#sorry guys (not really) i’m just in a very m•o•n•a mood lately you get me~~~?
deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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you’re my angel!!
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base0h · 1 year
Hey slayer. I've been violently ill lately and thought it be best to turn my misery into your profit, so here's a request for you. May I request the asl trio with an s/o that one night got really really sick?? Like I'm talking throwing up in the toilet, body shaking, feeling like you're going yo die type of thing. Thanks, have a great day and I hope you drink water 👋
a/n - nooo! I’m sorry about that anon :( I hope you feel better soon :) sorry in advance but I somehow make things cracky when they’re supposed to be serious 💀
warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, vomit, comfort
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- this guy hasn’t gotten sick once in his entire life, so he doesn’t know what the fuck to do when someone gets sick- (have you seen the way he tried to handle when nami got sick 😭)
- today, you already felt nauseous, sick to your stomach. The thought of eating made you want to throw yourself overboard-
- the rocking waves that shook the boat back and forth only contributed more- you weren’t even sure if this was your sickness, or sea sickness at this point
- maybe both?
- the toilet was your new bestie, the amount of times you threw up in there were countless
- chopper did his best with what meds he had- but nothing really eased the sickness. Your head just kept banging, dizzy from how many times you’ve thrown up
- your captain wasn’t sure what to do- he just kept frantically calling chopper over to see if you were ok.. He knew that maybe his funny antics weren’t going to help you right now
- “Sorry y/n… But I think this is just going to pass tomorrow, hang in there.” -chopper
- You were glad it wasn’t anything serious, but this was horrible
- Don’t you worry, Luffy stayed with you the entire night. He stole a bucket from Sanji for you to throw up in, and tried to tell you funny stories to lighten up your mood
- “Okok- ummmmm. Ok so there was this one time where grandpa kicked me down into a hole at night and-“ (Luffy was abused /with love)
- whenever you tried to sleep, he’d pat your head softly to lull you to sleep, and he tried his VERY hardest not to make any noise
- he ends up making noise but- it’s alright, you still love him (I hope)
- “Y/n! Don’t think about green! Like- don’t think about bushes and stuff! Think about uh… Meat! Wait- no. Uhm….“
- You were getting even more sick at the mention of the color green.. And meat? Luffy no.
- with him naming random stuff extremely loudly, it was able to distract you from all those gross thoughts, good save Luffy
- you made it through the night (traumatized) but alive. You were glad Luffy was there to stay with you, even though he’s not the best doctor in town lmao
- he loves you, and he’d do anything to make you feel alright :)
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- he’s very experienced with almost every sickness, and he’s read about almost every kind of medical book he has in his library
- but nothing prepared him for taking care of the person he loved, because books don’t cover that :)
- you already asked Dragon if you could rest for today, and that alone made sabo so worried. You never had to miss a mission.. This must’ve been really bad
- as soon as the ship docked, sabo sprinted, and I mean SPED towards the headquarters
- my man literally knocked poor koala over on the way 😭
- when he burst through the door like a mad man, he grimaced when he saw how bad you looked
- you were still sitting by the toilet, your face turning green in close intervals
- “Oh hey sabo- how was the m-“ *throws up*
- “Y/N?! ARE YOU OK?!”
- He’s about to faint, but he managed to drag the doctor out from his office, and haul ass back to you for him to check you out
- sabo never knew he could be so tense and anxious, he found out today that he suffered from major anxiety whenever something bad happened to you 😭
- The doctor explained that it was simply a really bad stomach flu, and it would go away by either tomorrow or the next few days
- sabo was glad it wasn’t anything serious! But still, he was worried about you, I mean… You weren’t looking great-
- He tried his best, but whenever you threw up, he felt sick as well- so he comforted you while closing his eyes and covering his ears (he’s trying)
- at one point he had to run off because he threw up too 💀 probably from both feeling horrible because you were going through this. And also, he’s scared of vomit unfortunately
- just because he’s scared doesn’t mean he’s not going to stay with you 24/7! He’s sitting with you, giving you whatever you ask and need
- he tries to talk about anything except vomit and the color green lmao- but he somehow finds a way to get back to it??
- “Yeah on the mission today- we were freeing some of our comrades and one of them- his name’s Steve. He was wearing this AWFUL green shirt and I swear-!” *throws up*
- this poor man is dying, but trying 👍
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- like Luffy, this guy has never been sick. EVER
- but he’s an expert at sensing whether or not you’re feeling ok- it’s kinda creepy
- it’s like he knows if a sneeze is coming, and he says bless you early 0-0
- this time, he didn’t catch it since he was off the ship, kicking marine ass on an island
- when he got back, you were- let’s just say.. You’ve been better.
- Whitebeard was worried, and Marco took a look at you right away. No one was as worried as Ace though, this poor guy was on fire, quite literally
- he kept accidentally setting things on fire around him from how worried he was!
- “Ace, don’t panic. Stay calm.” -Whitebeard
- “I AM CALM.”
- no he is not calm at all
- Marco told you that this would just have to pass normally, and he could only give you some anti-nausea meds
- when ace could finally go into your room, he was asking every single question known to man
- “Baby are you ok? You need water? Hugs? Food? A bucket? Meds? Blanket? Marco to turn into a fluffy bird and for you to hold him in your hand?”
- “…what?”
- let’s just say if you need something, he’s on it
- whenever you throw up, he’s like- cheering you on?
- “Great job! Get all that nasty stuff out! You got this!”
- I mean. It helped I guess 💀
- he’ll give you cuddles, hugs, anything to help you fall asleep and get through the night
- you finally fell asleep on him after a couple hours
- but this poor dude needed to pee so bad at around 3am. But the thought of waking you up, only for you to start throwing up again made him so sad..
- he didn’t want you to have to go through it again if you didn’t have to!
- so he sucked it up, and held it until you woke up at 7
- “Oh hey ace.. I feel a lot better now, thanks for staying.”
- “Oh my gosh that’s great! But give me like- 10 seconds I have to pee so fucking bad-!”
- my man SPED to the bathroom, leaving a literal trail of fire 💀💀💀
- he was in there for a while 😭
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a/n - ace is so sweet 🥹
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Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Subaru [01]
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ー The scene starts in the dungeon of the Violet Manor
Subaru: Aah? Why me?
Yui: ( Uu, his glare gives me cold shivers...But this guy, for some reasonーー )
You seemed like a nice person so...
Subaru: Hah? I think you’re gettin’ the wrong idea here. Fuck off... Besides, I don’t wanna have to bother watchin’ over you!
Yui: B-But we agreed that I would choose one person...
Subaru: Che, what a pain.
...Fine, I just gotta do it, right!? But don’t cause trouble for me, ‘kay?
Yui: O-Okay. Thank you very much.
( He actually accepted it. Sure, he might seem scary on the outside, but strangely enough, he strikes me as a kind person. )
( I’m not sure why I feel that way though... )
Yui: Nn...Where am I...?
( Ah...Right. The manor’s dungeon...I must have fallen asleep. )
After waking up at the Church,
I was taken to the Violet Manor.
Once locked away in the dungeon,
they told me to choose someone to watch over me, so I picked Subaru-san.
While he may seem scary at first glance,
I feel as if he has a gentle side to him as well.
With that in mind,
I asked him to be in charge of supervising me, butーー
Subaru: What? You’re awake?
Yui: ...! Yes, I woke up.
( I wonder if he kept an eye on me the whole time while I was asleep as well? I didn’t notice at all. )
( Also, is he upset or something? He seems to be in a really foul mood. )
( At first he struck me as a kind guy for some reason, but perhaps that was a misunderstanding on my part...? )
Subaru: What’s your problem? You’re so annoyin’. Don’t just watch me in silence. If you’ve got somethin’ to say, spit it out!
Yui: W-Well...My bad.
( He said I should say what’s on my mind so...I guess I’ll ask? )
Uhm, how long will I have to stay in this cell?
Subaru: Like I know. That’s up to Carla to decide.
Yui: ( In other words, there’s no telling when I’ll be able to get out? )
Excuse me! Can’t you ask him to let me out?
Subaru: Are you dumb? Hell no.
Sure, you might be the ‘legendary Eve’ who is necessary for someone to become the next Supreme Overlord, but I bet you think you’re oh-so special, don’t you?
That arrogance of yours pisses me the hell off.
Yui: ...Ugh.
( I guess it’s no use after all...Seems like I only made him even more mad. )
Subaru: Che. Thanks for ruinin’ my mood even more.
I want to just isolate myself in my room, and as if that isn’t bad enough, I’m here havin’ to look after some chick instead.
Yui: I-I’m sorry...
Subaru: Aah!? Too fuckin’ late to apologize now!
Yui: Eek...!
Subaru: The way you flinch like that pisses me off too. You’re the one who chose me for this job, remember? 
Are you havin’ regrets now or somethin’!?
Yui: Kyaah!?
( H-He dented the iron bars with his foot...I was wrong to think he’s a nice guy. He’s incredibly rough around the edges...! )
Subaru: Fuck! This anger has made me thirsty...
...Oi, come here for a sec.
Yui: Eh...?
Subaru: Hurry up. Walk up to the bars.
Yui: Ah, s-sure...
( Who knows what he’ll do if I refuse....I have no other choice but to obey. )
ー Yui approaches the iron bars
Yui: I-Is this okay?
Subaru: ...You actually came? What a dumb woman you are.
Yui: Eh?
Subaru: Everyone at this manor is a Vampire. Myself included.
Yui: Y-Yes...
( I wonder what he means with that? )
Subaru: I can tell by the look on your face that you don’t get it at all. ...It’s that ignorance which will come biting you in the ass. Like this!
Yui: Kyaah!?
Yui: L-Let me go, please! What on earth are you...!?
Subaru: I’m tryin’ to teach you that you don’t understand your own position. From a Vampire’s point of view, humans are our food.
Maybe you were hopin’ to get treated like some damn Princess ‘cause you’re the legendary Eve but...
I’ll remind you that as long as you’re down here, you’re nothin’ but mere prey.
Yui: N-No way!
Subaru: Come on, I’ll suck from your shoulder. It might hurt if you don’t keep still. Nn...Nnh...
ー Subaru bites her
Yui: ...Ah.
( He’s sucking my blood...His fangs are sinking into my shoulder...! )
( Is this what he meant by ‘prey’? Am I going to spend the rest of my days locked up down here as these people feed off my blood? )
( No, I don’t want that...! )
Stop! Let me go, please!
Subaru: Oi, don’t thrash ‘bout! Didn’t I tell you to keep still!?
Anyway, the fuck’s up with this blood...? It’s way more sweet than I thought.
Damnit, I just wanted to scare you a lil’ by bitin’ you but I can’t stop...! ...Nn...
Yui: ...Kuh...
( These fangs...This pain...For some reason, it feels nostalgic to me. Do I know this sensation...? )
( Why? How...? )
Subaru: Nn...Hah...Nnh...
Yui: Aah...!
ー Yui starts growing dizzy
Yui: ( The place where he bit is burning...The heat’s rising to my head andーー )
ー She experiences flashbacks of her past memories
Yui: Wha...?
( What...? Where is...that place I saw just now? )
ー Yui has another flashback
Yui: ( Uu...! ...What are these images...? )
( I know...this house. It’s a very nostalgic place but... )
( Uu, kuh...It’s like something is stirring up my mind... )
Yui: Ah...Aah...
Subaru: Haah...What’s wrong? Is somethin’ the matter?
Yui: That place...
It is the home, we must return to...
Subaru: ...Haah?
ー Yui regains her memories
Yui: Aah...! Aaaaaaah!!!
ー The screen temporarily fades to white
Yui: ( A bunch of different images and information...are swirling inside my head at once... )
( Right...I am, we areーー )
Subaru: Oi!? What has gotten into you all of a sudden!? Whatcha screamin’ for!?
Yui: ...No, I am not the legendary Eve.
Subaru: ...Haah?
Yui: ( Right...I remembered everything. )
( I moved into the Sakamaki manor and met Subaru-kunーー Then we eventually started dating. )
( I could have sworn I was there before I suddenly awoke at the Church. Where is this place? )
( Why did I...forget who I am? )
( It’s not just me either. Everyone is acting strange. )
Subaru: What’s with that dumb look on your face...? Did you lose your mind ‘cause I sucked a bit of your blood?
Yui: No, I haven’t. I remembered everything, that’s all...
How could I forget about something so important...?
Hey, Subaru-kun! What is going on? Where are we!?
Subaru: Haah? 
Yui: Why are Carla-san and the others at the same manor...? Do the Tsukinami brothers own these lands?
Subaru: Oh shut up...What nonsense do you keep spoutin’?
Yui: Eh...?
Subaru: Did you forget overnight? Carla is my older brother. Why would it be strange for him to live here?
Yui: No way...
( Carla-san is his older brother? There’s just no... )
( But they did introduce themselves like that yesterday. What is going on? )
R-Right. Where is Ayato-kun? And Kanato-kun...You remember your own brothers, don’t you?
Subaru: My brothers? Those dudes from the Orange House?
Hah! The fuck are you sayin’? They’re the enemy!
Yui: No way...
Yui: T-Then, what about me!? Do you know who I am!?
Subaru: You’re Eve, right? The woman needed to become the Supreme Overlord of this place. I haven’t forgotten that.
Yui: No, that’s not what I meant...
( We’re a couple, Subaru-kun. ...Sakamaki Subaru-kun. )
→ Tell him that you are dating (♡)
Yui: ( I wonder if he’ll remember if I tell him the truth...? )
Hey, Subaru-kun. We’re dating, you know.
Subaru: ...Haah? You’ve been spoutin’ nothin’ but bullcrap this one time, but that one beats all.
Are you sayin’ that sorta stuff ‘cause you wanna get outta here and regain your freedom?
I won’t let you out of your cell, even if you keep on talkin’ out of your ass.
In the end, you’ll just get chased ‘round by those other guys if you make it out of here.
Then I’d argue that you’re still better off down here.
→ Tell him that you know each other (🖤)
Yui: ( Subaru-kun sees me as a stranger...? )
( His memories are jumbled up after all... )
( Even if he can’t recall that we’re lovers, I wish he would remember me somewhere deep downーー ) 
Subaru-kun. We didn’t meet for the first time yesterday.
We’ve known each other...for a very long time.
Subaru: Che...Why are you makin’ all of this crap up?
I met you for the first time yesterday. Now cut the crap or you’ll be in for a world of pain.
Yui: ( I guess he won’t believe me after all... )
Subaru: ...Do you want to get outta here so badly?
Even if you somehow were to escape this manor, you’ll just be caught by one of the other guys. You really are an idiot.
Yui: ( Subaru-kun wouldn’t joke around about something like this... )
( He truly does not does doubt the fact that he is Subaru from the Violet Manor. )
( Could it be that his memories have been altered, just like mine were up till now? And those of the others’ too. )
( I wonder what we’ve gotten ourselves caught up in...? )
Subaru: ...Why do you look mortified?
Aah, I guess it makes sense to be in shock after havin’ your blood sucked for the first time ever. You’ve only got your own carelessness to blame though.
Yui: ( No, that wasn’t the first time. He’s drank my blood so many times. )
( But right now, I’m mere food in this eyes, not his girlfriend or anything even remotely close to that... )
( Almost as if we’re back to square one...That just can’t be. )
Subaru: Oi, don’t be tearin’ up now. The other guys will get the wrong idea.
ー Kou approaches them
Kou: Hey there~! Getting along just fine? You guysー ...Wait. Woah, what’s with the heavy atmosphere?
Azusa: Eve...Looks as if she’s about to cry. Did something...happen?
Yui: ( Kou-kun, Azusa-kun... )
Kou: Ah! You were picking on her, weren’t you!?
Azusa: You mustn’t...Subaru. You have to take good care of Eve...
Subaru: Don’t be makin’ assumptions! I’m not a lil’ kid!
Anyway, why are you guys here? 
Kou: Ah, right! Carla-kun’s asking for you. There’s something he wants to talk about, apparently.
Subaru: Carla does?
Azusa: Yes...That’s why we’ve come to get the two of you...
Yui: Eh...?
Subaru: ...She’s coming as well?
Yui: ( Subaru-kun’s glaring at me. I guess he’s suspicious of me after I said all those strange things... )
Subaru: I don’t mind lettin’ her out of her cell, but don’t blame me when she makes a run for it!
She’s willing to go as far as to lie just to escape this place after all.
Yui: ( I never lied though... )
Azusa: Don’t worry...We’ll help out as well, so let’s go while keeping a close eye on her, so she doesn’t escape... 
Subaru: Lock her up, then let her out. Stop changin’ your damn mind every five seconds.
Kou: Go complain to Carla-kun about that. It’s not our fault.
Azusa: ...Carla is the eldest son of the Violet House, so we only do as he says...
Yui: ( Kou-kun and Azusa-kun don’t seem doubtful of the current family make-up either... )
( Even though Carla-san is a Founder, so there’s no way he’d be related to Vampires. )
( I wonder how this happened...? )
Subaru: ...God, what a drag. Oi, Eve! Get outta your cell. Don’t cause me trouble, ‘kay?
Yui: ( Does the problem lie with everyone else? Or maybe I’m the issue...? I don’t know, Subaru-kun! )
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wakaoujisenhime · 3 years
Hi Hi could I request Kuroko, Kagamai, Akashi, Midorima and Murasakibara reaction to their s/o who's into photography and loves to take photos of them because they think their the most beautiful muse. They say things like "the light is hitting you perfectly please don't move until I take this picture." something like that lol
A/N: anon…this, THIS is a masterpiece of an idea and I love you for it (๑♡⌓♡๑) please enjoy! ♥️
Tags: the boys [KKMMA] x reader ✅ SFW ✅ fluff ✅
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ok so the first time you took a picture of him was during lunch break
since he usually likes to spend his free time in the classroom while eating his homemade bento, the moment you became a couple you’d always join him
one day you were a bit late because one of the teachers had held you up, so you quickly texted him an apology for your delay and told him you’d be there soon so he can start eating without you
when you finally arrived, you immediately proceeded to apologize but promptly shut your mouth as you saw the scenery before you
Kuroko was reading one of his many novels, his elbows propped on the very edges of his desk, bento box and chopsticks untouched before him, blue eyes fixated on the text before him
everything about this was perfect as is, but what really gripped you and made you unconsciously reach for your camera, that you always had dangling from your neck, was the way the morning sun hit his face casting an ever so small shadow that only further accentuated his beautiful and calm facial features
as if in trance you gently push the small button on top of your camera and the shutter goes off
surprised by the sudden sound he turned his head in your direction and wanted to greet you but you cut him off even before he uttered a single syllable: “Tetsu, don’t move! The way the sun hits the back of your head right now is perfect…I just need to take a picture so bear with me for a moment.”
the way you had your left arm outstretched to stop any of his movements while your eyes were hidden behind the small rectangular object didn’t stop your boyfriend’s light blush to spread across his cheeks
he wasn’t used to being the only one in a photo so that alone made him a little nervous and embarrassed, but your silent comments and compliments on how his hair looked even more remarkable under the sunlight or how his facial features managed to perfectly cast shadows on his face that made him look more mature made his heart race faster than any game
luckily for your lover, this situation showed him another side of you that he rarely got to see, and who was he to interrupt your adorable mumbling just because of his embarrassment?
since then you used any and every opportunity to take his photo, whether it was in Maji Burger as he drank his usual smoothie or when he waited for you in front of a fountain in the park where you scheduled your date
when he finally asked you about it you proudly announced: “I’m sorry, but I can’t help the fact that my lover is such an amazing model for basically any type of photo! I always thought that you were hiding your beauty beneath those bangs and turns out I was absolutely right!”
you continued showering him with compliments until he couldn’t take it anymore and shut you up with a gentle kiss
“If it weren’t for your keen eye, I could’ve continued hiding myself and avoid the other’s gazes”
“Do you hate being the center of attention that much?” you whispered out, your eyes directly peering into his own big ones
with a smile he gently caresses your cheek and answers: “Your attention is all I need.”
