#sorry got a little yappy
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sovereignsystem ¡ 8 months ago
I think our system as a whole is pretty cool. I mean, we're not entirely functional, sometimes we get on each others nerves, and there have been plenty of moments where we actively hate being a system.
But then there was that time that Levi, Kalvin and me were going to bed so Kalvin threw our body onto the bed like a dead fish just to make us laugh.
And that time that Ethan got so fed up with our dirty fridge that he cleaned the whole thing out, even going so far as to clean our room for us too.
And the semi-nightly sessions of watching a comfort show, using discord and PK to talk to each other and make funny comments about it.
And Carkus and Sal instantly connecting to one another as traumaholders to be each other's emotional support.
And Hiro forming, immediately coming into his own as a protector and helping us through the fight against endos (among many other things).
And even the little stuff, like mood boosters existing, caretakers doing their amazing job, protectors being the gentle giants we need them to be.
Systemhood is hard, it's born of horrific things and it's by no means something to romanticize. But it can also be beautiful.
-🧟‍♂️ (He/him)
tired of endos in the tags and the negativity as a result. i was born to be a hater but even i need to take a hating break sometimes. and that means the rest of you all too. so tell me something cool about your system, or your headspace, or a specific alter, or just something you like. tell me about a unique hobby you have. tell me something funny one of you said recently. infodump about your system functions if you want. use this post as a show and tell time.
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(please do not call me any platonic terms or use any platonic terms of endearment for me on this post. i'm apothiplatonic, as is the rest of our system.)
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rose-tinted-vision ¡ 10 months ago
This is written for the @cdrama-action event, requested by @hualianisms
Fandom: Mysterious Lotus Casebook
Relationships: Fang Duobing/Li Lianhua, Li Lianhua & Di Feisheng, Fang Duobing & Di Feisheng
“Curses are placebo, don’t you think? As long as you don’t believe in luck, you won’t have bad luck. People’s so-called curses won’t work on you either.”
“What sort of curse is it, anyway? We can try to break it, just in case.”
In which Li Lianhua gets hit with a curse- a love spell, really- to fall in love with the first person he sees
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a-bucket-in-the-void ¡ 3 months ago
good for u tho dude. if that guy turns out to be a jerk ill release the creature onto him
pfft yeah i am
o7 i appreciate your support lol
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virtueofsanityx ¡ 1 month ago
"aww, poor demon has a bruised ego, now?" despite her rather glib attitude, duri can admit in some small space that she's slightly frightened. after all, it isn't every day that one just summons a demon from inside of an ancient dagger. she knows that playing with things like that is dangerous. she's aware of every consequence in the book, because her father played with forces like this before her, and her father is likely burning in a pit of fire now, having handed his soul over. all of his books, all of his research, come in very handy as she collects and stores items both magical and mundane on the shelves of her quirky little shop, but it isn't as if his research notes made the warning of not doing things like this clear and explicit.
in fact, her father had gone out of his way to make it all sound fun.
eyes watch the demon for a moment more before she pushes away from the counter she's leaning against, turning away from him, uncaring of if he bothers to follow her or not as she moves around the shop, collecting up remanents of the spell cast and using her foot to scrape away some of the chalk on the floor. "i have thirty seven spell books sitting on shelves in the back office, and most of them are in languages i don't speak. i pieces together this ritual with bubble gum and a piece of string. the only reason i let you out in the first place is because selling the dagger with you still in it is more dangerous than letting you out with a few chains on your wrist." eyes shoot over her shoulder, casting him a passing glance before finally, she settles in a chair and lets herself fall back and relax.
"yes, you've made quite clear that you're a bloodthirsty demon. thank you for once again reminding me." eyes roll, and she shrugs her shoulders slightly. "i'm not planning on feeding you blood, but if you want to catch the rats around the shop and drain them dry, far be it from me to stop you." eyes close, head rolling back, and she sighs out, lets herself settle and stretch, before sitting upright again. "people bring me things. things they don't want anymore, things they think will sell, things that are cursed or otherwise not pleasant to have around. it's not always magical, sometimes it's just stolen, but the shop runs on a no asking policy, so i buy things. your dagger was put in my hands after a man seemingly decided it was cursed. a little bit of research told me what it actually was. you've got quite the body count." there's a pause, a moment where lips quirk up into a smirk. "which means something different in this day and age, by the way, so be careful how you use the phrase."
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The demon chuckled as she started to talk but the amused expression on his face quickly faded when she said that she could have found a hotter demon. What replaced it was a scowl and a look that would have turned her to ash if the barrier wasn't still active. It was obvious from his reaction to the verbal jab that he took offense to her saying that she could have done better. "you're lucky I'm bound to you or I'd take your tongue for that."
"I'm far more durable than you are, so I think you should be the one who is careful not to get themselves killed." he replied and stared at her, his gaze unwavering as he saw her mentally weighing whether freeing him from the circle was the wisest decision. "I have no desire ending up in oblivion." he told her, hoping that those words would push her to break the barrier.
"wait, you don't know how to break the spell that you cast?" the demon didn't even try to hide the disbelief in his voice, how was that even possible? Had he allowed himself to be captured by a novice? As he was wondering how this could have possibly happened to him, he noticed that the circle containing him had been broken and he glanced at the stone for a moment before stepping over it. "clearly you're a jokester. wonderful." he mumbled as he looked around the antique shop and picked up a jaded teapot, examining it.
"you know I'm a bloodthirsty demon right?" He asked when she asked how he felt about pad thai but after a moment, he shrugged his shoulders. "I'll eat it if that's what's on the menu though." setting the teapot down, he turned his attention back to his summoner. "how did you get the dagger that was holding me?" Ryung was curious to see how his prison ended up in an antique shop.
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ataliagold ¡ 8 months ago
If Love Was Contagious I Might Be Immune To It
For @steddie-week day 2, prompts "hands" and "touch starved".
Title from an unreleased Noah Kahan song.
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Rating: T
W/C: 1916
C/W: Referenced death of a grandparent.
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, Steve is touched-starved, Steve has bad parents, platonic soulmates Steve and Robin, Eddie Munson is a sweetheart
Summary: Steve's early life is mostly devoid of love - until Eddie Munson.
He’s eight years old, and his wrist is broken.
It’s the first time he’s broken a bone, but it certainly won’t be the last.
Steve cries silently in the school nurse’s room. His father hated it when he cried, always told him to man up, to grow up, to act like a Harrington.
He tried to keep the tears in, he really did, but his arm is throbbing and his wrist is turning a funny colour and he wishes he’d taken Tommy up on his offer to sit with him and wait for his mom to turn up but he’d wanted to be tough, tough like his dad, and he’d told him he wasn’t a baby and he’d be fine.
So, while he loses the battle against the tears cascading down his cheeks, he stays tight-lipped and quiet.
His mom arrives eventually. Steve sits there, clutching his wrist across his stomach as the nurse explains to Janet Harrington what had happened, that Steve had fallen in P.E, that the bone was definitely broken and he needed to go straight to urgent care.
Janet nods. Turns to Steve, expression tight and unreadable, and gestures quickly for him to follow her out to the car.
Steve quickens his pace behind her, little legs carrying him along behind the click-clack of her heels.
He reaches for her hand with his good one.
Knows he shouldn’t, knows he isn’t supposed to keep trying to touch because he’s a big boy now, he doesn’t need to be held and coddled anymore.
But he’s hurting, and he wants his mom.
She tightens her hand around his almost in surprise, squeezing sharply.
“For goodness’ sake, Steve,” she hisses, dropping his hand again like it’s something bad, “do you want all your friends to see you like this? Act your age.”
Steve snatches his hand back to his side. Blinks through the new flood of tears in his eyes, swallows thickly, keeps his gaze on the hard tiled floor.
He’s eight years old, and his mother doesn’t want to hold his hand.
He’s fourteen years old when his grandma dies.
Smoking with Tommy behind the bike shed at the school, they are quieter than usual.
The funeral is this weekend. Steve’s never been to a funeral before.  His mom ordered him a suit the day after they got the news, the reality of it barely sinking in before he was being stood in front of the mirror in the store while a man wrapped a tape around him, taking his measurements while his mom tapped her foot behind him.
He wonders what will happen when his parents go away, now that he can’t go and stay with grandma. He’ll miss her. He’ll miss her like hell.
No more baking, no more helping her plant flowers in her sunny backyard, no more taking slow walks to the park with her little yappy dog.
“Sorry,” Tommy mutters eventually, stomping the butt of his cigarette into the dirt.
“Huh?” Steve asks, not looking up.
“You know. About your grandma.”
“Oh,” Steve waves a hand, cigarette between his fingers. Nonchalant. Unemotional. Harrington. “S’fine, she was just some old lady.”
Tommy sniffs, raises an eyebrow. “It was your grandma, man.”
Steve shrugs, forces a smirk. “Reckon she left me anything in her will?”
He burns as he says it.
He doesn’t want money. Doesn’t want things. He just wants his grandma back.
Tommy snorts out a laugh, shakes his head, punches Steve lightly in the shoulder. “You’re a dick.”
Steve takes a long drag on the cigarette, blows the smoke out towards Tommy’s face. His friend swears and shoulder charges him, wraps his arms around Steve’s waist and the two of them start to wrestle.
Here, with the stench of tobacco on his breath, grunting as he tightens his grip on Tommy and shoves him roughly aside, Steve thinks this is the closest he’s been to a hug for a long time.
A silent tear tracks down his cheek, and Steve wipes it away before Tommy can see it.
He’s fourteen years old, and his best friend would rather punch him than hug him.
He’s seventeen years old and in love with Nancy Wheeler.
Nancy holds his hand, sometimes. She kisses his cheek, smiles shyly when he wraps an arm around her waist, lets him touch.
But only sometimes.
And that’s ok, Steve thinks. He knows he can be too much, that he asks for too much, that ever since he was a little boy all he wanted was for someone to hold him, and now that he’s older, to hold someone in return.
He had to keep that in check. Had to keep his touches few and light – just a brush of his thumb over Nancy’s hand where he wanted to interlock their fingers, where he wanted to squeeze her tight to his chest and burrow his head into her shoulder and turn himself inside out for her.
He dreams about the creature that came out of the wall, sometimes.
Wakes up sweat-drenched with his pulse galloping, feels across the bed for Nancy’s hand because he keeps sneaking into her bedroom at night to sleep because he can’t handle being on his own right now.
