#sorry if it really is too spoilery
ceilidho · 8 months
Everyone's wondering whether Sheriff!John knows you're not his mail order bride but have we considered: mail order bride scammer runs out/losers all her money and messages John again like heyyy sweetie, you won't believe what happened. I need another ticket and traveling cash!
But he's looking at you over the letter
oh dw, she will be coming back eventually. you'll see in what form, but i can't dangle there being another woman out there that thinks john price was willing to marry her and just let that fall flat.
211 notes · View notes
filurig · 2 months
some letters between arvo and folke, taking place post-pareidolia, during arvo's artistic exploration i posted a little about earlier...
18 notes · View notes
There’s a little green something in the cracks of the road. Grian stares at it, and then he looks at Scar, who is humming cheerfully while he rummages in his bag, and then Grian looks back to the little plant.
Grian looks at Scar again. He takes a step closer to the plant. Scar, blissfully, does not notice.
Something fungal bubbles at the back of Grian’s throat.
He crouches, inconspicuous, next to the plant. He knows it isn’t grass, that it’s probably a weed, but he doesn’t know anything more. He doesn’t care to know anything more, really, and it won’t matter in a moment anyway. He reaches and-
A dull pain pings bright on his arm. He startles upright, wings flaring out, and Scar shoots him several more times with the Nerf gun. The little foam darts bounce harmlessly off of Grian’s chest.
“Bad Grian!” Scar scolds him cheerfully. “No plant killing! Bad!”
“But it’s a small one!” Grian protests immediately, startled and indignant at the embarrassment of being caught. Another foam dart hits him.
“Ow- Scar, come on, it’s itsy bitsy,” Grian tries, wheedling now. “It won’t hurt anything.”
“Well, you know that’s not true. It’ll hurt the plant,” Scar answers reasonably. He waves his toy gun threateningly at Grian. “You know the deal, G. No pestulating in the Hoe-ly Spaces.” He uses his dramatic voice to say Hoe-ly Spaces. He always uses the dramatic voice to say Hoe-ly Spaces. Grian wants to punt Hoe-ly Spaces and all associated dramatisms into the sun.
“That’s not a word, Scar,” Grian says petulantly. He ruffles his wings and sits on the larger half of a broken concrete barrier. The vines that had been wrapped around the barrier writhe away from the spores that fall from his wings, so Grian vindictively shakes his wings more. This, at least, Scar does not scold him for.
“What? Sure it is.” Scar has gone back to rifling through his bag again. He keeps pulling out strangely shaped bottles of bright colours with baffling smells. Grian would be more alarmed, but he knows Scar has a weird thing with taking labels off of bottles. How the man ever remembers what goes where, though, he has no idea.
(He has some idea. Scar’s tongue is too many different colours, always, and he’s been almost poisoned thrice. By Grian’s count, the man should be dead.)
“Pestulate is not a word,” Grian says, doubling down.
“Then what is it?” Scar asks innocently. He pulls out a jug of blood and lugs it into the centre of the clearing.
“A nonsense.” Grian shakes his wings again. There’s now a full circle of empty asphalt and concrete around him, free of plant matter. His spores won’t root without living tissue, but he feels a little vindicated by every twitch of the green things moving away from him. “Are you done yet?”
“Grian, Grian, Grian, you can’t rush a good blood ritual” Scar exclaims. “Do you know what happened to the last guy to rush a blood ritual?”
“He di-”
“He died!” Scar presses a hand against his heart. “The plants swooped up and ate him! I found his bones, Grian! His bones!”
“We could just leave,” Grian suggests. “This is- what, the fifth blood ritual? We’re fine without them, Scar. I bet the Kingmaker doesn’t even notice.”
“Oh, pish-posh.” Scar holds out the jug and pours the blood straight down over the smallest unbloomed flower in the clearing. The jug makes awful noises as the blood chugs and glugs out of it, because Scar doesn’t care for any silly thing like fluid dynamics. The jug convulses like its gasping for air and it makes sounds that Grian thinks Scar would make if he were ever simultaneously choked and drowned. The red blood splashes across the green, seeps through the cracks in the asphalt, and gets all over Scar’s shoes. Grian draws his own feet up in distaste, but he’s far enough that no blood touches him. “You know that’s not his name.”
“He doesn’t get a name,” Grian says. “I’m mad at him.”
“Careful, Grian!” Scar says cheerfully. “That almost sounds like rebellion.”
Grian scoffs, loud, but he doesn’t say anything. Scar continues with his stupid blood ritual. Which is to say that Scar goes back to his bag, grabs a canteen, and returns to the plant. Without ceremony, Scar upends that jug over the plant too.
“Scar!” Grian squawks, scrabbling to his feet. “Scar, that’s all our water! Scar!”
“Oops!” Scar says cheerful.
“You only used a few drops for the other rituals!” Grian wails. “We just got that!”
“Oops!” Scar says again. He has no remorse. Grian snatches the nerf gun from where Scar had left it on the ground and shoots him with it. “Ow!”
“You’re the worst,” Grian says.
“Love you, too, G,” Scar says. He shakes the canteen to get the last few drops of water out. Grian watches them fall with despair. The water washes away the blood, dilutes it across the asphalt and towards the ring of vines and green things that surround them. Scar gives the little twice-baptised bloom a loving pat, and it opens in his palm. The petals are a different colour in each Hoe-ly Space, and the same holds true for here. These petals are unnaturally white, unsettlingly perfect, and-
“Is there another flower in there?” Grian demands.
Scar doesn’t lift his gaze. “Yeah,” he says. He touches a scarred hand gently to the second bloom, which shivers at the contact but doesn’t open. “Huh.”
“...Huh?” Grian echoes. “Scar?”
“It’s okay, G,” Scar says too fast. “Let’s just go shopping, yeah? All done here.” He steps back from the plant. He sees the look Grian is giving him and tries to give a bright smile in return. “Seriously, Grian, it’s fine.”
Grian has always had a knack for knowing when Scar is lying.
“...If you say so.” Grian watches Scar pack up his bag, holster the nerf gun, and throw the plant a two-fingered salute. He’s too quick. They haven’t been here for even twenty minutes, maybe, and normally Scar stretches the ritual to last an hour. Grian guesses that he’s not surprised that the blood-jug and the water are the only necessary components. The steps for the other rituals had been sporadically changed each time. “Ready to go?”
“Can we get ice cream on the way?” Scar asks, even though he knows that all the ice cream in the world has already melted.
“Sure,” Grian says, even though he knows that the corpses of the ice cream shop workers are ripe in their rot.
Scar steps up onto the concrete barrier, almost loses his balance then helps Grian up and almost sends them both toppling over. Grian doesn’t comment on it. Scar keeps casting glances to the weird plants, but stops when Grian opens his arms. Scar grabs onto him, tightly, and Grian holds tight in return. Grain’s wings start to flap (Scar sneezes at the spraying spores) and they step off the concrete barrier together. Soon, they’re in the air.
(Scar has cracked a Superman joke at least once every time Grian has flown him somewhere. This time he’s nothing but silent, and he keeps trying to peek back at the plant-filled bridge they’d left behind. Grian flies a little faster.)
Scar lets Grian kill whatever he wants, most days. He doesn’t like mushrooms, or fungus, or mycelia-filled goo, but he doesn’t complain too much. It’s a good deal for both of them, Grian figures. Scar helps Grian with his whole ending-an-apocalypse-by-causing-a-different-apocalypse deal, and he’s good company in a world full of decomposing things that used to be people, and he lets Grian know when he’s getting too close to the rebellion line. The plants destroy anything that oppose them, and the last thing Grian wants is to openly oppose them.
Mushrooms are better. They’re kinder. Almost plant, almost animal, and there’s so much for them to eat. Much better than the violence of true plants.
Honestly? Grian shouldn’t even be alive. It’s pure luck that he found the mycelia before the plants could burrow into him, it’s luck that it Chose him, and it’s luck that it wants the world to end again.
(Sometimes, late at night, he wonders if he’d be happier if he’d been the first harbinger of end-times rather than the second. But, then again, mushrooms are components of decay. Scavengers rather than hunters- it makes sense, maybe, that the fungal spread occurs after the flora’s feast.)
Grian thinks he’s almost done. He used to be human, but now mushrooms sprout around him when he sleeps, and spores spread on the wind from his wings. He leaves large fields of fungus in his wake. Soon enough, he’ll have to actively hunt for the green and force it to recede. Soon enough, the old apocalypse will be ended, and the new ending can truly begin. That’s why Grian doesn’t mind carting Scar around to the last green places so much- Scar gets a free travelling companion, and Grian gets lead right to the green sources that Scar doesn’t want him to hurt. Grian doesn’t hurt them because then Scar will stop showing him where they are, and Grian is smart enough to bide his time. One day, maybe, Scar will die, and Grian will be free to kill as many green spaces as he wants.
(Grian shouldn’t have to kill him. The plants should have killed him. The fungus should have rotted him. Grian sometimes wonders what it means that he’s still alive. He licks poison and blood and shiny things that should give him tetanus, but he’s still alive.)
(Grian thinks about leaving, sometimes, but he never does. He’s always been too curious for his own good.)
“What’s that for?” Grian asks.
Scar freezes like a statue, weedkiller clutched tight in his hands. Slowly, as if Grian is a predator with poor eyesight, he hides it behind his back. Grian tries, unsuccessfully, to stifle his laughter.
“Scar. You know I can see you, don’t you?”
Scar deflates, shoulders slumping forwards as he pulls the weedkiller out again. “Okay, okay, you caught me, G,” he says. “I’m just… looking for a drink.”
“That’s weedkiller.”
“...Okay, you’re not even trying now,” Grian says. “What’s with the weedkiller, Scar?”
Scar shuffles his feet and bites his lip, then huffs out a breath. “Are we alone?”
Grian, still smiling, raises his brows and looks around the store. Most of the shelves have been raided, several of them knocked over, and the only people in the vicinity haven’t been people in a long time.
“The plants, G,” Scar says impatiently.
“Oh, no, those are gone,” Grian says. “The mycelium works fast, you know that.”
“Right,” Scar says, and he goes quiet.
Grian eyes him, then gestures to a currently-indoor outdoor furniture set that doesn’t even have any blood on it. “Do you want to sit down?” he offers.
Scar makes a beeline for the furniture set, weedkiller still clutched tight in his grasp. Grian has barely figured out how to sit without crushing his wings when Scar blurts out, “The King’s called a meeting.”
Grian almost falls out of his seat. “What?”
“Yeah,” Scar says. “And I have to go, or, you know.” He jerks his head towards the nearest corpse. There are vines wrapped around its neck. “I was hoping you could give me a ride?”