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Kagami was aware of your fascination for photography, I mean how could he not be when every time the two of you were out together for different reasons, you’d always take your camera with you and snap a photo or two
what he wasn’t aware of though, was what or better said who the subject of your images was
every time you reached for your camera the lens was always aimed in his direction and it never bothered him, because he figured that you were taking a photo of the scenery behind him so he never bothered to pose, smile, or anything of that sort
one day though it made him wonder whether his presence might disturb whatever images you’d taken so the next time you aimed your camera he turned his head, looking directly into the object’s circular lens, and just as he was about to say something the familiar sound of the shutter shut him up
“Perfect…that might be the best one yet” you silently praised and smiled to yourself
W-Wait a second…
“What did you just photograph?”
you looked at him with slightly wide eyes, confusion spreading across your face as you answered: “Why of you of course”
and that’s when it clicked
all this time you’d taken pictures of what he thought to be the nature and scenery but in actuality, it was him you’d focused on
“W-Wait! You mean to t-tell me that I wasn’t in the way of your photos a-and that you actually photographed–“
before he could finish his sentence he realized something else that made him blush even harder
Perfect…Absolutely breathtaking…I’m so glad that I took my camera with me…The lighting and wind make you even prettier…What tranquility and gentleness, I’m in love…You’re so beautiful
all these comments that he’d brushed off, thinking that they were some kind of weird quirk of yours that resembled his captain’s whenever he talked about his samurai series, now made perfect sense
when the reality of the situation hit him he couldn’t help but bury his face in his hands and grunt at his stupidness, meanwhile, you tried to wrap your head around what Kagami had been believing up until today
looking at him being that frustrated with himself made you chuckle, but it also made you feel bad since you never directly told him so you decided that now might be the best time
with a gentle smile, you once again raised the camera to your face, waited until his figure became the focus and blurred the background, and gently pressed down the shutter
the sound made the young man beside you flinch and ever so hesitantly glance up to you with a dreading expression on his face
after pushing some of the buttons you cozy up to your boyfriend until your shoulders touched and showed him the image you had just taken with a proud smile
“I’m sorry for not telling you about it, but if I shared the fact that you’re my muse with you, you probably would’ve never allowed me to take any” you reasoned as you looked into his eyes and observed the way his cheeks reddened the moment you called him your muse
“I’m your muse…?”
you nodded and showed him a few other photos that all showed him do average everyday things such as eating something, chatting on his phone, warming up, etc. and even though they weren’t that special, the way you managed to capture him, his expression, and even some of the background made them all look professional
“Taiga, you’re such a nice guy that you would’ve probably offered to be my model if I had asked you to, but I wanted to capture that raw beauty of yours, the one that you display on every basketball match and that was the only way to do it…or at least that’s what I thought”
you paused before returning to the most recent image
“Having you being aware might be better after all…just look here at the way your eyes sparkle and your posture, both tense and relaxed at the same time gives off the impression of confidence and a tinge of uncertainty, both summing up your profound character that I love so much”
listening to your explanation made his heart beat harder against his chest and to stop you from fawning even more he covered your camera with his big hand and murmured: ”I-It’s fine already…I get it”
after seeing yet another unexpected expression on your boyfriend’s face you tried to get another shot of him, but this time he tried his best to avoid you and the two of you ended up chasing each other around the park, attracting the attention of many fellow visitors, but to you, it was as if only Kagami and you existed
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one afternoon during the end of basketball practice, you had joined your green-haired boyfriend with his supplementary exercises, observing him and the perfect way he shoots one three-pointer after the other
you’d asked him long ago whether it was alright with him to take his photo and despite the many protests he’d agreed under the condition that it happened during basketball practice
unfortunately, the way he played didn’t manage to ignite the spark you needed to snap that one photo you’ve always been hoping for, neither his skills nor his playstyle were to blame for that, there was just something missing that you couldn’t name
the way you sighed caught Midorima’s attention and made him stop mid-throw so that he could take a glance in your direction and when he saw the disappointed face you made it made his heart ache
“Is something the matter (Y/N)?” he suddenly asked as he sat beside you, towel in one hand and his drinking bottle in the other
you shook your head and tried to play it off, blaming your bad mood on one of your earlier classes and the complaisant boyfriend he was he let it go (also partially because he was afraid that if he prodded further you’d get mad)
out of the corner of your eyes, you could see how he took off his glasses and started cleaning them
and that’s when your heart throbbed
the way his long fingers carefully handled the fragile black frames, the skillful and cautious way he removed any speck of dust from the glass, mixed with the way some of his green hair’s strands stuck to his slightly sweaty forehead, and lastly his beautiful long eyelashes were what won you over
before you knew it, you had grabbed your camera and had taken a photo of his profile, the shutter’s sound startling both him and you
“D-Did you just take a ph–”
“Shush! Stay just like that!” you blurted out, your hand on his chest to restrict his movements and keep him in that exact pose he was right now
with a reluctant expression on his face, he avoided looking in your direction, hoping that you wouldn’t notice the light blush spreading across his cheeks, meanwhile you smiled to yourself at his futile attempt and once again snapped another picture…
thanks to that one coincidental photo you managed to take back then, you finally knew what you have been missing all this time, namely your boyfriend being himself and not the Midorima Shintaro from Shuutoku who never missed a shot
in order to achieve that “normality” you had to take as many sneaky shots as possible, but they unfortunately never stayed as secretive as you would’ve wanted them to be because he either caught you mid-photo or your own comments betrayed you
Just like that Shin, look more to the side!
Leave your glasses be, you’re even more beautiful without them!
Don’t touch your hair! The way it is right now compliments your face perfectly!
Even if you scowl at me, you still look good!
he’d always run up to you afterward, blushing at the entire situation and no matter how much he ended up protesting, scolding you, or trying to take the camera from you to delete the photos, he never truly was upset about it
the reason Midorima let it all slide was because he enjoyed the way you smiled when you looked at the images you’d taken
the way your eyes practically sparkled mixed with the slight flush of your cheeks made his heart race every single time
“Is something wrong Shin? You’ve been staring at my face for quite a while.”
embarrassed of being caught by you, he squeezed your nose and stuttered: “I-It’s nothing, k-keep looking at y-your photos!”
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taking Murasakibara’s pictures wasn’t an issue, you simply asked him and he agreed with no resistance whatsoever
you were over the moon at first and even made sure to have your camera with you at all times so that when an opportunity presented itself you’d be ready
from a pedestrian’s point of view, you looked like a cute touristic couple which consisted of the somewhat bored boyfriend, who agreed to have his photos taken for your happiness, and you, who couldn’t hold the excitement of being together with this young man back while happily snapping one pic after the other
their thoughts weren’t that off from the truth, you truly were delighted to be able to practice your hobby, and even having the tall young man as your model made it even better
thanks to the amount of muscles he’d gained from his daily basketball training, his height, his beautifully long and purple hair, his constantly relaxed expression, and his surprisingly gentle facial features, your boyfriend was already photogenic as is so any photo you took was downright breathtaking
and yet, those fulfilling feelings were rather short-lived
as time went by and you shot one photo after the other you came to realize that you hadn’t managed to take a single photo where he genuinely smiled or grinned
getting him to do either was nearly impossible, even for you
all you ever managed to summon was a very loving and gentle smile that resembled that of an angel; it was so pure that you could read all of his emotions from it, but that smile was reserved for your cuddle sessions that always ended up with him almost crushing you with his embrace and his low giggles as the result to your mixed reactions
“(Y/N)-chin, let’s go over there and sit down…I can’t walk anymore”
you giggled and took his hand that he’d extended to you, following him to a bench that was protected by a couple of trees, which cast down a perfect shadow on the wooden surface
the young man plopped down as if he’d ran for hours without a single break and wrapped his big arms around your waist, burying his face in your tummy
his childish behavior made you giggle and you softly caressed his head
“Didn’t you want to eat your snacks?” you asked after a short while, only to receive a silent growl as an answer
“Let me stay like this for a while…please”
his cute way of pleading with you only broadened your smile, which turned it into a grin as soon as an idea popped into your mind
with one hand still on his head, you used the other to aim the camera lens at the young man’s head as you asked your lover to look up at you
it took him a short while to comply because he kinda had the feeling that you wanted to ask for yet another photo, but he ultimately gave in and cast his purple eyes up to you
still smiling you glanced at the small screen on your camera in order to make sure that everything was perfect when you subconsciously blurted out: “Everything about you is charming Atsushi, the way the wind caresses your hair, perfectly accentuating your gentle face’s features…I’m so glad to have you as my muse”
your eyes went wide as you noticed the change in his expression
his cheeks had taken on an unexpected shade of deep red, one that you’ve never seen on him before; his eyes were a bit glassy and maybe equally as wide as yours, and his mouth was slightly agape
“Wha-! What are you saying (Y/N)-chin?!” he screamed out and once again hid his face before you could manage to snap a picture of this rare expression
“Atsushi, wait don’t hide! Let me take a photo!”
your protests fell on deaf ears and no matter how much you struggled or tried to loosen his grip around your waist, his strength made sure to make all of your attempts futile
“I-If I let you see me like that…I won’t be cool in your eyes anymore a-and I don’t want that” he finally admitted in a low voice
it took you a short while to comprehend what exactly he was trying to say; and when you did you couldn’t hold your laughter in any longer, ruffled his hair, and kissed the top of his head, waiting until he had regained his composure and returned your affectionate gestures
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having the famous Emperor as your lover was like a dream, but when it came to keeping things a secret you were at a clear disadvantage because this man read you like an open book
no matter how hard you tried to act innocent or clueless, he’d always be able to add two and two together and expose whatever you were hiding within a matter of minutes
same goes for your fondness of photography and the fact that you had your eyes set on him as your muse
one day when you visited his home the two of you were in the living room and he was playing a round of shogi against himself while you sorted your camera’s gallery
when you took a glance at the young man your heart throbbed
the soft light of the sun that managed to come forth between the many clouds of that day shone right at him; in order to block the light from disturbing his vision, he’d leaned his chin on his hand and let his fingers extend to the corner of his mesmerizing eyes; a soft smile adorned his lips as his left hand stretched out to move one of the many wooden pieces before him
you couldn’t help it and immediately proceeded to take a picture, successfully catching him off guard
“Did you take a picture of me?” he asked without shifting his line of sight from the board, a hint of amusement in his voice
“Mhm, I did…sorry” you apologized before sighing to yourself, “it’s just that you looked really beautiful and I thought it’d be a shame if I didn’t use the opportunity.”
being called beautiful was something he wasn’t used to, so as he heard that word pass your lips, he froze up and finally tore his attention away from the game, and now gazed at you with a warm smile
“You can take more if you’d like.”
and with that, he became your conspirator in your mission to take as many photos of him as your camera’s storage could handle
“Just like that Sei…look more to the lef- yes, perfect!”
you spat one command after the other as the young man before you held onto the reins of his gorgeous white horse and let his hand gently run along the animal’s head
after snapping a few more photos you looked at them in silence, an unusual scene for your boyfriend
“Is something the matter (Y/N)? Aren’t you satisfied with these?”
your head shot up and you violently shook your head, explaining that it was nothing and you were just lost in thought; even though he quickly realized that you weren’t telling the truth, he chose to keep silent until you were ready to tell him what truly bothered you
unexpectedly, your silence lasted longer than he’d hoped for and no matter how unique he tried to organize these little photo sessions you did, your mood never seemed to improve which frustrated him
when he saw you sitting on the couch all sad and unmotivated while you scrolled through your camera roll, he immediately turned around and went back outside to his garden to mull over ways in which he could help you out
so to distract himself, he picked up his basketball, started dribbling, and began perfecting his shooting
the sound of the ball hitting the wall caught your attention, causing you to get up and search for its source
when you opened the front door you were greeted by a similar sight as the one back when you’d first taken Akashi’s photo which made you smile
“Sei-chan, that’s what I was looking for” you whispered as you subconsciously took a photo of the exact moment where the young man jumped and gently threw the ball against the wall, simulating a layup shot
still unaware of your presence the young man wiped his sweat with his shirt’s collar and the moment he felt your arms wrap around his body he jumped ever so slightly
before he could ask you anything, let alone say something, you kissed his cheek and whispered: “I knew it…you’re always beautiful, but the moment you shine the brightest is when you’re being yourself”
moved by your words he turned around, returning your embrace and kissing your lips as he then proceeded to hide his blushing face and glassy eyes from you by pressing you closer to himself
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can i request iwatobi head cannons reaction when they find out that their s/o has PMLE (like allergic to the sun or smth)?? ;v;
Omg it's been literally years, but i just happened to stumble upon my old Free! blog and found this gem because: friend, same. I have a similar skin condition. I literally have to wear hoodies and pants ALL YEAR LONG or my skin gets weird (sometimes painful) allergic reactions and it kinda pops and peels off...(?) and sometimes swimming makes it worse because of the sunscreen and pool chemicals.
He’ll understand if you’d rather not swim during the days, but when the sun starts going down, he’d take you for sunset walks and night swimming dates (I’m sorry, but if you wanna date Haru, swimming or chilling in the pool/water is a must), or maybe, when youre not in the mood, you’ll watch him from the sides of the pool or shore. 
He’ll come out of the pool sometimes to give you kisses.
I think he’ll be pretty chill about everything, wont make a big deal about it (not like Rei *cough, cough*), but he’ll help you if you ever need support.
He’s just a sweetheart, okay?
He’ll even sort of give up going out for a swim during the day because if youre not there it really doesnt make sense. But he’ll often take you swimming to indoor pools, if you ever want to!!
God, he’d help you put on sunscreen *eye-covering monkey emoji* E V E R Y T I M E.
Isn’t that kinda good? 
(Listen, I hate wearing and applying sunscreen, but if Makoto offered himself to help, who am i to tell him no?) 
He’ll make sure all your dates are under-a-roof settings, unless you want it otherwise, and in that case, he’d be mindful of anything you might need. 
He’ll treat you like royalty. Because tbh u r bby. 
At first, he'd be like ???? babe, what??? Allergic??? To the sun???
But after a few hours of research on medical websites and academic articles, he’d be very worried (and pretty much over protective) everytime you guys go out.
He’ll also be very apologetic about all those times he asked you to come watch them during practice.
He’ll always pack stuff that’s useful for you if you ever need, whether that is sunscreen, a long-sleeved shirt, if you take any medication, or whatever else you’ve told him that helps.
“Y/N!!!!!! SUNSCREEN, Y/N!!!”
You’d giggle a lot, sometimes it seems he’s the one with a sun allergy from how much he worries about yours. Just his ways of showing how much he loves you.
You’re his own personal cute vampire (?)
He’ll often tell you how cute you look wearing the layers of clothes you sometimes wear so you’ll avoid the sunrays (he’ll be specially nice about it if he ever notices youre self-conscious about your looks or outfit).
He’ll try to remind you of useful stuff, like meds, that you might need to cool down, or if you get any blisters, he’ll hold your hand so you can’t poke at them.
He’ll be easy going and not ask too much unless you tell him about it so that you dont feel overwhelmed, but he’d be very observant and pay attention to small details so youre more comfortable.
He will ALWAYS carry cute umbrellas for the both of you, and when you guys go swimming at the sea, he’d wear matching long-sleeved swimsuits with you. 
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brunos-beloved · 4 years
I’d like to request a scenario where narancia gets jealous of someone flirting with his s/o but she reassures him 🥰 (would be a plus if she told the person flirting to fuck off too hehe)
persistent stranger : narancia ghirga x reader
summary: You run into a very persistent stranger, once he’s finally gone the two of you comfort each other through newly born insecurities.
word count: 2.2k 
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As any other day, Bucciarati’s gang was at their usual table at the usual restaurant. Though, rather than being as peaceful and comforting to you as it normally was, you’d ran into an issue. Said issue being this; the moment you’d left the table for a cappuccino rather than waiting for service, you were stopped by a stocky man that had eyes with definite ulterior motive. At first you’d taken a couple compliments with a friendly smile, hoping that’d be enough to entertain him, and he’d leave you be to wait for your coffee alone. Unfortunately, this just hadn’t been the case.
“So, you come here often?“ You nearly cringed outwardly at the statement, usually just something innocent and friendly, but in the context of this man’s intentions it didn’t sit right with you at all. The fact you’d caught him staring at your table hadn’t helped either, you’d been sitting with Narancia, glued to his side with your head drowsily draped on his shoulder nearly all night, that’s why you’d gotten up for some caffeine in the first place! 
“Yeah.” You answered quickly, hoping the short and sharp answer would put him off. The man only seemed to smirk at that, leaving an uneasy feeling in your stomach. You prayed this cappuccino would be ready soon. 
“You’re bellissima.”
“I’m taken.” You shot back with fervor, not even sparing him glances anymore, focusing on the steam rising from the espresso machine rather than the empty words coming from the dirty blonde’s mouth. You hadn’t seen it, but the matter-a-factly hum told you the rat was smirking again, as if this only added a challenge he’d been hoping for. You felt yourself shrink in your dress, not something you wore often, the most you’d usually go for were skirts. Narancia called you paranoid for your reasoning, a dress wasn’t the best thing for mobility, and you were always worried about what could happen next. But il tuo ragazzo lit up at the sight of it, expressing that you were allowed to feel pretty once in a while, though he followed that with an adorable panic, something about how he thought of you that way in anything you wore. He bore his own charming cream dress-shirt, you’d helped him roll the cuffs. Narancia was sweet, but a part of you told you this is what you got for relaxing and trying to enjoy yourself, despite the shower of compliments he’d given you earlier. You were a stressed and tormented soul, an overthinker. There were a lot of times the boisterous boy managed to brighten your day.
“Hey, testa di cazzo!“ Relief hit your legs at the sound of his voice, Narancia was ready to leave the gang’s table, despite his teammates advice. Your coffee had finally arrived, though before you got the chance to take it, an unwanted hand met your waist. You were nearly in awe at this persistence.
“Is that your man? Really, that little boy?” That little boy happened to be the same age as you, which had been another unfortunate difference between you and this stranger, most likely late-20’s. “Why don’t you come with someone like me instead?” You grimaced outwardly this time, fighting the urge to spit in his face, but instead backing away and finally getting your hands on your cup, ready to leave as soon as possible. As you turned on your heels, you were finally met with a familiar pair of eyes, grape purple and shining. Though at this moment Narancia’s eyes were filled with rage, which you’d assumed only grew as he got up from the table and came towards you two, dark brows furrowed and lips pulled into a snarl. 
The sudden grip on your arm nearly made the cup topple from your other hand, the shift of porcelain sounding against your saucer, and once again you were in awe at the audacity of this scum. Luckily it didn’t last long, the shock from the sight in front of him loosened his grip. You wrenched away and nearly smiled. The dark-haired boy had slammed his knife into the counter with a growl, catching the center of the man’s cashmere tie along the way. He paled like a dog on the end of a leash, though you could tell he was trying to keep up his cocky composure. He looked like the type to snap back, but he didn’t look armed at the moment, another evidence of his cockiness. Narancia held his glare, long-lashed and furious. Before he got too angry and too loud, you decided to step in- although, that didn’t necessarily mean you weren’t allowed to be angry. The two of you leaned over the man, still on his stool. You both had relatively brutal tempers, the only difference being yours was more cool-headed in comparison to Narancia’s fiery nature.
“That’s a very nice suit, was it expensive?” You forced a smile and raised your brows, you could tell he was surprised at the compliment, Narancia’s head spun to you with the same emotion. Leaning one elbow onto the counter to feign collection, you eyed his tie, raising your other arm, the one holding the beverage you’d waited for oh-so patiently. You drizzled it up his tie enjoyably slow, finishing it off with a jerk of your wrist towards the chest of his suit. You dropped the porcelain cup onto the counter, the man was nearly red, the only restraint from bursting being the knife to his drenched cashmere tie. You watched his eyes land onto your table like they had earlier tonight, though this time he was forced to focus on its other occupants. Mista spread his legs to send a peek of his pistol, and then he noticed the entire gang’s intimidating presence, retreating to the restroom rather than complaining.