She wakes. Holds his hand briefly, tells him it was just a dream, rolls over, lets his hand go. Faces away from him.
Steve tells himself it’s fine. His heart is still pounding, he’s still trembling slightly, but it’s fine.
He wishes Nancy would hold his hand a little longer. Wishes she’d tuck herself closer to him, press her lips to the back of his head, hold him until he’s able to fall asleep again.
But he’s a man now. He’s a Harrington, and he doesn’t need to be held.
Nancy had nightmares sometimes, too.
She’d cry out in her sleep, and Steve would carefully wrap an arm around her, murmur into her ear, tell her she was safe, that he had her.
When Nancy woke, she’d push him away. Tell him she needed to breathe, that she needed some space.
Steve tried to give her space. Tried other ways to try and help Nancy feel better – then came Tina’s party, then came the drink staining Nancy’s top and a cold bathroom and bullshit.
Steve was seventeen years old, and his love was bullshit.
Steve is nineteen years old, and he has the best friend in the entire world.
He and Robin are glued at the hip. She hugs easily, drapes herself across him, nudges him with bony hips and elbows and grabs his hand when the lights at Family Video flicker because she knows that still terrifies him.
Steve’s not used to it.
To having someone reach for him, to pull him into a hug, to voluntarily reach out and touch him like there isn’t something wrong with him.
And so, he never reaches for her first. Always lets her initiate contact, because he never wants to be too much, not like how he was with his mother, with Nancy.
She’s standing next to him at work now. Shuffling through returned tapes, letting out a bored huff, leaning back on her elbows on the counter.
The bell above the Family Video door chimes.
Steve doesn’t look up until Robin pokes him in the ribs, until she waggles her eyebrows at him.
“Look who it is,” she whispers, with zero subtlety.
He doesn’t have to look to know it’s Eddie.
Because they’ve been playing this game for a while, Robin doing her best to bring the two of them together, to nudge them from this painful will-they won’t-they situation into something more serious.
The truth is, Steve’s head over heels for the other man.
And he doesn’t know what to do with that, doesn’t know where to put it, because he doesn’t want to half-ass anything ever again – if he’s going to love Eddie, he wants to do it with everything he has, but everything Steve has always seems to be too much for everyone else.
If he ruins what he and Eddie already have, this easy friendship, it would put a strain on his relationship with the kids too, and everyone had already been through so much, he couldn’t…
“Oh my god, dingus,” Robin groans.
Eddie’s wandered on past the counter after shooting Steve a grin, headed for the sci-fi section tucked away in the corner.
“What?” Steve huffs.
“I can literally see the little cogs turning in there,” Robin flicks her index finger against the side of his head. “For the sake of my sanity, just talk to him. Please.”
“Fine,” Steve harrumphs, tossing a case to one side. “But if this goes badly, I’m blaming you.”
Robin smiles wide, reaches for his hand, squeezes it gently, encouragingly. “Go get him, Stevie.”
Steve is nineteen years old, and he finally has someone to hold his hand, even if not quite in the way he’d been longing for.
Steve is twenty-two years old, and sometimes he’s so overwhelmed by love for this man that it stops him in his tracks.
He’s draped across Eddie, the two of them on the couch with the TV quietly playing something in the background but Steve doesn’t hear it.
His head is on Eddie’s chest, ear pressed to his heart, listening to the soothing rhythm of his boyfriend’s pulse.
Eddie has his arms wrapped tightly around Steve, one hand tracing gently up and down his bare back, fingers tracing over moles and scars and the ridges of his spine.
Steve breathes him in. Presses his head further into Eddie, like he could burrow into him. Wanted to, sometimes.
Eddie’s chest vibrates gently as he chuckles.
“Y’ok there, Stevie?” he asks, and kisses the top of his head.
“Mmmm,” Steve manages, voice muffled by Eddie’s chest.
It had taken him a long time to realize that Eddie wasn’t going anywhere.
In the early days of their relationship, Steve had been…restrained. Muted, afraid to overwhelm the other man, trying to carefully seek out where Eddie’s boundaries were, work out just how long he could hug him for, just how many kisses were too many, when Steve was starting to step over into being too damn much…
Three years later, and he still hadn’t found that boundary.
Eddie took everything Steve had to give him and poured it back tenfold.
He’d smile into Steve’s mouth when he kissed him, run his tongue along the seam of Steve’s lips until he let him in, he’d trace every mole and blemish on his skin with his fingers and then his mouth until Steve was squirming and laughing under him, he’d stroke and hold and squeeze and give and take.
Steve had so much love to give, and Eddie was hungry for it.
They’d been lying here for hours tonight. Skin to skin, Eddie warm and pliant under Steve, humming happily when Steve tightened his hold on him, when Steve’s breath puffed over his collarbone.
“Stevie?” Eddie asks eventually, hand resting in chestnut locks, nails scratching gently over Steve’s scalp.
“You ready for bed, sweetheart? You gotta get up early for work.”
Steve sighs, tucks himself back into Eddie’s chest. “Little longer?” he murmurs.
Eddie smiles. Lowers his hand to the back of Steve’s neck, massaging the muscle there, feeling the moment Steve sinks further into him.
“’Course, Stevie. As long as you like.”
Steve is twenty-two years old, and he finally has someone to hold him.
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sungbeam ¡ 7 months ago
𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐲
ji changmin x gn!reader
1.3k words, est. relationship au, hurt/comfort, minor fluff but more angst?, a bit of silliness, mentions of work pressures, neck kisses, intimacy, mentions of playful biting, pretty much not beta'd or proofread (past my bedtime; written in an hour)
a/n: @kimsohn saw some of the goofiness first <3 ily (*breathes in deeply* idk what im doing guys. anyways, this belongs in the category labeled "i get yappy and sappy when im existentially exhausted")
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In the dark, the clock on top of the oven screamed “3:22AM” in angry, red light. You stumbled past it, vision blurry and footsteps as quiet as you could make them against the hardwood. Your bones ached to the marrow and you could feel the blood throbbing violently in your skull; you could not sleep.
It had been three hours of tossing and turning before you completely gave up and slipped out into the kitchen. Usually, it wasn't too difficult for you to fall asleep, but alas, there would always be exceptions.
You managed to find the opened bag of tangerines on the kitchen counter, the orange, wiry mesh already torn from the last person who'd grabbed one to snack on. As your eyes grew accustomed to the dark, you dug your nail into its skin and began to peel it open.
Through your daze, you just barely registered the sound of the bedroom door opening—footsteps followed after and came closer; they weren't trying to stay quiet like you were, as there wasn't any reason to anymore. Hands patted you down from your shoulders to your arms until they could settle comfortably around your waist; his body slid flush against your back like a puzzle piece, still warm from being in bed. Hair tickled the underside of your jaw as he nestled his chin into the crook of your shoulder, the ghost of his breath fanning across your skin like a caress, relieved.
“Did I wake you?” You murmured, forcing yourself awake a little as you felt him lean more of his weight against you.
A low hum. “Bed got cold.”
The corners of your mouth tilted upward as you stuck a piece of fruit into your mouth—it was summer; the bed couldn't have been cold. Juice spilled over your tongue in a comfortingly sweet tang, and you went for another. “Sorry, love. Do you want some?” You asked, holding onto a piece of tangerine.
“Mm-mm,” Changmin hummed, shaking his head with a slight movement. You felt his arms give your body a squeeze. “Are you okay?” He asked, voice small.
You shoveled the remainder of the tangerine half into your mouth, hands reaching for another one to keep yourself busy as you chewed, then swallowed. “Tired.”
“Is it the thing?”
Just the thought of the thing—the project you were given charge of at work—made you wish the ground would swallow you up. Your hands stilled on the orange.
The project was the first you were given a manager role for, as they thought it appropriate because you came up with the idea, but it seemed to only be an excuse to overload you with every Herculean task they could think of. You were practically chained to your cubicle desk until day's end, only leaving to go to the bathroom and attend another god forsaken meeting. Where home was supposed to be for rest, you were often slumped over the dining table, stressing yourself silver.
The thought of Monday… no, you couldn't think of Monday. You'd gone so long working on this thing—how could they make you loathe an idea that you proposed?
At your lack of an answer, there came a small breath against your neck. His thumb gently rubbed your side back and forth, the ebb and flow of the tide. “I'm sorry, baby. I know it doesn't mean much, but I'm proud of you.”
“It does mean something,” you countered quietly, and moved one of your hands to place it over his that rested over your stomach. “I'm just—I hate it here sometimes.”
The two of you seemed to sigh at once, your chests raising up then deflating in tandem. It made the knots in your shoulders loosen for just a moment, and you could release some of the strain keeping you tight and awake.
“One more,” he coaxed lowly. “In—”
You both slowly pulled air up through your nose to fill the caverns in your chests.
As all things came and went, so too did this breath.
“Good,” he murmured, his lips pressing something sweet against your throat.
You were too tired to cry, but you might have just then. Sometimes it was just a project, but other times it was everything to you. It was born from your two hands, your brains, your back, your bones. Plenty of blood, sweat, and tears had seeped into every proposal and presentation, but you could never tell if it was enough. Would it ever be enough?
Changmin's head shifted as you snuck another piece of orange past your lips. “Remember,” he said, “when we were in college, and I let you text girls on my Hinge?”
Your mouth sweetened into a smile at the memory. “It was only because I let you text the guy who'd given me his number.”
“He was so lame—he clearly just wanted you to go see that new Stephen King movie so he could hold your hand.” You could feel him roll his eyes in the dark, though his voice remained syrupy with sleep.
You held back a snort. “That's the point, hon. If I remember correctly, the pick-up lines I used on those girls actually worked.”
Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. You chewed on the next piece of fruit, swallowing it down before speaking again. “At least one of us has game.”
You felt the light pressure of his teeth against your shoulder, and you let out a surprised laugh. You didn't jerk away though—awfully used to your partner's strange language of affection—but you did push back against his forehead in lighthearted reprimand. “We talked about the biting.”
“Yeah, and you said you liked it.”
It was a good thing you didn't have fruit in your mouth. You warmed the slice of orange in your palm as you let the heat leave your cheeks and your neck. He could undoubtedly feel how flushed you were, and he seemed to preen at it.
“Gotcha,” he said smugly, and the smile on his lips molded against your skin as he left a kiss behind your ear. He nuzzled his nose there, too, fingers dancing along your side.
“I love you,” he said next. These words were quiet again. “I hate seeing you like this.”
