes most protected here. as soon as i make it out onto the open dance floor, seven guys show up to jump me. goddamn it.
one runs at me at full speed, raising his fist like its a rocket launcher. i move out of the way and grab his neck, slamming his head into the bar counter. people start screaming and running. everything is chaos.
i jump onto the bar and throw out my heel, catching two guys in the face. my breath is fast, it feels like im moving at lightning speed. i slide down and grab a bottle, smashing it over another guys head as he rams me into the bar. he grabs my head and tries to choke me, but i shove the broken end of the bottle into his cheek.
he screams and its a bloody mess. a punch reaches me from the side. it feels like im fighting with eight limbs, all the taekwondo and krav maga i was forced through during eighth grade completely saving my ass.
when theyre down, i scan the whole place. people stormed out of the club in fear. its empty. i run for the bathrooms to check it out. he couldnt have run, he has nowhere to go.
a couple starts rushingly gets dressed and runs out when i enter the mens bathroom,  complete silence following after. thats when i hear heavy breathing. its like hes trying to calm himself but its not working. fucking idiot.
i kick open the middle stall door and it hits yunho in the face. he whines out and tries to throw a punch, but i roll my arm around his neck and hold him in a downward lock.
"let go of me dickhead!" he screams, his voice tightening as i fasten my grip. "ple- fucking come on, san. dont do this. dont do this to me please."
im trying to choke him out. but the fucker is holding on for dear life.
"pleasse!" he wheezes, sounding like hes on the verge of crying. "please, shes gonna kill me. are you really gonna let her kill me? after everything shes fucking done to you? think of your dad– think of–"
i loosen my grip as a shot goes off. yunho tries to wriggle out of my grip, i quickly apply more pressure. what the fuck was that. wooyoung better not have killed someone.
oh god. if wooyoung killed a member of the black dragons we are screwed. we're dead.
yunho passes out between my arms. i drop him and quickly run out when i see someone in a hoodie, standing in the middle of the club. hes staring right at me, in an awkward stance like he doesnt know whats going on.
"get lost," i spit at him. he doesnt move. another gangster?
"didnt you fucking hear me?" i hiss.
"ohshit oh shit oh shit!!" woo comes running out, holding his shotgun and mounds of cash on his other arm. "we need to get the fuck out of here."
i cant even register what i want to say when i hear footsteps and the door push open. that guy speeds out like his life depends on it. fuck no.
"yunho's in the bathroom!" i yell to woo right before i break into a run after the gangster.
he has to be another black dragon ready to call for back up. when i get outside the club, hes already halfway down the road. i sprint after him like the devil himself is on my tail.
"you need to give me an extra hundred, doll. you didn't say it was this far out," the Taxi driver tells me when we stop outside the shady club. "You didn't even tell me it was a whole different county. Gas prices are high, you know."
i scowl and hand him another hundred. "Hey, do you think you can stay here for a few minutes. I'm just trying to find someone."
The taxi driver's eyes shine in amusement in the rearview. "Trying to catch a boyfriend cheating?"
i snort and look up at the light up neon sign. "Something like that."
it was a whole hour drive. A whole different neighborhood, district, nearly a whole city. The black van San got into is currently parked infront of a shady looking club.
I know San lied but wow, he really covered everything up in a few mundane sentences. I won't be able to describe how betrayed I feel till I find out what he's hiding from me.
"Five minutes max," the taxi driver says. "After that you're on your own."
"Thank you, mister," I nod and get out, running to the entrance of the bar.
the sound is loud and comes straight from the club. i try to lie to myself and deem it a firework, having grown up in a sheltered neighbourhood, but when i look at the taxi driver, his fear is so imminent that i know it simply isnt true.
"hell no! im outta' here!" the bastard hits the gas and speeds off, leaving me stranded. i watch dumbly as he rounds the bend of the street, abandoning my view.
well, yaera, it looks like youre on your own.
i check for security when i turn to the club but the whole place looks abandoned out front. its only when i creep closer do i see a man sprawled out at the door, completely passed out. at least i think hes passed out. respectfully, i dont care if hes alive or not. it just makes me want to find san.
i go inside, and the silence is quickly shattered by the loud grunts of men and splinters of chaos. glass shattering, things breaking. when i finally get onto the dancefloor, all i see are bodies across the floor looking like human wrecks.
did...did san do this? i know he can fight but this? is he fucking bruce lee incarnate?
im bewildered to my bones. a door bursts open on the side and i see san right there. and i have no words. im frozen on the spot as we stare at each other in disbelief.
he looks fucked up. so fucked up. hes bleeding but i dont even think he realizes it. he looks ten times worse compared to the last time i saw him fight. and theres a look in his eye ive never seen before. he looks like he wants to kill me.
oh. oh fuck hes staring right at me.
"get lost," he orders in a low voice, his body taking a fighting stance. he has no idea its me.
"didnt you fucking hear me?" he says even more harshly.
limbs. nows the time to wake the fuck up and carry me out of here.
"ohshitohshit–" i hear another voice panic, a guy coming from another door in the club. he has his arms full of money and a gun in his hand.
a shotgun. thats all i need to see for my legs to finally jumpstart and get me the hell out of there.
i barely have time to think of how jung wooyoung, my childhood friend and faux cousin just left the both of us unbelievably fucked. all because im chasing black dragon backup. and fuck is he fast.
"Hey!" i yell, running after them. wooyoung follows behind me, and my nerves and face are unbelievably hot from how pissed I am at him.
"should i shoot him?" woo asks as we chase after the guy, and i wish i could swat him like a fly.
"do not fucking shoot anything anymore!"
the man curves into an alleyway, short and scrawny and so annoyingly fast. i feel like a cat chasing a mouse, im also trying to catch my breath because cardio is so damn terrible.
when we get to the alley, the man is hoisting himself over a fence. he sees us, staring at us with a mask and hoodie on so we don't catch his face. really convenient.
i keep pursuing, because the best I can do is knock this guy out till he can't remember a damn thing. or i can toss him into a bin so his members dont find him.
i try my best to climb over the fence with woo, but the person is already halfway over another one. woo is faster than me, jumping over and dashing toward the black dragon. he climbs and jumps, grabbing the asshole at the end of his hoodie and giving one hard tug.
he falls from the top of the fence and hits the cold concrete below. but instead of being unconscious with broken ankles, he scrambles to his feet like a rodent. he tries running past me, but I block him and yank him by the sleeves, throwing him into the brick wall.
once he hits it, I stomp my heel into his chest. he lets out a pathetic yelp, sinking down to the floor.
"you saw something you shouldn't have," I say, breathing hard. "now you should forget."
i can't kill him, so a terrible beating will have to do. woo and I already have to leave the area before anyone catches up with us.
"damn, Sannie, you gave him one hard ass kick," Woo chuckles. I glare at him and his smile quickly falls away.
"I haven't forgiven you yet. Shut up and take his hood off."
woo sighs and rips the guy's hood off, and I swear my breath hits a wall.
my ears feel like they're about to combust because of the rage pooling into them.
"what the fuck?" woo yells, pointing accusingly. "isn't that your girlfriend?"
yaera wheezes in pain, looking up to us shamefully. she's clutching her chest and tears are spilling down her eyes, and the sight of her red face somehow makes this already shit night a hundred times worst.
"woo, help me fucking carry her."
helping yaera in the van while she's out of breath and unable to speak is good, because it distracts me from the absolute bullshit I know she's going to spout once she can speak.
woo throws yunho in the back, tying ropeties around his wrists and ankles. yaera watches the scene as takes in puffs from her asthma pump and i cant believe it. im actually surrounded by idiots who never listen to me.
she fucking followed me. i don't even know how she found out, or how she found me, but she did. she actually did. and on top of that she has asthma. who the fuck smokes cigarettes while having asthma?
i strap her into the seat next to me, and she's borderline crying from how hard i kicked her. i feel bad, but im so fucking angry. i wouldn't have hurt her if she wasn't here in the first place.
woo gives me a weird look when he gets in the drivers. "what the hell man..." he whispers, staring at yaera like she's subhuman. "you've got a shit ton to explain."
"don't you fucking start," i snap at him, not in the mood. everything was ruined at once so i might as well go off now that i can. "what about you? what the Hell were you thinking shooting at a black dragon, woo!?!"
"look, that mingi guy attacked me. he was beating the shit out of me and i did what i had to. plus i didnt kill him!" woo defends, having the nerve to mutter under his breath, "even though i fucking should have."
"and this?" i gesture to the cash in the van. "was robbing him necessary?"
woo sighs exasperatedly as he grips the wheel and starts the car. "look, i just thought if i took a little extra you wont be so broke at the end when Miss A eventually takes her share of the money–"
i can't believe this kid. "you did this for me?" I scream. "you aggravated our rivals after shooting them so i can have some extra cash? goddamn it, woo!"
woo's eyes are desperate in the rearview. its like hes realizing the magnitude of what hes done. like hes trying to convince himself mentally that it was worth it.
"but this is worth more. I-It'll pay off your debt so you'll be able to buy something f-for yourself for once!"
i open my mouth to yell again but I'm interrupted. "Y-You're in debt?" Yaera dares to ask in a breathless voice.
i glare at her furiously. "Oh, you don't even get to ask questions. What the fuck are you doing here? Why did you follow me!"
She flinches at my loud voice but I don't care. Instead she has the nerve to glare back, sobby eyes and all. "You lied to me, you asshole. so this is the 'thing' with your cousin?"
"so you follow me? are you fucking crazy or something?"
"you just shot someone and you want to call me crazy?" she raises her voice. "what about you? If I'm fucking crazy then what are you?"
I grit my teeth in rage. "you had no right to follow me."
"oh but i have every right. You're my partner and you're doing shit behind my back."
"do you know how much harder you've made shit for me?" i snap. "if you had just fucking trusted me i wouldnt be in this mess right now!"
she scoffs. "how can I trust you when you lie to my face about everything! you asked me to be honest and i was, and then you lie to me right after? what the fuck do you take me for, san?"
i lean back into my seat and let out a frustrated groan, rubbing my temples. i can't take this. im not used to this, i hate having to explain everything I do and reporting to someone like a fucking understudy.
"this was a mistake," I realize. "this partnership. it was a fucking mistake."
yaera shakes her head at me, her chest rising and falling rhymically, somehow angry as well. "this wasn't a mistake. dont you dare blame your dishonesty on me," she grits through her teeth. "if you stopped lying and just told me what i need to goddamn know, i would have understood i need to hang back."
"okay fine!" i heatedly admit. "i wasn't going to bring you here. you know why?"
her dark eyes light up daringly, as if she's hoping I'll say something mean or insulting.
"because I don't trust you." I sneer.
i want to tell her i dont want her to be exposed to these awful people and this hellish environment. i dont want her to die or get hurt. but i dont say that. it rests on my tongue, dying to come out but i know how she'll react.
the fact that she refuses to be kept safe makes me even angrier.
"really? I would never have guessed."
"i seriously don't fucking trust you. you're reckless and it's like you don't care about your life at all. there were gang members in there. Actual gangmembers and after what happened last time, i wasn't going to have you mess anytvhing up for me."
she shakes her head in disbelief and curses in Italian. it's a long one and I know she's insulting me.
"wow! you're fucking doing this again after you said you wouldn't! you really can't keep your word, can you?"
her voice is dry and unimpressed and its clear we're both in the same page where we just dont trust each other at all.
"saying is one thing, but can i really leave your life in your own hands?" I laugh mockingly at her. "you can't even take care of yourself. the fact that you followed me here, an hour away from where we live just to fucking see what I'm doing says enough."
"Really?" She clenches her jaw. "Do you have any idea what this looks like to me?"
"i don't. enlighten me."
she leans forward, the long strands from her hair falling loose on the sides of her face. " it just looks like you played me."
"what?" i scoff because where is she going with this?
"to me, the person you're never honest with. it looks like i gave you all my savings, in exchange for a partnership that's one sided. i gave you that money to work with you and instead of fucking holding your end up, you do your own thing, you lie to me, make your own plans, go off on your own and never tell the truth. is that a good fucking partner? Doesn't that sound like a goddamn scam to you? Because it fucking feels that way to me!"
her words render me silent, and i realize i havent even thought about it like that before. im glad we're driving at night, because my cheeks are flaming hot from embarrassment.
"do you think that's fair?" she asks me again, defeatedly. "i did my part. i did all you asked of me. but you don't do the same."
"what the fuck is going on, San?"
woo's concerned voice from the front reminds me that he's in fact in our presence. I groan and clutch my head, oh god wooyoung has been here the entire time.
im going to have to be honest now. all the things im afraid of are happening to me. i wanted to keep yaera away from the gang while getting her what she wanted, and already one person is aware of her existence.
this just keeps getting worse.