Grian gapes at him. He feels his mental gears spinning frantically, completely tractionless. “Okay- wait.” He runs his hand through his hair and ignores the mushrooms that brush against his hand. “The King called a meeting- why? He hasn’t done that before- do you think he knows you’re working with me? This is probably a trap, Scar. You know this is probably a trap.”
Scar looks at the weedkiller on his lap. “Yeah.”
Grian stares. “Oh.”
Scar grimace-smiles. “I figured- you’ve been a good friend, Grian. I have… loyalty, to the crown, but I won’t let them kill you.”
Scar shrugs a little self-consciously. “It’s the least I can do, you know?”
Grian doesn’t want to say it. He likes Scar, though, and he would feel guilty if he didn’t point out, “What’s stopping me from killing them, then? You know what my goals are.”
“Rebellion, Grian,” Scar says automatically. Grian winces and raises his hands in apology, and Scar continues. “I figured- well, maybe you won’t if I ask you really nicely?”
“That can’t be it.”
Scar shrugs. “You haven’t touched the spaces,” he explains. “And all I did there is ask you nicely.”
“That’s different.”
Grian fumbles for a second. “That’s- it’s- like- chopping off a head will kill a body?” he tries. “Like- the spaces are the hands, and the King is the head, so that’s- yeah.”
“Are you going to chop his head off?”
Grian is quiet.
“Please, Grian, don’t kill him,” Scar says. He holds the weedkiller carefully, and his fingers keep nervously tapping at its sides. “Neither of them. None of them. Just- keep being your mushroomy, birdy self, okay? You don’t even have to talk to them if you don’t want to.”
Grian is silent.
Grian caves. Mournfully, he thinks of the Hoe-ly Spaces, and he thinks of the quiet rule he has to kill those whenever Scar dies. It feels wrong to delegate something like killing the King to that same rule, but- Scar is right. Beheading the King sounds like it comes too close to rebelling, anyway. “Okay.”
Scar lets out a breath, then gives Grian a winning smile. “Okay!” he says. “Okay, perfect! Hey, I think I saw some chocolate earlier, maybe it won’t be expired.”
“It’s definitely expired,” Grian says, but he stands and offers Scar a hand to help him up.
Scar takes the hand and pulls himself up to his feet. “It’s always good to have hope, G,” he says brightly, and they continue to ravage the store.
The place Scar takes him to isn’t green at all. It’s white and red and brown, like old and new blood on white petals. Well, Grian shouldn’t be thinking in similes here- there is literally old and new blood staining old petals almost everywhere he looks.
The border of the Tree’s territory is made of wood, or whatever it is that roots are made of. They drip red onto the white flowers that make up the groundcover. It had been relatively easy to get past the border- it opened up when Scar approached, peacefully allowing him through. The roots shuddered furiously when Grian approached, but they didn’t kill him when he tucked his wings in and pretended to be demure, so he thinks that means he’s basically Scar’s unwelcomely welcomed plus one. He’s not sure if court people even get to have plus ones, but he’s not skewered by evil plant matter so he thinks that he gets to count as a plus one.
He’s maybe a little nervous.
The interior of the Tree’s territory doesn’t make him feel any more at ease, either. This, too, is a place that is blindingly white. The Tree itself sits in the very centre, painfully pale and looming. The King’s Spire sits to its right, a building of previously-white colours that has now been overgrown with green. Moss and vines, Grian thinks, but he can’t distinguish anything else. Beneath the Tree are several small figures that cause something fungal to gurgle in his throat when he looks at them too hard. Grian stays close to Scar and tries to turn his eyes to the ground.
It’s hard not to acknowledge the Tree, though. They approach it together, slowly engulfed by the leaf cover overhead and hidden from the sun. It’s almost dark. Grian feels very small. The last time he’d felt so small was when his human self had accepted the blessings of the mycelium. He’d been welcome, then, but there is no welcome for him here.
Scar, of course, seems unaffected.
“You’re late.” Grian chances a glance upwards to see a woman with dead eyes and red flowers sprouting from her hair. The fungal thing tries to crawl out of his mouth. He swallows hard and ducks his head. He’s suddenly questioning the might of Scar’s weedkiller against all of this. He understands a little, maybe, the might that would have been needed to bring the first apocalypse.
“I’m right on time,” Scar disagrees. “You’re just early.”
“Everyone else has gone.” The woman sounds unimpressed. “And who do you have with you? You know he wants these audiences to be one-on-one.”
“Oh, it’s fine,” Scar dismisses. “Sym- synergy. We’re really synergetic. I couldn’t have gotten here at all without Grian.”
“Your funeral.”
“Ha,” Scar says. “As if.”
Grian is startled enough by this statement to look up at Scar, but Scar grabs him by the arm and ushers him towards the trunk of the Tree. “Hey, wait- what do you mean?” Grian hisses. It occurs to him for the first time that this could be a trap for him.
“Not now, G,” Scar mumbles to him. “Ask me later.”
Grian, ruffled, unruffles a little bit at that. After all, there wouldn’t be a “later” if Scar was going to kill him now, right? Grian is beginning to realize that Scar is wrapped up tighter in whatever- whatever this is a lot more than Grian had first assumed, and he does not like it. Not one bit. He hates this, actually, and he hates it more when Scar knocks on the trunk and the wood creaks as it twists and bends out of their way.
A voice from within calls, “Welcome, Goodtimes, to my most private of areas.” And Grian hates that most of all.
They enter the Tree. The Tree creaks and groans and it closes behind them. Trapping them inside. And Grian hates this so much.
He finds even more to hate as they delve deeper into the almost-room that’s waiting for them. The King sits on a throne in the centre, drooping like a wilted flower. He’s dead. Grian can tell that immediately- he wants to spread his wings and spread the spores, but Scar asked him not to, and-
Wait. What?
Grian looks again. The King continues to be dead. The crown sits golden on his head, shining and perfect. The King is undecayed, unblemished, but his eyes are flat, and he isn’t breathing, and Grian can almost hear the creaking as he scowls.
“What have you brought me?”
“Presents,” Scar promises. “Just as you’ve asked. They’re for you, too, Bdubs.”
Grian again begins to wonder if this is a trap. Before he can continue that train of thought, however, there’s more creaking as the Tree shudders around them. The walls shiver, and lichen sloughs downwards until there’s just a human-shaped lump of green left against the wall. The human lump turns around and looks right at Grian with its impossibly large eyes.
Grian almost bares his teeth. He knows that look. This is competition.
(Competiton for what? There’s so much to fight over, probably, if he really thinks hard about it.)
“Why is the bed made of dirt?” Grian asks.
Scar balks, the King pauses, and the lichen-man stares.
“I mean, not to ruffle any feathers,” Grian rushes, valiantly not ruffling any of his. “I guess I was just expecting…”
“What?” The dead King asks.
“More?” Grian says. “Pillows? Blankets? Uh. More gold, I guess, but I know people don’t really carry that around these days. Didn’t.”
“The crown is gold,” the lichen man says.
“Aye, but tis a tiny crown,” the King concedes.
“And the bed is made of dirt,” Grian says.
“It’s a plant apocalypse,” the lichen-man -Bdubs- says. “Of course the bed is made of dirt. It’s not like he actually needs any sleep.”
“I like to nap,” the dead King protests. “Royal naps are very important, Bdubs.”
“Of course, your highness, of course,” Bdubs says quickly. “But the dirt is fine, right?”
“I mean,” the King says. “A dirt nap is mighty thematic, all considering, but… You there, Goodtimes! Have you brought your king a pillow?”
“Uh- no, no.” Scar laughs a little, startled. “No, I didn’t.”
“Shame,” the King says. The Tree rumbles. “Then you have failed me. Goodbye, Goodtimes. You served me well.”
“Whuh-” Grian starts.
“Woahwoahwoa-” Scar babbles.
“WAIT!” Bdubs shouts.
The Tree stops rumbling.
“Yes?” the King asks.
Bdubs looks at the King, then he looks at Scar, then he looks to Grian, then he looks back to the King. “Scar - Goodtimes has displeased you mightily, my liege,” he hazards. The dead King nods wisely. “Right-right- but he has displayed his loyalty quite mightily, too! The blood sacrifices are always pleasing, aren’t they?”
“You would have me grant mercy?” The King sounds displeased. Grian shuffles. He wonders if it’s even possible to kill a dead guy. He wonders if his mushrooms can kill. He hasn’t had much practice spreading them on purpose, but maybe if he can get them in the eyes?
“No, no, no, no mercy,” Bdubs amends hastily. “Just- inconvenience.” He leans in and whispers loudly. “My lord, he has a friend with him. The oncoming rot? I’m just saying- two birds with one stone here.”
“Oh?” The King looks closer at Grian. Grian lifts his wings a little in a threat display. The King nods slowly. “I see, I see… Goodtimes, I offer you a choice.”
“I don’t want to make a choice,” Scar says, more weakly than Grian has ever heard him.
“Nonetheless you have it!” the King booms. “Goodtimes- you may spare your own life, or the life of the oncoming rot. You have-”
“To give you your gifts first,” Scar says loudly.
The King pauses. “You interrupt me?”
“For presents,” Scar says quickly. He pulls of his bag and rifles through it quickly. Bdubs shuffles over and Scar hands over several unlabelled bottles. Salvation. Hope rises within Grian until, alarmingly, he realizes that none of the jugs are the weedkiller.
“Scar,” Grian says quietly.
“It’s okay, G,” Scar replies quickly.
Bdubs opens each jug and sniffs it in turn, then brings them to the King and pours them at the base of the throne. With each bottle the King’s body twitches, making noises like an ancient rocking chair, and- it takes Grian a moment to notice, but each bottle emptied at his feet brings life back to the King’s features. He grins, wide and sharp-toothed, and Grian wonders if he’s lost his chance to escape.
“Now, the choice,” the King begins.
“No,” Grian says, and he lets loose.
He’s on the ground three seconds later.
Lichen fills his mouth, vines around his wrist and wings, bark already growing quickly over his legs to trap him in place. Bdubs wipes a stray mushroom off of his sleeve in disgust, and Scar stares with wide, despairing eyes.
Do something! Grian tries to yell back with his own eyes. Scar doesn’t do anything except let out a breath, and then start to smile.
Scar says, “Phew! That took you forever, Bdubs.”
“Huh?” Bdubs says.
“I started thinking you weren’t going to stop him at all,” Scar remarks, and Grian’s heart drops into his stomach.
“OH,” Bdubs says loudly. His eyes sparkle. “Oh, so this- oh, phew! You got me worried there, Scar! Really worried! ‘Why is he hanging out with the oncoming rot,’ I said.”