You knew he meant the state he found you in—hunched over in the dark, eyes glazed over, and dread thrashing in your ears to fill the silence. The laughter that lit up your face just now had been his doing, his attempt at easing all of that burden.
You laid your head against his. “I love you, too.” You hated feeling this way, but some things had to be done. You had to see this one through, and you would.
“Don't run yourself ragged for this,” he said, as if reading your mind. “Can't let you lose yourself.”
The corners of your eyes prickled, your vision going blurry again. Your chewing slowed and you finished the last of the orange in your hands to clear the way for him to grab your fingers to intertwine them with his. He rocked your bodies slowly, dreamily—he was the gentle swaying of the waves beneath the raft you laid upon—and he was keeping you above water.
“Senior year of high school—” a miniscule break in his own voice, “—when college decisions came out… you didn't speak for so long, didn't eat. It was so quiet, and I—I didn't know how to help you.” Back then, the two of you were only labeled as best friends; you still hadn't decided if what you had back then was what you had now, but it was love in some form of the word and feeling. You supposed in every phase of knowing Ji Changmin, what you felt for him was love. “Can I help you now, please? How can I help you?”
You sucked in a breath and it came out trembling. “I'm just tired.”
“Just—that’s all. Just be here with me.”
You could feel his slight nod that turned into a tuck into your shoulder. Your pulse fluttered beneath the brush of his lips, his hands tightening around you. (I'm not going anywhere, not without you.)
In a night quickly dissolving into daylight, he held you and held you and held you.
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tbz m.list
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @outrologist @rikizm @luumiinaa @lotties-readings @tinkerbell460 @kaaimins @hyunjaespresent-deobi @otterly-fey @gluion @floatingpluto @winterchimez @ethereal-engene @gyulfriend @polarisjisung @jaehunnyy @shakalakaboomboo @loveliestfelix @bless-311 @zhaixiaowen @leaz-kpop-life @amourdsr @pxppxrminty @kqyutie @sseastar-main @kxthleen14 @fluorescentloves @mosviqu @kflixnet @bjnet
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sojumamii ¡ 26 days ago
༊·˚puppy love༊·˚
pt.1 pt.2
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summary: After getting over the initial shock of Megumi's new look, the brainstorming begins!
tags: megumi x f!reader, crack, evil puppy, yaga has a hit on gojo's life,swearing. unedited.
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Part 2 is finaaaaally here! I’m so sorry this took so long, the beginning of 2025 has been quietly chaotic over here at sojumamii inc. I also kept changing my mind on how this chapter was going to go.
But fuck it we ball! I hope you guys really enjoy this chapter! I swear it that part 3 won’t take nearly as long to upload! Please let me know your thoughts and if you have any theories on Megumi’s little predicament! 
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
"Wow. Oh my god." Shoko's tired eyes widen, her jaw dropped at the sight of three students (well four) and a small ball of fur in your arms.
"I had thought Gojo was kidding when he called, but Megumi's literally...a puppy...." she says blankly her mind unable to process the sight of the usually calm and collected Megumi now turned into a fluffy little dog. She chalked up Gojo's earlier phone call regarding Megumi's curse as just another one of his bad jokes or an elaborate way to waste her time. 
Yuji sheepishly rubs the back of head, chuckling nervously at the nurse's shocked gaze, being expressive isn't exactly something Shoko is known for.
You sigh offering the nurse a soft smile,"Trust me I wish he was, any way you can check him out?" you ask, gesturing to Megumi fast asleep in your arms.  
Shoko nods,"Hmm..I'm no veterinarian, but lets see. Set him down on the examining table." she states while pulling on her white lab coat.
Gently you lay Megumi's miniature body onto the infirmary bed, scratching at his head with your finger to wake him up,"Hey Gumi, you gotta wake up now we have to let Shoko check you out," you whisper soothingly.
Megumi's dark eyes flutter open at your coaxing, he looks at you with curiosity then sits up on all four legs, yawning cutely with an audible chirp. You coo unable to help finding him so cute as a puppy, especially sleepy and tiny.
"Fushiguro's actually cute as a little mutt when he's not being a yappy rat..." Nobara quips, pursing her lips at the pomeranian in question. Yuji nods but elbows the auburn haired girl nervously," Yeah he's adorable but careful he does bite remember.." making Nobara scoff and roll her eyes, muttering an ‘oh i wish he would' threateningly under her breath.
Shoko laughs at your antics, gently scooping Megumi with one hand up to her   chest and checking his heartbeat with the stethoscope she asks the million dollar question even you want to know,"So...how'd he end up like this?" 
You turn around to the disaster twins expectantly and raise an eyebrow urging them to answer the question.
"I also want to know, I told them to explain once they got here." 
Both students tense up and after a beat of silence, Nobara elbows Yuji, shoving him in front of her. He turns around with an aghast expression of betrayal on his boyish features.
"Thanks alot Kugisaki!" The pink haired boy whines his toned pointed and annoyed.
Both you and Shoko look at them impatiently, making Yuji sigh and clear his throat. Megumi is set down, sitting up on the bed and yips at his two friends as if saying,'stop fooling around!'
"So..." He begins,"We were dispatched on a mission to check out an abandoned pet store that had an intense amount of curses attracted to it, meaning obviously there was either an even stronger curse or cursed object they were drawn to." Yuji takes a deep breath,"And when it turned out to be a grade 1 curse we had to put up an extra fight-" Yuji huffs in exasperation,"It hit Kugisaki pretty hard so when I went to check on her it let out a pretty scary attack and Fushiguro over here jumped in front of it for us while his divine dog dealt the finishing blow and well....was cursed into a puppy..." Yuji trails off, eyeing Megumi's puffy body with a nervous smile.
You and Shoko sigh taking in the information. You lean down to get face to face with your boyfriend, raising an eyebrow your hands on your hips ,"Oh...so you're like this because you decided to play hero." scoffing you continue,"Serves you right, you could've just let totality tank the attack and then all three of you woulda been okay." you pick him up and look him in the eye,"tch...bad boy..." 
Megumi thrashes and grumbles, feeling embarrassed to be scolded by you not only in front of everyone...but literally being scolded like a dog.
"Do we know anything else about this curse?" Shoko inquires, observing Megumi in your arms.
Nobara shakes her head,"Not really no," she lets out a sigh,"All we know is that it was a grade 1 and lived in an abandoned pet store, its powers weren't documented. Gojo said he was going to see if Nanami or Yaga could get ahold of any more information. He didn’t even give us much information beforehand either.” she grumbles
Your expression changes into a more serious one,"So it's unknown if the curse has turned others into animals? It's odd that it didn't wear off once the curse got exorcised..." you trail off, unconsciously scratching Megumi's head, making his puffy tail wag furiously as he chases your touch.
Yuji snickers, quietly pointing at Megumi's tiny body going boneless in relaxation.
You look down and laugh at how natural he is as a puppy, cooing as you stroke his fur,"Well it doesn't seem like he minds being like this very much..." you quip. There's a soft bout of laughter in the room when Megumi whips his head back up, snapping back into reality when he feels eyes on him.
The puffy pomeranian jumps out of your arms onto the hospital bed, sneezing indignantly stomping his tiny paws in embarrassment and protest.
As you're about to tease him again, both Yaga and Nanami step into the threshold of the door knocking to announce themselves.
"My god Satoru wasn't joking-the boy's really a damn dog!" Yaga gasps in disbelief removing his sunglasses and rubbing his eyes harshly.
Nanami's breath hitches,"Fushiguro..? I presumed that idiot was just being as foolish as usual…but wow.” the ex-salaryman takes a few steps over to infirmary bed, leaning down to eye level with Megumi, inspecting him,”At the very least, is he alright?”
Megumi lets out a scrappy bark as an answer to his question, unintentionally rumbling in satisfaction when Nanami scratches his head. 
“Well he’s healthy and uninjured, and as you saw can understand us” Shoko affirms,”But my reversed curse technique won’t restore him back to normal.”
You look to the principal and Nanami,”Oh right, these two said Gojo was going to see if you guys knew anything about the curse or knew anything about it?” 
Yaga sighs in indignation,”When I dispatched that mission for the students I told Satoru everything we had regarding the curse and what had been happening. Either that fool forgot or didn’t care to warn any of you,” his tone is that of frustration, his eyes falling to Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara.
Nanami adds,” Ijichi and myself revisited the sight of the mission and talked to locals in the area to get more information.” he crosses his arms growing serious,”Apparently there have been multiple accounts of people suddenly being turned into puppies and haven’t changed back since.”
All of you gasp Megumi himself tensing up. To calm him down you scoop him into your arms and stroke his fur, your eyes regarding him with worry and empathy,”Oh Gumi…don’t worry…”
“Does that mean Fushiguro’s gonna be like this forever?! There’s gotta be something we can do?!” Yuji exclaims. Everyone looks to the poor puppy in your arms in deep concern.
“Will you all please calm down. You didn’t let me finish.” Nanami sighs,”The curse itself was born from spite and vengeance of...” he closes his eyes, tipping his head back from the ridiculousness of what he’s going to say.
“Nanami come on-“ you urge.
“A puppy.”
There’s a pause, the silence in the room is loud.
“A PUPPY?!” everyone yells in disbelief. 
Yaga confirms Nanami’s statement,”That’s correct and it’s PRECISELY what I told Satoru.”
“But how can that be? I thought only a human’s negative emotions could create a curse- how could a dog possibly feel so much it creates a curse?” you shriek, swiftly holding out Megumi to stare at his boxy little face.
Yaga takes a seat in one of the chairs massaging his temple,”Negative emotions are negative emotions regardless of who or what makes them. This puppy had a particular vitriol towards an employee who scolded it once, and also had a dislike towards other dogs that said employee praised and rewarded. Frankly I myself can’t wrap my head around it- nothing like this has ever been seen so far in sorcerer history…” he sighs in resigantion
Everyone is beyond bewildered, how can this be?
“I-I don’t even know what to think…that’s so bizarre…” Shoko stutters out, Nobara nodding in stunned agreement.
“So a curse was born from an anti-social grumpy and jealous puppy…it made a curse that turns people into puppies out of SPITE?” you belabor, under normal circumstances you’d laugh, the puppy sounds like Megumi’s  but it’s so ridiculous… and without any knowledge or hindsight not a single one of you can even know if it’s reversible. 
“It would seem so…” Nanami confirms, removing his sunglasses, looking at Megumi in your arms with tense concern. Said boy deflates,”A malevolent puppy is a rather farfetched idea..”