You intertwined Narancia’s free fingers with your own, slowly at ease you could finally leave peacefully you guided him back to your table. Pressing a lazy kiss onto the boy’s cheek in hopes of cooling his remaining anger, the rosy tint that appeared after pleased you greatly. Though he was flustered by just how cool he thought you’d acted just now, he was relieved to see the comfortable smile that appeared back onto your face. But despite that relief, a tinge of jealousy remained within his chest.
“Nasty,” Mista commented as you finally made it back to the table, in wonder at the social brutally he’d just witnessed. You definitely weren’t the loudest of the group, but that didn’t always completely mask you hidden anger.
“Nasty? Y/N’s cool Mista! Did you see how cool she was?” You let out a breath of relief, content that Narancia was nearly back to his bubbly self, you hated worrying him. You did have one regret from that encounter though, and that was sacrificing your cappuccino, the fatigue finally setting in with the sigh. 
You tugged at the boys sleeve drowsily, “Nara, can we go home? I can’t wait to get this dress off...” Before your beloved could aid you with a reply, a certain gunslinger had to slip in another cheeky comment.
“Even nastier.” You nearly blushed at the suggestion, but chuckled quietly with him at the strangled noise that came from the boy beside you, followed by a very expected ‘Mista!’ You heard a snort from Abbacchio and caught the small smiles from Giorno and Bruno across the table, Narancia starting the regular squabble with Mista on the other corner. You grinned too, though the wholesome moment was interrupted by a stabbing pain above your brow. You held your forehead, it felt like you were having caffeine withdrawal, though you figured it was just a stressful situation paired with the original fatigue from before. Your stomach flipped too, that wasn’t a scenario you’d ever had to deal with. Sure, you knew you looked good tonight, Trish’s praises and Narancia’s reaction had to be proof of that, but that man... he’d still managed to make you feel like nothing, no one, like some whore on the side of the street. You weren’t just tired now, your legs felt limp at the thought, and you truly wanted to go home and change.
Eventually all eyes were on you, either concerned or confused. You held back a gasp at the hands that landed on the side of your shoulders, whipping your head to their direction snapping you out of your daze. It was Narancia, you’d worried him again, hadn’t you?
“Are you-”
“M-mi dispiace! I zoned out there for a second...” You cut him off with an apology before he could express his concerns, trying your best not to avoid his eyes, long-lashes and rich purple. However you couldn’t manage it, your own darting to the side as you backed away slightly. “I’m heading back, if you want to stay a little longer that’s alright.” 
The boy let out a confused noise and blinked at you. “No way! You said you were tired, no? I’ll come with you!”
The walk to the car was silent, surprisingly considering Narancia’s presence, but once the two of you’d gotten in you understood. You pushed a playful finger into your cheek, “You’ve been staring at me this whole time carino, do I have something on my face?” You attempted to lighten the mood you’d dampened. He shook his head, messy dark hair bouncing at the motion, his big round eyes seemed determined, Narancia of all people was forcing you to fill the silence. Whether he wasn’t sure he should ask again or it was for another reason you didn’t know. “Sorry, it’s just- I think I was right about not being cut out for wearing stuff like this, even though I was really hoping I hadn’t been...and...I don’t know.” You tried to explain the source of your current anxiety. Narancia blinked like he had at the restaurant, staring you dead in the eyes, and when you hadn’t continued, he let out a sound of disbelief that was closer to the volume of the lover you’d signed up for. 
“Not ‘cut out for it’? Who the hell’s ‘cut out for it’?”
“The guy at the bar? M-maybe it was too much...”
“You look stunning cara! Who wouldn’t want to be with you?” His answer nearly melted your heart into a puddle. Narancia’s honesty was another thing you loved about him. He was an absolutely brutal liar, but that made it even easier to tell just how genuine he was. Though, that’s an aspect of him that made him so readable, and right now you could tell there was something he wasn’t saying. Bright eyes the color of shiny red grapes retreated to the dash, the boy seemed troubled by something. “So,” You pressed a hand onto his arm, egging him on to tell you, “why would you want to be with someone like me?” 
Ah, that explained his behavior. It seems the event at restaurant had taken a mental toll on both of you tonight. A smile finally grazed its way back onto your lips, your confidence a little more elevated by his compliments. You leaned in for a kiss, closing the gap between you two. It was soft and short, you stared at him with fondness.
“Thank you, amore.” You carefully rose your palms to his cheeks, thumbs brushing across his tanned skin. “Ma tu sei l'unico per me.” Narancia was the only one for you, and you had to let him know that. You sat up to peck his forehead, lips brushing his soft bangs. The goofy smile across his face made you want to giggle, Narancia’s joy had always been contagious. He swooped down for another kiss, leaning into your side of the car. When he pulled back you grabbed a handful of his silk collar, bringing him in closer and pressing your lips firmly to his. Narancia ran his hands over your curves and eagerly ushered his way into your seat. Then suddenly your moment was cut short, the two of you jumping in shock at the sound of a blaring car horn, your heads flipping every direction for the reason for such a noise. 
Then you realized, coincidentally, it had been your car horn.
Sucking in a gasp of air you burst out laughing at that, how Narancia’s knee even made it near the steering wheel completely unbeknownst to you. Narancia straightened, the same insight hitting him. The grape-eyed boy slapped a hand over his lips, face flushing, yet you still caught the muffled laughter underneath his fingers. After you’d recovered, sighing and coming back down from the high, you grasped the hand on his rosy face. The eyes that had been squeezed shut fluttered open, watching your movements expectantly. You pulled it away to hold the hand delicately, Narancia was just someone that made you smile, you found him adorable. After leaving a long but soft kiss on the lips you’d revealed, you pulled back.
“It’s only getting later, let’s head home carino.”
this was a lot longer than probably expected but I wanted to have an actually fleshed out ending if that makes sense (also narancia’s like my fav oops)? Thanks for reading, I hope you guys enjoyed ;)
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
NSFW A-Z List (Fear and Dumplings! Yoongi)
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***This contains smut, 18+ only please***
“So, I guess I’m doing this. Look, if you’ve read my story so far, you know I’m socially awkward and (previously) sexually deprived so, if this gets weird I’m sorry, you asked for it. Uhhh here we go I guess...”
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex):
“It just depends on what kind of sex I just had. If it was slow and lazy then, I’m probably just going to lay with Y/N for a bit. I use any excuse I can to get her to play with my hair but, after sex she usually just does it on her own. Sometimes though, sex gets a little intense for me. Before Y/N, I wasn’t emotionally attached to sex but, now I am and, there are times when I need to recover afterwards, especially if things get overwhelming. Y/N knows exactly how to take care of me and, she knows the best way to bring me back from subspace. That’s why I feel comfortable enough to be submissive with her.”
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
“Uh I don’t really have a body part of mine that I like enough to mention. Y/N likes my hands, she plays with my fingers when she’s nervous or bored and, I don’t even think she knows that I notice. But, it’s really cute ha.”
“I honestly can’t choose a favorite body part of Y/N’s because that feels a little weird to do. One of my favorite things about her is how comfortable she makes me feel. She has this way of making everyone feel at ease and, it’s one of the first things I noticed about her. Anyway, I love her a lot ha. This is supposed to be a sex thing and, I’m just making it about how much I love my girlfriend. Aqua says its because I’m a Pisces but, love and sex are very much the same thing to me now so, expect a lot more mushy shit.”
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person):
“Cum? What about cum? Is this question really just about cum? Aqua, where the hell did you find this prompt? Uh ok cum…I mean I like when Y/N swallows but, I don’t expect her too. I don’t really have a thing for my cum, I could take it or leave it. I think a lot of people see cumming on someone’s face as a possessive thing and, I’m not really that kind of guy. I like Y/N’s cum on my lips though, especially if I’ve been eating her out, sometimes I wish she’d wait a little longer to kiss me just so, I could taste it longer…”
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs):
“I mean, I think love makes me a little crazy sometimes but, I don’t know if I would consider that a dirty secret. Y/N is the first person I’ve ever been in love with and, I think I get a little weird about it. For example, the other day she was cleaning her apartment and, I literally could not stop staring at her. I just wanted to watch her. Not in a creepy way, well fuck, I don’t know that sounds kind of creepy. I just find her so endearing and pretty, sometimes I wonder why she’s even with me…”
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?):
“I’ve slept with 8 people including Y/N but, besides her and Hoseok, they were hook-ups I had throughout university. I would say I’m pretty experienced with sex but, I never cared much about it until I met Y/N.”
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual):
“I like when she’s on top the best, especially when she’s choking me.”
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc):
“Like I said earlier, I feel really comfortable with Y/N. Sex is funny sometimes, it’s not always extremely passionate or movie-like. There are moments when we laugh together, especially when we’re both trying not to cum. It’s the only way to hold it sometimes ha.”
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.):
“Uh do people really want to know if I have pubes? Is that a genuine curiosity? I mean, I have a little bit. I’m not a very hairy person but, I keep it neat and everything. Side note, any person that insists on you shaving your body hair is a loser. Y/N isn’t a Barbie doll so, I don’t expect her to be clean shaven all the time, or any of the time, that’s ridiculous.”
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…):
“I’m so in love right now that it’s a little gross so, I basically melt as soon as Y/N touches me. Or as soon as she does most things…”
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon):
“I don’t really do it that often anymore. If I have any spare time, I’m usually with Y/N and, I’d much rather save anything I have for her. If we both get busy though, sometimes I will. Y/N usually helps me out either way.”
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks):
“I think my kinks have been a pretty big focus of our story so, I’m sure most of you already know ha. I think my biggest ones are biting, scratching, choking and,probably uh... love? I know love is a weird one but, I always cum really hard when Y/N tells me she loves me. What can I say? I’m a baby.”
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do):
“The bedroom. Seriously, I don’t know how people do it anywhere else. I’m not athletic enough for that. I have a soft spot for car sex but, I would still prefer it in the bedroom. Oh and, my studio. Shit. Maybe I like it there better…there’s a lot of good memories there. I can’t talk about that though, Y/N isn’t going to be home for another hour and, I don’t want to get worked up.”
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going):
“Sex is an expression of love for me so, my motivation is to show her how much I love her with my affection. That’s probably a boring answer but, it’s the truth. As far as what turns me on, I mean, it’s not anything specific. Y/N has a way of turning me on without even trying.  Her voice is really pretty so, when she’s speaking softly to me when we’re in bed together, that turns me on. She also does this thing where she slides her hands underneath my t-shirt and, uh…yeah. Holy shit ha. If her hands are on me, I’m kind of done for. I really wish she wasn’t working late tonight.”
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs):
“Threesomes, public sex and, anything gross. I like spit and cum, that’s about it as far as bodily fluids go.”
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc):
“If Y/N let me, I’d probably live between her legs. This is one thing, I’m not really shy about. I love eating pussy. I just do. I love getting head too obviously, it’s amazing. The first time Y/N ever did it for me, I almost passed out. I still don’t know how I stayed standing while she was down there, I felt like I was gonna throw up.”
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.):
“I like it all. Different moods call for different speeds. If I had a preference though, it would probably be  slower sex. The kind of sex where it feels like it lasts a long time. We had a night like that recently. I think we started kissing around midnight and, we didn’t stop until like 3am. Then, we ordered takeout. I’m the luckiest man alive ha.”
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.):
“Quickies are fine. Sex is sex. It’s all great. I prefer when we don’t feel rushed but, sometimes you just need to get off.”
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.):
“I’m down to experiment with Y/N because, I trust her. I trust that she would never push me too far or take advantage of me. “
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…):
“I last as long as I’m told to last haha. I don’t usually cum without permission. Y/N tells me beforehand whether or not I need to ask and, during those times, I don’t last very long if I’m being honest. It’s too good. I always make sure she’s taken care of though and, usually that gets me hard again anyway.”
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?):
“I know Y/N owns a vibrator but, I don’t have any toys right now. We are talking about getting a strap on but, I’m still working up to that.”
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease):
“I’m definitely not the tease in the relationship but, if I do tease,  it’s because I’m trying to get punished.”
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make):
“I’m not very loud I don’t think. According to Y/N, my breathing just gets heavier and, by the end of it, I’m usually whimpering into her neck or something, probably signing over the deed to my car or some shit. She has that effect on me. “
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice):
“One time Y/N made me cum so hard, it literally messed up my vision for a moment. Things got a little blurry and, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. It was one of the most intense feelings I’ve ever felt but, it was after she had been teasing me for a long time. It was incredible ha.”
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words):
Yoongi opted not to answer this question.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?):
“Embarrassingly high. Things change when her and I are apart because, I just miss being around her more than anything but, at some point I always end up wanting her too.”
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
“Despite most people’s assumptions, I don’t just pass out immediately after sex. Sometimes it makes me really tired, especially if she’s been playing with me but, I feel like I’m a little too needy to just fall asleep right afterwards. Sometimes, sex gives me energy too because, I feel so good when we’re done that I’m ready to be productive. That happens in the studio a lot actually, sex helps me focus so, if we do it in there, I usually feel more creative.”
If you guys want to see other characters let me know! 
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Stuck with U (Peter Hale x Reader)
[Teen Wolf-Masterlist]
Summary: The only thing the pack wanted to do was to find the hunters that kept hurting the innocent. A plan was a good start but what if they managed to kidnap you anyway? And if that was not enough...with Peter out of everyone. To say you guys despised one another would be an understatement. Still, the most important thing now was to keep a clear head & to work on a solution. Together.
Words: 3,482
Warnings: language, Peter & Reader being sarcastic assholes, age gap (Reader is of legal age), kidnapping, angst (so much angst), fluff (bc let´s be honest...Peter is a big ol´ softie)
Inspired by: “Stuck with U” by Ariana Grande & Justin Bieber 
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Mmm Hey, yeah (That's just for fun) (What?) Ah, yeah
You were in your senior year of high school & even though you loved your friends endlessly, you were eager to graduate & leave Beacon High behind you. There were just way too many bad experiences you associated with that place. But, on a lighter note, if you had not started at this high school, you would have never met the pack. At first, it scared the shit out of you. The monsters you had dreamed about as a small child were reality. They were somewhere out there, in the dark corners of the country.
Lately, you guys had a little, well actually not so little, problem with a few hunters who wanted to see your pack dead, you included. Why? You were not sure. It was not like you were a werewolf or a banshee. Just a simple teenager who got thrown into this mess. But you did not want to have it any other way. Yeah, the days as an average human surrounded by powerful supernatural beings were hard but you knew how much you were needed.
You were all located at Derek´s loft, figuring out a way to stop the hunters. Now, not all hunters were bad. Chris Argent, for example, was eager to help you guys to put the killers to a stop just as much as you did. The thing was that it always seemed they were a step ahead of you. Even some of Stiles´ plans had previously failed, much to your dismay.
“Maybe we should just go into groups of two & trick them into thinking we´re not all planning on hunting them down?” Peter sighed with a roll of his eyes.
“Sure, because that always works in the movies, right?” it was you who shot him a glance, making the rest of the pack grow quiet.
Peter & you hated each other. Ever since you guys first met. You were fed up with his constant sarcasm & how he could not see the real danger & had to make fun of everything. He immediately caught up to your negative feelings toward him, thanks to his werewolf senses. And neither of you were sure why you hated each other so much, you simply kept rolling with it. The others were at a point where they did not even pay much attention to your bickering anymore. You had better things to do for fuck´s sake.
You were not really paying attention to what the others were saying, too lost in your own thoughts. Graduation was way sooner than you anticipated & you had not really spent a lot of time studying, due to those fucking hunters. What was even worse...you had to deal with a big ass crush. It was not like you wanted to catch feelings, it just sort of...happened. With so many amazing, kind & attractive guys in your pack...you had to pick the one you “hated” most: Peter Hale. Maybe that was another reason why you always fought with him. To keep your feelings at bay. First of all, he was too old for you, clearly he would not have any interest in such a young person. Second of all, he hated you with his guts, you were sure & everyone else could feel it too. So you hid your feelings, acting as if nothing bothered you whatsoever. By the time you started focusing on the conversation the pack held, the plan was already settled. And by your surprise, Peter´s plan was about to happen. Stiles said if you were able to circle them & two of you being baits, you actually had a chance of stopping them. The pack decided to set out at night so less people would be able to see you.
~time skip~
Another one of Stiles´ plans (well, actually Peter´s plan) failed. At first, everything looked optimistic. You all got into groups of two & Scott said it was better for you to be a bait. Of course you understood why, you did not have “superpowers” like the rest but you were not that bad when it came to fighting, you had to give that to yourself.
“Okay, fine. Does that mean Stiles & I are a group?” you gave up & asked the obvious.
“Um, actually...(Y/N), I need Stiles next to me & we thought it was the best if Peter & you teamed up” Scott hesitated & scratched the back of his neck, knowing you were not okay with the pack´s decision. His words made you snap up. You could not believe what you just heard. You & Peter? It was bad enough that you guys always argued but it was even worse because you knew you could not keep focus with him next to you. Stupid crush…
“I think the fuck not.” Peter growled, throwing a disgusted look at you. Very nice of him. You would lie if you said you were not hurt by his words.
“Peter, you are the last one to decide in this group. So if we say you & (Y/N) are the baits then you don´t argue with us, understood?” this time it was Derek who tried to talk some sense into Peter. It seemed to work because after that, Peter made his way over to the couch & sat down, leaving the rest of you in the kitchen.
“Good luck with him, sweetie. If you need help, you know what to do.” Lydia winked at you, then her face showed a sympathetic look. I'm not one to stick around One strike and you're out, baby Don't care if I sound crazy But you never let me down, no, no That's why when the sun's up, I'm stayin' Still layin' in your bed, sayin'
It was dark & Peter & you were already on position. It was an abandoned alleyway and you would have lied if you claimed you were not scared. Peter seemed to sense your anxiety & tried to calm you down, at least a bit. 
“We have so many badass people on our side, they won´t let anything happen to you. Besides, you still got me.” with that, he shot you a wink to which you started blushing. Your eyes focused on the floor so Peter would  not notice you cheeks heating up. Due to your reaction, he assumed you were but he did not comment on it. He simply smiled. A smile you could not see because your own shoes seemed to peek your interest more.
“(Y/N)! Watch out!” Peter´s scream was the last thing you heard before passing out.
Here you were. Tied up in a room that seemed to have no doors. This fact alone let your anxiety rise up the moment you opened your eyes. Looking around, your eyes settled on Peter who was just a few feet away from you, still unconscious.
“Peter! Peter, wake up!” after a few more tries you heard him groaning out. His wrists were bruised, just like yours, from being tied up. If you had not known better, you would have guessed you two had been held hostage for a long time.
“You alright?” were Peter´s first words, directed at you. You were confused, since when did he care about your well-being? Nevermind, you had bigger issues at the moment.
“I´m fine, how about you?” you lied. To be completely honest, you were a wreck. Your heart was racing, your throat was dry, your wrists were bleeding so bad, they were numb.
“Cut the bullshit, (Y/N)! I´m a werewolf...not a dumbass.” he stated matter of factly. That made you tense up even more. You really were not in the mood for dealing with his hatred.
“Look, Peter, just for as long as we´re here, can we stop the arguing? It´s not helpful.” your voice sounded exhausted. At first, Peter wanted to come at you with a snarky remark but when he looked over to you, he saw nothing but fear so he decided against it.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Got all this time on my hands
Might as well cancel our plans, yeah
I could stay here for a lifetime
Neither of you said much but you both knew you had been locked up for a couple of hours by now. While you were way too tired to think of an escape plan, Peter had spent most of the time using his claws to free himself of the rope wrapped around his wrists. You had told him a while ago that his attempts were useless but he had just growled at you & kept going. Not wanting to argue any further, you let him do whatever & just stayed silent, trying to calm yourself.
Suddenly, you felt someone grabbing your hands, making you shriek. You thought it was one of the guys who had kidnapped you but were surprised when Peter crouched down in front of you.