“I said that,” the King argues.
“Of course, of course,” Bdubs says quickly. “Anyway, I said ‘wow, I wonder why Scar is hanging out with the oncoming rot!’ But you just needed a bit of help with this one, didn’t you?”
Scar smiles widely. He rummages through his bag again. “Right on, Bdubs,” he says. “Can’t kill a fungus surrounded by fungus, right? It’ll just grow right back!” The two of them chortle together and Scar brings another jug out of his backpack.
In fragile hope, Grian’s heart begins to beat again because he recognizes that jug. It’s the weedkiller. Label torn off. Scar opens it, takes a sip, and doesn’t flinch.
Grian feels several emotions all at once.
Scar hands the weedkiller over to Bdubs just as the King says, “What are you waiting for, Goodtimes?”
“You still have my bow, King,” Scar says.
“I thought we gave that back…?” The King looks questioningly to Bdubs.
“You took it away again after Scar failed to provide appropriate subservience, my lord.”
“Oh, well have it back, then, Goodtimes.” The King waves his hand and more of the tree creaks and moans. A real and true bow and quiver are revealed when the floor pulls back. Grian wriggles frantically, fear spiking again. Scar still hasn’t wavered. Grian is starting to doubt the contents of the weedkiller jug. He tries to flap his wings but the bark has grown over the edges. He tries to let the fungus out but his throat is clogged by lichen. The wood around him dies and tries to rot but it’s just grown over and living again in less than a second.
Scar strides over, playing with the quiver. He kneels next to Grian, then pulls out an arrow. Grian stares up at him, making his eyes as wide and pleading as he can. Scar doesn’t look at him. “Long live the King,” Scar says, raising his arrow. Bdubs raises the jug to him, but doesn’t drink.
Consternation flashes over Scar’s face, and Grian feels another rush of emotion he doesn’t know how to parse. Then Scar’s expression hardens and he brings the arrow down.
It hurts. Grian yells against the lichen in his mouth. There isn’t any blood- Grian isn’t human anymore. Of course there isn’t blood. There is an arrow in him and there isn’t any blood and Scar raises his fist with a cheer, and the King raises both arms with a cheer, and Bdubs drinks the weedkiller.
The Tree shudders.
The King collapses like a puppet with its strings cut.
Bdubs shrieks. The weedkiller drops. It sprays over the floor. The Tree screams. Grian thinks he’s also screaming. Scar isn’t screaming. Scar is frozen, false smile plastered across his face, and Grian realizes with dizzying clarity that he has no fucking clue when Scar is or isn’t lying. That’s a weird thing to realize in the worst moment of Grian’s after-apocalypse life and it’s so silly he just starts to laugh. He stops laughing when a branch spears through Scar’s chest.
“Traitor!” Bdubs yells. Three more branches strike Scar through. He gasps at each one, but he doesn’t struggle. He doesn’t try to get away. He doesn’t stop smiling. He doesn’t start bleeding. “The King trusted you!”
“The King is dead, Bdubs,” Scar says. “And your apocalypse has been ending. The oncoming rot hasn’t been oncoming for a long time- it’s been here-” he gestures wildly to Grian, who has yet another flurry of unregistered emotions “-the whole time, and you’ve let it!”
“The plants-”
“Kill those who oppose,” Scar says. “But your court has been opposing you since the moment you raised them. You failed your own apocalypse.”
Grian feels dizzy. He isn’t bleeding, but he is dying.
Why isn’t Scar bleeding?
“...What are you?” Bdubs asks. He’s breathing heavily. Grian’s vision is swimming, but he thinks Bdubs has sunk down to the floor. “Why-“ another branch spears Scar through “- aren’t-” another “-you-” another “-dead?”
“I’unno,” Scar says. “It never sticks.” The Tree rumbles overhead. Grain can feel it through the floor. “How about you? Are you dead yet, Bdubs?”
There’s silence. “Bdubs?”
The Tree stops rumbling.
“I don’t think poision is supposed to work like that,” Scar says. Or he says something like it. Grian isn’t sure. He’s really tired.
There’s something warm pressed against his face. “I didn’t lie to you,” Scar says quietly. Grian makes a little noise. “I didn’t. I said I wouldn’t let them kill you. I didn’t say anything about me. Doesn’t that mean something, G?” Grian doesn’t answer. “Yeah, yeah…”
Grian breathes out, slow, through his nose.
“You’d hate it the other way around,” Scar promises quietly. “But you did it, Grian. Bdubs wouldn’t have drank that without you. That was you, alright? You did it, you won. New apocalypse, new you. That’s the way it goes. The King died, and now it’s you, and- and it won’t be like this. It’ll be better. I don’t like mushrooms, but I’ll learn to like them when they’re you, okay?”
Grian can’t reply.
“I’ll see you soon, Grian,” Scar mumbles, and he sounds so far away.
And Grian goes to sleep.
And Mother Spore wakes up.
written for the @pinchhitsfromthevoid event and for the @ghastspidergwen person! this got. wildly out of hand basically the second i started to write it. unfortunately i suffer from "cannot write a normal apocalypse au" disease but eyyy that just means its a two-apocalypse package deal, which was really fun to write. hopefully it's just as fun to read!
(also on ao3)
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weakly-skoodge · 2 months
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Week Eighty Three
12 notes · View notes
reizerou-arts · 1 year
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Strawberry and Mint feat. Jaylee and Bebo!
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insanusnavicularis · 1 year
Controversial opinion I know but-
I was disappointed in the good omens season 2 ending the first time I saw it.
Before you come at me hear me out-
I get it okay, I get it. From a completely narrative, character development, coherency point. It makes so much sense. Objectively, it was a good decision. I get why it had to end that why. I get it.
But, and stay with me here, I study marketing and literature and I know how this goes.
Via marketing you have to make your consumers understand what they’re getting, you have to give them enough info for them to make assumptions and get expectations about your product, so they can buy it and be satisfied with it. If they have unrealistic or different expectations than what you’re gonna give them, then they’re gonna be disappointed no matter how good the actual product is.
The same happens with literature. There’s something called the promise of the premise. Basically it means that you have to set the tone of the story in the first chapter or two, you have to make a promise to the readers about what they’re gonna get.
All the clues were there from a literary standpoint. The scene with them both as angels. Aziraphale choosing to help Gabriel despite everything. Azirapahel seeing time and time again how much Crowley wanted to do good and go against hell.
We should’ve seen it coming.
But we didn’t. I don’t think anyone did. I didn’t at least.
And that’s because of the marketing.
Because I had expectations for this season. Expectation created by what I’ve seen and heard from the actors and from Gaiman and from Prime.
Maybe it was me who interpreted it all wrong. Maybe. I don’t know.
But I entered season 2 expecting something and I didn’t get it. The actual thing I got makes sense and it’s not bad. I don’t hate it. I actually kinda like it now that I think about it. But that does not take away the fact that my expectations weren’t met and now I’m disappointed in the product I “bought”.
It’s like this: if I told you this thing is a blender and you bought it thinking it’s a blender, thinking about all the smoothies you’re gonna make with your new blender and you’re really happy about it. But you get home and realize it’s actually a microwave and not a blender. Now, are microwaves bad? No. Do I like microwaves still? Yes. Are they useful? Yes. But it’s still not a blender, and a blender is what I expected, what I needed.
I guess I just wrongly assumed things about the show before knowing or seeing anything about it. And that’s on me okay. That’s on me. That’s my bad. Still it doesn’t take away my feelings.
What I needed was a queer or queer coded piece of media that was lighthearted and funny, I needed a queer piece of media that didn’t take itself too seriously. I needed a happy queer show. As a queer person I needed a queer show that showed me a happy ending. I needed something to escape reality, not to remind me of it. I needed something like season 1 I guess and it’s my bad because I know it’s not season one but again- expectations.
Would I still have watched it if I knew how it ended? Definitely. I’m part of the fandom and I love these characters, I’m willing to take anything they give me.
But I wouldn’t have watched it the during the time I did and with the expectations I had.
Maybe it’s because I had been having a bad week and was hoping to escape it through instant gratification in the form of a show. Maybe it’s because my anxiety had been acting up. Maybe it’s because all of that that I was so affected by the ending.
I would have still watched it. But not at that moment because it wasn’t what I needed.
I’m not disappointed in the show or the end itself. I’m disappointed in the marketing of the show I guess.
And before you come at me saying that surprise and no spoilers is a big part of media: yeah I know but remember the blender.
Tl;dr: I’m not disappointed in the show itself, it’s just that they didn’t give me enough info to realize what I was getting into so my expectations weren’t met.
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astrxealis · 1 year
honestly. uh. sometimes i go here ahhdfjdbns over another of ffxiv g'raha's quotes and it is so insane ... he is everything ..... he is so wow
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bobzora · 2 years
replaying 5 is like *oh yeah kmshda palace is so strong...ann...* *omg yeah mdrme palace is crazy i love ysuke* *cricket noises* *futba palace soooo true...god* *cricket noises* *hehe hes wearing the silly outfit- oh wait theyre really dragging this explanation out arent they* *cricket noises* *cricket noises* *omg thirdsem......god yeah this is peak....* and then you do it all over again
#bobtalk#okmura only good parts airlock.haru didnt get enough time:/#shdo is so annoying.only good part is when you know what.#the only main good thing abt memntos depths/yaldy is that it doesnt waste your time for too long#(wasted opportunity)#third palace is the worst most miserable part of the game for sure. utterly pointless. such a playthrough killer. nothing good.#do even mkoto fans like that palace. like. there are no emotional stakes. lol.#sorry for my haterisms. also yeah the palaces i do like all have stupid shit but these are just my most :/#p5 spoilers#trying to stay out of the tags to not bother anyone but like.this is kind of spoilery isnt it.lol.#outside of Dumb Shenanigans and Lame Storytelling my biggest pet peeve is like.the handholdy-ness.#post casino they spend way too much time repeating the same damn flashbacks and repeating themselves overexplaining this shit.#(meanwhile jker who just got back from All That: ...) lol#and during the 3rdsempalace that one segment with the Pick A Door. THEY LITERALLY MAKE YOU SIT DOWN AND DISCUSS IT. GUYS.#THE SOLUTIONS ARE SO FUCKING OBVIOUS. HELP. and theyll let u pick the wrong ones anyway So Whats The Point.#at least akchi bitches abt that palaces bs too.that was definitely helpful.best part of the game.still has bs.#i will say the rat thing is cute......and the vanilla final stuff is like Okay. its just a littleee wasted. bc yaldy is boring.to me.#but then again ive never really cared for boring gods in general.lol.#its like girl u have a hostile takeover of the velvt room how did u make this so boring.lol#goodnight for real this time.i wanted to bitch a little. i apologize.#also sorry if any of those parts r ur faves or something. just remember: were persnafans. were all losing here no matter what.