Yuji has stayed uncharacteristically quiet. Stuck in serene concentration in the corner of the room, he snaps his fingers perking up suddenly,”WAIT! I got it!”
You all look at him, some in confusion, others expectantly.
“The puppy didn’t get along with other dogs and people right? What if the answer to breaking the curse is getting along and making friends with them!”  the pink haired boy concludes with a sparkle of hope in his hazel eyes.
Nanami and Yaga think for a moment, you and Megumi stare at each other in a silent conversation.
“That’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard-“ Nobara interjects
“He may have a point.” You interrupt,”It makes a lot of sense actually, if the puppy was just mad it had no friends, it’s a very logical conclusion to come to.” you send a grateful sweet smile to your friend,”Thanks, Yuji. This a good place to start.” 
The adults in the room nod in agreement. It’s a sound theory, turn a malevolent puppy, into sweet and sociable? 
Yuji shyly rubs the back of his head, his face flushed an endearing red,”Ah. W-Well y-you know anything to help out Fushiguro, y’know?”
Megumi not liking the interaction ,lets out a low growl that you can feel in arms. He bares his teeth towards Yuji, making his best friend chuckle nervously. Waving his hands in panic Yuji rapidly defends himself with amusement,”Woah Fushiguro, down boy geez!”
You scoff fondly, covering Megumi’s little face with your palm,”Be nice. That’s what started this whole mess.” making said puppy thrash and grumble until he eventually placates himself.
“It’s a long shot and not guaranteed to change Fushiguro back, but it doesn’t hurt to try while we find something more concrete.”  Yaga gets up to stretch,”I trust you can play well with others Fushiguro, you three keep us posted. Shoko keep monitoring his health. Nanami and I will try to double check any records for similar cases.” Both sorcerers make their way out,”Oh and by the way, if you see Satoru, let him know my fist is waiting to meet him upside the head.”
All four of you chuckle amusedly, silently hoping you can get a front row seat to Gojo’s ass beating.
You hold Megumi up to look him mischievously in his large dark eyes,”Well well Guuuumi,” you say sing-songy,”Looks like the day I’ve been waiting for is finally here!”  Megumi grumbles with a whine, knowing exactly what you’re getting at.
‘Guuumi can I please put blush on you?! You’d look soo cuute!’
‘Gumi can I put on these hair clips on you!? They’re Baditzmaru! He looks just like you!’
‘Pleaaaase your lashes are so pretty, it would be a waste to not put on eye glitter!.
‘God damn it...’  Megumi thinks as he flashes back to all the times you’ve turned him into your personal doll, though 90% of the time he indulges you because he can’t resist the bright sparkle in your wide eyes, and the sweet pouty look on your face or the convincing lilt in your voice that tugs at his heartstrings. But now
Now you have completely free reign.
“You’re gonna be the cutest dog in the park! Everyone will be flocking to be your friend!” you beam, cooing as you press little kisses to his face. 
“You guys ready?” you turn to your friends with an excited determination.
Yuji and Nobara match your expression, pumping their fists in the air,”Operation turn Fushiguro is a go!” 
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚:
Requests are open!
Bye for now! <3 
tags: @kxllanxtdoor
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lgbtqasacrew ¡ 9 months ago
Izzy x reader nsfw pls?
Summary: After constantly being at each others throats, you and Izzy settle your differences in the bedroom
Relationships: Izzy/gn!reader
Word count: 1.4k+
Warnings: 🔞NSFW minors dni 🔞
A/N: Sorry this took so long for me to get out, I hope it’s what you were thinking of
Ever since Izzy had joined the ship, you two have never got along. Constantly at each other’s throats about anything and everything. Which is why it’s surprising, or maybe it’s really not, that one night you find yourself pressed up against the wall of Izzy’s room with the first mate’s tongue down your throat. “This doesn’t mean anything” he growls as he pulls away.
“Just shut up for once” you retort pulling him back in for a searing kiss, you’re fed up of hearing his voice, always barking orders, telling you you’re not good enough, this is much better you think as you deepen the kiss.
Oh how he was easier to deal with when he’s not talking, and he’s a decent kisser. You’d half expected him to be a biter, but that might just be because he reminded you of a small yappy dog nipping at your heels. You watch as he begins to undress, untying the cravat around his neck, carefully folding it with the golden ring and placing it safely on his desk. You’d always been intrigued by that ring, you’d never have pinned him as sentimental, it must really be something really special to him. Not that you’d ever ask, not that he’d ever tell you if you did ask.
Izzy’s furious at himself, how had he let this happen. One minute he was berating you about how annoying you are, how you never listen to a thing he says. Now you’re in his room unbuttoning your shirt whilst he removes his own clothes. What had you done to him, he hated you, you were constantly getting under his skin, maybe he’s sick, yeah that must be it.
You’ll both get it out of your system and then everything will just go back to normal, he’ll give you orders and you’ll tell him to fuck off. You’re a decent pirate, which is as much of a compliment as he’ll ever give you, but your incessant need to talk back is grating. If you just listened to a simple instruction maybe he wouldn’t find you half as irritating.
He’s taken out of his thoughts by your naked torso, he must’ve seen it before, when you’ve gotten too hot on deck or when Bonnet made the whole crew have a beach day. But here in the close confines of his room, under the dim light of the candle burning on his desk, it’s something else. He has the sudden need to run his hand over your chest, what’s wrong with him, he really must be sick.
Managing to pull his gaze away from you, wouldn’t want you to think he was into you or anything, he takes his own clothes off, folding them neatly into a pile on his desk.
“Is that really necessary?” You quip, why did you always have such a problem with everything little thing he did.
“Yes” is all he replies before stepping towards you until you’re face to face “if you have a problem with that you can get out”
You put your hands up in mock surrender, which he uses to his advantage, taking your hands and holding them above your head as he pins you against the wall, his prick pressing into your thigh.
“Someone’s eager” you tease.
“Shut up” he growls before kissing you with fervour, just needing you to stop talking for once in your life.
Your lips remain connected as he slowly guides you away from the wall and towards the small bed that sits in the corner, pushing you onto it and straddling your thighs, his prick flush between you. He finds himself grinding against you like some sort of desperate animal, he feels pathetic but he can’t stop.
You can feel his prick against your stomach as he continues to grind against you. Taking a small vial from his bedside table, pouring some onto your fingers, you take his prick into your hand, it’s bigger than you’d expected.
He’s moaning into your mouth just from the small touch “mm you’re so desperate aren’t you?”
“Fuck off” he growls
“Fine guess I’ll just stop then” you remove your hand, sure you hear a small whimper from the loss.
“Not what I fuckin’ meant”
“Well you better be careful with what you say, don’t want me to get the wrong idea”
“Just fuckin’ get on with it” he grumbles
“Ask nicely” you demand, laughing internally at the scowl he gives you in return, that man thinks he’s so intimidating, but he never has been to you.
“I’m not-“
“Ask nicely, or I’ll go” you don’t think you actually would at this point but it would be nice to see him be polite to you just once in his life
“Please” he says through gritted teeth
“Good boy” you praise, delighting when you see a dusting of blush on his cheeks, so he likes praise, you shouldn’t be surprised really.
You can feel him shiver as you move your hand up and down his length, enjoying the weight in your palm. You trail kisses down his neck, brushing along the swallow tattoo before sucking on the gentle skin above his collarbone.
Izzy hadn’t felt this good in so long, he told himself it was nothing to do with you, nothing to do with the way you touch him, or kiss his neck as if he was something precious. No, it had just been a while since he’d had another person’s touch, he’s just extra sensitive that’s all.
Your touch was firm but with a gentleness he hadn’t expected but appreciates nonetheless, you weren’t rushing just to get it over with. You were taking your time as if you actually cared about his pleasure, but he must be mistaken, he knows you only view this as a quick exchange, one that neither of you will mention again.
Before he even knows what’s happening, you’re manoeuvring him off your lap and laying him on his back. “I want you inside me Izzy, is that what you want too?” you purr, sending a rush of heat through him, he finds himself nodding eagerly.
“Good” he watches as you lower yourself “Izzy you feel so good” he can feel his face getting warmer at your praise, what is wrong with him.
As if you know what effect it’s having on him, you continue to praise him “you’re doing so well Izzy, you feel so good” he’s getting close just from the praise alone, he feels pathetic, but also, he feels good, better than he’s felt in a long time.
With a couple more shifts of your hips, he releases inside you, collapsing into the mattress as intense pleasure courses through him. Barely noticing as you reach your own orgasm, collapsing beside him in your own haze of pleasure.
When he eventually comes back to himself, he feels good, more than good even, but he also feels a little disappointed, he knows that when he opens his eyes you’ll be gone. He should feel relieved, you’ve both got out of this what you wanted and now you can just go back to your lives. So why does part of him wish you’d stayed, wished that for once that someone had stayed, but more importantly that that person was you.
He almost yelps when he hears rustling in his room, opening his eyes to find you standing there in your underwear holding a cloth, you freeze as if he had caught you doing something wrong. “Sorry I just thought maybe you’d like to clean up, but I’ll go” dropping the cloth on the desk beside you and heading for the door.
But Izzy catches you both by surprise “It’s fine” he wants to say so much more, that he’s glad you’re still here, that the fact you care enough about him to want to clean him up is thawing his cold heart, but he can’t get any more words out.
Luckily those two words are enough for you, he watches with a small smile on his lips as you retrieve the cloth and gently clean him up. As you place the cloth back on the desk, he’s worried you’ll leave again, a small “stay?” manages to pass his lips, part question, part plea. Now he knows what it’s like to have something, he’s scared to let it go in case he never has it again.
You nod, climbing in wordlessly beside him, trying to keep a small distance between you despite the small size of the bed, as if you’re still scared he’ll chuck you out despite him being the one to invite you. He counts to sixty trying to find the courage to hold you like you deserve, it’s purely selfish really, a deep need to feel you in his arms.
Slowly wrapping his arms around you, giving you the chance to pull away if you please, but you don’t, you lean into the warmth, his chest now flush with your back. In that moment you both knew this wouldn’t be a one time thing.
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holnnetd ¡ 2 months ago
Catfisher!KĂśnig Part 3
Part 1, Part 2, ..., Part 4, Part 5 (is a question)
Meow meow, I can't sleep, so here is.....
Warning: Suggestive content, brief mentions of pornography, low-key incel behaviour, some sex talk, just a guy being loser, a little stalker behavior, a little obsessive, please be 18 or older if you read this, or just don't tell me you're minor, I can't stop you from doing anything tbh.