"we're not dating," i say weakly. "we're partners. she's helping me with the gang stuff."
"what the fuck, dude!" woo exclaims. "since when?"
"recently," i mutter.
he sounds like he's about to break the steering wheel. wooyoung starts stuttering aggressively before finding his voice again.
"And Miss A??? Does she know about this?"
"Of course not, woo. and I'm not going to tell her."
"B-But if she finds out. She'll..."
i eye him sharply in the mirror. "that's why no one's going to tell her. she's my girlfriend, that's all there is to it."
woo sighs heavily. "what the fuck man... and here I thought you were finally getting laid. why are you letting her do this shit? what possessed you?"
if i tell wooyoung now, while yaera is in the car, he'll say some shit and scare her into oblivion. i think we have enough problems at hand.
"whats going to happen to san if people find out about me?" yaera asks woo. an uncomfortable silence follows before wooyoung answers.
"you see that guy in the back? that will be san. and you? well, it depends on who gets to you first, our gang, or the black dragons."
yaera frowns. she looks mildly uncomfortable, but not as afraid as she should be. shes not running for the hills when she absolutely should.
"that...wont happen," i try to convince myself. "just–just dont do this ever again, please."
"we need to talk san," yaera and woo say at the same time, both in demanding fashions. my mind hurts just thinking of having to deal with both.
"this whole thing is causing me to detour. we're gonna have to take her home first before we can take care of yunho," woo says.
"im staying at san's," yaera says, eyeing me sharply. "im not going home until we've talked."
the rest of the ride home is agonisingly silent. yaera has fallen asleep, her head against the tinted windows as soft breaths fall from her lips. she looks so serene sleeping. and yet my brain has been terrorising me by envisioning her as dead.
right next to me.
i try to keep my mind off it and watch yunho instead. he randomly wakes up on the way home and i punch him again, where he sinks right back into unconsciousness.
its a dreadful feeling carrying yaera up to my apartment with wooyoung being so quiet. the most talkative guy i know is dead silent.
maybe hes preparing for whats going to happen tonight. we've heard tons of stories of people joining the 105ths, finding out they were policemen and then having them fall off the face of the earth. traitors are far and few because of Miss A. people are too fucking scared to betray her.
i put yaera down into my bed and just as i close her with my blanket, her eyes flutter awake. shes disorientated and sits up on her elbow.
"go to sleep," i urge her. she shakes her head at me and i sigh.
"not until we talk."
"we've been gone long enough, lets go," woo says and pulls my arm, staring at yaera and i in a tense way that has his jaw clenched. hes angry at me, and fuck he should be.
it didnt take long for everything to go to shit.
"she texted me the address," wooyoung tells me in the van as we drive. "a warehouse at the docks. thats where theyre doing it."
i stay silent and mentally prepare. emotionally i know ive already been ripped apart by everythign ive seen.
"please be honest with me, man," woo says and frowns at me. "i just wanna know what youre doing with that girl."
"she needs to skip the country, so shes helping me make money and im giving her a share of it."
"and she knows youre in the 105ths?"
i nod and woo's grip on the wheel tightens. here we go.
"does she know about the debt? your dad? miss A?"
"no," i lifelessly answer. "i havent told her any of that. she just knows the easy stuff. im helping her till she can get away from her family, then we'll never see each other again."
"the san i know would never agree to shit like that," woo grumbles.
"i didnt. she has leverage."
"what?" woo shouts, piercing my eardrum. i wince. "shes fucking blackmailing you? that bitch! lets kill her. we can get rid of her, san. what does she have on you?"
this is exactly why i never mentioned anything infront of her.
"a video," i sigh. "she just caught me in the middle of a deal with that yeosang fucker. she filmed it. my face is clear in it and everything."
"lets fucking kill her."
"no." i say in a clipped tone. wooyoung is staring at me incredulously. "dont look at me like that. im telling you i dont wanna do anything. she wont snitch on me, i know that."
"shes literally blackmailing you."
"her family is fucked up," i shrugged. "i was angry about it but it passed.im going to help her and im not gonna make it the gangs problem. so can i trust you to keep this to yourself until everythings over?"
"whatever man," woo shakes his head disappointedly. "if youre sure about this, i cant say anything. but..."
"just trust me, woo. i know you cant trust her but trust me."
woo nods grudgingly, his discomfort worse than what it was before.
we pull up on the dark port and the warehouse is to our left. woo and i get out and carry yunho to the door, where higher ups take him from us.
he wakes up while they carry him and hes already screaming when hes put onto a chair in the middle of the place. the lights shine directly on him, casting out his ghostly, terrified face to the public.
"good work," one of miss A's deadly machines says. he steps out from the shadows like a ghost, his dark and unhinged eyes making me severely uncomfortable.
park seonghwa. aka the butcher. ive only heard of him from woo. hes the copkiller of the gang, the one who punishes all miss A's enemies. when he gets rid of people, he makes sure they stay gone.
and they wont ever be found. not in one piece at least.
from his twisted smile as he stares at the horrified yunho, its clear to see why hes dubbed 'the butcher' in the first place. he looks like he'd eat your heart out of your chest.
"you can go now," seonghwa tells us with a wave. "unless you wanna stay for the show."
he pulls out a long knife from the belt on his black pants, its blade shining sharply from the light sliding across it. yunho starts screaming louder.
"fuck no! you assholes cant do this to me! no! fuck you! ive worked for Miss A for years! you cant just–" his screams rapidly turned to sobs. "san, wooyoung, please. you cant let them do this. i made a mistake. i was being blackmailed–"
seonghwa gives no warning for what he does next. the blade disappears into the flesh of yunho's stomach, his mouth hanging open wide as inhumane chokes come from it.
i want to throw up.
woo and i watch in horror as seonghwa pulls the knife out of yunho roughly, cutting him up all over again. "its always you cowards who beg for your life the loudest," seonghwa chuckles mockingly. "its funny really."
he starts stabbing yunho rapidly, with blood now dripping from his mouth. i turn around because i cant stand looking at the sight anymore. i want to cry but i feel empty.
i cant believe this is my life.
"youre gonna tell miss A we did a good job, right?" woo asks pathetically, failing to hide the fear in his voice. yunhos screams have gone radiosilent.
"of course!" seonghwa says with a laugh. "go chase that promotion, kids! have a good night!"
i get out of there as fast as i can. and when im out the door, i empty my stomach on the concrete.
next chapter
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chrizbang · 4 years
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Pairing: Han Jisung x female reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: mature content, swearing, partying, drinking, fighting, crying, penetative sex, unprotected sex.
Word count: 4.934
Author’s note: English is not my first language, there might be some grammar mistakes dhuofdsjojd I hope you enjoy it and I would love to hear your feedback!
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You and Jisung dated for almost a year. He was a great boyfriend even though he was always busy. He barely had time to spend with you, he worked a lot and had all the work from college. Because of that, Jisung decided it was better to break up with you. He really liked you, but he thought it wouldn't be fair to keep you in a relationship with him since he didn't have time to spend with you. That's what he told himself.
He wanted you to remain as friends. It wasn’t a long time ago, so you were still healing, and as much as you wanted to do the friends thing, you needed sometime for yourself.
After you finished your shift at the coffee shop you worked at, you were heading home. You were tired and all you wanted was to go to sleep. Becca, your roommate, messaged you saying she was going to a party, so you were going to be alone.
It was in moments like thiswhere you missed Jisungthe most, the momentswhen you were alone in your apartment. You missed how he would make you dinner, even thoughhe would burn the food most of the time. You missed cuddling with him on the couch while you watched a movie. And, oh boy, you missed having sex with him. Jisungwas good, he knew exactly what he had to do to drive you crazy, and as much as you like using your toys, it wasn’t the same.
After getting home, you took your shoes and yourjacket off and sat on the couch. All you wanted was to go to sleep but you needed to shower. You grabbed your phone and you saw that you had two messages from Becca.
Becca, 20:30: hey
Becca, 20:30: girl, are you awake?
Y/N, 20:31: yes
You felt curious, but you chose to take a shower instead of waiting for her to answer. You got up from the couch and went to your room. You took your clothes off, putting them in the laundry basket inside your bathroom, and entered the shower. It was quick, just enough to take the sweat off. After drying your body, you put on your panties and your favorite hoodie and went to bed.
You took your phone and saw that Becca sent two more messages.
Becca, 20:50:[picture]
Becca, 20:50: Isn’t that Jisung????
You opened the picture and felt your heart sink. Jisung was in the line outside of the party, waiting to get in. He was with some friends. Jisung was wearing skinny jeans, sneakers, and that one leather jacket that made him look so good.
You know he had to move on eventually, it’s been one month since he broke up with you. But it made you feel sad that you were still thinking about him and he was ready to meet someone new.
Y/N, 20:52:wow
Y/N, 20:52:can you do me a favor?
Becca, 20:53:sure
Y/N, 20:53:tell me if you see him doing something with someone, like kissing or anything
Becca, 20:55:are you sure you want to know about that?
Y/N, 20:55:yes, please
Becca wasn’t answering anymore, she was probably entering the party, you thought. You decided to go to sleep and try to forget about it. You laid on the bed and closed your eyes. You felt your head hurting, it was probably going to take you long to go to sleep now. You tried not to think about Jisung.
The next morning, you woke up at 9:00 am, it was your day off. You didn’t sleep well last night, so you didn’t wanted to get up, but you remembered what you asked Becca. You checked your phone and there wasn’t a new message from her. You got up and crawled to Becca’s room. You thought she was sleeping, but there was no one in her room. That’s when you heard noise in the kitchen.
“Hey,” you said.
“Good morning!” Becca looked fine for someone who partied all night. That was something that you always admired about her, how easy it was for her to have energy and a socialize. You couldn’t relate. She was wearing a pink cropped with booty shorts, her dark straight her on a ponytail, and she was making pancakes. She always made pancakes for the both of you in the morning.
“So, about Jisung…” she looked at you “are you really sure you want to know? I know you still have feelings for him.”
“I need to know,” you sat at the table in the kitchen. There was no turning back now. If you didn’t know what happened, it would linger in your mind forever. Becca put the dishes on the table and you took one pancake. You weren’t feeling hungry but you were going to eat it anyway.
“Okay,” she sighed “After we entered the party, I wasn’t able to keep track of him all the time, there were a lot of people inside.” She took a bite of her pancake. “What I saw was that he spent most of the time with his friends. However, I saw him kissing two girls, one after, at least, 30 minutes after the party started. She was Black and had a fit body. The other one was before he left, she was Asian and a little bit taller. And…” she paused.
“She left with them.”
Becca saw your expression, she knew that you were feeling upset about it.
“I’m sorry for telling you,” she said “but you are my friend, and I wouldn’t be able to see him at the party having fun and not tell you. This is a sign that you need to move on.”
“I know…You know what? I’m going back to sleep.”
“You are not going to finish your pancake?”
“Sorry, I’m not hungry.”
Becca looked upset, but you know it wasn’t because of the pancake, but because she knew how you were feeling. You got up and went to your room. After laying in bed, you started crying. You felt empty, like you were easily replaced. All you been through with Jisung was in the past, you knew that, but knowing that he was with other girls was like a confirmation. Thinking about someone else kissing his lips, hugging him. Thinking about him running his pretty hands through someone else’s body. It made you feel sick. You knew it was silly, you knew you had no right to feel this way, but you couldn’t help it.
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It has been a week since you discovered that Jisung was going out with other girls. You decided it was for the best to forget about him, you had plans for your future, and suffering for a man wasn’t going to help you.
You were getting ready for your shift, putting your uniform on, after taking a shower, when you received a notification on your phone. You picked it and saw it was a text message. When you opened it, you felt butterflies in your stomach.
Unknown number, 13:25: Hey
Unknown number, 13:25: Sorry for messaging you out of the blue.
It was Jisung. You deleted his number but you could see his profile picture. Just because you were trying to get over him, he had to message you.
Unknown number, 13:26: I just wanted to tell you that I finally graduated!
You didn’t know if it was better to ignore these messages or to answer him, but you decided to answer because you didn’t want to be rude.
Y/N, 13:29: hey, that’s good to hear
Y/N, 13:29: I’m happy for you
Unknown number, 13:31: Thanks!
Unknown number, 13:31: We’re going to have a party to celebrate it. You can come, if you want. You can bring Becca too. I would love to see you.
No way you were going. Nope. No. The last thing you needed was to see him. To feel him. To hug him. To smell his perfume. No.
Y/N, 13:34: sorry, but I think it for the best if I don’t go.
Unknown number, 13:37: It’s okay, but the offer is still up in case you change your mind.