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gailynovelry · 2 years
Ember Warrior is now 55,500 words long!
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14dayswithyou · 2 months
This Angel has another question! \o
{For those of you who haven't played the game yet this may be a little spoilery}
So I just saw the relationship charts you made about how the characters feel about each other and when I saw that Olivia was in love with REDACTED I almost choked on my hot chocolate X∆X like wha?? I get that she like, liked him and stuff when she saw him in the store (like you said love at first collision) but love?? Damn (although I guess I shouldn't really be too surprised, we fell pretty fast for him too lol)but like does she still love him even after what he said to her at the store?? Cuz when we met her again at the apartment (if I remember correctly) she didn't really seem all that interested in him more annoyed or something or maybe she was just annoyed with us?? Cuz he went with us instead of her after completely shutting her down??(Sorry I can't recall much about that interaction in the complex, I know she said some stuff about him but I can't remember what)
Also is there a reason why her love was aimed (the red line in the chart) at REDACTED and not Ren? Or am I just overthinking this, like it doesn't matter because they're the same person. Sorry that this is a bit long I had to get it off my chest 😅
✦゜ANSWERED: Olivia and [REDACTED] have met before!! The souvenir shop wasn't their first meeting, and Olivia has a lot more going on with her backstory!!
But!! As for Olivia's feelings towards Ren (not [REDACTED]), she's the type of person who falls for someone hard and fast and can drop them just as quickly. She's very wishy-washy(?); one minute, she'll be obsessed with someone, and the next, she'll act as if they didn't exist.
I'd like to say that Olivia is still attracted to Ren — but it's very on-and-off. She's also into Teo as well!
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seraphinitegames · 23 days
How did the Agency approached each member of UB? Or did they approach the Agency themselves?
Oh, good question! Dipping into spoiler territory, so I'll have to be a bit vague with some, but I like it, hehe
Adam/Ava were kind of recruited, kind of just joined the Agency as they were the ones there to help with the aftermath of things that had happened to Adam/Ava. This was before the Agency was even 'The Agency' and just a collection of beings who wanted to help and protect others (which obviously appealed to Adam/Ava greatly).
Nate/Nat, well, this one really is waaaaay too spoiler to detail yet. But the Agency saved Nate/Nat, and Nate/Nat gradually became exposed to what they do and was tempted to join, especially after the Agency were so keen to recruit them because of their…abilities.
Farah/Felix was brought on after they fell through the portal. Farah/Felix's abilities were very obviously already powerful for a vampire their age, so the Agency were interested, but F wasn't sure. But as they were exposed to what the Agency did, and a little chat with Rebecca, they joined up.
Mason/Morgan, another waaaay too spoilery one to detail at the moment before other things are revealed in game, hehe! But the Agency rescued Mason/Morgan and helped them in a pretty major way, and Mason/Morgan—having no other real place to go or memories—figured it was the most secure place for them at that time. Luckily for the Agency, Mason/Morgan grew too loyal to the rest of Unit Bravo before they could be bothered to find another way of life, lol.
Oh, that was a long one, sorry! Very excited to bring some of these things into the game and expand on them more, so I get carried away. Thank you so much for the ask!
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
Greetings Factual! Sorry it's been a bit since I last got to say hi, it's been a crazy week for me- but I still managed to check in every once in a while, and as is always the case, really enjoyed your recent posts- both the fun and the angsty! In particular, I really liked the Fnaf anniversary image you did, it was really cool seeing the classic crew in your style- and thanks for remembering Golden Freddy!
That actually brought up an Ask I had, too, which is: is Golden Freddy cannon to your main Fnaf AU? You made the Fredbear and Spring Bonnie side au, but did a version ever exist before the core crew in the original timeline? If so, he probably wouldn't be haunted, like the others arent, but, as an older model would he even be sentient? Maybe it's too spoilery, but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask!
As a sidenote, I also come bearing a gift today! Last time, you'll recall, I asked if you wanted to see some of the old Mario OC's I came up with, and you said yes! So here's what I got now that I've redrawn and refurbished them- forgive my poor art and camerawork- i had to work with what limited time and supplies I had- anyway, without further adu, here's the dynamic desert dwelling duo, Rick and Rusty!
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My idea for their story is that, as you can see, Rusty is an old, outdated model of Sherm, like the ones from Odyssey, and his partner is an almost equally as old, rough and tough Monty Mole named Rick who's lost most of his vision with age. I'm still figuring out the way they met- but at some point they both got stranded in the deserts of the Sand Kingdom , and ended up deciding to team up, becoming a wandering duo of tradesmen, transporting goods from one settlement to another- after all, Ricks gotta eat, and Rusty's always in need of spare parts due to his advanced age.
Sometimes times are tough for the two of them, but they soldier on though even the toughest sandstorms- and have formed a very important symbiotic bond, as Rusty gives Rick some much appreciated protection(he is a tank after all) as well as verbal direction when necessary, and in turn, Rick uses his impressive skills as a mechanic to repair and replace Rusty's parts, both on the outside and inside! I also imagine that Rusty would double as a living, mobile home for Rick, with some of those good ol' bigger in the inside shenanigans going on! I also had an idea for two additional characters who would eventually join the traveling band- those being Dott the Flopter and Brock the Bandit!
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Still working on their stories too, but I envisioned Dott as a happy go lucky explorer who came up from the Sprixie kingdom to explore the surface world- only to surface in the sand kingdom and get caught in a sandstorm! Thankfully Rick and Rusty were passing by and provided shelter, after which she volunteered to join them on their adventures for the foreseeable future- Rick finds her outgoing personality a bit obnoxious at times- but Rusty's taken a real liking to her- plus, it never hurts to have eyes in the sky!
As for Brock, I imagined his arc would be similar to Diego's from Ice Age, funnily enough- he started as a double agent who sought to lure the crew into a trap so his gang mates could rob them, but he ended up liking them so much he switched sides, beat his old team at their own game, and joined the traveling Merchants officially as their muscle! His mask lets him weather even the most severe sandstorms, and he can use his hockey stick to wack projectiles at foes even faster than Rusty can fire a- uh- whatever those things Sherms shoot are called!
Anyway that's all I got for now, sorry as always for the wall of text- I was just eager to see what you think! With you being a professional AU and OC crafter, (especially compared to me) I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or criticisms you can offer! Thank you so much as always- and I hope this day is treating you well!
Hi! Its good to see you in my ask box again! :D I'm sorry to hear about your week though, I hope this next one treats you better <:(
As for the FNAF 10th anniversary post, I'm really glad you liked it! :D And how could I forget Golden Freddy?? He's been one of my top favorite animatronics for a very long time XD Speaking of him, he does exist in my main FNAF AU technically :0 although "Golden Freddy" in my AU is actually just the old Fredbear suit after it was decommissioned- though obviously I cant talk much about if it was haunted or sentient at all <XD spoiler stuff-
And lastly, your OCS! AND MY GOODNESS DO I LOVE THEM!!! :DD And as a ✨professional AU/OC crafter✨(XDD thank you!! :}} ) I tried to give you some criticism like you asked. But I'm having a hard time coming up with anything solid! <:0 I love their stories and I think their designs are great!
Originally some criticism I thought of was that Rusty looked a liiittle overly detailed.. there was an awful lot of bolts on the guy. But upon googling Sherms, they look like that in the game! Absolutely flooded with bolts! :0 So your design is actually accurate and very well done! Same thing with his color, thought maybe he could use a little more color but nope! In game the Sherms are just a block of green XD You actually gave him MORE color with the two different shades of brown! A very good choice in my opinion! :))
The only lasting criticism I could think of was more of a question; how can Rick repair Rusty if he's lost most of his eye sight..? Sure Rusty might be able to verbally guide him from the outside somewhat.. but what about internal repair? Thinking about it though, he could just be near sighted- or maybe his eye sight isn't as bad as I'm imaging it is? Either way- loved the critters! Loved the stories, the art is fantastic and I hope the rest of our day/night is a good one! :))
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I’m curious and if it’s alright I’d like to ask about the way you characterize each of the links that will be in your comic:) if it’s not to spoilery I would really like to know their different personalities
Thanks for the question, I gave some aspects of their personalities in an old post, but I'm happy to expand this aspect a bit ☺️
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Link: He is a gentle, hard worker boy. He doesn't have much confidence in himself but when others believe in him he shows a lot of strength. A father figure is among the things he would like to have, which is why he often identifies his team as a family. For the rest he is a diligent, kind and friendly boy, but he also demonstrates some spiteful behavior if he is treated badly. He keeps the hood over his head because he is shy, which for him is a way to make himself noticed less.
Sky: As I have often said he is an extremely good and kind person, he shows unconditional affection to everyone else. He is supportive and knows how to cheer everyone up! He can also be serious when necessary and is very scary if angry, he is also protective, but his head is in the clouds and this leads him to forget some important details 😅
Time: He is a serious, grumpy man and often instills fear in others. His strength of mind is undisputed as is his courage and valor, but he too has wounds that he hides. Showing weakness is unacceptable for him, they have too many expectations of him, a hero known throughout the world for his adventures. He expects everyone to behave with honor, without showing fear, this often makes him demanding with Link, and seeing him afraid is something he doesn't accept. Despite this he is protective and always acts like a hero, protecting others at all costs.
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Twilight: Sunny, confident and strong, Twilight is a truly incredible person. He knows how to evoke many positive emotions in others, and is seen as a big brother. Although he is often seen as an always kind and smiling person, he can also be very severe and a little arrogant, especially when the moment requires it, an attitude he uses to frighten his enemies or those who challenge him, he often defines himself as a bit of a beast, since he is aware that his wolf form has established that type of behavior in him, especially when he has to protect those he loves.
Wind: A child in spirit, he is absolutely playful, funny and very enthusiastic, he attracts good humor and brings a lot of it. He's also a pirate so he tends to fight on impulse every now and then, but most of the time he follows Time's directives, also because for him he is the best hero in the world! He also has some moments of seriousness, and often hides some details of his adventures, it seems that he has seen very dark things.
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Wild: Charismatic, wild and uncontrollable, these three words represent him most. He faces adventures with great enthusiasm but teamwork makes him a little nervous and he just doesn't accept orders. He is a kind person even if not like Sky, but he really has some dark moments and doesn't talk about the past willingly, in fact many identify him as mysterious. Even though he is friendly, he doesn't show his true self often, but he cares about others and uses his strength to protect them.