This is only fiction, please remember.
Three months spend texting eachother, and the intentions slowly changed. Fuck, they changed vastly.
Who would have realised the guy that's formally know not to care for any female validation, that has very conservative views on women, and refuses to talk with women just because he believes he's better -fucking virgin ass- actually fell in love with a girl that he always mocked for dressing so feminine.
That's some funny shit if you ask me.
Haha, incel likes bimbo! Wohoho!
From just wanting nudes from the pretty girl, he started to get genuinely interested in every little aspect of your life. You got new textbooks? Those are his her favourites of course!
Woah, the new set of markers. Surely the saturation must be great on those, write his her name down in different colours just so she can see if it's really that great!
You went on a date? Girl, please. He was an asshole! He didn't open the cafĂŠ door for you? You REALLY should block him. Maybe date someone taller.
What does height have to do with opening doors? A lot, really! Please just date the tall guy in your school.
He was starting to fall down that comfortable blanket if lies do much he started to genuinely believe you are best friends. He started being nicer to you in person. Which caught you off guard.
Oh, he brought a delicious pastry for the class just because? What a coincidence, just yesterday you told Alexandria that it's your favourite!
The grown ass college student started to get swooned. Well, he is swooned.
And you two have grown so close over this time, it's just girl talk when the topic starts to go into sexual direction.
Surely asking what your favourite sex position is, is normal between friends. Yeah. He- I mean she enjoys sex shower. I mean shower sex. Ehm.
Surely, you would like it too! Yeah...
It came to a point that hey, what about a meet up?
He fucking stilled. A meet up??? With you? As someone who doesn't exist...?
And how does he get out of this mess now....
Tell the truth? Haha... No.
You couldn't ever look into his eyes if you found out the big weird austrian student that really loves war actually catfished you into giving him literally every information anyone needed to blackmail you.
Hold on...
Information to blackmail.
Lol, did I promise you guys smut in part 3? Sorry guys, I get too yappy. 😇
I swear smut will come somewhere. Surely.
Part 1, Part 2, ..., Part 4 (surely will come)
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urhoneycombwitch ¡ 1 year ago
Eddie Munson x Reader bleedin' heart Valentine's edition.
foreword: Valentine’s can be a drag especially for those of us with seasonal depression so this one goes out to YOU, my loves. Take care of yourselves and here’s a lil’ Eddie escapism.
cw: depression, fluff, R referred to as 'girl'. also R fits into Eddie's old clothes but in my perfect written world everything always fits just right! <3
Eddie peers through your front windows, forehead pressed to the cold glass, seeing only a shadowed living room and hoping your elderly neighbor with the yappy little dog doesn’t come out to yell at him again. This is his girlfriend’s house after all, and it’s Valentine’s Day, he’s got a right to be here- even if he looks like a stalker while doing it. 
He’s just worried about you, truth be told- he knows you’ve been feeling low lately, that bone-deep depression settling around you like a cloud you can’t seem to shake. Thing is, Eddie’s great at getting you to cheer up, so he figured when you didn’t return his calls yesterday to make Valentine’s plans he’d bring the outing to you instead. 
He raps his knuckles on your front door again, calling your name in a voice just-below a shout- “Angel, will you let me in? I’m pretty sure my left toe has frostbite, might need you to check it out-”
His ramble is interrupted when the door creaks open, and there you are, his girl- dressed in soft sweats and a thick pair of socks, one of his old band sweaters hugging your frame as you blink in surprise.
“Eddie,” you start, a little unsure, and he realizes in the span of a few seconds that he’s got it all wrong. You look so worn out, like you haven’t slept in days, even worse than when he saw you last. 
His heart twists at the same time your gaze drops to the box of chocolates and VHS tape in his hand, and your voice comes out all watery and it kills him. 
“Oh, shit, Eddie. I completely forgot. I’m so, so sorry.”
There are tears swimming in your eyes now and Eddie’s desperate for them not to spill over; mindlessly he tosses all the shit that doesn’t really matter to the porch and steps forward to wrap you in his arms. 
“Shh, sweetheart, it’s okay. Please don’t cry. You’ve got nothing to apologize for,” he soothes, running warm hands up and down your back, letting you crush your face to his chest. “I’m the one who’s a dope for the holidays, but it’s only ‘cuz I love you so much.”
“I wanted tonight to be special,” you say tearily, shuddering breaths coming too quick as Eddie tucks his chin over the crown of your head and holds you tight. “But I’ve just been so… out of it lately and I lost track of the days and I’m sorry-”
“Hey, I’m serious. No more apologies, ‘kay?” Eddie pulls back just far enough to settle his hands on either side of your face, cool rings at your cheeks as he brushes away your tears. “If you wanna be alone, I get it, babe, we can make plans another-”
“No!” You’re quick to interject, hands tightening around Eddie’s waist. “No, please stay. I can’t promise I’ll be any fun…”
Eddie scoffs at this, rolls his eyes before leaning down to give you a chaste and sweet kiss. “Liar. You’re always fun. I have fun just lookin’ at you. Fun should be your middle name.”
A half-smile pulls at your lips, and Eddie counts it as a win. He briefly extricates himself from you to scoop up the stuff he’d tossed to the porch, offering you the heart-shaped box and the VHS of Dirty Dancing. “Be my Valentine?”
He accents this request with an eyebrow wiggle, which wins him one of your real smiles, and you pull him into the house. “Okay. Only if you’ll be mine.”
Eddie shuts the door with his boot. “Got yourself a deal, princess.”
Another small smile, there and gone in a flash but still enough to make Eddie’s heart swell. You take the tape and frown at it. “Dirty Dancing? I thought you hated Patrick Swayze. Something about his hair being too much competition…”
“You’re right, I hate the guy, but I love you and I know you love this movie,” Eddie counters, shucking off his jacket and toeing off his boots.
You smile fondly, reaching to run a hand through Eddie’s mane of dark curls. “Well, for the record, Pat’s got nothin’ on you.”
Eddie gathers all the blankets in your house and makes a cozy nest for the two of you on the couch; you cuddle up in front of the TV with the box of chocolates to share, Eddie’s arm wrapped snug around your shoulders as the swell of beginning credits plays.
By the time the movie’s over, you’ve both fallen asleep in each other’s arms, Eddie with his head tipped back against the couch and you on his chest. The wind bites against the windows, cold and unforgiving, but the both of you stay warm and comfy under tattered quilts and fuzzy covers.
It’s the best sleep either of you have had in days. 
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whatdoidosatoru ¡ 2 months ago
the family business
chapter 1 of stardewnatural | ao3 stardew valley/supernatural crossover farmer/sebastian nobody really has a car in pelican town. so it's a little strange when a '67 chevrolet impala appears parked at the bus stop. soon, farmer sunny meets two monster hunters sent on a mission to figure out the (more than the usually) weird things happening in this quaint town. wc: 2207 cw: light violence, banter, some innuendo, sam and dean being sam and dean
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nobody really had a car in pelican town.
at least that’s what sunny thought until she walked past one on her daily walk into town.
the day started like any other fall day until now. the very first friday of the season always began with waking up at six and having a quick breakfast with her coffee, feeding the dog and cats, giving them some attention before heading out to pick up any crops that were ready, emptying the kegs and grabbing everything she needed for the usual trip into the town square when…
there was a menacing, old black car that stood parked next to the broken-down bus just outside the tunnel leading to the desert. being somewhat late in her daily schedule, sunny didn't stop to take a closer look, but faint voices could be heard as she kept walking, stepping on crinkly leaves littering the path.
“i’m telling you it's just in your head.”
“and i'm telling you there was a little… i don't know what it was but it was in the bush!”
“you need coffee.”
“i'm telling you there's something sketchy going on, sammy.”
she passed the ripe vegetable to the bespectacled shopkeeper in exchange for 120 gold that she pocketed before quickly waving and disappearing through the door. 
certain she would find the owners of these voices later, probably in the saloon, she kept walking, keeping herself as close as she could to her planned out schedule. but the oddity of unknown people stuck in her head.
“sorry, sorry, i got caught up with the canning,” sunny immediately started explaining as she walked into pierre's store, balancing a big basket full of items on her hip, “here's the bok choy you wanted.”
“woah, easy there, farmer.” a surprised voice snapped her out of focus as she nearly collided with the body in front of her. she apologetically looked up and fixed the soft knitted beanie on her head.
“sorry, doc, in a rush this morning.”
looking at the watch on her left wrist, she noticed the time. 9:10. shit, she was already supposed to be on her way up to the mountains.
“hey, doc, shouldn't you already be at the clinic?”
the town doctor stuttered, brushing his hair out of the way and fixing his brown framed glasses before rushing off into the store, muttering something about running out of coffee grounds.
sunny shrugged, fixed the basket on her arm, and started towards the old community center, bracing herself for another collision with the world of supernatural beings living alongside them here in pelican town.
“hey did you see the car?”
a voice greeted her at the door to the community center; the voice of, as of only a few days ago, her boyfriend, sebastian. his dark hair glinted purple in the rare fall sun, and he wore a sweet smile – it was nice seeing him finally in his element after so much summer heat. he approached and pulled her into a hug, ignoring the fact that she was awkwardly balancing a nearly full basket of stuff from the farm and the local mines. in fact, there was something in there for him.
“you saw it too?”
sunny responded as he slid his hand in hers, walking back to the town square with her since he knew the schedule for today. 
“sam heard it when he… anyway he called me all excited and yappy, wouldn’t shut up about it ‘cause he thought i’d wanna check it out. i mean, he was right.”
“looks cool, though, doesn't it?”
“what does?”
“the car, silly.”
“oh hell yeah, it's a beaut.”
she raised an eyebrow, but quickly shook her head at his comment. of course he'd call a car beautiful, he was somewhat obsessed with cool cars and motorbikes, having the latter himself. she remembered all the midnight rides on that motorcycle of his, the way he'd speed up just to have her grip onto his waist tighter, the wind in their hair, the view when they'd park and…
“you see who drove it?” his voice snapped her out of her head.
“huh? oh, the car?”
“earth to sunny, you awake?”
sebastian reached out to poke her on the cheek, smirking as he did so. by the pep in his step it was obvious that he was getting genuinely excited to see the car, it was certainly not an everyday occurrence to have new people and a new vehicle in town.
sunny murmured something about being frazzled today, probably from having a late night planning for the stardew valley fair.
they made their way to the bus stop, murmuring good morning to a few people in passing.