“Shh, it´s just me, you´re alright.” his voice had a soothing tone to it, something you had not heard from him before. A look at his wrists made you wince. You were sure yours did not look any better. Peter used his claws again, this time working faster because he had two hands he could use. When you were finally freed, your arms fell to your sides, not being strong enough to take a closer look at your wrists.
“We need to bandage your wrists up, otherwise they get infected. Yours are way worse than mine.” his voice was barely above a whisper &, to your surprise, it managed to calm you down a lot better than you thought it would.
“Why?” was all you could say. His eyes searched your (E/C) ones, his face showed a pure look of confusion.
“I just told you, so they don´t get infected. Maybe you should actually listen to what I say.” Peter chuckled as he ripped two pieces off his shirt to wrap around your wrists.
“No, I mean...why are you helping me?” you kept your voice low, somehow embarrassed that you were in need of his help. Usually, you would try everything to handle such things on your own but your exhaustion made it a bit hard for you.
“Because your wrists look, sorry for my language, disgusting & we´re the only ones here right now. If we wanna get out, we need to help each other. Now, would you please shut up & let me treat your wounds?” Peter made sure that the usual bitterness of his voice was gone. He did not want you to freak out even more. If he were honest, he hated seeing you like this, completely worn out & filled with anxiety. He should not have these feelings right now. The only thing that mattered was getting out alive. Why was he thinking about his crush on you? Peter had always felt drawn to you from the moment you first met. Obviously, he was aware of the age gap & that you somehow seemed to hate him. So, to keep things even, he matched your attitude but in a more playful manner. Deep down, every time you guys argued, his crush on you got slightly bigger.
“Thank you.” you breathed out & looked at Peter as he finished bandaging you up. He sent you a small smile which you reciprocated.
“Anytime, darling.” Peter winked at you & yet again caused you to look at the floor & try to hide the blush that crept on your cheeks.
So, lock the door and throw out the key
Can't fight this no more, it's just you and me And there's nothin' I, nothin' I, I can do I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you So, go ahead and drive me insane Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change Being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you, baby
“Peter?” you asked after a while of comfortable silence. Both of you had tried everything possible to find an escape but escaping a room without any windows or doors was hard.
“Hmm?” he looked up at you to find you fiddling with your hands in your lap.
“What if we die in here? What if Scott & the rest won´t find us? What if-” but Peter cut your rambling off.
“(Y/N)...Try to breathe, okay? In...and out. In and out. There you go.” he went over to you & sat himself right beside you, his thigh next to yours, slightly touching. He waited until he spoke up again.
“Look, first of all, & I told you this earlier, Scott & the rest are freaking badass & they will do everything to find us & get us out, okay?” as you nodded he continued. “And IF it really comes to the outcome of us dying in here, & the possibility of doing so is incredibly small, then we should set some things clear, don´t you think?” he smirked at your confusion.
“What´re you saying?”
“I don´t know...Getting to know each other better, I guess. The only thing I really know about you is that you have an attitude & you seem to use sarcasm as a defense mechanism.” you playfully hit him as he said the last part. “Okay, okay. Let´s start simple then. Hmm, let me think, oh, I got one: Why do you hate me so much?” & with that question of his, you guys started talking, actually talking, not arguing, for the first time ever.
There's nowhere we need to be, no, no, no I'ma get to know you better Kinda hope we're here forever There's nobody on these streets If you told me that the world's endin' Ain't no other way that I can spend it
After what felt like hours, Peter & you found out that your hatred for one another was based off a big misunderstanding. This was just one of the many facts you learned about him. He was right, if you were about to die in this room, then at least with clearing things up. By the time, you were both too exhausted, too tired to talk any more. You did not recall how it happened but your head was laying on Peter´s chest, right above his heart, calming you down. Before you knew it, the both of you were fast asleep.
Oh, oh, oh, oh (ooh) Got all this time in my hands Might as well cancel our plans (yeah, yeah) I could stay here forever
Peter & you were shaken awake by bashing on one of the walls. Peter motioned for you to stay behind him, just in case. Yeah, you were skilled in fighting but he was still way stronger than you. Perks of being a werewolf. From behind, you could see his sharp claws, ready to attack. It almost sounded like a faint voice calling your names. Was this Scott? Maybe you were starting to hallucinate due to the lack of water, food etc. The wall came crashing down but before Peter could jump into action, you screamed “Scott?”
“Oh, thank god..” said Lydia who was right behind Scott. Stiles came rushing forward towards you, kind of ignoring Peter (they did not really get along, surprisingly).
“Are you okay?” Stiles grabbed you by your shoulders & just as you wanted to answer him, the world around you became pitch black.
So, lock the door and throw out the key Can't fight this no more, It's just you and me And there's nothin' I, nothin' I, I can do I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you So, go ahead and drive me insane Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change Being stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
You could muster some voices in the distance, they sounded far away & you wanted nothing more than to open your eyes & scream for them to get you. But your eyelids felt way too heavy, giving you a hard time to open them. Then, you felt someone taking your hand, the touch felt familiar, warm but you could not quite make out who it was.
“Come on, (Y/N). Wake up. You can´t just open up to me like that & then...disappear. What would I do without your sarcastic comments? Stiles´ comments don´t count, he´s a douchebag. What would I do without your attitude? (Y/N), what would I do without...you?” Peter whispered, not wanting anyone to hear what he just...confessed. Little did he know you actually heard every bit of his confession & you hated your body for not reacting the way you wanted. Peter did not leave your side, though, wanting to be there when you woke up.
Woah Baby, come take all my time Go on, make me lose my mind We got all that we need here tonight
“It´s been days, Peter. You heard what Melissa said. The stress, the anxiety mixed with the exhaustion you both endured, was a lot for her. It will take a while until she wakes up & even if she does...it will most likely take a while until she´s back to her old self.” Derek informed Peter once more about your current condition. He was aware of that, of course, it still did not sink in. He needed you & it took the both of you almost dying for him to realize it.
“I know...It´s just, ugh, I hate myself for not noticing sooner.” Peter sighed, sadness written all over his features.
“Noticing what exactly?” Derek furrowed his brows, waiting for Peter to continue. After that, Peter told Derek everything that had happened between the two of you from the moment on you were kidnapped. This story made Derek realize. Peter had a huge ass crush on you & still had not had the chance to tell you.
“She´ll wake up” Derek tried reasoning. He went over to Peter & gave him a pet on his shoulder.
I lock the door (lock the door) and throw out the key Can't fight this no more (can't fight this no more), it's just you and me And there's nothin' I, nothin' I'd rather do I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you So, go ahead and drive me insane Baby, run your mouth, I still wouldn't change All this lovin' you, hatin' you, wantin' you I'm stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with You, oh, oh
“Hey (Y/N), I brought you coffee, figured you would need it after waking up from such a long nap.” Peter slightly chuckled as he moved closer to the bed you were currently laying in. He placed your cup on the bedside cabinet & took a sip of the one in his hand. His free hand found its way to yours, he interwinted your hands, bringing it up to his lips to give it a small kiss.
“Didn´t know you were such a softie.” you croaked out. As soon as you chuckled you felt how dry your throat was & started coughing. Peter´s eyes widened at your words. You were awake, finally! He grabbed a class of water, helped you sit up & handed it to you. You downed it entirely, the liquid soothing your throat.
“How...How are you feeling? No lies this time!” Peter once again took your hand into his, enjoying the contact & you did not mind either.
“Not gonna lie, I´ve been better. But I´ve been worse too, sooo…I´ll live.” you made sure to send a smile towards Peter in order not to scare him. You were exhausted, yeah, but you would be okay.
“You scared me there for a bit.”
“Because I looked...how did you put it? Disgusting?” your exaggerated voice made him laugh & you joined him.
“On a more serious note...(Y/N), um, I wanted to tell you-”
“I heard you the other day. When you confessed, I heard you but I couldn´t open my damn eyes. I just couldn´t. So, to ease your mind, I was thinking the exact same thing, Peter.” you took his face into your hands & pushed him towards you, your lips colliding, moving in sync. Finally, after many doubts & many arguments, you were kissing him. The Peter Hale. And it was even better than you had ever imagined. After a while, you two pulled away.
“This doesn´t mean I´ll stop dropping my sarcastic comments, just so you know.”
“I wouldn´t want it any differently.” Peter leaned in once again for another kiss. He made sure to put every bit of emotion in it, wanting you to know how he felt for you.
“Guess that means I´m stuck with you then?”
“I guess so.”
Stuck with you, stuck with you, stuck with you
Published (06/29/2020) by Cathy
Tags: @exceptionallytiredzombie , @theloveshow , @theycallmequeenie , @letsgotothecityandfallinlove , @marvel-gives-me-feels , @blog-lady-vi , @kissingvalentino , @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen , @iclosetgeek , @captainoffantasy [love to everyone tagged <3, let me know if you want a part 2]
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Hi could I have Bones from Star Trek with the whole NSFW alphabet please? Thank you!
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A/N: Sorry I’m getting to this late.  I got distracted by work.  Fully focused now! PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT ME TO KEEP DOING STUFF LIKE THIS!
A=Aftercare (What they're like after sex)
S o f t
For all his grump Doctor McCoy is a loving man. He’ll hold you close, run his hand through your hair, massage your sore muscles and whisper little nothings in your ear until you fall asleep.
B=Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner)
For himself, McCoy is very proud of his hands. He’s got the steady hand of a surgeon and knows exactly how to use them in you.
He’s an ass man. No, I will not be taking further questions.
C=Cum (Anything to do with cum basically; I’m a disgusting person)
He strikes me as the type that doesn’t want to make a mess and rather cum inside you (in a condom of course, he’s not an idiot). But there is something about a drop leaking down from the corner of you lip that does things.
D=Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory)
He likes it when you call him “Doctor” in bed.  He’s completely ashamed of it, and wouldn’t tell you for anything.  You figured it out of course, but you decide not to tell him to spare his pride.
E=Experience (How experienced are they?)
He’s got the advantage of age on his side (and an ex-wife), but in terms of grand total partners, not that many. He’s a relationship guy and wants to know you’re going to stick around for a while before doing the dirty.
F=Favorite Position
He likes you riding him, either facing him or reverse cowgirl. It gives him a great view either way while giving you control of your own pleasure.
G =Goofy (How are they in the moment?)
He switches back and forth. There are times he’s all business wanting just to get lost in you. But there are times he can’t help but make a joke or a dry comment about his “magic fingers”. It’s one of the few times he completely relaxes.
H=Hair (Are they well groomed, do the curtains match the drapes, etc.)
He keeps everything down there properly clean and groomed while not going out of his way to sculpt.
I=Intimacy (How are they in the moment, romantic aspect)
Like I said before, he can switch back and forth between intense and just having some fun.  But, he’s always focused on you and your pleasure. He wants to make you feel good, the only thing that changes is how.
J=Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
When you’re together, he doesn’t feel the need to jack off.  You’re all that he needs and he’s not a teenager anymore.  But, if you’re away for months on an assignment he might stroke out a session if the days has been particularly frustrating with a glass of bourbon right after.
K=Kink (One or more of their kinks)
If you walk into the bedroom with a sexy pair of matching bra and panties, he just about loses it.  He’s even made sure you kept them on just so he could admire how it looks on you as he fucks you.
L=Location (Favorite places to do the do)
In his quarters or yours.  Everyone on The Enterprise is too damn nosey for him to risk it anywhere else.  Besides, he wants to be the only one to see you naked and moaning.  Call him selfish, but it’s the truth.
M=Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Call him petty, but he can’t help but get hot and bothered if you really get into Spock or Jim’s face over something.  They both need to get shot down a peg and seeing your eyes blazing gets his own fire going.  Also, really any time you bend over to pick something up.  Those Starfleet uniforms leave nothing to the imagination.
N=No (Turn offs)
Anything to humiliate or hurt you.  He can maybe tie you to the bed if you really wanted to, but that’s about as far as he’ll go.  He never really got the whole spanking thing and he’s not going to degrade you with his words.  You’re too important for that.
O=Oral (Preferences in giving or receiving, skill)
He’s more than willing to give, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like receiving just a bit more.  Like I said, something about cum on your lip really get him going.
But, in terms of his skill with his own tongue, he ain’t half bad. It’s no real loss though, he’s better with his fingers. ;)
P=Pace (Do they go hard? Do they go slow?)
It alternates, if either of you have had a rough day and just needs to fuck out your frustrations than it’s rough and fast.  Other times, he likes to take his time, rolling his hips and enjoying the moment.  He averages more toward the slow end of things, though.
Q=Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)
This is on the rare side.  Like I said, he really does not like the idea of getting caught, so popping into his office for a quick one really isn’t an option.  You guys had a close call in the lab once and that was enough to scare him off of waiting until you guys can take your time in your quarters.
R=Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s willing to try some stuff; light bondage, different positions, toys etc., but he’s not up for any of the intense stuff.  Like I said, the idea of putting you in pain, even for the sake of pleasure, doesn’t really appeal to him. And, I don’t think he’s up for much pain on his end either.
S=Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last, etc.)
He’s not as young as he once was, so he’s usually good after one round.  But, he’s going to try to make it last as long as possible, hence his more slow and steady approach on average.
T=Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them?)
He has his own fleshlight he’s kept around from his single days, but he doesn’t use it much.  He’s also not opposed to you bringing in your own toy, particularly a vibrator.  There have been a few nights he used it while fucking you that were pretty memorable.
U=Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
He’s such as asshole when he’s in a good mood.  He’ll use his fingers to keep you on the edge, all while smirking and making some awful joke about being an expert at anatomy.  He’s lucky he’s cute.
V=Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
You know he’s getting close when his grunts and groans get louder and he starts babbling.  His words are always positive; calling you beautiful, praising the feel of your pussy, how good you make him feel, etc.  It never gets much over a low conversation, but it doesn’t need to.  This words are for you only.
W=Wild Card (Random headcanon)
He always has to have his hands on you.  No matter what position you’re in, he has to be grabbing you in some capacity.  It’s the number one reason he can’t be the one tied up.
X=X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Pretty average length wise (6 in when erect), but he’s definitely a little thicker than most.  Nothing to write home about, but it doesn’t have to be.
Y=Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Like I’ve said, not as high as when he was younger.  He can control himself most of the time.  You’re more likely to initiate things than he is. 
Z=ZZZ (How quickly do they fall asleep afterwards?
Not right after.  He wants to make sure you’re comfortable and snuggled close before he allows himself to drift off to sleep.  But, once you assure him that you’re not moving anytime soon, he’s out like a light.
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Josuke - Phone Buddies
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3.
"Yare yare daze, I'll pay, don't bother."
Jotaro was in a generous mood as he decided he would pay for the meal he shared with his uncle and grandfather today. He took out his wallet and got up to pay for the order, but right as he opened it and got the cash out, a small picture fell from it.
Josuke noticed it but as he was about to call Jotaro out to tell him, he was already far gone to the cash register.
Josuke took the picture in his hands and decided it wouldn't hurt to take a sneak peek. Also, he wondered what kind of photo a man like Jotaro could have tucked so preciously in his wallet.
The picture showed two smiling girls. One little girl with her hair styled in twin buns and a cute dress with butterflies on it, and right next to her, a very pretty H/C H/L haired girl with beautiful E/C eyes that was holding the child close to her.
Josuke's eyes widened upon seeing the picture and was astonished at how pretty you were. Were you Jotaro's family?
Jotaro had never mentionned a teenage girl in his family. Josuke already knew about Jolyne and even though he had yet to see her in person, he figured she was the child in the picture.
But you? Who were you? He suddenly became so curious. Were all girls living in America this cute? He blushed at his own thoughts.
"What the hell are you drooling at?" Jotaro grumbled as he came back.
Josuke subconsciously wiped his mouth at the remark and got up, handing him back the picture.
Jotaro's expression shifted slightly and his brow furrowed as he didn't expect to have lost such an important photo.
"W-who is she?" Josuke stuttered as he pointed at the picture, now in the hands of its owner.
"That's my daughter Jolyne and my sister-in-law, Y/N."
"Y-your sister-in-law? How old is she? She's very pretty..." He mumbled the last part, quite embarrassed to ask Jotaro these intrusive questions.
Josuke rubbed the back of his head as he looked away, obviously flustered. Jotaro was quick to catch on what was going on in this hopeless romantic's mind.
"She's around your age, and yes she's single. Let's go now." The taller male huffed as he turned around to leave, Joseph already waiting outside.
Josuke gasped loudly, a deep blush adorning his face as he trotted close behind.
"Wha- I wasn't even gonna ask that!"
Ever since that day, Josuke couldn't stop thinking about Y/N, the girl never leaving his mind. He was so curious and infatuated with her, he really wanted to know more about the mysterious girl.
Even if he knew the distance separating them was a big obstacle, he couldn't help but find it even more intriguing.
Jotaro of course had quickly noticed how dreamy Josuke had become ever since he fell upon that picture and sighed at the teenager's helplessness.
"Here. Call her in the morning before 12 or at midnight if you're still awake."
Jotaro came in one day and slammed a piece of paper on the table in front of Josuke, making the boy jolt and forcing him out of his train of thoughts.
He looked at the paper and on it was a phone number, most likely yours, and Josuke's eyes widened. He jumped from his seat and called out to his comicly older nephew who was already leaving.
"Wh- Really?! Oh my god, Jotaro you're a real man!Thanks!!"
Jotaro only dipped his hat while muttering his catchphrase and just like that, he left the scene, his good deed done.
Josuke's palms were sweaty and his heart was beating fast as he dialed the number and listened to the anxiety inducing bipping sound on the phone.
Yes. Tonight, he was calling you. He would know about you and, even if he didn't expect a relationship out of this, at least he could make a friend, right?
But what was he supposed to say? Were you going to find him weird? You never heard of him after all, and he suddenly had your phone number. What if he messed up? He was fairly good at English, but what if his accent was too strong and you couldn't understand him?
He didn't have time to fret any further as you finally picked up the phone, making his heart jump.
His breath caught in his throat. Was that you? That was your voice right? This felt so unreal.
'Hello? Who is this?' You questionned and Josuke finally managed to blurt something out.
"H-hi! This is Y/N, r-right?" He stuttered uncontrollably and his hands were shaking.
'Get a grip, Josuke, that's so uncool for a guy like you!' He thought to himself. He wished Okuyasu would be there to give him a boost of confidence and some much needed bro support.
'Yes, it's me! Who's asking?'
Your voice was so sweet in his ears, he didn't expect that much honey in a single person's voice. A few words from you and he could already tell you were a kind person.
"I-I'm Josuke Higashikata! You don't know me, but I'm a relative of Jotaro." He was now calmer after introducing himself, the awkwardness fading slowly.
'Oh! Hi! It's so good to hear from Jotaro's family!' You chuckled lightly. 'How is he? Is he next to you?'
You sounded so happy to have news and his heart was restlessly hammering in his chest. But that was bad, the conversation was shifting towards Jotaro, he had to say something.
"Oh yeah, yeah he's fine, he's not here at the moment, it's pretty late in Japan..." He didn't know what to add. He was so shy, it was killing him.
'Oh I see, that's good. When you see him, tell him to give us a call, Jolyne misses him a lot!'
"Sure, I'll tell him!" He had to say something interesting, and quick, before you figured out how much of a weirdo he was. "U-um... So Y/N... You're... You're 16 right? Just like me!"
'Yes! I'm still in highschool. It's good that we're the same age Jojo. Oh- you don't mind if I call you Jojo? That's how my sister calls Jolyne.'
He blushed at the cute nickname. He wasn't very used to be called Jojo but coming from you it was almost tearing at his heartstrings.
"I-I don't mind!" He squeaked in an embarassingly high-pitched voice that he would have rathered not let you hear and you giggled.
'You sound so sweet! I wish we could talk more often, I'm sure you're a very nice guy!'
He wanted to scream at your cuteness but instead he resolved to balling his fists. Without even needing to meet you he was already falling hard in love with you. But at the same time it broke his heart that you two couldn't meet, or at least not until a very long time.
"Y-you too Y/N... You sound like my type of girl." He paused at his own words when he heard you gasp on the other end of the line.
'WHY THE HELL DID I SAY THAT WHAT THE FUCK ??!!!' He pulled at his precious hair as he cringed. Oh he messed up, just as he predicted. He goofed.