Worlds: A guy seen as arrogant, salty and even a little presumptuous, is actually a very intelligent person, and everything he does always has a reason. It has two versions, one is courageous, calm and very rational, the other is cowardly, sensitive and foolish, this is because he is Ravio and Link united in a spirit. Worlds is also very introverted, if he doesn't feel he has to expose himself he tends not to, but this doesn't mean that if he thinks something is wrong he doesn't point it out. Playing in a team is an experience for him, but his dual personality makes him difficult to manage in battle, you know... sometimes he runs away... sometimes he attacks courageously 😅
These are small additions to the old post, I'm sorry I can't reveal every aspect, I prefer you get to know them along the way
Thanks for your ask! 💖
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thisblogisaboutabook · 5 months
The Sprite and the Shifter
Tamlin x Original Character/Sprite - Fluff - Smut
After rescuing a sprite from the paws of a predator, Tamlin finds a friend in the most unlikely of fae. The only problem is, he’s a grump and she’s sunshine personified. Well, that and the very big (very little) problem - she’s less than a foot tall - and he might be falling in love with her.
A/n: This is one of my favorite stories I’ve written yet 🥹
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Warnings: Contains Crescent City lore that could be spoilery if you think too much on it, Smut, a few little size difference innuendos sprinkled in, language, alcohol, mental health struggles, MDNI.
A tickle brushed against the nape of its neck as the beast prowled through his forest. The hitchhiker he’d begrudgingly picked up marveling at the world around her.
He’d found her under the paw of a bob-tailed forest cat, trying her best to reason with the hungry creature. It was said that sprites could wield power quite larger than their size would suggest, but this tiny, stubborn creature simply crossed her arms with brows drawn and a pointed finger, lecturing it and refusing to harm the cat that surely saw her as its lunch. With a half-hearted growl from the beast, the forest cat ran at the sight of him to which the Sprite tapped her petite foot in irritation, “I could have handled it!”
The beast only gave what appeared to be a roll of its eyes and wandered on, leaving the little fae be.
“Wait!” She squeaked. “My wing!” He glanced back spotting her through the brush, running with all her might on legs barely longer than the height of one his paws.
He thought about leaving the ungrateful female behind but… well, the guilt of leaving the it behind to fend for itself was likely more inconvenient than taking her somewhere to have her bent wing tended to.
“Please! I can’t fly like this!”
An image flashed through his mind of a fae dying on a table, wings cut off by a witch, and an act of kindness in its final moments. Not today. Today his heart wouldn’t dwell on it, but he could offer kindness to the sprite. So he lowered himself on his haunches and waited for her to catch up, giving an irritated flick of his tail as he waited for her to climb on.
The beast was beginning to regret his kindness as he let out a displeasured rumble from his throat when her small, barely perceptible voice sighed in wonder, “Look! Those flowers are almost as tall as you! Can we smell them? Please please please.”
He wanted to ignore her, he really did, but the awe in that voice made him pause. In this court now overrun by thorns and weeds, she still found beauty. It wouldn’t be long before she’d see it for what it was - a wasteland squandered by its own High Lord.
Letting out a huff through flared nostrils the beast hung its head low in reluctant deference to the tiny fae’s command, grimacing as she grabbed fistfuls of his fur, tugging herself on top of his head, an eager wing twitching with excitement brushing along the shell of his ear, with an exclaimed “oops, sorry!” as it twitched at the tickling sensation.
Apparently hauling her body up on top of his head wasn’t enough as he felt weight distributing to the right side of his head as she pulled herself up an antler, and steadied her feet on a tine halfway up. “I can smell it from here! It’s amazing! I’ve never seen one like this.”
The beast thought to itself that she’d said that about the last four flowers they’d had to stop and investigate but kept it to himself.
Hours later they stumbled out of brush into the fields leading to the Spring Court manor. Excitedly she jumped up and down with glee, pushing down on the brow of her savior. He really should have left her somewhere but there was no turning back now.
“Is it safe here? Will you be hunted?” She asked wearily.
The beast finally spoke, “I am not prey.”
Whether she was shocked to realize the beast could speak or not, she didn’t let on. Scurrying down his snout and nearly tumbling as she dropped to her knees, she pulled a corner of his lip up to inspect his sharpened teeth. “With canines like THAT, I suppose not.”
“Do you know if anyone lives there? It looks abandoned.”
The beast only prowled toward the manor the tiny fae nervously grasping onto its fur, little fingers tugging tight clumps into her grasp as if that would protect her from any dangers within.
Prowling next to a velvet lounge the beast dipped low. “Off.”
“But-“ she shrieked.
“You’re safe. Get off.” tone leaving no room for objection.
And with that the beast shifted into a rugged, beautiful male. He waited for the realization, the shock, the hate to cross her features but it never came.
No, the pixie jumped up and down shrieking with glee. “Shapeshifter! Eeeeek! I’ve never met one of you before!”
The male almost let a corner of his mouth tug upward. When was the last time he’d smiled? It felt unnatural and he kept his features neutral.
He squatted down, extending a palm. She felt lecherous admiring the muscles of his exposed chest but it was right there before her. “Wow.” she let slip, her eyes blown wide.
And he couldn’t help it, he let out a small sound of amusement. He wasn’t quite sure anyone viewed him as anything less than a male who’d let himself go at this point.
At least he had pants on. She wondered how the magic worked considering he had no clothing as a beast. “Let’s get your wing fixed.”
She took a step into his palm, grasping onto a calloused finger for balance as he carried her to a small infirmary within the manor.
Sitting on a small table back turned toward the male, he assessed the delicate structure of her iridescent wings, up close he noted that they were membranous with pearlescent veins throughout. He couldn’t help but marvel at them, wondering what colors of paint it would take to recreate such a spectrum of color. He wondered if Fey- no, he wouldn’t think of her today. He couldn’t allow himself to spiral, he’d brought the sprite all this way and her wing needed tending to.
It took much longer than anticipated but with guidance from the little faerie and his own knowledge, they were able to set the wing. Unfortunately, it could take a few days to heal. The light filtering through the windows had since become a blend of oranges and reds, night would be upon them soon.
“You may stay the night in a guest room.” his tone impassive in hopes she wouldn’t notice the shame hidden within. The rooms were hardly fit for prisoners, let alone a guest - but it was better than sending her flightless into the darkened forests. There were threats far worse than bobtail cats on the hunt under the cover of night.
“Really?” Her eyes lit up. “Oh, thank you! Thank you!”
He only grumbled in dismissal of the thank you’s. Surely the manor would feel like a prison to her by the time she’d leave. “It’s nothing. Find a place to sleep and it’s yours for the night and- what exactly is it that you eat?”
The male wasn’t exactly prepared to host but surely there was something that could be provided - though he doubted his usual meal of venison would be appetizing to her.
“Do you have sugar and water? Or perhaps honey?”
With a nod, he led her to the kitchen, she sat on a counter, ankles crossed as he let a pot of tea steep, pulling out sugar cubes to melt into it and providing honey in the smallest dish he could find.
She let out a sigh of contentment as she sipped the tea - an herbal blend that would ease the aching of her healing wing and hopefully help her rest. With genuine gratitude, the faerie expressed her thanks. “Oh!” She gasped. “Oh, I’ve been so very rude. What is your name?”
Something pulled at him with the question, she truly didn’t realize who he was. “Tamlin.” he spoke curtly. “And what is your name?”
“Fleur” she smiled.
“Fleur” he repeated - a lovely flower in his palace of thorns and decay.
An oddly adorable yawn spilled from her as she began to drift off. The tea clearly doing its job. He carried her to the least objectionable room in his manor and laid her carefully on a pillow, placing a silken kerchief over her delicate form.
“Goodnight, flower.” He whispered.
Tamlin awoke before dawn, sleep evading him as usual, but today he felt a little lighter. Certainly it had nothing to do with actually interacting with another being, with reveling in the way she experienced the world with such joy.
As he wandered through the halls, he found himself pulled toward the room he’d left her in, his heart sinking slightly when the fae was no longer there. No note or sign of her presence aside from the missing kerchief.
Very well. Best to leave before the walls come crashing in on her. Yet Tamlin found his shoulders dropping slightly as he carried himself back to his chamber, the energy to press through the day no longer tangible.
Falling back into bed, he lay quietly as the sun began to peek over the hills, casting rays into his room. A slight shimmer glinting in the dawn. That’s when Tamlin noticed - curled up on a shredded chaise by the long burnt-out fire place lay the little sprite, sound asleep under his kerchief.
The corners of Tamlin’s lips rose slightly as he drifted back to sleep.
Smile be damned as tiny hands pinched his cheeks two hours later. “Hello! Are you alive in there? You’re sleeping the day away!”
Letting out a sigh, Tamlin sat himself up hearing an “oof!” as she tumbled off of his face.
Placing her hands on the curvature of her hips, she scowled at him. “A little warning next time, please!”
“Apologies. Perhaps you could find a gentler way of waking someone. Why are you in here anyway?”
She flushed. “Oh, I- well I got tired of waiting for you and didn’t know my way around the manor so I just came in to wake you up.”
“No you didn’t” he tsk’d.
She flushed, knowing she’d been caught.
“Oh….” She rubbed the back of her neck the rosey tint of embarrassment lingering across her delicate features.
“Well, there was a spider in my room and- well, they’re not all bad but this one was rather insistent that I was intruding in its space.”
Whatever he’d expected her to reply with was not that.
“-and, well, this house is so big and I knew I would be safe with you.”
Safe. She felt safe with him. She’d sought him out and found comfort in his presence. He wasn’t sure how to feel about that, that instinct to protect roiling beneath his surface. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he spoke.
“Show me where it is and I’ll eliminate the problem.”
“No!” She cried. “It wasn’t hurting anyone - it was just displeasured and I was a stranger in its space.”
Tamlin thought. Apparently he’d brought a pacifist into his home - first refusing to use her power on the cat and now, a spider? What an interesting little creature.
“Fine. I’ll ward the house against spiders.”
“But that’s its home! And I’m only a guest.” She retorted.
He dragged a hand across his face. Good grief, this little thing. “This is my home, not a spiders.”
“You don’t need all of this space! I have seen no others here. Surely it can take up space in your residence without putting you out.”
He should have left her in the wood where he found her. Truly. But he admired her kind heart.
“Fine, how about this? I will ward the house with the exception of that room so your spider will not be evicted. I, for one, would prefer not to have my manor overrun by the things.”
He couldn’t hear it but by the way her cheeks puffed and deflated he assumed the sigh she let out was her giving in to his solution for now.
After another breakfast of tea and honey, the pixie sat straight, looking to her wings with an attempt to flutter the damaged one. “I should go and make the most of the daylight.”