“hey sunny, you got any pumpkins going?” abigail's voice carried through the window of her bedroom. sunny looked up to see her smiling face peeking through.
“oh, i've got a bunch planted for you!”
abby blew her a kiss and disappeared into her room again, leaving the pair to keep walking past the store, past the clinic (still open despite their only doctor being outside in the park), and to the bus stop where the broken down bus had been sitting unmoving for years.
sunny could almost feel the excitement radiate from him, he squeezed her hand a little more as they approached the car, half-hidden by the shadow of the tunnel. 
“yoba, look at that design…”
his voice was full of awe, he kept going towards the car, offhandedly mentioning facts about the build of the car, about the sleek design, about the engine it must have…
and she couldn't keep my eyes off him. his eyes shone with fascination, with wonder at this machine in front of them. where she saw a cool vehicle, he saw the ingenuity, the remarkable angles. 
“...really wanna hear it”
she snapped out of the admiration to his words, realising she'd been clutching the basket a little tighter. barely had she had time to smile at him when an angry voice bellowed from behind.
“hey! get away from the car!”both of them quickly stepped back, sebastian with his hands already up in a gesture of surrender. two men approached, one with short hair and a face full of rage, the other taller, long haired, and with a look of worry.
“we’re…” she pulled sebastian back a little, keeping him closer to her in case they go for him because he was close to the car “ so sorry, we didn’t touch it or anything we just… looked, it’s rare to…” she snapped her mouth shut and tilted her head to the side as the shorter, angrier man approached the car as one would a lover, caressing it while checking for any dents or whatever else they could’ve done to it in the short time they were near. sunny could’ve sworn he called it baby.
“forgive my brother, he’s very…” the taller man looked at the brother in question and then back at them, clearly noticing their questioning expressions “ besotted with the car.”
sebastian raised an eyebrow at him and looked at the man checking the car, letting out a little huh as if to say yeah no shit.
there was a weird pause, seb and sunny awkwardly observing the car caressing, and what seemed to be loving whispering, while the taller brother’s eyes flitted between his, clearly embarrassing, brother and them two.
“i’m sam. that’s my brother dean.” he took a long step towards them, seriously, how tall was this guy , and held out his hand. sebastian shook it immediately, looking up at sam , who was nothing like their sam.
“sebastian. this is my girlfriend , sunny.” as she shifted the basket to shake sam’s hand, she noticed sebastian’s hand suddenly found its usual place on her waist, tugging a little closer to him. she smirked at his action before looking towards the newcomer.
“sunny. sorry if this is rude but…” she eyed the other brother, dean, who finally stopped touching up his precious car to join his brother in introducing himself and shaking hands, “what are you doing here exactly? the fair isn’t until the 16th.”
“the fair?” those were the first somewhat polite words directed at them by dean. he fixed his jacket and looked the pair over, as if estimating whether or not they’re from this earth or not. his eyes landed on the basket in sunny’s hands, no doubt wondering why the hell she was carrying so much assorted stuff with.
“the stardew valley fair?” sebastian sounded surprised that someone would venture into pelican town without the intention to attend one of the festivals. in his mind, there was no other reason to be here… well, at least not until we had got closer.
“sure, the fair.” the taller man sounded unconvinced, but the look in his eyes as he turned to his brother told everyone involved to just drop it.
“we’re hunters,” dean explained, “you know, anything out of the ordinary, anything… strange, we hunt it and save people. it’s kind of a family business.”
strange and out of the ordinary. the family business . that description just about covered the entirety of pelican town. from the forest spirits to the town wizard living on the outskirts of the town. and sunny knew a thing or two about keeping a family business alive, not that anyone in said family could actually appreciate it.
“like slime hunters?” she blurted out, causing sebastian to snort in laughter.
sam and dean looked at each other in confusion and maybe a little offense.
“sl- slime hunters?” dean raised an eyebrow, looking like he was about to explain how he was more dangerous and serious than anything called a slime hunter could ever be. clearly he hadn’t encountered a slime before.
the sweet gift earned her another kiss on the forehead and one directly on the lips, the one she never wanted to pull away from.
“yeah, the slimes in the mines?” she continued, ignoring the fact that sebastian tugged on her sleeve a little, leaning closer in warning.
“uh, sunny? i don’t think they know about the slimes…”
the silence was heavy. there was heat climbing up into her cheeks, making her hear heart beats in her head. oh, she’s blabbed too much again. she turned her head to sebastian, but he just slid his hand into hers now, drawing little hearts with his thumb over her knuckles.
“okay so other than… slimes … did you two maybe notice something weird going on around here?” sam questioned, earning a sigh from sunny and a light chuckle from sebastian.
“look, the weirdest thing in this town right now is you two.” unlike sunny’s awful overthinking about whether something she had said would be taken as rude or condescending, sebastian had no filter. if he spoke to people in the first place, he didn’t give a fuck about keeping them placated. “we don’t get many people just walking in and out unless it’s for festivals, and certainly not with awesome cars like that one.” he nodded towards the black car, making both brothers follow his gaze as if to make sure it was their car he was talking about.
sunny shifted the basket again as she cleared her throat.
“look, if you hunt… weird things, maybe you could talk to marlon up at the adventurer’s guild or to rasmodius.”
“asmodeus?” dean looked alarmed at the mention of the wizard, but his misunderstanding of the name earned him a smack on the back of his head by sam.
“she said rasmodius, dean.” sam rolled his eyes briefly before continuing, “that’s the wizard, right? we were actually sent by a… friend of his. where could we find him?”
sebastian quickly explained how to get to the wizard’s tower, wondering how the hell they knew this wizard’s friend .
sam and dean made their way towards the cindersap forest, throwing one last glance at the car as sebastian and sunny stood at a respectful distance from it, as if warned not to try anything funny.
“that was… weird, right? it’s not just me?” sunny’s question made sebastian chuckle.
“as much as i’d love to say it was just you being weird, i have to admit they were…” he finished the sentence simply by shaking his head a little.
in retaliation for his cheekiness she lifted their intertwined hands and bit his knuckles gently, making him nudge her with his shoulder.
“keep nudging me and i’m not giving you your gift.”
“gift?” he leaned in and kissed her temple, melting her with his spontaneous signs of affection. “you’re gift enough for me.”
she looked up and saw that self-satisfied grin on his face whenever he thought he said something incredibly funny. after the initial reaction of just rolling her eyes, sunny pulled out a somewhat chipped piece of obsidian from the basket. seeing his eyes widen in excitement made all the bruises and scratches from going into the mines worth it.
“wait, seriously? is that obsidian? oh man, you know it’s exactly what i’ve been looking for! i’m gonna see if i can shape it into a dagger!” with a smile he took it from her hand wrapped into a cloth and put it into his jean pocket.
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weixuldo ¡ 2 years ago
Allow me// ch 4
Vader x Reader
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a/n: Hello hello!! sorry for the wait! I will say that were entering more of the “x reader” content that I know most of you are looking forward to heh, but who doesnt love a good slow burn?? hah ty for reading :)
Your boss is not happy about your absence yesterday
warnings: Cannon typical violence, force choking, real choking (and not in the fun way lol), Death, implied death, cursing, anxiety
“You never arrived at your posted station yesterday officer y/n, so where in the galaxy were you?!” your red faced manager shouted at you as he dabbed at the sweat forming above his bushy brow. 
“I was pulled aside to complete-” 
“I don’t give a fuck about who asked for your assistance, you report to me. And unfortunately your task was not completed yesterday so who do you think got chewed out? Me!” he huffed, not allowing you to finish your sentence. This was causing a bit of a scene in the semi-public hallway.  
If he weren't always like this, a passerby might think he was going to go into cardiac arrest. 
“Sir, I am truly sorry, but when Darth Vader himself asks for your assistance, you can't really deny him,” you tried to explain calmly.
The winded man in front of you let out a gargantuan laugh, “You're tellin’ me… Darth Vader? The most revered Sith lord in the galaxy… asked for your help?! Hah! You gotta be outta your mind little girl”.
“It is true sir, I didn’t get a chance to tell you after I finished because It was late and our wing was closed”.
“Oh yea, I'm sure you did get back pretty late” he laughed.
“We all hear what the troopers say about you little miss, surprised you didn’t take your knee pads yesterday, well with all that dick you’ve been sucking”
Wow, this puny man was really proud of himself, wasn't he. It was honestly disgusting.
“I do not think that is appropriate workplace behavior, sir” you tried to remain as cordial as possible; with basically the whole executor aiming for the target on your back, you felt like you had to be on your very best behavior all the time. 
“Yea, well in my department, I make the rules and since you carelessly neglected your duties yesterday, I’m giving you the highly acclaimed task of cleaning the restrooms in the communal sector, and once you're done with that I think I’ll give you a task all the way in the bridge” the man smiled a toothy grin before insisting time was “of the essence”.
The cool bathroom floor made you shiver as your knees hit the tile, you went through so much schooling and apprenticeships to do ….this. 
To make it even better you had to keep the door open because the cleaning chemicals needed to be aired out or else they would be too strong; that gave your whole department the lovely view of your ass bent over the toilets, scrubbing away the grime.
It was humiliating, but what were you going to do? Defy your manager and possibly lose your job? No.
It was bad enough that everyone here seemed to hate you, why would you lose a decent paying job too?
You sighed as you heard some of your co-workers snickering;
“I bet that tile is uncomfortable”
“I wouldn't worry about it, she’s probably used to being on her knees hah!”
Finally, you reached the last stall and you were getting high off of the fumes of the cleaning materials. You felt gross and you were getting a headache, your boss didn’t even give you the health regulated mask to use as you worked with the chemicals. 
You were gathering up the cleaning bottles and rags when you heard the bustling of your office grow silent. That wasn’t normal, usually there were at least a few yappy voices gossiping about some dumb drama within the department. 
You were inclined to peek around the doorway of the bathroom, but you decided not to do anything that could get you yelled at…again.
Suddenly you heard a hushed voice, “He’s coming”.
At that, your senses heightened. Could it be?
You had no reason to be excited for his arrival, after all it's not like you were in a fantasy story where he would whisk you away and make you his-
The familiar sound of the steel door sliding to the side filled the bay and in came those heavy boot steps, patterned breathing, and demanding aura. 
Darth Vader was here. 