You decided not to answer anymore. You were late to work and you didn’t want to keep thinking about it.
After working all day, you got home exhausted. Becca was already home, so she was preparing dinner.
“Hi,” you said.
“Hey Y/N. I’m making pasta”. She said. “I had an idea and you are not going to say no to me.”
“Okay?” you stepped into the kitchen, curious about what she was talking about.
“We are going to a party!” Becca said excitedly.
“You know I’m not a fan of parties.”
“I know, but my friend Seungmin is throwing a party to celebrate his graduation, and I know a lot of cute boys are going to be there. Is your chance to get over your ex.”
“I don’t think I’m going to get over him if I keep thinking about him. Besides, he is going to that party, he invited me.”
“You know what? That’s good. So he can see what he lost.
Besides, are you going to lose an opportunity to have fun just so you can avoid him? That’s ridiculous.” You know she was trying to convince you. “Jisung needs to see that you are doing fine without him”.
“I’m definitely not” you grunted. You sat on the table, holding your head with your hands. This was a stupid idea.
“He doesn’t know that, I’m not taking no for an answer.”
You knew it was useless to fight with Becca, she was persuasive when she wanted to.
“I’m gonna think about it, okay?” You gave Becca a pleading look, hoping that she would have mercy on you.
“Okay, but you don’t have much time. The party is this friday.”
Eventually, you decided to go to the party. Becca was right, you shouldn’t have to avoid places just because Jisung would be there. Besides, there was nothing you could say to convince her otherwise.
It was friday and you were feeling like you were going to explode. You didn’t know if you were ready to see Jisung yet. You wanted so bad for him to look at you and regret breaking up with you. You wanted him to beg to get back with you, but at the same time, you were scared you would have to see him with a new girlfriend.
You were getting ready, after doing your hair and make-up, you were trying to decide which outfit to wear. Somebody knocked on your door. “Come in,” you said.
“Hey” Becca entered your room, noticing that you were still in your underwear. “Can’t choose what to wear?” she sat on your bed.
“Yeah. I want something that makes me look good, so maybe Jisung will notice me, but at the same time, I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard.”
“Why don’t you wear that low-cut white blouse that makes your boobs look good? You can wear it with a nice skirt,” Becca suggested.
“Hmm, I think I’ll wear it with some jeans instead of a skirt, so it will look more casual, and heel boots.” You put on your outfit and you felt good because you were looking gorgeous. Even if Jisung didn’t notice you, at least you were feeling good about yourself.
Becca called an Uber and you arrived at the party. Seugnmin’s house was huge, like something you’ve never seen before. You were standing before a huge gate, and inside you could see he had a big pool, where people were gathering around.
Once you were inside, you tried not to look for Jisung, even though you knew you would see him eventually. Becca suggested that you would get a drink, so both of you went to the kitchen. There were a lot of alcoholic beverages on the table, but since you weren’t fond of drinking, you just got the same as Becca.
“Hey, that boy didn’t stop to look at me since we arrived here,” Becca told you, trying not to look at him.
“Oh, I know him, his name is Felix. He is really cute.”
“I think I’m going to talk to him,” Becca winked at you. “Will you be okay?” She seemed concerned.
“Yes, I’ll be fine, go talk to him.” You didn’t want to stop her from having fun. After Becca left, you went outside to get some air. Seungmin’s backyard was huge, but it didn’t stop you from seeing Jisung. He was next to a table that was close to the pool. He was talking to a girl, she was blonde with straight hair, so she wasn’t one of the girls Becca said he kissed at the party. They looked like they were having an interesting conversation, she had her hand on his arm, she was definitely flirting with him. You couldn’t clearly see his face but by his body language, he was into it. He approached her to say something on her ear, his hands on her waist.
You felt your head hurt so bad, you really wanted to leave. You were so stupid to think you would be okay with seeing him, especially like that.
You turned around, wanting to leave as soon as possible, but a guy bumped into you, making you drop your drink on your blouse.
“Oh, shit,” he said.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, no, I’m the one who’s sorry! I fucked up your shirt.”
“It’s okay, I was leaving anyway,” you looked up at the boy, he was tall, he had his long dark hair up in a ponytail. He was wearing a black sweatshirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers. He was so handsome, like a model.
“Hey, you don’t have to leave. Here,” he took his sweatshirt off, making his shirt underneath go up with it, exposing his abs. You couldn’t help but look. “I don’t know if it’s going to ruin your outfit, but at least you won’t have to wear something wet and stained.”
“You don’t have to,” you started to blush, he was really cute.
“It’s okay, really. You can even give me your blouse so I can wash it for you, I owe you one.”
“I’ll take the sweatshirt, but you don’t have to wash the shirt. Don’t worry.”
“Okay, can I get you another drink? I promise I won’t drop it on you again.”
“Sure! Just let me get changed” You rushed to the bathroom, feeling all giggly. For a moment you even forgot about how you were feeling because of Jisung. You took your blouse off and put on the sweatshirt. It had a nice smell, he probably used a good perfume. You just realized that you never asked his name.
You left the bathroom and looked for him, he was at the balcony in the kitchen. You approached him, holding your blouse in your hands.
“This sweatshirt is really comfortable. I might not give you back,” you teased him.
He smiled at you, he had such a pretty smile, he was breathtaking.
“I’ll allow it because you look cute in it.” You couldn’t stop blushing.
“So, my name is Y/N, what’s your name?”
“Hyunjin,” he said while pouring something into a cup.
“Are you graduating too?”
“Not yet,” he handed you the cup and took a sip from his own “I’m friends with the guy who planned the party.”
“Yeah, do you know him?” he asked.
“I heard about him,” you looked at your cup “what is it?”
“I have no idea,” Hyunjin laughed.
You and Hyunjin chatted for a while, he was funny and you were having a good time. People were dancing in the living room, and he invited you to go there so you could dance with him. Hyunjin was a good dancer, moving his hips with ease. He was mesmerizing, and the alcohol you drank was starting to make you feel tipsy. He had his hands on your hips, guiding your body against his, sometimes grinding on you. For a moment you lost all your inhibitions, you gently grabbed his face with your hands and kissed him. It wasn’t long before Hyunjin kissed you back, opening his lips so you could put your tongue inside of his mouth. He held your head with one hand while the other held your back. He had soft lips and he was a good kisser, but you didn’t feel anything but desire. You kissed him for a while, but it was getting late and you had to go home if you wanted to sleep before going to work the next day. After you explained it to Hyunjin, you asked for his number, with the excuse of only getting it so you can give back his sweatshirt, and you went around looking for Becca, trying your best to avoid Jisung. Finally, you found her, kissing Felix like there was no tomorrow. You just wanted to tell her that you were leaving, but she insisted to go with you. You called an Uber and left the party.
“So… I saw you kissing that tall guy, he’s really cute,” Becca said while you were opening the front door of your apartment.
“Yeah, he is,” you smiled.
“You know who else saw it? Jisung.”
“Really?” You turned around to face her, after closing the door. You tried not to care about it, but it was useless.
“Yes, I was going to the bathroom, when I saw him in the kitchen getting some drinks, when he went through the living room to go outside again, he saw you dancing with the guy.” Becca sat on the couch to take her shoes off.
“But you said he saw us kissing?”
“Yeah, because he stayed inside, looking at you. Not gonna lie, he looked really upset.”
You felt a mix of emotions, part of you was happy because Jisung felt like you were feeling. But part of you thought it was stupid, and you didn’t want to hurt him.
“Anyway, I’m gonna take a shower and go to sleep,” Becca said, going to her room. You decided to do the same.
The next day you went to work with a migraine, you didn’t even drink that much. The day went by fast, it was almost the end of your shift. You were cleaning some cups in the sink when you heard the bell on the door, indicating that someone entered the coffee shop. You weren’t paying much attention until the person stopped by the balcony.
You turned around, feeling butterflies in your stomach. “Jisung?”
“I wanna talk to you.”
“I can’t, I’m working,” you were feeling so confused, what was he doing here all of the sudden?
“Your shift will end in 10 minutes, right?” he looked at the watch on his wrist to check. “I can wait,” his expression was serious, he looked like he was upset but he didn’t look angry.
Ten minutes later, you left the balcony to go change in the back of the coffee shop. You were feeling nervous and apprehensive, you tried to change as fast as you could so you could solve this situation already.
When you went back, Jisung was sitting at a table with a thoughtful expression. He got up when he saw you getting closer.
“What’s wrong?” you asked him.
“Let’s go, I’ll take you home.”
“You said you wanted to talk to me.”
“Yeah, I do, but let’s go home first.”
You sighed but followed him to his car.
When you were inside the car, the atmosphere was heavy. Jisung drove to your house without saying a word. You couldn’t stand it anymore.
He stopped the car in front of your apartment, you really wanted to talk to him but you weren’t feeling brave enough to say anything.
“Can I come inside?” Jisung asked with pleading eyes. You felt a bit nervous, you would be alone with him since Becca texted you saying that she was going to spend the night at Felix’s house, but you couldn’t say no to him.
“I’m just trying to understand something,” Jisung said after you were already inside the house, you locked the door and looked at him.
“You told me that you were not going to the party, you know, the one to celebrate the graduation. But, to my surprise, not only you went to the party, but you also were having a lot of fun with Hyunjin.” Jisung sat on the couch, he had a disappointed expression.
“So what?”
“So what?” he raised his eyebrows. “I invited you because I hoped I would be able to see you, you never spoke to me again. And also, Hyunjin, really?”
You started to feel angry, his fucking audacity.
“Jisung, you broke up with me, you’ve been hanging with a lot of girls since then, and now you’re upset because I was kissing somebody else?” you thought he wasn’t being rational.
“I don’t like him, I don’t want to see you with him again,” you looked at him hoping that he was joking, but he had a serious expression.
“You must be kidding me,” you laughed “I’m a single woman, single because you fucking broke up with me, I’ll fucking kiss whoever I want.”
“Stay away from him Y/N, I’m warning you,” he raised his voice. He looked intimidating when he was upset.
You felt your blood boiling, what the fuck was he thinking.
“You know what, I know why you don’t want me to go out with him,” you stood in front of him. “He is great, he is handsome, tall, his hair is fucking shiny. You are afraid that’ll he fuck me the way you never did, aren’t you?”
You crossed your arms, you didn’t want to fight with Jisung, but you were feeling so frustrated, you couldn’t hold your words anymore.
“You’re afraid he’s going to make me feel like the fucking woman you never made me fe-”
It was enough for Jisung, he grabbed you by your thighs and lifted you, carrying you on his shoulder. He dragged you to your room and threw you on the bed. You didn’t even have time to react before Jisung turned you around, your back now against his chest. He held your arms behind your back, putting his weight against your body.
“You are such a little brat, aren’t you?” he whispered against your ear. “I’m gonna teach you a lesson, I’m gonna show you who you fucking belong to.”
He sounded so angry and you would be lying if you said it wasn’t turning you on. He let go of your arms so he could unbuckle his belt, taking it off and using it to tie your arms behind your back. You tried to hold a moan, you didn’t want to give him the taste of knowing that you were turned on by him.
He unbuttoned your pants and pulled them down without taking them off. He ripped your underwear, but you weren’t able to complain because seeing him like that was making you super wet.
You felt him moving in the bed when he started to unbutton his pants, taking them off. Jisung ran his thumb on your folds, playing with your pussy lips.
"So fucking wet for me," he groaned. He held your hips and lowered his body, putting his face on the level of your pussy. You could feel his breath before he started to run his tongue on your folds. At this point, you weren't able to hold your moans anymore, everything he was doing was driving you crazy. All the times you had sex with him, he was always soft and patient, taking his time with you. But the fact that he was acting rough because he was jealous made you feel like he desired you. "You always taste so fucking good," Jisung said, positioning himself on top of you. Slowly, he pushed his rock-hard cock inside of you, making you feel every inch. You gasped, feeling him stretching your pussy out like that. Once he was fully inside, Jisung started to move at a fast pace, not giving you time to get used to him inside of you. You could barely move, trying to take everything he was giving you.
"You like that, don't you, you little slut?" Jisung pulled your hair and started to suck on your neck, leaving marks behind. The fact that he didn't even bother to take all of your clothes off turned you on so bad. He raised your shirt and grabbed your boobs, pinching your nipple. "Answer me," he demanded. "Yes, y-es, I love it," you could barely answer. He never stopped his movements, fucking you from behind, leaving marks on your neck, claiming you as his.
“Please, I so close,” you moaned, feeling your orgasm approaching.