A slight pang of disappointment rang through the male. Worry for her? Guilt for sending her away when he had room to spare? Sadness for the lack of her company, regardless of how pesky she was? He wasn’t sure but the words fell from his lips. “Stay.”
She jumped to her feet with glee. “Really? Oh thank you, thank you!” Springing forward, she flung herself against his wrist, hugging him. “I would kiss your cheek but… well, my wings.” Her eyes shone as she stared into his. “Thank you.” She repeated earnestly.
Tamlin had to admit that he didn’t mind her company. He carried her through his gardens, expecting her to frown at the weed-infested, malnourished state of it but she only smiled. “It’s beautiful!”
How she found beauty in such a place, he was unsure. “You should have seen it in its prime.” He didn’t mean for the words to escape him but they fell off of his lips with sadness.
“I like it now.” She hummed. “Maybe when Calanmai comes, the garden will grow further.”
He stiffened, blinking. “Calanmai has not been celebrated by the High Lord in several years.”
“Oh.. Why not?” She puzzled.
Distrust crossed his features. Was this a scheme? Had someone sent her to coax him into partaking in the Great Rite once again? His heart sunk. “I need to go take care of some things. You can find your way back into the manor.”
“Wait!” She cried but he only pivoted, taking long strides back to the house.
Tamlin sat in his study an hour later, eyes glazed as thoughts of the past spiraled. Would he ever feel better? The urge to rip the study to shreds that once would have clawed its way out of him wasn’t there, just an ache in his chest. Empty. Void.
A shadow flew across his desk overlooking the garden and again moments later, and suddenly a falcon swooped from the sky, straight toward where he’d left Fleur.
Fear ripped through Tamlin, he ran like he’d never run before shifting into his beast form to amplify his pace. He wouldn’t make it to her in time. Oh gods- he’d left her out there just for her to die.
“Fleur!” Tamlin roared as he bound into the garden, tearing through the briars, ignoring how they barbed into the pads of his paws. Exposing his teeth he launched toward the large bird of prey.
Screeching to a stop, nearly taking out the sprite and the falcon as he slowed, falling into a seated position from the velocity of halting.
“Are you okay??” She asked, concern etching her tone.
“Me!?” He asked. “I saw this falcon come swooping out of the sky to grab you.”
Fleur brought a hand to cover her mouth as she snickered. “No, silly! She came to find me. This is Perrey. I live with her and her hatchlings.” The bird clicked its beak affectionately brushing the top of its head against the faerie.
Tamlin’s jaw dropped. “How?”
“That’s a story for another time” she smiled sadly, scratching the feathers of the falcons neck.
“Perrey says she can fly me back to her nest. So I suppose this is goodbye.”
Tamlin looked to the sky, gray in the distance, grasping at straws for a reason to have her stay, regardless of her motives for being in his court. A lonely male, indeed.
With an awkward scratch to the back of his neck, and insecurity in his voice he replied. “It’s going to storm soon. I know it’s safe for Perrey but with your healing wing, it would be best to keep your wings in a dry, temperate controlled environment.”
She looked to the bird and Tamlin could have sworn the bird gave a nod of the head. After a long pause, it extended a wing and all but pushed her toward Tamlin.
With a disgruntled humph and a scowl to her supposed “friend” she looked back to Tamlin. “I don’t want to be a burden.”
“You are in no way a burden.” He meant it.
“Okay, I think that would be good. Thank you, Tamlin.”
Letting out a high pitched whistle-cry, the falcon looked to him and then back to her and Fleur whirred around looking at the bird. “What!?”
The bird looked to him again with - yes, that was definitely a nod - “Oh gods, Perrey! I’m mortified!” The bird let out a huff and shook her head, leaving the Sprite behind before she could change her mind.
“I’m so sorry.” Fleur blurt out. “I didn’t know! No wonder you left me out here.”
Tamlin cocked his head. “You didn’t tell me you were the High Lord! I would never have asked why you didn’t partake had I known.”
Recognizing this as his opportunity to apologize he bent down to pick her up. “Come, little one. It seems we both have stories to tell.”
The pair sat by the fire. Tamlin in a large armchair and Fleur cross legged tucked into the crook of his arm. He’d added a small drop of whiskey to her sugar concoction knowing they’d likely both need it if they were to get to know eachother.
“Would you like to go first? Or me?” She asked.
Tamlin’s heartbeat picked up. She would likely hate him after this and if she left - he wasn’t sure he wanted to know her further, to have that much more reason to mourn the loss of her companionship. Now she was a pleasant stranger and knowing her? Well, that would feel a lot like friendship.
With a sigh, he muttered. “I’ll go first.”
To her credit, she only stared starry eyed at him as he spoke, never looking at him with disgust - only empathy and perhaps a bit of sadness.
He told her of love squandered and how he’d come to be the broken High Lord of the Spring Court, how he’d failed his court and mourned the male he had once been, the male he could have become.
When he’d finished she looked to him. “I’m so sorry you went through all of that. I’m sure it was hard. Maybe what happened wasn’t all right, but people can learn and grow. You could even love again if you wished.”
He appreciated her effort in consoling him but mostly that she didn’t flee or reprimand him, when he’d already spent so long berating himself.
In fact, getting it all off of his chest felt good. He felt a slight relief to that ancient ache within his heart.
“Well, your turn little flower. How does a Sprite end up in the care of a falcon? Where do the Sprites hide? Truthfully, I always thought you were a myth.”
She flushed. “I- I don’t remember everything. I remember, I think, or maybe dreamed of a burst of flame, a wave of water, a flash of white light, a mother’s hands picking me up gently, and whispering.” She hugged her arms around her waist. “Her voice was a breath of life, changing and moulding, whispering of growing flowers in the darkest places. It felt like love, like a gift for a sacrifice that I cannot remember.”
She shook her head. “I haven’t told anyone because I know it sounds crazy but it’s all I know. The next thing I remember was being carried in Perrey’s talons, thinking she would kill me only for her to provide me with protection.”
She blinked rapidly looking up into the emerald- eyed male’s gaze, met with only kindness. “Do you believe me?” She whispered, averting her gaze before she could be crushed beneath the weight of judgement.
He lowered his palm. A silent offering. She took a step onto it, standing straight and he raised her with a steady, fluid motion, careful not to let her fall over. “Of course I do. I don’t know your past but I know you have a place here - if you’d like.”
She was right. He did have plenty of room in his manor. And a friend - it would be nice to have one.
Fleur - A month later
Time flew by as she reveled in warm spring days, basking her now healed wings in the rays of sun filtering down through puffy white clouds. When arriving to the manor, Fleur wasn’t familiar with her own power beyond her ability to fly, but Tamlin had taken to working with her and she discovered she had the ability to revive various flora.
In fact, after the past month of hard-work and practice, the gardens around the manor flourished.
Fleur adored Tamlin and smiled to herself one day as she watched him in the gardens. She thought he was beautiful when she met him but she hadn’t realized how much of a physical toll his grief had taken on him until he started to gain a healthy complexion, his eyes were no longer hallowed out with purple underneath, his hair was lush and shiny - she’d spent countless nights running her hands through it as they chatted.
Today he donned a flower crown she’d begged him to let her weave into his hair. He was patient with her as she did it, and she blushed at the result. She couldn’t ignore the feeling in her chest as she admired her work. This strong, powerful male who didn’t balk from the softness and beauty of the world. The male who allowed the smallest of his denizens to play dress-up with his hair, and donned the crown proudly as they tended the garden.
Perrey - the meddling buzzard - had stopped to check in several times, teasing her for having a crush. She only scoffed at such a suggestion, things would never work between them. Based on his hands and feet his… appendage was likely as tall as she was. She blushed at the thought, pushing it far back into her mind. She’d taken to sleeping on a pillow in his room. She’d continued sleeping on the chaise for a week after her first night spent in the manor, but Tamlin sometimes had bad dreams and she’d use her powers to soothe him with the sweetest scents of spring and gentle breezes, humming soft tunes until he’d settle.
She, too, would have ocasional nightmares, those images of fire, water, and ash. They felt so real, like another life. Another world. But she’d hear a voice on those nights, when the dreams would become whimpers, not the Mother she’d once dreamed of but Tamlin’s voice. “I am here. You are safe. I will protect you.”
One night she’d woken to that voice to find that it truly was Tamlin soothing her through the nightmare. She didn’t want to embarrass him and selfishly, she ached to hear his unfiltered words. He’d told her of his days writing limericks during a war and she didn’t know what to expect - truly she’d never even heard a limerick before - that she could remember anyway. But even if she had, this one would be her favorite.
“Find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of you.
Take heed when things get hard and don't you ever turn around.
You'll find someone, someday, somewhere that grows you to the clouds.
Sweetest of the sunflowers, you're the sun to me.”
“Little flower?” Tamlin’s voice drew her from her daydreaming. “Calanmai is coming.”
Her heart lurched. They’d discussed the holiday and the potential of the Spring Court High Lord partaking this year. They’d surveyed the land together and while she thought the Spring Court to be a lovely place, she now understood the whisperings she’d heard from the pollinators during her time in the forest. The flowers were dwindling, the harvests no longer plenty.
She understood his hesitance to partake and would never push him to join if it was not comfortable.
An ugly part of her that she tried to push down deep tugged at her. Jealousy. She would be thrilled for all the creatures, all the residents of the Spring Court, but she would never have the opportunity to partake. As far as she knew, she was the only Sprite within this kingdom and while Tamlin was a shapeshifter, how would one approach the topic? But she was still a being, she still felt urges and desire, and Tamlin, something glowed within her when she thought of the male.
Perhaps he saw her as no more than a pest but, she had a hard time finding that to be true. She had little to no experience in romantic affairs but she had enough sense to realize that people didn’t whisper words like “you’re the sun to me” into the ears of someone they didn’t care for.
Remembering that he likely anticipated her response she forced a smile. “Oh?”
His lips pressed into a firm line. “I’ve been thinking and I have been failing my people. I have been failing my people for quite some time and need to partake for the greater good of my Court.”
An ache filled her, not the bitter ache of jealousy, but that of concern for a friend. “Are you comfortable in doing so?”
He gave a half-smile. “I’ve participated in centuries worth of Calanmai nights. I will be fine.” She looked to her feet shyly before looking back to him. “Just don’t force yourself to participate if you’re not willing. Duties be damned, your consent is important too.”
He gave a nod to her. “I appreciate your concern, little one.”
He sat in silent contemplation, words forming on his lips before pressing them into a line again.
Her heart fluttered at her name on his lips. “Yes?”