“My Lord, how may I be of assistance” your boss bowed at the dark figure before him; his face finally cooled down from the bright red it was when he yelled at you earlier.
“I need to speak with one of your mechanics” the Sith spoke, surveying the room. 
“Yes, of course! We can get you someone right awa-’
“You misunderstand, General. I need one specific mechanic” Vader corrected.
“Oh! My apologies, who may you be in search of?” Your boss recovered his mistake, though you could see the redness creeping up the back of his neck again.
“F/N L/N.”
Did you mess up your details yesterday? 
You felt less worried for your safety then you once did because you had shared a few one-on-one moments with the dark lord.
His sudden appearance in your wing did confuse you. 
You peeked around the bathroom door’s opening and saw your boss nervously glancing at the bathroom door.
“Ohh, um, of course My lord…. Though might I add, if some repair was done incorrectly I apologize on behalf of the mechanic’s branch… she tends to do faulty work– and we will deal with her accordingl-”
“Quite the contrary, general.”
The-now- red faced man blinked in surprise at the Sith’s words. 
“M-My Lord?” 
He stole another glance back to where you were. 
“What is in the bathroom that is so interesting that you cannot focus on our conversation?” The cloaked figure demanded as he made his way over to where you were. 
Quickly you scurried away from the entrance and went back to cleaning on the other end of the facility; You'd rather not be caught actively eavesdropping.
The Sith stomped into the bathroom with a determination that gave you butterflies. His helmet turned towards you before he commanded you to rise.
Oh… maybe he was frustrated with you.
Your excitement turned into uncertainty as you followed the man out of the restroom.
“Leave the bucket” he added, talking about the pail with all of the cleaning supplies and rags. 
You stepped out of the chemical filled bathroom and inhaled a deep breath of clean air; as you followed the flowing cape of the man in front of you, everyone’s eyes were on you. 
Vader suddenly stopped, causing you to almost run straight into his broad shoulders. 
“Would you care to explain why a mechanic of the empire was wasting time sanitizing the restroom facilities and not a cleaning droid?”
“Well, My Lord, she had not arrived at her posted work station yesterday, so we thought it best to punish her accordingly” Your boss replied with a nervous toothy grin. 
“Who approved that method, General?”
“Well- Umm” the shorter man stammered.
“Because I see no advantages to this situation. More work is delayed and the cleaning is less efficient”
Damn, he really just implied you didn’t know how to clean a toilet.
“Yes, Of course My Lord, My apologies… it will not happen again” Your boss profusely apologized.
“Very well. I am not pleased when workers take their own liberties when abridging protocol on MY ship” The Sith proclaimed irritably. 
The sleazy man cowered and stepped aside, allowing the cloaked Sith passage.
“Y/N, you are to come with me” Vader spoke, without turning to look at you.
Your whole body felt tingly as you walked behind him (and not in the fun tingly way…. More like dread). You weren’t used to him taking a demanding tone with you. 
You followed him out and his squadron followed closely behind you; the hallway was silent except for the shuffle of the trooper’s boots and the man’s breathing. What had you gotten yourself into?
Only around halfway down the hallway the man in front of you suddenly stopped, prompting you to halt abruptly behind him. You were so close that his cape brushed the tip of your nose before you took a few steps back. 
Vader slowly turned his head to the side as if he were sensing something. Was he feeling your fear?
The profile of his mask seemed more and more ominous with every second. 
You were about to ask him what was the matter, but before you could he walked past you back towards where you both just were. 
Were you supposed to follow him? 
He had already entered the room when you caught up with him. You weren't sure what he was doing, but you sure didn’t expect to see him choking your boss in the middle of the room.
The smaller man had no chance as the dark giant held him firmly in his gloved hand. It was almost sad how much your boss was struggling; he kicked his feet and clawed at Vader’s iron fist. 
“Would you care to repeat what you just said, general?” Vader questioned.
All the man could muster was broken chokes and gasps as his face turned bluer by the second.
“First you think you can change protocol and then you have the audacity to insinuate my business with one of your mechanics” he scoffed before dropping the man from his grasp. 
He fell hard with a thud and gasped for air.
Vader straightened his form and took a look around the room at all of the terrified workers.
“Do not be so ignorant as to think I do not hear your childish gossip on my own ship.”
Suddenly you realized what this was all about…
the rumors. 
Of course a mighty sith lord wouldn’t want to be talked about behind their back, especially if people were insinuating they were getting their rocks off, but there was a certain double standard among the men of the galaxy. It was seen as something to be proud of when a man would bed many women or have “sex slaves” (for lack of better terms). 
You really didn’t understand why he was so heated… was it because it was you?
A sudden wave of nausea washed over you; was he only disgusted because they were pairing him with you? Did he think you were that embarrassing to be associated with? 
Vader turned his attention back to the man on the ground.
“Pathetic” he huffed before turning back to the gallery of shocked workers.
“Let him be an example for you all” 
In a swift motion he turned his clench fist and the man’s neck snapped with a sickening crack.
Your eyes widened and you heard others gasp; you had only ever heard of the Sith’s capability, never seen it.
Vader turned on his heel and promptly left the room, strutting down the hall quicker than he was before; you were frozen for a moment, but then you hurried after the Sith. Hopefully what he needed you for would be something less… deadly. 
The room was freezing and the fabric of your uniform was not doing much to help with the cold.
After the ordeal at your workplace, Vader brought you to a room that you had not previously seen. In keeping with the rest of the ship, the room was the rich obsidian that you grew accustomed to. There was a large seat in front of the window that beautifully displayed the vast view of space. 
Currently you were seated on a couch that was in front of the chair; much to your surprise it was a pretty comfy one.
None of the troopers entered the room with you and the Sith, so you worried this was it. You were going to die. 
He asked you to take a seat but then disappeared into another connecting room.
In his absence, you recalled all of your interactions with him, trying to figure out what grounds he had to kill you? Nothing you had done was out of line, it was more the mistakes of those around you… but what were you going to do, protest the Sith’s plans? 
You became sad when you reminisced on your feelings for the man… What a fool you were. You really thought that the cold and stoic man liked you. You thought you were connecting with him- and he even allowed you to drop formalities around him-
What went wrong?
You were too naiive, that’s what was wrong. 
Your nerves began to settle a bit when he hadn’t returned, it had been around two hours by now. Whether he wanted to play a cruel waiting game or not was becoming more and more irrelevant to you. 
You were sure your fate was sealed, so what was a few more hours? Plus you had a very emotionally taxing day and your lack of sleep was catching up with you. 
This couch was feeling more and more appealing and your eyelids were getting heavier and heavier…
Maybe a little nap wouldn’t hurt, you would just make sure to set an alarm on your watch for you to wake up. 
yeah… just a quick-
a/n: alrightyyy thank you for reading and if you guys have any questions about the pacing of this story or enigma, dont hesitate to shoot me an ask! Love you all :)
taglist: @vadersassistant @sxoulohvn @khaleesihavilliard @kashasenpai @darling-murdock @beautifulbearpolice @salvatoresister1 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @blueninjablade3 @jujuba096 @missmannequin @jellydodger @mirastark @wyvernthekriger @duckyhowls @monada43 @lauriidoesstuff @vienettacream @ray-rook @itswhatever06
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frozenwolftemplar ¡ 1 month ago
Flash Fiction Friday 1/24
At it again! Thanks to @flashfictionfridayofficial for the prompt! Took interpretation a little looser this week, but I think it still fits, so here we are!
Prompt: Blinding Gaze
Fandom: Tangled: the Series
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 985 😁
 It had felt good, at first.
"Wow!" Rapunzel's eyes shone to dim the sun from where she stood at the edge of the training field. "That was amazing Cassandra!"
"Eh." Cass draped her bow, with a flash of flourish, over the back of her shoulders and looped her arms, scarecrow-like, up and over the back of the weapon. She shrugged, the curved arc of wood was staunch as pride against her sinews. "It's just a warm-up."
"It's not 'just' anything." Rapunzel flitted over and studied the target where Cass's arrow had sliced, neat and true as a vow, down the middle of an earlier arrow piercing the dead-center bulls-eye. She turned back to Cass, green eyes dazzling. "It's incredible! I didn't know someone could even do that!"
"Come on," she'd said, unlooping the bow and sliding an arrow from her quiver and holding them out to the Princess. "I'll show you some basics."
Rapunzel had looked nervously at the bow much like the townspeople looked at Frauline Lizst's yappy and snarling dervish of a dog (like they looked at her). "It's...couldn't I shoot someone's eye out?"
"Not if you know what you're doing."
And Rapunzel's gaze, that glorious midsummer gaze, had brightened as she took the bow. "Trusting you on this one,” she’d said with a playful wink.
And she'd got her first bulls-eye before the session ended, a feat she attributed as much to Cassandra as to herself.
Yeah, maybe she'd let her ego be stroked a little more than was good for it; after all, what meaning was there to be had in the awe of a girl for whom, for eighteen years, the world had consisted solely of a tower history forgot and a hidden glade that didn't know time? But to be recognized, even in that small way, after a lifetime of being seen as nothing more than 'the Captain's girl' or 'the cast-off' or 'the castle charity case' felt...good.
Yes, she'd thought to herself time and again, Rapunzel's eyes warming the months, yes it felt very good, for once being able to bask in the sun of an admiring, trusting gaze. A taste of ambrosia given generously by an Olympian hand.
But she had read the myths; she should have recalled the gods of yore were capricious things.
For as the months passed, the hand, slowly but surely, withdrew.
"Rapunzel, please, this is a bad idea." Cass grabbed ahold of Rapunzel's arm, staying her. “You don’t know anything about these guys. The last thing we should be doing is sitting down to tea with them.”
”Cass...” Rapunzel rolled her eyes, the way Cass herself had when she was eight and her dad balked at letting her graduate from wooden dummy swords to real ones she could barely lift. “You’re being paranoid. You don’t need to guard my every move.”
Cass firmed her expression. That’s literally my job, and you’re not making it easy.
”And besides, look at them.” She indicated the couple, clad in flounce and frills and giggling like ninnies over their toadstool table and ridiculously ornate teapot. “Do they look dangerous to you?”
No, they didn’t, but that made her hackles rise all the more. “Raps, please, trust me on this one.”
The Princess had turned to her once more, green eyes steady and bright in the half-light of the forest. “We’re going. It’ll be fine.”
That was the first time she’d felt the burn.