'J-jojo...! Y-you... Really? You think so...?'
You were embarrassed, but you couldn't deny that you were touched by his words, your heart racing as well as your thoughts. Nobody had ever said that to you before, and the mere thought of a boy, as far away as he was, liking you made you blush.
"I-I'm sorry! That... That was too much! Oh my god..." Josuke panicked and facepalmed, feeling so freaking dumb and not knowing how to save the situation.
'N-no it's just...' You trailed off thinking carefully of your next words. 'Maybe... I sound nice on the phone, but the reality may be disappointing, you know?'
"Huh? What do you mean?"
'I'm probably not as pretty as you imagine... Don't get your hopes up.' You laughed nervously his eyes widened at your words.
"N-no way!" He stopped himself before he could say something he would regret.
He couldn't let you know that he saw your picture. The last thing he wanted right was to seem like a major creep and that he only called you for your looks when he actually started to really like your personality.
He also sensed that you probably didn't have the best self-esteem, so disappointing you was out of the question.
"I... I truly believe you'd be nice to me if we met, regardless of what you look like. Also, if Jotaro trusts you then there's no way you can be a bad girl."
'R-really...?' Your heart skipped a million beats at his reassuring words and soft voice and you were glad he couldn't see you fidget in your seat. 'Ah, thank you Jojo, it's really sweet of you.'
He bit his lip and silenced himself from fanboying. You were just melting his heart by the second and he swore if you kept speaking with that airy voice, his brain would short-circuit.
'Actually... I think Jotaro has a picture of Jolyne with me on it, if you're ever curious of what I look like.'
"O-oh, really? I mean... Yeah, I guess I could ask him." He feigned ignorance and tried to keep his cool. "Should I send you a picture of me too?"
'You wouldn't mind? I kinda want to see what you're like, Josuke.'
"Oh, you won't be disappointed, I'm handsome as hell." He teased and you couldn't help but laugh at his boasting confidence.
'Ooh, I know I won't be, Josuke. I'll like you either way. I'm a simple girl.'
Oh no. Oh no. Your words had sent the boy reeling yet again, making his heart ache painfully in his chest and leaving him gaping in his seat like a fish out of water.
That was bad. So bad. He really didn't want to fall in love with you, but he guessed that was a huge failure on his part.
Why did you have to be so kind, so soft, and so far away? Did you feel the same way about him? Or was he the only one suffering in his bedroom right now?
Before he could add anything, he heard the phone beeping ominously, signaling his time with you was almost up. Damn, time flew way too fast.
"Y-Y/N, I'll have to hang up soon. I only bought two hours of phone time towards America."
'Ooh it has already been two hours? Aww man! It was so nice talking with you Josuke. Let's talk again like this soon, okay?'
You tried your hardest to conceal your disappointement, but at the same time you were hopeful to talk with him again in the future.
He was the only person that ever tried this hard to talk with you, and you managed to completely forget to ask him why he even called you in the first place.
You shrugged it off thinking that Jotaro must have talked about you to Josuke and tried to get him to make a foreign friend. If it was the case, you'd have to thank your brother-in-law, as you were really charmed by the young Japanese teenager and couldn't wait to learn more about him.
"Sure! Take care, Y/N..." He spoke softly to the phone, feeling all light and tingly inside.
He couldn't see it, but you were blushing at his sudden deep voice and tone.
'Goodnight, Jojo.'
He lingered a little bit, the phone still against his ear, then hung up. He sighed and held the phone close to his chest, his lips stretched in an unfaltering giddy smile.
"Oh my gooood..." He crossed his arms over his desk and buried his face in them, heavily flustered, your voice still echoing in his mind.
He took deep breaths to calm his excited heart. He couldn't even call his best friend Okuyasu and tell him what happened, it was already 2 A.M.
He knew he would regret having to wake up so early for school tomorrow, but the lack of sleep would be so worth it.
He just couldn't wait to speak to you more.
Do you guys remember when we had to buy cards with codes on it to call outside the country?
At the end of your limited time your phone would bip or tell you 'Time's up bitch, you have 5 min to say goodbye to your family'.
And it was so hard to say goodbye.
Damn, I feel old. The 90's man...
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pandas-pandemonium · 5 years
Seventeen Reacting to Someone Flirting with their S/O
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (final)
Part 2 is finally out! Hopefully I can get the last part out within the next few days. Also each members part may get a little bit shorter each time because collectively I’ve written more than 3k lol.
Kwon Soonyoung
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Soonyoung was the sort of person who wore his emotions on his sleeve, sort of. Maybe he never intends to, but it was always easy to tell when something upset the boy; especially when he goes quiet around you, someone he’s supposed to comfortable with. Thankfully, it was always easy enough to soothe his feelings and in no time, he’d be back to his jovial, bubbly self. Fortunately, his moods only came around once in a while. However, it just so happened, today was one of those ‘once-in-a-while’ moments.
You never really intended to make him jealous really, but the man in front of you just would not give up trying to get your number. After who-knows-how-long, you were close to just snapping at the flirt. It really was no use trying to be nice and polite with clueless people like him. Just as you were about to snap however, your lovely boyfriend came in and dealt a hefty right hook on the guy, leaving you stunned for a moment.
“Can you take a hint and leave my girlfriend alone?!” yelled Soonyoung, his cheeks red in anger. In any other situation, you would think he looked really cute, but you could feel the rage seething from his body.
“Honestly! You keep going on and on and on about her giving you a chance but she said that she has a boyfriend you idiot!” At this point, Soonyoung was fuming. It was the worst case scenario ever, you truly did not ever want this man’s rage directed towards you ever.
“Ho-Soonyoung-ah, leave the guy alone…I’m sure he’s learned his lesson,” you said, tugging at his yellow sweater sleeve, trying to pull the taller male away from the other guy’s body on the floor. Soonyoung wasn’t hitting him sure, but he was shouting angry insults which was drawing a crowd.
Your boyfriend turned towards you, his face still a bright red.
“You’re not defending him, are you?” he asked, mouth agape and in shock. Quickly you shook your head.
“Of course not! It’s just that your shouting is drawing a lot of attention…” you mention, gesturing to the curious crowd of people that had surrounded the three of you. Immediately, your boyfriend flushed pink again.
“A-ah. Whoops…I guess I went too far. Yeah, l-let’s go!” he said, grabbing your wrist and hurrying out of the crowd, pushing through the wall of people as he ran with you trailing behind.
Once you reached a quieter part of town, he finally let go of your hand, allowing you to speak.
“Soonyoung-ah, what was that all about? You don’t normally get this mad,” you said. The taller male sighed, looking down sheepishly.
“Honestly…I was watching from afar. I wasn’t sure if I should intervene, but that guy’s last remark really got to me you know. Something about you deserving a better man and all,” he explained. You sighed, pulling the man into your arms.
“Oh please, Hoshi. You’re the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. There’s no one better than you, okay?” you said with a small smile, in hopes of lifting up his spirits. Sure enough, it worked, and your smiling hamster of a boyfriend was back.
Jeon Wonwoo
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You had just finished work at the cat café and Wonwoo was waiting by the front to pick you up. Although you had told him many times previously that it wasn’t necessary, he continued doing it. You soon got used to it and so did your co-workers. Wonwoo waiting by the front every day at 8pm soon became a normal occurrence and it was clear to everyone, even if you didn’t mention it, that you were both dating. It just so happened today of all days however, that a rather gutsy newbie at work tried to pick you up in front of Wonwoo, completely ignorant of the fact that he was your boyfriend.
“Hey, um, [L/N]-seonbaenim* …Thanks for showing me the ropes today. I was hoping we could head back after work together?” The boy asked. He was just a little younger than you, and honestly, not a bad person from your short experience of working with him for less than six hours. Before you could get a word out though, Wonwoo had gotten off his seat and headed to the counter where you two were.
“I’m sorry, but she’s got a boyfriend,” he said, his sharp gaze targeted at the shorter male. The boy’s eyes widened and his eyes flickered between the two of you.
“O-oh?” he stuttered out. “You have a boyfriend, sunbae? Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, surprise evident in his voice. You sighed and nodded.
“Yes, I’m sorry Ryujin-ssi. But you were bound to find out sooner or later,” you explained. You could see the frustration and disappointment on the younger boy’s face, but you weren’t sure how to comfort him.
Just then, Wonwoo sighed, “It’s getting late, [Y/N].” He then directed his gaze to the rejected newbie and spoke, “Listen bud, I think it’ll do you well to be more aware of your surroundings next time, and not make moves on someone’s girl in front of her boyfriend.”
Ryujin pouted, looking away in embarrassment. You let out a sigh, moving away a stray hair out of your face before speaking.
“Sorry to let you down, Ryujin-ssi,” you said, before you gathered your belongings and awkwardly came out from behind the counter. Once the two of you were out to nudged Wonwoo gently with your elbow. “What was that? You could have been nicer to him,” you reprimanded. Wonwoo averted his gaze and huffed.
“Sorry, I was growing impatient,” he said. Rolling your eyes, you thanked him anyways. At least he got you out of an uncomfortable situation quickly. You could only hope no other new workers will make the same mistake.
*seonbae-nim: honorific for someone of a senior position/class/have done a job longer than you
Lee Jihoon 
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(A/N: This was kinda different as I was running out of situations)
Jihoon was a man of few words, and often times he expressed himself and his feelings better with his music. Although it was a little difficult at times for the two of you to talk about your feelings, you knew you could always look forward to a new composition or a paper slipped under the door with lyrics to a future song, describing his emotions and his love for you. Some may find it sappy, but you thought it was romantic. At the end of the day, you were both fine with it as long as he got his feelings through, and yours to him.
However, the past the few months had been lacking in face-to-face communication time, as he had been away on multiple overseas trips, working with celebrities to produce hit albums. It was when he managed to secure a single day that you remembered exactly why the two of you held frequent communication sessions. Your date together was going smoothly despite the occasional cat calls and men trying to make a move when you were alone. Little did you know how affected Jihoon was, seeing his girlfriend having to turn down or ignore so many scumbags who didn’t know how to read body language.
The two of you were seated in front of his TV in his apartment when he finally spoke up.
“I’m sorry.” The apology came unexpectedly, confusing you.
“Huh? What for?” You ask, turning to face him. The light haired man was looking away, a look of guilt on his face. 
“The date…I should have protected you better, but instead I always got there just when you handled everything yourself.”
Your face softened into a smile and reached over to hug your boyfriend. “What? That was it?” you asked, laughing a little. It only made the man blush a little, quietly shifting in your arms.
“Don’t laugh! I really felt upset! I mean, you’re pretty, gorgeous, sweet, everything a perfect partner could be! It was scary, I was wondering if you truly needed me…” he trailed off. Sighing, you sat up, turning your whole body towards him and taking both his hands into yours.
“Jihoon-ie, look at me. You’re VoBo, a genius producer, the sweetest boyfriend I could ever ask for. There’s nothing for you to be afraid of, okay? Also, without you, who can I use as a human pillow whenever we cuddle?” You ask, joking slightly, invoking a light chuckle from your partner. 
“Yeah, we all know you’d absolutely suffer without me around as your cuddle bud,” he replied, his gaze softening. “Thanks, I think I have a new song in my mind now. I’m gonna go to my studio first, ‘kay?” he said, quickly standing up before heading to his studio. 
A small smile crept on your lips.“Alright!” 
Xu Minghao
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Minghao always liked to think he was very trusting of his partner, having absolute faith in her that she won’t cheat or anything like that. A good healthy relationship is based on trust and faith after all. So, it was quite a shock for him, and you as well, when he found himself yelling at some guy for flirting with you. He just couldn’t describe the feeling of anger in his chest when he saw some bastard try to hit on you when you were right next to him. You’re his girlfriend! Why couldn’t he see that? Was the scumbag really that oblivious? Or was he just ignoring Minghao on purpose? Either way, the dancer could care less. The damn bastard was hitting you and making you feel immensely uncomfortable, and that was unforgivable.
He was very close to swinging at the guy when he saw him put a grimy hand on your shoulder, but somehow, you managed to stop him in time.
“M-Myungho, please don’t cause a scene,” you whispered in his ear, your hand wrapped around his arm. Minghao’s eyes softened as he let out an exasperated sigh.
“Right…it’s no use beating sense into such a dumbass anyway,” he said, just loud enough for the other man to hear him.
“Hey! What the hell did you call me you punk?” the man shouted, face flushed red with anger.
“Ahhh, it’s nothing. It’s just the truth, don’t worry. But, next time you try and make a move on my girl, I won’t hesitate to punch you in the face,” the lanky male said, a hint of mock in his voice. You sweat nervously, gosh, you really had to drag your boyfriend away from the stranger before an actual dogfight breaks out.
“Minghao~,” you dragged his name out, meeting your boyfriend’s eyes. “The movie’s gonna start soon,” you said, pouting slightly while tugging on his sleeve. Internally you hoped he got the message, and to your relief he did. The man beside you sighed, combing his fringe back with his free hand before nodding and turning away, leaving an angry and frustrated stranger fuming. While leaving the site, you didn’t notice your boyfriend glance over his back, shooting a piercing glare at the flirt.
Kim Mingyu
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Often times you would say it’s easy to tell when your boyfriend, Mingyu was jealous. He was much like an overgrown puppy to you (and many others). See, Mingyu was the sort of person who thrived on your attention and affection, and when other people took that away from him, it irked him, badly. On occasions like that, the best action to take would be to smother him in hugs and kisses afterwards to get him out of his mood. You needn’t worry about him getting violent either, as most of the time, he would make light threats but you knew he would never actually hurt anyone. Thankfully these occasions were few and far between, but they still did occur on occasion.
Today was one of those rare occasions. See, some guy had come up to the two of you while you were both on a date. At first, he seemed like someone who just need directions to a shop he was supposedly meeting a friend at, but next thing you know, he was suggesting for you to come alone with him to “show him the way”. Of course, Mingyu did not take the man’s advances lightly, hurriedly pulling you back the moment the guy tried to pull you away from your boyfriend. The situation didn’t escalate any further than a few light threats and complaints from both sides, as your boyfriend’s height did most of the scaring-off. However, you were left to deal with the aftermath.
You were both in his apartment, silently eating dinner which he had cooked since he had claimed that the guy “ruined the outdoor atmosphere” and wanted to have some alone time indoors with you instead. Seeing as his place was nearer, you both adjourned there. The food was good, but the silent sulking wasn’t.
“What’s wrong, Gyu?” you asked. Even though he had cooked, he barely touched the food.
You raised an eyebrow, “Come on, Mingyu. You know I was just trying to be a nice local. I didn’t expect him to try and drag me,” you explained. Mingyu sighed.
“That’s not it… you could have been hurt. That’s what I’m upset about,” he said. A soft smile crept on your face as you gazed at the taller male lovingly. You then got off your seat, waltzing over behind your boyfriend’s seat and enveloping his bigger form in your smaller one.
“Sorry I worried you. But see! I’m perfectly fine, thanks to you,” you said, planting a kiss on his cheek. Mingyu blushed in response.
“A-alright, I see that! Now let me eat, [Y/N],” he stammered out, quickly shoving a spoonful of rice in his mouth, causing you to chuckle.
“Okay, okay. We’ll talk more about this after we’re done with lunch.”
Later that evening, the two of you spent the rest of the day cuddling on the sofa.
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haikyupid · 4 years
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Order from Haikyuu Teens,
uhh ,, hello !! if it’s not too late , could i get a dalgona matchup latte please ? i am a infp-t & my enneagram type is 9 ! people who didn’t really know but now they do say that i always looked/seemed like the kind of person who is really cold & stuck up (only bc i look “mean”) . i’m very loyal . i’m the kind of person who’ll support & be there for my friends . i’m also caring (maybe a little too caring from what my friends tell me. but, i even know that myself) & i tend to be really selfless . once i get to know you , i’m really childish & i always try to make a dumb joke to make you laugh & ,,, i become more talkative & loud . i always catch myself rambling about random things & having too much enjoyment talking about things that i really like . mainly , only people who are close to me see how i really act & behave . i was never really an out-there kind of person ,,, i always like to keep to myself . but moving on to cons , i’m a total pushover— like— i’m not even going to lie about that fact . it sucks but , it is what it is . i overthink waay too much & it causes to make myself panic sometimes . i’m really stubborn & i also really don’t know when to shut up & i tend to be very vain . i also keep my feelings to myself because i feel like i’ll be such a burden or just ruin the mood . i’m a total lazy person & i tend to really take things to heart (which makes me want to morph myself into a person that someone wants me to be) & dear gOd ,,,, i’m so awkward (that it even makes my friends feel uneasy or awkward as well) . i really love to draw , stay up late , sing , & dance (even though i’m very terrible at both ^__^;;) . i also really enjoy being stupid on calls , sending memes , korean food , & kpop ! hmm … my dislikes ? well— i don’t like it when people are obviously being rude for no reason . i dislike very bright colors (neons) , spiders , getting dirty , the cold , & squash . let’s see … in a relationship , i like someone who will make feel safe & loved . i have very low self-esteem so i seek someone who is supporting , too . someone who is caring even if they tend to act cold or maybe stubborn . & i like someone who’s going to be there for me like i’m always going to be there for them , no matter what . i also really like a someone who is strong , cool , & protective . i do like that small things like “hey , go to sleep .. its late” & “good morning/good night” text , heh . but i things i don’t like too much in a relationship is too much pda . i’m not really a big fan of making out in the halls & stuff . but ofc i don’t mind holding hands & small kisses on the lips (i like to show all my love & affection behind closed doors) .
aCK- i hope this is okay & not too much- sorry if it is !! i hope you have a wonderful day ! :>> i really love your blog ♡♡
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Thank you so much for ordering and checking up on Kyupid's Love Shop. One Dalgona Matchup Latte coming up! Huh, I’ve been seeing lots of side effects for this one… anyways, I matcha up with ˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥
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➞ before you two were in a relationship, ryuu didn’t actually… particularly like you, he was still smitten with ms. kiyoko y’know
➞ he’s sadly one of those people who do judge the book by its cover, but only because he prefers to be surrounded by positive people, and well… you didn’t particularly radiate that kind of vibe with, uh, your face (he really do be a hypocrite though with that ‘grr grr thug’ face of his 😔✌️)
➞ ryuu found you so intimidating (and beautiful, but he was in denial back then), you once saw him do his signature ‘gangsta’ look at you; yeah… y’all definitely didn’t get along at first — but ahem, let me introduce you to another matchmaker, ennoshita!
➞ enno knows your true personality and he vibes with you so well, therefore it really confused him when you accidentally slipped in something about ryuu’s attitude towards you during one of your guys’ convos (y’all were in a group project together) and he knows the reason why ryuu tends to avoid you, so he devised a plan to get you two to know each other: have a study date!
➞ when ryuu walked into the room and saw you, mans turned into the flash and just dashed towards the exit — but enno was one step ahead, so he got nishi to lock the doors before dropping off tanaka, and his attempt to leave failed
➞ it was soooo embarrassing for the both of you when enno kept on trying to keep a conversation going between the two of you; but when he decided to leave to make hot chocolate, ryuu apologizes and voices his concerns, and you just reply with “oh… oh, yeah that kind of happens… a lot” so you try to explain your side; he was honestly heartbroken from hearing that you experience it often, so he made it his mission to make it up to you
➞ and now would you look at that! you and ryuu are suddenly a couple now— (better thank enno for that)
➞ he will apologize profusely about the way he treated you beforehand, even if you’ve already told him a millions times that it’s fine; like y’all already have kids and he’ll still be like:
“hey, honey…”
“you remember that time in high schoo—“
“omg, ryuu, not this again…”
“i just want to say that i’m so sor—“
“it’s been 19 years!”