He hesitated for another moment. “Just- Please be careful on the night of Calanmai. I cannot and will not force you to do anything against your will, but perhaps you should stay here. The magic of the night is wild, primal. And you’re….”
Small. Fragile. Breakable.
She was well aware.
“You’re lovely and I don’t know how I would react if someone hurt you.”
He cares about me.
She closed her eyes, letting the thought float away. It didn’t matter. None of it mattered. He could never be hers.
“Oh, okay.” She whispered.
Calanmai - Tamlin
His heart raced as he bound away from the manor. He’d reminded Fleur of the dangers. He wouldn’t lock her away or force her to stay in but he prayed that his reasoning was enough for her to do so.
A bitter thought passed through him, he didn’t want whatever maiden the basest version of himself would chose. He wanted Fleur. Fuck- he felt like a degenerate for it too.
She deserved better and they could never truly work anyway, aside from perhaps grinding against his pinky, there was no anatomical way to be with her. He knew she was an adult, that despite her lack of memories, she was mature enough and understood herself enough to know that she was a grown female with desires of her own. Hell, he’d even scented her arousal a time or two. It killed him. Why couldn’t she be his? It was a sick trick of fate to put someone so perfect in his grasp, just for it to never work.
He wanted to know what sweet sounds she would make as she came on his fingers, his tongue, his cock. He ached for it. He could make himself small but- his magic only went so far. He couldn’t constantly be at her size. Was he sick for wondering if there was a way to make it work? He’d never want to push her into a relationship. What they had was too precious.
He had shrunk down to her size one day and she shared with him all the details of her world, the way the sun created prisms off the orbs of dew on blades of grass, the way she could curl up in a larger flower and nap, the pollen feeling silken against exposed skin. And that day, all he wanted to do as he watched her marvel was to take her into his arms - hold her, kiss her, submit himself wholly to her. His heart longed for it.
He knew he couldn’t shift to her size again without taking their friendship to a point of no return. He couldn’t fathom losing her companionship.
The drums rang out and he began his routine. He found the stag with ease. His bare chest covered with swirls of paint heaved as the urge to find the maiden took over. He wandered the crowd, women reached for him, caressing his arms and exposed chest with grabby fingers. He didn’t want them, the magic didn’t want them.
His body began to move on its own accord, the initial sign of setting its target, he wandered again through the crowd, closer and closer to the edge. His legs began sprinting across the field, further and further from the crowd, right toward - the manor.
Gods - no. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He began to sweat, the beast warring within. He was in pain, warring against it. He couldn’t go to her. She deserved so much more than this.
He begged to the mother, anyone who would listen to hold him back. Finally, through much disdain, he found himself in the stables, using any tethers he could find to bind himself to a post. He hoped it was enough to keep him away. He was strong willed but the beast inside was strong. Perhaps his will and the additional measures would be enough to hold him back. The horses chuffed at his intrusion, doing nothing to hide the irritation of his disruption to their rest, one going as far as to let out a loud neigh.
Tamlin fought and fought, sweat now drenching him, letting out pathetic whimpers and pleas. To whom? He didn’t know. The desire within him was so strong. Images of the day he’d shrunk down to her size flashing across his mind. She was everything. Perfect. Anyone who saw her would agree, with beauty and luscious curves that would bring kingdoms to their knees.
“She could be yours.” The beast in his mind roared. “She wants you. Take her. Just shift.”
“No!!!” He cried out, tears brimming his eyes as the lust burned through him.
His pupils blew wide at the sound of a tiny voice, sweeter than any nectar. “Tamlin?”
“Fleur” he heaved. “You can’t be here. You have to go!”
“What’s wrong? Who tied you here?” She flew to him, frantic, concerned.
She cared for him.
“Fleur, please.” Tamlin whimpered. The beast requested. One begging her to leave, the other begging her to relieve him of his lust.
She sniffed the air and he knew it wasn’t the horse shit she was smelling. “Oh, Tamlin. The magic. It chose me, didn’t it?”
“Fleur, I can’t.”
“Look at me.” She placed her delicate hands on his chin. “Do you want this?”
“No! I mean, yes. Fleur, there’s nothing more in this world I want but I can’t.”
She paused, deep in thought. “Why can’t you? And not because of the difference in size, why can’t your heart?”
The silver threatened to spill over his lashes. “Because you’re everything, Fleur. I can’t ruin us, ruin you.”
“Then don’t.” She stated plainly.
He took pause at the response. The simplicity of it.
“Ask me what I want, Tam.” Her eyes searched his, wings now fluttering to hover directly in front of his face.
Through heavy breaths he rasped. “What? What is it you want?”
“I want you, Tamlin. I want your friendship. I want your love, your touch. I want to know the electricity of your fingers tracing down my spine, the feel of your lips against mine, to know your body as well as my own. I want you to feel how much I care for you in every way, not just the emotional, the physical too. I want to know what the connection between our souls feels like when you’re buried inside of me, claiming me as yours. Because that is what I am Tamlin, I am yours - if you want me.”
“You’re all I want.” He growled.
“Then have me.”
Fuck, she was beautiful - bare before him, spread on his bed like a delicacy, his to feast upon. And he was going to, and he would take a long time reveling in the sweet nectar currently dripping before him. They’d barely made it to his room, his magic cleaning the dirt of the stables off of him and spiriting away their clothes. He’d broken through his reigns at her command, and before shifting to her size, she begged him to shift her to his size, wanting to experience the world as he does.
He wasn’t prepared for the way the shift amplified her already unattainable beauty. Her hair normally appearing a shade so blonde it was nearly light now refracted under the soft fae lights with pastel shades of aqua, pink, and purple. Her skin practically glowed with radiance and her wings, they laid spread beneath her like a stained glass blown by the finest artisan. Forget the ethereal beauty of the High Fae, she was truly otherworldly, a goddess of spring. And he was hers, prepared to worship at her altar.
Her breasts heaved with anticipation as he admired her. The base instinct in him seemed to settle now, as if even it submitted to her.
He watched her with both predatory intent and awe as her round breasts and pert nipples rose and fell with each desperate breath of anticipation.
Stopping him from his final question of “are you sure?” she raised a hand up, the other falling to the apex of her thighs. “Please.” She whispered. “Tamlin, I need you.”
He lost any semblance of control, halting her as she began bringing those luxurious thighs of silken skin together in an attempt to create friction between them. His muscled grip holding them apart. “I’m going to taste you now.”
And taste her he did, he swiped up her center with a broad, flattened maneuver of his tongue. Her essence coated him and he’d never reveled in anything so delicious. He could die a happy male knowing he’d tasted the nectar of the gods. With expert precision his tongue circled her clit in teasing motions, and the moans that fell from her lips were sinful, a siren’s song of lust and temptation, a sound he would play on repeat long after this night.
A hand flew to his hair, tugging on it, her legs falling over his shoulders as he knelt at the edge of the bed. He ran a finger, collecting her essence to ease the slide into her. He groaned at the tight feel of her as his finger slid in, sending vibrations to her clit.
He worked her open with careful diligence, her moans pulling the strings of his ministrations into her core, whatever pulled those sweet songs from her, he paid rapt attention to. He knew she’d never been with anyone and his heart selfishly swelled at the idea of being her first and last, because that’s what this was. Not a one night stand, not just a “rite”, but a claiming of body and soul.
He puffed up with male pride, reveling at the grip of her sex as he slid another lubricated finger into her, this time curling in a way that elicited louder moans from her plush lips. With the next curl of his fingers, he sucked the swollen bud of her clit, humming with satisfaction at the way her body was responding to him. The hand that wasn’t currently wringing delicious whimpers from the female, gripped onto a supple thigh tensing around his shoulders.
A low growl escaped him, vibrating through her core and she shot up, trying to push away from him. He pulled his head back in worry, “What is it? Are you okay?”
Fleur gave a wicked smile. “Yes! I’ve never been better but, when I come at the touch of another for the first time, when I come for you - I don’t want it to be alone. I want to come together. Can we?
And if he hadn’t already been so riled up by the divine female splayed before him, this would have done him in. His eyes rolled back in bliss at the sentiment, “Gods, you are truly a gift.”
With that he scooped her up in a quick motion, depositing her further back on the silken sheets of his bed. There were so many ways he wanted to take her but this first time it would be gentle, he could leash that inner beast and savor this moment with the reverence it deserved.
Purple irises peered up at him filled with adoration, trust, hope, anticipation, so many emotions swirling in those eyes. She propped up on elbows to watch as he reached down once more, filling her with three fingers, so fucking wet and ready for him.
She let out his name in a gasp when he withdrew his fingers, his arm disappearing from between her legs to cradle her neck. She gaped at where his cock stood erect and throbbing, pre-cum leaking from the slit of it.
Leaning down he kissed her forehead and then taking her chin with his thumb and forefinger, emotion dancing in his eyes. “It’s okay, love. I promise I’ll take care of you. Do you trust me?”
She bit her lower lip, the corners tilting up as her eyes raked over the gorgeous muscled male above her, taking all of him in, committing him to memory. Flashing a soft, genuine smile she nodded her head eagerly. “Always.”
With that he gripped his cock with one hand, sliding the head through her slick, and carefully pushed in.
The combined sounds of pleasure emanating from the two could have shaken the walls of the manor. The stretch of his cock against her tight cunt sending waves of bliss through them.
“Please” she whimpered, offering permission for him to sink deeper into her heat.
“Fuck, Flower. I never dreamed you’d be so tight.”
She quirked an eyebrow, simultaneously letting out a moan as he pushed into her inch by inch. “You thought about this?”
He dropped his head to the crook of her neck, his cock now completely enveloped by her - warm, silken walls gripping fitting him like they were custom fit for eachother.
“Oh, gods!” Fleur cried out. “Tamlin, it’s too, it’s so-“
“Shhh baby. You’re doing so good for me.” He praised with soothing coos. And oh, by the flutter he felt around his cock his baby liked to be praised. He tucked that away mentally for safe keeping.
He held still, fighting the primal urge to fuck into her until she was screaming his name. No, there would be time for that later.
He let out a soft chuckle as she shifted her hips, canting them off the bed in a desperate attempt for friction.
“You ready?” He grinned, canines flashing like a fiend.
“I’ve been ready for this. You’re not the only one with a- ooooh” she let out a moan at a slight buck of his hips.
“What was that?” He mocked.
“Mmm” she hummed. “You’re not the only one with an active imagination.”
“Hmm” he feigned consideration. “Well, let me enlighten you, little flower.”
With that he pulled back and thrust into her gently, groaning as her breasts bounced with the motion. “These-“ He rolled a nipple between his fingers, leaning down to suckle at one, pulling back to release it with a pop “are delectable”
She gasped at the sensation and before she could speak further he began moving in a gentle rhythm, her moans reverberated off the walls, a chorus for his own enjoyment.