Jisung was panting, he was high also getting close. "Cum for me, slut." "Yes, yes, f-fuck," was all you could say before you felt your orgasm hitting you hard. Jisung kept going for a while until he let out a long moan, spilling his hot cum inside of you. He stayed on top of you for a while, breathing on your neck. "Y/N?" he said, after a while. "Hmm?" "We need to talk." You tried to lift your body but you couldn't because of Jisung's weight, so he lay by your side. He untied you and you turned around to face him. "I don't wanna talk," you protested. "This was the best that I felt for a while, I don't wanna ruin it by fighting with you." "Y/N, I-" Jisung stopped, thinking about what he was trying to say. "I'm sorry." You could see the regret on his face. "I thought I was being selfish by dating you, I barely had time to do anything besides working and studying, I didn't want to keep you in a relationship like this, you deserved better." Jisung got closer to you, avoiding your eyes. "After I graduated, I had more free time, and you had no idea how much I wanted to spend time with you, but I didn't have the guts to go after you after breaking up with you. I tried to forget about you by going to parties and meeting other girls, but it was never the same." He sat against the headboard. "When I saw you with Hyunjin, I felt so hurt, especially because you are right, he would be so much better for you." You looked at him, he looked like he was being honest. "You have no idea how hurt I was after seeing you with other girls." "I know. It's okay if you don't want to see me again, but I want you to know that you are important to me." "I think I need some time to think."
Jisung left your apartment. You got up to shower and clean the mess on your bed. All the time you kept thinking about what happened. You absolutely wanted to be with him, but at the same time, you were still upset about what happened. Eventually you called Jisung, since you couldn’t stop thinking about him, and he invited you to have dinner at his place on the next day, after work. You changed at work before going to his house, deciding to wear a white shirt with jeans. Jisung made pasta, it was easy and fast to cook but it was also your favorite food. The dinner was awkward in the beginning, both of you not knowing what to say to each other. "So...now that you graduated, what are your plans?" you tried to start a conversation to stop with the awkward silence. You were sitting at the table in his kitchen, in front of him. His mouth was full of food, so he took a while before answering your question. "Well, I got a job at that record company I've told you, do you remember?" "I do! That's really good to hear Jisung." He smiled at you. You always felt your heart melting when you saw his pretty smile. "Y/N... I'm really sorry for everything. I feel like I'm being selfish with you. You saw me with other girls and I lost it when I saw you with someone else. I don't know what to do but, it's okay if you choose to be with Hyunjin. I have no right to be upset at you." He avoided your eyes, too afraid of your reaction.
You wondered if you really should tell him that you dumped Hyunjin the day before. You messaged him, opening your heart to him and explaining your feelings for your ex-boyfriend. You still promised to give him his sweatshirt back. "Jisung, forget about Hyunjin. I wouldn't be able to get seriously involved with him, knowing that I still have feelings for you." Jisung looked at you, a glimpse of hope in his eyes. He reached for your hand. "I promise you I will be a better boyfriend if you still want me. You have no idea how much I miss you." "I want it. But this the last chance I'm giving you." Jisung got up and went to your side on the table, he held your face with his hands and kissed you. A kiss that made you dizzy by the passion it had. "I love you," he said. "I love you too." And after that, you knew that you had a new beginning with Jisung by your side.
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Random date night with Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo
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Hello, anon! Ask and you shall receive! This prompt is very interesting and I will try to keep it in character as much as possible. To sum this up, Hisoka would take you to an ice cream shop, a carnival, or apple orchard while Illumi would rather go to an art or historical museum. Chrollo would persuade you to attend a book reading/author signing or go hiking. Depending on who you are and what your ideal date is, I’m sure you’d find them all fun. Going to a carnival or apple orchard is my go-to since I’ve barely been because they’re all in the suburbs. These headcanons are explained much more than the others. That is why Chrollo and Illumi seem to be short, but they’re not. Also, I can’t wait for Halloween because these headcanons are going to be amazing. I am extremely sorry if there are grammar errors! Taking classes on Zoom is frustrating and now my brain has to relearn everything that I lost in 3 months! Before we get started, I have a few announcements.
This post is more laid back than my other headcanons because I tried to keep it as canon as possible.
I want to thank you all for 65 followers! It means a lot! I’m happy to see that a lot of you enjoy my writing and like it enough to follow me! I have a challenge for you! When I reach 100 followers, I will host some type of writing event here...but I need ideas. I’ve seen some pages do specials where you can send an ask and pretend like you're talking to a character and I respond with what they’d say. SEND ME IDEAS! I WILL CREDIT YOU!
I will be stepping back a little more than before. I’ll still be logged in and re-blogging but as far as writing posts like this...it may only be once or twice a week. You see, I’m in college and I’m struggling financially and I have to work on scholarships. If you all send me an ask, be patient.
Voltron posts will only be created based on asks. I will not be writing posts about VLD if no one requests them. I do not receive any feedback from it anymore and no one seems to like them.
Now, let’s get into the post.
Let's start with Illumi first.
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Headcanon 1: Illumi has a secret admiration for different types of art but he specifically enjoys pop art and surrealism. He has commented on how surrealism makes his brain twist and his feelings swirl as he tries to figure out the piece and what inspires it.
He prefers not to participate in tours as he likes to digest the art at his own pace.
Headcanon 2: In his spare time, he paints on a canvas. His art style consists of both surrealism and abstract art. For a person with a dark personality, his compositions always contain bright colors and abstract techniques that leave you wondering about his TRUE personality. He is truly a good man with a bright personality but after being abused for so long, those behaviors/personalities have been shoved so far down his throat that they may not come back up.
He has a bad habit of asking you what you thought about every single piece of art you passed. The conversations were great but this is a date after all. The playful conversation slowly turns into a lecture about art. Although you loved your bf’s dictionary-like brain it also drained your energy.
One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gough. Although he favors surrealism, Van Gogh’s art style was mind-blowing to him. So amazed that he buys several Van Gogh t-shirts from the gift shop.
His favorite piece created by Van Gough is “Starry Night”.
He notices that you are becoming bored and decides that it is time for MORE excitement, one that you are certain to enjoy.
“Where are we going,” you ask, pretending to be interested.
“Down to the basement. We are going to have a bite to eat.”
Since Illumi rarely smiled, when he did smile it drove you wild. The anticipation of what his next move was going to be is what drove that wildness. Being a bounty hunter was thrilling already but dating a smart, badass assassin was totally out of your league but it worked out.
Headcanon 3: Illumi’s idea of being romantic is dramatically different from yours. He believes just spending time with you on the couch was enough. He is correct; but if you have the time and funds, your time together should be a little spontaneous. You insisted on dates outside of the house because his family will not stay out of your business.
“Illumi, I am too hungry for more trivia.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry. So am I. That is why I’ve decided to take you to a wine and cheese party.”
Huh? Wine and Cheese at 3PM? That’s ok. When was there a time limit on when you can drink alcohol?
Illumi has indirectly attended parties as such when he was 15 years old. He never drank, but he watched as his mother’s friends (surprisingly) talked about business and their children. This time, you weren’t going to talk about business for once. Instead, you two were going to actually talk about what couples discuss.
Headcanon 4: When introduced to alcohol for the first time, Illumi immediately stated how he hated brown liquor. That includes Hennessy, Jack Daniels, etc. It makes him sick to his stomach. He prefers to drink Smirnoff mixed with fruity drinks like strawberry or pineapple.
He loves it when you make these drinks for him on a summer day.
Hence the title wine and cheese, you both go to a stand-up table, place your brochures down, and actually have a wonderful conversation not involving work or hunting.
Illumi smiled a few times, more than usual. Whenever he appears to be softer even around you, that is because he has mellowed out and doesn't have the overbearing weight of his family on his shoulders. You set him free.
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According to a one-shot that another manga artist created, they expressed that Hisoka was found on the side of the road, was taken in by someone that worked at a local circus, and learned Nen in a matter of days. Hisoka’s clown look and having the skills of a magician proves that this has to be canon in some way.
Headcanon 1: Given this potential backstory, going to a carnival is his go-to every summer. He wants to take you to a circus but saves that for you as an engagement gift.
Everyone with a heart knows that whether or not you’re in a relationship or not the carnival is fun as hell! Expensive fried food, elephant ears, funnel cake, ICEE’s, rides, and stuffed animals are to die for!
Being at a carnival relaxes him so his bloodlust isn’t activated unless someone bumps into him and causes a scene.
Headcanon 2: PDA is something that Hisoka does well; he doesn’t overdo it but does it enough where people get the impression that you are a couple and aren’t “best friends”.
While completing a mission depending on how rough it may be, he insists that you tag along to see how he handles the situation. You’ve already seen his ruthlessness from Hunter’s exam but he insists.
His sense of pride gets the best of him sometimes. Sometimes his head is so big that it reminds you of a large birthday balloon.
Headcanon 3: ANYWAY, given his nature, he is very adventurous, dangerous, and courageous. If he wants to go on the Demon Drop, he’ll do it and you DO not have a choice in the matter. He’ll tease or guilt trip you into doing something that you would not like to do.
“Well, you wouldn’t want me to cling on to someone else, would you?”
“No. Of course not,” you reply.
“Let’s go then, scaredy-cat.”
As a hunter, you’ve seen worse. Why are you so afraid to go on a ride?
Headcanon 4: At apple orchards, cornfield mazes are one of his favorites. You cannot for the life of you figure out how to get out but he can. He grabs a scarecrow and scares you from behind. That annoys you but is nothing compared to later on that night.
Oh. My. God. It’s haunted house time!
“Hisoka, I’m not going in!”
“Why not? I’ll protect you.”
“Because they’re monsters and I already have to deal with one.”
It took him a second to catch on that you were talking about him.
“That’s going to bite you in the butt, kitten.”
Headcanon 5: Like Killua, Hisoka has a sweet tooth. Don’t allow his buff appearance to fool you!
He LOVES caramel apples, elephant ears, funnel cake, freshly squeezed lemonade, fudge, and cotton candy. How can this man manage to stay in shape? The world may never know.
Headcanon 6: He isn’t one to play by other people’s rules but he sets his own rules with your relationship that you both must obey. One of those rules says that neither of you can be on your phones while together.
Headcanon 7: Hisoka insists that you both wear either matching pants or matching shirts to avoid unnecessary flirtation.
He isn’t jealous but on “us time”, he doesn’t want to lose a single second.
Headcanon 8: Hisoka only jumps in when necessary. Given that you’ve passed the hunter’s exam and work as a bodyguard, he knows you can handle your business. If the person can’t take a hint, then he steps in. They almost back up immediately considering Hisoka is towering over them.
When the moon shines, you both go to the car and off to sleep in your comfy king-sized bed.
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We all know that Chrollo loves to read! What does he specifically like to read? What Genre? Does he like to read alone or with other people?
Although Chrollo is a thief and must be hidden in the shadows, the authorities have called off the search for him for at least 3 years. Slowly but surely, he begins to find himself in the outside world again.
Chrollo once discussed a book with the Phantom Troupe when they were being transported to another place for a mission. He read “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon M. Draper.
The reading sessions are opened with an affirmation and a reason to be thankful to be alive. He says he is thankful for the troupe, glances at you, and smiles. No one catches on to that sly face except for Phinks.
Headcanon 1: Chrollo is very silent and shy to an extent. He only associates with people he knows and trusts. You are the social butterfly at this moment.
Chrollo tags along behind you like a shy child, holding your hand while you stick out your free hand to greet everyone.
Today, the book club was going to read “Divergent”.
Headcanon 2: Although he loves to read, he hates it when others read out loud. Most people are drably read and it annoys him. After a while, he takes over. Chrollo was tense the first 30 minutes of the meeting because two cops were there but neither of them noticed it was him.
Headcanon 3: Chrollo often acts the part of the character that he is reading in the book. His tone, attitude, and emphasis on certain words keep the group engaged. He is complimented on his acting!
“Good Job, honey,” you whisper.
He responds by tightly squeezing your hand.
His tone was so impressive that the host insisted that he read for the entire night. He was ok with that because in between reads he was often distracted by a lovely pair of jeans and shoes you had on. You were into writing, so hearing others read and act out the characters helped.
Headcanon 4: In some settings, Chrollo is very braggadocious. He insisted that the group read one of your stories so you could be provided with feedback.
“We’d be delighted to view your story, y/n!”
“It will be fun!”
The book club wasn’t a stereotypical club that only consisted of soccer moms but instead consisted of men and women who were involved with a business, law enforcement, health, etc. This was an open space for everyone to relax and forget about their demanding jobs.
After the meeting, the group went to dinner at a nearby pizzeria. You all enjoyed large pizzas, beer, salads, and dessert. How could your stomach (or anyone’s stomach) hold that much?