(the fact she'd ended up being right was little consolation)
She’d tried to ignore it, the way she would a mildly-inconveniencing sprain. Instead she focused on the light that still dazzled, the warmth that still shone, and found salve in apologies that felt true even as 'sorry' was never said even as the burns became more numerous, and savored what she could of the ambrosia.
This was her job. This was her duty. And the Princess...was still Rapunzel, who she was beholden to answer to, true, but was also, against all the improbabilities of Rank and Birth and the toss of Fate's die, her friend.
She’d thought.
Now, in the aftermath of the latest ill-fated adventure, another one she’d warned her not to take, Cass sat cradling what was left of her arm, black and withered as a candle’s spent wick with angry streaming boils erupting along its length, grimacing in pain and trying not to scream.
Her hand...her sword hand....turned to ash; her place in the castle...her future...her life...gone in a burst of flame, all because of-
She felt Rapunzel's beside her.
"Why?" Cass spat the word, taut and holding embers, as she turned and latched her eyes onto Rapunzel's, the green eyes wide with horror. "Why didn't you let me use the Spear? Why didn't you trust me?"
Rapunzel blinked, let her hands fall to her side; she opened her mouth, shut it, opened it again; her fingers twitched like the legs of a dying bug.
Then her gaze changed.
The green narrowed, the warmth burning hotter. "I told you to get out."
"The Incantation was too strong; you couldn't control it!"
"Yes, I could!"
Her hand throbbed; she grit her teeth. "Did that rot go to your brain? You couldn't snap out of it, that why I had to-"
"Cassandra, enough!"
Cass's mouth snapped shut. The Princess drew herself taller, looking down at Cass kneeling in the dirt. "I'm not going to argue about this with you. I stand by my choice. I told you to leave and you chose to stay. You can't blame me for that."
Eugene called her then, something about helping build up the fire for a supper none of them were going to be able to eat anyway, and the Princess left, leaving Cass alone.
Good, she thought, sitting back against a stump of a long dead tree and shutting her eyes.
She'd been burned enough for one day.
Ambrosia never was meant for her.
(A/N: 🎶Cass's Burned Arm, Cass's Burned Arm, only a matter of time before I write Cass's Burned Arm 🎶)
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woso-dreamzzz ¡ 8 months ago
i can't even word how much i love the second times the charm series it's always such a treat to see alexia so happy and in love and so goofy and loveable (and such a loser <3) the trope of alexia being loudly unhinged but r being quietly but equally as unhinged is definitely one of my favorite bits also the mentions of alexia and r when they were younger; it really drives home that they were childhood sweethearts and grew up falling in love with each other
some more comments from the past 2 parts of second time
quiet introverted alexia turning into yap city, population: 1 when it involves her biggest loves, r and nala is love, love, love
r indulging alexia's yapping every single night (lbr nightly walks with her sleepy baby and her himbo wife yapping her ear off is probably her favorite part of the day)
alexia keeping all of nala's stuff after her passing awww ;;;;;
the contrast of alexia doing something unhinged and trying to explain it at a mile a minute while r is doing something equally unhinged but describes it in 5 words or less lmao
alexia: don't be silly, keira why would i name my dog after fellow woso legend Christine Sinclair when i obviously named him after my kitchen sink
himbo alexia being the bane of mapi's life is the funniest running joke ngl
maya trying to look after r in the beginning awww she's only 2 years old and already taking after alexia lol
alexia distressed over all the minor hiccups her family had to deal with throughout the entire week is so cute she's such a cutie pie
alexia /would/ get sick out of sheer solidarity and empathy for her loved ones lmao
lol at lady also being worried for r i love how everyone in this family loves and cares for each other so much even the dogs
just realized you still haven't named the other puppies yet maybe salt, pepper, paprika? (kitchen-themed but also they're blues clues characters)
i love how whenever something nice happens to alexia she's just so confused? like ??? something good?? happened? to ME??? like yes!! you deserve everything good in life <333333
sorry this got so long but yes, i have much love for this series since day 1 and I'm so glad that it's grown so much in such a short time!
These are my favourite kind of messages to wake up to!!!! ❤️
Yappy Alexia is my favourite kind of Alexia. She's so calm and composed and focused on the pitch and at training but as soon as someone brings up her wife and kid, suddenly she's talking everyone's ear off until someone makes her stop
Alexia and R just balance each other out. They're both as unhinged as each other but only one of them is super obvious about it
Is there where I confess that Sinky is only named Kitchen Sink so I could make that joke about Sinclair? 🤭
Maya is really growing up to be a little Alexia. She adores R so much and will also break out into sympathetic sickness like Alexia does just because her Mama is sick
Second Time's Alexia just deserves the world and her wife is determined to give it to her
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living-mites ¡ 2 months ago
Mnnnbb angst
angst is my middle name omg let me cook
(idk if u were asking for it but i js got my acrylic nails off and im a yapping machine) TW for alcholl and depression ig
SO when Dallas died Buck went into a crazy depressive/manic episode where he couldn't keep the bar/road house thingy open bc that is where dallas lived ofc and Buck saw himsself as a father figure to Dallas and it was hard to watch Dallas run himself to the ground.
Tim also had a hard time and he took it out on his gang and Curly + Angela. He drank more, and smoked more, started to become a lot more reckless which ofc effected his little siblings. AND Pony let him have the st. Christopher necklace which he wears NON-STOP
When Johnny died his parents cared but they didn't go to the funeral because it was "too much for them" but in reality- they were drinking themselves under the table and didn't even try to attend.
Ponyboy suffers major major trauma (obvi) but it's to the point where Darry can't light a fire on the stove or fireplace or even a candle because it brings back too many memories- similarly, ponyboy can't take baths or go to the pool without getting harsh flashbacks of the drowning.
Cherry suffers from depression and she believes that what happened to Bob was all her fault, and that she could have prevented it by not sitting with Ponyboy, or trying to stop Bob from drinking and driving.
Marcia already has mental issues (in my mind) and her parents are kinda forgetful and I feel Marcia as bpd or something of the sorts, so when Cherry is distant and depressed from her literal Boyfriend dying, she feels like she is alone and nobody wants her as a friend.
Randy cuts off all ties with everyone (even Marcia) after Bob's death so that he can improve his mental health.
-This is all Headcanon but bro i'm so sorry im feeling extra yappy today.
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generational-atrophy ¡ 2 years ago
Can you do reader x main 8 with a hyper German shepherd who loves them. Maybe they try to be a lap dog even though they're they're not little anymore.
For context, let's say the dogs name is Lucy.
(Hetalia Main 8 X Reader) S/O with a Big, Hyper Dog!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N anon this is very specific. Do you have a hyper german shepherd. If so. Please send pics. Also sorry that this is shorter. Its very. Again. Very specific djhksgkjh
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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ALFRED WOULD LOVE A SUPER HYPER BIG DOG. He is absolutely the type of guy to prefer huge dogs that could kill him over little yappy ones.
Plus, now he’s not the only high-energy one in the house! He even gets a pal to go on runs with. If anyone can tire out a dog, it’s him.
AND! He’s got a big lap. And no ability to feel uncomfortable. He is not realizing that that dog is too big to sit on him anymore. You’re gonna have to stop the dog yourself.
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Arthur, on the other hand, is not a dog person. Much less of a big dog person. His house is small, he’s small, and his patience is too. Sure, he still loves the dog, but… not as much as the dog loves him.
Most of the time that you come home, your German Shepherd is just outside. And has been so for hours. Arthur just can’t stand the barking and the neediness. Even if it’s a little cruel…
That dog is never getting on his lap either. Never. He is way too much of a bony twink for that to happen. But that’s probably the one thing he’ll feel a little bad for.
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Francis may not be incredibly excited at first, but he comes around quickly. Sure, they’re loud and a lot to deal with… but if they’re your family, he loves them too.
He’s willing to take them on walks and take care of them. But if they make a mess in their excitement, that’s your problem. God forbid they try to get on his lap too, they may be cute, but they’re also covered in dirt! No amount of cuteness can make up for that! Although… they are very, very cute…
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Yao is fine with the dog… as long as he doesn’t have to take care of it. He’s a total “We’re not getting a dog, dad with the dog” kind of guy though. He’ll complain about how hyper the big puppy is while he’s sneaking them bacon from his plate.
That dog is always getting pushed off his lap though. He’s got old man bones! He doesn’t have the energy to deal with some big dopey dog taking over all his personal space!
That and the barking… he doesn’t have a lot of patience for a lot of noise either. Other than that, he adores the dog! He just won’t admit it.
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Ivan is very fond of dogs! But… not super hyper ones. Not because he doesn’t like them most of the time, he just gets very overwhelmed by how much energy they have.
The moments when they’re just sitting on his lap are great, he absolutely adores how soft and loveable they are, but any other time? When they’re barking and sprinting through the house? He’s… he’s just too old for that.
Probably the only time Ivan is willing to go on walks with them is when you come along. He gets really irritated having to constantly pull them away from eating things. He’s not cleaning up after them either, can’t you hire someone else to do that?
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Feliciano loves animals. Just, in general. No matter how they look or how they are. He’s definitely getting tackled by that dog the first time he meets it. Don’t worry, he won’t even be upset. All that means is that he has a dog on him, which is always good.
There’s no way that dog is getting onto his lap, but he compromised by laying on the floor and hugging it. Plus that makes them less hyper, right? Right?
If not, that’s fine also. Feli isn’t that bothered by excitable dogs. They’re kind of like him in a way, so how could he get mad at their loveable faces?
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Oh boy, that’s Ludwig’s favourite kind of dog! He, himself has had probably a hundred dogs over the years, and he just adores the excitable ones. Plus, he’s a great trainer, so he has no problem dealing with misbehaviour.
If you need a calm day off, he’d love to take the dog out for you, tiring it out so it won’t cause you too much trouble. (And then he can have it on his lap all afternoon with no issues, but that’s totally not the real reason he did so.)
Speaking of which, he also loves having it on his lap. He gets stars in his eyes whenever your dog clambers onto him, taking up his whole body and half the couch. It’s adorable.
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Oh jeez. Kiku is gonna panic really fast. He wants to give your dog as much attention as it needs… but he doesn’t have the energy! You’re gonna have to assure him constantly that he isn’t neglecting them, they’re just way too hyper.
Half the time he’s home, he’s chasing the dog around the house and desperately trying to get them to calm down. Whenever the dog tries to climb onto his lap, he tries to oblige but… he is just not big enough of a person. That part makes him pretty upset.
Even if he can’t keep up with the dog, he loves it endlessly.
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