➞ you will honestly feel like a queen, i’m being legit here; he’ll not only be your king, he’ll also be your knight in shining armour, and your butler — he’s the whole package, bby, and you’re one lucky girl to get all of that
➞ you think you’re too caring? nah, ryuu’s about to show you the life of a full time simp (skjkskss ik that being a simp is like so looked down on, but ik that every girl wants a man who’s a simp anyways)
➞ i’m kidding, he’s actually not a simp (A man who foolishly overvalues and defers to a woman, putting her on a pedestal) but more so he’s a doting boyfriend; you just know that you’re always gonna be at your best once you get into a relationship with him, so in a way, you are treated like a queen but not to the point where he worships the ground you walk on
➞ unless you tell him that you need some space, he’ll either have his arm lightly snaked around your waist or his hand resting on the small of your back; it’s his way of knowing that you’re protected and safe around him
➞ this relationship’s dynamic works extremely well since you both balance each other’s personalities in the aspects that you won’t have to worry about being a pushover around him since that’s not something that’ll occur with him; your more reserved personality compliments his outgoing one since if ever needed, you two could bring out the other side more in each other; he tends to have a more free personality (he’s still mature, but tends to enjoy life’s offerings) so whenever he feels that you’re overthinking again, he will coo and just reassure you that it’s okay to overthink sometimes, but it’s not worth having it control your entire mood and day
➞ ngl, he’s hella stubborn as well, but when it comes to you, he makes sure to understand your thinking first and then decide before he’ll let you take control — unless he thinks you’re completely wrong, then he won’t hesitate to put a foot down because he’s not going to help you turn into a spoiled brat, which is what hubby-material boyfriends do!
➞ to him though, it’s okay to be a lil’ vain, everyone wants to look to their best! but if it does however is on the verge of crossing the line of being full-on narcissistic, then he’ll confront you about it and ask you about why you’re acting the way you are, he’ll just try to put you into healthy-thinking mode back again
➞ you like memes? welp, that makes the two of you then! he definitely sends those wholesome memes, but his most favourite one to send you (especially as one those ‘good morning texts’) is:
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➞ then he follows it up with ‘good morning, babe. strong power thank you to you always 😙😙 i love you so much. see ya at school!’ (aight, sorry, i just had to)
➞ kpop dances and karaoke on. the. daily! it doesn’t matter which song he’s dancing/singing to, as long as he gets to see you smile and know that you’re happy, he’ll do it all for you; he’ll also be your hypeman, and you’ll legit feel as if you’re an actual kpop idol with all the cheering he does — we love a supportive bf in this household
➞ *cough* he’ll sing lemonade by jeremy passion to you and he sounds so fokin beautiful— *cough*
➞ during calls with him, all you can hear is very loud laughter; whoever hears it (saeko for the most part) will just unconsciously smile since your guys’ laughs are just so genuine, even if it sometimes sounds a bit like a bunch of overheated kettles, they’ll just know that you both are having such a good time together and i mean, who wouldn’t want something like that?
➞ with you, he’s the type to send a message asking if you’re awake at like 2 AM, and if you do reply then expect him to come thru your window with some food in hand because he just felt like hearing your voice and seeing you; if not, then he’ll just send some cute message like ‘sleep tight and have good dreams, baby, i’ll see you tomorrow at school’
➞ once you two started dating, ryuu just had a more realistic view of relationships and he honestly prefers it way more than the scenarios that he’s created; now he appreciates privacy when it comes to showing affection instead of full-on just laying it all out in public, it just makes it that much more special to him; holding hands and just small skin contacts is his much more preferred pda than bear-hugging you or kissing you
➞ he’s not as needy as most expected him to be, in fact he actually often just caters to your needs because to him that’s enough; so expect small gifts here and there like making you a bento box, buying you strawberry milk, key-chains and bracelets, etc.
➞ he’s just more mature when he’s in an actual relationship because he does think that that’s something special that should only be shared between the two lovers; that doesn’t mean that he won’t occasionally show you off though, so you may or may not accidentally hear him rambling to the vbc about how lucky he is to call you his
➞ he will remember and notice every little thing about you; he notices that you’re humming some new kpop song absentmindedly? he’ll ask you about it during lunch; you made a small comment about liking korean food? he’ll make some for you! and best believe it tastes amaaaaaazing
➞ with ryuu, the thought of being a burden won’t ever cross your mind because he will often remind you that you make his days so much better and thank you for it (just good shet right here)
➞ even if you feel bad for not going to gyms with him because of your tendencies of being a lil’ lazy, he won’t force you at all; he’ll either just give you a kiss on the lips and walk you home before going, or he’ll call you whilst he’s at the gym; you’ll just feel so appreciated
➞ oh, and you won’t ever have to be worried about being awkward! there’s no such thing when you’re with your boyfriend ryuu, everything just comes so natural when you’re with him, everything will just feel so right
➞ this is the relationship that everyone knows will eventually turn into marriage and building a joyous family, and everyone expects to be invited because they all wouldn’t want to miss any part of yours and ryuu’s genuine relationship that they’ve all more than likely have been a part of since the beginning; in short, everyone wants to witness your relationship’s full story till it’s very end.
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I hope you enjoyed your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s a visual of your chaotically genuine relationship with Tanaka Ryuunosuke: After seeing your true persona during the study sesh with Enno, he’s become all flustered every time he looks at you instead of looking at you with his usual ‘imma thug’ look; Your first kiss (he planned it, no kidding — literally place, time, the vibes, he just wanted it to be perfect for you); Tanaka likes to take his shirt off, so when you both cuddled for like the third time, and just blacked out from exhaustion after a heavy day of practice, he wakes up to find you cuddled up against his chest which is bare, this man screams— his thoughts were like ‘omg, did we do it? was i drunk? omg, pls forgive me, y/n 😭’… and you’re just left there like ‘bruh, dafuq?’; when he’s feeling appreciative of you or just being soft in general, he hugs you similar to the gif and kisses your temple before burying his face into your hair to whisper “i love you so much, y/n, you don’t even understand”; him holding your hand to his face and just talking to you, whether it’s about your day or his, or telling you how much he loves you, is probably something that he does all time whenever you two are alone.
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Thank you so much for ordering and being patient with Kyupid's Love Shop, I hope you’ll still order in the future! Have a very very lovely day, sweetie ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*
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an: lmao, forget about kiyoko, you his girl now. periodt.
sorry this took waaay too long, bby 😔 the spa day turned into a whole pamper-me day so i was out all day… i’m really sorry, i hope you still like your order even though it came later than promised 🥺 if there’s anything wrong (gif, colored texts not showing up) then please message me!
tanaka is waaaay too underrated, but i honestly think that he’ll literally be one the top 5 best bfs from haikyuu, like legit this man will make you feel like a damn queen (kiyoko do be lucky tho) maybe not in the beginning, but like definitely after a few weeks or so.
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NSFW Alphabet for Kabal.
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I did another for Kabal because I am such a trash filled piece of shit. I’m sorry for the people that actually follow me expecting good content. So sorry. Kabal is a pretty complex character if you think deep about it. So, I did pre and post burns for some of them. Hope it’s as requested. 
Warnings; Smut, swears, some straight up filth.  18+ under the cut.  GIF does not belong to me. 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) Even before he was burnt and even if you were casually fucking, he isn’t going to be a dick and not do any aftercare. He actually respects whoever he’s fucking. He’ll make sure their comfortable, have everything they want and that they feel safe.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Pre-Burns; He’s a cocky piece of shit, so he’d say every part of him. But if he had to pick one, he’d say his arms. He works hard for his body, years of training have also been kind to him. He loves them. Post-Burns; Hates every part of his body now. Hates looking at himself. It makes him uncomfortable. If he had to pick one, he’d have said his arms, they haven’t changed much in structure just in texture. He’s an arse guy. 110%. Even after the accident, he’s still an arse guy. Loves to grab it whilst you’re riding him. Loves pulling you onto his lap whilst holding it.  He also likes to gently grab it whilst you’re walking around.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) So, he’s big into mess. Doesn’t matter if he cums in you or on you. He’s going to enjoy it. Doesn’t have a preference at all. Wherever you’re more comfortable with. This doesn’t change after his burns, but his confidence does falter. He really doesn’t think you’ll be fine with him cumming inside you, since, well have you seen him? When you show you don’t mind, he’ll go back to his old ways. Man, just needs some TLC.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Has thought about fucking you on Kano’s desk. He’s a giant dick most of the time, it would be the perfect revenge. Just a secret that the two of you have. Gets ruined when he figures he’d probably get turned on by it. But still, it’d be an exhilarating fuck either way. He can just imagine you, bent over and white knuckling it. This fantasy doesn’t really change when he’s burned, but just replace Kano’s desk with his desk back at the office.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) Being in the Black Dragon gave him ample opportunities. He’s had his fair experience, but its not like OTT and gross sounding? He comes across as a bit sleazy but its more sexually explorative rather than sleazy. He’s got self-preservation and took precaution. So, if you were to fuck him in his pre-burn days, you’re in for a fucking ride. Like, Lock the doors and close the blinds, because you’re going for a ride. Type thing. Post-Burns; all the experience is still there but his confidence will at first, impact his performance a little. Once it starts to slowly return, he’ll be back to using all that experience. To his full advantage and much to your pleasure.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) (Pre and Post-Burn is the same) Doggy, or reverse cowgirl. He’s an arse guy, so anyway he can view your arse whilst he’s fucking you is a bonus. Loves to grab your arse whilst he’s pounding into you, it actually gets him going. After his accident, he still loves watching your arse bounce as he fucks you. But he prefers positions without eye/face contact. Its his confidence, he really doesn’t get why you’d want to look at that whilst you fuck. Once his confidence returns, he’d be down for fucking you missionary. That’s more of an intimate thing though. Reserved for moments when you both need to be worshipped and feel loved.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) He’s not overly serious at all. He will make you laugh if you’re nervous or will say something to lighten the mood. He can talk dirty but can also take the piss and be humorous. H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) Pre-Burns; He kept things trimmed and neat, but he isn’t going to go out of his way to manscape. Not happening. Post-Burns; He hasn’t much left below his neck. He’s lucky his hair actually continued to grow and wasn’t fried. But yeah, you get the picture.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) Pre-Burns; It would depend where you were in your relationship. Fuck buddies, not very intimate at all. Dating, it would be intimate but not overly romantic. Fucking is fucking for him at this point, like he loves you, but he can just spoil you and shower you with compliments to show you how much he cares. He can also do PDA as well. Post-Burns; Sex becomes more intimate after the accident. He feels he can no longer do PDA, take you on cute dates etc. Sex is a way for him to show you, he loves you through physical means. He’ll take his time and just caress you. Sex is much more passionate and more connected.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) Pre-Burns; If he can’t fuck, he’ll happily masturbate, he’s actually fine with it. If he’s away and far from you, he will tease you with it, sending you a cheeky snap or video. Just to show you how much he misses you. Post-Burns; Confidence is damaged, so at first, he feels this is the only way he’ll ever get some form of release. He has needs and he doesn’t think anyone will want him now. So, masturbating is a big part of his sexual fulfilment. Until his confidence comes back, then he’s back to his usual self.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) OH FUCK. Where does he start, he’s got a lot of kinks. A lot of kinks. He’s extremely open minded. Hair pulling, light choking, praise and some light bondage Hair pulling is his main one, it can be either his or yours. He’s totally into it. If you’re not into heavy stuff or any of the above, no biggy, he doesn’t mind exploring what works for you. All of these stay with him Post accident, he just needs that confidence boost to enact on them.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) Pre-Burn; Anywhere and everywhere. He gets off on the idea of how easy he could get caught. If his S/O is wanting to fuck, he’s down and willing to fuck. Could be in the middle of a restaurant, he would find somewhere secluded to fuck you. Would fuck you in his car. Nothing better than a late-night drive, with some late-night fucking in a secluded part of town. Post- Burn; The fun and excitement of getting caught has been replaced with shame and dread. Not on your part but on his. He’s worried about his body, he hates it and loathes it. So, fucking in the bedroom or somewhere secluded, with little to no chance of being caught and people catching him looking the way he does. His confidence is shattered. But when he’s with you he forgets most of that. You make him feel so divine and whole again.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) Pre-Burn; He’s not your sugar-daddy but he does love spoiling you. So, seeing you in the expensive lingerie he’s just bought you. You look so good in it, every curve, he’ll want to take a snap to take everywhere with him. He’ll wreck it, but it’s okay, because he can just get you more. God, he loves the teasing as well. Like you just taking his credit card and going and buying stuff, sending him the odd snap of you in it. Post-Burn; Honestly, when you caress him, hold him and just generally tell him how attractive you find him. It’s not ego-boosting anymore, he doesn’t reply with the ‘Don’t I know it?’ it’s more shock and disbelief. He loves it when you kiss his neck, rub his shoulders and tell him how attractive you still find him. How much you love him and how soft and gentle you are with him. You have to bring him back to life emotionally, before you can get to the man he used to be.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Anything that puts you in immediate danger. It’s not happening. Anything that could seriously hurt you as well. Anything you’re uncomfortable with or anything.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) His preference for Oral stays the same both pre and post-accident. He loves giving. He loves to watch you come undone with his tongue alone. Watching you writhe against him, grip the sheets, moan his name and tug his hair. God, he loves it. It’s an ego thing as well. He can make you cum like no other and he knows it. After his accident, he’s still relieved that he can get you off just the same amount. Actually, turns him on something fierce. When you give though he appreciates a lot. He’ll always reciprocate as well. But he does love it when you suck his cock whilst he’s driving. It’s the thrill and adrenaline of being caught and potentially crashing. There’s no danger since he can keep a level head and can actually still drive, even with his cock half way down your throat.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) Pre-Burn; Fast and rough, slow and sensual. He has no preference, depends on the mood and the timing. He prefers rough though and will mix it up with his pacing. Post-Burn; Slow and Sensual, sex can be slightly painful to start with. He’s got a fully body burn practically. So, he wants everything to be as soft and slow as possible. After everything isn’t like a massive sensual overload, he’ll be back to being on a bit of the rough side.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) He’s always been a fan of them. Time convenient and fits in with his schedule. Along with fitting in nicely with his kink, of not actually giving a fuck where you fuck. You want to fuck on his desk? You gotta be quick. He does prefer proper sex though, nothing better than teasing you and getting you, all worked up for him.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) He’s down to experiment, locations, positions. He’s always safe and your safety and comfort come first.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) Fast in the streets but not in the sheets. I hate myself for saying this. But like yeah, he’s got stamina for days. He won’t cum quickly at all. He doesn’t tire easily at all. If you want to spend a whole entire day in bed fucking, he is totally down for that and can match your stamina with ease.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) You want to use them, you can use them. Hell, he’ll even buy you them. Why the actual fuck not. He’s not jealous of a piece of plastic. He’s pretty sexual open and stuff like this doesn’t bother him at all.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Pre-Burn; Ultimate tease. Like he loves to see you begging and whining for him. Really gets to him. He loves to be teased and tease you in return. Sexting is 110% fine, he does it more so than you, because that confidence and ego. Post-Burn; After his confidence dip, everything is vice-versa. He still loves to be teased, but teasing you feels like he’s pushing his luck. BOOST THE EGO! Help him to return back to normal and you’ll have the Old, I’m a bit of an arsehole Kabal back.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) Not overly loud that its gross. He has a thing for moaning in your ear, knowing full well what it does to you. He’ll always smirk about it as well. Lot of moans, pretty sinful noises to be fair.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) NSFW; I had no idea where to put this, it could have come under Cum, Dirty Secrets or Kinks. But here we go. He would not be against snowballing. It’s foul I know but he’s not against it at all. SFW; Loves it when you braid his hair, help him moisturise his skin and help him take care of himself. It’s his way of feeling normal and loved. He’ll braid your hair too. He can actually braid your hair.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) On the larger side of average. 5”8/6”. Knows how to use it and can put it to good use. No complaints on either side.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) Pre-Burns; Massive sex drive. Can’t sugar coat it. He’s always down to fuck essentially. 2 am and you’re horny? Toot, toot motherfucker, he’s on his way. Will actually put that. Had a bad day and want to fuck your anger out, bitch, he’s already there waiting. Post-Burns; Confidence is once more a massive issue for him, so he tends to try and hide how it’s not changed that much. Once you convince him you still find him attractive, he’ll be more down to fuck. It’ll never return to normal sadly, but that’s fine, he’s fine with sex being more intimate rather than just, well, fucking.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) He always falls asleep quickly. He’s sorry, he doesn’t mean to but yeah. Man likes to sleep and falls asleep easily. He’ll make sure you’re fine, everything’s okay, comfort you and all that. But then it’s nighty, night. Because he is fucking sleep deprived. He’s not but he loves his beauty sleep. Jokes about not needing it before being burnt, will, occasionally joke about how he should have got it in abundance back when he could. Only when his confidence has returned though.
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lilfellasblog · 5 years
‘Cause If We’re Talking Bodies (You’ve Got a Perfect One) P.1 - Patton’s 2019 Birthday Fic!
Summary: Patton loves his boyfriends so much!! He just wish he had more to offer.
OML I accidentally missed Patton’s Name Reveal Day by two months!!! Patton, I’m so sorry, I love you and you deserve better! Here’s a little fic for you!! This first chapter turned into plot by accident, and the second half is just smut. Slightly kinky, sweet smut. That’s it. Enjoy the plot while it lasts! :3
A/N: If you liked this, please reblog. It is the only way to help this fic reach a wider audience. Tumblr ate most of my fics that I know I posted here, which makes me very sad for a lot of reasons, one of the biggest being that the love and comments and tags that folks showed this fic is gone into the ether.
TW: Body insecurity, kissing, mentions of sex, negative self-talk, crying, and LAMP sex almost happens in this chapter. Let me know if I missed any!
Word Count: 2424
Part 2 here!
AO3 here!
Fic Masterlist here!
Patton stared at his reflection in the mirror. He was the Side that encompasses Thomas’ eating habits, and they could honestly use some work. Last night, he’d devoured half a pizza and several Krispy Kreme donuts for dinner, and looked at the raw cookie dough in the fridge as a late-night snack.
It’s all your fault he feels bad about his eating and his body. Just look at you!
Patton’s eyes burned as he took in his appearance. Stretch marks decorated the sides of his stomach and thighs, and his stomach was definitely rounded. His arms were chubby, and his thighs chafed if he didn’t make sure his pants were securely belted up. He’d even slept wrong, and now his shoulder hurts!
He’d had to comfort Thomas while editing the latest Awkward Adventures video about going into a sensory deprivation tank. When the time came to edit Thomas’ reaction to the experience, they’d both broken down into tears. Patton stuffed his feelings down quickly so he could rise up and comfort Thomas. Thomas ended up deciding to not show his body at all.
Patton hugged his middle as he allowed himself his pre-breakfast cry. Soon, too soon, his alarm went off. Time to get breakfast ready!
Patton cleaned up his face in his bathroom and threw on his day clothes. They were so tight, he hated how tight they were, they left red marks on his body where the hems and elastic dug in. He used to wear his clothes looser, but then he’d gotten into a relationship with the other three core Sides over a year ago. They deserved someone with a better body. Despite his lingering sadness, he smiled at the memory. It had been Logan to confess one morning that he was in love with them and that repressing those feelings was causing him significant enough distress to impair his functioning. Patton and Roman had quickly confessed after that, followed by a soft, shy admission from Virgil.
His phone brought him back out of his thoughts. Oh rats, I’m late!! Stupid, airhead Patton! Can’t do anything right!! Patton sniffled back tears as he bolted from his room and downstairs. Thankfully, no one was up yet. He quickly started a pot of coffee and grabbed pancake mix.
Blueberries or chocolate chip? Blueberries or chocolate chip? Come ON Patton, make up your mind!
Patton grabbed the chocolate chips and folded them in with the pancake batter. He quickly grabbed some breakfast sausages and eggs, started heating up the breakfast sausages, and started scrambling the eggs. Once he had the eggs going at a low enough temperature with butter and milk, he started scooping pancakes onto a flat griddle. Careful to watch the pancakes, he whipped the eggs so they were aerated and fluffy, then just as they were almost done, he seasoned them with paprika, a pinch of salt, some pepper, and a bit of garlic. He switched between the eggs and pancakes, and soon he had a large pile of both ready.