Chrollo laughed so much that it made you question if he was your actual boyfriend or not. He even engaged in conversations with the two off-duty cops! For once, you helped Chrollo experience the greater things in life; true love, friendship, and happiness.
“Thank you,” he whispered and slyly placed a kiss on your hand. “For everything.”
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sashi-ya · 3 years
{+18} - Law x Fem Best Friend ♥ CH.1
♥ Daily living with the Heart pirates crew AU  ♥ Spoilers after Dressrosa Arc. Law´s backstory.  ♥ Female reader. Little physical description. Everybody is 18+, canon ages.  ♥ TW: Nightmares related to PTSD. no further warnings. If you think I should include some feel free to tell me ♥ ♥English is not my first language, so If you happen to find some grammar or vocab mistakes, I’m sorry ♥´
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31053383
Word count: 4.1K
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» List of parts: {CH1}  {CH2}  {CH3}  {CH4} {CH5} «
Chapter 1
- Polar Tang, somewhere underwater on the Grand Line. July 14th. -
“Ay ay captain, I need fresh air please, I’m dying!” Shouted Bepo asking our captain, and my best friend, Trafalgar D Water Law to please emerge from underwater. Bepo is a polar bear mink, and does not like hot environments, so he is usually hot whenever we pass a lot of time underwater in the submarine.
“Let’s emerge, guys” said Law, annoyed, but willing to make the polar bear feel better. Me, despite not being a polar bear, I’m always hot, so I praised the lord for the decision. 
“Aya aya, Thank you captain!!!” Bepo celebrated and grabbed me by the arm pulling me eagerly to the main door, because he knew how much I love to get fresh air, as much as he does. 
From the control room, Shachi and Penguin shouted, announcing that we can fully unlock the door. And so, we did. Outside there was a clear blue sky, the sun was shining, but apparently, we were close to some winter islands, so the temperature was lower than we were expecting. 
Fresh cold air hit my freckled cheeks and it felt wonderful. “Oi, Y/n-ya, don’t go outside without your coat. You are going to catch a cold”, said Law while placing a white coat over my shoulders. My best friend, despite the unfriendly appearance he normally shows, has the biggest heart and takes care of the one he loves.  
I’ve known him since we were 13 years old, while wandering on a certain island of the North Blue after losing my family.  A few weeks before knowing him, I found the Nagi no mi and became the user of it. So, when we introduced ourselves, we realized I was the new user of the devil fruit that had “Cora-san”, the person that saved Law’s life. Both of us were alone, and sad, so we held onto each other, striving to survive. I wanted to become a doctor like him, so we studied together. Now I’m his right hand whenever we have a surgery. 
“Aren’t you coming outside?” I asked Law, which was still inside, looking through the door with a listlessly gaze at the immense sea around us. He looked at me, sighed and said, “Tomorrow is 15th”.  He didn’t wait for my response and walked away. 
Our captain still misses “Corazón”, Rosinante, or “Cora-san”, as he usually calls him, and on July 15th was his birthday. He was killed by his brother, Donquixote Doflamingo, who was taken down and sent to prison by Law and the Mugiwaras, a few months ago.  I didn’t say a word, mainly because I knew how Law hates to show his feelings and even if I decide to say something, it wasn't going to help at all. The afternoon went by, and while the crew was having fun relaxing on the deck, Law didn’t show up. So, I proceeded to go see him, he usually loves to be alone, but this time I felt he needed some company.  
I headed straight to the kitchen, made his favorite tea and went to his room. “Oi, Doc, you’ve been there for a good 5 hours, I brought your fave tea. Can I come in?”, I asked, but didn’t receive any answer, so I knocked, and the door opened. “I’m sorry dumbass, it was unlocked, I brought some tea for… “I stopped when I saw Law on the floor, with red cheeks, sweated and unconscious holding something red on his hand. “Law, what the hell?” I said while placing my hand over his forehead. His skin was burning. He was running a strong fever that caused him to faint. I was worried because I didn’t know how much time had passed since he had fainted. In any case I needed to make the temperature go down, as quick as possible. 
“Law, Law, are you with me?” I asked him while grabbing him by the shoulders making soft movements. The captain vaguely opened his eyes and said “Y/n-ya… I’m ok, do… don’t worry”, “Of course you are not, your temperature is really high, why didn’t you tell me you were feeling like this?, come on you should take a bath right away”. He passed his arm around my neck and I grabbed him by his waist. Law is pretty tall, but I am stronger than I seemed, so I made him stand up and took him to the bathroom. 
I turned on the shower and helped Law to undress. Taking off first his sweated white shirt and then unbuttoning his jeans. I left him only with his boxers on, that made me giggle a little ‘because they had a heart pattern all over. 
The laughing was over because he became pretty weak so in order to avoid him falling, I had to grab him real tight, making myself enter to the open douche. We remained for a few seconds looking at each other under the running water, until he slipped a sloppy laugh at how I was becoming wet. “Dumbass don’t laugh” I apprehended him. I remained there for a few minutes letting the slightly cold water bathe his whole body, waiting for the temperature to drop.  I realized I’ve never been that close to him, we usually had zero physical contact, and as weird as it might sound this was the first time, I saw that he has more tattoos than I thought. 
“Sexy motherfucker look what you’ve been hiding”, I thought, but quickly I uprooted those thoughts off my head. “Come on, Y/n, he is like your brother….”. 
I turned off the water, extended my arm out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Wrapped him with it and as I was doing so, I noticed that Law was looking at my chest, still weak but now able to stand up without my help. 
“Take off your wet boxers, I’m not watching” I said, turning my back to him. To which he responded, “I don’t care if you look, you are like my doctor”. 
“Oh, come on, tell me when you are ready”, I said, a little embarrassed.
A few seconds later he told me he was ready and I turned back at him again, realizing that now the towel was hanging from his hip bones, leaving his whole tattooed torso naked, his hair was pretty straight from being wet and his cheeks now don’t show as much blush as before. I admired the image of the handsome man I got before my eyes for less than two seconds and told him to go to bed.  I helped him to get into bed carefully not to untie the white towel, because he was still a little weak. 
“Wait here, I’m going to the infirmary to get you some antipyretics, ok?” I ordered pointing at him. 
I was about to walk out the bedroom when I heard him say “Oi, dumbass, are going out looking like that?, Put on one of my shirts” and I realized that my underwear was showing through the transparency of my wet clothes. I widened my eyes, and my cheeks turned to fire. Without saying anything I opened the drawers grabbing a shirt and some shorts he had there. I ran to the bathroom where I got changed and left the bedroom without even looking at him. 
I walked through the hallway feeling my heartbeat faster, trying to dismiss the embarrassment I was feeling, until I got to the infirmary.
While searching for the medication I asked myself why this whole situation was making me lose my cool so easily, but no answer came out of it.
I then went to the kitchen to grab some water for Law to take the antipyretics and came back to my captain's room. 
I gave him the pills and water and waited for him to take them.
"Let me check on your temperature" I said, and he raised his arm for me to put the thermometer under his armpit. "I don't want to feel sick; I hate those pills you gave me", complaining and acting almost as if he was a little boy. I remember when we were younger. He rarely got sick after he cured himself from the amber lead disease, but whenever he felt bad, he acted as he was a kid. I always thought that was really cute and today it wasn't the exception. I teased him a little bit for being a capricious little child and he smiled, gave him shorts, because his temperature was getting lower.  I asked him if he was hungry and he assented. 
 The whole crew was still having fun on the deck, so I went back to the kitchen and made Law some soup. 
I brought the meal to the room that he devoured, despite feeling sick. We chatted a little bit until he fell asleep. "How angelic you seem sleeping and acting as a child, Law…" I whispered while contemplating his face that was slightly illuminated by the moonshine that enters from one of the little windows. 
Suddenly, something on the floor caught my eyes. It was some sort of red cloth. Picking it up I realized it was Law’s most precious treasure, Cora-san’s hat, that he was holding when I found him on the floor. I put the hat next to his face and caressed his cheek softly, "Sleep tight, Law, Corasan and I will take care of you tonight”. 
A few hours passed and the bustle of the crew slowly turned to silence as they went to bed. 
Sitting on bed next to him I must have fallen asleep until I was woken up by some grunts. Law was still asleep, but he seemed uncomfortable, he was again starting to sweat, and a few tears were running through his cheeks. I placed my hand over his forehead and his skin was burning once more, not only was he having one of those nightmares he always has, but also his fever was getting serious again. 
I went to the bathroom, got some towels wet and put them over his face and under his armpits. 
I held his hand and softly said “everything is going to be ok, Law”. You see, when someone has nightmares related to PTSD it's better not to wake them up instantly. With Law it has always been better if I slowly do it, making sure I am there for him.  He woke up, looking at me embarrassed but relieved I was there to tell him it was just a bad nightmare. 
The night went by, with me frequently changing the wet towels for more cold ones and the fever slowly stopped. My best friend went back to sleep until the next morning. 
The sunrise was invading timidly the room and the clock strikes 7 am. Time for Law to take the medicine again, I said and stand up from bed. 
I headed to the kitchen to prepare some tea and bring a glass of water to my patient.  
When I got there, I saw Penguin and Bepo looting the fridge. "Excuse me? What are you both doing?" I shouted, scaring the hell out of both of my nakamas. "Aya aya Y/n, you are gonna kill us!!". But after looking at me both of them changed their facial expression from scared to confused.  "Y/n, are you wearing the Captain's clothes? “asked Penguin, scanning my whole image from head to toe. "They suit you, really". “Whatever you are trying to suggest, stop it right there, you little shit” I said frowning and continued, “Law is sick as hell, he had a fever all night long, I’m taking care of him. He is still sleeping, don't run to him, especially you, Bepo.” I sentenced the Bear that was about to run through the hallway to hug his captain. 
“Law, oi Law, wake up, you have to take your meds”, I whisper to wake him up. Slowly he opened his eyes, letting myself admire the bold grey irises that were looking at me. He gave me a weak smile and sited on the bed, grabbed the glass of water and chugged it with the pill.  “How are you doing? feeling better?”, I asked. “uhm, I am”. “Go back to sleep, then, you should rest”, I suggested - ordered - him. He nodded getting under the sheets again, covering his face with them. A little laugh slipped out of my mouth until he said “Y/n.. can you… stay here with me? If you don’t want to, it's ok.”. How cute he acts when he wants some care… “Of course, I’m staying here, I’ve been here the whole night, what makes you think I’m leaving you now?”. A silence invaded the room, until he broke it with “Thank you, do you mind getting in bed with me?”. We have slept in the same bed before when we were younger so at first it didn't surprise me, but then, something hit my insides. I didn't know why but It made me nervous. Nevertheless, I acted cool and agreed, "Ok, make some space". 
Law moved and I got under the sheets. My body didn't know how to react, so I stayed laying down facing him until he buried his face onto my chest hugging me by my waist, really tight. I put one hand over his hair and place my other hand on his back caressing it softly up and down. I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was crying as my t-shirt began to have wet spots where his face was. He then placed his ear onto my chest, as he was trying to feel the beating of my heart and said, "I needed to hear your heartbeat, I don't want to ever stop hearing it". There weren't words to be said, I knew what he meant, so I simply gave him a kiss on his head and hugged him even harder.  
We both passed out at some point until a well-known voice woke me up saying "Daaaaaamn the captain and vice-captain are sleeping together!!!" Shachi was shouting and I realized I had the whole crew watching us from the door. The image they saw Included Law half naked, myself with my shirt up letting my back and stomach out, Law's hand over my waist and his head over my breasts, my leg over Law's legs. The perfect image to imagine every sexual situation. 
"It is not what you all are thinking! Law is sick, shut up!" I told everybody as I stranded up from bed arranging my clothes. The whole crew was laughing and making a fuss of it. “Hey, get out, Law didn’t get so much sleep last night, shut the hell up!” ... As I finished my sentence, I regretted it instantly and everybody started to laugh. Suddenly everyone shut up. I saw their faces turned to happy to fully serious followed by the voice of my captain saying “Oi, all of you, prepare to submerge. Bepo, resume the course to our destination, tomorrow we have to arrive at the next island, I don’t know why you all are wasting time. And, remember this is the last time you disrespect your Vice Captain. Is that clear?”, “Yes, Captain. We are sorry. Excuse us Y/n”, said everybody in unison, and rushed to their positions. 
I grabbed my face with both of my hands, I wanted to hide for a week. Law approached me and placed his hand on my shoulder saying, “don’t worry, they ‘ve always been like this, it’s ok”. I sighed hard and turned my face to him. He looked better than yesterday but still needed to rest. “Are you feeling better?” I asked him, and he nodded. 
I told him to go get some more rest, that I was going to have a bath and get some rest too, and then come back to check on him, and left to my room. 