“There are so many things I want to do to you, do with you, Fleur.” He whispered and she could read in the expression, the way he took her in with such warmth that he meant more than just sexually.
She could only manage another sweet sigh as he pushed into her, increasing his pace and the weight of his thrusts. The way he stretched her and filled her in ways she never dreamed was sending her so close to the edge. “I’m gonna come.” She cried, lips forming that telltale “O”.
“Cum with me, Fleur.” He whispered into the shell of her ear. She shook her head in a “yes”, creases forming across her brow as her face contorted with pleasure.
Tamlin placed a thumb to her clit adding just the pressure she needed to fall over the edge, causing her to shatter around him in squeezing waves as she climaxed. She looked so fucking beautiful coming on him.
Tamlin came as she fell apart around him, with a deep cry of ecstasy he found his release, the heat of him filling her. Tamlin’s eyes screwed shut at the shock running through him with his orgasm, behind his eyelids golden vines swirled and wound from the once darkened depths of his soul into… he opened his eyes to find hers blown wide, not from the magnitude of their climax but from the snap.
“Mate?” He asked.
“Yes!” She cried out. “Mate.”
Fleur didn’t know a lot about mates but she’d heard whisperings of it, a bond so rare and precious. She refused to ruin the moment by contemplating the logistics of it, they may be able to carry out the act of mating but the actual prospect of carrying a child - which seemed to be a key facet of the bond. No, instead of considering she crashed her lips into his, kissing the mate she was blessed with until he dropped his weight off of her, falling to her side and pulling her onto his chest, her wings fluttering joyously with the motion.
“My little flower.” He beamed, pressing a kiss to the top of her pastel hair. “My perfect mate.”
The morning after their first coupling, Fleur found herself once again tiny, curled up into the warmth of Tamlin’s neck. They found that it took considerable power to shift her size and he could only shift his for specific periods of time, though it was easier. They accepted the bond right away and never looked back. The year’s harvest was the most fruitful in Spring’s history and Tamlin took time rebuilding his court, with his little mate by his side. He was so proud of her, so enamored by the kind, joyous soul he’d fallen so hopelessly in love with. He never minded their difference in sizes and quite honestly, they had fun exploring the various way they could enjoy each other regardless of size. Everything was wonderful. Until the day Lucien and Elain visited, with the sweetest baby one could dream of in tow.
Fleur doted over the child with such wonder. The joy Tamlin so often remembered filling her eyes as she took in his court, and he also felt longing flowing from her through the bond. Tamlin always wanted children and had accepted that it wouldn’t be feasible for them, the shifting being potentially dangerous to a developing child. He could shift to her size but there was always a small chance that the pregnancy could hurt her given that he wasn’t truly a Sprite. Neither were comfortable risking it.
Fleur hid the longing so well, the slight sadness she carried. He knew the sadness had nothing to do with him and that she was otherwise overjoyed with their life but he could understand the pang of grief. He felt it sometimes too, which led him to his study late one night. He’d felt her grief and refused to let his pride hold them back.
One morning, Tamlin woke Fleur early. “We have company coming today.”
She rubbed her bleary eyes as she propped up from her spot against his neck. “What? Who? Are Lucien and Elain back from the continent?”
He gave a smile. “No love, get ready and meet me in the study in an hour. Does that work? I’ll have tea ready for you.”
She gave a curious second look to him but knew her efforts to pry the information from him would be futile.
So an hour later she found herself sitting in the study with Tamlin; his ex-lover, now High Lady of the Night Court, and her mate. Feyre glanced anxiously around the room, placing a hand on her mate’s thigh and giving a soft smile, he returned it in kind. She looked back to Tamlin and Fleur with a smile, eyes alight with hope. “We think we found it. Helion helped, granting us access to dated tomes regarding shifting and ancient High Lords.”
Tamlin gave a small smile and Fleur could feel a huge wave of hope and nervousness down their bond. “Found what?” She asked, not unkindly.
Tamlin looked to her softly. “You don’t have to say yes, and you have plenty of time to think on this if you wish, but…”
Fleur’s legs bounced with excitement, anticipating the next words to fall from her mate’s lips. “We can shift you permanently to the size of a High Fae.” He looked to her cautiously, “I could try to shift to your size permanently but for the purpose of-“
She interrupted him with a squeal, flying to press a kiss to his cheek and then to Feyre and Rhysand as well. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She cried.
The High Lady and High Lord of the Night Court gave her soft smiles before Rhysand asked, “I assume that’s a yes then?”
“Yes!” She squealed. With that Tamlin used his powers to shift her to her High Fae height. Feyre marveling at her wings, studying them with awe. “You’re lovely.” She spoke with nothing but kindness. “Are you sure you want this?” Tamlin asked. She shook her head eagerly. “Yes! I’m positive!”
With that, Tamlin, Feyre, and Rhysand each dropped a kernel of light onto Fleur.
The moment felt magical but nothing felt different afterward. Tamlin and Feyre looked to eachother. “Now,” Feyre spoke. “Try to shift to your Sprite form. Will it into your mind.”
Fleur fought for a moment. “Take a few breaths, love.” Tamlin whispered. So she did, willing the image into her mind once again. And suddenly, she was small. “Oh…” she frowned. “Does this mean it didn’t work?”
“The opposite!” Feyre spoke with glee. “It worked! Can you shift yourself back?”
Understanding fell upon Fleur and she followed the same process, imagining her larger form and taking breaths. To her absolute joy, she grew large again. “You-“ she spoke through broken sobs. “You gave me the ability to shift! I can be this size all the time and shift back into my Sprite form when I wish?”
“Yes.” Tamlin spoke gently, placing his arms around her waist. “You can be whatever you want, flower.”
“I can’t believe this. Thank you all for this gift. How can I ever repay you?”
Rhysand nodded toward Tamlin. “The debt has already been paid.”
Tamlin gave an unreadable look to the High Lord and then to his former lover. “There was never a debt.”
“Congratulations to you both.” Feyre spoke, Rhysand mirroring the sentiment before winnowing away. Tamlin paused finding a note on the chair that Feyre had vacated.
I am happy. Now, it’s your turn.
Tamlin took his mate’s hand in his, discarding the note into a wastebasket. “Shall we begin?”
He laughed as he caught his footing, barely bracing himself for his mate to jump into his arms. Between kisses, she challenged, “Give me all you’ve got, my love.”
Tag: @tamlinweek for the shapeshifter theme
General ACOTAR tag: @lilah-asteria
80 notes · View notes
re-colligere · 15 days
oooOOhh. this spy au has got me in a chokehold crying sobbing. If I can ask, what are Dr. Axyon's motives (unless it's a secret)?? Is she actually an evil mastermind in this au or is she still kinda. cringefail morally grey like in canon? is the mask just for show/intimidation or does she wear it for a reason? Her design in this au is so. RAHH 💕💖🧡 sorry sorry about the questions 😭 I have so many about everyone and this whole story but im trying to maintain the illusion of being Normal™
AKDSJFHJKH AHH I'm super duper happy people are this interested in the au, I never would've imagined honestly ;u; also IT'S OKAYY don't worry about the questions! They could actually help me too with additional writing bits (since I tend to only focus on the important stuff), it gets those creative gears going >:] so I'd be more than happy to answer them :3
...I mean. That is. if it's not spoilery </3 in which case I DO need to be a little secretive about it (for now!) Just like right now, with Dr. Axyon's motivations...that's a big ol' secret >:3c !! It'll be revealed in due time since, with the plot I'm thinking of, it basically revolves around her movements.
as for the evil mastermind / actually a bit cringefail but morally gray, right now I'll leave that up to you guys' judgements! Partly because it's tied very closely to her main motive so I can't say that Outright...but I also want to see what you guys think about her so far 👍 She also wears a mask for a Reason, intimidation is a bonus but as the mastermind she usually doesn't come face to face with her enemies that much.
Again, I really do appreciate quastions and such I VERY much encourage them!! It's just gonna be a thing with me that I'll be irritatingly vague about some of them because I do want to tell a self-contained linear story with them, eventually...................I can only dream... but otherwise PLEASE please please. you don't have to be normal about them because I sure aren't!!!! and idk it's just really neat to know that people are invested enough in the things i do to feel like that. So it's a huge compliment for me LMAO!! Thank you!!
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hcnnibal · 8 months
I am so sorry but I have more questions.
Are either of them Weak for something the other does? A tone of voice? A phrase? A touch? A look? Does one take control more naturally or are they fairly balanced in power? Does one default to the other for some moral compass or decision making?
Are they touch starved? Is it just touch starved for the other and no one else? Does one of them bother the other for attention? How? Do they know each other, like when one needs something but isn't saying it, or has pushed themselves too far and are about to break? Do they just know?
Have they seen each other at their worst? At their most desperate? At their most feral?
Have either of them witnessed the other submitting to someone else to keep them safe? "I'll do what you want, just let them go"
I have so many questions!
i think a1’s heart aches a little every time he sees a2 mending clothes or like squeezing the life out of a tube of toothpaste… like he finds a2’s frugality endearing and a little nostalgic. like he sees how worn down the treads are on a2’s boots and he just wants to kiss him idk if this makes sense. and im sure plenty of other things make him keep falling in love with him all the time but he tries not to think about it
and i think literally any and everything a1 does sets a2’s soul on fire. just him existing makes his knees weak. the way his eye lashes catch the light, the way his hair halos on his pillow when he sleeps, how rough his voice if when he’s just woken up, the way he rubs his eyes when he’s stressed, etc etc
a2 likes turning his brain off and following orders, and that has served him well most of his life, so he’s happy letting a1 call the shots but if he feels like he needs to take the reins, he will. and i think a1 is just like… vaguely concerned about the asymmetrical power dynamics while a2 wants nothing more than to be in a 24/7 D/s relationship cbbcbvnv
they both have pretty fucked up morals, and they both (delusionally) believe that the other is the more moral of the two and they both keep internally justifying all the fucked up shit the other person does. like congrats, the two worst people you know are deeply in love.
a1 is touch starved and a2 is somehow both touch starved and touch repulsed. they are kind of the center of each other’s universe at all times, so they’re never really bidding for attention.
okay so they’ve known each other for a really long time and they are both in tune to the other’s needs. except sometimes (the important times) they assume things about each other and certain situations, and dont communicate, bc like ‘why would we need to talk i know you more than i know myself’, and theyre just wrongggg…. like so many things could have been avoided if they had just… been less sure of their bond
yes and yes. and yes.
and i cant answer that last one without getting spoilery.
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