Patton quickly set the table as he heard the other three Sides come down the stairs. Come on, this is the LEAST you can do for forcing them to be in a relationship with you, you disgusting-
“Hey Pat, smells great,” Virgil mumbled as he walked in.
“Well thanks kiddo! I do my best!” Patton chirped. Virgil grunted in acknowledgment and sleepily filled his mug with coffee. Patton tried to not let his heart break. He’s just tired, I know Virgil loves my cooking!
Maybe he would if you weren’t trying to get him as fat as you.
I”m not!
Oh? Is that why you put butter in the eggs? And chocolate chips in the pancakes? This entire meal is unhealthy, and you couldn’t even manage to swap out candy for fruit? No wonder they barely tolerate you.
Patton bit the inside of his cheek so he wouldn’t show any negative emotion. Logan and Roman entered the kitchen moments later.
“-tations,” Logan finished dryly.
Patton forced a giggle. “Greetings and salutations to you too!”
Logan sent him a rare smile, one that made Patton question all over again why they were with him. Logan was the embodiment of the sexy professor and had a firm runner’s body, Virgil was edgy with an undercurrent of sweet that made his lithe body move in the filthiest of ways, and Roman… dear god, Roman was built like a hero prince. A single glance from any of them could make him swoon, and what did Patton have to offer? And unattractive, misshapen, chubby body. The least he could do was cook for them, and don’t get him wrong, he loved cooking! But he could never seem to do it right. It was never healthy enough, elegant enough, complex enough. Patton spent hours every day crying, trying to brace himself as best he could for the inevitable break up, where he’d be the singleton and the other three would finally be in a happy relationship. He didn’t want his heartbreak to affect Thomas too much.
“Ah, pancakes! In a chocolate chip mood, my perfect Patton?”
The unexpected comment caused Patton to burst into tears. He sees what you’re doing, he sees how gross you are, how you’re-
A hand started gently rubbing his back. “Shhhhh, Patton dear, tell us what’s wrong,” Logan soothed.
Patton sniffled in a weak attempt to stop his crying. I can’t tell them! “I j-just love you all s-so m-m-much a-and I have a l-lot of f-f-feelings!”
There! I didn’t lie!
Lie of omission.
Patton cried harder at failing his job as Morality. Some Side you are. Thomas would be better off without you. They’d all be better off without you. Roman came over and threaded his fingers into Patton’s hair, scratching at his scalp.
“Oh darling, goodness gracious,” Logan chuckled, “I love you too.”
Sounds of agreement came from around the kitchen, but the lies only made Patton more upset. Look at how much they have to lie just to not set you off!
“I-I’m sorry guys,” Patton whimpered, “I’ll be fine, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m sorry I get so,” Patton’s bottom lip quivered as he sniffled, “emotional,” he finished in a broken voice.
“My sweet angel, that is one of the reasons we love you!” Roman declared.
Patton looked up in disbelief. “R-really?”
“Yeah, of course,” Virgil said as he came over and put a hand on Patton’s shoulder. Patton winced at Virgil having to feel his fat.
The hand on his back stopped moving. “Sweetheart, do you think we dislike your displays of emotions?”
“Y-yes? I know they can be a lot…” And I don’t even have a good body to offer you.
To his surprise, Virgil dove in and practically tackle-hugged Patton. Patton flinched when he felt Virgil’s arms go around his belly.
“Patton, we love you. Goddammit, I fucking hate myself,” Virgil shook his head, “Sorry. I just, what did I do to make you think that?”
Patton awkwardly draped an arm over Virgil’s back. “Nothing! You didn’t do anything kiddo!”
“Was it Logan or I?” Roman asked as he moved his hand from Patton’s hair to underneath his chin.
“No! You guys are fine, you didn’t do anything wrong!”
Logan kissed the top of Patton’s head. “Know that we love you, including your emotions. Let us eat. Food can help improve mood, particularly after a full night’s sleep.”
“You’re so smart Lo!”
“Thank you.”
Roman and Logan returned to their seats while Virgil pulled up and gave Patton a kiss. “I love you too Pat.”
“Love ya kiddo,” Patton said quietly as he stared into Virgil’s eyes. Virgil smiled, gave Patton one last kiss, and sat back down. Breakfast passed normally, the Sides chatting about Thomas’ upcoming week, and Patton trying to control his thoughts enough so he could pay attention. Once breakfast wrapped up, everybody helped clean and put dishes away.
Patton expected everyone to go back to their rooms after that, but Roman came up next to Patton, put his hand on Patton’s lower back, and kissed the top of his head. He started moving his hand in little up and down motions, so his pinky finger was just above Patton’s belt.
“I would like to show you how much I love you. Would you be amenable to that sunshine?” Roman rumbled.
Patton shivered at Roman’s tone and the idea of having to be naked around him. They’d had sex plenty of times, but only when Patton had a better self-image day. Come on Patton, you stressed them all out right at the beginning of the day! Get them in a better mood!
“That sounds great!” Patton lied.
Roman chuckled darkly. “Wonderful. From Logan and Virgil’s faces, it would seem they would like to join us. Is that something you’d like as well?“
Oh jeepers, they’re all going to see me! “It’ll be a party!”
Roman chuckled again and pulled Patton against him, kissing him deeply. “Shall we go to my room? I believe my bed is the only one large enough to accommodate all of us.”
Roman kissed Patton again. Patton reciprocated as best he could, and then he was being gently led up the stairs.
I can do this, I can do this, I can do this…
The door opened to Roman’s room, and Logan dragged him in, meeting him in a filthy kiss.
I can’t do this.
Patton whimpered and pulled back, hiding his face in Logan’s chest. Logan froze, then wrapped his arms gently around Patton’s back.
“Dearest? What’s wrong?”
Patton opened his mouth to speak, but no words came to him. He just pressed into Logan’s chest further.
“Do you want to stop?”
Patton hated himself for it, but he nodded his head with another whimper. He started sniffling and his breath began to hitch. Logan pressed a chaste kiss to the top of Patton’s head and rubbed the back of Patton’s neck.
“Shhhhh, it’s okay darling.”
Roman came over to put a hand on his back. Patton smelled cinnamon and roses. “It’s alright love. It’s okay, I promise.”
He sensed Virgil approach but stop, unsure. Patton took a deep, shaky breath. “I want to, I do, I love you guys, and god you’re all so attractive, it’s just…”
Roman shifted next to him. “My sweet, you don’t have to say yes just because I asked. Have you…” he trailed off.
Patton couldn’t let his prince think that! “No! I promise, I’m sorry. You’re all so hot, and I’m…” Patton’s voice broke. “Not.”
Virgil spoke up from behind him. “If you talk bad about yourself I’m going to physically fight you!”
Patton giggled through his tears.
“Darling, I can assure you we find you quite attractive,” Logan purred.
Patton looked up at Logan. “Really? You do?”
Logan’s eyes darkened as his gaze bored into Patton’s eyes. “Very much so,” he nearly growled.
Patton blushed hotly at the tone while Roman chuckled and leaned over to whisper in Patton’s ear. “I can assure you, I share the same sentiments as Logan.”
“Holy shit Pat, me too. You really don’t know you’re hot as fuck?”
Patton turned around to level a disapproving stare at Virgil, who just smirked that damnable smirk of his. Patton was worried his glasses were about to melt off his face from the heat.
“Let’s go downstairs. I believe a conversation may be long overdue.”
Patton bit the inside of his cheek again, terrified as to what Logan was talking about. He followed them downstairs and couldn’t stop himself from leaning against Logan on the couch. Logan wrapped an arm around Patton and kissed his temple. Patton giggled lightly. It was the small gestures Logan did that reminded Patton what a big softie he really was.
Once everyone was settled, Logan began speaking. “Patton, love, are you insecure about your body?”
Patton tensed and looked down. “Maybe a little…”
He heard Roman about to jump into a dramatic monologue, but Logan gently raised his hand to stop him. Roman settled back with a small huff.
“How long have you been feeling this way love?”
Patton pressed into Logan’s side. “Well, I guess I’ve always known I wasn’t as… attractive as you guys, but I started feeling bad about it when we started dating. I’ve got the worst body out of all of you, and now you have to be with me when you all are so dreamy? It’s not fair to you guys!”
Noises of protest came from the other side of the couch before Logan raised his hand again. “My dear, do you think we’d sleep with you if we didn’t want to?”
Patton brought his legs up. “I don’t know… you could always pretend…”
“I find your body very appealing.”
“As do I.”
“Pat, you’re fucking hot.”
“Virgil. Language.”
“Still English.”
Patton decided to let it slide at the amused puff of air he felt from Logan.
“Darling, I know that our reassurances are hardly enough to change your mind, but I they give you some peace. I believe that Roman can conjure Dr. Picani in the Imagination. Would you like to go see him to talk further about your body image? You do not have to if it would make you uncomfortable.”
Patton sighed. “That might not be a terrible idea. I’m sorry for bringing you guys down.”
Virgil interjected. “Pat. I Will. Physically fight you.”
Patton giggled at the running joke.
“Why don’t we have Thomas watch some Parks and Rec? I think a mental health break may be in order.”
Patton smiled up at Logan. “That sounds like fun!”
Logan smiled back down. “Wonderful. I’ll go grab some snacks. Roman, if you would?”
Patton was confused until Roman pulled Patton into his lap. They both laughed as they fell slightly to the side.
“I love you, my sweet angel.”
Patton felt something in his chest unclench and thaw. “I love you to.” He bit his lip and looked down. “You really find me attractive? You’re so…”
Roman smirked. “Dashing? Noble? Handsome? Breath-taking?”
Virgil grinned. “Pretentious?”
Roman let out a series of high-pitched scoffs as Patton giggled. I gotta admit, being held by a dashing prince is pretty nice!
Logan came back with the snacks. Virgil scooted over and put Patton’s legs over his own. Logan sat on the other side of Roman and pressed against Patton’s back.
Later, they’d show Patton just how much they appreciated his body.
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Moronic Jealousy
(M’Baku x Reader)
Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings:  Fluff and Smut, 
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I fully intended on posting this on the actual day, had the plot and everything but this week was, whew chile!  So after some selfcare, I finally got a story for you @muse-of-mbaku!  Happy Birthday and I hope New Orleans treats you well.  Continue to be great, break necks, and make moves!  This is inspired by a part of A Different World episode between Jaleesa and Walter.  Soon as I saw it on Prime Video, I been wanting to use it as fanfic fodder. It’s silly, so I hope you like it!
“So then I was like ‘Put the pussy on the chainwax!’”  Michelle cackles out loud as you and Adriene look at each other, telepathically wondering if your friend has gone insane.
“Honey, why would you say that in traffic court?  I enjoy the enthusiasm, but it’s misguided.”  Adriene states, leaning into her glass of moscato.
“You just don’t get it.  (Y/N), you get what I was trying to say, right?”  Michelle looks to you.
After several seconds of gulping air to find the words you respond.  “To me you just added a charge of animal cruelty on top of not having a working headlight, so I’d put you up for 3 years if it was my word, but Adriene is the jury here.”
Girls night is your favorite night of the week.  It’s a tradition that has been hard to keep up with given the busy weekdays you all shared, but in a way that made the final connect all the more sweeter.  And what comes with that is your favorite pastime: Drunk Courtroom.
“Man, you ALWAYS take Adri’s side in this.”  Michelle pouts, blowing a 3B curl out of her face.
“That’s what the judge does!  My jury tells me what to do- I think I need to cut you off of the Barefoot, cuz…”  You slide the bottle closer to you on the coffee table.
“No, that ain’t my problem!  You really bossy since your engagement to Timbuktu.”  Michelle cheeses into her glass.
Your jaw drops, scoffing.  “Oh my God, how many times I gotta tell you to stop calling him that!  Especially now that he is my future husband, chill with alldat.”
Michelle giggles, pushing you a little.  “Can I play a little??  You landed a gold mine, or should I say vibranium mine with him as your catch.  See what happens when you put the pussy on the chainwax?”
“Once again.  I. Don’t. Understand. That. Phrase.”  You clap between each word in frustration.  “Besides. He doesn’t work with the vibranium, he handles Jabari wood, which is just as sacred and important.”
“It sure the hell is.”  Adriene says out the side of her mouth.  “I bet his wood is handled very properly, hence the ring….”
Michelle chimes in with a seductive tone.  “Does he wax his own wood, or do you do it for him?”
“Is that what he names it?  Jabari?  ‘Jabari needs some attention…’ or whatever?”  Adriene inquires with an M’Baku impression that sounded more like Vincent Price.
“Fuck off y’all, damn!”  You get up in embarrassment to get some ice cream from the fridge as Adriene and Michelle balk in laughter.  Don’t nobody know how to cut you down from your high horse like your friends.
“Ok, ok.  My bad, we just playing with you!”  Michelle calls out.
Adriene cosigns.  “Can you blame us?  Mr. Perfect out here wining and dining you, leading a whole damn tribe and slaps a rock like that on your finger?  Don’t pay attention to us.”
Sitting back on the couch you lick your spoon instead of your wounds; the vanilla, brownie, caramel combo soothing you as you hold out your left hand.  
Two weeks ago, M’Baku took you on a gondola ride that set the mood for romance just right.  You weren’t expecting anything to come from it but some snuggles with your love but when the boat looped back to dock, rose petals covered the path a nearby fountain, fanciful luminarias shaped in a heart on the ground marked the spot where he led you.  One of his cousins was there to shoot the moment as M’Baku got down on one knee and spoke his sweet words to you.  You couldn’t pay attention to their context because you were sobbing so much but knowing him they were profound and loving.  When you said yes he couldn’t stop hooting in the dead of night, hugging you tightly, kisses unabating.  He hasn’t stopped holding your hand since because ‘the ring is so heavy.’  
“Yeah, well I still can’t stand y’all heffas.”  You grumble, rocking into them side to side.
“I wanna play a new game.  Adri, pick something, child.”  Michelle directs, pouring her glass to the brim again.
“I’m three years older than you, but go off I guess.”  Adriene mutters under her breath, pulling her braids back in thought.  “How about...Telephone!”
You scoff at her suggestion.  “You need at least 10 people for that game to be effective.  Pick something else.”
“What’re you talking about?  All you need is some phone numbers and gumption to cold call people.”  Adriene says with lip smack, pulling out her phone.
Michelle groans.  “Girl, you talkin bout crank calling people, not telephone.  Telephone is the whisper challenge for people with a lot of friends basically.”  
“Ohhh, you right!  Ok, so crank calls.  Let’s make em!”  Adriene picks up a handful of hot cheetos, munching excitedly.  “And Michelle should go first since she so smart or whatever!”
Michelle screws her face up.  “No!  If I apparently lost Courtroom, I’m sitting out first round.  (Y/N), start things off.”
“I don’t feel like it.”  You whine, not entirely joking.  The moscato and late hour of the night made for a deadly combo.
“Pleeeease.  One round!  Ooh, to make it interesting, how about calling Tim?”  Michelle asks sneakily.
“His name is M’Baku!”  You exclaim.
“That’s neither here nor there.  I wanna see this!  Wake his ass up!”  Adriene says, bouncing in her seat.
You lay the ice cream down, picking up your phone regretfully.  “What do I even say?”
That’s all Michelle had to here.  “Ok, so check it.  You call him and change your voice a little to make it seem like you’re someone else and just catch his reaction.”
“Pretend he got child support payments due!”  Adriene offers.
“You always gotta be extra, Adriene!  But he’ll know it’s me.  This ain’t the 90s no more and he has my number after all.”  
Michelle brushes your doubt away.  “Just *67 him!  It still works today, trust me…”  her voice trails off as she sips from her glass shaking her head in an apparent flashback.
“O....k.  I’ll try it, but soon as he knows its me, I’m cutting it.  I don’t wanna stress my baby.”  You say, lowkey getting excited by the approaching tease.  Adriene cuts the music they were playing as you dial in silence.  
The phone rings on speaker phones ominously as you wait for M’Baku to pick up, fully expecting him to say your name and catching you instantly.
“Hello?”  He says sleepily.
You pause, words leaving your brain as Adriene and Michelle mime things to say.
“Uh, bueno, I’m so sorry for the late call.”  You say, lowkey butchering a Spanish accent as you hang your head in shame, certain you are caught already.
You hear rustling on M’Baku’s end as he moves.  “Well, may I ask who is this?”
You hated this already but push your way through the conversation.  “This is...Daniella?  Um, lo siento.  Pero, a friend of mine gave me your number to call so I could introduce myself.”
“What friend?”   He asks curtly.
You look to your girls for help on this one as they mouth names.
“Uhhh, Terrance?  Michelle’s brother.”  You say hesitantly.  They had only met a couple times at group events, so they were hardly friends but it is the best you have to make a connection.
“Ohhh, Terrance, yes, we are wonderful friends.  Known him for years.”  M’Baku says perking up.  You make a face at the phone as he lies so effortlessly.  “So can I help you with something, Ms.  Daniella?”
“Well, you may not know me but I have seen you at the gym a few times,  y I was muy impressed by su cuerpo y musculos….sorry!  I meant your body and muscles, I’m always slipping that way.”  You say playfully to keep up your Spanish identity.
“No, it is alright.  I speak Spanish fluently so si quieres, podemos hacerlo-”
“No!  No, but thank you!”  You clutch your chest as your heart pounds nervously.  No way in hell your high school Spanish could keep up with his.  “But, maybe we could meet in person and study our native tongues together.”  You throw that in for good measure.  Michelle almost howls out at your brazenness.  
M’Baku chortles out loud, and you know you are caught.  Shaking your head as he laughs at you, you almost start to reveal the prank and ask him to knock it off.
“I have never been so enchanted by a woman I have yet to meet.  You have piqued my interest, Daniella, I cannot lie.”
“Really?  Oh, you are making me nervous now.  I thought for sure you would have someone already keeping your attention.  You are just so handsome.”  You waited on edge for his response.  This is when you will surprise him that the woman he is about to talk about in his life is the one pranking him.
“Nooo, I try to keep my personal life as stress free as possible.  And I am very relaxed right now, so I would love to meet you sometime.”  
You can hear the smile in his voice as his baritone shines through, and you are disgusted.  That voice that made you quiver is intentionally being used for another woman, imaginary or not.  You couldn’t look at your friends for fear of breaking down.
“Wonderful!  How about tomorrow night, 8pm?  Since you are free…”  You try your best to keep up the art of seduction but it is waning fast.
“Perfect.  We can meet at this nice restaurant by the Lake Kenoba.  It’s beautiful at that time of evening.”
“Perfect!  See you then.”  
Hanging up the phone, you look to Michelle and Adriene who are staring back at you, mouths agape.  
“That didn’t go as planned.”  You say, tossing your phone aside on the couch cushions.  
“Why the hell did you pretend to be a date for him?  I can’t believe he’s playing us...I mean you!!” Adriene exclaims.
Michelle pats your back.  “Now now, don’t get so up in arms.  I bet you five he is pranking you back.  No way in hell he actually fell for that.  Your Russian accent was so far left field, I couldn’t-”
“It was Spanish!”  You say defensively.  Michelle just makes a face, looking to Adriene for help.
“Ok, well, honestly I agree with Michelle on this.  He is a smart man, and loves you to death up until now.  No way this is a sign of anything else.  Right?”
You sit back on the couch looking to the ceiling to search your thoughts for anything that may have lead to a sign of this coming.  “Guys, I don’t meant to kick y’all out but I need to be alone.”
They both try to convince you to not think too much into the whole conversation, but that was impossible.  Soon as they left, you were pacing the floor, channeling Angela Bassett circa Waiting to Exhale.  If the band on your ring wasn’t vibranium, you would burn it with his clothes.  Instead, you come to a moment of clarity.  Maybe they are right and he isn’t a low down, dirty dick ass cheater.  Maybe.
You pick your phone up and text him a ‘Hey babe!’ with a kissy face.  His response is quick, giving you an equally affectionate hello text.  