Only Law and I have private rooms, so I was going to be safe from the looks of our nakamas as long as I didn't leave. 
I open the faucet and let the water fill my bathtub. Undressed and left Law’s clothes aside for me to clean them after and return them to him. I realized I had left my wet clothes and underwear on Law’s bathroom, but I didn’t stress much about it, he wouldn't see them, because I left them in the laundry bin. I relaxed for a few minutes in the hot water until the image of Law’s body covered in tattoos, hit my thoughts. 
Suddenly I discovered myself enjoying the fond memories of his anatomy. He had become such a grown-up man throughout all of these years, and I didn’t realize about it until last night. I wonder if he thinks the same way about me…? My mind sailed through the memoirs of yesterday, seeing his body covered in sweat, having him close under the shower, the feeling of his skin on my hands, his face over my breasts, him holding me from my waist, being in the same bed… every memory was making my body react and… I shook those thoughts out of my head. What the hell am I thinking? Law is my best friend; he is like family. Stop Y/n, stop right there. 
After eating something I headed to Law’s bedroom and stood up in front of the closed door. I’ve never felt the need to rehearse what I was going to say to him, but this time, I did. I felt the need. To my surprise I heard from behind the door as If someone was breathing with trouble, little moans perhaps. So, I instantly thought that my best friend was again running a fever, perhaps having trouble breathing. I opened the door without even knocking, worried and expecting to found Law suffering. I tripped and fell on my knees and what I saw next, was something far from distress or sickness… 
 There he was, sitting on his bed, fully naked, holding my bra with his left hand, breathing heavily, arching his back and neck with his head thrown back. His right hand stroking his hard member up and down, violently. 
I was still on my knees when he concluded someone had entered his room, and as fast as he could said “Room… Takt” and closed the door behind me with the simple movement of two fingers. “La… law… what… I mean, I’m sorry, I’m…” I barely mumbled still with my mouth open, unable to move, mortified for interrupting such a private practice. But at the same time unable to understand why the hell he had my bra on his hand while touching himself. 
He looked at me, still naked, meeting our eyes, both without even moving. Until he expressed a little smile and stood up. Me still on my knees, I contemplated him and his glorious body reaching to where I was. He stopped in front of me, grabbed my chin up in between two fingers. “Wha.. what are you doing, Law?” I asked, even though I didn’t take my eyes off him. “Shh…” he said rubbing his thumb over my lips and softly opening my mouth…
“Puru puru puru puru” the Den Den mushi next to my bed woke me up from my dream exalted. “Oh… It was just a dream…” I said and picked up the snail transponder. “Y/n, dinner is ready, you haven’t eaten anything all day, come to the dining area!”, I heard my nakamas shout through the speaker. 
I washed my face and looked into the mirror. My cheeks were red, my head was spinning, I was agitated, sweaty. I replayed the dream over and over, it felt so real… so… enticing. 
When I got to the kitchen my nakamas were already drinking beer and shouting as always, Law was seated on his usual spot, and Bepo was passing plates. “Oi Vice Captain! have a drink!!” some of them shouted, while Bepo handed me a big bowl of my favorite meal, read bean soup.  Shachi, who was seated next to me, bumped me with his elbow and said, “Oi, the dinner was chosen by the Captain specially ‘because he said it was your fave, fufufu…  are you both sleeping together again tonight”? I turned my face to him with the most psychotic expression I’ve ever had… “I’m sorry”, he said and directed his gaze to his plate. 
I looked at Law who smirked a little and kept eating without any talking. I gave him a little side smile and did the same. He had a better semblance than the night before, so I think his fever hasn't come back since last night. 
We finished eating and discussed the plan for tomorrow. We were supposed to arrive at a new island in the morning, not for anything special but for us to buy food and supplies needed. Usually, the whole crew divides the work, so some of them buy food, the others stuff for the submarine, and normally Law and I take care of buying medical supplies. 
Through all the conversation I was trying to avoid looking at Law as much as I could. Whenever our gaze locked, I remembered the dream over and over… I felt guilty, stupid. My cheeks burned every time I replayed it on my head. 
After having the plan settled, I waved goodnight to everybody, and left the kitchen. I was almost running through the corridor to get to my room as if I was trying to hide when I remembered that my underwear and clothes were still in Law's bathroom. 
“Ok, he is not here, this is my chance, I just have to recuperate them and run to my room”, I said while entering my best friend's bedroom.
I was scrutinizing the laundry bin in the bathroom, when I heard the door of the bedroom close. I stood still. "Damn, what should I do?" … so, I decided to use my devil fruit powers in order to avoid making any sound until I was able to figure out what I was going to do. I mean, I couldn't just get out of the bathroom like nothing happened, what would Law think? 
As the bathroom door was not fully closed, I was able to peek through it and observe what Law was doing. 
The captain took off his hat first, and then his shirt. He jumped on the bed and grabbed a book.
I was hoping for him to read some more and fell asleep, so in that moment I could get out from my now hiding spot. 
Twenty minutes passed and he was still reading. Meanwhile I admired every movement he did. From brushing his hair back, to how he licked his finger to turn the pages. My core felt fancy, I couldn’t escape from watching, deep down I wished for him to even untied his pants. I wanted to see more…  
Finally, he put the book down and turned off the lamp.  
"YES! FINALLY!" I said getting excited for my big escape but suddenly he said, "I know you are in the bathroom; I don't need to hear you to sense you, you know?". 
I froze, closed my eyes and remembered how strong his Observation haki got during the last months. I didn't say anything simply because I didn't know what to say. 
" Room… Shambles!", and without any warning I was teletransported to his bed. My ass hit the mattress hard making myself lose stability falling with my whole face over his lower abs. 
The scent of his skin invaded my nose for less than a few seconds, because I regained my posture as quickly as possible. "Law, how many times I have to tell you not to use shambles with me without any warning?!!" I scolded him. "Excuse me? You've been hiding in MY bathroom for almost half an hour and I'm the one who gets shouted at?" He said, frowning and staring into my eyes. “I was trying to recover my clothes, I wasn’t trying to hide…”, I confess, to which he responded this time laughing, “Don’t lie, I’m sure you are into voyeurism”. Widening my eyes, still seated on his bed, covering my mouth, my cheeks blushing, my heart beating faster, I was embarrassed, because deep down, after all it was what I was doing. I was enjoying the view from the bathroom, I wanted to see more, I wished I could witness an image as my dream…
“I’m kidding…”, he said ruffling my hair and smiling. God, I love his smile… I wasn’t still saying anything back when he came close to my face, and whispered into my ears, “unless… you like it…”
Chapter 2
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spencerhotchner · 4 years
Alternative {spencer reid}
Chapter 1 
summary: Since quarentine was announced, Y/N decided to rewatch all seasons of Criminal Minds. On a lonely night she wished she could be in that universe instead of this. What happens when she wakes up in 2008 in Quantico?
warnings: angst, a very confused reader, regular cm stuff and my grammar (if you find anything else pls lmk
word count: 2k
a/n: i have this idea while watching a movie about parallel universes and all, so i just wanted to try this out. it will be a 10 parts series! im not really sure about this, i think i kinda hate it but im posting it anyways lmao. i hope you gonna enjoy!
series masterlist
part 1 | part 2
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You woke up feeling dizzy and with a major headache. At first you thought it was because you drank a whole lot of wine last night but then you saw yourself in a room you never saw before. You stoop up quickly trying to understand where you were and how did you end up there. You were sure that you have never been in this place before, and it was scaring you that you showed up in there.
There was a mirror nailed to the wall in from of you almost forcing you to look at your own body, that made you notice that you were still wearing the same clothes from last night, but you weren’t home. Not being home was odd given by the fact you stayed there with your family and two friends you invited over, since there’s a whole freaking pandemic going on and you for sure did not want to get sick or get other people sick. 
“Did I get kidnapped?” you think out loud. “No, I just watch too much Criminal Minds.” you tell yourself, trying to calm down.
You reach for the face mask placed on the nightstand, getting ready to leave this random place and go home. You tried not to freak out when you realized your phone was gone and the only cellphone in there was probably as old as your grandmother. You dialed your moms number about five times and all of them went on voicemail, making you curse mentally. 
This can’t be happening. Not to me.
As soon as you leave the apartment you were in you realized you weren’t in your hometown, definitely not. It was crowded, like, really crowded and no one was wearing any face masks. Where did the freaking pandemic go? You wondered while you felt like a misfit for being the only one wearing it. 
“Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?” you ask an old lady walking by.
“You’re on Main Street, sweetheart.” she says.
“No, um, I mean the city.” you watched as the old lady looked at you with a funny face, as if she was calling you crazy on her mind.
“We’re in Quantico, dear.”
“Quantico?” you repeat, mostly for yourself then for her. The lady started at you like you were an alien. “Thank you so much, ma’am.”
The air started to go low on you, how did you get to Virginia, anyway? That was across the country from where you lived, Bellevue in Washington state. You started lost walking, trying to understand what the hell was going on. It felt like you were on a parallel universe, like you were in a dream but couldn't wake up and it sure felt very real. You stoped a jornal shop taking a lot at the last newspaper in there, trying to figure if something happened that you were missing. However, nothing reported there shocked you, what did, though, was the date. 
July 1st, 2008
You were about to ask someone about it when you bumped into a blonde woman, falling on the ground. As soon as you looked up, you almost chocked yourself. If the day was already weird, this was even weirder. A.J Cook was standing right in front of you with a concerned look. You couldn't really say anything, just staring at her like she wasn't real. It was weird seeing her in front of you after only seeing her through screens. 
“I’m so sorry!” she said as she offered a hand for you to get up. “Are you ok?”
“I- um, yes! I’m fine.” you san, getting the dirt out of your outfit. “I’m a big fan of yours! Wish I had my phone here to take a picture but- sorry.“ you stoped talking, realizing she probably doesn’t care.
“Big fan of me? Wow, howcome somebody’s a fan of me?” she sounds surprised.
“Well, you’re on Criminal Minds.” you say as it was obvious. 
She looked at you as if you were out of your mind. Not that you weren't thinking otherwise at the moment, anyways. 
“I’m on what now?” she asked.
Maybe you got confused and she was the wrong person, but she looked so much like her to not be her. If they were not the same person, then definitely twins. This was so weird, once again, you found yourself asking ‘what the hell’ mentally.
“You’re JJ, Jennifer Jareau, FBI Agent and all.” you say, trying one more time. “Behaviour Analysis Unit...”
“Yea, that‘s me.” she let a nervous laugh comes out of her mouth. “How do you know me?”
‘This is weird’ you thought. How does she not understand where you know her from? Literally Criminal Minds, like you said at first. ‘Maybe this is all a dream.’
“I saw you on tv” you try.
“Oh, I see! You like law enforcement?” she asks you.
“Oh yes, I’m in law-school to be a judge someday.” you answered. “The show, all of it just makes me wanna put all them bad guys in jail.” you say, laughing a bit. 
“The show...? What?” you hear her whisper, but decide to ignore it. “What’s the mask about?” JJ asks, making you look at her surprised.
“Um, covid-19?” you say like it’s obvious, because it is.
“Oh, sure...” she smiles as she says it, almost like she's only agreeing because she won't discuss it. “Great talking to you, really, but I gotta go, FBI duty calls.” she jokes.
You smile at her watching carefully as she picks up her phone from her pocket and pick up a call. That phone looked awfully old, like 2000’s old. Why would a famous actress have that kinda of phone? Then, you looked around trying to understand more about what was going on. It was all too out of place.
First, nobody wearing masks, not even a single person but you. Second, you were in a city in which is miles away from your own. Third, a famous actress acted like she’s nobody. And fourth, the date on the calendar said 2008.
If it wasn’t just impossible I would say I time travelled into Criminal Minds universe.
After standing there for literal 10 minutes trying to figure it out what you were going to do, you decide to go to the police department. After all, you may have been abducted, right? Because you didn’t have any knowledge of the place, you took quite some time to get there. As soon as you got there you sigh in relief, that has been quite a walk and damn, you were tired of this situation. 
“Excuse me, ma’am, can you help me?” you ask to the lady standing behind the counter.
“Sure, dear. What do you need?” she looks up at you, taking her glasses of her face.
“I think I might have been abducted?” you start. “I woke up in this random apartment.”
“Maybe you had a one-night stand.” she said putting back her glasses.
“No! I am sure I didn’t because first of all, there’s a pandemic going on, second of all I was in Bellevue in Washington state when I went to sleep.” you yell, involuntarily, desperate to make her believe in you. 
“Miss, I’m gonna need you to calm down or you will be escorted out of the building. You’re probably on drugs, there's nothing we can do for you.”
“Fuck you.” you say as you watch her face get all red.
Frustrated. That could define what you were feeling, scared and worried could do the work, as well. What were you going to do now? Go to the FBI to see if they could freaking understand why you simply appeared in Quantico? Didn't sound like a bad idea in your mind as you decided to just try it out. After all, you were already pretty screwed up, it would worth a shot.
You reached for your back pocket, hoping that the money you shoved in there more than a week ago would still be in there. Bingo! You pull out a 20 dollar bill out of it and the next thing you know you’re getting into a cab asking him to take you to the FBI. Now that’s something you never thought would happen. The travel was quite quick, in 20 minutos you were standing in front of that big isolated building. It looked like it was taken straight out of your favorite show, that was insane. 
The wind blew hard on you when you got out of the vehicle, making you shiver a little, that reminded you that you did not have any clothes nor money to buy more. God, you did not even have where to go. You didn't even get the chance to get into the building as a big man steps in front of you, blocking your way. 
“Miss, you're not allowed in this building.” he said without much expression. 
“But, sir-” you started, as you saw he was about to interrupt you, you go on. “Ive been abducted and I don't know where or how the hell did I get in here, I’m completely hopeless... Please.” you beg him.
He started at you for a couple of seconds, that felt like centuries for you, just to sigh at you.
“Ok, follow me.” he said. “Do not make me regret this.” 
“I-I won’t, sir.” you were quick to answer. 
The agent asked another man to cover up for him as he led me into the building. Once again you found yourself admired of how much it did look like a Criminal Minds episode in there, if you weren't totally desperate you'd be amused. Soon, you two were out of the elevator on floor 8, leading with the words Behavior Analysis Unit quite big. 
“Can you take her to Agent Jareau, please?” the man said to someone who passed by, who simply agreed. 
Now, that's a funny coincidence, there's actually an Agent Jareau in the BAU. 
You followed the woman with questioning trying to stay calm when you saw Matthew Gray Gubler sitting on a desk reading some book in Reid style, almost like he was Spencer himself. If you had any doubts you were going crazy, that was the final proof. You stoped walking, taking a stare at him and then at the Agent that stared a you like you were an alien.
“Is there something wrong?” she asks you. “Miss, are you ok?”
You were unable to answer for a few seconds when you finally opened you mouth, still trying to figure it out how to say what was on your mind without sounding completely insane.
“Is that Dr. Spencer Reid?” 
And that was all you’re able to say because as soon as you let his name out of your mouth he looked up at you, trying to somehow recognize you. You were sure, that time, that you never looked - and sounded - as insane as right now. 
“Yes, that's me.” he answers. 
His voice was the last thing you could hear before everything go black. Maybe you were finally going to wake up. Maybe. 
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amindofstone · 3 years
when the heart speaks
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a/n: Watching Naruto I always had a huge interest in Hatake Kakashi's character and story. He is such an amazing creation. He´s simply a masterpiece! His story is such a sad story I couldn´t help bad feel bad. I felt horrible and the fact that he never showed any of that pain and sorrow broke my heart. This man needs to be loved! Anyways, since I never wrote anything with any character of Naruto, although I love this anime to damn much (like to the moon and back), I thought I should start doing that with Kakashi being my first try. If it ends up being good and if some people end up liking it, I might also write for Naruto next to One Piece. Other than that happy reading!
Genre: anime imagine? Naruto imagine?
Character(s): Hatake Kakashi x Nami (reader)
Spoilder(s):mainly Naruto Shippuden Spoilers like about: the fourth ninja war, Obito being Tobi, the fight against Tobi, Kakashi becoming the Hokage
Warnings: Maybe grammar or spelling mistakes. (I genuinely apologize. English is not my mother tongue and I´m really trying to improve. So please be so kind and have mercy)
Words: 2605
Info: Keep in mind that the words in italic are Kakashi´s train of thoughts. And just so you know the reader in here is just a supportive character while for Kakashi it´s the main character. (Does that even make sense?! Never mind. Hopefully you get what I mean. This was supposed to sound beautiful... but well... never mind)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture used is not mine. Credits to: @Nebula517 (Twitter) !!!
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A month flew by and the people of Konoha were living their lives as if nothing happened. They go to work, open their stores, spend time with their beloved ones and enjoy the gift called life.
A month passed since the fourth ninja war ended. The fourth war that cost so many lives. Lives of so many people that were dear to him. Lives of parents, friends, siblings, students and teachers. People he used to have around him. People he used to greet on a daily basis. People that used to greet him on a daily basis.
A month passed and Konoha is still busy trying to rebuild it´s broken homes and streets. A month passed and more parents let their children play outside. A month passed and slowly more people are seen happy and with smile upon their lips. Well, at least they tried to.
A lot of buildings, streets and homes were destroyed. People looked for shelter in the houses of their neighbors or tents the hokage provided. Some families were in a miserable state but still managed to smile and have a good time. No matter where one looked there were ninjas helping out here and there. Going from one mission to another to help rebuilding the village to its old beauty. The civilians suffered a lot but the shinobi were the ones that went through hell and back. One of those ninjas was the famous and well known jonin Hatake Kakashi.
He saw so many of his friends in pain. He saw people die and people scream in agony. He saw people stand back up after they saw their beloved ones die just to keep up with the fight in the name of peace. Peace, a word that described a world and a living of a existence that could only exist in a fantasy novel or a dream. It seems like Madara wasn´t wrong when he said that - The longer you live, the more you realize that reality is just made of pain, suffering and emptiness. -
“Thank you so much for helping us out. We will soon be able to stay in our own home again.”, said a little boy to the quiet man. Kakashi squatted down so he could look the little guy into his eyes. Something his father did when he was a child himself. “There is no need to thank me. I´m glad I could help. Now go and help your mother carrying the groceries. I´m sure she needs your help.”, the little guy nodded and bowed as a farewell and made his way towards his mother who was on her way to go shopping. Kakashi had an eye on the child until he was next to his mother before he stood up again to get back on his way to his new destination. His destination a place he visited already three times just today. With his newly appearance it would be the fourth time but he didn´t mind at all because that was his job after all. This is what he got trained for and lived for. Right?
No matter where one looked of went in the village. There were ninjas everywhere. Going to on mission to another or fulfilling a mission at good as they could. Missions that were all about helping the civilians or helping rebuilding the villiage to its old beauty and peace.
With hands in his pockets he made his way back to the office of Lady Tsunade not caring at all if he came late. A trait he developed years ago. But he didn´t mind at all because he didn´t care what people thought of him and his bad habit. He didn´t care a bit. He didn´t and never will. He didn´t, right?
After a pleasant walk the young man knocked at the door of the hokages office right after a tired sigh left him. A soft come in could be heard before he stepped inside. “You wanted to talk?”, said the jonin and closed the door behind him. The blond woman nodded and leaned back in her chair. She was nervous and Kakashi could see that. She bit on her lower lip and sighed before she cleared her throat. “Kakashi. I know that the past circumstances left you in a state of confusion, sadness and pain. And I surely am sorry for everything that happened to you but I hope that you know that the life of a shinobi is exactly that. Saying this is actually absurd because it’s something you already know and can understand the best out of all the others. I am aware of you many losses and the pain you went through in the cause of your life for the sake of our village. You did a lot for Konoha but also the world. Me and every other person alive appreciate that and thank you for everything you have every done and will be doing in the future. You are indeed and great shinobi.”, visibly confused over the words of the woman in front of him his head slightly tilted. “Tsunade what are you implying on? I´m sure you didn´t call me over just to praise me so I´m honestly kind of confused.”, the Hokage smiled at him and nodded. “You´re right. I didn´t called you over just for the praise when I already know that you´re not the type of a person that likes being praised openly over his work and duties. To put it short I´d like you to know that I told the elders about my decision of retirement as the hokage. But next to that I also suggested you to be the next hokage.”
The man was surprised. How could someone like him become the hokge? “Who else is suggested beside me?”, wondered Kakashi although he knew who that might be. But he needed to hear it from her. “Naruto.”, hearing his name put a smile on his lips “I´m glad that he was suggested.”, but the mere thought of Naruto as the hokage sadden him for some reason. “I´m really glad that he was suggested but don´t you think that he is too young for that? I mean I´m not saying that he isn´t capable of taking the position, because he indeed is and always proved that. It´s just that he´s just 17 and should be allowed to live. He´s just a child on who´s fate was put a huge amount of burden.”, he added to emphasize his thoughts about her decision. “And this is why I want you to be hokage. You are the only one who is strong and intelligent enough to take this position and lead the villiag.”, a short chuckle could be heard from the man before he put both of his hands back into his pockets. “Intelligence? Really? Talking about intelligence I think Nara Shikamaru would be a better choice. Don´t you think?”, “And this is why I ordered him to be your chief aide and he agreed. So what do you think? If they choose you would you accept the position?”, with a hesitate nod he agreed and caused Tsunade to smile in relief. “Thank you. I´m sure you will do a great job.”
With slow steps he walked out of the office and the building when his attention was drawn to the now pinkish sky above him. The color of the sky that told him that another day of his life was slowly coming to an end made his heart ache. The thought of him being able to life when others who deserved it more couldn´t, always managed to get him fall back into the sadness that lay in his heart. Where do I go know? Right, I need to go to the grocery store. On his way to buy what he wrote down this morning he walked past a flower shop with his gaze falling on white roses. His eyes were fixed on the bouquet of flowers until the owner approached him and asked if she could help. He was quite and actually didn´t knew why he starred at them but he ended up buying them. With an empty head but a heavy heart he let his body lead him, not realizing that after a walk of 20 minutes he ended up standing in front of the grave of his friend. Obito. He didn´t knew what to do. He didn´t knew what neither to do nor to say, so he simply stood there waiting for his mind to make something up. But absolutely nothing happened until his heart spoke up. “I´ll be hokage Obito. This is what you wanted to be right? I remember hearing you say this over and over again every day. But never did Sensei Minato or Rin get sick of it. Honestly I also had cero problems hearing that. I can´t remember what I thought in those moments but one thing´s for sure. Sensei liked it and it always managed to make him smile.”
Kakashi sat down while carefully placing some of the flowers on his grave. “I used to come and see you not knowing that you were alive. I used to come and talk to you sometimes without knowing that you were alive and I could have been able to see and talk to you in person. But even if I knew that you were alive I don´t think I would have been able to face you. I messed up in so many aspects. I can´t help but see me as the reason on why it came to a war.”, while sitting in front of Obitos grave the jonins head hang low. He might be sitting just in front of a grave but somehow he does not have the courage to look up. He was ashamed. “I´m sorry for breaking the promise. I´m sorry for being a horrible friend to you Obito. I messed up miserably. Those minutes in front of you, with you were everything but pleasant since I had to fight what I called a friend all my life. But still I am happy that I could see you. I wish it would have been on different circumstances but life and fate always hated me so I´m not expecting anything else than pain.”, with every word leaving his lips slowly and bit by bit tears filled his eyes he did not allow to fall. “I´m sorry I couldn’t be the friend you or Rin deserved but I promise that I will be exactly that friend you wanted to the whole village. I will be leading the villiage with the love and attitude you had when we were one.”, with tears that threatened to fall he stood up again and cleared his throat. “Thank you for the live lesson Uchia Obito. I´ll never forget it.”
With the remaining white roses he made his way to Rins grave and placed it neatly on top of it. “Thank you for always trying to keep us together. Please make sure to take care of Obito. He deserves to be happy and loved. And… Rin… I´m sorry… I´m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I´m sorry.”, with heavy steps and an aching heart he walked down to another grave. A grave he once used to avoid but by now found peace in. “Seems like my legs lead me to you and the others like so many other days, father. I wonder when the time will come in which I won´t be approaching any of you with sorrow and sadness. Althought I wish this day to come soon I know that it will never happen.”
Kakashis vision was blurry. He wanted to cry but didn´t shed any tears. He stopped himself from doing so and tried his best to hold them back. With his last prayers he left the graveyard behind and took care of his groceries. He had no energy to cook but he also was not in the mood to go eat out and get confronted with any person. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to be left alone because he wanted to and not because he was used to the silence in his life. Again bit by bit sorrow took over his mind and heart. Again he was drowning in pain and memories. Again he was left alone with his never ending pain. A wave of darkness overcame him making him wonder how he ended up like that again. He didn´t greeted the employee at the store or waved back when someone called or greeted him. With a low hanging head he walked back home, while a comforting warm rain fell upon Konoha.
He was standing in front of his apartment he recently moved in. With one hand holding the bag with the groceries he took out his keys with the other one. A scattered mind and a broken soul accompanied him when he entered his apartment. “Kakashi? Are you alright? I was worried? Oh no you’re wet to the bone! Give me the bags and go change. You´ll get sick otherwise and we can´t have that.”