You text him asking for some time to see him tomorrow night at 8pm.  Same time as Maria, or Lisbeth, or whatever name you gave yourself.  You see the bubbles pop up and disappear several times on screen, driving you insane.  Now he takes his time to reply?!
He says he cannot make it, meeting with family that day.  You offer to come with, but he says it is private.  Too private for your future WIFE to be apart of??
You end the conversation, not bothering to respond.  Your phone dings again but you don’t bother checking it out.  As you make your way to bed, you look up on Amazon for gasoline cans and bleach with one day shipping guarantees.
The next day, you are in a hazy cloud of dread.  Your concentration at work is gone, you barely could eat lunch, and Michelle and Adriene keep blowing up your phone asking for updates, which there were none.  Your fears had already been confirmed so what more was there to talk about?  
That’s when your brain hatches up a plan.  You were gonna catch him in the act, no doubt about it.  When you got off work, you went to your place to gather an overnight bag and head over to his.  He won’t even feel like going out when you were through ‘being his peace’.
Pulling up, you knock on his door at 6:30pm.  M’Baku opens the door, shirtless in his joggers.  
“(Y/N), what are you-”
“I figured after you are through with your family, we could hang out!”  You say hurriedly, walking briskly past him as he stares at you in confusion while you toss your bag aside.
M’Baku walks over to you, arms crossed.  His pics substantiated by his stance and bold tattoos across them.  “Did you text me before getting here?”
You swiftly turn to him, taking off your jacket and shoes.  “No, not at all.  Should I have?  Am I interrupting something?”
M’Baku furrows his brow looking from your bag to you.  “Like I said, I made plans with family at 8, so I am in the process of getting ready.”
You blink a couple times, holding your chest.  “Oh, oh!  Don’t let me stop you, Timbuktu!  You do all you need and keep it moving, I’ll be upstairs chilling.”  You pick up your bag and head up.
“Tim- Have you seen Michelle today?  Why are you calling me that?  And what is in the bag love?”  M’Baku calls after you.
You don’t answer as you head to his bedroom and get undressed, grabbing a shirt of his out of the dresser to put on as a night gown.
“You got a lotta questions for me, but I ain’t asked you a damn thing.  SO don’t worry about me, just go on your little date...with your family.  I’ll do your laundry while you’re gone, how’s that?”  You give him a tight smile as you crawl up in bed, turning on the TV on almost full blast.  
M’Baku’s belly jiggles as he chuckles to himself with his hands on his hips before going to check your bag.
“Get outta my stuff!”  You exclaim, getting up to pull his hand away from inside.  
This is an obvious trap as M’Baku swiftly wraps you up in his arms, staring you down with a cold, calculative expression.  “Where’s the gas can you ordered?  Bleach?”
You shrank in his grasp as you wiggled to make him put you down.  Damn that shared Amazon account.
You stand up to him defiantly.  “Where’s Daniella, hm?  She meeting you at that restaurant, right?”  
M’Baku’s expressions cracked into a smirk.  You wanted to rip those full lips off of his face.  “It’s about time you brought it up.”
You exhale sharply.  “Why?  Because I should’ve always known?  I should’ve suspected it a long time ago that you been two timing me?”  You are shrill as you crawl into his bed in the fetal position.  
M’Baku groans as he sit on the edge of the bed in front of you.  “Come on, my adored one.  Is that what you think of me?”
You shake your head, long faced.  “Of course not, until she called you.”
“But it was you!  You called me!”
“You didn’t know that!”
M’Baku laughs out loud, slapping his knee.  You push on his broad back with your feet to try and get him off the bed to no avail.  “Aye, you think I believed that wasn’t you but a random woman who attends my gym, that I haven’t even noticed has any female participants at the early hour I go.  And is also friends with a sibling of your friend who I have only seen less than a handful of times?”
“Then why did you lie and say you knew him for years?”
“I was trying to break you out of character!   But you fell into it, so I kept going along to pull the wool over your eyes instead.  Plus, your Japanese accent was borderline offensive.”  M’Baku says softly, bringing his hand to your cheek, brushing it with his thumb.
“IT WAS SPANISH!  Why would I SPEAK Spanish while sounding Japanese.”
M’Baku’s body shakes a little as his face strains to hold back his childish laughter.
“You are diabolical.”  You mutter, attempting to nip at his fingertips.
M’Baku gave you a gap toothed smile big enough to make the earth quake.  “Don’t blame me, your friends have gotten you into trouble with me plenty of times before but we make up, always.”
You huff as you turn to the TV to remain bothered.  “I’m not ready to make up.”
M’Baku lays his head back on your belly, talking to the ceiling.  “What if I told you I made reservations at the aforementioned restaurant and I had planned to  come by and pick you up to expose your plan. Hm?”
Your heart falls at this revelation.  You would’ve loved to have seen that happen, and that restaurant had bread and butter you would kill to consume right now, and pack extras in your purse.  But jumping to conclusions ruined that as it is your Olympic sport, gold medal winner.  
“M’Baku, I’ll give it to you that I shouldn’t have thought that you would two time me, especially without talking to you first.  But I still don’t like that you tricked me.  You drug it out on me too long.”
M’Baku rolls over, his head traveling up your arm to your neck, kissing behind your ear and humming.  The vibrations of his voice tickled you along with his breath but you ignore the dopamine flowing through you, lying perfectly still and unphased.
M’Baku picks his head up, tutting at you as he gets off the bed to head for the restroom.  Next sound you hear is the shower coming on.   You hope he doesn’t think you’re joking about not wanting to go out now because you were firmly in that frame of mind.
His 1000 count sheets caressed your skin nicely as you snuggled under his down comforter.  That coupled with the pitter patter of the shower left you fighting your eyelids to watch the TV screen and losing.
You were awakened by the shift of weight on the bed, M’Baku wrapping his arm around your midsection to pull up behind you, breathing in the coconut and shea scent of your hair before resting his hand fully encompassing one of your breasts.
Instinctively, you hold his arm tightly.  “I’m still mad at you.”
“Eh, I know.”  His lips graze your ear lobe, making you flinch.
“And I don’t wanna go to dinner with you.”
“The reservation time passed.  You slept through it.”  
“Did you go eat without me?”  You ask.
M’Baku’s hand moves to travel up your thigh.  “I’m not going anywhere when you’re laying in my bed.”
You start to feel warm all over, a familiar sensation begs you to give in.  “Whatever man.”
M’Baku’s groan rumbles through his body as he reaches under your nightgown/his shirt, grazing your fupa, playing in your tuft of hair between your legs.  “I don’t want to bed you while you’re angry…”
Your hand clutches his forearm desperately as your legs part slightly involuntarily.  “You think I’m that easy?”
M’Baku’s plush lips falls on your neck softly.  “No.  That’s why you are perfect for me.  I never worked so hard in my life to get what I want.”
His wide hand pushes your legs apart farther as they plunge between your thighs, palming your pussy.  His fingers finding your wetness with ease.
You gasp, hips bucking for friction against his hand.  “I think I need  a little more convincing…”
“At your service.”  M’Baku crawls under the covers.  You giggle as you lie on your back watching his frame under the blanket make mountains to get to your lower portion.  Feeling yourself spread underneath the covers without him in sight is exhilarating for you.  You feel his breath on you as he exhales with built up lust.  When his tongue spreads across your lips your back concaves in aching relief.  M’Baku’s tongue goes into a rhythm between your inner labia, flicking your clit every so often.  The pulsations of his pace threaten your sanity as you try to sit up, crawling backwards slightly, but M’Baku’s arms wrap around your hips to keep you in place.  
He seems to punish you for you resistance, focusing now solely on your clit, sending you into a tizzy.  Sounds like a Campbell’s chicken noodle soup commercial under the covers with all the slurping and lip smacking he shamelessly devotes to taste every drop of you.  You’re blubbering his name, peppering encouragements with begs for mercy as you feel your orgasm wash over your body.  All of the stimulation happening underneath the blanket elevated your pleasure sensors as you couldn’t see the source.  You had to see him or you would for sure lose your mind.  Pulling the blanket back, you see his cheeks hollowing out, maintaining pressure on your clit, eyes deviously trained on yours as he penetrated you with a couple of his fingers.  
This is much worse for you now, but at least you can take it out on him instead of the blanket.
“God, I’m cumming on your face right fucking now, Baku.”   You squeal, fingers gripping his hair as your hip flexors strain to hold back from crushing his skull .
He turns you lose of his mouth finally, crawling up to you to tongue your down, tasting yourself along with him.
“It seems our native tongues were pretty well together.”  M’Baku growls, pulling you down by your legs and he pulls his joggers off, dick unfurling full and ready.  “Have I convinced you yet?”
You claw above your head for something, anything to hold onto.  “You’re getting there.  It’s just, my gut is telling me something else.”
“I can fix that…” M’Baku licks his lips, reaching to take your shirt off over your head, squeezing you titties like fresh picked fruit.  You both groan from the touch, his eyes entranced by your nipples as they draw him in, working his neck to lap his tongue around your areola until its peak is reached.   
You lick your lips, biting them as reach down between the two of you for his dick, stroking it slowly.  You feel him expand in your hand as his moans concentrate on your nipple as he continues to suck, vibrating against your sensitivity.
He comes off of your breast with a pop, smiling devilishly.  “What are you doing?  I’m supposed to be pleasing you tonight, my love.”
“This pleases me, Baku.  This does.”  You whisper as you continue to ready him. 
M’Baku smiles into your mouth, kissing you as you wrap your arms around his neck, laying back as you wrap your legs around him, walls contracting excitedly awaiting his entry.
M’Baku maintains eye contact as you feel his tip pressing into you before the sensation of stretching you makes you break; closing your eyes and mouth falling wide as his girth slowly navigates your canal.
M’Baku mirrors you as your tightness affects him as well, wrapping his hand around your neck lightly before tonguing your tonsils out hungrily.  His hips activate against yours moving in shallow motions to prepare you before taking his strokes longer and longer until his entire length massages your insides beautifully.  
“Fuck, you feel good.”  M’Baku groans as he punches the headboard once for good measure, laying his body flush with your, kissing your neck and clavicle as his strokes picked up pace.  
You gasp as if you’re drowning, clutching onto his arm, kissing his tattoo band gratefully.  “Ohh, my gut is telling me something much different now.”
“What’s it telling you?”  M’Baku grunts in your ear.
“It’s telling me to marry the man attached to this dick.”  You say before your voice hitches from the wave of pleasure flooding over you, seizing your body up.  The sweet cacophony of his skin slapping against yours signals M’Baku’s enjoyment of you in this moment, trapped between your legs as stare into each other’s eyes threateningly.  He pulls out of you, rolling you over to give your ass a slap.
“You need to be on your knees then.”  M’Baku commands.  
You try your best to do as you are told, aftershocks between your legs threaten their stability as you get into position, rubbing yourself lightly as you lie in wait.  Your head is against the mattress as you watch him stroke himself as he plants his hand on your lower back, kissing your cheeks audibly, smacking them both after.
“I don’t think I have convinced you properly of my devotion, love.”  M’Baku says, rubbing the tip of his dick between your swollen labia.
You inhale sharply.  “I’m past that, don’t worry about that baby.  Just please-”
“Don’t interrupt me.  You talk a lot but not when it counts.  I want to hear you when I am inside you.”
You push yourself towards him, trying to geolocate the dick.  “Ok, I will, I promise.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”  M’Baku says, spreading your knees father apart before sliding back into you, causing you to illicit a guttural moan.  
“You fill me up so good, Baku.”  You inhale sharply as he works himself inside you roughly.  He bounces his hips against your cheeks with slow deliberate strokes.  Bam, bam, bam!  The force pulls you back on his dick with each thrust, eventually leading you to bounce against him on your own.
“Ah, that’s better.  Come to me like you came over here to tell me off.”  M’Baku says, rubbing your ass.
Biting your lip, you pick up your bounce, arching.  “I don’t play when it comes to this dick, Baku.  Don’t make me wreck you.”
M’Baku smacks one cheek enthusiastically, the sting somehow sweetens your pleasure.  “Show me.”
You give it your all, smacking your ass against his hips, tightening around him as you wind around his length expertly.  Although you had him right where you wanted him, moaning and cursing you, you get high off of your own supply.  The pressure building within you begins to release and you lose your form, holding your breath as you came.
M’Baku would not have that.  He leans over you, holding your head up by your hair.  “I want to hear you…”
He takes over, pounding into you while reaches between you to stimulate your bud.  You squeak, gripping the sheets as he commands you to breathe.  You swear this is impossible as he won’t stop digging you out and stressing your scalp with his grasp.  Then you aren’t sure if this orgasm was really long or another one came quickly but as you opened your throat, you let out an animalistic screech that scared the shit outta you but rocked M’Baku’s world.  He practically pounds you through the mattress to the floor as you both collapse, humping you into submission as he gets his last few strokes in you.  He warms your belly from inside with his release.
M’Baku gets off of you so you can breathe, kissing down your back and examining the mess you all made inside of you.  You jerk feeling him touch you, wiping the remnants down before slowly rolling off to the side of you.  He takes your hand kissing your ring again before looking at you lovingly.
You lay there, twitching every few seconds as you come down.
“Are you cold?”  M’Baku asks, getting up slowly to grab the previously discard blanket.
“No, of course not.  I’m just recuperating.”  You say between the natural jerks of your muscles, your heart still pounding between your legs.
“Any chance of Daniella coming back?  Her accent wasn’t so bad now that I think about it.”  He says, kissing your hand again.
You pick it up, laying it across his face for what was supposed to be a slap.  “Shut up, I’m still frickin embarrassed by that.  You owe me dinner though.”
M’Baku smiles, rolling on his side towards you.  “I do.  I shouldn’t be the only one eating tonight.  Plus, I can’t risk you incinerating my things.”
You lay there in silence, closing your eyes.
“Were you...really going to do that?”
You start to snore.
“(Y/N), honestly.”
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vld-writing-for-all · 6 years
Lance x reader- Holiday party
This is for day 2 of the vld Christmas week @futurepurplepaladin are doing, go check out her blog to see what she did for this day!
You had never actually met Lance’s family, but boy have you heard stories. You heard the story about the time Lance crashed the drone into the window during his moms book club. You heard the story about the marshmallow gun fight that ended up with many clothes being stained with the gooey sweet. You heard the story about the Disneyland trip that was “never to be spoken of again” that was spoken of quite a bit. With all those stories, it could definitely feel like you’ve met them. But have you ever looked them in the eyes, shook their hands, and told them “nice to meet you, I’m dating your son” ? Not yet.
And Lance was eager to change that.
“Lance, I’m really not sure about this,” you said on the drive up.
“Well were already halfway there. Why? Do you not want to meet my family?” He asked, looking at you in the passenger’s seat.
“No, it’s not that! Not at all. It’s just...” you sighed. “I’m not sure. I think I’m just nervous. What if I mess up? What if I say something stupid? What if they hate me?”
Lance couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Babe, there’s literally no way they could hate you. You’re perfect! Plus, they know how much I love you, trust me, I’ve told them,” he said. “You have nothing to worry about.”
A small smile graced your face. “Yeah... I guess.”
“Okay! Like I said, it’ll be fine. I mean, it’s just a holiday party. What can go wrong?”
Answered: more than you’d think.
To start off, due to a traffic jam, you guys were late. Like, 2 hours late. When you finally got there, it was 5:00.
“Lance!” His mom said when you finally knocked on the door. “We thought you weren’t showing. Hurry up and get in, it’s freezing out! Dinners already on the table. I would’ve appreciated the help, but...”
Lance gave his mom a hug. “Sorry, I really am, traffic was awful. Oh! And I’d like you to meet-“
She turned her head towards you as he spoke, and her face instantly lit up. “Oh, this must be y/n! Goodness, look at you, so beautiful!” She cooed, brushing your hair back behind your ears.
“It’s really nice to meet you,” you started. “Sorry we couldn’t get here earlier to help, traffic-“
“Oh it’s fine! Here, come in, we saved you both plates,” she said, stepping back for my he door so you two could enter.
“Thank you-“ so began, but we’re cut off by the sight. In front of you had to be almost a half dozen tables, all loaded with food and people, nothing like the small, private Christmas dinners you had back home.
Your shock wasn’t unnoticed by Lance. “You okay?” He asked, squeezing your hand.
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine, it’s just...” you let out a light laugh. “I almost forgot how big your family was.”
“Oh, well it’s not all blood-related family. Our neighbors are over there, that’s dads friends from high school over at that table, almost everyone brought a plus one...” he said, pointing at people as they were listed. “But in the end, they’re all family.”
“Of course,” you said, sitting down at the table, to be greeted immediately by a chorus of questions.
“Woah, are you Y/N?”
“Are you the one dating my uncle?”
“You’re so pretty! Are you really dating Lance?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that last one. Lances indignation was too much for you. “Yes, I’m the one dating Lance. Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N.”
Names and faces were introduced in a blur, and you did your best to remember each one. The conversation over dinner was loud and endless and manic, everyone gleefully talking over each other. At one pint in the dinner, a tall woman about your age walked over to you. Before you could even stick out your hand and greet her, she spoke.
“So, your Lances new S/O?” She asked, her arms folded in front of her. With her stance and the sour look on her face, she was a bit intimidating.
You swallowed, and did your best to smile. “Yes, I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you!” You said.
A smirk crossed her face. “Yeah, likewise. I gotta day, his standards...”
“Do we have a problem Shelly?” Lance asked from next to you.
She rolled her eyes. “Nope, not at all,” she said, walk-in away and leaving you rather confused.
“Who... was that?” You asked after she had left.
“She’s a childhood.... friend, I guess? We’re neighbors. Used to be neighbors. Don’t worry about her, she can just be a bit nasty at times.”
“O...Kay....” you said, doing your best to out the incident behind you.
Dinner was over and done with, and the night was still young. As soon as they were dismissed, the kids scattered off in all different directions, many coming straight towards their uncle Lance. You watched from a small distance, his face lighting up as he talked to his younger family members, ruffling their hair and tickling their stomachs. You turned your head to see Lances mom in the kitchen cleaning. Immediately, you went to join her.
“Can’t you let you clean all this by yourself!” You chimed, rolling up your sleeves.
“Oh, that’s so sweet of you! Shelly, look, we have another helper!” She said.
You turned your head to see Shelly, looking not very happy at this development. “Sure... great,” she said.
You couldn’t help but wonder “what’s with this girl?”, but a crash from the living room cut you off.
“Kids! Oh dear... I should go out there and check on them. Do you two have this under wraps?” She asked, already heading out of the room.
“Sure thing, Mrs. M,” Shelly said as she walked out. It only took a second for her smile to disappear and for her to turn to you. You gulped as she addresses you directly.
���Look. I don’t know who you are-“
“Lance’s S/O, Y/N, we met earlier,” you said.
She seemed taken aback by your bite, and you couldn’t help but feel proud. She looked as though she had swallowed something very sour as she spoke.
“Yeah, I don’t care. Now look. I’ve known Lance for my whole life, his whole life too. Some average looking nobody with no decency isn’t going to change the fact that him and I? We have a bond. I was his first kiss, you know,” she bragged.
It’s as though you had been slapped. Who did this chick think she was? You couldn’t even say anything back to her as you two finished washing the dishes in silence.
Your change in mood wasn’t unnoticed by Lance. He gave you a look as to say “are you okay?”, but you simply smiled and shook your head. His family was talking in a circle, all recounting stories.
“You know, I remember being a kid in this neighborhood,” Shelly said after a while of telling stories. “Do you remember that Lance? How we used to play together all summer? It was so much fun going down to the beach with you, building sandcastles, playing in the waves...”
Lance felt you stiffen beside him, and everything clicked into place. He squeezed your hand as he responded. “Yeah, that was fun. But what was really fun was when Y/N and I went to the beach this summer, wasn’t it, Y/N?” He asked, smiling at you.
You felt your heart swell at his consideration. “Yes, it was. I remember...”
and as you launched into the story of you and Lance going to the beach, you noticed Shelly frown. But more importantly, you noticed the rest of Lances family smiling at you, enjoying the story.
Maybe it wasn’t that bad after all.
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