What was going on? He was confused and his mind went blank. A woman with long black hair and chocolate brown eyes came approaching him when reality hit him. “Kashi is everything fine? Did something happen?”, the woman placed the bags on the kitchen counter and looked at him out of worried eyes. She took of her black glasses and took the confused man’s hand to lead him to the bedroom. She let go of his hand again and went to close the window that let in the cold wind. She fixed the curtains and went back to face the silver haired man who still wasn´t moving an inch. She smiled upon his behavior and slowly took off his headband, his vest and his gloves. “It´s okay if you don´t wanna talk about please don´t forget that I am here when you need me. I won´t judge, just please talk to me whenever you fell like it. I love you after all.”
I love you, she said? I love you. How could I let the darkness take the lead again? How could I? “May I take of your mask?”, Kakashi nodded and still did not say a thing or moved. “Now please do the both of us the favor and take a shower. I´ll get you your clothes and make us some dinner. Alright?”
She smiled up at him and let go of him to do what she said when two strong arms held her back. “Huh?”, he pulled her against his chest only to take her face in hands and place a loving but rough kiss on her lips. A soft whine could be heard and a few tears rolled down his cheeks. Tears he held back and tried to not let them show any of his feelings. But for how long was he supposed to do that? Nami broke the kiss. She was worried since her lover never behaved like that. “No, please. Don´t go, stay.”, his eyes were closed and his hands were shaking when he placed his lips upon hers again. She let him be and said nothing. Nami closed her eyes and placed her hands on his chest and allowed him to do what he pleased, not caring that his wet clothes might wet hers too. She let him do what he wanted as long as he was happy. As long as she could help him get rid of the sorrow and pain in him. As long as she had him by her side.
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sisterofsomeone · 3 years
花吐き病 - Part 1 – The Beginnings of Cherry Blossom
- Hajime Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader
- Masterlist
- Warnings: Angst, minor character death, swearing,
- Summary: Iwaizumi and Oikawa had been your friends since childhood. Sure you had feelings for Iwa-chan, but they wouldn't be the death of you, right?
I'm not her. I wish I were, maybe then it wouldn't be so painful.
The sky was grey, overcast, and dreary as you stared across the courtyard. You saw some of your friends huddled under the bike shed to avoid the rain, but you were already caught right in the middle of the downpour. It was cold, a chill running through you as you trudged towards the entrance of your school, white shirt almost completely transparent now. This is exactly what you needed on your first day of senior year.
"Oi y/n, you're gonna get sick." He said throwing his jacket over your shaking shoulders and pulling you under his umbrella. "You're an idiot, you know that right?" You nodded silently. Words were always hard when it came to him. You dared to look up at him, his eyes cold and jaw tight. You thought he was mad until a smirk crawled across his face. "Enjoying the view?" You flushed, darting your eyes back to the ground while he chuckled softly above you. His hand guided you forwards as your legs grew still next to him. “Hurry it or I’ll leave you out here in the rain.” He barked out, causing you to rush to be beside him again. He was warm and smelled of cinnamon and birthday cake. All your friends would snicker whenever you said something like that, but it was true to you, the only way to describe Iwaizumi correctly, as abstract as it was. His hair was dark like the bark of an oak tree, hands calloused but firm against your back, pushing you ever forwards. You had kissed him once at a party in middle school. His lips were soft, movements strong at first before the boys started to poke fun at the two of you. He grew hesitant and eventually pulled away, leaving you stunned and flustered. It was a stupid dare he said as he wiped his mouth and smiled at the boys, but to you it meant everything. He tasted of sunlight and summer; a warm, buzzing feeling spreading through your chest, intoxicating you. Now you know, that was when it took root.
Iwaizumi ushered you to the nurse’s office, telling her you had been caught in the dreadful rain and she took you in without hesitation. Iwaizumi left with a silent nod in your direction as the nurse instructed you to undress and swap into some dry clothes, she had some spare and laid them on the bed for you before pulling the curtains shut. You did as you were told, undressing, and handing her your wet clothes. His jacket hung loosely across the back of the chair you had placed it on, but you enjoyed it being there. Iwaizumi always looked after you, and had done so ever since your mother passed three years ago, but he was a good friend to you even before all that. Your father had told you about your mother’s death over dinner, rather callously, saying that she had not been strong enough to survive the operation. You excused yourself from the table and ran all the way to Iwaizumi's house without shedding a single tear. His father opened the door, welcoming you in with a smile and shouting for Iwaizumi to come down and say hello. You silently followed him up the stairs, the news hadn’t reached them yet, so he was absentmindedly mumbling about some new move he learnt at practise that day. He kicked his bedroom door open and motioned for you to sit down. His room was messy, clothes scattered around the floor and dirty plates stacked on his desk. He caught your eyes and pulled you into his chest. “What’s wrong? You’re not okay.” That’s when you broke down, allowing yourself to finally cry for your loss. You felt all that pain, and he was right there with you through it all.
“Hey? You okay darling?” You blinked, not realising you’d been staring at the jacket.
“Y-yeah, just cold.” The nurse nodded and closed the curtain again to give you your privacy back while she went to turn up the radiator. You pulled the scratchy grey jumper over your head and shimmied into the black skirt she’d left on the bed for you before finally putting his jacket back on your shoulders. It was warm, Iwaizumi had brought it when you two went shopping a year ago, saying he looked like a shoujo-romance-manga-guy. You’d scoffed at the time, but you couldn’t help the fluttering of your heart. Your chest was aching as you watched him observe himself in the changing room mirrors, seeing him fix his hair and smile stupidly at his reflection. He was beaming when you shot him a weak smile back, exclaiming that this was the jacket he was gonna buy. You’d tried to remind him that it was more than he had said he’d wanted to spend but he dismissed you by saying that if you liked it, it was worth the extra money.
“Thank you for the spare uniform, I’m gonna head to class now. I’ll be back for my clothes at the end of the day if they’re not dry beforehand.”
“Okay darling, just be careful now, and don’t go back out into the rain without an umbrella!” She was smiling at you, but her tone was laced with worry as you rushed out of the little office.
The class had begun as you pulled back the door.
“Nice to finally see you today.”
“Sorry I’m late-“
“Miss, Iwa-chan did tell you that he took y/n to the nurse’s office.” Oikawa said as he waved at you. You smiled softly at him, and the teacher muttered something about rudeness or tardiness. You took no mind as you rushed to your seat beside the setter.
“So, see-through shirt trick hey?” He nudged you with his elbow and you flicked his forehead.
“More like I didn’t look at the weather forecast and left my umbrella and coat at home today. No trick. I don’t even think there is a trick that would get him to notice me.” You dropped your head onto your desk and heard a sigh leave the boy next to you.
“You never know until you try!” His sing-song lilt always annoyed the hell out of you.
“I can’t even speak to him, let alone pull off flirting with him.” You sneered back as Oikawa chuckled softly beside you.
“Well, you better figure it out fast. I hear she’s gonna confess to him today under the cherry blossom tree in the school garden.” The emphasis was apparent, and the word dripped with disdain as it left his lips. Oikawa hated Aoi almost as much as you did, but the two of you seemed to be the only one’s immune to her charms – sadly, that included Iwaizumi.
“It’s only a rumour, so you may be lucky. But I wouldn’t count on it sadly.” You lifted your head to meet his gaze. He was staring at you so intently, looking for any sign of distress in your face, but he didn’t find any. You were good at hiding your feelings.
“Good for her, I just hope she’s good to him.” You forced a smile, sitting up and finally paying attention to the teacher and the grammar lesson she was attempting to teach.
Oikawa continued to try to get your attention all morning, but you ignored him, opting to throw yourself into boring lesson after boring lesson, pretending to be okay with the idea of Iwaizumi falling for anyone but you. Your chest ached, lungs burnt, but you just pushed all the pain down and faked a smile, answering any questions thrown your way easily. He threw paper at you; pens poked your sides making you yelp and have to fake sneezes to cover the sounds.
“Fucking stop it Toru.”
“Oh, first name? I must be in trouble.” He smirked, throwing more paper your way while the teacher’s back was turned.
“You are. I’m so gonna kill you for this.”
“Then admit you’re upset.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m not upset. Iwa-chan isn’t mine to be possessive over.” Your chest ached at this admission, your body reacting to the idea of losing something that was never quite yours to begin with. Oikawa raised his eyebrow at you quizzically.
“That’s such a lie.”
“No, it’s not. He is free to date whoever he wants.” Your chest didn’t seem to agree, the tightness growing and your lungs burning. “And so am I.” You beamed at the setter, seemingly unfazed but he didn’t buy it.
“Like you would date anyone else.”
“I could!”
“Could not.”
“Could so!”
“Could-“ There was a loud bang as the board eraser collided with Oikawa’s shoulder, covering you both in a cloud of chalk dust. You recoiled, spluttering, and gasping for air.
“If you two are quite finished arguing in my lesson!” The teacher shouted. Oikawa protested for a moment, before the threat of another eraser being thrown at his head this time shut him up for good. Finally, some peace and quiet before lunch.
Oikawa’s girls had always hated you, but now they were easily planning your death, figuring out how to make it look like an accident. He had followed you at the start of lunch like a lost puppy. You headed to your usual area bento in hand, towards the bench beside the volleyball gym, and when you went to sit down he grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap. That’s how you ended up like this, with Iwaizumi looking very uncomfortable sitting next to you two.
“So, this is new.”
“Oh, this? Nah, you just never see this side of y/n.” Oikawa teased, wiggling his eyebrows as he placed his hands on your hips. You yelped and glared at the brunette underneath you.
“O-Oikawa…” You stuttered out, obviously uncomfortable with the whole situation. You turned to look at him, your face red and body shaking softly.
“Aww y/n! Don’t be like that! You love sitting on my lap, don’t you? You love it when we’re alone at least.” Oikawa purred into your ear, but obviously loud enough for Iwaizumi to hear.
“Okay shitty-kawa, leave the poor girl alone.” He said, wrapping his hand around your arm and pulling you off of the brunette and onto the bench beside him.
“Aw, you’re such a buzz kill.” Oikawa poked his tongue out, pulling his eyelid as well and Iwaizumi just rolled his eyes.
“Shut up dipshit.” He said laughing softly. It was a nice noise.
“You would think after ten years of us, she’d get bored you know?”
“Oh yeah, all your other girls ran off within a few months max.” Oikawa threw a bit of his omelette at Iwaizumi, narrowly missing his friend. They shared a laugh across you, the sounds already calming you.
“You’d think you’d stop getting handsy with y/n after she so obviously turned you down last year.” Iwaizumi teased.
“Hey! She didn’t turn me down. We agreed we would be better as friends – mutually!” Oikawa pouted as you stifled a giggle. Iwaizumi glanced down at you, a smile spreading across his face when he saw you fully relaxed again. This was how you loved spending time with the two of them, just joking around and having fun. It wasn’t long before you were all separated again and had to rush off to class for the afternoon. But soon you’d be able to watch them practise after school like always, and that was the highlight of your day.
He was late. Iwaizumi was never late, but here it was 20 minutes into practice, and he wasn’t there. You had checked the changing rooms, running field, even his classrooms, but he wasn’t anywhere. You walked slowly back to the gym through the gardens, thinking about calling him, when you heard it.
“I like you. I like like you, Iwaizumi.” Silence. You hid behind the stone wall in the garden, just out of sight of the pair.
“Aoi I-“
“You don’t need to answer me now, just tell me there’s no one else.”
“Look, I’ve told you I’m single-“
“But you haven’t told me if there’s anyone you like yet, Iwa-chan.” It sounded wrong coming from her, the nickname sickly sweet, almost heavy in your ears.
“Aoi, -“
“Tell me there’s a chance for me Iwa.” You could almost hear the pathetic fluttering of her eyelashes from your hiding place. He would never.
“There’s a chance. But I want to get to know you first, okay?”
That’s when you felt it for the first time. The clawing at the back of your throat. You rushed to the bathroom, gasping, and struggling for air as your chest tightened. Throwing open the bathroom stall you retched into the toilet bowl, eyes watering and body shivering. Then you saw them through the tears streaming down your cheeks. Cherry blossoms were lying in the toilet bowl. You coughed and spluttered, bringing up more of the pale pink petals. They fluttered momentarily, before hitting the water and settling. That’s when you knew you couldn’t ever love anyone else, and you couldn’t survive without Iwaizumi loving you back.
- Tags: @haikyuu-cafe @sassyglassesbunny @cuddlesslut @daphnxy @bakugouswh0r3 @playboygeniusphilanthropist
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